EX-10.17 2 ex10-17.htm


展示 10.17


特定の識別情報は、展示物から除外されています。これは、(i) 重要ではないかつ(ii) 発行者がプライベートまたは機密情報として扱っているタイプのものであり、その情報を開示することが個人のプライバシーに対する明らかな不当侵害となる場合です。マークされた情報は [*****] で示されています。


サービス 契約


核 教育およびエンジニアリングコンサルティングLLC および

ナノ 原子力エネルギー社


この サービス契約書(“契約月曜日、1月15日をもって有効となります 2024 (“有効日原子力教育およびエンジニアリングコンサルティングLLC、カリフォルニア州の有限会社("NEEC"), および ナノ 原子力エネルギー株式会社。 (“Nano”)、ニューヨークコーポレーション、本社所在地は1411ブロードウェイ38階 ニューヨーク10018。」当事者ここでは、各当事者を個別に、または総称して「当事者.”






1. 作業範囲


NEECは、この契約の一部として、添付の付表Aに記載されたサービスを提供します。サービス) かつ適用される場合は成果物を提供し(成果物) 添付の付表Aに記載され、言及および本契約の一部となるサービスを提供します。


2. 料金


全セクターによって提供されるサービスの手数料またはレートは、付録Aに記載されています。Nanoは、NEECの請求書の日付から10日以内に支払いを行います。支払いが期限を過ぎると、1%のサービス料が毎月請求されます。NEECは、セクション14(通知)に記載されたNanoの代理人にすべての請求書を提出します。 NanoからNEECへのすべての支払いは、「Nuclear Education and Engineering Consulting LLC」と記載された小切手で行われるか、請求書に記載された口座への電信送金で行われます。NanoからNEECへのすべての支払いは、「Nuclear Education and Engineering Consulting LLC」と記載された小切手で行われるか、請求書に記載された口座への電信送金で行われます。


3. 用語と終了


3.1 この契約は効力発生日から開始し、効力発生日から2年後に満了します("期間)本契約の条件に従ってより早く解除されない限り。


3.2 本契約は、もう一方の当事者が本契約の重要な条項のいずれかに違反し、その違反をその後30日以内に是正しなかった場合には、いずれの当事者によっても解除することができます。Nanoが本契約の支払い期日までに未払いの支払いをしなかった場合、本規定の目的で本契約の重大な違反を構成します。


3.3 NEECは、Nanoに書面での30日間の通知により、その他の義務の履行が合理的に困難である場合、サービスまたは本契約に基づくその他の義務を遂行できない場合、または事由の有無にかかわらず、本契約を解除する権利を留保します。





3.4 NEECが本契約を第3.3項に基づいて解除した場合、Nanoは解除通知が送信された日付を基準として、NEECに対して提供された全サービス、発生した費用、取消不能な義務に対して支払いを行います。NEECはNanoに対して、(a)そのような解除日の前にNEECがまだ獲得していない前払い金額、(b)そのような解除日の前にNEECが発生させた費用に該当しない金額、および(c)そのような解除日の前にNEECが行った取消不能な義務に該当しない金額を返金します。NEECが第3.3項に基づいて解約する場合、NEECの責任はそのような返金額に限られます。


