本發票購買和銷售協議(「協議」)於2024年5月7日簽訂,雙方爲內華達州公司Laird Superfood, Inc.(「賣方」)和佛羅里達有限責任公司Alterna Capital Solutions LLC(「買方」)。th 本發票購買和銷售協議(「協議」)於2024年5月7日簽訂,雙方爲內華達州公司Laird Superfood, Inc.(「賣方」)和佛羅里達有限責任公司Alterna Capital Solutions LLC(「買方」)。
1.1。「帳戶」 - 對貨幣義務支付的權利,不論是否通過履行而獲得,用於已經或將被出售、許可、轉讓或以其他方式處置的財產,或者用於已經提供或將提供的服務。
1.2.「帳戶債務人」 - 任何在帳戶、動產票據或一般無形資產上對賣方負有義務的人。
1.3. "預付款比例"- 70%,前提是,過去12個月的稀釋率低於20%,且購買方可以隨時按購買方獨立和合理判斷進行修訂。
1.5. "避讓索賠"- 購買方收到的任何款項被認爲是優先權或在美國破產法或任何其他債務人救濟法案下可避免的任何索賠。
1.6. "每日資金使用費率適用餘額" - 所有購買帳戶上未支付的面額減去儲備帳戶。
1.7.「業務日」 - 在指定州銀行營業的一天。
1.8. |
「被選中的州」 – 佛羅里達。 |
1.9. |
「清算日」 - 兩(2)個業務日。 |
1.10. |
「已關閉」 - 購買者已收到全額付款的帳戶。 |
1.11. |
「抵押品」 - 所有現在擁有和今後取得的個人財產和固定資產,以及賣方的產物,包括但不限於:帳戶,包括應收賬款;動產票據;存貨;設備;票據,包括本票;投資物業;文件;存款帳戶;信用證權益;一般無形財產;及相關債務。 |
1.12。「抵押品監控費」- 每月0.05%,根據已購帳戶的平均月度應收賬款餘額計算,該費用將於每月最後一天收取並支付。
1.13. "完全終止"-在滿足以下條件時發生完全終止:(i)賣方對買方的所有義務全額支付;(ii)如果買方已經發行或引發爲賣方發行擔保、承諾或信用證,則任何受益人確認買方或任何其他發行人在其中沒有未償清的直接或間接責任;以及(iii)賣方及所有對義務提供擔保的人向買方簽署並交付一份買方合理接受的一般豁免書。
1.14. 「爭議」 - 請參閱第2節。
1.15. "每日費用" - 不適用
1.16. 「每日費用百分比」 - 不適用
1.17. "違約率"指每日0.067%,按淨資金利用額或法律允許的最高利率收取。
1.18. "提前終止費" - 請參閱第23.1節。
1.19. "符合條件的帳戶" - 由採購商自行決定爲採購而可接受的帳戶。
1.20. "違約事件" - 請參閱本文第21節。
「暴露支付」 - 關於賣方已回購或應在此處被要求回購的帳戶,買方從或爲一個經已成爲破產程序對象的支付人的帳戶收到的支付,只要這些支付在破產案開啓後的90天內清算入支付人的存款帳戶,即受到影響。
1.22.「面額」 - 購買日期帳戶上到期的面額。
1.23。「設施費」 - 最高金額的1.00%,賣方應在結算時和最高金額的任何遞增部分支付。賣方應在每個續約期的第一天支付設施費。
1.24. "資金每日使用費" - 賣方每日應計費用的計算結果是資金使用百分比除以360,然後乘以適用日利率的餘額,買方應在每月的最後一個日曆日向備用帳戶收取該費用。資金使用百分比應爲基準利率加1.5% 每年,但絕不少於每年10.0%。資金使用百分比應在基準利率發生變化的同一日期上升或下降,由基準利率調整確定。
1.25.「所有基金類型使用比例」——按年化百分之Prime Rate加1.5%,但絕不低於每年10.0%。
1.26. "不合格帳戶" - 由購買方根據自身唯一決定的除符合條件的帳戶以外的帳戶。
1.27。「資不抵債」 - 關於任何帳戶債務人和任何帳戶,(a)賣方已經向買方證明,該帳戶債務人未能支付任何應付該帳戶的金額,僅僅是因爲(i)該帳戶債務人的債務總和大於其資產總和或(ii)帳戶債務人一般無力按其到期債務支付能力; (b)已經提出自願或強制申請宣佈該帳戶債務人破產或允許根據任何適用破產法重組或再融資計劃來滿足該帳戶債務人的債務,或者(c)買方已經確定該帳戶債務人資不抵債。
1.28.「破產違約」 – 指第9條定義。
1.29. "發票" - 證明或旨在證明帳戶的文件。在適當情況下,對發票的引用應視爲指涉其相關的帳戶。
1.30. 「發票購買費」- 不適用
1.31。「最高金額」- 在任何特定時間內最多可使用2,000,000美元的淨資金。最高金額超過初始的2,000,000美元的增加將須經採購方批准,並需支付額外的1.00%融資費用。
1.32. "錯誤支付費" - 賣方應支付給買方的費用,用於亦即賣方或第三方接到的購買帳戶款項,未在接到錯誤支付的三(3)個工作日內支付給買方:(a)錯誤支付由賣方或第三方接到的日期,或(b)賣方得知第三方接到錯誤支付的日期。 錯誤支付費的金額應爲錯誤支付金額的15%。
1.34。“責任” - 所有現在和將來由賣方向買方拖欠的債務和責任,無論直接還是間接,絕對還是附條件,包括成爲賣方向買方拖欠的所有債務和責任,包括但不限於費用和成本,無論是在本協議項下產生還是其他情形下產生的,無論是在任何依照美國破產法第11章標題的任何情形下文件的案件開始前、中、後,或者在賣方作爲債務人的任何其他債務人救濟程序之後產生的債務和責任。
1.35. "各方" - 賣方與買方。
1.36. "Payor" – An Account Debtor, other obligor, or entity obligated on an Account, making payment on behalf of such party.
