(as amended and restated effective October 30, 2023)
1.目的. The purpose of the Plan is to provide employees of the Company and its Designated Companies with an opportunity to purchase Common Stock through accumulated Contributions. The Company intends for the Plan to have two components: a component that is intended to qualify as an “employee stock purchase plan” under Section 423 of the Code (the “423 Component”) and a component that is not intended to qualify as an “employee stock purchase plan” under Section 423 of the Code (the “Non-423 Component”). The provisions of the 423 Component, accordingly, will be construed so as to extend and limit Plan participation in a uniform and nondiscriminatory basis consistent with the requirements of Section 423 of the Code. An option to purchase shares of Common Stock under the Non-423 Component will be granted pursuant to rules, procedures, or sub-plans adopted by the Administrator designed to achieve tax, securities laws, or other objectives for Eligible Employees and the Company. Except as otherwise provided herein, the Non-423 Component will operate and be administered in the same manner as the 423 Component.
(i)A change in the ownership of the Company which occurs on the date that any one person, or more than one person acting as a group (“Person”), acquires ownership of the stock of the Company that, together with the stock held by such Person, constitutes more than 50% of the total voting power of the stock of the Company; provided, however, that for purposes of this subsection, the acquisition of additional stock by any one Person, who is considered to own more than 50% of the total voting power of the stock of the Company will not be considered a Change in Control. Further, if the stockholders of the Company immediately before such change in ownership continue to retain immediately after the change in ownership, in substantially the same proportions as their ownership of shares of the Company’s voting stock immediately prior to the change in ownership, direct or indirect beneficial ownership of 50% or more of the total voting power of the stock of the Company or of the ultimate parent entity of the Company, such event shall not be considered a Change in Control under this subsection (i). For this purpose, indirect beneficial ownership shall include, without limitation, an interest resulting from ownership of the voting securities of one or more corporations or other business entities which own the Company, as the case may be, either directly or through one or more subsidiary corporations or other business entities; or
(ii)A change in the effective control of the Company which occurs on the date that a majority of members of the Board is replaced during any 12‑month period by Directors whose appointment or election is not endorsed by a majority of the members of the Board prior to the date of the appointment or election. For purposes of this subsection (ii), if any Person is considered to be in effective control of the Company, the acquisition of additional control of the Company by the same Person will not be considered a Change in Control; or
(iii) 公司资产重大部分的所有权变更发生在任何人获得(或在该人最近一次获得资产之前的十二(12)个月内已获得)来自公司的资产,这些资产的总毛市场价值等于或超过公司在该次获得或收购之前的所有资产的总毛市场价值的50%;但是,出于本小节的目的,以下情况不构成所有权的变更
公司资产重大部分的转让:(A) 转让给在转让时由公司股东控制的实体,或 (B) 公司将资产转让给:(1) 在资产转让前是公司的股东,以公司的股票进行交换或与之相关的,(2) 由公司直接或间接拥有50%或更多的总价值或投票权的实体,(3) 直接或间接拥有50%或更多的公司所有已发行股票的总价值或投票权的个人,或 (4) 至少50%的总价值或投票权由本小节 (iii)(B)(3) 所描述的个人直接或间接拥有的实体。根据本小节,毛市场价值是指公司资产的价值,或处置资产的价值,不考虑与这些资产相关的任何负债。
为避免疑问,以下交易不构成控制权变更: (i) 唯一目的是改变公司的注册地,或 (ii) 唯一目的是创建一个将由在该交易之前持有公司证券的人员以大致相同的比例拥有的控股公司。
