“協議” shall mean the written or electronic agreement evidencing an award hereunder between the Company and the recipient of such award.
“自動行權日期” shall mean the last business day of the term of an option or SAR.
“董事會” 董事會指的是公司的董事會。
“控制權變更” 應按照所述含義 披露計劃書第5.8(b)條.
“代碼” 應指1986年修訂後的《國內稅收法典》。
“委員會” 指董事會的人力資本與薪酬委員會,或董事會的子委員會,或者由董事會指定的其他委員會,每種情況下皆由兩名或兩名以上的董事組成,每位委員都應當(i)屬於《交易所法》第160億.3條所指的「非僱員董事」,且(ii)符合紐約證券交易所規則或若普通股未在紐約證券交易所上市,則符合普通股所在主要證券交易所規則所定義的「獨立」要求。
“普通股” 指公司的每股面值爲$0.01的普通股,及其所有附屬權利。
“公司” 指rli保險,一家根據特拉華州法律成立的公司,或其任何繼任者。
“使擁有公司註冊證券類別10%以上股權的官員、董事或實際股東代表簽署人遞交表格3、4和5(包括修正版及有關聯合遞交協議),符合證券交易法案第16(a)條及其下屬規則規定的要求;” 「股票交易所法案1934年修訂案」即《1934年證券交易法》。
“公允市場價” 「股票的市況交易價格」指根據被確定價值的日期紐約證券交易所報告的一股普通股的收盤交易價格,或者如果普通股未在紐約證券交易所上市,指在普通股交易的主要國家證券交易所上一股普通股的收盤交易價格,被確定價值的日期上如果沒有關於該日期的報告交易,那麼在後續報告交易的日期。 在每種情況下,該B類股東和/或該B類股東的家庭成員需獨立控制在此類帳戶、計劃或信託中持有的B類普通股實時;, 公司對於以下情況,不應承擔責任:根據第10(b)部分書面信息可靠地提供。公司可能自行決定使用公共股票的收盤交易價格作爲價格確定日期的前一日的股票價格,以公司認爲更實際用於行政目的,例如稅款代扣。 如果公共股票未在國家證券交易所上市,或者任何日期的公允市場價無法確定,則公允市場價應由委員會確定,委員會可根據其自行判定爲適當的任何手段或方法來確定,且要合規於《稅收法409A》。
“獨立自由股票認購權” 指未與任何期權同時或參照發放的股票套期權,行使後使持有人有權接收公共股票(可能爲受限股票)或者根據適用協議規定的範圍,獲得現金或二者組合,總價值相當於行使日一個股票的公允市場價與此類股票套期權基準價格之差額乘以行使的套期權數量。
“6. 承認。僱員明確同意在本修正案所提供的薪酬、條款和福利的基礎上。作爲繼續僱傭的一部分,僱員同意並承認,在本修正案的日期上,不存在任何構成悔職或正當理由辭職權利的情況,包括就業協議第8條款或公司維護的任何其他企業分離或控制方案、協議或政策。此外,僱員特此明確放棄(如有)主張本修正案或任何其他情況或發生形成沒有正當原因終止或出於正當理由的辭職權利的權利,包括就業協議第8條款或公司維護的任何其他企業分離或控制方案、協議或政策。”指參與者未經同意而發生的以下任一條件:(i)基本工資或任何獎金或激勵報酬機會實質減少;(ii)參與者的權威、職責或責任實質減少;(iii)要求參與者向監事會直接彙報的主管的權威、職責或責任實質減少,包括要求參與者向某個官員或僱員而不是直接向董事會彙報;(iv)參與者保留權威的預算實質減少。 (v) 參與者必須執行服務的地理位置發生實質性變更;或 (vi) 任何行動或不作爲致使適用僱傭協議的實質性違約。 僅當參與者在首次發現此控件條件後的90天內向公司或任何繼任僱主提供有關此控件條件存在的書面通知,公司或繼任僱主在收到該通知後30天內未消除該控件條件,並且參與者在此條件存在後的六個月內終止就業時,才被視爲出於正當原因而終止。
“激勵股票期權” 應指的是符合《法典》第422條或任何繼承條款要求的購買普通股份的期權,委員會意圖視爲激勵性期權。
“非僱員董事” 董事應指董事局認定爲《交易法》第160億.3(b)(3)條或其繼任條款意義上的非僱員董事。
“非法定股票期權” 應指的是購買普通股份的期權,而非激勵性期權。
“其他股票獎勵” 應指根據以下規定授予的裁決 第 3.4 節 計劃的。
“績效獎” 應指獲得一定數量的現金、普通股或兩者兼而有之的權利,前提是要在規定的績效期內實現規定的績效指標。
“績效衡量標準” 應指委員會制定的標準和目標,這些標準和目標應得到滿足或滿足 (i) 作爲授予或行使全部或部分期權或 SAR 的條件,或 (ii) 在適用的限制期或履行期內,作爲持有人權益歸屬的條件,如果是限制性股票獎勵,則是受該獎勵的普通股,或者,如果是限制性股票單位對持有人收到的普通股進行獎勵、其他股票獎勵或績效獎勵,但須遵守以下條件該裁決或與該裁決有關的付款.