1.37. "Prime Rate" – The Prime Rate published in the "Money Rates" table in The Wall Street Journal. If two or more Prime Rates are published in the "Money Rates" table for the same date, the highest of such rates shall be the Prime Rate. If the date upon which a change in the interest rate is to occur is a date upon which The Wall Street Journal is not published, or the Prime Rate is not available in the Money Rates table of The Wall Street Journal the Prime Rate shall be determined from the immediately preceding edition of The Wall Street Journal in which the Money Rates table and Prime Rate is available. If The Wall Street Journal ceases to be published or ceases to publish the Prime Rate in the Money Rates table, the Purchaser will choose a new index that is reasonably determined by Purchaser to be based upon comparable information.
1.38.“ Prime Rate Adjustment" – 0.0007% for every 0.25% change in the Prime Rate when compared to the existing Prime Rate.
1.39.“ Purchase Date” – The date on which Purchaser has advised Seller in writing that it has agreed to purchase an Account.
1.40. "Purchase Price" – The Face Amount of a Purchased Account on the Purchase Date.
1.41. "Purchased Account" – An Account purchased by Purchaser which is not Closed.
1.42.“ Purchased Eligible Account” – An Eligible Account purchased by Purchaser which is not Closed.
1.43.“ Renewal Term” – See Section 23.
1.44. "Required Reserve Amount" – The Reserve Percentage multiplied by the unpaid balance of all Purchased Accounts, plus all amounts due on Ineligible Accounts, plus all accrued fees and expenses.
1.45. "Reserve Account" – A bookkeeping account on the books of the Purchaser representing the portion of the Purchase Price which has not been paid by Purchaser to Seller, maintained by Purchaser to secure Seller's performance with the provisions hereof.
1.46.“ Reserve Percentage” – 100% minus the Advance Rate.
1.47. "Reserve Shortfall" – The amount by which the Reserve Account is less than the Required Reserve Amount.
1.48. "Term” – See Section 23.
1.49.“ Termination Date" – The earlier of (i) the date on which Purchaser terminates this Agreement pursuant to the terms hereof, or (ii) the end of the Term or the last Renewal Term which was not extended under Section 23.
2. Assignment and Sale. Seller hereby sells and shall continue to sell to Purchaser as absolute owner, and Purchaser hereby purchases and shall continue to purchase from Seller, without recourse (except as otherwise provided in this paragraph) Seller's Accounts as Purchaser determines in its sole discretion. Each Account shall be accompanied by such documentation supporting and evidencing the Account as Purchaser may request. Purchaser shall pay the Purchase Price of any Purchased Account, less (i) the Reserve Percentage multiplied by the Purchase Price and (ii) any amounts due to Purchaser from Seller, within two (2) Business Days of the Purchase Date. Seller represents that at the time they are presented to Purchaser, all Purchased Accounts are true, correct, and collectible and are sold to Purchaser free and clear of any claims, other than ordinary course de minimis claims. Purchaser may, but need not, purchase from Seller only such Accounts as Purchaser determines to be Eligible Accounts. With respect to Purchased Accounts, Purchaser agrees to assume the risk of any loss, to the extent such Purchased Account exceeds Seller’s Reserve Accounts, arising solely from the inability of any Account Debtor and/or Payor to pay any invoice relating to such Account at maturity or when such amount otherwise becomes due (“Credit Risk”), provided that such Account Debtor and/or Payor has received and accepted the related goods or services without any dispute, deduction, setoff, defense, claim or counterclaim of any kind by such Account Debtor and/or Payor against Seller relating to such goods or services (a “Dispute”).
