Transaction Eliminates More Than $20 Million in Debt, and Other Financial Obligations, Provides $2 million in Cash and Significantly Enhances the Company's Balance Sheet and Liquidity
The Company will review with shareholders at 2:00 p.m. EST, details below.
GARDEN CITY, NY, Jan. 22, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ProPhase Labs, Inc. (NASDAQ: PRPH) ("ProPhase" or the "Company"), a next-generation biotech, genomics, and diagnostics company, today announced the closing of the sale of its wholly-owned subsidiaries, Pharmaloz Manufacturing Inc. and Pharmaloz Real Estate Holdings, Inc. (collectively "Pharmaloz" or "PMI"), to a private equity group based in Houston, Texas ("Buyer" or "Buyers"). The transaction carries an aggregate deal value of approximately $23.6 million and will immediately bolster ProPhase's balance sheet and liquidity by eliminating over $20 million in debt, payables, and other contingent liabilities.
As part of this transformative deal, the Buyers are providing approximately $2 million in cash payments while more than $10 million in debt will be retired. Additionally, the Buyers are assuming nearly $2 million in capital leases and close to $3 million in current and accrued payables, as well as canceling $300,000 in accrued interest tied to the debt being retired. The private equity firm will further assume approximately $3 million of upcoming capital expenditures.
The transaction includes the acquisition of Pharmaloz Real Estate Holdings, with the private equity group assuming the existing $3.3 million mortgage on PMI's manufacturing facility. Several ProPhase employees will transfer to Pharmaloz, thereby reducing the Company's overhead. Overall, the transaction better positions the Company to focus on its highly promising and high value core businesses.
Transaction Highlights:
1. Receipt by the Company of approximately $2 million in cash payments
2. Extinguishes approximately $10 million in debt with an interest rate of 15% per annum
3. Cancellation of approximately $300,000 in accrued and unpaid interest on the above-referenced debt
4. Paydown of $200,000 on an existing loan from Buyer affiliates
5. Assumption of approximately $3 million in current PMI payables
6. Buyout of an existing capital lease with a carrying value of almost $2 million
7. Assumption of the $3.3 million mortgage on PMI's manufacturing facility
8. Transfer of over $600,000 in employee annual overhead to PMI
9. Avoidance of approximately $3 million in planned near-term capital expenditures, which Buyer will now be responsible for.
Executive Perspective
"The Company previously announced aggressive measures to reduce overhead and improve the balance sheet to allow the Company to focus on our core businesses. We anticipate additional updates regarding these initiatives in the near future. The sale of Pharmaloz is yet another step in this direction, bringing the Company closer to sustainable profitability," said Ted Karkus, CEO of ProPhase Labs. "After evaluating numerous transactions, this deal made the most sense for our Company, both today and in the future. The retirement of a substantial portion of our debt significantly strengthens the balance sheet and eliminates a massive interest rate overhang that was limiting the potential growth of our three core businesses, BE-Smart Esophageal Cancer Test, TK Supplements including the near-term launch of Equivir, and DNA Complete."
"This new approach frees us from many of the monthly debt and overhead constraints that we have now eliminated. We can now more effectively deploy capital to help nurture and grow these very exciting businesses. As we work toward a potential partnership for BE-Smart, we will remain laser-focused on our core growth opportunities. We eagerly anticipate the upcoming launch of Equivir and accelerating the growth of our new DNA Complete marketing initiatives. Additionally, the Company has initiated a highly effective new strategy for collecting substantial capital from the Covid accounts receivable and will be providing additional details in a future press release. This new A/R initiative, together with the closing of the sale of PMI suggests that the future for our Company is brighter than ever," concluded Mr. Karkus.
The Company will present in the live Virtual Non-Deal Roadshow Series hosted by Renmark Financial Communications Inc. Ted Karkus, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, will present on Wednesday, January 22nd, at 2:00 p.m. EST.
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About ProPhase Labs
ProPhase Labs Inc. (Nasdaq: PRPH) ("ProPhase") is a next-generation biotech, genomics and diagnostics company. Our goal is to create a healthier world with bold action and the power of insight. We're revolutionizing healthcare with industry-leading Whole Genome Sequencing solutions, while developing potential game changer diagnostics and therapeutics in the fight against cancer. This includes a potentially life-saving cancer test focused on early detection of esophageal cancer and potential breakthrough cancer therapeutics with novel mechanisms of action. We develop, manufacture, and commercialize health and wellness solutions to enable people to live their best lives. We are committed to executional excellence, smart diversification, and a synergistic, omni-channel approach. ProPhase Labs' valuable subsidiaries, their synergies, and significant growth underscore our potential for long-term value.