(i)“公司指的是IGm Biosciences, Inc.,一家特拉华公司,或其任何继任者。
(n)“符合条件的雇员” means any individual who is a common law employee providing services to the Company or a Designated Company and is customarily employed for at least 20 hours per week and more than 5 months in any calendar year by the Employer, or any lesser number of hours per week and/or number of months in any calendar year established by the Administrator (if required under Applicable Laws) for purposes of any separate Offering or the Non-423 Component. For purposes of the Plan, the employment relationship will be treated as continuing intact while the individual is on sick leave or other leave of absence that the Employer approves or is legally protected under Applicable Laws. Where the period of leave exceeds 3 months and the individual’s right to reemployment is not guaranteed either by statute or by contract, the employment relationship will be deemed to have terminated 3 months and 1 day following the commencement of such leave. The Administrator, in its discretion, from time to time may,
prior to an Enrollment Date for all options to be granted on such Enrollment Date in an Offering, determine (for each Offering under the 423 Component on a uniform and nondiscriminatory basis or as otherwise permitted by Treasury Regulation Section 1.423‑2) that the definition of Eligible Employee will or will not include an individual if he or she: (i) has not completed at least 2 years of service since his or her last hire date (or such lesser period of time as may be determined by the Administrator in its discretion), (ii) customarily works not more than 20 hours per week (or such lesser period of time as may be determined by the Administrator in its discretion), (iii) customarily works not more than 5 months per calendar year (or such lesser period of time as may be determined by the Administrator in its discretion), (iv) is a highly compensated employee within the meaning of Section 414(q) of the Code, or (v) is a highly compensated employee within the meaning of Section 414(q) of the Code with compensation above a certain level or is an officer or subject to the disclosure requirements of Section 16(a) of the Exchange Act, provided the exclusion is applied with respect to each Offering under the 423 Component in an identical manner to all highly compensated individuals of the Employer whose Eligible Employees are participating in that Offering. Each exclusion will be applied with respect to an Offering under the 423 Component in a manner complying with U.S. Treasury Regulation Section 1.423‑2(e)(2)(ii). Such exclusions may be applied with respect to an Offering under the Non-423 Component without regard to the limitations of U.S. Treasury Regulation Section 1.423‑2.
(o)“雇主” means the employer of the applicable Eligible Employee(s).
(ii)对于所有其他目的,公允市场价值将是某一已建立股票交易所或国家市场系统(包括但不限于纽约证券交易所、纳斯达克全球精选市场、纳斯达克全球市场或纳斯达克资本市场)上所交易的普通股的收盘销售价格,以决定日期(如果没有报告的销售,则为收盘买盘)为准,如所报告的 华尔街日报 或其他管理者认为可靠的来源。如果公允市场价值的确定日期恰逢非交易日(即周末或假日),则公允市场价值将被视为紧接前一个交易日的价格,除非管理者另有决定。在缺乏普通股成熟市场的情况下,公允市场价值将由管理者以诚信的方式确定。
(w)“发行期间“是指根据计划授予的期权可以被行使的连续大约六(6)个月的期间,始于每年5月15日或之后的第一个交易日楼 和11月15日楼 并在每年5月15日或之前的最后一个交易日终止楼 和11月15日楼大约六(6)个月后;但前提是,根据计划的第一次发行期将从证券交易委员会宣布公司注册声明生效后的第一个交易日开始,并将在2020年5月15日之前的最后一个交易日结束;进一步来说,根据计划的第二次发行期将于2020年5月15日后的第一个交易日开始。发行期的持续时间和时间可根据第4、20和30条进行更改。
(z)“计划“指的是IGm Biosciences, Inc. 2019员工购股计划。”
(a)第一次发行期. 在首次发行期之前的任何符合条件的员工将自动注册首次发行期。
(b)后续发行期. 在首次发行期之后的任何给定注册日期上的符合条件员工将有资格参与该计划,但须符合第5节的要求。
4.发行期间该计划将通过连续的提供期实施,新的提供期将在5月15日后的第一个交易日开始。楼 和11月15日楼 每年,或在管理员判断的其他日期;但首个方案的认购期将从注册日期后的第一个交易日开始,结束于2020年5月15日或之前的最后一个交易日;并且,方案的第二个认购期将于2020年5月15日后的第一个交易日开始。管理员有权在不需股东批准的情况下,改变未来认购期的持续时间(包括其开始日期),只要此变更在受影响的第一个认购期的预定开始时间之前宣布;但任何认购期不得超过27个月。