3. Reserve Account.
3.1. |
Purchaser may pay any amounts due Seller hereunder by a credit to the Reserve Account. |
3.2. |
Seller shall pay to Purchaser on demand the amount of any Reserve Shortfall. |
3.3. |
So long as there is no existing Event of Default, Purchaser shall pay to Seller upon Seller's request, any amount by which the Reserve Account exceeds the Required Reserve Amount. |
3.4. |
Purchaser may charge the Reserve Account with any Obligation. |
3.5. |
Except as provided in Section 3.3, Purchaser may retain the Reserve Account until Complete Termination. |
4. Notice of Assignment and Lock Box. Purchaser is hereby authorized to notify any Account Debtor obligated with respect to any Account that the underlying Account has been assigned to Purchaser by Seller and that payment thereof is to be made to the order of and directly and solely to Purchaser. All Invoices for Accounts sent by Seller to Account Debtors shall contain on the face of the Invoice the following statement: "This account is assigned and payable only to Alterna Capital Solutions LLC (“ACS”). All payments shall be sent to ACS at: P.O. Box 936601, Atlanta, GA 31193-6601."
5. Exposed Payments. Upon termination of this Agreement Seller shall pay to Purchaser (or Purchaser may retain), to hold in a non-segregated, non-interest-bearing account the amount of all Exposed Payments (the “Preference Reserve”). Purchaser may charge the preference reserve with the amount of any Exposed Payments that Purchaser pays to the bankruptcy estate of the Payor that made the Exposed Payment, because of a claim asserted under Section 547 of the Bankruptcy Code. Purchaser shall refund to Seller from time to time that balance of the preference reserve for which a claim under Section 547 of the Bankruptcy Code can no longer be asserted due to the passage of the statute of limitations, settlement with the bankruptcy estate of the Payor or otherwise.
6. Authorization for Purchases. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Purchaser is authorized to purchase Accounts upon telephonic, facsimile, or other instructions received from anyone purporting to be an officer, employee, or representative of Seller.
7. Fees. Seller shall pay to Purchaser throughout the Term and any Renewal Term of this Agreement, all applicable fees, which may include but are not limited to: the Collateral Monitoring Fee, Facility Fee, the Funds Usage Daily Fee, the Misdirected Payment Fee, Missing Notation Fee, and Early Termination Fee on the date(s) that each fee is due and payable as set forth in Sections 1.12, 1.18, 1.23, 1.24, 1.32, and 1.33 herein, and shall be charged by the Purchaser to the Reserve Account. All computations of fees shall be made by Purchaser on the basis of a three hundred and sixty (360) day year, for the actual number of days elapsed. The actual number of days excludes the day on which the funds are advanced and includes the day on which the fee is paid. Each determination by Purchaser of a fee hereunder shall be conclusive and binding for all purposes except to the extent that Purchaser receives, within ninety (90) days after written notification to Seller of such fee, written notice from Seller of any specific exceptions by Seller to such fee, and then it shall be binding against Seller as to any items to which it has not objected.
8. Other Charges and Expenses. Seller shall reimburse Purchaser for all costs and expenses incurred in connection with this Agreement, including but not limited to the following: $20.00 per wire, the actual UCC filing fees and other search costs, the actual field examination fees directly incurred by Purchaser in the administration of this Agreement, and all reasonable attorney’s fees and costs actually incurred by Purchaser in connection with this Agreement (collectively, “Reimbursable Expenses.”). Reimbursable Expenses are due at the time of payment of the applicable fees or expenses by Purchaser and may be charged to the Reserve Account at Purchaser’s sole discretion.
