
Logistics Report: Supply-Demand Pendulum; Exiting a Port Watchdog; Counting Strike Costs

Logistics Report: Supply-Demand Pendulum; Exiting a Port Watchdog; Counting Strike Costs

Dow Jones Newswires ·  2021/11/23 07:10

Supply-Demand Pendulum; Exiting a Port Watchdog; Counting Strike Costs By Paul Page


Today's newsletter was written by WSJ Logistics Report's Jennifer Smith.


History suggests that the supply-demand imbalances turbocharging consumer prices aren't likely to be permanent. Transport bottlenecks and robust demand are driving double-digit percentage increases in the costs of cars, appliances and other manufactured goods, but even modest relief of some supply-chain strains could have significant effects , the WSJ's Justin Lahart writes in a Heard on the Street column. On the supply side, partially built vehicles parked for lack of semiconductors should head for dealerships once auto makers secure enough chips to finish the job. The scramble by businesses to stockpile parts and holiday inventory could be painting a false picture of underlying demand, while lessening Covid-19 risks could shift more spending toward services, easing prices for goods like used cars. Climbing inflation can make it hard to remember that sectors from shipping to meat production routinely swing from shortages to gluts as businesses race to capitalize on rising prices.

歷史表明,推高消費者價格的供需失衡不太可能是永久性的。《華爾街日報》的賈斯汀·拉哈特(Justin Lahart)在《華爾街日報》(The Street)專欄的一篇文章中寫道,運輸瓶頸和強勁的需求正在推動汽車、家電和其他製成品的成本實現兩位數的百分比增長,但即使適度緩解一些供應鏈壓力,也可能產生重大影響。在供應方面,一旦汽車製造商獲得足夠的芯片來完成這項工作,因缺乏半導體而停放的部分製造的汽車應該前往經銷商。企業爭相囤積零部件和假日庫存,可能是在描繪一幅潛在需求的虛假圖景,而降低新冠肺炎的風險可能會將更多支出轉移到服務領域,從而緩解二手車等商品的價格。不斷攀升的通脹可能會讓人很難記住,隨着企業競相利用價格上漲的機會,從航運到肉類生產的行業經常從短缺轉向過剩。



New Jersey's push to exit the New York Harbor Waterfront Commission is gaining steam. The U.S. Supreme Court declined to take up an appeal by the bistate watchdog , which wants to block New Jersey's withdrawal from the agency created nearly 70 years ago to root out corruption on the New York and New Jersey docks. The WSJ Logistics Report's Jennifer Smith and Paul Berger write that the decision also leaves the door open for future litigation, including potential action by the state of New York, which shares jurisdiction with New Jersey over the East Coast's busiest container port. The balance of economic activity at the port complex has shifted west in the decades since the commission was established, and New Jersey says crime is down and that state police should monitor the docks. A spokeswoman for New York Gov. Kathy Hochul says, "We are reviewing all options."

新澤西州退出紐約港海濱委員會的努力正在升温。美國最高法院拒絕受理監督機構的上訴,該機構希望阻止新澤西州退出該機構,該機構成立於近70年前,目的是根除紐約和新澤西碼頭的腐敗。《華爾街日報》物流報道的詹妮弗·史密斯(Jennifer Smith)和保羅·伯傑(Paul Berger)寫道,這一裁決也為未來的訴訟敞開了大門,包括紐約州可能採取的行動。紐約州與新澤西州對東海岸最繁忙的集裝箱港口擁有管轄權。自該委員會成立以來的幾十年裏,港口綜合體的經濟活動平衡已經向西轉移,新澤西州表示,犯罪率下降了,州警察應該監控碼頭。紐約州州長凱西·霍楚爾(Kathy Hochul)的一位女發言人説:“我們正在評估所有選擇。”

Supply Chain Strategies


Labor strife at Deere & Co. is casting a shadow over the high season for farm equipment sales. A five-week strike by unionized workers dented production of tractors, combines and other equipment, the WSJ's Bob Tita reports, and analysts expect Deere to both raise prices and increase production to pay for the cost of the new six-year contract. Labor accounts for some 15% of the company's overall cost of goods sold, and a pay raise and bonus in the agreement could shave nearly 1 percentage point off Deere's operating margin. Strong demand for farm and construction machinery should help backfill lost production and sales. Net farm income is projected to jump 20% this year to its highest point since 2013. Meanwhile, supply-chain disruptions and low inventories of new and used equipment have kept rival manufacturers from boosting their own production in a bid to eat into Deere's market share.


Number of the Day In Other News


President Biden said he would nominate Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell for a second term. (WSJ)


Samsung plans to build a $17 billion dollar chip-making plant in Taylor, Texas. (WSJ)


U.S. home sales rose 0.8% in October from the previous month, the highest pace since January. (WSJ)


Tesla plans to launch its high-end Model S Plaid sedan in China next year. (WSJ)

特斯拉計劃明年在中國推出高端Model S格子轎車。(《華爾街日報》)

Brooks Brothers owner Authentic Brands raised $3.5 billion and pushed back its initial public offering plans. (WSJ)

布魯克斯兄弟(Brooks Brothers)的所有者Authentic Brands籌集了35億美元,並推遲了首次公開募股(IPO)計劃。(《華爾街日報》)

Target, Walmart and other retailers are closing their stores on Thanksgiving. (WSJ)


Air Canada increased cargo capacity through Vancouver International Airport as flooding in British Columbia disrupts supply chains. (Air Cargo World)


China is cornering the cobalt market through acquisitions in the Democratic Republic of Congo. (New York Times)


Abu Dhabi National Oil Company is considering taking its marine services, logistics and shipping arm public next year. (Reuters)

阿布扎比國家石油公司(Abu Dhabi National Oil Company)正在考慮明年將其海運服務、物流和航運部門上市。(路透社)

European Union member states and others blocked a resolution for the International Maritime Organization to set a zero-emissions target by 2040. (Lloyds List)

歐盟成員國和其他國家阻止了國際海事組織(International Marine Organization)制定2040年零排放目標的決議。(勞埃德銀行名單)

Startup Deliverr raised $250 million in backing for its e-commerce fulfillment technology, bringing its valuation to $2 billion. (TechCrunch)


Drone delivery startup Flytrex raised $40 million to accelerate its U.S. expansion. (Drone Life)


China Railway said China-Europe rail freight volumes rose 33% from the previous year. (The Loadstar)

中國中鐵稱,中歐鐵路貨運量較上年增長33%。(The Loadstar)

Alabama-based flatbed operator Montgomery Transport added a nickel "driver shortage" surcharge over a 90-day period. (Commercial Carrier Journal).

阿拉巴馬州的平板運營商蒙哥馬利運輸公司(Montgomery Transport)在90天內增加了一項鎳“司機短缺”附加費。(商業承運人雜誌)。

Ocean Spray's chief executive said consumers should consider using fresh cranberries because a shortage of cans could crimp supplies ahead of Thanksgiving. (Bloomberg)


About Us


Paul Page is editor of WSJ Logistics Report. Write to him at [].


Follow the WSJ Logistics Report team: @PaulPage , @jensmithWSJ @LydsONeal and @pdberger . Follow the WSJ Logistics Report on Twitter at @WSJLogistics .


This article is a text version of a Wall Street Journal newsletter published earlier today.


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