
Press Release: Sundial Growers to Acquire Alcanna Inc.

Press Release: Sundial Growers to Acquire Alcanna Inc.

新闻稿:日规种植者公司将收购阿尔坎纳公司(Alcanna Inc.)
Dow Jones Newswires ·  2021/10/07 18:00

Sundial Growers to Acquire Alcanna Inc.

日规种植公司将收购阿尔坎纳公司(Alcanna Inc.)

Canada NewsWire


CALGARY, AB, Oct. 7, 2021


CALGARY, AB, Oct. 7, 2021 /CNW/ - Sundial Growers Inc. (NASDAQ: SNDL) ("Sundial" or the "Company")  is pleased to announce today that it has entered into an arrangement agreement (the "Agreement") with Alcanna Inc. (TSX: CLIQ) ("Alcanna") pursuant to which Sundial will acquire all of the issued and outstanding common shares of Alcanna ("Alcanna Shares") by way of a statutory plan of arrangement for total consideration of approximately $346 million (the "Transaction"). For more information on the announcement, a presentation deck can be found here.

卡尔加里,AB,2021年10月7日/cnw/-Sunial Growers Inc.(纳斯达克股票代码:SNDL)(以下简称“Sunial”或“公司”)今天高兴地宣布,它已与Alcanna Inc.(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:CLQ)(以下简称“Alcanna”)达成一项安排协议(“协议”),根据该协议,Sunial将以法定安排计划的方式收购Alcanna的全部已发行和已发行普通股(“Alcanna股票”)。有关这一声明的更多信息,请单击此处查看演示文稿。

With over 25 years of experience in retailing regulated products, Alcanna is Canada's largest private liquor retailer, operating 171 locations predominantly in Alberta under its three retail brands "Wine and Beyond", "Liquor Depot" and "Ace Liquor". Alcanna's strategic partner, in which it holds an approximately 63% equity interest, Nova Cannabis Inc. (TSX: NOVC) ("Nova"), is one of Canada's largest cannabis retailers offering a wide range of high-quality cannabis products at value prices. Nova currently operates 62 stores across Alberta, Saskatchewan and Ontario primarily under the "Value Buds" and "Nova Cannabis" banners.

阿尔坎纳拥有超过25年的零售监管产品经验,是加拿大最大的私人酒类零售商,其三个零售品牌“Wine and Beyond”、“Liquor Depot”和“Ace Liquor”在艾伯塔省经营着171家分店。阿尔坎纳的战略合作伙伴Nova Cannabis Inc.(多伦多证券交易所市场代码:NOVC)(以下简称“Nova”)持有阿尔坎纳约63%的股权,是加拿大最大的大麻零售商之一,提供各种物有所值的高质量大麻产品。Nova目前在艾伯塔省、萨斯喀彻温省和安大略省经营着62家门店,主要打着“Value Buds”和“Nova Cannabis”的旗号。



-- Improved cash flow profile with expansion into liquor: Alcanna's
longstanding liquor business provides Sundial with stable cash generation
through a mature and proven business model with trailing twelve months
free cash flow of $16.4 million on a built-out retail platform.
-- Enhanced exposure with investment in Nova, a publicly listed, pure-play
cannabis retail operator: Sundial's current retail network combined with
Nova's store count implies that the combined company will be a Canadian
cannabis retail market leader with more than 170 locations. This network
strengthens Sundial's position as a partner to the industry and
represents a critical route to market for Canadian licensed producers.
-- Synergies from a larger retail operation: The robust corporate support
function at Alcanna is expected to supplement Sundial's Spiritleaf retail
operations. It is estimated that the transaction will deliver more than
$15 million of additional EBITDA on an annual run-rate basis through
synergies and other strategic initiatives.
-- Alcanna shareholders to participate in and help create the future of
Sundial: Alcanna shareholders are to receive Sundial common shares in an
all-stock transaction. The transaction will provide Alcanna shareholders
with exposure to Sundial's core cannabis operations in Canada and
investment operations focused on deploying capital within the cannabis
sector through its joint venture in SunStream Bancorp Inc. Beyond
improved liquidity and the ability to position for further retail
expansion, Sundial's balance sheet strength provides a unique opportunity
for Alcanna shareholders to participate in investment growth in the
regulated product sector.
-通过扩展到白酒领域,改善了现金流状况:阿尔坎纳的长期的白酒业务为太阳表提供了稳定的现金收入通过经过12个月的成熟和验证的商业模式在一个内置的零售平台上实现1640万美元的自由现金流。-增加对Nova的投资,Nova是一家公开上市的纯游戏公司大麻零售运营商:Sunial目前的零售网络与Nova的门店数量意味着合并后的公司将是一家加拿大公司大麻零售市场的领头羊,拥有170多家分店。此网络加强太阳表盘作为行业合作伙伴的地位,并对于加拿大特许生产商来说,这是进入市场的关键途径。-来自更大零售业务的协同效应:强大的企业支持阿尔坎纳的功能预计将补充Sunial的SpiritLeaf零售运营部。据估计,这笔交易将带来超过年终额外EBITDA 1500万美元协同效应和其他战略举措。-阿尔坎纳股东参与并帮助创造未来日规:阿尔坎纳的股东将在一年内获得日规普通股全股票交易。这笔交易将为阿尔坎纳的股东提供与Sunial在加拿大的核心大麻业务有关联投资行动的重点是在大麻内部部署资本行业通过其在Sunstream Bancorp Inc.Beyond的合资企业提高流动性和定位进一步零售的能力扩张,Sunial的资产负债表实力提供了一个独特的机会对于阿尔坎纳的股东来说,参与投资增长受监管的产品部门。