9. Repurchase of Accounts. Seller shall within five (5) Business Days of demand by Purchaser repurchase any Purchased Account that Purchaser determines at any time is uncollectible for any reason or is otherwise no longer an Eligible Account; provided, however, that Purchaser hereby foregoes and waives in advance any right hereunder to require such repurchase by Seller where the sole reason the Account Debtor has failed to pay any amounts due in respect of such Purchased Account is due to such Account Debtor being Insolvent (such nonpayment, an “Insolvency Default”) or due to the Credit Risk of such Account Debtor and/or any other Payor, provided that such Account Debtor and/or Payor has received and accepted the related goods or services without any Dispute. For the avoidance of doubt, Purchaser hereby assumes and, upon Purchaser’s purchase of any Purchased Account, Purchaser shall, to the extent such Purchased Account exceeds Seller’s Reserve Accounts, bear the risk of any and all losses, costs, expenses or claims arising from any Insolvency Default by or Credit Risk of an Account Debtor that is not an Affiliate of Seller. In the event Seller is required to repurchase a Purchased Account hereunder, Seller shall pay to Purchaser on demand the then unpaid amount due on the Purchased Account, together with any accrued but unpaid fees relating to the Purchased Account. Purchaser shall retain its security interest in any Purchased Account repurchased by Seller. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, upon the occurrence of any Dispute or any failure by any Account Debtor and/or Payor to make a payment in connection with any Purchased Account that is not directly related to Credit Risk, Seller shall repurchase such Purchased Account immediately upon Purchaser’s request for the full amount of the original Purchase Price, less any amounts already collected by Purchaser from the applicable Account Debtor and/or Payor(s). In furtherance of the foregoing, Seller hereby acknowledges and agrees that Purchaser may set off any amounts owing to Seller from Purchaser in connection with Seller’s repurchase obligations hereunder.
10. Security Interest. To secure payment and performance of all present and future Obligations of Seller to Purchaser, Seller grants to Purchaser a continuing first priority security interest in and to the Collateral. Seller shall execute and deliver to Purchaser such documents and instruments, including without limitation, UCC-1 financing statements, as Purchaser may request from time to time in order to evidence and perfect its security interest in the Collateral. Seller authorizes Purchaser to file a UCC-1 financing statement, including without limitation, original financing statements, amendments, and continuation statements, in all jurisdictions and offices Purchaser deems appropriate which names Seller as the debtor and describes the Collateral. Notwithstanding the creation of this security interest, it is the intent of the Parties that the relationship of the Parties in respect to all Purchased Accounts shall at all times be that of purchaser and seller, and not that of lender and borrower, Purchaser is and shall not be a fiduciary of the Seller, although Seller may be a fiduciary of the Purchaser.
11. Clearance Days. Clearance Days shall be added to the date on which Purchaser receives any payment before such payment is credited to reduce outstanding amounts due hereunder.
12. Authorization to Purchaser. Seller will attempt to work with the Purchaser to develop a reasonable plan to implement, at Seller's sole expense, the powers identified in this Section 12. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Purchaser shall have sole discretion to exercise at any time any of the following powers until all of the Obligations have been fully satisfied and discharged: (a) receive, take, endorse, assign, deliver, accept and deposit, in the name of Purchaser or Seller, proceeds of any Collateral; (b) take or bring, in the name of Purchaser or Seller, all steps, actions, suits or proceedings deemed by Purchaser necessary or desirable to effect collection of or other realization upon all Collateral; (c) file any claim under (i) any bond or (ii) under any trust fund with respect to any of the foregoing issued for the benefit of Seller individually or as a member of a class or group; (d) with respect to any credit insurance policy in which Seller is an insured, in the name of Seller and/or Purchaser: (i) file a claim thereunder; and (ii) as required under the policy, assign to the insurer any rights that Seller and/or Purchaser may have in Seller’s Accounts; (e) pay any sums necessary to discharge any lien, claim, or encumbrance which is senior to Purchaser's security interest in any assets of Seller, which sums shall be included as Obligations of and in connection with such sums the Default Rate shall accrue and shall be immediately due and payable on the Balance Subject to Funds Usage Daily Rate; (f) file in the name of Seller or Purchaser or both (i) mechanics lien or related notices, or (ii) claims under any payment bond, in connection with goods or services sold by Seller in connection with the improvement of realty; (g) notify any Account Debtor and/or Payor obligated with respect to any Account, that the underlying Account has been assigned to Purchaser by Seller and that payment thereof is to be made to the order of and directly and solely to Purchaser; (h) communicate directly with Seller's Account Debtors and/or Payors to verify the amount and validity of any Account created by Seller; (i) endorse and deposit on behalf of Seller any checks tendered by an Account Debtor "in full payment" of its obligation to Seller (and Seller shall not assert against Purchaser any claim arising therefrom, irrespective of whether such action by Purchaser effects an accord and satisfaction of Seller's claims, under §3-311 of the Uniform Commercial Code, or otherwise); and (j) in Purchaser’s name or on behalf of Seller, with Seller to be bound thereby, extend the time of payment of, compromise or settle for cash, credit, return of merchandise, and upon any terms or conditions (collectively, a “Settlement”), all Accounts and discharge or release any Account Debtor or other obligor (including filing of any public record releasing any lien granted to Seller by such Account Debtor), without affecting any of the Obligations. All settlements are presumed to be commercially reasonable, with the burden of proof on Seller with respect thereto.
