London, UK, April 04, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- China Food and Beverage Company (OTC Pink: CHIF), an Esports and Blockchain Consortium Venture company, today announced that it plans to change its name to Championship International Fintech Inc. as part of an overall rebranding of the Company and its business units and entrance into the massive Esports arena. The name change reflects the company's hybrid strategy into the Esports and Blockchain sectors, where both markets are growing very rapidly.
CHIF management believes the timing is right to enter the booming Esports and Blockchain markets. The global Esports market revenue was valued at just over $1 billion in 2021 and is being projected to grow 400% in the next seven years to an estimated $4.28 billion by 2027. As competitive video games continue to integrate into popular culture, global investors, brands, and media outlets are all paying attention. Consumers are as well. In fact, there will be 29.6 million monthly Esports viewers in 2022, up 11.5% from 2021, according to our estimates.
The global blockchain services market is expected to grow from $2.94 billion in 2021 to $4.65 billion in 2022, at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 58%.
Mr. Yuen Wong, Chairman of CHIF and Silverbear Capital partner stated, "This is a rebranding process of the Company, as part of our new corporate strategy and we are determined to take the Company to the next level. From our promising research, the industry has seen a huge uptick in investment from venture capitalists, and more recently from private equity firms. The number of investments in Esports doubled in 2018, going from 34 in 2017 to 68 in 2018, as per Deloitte. That is reflected in the total dollars invested also. Investments are up to $4.5 billion in 2018 from just $490 million the year before, a staggering YoY growth rate of 837%, as per Deloitte. These investments are distributed to players across the Ecosystem, from Esports organizations, to tournament operators, to digital broadcasters, allowing it to function and grow."
Jeff Au, CEO of CHIF and Silverbear Capital partner stated, "We are also positioning ourselves into the Blockchain business combining, the GameFi and Esports model, which is unique in this market. We believe the joint chemistry of Esports and Blockchain strategy will be the first of its kind in the market space.
Last month, CHIF announced the appointment of Bitmart Cryptocurrency Exchange Managing Partner, Mr. Yuen Wong, as the Company's Chairman of the Board of Directors effective immediately. BitMart is a premier global digital asset trading platform with over 5.5 million users worldwide and ranked among the top crypto exchanges according to CoinGecko. BitMart currently offers 600+ trading pairs with one of the lowest trading fees in the market. Bitmart's platform supports over 220 cryptocurrencies and has a 24-hour trading volume of approximately $1.5 Billion according to
As a tech-savvy blockchain enthusiast, Mr. Wong also acts as an advisor to many successful blockchain projects. He is the CEO of LABS Group Limited , the world's first end to end Blockchain powered real estate digital investment platform that provides access to fractionalized property and business ownership. LABS is taking a proactive role in spearheading the Esports hotel business, and capitalizing on the current GameFi and Metaverse trend.
Mr. Wong also works as a strategic partner with Arena Esports Hotel , and has assisted by tokenizing the properties and offering them on LABS crowdfunding platform. The first project is located at Bugis Village, Singapore, which is the largest Esports hotel in Southeast Asia and the world's first hotel with VR concepts. The plan is to expand to 50 locations through the partnership and franchise model in 3-5 years and reach over 2,733,000 people in-residence. Arena Esports Hotel is currently expanding in Southeast Asia, targeting Cambodia, Malaysia and Vietnam.
Mr. Wong currently serves as a co-founder GEMS , an Esports 3.0 aggregator platform within the online and offline communities. It propels Esports into 3.0 by integrating GameFi, Mataverse and SocialFi elements, and leverages on Arena Esports Hotels, in order to integrate the young population into the new sharing economy.
Silverbear Capital Inc. a leading, global investment banking and advisory firm, will be advising NSAV on strategic matters related to this transaction.
Silverbear Capital Inc. (SBC) has a dynamic of disciplines on a broad commercial level and practice. SBC has a strong group of Partners in a wide range of disciplines with seasoned experience in finance, management, and professional practice.
Disclaimer: Silverbear Capital Inc. does not constitute investment advice, or an offer or solicitation to sell, or a solicitation to buy, or any other investment product (nor shall any such shares or product be offered or sold to any person) in any jurisdiction in which an offer, solicitation, purchase or sale would be unlawful under the securities law of that jurisdiction.
