
一篇文章引爆 种业板块将迎来重大机遇

An article detonates the seed industry sector will usher in a great opportunity

證券之星 ·  Sep 8, 2021 07:00

On September 8, seed stocks rose rapidly after noon. By the close, Longping Hi-Tech was up nearly 8%, Tsuen Yin Hi-Tech, Shennong Science and Technology, and Dunhuang seed Industry were up more than 5%, and Denghai seed Industry, Agricultural Development seed Industry, and Fengle seed Industry were up more than 4%.

In the news, the Farmers' Daily published a signed article entitled "go all out to promote the Revitalization of the seed Industry" by Tang Renjian, director of the Agricultural Office of the CPC Central Committee and secretary of the leading party group of the Ministry of Agriculture and Village. The article points out that the revitalization of the seed industry has shifted from research planning to full implementation. The state will implement major biological breeding projects.

The article said that the central government is about to issue a "plan of action." He also said that this is another important deployment for the development of the seed industry after the "decision on strengthening seed work" was issued in 1962, and it is a major event of milestone significance in the history of the development of China's seed industry.

The article said: the "Action Plan" defines the specific objectives and tasks by species and stages, and puts forward five major actions, such as the protection and utilization of germplasm resources, innovation and tackling key problems, supporting enterprises, upgrading bases, and market purification. Agricultural and rural departments in various localities should pay close attention to deployment and implementation.

  There are five specific points

1. The protection and utilization of germplasm resources should be strengthened in an all-round way.

two。 Second, we should vigorously promote innovation in the seed industry to tackle key problems.

3. It is necessary to support the development of superior seed industry enterprises.

4. It is necessary to raise the level of seed industry base construction.

5. It is necessary to severely crack down on illegal acts such as license infringement.

In this regard, Tianfeng Securities invited economist Liu Yuhui said that the last summit meeting of the central government promoted the seed industry to a strategic position. It can be expected that earth-shaking changes will take place in China's agricultural status. Moreover, now it has come to this point, which is not only the agricultural revolution, but also the reconstruction of the whole agricultural ecological order in the future. It means that in the future, China's pesticides, chemical fertilizers and plant protection, including land protection, will undergo earth-shaking changes around this series of industrial layout, and around a series of listed companies in the middle of this industrial chain. may create an unprecedented investment opportunity.

Guoxin Securities said that we believe that the seed industry is expected to welcome a new round of policy dividends, a substantial improvement on the supply side, continue to focus on recommending the seed industry sector. Recommended attention: Longping Hi-Tech, Sea Seeds Industry, Tsuen Yin Hi-Tech, Da Bei Nong.

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