(a)首次认购期符合条件的员工仅在提交由管理员判断的授权贡献的认购协议后,才有权继续参与首个认购期(该协议可能与本文件附属的表格类似)。 附件A) 提交至公司的股票管理办公室 (i) 不早于关于根据本计划发行普通股的《表格 S-8 注册声明》的生效日期,以及 (ii) 不迟于该《表格 S-8 注册声明》的生效日期之后的第十个日历日的前一天的第一个工作日。楼 合格员工未能在登记窗口期间提交认购协议将导致其在首次发售期间的参与自动终止。
(b)后续发售期间合格员工可以根据第3(b)条款参与本计划,通过 (i) 向公司的股票管理办公室 (或其指定人) 提交一个恰当完成的认购协议,授权按管理员提供的形式进行贡献,或 (ii) 按照管理员确定的电子或其他登记程序,在适用的登记日期之前的管理员确定的日期之前,以符合雇佣这一条件的资格标准,如果满足合格员工定义中的条件。
(a) 当参与者根据第5条款登记参加本计划时,他或她将选择在发售期间的每个工资支付日进行贡献(以工资扣除或其他形式,具体取决于管理员的授权),金额不得超过15% 他或她在工资支付日收到的薪酬。管理员全权酌情决定,允许特定发售中的所有参与者通过现金、支票或认购协议中列明的其他方式在每个购买期间的每个行使日期之前向计划贡献资金。参与者的认购协议将在连续的发售期间内生效,除非按照本条第10节的规定终止。
(d)参与者可以根据第10条的规定终止其在计划中的参与。除非管理员另有决定,在购买期间,参与者不得增加其缴款的比例,并且只能减少一次缴款比例,该减少必须为0%。在购买期间的任何减少都要求参与者(i)正当地填写并提交给公司的股票管理办公室(或其指定人)一份新的订阅协议,授权在管理员提供的表格中更改缴款比例,或(ii) 采取管理员强调的电子或其他程序,在适用的行使日期之前的一个日期。 如果参与者未按照这些程序更改缴款比例,则其缴款比例将在整个购买期间和未来的优惠期和购买期间继续保持原先选择的比例(除非参与者的参与根据第10或11条的规定终止)。管理员可以自行决定,修改参与者在任何优惠期或购买期间可以进行的缴款比例变更的性质和/或数量,并可以设定其他条件或限制,认为对计划管理适当。本节6(d)所做的任何缴款比例变更将于变更日期之后的第一个完整发薪期生效(在该日期之后5个工作日),除非管理员自行决定,选择提前处理给定的薪资扣除比例变更。
7.选项授予. On the Enrollment Date of each Offering Period, each Eligible Employee participating in such Offering Period will be granted an option to purchase on each Exercise Date during such Offering Period (at the applicable Purchase Price) up to a number of shares of Common Stock determined by dividing such Eligible Employee’s Contributions accumulated prior to such Exercise Date and retained in the Eligible Employee’s account as of the Exercise Date by the applicable Purchase Price; provided that in no event will an Eligible Employee be permitted to purchase during each Purchase Period more than 3,000 shares of Common Stock (subject to any adjustment pursuant to Section 19) and provided further that such purchase will be subject to the limitations set forth in Sections 3(d) and 13 and in the subscription agreement. The Eligible Employee may accept the grant of such option
(i) with respect to the first Offering Period by submitting a properly completed subscription agreement in accordance with the requirements of Section 5 on or before the last day of the Enrollment Window, and (ii) with respect to any subsequent Offering Period under the Plan, by electing to participate in the Plan in accordance with the requirements of Section 5. The Administrator may, for future Offering Periods, increase or decrease, in its absolute discretion, the maximum number of shares of Common Stock that an Eligible Employee may purchase during each Purchase Period. Exercise of the option will occur as provided in Section 8, unless the Participant has withdrawn pursuant to Section 10. The option will expire on the last day of the Offering Period.
(a)Unless a Participant withdraws from the Plan as provided in Section 10, his or her option for the purchase of shares of Common Stock will be exercised automatically on each Exercise Date, and the maximum number of full shares subject to the option will be purchased for such Participant at the applicable Purchase Price with the accumulated Contributions from his or her account. No fractional shares of Common Stock will be purchased; any Contributions accumulated in a Participant’s account, which are not sufficient to purchase a full share on a given Exercise Date will be returned to the Participant. Any other funds left over in a Participant’s account after the Exercise Date will be returned to the Participant. During a Participant’s lifetime, a Participant’s option to purchase shares of Common Stock hereunder is exercisable only by him or her.
