
Acquisition of Upstart Oat Milk Brand SMPL Oats is Double Down on In-House Brands and Vertical Growth Strategy for Vegano Foods

Acquisition of Upstart Oat Milk Brand SMPL Oats is Double Down on In-House Brands and Vertical Growth Strategy for Vegano Foods

收购 Upstart Oat Milk Brand SMPL Oats 对内部品牌和 Vegano Foods 的垂直增长战略产生了双重影响
newsfile ·  2022/04/04 01:16

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - April 4, 2022) - Vegano Foods Inc. (CSE: VAGN) (OTC PINK: VAGNF) (the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has a definitive agreement (the "Agreement") among the Company, 1355441 BC Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company ("Subco") and Smpl Oats Ltd. ("SMPL"), under which the Company will all of the outstanding shares of privately held SMPL (the "SMPL Shares"), in consideration for approximately $3.0 million of Vegano common shares (the "Vegano Shares").

不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华--(Newsfile Corp.-2022 年 4 月 4 日)- Vegano Foods Inc (CSE: VAGN)(OTC PINK: VAGNF)(“公司”)欣然宣布,该公司全资子公司1355441 BC Ltd.(“Subco”)和Smpl Oats Ltd.(“SMPL”)签订了最终协议(“协议”),根据该协议,公司将持有私人控股的SMPL(“SMPL”)的所有已发行股份 PL Shares”),对价约300万美元的Vegano普通股(“Vegano Shares”)。

SMPL creates innovative Oat Milk that is dairy-free, gluten free, nut-free and plant based. Operating in the global plant-based beverage market, which is expected to grow to US$22.78 billion by 2027, exhibiting a compounded annual growth rate of 8%[1], the brand soft launched its premium and nutritious oat milk in late 2021.

SMPL 创造了创新的燕麦奶,它不含乳制品、无麸质、不含坚果和植物成分。在全球植物性饮料市场开展业务,预计到2027年,该市场将增长至227.8亿美元,复合年增长率为8%[1],该品牌soft于2021年底推出了其优质且营养丰富的燕麦奶。

During its first full year of operations, Vegano Foods stocked its pristine-digital marketplace with some of the world's best and healthiest brands and products including CHIWIS, LEVEL GROUND, PRANA and MADE GOOD. The acquisition of SMPL Oats is the companies first, and it marks a critical milestone in the development of a vertical distribution model that can scale opportunities on its unique plant-based foods Shopify (TSE: SHOP) marketplace. In the same way that Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN) used its marketplace to choose which brands to bring in house under its Amazon Basics program, Vegano intends to purchase and make investments into brands consumers are seeking out on its platform.

在运营的第一整年中,Vegano Foods在其原始数字市场上存放了一些世界上最好、最健康的品牌和产品,包括CHIWIS、LEVEL GROUND、PRANA和MADE GOOD。收购SMPL Oats是两家公司的第一笔交易,它标志着开发可扩展的垂直分销模式的关键里程碑在其独特的植物性食品 Shopify(TSE: SHOP)市场上有机会。就像亚马逊(纳斯达克股票代码:AMZN)利用其市场选择根据其Amazon Basics计划引入哪些品牌一样,Vegano打算购买消费者在其平台上寻找的品牌并进行投资。

Additionally, to continue its forward momentum, Vegano Foods will re-focus and maximize the performance of capital through its other in-house branded products such as its Greens Blend and Protein Powder drink mixes - products that work seamlessly with SMPL while driving increase carts size and recurring purchases.

此外,为了保持其前进势头,Vegano Foods将通过其其他内部品牌产品,例如其Greens Blend和Protein Powder饮料混合物,重新聚焦并最大限度地提高资本表现,这些产品可与SMPL无缝配合,同时推动购物车规模的增加和定期购买。

This combination of in-house owned products, efficient supply chain of best-in-class health foods and seamless shopping and delivery experience aims to position Vegano for category dominance and deliver long-term shareholder growth.


Says Vegano CEO Conor Power, "The initial success of SMPL Oats, our aligned mission to help Canadians build healthy eating habits and live a more health-conscious life and strong industry tails winds make this acquisition a perfect fit for shareholders and customers of our burgeoning marketplace."

Vegano首席执行官Conor Power说:“SMPL Oats的初步成功,我们的使命是帮助加拿大人养成健康的饮食习惯,过上更注重健康的生活,以及强劲的行业逆风,使此次收购非常适合我们蓬勃发展的市场的股东和客户。”

Plant-based Food & Beverage Market


The Plant Based Foods Association defines plant based as "food and beverages made from plants that contain no animal derived ingredients".[2]

植物性食品协会将植物性食品定义为 “由不含动物衍生成分的植物制成的食品和饮料”。[2]

The North American plant-based beverage market is projected to be valued at US$111.4 million by 2023.[3] North America is projected to be the fastest-growing region with a compounded annual growth rate of 8.5% from 2021 to 2017 due to a fast-growing vegan population in the region.[4] Increasing innovation by key regional players is expected to strengthen the North American market. In 2020, the Asia-Pacific market had a share of 34%, owing to the rising per capita income of the middle-class population.[5] Finally, Europe is also seeing explosive growth in the plant-based beverage sector, as European countries are increasingly adopting more healthy lifestyles.