3.5 全セクターは、期限を超えて適用される性質の条項は、本規約の終了後も有効となり、著作権の第4項、NEEC名、商標、ロゴの第5項などが含まれます。 著作権の第4項、NEEC名、商標、ロゴの第5項, 全セクター 自然に契約期間を超えて有効な条項は、本契約終了後も効力を維持します。これには、第4条(著作権)、第5条(AtomWorksの名称、商標、ロゴ)、第6条(保証の否認)、第7条(責任の制限)、第8条(免責)、第9条(機密保持)、第11条(Nano提供資料)、および第12条(データセキュリティとプライバシー)などが含まれます。, 全セクター 自然に契約期間を超えて有効な条項は、本契約終了後も効力を維持します。これには、第4条(著作権)、第5条(AtomWorksの名称、商標、ロゴ)、第6条(保証の否認)、第7条(責任の制限)、第8条(免責)、第9条(機密保持)、第11条(Nano提供資料)、および第12条(データセキュリティとプライバシー)などが含まれます。, 全セクター 自然に契約期間を超えて有効な条項は、本契約終了後も効力を維持します。これには、第4条(著作権)、第5条(AtomWorksの名称、商標、ロゴ)、第6条(保証の否認)、第7条(責任の制限)、第8条(免責)、第9条(機密保持)、第11条(Nano提供資料)、および第12条(データセキュリティとプライバシー)などが含まれます。, 全セクター 自然に契約期間を超えて有効な条項は、本契約終了後も効力を維持します。これには、第4条(著作権)、第5条(AtomWorksの名称、商標、ロゴ)、第6条(保証の否認)、第7条(責任の制限)、第8条(免責)、第9条(機密保持)、第11条(Nano提供資料)、および第12条(データセキュリティとプライバシー)などが含まれます。.


4. 著作権




5. NEECの名称、商標およびロゴ


NanoはNEECの名前、その略称、NEECが一部を構成する名前、またはNEECの商標やロゴ(「NEEC Marks」という名称)を、製品やメディア(ウェブサイトを含む)、広告などの商業的な文脈で、またはその使用がNano、その製品、サービスの推賞やスポンサー提供を示唆する場合にも使用してはいけません。NEECの名前や商標を使用するすべての行為には、Nuclear Education and Engineering Consulting LLCの事前の書面による同意が必要です。NEEC MarksNEECの名前や商標のすべての使用には、Nuclear Education and Engineering Consulting LLCの事前の書面による同意が必要です。


NEEC マークはNEECの絶対的な財産であり、今後もNEECの所有物であります。ナノは、本条項の期間中またはその後のいかなる時点においても、直接的にも間接的にも、NEECマークに関する権利、所有権、または利益を取得しようとすることはありません。ナノはここに明示的に自らがNEECマークに対して持っているかもしれない権利を放棄します。ナノはNEECがNEECマークの独占的な所有権を認識します。


6. 免責事項







7. 責任の限定




8. 補償


各当事者は、この契約の遂行から生じる損害についてのあらゆる責任、損失、費用(合理的な弁護士費用を含む)、または怪我や損害に関する請求を、他方の当事者、それらの役員、従業員、および代理人から防ぎ、補償し、免責するものとする(以下、「クレーム 」)ただし、そのような請求が補償当事者、その役員、代理人、または従業員の過失または故意による行為または怠慢から引き起こされたか、またはその結果である場合に限り、およびその程度のみで行う前提である。補償を求める当事者は、このような請求について即座に他方の当事者に通知し、補償を求める当事者がその請求または訴訟を防御することを許可し、その防御に完全に協力することに同意する。補償を求める当事者は、他方の当事者の同意なしにいかなる請求に対する和解または判決の入力にも同意せず、その同意は不合理に保留、条件付け、または遅延されないものとする。


9. Confidentiality


Pursuant to the performance of this Agreement, the Parties do not anticipate exchanging or disclosing any “Confidential Information,” defined as non-public information that a Party considers confidential or proprietary. However, if there will be any disclosure of Confidential Information, the information needs to be marked “Confidential” or “Proprietary at the time of disclosure,” and if a Party discloses Confidential Information orally, the disclosing Party will indicate its confidentiality at the time of disclosure and will confirm such in writing within ten (10) days of the disclosure. Unless otherwise required by law (including a subpoena or California Public Records Act request) or court order or as otherwise authorized in writing by the other Party prior to the disclosure, each Party will not disclose the other Party’s Confidential Information to any third party, and each Party will only use the other Party’s Confidential Information to the extent necessary to perform this Agreement. Confidential Information will not include information that: (i) was legally in its possession or known to the receiving Party without any obligation of confidentiality prior to receiving it from the disclosing Party; (ii) is, or subsequently becomes legally and publicly available without breach of this Agreement by the receiving Party; (iii) is legally obtained by the receiving Party from a third party without any obligation or confidentiality; (iv) is independently developed by or for the receiving Party without use of the Confidential Information as demonstrated by competent evidence; or (v) is disclosed under the California Public Records Act or legal process. The receiving Party’s confidentiality and use obligations will extend for a period of one (1) year from the date of receipt of the disclosing Party’s Confidential Information.


