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根据《1933年证券法》第425条,由Semper Paratus Acquisition Corporation提交



主题公司:Semper Paratus Acquisition Corporation

(SEC档案号码 333-274519)



Tevogen Bio期待与Semper Paratus完成交易。




新泽西州华伦 - Tevogen Bio Inc(“Tevogen Bio”)期待并继续努力朝著与Semper Paratus Acquisition Corporation提议的业务合并预定的结束迈进。


“Tevogen Bio的业务结合与Semper Paratus可以帮助我们实现成为第一家在病毒学、肿瘤学和神经学领域为大型患者群提供具商业吸引力和负担得起的个性化t细胞治疗的生命科学公司的目标,我们期待投资者有机会加入我们的使命,”Tevogen Bio的首席执行官Ryan Saadi表示。「我们认为可取得的个性化治疗是医学的下一个前沿,破坏性的业务模式是维持医疗创新所需的。」


关于Tevogen Bio


Tevogen Bio是一家临床阶段的专业免疫治疗公司,利用自然界中最强大的免疫武器之一——CD8+细胞毒性T淋巴细胞,开发无需基因修改的即插即用精密T细胞疗法,用于治疗传染病、癌症和神经疾病,旨在满足大量患者的重大未满足需求。Tevogen的领导层认为,在当前医疗保健时代,可持续性和商业成功取决于通过先进科学和创新业务模式确保患者可及性。Tevogen已从其概念证明临床试验中报告了积极的安全数据,其重要知识产权资产完全由公司拥有,不受任何与第三方的授权协议约束。这些资产包括三项已授权专利和十二项待批专利,其中两项与人工智能相关。


Tevogen Bio由一群经验丰富的行业领导者和杰出的科学家推动,具有药物开发和全球产品推出经验。






Semper Paratus是一家专门成立的特殊目的收购公司,旨在实现合并、股本交易、资产收购、股份购买、重组或类似业务组合,与一家或多家企业进行。其主要人员拥有公共和私人市场投资经验和运营知识,可为Tevogen Bio带来增值效益。Semper Paratus团队在多个领域的投资和运营业务方面积累了丰富经验,并具有在创造性结构交易以释放和最大化价值方面的重要长期记录。




本新闻稿包含某些不属于历史事实的前瞻性陈述,依据联邦证券法针对Semper Paratus与Tevogen Bio之业务组合的前瞻性陈述,包括但不限于关于合并公司在纳斯达克上市的预期,业务组合的好处,业务组合的预期时间,预期的企业价值,Tevogen Bio在结束后的未来财务状况和表现以及业务组合预期的财务影响,满足业务组合的结束条件,Semper Paratus的公众股东的赎回水平以及Tevogen Bio的产品候选者、产品、市场和预期的未来表现和市场机遇。这些前瞻性陈述通常通过“相信”,“项目”,“预期”,“预计”,“估计”,“打算”,“思考”,“策略”,“未来”,“机会”,“潜力”,“计划”,“寻求”,“可能”,“应该”,“将”,“将继续”,“很可能导致”,类似的表达来识别,但缺少这些词不代表一个陈述不是前瞻性。前瞻性陈述是关于未来事件的预测、投影和其他陈述,基于当前的期望和假设,因此受到风险和不确定性。


