EX-10.3 2 tmc-20240630xex10d3.htm EXHIBIT 10.3


TMC ザ・メタルズ・カンパニー株式会社





特に明記されていない限り、または文脈上別段の定めがない限り、このTMC the Metals Company Inc. 2021 インセンティブ・エクイティ・プランで使用されている以下の用語には次の意味があります。

積極的な雇用 従業員である参加者が会社または関連会社のために仕事をする期間を意味します。念のため、「アクティブ雇用」には、適用される雇用基準法に従って参加者に提供する必要がある最低限の解雇通知期間のみが含まれるとみなされますが、最低法定通知期間の終了日、または参加者が会社または関連会社のために仕事をした最終日(慣習法を含む)のいずれか遅い方に続く他の期間は除外されます。

アクティブ・エンゲージメント 従業員ではない参加者が会社または関連会社にサービスを提供する任意の期間を意味します。念のために言っておきますが、「アクティブ・エンゲージメント」には、参加者が会社または関連会社にサービスを提供した最終日の後、またはその後に続くはずの期間(慣習法を含む)は含まれません。

管理者 取締役会を指します。ただし、委員会に代わって行動する権限が委任されている場合、「管理者」という用語は委員会を意味します。

関連会社 本規範の第424条の目的上、直接または間接的に会社の親会社または子会社となっている法人またはその他の法人を意味します。

契約 とは、本プランに従って引き渡される新株予約権の条件を記載した書面または電子文書で、管理者が承認する形式です。

取締役会 会社の取締役会を意味します。

原因 参加者に関しては、(a)当該参加者が当社または関連会社と締結した書面による雇用契約またはサービス契約で定義されている「原因」、または(b)そのような明確な用語がない場合は、(i)当社または関連会社に対する不正行為、(ii)重大な過失、重大な違法行為、または会社または関連会社での雇用またはサービスに関連する義務の遂行における重大な失敗を意味します。これには以下が含まれます従属、(iii)参加者による書面による雇用、コンサルティング、勧告、秘密保持の条項に対する重大な違反、参加者と当社または関連会社との間の競業避止契約または類似契約、または当社または関連会社の重要な書面によるポリシー、または(iv)慣習法上の原因となる作為または不作為。

終値 ビジネス結合契約において合意された取引が、2021年3月4日付けのカナダブリティッシュコロンビア州法下で存立する無制限責任会社12919240億.C. Unlimited Liability Company、およびブリティッシュコロンビア州法下で存立するDeepGreen Metals Inc.の間で完了した日を指す。

コード 1986年修正法を含む1986年米国内国歳入法を指し、これに後続する法令、規則およびガイダンスを含む。

報酬委員会 計画の規定に基づきまたはこれに従って取締役会が権限を行使する権限が付与された場合、取締役会が委任した取締役会委員会を指す。

普通株式 当社の普通株式を指す。

会社 金属先物会社インクとは、カナダのブリティッシュコロンビア州に存在する会社を意味します。

アドバイザーを含む任意のコンサルタントは次の場合に該当します:(a)コンサルタントまたはアドバイザーが善意のあるサービスをサービスリシピエントに提供する、(b)コンサルタントまたはアドバイザーによって提供されるサービスが資本を調達する取引に関連しておらず、会社の証券の市場を直接または間接的に促進または維持していない場合、(c)業者またはアドバイザーは直接サービスプロバイダーと契約してそのようなサービスを提供する自然人である。 全セクターまたはその関連会社に営業上の取引に関わらない善意のサービスを提供する顧問またはコンサルタントである自然人を指しますが、このようなサービスが証券の募集または販売に関連していない場合、または会社またはその関連会社の証券の市場を直接的または間接的に促進または維持していない場合。

以下のいずれかの取引を意味します。 ビジネス取引とは、単一の取引またはそれに関連する一連の取引による一つのエンティティによる全部もしくは実質的に全部の会社の資産を合併、統合、または売却すること、または会社の全ての発行済株式の取得(または類似する取引)を指しますが、ただし、会社の存続会社を変更するだけの取引、または管理者によって決定されたように買収後に合併されることが合理的に予想される公開買付け取引が含まれる場合、ビジネス取引は公開買付け取引の完了時点で行なわれたこととみなされます。

障害の日付 障害が参加者のサービスが所定の雇用またはサービス契約に基づいて終了したとみなされる日付、または(b)このような定義された用語がない場合、ここで定義された障害の定義に規定された関連期間の最終日、該当の人権法令に準拠しています。

2.10 “障害” とは、参加者が、当該参加者が勤務するサービス提供者の長期障害保険プログラムの受給資格を得ることができる場合であってもそのような保険に加入していなくても良く、当該サービス提供者に対してサービスを提供している場合に適用されます。サービス提供者が長期障害計画を持っていない場合は、「障害」とは、参加者が90日以上連続で、医学的に確実に身体的または精神的な障害を理由に役職の責任と機能を遂行できないと判断された場合を意味します。参加者が委員会の裁量に十分に対応する証拠を提供しない限り、参加者が障害に陥ったと見なされません。Call of Duty無効 会社または関連会社との従業員または勤務契約書に記載された意味。定義された用語がない場合は、連続して9か月以上または任意の24か月にわたる合計12か月以上、疾病や les を理由として Company または関連会社の代理で職務を実質的に遂行できないこと。

優待社員以外は、現行の条件に従って引き続き優待株式オプションが保有されます。 プランの下で 1 つ以上の株式権を付与される資格を有する参加者は、会社または関連会社の従業員(会社または関連会社の役員または取締役を兼任している従業員を含む)を意味し、管理者が指定した者。

取引所法 1934 年改正米国証券取引法を意味する。

この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。


「公正市場価値」とは、任意の日付における、コードの第409A条に準拠して取締役会が決定する普通株式の価値を意味します。また、インセンティブストックオプションの場合は、コードの第422条に準拠する場合もあります。 普通株式のシェアとは何かということを意味します:


(b)普通株が全国証券取引所に上場されていないが店頭取引されており、普通株の売値が(a)項に言及された取引日について定期的に報告されていない場合、および普通株の買気配および売気配が定期的に報告されている場合、該当日の取引日において店頭取引の取引終了時の普通株の買気配と売気配の中間値が、適当日に普通株が取引された過去最新の取引日の終値であると、適当な日付が取引日でない場合はその前の取引日の終値であること; そして


オプション 計画に基づいて付与された普通株式を取得する権利を意味します。

参加者 「参加者」とは、計画の下で1人または複数の株式権利が付与された会社またはその関連会社の従業員、取締役、またはコンサルタントを意味します。本文で使用される「参加者」は、「参加者の遺族」を含むものとします、文脈に応じて。

実績に基づく賞与 「株式付与」または「株式ベースの報酬」とは、第9項に規定された成績目標の達成に基づいて発生する株式付与または株式ベースの報酬を意味します。

パフォーマンス目標 「成績目標」とは、委員会が独自の裁量で決定し、合意書に規定される成績目標を意味します。成績目標の達成は、委員会による認定の対象となります。委員会は、成績目標に関連して適切な措置を講じる権限を有しています(成績目標を調整したり、法人取引に関連して成績目標の達成を決定したりすることを含みます)、ただし、そのような行動が計画の条件を他に違反しない限り。

許可された譲受人 「参加者に関し」、次のいずれかについて:(a)参加者が100%出資する実体;(b)参加者の配偶者(事実婚を含む)、または参加者の子供(自然または養子);(c)参加者の死亡から生じる遺産、相続人および受益者;および(b)で特定された者、または、(b)または(c)で参照された者のみが唯一の株主、パートナー、または受益者である法人、株式会社、組織、法人、パートナーシップ、信託、協会、または他の実体。

プラン これは金属会社株式会社の2021年インセンティブ株式計画を意味します。

SAR これは株価上昇権を意味します。

この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。


Securities Act means the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended.