13. Intentionally Removed
14. |
Agreements by Seller. |
14.1. After written notice by Purchaser to Seller, and automatically, without notice following an Event of Default, Seller shall not (a) grant any extension of time for payment of any of its Accounts,
(b) compromise or settle any of its Accounts for less than the full amount, (c) release in whole or in part any Payor, or (d) grant credits, discounts, allowances, deductions, or return authorizations for any Accounts.
14.2. Seller shall keep at its principal place of business for a period of five years all books of account and business records customary for the industry, which books and records are subject to inspection by Purchaser and its agents and representatives during normal business hours. Purchaser or its designee shall have access with prior notice, during reasonable business hours if prior to an Event of Default and immediately at any time if on or after an Event of Default, to all premises where Collateral is located for the purposes of inspecting (and removing, if after the occurrence of an Event of Default) any of the Collateral, and Seller shall permit Purchaser or its designee to make copies of such books and records as Purchaser may request.
14.3. Seller shall give Purchaser thirty (30) Business Days' prior written notice of any proposed change to its present name, the address of its headquarters or where its books and records are located, any proposed purchase of a majority interest in its equity ownership or proposed purchase of all or substantially all of its assets, any management, and any proposed change to its jurisdiction of organization or type of legal organization.
14.4. Seller shall pay when due all of its payroll and other taxes and shall provide proof of payment to Purchaser.
14.5. Seller shall not create, incur, or permit the existence of any lien upon any Collateral without prior consent of Purchaser, which consent will not be unreasonably withheld so long as the subordinate secured party and Purchaser enter into a consent agreement acceptable to Purchaser. As of the date of this Agreement, Purchaser consents to the existence of the UCC liens identified on Schedule A attached hereto, which are in existence as of the date of this Agreement, subject to the terms and conditions set forth in Schedule A.
14.6. Seller shall provide Purchaser, within two (2) Business Days of receipt by Seller, copies of any business or legal notices, summonses, complaints, or other proceedings received by Seller.
14.7. Seller shall pay to Purchaser on the next banking day following the date of receipt by Seller the amount of (a) any payment on account of a Purchased Account; and (b) after the occurrence of an Event of Default, any payment on account of any Account. Seller shall hold the funds described herein in trust for Purchaser.
14.8. Seller shall provide to Purchaser, within ten (10) days of the end of each calendar month the following information: (a) a detailed aging of accounts receivable as of the last day of each month, (b) a detailed aging of accounts payable as of the last day of each month, (c) a detailed bank statement as of the last day of each month, and (d) internally prepared financial statements including a profit and loss statement and balance sheet.
14.9. Seller shall provide to Purchaser, within ten (10) days of filing thereof, copies of the Seller’s quarterly Federal withholding (Form 941) filings together with copies of tax deposit receipts or other proof of deposits pertaining thereto.
14.10. Seller shall provide to Purchaser, annually within 90 days after the close of Seller’s fiscal year, financial statements, including a profit and loss statement and balance sheet.
14.11. In the event that Purchaser sends a notice of assignment to a Payor obligated with respect to any Account pursuant to Section 12(g), (a) Seller shall not direct such Payor to pay such Account to Seller or any other entity or individual, or undermine or interfere with such notice of assignment in any manner; and (b) Seller agrees that a violation of this Section 14.11 will put the value of the Collateral at risk and will cause irreparable harm to Purchaser and Purchaser shall be entitled to injunctive relief to prevent such violation without the necessity of proving that actual damages are not an adequate remedy. Purchaser will be entitled to any proceeds of Accounts received by Seller from such violation.
14.12. Seller shall not, directly or indirectly, convey, sell, lease, license, assign or otherwise transfer any of its assets to any Affiliate of Seller.
15. Account Statement. Purchaser may make available to Seller a statement setting forth the transactions arising hereunder. Each statement shall be considered correct and binding upon Seller as an account statement, except to the extent that Purchaser receives, within thirty (30) days after the availability of such statement, written notice from Seller of any specific exceptions by Seller to that statement, and then it shall be binding against Seller as to any items to which it has not objected.
16. Account Disputes. Seller shall notify Purchaser of all Disputes concerning any Purchased Account, and at Purchaser's request Seller shall settle all Disputes concerning any Purchased Account, at Seller's sole cost and expense. Seller shall not, without Purchaser's prior consent, compromise or adjust a Purchased Account or grant any additional discounts, allowances, or credits on a Purchased Account. Purchaser may attempt to settle, compromise, or litigate any Dispute upon such terms, as Purchaser deems advisable.