"This made-in-Alberta transaction allows Sundial to further its mission to own the customer relationship and deliver sustainable value to shareholders," said Zach George, Chief Executive Officer of Sundial. "Alcanna's value-focused model in liquor retailing has created market stability and we believe that the replication of this playbook in cannabis has strong potential to drive a similar result. We intend to position all of our retail exposure for profitability and strive to work with Canadian licensed producers in order to delight consumers with quality cannabis products."


"We believe this agreement is a testament to the value created by everyone at Alcanna and will be beneficial to all of our stakeholders," said James Burns, Vice Chair and Chief Executive Officer of Alcanna. "We have been successful at achieving customer loyalty, and operating at levels of efficiency that are industry-leading and Sundial will provide great opportunities as a larger and significantly more liquid company. We look forward to working with Sundial to complete this transaction."

阿尔坎纳副董事长兼首席执行官詹姆斯·伯恩斯(James Burns)说:“我们相信,这项协议证明了阿尔坎纳每个人创造的价值,将使我们所有的利益相关者受益。”我们已经成功地实现了客户忠诚度,以业界领先的效率水平运营,作为一家规模更大、流动性更强的公司,Sunial将提供巨大的机会。我们期待着与Sunial合作完成这笔交易。“

Under the terms of the Agreement, Alcanna's shareholders will receive, for each Alcanna common share held, 10.69 common shares of Sundial (each whole share, a "Sundial Share") (based on the trailing 10-day volume-weighted average price ("VWAP") of the Sundial Shares on the NASDAQ Capital Market prior to the date of this press release), representing a deemed value of $9.12 per Alcanna Share. The purchase price of $9.12 per Alcanna Share represents a premium of 39% to the 10-day VWAP of the Alcanna Shares on the Toronto Stock Exchange (the "TSX") preceding the signing of the parties' non-binding letter of intent on September 1, 2021 and a premium of 23% to the 10-day VWAP of the Alcanna Shares on the TSX preceding the September 15, 2021 press release regarding recent trading activity (unaffected date). The Transaction has been unanimously approved by the boards of directors of Sundial and Alcanna and is expected to close in December 2021 or in the first quarter of 2022.




The Transaction will be carried out by way of a court-approved plan of arrangement under the Canada Business Corporations Act, pursuant to which Sundial will acquire all of the issued and outstanding Alcanna Shares. The implementation of the Transaction will be subject to the approval of at least two thirds of the Alcanna Shares voted by Alcanna shareholders, as well as requisite majority of the minority approval under Multilateral Instrument 61-101 - Protection of Minority Security Holders in Special Transactions, at a special meeting expected to be convened by Alcanna in December 2021 (the "Meeting"), and the receipt of applicable orders from the Court of Queen's Bench of Alberta and applicable regulatory approvals, including under the Competition Act (Canada) and the applicable provincial liquor and cannabis regulators.


The Agreement provides for, among other things, customary support and non-solicitation covenants from Alcanna, including customary "fiduciary out" provisions that allow Alcanna to accept a superior proposal in certain circumstances and a five-business day "right to match period" in favour of Sundial. The Agreement also provides for the payment of a termination fee of $10 million payable to Sundial by Alcanna in the event the Transaction is terminated in certain specified circumstances.