(b) 如果管理员判断在某个行使日期,受益于期权的普通股股份数量可能超过(i) 在适用的供售期的注册日期下,根据计划可供出售的普通股股份数量,或(ii) 在该行使日期下,根据计划可供出售的普通股股份数量,则管理员可以自行决定(x) 规定公司将在该注册日期或行使日期下,按比例分配可供购买的普通股股份,以尽可能统一的方式进行分配,并且将根据其自行判断对所有在该行使日期行使购买普通股期权的参与者公平,继续所有当时有效的供售期,或(y) 规定公司将在该注册日期或行使日期下,按比例分配可供购买的普通股股份,以尽可能统一的方式进行分配,并且将根据其自行判断对所有在该行使日期行使购买普通股期权的参与者公平,终止根据第20节当时有效的任何或所有供售期。公司可以根据前句的规定,在任何适用供售期的注册日期进行按比例分配股份,尽管公司的股东之后同意增加发行的股份数量。
9.交付. 在每个发生普通股购买的行使日期之后,公司将在合理可行的时间内安排将通过其期权购买的股份以管理员自行决定的形式送达每位参与者,并根据管理员制定的规则执行。公司可以允许或要求股份直接存入公司指定的经纪人或公司的指定代理人,并且公司可以利用电子或自动化方法进行股份转移。公司可以要求股份留存在该经纪人或代理人处一段指定的时间,并/或可以建立其他程序以便跟踪该股份的不符合法律规定的处置。任何参与者在根据计划授予的期权下,未购买并按本节第9条的规定送达参与者之前,均无权享有与普通股相关的投票权、分红或其他股东权利。
(a)A Participant may withdraw all but not less than all the Contributions credited to his or her account and not yet used to exercise his or her option under the Plan at any time by (i) submitting to the Company’s stock administration office (or its designee) a written notice of withdrawal in the form determined by the Administrator for such purpose (which may be similar to the form attached hereto as 附录B), or (ii) following an electronic or other withdrawal procedure determined by the Administrator. The Administrator may set forth a deadline of when a withdrawal must occur to be effective prior to a given Exercise Date in accordance with policies it may approve from time to time. All of the Participant’s Contributions credited to his or her account will be paid to such Participant promptly after receipt of notice of withdrawal and such Participant’s option for the Offering Period will be automatically terminated, and no further Contributions for the purchase of shares will be made for such Offering Period. If a Participant withdraws from
an Offering Period, Contributions will not resume at the beginning of the succeeding Offering Period, unless the Participant re-enrolls in the Plan in accordance with the provisions of Section 5.
(b)A Participant’s withdrawal from an Offering Period will not have any effect on his or her eligibility to participate in any similar plan that may hereafter be adopted by the Company or in succeeding Offering Periods that commence after the termination of the Offering Period from which the Participant withdraws.
11.雇佣终止. Upon a Participant’s ceasing to be an Eligible Employee, for any reason, he or she will be deemed to have elected to withdraw from the Plan and the Contributions credited to such Participant’s account during the Offering Period but not yet used to purchase shares of Common Stock under the Plan will be returned to such Participant or, in the case of his or her death, to the person or persons entitled thereto under Section 15, and such Participant’s option will be automatically terminated. Unless otherwise provided by the Administrator, a Participant whose employment transfers between entities through a termination with an immediate rehire (with no break in service) by the Company or a Designated Company will not be treated as terminated under the Plan; however, if a Participant transfers from an Offering under the 423 Component to the Non-423 Component, the exercise of the option will be qualified under the 423 Component only to the extent it complies with Section 423 of the Code, unless otherwise provided by the Administrator.
