
3 Metaverse Cryptos Surviving the Bear Market Shakeout

3 Metaverse Cryptos Surviving the Bear Market Shakeout

3 種在熊市震盪中倖存下來的元界加密貨幣
InvestorPlace ·  2022/03/25 23:30

InvestorPlace - Stock Market News, Stock Advice & Trading Tips


This article is excerpted from Tom Yeung's Moonshot Investor newsletter. To make sure you don't miss any of Tom's potential 100x picks, subscribe to his mailing list here.

本文摘自 Tom Yeung 的 Moonshot Investor 時事通訊。爲了確保你不會錯過任何東西 在 Tom 潛在的 100 倍精選中,請在此處訂閱他的郵件列表。

Source: WHYFRAME /

When Bad Ideas Pay Off


Imagine it's a Saturday night and we find ourselves at an intense dance party, complete with strobe lights and subwoofers (Pretend our kids or friends somehow convinced us to go).


As we're counting down the hours to midnight, someone offers us a pair of mystery pills.


"This is a terrible idea," we tut-tut disapprovingly.

“這是個糟糕的主意,” 我們不贊成地大聲疾呼。

Would you take them anyway?


That's the question investors in Asia Broadband (OTCMKTS:AABB) are facing.

這就是投資者的問題 亞洲寬帶 (OTCMKTS:AABB) 面對。

This penny-stock-turned-crypto-exchange has all the charm of a truly terrible idea.


AABB has "more red flags than a slalom skiing course," I wrote in January. Its opaque financials and history of pumping share prices have all the signs of a bad penny stock bet.

我在一月份寫道,AABB “的危險信號比激流滑雪場還要多”。其不透明的財務狀況和股價暴漲的歷史都表明一分錢股下注不佳。

But I would still recommend a small position anyway. "For Reddit investors seeking a thrill ride, the long-term truth might not matter. When other unknown firms like Hello Pal International (OTCMKTS:HLLPF) can rise 4,500% after announcing cryptocurrency dreams, why wouldn't companies like AABB do the same?"

但我會 靜止不動 反正我推薦一個小倉位。“對於尋求刺激之旅的Reddit投資者來說,長期的真相可能並不重要。當其他不知名的公司喜歡 你好 Pal 國際 (OTCMKTS:HLLPF)在宣佈加密貨幣夢想後可以上漲4500%,爲甚麼像AABB這樣的公司不這樣做?”

Since then, Asia Broadband has delivered on its meme promise. On Tuesday, the company launched its app-based exchange, pushing shares above 15 cents. Prices are now one-third higher than when I first recommended the purely speculative play.


But as markets continue to consolidate, you're going to see me make fewer of these baseless calls (if any at all). With higher-quality picks now selling for cheap, there are far better alternatives to taking MDMA at some rave.


Source: Catalyst Labs /
資料來源:Catalyst Labs /Shuttersto

The 3 Cryptos Surviving the Bear Market Shakeout


Investors probably thought Mark Zuckerberg was out of his mind when he announced Meta's (NASDAQ:FB) pivot to the metaverse. FB shares have since fallen 35%, wiping out $320 billion of shareholder value.

投資者可能認爲馬克·扎克伯格宣佈時已經瘋了 Meta's (納斯達克:FB) 轉向元宇宙。此後,FB股價下跌了35%,損失了3200億美元的股東價值。

But Mr. Zuckerberg had a point. The average American spends about 2.5 hours on social media per day. Those aged 16 to 24 spend even more. Add in the time spent with online games and Zoom (NASDAQ:ZM) meetings, and you have an entire society that's moving to online life.

但是扎克伯格有道理。美國人平均每天在社交媒體上花費約2.5個小時。16至24歲的人的支出甚至更多。加上在在線遊戲上花費的時間, 縮放(納斯達克:ZM)會議,整個社會都在轉向在線生活。

That has companies from GameStop (NYSE:GME) to Disney (NYSE:DIS) scrambling to create working Metaverse strategies.

那裏的公司來自 GameStop (紐約證券交易所:GME) 到 迪士尼 (紐約證券交易所:DIS) 爭先恐後地制定行之有效的元界策略。

And the good news? Several metaverse cryptocurrencies are already there.


Ethereum (ETH)

以太坊 (ETH)

The world's second-largest cryptocurrency also powers much of the Metaverse's commerce. 80% of all NFTs are traded on the Ethereum (ETH-USD) network, and many of the top tokens — from Decentraland (MANA-USD) to SushiSwap (SUSHI-USD) — are Ethereum-based.

世界第二大加密貨幣也爲元界的大部分商業提供動力。所有 NFT 中有80%是在元界交易的 以太坊以太幣-美元) 網絡,以及許多頂級代幣 — 來自 分散樂園MANA-USD) 到 SushiSwapSUSHI-UST) — 基於以太坊。

That makes ETH a surprisingly strong play in the metaverse. Much like the U.S. dollar in foreign exchange markets, Ethereum plays a key role in helping investors switch between various Metaverse currencies. If you're moving from SAND to MANA, it's often cheaper to first convert everything into native token Ethereum than to make the exchange directly.

