联合 国
证券 交易委员会
华盛顿, D. C. 20549
(马克 一)
年度 根据1934年证券交易所法第13或15(d)条提交的报告 | ||
日终了的财政年度 | ||
或 | ||
过渡 根据1934年证券交易所法第13或15(d)条提交的报告 |
为 的过渡期 到
文件号: |
(确切的 章程中规定的注册人名称)
(国家 或成立或组织的其他司法管辖区) | (国税局 雇主识别号) | ||
(地址 主要行政办公室) |
(Zip 代码) | ||
电话号码,包括地区代码: | |||
证券 根据该法案第12(b)条登记的:
标题 各班 | 交易 符号 | 名称 注册的每个交易所 |
证券 根据该法案第12(g)条登记:无。
指示 如果注册人是《证券法》第405条规定的知名经验丰富的发行人,则勾选标记。
指示 如果注册人无需根据该法案第13条或第15(d)条提交报告,则勾选标记。
指示 勾选注册人(1)是否已提交证券交易所第13或15(d)条要求提交的所有报告 1934年法案在过去12个月内(或要求登记人提交此类报告的较短期限内), 且(2)在过去90天内一直遵守此类提交要求。
指示 通过检查注册人是否已以电子方式提交了需要提交的所有交互数据文件 在过去12个月内(或较短的期限内, 注册人必须提交此类文件)。
指示 通过勾选注册人是否是大型加速文件夹、加速文件夹、非加速文件夹、小型报告夹 公司,或新兴成长型公司。请参阅“大型加速文件夹”、“加速文件夹”的定义 《交易法》第120亿.2条中的“小型报告公司”和“新兴成长公司”。
大 加速编报公司 | ☐ | 加速 Filer | ☐ |
☒ |
较小 报告公司 |
新兴 成长型公司 |
如果 新兴成长型公司,如果注册人选择不使用延长的过渡期,请勾选标记 遵守根据《交易法》第13(a)条规定的任何新的或修订的财务会计准则。 ☐
指示 检查注册人是否已提交其管理层对其有效性评估的报告和证明 根据《萨班斯-奥克斯利法案》(15 USC)第404(b)条对其财务报告的内部控制7262(b))由注册人 编制或出具审计报告的公共会计师事务所。 ☐
如果 证券是根据该法第12(b)条登记的,通过复选标记表明财务报表是否 文件中包含的登记人反映了对之前发布的财务报表错误的更正。☐
指示 勾选这些错误更正是否是需要对基于激励的薪酬进行恢复分析的重述 根据§240.10D-1(b),注册人的任何执行官员在相关恢复期内收到。 ☐
文件 通过引用并入
不 适用因
表 内容
选择挖掘定义 | i |
公制当量 | v |
矿产储量和资源 | v |
货币和汇率 | vi |
风险因素摘要 | vi |
第一部分 | 1 |
项目1. 业务 | 1 |
引言 | 1 |
业务的历史发展 | 1 |
业务运营 | 5 |
竞争激烈的商业环境 | 6 |
周期 | 6 |
经济依存度 | 7 |
政府监管 | 7 |
人力资本 | 9 |
前瞻性陈述 | 9 |
可用信息 | 11 |
项目1A. 危险因素 | 11 |
与我们的业务相关的风险 | 12 |
与采矿和开发相关的风险 | 17 |
与政府监管相关的风险 | 21 |
与我们的债务相关的风险 | 23 |
普通股的相关风险 | 24 |
ITEm 10亿。未解决的工作人员评论 | 27 |
ITEm 1C。网络安全 | 27 |
项目2. 性能 | 28 |
项目3. 法律诉讼 | 46 |
项目4. 矿山安全披露 | 46 |
第二部分 | 46 |
项目5. 注册人普通股票市场、相关股东事项以及发行人购买股票证券 | 46 |
市场信息 | 46 |
持有者 | 46 |
分红 | 46 |
根据股权补偿计划获授权发行的证券 | 46 |
公司购买股权证券 | 46 |
最近出售的未注册证券 | 47 |
外汇管制 | 47 |
美国居民的某些加拿大联邦所得税考虑因素 | 47 |
项目6. 已保留 | 48 |
项目7. 管理层对财务状况和运营结果的讨论和分析 | 49 |
合并财务和经营业绩摘要 | 49 |
经营成果 | 49 |
流动性与资本资源 | 51 |
现金流考虑因素 | 56 |
环境 | 56 |
前瞻性陈述 | 56 |
会计发展动态 | 57 |
关键会计估计和最近的会计公告 | 57 |
其他 | 58 |
项目7A.关于市场风险的定量和定性披露 | 58 |
利率风险 | 58 |
外币兑换风险 | 58 |
商品价格风险 | 58 |
第8项:财务报表和补充数据 | 59 |
