1. | 目的本信息服务集团有限公司(以下简称“本公司”)的“公司”追回政策(以下简称“政策”旨在使公司能够在公司需要编制会计重述的情况下从受影响的高管处追回错误授予的薪酬。本政策旨在遵守并应被解释为与《1934年证券交易法》第10D条修正案(以下简称“使拥有公司注册证券类别10%以上股权的官员、董事或实际股东代表签署人递交表格3、4和5(包括修正版及有关联合递交协议),符合证券交易法案第16(a)条及其下属规则规定的要求;”)以及《交易所法》下颁布的第10D-1规定一致的规定(以下简称“10D-1规则”和纳斯达克证券交易所公司治理规则的第5608号上市规则(“纳斯达克资本市场”)(“上市标准”). 除非本政策另有定义,否则本政策中的大写字母术语应具有所指定的含义。 第2节. |
2. | 定义在本政策中使用的以下大写字母词汇应解释如下。 |
a. | “会计重述“会计重述”指公司的基本报表因公司在证券法规下未遵守任何财务报告要求而需进行的会计重述,包括任何必要的会计重述:(i)为了纠正先前发布的基本报表中对先前发布的基本报表具有重大影响的错误(即“大写字母R”重述),或者(ii) 如果在当前期间纠正错误或者在当前期间不纠正错误可能导致重大错误陈述的会计重述(即“小写字母r”重述)。 |
b. | “会计重新声明日期“会计重述决定”指以下首要发生的事件:(i) 董事会、董事会委员会或公司授权采取此类行动的董事或董事可以认定或应合理认定公司需要准备会计重述,或者(ii) 法院、监管机构或其他法定机构指示公司进行会计重述的日期。 |
c. | “适用期间“会计重述”指的是与任何会计重述有关的,包括会计重述日期之前的三个已完成财政年度,以及这三个已完成财政年度内或紧随其后的任何过渡期(该过渡期是由公司财政年度的变更导致的)(但是,构成至少九个月期间的过渡期将视为已完成财政年度)。 |
d. | “董事会“董事会”指公司的董事会。 |
e. | “代码“”指的是1986年修订的美国《内部税收法典》。对法典中任何一部分或相应法规的引用都包括该部分或法规、根据该部分颁布的任何有效法规或其他官方指导以及修改、补充或取代该部分或法规的任何将来立法或法规的可比条文。 |
f. | “已任职执行官“”表示目前任职或曾任职的个人 |
曾担任公司的首席执行官、首席财务官、首席会计官(如果没有这样的会计官,则为财务总监)、负责主要业务部门、部门或职能(例如销售、行政或财务)的公司副总裁、履行(或履行)决策职能的高级管理人员,或为公司履行(或履行)类似决策职能或担任公司执行官的任何其他人员该公司根据联邦法规 17 229.401 (b) 确定。如果公司母公司或子公司的执行官为公司履行(或履行)此类决策职能,则该执行官被视为 “受保执行官”。
g. | “错误地发放了补偿” 指在会计重报的情况下,先前收到的基于激励的薪酬金额超过根据此类会计重报中重报的金额确定本来可以获得的激励性薪酬金额,并且在计算时必须不考虑相关受保执行官缴纳的任何税款; 提供的, 然而,对于基于股票价格或股东总回报率的激励性薪酬,其中错误发放的薪酬金额无需直接根据会计重报中的信息进行数学重新计算:(i) 错误发放的薪酬金额必须基于对会计重报对获得激励性薪酬的股票价格或股东总回报率的影响的合理估计,以及 (ii) 公司必须保留有关该决定的文件合理的估计,并向纳斯达克提供此类文件。 |
h. | “财务报告衡量标准” 指根据编制公司财务报表时使用的会计原则确定和列报的任何衡量标准,以及全部或部分源自该衡量标准的任何衡量标准,包括但不限于公司的股价、股东总回报率(TSR)、收入、净收益以及扣除利息、税项、折旧和摊销前的收益(EBITDA)。财务报告指标无需在公司的财务报表中列报或包含在向美国证券交易委员会提交的文件中即可成为 “财务报告指标”。 |
i. | “基于激励的薪酬” 指全部或部分基于财务报告措施的实现而发放、获得或归属的任何薪酬。就本政策而言,基于激励的薪酬在公司实现激励性薪酬奖励中规定的财务报告措施的财政期内被视为 “已收到”,即使此类激励性薪酬的支付或发放发生在该财政期结束之后。 |
3. | 行政。本政策应由董事会薪酬委员会管理(”管理员”)。管理员有权解释和解释本政策,并在上市标准允许的范围内,根据《守则》第 409A 条(或根据豁免适用),为管理本政策做出所有必要、适当或可取的决定。署长根据本政策的规定做出的所有决定和决定均为最终的、决定性的,对包括公司、其关联公司、股东和受保执行官在内的所有人均具有约束力,对于本政策所涵盖的每个人,不必统一。 |
4. | 应用本政策适用于2023年10月2日或之后获得的所有奖励为基础的薪酬,在以下情形下由被覆盖高级主管领导人(i)在开始担任被覆盖高级执行官后;(ii)在此类奖励基准期内的任何时间内担任被覆盖的高级执行官;(iii)公司在国家证券交易所上市证券类别的任何时间内;和(iv)在适用期间内。为避免疑虑,既受财务报告指标归属条件约束又受基于服务的归属条件约束的奖励为基础的薪酬,在相关财务报告指标达到时被视为收到,即使该奖励为基础的薪酬仍然受到服务的归属条件约束。 |
5. | 恢复需求在会计重述的情况下,公司必须迅速地按照本政策确定的金额恢复错误授予的薪酬。根据本政策,针对被覆盖的高级主管领导人的收回不需要发现任何被覆盖的高级主管领导人的不端行为或该被覆盖的高级主管领导人被认定为对导致会计重述的会计错误负责。在会计重述的情况下,确定恢复错误授予的薪酬的方法将由管理人员全权决定,只要符合交易所标准,并遵守(或根据《税法》第409A 条的适用免除条款)的规定。 |
a. | 向第三方支付的直接费用以协助执行该政策的行动超过了需要恢复的金额。在做出这样的结论之前,管理员必须合理尝试恢复该错误授予的补偿,记录此类合理尝试并向纳斯达克提供相关文档; |
b. | 恢复将违反在2022年11月28日之前通过的本国法律。在做出这样的结论之前,管理员必须取得获得纳斯达克认可的本国律师意见,确认恢复将导致此类违反,并必须向纳斯达克提供该意见;或 |
c. | 恢复可能会导致一种普遍适用于公司雇员的资格确定养老金计划无法满足《税收法》第401(a)(13)条或第411(a)条的要求。 |
6. | 保险赔偿和保险报销的禁止公司不得为任何受覆盖的高级管理人员赔偿、支付或偿还(i)对任何错误授予的补偿的损失或(ii)购买保险以覆盖任何此类损失的成本。 |
Company is also prohibited from entering into any agreement or arrangement whereby this Policy would not apply or fail to be enforced against a Covered Executive Officer.
7. | Required Filings. The Company shall file all disclosures with respect to this Policy in accordance with the requirements of federal securities laws, including disclosures required by U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission filings. A copy of this Policy and any amendments hereto shall be filed as an exhibit to the Company’s annual report on Form 10-K. |