Forward Looking Statements
Except for the historical information contained herein, this document contains forward looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, including statements regarding our strategy, plans, objectives and initiatives, including our expectations regarding the future revenue growth potential of each of our subsidiaries, our expectations regarding future liquidity events, the success of our efforts to collect accounts receivables and anticipated timeline for any payments relating thereto, our ability to obtain funding for our operations and the sufficiency of our cash resources. Management believes that these forward-looking statements are reasonable as and when made. However, such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors that may cause actual results to differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements. These risks and uncertainties include but are not limited to our ability to obtain and maintain necessary regulatory approvals, general economic conditions, consumer demand for our products and services, challenges relating to entering into and growing new business lines, the competitive environment, and the risk factors listed from time to time in our Annual Reports on Form 10-K, Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q and any other SEC filings. The Company undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking statements except as required by applicable securities laws. Readers are cautioned that forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and are cautioned not to place undue reliance on any forward-looking statements.
Media Relations and Institutional Investor Contact:
ProPhase Labs, Inc.
Retail Investor Relations Contact:
Renmark Financial Communications
John Boidman
ガーデンシティ、NY、2025年1月22日(グローブニュースワイヤー) - プロフェイズ・ラボズ(ナスダック:PRPH)("プロフェイズ"または"会社")は、次世代のバイオテクノロジー、ゲノミクス、診断会社であり、本日、完全子会社であるファーマロズ・マニファクチャリング・インクおよびファーマロズ・リアルエステート・ホールディングス・インク(総称して"ファーマロズ"または"PMI")の売却を、テキサス州ヒューストンに本社を置くプライベート・エクイティ・グループ("買い手"または"買い手たち")に完了したことを発表しました。この取引の総合契約価値は約2360万ドルで、2000万ドル以上の負債、未払い金、その他の偶発負債を削減することで、プロフェイズのバランスシートと流動性を即座に強化します。
1. 会社が約200万ドルの現金支払いを受け取ること
2. 年利15%の約1000万ドルの債務を消滅させる
7. PMIの製造業施設に対する330万ドルの抵当権の引き受け
8. PMIへの従業員年間オーバーヘッドの60万ドル以上の移転
9. 約300万ドルの計画中の短期資本支出の回避、これは買い手が今後負担することになります。
"当社は以前、オーバーヘッドを削減し、バランスシートを改善するための積極的な措置を発表しました。これにより、ビジネスの核心に焦点を当てることができるようになります。これらの取り組みに関する追加の更新を近い将来に期待しています。Pharmalozの販売は、この方向におけるさらなる一歩であり、当社を持続可能な収益性に近づけます," とプロフェイズ・ラボズのCEOであるテッド・カルカスは述べました。"数多くの取引を評価した結果、この取引が当社にとって最も意味のあるものであると判断しました。現在及び将来的に。債務の大部分の返済により、バランスシートが大幅に強化され、当社の三つのコアビジネス、BE-Smart食道がん検査、TKサプリメント(Equivirの近くの立ち上げを含む)、DNA Completeの成長を制限していた大規模な金利の重圧が排除されます。"
"この新しいアプローチにより、私たちは現在排除した多くの毎月の債務およびオーバーヘッドの制約から解放されました。これにより、これらの非常に興味深いビジネスを育て成長させるために資本をより効果的に配分できます。BE-Smartの潜在的なパートナーシップに取り組む中で、私たちはコア成長機会に焦点を合わせ続けます。Equivirの発売を熱心に期待し、私たちの新しいDNA Completeマーケティング施策の成長を加速させます。さらに、当社はCovidの売掛金からの substantial capitalを集めるための非常に効果的な新戦略を開始し、将来のプレスリリースで追加の詳細を提供する予定です。この新しい売掛金イニシアチブとPMIの販売の完了は、私たちの会社の未来がこれまで以上に明るいことを示唆しています," とカルカス氏は結論づけました。
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プロフェイズ・ラボズ (ナスダック: PRPH)(「プロフェイズ」)は、次世代のバイオテクノロジー、ゲノム学、診断会社です。私たちの目標は、大胆な行動と洞察の力で、より健康的な世界を創造することです。業界をリードする全ゲノムシーケンシングソリューションでヘルスケアを革命し、がんとの闘いにおいて潜在的なゲームチェンジャーとなる診断法や治療法の開発を行っています。これには、食道がんの早期発見に焦点を当てた命を救う可能性のあるがん検査や、新しい作用メカニズムを持つ画期的ながん治療法が含まれます。私たちは、人々が最良の生活を送れるように、健康とウェルネスのソリューションを開発、製造、商業化しています。実行卓越性、スマートな多様化、シナジーのあるオムニチャネルアプローチにコミットしています。プロフェイズ・ラボズの貴重な子会社、それらのシナジー、そして重要な成長は、私たちの長期的な価値の可能性を強調しています。
Renmark Financial Communications