Shares means Common Shares as to which Stock Rights have been or may be granted under the Plan or any shares of capital stock into which the Shares are changed or for which they are exchanged within the provisions of Paragraph 3 of the Plan. The Shares issued under the Plan may be authorized and unissued shares or shares held by the Company in its treasury, or both.

Stock-Based Award means a grant by the Company under the Plan of an equity award or an equity based award, which is not an Option, or a Stock Grant.

Stock Grant means a grant by the Company of Shares under the Plan.

Stock Right means an Option, a Stock Grant or a Stock-Based Award or a right to Shares or the value of Shares of the Company granted pursuant to the Plan.

Substitute Award means an award issued under the Plan in substitution for one or more equity awards of an acquired company that are converted, replaced or adjusted in connection with the acquisition.

Survivor means a deceased Participant’s legal representatives and/or any person or persons who acquired the Participant’s rights to a Stock Right by will or by the laws of descent and distribution.

Termination Date means, in respect of a Participant, such Participant’s last day of Active Employment or Active Engagement (as applicable) with the Company or an Affiliate, whether such date is selected by the Participant, by mutual agreement between the Company or an Affiliate and the Participant, or unilaterally by the Company or an Affiliate.



The Plan is intended to encourage ownership of Shares by Employees and directors of and certain Consultants to the Company and its Affiliates in order to attract and retain such people, to induce them to work for the benefit of the Company or of an Affiliate and to provide additional incentive for them to promote the success of the Company or of an Affiliate. The Plan provides for the granting of Options, Stock Grants and Stock-Based Awards.



(a)The number of Shares that may be issued from time to time pursuant to this Plan shall be 24,682,3861 Common Shares; provided that 2,243,853 of the outstanding Common Shares shall only be available for Stock Rights made to non-employee directors of the Company.


Reflects the number of Common Shares reserved under the Plan at the initial adoption of the Plan, which has been increased pursuant to the Annual Increase described below.


(b)Notwithstanding Subparagraph (a) above, on the first day of each fiscal year of the Company during the period beginning in fiscal year 2022 and ending on the tenth anniversary of the Closing, the number of Shares that may be issued from time to time pursuant to the Plan, shall be increased automatically by an amount equal to the lesser of (i) 4% of the number of outstanding Common Shares on such date and (ii) an amount determined by the Administrator (the “Annual Increase”).

(c)If an Option ceases to be “outstanding”, in whole or in part (other than by exercise), or if the Company shall reacquire (at not more than its original issuance price) any Shares issued pursuant to a Stock Grant or Stock-Based Award, or if any Stock Right expires or is forfeited, cancelled, or otherwise terminated or results in any Shares not being issued, the unissued or reacquired Shares which were subject to such Stock Right shall again be available for issuance from time to time pursuant to this Plan; provided, however, that the number of Shares underlying any awards under the Plan that are retained or repurchased on the exercise of an Option or the vesting or issuance of any Stock Right to cover the exercise price and/or tax withholding required by the Company in connection with vesting shall not be added back to the Shares available for issuance under the Plan. In addition, any Shares repurchased using exercise price proceeds will not be available for issuance under the Plan.

(d)The Administrator may grant Substitute Awards under the Plan. To the extent consistent with applicable legal requirements (including applicable stock exchange requirements), Shares issued in respect of Substitute Awards will be in addition to and will not reduce the shares available under the Plan. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if any Substitute Award is settled in cash or expires, becomes unexercisable, terminates or is forfeited to or repurchased by the Company without the issuance or retention of Shares, the Shares previously subject to such Award will not be available for future issuance under the Plan. The Administrator will determine the extent to which the terms and conditions of the Plan apply to Substitute Awards, if at all; provided, however, that Substitute Awards will not be subject to the limits described in Paragraph 4(c) below.



The Administrator of the Plan will be the Board of Directors, except to the extent the Board of Directors delegates its authority to the Committee, in which case the Committee shall be the Administrator. Subject to the provisions of the Plan, the Administrator is authorized to:

(a)Interpret the provisions of the Plan and all Stock Rights and to make all rules and determinations which it deems necessary or advisable for the administration of the Plan;

(b)Determine which Employees, directors and Consultants shall be granted Stock Rights;

(c)Determine the number of Shares for which a Stock Right or Stock Rights shall be granted; provided, however, that in no event shall the aggregate grant date fair value (determined in accordance with ASC 718) of Stock Rights to be granted and any other cash compensation paid to any non-employee director for director services in any calendar year, exceed US$500,000, increased US$750,000 in the year in which such non-employee director initially joins the Board of Directors; provided, further, however, that the US$500,000 and US$750,000 limitation described in this Section 4(c) shall be determined without regard to amounts paid to a non-employee director during any period in which such individual was an Employee or Consultant (other than grants of awards paid for service in their capacity as a non-employee director), and any severance and other payments, such as consulting fees, paid to a non-employee director for such director’s prior or current service to the Company or its Affiliates other than serving as a director, shall not be taken into account in applying such limitations provided above.


(d)Specify the terms and conditions upon which a Stock Right or Stock Rights may be granted provided that no dividends or dividend equivalents shall be paid on any Stock Right prior to the vesting of the underlying Shares.

(e)Amend any term or condition of any outstanding Stock Right, provided that (i) such term or condition as amended is not prohibited by the Plan and (ii) any such amendment shall not impair the rights of a Participant under any Stock Right previously granted without such Participant’s consent or in the event of death of the Participant the Participant’s Survivors.

(f)Determine and make any adjustments in the Performance Goals included in any Performance-Based Awards; and

(g)Adopt any sub-plans applicable to residents of any specified jurisdiction as it deems necessary or appropriate in order to comply with or take advantage of any tax or other laws applicable to the Company, any Affiliate or to Participants or to otherwise facilitate the administration of the Plan, which sub-plans may include additional restrictions or conditions applicable to Stock Rights or Shares issuable pursuant to a Stock Right;

Subject to the foregoing, the interpretation and construction by the Administrator of any provisions of the Plan or of any Stock Right granted under it shall be final, unless otherwise determined by the Board of Directors, if the Administrator is the Committee. In addition, if the Administrator is the Committee, the Board of Directors may take any action under the Plan that would otherwise be the responsibility of the Committee.