8. | [Acknowledgement. Each Covered Executive Officer shall sign and return to the Company, within thirty (30) calendar days following the later of (i) the effective date of this Policy set forth below or (ii) the date such individual becomes a Covered Executive Officer, the Acknowledgement Form attached hereto as Exhibit A, pursuant to which the Covered Executive Officer agrees to be bound by, and to comply with, the terms and conditions of this Policy.]1 |
9. | Amendment; Termination. The Board may amend this Policy from time to time in its sole and absolute discretion and shall amend this Policy as it deems necessary to reflect the Listing Standards or to comply with (or maintain an exemption from the application of) Section 409A of the Code. The Board may terminate this Policy at any time; provided, that the termination of this Policy would not cause the Company to violate any federal securities laws, rules promulgated by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission or the Listing Standards. |
10. | Effective Date. This Policy shall be effective as of December 1, 2023. The terms of this Policy shall apply to any Incentive-Based Compensation that is received by Covered Executive Officers on or after October 2, 2023, even if such Incentive-Based Compensation was approved, awarded, or granted to Covered Executive Officers prior to such date. |
11. | Other Recovery Obligations; General Rights. The Board intends that this Policy shall be applied to the fullest extent of the law. To the extent that the application of this Policy would provide for recovery of Incentive-Based Compensation that the Company already recovered pursuant to Section 304 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act or other recovery obligations, any such amount recovered from a Covered Executive Officer will be credited to any recovery required under this Policy in respect of such Covered Executive Officer. |
This Policy shall not limit the rights of the Company to take any other actions or pursue other remedies that the Company may deem appropriate under the circumstances and under applicable law, in each case, to the extent permitted under the Listing Standards and in compliance with (or pursuant to an exemption from the application of) Section 409A of the Code.
This Policy is binding and enforceable against all Covered Executive Officers and their beneficiaries, heirs, executors, administrators, or other legal representatives.
1 | NTD: Acknowledgement suggested, but not required, to be a part of the Policy. |
By signing below, the undersigned acknowledges and confirms that the undersigned has received and reviewed a copy of the Information Services Group, Inc. (the “Company”) Clawback Policy (the “Policy”).
By signing this Acknowledgement Form, the undersigned acknowledges and agrees that the undersigned is and will continue to be subject to the Policy and that the Policy will apply both during and after the undersigned’s employment or service with the Company. Further, by signing below, the undersigned agrees to abide by the terms of the Policy, including, without limitation, by returning any Erroneously Awarded Compensation (as defined in the Policy) to the Company to the extent required by, and in a manner consistent with, the Policy.
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| Signature |
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