项目9.会计和财务披露方面的变更和与会计师的分歧 | 97 |
项目9A.控制和程序 | 97 |
第9B项:其他资料 | 99 |
ITEm 9C。关于阻止检查的外国司法管辖区的披露 | 99 |
第三部分 | 100 |
项目10.董事、执行人员和企业治理 | 100 |
董事及行政人员 | 100 |
项目11.高管薪酬 | 104 |
项目12.某些受益人和股东的证券所有权以及相关股东事项 | 111 |
项目13.某些关系和相关交易以及董事独立性 | 114 |
项目14.主要会计费用和服务 | 115 |
第四部分 | 117 |
项目15.展览和财务报表和时间表 | 117 |
项目16. 表格10-k摘要 | 120 |
签名 | 121 |
选择 采矿定义
碳酸盐岩 | 一个 一种侵入或喷出的火成岩,由矿物学成分定义,由50%以上的碳酸盐矿物组成。 |
截断 等级 | 这个 品位(即金属或矿物在岩石中的浓度),它决定了采矿过程中材料的目的地。 为了确定“经济开采前景”,边际品位是区分 被认为没有经济价值的材料(不会在地下采矿中开采,如果在露天采矿中开采,则其目的地 来自被认为具有经济价值的材料(其在采矿期间的最终目的地将是一个加工 设施)。与边际品位类似的其他术语包括冶炼厂净回报、薪酬限制和盈亏平衡剥离。 比率 |
存款 | 一个 通过充分的钻探、挖沟和/或地下工作在物理上圈定的矿化体,并发现 含有足以保证进一步勘探和/或开发支出的金属或金属的平均品级。是这样的 一个矿床不符合可商业开采的矿体或含有储量或矿石的资格,除非最终的法律,技术, 经济因素得到解决。 |
发展 阶段发行人 | 一个 从事矿产储备准备工作的发行人,以供开采至少一种物质财产 |
发展 阶段性 | 一个 根据S-K1300号条例披露了矿产储量,但没有进行物质开采的财产 |
钻石 钻井 | 一个 一种旋转钻探类型,使用钻石钻头作为岩石切割工具来生产可回收的钻芯样品 用于观察和分析的岩石 |
镝 或Dy | 这个 元素镝(原子序数为66),是稀土元素中的一种。 |
镝 氧化物 | 这个 由镝和氧组成的化合物,式为Dy2O3 |
从经济上讲 可行的 | 什么时候 用于确定矿产储量,意味着有资格的人已使用贴现现金确定 流动分析,或以其他方式分析确定,在以下条件下开采矿产储备在经济上是可行的 合理的投资和市场假设 |
可行性 学习 | 一个 某矿开发方案选择的综合技术经济研究 项目,其中包括对所有适用的修改因素的详细评估,如 S-k1300定义的,以及任何其他相关的业务因素,并详细说明 进行必要的财务分析,以便在报告时证明 开采在经济上是可行的。这项研究的结果可以作为 发起人或金融机构的最终决定,继续进行或融资, 该项目的发展。
(1) 可行性研究比预可行性研究更全面、准确性更高。它必须 包含足够严格的采矿、基础设施和流程设计,以作为投资的基础 决定或支持项目融资。
(2) 可行性研究结果的置信水平高于预可行性结果的置信水平 study.术语如 全部, 决赛, 全面, bankable,或明确的 可行性 研究相当于可行性研究。 |
铌铁 或FeNb | 一个 含Nb 60%-70%的铁铌合金 |
示出 矿产资源 | 那 矿产资源的一部分,其数量、等级或质量是根据充分的地质证据进行估计的 和抽样。与所指示的矿产资源相关的地质确定性水平足以使合格的 应充分详细地应用修正系数,以支持矿山规划和评估矿山的经济可行性 押金。因为指示的矿产资源的置信度低于被测量的矿产资源的置信度 矿产资源,指定的矿产资源只能转化为可能的矿产储量。 |
推论 矿产资源 | 那 矿产资源的一部分,其数量和等级或质量是根据有限的地质证据进行估计的 和抽样。与推断的矿产资源相关的地质不确定性水平太高,无法应用相关的 可能影响经济开采前景的技术和经济因素,对评价有用 经济可行性的问题。因为推断的矿产资源的地质可信度是所有矿产资源中最低的, 这阻止了以对经济可行性评估有用的方式应用修改因子,并推断 在评价采矿项目的经济可行性时,不得考虑矿产资源,也不得转换为矿产资源。 到一个矿产保护区。 |
LOM | 生命 对于矿山来说,从建设开始到矿山寿命结束的时期 |
测得 矿产资源 | 那 矿产资源的一部分,其数量和等级或质量是根据确凿的地质证据进行估计的 和抽样。与测量的矿产资源相关的地质确定性水平足以使合格的 应充分详细地应用本节定义的修改系数,以支持详细的矿山规划和 最后对该矿床的经济可行性进行评价。因为可测量的矿产资源具有更高的置信度 比指示的矿产资源或推断的矿产资源、测量的矿产资源的置信度 可转换为已探明的矿产储量或可能的矿产储量。 |
