展品 4.17
本服務協議(以下簡稱“協議”)是2023年7月當天簽訂的 31 ,有效存在於以色列法律下的一家公司,註冊號爲514135730,註冊辦公地址位於以色列Rehovot市Yitzhak Modai街2號 「生效日期」爲2017年11月3日 由瑪瑞斯科技有限公司, 「Maris」 和框架。有關詳細信息,請參閱UBS集團報酬報告Parazero Technologies Ltd., 一家根據以色列法律合法存在的公司,註冊號爲514932821,註冊辦公地點在 30 達芙霍茲大街,基里亞特奧諾,以色列 (「Parazero」). Maris和Parazero兩家公司統稱爲 「當事方」並在一起 「各方」。
鑑於 Maris是一家專注於爲遠程平台(尤其是無人機)提供邊緣計算硬件和軟件解決方案的公司;以及
鑑於 Maris還爲其邊緣計算平台設計了無人機故障預測算法;
鑑於 Maris與無人機制造商合作,並具有無人機市場的經驗和專業知識;和
鑑於 Parazero是一家從事無人機安全解決方案的公司;
鑑於 Pararzero希望使用Maris的諮詢服務來開展業務、營銷和銷售 ("業務發展 服務"); 和
鑑於 除上述之外,Parazero希望與Maris合作,爲Parazero引薦和接洽潛在希望購買其產品的客戶 (「商業交易」) 分別爲( 「尋找服務」 和 ,與「業務發展服務」 共同 這個「服務」.
現在 因此, 鑑於本協議中包含的相互承諾和契約,締約各方特此同意如下:
1. | 序言 和解釋。 |
1.1 | 本協議的序言和附表構成本協議的 integrale 部分。 |
1.2 | 本協議中使用的各部分標題僅爲方便起見,不應用於其施工或解釋。 |
2. | 定義 |
2.1 | 「知識產權」 應指所有專有 權利和知識產權 和工業產權,包括機密信息權利在世界各地,無論是否可註冊,包括(i)任何專利、設計、商標、貿易和業務名稱(包括與任何商標或貿易和業務名稱相關聯的所有商譽)、版權、可版權主題以及相關權利、道德權利、數據和數據庫的權利、域名、公式、流程、技術、知識產權,以及以任何形式或描述構思、開發、生成、製作、固定在有形表達媒介中,或在履行本協議的過程中與他人共同制定的信息,幷包括所有前述事項的所有註冊和申請的權利,申請前述任何事項的註冊權以及所有屬於前述事項性質的權利,各自享有其全部期限(包括其任何延長或續展)和世界各地;和(ii)所有不正當競爭權利的性質和訴訟權,可起訴侵犯知識產權的欺詐行爲和過去、現在或將來的侵犯、侵佔或其他違反知識產權的行爲。 |
3. | 1.2 版本的關係。 諮詢者作爲戰略顧問進入了本協議,並將繼續作爲戰略顧問。所有服務僅由諮詢者執行。在任何情況下,諮詢者都不應將公司視爲諮詢者的僱主,或爲合夥人,代理人或負責人。諮詢者或諮詢者的任何員工均不享有任何賦予公司員工的福利,包括但不限於工人的賠償,殘疾保險,假期或帶薪病假。諮詢者應自行提供並以自己的名義提供失業,殘疾,工人賠償和其他保險,以及進行必要的許可證和許可證以進行服務。本協議的任何規定均不得被解釋爲在公司和諮詢者之間創建合夥企業,合資企業,機構或僱員僱傭關係。諮詢者不得將自己描述爲公司的僱員或將自己推薦爲公司的僱員。諮詢者無權或授權明示或暗示地承擔或創建公司的任何義務,或將公司與任何第三方綁定到任何其他合同,協議或承諾。 |
3.1 | 業務 發展服務。 Maris同意利用其手段、設施、資格、經驗 和專業網絡爲Parazero提供服務。服務應當以勤勉的方式、誠信和爲Parazero的最佳利益而提供。 |
3.2 | 查找器 服務。 |
3.2.1 | Maris應有權從淨收入(如下文所定義)中收取商業交易佣金(如下文所定義),並依據本協議規定的方式進行。 |
3.2.2 | Maris應向潛在客戶(以下定義)介紹Parazero。在接觸潛在客戶之前,Maris應向Parazero提供潛在客戶名單。隨後,Parazero將根據自身的獨立和絕對判斷,決定批准或拒絕名單中的每個方當。經Parazero書面批准的方將被稱爲 「潛在客戶」. 潛在客戶詳細信息記錄在附表中(由各方不時修訂),Maris將接近並介紹給Parazero。 附錄 A 附表中詳細記錄了潛在客戶信息(由各方不時修訂),Maris將接近並介紹給Parazero。 |
3.2.3 | 該術語不包括以下信息 「合格客戶」 此廢止隻影響接收之際便執行的本授權委託書。 指在資格期間與Parazero達成商業協議,許可和/或銷售Parazero的產品和/或服務的潛在客戶。 指在資格期間與Parazero達成商業協議,許可和/或銷售Parazero的產品和/或服務的潛在客戶。 |
3.2.4 | 該術語不包括以下信息 「資格期限」 指下文所定義的任期及其之後的九(9)個月,除非由於Maris違約而終止協議,在這種情況下,「資格期限」僅指任期。 |
3.2.5 | 該術語不包括以下信息 “淨收入“ 應指淨現金 (或其他以現金價值評估的收益,根據Parazero的董事會誠信確定 Parazero實際收到的收益 從合格客戶處獲得, 在最後一筆訂單或Parazero購買之日起36個月內截止期間內 從最後一筆Parazero的訂單或購買的產品或服務的實際收到款項 合格客戶購買的產品或服務) 產品或服務之前的三十六個月內到期 客戶。網 收入不包括: (a) 任何基於交易實際成本的費用和相關支出 ,如保險、旅行、住宿、日常津貼、出口和進口稅、消費稅 和/或增值稅(如適用);以及(b) 任何關於合格客戶享有的報銷或退款。 |
3.3 | 所有 服務應完全與Parazero協調進行。Maris不應被視爲Parazero的代理,且在任何情況下都無權在沒有Parazero明確書面授權和指示的情況下,承擔或承諾Parazero任何協議的條款。 無論是否進行了任何交易,以及交易的條款完全由Parazero自行決定。 |
4. | 考慮。 |
4.1 | 考慮到 業務發展服務, Parazero應每月支付Maris 10,000美元 加增值稅( “服務費”)。 |
4.2 | 此外,Parazero應支付Maris百分之十(10%)的佣金加上增值稅(VAt) “商業交易佣金” 從淨收入中支付商業交易佣金將以現金形式支付。 |
4.3 | 其他 除本第4條所述的考慮外,Maris不得向Parazero就本協議中描述的服務要求任何額外賠償。 |
5. | 陳述 及擔保。 |
5.1 | 每一方向另一方陳述並保證如下: |
5.1.1 | 該公司具有簽署本協議的企業權力、權威和法律權利,並能夠履行其在本協議項下的義務,沒有任何合同限制或義務約束它,也沒有需要第三方批准的情況,這些不會因本協議的簽署和交付或其條款的履行或遵守而重大違約; |
5.1.2 | 本協議的執行、交付和履行已獲得所有必要的公司行爲的適當授權; |
5.1.3 | 該協議構成該方的有效義務,並根據本協議條款對該方具有約束力和可執行性; |
5.1.4 | 應遵守涉及合作業務領域內所有適用法律和法規,包括但不限於在Maris案例中,銷售或使用Maris的產品。 |
5.1.5 | 這將不代表另一方作出任何擔保、聲明和/或承諾,除非取得該方的明確書面同意。 |
5.1.6 | That it, during the Term (as defined below) and for a period of twelve (12) months thereafter, shall not, and shall not permit any third party to induce, solicit, recruit or encourage any employee or consultant of the other Party to leave the employ of such Party. |
5.2 | Maris shall not subcontract any services or any of its obligations hereunder to another entity without Parazero’s prior written approval. |
6. | Confidentiality. |
6.1 | Each Party (the “Receiving Party”) is aware that that in the framework and/or as a result of this Agreement, the Receiving Party and its employees shall be exposed to Confidential Information (as such term is defined below) of the other Party “Disclosing Party”, respectively). Receiving Party hereby acknowledges that all Confidential Information (other than the work products to be owned by the respective Party as prescribed herein) is the exclusive property of the respective Disclosing Party and that disclosure of such Confidential Information may cause the Disclosing Party to suffer serious competitive disadvantage as well as immediate and irreparable injury and damages. Accordingly, Neither Receiving Party nor any of its employees and/or another on its behalf will, either during the period of collaboration herein and thereafter, use for any purpose (other than for the benefit of the respective Disclosing Party during the Term) or disclose to any person, firm or entity any of Disclosing Party’s Confidential Information unless required by law, in which case the Receiving Party shall, if legally permitted, give prompt notice to the Disclosing Party. |