这些前瞻性陈述仅供说明目的,并不应视为担保、保证、预测或确定性陈述,亦不应依赖为事实或可能性的保证。实际事件和情况难以或不可能预测,并将有所不同于假设。许多因素可能导致实际未来事件与本沟通中的前瞻性陈述有实质差异,包括但不限于:(i) 业务整合可能未能在Semper Paratus的业务整合期限内按时或完全完成,这可能对Semper Paratus证券的价格产生不利影响;(ii) 未满足业务整合完成的条件,包括Semper Paratus股东通过Merger Agreement的批准、在结束时要求具备最低现金要求,包括可能由Semper Paratus股东进行的任何赎回,以及获得某些监管机构和第三方的批准;(iii) 可能导致Merger Agreement终止的任何事件、变化或其他情况;(iv) 赎回超出预期水平或未能满足与业务整合有关的Nasdaq初始上市标准;(v) 业务整合的公告或进行中对Tevogen Bio的业务关系、运营结果和业务普遍产生的影响;(vi) 业务整合可能会破坏Tevogen Bio当前的计划和运作;(vii) 可能针对Tevogen Bio或针对Merger Agreement或业务整合有关的Semper Paratus提起的任何法律诉讼结果;(viii) Tevogen Bio竞争的市场变化,包括其竞争环境、技术进化或监管变化;(ix) 国内和全球总体经济情况的变化;(x) Tevogen Bio可能无法执行其增长策略或可能在管理增长和扩张业务方面遇到困难;(xi) 与COVID-19全球大流行和应对相关的风险;(xii) Tevogen Bio可能无法制定和维护有效的内部控制的风险;(xiii) 与业务整合相关的费用以及未能实现业务整合预期收益或实现预估的调整细则结果和基本假设,包括预期的股东赎回;(xiv) 未能实现业务整合预期收益并实现Tevogen Bio的商业化和发展计划以及确定和实现额外机会的风险,这可能受到竞争、Tevogen Bio增长和经济地管理增长以及招聘和保留关键员工能力等因素的影响;(xv) Tevogen Bio可能无法跟上快速技术发展提供新的创新产品和服务或对不成功的新产品和服务进行大量投资的风险;(xvi) 发展、许可或收购新疗法的能力;(xvii) Tevogen Bio将需要筹集额外资本执行其业务计划的风险,这些资本可能没有按可接受条件提供,或根本提供不了;(xviii) 产品责任或与Tevogen Bio业务有关的监管诉讼或诉讼风险;(xix) 在执行、成本及完成临床前研究和临床试验过程中固有的不确定性,与监管审查、批准和商业发展有关的风险;(xx) 与知识产权保护有关的风险;(xxi) Tevogen Bio有限的运营历史;以及(xxii) Semper Paratus向美国证券交易委员会提交的文件中讨论的因素,并包含在与业务整合相关的Proxy Statement/Prospectus 中。




The foregoing list of factors is not exhaustive. You should carefully consider the foregoing factors and the other risks and uncertainties described in the “Risk Factors” section of the Proxy Statement/Prospectus and other documents to be filed by Semper Paratus from time to time with the SEC. These filings identify and address other important risks and uncertainties that could cause actual events and results to differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date they are made. Readers are cautioned not to put undue reliance on forward-looking statements, and while Tevogen Bio and Semper Paratus may elect to update these forward-looking statements at some point in the future, they assume no obligation to update or revise these forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by applicable law. Neither of Tevogen Bio or Semper Paratus gives any assurance that Tevogen Bio or Semper Paratus, or the combined company, will achieve its expectations. These forward-looking statements should not be relied upon as representing Semper Paratus’ or Tevogen Bio’s assessments as of any date subsequent to the date of this Current Report.


Additional Information and Where to Find It


In connection with the Merger Agreement and the Business Combination, Semper Paratus has filed materials with the SEC, including a registration statement on Form S-4 (the “Form S-4”) and the Proxy Statement/Prospectus. On or about January 11, 2024, Semper Paratus mailed the Proxy Statement/Prospectus to its shareholders. This communication is not intended to be, and is not, a substitute for the Proxy Statement/Prospectus or any other document that Semper Paratus has filed or may file with the SEC in connection with the Business Combination. The Company’s shareholders and other interested persons are advised to read the Form S-4, the Proxy Statement/Prospectus, and documents incorporated by reference therein filed in connection with the Business Combination, as these materials contain or will contain important information about Semper Paratus, Tevogen Bio, the Merger Agreement, and the Business Combination. Before making any voting or investment decision, investors and shareholders of Semper Paratus are urged to carefully read the entire Proxy Statement/Prospectus and any other relevant documents filed with the SEC, as well as any amendments or supplements to these documents. Semper Paratus’ investors and shareholders will also be able to obtain copies of the Proxy Statement/Prospectus, and other documents filed with the SEC that will be incorporated by reference therein, without charge, once available, at the SEC’s website at www.sec.gov, or by directing a request to: Semper Paratus Acquisition Corporation, 767 Third Avenue, 38th Floor, New York, NY, 10017, Attention: Mr. Suren Ajjarapu.


Participants in the Solicitation


Semper Paratus, Tevogen Bio, and their respective directors, executive officers, other members of management and employees may be deemed participants in the solicitation of proxies from Semper Paratus’ shareholders with respect to the Business Combination. Investors and security holders may obtain more detailed information regarding the names and interests in the Business Combination of Semper Paratus’ and Tevogen Bio’s directors and officers in Semper Paratus’ filings with the SEC, including the Form S-4 and the Proxy Statement/Prospectus.


No Offer or Solicitation


This press release is not a solicitation of a proxy, consent or authorization with respect to any securities or in respect of the Business Combination and will not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any securities, nor will there be any sale of securities in any states or jurisdictions in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful prior to registration or qualification under the securities laws of any such jurisdiction. No offer of securities shall be made except by means of a prospectus meeting the requirements of the Securities Act.




Tevogen Communications

T: 1 877 TEVOGEN, Ext 701