矿物 保留 | 一个 有资格的人认为已指示和测量的矿产资源的吨位和品位或质量的估计 人,可以成为经济上可行的项目的基础。更具体地说,它是可在经济上开采的部分 或指示的矿产资源,包括稀释材料和材料可能发生的损失的补偿 是被开采或开采的。 |
矿物 资源 | 一个 在地壳中或在地壳上以这种形式、等级或质量集中或赋存具有经济价值的物质, 以及经济开采有合理前景的数量。矿产资源是对矿化的合理估计, 考虑到相关因素,如边界品位、可能的采矿规模、位置或连续性,以及 假设和合理的技术和经济条件,很可能全部或部分变得在经济上是可开采的。 它不仅仅是钻探或取样的所有矿化的清单。 |
正在修改 因素 | 这个 合格人员必须申请指示和测量的矿产资源的因素,然后进行评估,以便 建立矿产储备的经济可行性。合格的人员必须应用和评估修改因素以 将已测量和指示的矿产资源转换为已探明和可能的矿产储量。这些因素包括,但也是 不限于:采矿;加工;冶金;基础设施;经济;营销;法律;环境 合规;计划、谈判、 或与当地个人或团体达成协议;以及政府因素。 |
的数量、类型和具体特征 所应用的修正系数必然是矿物、矿山、财产或项目的函数并取决于该矿物、矿山、财产或项目。 | |
Nb 或NB | 这个 元素Nb(原子序数41),一种主要用于生产高强度低合金钢的过渡金属 |
铌2O5 | Nb 五氧化二氮,一种商业形式的精炼Nb |
Nd3+ 氧化物 | 这个 由钕和氧组成的化合物,式为ND2O3 |
NSR | 网络 冶炼厂收益,矿业权所有人从出售矿山产品中获得的净收入减去 运输和炼油成本 |
Pr 氧化物 | 这个 由Pr和氧组成的化合物,式为Pre2O3 |
可能 矿产储量 | 这个 指示矿产资源的经济可开采部分,在某些情况下是可测量的矿产资源 |
生产 阶段性 | 一个 与矿产储量物质开采有关的财产 |
久经考验 矿产储量 | 这个 测量矿产资源的经济可开采部分,只能通过测量矿产资源的转换而产生 |
合格 人 | 一个 符合以下条件的个人:
(1)A股 具有至少五年矿化类型和矿化类型相关经验的矿业专业人员 考虑中的存款和该人代表登记人从事的特定类型的活动; 和
(2)香港 在提交技术报告时,在认可的专业组织中具有良好信誉的合资格成员或被许可人 已经准备好了。一个组织要想成为公认的专业组织,它必须:
(I) 以下任一项:
(A) 采矿业内公认为信誉良好的专业协会的组织;或
(B) 由美国联邦、州或外国法规授权的委员会,负责管理采矿、地球科学、 或相关领域;
(Ii) 他们将主要根据他们的学历和经验来接纳符合条件的成员;
(Iii) 建立并要求遵守能力和道德的专业标准;
(四)工作需要 或鼓励持续的专业发展;
(五) 他们拥有并适用纪律处分权力,包括停职或开除的权力 会员,不论该会员在何处执业或居住;及
1~2成熟 稀土元素、稀土或稀土 | 一个 元素周期表中称为镧系元素的由15种元素组成的一组。钪和Y,而不是 真稀土也包括在这一分类中,因为它们表现出与镧系元素相似的性质,并被发现 在相同的矿体中。个别矿藏在经济上可能并不包含所有稀土元素 可回收的数量。 |
1~2成熟 地球产品 | 商业广告 本公司目前正在审查生产的稀土产品,包括氧化钕-氧化钯(有时 称为氧化铟)、氧化镝和氧化铽。这些是主要的稀土化合物用于制造 世界上最强大的永磁体。 |
相关 体验 | 为 确定当事人是否为合格的人,当事人是否有经验的目的 注册人代表注册人从事的特定类型的活动。 如果有资格的人正在准备或监督技术报告的编制 对于勘探成果,必须有相关勘探经验。如果 有资格的人正在评估或者监督矿产资源的评估, 必须在矿产资源的评估、评估和评估方面有相关经验 以及可能影响经济前景的相关技术和经济因素 拔牙。如果有资格的人正在评估或监督矿物的评估 后备人才,相关经验必须是工程学等学科要求 用于矿产储量的估算、评估、评估和经济开采。
(1)与之相关的 经验还意味着,为了确定一方当事人是否为合格的人,该方当事人具有经验 评估正在审议的具体类型的矿藏(例如,煤、金属、贱金属、工业矿物、 或矿物质卤水)。获得相关资格所需的经验类型取决于事实和情况。 例如,在锡或钨等高金块、脉状矿化方面的经验可能是相关经验。 评价脉状金矿化的矿产资源,而低品位浸染型金矿床的经验 很可能与此无关。