此類業績標準和目標可能包括但不限於公司合併和/或公司特定子公司、業務或地理單位或運營區域(股東總回報率和每股收益標準除外)的以下任何一項或多項業務標準:普通股在特定時期內實現特定的公允市場價值;股東價值的增加;每股收益;回報率或淨資產;回報率股權;投資回報率;資本回報率或投資資本回報率;股東總回報率;公司稅前和/或利息前的收益或收入;扣除利息、稅項、折舊和攤銷前的收益(”EBITDA”);息稅折舊攤銷前利潤率;營業收入;運營費用、實現支出水平或成本削減目標;市場份額;現金流、每股現金流、現金流利潤率或自由現金流;利息支出;創造的經濟價值;毛利或利潤;營業利潤或利潤;運營提供的淨現金;市盈增長;賬面價值增長;合併比率(或必然承保利潤);和戰略承保利潤業務標準,由一個或多個目標組成,該目標基於滿足以下方面的特定目標市場滲透率、客戶獲取、業務擴張、成本目標、客戶滿意度、減少錯誤和遺漏、減少業務損失、僱用做法和員工福利管理、訴訟監督、信息技術監督、質量和質量審計分數、效率以及收購或剝離, 或委員會可能決定是否在此列出的其他目標.每個此類目標都可以在稅前或稅後基礎上確定,也可以在絕對或相對基礎上確定,可能包括基於當前內部目標、公司過去的業績(包括一個或多個子公司、部門或運營單位的業績)或其他公司過去或當前的表現或市場指數(或此類過去和當前業績的組合)的比較。除了上面特別列舉的比率外,業績目標還可能包括與資本(包括但不限於資本成本)、股東權益、已發行股份、資產或淨資產、銷售額或其任何組合相關的比較。在制定績效衡量標準或確定績效衡量標準的實現情況時,委員會可以規定,可以修改或調整適用的績效衡量標準的實現情況,以包括或排除任何績效衡量標準的組成部分,包括但不限於外匯損益、資產減記、收購和剝離、財政年度變化、未編入預算的資本支出、重組或減值費用等特殊費用、債務再融資成本、特殊或非現金項目,不尋常,影響公司或其財務報表或法律或會計原則變更的不經常發生、非經常性或一次性事件。業績計量應受委員會可能隨時制定的其他特殊規則和條件的約束。
“演出週期” 是指委員會指定的任何期限,在此期間,(i) 應衡量適用於獎勵的績效衡量標準,(ii) 適用於獎勵的歸屬條件保持有效。
“事先的計劃” 應指 RLI Corp. 2015 年長期激勵計劃。
“符合條件的終止” 指無故非自願終止僱傭關係或在控制權變更後的兩年內因正當理由終止僱傭關係。此外,如果參與者的解僱發生在控制權變更之前,並且確定此類解僱 (A) 是應第三方的要求解僱,該第三方已表示意圖或採取了合理的措施以實現控制權變更,隨後實現了控制權變更,或者 (B) 以其他方式與控制權變更有關或預計發生在本定義中實際發生的控制權變更的日期對參與者的控制權變更是指立即發生的日期在參與者終止僱用之日之前。
“Restricted Stock” shall mean shares of Common Stock which are subject to a Restriction Period and which may, in addition thereto, be subject to the attainment of specified Performance Measures within a specified Performance Period.
“Restricted Stock Award” shall mean an award of Restricted Stock under this Plan.
“Restricted Stock Unit” shall mean a right to receive one share of Common Stock or, in lieu thereof and to the extent set forth in the applicable Agreement, the Fair Market Value of such share of Common Stock in cash, which shall be contingent upon the expiration of a specified Restriction Period and which may, in addition thereto, be contingent upon the attainment of specified Performance Measures within a specified Performance Period.
“Restricted Stock Unit Award” shall mean an award of Restricted Stock Units under this Plan.
“Restriction Period” shall mean any period designated by the Committee during which (i) the Common Stock subject to a Restricted Stock Award may not be sold, transferred, assigned, pledged, hypothecated or otherwise encumbered or disposed of, except as provided in this Plan or the Agreement relating to such award, or (ii) the conditions to vesting applicable to a Restricted Stock Unit Award or Other Stock Award shall remain in effect.