12.利息. 参与者在计划中的贡献将不会产生利息,除非适用法律要求,由公司判断,如果特定司法管辖区的法律要求,则该项规定将适用于相关发行下的所有参与者,除非美国财政法规第1.423-2(f)节另有规定。
(a)根据第19节规定,经公司资本结构变动的调整,计划下可供销售的普通股的最大数量为585,433股普通股。每个财政年度的第一天,计划下可发行的普通股数量将增加,首次自2021财政年度开始,增加的数量为以下三者中最小的一个:(i) 560,000股普通股,(ii) 公司在上一个财政年度最后一天的已发行普通股总数的1%(包括表决普通股和非表决普通股),或(iii) 管理员在上一个财政年度最后一天之前确定的数量。
14.管理. 该计划将由董事会或董事会任命的委员会进行管理,该委员会将按照适用法律进行组建。管理员将拥有完全和独占的裁量权来解释和应用计划条款,将部分职能委派给公司的任何员工,指定计划下的单独发行,指定子公司及关联公司参与423组件或非423组件,判断资格,判决根据计划提交的所有争议索赔,并建立其认为必要的计划管理程序(包括但不限于,采用必要或适当的程序和子计划,以允许非美国国籍员工或在美国境外工作的员工参与该计划,且该子计划的条款可以优先于本计划的其他条款,除第13(a)节外,但除非该子计划条款另有规定,否则本计划的条款将管理该子计划的运作)。除非管理员另有决定,符合条件的员工将在每个子计划中参与单独的发行或非423组件。为了不限制上述规定,管理员特别被授权采用有关参与资格、薪酬定义、贡献处理、对计划的贡献(包括但不限于,采用工资扣除以外的形式的贡献)、建立银行或信托账户以持有贡献、支付利息、转换当地货币、缴纳工资税义务、判断
(a) 如果管理员允许,参与者可以提交一份指定受益人的申请,以便在参与者于期权行使之后,但在向该参与者交付股票和现金之前发生死亡时,受益人可以获得参与者在计划下的任何普通股和现金(如有)。此外,如果管理员允许,参与者可以提交一份指定受益人的申请,以便在参与者在行使期权之前发生死亡时,受益人可以获得参与者在计划下的任何现金。如果参与者已婚且指定的受益人不是配偶,则此指定有效必须获得配偶的同意。
(b) 参与者可以随时通过管理员确定的形式通知更改受益人指定。在参与者去世的情况下,如果在该参与者去世时没有有效的受益人指定,该公司将向参与者的遗产执行人或管理人交付股份和/或现金;如果没有遗产执行人或管理人被任命(依公司所知),则公司可以自行决定将股份和/或现金交给配偶或参与者的任何一个或多个被赡养人或亲属;如果没有配偶、被赡养人或亲属被公司知晓,则可以交给公司指定的其他人。
16.可转让性. 无论是存入参与者账户的贡献,还是与行使期权或根据计划接收普通股的权利,都不得被参与者以任何方式转让、转移、质押或以其他方式处置(根据遗嘱、继承法或本协议第15条的规定除外)。任何此类转让、转移、质押或其他处置的尝试将无效,除非公司可以将此行为视为根据本协议第10条从发行期中提取资金的选择。
17.所有基金类型的使用. 公司可以将根据计划收到或持有的所有贡献用于任何公司目的,除非根据发行规定或适用法律要求参与者对计划的贡献与公司的一般公司资金隔离或存入独立第三方,否则公司没有义务对这些贡献进行隔离。在普通股未发行之前,参与者仅对这些股份享有无担保债权人的权利。
18.报告. 每名参与者在计划中将维护个人账户。参与的合资格员工每年至少会收到一次账户对账单,其中将列明贡献金额、购买价格、购买的普通股数量以及剩余现金余额(如有)。
(a)调整. In the event that any dividend or other distribution (whether in the form of cash, Common Stock, other securities, or other property), recapitalization, stock split, reverse stock split, reorganization, merger, consolidation, split-up, spin-off, combination, repurchase, or exchange of Common Stock or other securities of the Company, or other change in the corporate structure of the Company affecting the Common Stock occurs, the Administrator, in order to prevent dilution or enlargement of the benefits or potential benefits intended to be made available under the Plan, will, in such manner as it may deem equitable, adjust the number and class of Common Stock that may be delivered under the Plan, the Purchase Price per share, the class, and the number of shares of Common
Stock covered by each option under the Plan that has not yet been exercised, and the numerical limits of Sections 7 and 13.