注意事项 有关经验的定义第1至第(1)款例如,一个人不一定要有五个人 在每一种类型的存款方面具有多年经验,以便成为符合资格的合资格人员(如果该人具有 有类似矿藏类型的相关经验。例如,一位有20年矿物评估经验的人 各种含金属硬岩矿床类型的资源可能不需要长达五年的具体经验 在斑岩型铜矿床中担任合格人员。在其他类型的存款方面的相关经验将有助于 与斑岩铜矿有关的经验。
(2) 为勘查结果或矿产资源评估提供技术报告的合格人员,有相关经验 除了在矿化类型方面的经验外,还需要在取样和分析方面有足够的经验 与正在审议的矿藏有关的技术以及提取和加工技术。足够 经验是指能够相当自信地发现以下问题所需的经验水平 可能会影响数据的可靠性以及与处理相关的问题。
(3) 适用本节规定的变更因素将矿产资源转化为矿产资源的合格人员 储备,相关经验还需要:
(一)供应充足 在将这些因素应用于考虑中的矿藏方面的知识和经验;以及
(二)工作经验 具有地质学、地质统计学、采矿、提取和加工等方面的知识,适用于各类矿产和采矿 正在考虑中。 |
S-K 1300 | 子部分 SEC颁布的S-k法规第1300条 |
S-K 1300 Elk Creek技术报告摘要 | 一 Elk Creek项目的技术报告摘要符合S-k 1300报告标准,生效日期为6月 2022年30日,最初作为附件提交 |
96.1公司截至财年的10-k表格年度报告 2022年6月30日,并通过引用纳入本10-K表格年度报告 |
钪 或Sc | 的 元素铯(原子数21),一种过渡金属,用作铝的合金剂,提供高强度 以及航空航天工业零部件和其他需要轻质金属的应用的重量更轻。它也用于 固体氧化物燃料电池的电解质层。 |
SC2O3 | 钪 三氧化三氧化物,精制铯的主要形式 |
铽 氧化物 | 的 由钍和氧组成的化合物,分子式为TB2O3 |
钛 或Ti | 的 元素钛(原子数22),一种过渡金属,其氧化物形式是纸张、油漆和塑料中的常见颜料。 钛的金属形式用于航空航天应用、装甲、化学加工应用、船舶硬件 应用、医疗植入物、发电和体育用品。 |
TIO2 | 钛 二氧化物,一种精制钛的商业形式 |
度量 等同物
为 为了方便参考,提供了以下将英制测量转换为公制等效值的因素:
到 从帝国转变 |
到 度量 |
繁殖 通过 |
英亩 | 公顷 | 0.4047 |
英尺 (“ft”) | 米 (“m”) | 0.3048 |
迈尔斯 | 公里 (“公里”) | 1.6093 |
吨 | 吨 (“t”) | 0.9072 |
1 英里= 1.6093公里
1 英亩= 0.4047公顷
2,204.62 磅= 1公吨= 1吨
2000 磅(1短吨)= 0.9072吨
矿物 储量和资源
信息 关于我们的矿业权,本年度报告中的10-K表格是按照S-K的要求编制的 1300,它首次适用于截至2022年6月30日的财年。所有矿产资源和矿产储量估算 包括在本年度报告中的10-k表格是按照S-k1300的规定编制的。此前,我们准备了我们的估计 矿产资源和矿产储量仅遵循加拿大证券管理人的国家文书43-101 题为“矿物项目的披露标准”(“NI 43-101”)和加拿大采矿学会 和冶金(“CIM”)“矿产资源和矿产储量定义标准”,2014年5月10日。 公司符合CIM标准的NI 43-101技术报告(“NI 43-101 Elk Creek技术报告”) Nb、Sc、Ti项目(“麋鹿溪工程”)和S-k1300麋鹿溪技术报告摘要, 作为公司截至2022年6月30日的财政年度10-K表格年度报告的附件96.1提交并并入 通过引用本年度报告Form 10-k,是基于由合格人员准备的可行性研究(“2022”) Elk Creek可行性研究》),除了对法规的内部引用外,它们彼此基本相同 报告是在什么情况下作出的,以及某些组织上的差异。此外,S-k1300需要 美国披露我们的矿产资源,以及我们的矿产储量,截至我们最近完成的财政年度末 年。请注意,矿产资源有待进一步勘探和开发,还需追加额外费用。 风险,不能保证它们最终会转换为未来的储备。特别是,推断的资源具有 它们的存在以及它们在经济和法律上的可行性存在很大的不确定性。告诫投资者不要以为 推断的资源的任何部分或全部存在或在经济上或法律上是可开采的。见项目1A.风险因素。
货币 和汇率
所有 本年度报告中10-k表格中的美元金额以美国(“美国”)表示除非另有规定,否则美元 指出了公司账目以美元维持,公司合并财务报表 根据美国公认会计原则(“美国公认会计原则”)编制。公司部分 重要协议以及某些供应商都使用加元。如本文所用,“C$”代表加拿大人 美元.
