PCHI Enters Into Agreement to Sell Party City Brand and Related Amscan Operating Assets to Ad Populum Affiliate to Preserve Legacy in Multibillion Dollar Party Supply Industry
PCHI Enters Into Agreement to Sell Party City Brand and Related Amscan Operating Assets to Ad Populum Affiliate to Preserve Legacy in Multibillion Dollar Party Supply Industry
Hilco Streambank and Gordon Brothers Brands Overseeing Sale Process
Hilco Streambank和Gordon Brothers Brands正在監督銷售過程
Auction Set for February 6 with February 4 Bid Deadline for Higher or Better Offers
WOODCLIFF LAKE, N.J., Jan. 24, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Party City Holdco Inc. ("PCHI" or the "Company") announced that it has entered into a stalking horse agreement to sell substantially all of its intellectual property and related wholesale operating intangible assets to New Amscan PC, LLC, an affiliate of Ad Populum, LLC, as part of the Company's Chapter 11 process. This pivotal agreement marks a significant step toward ensuring continuity in the multibillion dollar party supply industry.
WOODCLIFF LAKE, N.J., 2025年1月24日 /PRNewswire/ -- Party City Holdco Inc. ("PCHI"或"公司")宣佈已達成一項保護性競標協議,計劃將其大部分知識產權及相關批發運營商的無形資產出售給New Amscan PC, LLC,一個Ad Populum, LLC的關聯公司,作爲公司第11章程序的一部分。該重要協議標誌着確保數十億美元派對用品行業連續性的一個重要步驟。
The sale agreement is subject to higher or otherwise better offers and Bankruptcy Court approval on the following schedule:
Bid Deadline: February 4, 2025
Auction: February 6, 2025
Party City has been a household name in the party supply industry for more than four decades, providing decorations, balloons, and costumes to millions of customers through retail and wholesale channels. Its wholesale division, Amscan, has been a leading supplier of party goods to retailers worldwide, further cementing Party City's reputation as a cornerstone of the celebrations market. The brand remains synonymous with celebrations and milestones across North America.
Party City在派對用品行業已有四十多年曆史,是家喻戶曉的品牌,通過零售和批發渠道爲數百萬客戶提供裝飾品、氣球和服裝。其批發部門Amscan一直是全球零售商的派對用品主要供應商,這進一步鞏固了Party City作爲慶祝市場基石的聲譽。該品牌始終與北美的慶祝活動和里程碑密切相關。
Ad Populum is a global leader in pop culture merchandise and the costume industry. Its affiliated businesses have built a reputation for delivering high-quality products inspired by some of the most iconic entertainment franchises.
Ad Populum是普普文化商品和服裝行業的全球領導者。其關聯企業在提供靈感源自一些最具標誌性娛樂系列的高質量產品方面建立了聲譽。
Dan Lamadrid, Chief Financial Officer of Party City, stated: "We are pleased that this transaction offers a promising future for the Party City brand as we work to maximize value for the benefit of our stakeholders."
Party City的財務長Dan Lamadrid表示:"我們很高興這筆交易爲Party City品牌提供了一個充滿希望的未來,因爲我們努力爲我們的利益相關者最大化價值。"
Joel Weinshanker, Chief Executive Officer of Ad Populum, added: "We are excited to lead the transformation of the Party City and Amscan brands. By combining our strengths in sourcing and distribution with Party City's legacy, we are confident in our ability to innovate and grow in the party supply market, delivering products that inspire and elevate life's celebrations."
Ad Populum首席執行官Joel Weinshanker補充道:"我們很高興能夠引領Party City和Amscan品牌的轉型。通過將我們在採購和配送方面的優勢與Party City的遺產相結合,我們有信心在派對用品市場創新和增長,提供能夠激勵和提升生活慶祝活動的產品。"
David Peress, Executive Vice President of Hilco Streambank, said: "The sale agreement helps to ensure the preservation of the Party City and Amscan brands for the benefit of vendors and customers and establishes a solid baseline for the ongoing intellectual property sale process."
Hilco Streambank的執行副總裁David Peress表示:"銷售協議有助於確保Party City和Amscan品牌的保護,以造福供應商和客戶,併爲持續的知識產權銷售過程建立了一個穩固的基礎。"
Robert Himmel, Senior Managing Director at Gordon Brothers, concluded: "Through this transaction, Ad Populum will be well positioned to reimagine the Amscan wholesale distribution platform, creating a pathway for long-term success in a vital market segment in the party supply industry."
Gordon Brothers的高級董事Robert Himmel總結道:"通過這筆交易,Ad Populum將能夠很好地重新構想Amscan的批發配送平台,爲派對用品行業一個重要市場領域的長期成功創造途徑。"
Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP and Porter Hedges LLP are serving as legal counsel, AlixPartners LLP is serving as restructuring advisor, Hilco Streambank and Gordon Brothers Brands are collectively serving as intellectual property advisor, A&G Real Estate Partners is serving as real estate advisor, and Gordon Brothers is serving as store closing consultant to the Company.
Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP和Porter Hedges LLP擔任法律顧問,AlixPartners LLP擔任重組顧問,Hilco Streambank和Gordon Brothers Brands共同擔任知識產權顧問,A&G房地產合作伙伴擔任房地產顧問,Gordon Brothers擔任公司的店鋪關停顧問。
DLA Piper is serving as legal advisor to Ad Populum.
DLA Piper擔任Ad Populum的法律顧問。
How To Participate in the Auction
Hilco Streambank and Gordon Brothers Brands are jointly overseeing the sale process with respect to the Company's intangible assets. Parties interested in bidding should contact as soon as possible the professionals listed below by emailing [email protected].
Hilco Streambank和Gordon Brothers Brands正在共同監督關於公司的無形資產的出售過程。有意出價的各方應儘快通過電子郵件聯繫以下列出的專業人士:[email protected]。
David Peress EVP Hilco Streambank |
Robert Himmel SMD Gordon Brothers |
Jordon Parker VP Hilco Streambank |
Samantha D'Alessandro Analyst Hilco Streambank |
大衛·佩雷斯 執行副總裁 Hilco Streambank |
羅伯特·希梅爾 SMD 戈登兄弟 |
喬丹·帕克 VP Hilco Streambank |
薩曼莎·達萊桑德羅 分析師 Hilco Streambank |
About Party City
Party City is a leading party goods company in North America and is a popular one-stop shopping destination for party supplies, balloons, and costumes. In addition to being an iconic retail brand, Party City is a global organization that combines manufacturing and sourcing operations and wholesale operations with a multi-channel retailing strategy and e-commerce retail operations. Party City designs, manufactures, sources, and distributes party goods, including paper and plastic tableware, metallic and latex balloons, Halloween and other costumes, accessories, novelties, gifts, and stationery throughout the world. Founded in 1986, Party City has become synonymous with celebrations, helping millions of people create unforgettable memories.
About Ad Populum
Ad Populum aligns corporate strategy and fosters growth across its unique roster of consumer products and entertainment brands by leveraging its strong global retail distribution, product development, and manufacturing capabilities. Across its roster of brands, including NECA, Kidrobot, Wizkids, Chia Pet, Rubies, Smiffys, Enesco, Graceland, and more, Ad Populum is the largest producer of pop culture goods and experiences, targeting everyone from Boomers to Gen Z.
廣告流行通過利用其強大的全球零售分銷、產品開發和製造能力,調整企業策略,促進其獨特的消費品和娛樂品牌組合的增長。在其品牌組合中,包括NECA、Kidrobot、Wizkids、Chia Pet、Rubies、Smiffys、Enesco、Graceland等,廣告流行是最大的普普文化商品和體驗的生產商,目標覆蓋從嬰兒潮一代到Z世代的所有人。
About Hilco Streambank
Hilco Streambank is a market-leading advisory firm specializing in intellectual property disposition, valuation, and advisory services that has completed numerous transactions including sales in publicly reported Chapter 11 and 7 bankruptcy cases as well as private transactions. Hilco Streambank is the premier IP intermediary in the consumer brand, internet, telecom, and patent communities and is a part of Hilco Global, the world's leading authority on maximizing the value of business assets by delivering valuation, monetization, and advisory solutions to an international marketplace.
關於Hilco Streambank
Hilco Streambank是一個市場領先的諮詢公司,專注於知識產權處置、評估和諮詢服務,已完成許多交易,包括在公開報告的第11章和第7章破產案件中的銷售以及私人交易。Hilco Streambank是消費品牌、Internet Plus-related、電信和專利領域的首要知識產權中介,隸屬於Hilco Global,這是全球領先的權威機構,致力於通過提供評估、變現和諮詢解決方案,最大化商業資產的價值,面向國際市場。
About Gordon Brothers
Since 1903, Gordon Brothers has maximized liquidity through realizable asset value by providing the people, expertise, and capital to solve business challenges. Gordon Brothers' solutions-oriented approach across asset services, lending, financing, and trading gives clients the insights, strategies, and time to optimize asset values throughout the business cycle. Gordon Brothers works across the full spectrum of assets globally with deep expertise in retail, commercial, industrial, brands, and real estate. Gordon Brothers is headquartered in Boston with over 30 offices across North America, Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, and Asia Pacific.
關於Gordon Brothers
Since 1903, Gordon Brothers has maximized liquidity through realizable asset value by providing the people, expertise, and capital to solve business challenges. Gordon Brothers' solutions-oriented approach across asset services, lending, financing, and trading gives clients the insights, strategies, and time to optimize asset values throughout the business cycle. Gordon Brothers works across the full spectrum of assets globally with deep expertise in retail, commercial, industrial, brands, and real estate. Gordon Brothers is headquartered in Boston with over 30 offices across North America, Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, and Asia Pacific.
Media Contact
Kekst CNC
[email protected]
Kekst CNC
[email protected]
SOURCE Party City Holdco Inc.
SOURCE Party City Holdco Inc.