CHIF's vision is the establishment of a fully integrated technology company that provides turnkey technological solutions to the Esport, Cryptocurrency, Blockchain and Digital Asset industries. Over time, the Company plans to provide a wide range of services such as software solutions, e-commerce, advisory services, financial services and information technology.
For further information, please contact CHIF at
The CHIF Twitter account can be accessed at
This press release contains certain forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, which are intended to be covered by the safe harbors created thereby. Investors are cautioned that, all forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties, including without limitation, the ability of China Food and Beverage Company to accomplish its stated plan of business. China Food and Beverage Company believes that the assumptions underlying the forward-looking statements contained herein are reasonable, any of the assumptions could be inaccurate, and therefore, there can be no assurance that the forward-looking statements included in this press release will prove to be accurate. In light of the significant uncertainties inherent in the forward- looking statements included herein, the inclusion of such information should not be regarded as a representation by China Food and Beverage Company or any other person.
China Food and Beverage Company
先月、CHIFはビットマ暗号通貨取引所管理パートナーの袁Wongさんを会社の取締役会長に任命することを発表し、すぐに発効しました。CoinGeckoのデータによると、BitMartは世界で550万人を超えるユーザーを擁し、トップクラスの暗号取引所にランクインした世界有数のデジタル資産取引プラットフォームである。BitMartは現在600対以上の取引対を提供しており、取引手数料は市場で最も低い一つである。Coinmarket cap.comのデータによると,Bitmartのプラットフォームは220種類以上の暗号通貨をサポートしており,24時間取引額は約15億ドルである
Wongさん氏は、技術に精通したブロックチェーンマニアとして、成功したブロックチェーンプロジェクトの多くのアドバイザーも務めています。Labs Group Limitedの最高経営責任者であり、世界初のエンドツーエンドブロックチェーン駆動の不動産デジタル投資プラットフォームであり、細分化された財産と企業所有権へのアクセスを提供する。Labsは電子競技ホテルのビジネスをリードするために積極的な役割を果たし、現在のGameFiとメタバースの傾向を利用しています。
Wongさんはまた、アリーナ電子競技ホテルの戦略的パートナーであり、物件をマーク化し、ラボのクラウドファンディングプラットフォームで提供することを支援しています。最初のプロジェクトはシンガポールのブギス村にあり、東南アジア最大の電子競技ホテルであり、世界で初めてVRの概念を持つホテルでもある。3−5年以内に協力と特許経営モデルにより50地点に拡張し,273.3万人を超えるカバーを計画している。アリーナeSports Hotelは現在東南アジアで拡張しており、カンボジア、マレーシア、ベトナムを狙っている。
Wongさんは現在、オンラインとオフラインのコミュニティ内の電子競技3.0集約プラットフォームであるGEMSの共同創設者を務めています。これは,GameFi,Matverse,SocialFi要素を統合することにより,eSportsを3.0に推進し,アリーナeSports Hotelsを利用して,若い人口を新たな共有経済に融合させる.
免責声明:SilverBear Capital Inc.は投資提案、要約または販売の誘致、購入または任意の他の投資製品(いかなるこのような株や製品も誰にも提供または販売してはならない)を構成せず、当該司法管轄区における要約、誘致、購入または販売は不法である。
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本プレスリリースには、改正された1933年“証券法”第27 A節及び1934年“証券取引法”第21 E節に示されたいくつかの前向きな陳述が含まれており、これらの陳述は、それによって生成された安全港によってカバーされることを目的としている。投資家は、すべての展望性表現にはリスクと不確定性が含まれており、中国食品飲料会社がその業務計画を実現する能力を含むが、これらに限定されないことに注意してください。中国食品飲料会社は、本文に含まれる前向き陳述の仮定は合理的であり、どの仮説も不正確である可能性があるため、本プレスリリースに含まれる前向き陳述が正確であることが証明されることは保証されないと考えている。本プレスリリースに含まれる展望性表現に重大な不確定性が存在することを考慮して、このような情報を含むことは中国食品飲料会社或いは任意の他の人々の陳述と見なすべきではない。