10. Export Control and Biohazardous Materials


Nano WILL NOT provide to NEEC any materials and/or information that are export- controlled under the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (22 CFR 120-130), the United States Munitions List (22 CFR 121.1), or Export Administration Regulations (15 CFR 730-774) 500 or 600 series; controlled on a military strategic goods list; Select Agent(s) under 42 CFR Part 73, et seq.; or subject to regulations governing access to such Export Materials (“Export Materials”). If Nano desires to provide any Export Materials to NEEC, Nano must provide written notification that identifies such Export Materials, including their export classification to NEEC contact in Section 15 (Notice) and receive confirmation and approval from NEEC, prior to disclosure.





11. Materials Provided by Nano


In the event NEEC is producing Deliverables or providing Services that require Nano to furnish or supply NEEC with parts, goods, data, specifications, components, programs, practices, methods, Export Materials (if approved by NEEC pursuant to Section 11 above), or other property under this Agreement (collectively, “Nano Materials”), such Nano Materials shall be identified in Exhibit A, and provided by Nano in a timely and secure manor so as to allow NEEC to perform the Services. Nano warrants that Nano Materials will: (1) conform to the requirements of this Agreement, including all descriptions, specifications, and attachments made a part hereof, and (2) will not infringe any third-party rights. NEEC’s acceptance of Nano Materials will not relieve Nano from its obligations under this warranty.


If Nano is providing any materials to NEEC in the performance of this Agreement, Nano will indemnify, defend, and hold harmless NEEC, its officers, agents, and employees against all losses, damages, liabilities, costs, and expenses (including but not limited to attorneys’ fees) resulting from any judgment or proceeding in which it is determined, or any settlement agreement arising out of the allegation, that Nano Materials or NEEC’s use of Nano Materials constitutes an infringement of any patent, copyright, trademark, trade name, trade secret, or other proprietary or contractual right of any third party. NEEC retains the right to participate in the defense against any such suit or action, and Nano will not settle any such suit or action without NEEC’s consent.


12. Data Security and Privacy


12.1. Definition of Data Protection Law. For the purpose of this Agreement, “Data Protection Law” means applicable laws relating to privacy and data protection, including in the case of NEEC, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (“FERPA”), and other applicable U.S. federal and California state laws on privacy and data protection; and in the case of Nano, Nano’s applicable national and local laws on privacy and data protection. In the event Nano collects data subject to international privacy laws, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and/or the Personal Information Protection Law (PIPL), if applicable, Nano agrees to comply with all applicable privacy requirements of such laws, including, but not limited to, notice, consent, access and data protection requirements. In the event any Protected Information is revealed, shared, or exchanged between the Parties, each Party agrees to comply with its obligations under all applicable Data Protection Law, and as required under this Agreement. To the extent that any laws or regulations of the home country or region of a Party has extra- territorial application such as to impose legal obligations on the other Party or its conduct outside such home country or region, the other Party upon request will provide reasonable assistance to such other Party in satisfying such obligation as necessary to implement this Agreement. Such reasonable assistance shall not include legal advice or opinion.


12.2. Protected Information. The Parties do not anticipate providing or exchanging any personally identifiable information or data identifiable to an individual (“Protected Information”) in the performance of this Agreement. In the event that any Protected Information is revealed, shared, or exchanged, Nano agrees to protect the privacy and security of Protected Information. Nano shall implement, maintain and use internationally recognized commercial data security standards regarding administrative, technical and physical security measures that meet or exceed these requirements, including information access and computer system security measures, to preserve the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the Protected Information. Nano shall not access, use or disclose Protected Information other than for the sole purpose granted by NEEC as necessary to carry out the Services, or as required by applicable U.S. law, or as otherwise authorized in writing by NEEC. Nano shall inform NEEC of any confirmed or suspected unauthorized access or disclosure of Protected Information immediately upon discovery, both orally and in writing, and fully cooperate with NEEC in investigating and remedying the effects of such breach.





