非合格 股票期權授予協議
1. 這些 非合格 股票期權的普通股股份數量在授予摘要頁面上指示(該“非合格 Stock Options”) are granted to you under and are governed by the terms and conditions of the 2022 Performance Plan of The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company, adopted effective April 11, 2022 (as amended from time to time, the 「Plan」), and this Grant Agreement. As your stock options are conveyed and managed online, your online acceptance constitutes your agreement to and acceptance of all terms and conditions of the Plan and this Grant Agreement. You also agree that you have read and understand the Plan and this Grant Agreement. Capitalized terms used but not defined in this Grant Agreement have the meanings set forth in the Plan.
2. You may exercise the 非合格 Stock Options granted pursuant to this Grant Agreement through (1) a cash payment in the amount of the full option exercise price of the shares being purchased (including a simultaneous exercise and sale of the shares of Common Stock thereby acquired and use of the proceeds from such sale to pay the exercise price, to the extent permitted by law) (a 「cash exercise」), (2) a payment in full shares of Common Stock having a Fair Market Value on the date of exercise equal to the full option exercise price of the shares of Common Stock being purchased (a 「share swap exercise」), or (3) a combination of the cash exercise and share swap exercise methods. Any exercise of these 非合格 Stock Options shall be by written notice stating the number of shares of Common Stock to be purchased and the exercise method, accompanied with the payment, and proper proof of ownership if the share swap exercise method is used. You shall be required to meet the tax withholding obligations arising from any exercise of 非合格
3. 作爲對您在此授予的 非合格 授予您的期權,您必須在授予日起至本授予協議的授予摘要頁面規定的 非合格 期權可行使的日期期間,持續在公司或其一個或多個子公司任職,才能有權行使 非合格 授予的期權。 非合格 Stock Options you have been granted shall not in any event be exercisable after your termination of employment except as provided in paragraph 4 below for 「Retirement」 (defined as termination of employment at any age after 30 or more years, or at age 55 or older with at least 10 years, of continuous service with the Company and its Subsidiaries), death, 「Disability」 (defined as termination of employment while receiving benefits for a period of not less than one year under a long-term disability income plan provided by a government or sponsored by the Company or one of its Subsidiaries), or termination of your employment by the Company and its Subsidiaries other than for Cause (as defined below). Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event of a Change in Control while this grant is outstanding, the 非合格 Stock Options shall be subject to the applicable provisions of Section 14 of the Plan. For the avoidance of doubt, the 非合格 Stock Options you have been granted shall not be exercisable after termination of employment as a result of your voluntary resignation (other than your Retirement), except as otherwise may be provided pursuant to Section 14 of the Plan in the event of a Change in Control.
