
快讯:消费电子板块持续走强 春秋电子、维科技术等涨停

News flash: the consumer electronics sector continues to strengthen by the daily limit of Spring and Autumn Electronics, Vico Technology, etc.

新浪財經 ·  Nov 21, 2021 20:52

November 22 news, non-ferrous metals plate opened sharply higher. As of press time, Juchen shares rose more than 10%, Spring and Autumn Electronics, Vico Technology, Jingfang Technology, Kangda New material rose by the daily limit, Broadcom Ltd Integration, Ruixin Weiwei, Shubeide, and Tencent Holdings rose more than 5%.

CITIC recently released a research report saying that in the fourth quarter, the consumer electronics industry chain is expected to improve on a month-on-month basis, mainly due to the fact that new Apple Inc mobile phone products at the industry level have been pulling goods since the third quarter, and new watches and headphones have been gradually sold in the fourth quarter, which is expected to boost the performance of relevant companies.

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