這使得 ETH 在元宇宙中出人意料地強大。就像外匯市場中的美元一樣,以太坊在幫助投資者在各種元界貨幣之間切換方面發揮着關鍵作用。如果你要從 SAND 轉向 MANA,那麼首先將所有東西轉換爲原生代幣以太坊通常比直接進行交易更便宜。

Much like a self-help guru, Ethereum is also rapidly improving. By moving to an energy-efficient Proof of Stake (POS) protocol, Ethereum will cut its energy usage by 99.7% or more, according to industry experts. This "2.0" version will also introduce sharding, a way to divide the ETH blockchain into smaller "shards" that will increase transaction throughput by a factor of 10,000 or more.

就像自助大師一樣,以太坊也在迅速進步。業內專家稱,通過轉向節能的權益證明(POS)協議,以太坊將把能源消耗減少99.7%或更多。這個 “2.0” 版本還將引入分片,這是一種將以太坊區塊鏈分成較小的 “分區” 的方法,這將使交易吞吐量增加10,000倍或更多。

The cryptocurrency will certainly face short-term bumps along the way. "Third-generation" NFT coins like Solana (SOL-USD) (which already have low energy usage and high throughput) are starting to eat away at ETH's dominance. And there's little that Ethereum's developers can do to stem the tide of negative NFT sentiment.

在此過程中,加密貨幣肯定會面臨短期衝擊。像 “第三代” NFT 硬幣一樣 索拉納SOL-USD)(已經具有低能耗和高吞吐量)開始吞噬 ETH 的主導地位。而且,以太坊的開發者在遏制負面 NFT 情緒的浪潮方面幾乎無能爲力。

But for those looking for a lower-risk crypto to play the Metaverse game, Ethereum is one of the best places to start.


Decentraland (MANA)

去中心化樂園 (MANA)

Decentraland is arguably the most advanced blockchain-based metaverse game so far. Though much of its virtual world remains undeveloped and uninhabited, things are changing fast. Decentraland's developers have been incrementally upgrading the game's graphics, and events like a metaverse "Fashion Week" have begun wooing real-world brands.

Decentraland 可以說是迄今爲止最先進的基於區塊鏈的元宇宙遊戲。儘管其大部分虛擬世界仍未開發且無人居住,但情況正在迅速變化。Decentraland 的開發者一直在逐步升級遊戲的畫面,元宇宙 “時裝週” 等活動已經開始吸引現實世界中的品牌。

That makes Decentraland's land particularly valuable. The limited supply of 16×16 meter plots has already doubled in value over the past year. Speculation over Metaverse advertising space could push prices higher still.


Most importantly, owners can develop their plots of land, rather than relying solely on the whims of the market. Savvy programmers have already earned millions creating lavish 3D models in the Decentraland SDK. And with land parcels capped at 90,601 lots, this digital real estate is a far better store of value than any easy-to-replicate NFT in the MANA world.

最重要的是,所有者可以開發自己的土地,而不是僅僅依靠市場的異想天開。精明的程序員已經在Decentraland SDK中創建豪華的3D模型賺了數百萬美元。而且,由於地塊上限爲90,601塊,這種數字房地產比MANA世界中任何易於複製的NFT都要好得多。

Prices currently start at $13,000, and reasonable locations are still available for $20,000 or less. Just be sure not to overpay.




Finally, the "new exchange on the block" FTX (FTX-USD) is also turning into a strong Metaverse play.

最後是 “區塊上的新交易所” FTXFTX-USD) 也正在變成一部強勢的元宇宙遊戲。

Last month, the fast-growing exchange announced FTX Gaming, a "crypto-as-a-service" platform to help gaming firms launch new tokens and support NFTs. It's already put money into companies like C2X, a firm now valued at $500 million.

上個月,這家快速發展的交易所宣佈了 FTX Gaming,這是一個 “加密即服務” 平臺,旨在幫助遊戲公司推出新代幣和支持 NFT。它已經向像C2X這樣的公司投入了資金,該公司現在的市值爲5億美元。

The exchange is wisely pursuing a "crawl, walk, run" approach to avoid the "super anti-NFTs" sentiment among gamers. By putting greater emphasis on R&D (rather than on "low-quality money-grabs"), the firm hopes to avoid the missteps of Ubisoft and other public-relations fiascos.

該交易所明智地追求 “爬行、走路、跑步” 的方法,以避免遊戲玩家中產生 “超級反 NFT” 情緒。通過更加重視研發(而不是 “低質量的搶錢”),該公司希望避免育碧的失誤和其他公共關係慘敗。

FTX's Series C funding already values the company at $32 billion, a massive premium to the $3.5 billion FTT tokens held in its treasury. Those looking to buy in on a promising token should act sooner rather than later.


Source: Catalyst Labs /
資料來源:Catalyst Labs /Shuttersto

When a 140% Gain Fails to Break a Trend

當 140% 的漲幅未能打破趨勢時

This week, the popular meme coin JasmyCoin (JASMY-USD) rose 140% to 4.2 cents. But there's a reason I haven't used Momentum Master to time this coin.