12.3. Non-Disclosure. Neither Party shall use or disclose Protected Information for any purposes except as contemplated by this Agreement or as required by applicable U.S. law (such as pursuant to a subpoena or, for NEEC, the California Public Records Act), or as otherwise authorized in writing by the other Party. In the event of expiration or termination of this Agreement, the requirements of this Section shall continue to apply to any Protected Information which continues to be stored, processed, or used by either Party following termination of this Agreement.


13. Miscellaneous


13.1 Governing Law and Venue. This Agreement will be governed by and interpreted according to the laws of the State of California, without regard to its conflict of laws provisions. Parties agree and consent to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of the courts of the State of California of competent jurisdiction for all purposes regarding this Agreement and further agrees and consents that venue of any action brought will be exclusively situated in the County of Alameda, California.


13.2 Relationship of the Parties. The relationship of the Parties under this Agreement is that of independent contractors. Nothing in this Agreement will create, or be construed to be, a joint venture, association, partnership, franchise or other form of business relationship. At no time will the employees, agents or assigns of one Party be considered the employees of the other Party for any purpose, including but not limited to workers’ compensation purposes.


13.3 Force Majeure. Neither Party shall be deemed to be in default of or to have breached any provision of this Agreement (other than payment obligations) due to a delay, failure in performance or interruption of service, if such performance or service are impossible to execute, illegal or commercially impracticable, because of the following “force majeure” occurrences: acts of God, acts of civil or military authorities, civil disturbances, wars, strikes or other labor disputes, transportation contingencies, freight embargoes, acts or orders of any government or agency or official thereof, earthquakes, fires, floods, unusually severe weather, epidemics, pandemics, quarantine restrictions and other catastrophes, or any other similar occurrences beyond such party’s reasonable control. In every case, the delay or failure in performance or interruption of service must be without the fault or negligence of the Party claiming excusable delay and the Party claiming excusable delay must promptly notify the other Party of such delay. Performance time under this Agreement shall be considered extended for a period of time equivalent to the time lost because of the force majeure occurrence; provided, however, that if any such delay continues for a period of more than thirty (30) days, NEEC shall have the option of terminating this Agreement upon written notice to Nano.


13.4 Right to Subcontracting. NEEC can subcontract, either part or in whole, the Services authorized under this Agreement. NEEC shall be required to obtain a written agreement from each subcontractor that is the same or comparable to Section 4 (Copyright) and Section 9 (Confidentiality) in this Agreement.


13.5 Assignment. Neither Party may assign this Agreement without the written consent of the other Party. In case such consent is given, the assignee will be subject to all of the terms of the Agreement.


13.6 Modification. This Agreement may only be amended in a writing, signed by the authorized representatives of the Parties.


13.7 Severability. If a provision of the Agreement becomes, or is determined to be, illegal, invalid, unenforceable or void by a court of competent jurisdiction, that will not affect the legality, validity or enforceability of any other provision of the Agreement or of any portion of the invalidated provision that remains legal, valid, or enforceable.





13.8 Integration. This Agreement, including any exhibits and addenda, constitutes the entire understanding and agreement between the Parties as to all matters contained herein, and supersedes all prior agreements, representations and understandings of the Parties. The Parties may utilize their standard forms of purchase orders, invoices, quotations and other such forms in administering this Agreement, but any of the terms and conditions printed or otherwise appearing on such forms will not be applicable and will be void.


13.9 Waiver. No waiver of any provision of this Agreement will be effective unless made in writing and signed by the waiving Party. The failure of any Party to require the performance of any term or obligation of this Agreement, or the waiver by any Party of any breach of this Agreement, will not prevent any subsequent enforcement of such term or obligation or be deemed a waiver of any subsequent breach.