17. Overadvance. If at any time and for any reason the total aggregate amount of outstanding Balance Subject to Funds Usage Daily Rate exceeds the eligible Purchased Accounts (any such excess being an “Overadvance”), without limiting the Purchaser’s right to declare an Event of Default, Seller will upon demand by Purchaser immediately pay to Purchaser in cash the amount of any such Overadvance, unless the Overadvance is preapproved, at which point the terms of the Overadvance Rider to the Invoice Purchase and Sale Agreement shall control. Without affecting Seller’s obligation to immediately repay to Purchaser the amount of each Overadvance, Seller shall pay Purchaser a fee (the “Overadvance Fee”) in an amount of $500.00 per each occurrence of an Overadvance. Without limiting the foregoing, all Overadvances shall be deemed Obligations and shall be secured by the Collateral and guaranteed under all guaranties executed in connection with the Agreement.
18. Representation and Warranties. Seller represents and warrants that (a) Seller is fully authorized to enter into this Agreement; (b) this Agreement constitutes a legal and valid obligation that is binding upon Seller and that is enforceable against it, (c) Seller is solvent and in good standing in the state of its organization; (d) there are no pending actions, suits, or other legal proceedings of any kind (whether civil or criminal) now pending (or, to its knowledge, threatened) against Seller, the adverse result of which would in any material respect affect its property or financial condition, or threaten its continued operations; (e) Seller has not conducted business under or used any other name, whether legal or fictitious; (f) the Purchased Accounts are and will (i) remain bona fide existing Obligations created by the sale and delivery of goods or the rendition of services in the ordinary course of its business, (ii) are unconditionally owed and will be paid to Purchaser without any Dispute that is known to Seller at the time such Accounts are presented to Purchaser for purchase, other than ordinary course de minimis claims, (iii) not sales to any Affiliates of Seller, and (iv) “arm’s length” transactions; (g) Seller has not received notice of actual or imminent bankruptcy, insolvency, or material impairment of the financial condition of any applicable Account Debtor regarding Purchased Accounts at the time such Accounts are presented to Purchaser for purchase; (h) None of the Seller, any of its subsidiaries, any director or officer, or any employee, agent, or Affiliate, of the Seller or any of its subsidiaries is a person that is, or is owned or controlled by persons that are, (i) the subject of any sanctions administered or enforced by the US Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control, the US Department of State, the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority or other relevant sanctions authority (collectively, "Sanctions"), or (ii) located, organized or resident in a country or territory that is, or whose government is, the subject of Sanctions, including, without limitation, currently, Cuba, the Crimea region of Ukraine, Iran, North Korea, Sudan and Syria (i) None of the Seller or any of its subsidiaries, nor to the knowledge of the Seller, any director, officer, agent, employee, Affiliate or other person acting on behalf of the Seller or any of its subsidiaries is aware of or has taken any action, directly or indirectly, that would result in a violation by such persons of any applicable anti-bribery law, including but not limited to, the United Kingdom Bribery Act 2010 (the "UK Bribery Act") and the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 (the "FCPA"). Furthermore, the Seller and, to the knowledge of the Seller, its Affiliates have conducted their businesses in compliance with the UK Bribery Act, the FCPA and similar laws, rules or regulations and have instituted and maintain policies and procedures designed to ensure, and which are reasonably expected to continue to ensure, continued compliance therewith.
19. Indemnification. Seller agrees to indemnify Purchaser and hold it harmless against any and all manner of suits, claims, liabilities, demands, damages, expenses, attorneys’ fees, and collection costs resulting from or arising out of this Agreement, whether directly or indirectly (“Indemnified Loss”) and shall pay to Purchaser on demand the amount of such Indemnified Loss. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Seller’s indemnification shall include but not be limited to, any loss arising out of the Purchaser’s exercise of its rights pursuant to Section 12 herein and any assertion of any Avoidance Claim. With respect to an Avoidance Claim, Seller shall notify Purchaser within two (2) Business Days of Seller's becoming aware of the assertion of an Avoidance Claim. This provision shall survive termination of this Agreement.
20. Disclaimer of Liability. Purchaser will not be liable to Seller for any lost profits, lost savings or other consequential, incidental, punitive, or special damages resulting from or arising out of or in connection with this Agreement.