To the extent permitted under applicable law, the Board of Directors or the Committee may allocate all or any portion of its responsibilities and powers to any one or more of its members and may delegate all or any portion of its responsibilities and powers to any other person selected by it. The Board of Directors or the Committee may revoke any such allocation or delegation at any time. Notwithstanding the foregoing, only the Board of Directors or the Committee shall be authorized to grant a Stock Right to any director of the Company or to any “officer” of the Company as defined by Rule 16a-1 under the Exchange Act.



The Administrator will, in its sole discretion, name the Participants in the Plan; provided, however, that each Participant must be an Employee, director or Consultant of the Company or of an Affiliate at the time a Stock Right is granted. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Administrator may authorize the grant of a Stock Right to a person in anticipation of such person becoming an Employee, director or Consultant of the Company or of an Affiliate, provided, that the actual grant of such Stock Right shall be conditioned upon such person becoming eligible to become a Participant at or prior to the time of the execution of the Agreement evidencing such Stock Right. Options, Stock Grants and Stock-Based Awards may be granted to any Employee, director or Consultant of the Company or an Affiliate. The granting of any Stock Right to any individual shall neither entitle that individual to, nor disqualify that individual from, participation in any other grant of Stock Rights or any grant under any other benefit plan established by the Company or any Affiliate for Employees, directors or Consultants.


A Participant to whom an Option is granted may request, by written notice to the Administrator, to have such Options issued in the name of a Permitted Designee. The Administrator may, in its sole and absolute discretion, accept or reject such request, provided that if the request is accepted: (a) the Participant and the Permitted Designee shall execute and deliver to the Company an instrument in writing providing such representations, warranties and covenants as the Company may require (including satisfying the Company that the intended designee is a Permitted Designee), and (b) the Company is satisfied, in its sole and absolute discretion, that the Company may do so (i) in compliance with all applicable laws (including the Exchange Act and the Securities Act), and (ii) without imposing any additional financial or other obligations upon the Company. If the Permitted Designee ceases at any time to qualify as a Permitted Designee of the Participant, then any Option held by such Permitted Designee shall immediately terminate and be of no further force and effect.

References in Section 4(c) of the Plan to limits on the number of Shares under Stock Rights which may be granted shall be read as being the cumulative aggregation of Stock Rights granted to a Participant and such Participant’s Permitted Designees. The Permitted Designee shall be bound by the same provisions, effects and limitations set forth in the Plan (including, for greater certainty, the provisions of Sections 4(c), 9 and 14-22 inclusive), such that the effect of any provision on a Participant shall apply to the Participant’s Permitted Designee.



Each Option shall be set forth in an Option Agreement duly executed by the Company and, to the extent required by law or requested by the Company, by the Participant. The Administrator may provide that Options be granted subject to such terms and conditions, consistent with the terms and conditions specifically required under this Plan, as the Administrator may deem appropriate including, without limitation, subsequent approval by the shareholders of the Company of this Plan or any amendments thereto. In addition, the Option Agreements shall be subject to at least the following terms and conditions:

(a)Options:  Each Option shall be subject to the terms and conditions which the Administrator determines to be appropriate and in the best interest of the Company, subject to the following minimum standards for any such Option:

(i)Exercise Price:  Each Option Agreement shall state the exercise price (per share) of the Shares covered by each Option which exercise price shall be determined by the Administrator and shall be at least equal to the Fair Market Value per Common Share on the date of grant of the Option, unless otherwise determined by the Administrator.


(ii)Number of Shares:  Each Option Agreement shall state the number of Shares to which it pertains.

(iii)Vesting:  Each Option Agreement shall state the date or dates on which it first is exercisable and the date after which it may no longer be exercised, and may provide that the Option rights accrue or become exercisable in installments over a period of months or years, or upon the occurrence of certain performance conditions or the attainment of stated goals or events.

(iv)Term of Option:  Each Option shall terminate not more than ten years from the date of the grant or at such earlier time as the Option Agreement may provide.

(b)Except in connection with a corporate transaction involving the Company (which term includes, without limitation, any stock dividend, stock split, extraordinary cash dividend, recapitalization, reorganization, merger, consolidation, split-up, spin-off, combination or exchange of shares) or as otherwise contemplated by Paragraph 25 below, the Company may not, without obtaining stockholder approval, (i) amend the terms of outstanding Options to reduce the exercise price of such Options, (ii) cancel outstanding Options in exchange for Options that have an exercise price that is less than the exercise price value of the original Options, or (iii) cancel outstanding Options that have an exercise price greater than the Fair Market Value of a Share on the date of such cancellation in exchange for cash or other consideration.



Each Stock Grant to a Participant shall state the principal terms in an Agreement duly executed by the Company and, to the extent required by law or requested by the Company, by the Participant. The Agreement shall be in a form approved by the Administrator and shall contain terms and conditions which the Administrator determines to be appropriate and in the best interest of the Company, subject to the following minimum standards:

(a)Each Agreement shall state the purchase price per Share, if any, of the Shares covered by each Stock Grant, which purchase price shall be determined by the Administrator on the date of the grant of the Stock Grant;

(b)Each Agreement shall state the number of Shares to which the Stock Grant pertains;

(c)Each Agreement shall include the terms of any right of the Company to restrict or reacquire the Shares subject to the Stock Grant, including the time period or attainment of Performance Goals or such other performance criteria upon which such rights shall accrue and the purchase price therefor, if any; and

(d)Dividends (other than stock dividends to be issued pursuant to Paragraph 25 of the Plan) may accrue but shall not be paid prior to the time, and may be paid only to the extent that, the restrictions or rights to reacquire the Shares subject to the Stock Grant lapse.




The Administrator shall have the right to grant other Stock-Based Awards based upon the Common Shares having such terms and conditions as the Administrator may determine, including, without limitation, the grant of Shares based upon certain conditions, the grant of securities convertible into Shares and the grant of SARs, phantom stock awards or stock units. The principal terms of each Stock-Based Award shall be set forth in an Agreement, duly executed by the Company and, to the extent required by law or requested by the Company, by the Participant. The Agreement shall be in a form approved by the Administrator and shall contain terms and conditions which the Administrator determines to be appropriate and in the best interest of the Company. Each Agreement shall include the terms of any right of the Company including the right to terminate the Stock-Based Award without the issuance of Shares, the terms of any vesting conditions, Performance Goals or events upon which Shares shall be issued, provided that dividends (other than stock dividends to be issued pursuant to Paragraph 25 of the Plan) or dividend equivalents may accrue but shall not be paid prior to and may be paid only to the extent that the Shares subject to the Stock-Based Award vest. Under no circumstances may the Agreement covering SARs (a) have an exercise or base price (per share) that is less than the Fair Market Value per Common Share on the date of grant or (b) expire more than ten years following the date of grant.