6.2 | Notwithstanding the foregoing, said undertakings shall not apply to information that the respective Receiving Party can prove to be (a) in the public domain or becomes part of the public domain, not as a result of any fault of Receiving Party; or (b) already known to the Receiving Party, at the time of receiving such information, without any confidentiality and/or use restrictions, from sources other than the Disclosing Party or in relation to the Receiving Party engagement with the Disclosing Party; or (c) subsequently furnished to the Receiving Party, without any confidentiality and/or use restrictions, by a third party without breaching a confidential obligation; or (d) required to be disclosed pursuant to an order of a court of competent jurisdiction or by applicable law or regulation. |
6.3 | By way of illustration and not limitation, “Confidential Information” shall include (i) any and all information concerning the business and affairs of the Disclosing Party, product specifications, data, know-how, compositions, processes, formulas, methods, designs, samples, inventions and ideas, past, current and planned development or experimental work, current and planned distribution methods and processes, customer lists, trade secrets, current and anticipated customer requirements, price lists, market studies, business plans, database technologies, systems, structures and architectures (and related processes, algorithms, compositions, improvements, know-how, inventions, discoveries, concepts, ideas, designs, methods and information) of the respective Disclosing Party, and any other information, however documented of the Disclosing Party; (ii) any and all information concerning the business and affairs of the Disclosing Party (which includes historical financial statements, financial projections and budgets, historical and projected sales, capital spending budgets and plans, the names and backgrounds of key personnel, personnel training and techniques and materials), however documented; (iii) information of third parties as to which the respective Disclosing Party has an obligation of confidentiality; and (iv) any and all notes, analysis, compilations, studies, summaries, and other material prepared by or for the Disclosing Party containing or based, in whole or in part, on any information included in the foregoing. |
6.4 | Upon termination or expiration of this Agreement the respective Receiving Party shall return, or promptly destroy (at the instruction of the Disclosing Party), all Confidential Information of the Receiving Party, without retaining any copies thereto. |
6.5 | The respective obligations of the Parties under this Section 6 shall survive termination of this Agreement for any reason for a period of three (3) years of such termination, except with respect to trade secrets, in which case the obligations under this Section 6 shall remain in force as long as such trade secrets maintains its status as such. |
6.6 | Parazero acknowledges that Maris is a public company whose securities are traded on the NASDAQ Stock Exchange, and therefore any non-public and confidential information concerning Maris and/or this Agreement and/or any collaboration between the Parties may be considered as inside information, as such term is defined under the applicable securities laws and regulations promulgated thereunder. Accordingly, Parazero (i) shall not acquire or sell, or offer to do the same, with respect to any of the securities of Maris, while this Agreement is in effect or while in possession of such non-public or confidential information, and (ii) shall not make any publication of any such information, or information referring to Maris without Maris’ prior written consent. Parazero represents and warrants that it has appropriate policies and procedures in place to comply with the foregoing prohibitions. |