本週,流行的模因幣 jasmyCoinJASMY-USD)上漲140%,至4.2美分。但我沒用 Momentum Master 來計時這枚硬幣是有原因的。

Much like Asia Broadband, the Japan-based cryptocurrency owes much of its popularity to StockTwits, an online investment forum. In the past week, JASMY has bounced around the top 10 most mentioned investments on the site.


And that's an issue.


Older investors will immediately recall how AOL chatrooms of the 1990s did the same for unknown dot-com stocks. Day-traders sharing ideas would often unwittingly push stocks higher, only to see them fall back to earth the moment the buying stopped.


A similar pattern is playing out for JasmyCoin, a cryptocurrency without much apparent merit. Though prices are going up, it's not driven by any fundamental love for the coin. Prices are still down 98% over the past year.


Unless something changes, investors are better off waiting on the sidelines than throwing good money after bad.


Why People Make Bad Crypto Bets


At the end of 2021, a CNBC survey asked a simple question:

在 2021 年底, CNBC 調查問了一個簡單的問題:

"What are American millionaires investing in?"


The bulk of the answers made sense — a shift towards inflation-protected investments and an aversion towards overspending.


But one group stood out: the Millennial Millionaires.


According to the CNBC survey, a full 83% of younger millionaires owned cryptocurrencies, compared to just 5% of baby boomers and only 25% of Gen X'ers. Almost half of these millennials plan to add to their crypto holdings over the next 12 months.

根據 CNBC 調查, 整整83%的年輕百萬富翁擁有加密貨幣,相比之下,嬰兒潮一代的這一比例僅爲5%,X世代的這一比例僅爲25%。這些千禧一代中有近一半計劃在未來 12 個月內增加他們的加密貨幣持有量。

"With so many millennials and Gen Z investors becoming millionaires from the crypto economy, it's likely to remain central to their investing in the coming years," the report predicted.


But there's a significant issue with that logic. Most self-made crypto millionaires got in years ago when prices of higher-quality coins were low. Achieving a similar feat today would be the equivalent of taking mysterious pills at a party (i.e. buying into bad ideas).


But that hasn't stopped latecomers from trying anyway. Thousands of hopeful investors have spent minor fortunes on bets like Shiba Inu (SHIB-USD) and SafeMoon (SAFEMOON-USD) only to see them flatline or fall after the initial craze. My ordinarily-bullish colleagues — Luke Lango and Charlie Shrem — have even identified 27 cryptos to SELL before they die in their Crypto Investor Network (To sign up for the service to access the special report, click here).

但無論如何,這並沒有阻止後來者嘗試。成千上萬充滿希望的投資者在諸如此類的賭注上花了小錢 柴犬SHIB-USD) 和 安全月亮SAFEMOON-USD)只能看到它們在最初的熱潮之後處於平坦狀態或掉落。我平時看漲的同事——盧克·蘭戈和查理·什雷姆——甚至已經確定了27種加密貨幣在它們死之前可以出售 加密投資者網絡 (要註冊該服務以訪問特別報告,請單擊此處)。

Investors looking to build long-term wealth shouldn't fall into the low-quality trap. Bitcoin (BTC-USD) was once an innovative bet among a sea of pretenders. Repeating that type of return involves finding similar bets today.

希望積累長期財富的投資者不應陷入低質量的陷阱。 比特幣BTC-USD)曾經是一大批假裝者中的一個創新賭注。重複這種類型的回報需要在今天找到類似的賭注。

P.S. Do you want to hear more about cryptocurrencies? Penny stocks? Options? Leave me a note at or connect with me on LinkedIn and let me know what you'd like to see.

附言:你想聽聽更多關於加密貨幣的信息嗎?細價股?選項?在 給我留言或者在 LinkedIn 上聯繫我然後告訴我你想看到甚麼。

FREE REPORT: 17 Reddit Penny Stocks to Buy Now


Thomas Yeung is an expert when it comes to finding fast-paced growth opportunities on Reddit. He recommended Dogecoin before it skyrocketed over 8,000%, Ripple before it flew up more than 480% and Cardano before it soared 460%. Now, in a new report, he's naming 17 of his favorite Reddit penny stocks. Claim your FREE COPY here!

Thomas Yeung是Reddit上尋找快節奏增長機會的專家。在狗狗幣飆升超過8,000%之前,他推薦了狗狗幣,在上漲超過480%之前推薦了瑞波幣,在飆升460%之前推薦了卡爾達諾。現在,在一份新報告中,他列舉了17只他最喜歡的Reddit細價股。在這裏領取免費副本!

On the date of publication, Tom Yeung did not have (either directly or indirectly) any positions in the securities mentioned in this article.

在發佈之日,Tom Yeung沒有(直接或間接)持有本文提及的證券的任何頭寸。

Tom Yeung, CFA, is a registered investment advisor on a mission to bring simplicity to the world of investing.

Tom Yeung,CFA,註冊投資顧問,其使命是簡化投資世界。

The post 3 Metaverse Cryptos Surviving the Bear Market Shakeout appeared first on InvestorPlace.

《3 元界加密貨幣在熊市震盪中倖存下來》一文首次出現在 InvestorPlace 上。

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