The Committee shall determine whether, with respect to a performance period, the applicable Performance Goals have been met with respect to a given Participant and, if they have, to so certify and ascertain the amount of the applicable Performance-Based Award. No Performance-Based Awards will be issued for such performance period until such certification is made by the Committee. The number of Shares issued in respect of a Performance-Based Award determined by the Committee for a performance period shall be paid to the Participant at such time as determined by the Committee in its sole discretion after the end of such performance period, and any dividends (other than stock dividends to be issued pursuant to Paragraph 25 of the Plan) or dividend equivalents that accrue shall only be paid in respect of the number of Shares earned in respect of such Performance-Based Award.



An Option (or any part or installment thereof) shall be exercised by giving written notice to the Company or its designee (in a form acceptable to the Administrator, which may include electronic notice), together with provision for payment of the aggregate exercise price in accordance with this Paragraph for the Shares as to which the Option is being exercised, and upon compliance with any other condition(s) set forth in the Option Agreement. Such notice shall be signed by the person exercising the Option (which signature may be provided electronically in a form acceptable to the Administrator), shall state the number of Shares with respect to which the Option is being exercised and shall contain any representation required by the Plan or the Option Agreement. Payment of the exercise price for the Shares as to which such Option is being exercised shall be made (a) in United States dollars in cash or by check; or (b) at the discretion of the Administrator, through delivery of Common Shares held for at least six months (if required to avoid negative accounting treatment) having a Fair Market Value equal as of the date of the exercise to the aggregate cash exercise price for the number of Shares as to which the Option is being exercised; or (c) at the discretion of the Administrator, by having the Company retain from the Shares otherwise issuable upon exercise of the Option, a number of Shares having a Fair Market Value equal as of the date of exercise to the aggregate exercise price for the number of Shares as to which the Option is being exercised; (d) at the discretion of the Administrator, by permitting the Participant to surrender such number of Options in respect of Shares having a Fair Market Value that, when the aggregate exercise price of such Options is subtracted from such Fair Market Value, equals a difference as of the date of exercise to the aggregate exercise price for the number of Shares as to which the Option is being exercised; or (e) at the discretion of the Administrator, in accordance with a cashless exercise program established with a securities brokerage firm, and approved by the Administrator, providing for the sale of securities on the Participant’s behalf; or (f) at the discretion of the Administrator, by any combination of (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e) above or (g) at the discretion of the Administrator, by payment of such other lawful consideration as the Administrator may determine.


The Company shall then reasonably promptly deliver the Shares as to which such Option was exercised to the Participant (or to the Participant’s Survivors, as the case may be). In determining what constitutes “reasonably promptly,” it is expressly understood that the issuance and delivery of the Shares may be delayed by the Company if the Administrator determines it is necessary to comply with any law or regulation (including, without limitation, federal securities laws) that requires the Company to take any action with respect to the Shares prior to their issuance. The Shares shall, upon delivery, be fully paid, non-assessable Shares.



Any Stock Grant or Stock-Based Award requiring payment of a purchase price for the Shares as to which such Stock Grant or Stock-Based Award is being granted shall be made (a) in United States dollars in cash or by check; or (b) at the discretion of the Administrator, through delivery of Common Shares held for at least six months (if required to avoid negative accounting treatment) and having a Fair Market Value equal as of the date of payment to the purchase price of the Stock Grant or Stock-Based Award; or (c) by delivery of a promissory note, if the Board of Directors has expressly authorized the loan of funds to the Participant for the purpose of enabling or assisting the Participant to effect such purchase; (d) at the discretion of the Administrator, by any combination of (a) through (c) above; or (e) at the discretion of the Administrator, by payment of such other lawful consideration as the Administrator may determine.

The Company shall when required by the applicable Agreement, reasonably promptly deliver the Shares as to which such Stock Grant or Stock-Based Award was made to the Participant (or to the Participant’s Survivors, as the case may be), subject to any escrow provision set forth in the applicable Agreement. In determining what constitutes “reasonably promptly,” it is expressly understood that the issuance and delivery of the Shares may be delayed by the Company if the Administrator determines it is necessary to comply with any law or regulation (including, without limitation, federal securities laws) which requires the Company to take any action with respect to the Shares prior to their issuance.



No Participant to whom a Stock Right has been granted shall have rights as a shareholder with respect to any Shares covered by such Stock Right except after due exercise of an Option or issuance of Shares as set forth in any Agreement, tender of the aggregate exercise or purchase price, if any, for the Shares being purchased and registration of the Shares in the Company’s share register in the name of the Participant. In addition, at the discretion of the Administrator, the Company shall have received an opinion of its counsel that the Shares may be issued in compliance with the Securities Act without registration thereunder.



By its terms, a Stock Right granted to a Participant shall not be transferable by the Participant other than (i) by will or by the laws of descent and distribution, or (ii) as approved by the Administrator in its discretion and set forth in the applicable Agreement provided that no Stock Right may be transferred by a Participant for value.

The designation of a beneficiary of a Stock Right by a Participant, with the prior approval of the Administrator and in such form as the Administrator shall prescribe, shall not be deemed a transfer prohibited by this Paragraph. Except as provided above during the Participant’s lifetime a Stock Right shall only be exercisable by or issued to such Participant (or his or her legal representative) and shall not be assigned, pledged or hypothecated in any way (whether by operation of law or otherwise) and shall not be subject to execution, attachment or similar process. Any attempted transfer, assignment, pledge, hypothecation or other disposition of any Stock Right or of any rights granted thereunder contrary to the provisions of this Plan, or the levy of any attachment or similar process upon a Stock Right, shall be null and void.




Except as otherwise provided in a Participant’s Option Agreement in the event of a cessation of service (whether as an Employee, director or Consultant) with the Company or an Affiliate before the Participant has exercised an Option, the following rules apply:

(a)A Participant who ceases to be an Employee, director or Consultant of the Company or of an Affiliate (for any reason other than for Cause, Disability, or death for which events there are special rules in Paragraphs 15, 16, and 17, respectively), may exercise any Option granted to such Participant to the extent that the Option is exercisable on the Termination Date, but only within such term as the Administrator has designated in a Participant’s Option Agreement. Except as otherwise determined by the Administrator, any Option, or portion thereof, that is not exercisable on the Termination Date will automatically terminate and become void on the Termination Date.

(b)The provisions of this Paragraph, and not the provisions of Paragraph 16 or 17, shall apply to a Participant who subsequently becomes Disabled or dies after their Termination Date; provided, however, in the case of a Participant’s Disability or death within three months after the Termination Date, the Participant or the Participant’s Survivors may exercise the Option within one year after the Termination Date, but in no event after the date of expiration of the term of the Option.

(c)Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, if subsequent to a Participant’s Termination Date, but prior to the exercise of an Option, the Administrator determines that, prior to the Participant’s Termination Date, the Participant engaged in conduct which would constitute Cause, then any Option which the Participant has not exercised at such time will automatically terminate and become void.