预计到2023年,北美植物基饮料市场的价值将达到1.114亿美元。[3] 由于该地区素食人口的快速增长,预计北美将成为增长最快的地区,从2021年到2017年,复合年增长率为8.5%。[4] 预计主要区域参与者的创新力度将增强北美市场。2020年,由于中产阶级人口的人均收入增加,亚太市场的份额为34%。[5] 最后,随着欧洲国家越来越多地采用更健康的生活方式,欧洲的植物性饮料行业也出现了爆炸式增长。

Plant-based beverages can be divided into the following segments by product type: dairy substitutes, juices, smoothies, ready-to-drink tea & coffee, and other plant derived drinks. Plant-based dairy alternatives are expected to exhibit steady growth and continue to be dominant in market share.


Transaction Terms


The Agreement provides for the acquisition of all the outstanding shares of SMPL by way of a three-cornered amalgamation (the "Amalgamation").


The Amalgamation will be completed under the Business Corporations Act (British Columbia), whereby Subco will amalgamate with SMPL (the "Amalgamation") and the holders of SMPL Shares (the "SMPL Shareholders") will each receive 0.8936 Vegano Shares in exchange for the cancellation of each SMPL Shares. In consideration for all outstanding share capital of SMPL, the Company is expected to issue 28,571,428 common shares, 19,460,512 share purchase warrants to the existing security holders of SMPL. Share purchase warrants are broken down as follows: and 1,468,606 of the share purchase warrants will be exercisable to acquire an additional common share of the Company at a price of $0.112 until February 9, 2024; 5,808,481 of the share purchase warrants will be exercisable to acquire an additional common share of the Company at a price of $0.056 until July 13, 2023; 182,654 of the share purchase warrants will be exercisable to acquire an additional common share of the Company at a price of $0.056 until August 30, 2023; 31,812 of the share purchase warrants will be exercisable to acquire an additional common share of the Company at a price of $0.056 until October 8, 2023; 141,190 of the share purchase warrants will be exercisable to acquire an additional common share of the Company at a price of $0.056 until December 21, 2023; 5,750,000 of the share purchase warrants will be exercisable to acquire an additional common share of the Company at a price of $0.056 until March 25th, 2024; and 6,721,306 of the share purchase warrants will be exercisable to acquire an additional common share of the Company at a price of $0.0112 for a period of two years from the date of closing of the acquisition.


The corporation continuing from the Amalgamation will be a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company.


Pursuant to the terms of the Agreement, the closing of the Amalgamation is subject to a number of conditions precedent, including but not limited to: (i) the Amalgamation being approved by a special majority of the SMPL Shareholders; (ii) the receipt of all consents, orders and approvals, including regulatory approvals and orders, necessary or desirable for the completion of the Amalgamation; (iii) completion of due diligence by Vegano; (iv) the exercise of SMPL Special Warrants; (v) compliance with applicable securities laws; (vi) the Amalgamation becoming effective prior to June 30, 2022; and (vii) the satisfaction of other customary closing conditions for transactions of a similar nature to the Amalgamation.

根据协议条款,完成合并须遵守许多先决条件,包括但不限于:(i) 合并获得SMPL特别多数股东的批准;(ii) 收到完成合并所必需或需要的所有同意、命令和批准,包括监管部门的批准和命令;(iii) Vegano完成尽职调查;(iv) SMPL特别认股权证的行使;(v)遵守适用的证券法;(vi)合并变成在2022年6月30日之前生效;以及(vii)满足与合并性质相似的交易的其他惯例成交条件。

The acquisition of SMPL is not expected to constitute a fundamental change for the Company, nor is it expected to result in a change of control of the Company, within the meaning provided by the policies of the Canadian Securities Exchange. A copy of the Amalgamation Agreement will be filed under the Company's profile at .


Related Party Disclosure


Each of Conor Power and Joel Primus, directors of the Company, are also directors and shareholders of SMPL and accordingly, the acquisition of SMPL securities from each of Messrs. Power and Primus constitutes a related party transaction under Multilateral Instrument 61-101 - Protection of Minority Security Holders in Special Transactions ("MI 61-101"). The Amalgamation is exempt from the formal valuation and minority shareholder approval requirements of MI 61-101 based on the exemption set out section 5.5(b) Issuer Not Listed on Specified Market and Section 5.7(1)(b) Fair Market Value Not More than $2,500,000. The Agreement was approved by the independent director of the Company. Additional information required pursuant to MI 61-101 will be provided in the material change report to be filed by the Company in connection with the transaction.

