

Huawei "the first car" brushes the screen! Wang Xing: Tesla finally met his real opponent! Huawei's latest statement is also here: if you don't build a whole car, you'll earn 10,000 yuan per car.

中國基金報 ·  Apr 18, 2021 19:16

Source: China Fund Daily

This weekend, the first car of Huawei brushed the screen! Huawei has always claimed that it does not build cars, but the "Huawei Inside" model has arrived.

On April 17, BAIC New Energy's high-end brand Jihu jointly released the polar fox Alpha S Huawei HI version. This is Huawei's first car-not only equipped with Huawei HI solution, but also the first smart electric car with Huawei lidar solution, starting at 388900 yuan, with an additional range of 197km using Huawei fast charging technology for 10 minutes!

Xu Zhijun, Huawei's rotating chairman, said Huawei could drive 1000 kilometers without intervention in urban areas.

Wang Xing likes: Tesla's real opponent is here.

At the launch site, Su Jing, chief architect of Huawei ADS and president of smart driving product line, said that for Huawei, the Alpha S HI version is just the beginning. Huawei ADS and the whole car BU invest a lot of money every year, if the ADS and car BU can finally be successful, Huawei will have a great impact on the shape and format of the car.

Huawei Su Jing believes that "traditional automakers tend to think that cars are the main body of the future, and there are some single points of computers on it." "but" the basis of the future car is the computer, and the car is the computer-controlled peripherals (car computerization). "the difference between these two ideas has led to a fundamental difference in the practices of the two types of companies.

Is Huawei's car really good? Who is Tesla's real opponent, boss Meituan founder Wang Xing evaluation: "Tesla finally encountered a technical strength and hoodwinking ability of the opponent."


It is reported that Huawei's self-driving business team now has more than 2000 people, of which about 1200 are pure algorithms, spending $1 billion a year and growing at an annual rate of 30 per cent in the future.

On April 15, a video of Huawei's self-driving system was exposed. The video was filmed from the self-driving car of Jihu Alpha S, which is equipped with Huawei's self-driving system. The video shows that cars using Huawei's self-driving technology can already drive smoothly in the open roads of the city, facing traffic lights, turning left at intersections, pedestrian two-wheelers invading, opposite coming cars, night driving and other complex road conditions. Can be properly dealt with.


Huawei reiterates its determination not to build carsMaking cars doesn't necessarily make money. Parts should be made well enough.

Huawei has finally built a car. But not in the way of Apple and Xiaomi.

As early as last year, Huawei's internal website Xinsheng Community published an internal document called "Resolution on the Business Management of Smart car parts," which reiterated that Huawei does not build complete vehicles, but focuses on ICT technology to help car companies build good cars and become an incremental parts provider of Intelligent Networked cars.


It is worth mentioning that the document was signed by Ren Zhengfei, founder and president of Huawei. At the same time, Huawei stressed at the end of the article that "who will build a car in the future, interfere with the company, can be transferred from the post, and look for another job", and marked at the bottom of the article that this article will take effect from the date of publication and is valid for 3 years.

On April 18th, Huawei BU held the launch of new HI products, and launched a new generation of intelligent components and solutions, including Hongmeng OS operating system, 4D imaging radar, MDC810 and so on.

After the press conference, Wang Jun, president of Huawei's smart car solution BU, said in an interview with the media to respond to concerns about the layout and progress of Huawei's automotive business.


Q: the recent video of Huawei's autopilot has caused a heated discussion on the Internet. what do you think?

Wang Jun: I saw a video of our cooperation with an international car company for the first time in 2019. It was also a video of this kind of road test. I felt very good at that time. After two years of polishing, the experience is getting better and better.

In fact, the core of getting better and better is two: one is that more coner case can handle, and the other is the comfort of anthropomorphic longitudinal brakes, which is bound to click on the brake or emergency brake when there is a problem, which is significantly enhanced. In addition, you can take the initiative to judge the flow of traffic and people, and you can change lanes when there are obstacles and change lanes under non-standard traffic rules.

In terms of power consumption, when the mileage requirement is so high and the battery cost is so high, one kilowatt-hour less electricity is less than one kilowatt-hour. In fact, the internal optimization also gives us some great pressure.

Therefore, whether it is hardware design, or algorithm optimization, we have done a lot of work. I believe that after another half a year to the official commercial time, the experience will be better.

However, Huawei's smart car solution BU is not just self-driving technology, we also have some technologies and products related to intelligent cockpit, fusion sensor, intelligent electric, intelligent car cloud and intelligent Internet connection.

Huawei is divided into two businesses, 2B ICT business and 2C consumer business. The smart car parts business is essentially a 2B business, but the products we make are closely related to consumers and involve the experience of 2C end users. So, we are both 2B and 2C.

Q: what do you think of the pre-price of 389000 yuan-429900 yuan for the polar fox alpha S HI version?

Wang Jun: this question should actually be answered by the person in charge of Jihu. Pricing refers to the price of the industry, which I personally think is more reasonable. In the end, it depends on consumers to vote with their feet.

We hope that Huawei, as a component provider, will continue to make our technology the best in this car and this series of cars in the Huawei Inside model, so that consumers can feel the five solutions of Huawei Inside, as well as the good experience in manufacturing and vehicle design of Polar Fox, which can support this price and finally make consumers feel comfortable.

Q: will you use Huawei's channel to sell cars?

Wang Jun: this matter is decided at the highest level of the company. Using our original consumer BG channel, it is possible to sell some brands of cars on some channels. The matter is under consideration and may be known in two days.

Q: Xu Zhijun said Huawei wants to achieve 10,000 yuan in income per car, how to achieve it?