(d)A Participant to whom an Option has been granted under the Plan who is absent from the Company or an Affiliate because of temporary disability (any disability other than a Disability as defined in Paragraph 1 hereof), or who is on leave of absence for any purpose, shall not, during the period of any such absence, be deemed, by virtue of such absence alone, to have ceased to provide service (whether as an Employee, director or Consultant) to the Company or an Affiliate, except as the Administrator may otherwise expressly provide to the extent permitted by applicable legislation.

(e)Except as required by law or as set forth in a Participant’s Option Agreement, Options granted under the Plan shall not be affected by any change of a Participant’s status within or among the Company and any Affiliates, so long as the Participant continues to be an Employee, director or Consultant of the Company or any Affiliate.



Except as otherwise provided in a Participant’s Option Agreement, the following rules apply if the Participant’s service (whether as an Employee, director or Consultant) with the Company or an Affiliate ceases for Cause prior to the time that all his or her outstanding Options have been exercised:

(a)All outstanding and unexercised Options as of the Termination Date will immediately terminate and become void.

(b)It is not necessary that the Administrator’s finding of Cause occur prior to the Termination Date. If the Administrator determines, subsequent to a Participant’s Termination Date but prior to the exercise of an Option, that prior to the Participant’s Termination Date, the Participant engaged in conduct which would constitute Cause, then such Option will automatically terminate and become void.




Except as otherwise provided in a Participant’s Option Agreement:

(a)A Participant who ceases to be an Employee, director or Consultant of the Company or of an Affiliate by reason of Disability may exercise any Option granted to such Participant to the extent that the Option has become exercisable but has not been exercised as of the Date of Disability; and in the event rights to exercise the Option accrue periodically, to the extent of a pro rata portion through to the Date of Disability of any additional vesting rights that would have accrued on the next vesting date had the Participant not become Disabled. The proration shall be based upon the number of days accrued in the current vesting period prior to Date of Disability.

(b)A Disabled Participant may exercise the Option only within the period ending one year after the Date of Disability, notwithstanding that the Participant might have been able to exercise the Option as to some or all of the Shares on a later date if the Participant had continued to be an Employee, director or Consultant or, if earlier, within the originally prescribed term of the Option.



Except as otherwise provided in a Participant’s Option Agreement:

(a)In the event of the death of a Participant while the Participant is an Employee, director or Consultant of the Company or of an Affiliate, such Option may be exercised by the Participant’s Survivors to the extent that the Option has become exercisable but has not been exercised on the date of death; and in the event rights to exercise the Option accrue periodically, to the extent of a pro rata portion through the date of death of any additional vesting rights that would have accrued on the next vesting date had the Participant not died. The proration shall be based upon the number of days accrued in the current vesting period prior to the Participant’s date of death.

(b)If the Participant’s Survivors wish to exercise the Option, they must take all necessary steps to exercise the Option within one year after the date of death of such Participant, notwithstanding that the decedent might have been able to exercise the Option as to some or all of the Shares on a later date if he or she had not died and had continued to be an Employee, director or Consultant or, if earlier, within the originally prescribed term of the Option.



In the event of a cessation of service (whether as an Employee, director or Consultant) with the Company or an Affiliate for any reason before the Participant has accepted a Stock Grant or a Stock-Based Award and paid the purchase price, if required, such grant will automatically terminate on the Termination Date, Date of Disability or date of death, as applicable.

For purposes of this Paragraph 18 and Paragraph 19 below, a Participant to whom a Stock Grant or a Stock-Based Award has been issued under the Plan who is absent from work with the Company or with an Affiliate because of temporary disability (any disability other than a Disability as defined in Paragraph 1 hereof), or who is on leave of absence for any purpose, shall not, during the period of any such absence, be deemed, by virtue of such absence alone, to have ceased to provide service (whether as an Employee, director or Consultant) to the Company or an Affiliate, except as the Administrator may otherwise expressly provide to the extent permitted by applicable legislation.


In addition, for purposes of this Paragraph 18 and Paragraph 19 below, any change of employment or other service within or among the Company and any Affiliates shall not be treated as a cessation of service (whether as an Employee, director or Consultant) so long as the Participant continues to be an Employee, director or Consultant of the Company or any Affiliate.



Except as otherwise provided in a Participant’s Agreement, in the event of a cessation of service for any reason (whether as an Employee, director or Consultant), other than for Cause, death or Disability for which there are special rules in Paragraphs 20, 21, and 22 below, before all forfeiture provisions or Company rights of repurchase shall have lapsed, then as of the Termination Date the Company shall have the right to cancel or repurchase that number of Shares subject to a Stock Grant or Stock-Based Award as to which the Company’s forfeiture or repurchase rights have not lapsed.



Except as otherwise provided in a Participant’s Agreement, the following rules apply if the Participant’s service (whether as an Employee, director or Consultant) with the Company or an Affiliate ceases for Cause:

(a)All Shares subject to any Stock Grant or Stock-Based Award that remain subject to forfeiture provisions or as to which the Company shall have a repurchase right shall be immediately forfeited to the Company as of the Termination Date.

(b)It is not necessary that the Administrator’s finding of Cause occur prior to the Termination Date. If the Administrator determines, subsequent to a Participant’s Termination Date, that prior to the Participant’s Termination Date, the Participant engaged in conduct which would constitute Cause, then all Shares subject to any Stock Grant or Stock-Based Award that remained subject to forfeiture provisions or as to which the Company had a repurchase right on the Termination Date shall be immediately forfeited to the Company.



Except as otherwise provided in a Participant’s Agreement, the following rules apply if a Participant ceases to be an Employee, director or Consultant of the Company or of an Affiliate by reason of Disability: to the extent the forfeiture provisions or the Company’s rights of repurchase have not lapsed on the Date of Disability, they shall be exercisable; provided, however, that in the event such forfeiture provisions or rights of repurchase lapse periodically, such provisions or rights shall lapse to the extent of a pro rata portion of the Shares subject to such Stock Grant or Stock-Based Award through to the Date of Disability as would have lapsed had the Participant not become Disabled. The proration shall be based upon the number of days accrued prior to the Date of Disability.




Except as otherwise provided in a Participant’s Agreement, the following rules apply in the event of the death of a Participant while the Participant is an Employee, director or Consultant of the Company or of an Affiliate: to the extent the forfeiture provisions or the Company’s rights of repurchase have not lapsed on the date of death, they shall be exercisable; provided, however, that in the event such forfeiture provisions or rights of repurchase lapse periodically, such provisions or rights shall lapse to the extent of a pro rata portion of the Shares subject to such Stock Grant or Stock-Based Award through the date of death as would have lapsed had the Participant not died. The proration shall be based upon the number of days accrued prior to the Participant’s date of death.



No Participant shall have any claim to be granted any Stock Right under the Plan, and there is no obligation for uniformity of treatment of Participants. The granting of any Stock Right hereunder shall not impose any obligation on the Company to grant any Stock Right to any Participant in the future nor shall it entitle any Participant to receive any further Stock Right. No Participant shall have any entitlement to damages or other compensation whatsoever arising from or related to not receiving any Stock Right under the Plan, including with respect to any Stock Right which may have vested or been granted after the Participant’s Termination Date, including but not limited to damages in lieu of notice at common law.