的 下表列出了年底有效的加元汇率,以美元表示 所示时期、这些时期有效的平均汇率以及这些时期的高汇率和低汇率 期间基于加拿大银行报告的加元兑换为美元的每日汇率。
财政 截至6月30日, |
2024 |
2023 | |
加拿大 美元兑美元 | ||
率 期末 | 0.7306 | 0.7553 |
平均 期间费率 | 0.7380 | 0.7467 |
高 日期间 | 0.7617 | 0.7841 |
低 日期间 | 0.7207 | 0.7217 |
风险 因素总结
投资 在我们的普通股(定义见本文)中涉及许多风险和不确定性,如下文更全面地描述。你应该 在您投资我们的普通股之前请阅读这些风险。特别是,与我们业务相关的风险包括但不是 仅限于以下内容:
风险 与我们的业务有关的
● | 我们 作为一家持续运营的能力受到质疑。 |
● | 我们 将需要大量额外资本来资助我们的业务计划。 |
● | 我们 对我们的业务和前景进行评估的运营历史有限。 |
● | 我们 有亏损历史并预计未来将继续亏损。 |
● | 的 公司可能无法实现所有或任何预期利益 2023年交易(定义见本文)。 |
● | 我们 可能无法认识到约克维尔股权融资协议的全部价值 (as本文定义)并且可能不会从NioCorp的行使中收到任何收益 假设的令状(定义见本文)、2024年4月的令状(定义见本文)和 我们的其他未偿普通股购买证(“证”),以及 因此,对我们普通股的现行市场价格可能产生不利影响 普通股的销售或对未来销售的看法可能会产生不利影响 我们筹集额外资本的能力。 |
● | 的 公司发现其财务报告内部控制存在重大缺陷。 如果不进行补救,公司未能建立和维持有效披露 对财务报告的控制和程序以及内部控制可能会导致 财务报表存在重大错误陈述且未能满足报告要求 和财务义务,其中每一项都可能对 公司的财务状况和普通股的交易价格。 |
风险 与采矿和开发相关
● | 我们 在估计我们的矿产储量和资源方面面临许多不确定性以及不准确性 据我们估计,收入低于预期,成本高于预期 并且盈利能力下降。 |
● | 的 矿产勘探和生产活动的性质涉及高度风险 以及未保险损失的可能性。 |
● | 我们 没有利用我们当前的采矿业生产商业产品的历史, 无法保证我们将成功建立采矿业务或盈利 产生矿物质。 |
● | 任何 矿产资源/储量估计和矿化等级的重大变化将 影响将房产投入生产和房产的经济可行性 资本回报率。 |
● | 我们 财产和运营可能会受到诉讼或其他索赔。 |
● | 我们 目前没有针对矿产勘探、开发、 和采矿业务。 |
风险 与政府监管有关
● | 我们 可能无法获得或更新所有所需的许可证和执照来放置任何 我们的财产投入生产。 |
● | 我们 受影响我们运营和成本的重大政府法规的约束 开展我们的业务。 |
● | 土地 我们房产的回收要求可能繁重且昂贵。 |
风险 与我们的债务有关
● | 的 我们不时的负债水平可能会损害我们获得额外资金的能力 融资 |
● | 我们 可能没有能力偿还我们的债务,包括但不限于支付 2024年4月票据(定义见本文)的分期付款。 |
风险 与普通股相关
● | 未来 现有股东出售普通股或对未来出售的看法 我们或我们未来稀释性发行普通股可能会对当前产生不利影响 普通股的市场价格并导致投资者的净值被稀释 每股普通股的账面价值。 |
● | 我们 须遵守纳斯达克证券市场有限责任公司(“纳斯达克”)的持续上市标准 我们未能满足这些标准可能会导致普通股退市。 |
部分 我
第1项。 | 业务 |
NioCorp Developments Ltd.(“NioCorp”、“我们”、“我们的”或“公司”) 是根据不列颠哥伦比亚省法律根据《商业公司法》(不列颠哥伦比亚省)注册成立的 1987年2月27日,以“IPC International Prospector Corp.”名义成立1991年5月22日,我们更名为 “金斯顿资源有限公司”2001年6月29日,我们更名为“Butler Developments Corp.”二月 2009年12月,我们更名为“巴特勒资源公司”。2010年3月4日,我们更名为“Quantum 稀土开发公司。”2013年3月4日,我们更名为“NioCorp Developments Ltd”。
NioCorp 是一家SEC(定义见本文)报告公司,我们也是不列颠哥伦比亚省、艾伯塔省、萨斯喀彻温省、安大略省的加拿大报告发行人, 和新不伦瑞克省。我们的注册和记录办公室位于不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华Melville Street 1133,Suite 3500 V6 E 4 E5(收件人:Blake,Cassels & Graydon LLP)。我们的主要行政办公室位于南优胜美地街7000号套房 科罗拉多州百年纪念115号,80112。
历史 业务发展
的 位于美国内布拉斯加州东南部的碳酸岩地产(“Elk Creek地产”)的收购已于年完成 2010年12月,NioCorp购买了不列颠哥伦比亚省私人公司的所有已发行和发行普通股 该公司持有Elk Creek Resources Corp. 100%的已发行和发行股份,内布拉斯加州的一家公司(“老 ECRC”)。
的 公司于2011年开始了实地勘探计划,其中包括对之前在 20世纪70年代和80年代的Elk Creek房产、历史钻探核心的重新分析、航空地球物理测量和完工 五个新钻石钻孔。Elk Creek房产的可用数据已被汇编到更新的NI 43-101资源中 Elk Creek项目的估算于2012年4月发布。额外钻探和NI 43-101技术报告,包括 该公司于2014年和2015年完成并发布了资源更新和初步经济评估。