(b)清算或解散. In the event of the proposed dissolution or liquidation of the Company, any Offering Period then in progress will be shortened by setting a New Exercise Date, and will terminate immediately prior to the consummation of such proposed dissolution or liquidation, unless provided otherwise by the Administrator. The New Exercise Date will be before the date of the Company’s proposed dissolution or liquidation. The Administrator will notify each Participant in writing or electronically, prior to the New Exercise Date, that the Exercise Date for the Participant’s option has been changed to the New Exercise Date and that the Participant’s option will be exercised automatically on the New Exercise Date, unless prior to such date the Participant has withdrawn from the Offering Period as provided in Section 10 hereof.
(c)合并或变更控制权. In the event of a merger or Change in Control, each outstanding option will be assumed or an equivalent option substituted by the successor corporation or a Parent or Subsidiary of the successor corporation. In the event that the successor corporation refuses to assume or substitute for the option, the Offering Period with respect to which such option relates will be shortened by setting a New Exercise Date on which such Offering Period will end. The New Exercise Date will occur before the date of the Company’s proposed merger or Change in Control. The Administrator will notify each Participant in writing or electronically prior to the New Exercise Date, that the Exercise Date for the Participant’s option has been changed to the New Exercise Date and that the Participant’s option will be exercised automatically on the New Exercise Date, unless prior to such date the Participant has withdrawn from the Offering Period as provided in Section 10 hereof.
(a) 管理者可以自行决定在任何时间出于任何理由修改、暂停或终止计划或其任何部分。如果计划终止,管理者可以自行选择要么立即终止所有尚未结束的认购期,要么在下一个行使日期完成购买普通股时终止(如果管理者自主判断可以比原定时间早),或者选择按照其条款允许认购期到期(并根据第19条进行任何调整)。如果在到期之前终止认购期,所有尚未用于购买普通股的参与者账户中已记入的金额将返回给参与者(不计利息,除非适用法律另有规定,如本协议第12条进一步规定)并尽快进行行政处理。
(b) 在未获得股东同意并且不限制第20(a)条的情况下,管理者有权更改认购期或购买期,指定单独的供给,限制在认购期内扣除金额的频率和/或数量,建立适用于其他货币的扣除金额的汇率,允许参与者贡献超过指定金额以调整因公司处理正确完成的贡献选择时发生的延误或错误,建立合理的等待和调整期和/或会计和信贷程序,以确保对每位参与者购买普通股的金额与贡献金额正确对应,并建立管理者认为在其自行决定下合宜且与计划一致的其他限制或程序。
(c) 如果管理者判断计划的持续运作可能导致不利的财务会计后果,管理者可以自行决定,并在必要或可取的范围内,修改、修订或终止计划,以减少或消除此类会计后果,包括但不限于:
