
Press Release: Gage Growth Reminds Shareholders to Vote to Approve the Proposed Transaction with TerrAscend and Provides Additional Disclosure

Press Release: Gage Growth Reminds Shareholders to Vote to Approve the Proposed Transaction with TerrAscend and Provides Additional Disclosure

新聞稿:Gage Growth提醒股東投票批准與TerrAscend的擬議交易,並提供額外披露
Dow Jones Newswires ·  2021/11/04 18:00

Gage Growth Reminds Shareholders to Vote to Approve the Proposed Transaction with TerrAscend and Provides Additional Disclosure

Gage Growth提醒股東投票批准與TerrAscend的擬議交易,並提供額外的披露

PR Newswire


DETROIT and TORONTO, Nov. 4, 2021


The Disinterested Members of the Board of Directors of Gage Growth Unanimously Recommend Shareholders Vote "For" the Arrangement

Gage Growth董事會的公正無私的成員一致建議股東投票支持這一安排

DETROIT and TORONTO, Nov. 4, 2021 /PRNewswire/ - Gage Growth Corp. ("Gage" or the "Company") (CSE: GAGE), a leading high-quality premium cannabis brand and operator in Michigan, today reminds the shareholders (the "Company Shareholders") of Gage to cause their subordinate voting shares ("Company Subordinate Voting Shares") and super voting shares to be voted in connection with the upcoming special meeting of Company Shareholders (the "Meeting") on November 11, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. (Toronto time). The Meeting will be held via live webcast at The deadline for Company Shareholders to vote by proxy is 10:00 a.m. (Toronto time) on November 9, 2021.

底特律和多倫多,2021年11月4日/美通社/--密歇根州領先的優質優質大麻品牌和運營商Gage Growth Corp.(以下簡稱“Gage”或“公司”)(CSE:Gage)今天提醒Gage的股東(“公司股東”)在即將於2021年11月11日召開的公司股東特別大會(“大會”)上投票表決其下屬有表決權的股份(“公司從屬有表決權的股份”)和超級有表決權的股份。(多倫多時間)。會議將在通過網絡直播舉行。公司股東委託代表投票的截止時間是上午10點。(多倫多時間)2021年11月9日。

At the Meeting, Company Shareholders will be asked to vote on the proposed acquisition by TerrAscend Corp. ("TerrAscend") of all of the outstanding Company Subordinate Voting Shares by way of a plan of arrangement (the "Arrangement") under Section 192 of the Canada Business Corporations Act based on an arrangement agreement between the Company and TerrAscend dated August 31, 2021, as amended effective October 4, 2021 (the "Arrangement Agreement"). If the Arrangement becomes effective, the Company Shareholders will ultimately be entitled to 0.3001 of a TerrAscend common share for each Company Subordinate Voting Share held (the "Exchange Ratio"), subject to adjustment in accordance with the Arrangement Agreement. For more information regarding the Arrangement, please see the management information circular of the Company dated October 12, 2021 prepared in connection with the Meeting (the "Circular"), which is available on the Company's SEDAR profile at

會上,公司股東將被要求就TerrAscend Corp.(“TerrAscend”)收購所有已發行的公司附屬投票權股份的建議進行投票,該收購是根據加拿大商業公司法第192條規定的安排計劃(“安排”)進行的,該安排基於公司與TerrAscend之間日期為2021年8月31日、經修訂並於2021年10月4日生效的安排協議(“安排協議”)。倘該安排生效,本公司股東最終將有權以持有的每股公司附屬投票權股份(“交換比率”)換取0.3001股Terr Ascend普通股(“交換比率”),惟須根據安排協議作出調整。欲瞭解有關安排的更多信息,請參閲本公司於2021年10月12日為會議準備的管理信息通函(“通函”),該通函可在公司的SEDAR簡介中查閲,網址為。

The Circular contains certain important information, including a description of the key terms and conditions of the Arrangement and a summary of certain risk factors relating to the Arrangement. The Circular also includes the background, the main benefits and transaction rationale that led to the disinterested members of the Gage board of directors (the "Gage Board") to recommend the Arrangement to the Company Shareholders and their reasons for doing so.


After consultation with its financial and legal advisors, and on the unanimous recommendation of the independent special committee of the Gage Board (the "Company Special Committee"), the disinterested members of the Gage Board unanimously: (i) determined that the Arrangement is in the best interests of the Company; (ii) determined that the consideration payable to the Company Shareholders pursuant to the Arrangement is fair, from a financial point of view, to the Company Shareholders; (iii) approved the Arrangement, the Arrangement Agreement and the Company's performance of its obligations thereunder; and (iv) resolved to recommend that the Company Shareholders vote FOR the resolution authorizing the Arrangement.