All directors and executive officers of Alcanna, who own common shares of Alcanna, as well as certain other shareholders collectively holding approximately 12% of the Alcanna Shares, have entered into voting support agreements with Sundial pursuant to which, among other things, the parties have agreed to vote their Alcanna Shares in favour of the Transaction.


A full description of the Transaction will be set forth in the management information circular of Alcanna, which will be mailed to Alcanna shareholders in connection with the Meeting, and filed on the System for Electronic Document Analysis and Retrieval (SEDAR) under Alcanna's profile at


None of the securities to be issued pursuant to the Agreement have been or will be registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "U.S. Securities Act"), or any state securities laws, and any securities issued in the Transaction are anticipated to be issued in reliance upon available exemptions from such registration requirements pursuant to Section 3(a)(10) of the U.S. Securities Act and applicable exemptions under state securities laws. This news release does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any securities.




Alcanna's board of directors has unanimously approved the Transaction after receiving the unanimous recommendation of a special committee of Alcanna directors (the "Special Committee"). Alcanna's board of directors has unanimously resolved to recommend that the shareholders of Alcanna vote in favour of the Transaction.


Paradigm Capital Inc. has provided a fairness opinion to the board of directors of Alcanna that, subject to the assumptions, limitations and qualifications set out in such fairness opinion, the consideration to be received by Alcanna shareholders pursuant to the Transaction is fair from a financial point of view to Alcanna's shareholders.




ATB Capital Markets Inc. is acting as financial advisor to Sundial. McCarthy Tétrault LLP is acting as legal counsel to Sundial.

ATB资本市场公司(ATB Capital Markets Inc.)将担任Sunial的财务顾问。McCarthy Tétrault LLP将担任Sunial的法律顾问。

Cormark Securities Inc. is acting as financial advisor and Clark Wilson LLP is acting as legal counsel to the special committee of Alcanna, and Bennett Jones LLP is acting as legal counsel to Alcanna.

Cormark证券公司担任阿尔坎纳特别委员会的财务顾问,Clark Wilson LLP担任阿尔坎纳特别委员会的法律顾问,Bennett Jones LLP担任阿尔坎纳的法律顾问。



Sundial is a public company with common shares traded on Nasdaq under the symbol "SNDL". Sundial is a licensed producer that crafts cannabis using state-of-the-art indoor facilities. Our 'craft-at-scale' modular growing approach, award-winning genetics and experienced growers set us apart. Our Canadian operations cultivate small-batch cannabis using an individualized "room" approach, with 448,000 square feet of total available space. Sundial's brand portfolio includes Top Leaf, Sundial Cannabis, Palmetto and Grasslands. Our consumer-packaged goods experience enables us to not just grow quality cannabis, but also to create exceptional consumer and customer experiences. We are proudly Albertan, headquartered in Calgary, AB, with operations in Olds, AB, and Rocky View County, AB. For more information on Sundial, please go to

太阳拨盘是一家上市公司,普通股在纳斯达克交易,代码为“SNDL”。日规是一家获得许可的生产商,使用最先进的室内设施制作大麻。我们的“规模化工艺”模块化种植方法、屡获殊荣的遗传学和经验丰富的种植者使我们脱颖而出。我们在加拿大的业务使用个性化的“房间”方法种植小批量大麻,总可用空间为44.8万平方英尺。太阳表盘的品牌组合包括Top Leaf、Sunial Cannabis、Palmetto和Grands。我们的消费品包装体验不仅使我们能够种植优质大麻,而且还能创造出类拔萃的消费者和客户体验。我们自豪的是艾伯坦,总部设在阿肯色州卡尔加里,在阿肯色州奥兹和阿肯色州洛基维尤县都有业务。欲了解更多关于太阳表盘的信息,请访问。



Alcanna is one of the largest private sector retailers of alcohol in North America and the largest in Canada by number of stores -- operating 171 locations in Alberta and British Columbia. Alcanna's strategic partner, Nova Cannabis Inc. (TSX: NOVC), also operates 62 cannabis retail stores in Alberta, Ontario and Saskatchewan.

阿尔坎纳是北美最大的私营酒类零售商之一,也是加拿大门店数量最多的公司--在艾伯塔省和不列颠哥伦比亚省经营着171家分店。阿尔坎纳的战略合作伙伴Nova Cannabis Inc.(多伦多证券交易所市场代码:NOVC)还在艾伯塔省、安大略省和萨斯喀彻温省经营着62家大麻零售店。

Additional Information


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