“Retirement” or “Retires” means a participant’s termination of employment on or after the date when the participant’s age plus years of service equals at least 75. For this purpose, (i) a participant’s age shall be measured in whole and partial years (with partial years measured in days) as of the date of the participant’s termination of employment and (ii) a participant’s years of service shall be based only on the participant’s actual service with the Company or a Subsidiary (and not with any other employer that may be acquired by the Company with respect to service prior to the acquisition, except as otherwise provided by the Company in writing) and shall be calculated based on the number of whole and partial years of employment (with partial years measured in days) that the participant has completed from the date of the participant’s initial employment with the Company or a Subsidiary through the date of the participant’s termination of employment. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Committee may specify, in its discretion, in a written Agreement, policy or guideline that a participant will be considered to have had a “Retirement” if the participant satisfies the terms of a non-competition covenant or under such other terms and conditions as specified by the Committee in its discretion.
“SAR” shall mean a stock appreciation right which may be a Free-Standing SAR or a Tandem SAR.
“Stock Award” shall mean a Restricted Stock Award, Restricted Stock Unit Award or Other Stock Award.
“Subsidiary” shall mean any corporation, limited liability company, partnership, joint venture or similar entity in which the Company owns, directly or indirectly, an equity interest possessing more than 50% of the combined voting power of the total outstanding equity interests of such entity.
“Substitute Award” shall mean an award granted under this Plan upon the assumption of, or in substitution for, outstanding equity awards previously granted by a company or other entity in connection with a corporate transaction, including a merger, combination, consolidation or acquisition of property or stock; provided, however, that in no event shall the term “Substitute Award” be construed to refer to an award made in connection with the cancellation and repricing of an option or SAR.
“Tandem SAR” shall mean an SAR which is granted in tandem with, or by reference to, an option (including a Nonqualified Stock Option granted prior to the date of grant of the SAR), which entitles the holder thereof to receive, upon exercise of such SAR and surrender for cancellation of all or a portion of such option, shares of Common Stock (which may be Restricted Stock) or, to the extent set forth in the applicable Agreement, cash or a combination thereof, with an aggregate value equal to the excess of the Fair Market Value of one share of Common Stock on the date of exercise over the base price of such SAR, multiplied by the number of shares of Common Stock subject to such option, or portion thereof, which is surrendered.
“Tax Date” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 5.5.
“Ten Percent Holder” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2.1(a).
The Committee may delegate some or all of its power and authority hereunder to the Board or, subject to applicable law, to a subcommittee of the Board, a member of the Board, the President and the Chief Executive Officer or other executive officer of the Company as the Committee deems appropriate; provided, however, that the Committee may not delegate its power and authority to a member of the Board, the President and the Chief Executive Officer or other executive officer of the Company with regard to the selection for participation in this Plan of an officer, director or other person subject to Section 16 of the Exchange Act or decisions concerning the timing, pricing or amount of an award to such an officer, director or other person.
No member of the Board or Committee, and neither the President and the Chief Executive Officer nor any other executive officer to whom the Committee delegates any of its power and authority hereunder, shall be liable for any act, omission, interpretation, construction or determination made in connection with this Plan in good faith, and the members of the Board and the Committee and the President and the Chief Executive Officer or other executive officer shall be entitled to indemnification and reimbursement by the Company in respect of any claim, loss, damage or expense (including attorneys’ fees) arising therefrom to the full extent permitted by law (except as otherwise may be provided in the Company’s Certificate of Incorporation and/or By-laws) and under any directors’ and officers’ liability insurance that may be in effect from time to time.
To the extent that shares of Common Stock subject to an outstanding option, SAR, Stock Award or Performance Award granted under the Plan or the Prior Plan, other than Substitute Awards, are not issued or delivered by reason of (i) the expiration, termination, cancellation or forfeiture of such award (excluding shares subject to an option cancelled upon settlement in shares of a related Tandem SAR or shares subject to a Tandem SAR cancelled upon exercise of a related option) or (ii) the settlement of such award in cash, then such shares of Common Stock shall again be available under this Plan; provided, however, that shares of Common Stock subject to an award under this Plan or the Prior Plan shall not again be available for issuance under this Plan if such shares are (x) shares that were subject to an option or stock-settled SAR and were not issued or delivered upon the net settlement or net exercise of such option or SAR, (y) shares delivered to or withheld by the Company to pay the purchase price or the withholding taxes related to an outstanding award or (z) shares repurchased by the Company on the open market with the proceeds of an option exercise. The number of shares that again become available pursuant to this paragraph shall be equal to (i) one share for each share subject to an option or Free-Standing SAR described herein and (ii) 2.5 shares for each share subject to a Stock Award or Performance Award described herein. At the time this Plan becomes effective, none of the shares of Common Stock available for future grant under the Prior Plan shall be available for grant under the Prior Plan.
