Locafy有限公司(“公司”)普通股和权证的以下描述仅供参考,并非公司尚未发行的普通股和权证的完整描述。该描述基于并由公司的章程(“章程”)、样本普通股股票证书、公司代表权证和样本权证证书所支持,这些文件作为Form 20-F年度报告的附件进行了提交,本展品2.1即为其中之一。
澳大利亚法律不限制公司可以发行的授权股本,并且不承认面值概念板块。 根据我们的章程、澳大利亚《公司法》(以下简称“公司法”)和纳斯达克资本市场(“纳斯达克”)证券上市规则,我们的董事有权发行我们的股本、授予未发行股份的期权,并确定应如何处理股份的分数。董事们可以决定发行股份或授予期权的对象、条款以及附加在这些股份或期权上的权利和限制,但须遵守我们的章程、公司法和纳斯达克规定。
每个 持有我们普通股的股东有权收到通知,并出席、投票和发言参加股东大会。除非附加在赞成任何股份的任何权利或限制,按举手表决时,每位在场的普通股持有人有一票,按表决书面表决时,每持有一份已全额支付股份的股东有一票,对于每份未完全支付的股份,其投票权相当于已缴纳金额的比例。投票可以亲自进行,也可以通过代理人、律师或代表进行。
任何股东大会上,除非有构成法定议事会的法定股东人数在场,否则不得进行任何无关 业务 、选举主席以及会议休会的事务,该股东人数可包括以亲自出席、代理出席、授权委托或代表出席的两名股东。
种类 权益的变动
《公司法》中没有特定的限制,限制非居民或外国股东收购、拥有或处置澳大利亚公司股份。 1975年外国收购与收购法案 《联邦法》规管对澳大利亚公司的投资,并可能限制非居民或外国股东收购、拥有和处置我们的普通股。
股东 会议
特别决议通常涉及更重要的问题,影响我们所有人或部分或所有股东的权利。 根据我们的章程和《公司法》,在各种情况下都需要特别决议,包括但不限于:
● | 修改我们的名称; | |
● | 修订或废除并更新我们的宪法; | |
● | 批准优先股发行条款; | |
● | 批准变更任何股东类别的类别权利; | |
● | 将一类股票转换为另一类股票; | |
● | 批准某些股票的买入; | |
● | 批准对我们股票进行有选择性的资本减少; | |
● | 批准为某人提供财务帮助以收购我们的股票; | |
● | 更改我们公司的类型; | |
● | 在经过澳大利亚授权法院的批准后,批准我们的自愿清算; | |
● | 授予清算人在补偿安排方面,要么一般要么具体的权限;和 | |
● | 批准一家公司即将或正在清算过程中达成的安排。 |
每个 整体Warrants可按每普通股82.50美元的行使价格转为一股普通股。Warrants可以立即行使,并将在发行后五年内立即行使。行使价格 和行使后可发行的普通股数量将在遇到送转、拆股并股、重组或其他类似事件影响我们普通股时进行适当调整。Warrants仅以证书形式发行。
该 Warrants 可由每位持有人选择全部或部分行使,通过向我们提交一份适当签署的行使通知书,并支付所购普通股的全部款项(除非是下面讨论的无现金行使情况)。持有人(连同其关联方)不得行使其Warrants 的任何部分,前提是行使后持有人将拥有超过4.895%的已发行普通股。
无现金 行使
A 持有人可以选择在向我们交还该权证及适当的转让工具后转让权证。
Trading Market
There is no established trading market for any of the warrants. Although the warrants are listed on Nasdaq, an active trading market for our warrants may never develop or may not be sustained if one develops. Without an active trading market, the liquidity of the warrants will be limited.
Rights as a Shareholder
Except as otherwise provided in the warrants or by virtue of the holders’ ownership of our ordinary shares, the holders of warrants do not have the rights or privileges of holders of our ordinary shares, including any voting rights, until such warrant holders exercise their warrants.
Fundamental Transaction
In the event of a fundamental transaction, as described in the warrants and generally including any reorganization, recapitalization or reclassification of our ordinary shares, the sale, transfer or other disposition of all or substantially all of our properties or assets, our consolidation or merger with or into another person, the acquisition of more than 50% of our outstanding ordinary shares, or any person or group becoming the beneficial owner of 50% of the voting power represented by our outstanding ordinary shares, the holders of the warrants are entitled to receive upon exercise of the warrants the kind and amount of securities, cash or other property that the holders would have received had they exercised the warrants immediately prior to such fundamental transaction.
Waivers and Amendments
No term of the warrants may be amended or waived without the written consent of the holder of such warrant.
Exclusive Forum
We have agreed that any action, proceeding or claim against us arising out of or relating in any way to the warrants will be brought and enforced in the courts of the State of New York sitting in the City and County of New York or the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, and we irrevocably submit to such jurisdiction, which jurisdiction will be the exclusive forum for any such action, proceeding or claim. See “Risk Factors”. This exclusive forum provision shall not apply to suits brought to enforce a duty or liability created by the Exchange Act, any other claim for which the federal courts have exclusive jurisdiction or any complaint asserting a cause of action arising under the Securities Act against us or any of our directors, officers, other employees or agents. Section 27 of the Exchange Act creates exclusive federal jurisdiction over all suits brought to enforce any duty or liability created by the Exchange Act or the rules and regulations thereunder.
Our ordinary shares and warrants are listed on Nasdaq under the symbols “LCFY” and “LCFYW”, respectively.
Transfer Agent, Registrar and Auditor
The transfer agent and registrar for our ordinary shares in the United States is Computershare Trust Company, N.A. at its principal office in Canton, Massachusetts.
Grant Thornton Audit Pty Ltd, located at Central Park, 152-158 St Georges Terrace, Perth WA 6000, Australia is our independent registered public accounting firm and has been appointed as our independent auditor.