In order for the Arrangement to be effective, the Arrangement must be approved by at least two-thirds (66 2/3%) of the votes cast by Company Shareholders, present or represented by proxy at the Meeting and entitled to vote. In addition, the Arrangement must be approved by a simple majority of the Company Shareholders present or represented by proxy at the Meeting and entitled to vote, excluding Gage shares directly or indirectly held or controlled by Mike Hermiz, Jason Wild and Richard Mavrinac in accordance with Multilateral Instrument 61-101 -- Protection of Minority Security Holders in Special Transactions ("MI 61-101"). The Arrangement is also subject to certain other conditions, including (i) the approval of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice (Commercial List), (ii) approval of a simple majority of the TerrAscend shareholders (excluding for these purposes any TerrAscend shares directly or indirectly held or controlled by Jason Wild and Richard Mavrinac) in accordance with MI 61-101, and (iii) the receipt of certain cannabis regulatory approvals in the State of Michigan.

為使該安排有效,該安排必須獲得出席會議或由受委代表出席會議並有權投票的公司股東最少三分之二(662/3%)的投票通過。此外,這一安排必須獲得出席會議或由代表出席會議並有權投票的公司股東的簡單多數批准,不包括根據多邊文件61-101-特別交易中的少數股權持有人保護(“MI 61-101”)由Mike Hermiz、Jason Wild和Richard Mavrinac直接或間接持有或控制的Gage股票。該安排亦須受若干其他條件規限,包括(I)根據MI 61-101獲得安大略省高等法院(商業名單)的批准;(Ii)獲得TerrAscend簡單多數股東的批准(就此而言,不包括Jason Wild及Richard Mavrinac直接或間接持有或控制的任何TerrAscend股份);及(Iii)獲得密歇根州的若干大麻監管批准。

It is expected that the Arrangement will be completed as soon as possible after receipt of the applicable shareholder, court and other regulatory approvals and satisfaction or waiver of all other conditions in the Arrangement Agreement. However, it is not possible to state with certainty when or if the closing of the Arrangement will occur.


If you have any questions or require assistance with voting your proxy, please contact Gage at 1-(833)-455-4243 or by email at


Supplemental Disclosure


In addition to the disclosure set out in the Circular regarding the background and transaction rationale that led to the disinterested members of the Gage Board to recommend the Arrangement, the Company would like to provide the following additional disclosure.


As discussed under the heading "The Arrangement -- Background to the Arrangement" in the Circular, during the months of February and March 2021, Gage and TerrAscend (the "Parties") had initial discussions around various strategic transaction alternatives and performed initial site visits at certain of their respective cultivation facilities; however, discussions remained preliminary in nature at this stage as Gage was focused on completing its direct listing on the Canadian Securities Exchange (the "CSE"). Following the listing of the Company Subordinate Voting Shares on the CSE, representatives from Gage, including Fabian Monaco, David Watza, Mike Hermiz and Rami Reda, reengaged in discussions with representatives from TerrAscend. Gage was provided with a draft non-binding letter of intent on May 10, 2021 (the "Letter of Intent"), which included certain indicative terms of the proposed Arrangement. Upon receipt of the draft Letter of Intent, management of the Company disclosed the draft Letter of Intent to the disinterested members of the Company Board.

正如通函中“該安排--該安排的背景”一節所述,於二零二一年二月至三月期間,Gage及TerrAscend(“訂約方”)就各種策略性交易替代方案進行初步討論,並於各自的若干種植設施進行初步實地考察;然而,由於Gage專注於完成其在加拿大證券交易所(“聯交所”)的直接上市,現階段的討論仍屬初步性質。在公司下屬的Voting股票在CSE上市後,蓋奇的代表,包括Fabian摩納哥、David Watza、Mike Hermiz和Rami Reda,重新與TerrAscend的代表進行了討論。蓋奇在2021年5月10日收到了一份不具約束力的意向書草案(“意向書”),其中包括擬議安排的某些指示性條款。在收到意向書草稿後,公司管理層向公司董事會的公正成員披露了意向書草稿。

The discussions between TerrAscend and Gage continued in meetings held in-person on May 12 and 13, 2021 in Michigan, with representatives of Gage and TerrAscend in attendance. During these meetings, the merits of a proposed acquisition of Gage by TerrAscend were discussed, as were the proposed indicative terms of the Letter of Intent, including a preliminary proposed pro-forma ownership calculation, in the context of a potential acquisition of all of the outstanding securities of Gage by TerrAscend in an all-stock transaction. Given the non-binding and speculative nature of the draft Letter of Intent, the Gage Board was comfortable with aforementioned persons taking the primary responsibility for the negotiation of the Letter Intent, with the appropriate oversight and approval from the rest of the disinterested members of the Gage Board.