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Default and Events of Default. The following events will constitute an Event of Default hereunder: |
(a) Seller defaults in the payment of any Obligations and does not cure the default within three (3) Business Days of the default; (b) Seller fails to perform any covenant or agreement, provision or other undertaking under this Agreement and does not cure the default within fourteen (14) Business Days of the default; (c) any representation or warranty of the Seller contained in this Agreement proves to be false in any way; (d) Seller or any guarantor of the Obligations becomes subject to any debtor-relief proceedings; (e) any guarantor fails to perform or observe any of the guarantor's Obligations to Purchaser or shall notify Purchaser of its intention to rescind, modify, terminate or revoke any guaranty, or any guaranty shall cease to be in full force and effect for any reason whatever; (f) any lien, garnishment, attachment or the like not listed on Schedule A, the list of permitted liens, shall be issued against or shall attach to the Purchased Accounts, the Collateral or any portion thereof and the same is not released within ten (10) days; (g) Seller or any guarantor of the Obligations convey, sell, lease, license, assign or otherwise transfer any of its assets to any Affiliate of Seller or any such guarantor; and (h)Purchaser for any reason, in good faith, deems itself insecure with respect to the prospect of repayment or performance of any Obligations.
Upon the occurrence of any Event of Default, in addition to any rights Purchaser has under this Agreement or applicable law, Purchaser may immediately terminate this Agreement, at which time all Obligations shall immediately become due and payable without notice.
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At option of Purchaser, (i) from and after the occurrence of an Event of Default, and without constituting a waiver of any such Event of Default, and/or (ii) if the Obligations are not paid in full by the Termination Date, the Obligations shall bear interest at the Default Rate. |
22. Amendment and Waiver. This Agreement may only be modified in writing signed by all Parties. No failure or delay in exercising any right shall impair any right that Purchaser has, nor shall any waiver by Purchaser be deemed a waiver of any default or breach occurring subsequently. Purchaser's rights and remedies are cumulative and not exclusive of each other or of any rights or remedies that Purchaser would otherwise have.
23. Term and Termination Date. This Agreement shall be effective when executed by all of the Parties, shall continue in full force and effect for 12 months thereafter (the "Term"), and shall be further extended automatically annually (the "Renewal Term"), unless Seller provides written notice of its intention to terminate at least thirty (30) days prior the end of the respective Term or Renewal Term. Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, such termination shall not occur, and the Agreement shall continue as if no notice was given unless, on the Termination Date, Seller has fully repaid Purchaser all Obligations.
23.1. If Seller provides notice of its intent to terminate under Section 23 herein, then in addition to any other fees or amounts due under this Agreement, Seller agrees that it will pay Purchaser an Early Termination Fee equal to 2.0% of the Maximum Amount if this Agreement is terminated during the initial Term and subject to a reduced Early Termination Fee equal to 1.0% of the Maximum Amount if this Agreement is terminated after the initial Term (“Early Termination Fee”). If Seller provides written notice of its intention to terminate at least thirty (30) days prior to the end of the respective Term, the Early Termination Fee will be waived. The Early Termination Fee will also be waived at any time should the Seller obtain traditional financing with a FDIC bank.
23.2. Purchaser may terminate this Agreement at any time by giving Seller thirty (30) days' prior written notice of termination, whereupon this Agreement shall terminate on the earlier date of thirty (30) days thereafter or the end of the then current Term or Renewal Term, upon which Termination Date Seller shall fully repay to Purchaser all Obligations.
24. No Lien Termination without Release. In recognition of the Purchaser's right to have its attorneys' fees and other expenses incurred in connection with this Agreement secured by the Collateral, notwithstanding payment in full of all Obligations by Seller, Purchaser shall not be required to record any terminations or satisfactions of any of Purchaser's liens on the Collateral unless and until Complete Termination has occurred. Seller understands that this provision constitutes a waiver of its rights under §9-513 of the UCC.
25. Conflict. Unless otherwise expressly stated in any other agreement between Purchaser and Seller, if a conflict exists between the provisions of this Agreement and the provisions of such other agreement, the provisions of this Agreement shall control.
26. Severability. In the event any one or more of the provisions contained in this Agreement is held to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable in any respect, then such provision shall be ineffective only to the extent of such prohibition or invalidity, and the validity, legality, and enforceability of the remaining provisions contained herein shall not in any way be affected or impaired thereby.
27. Expenses. In addition to those expenses set forth in Section 8 herein, Seller agrees to reimburse Purchaser the actual amount of all costs and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses, which Purchaser may incur (a) protecting, preserving or enforcing any lien, security or other right granted by Seller to Purchaser or arising under applicable law, whether or not suit is brought, including but not limited to the defense of any Avoidance Claims or the defense of Purchaser's lien priority; (b) for reasonable travel and attorneys' fees and expenses incurred in complying with any subpoena or other legal process in any way relating to Seller; and (c) for the actual amount of all costs and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees, which Purchaser may incur in enforcing this Agreement, or in connection with any federal or state insolvency proceeding commenced by or against Seller or any Payor, including those (i) arising out of an automatic stay, (ii) seeking dismissal or conversion of a bankruptcy proceeding or (iii) opposing confirmation of Seller's plan thereunder. All expenses will be subtracted from the Reserve Account and are payable by Seller upon demand by Purchaser. This provision shall survive termination of this Agreement.