公司董事康纳·鲍尔和乔尔·普里姆斯也是SMPL的董事和股东,因此,根据多边文书 61-101,从Power先生和Primus先生手中收购SMPL证券构成关联方交易- 在特殊交易中保护少数证券持有人 (“MI 61-101”)。根据第 5.5 (b) 节和第 5.7 (1) (b) 条规定的豁免,合并不受MI 61-101的正式估值和少数股东批准要求的约束 公允市场价值不超过 2,500,000 美元。该协议已获得公司独立董事的批准。MI 61-101所要求的其他信息将在公司提交的与交易有关的重大变更报告中提供。

Other business


Investor relations


The Company has paid Media Corp. $40,000 for landing page design and development and paid media.

该公司已向 Media Corp. 支付了4万美元用于登陆页面设计和开发以及付费媒体。

Shares for debt


Vegano Foods Inc. also announces that the Company settled C$36,000 owed to a consultant, through the issuance of 300,000 common shares of the Company at a price of C$0.12 per share. A statutory hold period of four-months and one day is in place on the issuance of these shares in accordance with applicable securities laws.

Vegano Foods Inc. 还宣布,该公司通过以每股0.12加元的价格发行30万股公司普通股,结清了欠顾问的36,000加元。根据适用的证券法,发行这些股票的法定持有期为四个月零一天。



Vegano Foods Inc. is Canada's premier 100% plant-based meal box company that operates in Vancouver and is set to expand to Toronto, Montreal, and Los Angeles later this year. Founded in March of 2020, Vegano helps make healthy plant-based eating more accessible to Canadians, allowing them to take veganism beyond Meatless Mondays and Veganuary. Vegano uses high-quality ingredients sourced from local farmers and producers to ensure that its meal kits are delivered fresh to their members every week. With many chef-created recipes, Vegano's meals can be prepared in under 45 minutes, allowing people to spend less time on meal prep and more time on things they love. For more information, visit .

Vegano Foods Inc. 是加拿大首屈一指的100%植物性餐盒公司,在温哥华开展业务,并将于今年晚些时候扩展到多伦多、蒙特利尔和洛杉矶。Vegano成立于2020年3月,帮助加拿大人更容易获得健康的植物性饮食,使他们能够将素食主义带到无肉星期一和素食主义之外。Vegano使用来自当地农民和生产者的优质食材,以确保其餐包每周新鲜运送给会员。Vegano有许多由厨师创作的食谱,可以在不到45分钟的时间内准备好饭菜,这使人们可以减少在准备饭菜上的时间,将更多的时间花在自己喜欢的事情上。欲了解更多信息,请访问。

Conor Power, CEO & Director


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The CSE has neither approved nor disapproved the contents of this news release. The CSE does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

CSE既没有批准也没有反对本新闻稿的内容。CSE 对本新闻稿的充分性或准确性不承担任何责任。

[1] Vision Research Reports. (2020, December). Plant-based beverages market size, share, growth, trends, company analysis, regional insights and forecast 2021 - 2027. Vision Research Reports.

[1] 视觉研究报告。(2020 年 12 月)。植物性饮料市场规模、份额、增长、趋势、公司分析、区域见解和2021-2027年的预测。视觉研究报告。

[2] Benzaquen, D. (2021, July 13). Plant Based Foods Association.

[2] Benzaquen,D.(2021 年 7 月 13 日)。植物性食品协会。

[3] WantStats Research And Media Pvt. Ltd. (2021, February). Plant-based beverages market research, size, share, Global Forecast 2027: MRFR.

[3] WantStats 研究与媒体私人有限公司(2021 年 2 月)。植物性饮料市场研究,规模,份额,2027年全球预测:MRFR。

Plant-Based Beverages Market Research, Size, Share, Global Forecast 2027 | MRFR.

植物性饮料市场研究,规模,份额,2027年全球预测 | MRFR。

[4] Vision Research Reports. (2020, December). Plant-based beverages market size, share, growth, trends, company analysis, regional insights and forecast 2021 - 2027. Vision Research Reports.

[4] 视觉研究报告。(2020 年 12 月)。植物性饮料市场规模、份额、增长、趋势、公司分析、区域见解和2021-2027年的预测。视觉研究报告。

[5] Vision Research Reports. (2020, December). Plant-based beverages market size, share, growth, trends, company analysis, regional insights and forecast 2021 - 2027. Vision Research Reports.

[5] 视觉研究报告。(2020 年 12 月)。植物性饮料市场规模、份额、增长、趋势、公司分析、区域见解和2021-2027年的预测。视觉研究报告。

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