WEST PALM BEACH, Fla., Jan. 29, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Sunrise Realty Trust, Inc. ("SUNS" or "the Company") (Nasdaq: SUNS), an affiliate of TCG Real Estate, today announced that it has committed $30.8 million to a $41.0 million note-on-note bridge loan. This loan is for the full repayment of an existing senior mortgage on a mixed-use asset, the "Project" or "Property", featuring senior living, medical office, and retail located in an upscale suburb of Miami, FL. The remaining $10.3 million is held by an affiliate on the TCG Real Estate platform. The sponsor, Dornin Investment Group ("DIG" or the "Sponsor"), is a skilled operator with expertise in resolving non-performing loans ("NPLs") with seven realized NPL deals over the last 10 years, all resulting in positive returns and over $725 million in total NPL investments.
Mike Guterman, Senior Vice President at Bellwether Enterprise, represented both the buyer and seller on the Project, as well as arranged the financing. Mr. Guterman said, "The lender wanted to move the note quickly and quietly, and Dornin was my first and only call for the purchase and TCG was my first call on the financing as well due to my long relationship with both Chris Dornin and Brian Sedrish."
The Property includes a 4-story medical office building (the "MOB") and a 10-story senior living tower (the "SL Tower"). The MOB includes 6,411 square feet of ground-floor retail and 25,244 square feet of medical office condos, of which 37 of 39 units have been pre-sold. The SL Tower includes 22,097 square feet of ground-floor/mezzanine retail, two floors of structured parking, and 108,188 square feet of senior housing spanning 163 units across seven floors.
The third-party operator for SL Tower has pre-leased and received deposits for 36 of these units (~22%), with move-ins for residents to begin in early spring 2025. On-site amenities include a 166-space garage, fitness center, pool, outdoor patio, indoor / outdoor dining, coffee shop, lounge, salon, theater, arts & crafts room and private offices. Conveniently located in a medical epicenter of Southern Florida, the Property is the newest vintage product of its category in an area with significant unmet demand for medical care housing.
"With an experienced sponsor, combined with robust pre-sales and a specialized brand-name operator post-completion, we're thrilled with the opportunity to bring this project to fruition," said Brian Sedrish, Chief Executive Officer of SUNS. "This investment exemplifies our ability to identify overlooked opportunities and de-risk the transaction through deep diligence and innovative deal structuring."
"This was a complex investment that required a lot of structure with many moving parts all the way up to the closing. SUNS was fast, creative, flexible and diligent in their financing and execution. We appreciate the new relationship and look forward to many more financings with them," said Chris Dornin, President and CEO of Dornin Investment Group.
About Sunrise Realty Trust, Inc.
Sunrise Realty Trust, Inc. (Nasdaq: SUNS) is an institutional commercial real estate ("CRE") lender providing flexible financing solutions to sponsors of CRE projects in the Southern United States. We focus on transitional CRE business plans with the potential for near-term value creation, collateralized by top-tier assets in established and rapidly expanding Southern markets. For additional information regarding the Company, please visit .
About TCG Real Estate
TCG Real Estate refers to a group of affiliated CRE-focused debt funds, including a Nasdaq-listed mortgage REIT, Sunrise Realty Trust, Inc. (NASDAQ: SUNS), and a private mortgage REIT, Southern Realty Trust, Inc. The funds provide flexible financing on transitional CRE properties that present opportunities for near-term value creation, with a focus on top-tier CRE assets in primary and secondary metropolitan areas of the Southern U.S.
About Dornin Investment Group
Dornin Investment Group ("DIG") is a fully integrated real estate investment firm with offices in Laguna Beach, CA, and Las Vegas, NV. DIG invests in commercial and residential real estate across the capital stack in partnership with a broad base of institutional and private investors. The firm specializes in distressed, opportunistic, and value-add investments across all major property types, focusing on office, flex, industrial, multifamily, and hospitality properties, in addition to non- and sub-performing loans. DIG's full-service investment platform includes asset and property management, leasing, design services, construction management, and capital markets advisory services through its wholly owned subsidiary, Dornin Realty Advisors. Since 2010, DIG has completed more than $1.9 billion in investments across 81 transactions.
DIG targets first trust deed position non-performing loans on well-collateralized real estate assets nationwide. Notes secured by collateral at values of 80% LTV or less can be purchased at or near Par UPB. Typical loan sizes range from $5 million to $200 million, secured by all major property types throughout the United States. For more information, visit .