Upon the dissolution or liquidation of the Company, all Options granted under this Plan which as of such date shall not have been exercised and all Stock Grants and Stock-Based Awards which have not been accepted, to the extent required under the applicable Agreement, will terminate and become null and void; provided, however, that if the rights of a Participant or a Participant’s Survivors have not otherwise terminated and expired, the Participant or the Participant’s Survivors will have the right immediately prior to such dissolution or liquidation to exercise or accept any Stock Right to the extent that the Stock Right is exercisable or subject to acceptance as of the date immediately prior to such dissolution or liquidation. Upon the dissolution or liquidation of the Company, any outstanding Stock-Based Awards shall immediately terminate unless otherwise determined by the Administrator or specifically provided in the applicable Agreement.



Upon the occurrence of any of the following events, a Participant’s rights with respect to any Stock Right granted to such Participant hereunder shall be adjusted as hereinafter provided, unless otherwise specifically provided in a Participant’s Agreement.

(a)Changes with respect to Common Shares.

(i)If (1) the Common Shares shall be subdivided or combined into a greater or smaller number of shares or if the Company shall issue any Common Shares as a stock dividend on its outstanding Common Shares, or (2) additional shares or new or different shares or other securities of the Company or other non-cash assets are distributed with respect to such Common Shares, each Stock Right and the number of Common Shares deliverable thereunder shall be appropriately increased or decreased proportionately, and appropriate adjustments shall be made including, in the exercise, base or purchase price per share and in the Performance Goals applicable to outstanding Performance-Based Awards to reflect such events. The number of Shares subject to the limitations in Paragraphs 3(a), 3(b), 3(d) and 4(c) shall also be proportionately adjusted upon the occurrence of such events.

(ii)The Administrator may also make adjustments of the type described in Paragraph 25(a) above to take into account distributions to stockholders other than those provided for in Paragraphs 25(b) below, or any other event, if the Administrator determines that adjustments are appropriate to avoid distortion in the operation of the Plan or any Award.

(iii)References in the Plan to Shares will be construed to include any stock or securities resulting from an adjustment pursuant to this Paragraph 25(a).


(b)Corporate Transactions. If the Company is to be consolidated with or acquired by another entity in a Corporate Transaction, the Administrator or the board of directors of any entity assuming the obligations of the Company hereunder (the “Successor Board”), may, as to outstanding Options, take any of the following actions: (i) make appropriate provision for the continuation of such Options by substituting on an equitable basis for the Shares then subject to such Options either the consideration payable with respect to the outstanding Common Shares in connection with the Corporate Transaction or securities of any successor or acquiring entity; or (ii) upon written notice to the Participants, provide that such Options must be exercised (either (A) to the extent then exercisable or (B) at the discretion of the Administrator, any such Options being made partially or fully exercisable for purposes of this Subparagraph), within a specified number of days of the date of such notice, at the end of which period such Options which have not been exercised shall terminate; or (iii) terminate such Options in exchange for payment of an amount equal to the consideration payable upon consummation of such Corporate Transaction to a holder of the number of shares of Common Shares into which such Option would have been exercisable (either (A) to the extent then exercisable or, (B) at the discretion of the Administrator, any such Options being made partially or fully exercisable for purposes of this Subparagraph) less the aggregate exercise price thereof. For purposes of determining the payments to be made pursuant to Subclause (iii) above, in the case of a Corporate Transaction the consideration for which, in whole or in part, is other than cash, the consideration other than cash shall be valued at the fair value thereof as determined in good faith by the Board of Directors. For the avoidance of doubt, if the per share exercise price of an Option or portion thereof is equal to or greater than the Fair Market Value of one Share of Common Shares, such Option may be cancelled with no payment due hereunder or otherwise in respect thereof.

With respect to outstanding Stock Grants or Stock-Based Awards, the Administrator or the Successor Board, shall make appropriate provision for the continuation of such Stock Grants or Stock-Based Awards on the same terms and conditions by substituting on an equitable basis for the Shares then subject to such Stock Grants or Stock-Based Awards either the consideration payable with respect to the outstanding Shares of Common Shares in connection with the Corporate Transaction or securities of any successor or acquiring entity. In lieu of the foregoing, in connection with any Corporate Transaction, the Administrator may provide that each outstanding Stock Grant or Stock-Based Award shall be terminated in exchange for payment of an amount equal to the consideration payable upon consummation of such Corporate Transaction to a holder of the number of shares of Common Shares comprising such Stock Grant or Stock-Based Award (to the extent such Stock Grant or Stock-Based Award is no longer subject to any forfeiture or repurchase rights then in effect or, at the discretion of the Administrator, all forfeiture and repurchase rights being waived). For the avoidance of doubt, if the purchase or base price of a Stock Grant or Stock-Based Award or portion thereof is equal to or greater than the Fair Market Value of one Share, such Stock Grant or Stock-Based Award, as applicable, may be cancelled with no payment due hereunder or otherwise in respect thereof.

In taking any of the actions permitted under this Paragraph 25(b), the Administrator shall not be obligated by the Plan to treat all Stock Rights, all Stock Rights held by a Participant, or all Stock Rights of the same type, identically.

(c)Recapitalization or Reorganization. In the event of a recapitalization or reorganization of the Company other than a Corporate Transaction pursuant to which securities of the Company or of another corporation are issued with respect to the outstanding Common Shares, a Participant upon exercising an Option or accepting a Stock Grant after the recapitalization or reorganization shall be entitled to receive for the price paid upon such exercise or acceptance if any, the number of replacement securities which would have been received if such Option had been exercised or Stock Grant accepted prior to such recapitalization or reorganization.


(d)Adjustments to Stock-Based Awards. Upon the happening of any of the events described in Subparagraphs (a), (b) or (c) above, any outstanding Stock-Based Award shall be appropriately adjusted to reflect the events described in such Subparagraphs. The Administrator or the Successor Board shall determine the specific adjustments to be made under this Paragraph 25, including, but not limited to the effect of any, Corporate Transaction and, subject to Paragraph 4, its determination shall be conclusive.

(e)Termination of Awards upon Consummation of a Corporate Transaction. Except as the Administrator may otherwise determine, each Stock Right will automatically terminate (and in the case of outstanding Shares of restricted Common Shares, will automatically be forfeited) immediately upon the consummation of a Corporate Transaction, other than (i) any award that is assumed, continued or substituted pursuant to Paragraph 25(b) above, and (ii) any cash award that by its terms, or as a result of action taken by the Administrator, continues following the consummation of the Corporate Transaction.



(a)Except as expressly provided herein, no issuance by the Company of shares of stock of any class, or securities convertible into shares of stock of any class, shall affect, and no adjustment by reason thereof shall be made with respect to, the number or price of shares subject to Stock Rights. Except as expressly provided herein, no adjustments shall be made for dividends paid in cash or in property (including without limitation, securities) of the Company prior to any issuance of Shares pursuant to a Stock Right.