Promptly following the execution of the Letter of Intent, the Company Board formed the Company Special Committee, consisting of Bruce Linton and Dr. Rana Harb, who were independent directors of Gage, to supervise the negotiation of the proposed Arrangement. As further disclosed in the Circular, the Company Special Committee closely oversaw the extensive negotiations over the course of the following three and half months, which culminated with the execution of the Arrangement Agreement on August 31, 2021.

在簽署意向書後,公司董事會立即成立了公司特別委員會,由Gage的獨立董事Bruce Linton和Rana Harb博士組成,以監督擬議安排的談判。正如通函進一步披露,公司特別委員會密切監督了隨後三個半月的廣泛談判,最終於2021年8月31日簽署了安排協議。

Prior to the Arrangement Agreement being signed by the Parties, the Company Special Committee (including Dr. Harb, the independent member of the Company Special Committee with respect to Mr. Linton) was provided with and assessed information relating to the value of the benefits that certain related parties of Gage (including Mr. Linton) are entitled to receive as a result of the Arrangement. The information reflected the fact that the 30,000 restricted units of Company (the "Company RSUs") held by Mr. Linton would, in accordance with the terms of the Arrangement Agreement, automatically vest (regardless of other vesting conditions) on the closing of the Arrangement (along with all other Company RSUs issued and outstanding as of the closing date). Such benefit was calculated, using customary methodology, to be less than 5% of the consideration that Mr. Linton is entitled to receive pursuant to the Arrangement. In connection with its recommendations regarding the approval of the Arrangement, the Company Special Committee determined that the only person expected to receive a "collateral benefit" pursuant to the Arrangement was Mike Hermiz (all as further disclosed in the Circular). Given that the value of the benefit to be received by Mr. Linton was below the requisite threshold discussed above, Mr. Linton was not determined to be receiving a "collateral benefit" in reliance on clause (c)(iv)(B) of the definition of "collateral benefit" set out in MI 61-101. No value was ascribed to the anticipated repayment of the C$1.4 million unsecured debentures (the "Company Debentures") held by Mr. Linton, as such Company Debentures were expected to be repaid in accordance with their terms prior to the closing of the Arrangement. Subsequent to the execution of the Arrangement Agreement, the repayment period of such Company Debentures was extended (and is now expected to occur concurrent with the closing of the Arrangement). No additional benefits were conferred on the holders of the Company Debentures in connection with such extension and all holders of Company Debentures will continue to be treated pari passu.

於訂約方簽署安排協議前,本公司特別委員會(包括有關林頓先生的本公司特別委員會獨立成員Harb博士)獲提供及評估有關Gage的若干關聯方(包括Linton先生)因該安排而有權收取的利益價值的評估資料。該等資料反映,根據安排協議的條款,林頓先生持有的30,000個公司受限單位(“公司RSU”)將於安排結束時自動歸屬(不論其他歸屬條件)(連同所有其他已發行及截至截止日期尚未償還的公司RSU)。按照慣例方法計算,這種利益不到林頓先生根據該安排有權獲得的對價的5%。關於批准該安排的建議,公司特別委員會決定,根據該安排,唯一預期將獲得“附帶利益”的人是Mike Hermiz(所有內容均在通函中進一步披露)。鑑於Linton先生將獲得的利益的價值低於上文討論的必要門檻,根據MI 61-101所載“附帶利益”定義的(C)(4)(B)條,Linton先生未被確定為獲得“附帶利益”。林頓先生持有的140萬加元無抵押債券(“公司債券”)的預期償還並無價值,因為該等公司債券預期將在安排結束前根據其條款償還。在簽訂“安排協議”之後, 這些公司債券的還款期被延長(現在預計將與安排結束同時發生)。本公司債券持有人並無因該等延期而獲授予額外利益,而所有公司債券持有人將繼續享有同等待遇。

For more information regarding the Company Special Committee's determinations with respect to the value of the benefits that certain related parties of Gage, other than Mr. Linton, are entitled to receive as a consequent of the Arrangement, see the sections entitled "The Arrangement -- Interests of Certain Persons in the Arrangement" and "Securities Law Matters -- Securities Laws -- Application of Multilateral Instrument 61-101" in the Circular.


About Gage Growth Corp.

關於蓋奇增長公司(Gage Growth Corp.)

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