Forward-Looking Statements
Certain statements contained in this press release, including those that express a belief, expectation or intention, as well as those that are not statements of historical fact, are forward-looking statements. The Company's forward-looking statements are generally accompanied by words such as "intend," "will," "estimate," "project," "predict," "believe," "expect," "anticipate," "potential," "plan," "goal" or other words that convey the uncertainty of future events or outcomes. Statements, among others, relating to the Company's beliefs with respect to the Project's positioning in the market, and cash flows and returns related to investments in medical and senior living projects are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements contained in this press release speak only as of the date of this press release. The Company disclaims any obligation to update these statements unless required by law, and the Company cautions you not to rely on them unduly. The Company has based these forward-looking statements on its current expectations and assumptions about future events, which the Company considers reasonable. However, these forward-looking statements are inherently subject to significant business, economic, competitive, regulatory and other risks, contingencies and uncertainties, most of which are difficult to predict and beyond the Company's control. Certain factors, risks and uncertainties discussed under the caption "Risk Factors" and elsewhere in the Company's filings available on the SEC's website could cause actual results and performance in the future to differ materially from those set forth in or implied by such forward-looking statements.
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Robyn Tannenbaum
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Rich Myers & Rachel Goun
フロリダ州ウェストパームビーチ、2025年1月29日 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - サンライズリアルティトラスト株式会社(「SUNS」または「会社」)(ナスダック: SUNS)、TCG不動産の関連会社は、本日、4100万ドルのノートオンノートブリッジローンに3080万ドルの資金を提供することを発表しました。このローンは、フロリダ州マイアミの高級郊外に位置するシニアリビング、医療オフィス、小売を特徴とする混合用途資産の既存のシニアモーゲージの全額返済を目的としています。「プロジェクト」または「プロパティ」と呼ばれます。残りの1030万ドルは、TCG不動産プラットフォームの関連会社によって保有されています。スポンサーであるドーニンインベストメントグループ(「DIG」または「スポンサー」)は、過去10年間に7件の実現したNPL案件を通じて不履行債権(「NPL」)を解決する専門知識を持つ熟練のオペレーターであり、すべてがポジティブなリターンをもたらし、合計で72500万ドル以上のNPL投資を実現しています。
SLタワーの第三者オペレーターは、これらのユニットの36(約22%)を事前リースし、デポジットを受け取りました。入居は2025年初春に開始されます。敷地内のアメニティには、166台の駐車スペース、フィットネスセンター、プール、アウトドアパティオ、屋内/屋外ダイニング、カフェ、ラウンジ、サロン、劇場、アート&クラフトルーム、プライベートオフィスが含まれています。南フロリダの医療エピセンターに便利に位置し、プロパティは医療ケア住宅の需要が大きく unmet demandを抱えるカテゴリー内で最も新しいビンテージ製品です。
Sunrise Realty Trust, Inc.について
TCG不動産業は、ナスダック上場のモーゲージREITであるSunrise Realty Trust, Inc. (NASDAQ: SUNS)と、プライベートモーゲージREITであるSouthern Realty Trust, Inc.を含む、不動産関連に特化した一連の関連CREファンドを指します。これらのファンドは、近い将来の価値創造の機会を提供する移行期のCREプロパティに対し、柔軟な資金調達を行い、南部の主要及び二次的な大都市圏における最高級のCRE資産に重点を置いています。
Dornin Investment Groupについて
Dornin Investment Group ("DIG")は、CAのラグナビーチとNVのラスベガスにオフィスを構える完全に統合された不動産投資会社です。DIGは、広範な機関投資家およびプライベート投資家とのパートナーシップのもと、資本スタック全体にわたって商業および住宅用不動産に投資します。この会社は、オフィス、フレックス、工業、多世帯、ホスピタリティプロパティに加え、非パフォーミングおよびサブパフォーミングローンにおける困難、機会、価値向上投資に特化しています。DIGのフルサービスの投資プラットフォームは、資産およびプロパティ管理、賃貸、設計サービス、建設管理、資本市場アドバイザリーサービスを、完全子会社のDornin Realty Advisorsを通じて提供しています。2010年以来、DIGは81件の取引において19億ドル以上の投資を完了しています。
リッチ・マイヤーズ & レイチェル・グーン