(b)The Company will not be obligated to issue any Shares pursuant to the Plan or to remove any restriction from Shares previously issued under the Plan until: (i) the Company is satisfied that all legal matters in connection with the issuance of such Shares have been addressed and resolved; (ii) if the outstanding Shares is at the time of issuance listed on any stock exchange or national market system, the Shares to be issued have been listed or authorized to be listed on such exchange or system upon official notice of issuance; and (iii) all conditions of the award have been satisfied or waived. The Company may require, as a condition to the exercise of an award or the issuance of Shares under an award, such representations or agreements as counsel for the Company may consider appropriate to avoid violation of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or any applicable state or non-U.S. securities law. Any Shares issued under the Plan will be evidenced in such manner as the Administrator determines appropriate, including book-entry registration or delivery of stock certificates. In the event that the Administrator determines that stock certificates will be issued in connection with Shares issued under the Plan, the Administrator may require that such certificates bear an appropriate legend reflecting any restriction on transfer applicable to such Stock, and the Company may hold the certificates pending the lapse of the applicable restrictions.



No fractional shares shall be issued under the Plan. The person exercising a Stock Right shall receive from the Company cash in lieu of such fractional shares equal to the Fair Market Value thereof, provided that, notwithstanding the foregoing, in the case of any Stock Right subject to section 7 of the Income Tax Act (Canada), the fractional shares subject to such Stock Right shall be rounded down to the nearest whole number of Shares with no further consideration payable to the Participant.



In the event that any federal, state, provincial or local income taxes, employment taxes, Federal Insurance Contributions Act withholdings or other amounts are required by applicable law or governmental regulation to be withheld in connection with the issuance of a Stock Right or Shares under the Plan, the Company or an Affiliate may withhold the amount necessary to satisfy such obligations from any amount which would otherwise be delivered, provided or paid to the Participant by the Company or an Affiliate, whether under this Plan or otherwise, or may require that the Participant advance in cash to the Company, or to any Affiliate of the Company which employs or employed the Participant, the statutory minimum amount of such withholdings unless a different withholding arrangement, including the use of shares of the Company’s Common Shares or a promissory note, is authorized by the Administrator (and permitted by law). For purposes hereof, the fair market value of the shares withheld for purposes of payroll withholding shall be determined in the manner set forth under the definition of Fair Market Value provided in Paragraph 1 above, as of the most recent practicable date. If the Fair Market Value of the shares withheld is less than the amount of payroll withholdings required, the Participant may be required to advance the difference in cash to the Company or the Affiliate employer.




The Plan will terminate on the date which is ten years from the earlier of the date of its adoption by the Board of Directors and the date of its approval by the shareholders of the Company. The Plan may be terminated at an earlier date by vote of the shareholders or the Board of Directors of the Company; provided, however, that any such earlier termination shall not affect any Agreements executed prior to the effective date of such termination. Termination of the Plan shall not affect any Stock Rights theretofore granted.



The Plan may be amended by the shareholders of the Company. The Plan may also be amended by the Administrator; provided that any amendment approved by the Administrator which the Administrator determines is of a scope that requires shareholder approval shall be subject to obtaining such shareholder approval including, without limitation, to the extent necessary to qualify any or all outstanding Stock Rights granted under the Plan or Stock Rights to be granted under the Plan for favorable federal income tax treatment as may be afforded ISOs under Section 422 and to the extent necessary to qualify the Shares issuable under the Plan for listing on any national securities exchange or quotation in any national automated quotation system of securities dealers. Any modification or amendment of the Plan shall not, without the consent of a Participant, adversely affect his or her rights under a Stock Right previously granted to such Participant, unless such amendment is required by applicable law or necessary to preserve the economic value of such Stock Right. With the consent of the Participant affected, the Administrator may amend outstanding Agreements in a manner which may be adverse to the Participant but which is not inconsistent with the Plan. In the discretion of the Administrator, outstanding Agreements may be amended by the Administrator in a manner which is not adverse to the Participant. Nothing in this Paragraph 30 shall limit the Administrator’s authority to take any action permitted pursuant to Paragraph 25.



Nothing in this Plan or any Agreement shall be deemed to prevent the Company or an Affiliate from terminating the employment, consultancy or director status of a Participant, nor to prevent a Participant from terminating his or her own employment, consultancy or director status or to give any Participant a right to be retained in employment or other service by the Company or any Affiliate for any period of time.



Neither the Board of Directors nor the Administrator, nor any members of either, nor any employees of the Company or any parent, subsidiary, or other Affiliate, shall be liable for any act, omission, interpretation, construction or determination made in good faith in connection with their responsibilities with respect to this Plan, and the Company hereby agrees to indemnify the members of the Board or Directors, the members of the Committee, and the employees of the Company and its parent or subsidiaries in respect of any claim, loss, damage, or expense (including reasonable counsel fees) arising from any such act, omission, interpretation, construction or determination to the full extent permitted by law.




Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Plan, the Company may recover from a Participant any compensation received from any Stock Right (whether or not settled) or cause a Participant to forfeit any Stock Right (whether or not vested) in the event that the Company’s Clawback Policy as then in effect is triggered.



By accepting or being deemed to have accepted an award under the Plan, each Participant waives (or will be deemed to have waived), to the maximum extent permitted under applicable law, any right to a trial by jury in any action, proceeding or counterclaim concerning any rights under the Plan or any award, or under any amendment, waiver, consent, instrument, document or other agreement delivered or which in the future may be delivered in connection therewith, and agrees (or will be deemed to have agreed) that any such action, proceedings or counterclaim will be tried before a court and not before a jury. By accepting or being deemed to have accepted an award under the Plan, each Participant certifies that no officer, representative, or attorney of the Company has represented, expressly or otherwise, that the Company would not, in the event of any action, proceeding or counterclaim, seek to enforce the foregoing waivers. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Plan, nothing herein is to be construed as limiting the ability of the Company and a Participant to agree to submit any dispute arising under the terms of the Plan or any ward to binding arbitration or as limiting the ability of the Company to require any individual to agree to submit such disputes to binding arbitration as a condition of receiving an award hereunder.



The Company’s obligations under the Plan are unfunded, and no Participant will have any right to specific assets of the Company in respect of any award under the Plan. Participants will be general unsecured creditors of the Company with respect to any amounts due or payable under the Plan.



This Plan shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the Province of British Columbia and the laws of Canada applicable therein.



Terms of Grant of Options to United States Employees




The Board of Directors of TMC the metals company Inc. (the “Company”) established the TMC the metals company Inc. 2021 Incentive Equity Plan (the “Plan”). Through the Plan, the Company established a framework to aid the Company in attracting and retaining the best available individuals for positions of substantial responsibility, and to promote the success of the Company’s and its Affiliates’ business by aligning the financial interests of individuals providing services to the Company and the Affiliates with long-term shareholder value.

