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asp isotopes公司完成銩-176濃縮設施的施工階段


- 公司已經提前約九個月完成了釔-176第一座量子富集工廠的施工階段。


- 公司預計在2025年完成調試階段後,將提供高丰度的釔-176用於商業銷售。


- 公司宣佈聘請陸軍中校威廉(比爾)爵士,MBE,他將負責領導公司在英國的核燃料業務。


華盛頓,2024年9月3日(環球新聞社)-- ASP同位素公司納斯達克:ASPI(「ASP同位素」或「公司」),一家致力於開發用於多個行業同位素生產的技術和流程的高級材料公司,今天宣佈其施工計劃的進展和關鍵人員的聘用。




Company’s Ytterbium-176濃縮設施將成爲公司在南非的第三個濃縮設施,也是其第一個利用量子濃縮的同位素濃縮設施。公司相信這種新穎的激光濃縮方法承諾具有成本效益、較低的生產成本和相對於同位素濃縮的其他老一代方法,而言施工效率更高。Ytterbium-176設施的施工最初計劃於2025年中期完成;然而,團隊已設法將其施工時間表加快約九個月。




關於諾華的Pluvicto的共識預測超過40億美元,β放射性藥物市場預計在未來十年內超過150億美元。 (1) 該放射性同位素的供應鏈一直面臨挑戰,最近的行業報告突出由於藥物短缺導致治療延遲超過兩個月。(2) 公司認爲唯一提供商業數量的釔-176的供應商是俄羅斯國有實體Rosatom。 公司正在與多位潛在客戶進行討論,並計劃在2025年提供釔-176的商業供應。


目前,許多用於各種腫瘤治療中的重要放射性同位素存在着重大的供給挑戰。我們收到了來自北美、歐洲和亞洲客戶對釔-176的濃厚興趣,我們期待着改善供應鏈,提高每年數千患者的生活質量。保羅·曼(Paul Mann)表示:「ASP同位素公司的董事長兼首席執行官。」









比爾在領導技能、運營管理、複雜項目和方案、供應鏈、物流和安防-半導體方面的經驗,以及與多個政府和利益相關者互動的經驗,使他成爲推進我們在英國核策略的理想人選。”, 保羅曼恩,QLE主席兼首席執行官說。




英國是許多國家中之一,已承諾到2050年將核電量增加兩倍。英國已承諾到2050年部署最多24GW的核電。 基本核燃料(例如低濃縮鈾)目前由少數公司供應,並且供應鏈多年來一直受到挑戰。最近的地緣政治事件突顯了對核燃料供應鏈的迫切需要。例如,在2024年5月,俄羅斯的國有鈾供應商Tenex通知其美國客戶,根據拜登總統最近簽署的禁止進口俄羅斯核燃料的法律,可能發生不可抗力事件。


公司正在評估在英國建設先進核燃料廠的潛在機會,這可能會導致Quantum Leap Energy LLC及其合作伙伴和客戶投資數億美元。先進核燃料廠可能會在英國創造數百個永久性工作崗位。asp isotopes先前宣佈已與總部位於美國的小型模塊反應堆(SMR)公司簽署了兩份諒解備忘錄,這些備忘錄考慮到SMR公司對高濃縮低濃縮鈾(HALEU)濃縮設施的開發進行資本投資。潛在客戶已與asp isotopes進行了討論,已表明他們到2037年對HALEU的需求超過370億美元。


我們相信,核燃料的核能組件對於新一代核反應堆(如小型模塊反應堆SMR)將會需要HALEU,目前正處於商業和政府用途開發階段。目前,沒有西方生產商大規模生產HALEU,全球許多SMR公司面臨着供應燃料的問題,直到解決這一問題,他們將面臨重大延誤。 核能協會估計到2035年可能會出現約3000公噸HALEU供應短缺的情況。(四)但公司根據與潛在客戶進行的討論和收到的興趣表示,這一數字可能會顯著增加。







根據他的任命,自他的僱傭開始控件日期起生效,公司授予Eden先生公司普通股20萬股。在Eden先生持續受僱於公司直至每個適用的解禁日期時,這些股份將在四年內分八個等額分期,每六個月的Eden先生僱傭開始控件紀念日時解禁25,000股。這筆限制性股票獎勵經公司薪酬委員會批准,並根據公司的2024年誘因權益激勵計劃授予,作爲Eden先生與asp isotopes簽訂就業協議的誘因,符合納斯達克上市規則5635(c)(4)。公司根據納斯達克上市規則5635(c)(4)提供此信息。