期间 2016财年和2017财年,公司重点开展可行性研究开发,并于2017年6月30日宣布完成 Elk Creek项目NI 43-101技术报告(“2017 NI 43-101 Elk Creek技术报告”)。有关 经安大略省证券交易委员会审查,该公司于2017年12月15日提交了修订后的2017年NI 43-101 Elk Creek技术报告。这份修订后的报告对之前报告的数据或经济预测没有任何变化 Elk Creek项目的回报来自最初提交的2017年NI 43-101 Elk Creek技术报告中包含的回报。
在.期间 2019财年,我们收到了一份基于Nordmin集团公司进行的详细地下工程的新矿山设计 (“Nordmin”)以及最新的矿产资源和矿产储备。2019年4月16日,我们公布了结果 更新的地下矿山设计和辅助基础设施、Elk Creek项目更新的结果,以及 提交基于新矿山设计的Elk Creek项目的NI 43-101技术报告。在2020财年,公司 重点是推进地面和地下设施的详细工程并谈判后续合同 与项目地面和地下特征的计划建造相关,以及获得国家 内布拉斯加州许可证,其中描述了该设施所有预期的空气排放(“空气许可证”)。《空气》 许可证要求完成符合美国国家环境空气质量标准的空气质量模型 对造成烟雾、酸雨和其他健康危害的六种污染物的大气浓度设定标准限制 由环境保护局(“NAAQS”)。2020年6月2日,内布拉斯加州为Elk Creek发放了最终的空中许可证 项目。
期间 2021财年,我们获得了资金,使我们能够购买Elk Creek Property的土地和矿产权并继续 早期项目执行活动。随着土地和矿产权的收购,公司现在拥有地表土地 一旦项目融资充足,麋鹿溪项目的矿山基础设施和支持业务将位于该地点 获得了麋鹿溪项目90%以上矿产资源的采矿权, 矿产储量。
期间 2022财年,我们专注于完善麋鹿溪项目矿产资源和矿产储量估计, 尊重稀土。这项工作包括对历史钻探芯进行额外分析,以填补现有资源数据库中的数据空白 以及重新建模。基于对地质数据的重新解释,还完成了矿山计划的更新。基于 这项工作,我们于2022年6月28日发布了2022年NI 43-101 Elk Creek技术报告,并提交了S-k 1300 Elk Creek技术报告 报告摘要作为截至2022年6月30日年度10-k表格年度报告的展示。
在.期间 2022财年,我们还努力优化流程设计,以考虑稀土的回收和生产, 包括完成对当前冶金工艺流程元素的小试和中试试验。这部作品展示了 NioCorp可以回收和生产高纯度、完全分离的磁性稀土氧化物产品,特别是Nd3+-Pr3+ 除了已经计划生产的Nb、Sc和钛产品外,还有氧化物、氧化镝和氧化铽 一旦获得项目融资并完成了关于技术和经济可行性的额外工作,公司将 有可能将Rees添加到Elk Creek项目现有的计划产品套件中。随着这次测试的成功, 该公司推进了位于魁北克省Trois-Rivieres的示范规模加工厂的建设,该加工厂由 公司和L3流程开发(“L3”),并由L3(“示范工厂”)运营。
期间 2023财年,我们完成了2023年交易和建设,并运营了示范工厂。示范 工厂结果显示我们的初级锂产品回收率更高、回收率更高和钛产品价值更高 以四氯化钛的形式存在,并且三种计划的稀土氧化物(Nd-Prasosis)的高回收率 氧化物、氧化镝和氧化铊。此外,我们还完成了麋鹿溪项目的初步场地准备工作,该项目 包括树木和灌木丛的清理。麋鹿溪项目现场的地质调查也已完成,其中涉及 挖掘测试坑、地质钻孔和浅层地下水压力计的安装。生成的地质工程计划 为正在进行与麋鹿相关的设施和基础设施详细设计的公司提供宝贵的数据 溪项目。
在.期间 2024年2月,我们在示范工厂完成了运营。除了在示范规模上建立冶金 从改进的流程中回收潜在的稀土产品,示范工厂还建立了改进的回收率 以及更高的纯度,以满足公司计划的Nb和钛产品的需求。此外,该公司还保留了一个矿山工程 于2024年2月聘请顾问,在一定范围内评估矿场通电和进入矿场的成本和效益 通过坡道而不是竖井,并在其中一个坡道使用Railveyor技术将矿石和废石运往地面。 评价不包括对岩土工程或水文地质问题的详细审查。评估的结果 表明有可能节省前期资本成本,缩短使该矿全面投产的时间表,并有可能投入运营 节省成本。该公司计划对这一地下矿山设计方案进行更详细的评估,作为 Elk Creek项目的未来技术报告。关于Elk Creek项目的信息将在下文项目2下讨论。 “属性。”
的 2023年交易
对 2023年3月17日(“截止日期”),公司完成了一系列交易(“GXII交易”) 根据日期为2022年9月25日的业务合并协议(“业务合并协议”), 由该公司、GX Acquisition Corp. II(特拉华州一家公司)(“GXII”)和Big Red Merger Sub Ltd.组成,一 特拉华州公司和公司的直接全资子公司(“合并子公司”)。根据业务 根据合并协议,GXII交易根据美国公认会计原则被视为股权筹集交易。在 GXII交易完成(“完成”)后,发生了以下交易:
● | 作为 一系列交易的结果,包括但不限于合并Sub和Old ECRC与和合并 GXII,GXII在此类合并中幸存下来,GXII成为NioCorp的间接多数股权子公司,并更名 至“Elk Creek Resources Corp”,我们称其为“ECRC”。 | |