4. Except as otherwise may be provided pursuant to Section 14 of the Plan in the event of a Change in Control, the 非合格 Stock Options terminate automatically and shall not be exercisable by you from and after the date on which you cease to be an employee of the Company or one of its Subsidiaries for any reason other than your death, Retirement, Disability, or termination of your employment by the Company and its Subsidiaries other than for Cause. In the event of your death, Retirement or Disability while an employee of the Company or one of its Subsidiaries (and having been an employee continuously since the Date of Grant) on any date which is more than six (6) months after the Date of Grant of the 非合格 本授予協議的授予摘要頁面上指定的期權, 非合格 期權應立即可行使,除非在您作爲員工的情況下發生死亡,您可以行使的時間爲以下兩者中的較短者(a)仍然有效的期權期限或(b)五年。 非合格 如果您在作爲員工期間去世,
非合格 期權授予協議
非合格 股票期權可以在以下兩者中選擇較小者(x)剩餘期限的 非合格 股票期權授予或(y)在您去世後,經過您遺囑或根據繼承和分配法則傳遞給您的權利的個人或個人,在三年內被行使。 在公司及其子公司因非死亡、殘疾或原因終止您的僱傭關係時,任何已經歸屬的 非合格 股票期權將在您終止僱傭的日期後90天內可由您行使。根據本授予協議,"原因"意味着(i)您繼續不履行與公司或其附屬機構的職責(除因您因身體或心理疾病的 incapacitated 導致的任何此類失敗以外),(ii)您從事明顯損害公司或其附屬機構的行爲,無論是金錢上還是其他方面,(iii)您犯有任何重罪或涉及欺詐、失信或挪用公款的任何罪行,或(iv)您違反與公司或其附屬機構的任何協議,委員會在其唯一但合理的裁量權下確定該違反或違反對公司或任何附屬機構產生實質性和負面影響。 此處所含內容不得限制公司或其任何子公司或附屬機構在任何時候以有或無原因終止您的僱傭關係的權利。
5. 該 非合格 股票期權在授予協議的贈款摘要頁上指定的授予日期後,不得在任何情況下行使,且在未行使的情況下,在該期限結束時將自動終止。 十年 。
如果您與公司及其子公司之間的僱傭關係因任何原因(無論是自願還是非自願)而終止,並且在終止日期後的18個月內,您接受了與公司競爭的僱傭或以其他方式參與與公司的競爭,委員會可自行決定要求您退還,或者(如果未收到)沒收您自僱傭關係終止日期前六個月以來,通過行使股票期權獲得或實現的經濟價值。 非合格 此外,所有 非合格 您在此獲得的股票期權,如未行使,將在您開始競爭性工作時自動取消。
8. 每個 非合格 授予您的股票期權不得轉讓,除非通過遺囑或法律繼承,並且只能由您本人在其生存期間行使。
9. 根據本授予協議的條款賦予您的所有權利均爲個人權利,除非根據本授予協議第8條的規定,否則任何受讓人、轉讓人或其他繼承利益的後繼者不得根據本授予協議獲得任何權利或利益,該協議僅爲您和公司提供利益。
10. 根據本授予協議向您發送的任何通知,如果是書面形式,並且送達給您或郵寄到記錄的執行薪酬部門地址,則爲充分有效。根據本授予協議向公司發送的任何通知,如果是書面形式,並且送達至公司位於俄亥俄州阿克倫的執行薪酬部門,或以掛號信郵寄給公司的執行薪酬部門,地址爲:200 Innovation Way, Akron, Ohio 44316-0001,則爲充分有效。您或公司可以通過書面通知更改地址。本授予協議應根據俄亥俄州的法律進行解釋並生效。
非合格 股票期權授予協議
11. 每個 非合格 期權只能在本授予協議和計劃中規定的時間和範圍內行使,並遵循委員會採納的所有條款和條件。
12. 爲了管理該計劃,公司可能會處理有關您的個人數據。這些數據包括但不限於本授予協議中提供的信息及其任何變更,以及您的其他適當的個人和財務數據,比如家庭和業務地址及其他聯繫方式,以及公司認爲適當的任何其他信息,以便促進該計劃的管理。通過接受本授予協議,您明確同意公司處理任何此類個人數據。您還明確同意公司將任何此類個人數據轉移到您工作或受僱的國家以外的地方,若您不是美國居民,包括轉移到美國,接收方包括公司和公司指定的其他人員,以管理該計劃。
13. 通過接受本授予協議,您確認已收到或已提供計劃、招股說明書以及公司最近的年度報告和 proxy 說明書(「招股說明書信息」)的副本,並且您同意以電子方式接收招股說明書信息,或者,替代地,您同意聯繫公司的執行薪酬部門以請求免費紙質副本的招股說明書信息。您還表示您熟悉招股說明書信息的條款和規定,並特此按照此處及計劃中所列的條款及條件接受本授予協議。
14. 通過接受本授予協議,您還同意並承認本授予協議和 非合格 期權受固特異輪胎橡膠公司的補償回收政策的條款和條件的約束,該政策可能會不時進行修訂、補充或替換(「政策」)。如果公司認定根據政策必須沒收或償還在本授予協議下獲得、掙取或支付的任何金額,您將迅速採取任何必要的行動,以依據政策實施相關的沒收或償還。