6.7 | Maris acknowledges that Parazero, is, or may in the near future, be a public company whose securities are or wil be traded on the Nasdaq Stock Exchange, and therefore any non-public and confidential information concerning Parazero and/or this Agreement and/or any collaboration between the Parties may be considered as material non-public information, as such term is defined under the applicable securities laws and regulations promulgated thereunder. Accordingly, Maris (i) shall not acquire or sell, or offer to do the same, with respect to any of the securities of Parazero, while in possession of such material non-public information, and (ii) shall not make any publication of any such information, or information referring to Parazero without Parazero’s prior written consent. Maris represents and warrants that it has appropriate policies and procedures in place to comply with the foregoing prohibitions. |
7. | Proprietary and Intellectual Property Rights. |
7.1 | All Intellectual Property Rights of either Party, known or developed by each Party prior to commencement of the Agreement, and any collaboration developed in connection with the Agreement, is, and shall remain at all times property exclusively owned by such Party, and unless specifically agreed herein, nothing in this Agreement shall operate to assign or license any right, title or interests in such prior Intellectual Property Rights to the other Party. |
7.2 | Neither Party shall, directly or indirectly, reverse compile, reverse engineer, decompose, re-engineer, disassemble, copy, modify, attempt to discover the source code of, bypass, alter, or tamper with any security or lockout features of, create derivative works of, adapt or otherwise make any changes to or allow changes to be made to the other Party’s technology, or any part or component thereof, or otherwise create, attempt to create, or knowingly permit or assist others to do the same. |
7.3 | In carrying out its respective obligations regarding the contemplated collaborations, neither Party shall use any third-party proprietary materials nor cause the breach of any third-party proprietary rights. |
8. | Limitation of Liability; Insurance. |
8.1 | Any information / material / device which may be provided by one Party to the other was/is/will be provided on an “As Is” basis with no warranties, expressed or implied, including with respect to merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. |
8.2 | In order to remove any doubt, Maris provides no warranty nor representation that its products or services would be successfully commercialized and/or is feasible on any technological and/or business aspect, and Parazero shall have no claims in that respect. |
8.3 | Except to the extent such Party may be required to indemnify the other Party hereunder or in the case of a Party’s willful breach of this Agreement, neither Party will be liable to the other Party or any third party for any special, consequential, exemplary, or incidental damages (including lost or anticipated revenues or profits relating to the same), arising from any claim relating to this Agreement, whether such claim is based on contract, tort (including negligence), or otherwise, even if an authorized representative of such Party has been advised of the possibility or likelihood of same. |
8.4 | Insurance. Each Party shall, during the term of the Project, maintain all insurance policies customary in the industry with respect to such Party’s respective obligations. Without derogating from the general nature of the foregoing, each of the Parties shall maintain product liability insurance and employer’s liability insurance under such coverages customary in the industry. |
9. | Indemnification. |
9.1 | Each Party (the “Indemnifying Party”) will indemnify, defend and hold the other Party and/or its directors, officers, employees and agents (each, an “Indemnitee”) harmless from and against any and all direct losses and/or expenses (including reasonable attorney fee) resulting from any claim, demand or action brought by any third party against any Indemnitee that arises out of or is incurred in connection with any (a) breach by Indemnifying Party of its representations, warranties, covenants and other obligations under this Agreement; or (b) gross negligence or willful misconduct (including without limitations, any breach pertaining to confidentiality and/or Intellectual Property Rights thereto) of Indemnifying Party and/or anyone on its behalf and/or affiliated thereto, upon Indemnitee’s first demand. |
10. | Term of Agreement and Termination. |