The Board determined that it was necessary and desirable to establish a sub-plan of the Plan for the purpose of granting Options to Employees who are residents of the United States or who are or may become subject to U.S. tax (i.e., income tax, social security and/or withholding tax (“U.S. Participant”)), with such Options qualifying as either Non-Qualified Stock Options or Incentive Stock Options (within the meaning of Section 422 of the Code), to cause all Options under the Plan to be exempt from or comply with Section 409A of the Code, and to cause Options to comply with certain other provisions and exemptions under U.S. law. The terms of the Plan, as amended from time to time, shall, subject to the provisions hereof, constitute this U.S. Sub-Plan of the Plan (this “U.S. Sub-Plan”). This U.S. Sub-Plan supplements, and shall be read in conjunction with the Plan, and is subject to the terms and conditions of the Plan; provided, that to the extent that the terms and conditions of the Plan differ from or conflict with the terms or conditions of this U.S. Sub-Plan, the terms and conditions of this U.S. Sub-Plan shall prevail.



For the purposes of this U.S. Sub-Plan, the definitions set out in the Plan shall apply to this U.S. Sub-Plan as such definitions apply to the Plan and in addition the following terms shall have the following meanings (unless the context requires otherwise):

Disability or Disabled means a permanent and total disability as defined in Section  22(e)(3) of the Code.

ISO means an Option intended to qualify as an “incentive stock option” under Section  422.

Non-Qualified Option means an Option which is not intended to qualify as an ISO.

Section 409A means Section 409A of the Code.

Section 422 means Section 422 of the Code.


All of the Shares available for grant as set forth in Paragraph 3 under the Plan may be issued as ISOs; provided, however, that the maximum number of Shares available for grant under the Plan as ISOs will be equal to 440,000,000. The limits set forth in Paragraph 3 of the Plan will be construed to comply with the applicable requirements of Section 422. For purposes of determining the number of Shares available for grant under the Plan as ISOs under Paragraph  3(c) of the Plan, such provisions shall be subject to any limitations under the Code. In addition, Shares issued in respect of Substitute Awards that are ISOs shall be consistent with Section 422.


ISOs may be granted only to Employees.


Each Option intended to be a Non-Qualified Option shall meet the minimum standards required of Options, as described in Paragraph 6(a) of the Plan, except that the exercise price per share of the Shares covered by each ISO shall not be less than 100% of the Fair Market Value per share of the Common Shares on the date of grant of the Option so as to be exempt from the requirements of Section 409A. If the Administrator determines to grant an Option at less than 100% of the Fair Market Value per Common Share, the Option must comply with the requirements of Section 409A or be exempt from the requirements of Section 409A pursuant Treas. Reg. Section 1.409-1(b)(4).

Each Option intended to be an ISO shall be issued only to an Employee who is deemed to be a resident of the United States for tax purposes, and shall be subject to the following terms and conditions, with such additional restrictions or changes as the Administrator determines are appropriate but not in conflict with Section 422 and relevant regulations and rulings of the Internal Revenue Service:


Minimum Standards: The ISO shall meet the minimum standards required of Options, as described in Paragraph 6(a) of the Plan, except clause (i) and (iv) thereunder.


Exercise Price: Immediately before the ISO is granted, if the U.S. Participant owns, directly or by reason of the applicable attribution rules in Section 424(d) of the Code:


10% or less of the total combined voting power of all classes of stock of the Company or an Affiliate, the exercise price per share of the Shares covered by each ISO shall not be less than 100% of the Fair Market Value per share of the Common Shares on the date of grant of the Option; or


More than 10% of the total combined voting power of all classes of stock of the Company or an Affiliate, the exercise price per share of the Shares covered by each ISO shall not be less than 110% of the Fair Market Value per share of the Common Shares on the date of grant of the Option.



Term of Option:  For U.S. Participants who own:


10% or less of the total combined voting power of all classes of stock of the Company or an Affiliate, each ISO shall terminate not more than ten years from the date of the grant or at such earlier time as the Option Agreement may provide; or


More than 10% of the total combined voting power of all classes of stock of the Company or an Affiliate, each ISO shall terminate not more than five years from the date of the grant or at such earlier time as the Option Agreement may provide.


Limitation on Yearly Exercise: To the extent that aggregate Fair Market Value (determined on the date each ISO is granted) of the Shares with respect to which ISOs are exercisable for the first time by the U.S. Participant in any calendar year exceeds US$100,000, such Options shall be treated as Non-Qualified Options even if denominated ISOs at grant.


With respect to Stock Grants, any entitlement to dividend equivalents or similar entitlements will be established and administered either consistent with an exemption from, or in compliance with the applicable requirements of Section 409A.


The Administrator shall accept only such payment on exercise of an ISO as is permitted by Section 422.


An ISO transferred except in compliance with clause (i) of Paragraph 13 shall no longer qualify as an ISO.


Except as provided in Subparagraph (b) of Paragraph 14 of the Plan, or Paragraph 16 or 17 of the Plan, in no event may an ISO be exercised later than three months after the U.S. Participant’s termination of employment. If the U.S. Participant does not exercise the ISO within three months after termination, to the extent is not yet terminated, it shall automatically convert to a Non-Qualified Option.

With respect to ISOs, any leave of absence granted by the Administrator of greater than three months, unless pursuant to a contract or statute that guarantees the right to reemployment, shall cause such ISO to become a Non-Qualified Option on the date that is six months following the commencement of such leave of absence.



Any adjustments under Paragraph 25 of the Plan shall have due regard for the qualification of ISOs under Section 422, the requirements of Section 409A, to the extent applicable


The Company intends that the Plan and any Stock Rights granted to U.S. Participants be exempt from or comply with Section 409A, to the extent applicable. The Company intends that ISOs comply with Section 422, to the extent applicable. Any ambiguities in the Plan or any Stock Right shall be construed to effect the intent as described herein.

If a U.S Participant is a “specified employee” as defined in Section 409A (and as applied according to procedures of the Company and its Affiliates) as of his or her separation from service, to the extent any payment under this Plan or pursuant to a Stock Right constitutes non-exempt deferred compensation under Section 409A that is being paid by reason of separation from service, no payments due under this Plan or pursuant to a Stock Right may be made until the earlier of: (i) the first day of the seventh month following the U.S. Participant’s separation from service, or (ii) the U.S. Participant’s date of death; provided, however, that any payments delayed during this six-month period shall be paid in the aggregate in a lump sum, without interest, on the first day of the seventh month following the U.S. Participant’s separation from service.

The Administrator shall administer the Plan with respect to Stock Rights to U.S. Participants with a view toward ensuring that Stock Rights under the Plan that are subject to Section 409A or Section 422, as applicable, comply with the requirements thereof and that Options under the Plan be exempt from the requirements of Section 409A or compliant with Section 422, as applicable, but neither the Administrator nor any member of the Board of Directors, nor the Company nor any of its Affiliates, nor any other person acting hereunder on behalf of the Company, the Administrator or the Board of Directors shall be liable to a U.S. Participant or any Survivor by reason of the acceleration of any income, or the imposition of any additional tax or penalty, with respect to any Stock Right, whether by reason of a failure to satisfy the requirements of Section 409A or Section 422 or otherwise.


This U.S. Sub Plan shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Delaware.