Wang Jun: this is the request given to us by Mr. Xu. It is possible for us to release so many parts as long as we can sell them. Because Huawei does not build cars, our vision is to bring the digital world into every car. "every car" is our vision, but it is impossible for every car to use our products. However, if done well, the goal is still possible.

Q: more and more technology companies are joining the car-building track. Huawei says it wants to bring the digital world to every car. Does it include cars built by technology companies?

Wang Jun: we do not exclude any car-building enterprise. we hope that all of them will cooperate with us. We have no competition with them.

Q: under what circumstances is it possible for Huawei to build a car in person?

Wang Jun: at present, I really haven't considered why to build a car if the parts business is good enough. It doesn't necessarily make money to build a car.

Q: how did Huawei cooperate with car companies during the development of Huawei's ADS autopilot system?

Wang Jun: at present, Huawei cooperates with car companies, generally mainly Huawei, but customers will put forward some needs and requirements. It will give us some cooperation in terms of actuators and electronic architecture, so that the whole autopilot system can be more smoothly.

Before, our whole self-driving test was in the modified car, but the data of the chassis of the modified car was not so open at that time. This time, we developed jointly with the polar fox, and the chassis data was completely open. We find that autopilot has been greatly improved after the full opening of data, especially in terms of processing delay.

Q: under what circumstances will there be Huawei HI logo on the car for cooperation?

Wang Jun: the definition of HI is Huawei Inside. The essence of Huawei's inside model is that from the definition of the whole vehicle, joint design, joint development, and integration of the two teams.

Joint design and joint development requires at least Huawei's full-stack autopilot solution to make HI,. Today, there are three current customers, BAIC, Changan and Guangzhou Auto.

BAIC is relatively fast, and Changan's new car will come out soon. Using this model, we can give full play to the advantages of both sides, Huawei parts are all used, the car factory has the ability to define, shape and manufacture the whole vehicle, and the two sides join forces to really create a good car. This is a business model.

More often, we use the traditional Tier1, Tier2 parts supply mode, and now we have business parts cooperation with almost all the car companies in the world.

Q: how to lay out the autopilot high-precision map?

Wang Jun: the first step is that we have the qualification of high-precision map collection. In order to do autopilot business, there must be high-precision maps, especially in urban areas.

The second step is how to reduce the cost of collecting high-precision maps. We have developed our own map acquisition equipment, and using these processors and sensors developed by ourselves, we have made this equipment and installed it in a SUV or MPV car casually, so that we can collect high-precision maps of the whole country in a planned way. We hope to work with our partners to build a complete high-precision map of China to support the operation of all self-driving cars.

Our preliminary plan now is that we will be able to complete the collection of the four major cities in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen this year, and it is possible that two cities will be added this year. Recently, the speed of our collection continues to expand and accelerate, mainly because the map production process and technology are basically available.

Next year we will expand to more than a dozen big cities, and we will iterate to add a few more cities every three months. Because there are not so many cities where real electric cars are sold in China, they may be in dozens of big cities.

Of course, our ultimate goal is to complete the collection of high-precision maps across the country and support our operation of self-driving vehicles across the country.

Q: many people think that autopilot should have sufficient road data. Huawei has not done road tests for a long time. Why does Huawei confidently say that it has achieved the first place in autopilot technology?

Wang Jun: on the one hand, data is very important. But the core data based on Coner case is the most important. Only when you learn this thing well and find a real way to deal with it, can you really do it well.

In fact, our overall architecture is not perfect, because we have not really solved all the Coner case. I also asked the team to find the best sensor on the basis of the three sensors, which can detect the Coner case, that we can't see now, or something like a ghost probe, which will raise the level to another level.

Therefore, the data is not unique, but can really find and deal with long-dimensional Coner case is the best.

Q: three lidars have been used in the new car of the polar fox. what is the current cost of lidar?

Wang Jun: the original cost of lidar was so high that the industry could not afford it at all. Now it can basically reach the state of mass production and is moving forward steadily according to our cost target at that time.

Q: is there any experience that could have been copied from the mobile phone industry to the automobile industry?

Wang Jun: there is an ICT,ICT between the mobile phone and the smart car, which is closer to the smart car, the consumer grade, the industrial grade, the car specification class, and the industrial grade between the mobile phone and the car. Even so, when we came to the automobile industry, we found that the requirements were completely different, and the car was closely related to life.

Automobile and mobile phone are two completely different industries. When we were building the supply chain, we found that the best supplier of ICT turned into a car regulation supplier, which was far from meeting the requirements, so we are rebuilding the supply chain and industrial chain of car BU, which is very different, not to mention consumer grade. The mobile phone was changed in two years, and the car took 15 years to drive.

What are Huawei's "car-building" concept stocks?

Analysts believe that the trillion-class market of the automobile industry is undergoing subversive changes under the development wave of the new four modernizations. Huawei is expected to enter the smart car field relying on its deep ICT technology reserves.

BAIC Langu, the parent company of polar fox ARCFOX, accumulated more than 20% of the daily closing price deviation for three consecutive trading days on April 14, April 15 and April 16, 2021, and stock trading fluctuated abnormally.

BAIC Langu rose again by its daily limit of 12.51 yuan per share as of April 16, while GAC GROUP, two other automakers that also have deep cooperation with Huawei, rose 6.57% and Changan Motor rose by the limit.

In addition, according to China Business report, people familiar with the matter have learned that Huawei Zhixuan will reach a formal cooperation with Xiaokang to sell Cyrus, a new energy brand owned by Xiaokang, in its channels. On March 9 this year, Huawei Terminal Co., Ltd. and Chongqing Xiaokang Industrial Group Co., Ltd. held a cooperation memorandum signing ceremony in Shenzhen, and the two sides discussed cooperation in the field of new energy vehicles.

Edit / charlie

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