28. Entire Agreement. This Agreement supersedes all prior or contemporaneous agreements and understandings between the Parties, verbal or written, express or implied, relating to the subject matter hereof. No promises outside of those contained within this Agreement of any kind have been made by Purchaser or any third party to induce Seller to execute this Agreement. No course of dealing, course of performance, or trade usage, and no parol evidence of any nature, shall be used to supplement or modify any terms of this Agreement.
29. Choice of Law. This Agreement shall be governed by, construed under, and enforced in accordance with the internal laws of the Chosen State.
31. Venue; Jurisdiction. The Parties agree that any suit, action, or proceeding arising out of the subject matter or the interpretation, performance, or breach of this Agreement, shall, if Purchaser so elects, be instituted in the Courts of Orange County, Florida (each an "Acceptable Forum"). Each Party agrees that the Acceptable Forums are convenient to it, and each Party irrevocably submits to the jurisdiction of the Acceptable Forums, irrevocably agrees to be bound by any judgment rendered in connection with this Agreement and waives any and all objections to jurisdiction or venue that it may have under the laws of the Acceptable Forums or otherwise in those courts in any such suit, action, or proceeding. Should such proceeding be initiated in any other forum, Seller waives any right to oppose any motion or application made by Purchaser as a consequence of such proceeding having been commenced in a forum other than an Acceptable Forum.
32. Counterparts. This Agreement may be signed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be an original, with the same effect as if all signatures were upon the same instrument. Delivery of an executed counterpart of the signature page to this Agreement by facsimile or other electronic means shall be effective as delivery of a manually executed counterpart of this Agreement, and any Party delivering such an executed counterpart of the signature page to this Agreement by such means to any other Party shall thereafter also promptly deliver a manually executed counterpart of this Agreement to such other Party, provided that the failure to deliver such manually executed counterpart shall not affect the validity, enforceability, or binding effect of this Agreement.
33. Notice. All notices required to be given to any Party shall be deemed given upon the first to occur of (i) transmittal sent by commercial overnight carrier, (ii) transmittal by electronic means to a receiver under the control of such Party; or (iii) actual receipt by such Party or an employee or agent of such Party. Notices shall be sent to the following addresses, or to such other addresses as each such Party may in writing hereafter indicate:
PURCHASER: Alterna Capital Solutions LLC
2420 Lakemont Ave, Suite 350
Orlando, FL 32814
Jeremy Bilsky, General Manager
SELLER: Laird Superfood, Inc.
5303 Spine Rd, Suite 204
Boulder, CO 80301
Steve Richie, General Counsel
34. Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns.
35. Assignment. Purchaser may assign its rights and delegate its duties hereunder. Upon such assignment, Seller shall be deemed to have attorned to the assignee, shall owe the same Obligations to such assignee and shall accept performance hereunder from the assignee as if such assignee were Purchaser.
36. Confidentiality and Nondisclosure. The Parties agree that the terms of this Agreement, all business methods and trade secrets, and any and all other records and information clearly and specifically identified by the applicable Party as confidential will be held in strict confidence and treated as the confidential property of the other Party. A Party will not, except in the due performance of its duties or the enforcement of its rights under this Agreement, disclose any of the foregoing to any person, unless specifically authorized to do so in writing by the other Party or unless required by law. The provisions of this Section shall survive the termination of this Agreement.
37. Time of the Essence. It is agreed that time is of the essence in all matters herein.
38. Service of Process. Seller agrees that Purchaser may affect service of process upon Seller by regular mail at the address set forth herein or at such other address as may be reflected in the records of Purchaser, or at the option of Purchaser by service upon Seller’s agent for the service of process.
39. Headings. The title of this Agreement and the subject headings of the sections and subsections of this Agreement are included for the purposes of convenience and shall not affect the construction of interpretation of any of its provisions.
40. Construction. This Agreement and all agreements relating to the subject matter hereof are the product of negotiation and preparation by and among each party and its respective attorneys and shall be construed accordingly.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Parties hereto have affixed their hands and seals on the day and year first above written.
SELLER: Laird Superfood, Inc.
By: ____________________________
Name: Steve Richie
Title: General Counsel
PURCHASER: Alterna Capital Solutions LLC
By: _____________________________ Name: Jeremy L. Bilsky
Title: General Manager
Purchaser consents to the existence of the following UCC liens, which are in existence as of the date of this Agreement:
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HYG Financial Services, Inc. |
No other liens on the Collateral are permitted without prior consent of Purchaser.