
如意集团(002193.SZ)发预盈,预计2024年度净利润620万元–910万元 同比扭亏为盈

Shandong Ruyi Woolen Garment Group (002193.SZ) issues a pre-profit announcement, expecting a net income of 6.2 million yuan to 9.1 million yuan for the fiscal year 2024, turning a profit compared to the previous year.

Zhitong Finance ·  Jan 24 11:04

Shandong Ruyi Woolen Garment Group (002193.SZ) released its performance forecast for 2024, expecting the annual net profit attributable to Shareholders of the listed company...

According to Zhitong Finance APP, Shandong Ruyi Woolen Garment Group (002193.SZ) has released its performance forecast for 2024, expecting a net income attributable to shareholders of the listed company to be between 6.2 million yuan and 9.1 million yuan, turning a profit year-on-year. During the reporting period, the company continues to increase its efforts in developing key overseas clients, driving the increase in overseas sales volume and revenue. Gross profit has increased, and operating profit has grown year-on-year.

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