13.10 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts, which may be transmitted via facsimile or electronically, each of which will be deemed an original and all of which together will constitute one instrument.


13.11 Headings. Article and Section headings used in this Agreement are for convenience of reference only, are not part of this Agreement and shall not affect the construction of, or be taken into consideration in interpreting, this Agreement.


13.12 No Third-Party Rights. Except as expressly provided in this Agreement, this Agreement is intended solely for the benefit of the Parties and is not intended to confer any benefits upon, or create any rights in favor of, any person other than the Parties.


14. Notice. All notices under this Agreement must be in writing, and must be mailed or emailed or delivered by hand or recognized overnight delivery service to the Party to whom such notice is being given. Any such notice will be considered to have been given upon receipt or refusal of delivery. Additionally, notices by email will be considered legal notice only: (i) if such communications include the following text in the subject field: FORMAL LEGAL NOTICE; and (ii) upon written acknowledgement by the recipient, such acknowledgement not to include automatically generated responses.


  NEEC’s representative for all purposes will be:
  Name: Massimiliano Fratoni
  Address: [*****]
  Phone: [*****]
  Email: [*****]
  Nano’s representative for all purposes will be:
  Name: James Walker - Chief Executive Officer
  Address: NYC Corporate Office | 1411 Broadway 38th FL | New York 10018
  Phone: [*****]
  Email: [*****]


15.Representation on Authority of Parties/Signatories


Each person signing this Agreement represents and warrants that he or she is duly authorized and has legal capacity to execute this Agreement. Each Party represents and warrants to the other that the execution of the Agreement and the performance of such Party’s obligations hereunder have been duly authorized and that the Agreement is a valid and legal agreement binding on such Party and enforceable in accordance with its terms.


[signature page follows]





IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the duly authorized Parties have executed this Agreement as of the Effective Date.


Nano Nuclear Energy Inc.  
Signature: /s/ James Walker  
Name: James Walker  
Title: CEO and Director  
Date: 17th January 2024  


Nuclear Education and Engineering Consulting LLC  
Signature: /s/ Massimiliano Fratoni  
Name: Massimiliano Fratoni  
Title: Owner  
Date: 19th January 2024  









NEEC will support the design and development of a solidcore 1 MWe nuclear reactor as pursued by Nano Nuclear according to Nano Nuclear’s high-level objectives:


● At least 1 MWe power output

● At least 20 full power years without refueling

● Small excess reactivity throughout the lifetime of the core

● Passive cooling through heat conduction with no pumps or valves in the primary loop

● “Walk-away” passive safety

● Autonomous load following capability

● Simple to construct, operate, and maintain with a centralized domestic facility that maintains control of the nuclear material at all times.

● Reactor module is factory manufactured and fueled.

● Reactor can be shipped to and from the site as a single sealed module

● Very robust proliferation resistance.

● The conversion system utilizes the Brayton cycle based on current proven commercially available turbines, leading to high efficiency and low maintenance and installation costs.


Baseline reactor concept


Based on the high-level objectives listed above, we propose a baseline concept with the following features:


  Solid core with pellet/rod type fuel
  High assay low enriched uranium (HALEU) fuel
  Heat transfer by conduction through the core
  Open air Brayton cycle


To meet the requirements of long life, small excess reactivity, and heat transfer by conduction the proposed design is envisioned to feature a fast spectrum and low power density. We will maximize the total core power according to the limitations of core materials aiming to the target of 1 MWe.


Determining the feasibility and the specific of such design will be the major aim of this work.


Work scope


  Perform neutronics, thermal-hydraulics, and mechanical analyses to support the design and development of NANO’s Zeus reactor.
  Conceive and design experimental demonstration activities (non-nuclear) in support of Zeus reactor demonstration.
  Assist with patent development.
  Compile documentation describe the work performed.


NEEC will bill NANO monthly for $80,000 (or less in case of reduced workload).