10.1 | Term. The term of this Agreement (the “Term”) shall commence on the Effective Date and shall remain in force, unless otherwise terminated as provided for herein. |
10.2 | Termination. Either Party may terminate this Agreement entirely, with a (90) ninety days prior written notice provided to the other Party. |
10.3 | Surviving Rights. The termination of this Agreement shall not affect any rights or obligations of the Parties which have accrued up to the date of such expiration or termination. |
11. | Miscellaneous. |
11.1 | Assignment. Neither Party may assign this Agreement, in whole or in part, or otherwise transfer any of its rights or interests, nor delegate any of its obligations, under this Agreement, in any case whether voluntarily, involuntarily, by operation of law or otherwise, without the prior written consent of the other Party. This Agreement will be binding upon, and inure to the benefit of, the legal representatives, successors and permitted assigns of the Parties. |
11.2 | Notices. Any notices to be given hereunder shall be served on a Party by prepaid registered letter, facsimile, or email to its address given herein or such other address as may from time to time be notified for this purpose. Any notice given by letter shall be deemed to have been served four (4) days after the time at which it was posted and any notice given by facsimile or email shall be deemed to have been served twenty four (24) hours after it is dispatched. |
11.3 | No Agency, Joint Venture, Partnership. In performing their respective obligations under this Agreement, each of the Parties will operate as, and have the status of, an independent contractor and will not act as or be an agent, partner, co-venturer or employee of the other Party. Neither Party shall represent itself to be, or otherwise conduct itself as, an agent of the other Party and nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed to give either Party the power to direct or control the day-to-day activities of the other or create or assume any obligation on behalf of the other. This Agreement does not create a partnership or joint venture between the Parties. Furthermore, each Party shall bear its own costs regarding any personnel and/or labor related costs (including fringe benefits, National Insurance, taxes and the like). In the event that any personnel of a Party has made claims asserting the existence of employer-employee relations between such individual and the other Party, then the Party that had engaged such individual shall indemnify and hold harmless such other Party, including its officers, agents, consultants and employees in connection thereto. |
11.4 | Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Israel, without giving effect to conflicts of laws principles thereof. The competent courts of Tel Aviv, Israel, shall have sole and exclusive jurisdiction over any matter arising thereto. |
11.5 | Entire Agreement. This Agreement shall cancel and supersede all previous agreements and understandings between the Parties relating to any matter covered by this Agreement, and this Agreement, including the exhibits, schedules or other attachments hereto and referenced herein, shall constitute the entire agreement of the Parties. Any definitive agreement executed in connection with this Agreement, shall be added as an exhibit to this agreement, and shall be deemed as an integral part thereto. |
11.6 | Amendments. The provisions of this Agreement shall not be extended, varied, changed, modified or supplemented other than by agreement in writing signed by the Parties hereto. |
11.7 | Severability. If and to the extent any court of competent jurisdiction shall hold any provision (or any part thereof) of this Agreement to be invalid or unenforceable, such holding shall in no way affect the validity of the remainder of this Agreement, and the Parties shall negotiate, in good faith, a substitute, valid and enforceable provision that most nearly reflects the Parties’ intent in entering into this Agreement. |
AGREED by the Parties through their authorized signatories on the date referred to on the first page of this Agreement.
Maris - Tech Ltd. | Parazero Technologies Ltd. | |||||||
By: | /s/ Israel Bar | /s/ Nir Bussy | By: | /s/ Boaz Shetzer | /s/ Roy Borochov | |||
Israel Bar | Nir Bussy | Boaz Shetzer | Roy Borochov | |||||
Title: | CEO | CFO | Title: | CEO | Chairman |