
Wall St Week Ahead-Regional bank loan growth could hint at healthier supply chains

Wall St Week Ahead-Regional bank loan growth could hint at healthier supply chains

reuters ·  2021/10/15 01:00

By David Randall

大卫·兰德尔(David Randall)著

NEW YORK, Oct 15 (Reuters) - If regional banks show signs of accelerating loan growth when they report earnings in the week ahead, it could signal an easing of the supply chain bottlenecks that have weighed down the U.S. economic recovery from the pandemic, analysts and investors said.


Overall, small banks accounted for 63% of the approximately $520 billion in loans through the federal Paycheck Protection Program launched in response to the pandemic. The program allowed small businesses to take loans that either could be forgiven or would have a 1% interest rate, according to the U.S. Small Business Administration

总体而言,在为应对疫情而启动的联邦支付支票保护计划(Paycheck Protection Program)提供的约5200亿美元贷款中,小银行占了63%。根据美国小企业管理局(U.S.Small Business Administration)的说法,该计划允许小企业获得可以免除或利率为1%的贷款

Increasing demands for new loans at higher interest rates could signal that small businesses are securing inventory and expanding, said Dave Ellison, a portfolio manager at Hennessy Funds.

轩尼诗基金(Hennessy Funds)投资组合经理戴夫·埃里森(Dave Ellison)表示,对利率更高的新贷款的需求不断增加,可能表明小企业正在确保库存和扩张。

"It seems like everybody else has benefited from the economy reopening but the banks because you've seen very little loan growth" on account of the Paycheck Protection Program, Ellison said. "The pandemic has disproportionably hurt small businesses, and those are the customers of regional banks," he said.

埃里森说,“似乎所有人都从经济重新开放中受益,除了银行,因为你看到的贷款增长很少”,因为Paycheck Protection Program。他说:“疫情对小企业造成了不成比例的伤害,这些小企业是地区性银行的客户。”

As of June 30th, small banks held 15% of total banking industry loans but an outsized share of Paycheck Protection Program loans, holding 31%, according to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp

根据美国联邦存款保险公司(FDIC)的数据,截至6月30日,小银行持有银行业贷款总额的15%,但在Paycheck Protection Program贷款中所占份额过大,占31%

Overall, commercial loan growth fell 12% in September from a year earlier after bottoming out with a 16.3%% decline in annual loan growth in May, according to data from the Federal Reserve and Oppenheimer. Yet rising inventories at auto suppliers and retailers should bolster loan growth in the year ahead, said Chris Kotowski, an analyst at Oppenheimer.

美国联邦储备委员会(美联储/FED)和奥本海默的数据显示,整体而言,9月商业贷款增幅较上年同期下滑12%,5月贷款年增率下滑16.3%触底回落。然而,奥本海默(Oppenheimer)分析师克里斯·科托斯基(Chris Koowski)表示,汽车供应商和零售商不断增加的库存应该会提振未来一年的贷款增长。

"It seems likely to us that the next significant move is up — not down — for the simple reason that it can't possibly come down as much as it already has," said Chris Kotowski, an analyst at Oppenheimer.

奥本海默(Oppenheimer)分析师克里斯·科托斯基(Chris Koowski)表示:“在我们看来,下一个重大变动可能是上涨,而不是下跌,原因很简单,它不可能像现在这样下跌。”

A healthy increase in new loans at regional banks would be a strong signal that supply chain issues are moderating, said Steven Comery, an analyst at Gabelli Funds.

Gabelli Funds分析师史蒂文·科姆里(Steven Comery)表示,地区性银行新增贷款的健康增长将是一个强烈信号,表明供应链问题正在缓和。

"If clients can't get products to market because of the supply chain they aren't going to be borrowing to build their inventory," he said. "If we see signals that supply chain issues aren't going away then that's going to impact earnings estimates through 2023."


The four largest U.S. banks reported mixed loan growth when reporting their earnings results Oct. 14, with J&P Morgan said loans were up 5% compared to the prior year while Bank of America and Wells Fargo reported declines. L4N2R93KV

美国最大的四家银行在10月14日公布财报时,贷款增长喜忧参半,摩根大通(J&P Morgan)表示,贷款同比增长5%,而美国银行(Bank Of America)和富国银行(Wells Fargo)报告下降。L4N2R93KV

Companies including First Community Bancshares Inc FCBC.O , First Midwest Bancorp Inc FMBI.O , and Zions Bancorp ZION.O are expected to report earnings on Monday, while Fifth Third Bancorp FITB O> and United Community Banks Inc UCBI.O are among those expected to report on Tuesday.

包括First Community BancShares Inc FCBC.O,First Midwest Bancorp Inc FMBI.O和Zion Bancorp ZION.O在内的公司预计将于周一公布财报,而Five Third Bancorp FITB O>和United Community Banks Inc UCBI.O预计将于周二公布财报。

On Wednesday, Oct. 13, shares of First Republic Bank FRC.N gained 1.5% after the regional bank originated approximately $15 billion in new loans and reported that its average Paycheck Protection Program loan balance was down 39% over the quarter. Those gains in new loans will make it likely that the bank will raise its guidance in the coming quarters, noted Casey Haire, an analyst at Jefferies.

10月13日(星期三),第一共和国银行(First Republic Bank FRC.N)股价上涨1.5%,此前该地区银行发放了约150亿美元的新贷款,并报告称,其Paycheck Protection Program的平均贷款余额在本季度下降了39%。杰富瑞(Jefferies)分析师凯西·海尔(Casey Haire)指出,新贷款的这些增长将使该行有可能在未来几个季度上调指引。

Concerns over loan growth by regional banks comes at a time when the sector's shares are trading near record highs. Regional banks in the S&P 500 .SPLRCBNKS are up nearly 37% for the year to date and are just below the high they reached on Oct. 8, according to Refinitiv data.


Despite those gains, regional banks continue to look attractive based on valuations, Ellison said.


Regional banks in the S&P 500 trade at a forward price to earnings ratio of 13.5, well below the 21.2 of the broad S&P 500, according to Refinitiv data. Valuations will likely rise alongside the yield of the benchmark 10-year Treasury, which is used to set rates for loans including mortgages, Ellison said.


"Valuation is not a problem for future gains," he said.


<^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Has Commercial Loan Growth Bottomed Out?



(Reporting by David Randall; editing by Megan Davies and David Gregorio)

(David Randall报道;Megan Davies和David Gregorio编辑)

((; 646-223-6607; Reuters Messaging:


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