(i) 修改计划以符合金融会计准则委员会会计标准编码第718主题下的安全港定义(或其任何继任者),包括与当时正在进行的发行期间相关的内容;
(ii) 修改任何发行期间或购买期间的购买价格,包括在购买价格变更时正在进行的发行期间或购买期间;
(iii) 通过设定新的行使日期来缩短任何发行期间或购买期间,包括在管理员采取行动时正在进行的发行期间或购买期间;
(iv) 减少参与者选择作为贡献设定的薪酬最大百分比;并
(v) 减少参与者在任何发行期间或购买期间内可以购买的普通股最大数量。
21.通知. 参与者根据计划向公司发出的所有通知或其他通讯在以公司指定的形式和方式以及公司指定的地点或人处收到时,均被视为已正式交付。
23. 计划的423组件不受代码第409A条款的适用,本文中的任何模糊之处将被解释为免于适用代码第409A条款。为了进一步阐明上述内容,尽管计划中有任何相反的规定,如果管理者判断根据计划授予的期权可能受代码第409A条款的约束,或计划中的任何条款会导致计划下的期权受代码第409A条款的约束,管理者可以修改计划的条款和/或根据计划授予的有效期权,或采取管理者认为必要或适当的其他行动,每种情况均无需参与者的同意,以使任何有效期权或可能在计划下授予的未来期权免于或允许这些期权符合代码第409A条款,但前提是管理者的任何修订或行动不会违反代码第409A条款。尽管有前述条款,如果计划下的购买普通股的期权是意图免于或符合代码第409A条款而未得到豁免或符合,或者管理者为此采取的任何行动,公司的母公司、子公司或关联公司对参与者或任何其他方不承担责任。公司不对计划下购买普通股的期权是否符合代码第409A条款作任何表述。
24.计划条款. 该计划将在下列条件中生效:(i)董事会的采纳,或(ii)注册日期前的最后一个工作日。除非根据第20条提前终止,否则将持续有效20年。
25.股东批准. 该计划须在董事会采纳后12个月内获得公司股东的批准。该股东批准将按照适用法律要求的方式和程度获得。
26.适用法律. 该计划将受到加利福尼亚州法律的管辖,并按照其法律解释(不包括其法律选择条款)。
27.无权就业. 参与者参与该计划不应被视为赋予参与者作为公司的员工或其子公司或关联公司的员工的保留权。进一步地,公司或其子公司或关联公司可在任何时候解雇参与者,并不承担任何责任或在该计划下的任何索赔。
1. 员工(“员工”)正在注册 通过此在线平台(“平台”)参与IGm Biosciences, Inc. 2019年员工股票购买计划(“计划”),通过其在线注册,特此选择参与该计划并根据本认购协议和该计划认购购买公司普通股。除非在此另有定义,2019年员工股票购买计划(“计划”)中定义的条款将在本认购协议中具有相同的定义含义。
2. 员工通过其在线注册,特此授权在提供期内,在每个发薪日从其每张薪水中扣除其薪酬的指定百分比。(请注意,不允许有分数百分比。)
3. 员工理解所述的薪资扣除将用于根据计划以适用的购买价格购买普通股。员工理解,如果他或她没有退出提供期,任何累积的薪资扣除将被用于自动行使其选择并根据计划购买普通股。
4. 员工已经收到了完整计划及其附带招股说明书的副本。员工理解,他或她参与该计划在各方面均受计划条款的约束。
5. 员工在计划下购买的普通股应以员工的名义(如果平台允许并被指定为员工及配偶)。
6. 员工理解,如果他或她在登记日期(以他或她购买这些股票的发行期的第一天为准)后2年内,或者在适用的行使日期后1年内处置任何根据计划购买的股票,他或她将在联邦收入税目的上被视为在处置时获得的普通收入,金额等于在购买这些股票时其公允市场价值与支付的价格之间的差额。 员工通过在线注册,特此同意在处置这些股票之日起30天内以书面形式通知公司,并为在处置这些股票时可能产生的联邦、州或其他税务扣缴义务提供足够的安排,如果有的话。公司可以,但没有义务从员工的薪酬中扣除满足任何相关扣缴义务所需的金额,包括为了使公司能够享受与员工出售或提前处置这些股票相关的任何税收减免或利益所需扣缴的金额。员工理解,如果他或她在2年和1年的持有期到期后处置这些股票,将仅在处置时被视为获得收入,并且该收入仅在等于以下较小值的范围内征税:(i) 处置时股票公允市场价值与股票购买价格的差额,或 (ii) 在发行期第一天股票公允市场价值的百分之十五(15%)。该处置所确认的其余收益(如有)将被视为资本收益。
7. 员工理解,如果他或她在登记日期(以他或她购买这些股票的发行期的第一天为准)后2年内,或者在购买这些股票之日起1年内处置任何购买的股票,他或她将在联邦收入税目的上被视为在处置时获得的普通收入,金额等于在购买这些股票时其公允市场价值与支付的价格之间的差额。公司可以,但没有义务从员工的薪酬中扣除满足任何相关扣缴义务所需的金额,包括为了使公司能够享受与员工处置这些股票相关的任何税收减免或利益所需扣缴的金额。该处置所确认的其余收益(如有)将被视为资本收益。
8. 员工通过其在线注册,特此同意受计划条款的约束。本认购协议的有效性取决于员工有资格参与该计划。
在 IGm Biosciences, Inc. 2019年员工股票购买计划的发行期内,签署人于__________年______(“发行日期”)特此通知公司,他或她从该发行期中撤回。签署人特此指示公司尽快将与该发行期相关的所有工资扣款支付给签署人。签署人理解并同意,其在该发行期的选择将自动终止。签署人进一步理解,在当前发行期内不会再进行任何工资扣款以购买股份,而签署人只有通过向公司递交新的认购协议才能有资格参与后续的发行期。