● | 作为 合并实体的母公司NioCorp发行了1,753,821股反向股票分拆后普通股(定义如下) 公司股份(“普通股”)以换取GXII已发行和发行的所有A类股份 收盘前,包括向BTIG,LLC发行的83,770股普通股以换取GXII A类股份 作为咨询服务的部分付款。 |
● | 全 在紧接收市前(在退回生效后)发行及发行的GXII B类股份 根据日期为2022年9月25日的保荐人支持协议(“保荐人”)购买GXII的若干B类股份 支持协议》),由GX赞助商II LLC(“赞助商”)、GXII、本公司和其他人组成 其中,被转换为GXII(现称为ECRC)B类普通股的7,957,404股,作为尚存实体 作为GXII交易的一部分,在成交日发生的合并。根据《企业合并协议》, 赞助商支持协议和交换协议,日期为2023年3月17日(经修订、补充或其他方式 修改后的《交换协议》),由NioCorp、ECRC和保荐人在交易结束后, ECRC的B类普通股可以一对一的方式转换为普通股,但须经某些衡平法调整, 在某些情况下。在ECRC已发行和已发行的B类普通股中,4,565,808股(“既得 股票“) 已于成交日期归属,并可随时交换,直至 成交十周年(“十周年”)及3,391,596股(“溢价股份”) 在符合某些归属条件的情况下,可以在十周年之前进行交换。见综合财务报表附注10 关于ECRC B类普通股的其他信息,请参阅本协议第二部分第8项中的声明。 | |
● | NioCorp 根据管理GXII认购权证的协议(“GXII认股权证”)承担GXII的义务 并发行合共15,666,626份认股权证(“NioCorp认股权证”),以购买最多 共17,519,864股普通股。NioCorp假设在收盘时发行的认股权证包括(A)9999959份公开NioCorp 就已公开交易的GXII权证发行的认股权证(“公开认股权证”) 在收盘前及(B)5,666,667 NioCorp认购权证(“私募认股权证”),该认股权证已发行予 保荐人就其在收盘前持有的GXII权证,NioCorp假设权证随后 由赞助商向其成员分发与闭幕有关的文件。见合并财务报表附注110亿 包括在第二部分中的第8项,以获得有关NioCorp假设权证的更多信息。 |
对 截止日期,公司还根据一(1)项反向后进行了反向股票拆分(“反向股票拆分”) 股票拆分普通股每十(10)股反向前股票拆分普通股由公司发行和发行 在截止日期。反向股票拆分产生的任何零碎股份均四舍五入至最接近的整体普通股 份额
作为 作为GXII交易的一部分,公司于2023年1月26日就两项独立的交易达成了最终协议 YA II PN,Ltd.的融资方案,由Yorkville Advisors Global,LP(“Yorkville”)管理的投资基金, 包括:
● | 一个 证券购买协议,日期为2023年1月26日(修订后的《约克维尔法案》 可转换债务融资协议“),由本公司与约克维尔签署,根据 公司向约克维尔发行的无担保可转换债券原件 本金总额1,600美元万(“可转换债券”) 和普通股认购权证,可行使最多1,789,267股普通股 现金或,如果在任何时间没有有效的登记声明登记,或 没有当前的招股说明书可供转售相关普通股 无现金基础,根据持有人的选择,每股普通股价格约为 8.9422美元,可调整以实施任何股票分红、股票拆分、反向 股票拆分或类似交易(“融资权证”),在成交时 总收益1,536美元万(“约克维尔可转换债务工具” 融资“);以及 |
● | 一 备用股权购买协议,日期为2023年1月26日(“约克维尔股权 公司与约克维尔之间的融资协议”),根据该协议 约克维尔同意在三年内购买高达65万美元的普通股, 在NioCorp的指导下并受到某些限制(“约克维尔 股权融资”)。 |
这些 融资方案将在下文“管理层对财务状况的讨论与分析 经营业绩-流动性和资本资源-融资活动.”
的 业务合并协议设想的交易,包括GXII交易、Yorkville可转换债务 设施融资、约克维尔股权设施融资和反向股票拆分统称为 “2023年交易。”
的 2023年交易完成后立即发行和发行的普通股数量如下:
共同 股份 | 百分比 | |||||||
遗产 NioCorp股东 | 28,246,621 | 93.90 | % | |||||
前 GXII A类股东(1) | 1,753,821 | 5.83 | % | |||||
其他(2) | 81,213 | 0.27 | % | |||||
总 2023年交易完成后发行的普通股 | 30,081,655 | 100 | % |
(1) | 包括 向BTIG,LLC发行83,770股普通股,以换取其作为部分咨询付款而收到的GXII A类股份 服务 |
(2) | 代表 根据约克维尔股权融资协议发行的承诺股份(定义见下文)。 |
后 作为与2023年交易相关的GXII费用的对价,公司收购了净现金约为 220万美元,承担净负债约40万美元。我们还承担了私人令状负债和收益 股票负债,最初按非现金公平市值约300万美元记录,约300万美元 分别为1320万美元。公司发生的与2023年交易相关的费用约为6.8亿美元,全部 其中记录为其他运营费用。
在 此外,与2023年交易相关,普通股和NioCorp假设的认购证已上市交易 在纳斯达克。普通股和NioCorp假设的股票开始在纳斯达克全球市场和纳斯达克资本交易 分别于2023年3月21日上市,分别以“NB”和“NIOBW”符号进行。共同 股票继续在多伦多证券交易所(“多伦多证券交易所”)以代码“Nb”交易,并开始交易 于2023年3月21日在纳斯达克以反向股票分拆后的基础上进行。普通股停止在美国上市 与纳斯达克全球市场开始交易相关的柜台市场,公司自愿退市 来自多伦多证券交易所,自2024年5月3日市场收盘时生效。
