In Richard Branson's Virgin GalaxyAs it paves the way for space tourism, its sister company, Virgin orbit (Virgin Orbit), is trying to dominate the satellite sector by offering the most efficient price possible at the lowest cost.
Taylor Grinnell, Virgin Orbital's new vice president for flight and launch activities, said the satellite launch market was growing at an "unprecedented rate".
Grinnell joined Virgin orbit after 12 years at Elon Musk's rival SpaceX, where he was promoted from launch engineer to head of launch and recycling operations.
Virgin Orbital uses a technology called aerial launch, and its 70-foot-tall, 57000-pound launcher one rocket is launched at an altitude of 35000 feet under the wings of a 747400 jet called the Cosmic Girl, rather than from a traditional ground launch pad.
After a four-second freefall, the first-stage engine of launcher one ignited, accelerating the rocket to more than 8000 miles per hour. From there, the second-stage engine began to work, raising the maximum speed of launcher one to 17500 miles per hour.
In addition to improving the payload capacity of the rocket, the technology also allows launcher one to fly from a variety of locations to any orbit in a short period of time. The No. 1 transmitter can carry a satellite load of 300 to 500 kilograms.
On June 30, Virgin Orbital made its second successful launch, putting seven satellites into orbit.
Virgin Orbital is in talks with "many potential space launch sites around the world" to provide services where the satellite market has the highest demand, Grinnell said.
Virgin Orbital plans to launch another satellite in the fourth quarter of this year.
"next year, we hope to release slightly less than double digits, and next year is expected to nearly double," he said. "