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go to moon?
USA will ban Deepseek..
Thank you give the information on time,make me feel much better.
as reported deepseek hang due to unable to support high traffic and stopping new users for registration and priority china users only, all this fact tolding us that.... like what Jensen Huang say deepseek will need more Nvidia chips in future...
withdraw dividends
already been to moon and came back
A few analysts made reference to the Jevons paradox, which says that efficiency gains can boost the consumption of a given resource. "Rather than lead to less consumption of accelerated hardware, we believe this Jevons Paradox dynamic should in fact lead to more consumption and proliferation of compute resources as more impactful use cases continue to be unlocked," TD Cowen's Joshua Buchalter wrote.
一些分析師提到了傑文斯悖論,該悖論認爲,效率的提升可以促進某種資源的消費。"我們相信,這種傑文斯悖論的動態實際上應該導致更多的加速硬件消費和計算資源的普及,因爲更多有影響力的使用案例不斷被開發出來," TD Cowen的約書亞·布哈特寫道。
indeed, people don't understand "inferencing " or recognition pattern in black boxes. DeepSeek is a very good Job for everybody, even Nvidia, lowering the costs of whole chips-world
Pre market it shows up why not in moomoo
This is amazing, it’s about to make everyday average trading climb the ladder.
Reason For Report