The number of shares of Common Stock available for awards under this Plan shall not be reduced by (i) the number of shares of Common Stock subject to Substitute Awards or (ii) available shares under a stockholder approved plan of a company or other entity which was a party to a corporate transaction with the Company (as appropriately adjusted to reflect such corporate transaction) which become subject to awards granted under this Plan (subject to applicable stock exchange requirements).
Shares of Common Stock to be delivered under this Plan shall be made available from authorized and unissued shares of Common Stock, or authorized and issued shares of Common Stock reacquired and held as treasury shares or otherwise or a combination thereof.
Options shall be subject to the following terms and conditions and shall contain such additional terms and conditions, not inconsistent with the terms of this Plan, as the Committee shall deem advisable:
Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the case of an option that is a Substitute Award, the purchase price per share of the shares subject to such option may be less than 100% of the Fair Market Value per share on the date of grant, provided, that the excess of: (a) the aggregate Fair Market Value (as of the date such Substitute Award is granted) of the shares subject to the Substitute Award, over (b) the aggregate purchase price thereof does not exceed the excess of: (x) the aggregate fair market value (as of the time immediately preceding the transaction giving rise to the Substitute Award, such fair market value to be determined by the Committee) of the shares of the predecessor company or other entity that were subject to the grant assumed or substituted for by the Company, over (y) the aggregate purchase price of such shares.
SARs shall be subject to the following terms and conditions and shall contain such additional terms and conditions, not inconsistent with the terms of this Plan, as the Committee shall deem advisable:
Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the case of an SAR that is a Substitute Award, the base price per share of the shares subject to such SAR may be less than 100% of the Fair Market Value per share on the date of grant, provided, that the excess of: (a) the aggregate Fair Market Value (as of the date such Substitute Award is granted) of the shares subject to the Substitute Award, over (b) the aggregate base price thereof does not exceed the excess of: (x) the aggregate fair market value (as of the time immediately preceding the transaction giving rise to the Substitute Award, such fair market value to be determined by the Committee) of the shares of the predecessor company or other entity that were subject to the grant assumed or substituted for by the Company, over (y) the aggregate base price of such shares.
Awards hereunder may be made at any time prior to the termination of this Plan, provided that no Incentive Stock Option may be granted later than ten years after the date on which the Plan was approved by the Board. In the event that this Plan is not approved by the stockholders of the Company, this Plan and any awards hereunder shall be void and of no force or effect, and the RLI Corp. 2015 Long-Term Incentive Plan shall remain in effect in accordance with its terms.
For the avoidance of doubt, except as explicitly authorized in an Agreement, by this Section 5.8(a) or by a participant in writing, the Board may not terminate or cancel any equity awards (whether vested or unvested) in connection with a Change in Control.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, a Change in Control shall not occur as the result of an acquisition of outstanding shares of the Company by the Company which, by reducing the number of shares outstanding, increases the proportionate number of shares beneficially owned by a Person to 30% or more of the shares of the Company then outstanding; provided, however, that if a Person becomes the Beneficial Owner of 30% or more of the shares of the Company then outstanding by reason of share purchases by the Company and shall, after such share purchases by the Company, become the Beneficial Owner of any additional shares of the Company, then a Change in Control shall be deemed to have occurred; or
(A) the stockholders of the Company immediately prior to the consummation of the transaction would not, immediately after such consummation, as a result of their beneficial ownership of voting stock of the Company immediately prior to such consummation
(I)be the Beneficial Owners, directly or indirectly, of securities of the resulting or acquiring entity entitled to elect a majority of the members of the board of directors or other governing body of the resulting or acquiring entity; and
(II)be the Beneficial Owners of the resulting or acquiring entity in substantially the same proportion as their beneficial ownership of the voting stock of the Company immediately prior to such transaction; or
(B) those persons who were directors of the Company immediately prior to the consummation of the proposed transaction would not, immediately after such consummation, constitute a majority of the directors of the resulting entity; or
provided, that with respect to any nonqualified deferred compensation that becomes payable on account of the Change in Control, the transaction or event described in clause (1), (2), (3) or (4) also constitutes a “change in control event,” as defined in Treasury Regulation §1.409A-3(i)(5) if required in order for the payment not to violate Section 409A of the Code.
The Committee shall have full and final authority, which shall be exercised in its discretion, to determine conclusively whether a Change in Control of the Company has occurred pursuant to the above definition, and the date of the occurrence of such Change in Control and any incidental matters relating thereto.
Date: May 4, 2023RLI CORP.
By: Craig W. Kliethermes
Chief Executive Officer