鑥-177 (Lu-177) 市場規模、範圍及預測報告 (marketresearchintellect.com)




Ravi等,177Lu-PSMA-617在美國的臨床實施:經驗教訓與持續挑戰; J Nuc Med 2023年3月,64 (3) 349-350




英國發布路線圖,以四倍增長核能產能:核政策 - 世界覈資訊 (world-nuclear-news.org)








ASP Isotopes Inc. 是一家處於預商業階段的先進材料公司,致力於開發用於多個行業的同位素生產的科技和工藝。該公司採用專有技術——氣動分離工藝(「ASP科技」)。該公司的初始重點是生產和商業化高濃縮同位素,主要用於醫療和科技行業。公司還計劃利用其正在開發的量子濃縮科技,針對核能板塊進行同位素濃縮。公司在南非比勒陀利亞設有同位素濃縮設施,專注於低原子量元素(輕同位素)的濃縮。


對硅-28等同位素的需求不斷增長,這將使量子計算概念成爲可能,同時鉬-100、鉬-98、鋅-68、鐿-176和鎳-64也用於新興醫療應用,以及氯-37、鋰-6和鈾-235將用於綠色能源應用。ASP科技(氣動分離過程)非常適合豐 enrich 低和重原子量分子。有關更多信息,請訪問 www.aspisotopes.com.







This press release contains “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the safe harbor provisions of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, including, without limitation, statements relating to the development of new technology for the enrichment of nuclear isotopes, the commencement of supply of isotopes to customers, and the construction of additional enrichment facilities. Forward-looking statements are neither historical facts nor assurances of future performance. Instead, they are based only on our current beliefs, expectations, and assumptions regarding the future of our business, future plans and strategies, projections, anticipated events and trends, the economy, and other future conditions. Forward-looking statements can be identified by words such as “believes,” “plans,” “anticipates,” “expects,” “estimates,” “projects,” “will,” “may,” “might,” and words of a similar nature. Examples of forward-looking statements include, among others but are not limited to, statements we make regarding expected operating results, such as future revenues and prospects from the potential commercialization of isotopes, future performance under contracts, and our strategies for product development, engaging with potential customers, market position, and financial results. Because forward-looking statements relate to the future, they are subject to inherent uncertainties, risks, and changes in circumstances that are difficult to predict, many of which are outside our control. Our actual results, financial condition, and events may differ materially from those indicated in the forward-looking statements based upon a number of factors. Forward-looking statements are not a guarantee of future performance or developments. You are strongly cautioned that reliance on any forward-looking statements involves known and unknown risks and uncertainties. Therefore, you should not rely on any of these forward-looking statements. There are many important factors that could cause our actual results and financial condition to differ materially from those indicated in the forward-looking statements, including our reliance on the efforts of third parties; our ability to complete the construction and commissioning of our enrichment plants or to commercialize isotopes using the ASP technology or the Quantum Enrichment Process; our ability to obtain regulatory approvals for the production and distribution of isotopes; the financial terms of any current and future commercial arrangements; our ability to complete certain transactions and realize anticipated benefits from acquisitions; contracts, dependence on our Intellectual Property (IP) rights, certain IP rights of third parties; and the competitive nature of our industry. Any forward-looking statement made by us in this press release is based only on information currently available to us and speaks only as of the date on which it is made. We undertake no obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future developments or otherwise. This press release includes market and industry data and forecasts that we obtained from internal research, publicly available information and industry publications and surveys. Industry publications and surveys generally state that the information contained therein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable. Unless otherwise noted, statements as to our potential market position relative to other companies are approximated and based on third-party data and internal analysis and estimates as of the date of this press release. We have not independently verified this information, and it could prove inaccurate. Industry and market data could be wrong because of the method by which sources obtained their data and because information cannot always be verified with certainty due to the limits on the availability and reliability of raw data, the voluntary nature of the data-gathering process and other limitations and uncertainties. In addition, we do not know all of the assumptions regarding general economic conditions or growth that were used in preparing the information and forecasts from sources cited herein. No information in this press release should be interpreted as an indication of future success, revenues, results of operation, or stock price. All forward-looking statements herein are qualified by reference to the cautionary statements set forth herein and should not be relied upon.