企业 结构
的 公司的业务运营主要通过ECRC(定义如下)进行。下表概述 公司当前子公司及其活动的情况。
名字 |
State/Province 地层 |
所有权 |
业务 |
0896800 BC有限公司(“0896800”) | 英国 哥伦比亚 | 100% |
的 0896800的唯一业务是持有ECRC A类普通股股份 |
麋鹿 克里克资源公司(“ECRC”) | 特拉华州 | 79.7%(1) | 的 ECRC的业务是开发麋鹿溪项目 |
NioCorp Technologies Limited | 联合 王国 | 100% |
的 NioCorp技术有限公司的业务是铝铯合金的研发和其他商业机会 |
(1) | 代表 0896800拥有的100% A类普通股,以及4,282,116股既得股份和3,391,596股 由第三方持有且发行的盈利股份(定义如下) 截至2024年6月30日。 |
最近 公司活动
在 2023年5月,我们宣布了一项铝-铯(“Al-Se”)母合金计划(“Al-Se母合金计划”), 与总部位于波士顿的Nanoscale Powders LLC(“Nanoscale”)合作。Al-Se中间合金,通常 含有2wt%的铯,用于将铯引入铝中以生产各种Al-Se合金, 其通常含有百分之一重量的铯。这些合金有助于减轻重量、增加强度和 耐腐蚀性,使材料可焊接在汽车和公共交通、航空航天、国防、太空和其他系统中。 计划中的三个1公斤铝锭中有两个是在
由创意工程师运营的合同冶金设施 截至2023年12月31日的季度。第三块锭是在截至2024年3月31日的季度制造的。这些试验 成功生产Al-Se中间合金。该技术对原料的纯度敏感,需要 在制造过程中与氧气和湿气隔离。该公司还在评估其他制造途径 Al-Se中间合金的。
对 2023年8月14日,该公司宣布在Creative拥有和运营的工厂中试规模生产金属铯 宾夕法尼亚州新自由市的工程师。金属铯的产生代表了Al-Se中间合金中的第一相 倡议随后,2023年10月18日,公司宣布成功中试生产1公斤铝锭 创意工程师工厂的Al-Se合金。
对 2024年1月30日,我们宣布公司与伦敦布鲁内尔大学伦敦领先的大学达成协议 该公司是一所专注于全球铸造铝合金应用的研究型大学,正在资助一名博士生, 评估多种添加了Se的常见铝合金的性能,并正在参与一个专注于以下领域的联盟 通过使用铯,使用回收铝来实现车辆轻型化。
作为 此前披露,2023年3月6日,公司宣布收到进出口银行的意向书 美国(“EXIM”)进行潜在债务融资,初步表明利息高达800美元 百万美元,通过EXIM的“Make More In America”计划资助 麋鹿溪项目(“EXIM融资”)。
NioCorp 6月6日,根据EXIM的“在美国制造更多”计划,向EXIM提交了正式贷款申请, 2023.该公司获悉,其申请获得了EXIM交易审查局三次审查中的第一次的批准 委员会于2023年10月2日举行。EXIM在年期间部署了额外资源来处理公司的申请 截至2023年12月31日的季度,并聘请了财务和法律顾问来支持EXIM的尽职调查 麋鹿溪项目。2024年4月15日,公司收到EXIM的初步项目信函(“PPL”)。的 PPL是EXIM初步尽职调查结果的总结,还包括初步指示性条款表。的PPL 确定了公司将结合EXIM评估流程开展的额外项目活动。这些 包括更新后的采矿计划和更新后的Elk Creek项目资本成本(最终或接近最终),反映更新后的 流程。
管理 正在与EXIM合作,继续推进该项目进入EXIM尽职调查和贷款申请的下一阶段 过程我们目前无法估计申请过程需要多长时间,包括确定的额外项目活动 在PPL中,可能会采取,并且无法保证我们能够成功谈判最终的债务承诺 来自EXIM的融资。
业务 操作
NioCorp 是一家从事矿产收购、勘探和开发的矿产勘探公司。NioCorp,通过 ECRC正在开发一个超级合金材料项目,如果开发出来,将生产锂、铯、钛和 潜在的稀土产品。它被称为“麋鹿溪项目”,位于内布拉斯加州麋鹿溪附近, 该州东南部。
● | 铌 用于生产广泛用于高性能的各种高温合金 飞机和喷气涡轮机。它还用于高强度、低合金钢、更坚固的 用于汽车、桥梁、结构系统、建筑、管道等的钢材 通常使这些应用程序能够更强大、更轻 马萨诸塞州这种“轻量级”的好处通常会带来环境效益, 包括减少燃油消耗和材料使用,从而导致空气减少 排放 |
● | 钪 可与铝结合制成强度提高的超高性能合金 并提高耐腐蚀性。铯也是先进的重要组成部分 固体氧化物燃料电池是一种环境首选的高可靠性技术, 分布式发电。 |
● | 钛 是各种超级合金和航空航天应用的组成部分 应用、武器系统、防护装甲、医疗植入物和许多其他。它 还用于造纸、油漆和塑料的颜料。 |
操作 已于2024年2月在示范工厂完工。除了以示范规模建立冶金 从改进的流程图中回收潜在的稀土产品,
示范工厂还提高了恢复率 并且该公司计划的锂和钛产品的纯度更高。示范工厂的结果是 预计将用于公司麋鹿溪项目技术报告的未来更新,并推进 与潜在客户进行买断讨论。
的 公司于2024年2月聘请了一名矿山工程顾问,以在范围层面评估液化的成本和收益 通过坡道而不是竖井进入矿井,并在其中一个坡道上使用Railveyor技术进行移动 矿石和废石到地表。该评估不包括对地质工程或水文地质问题的详细检查。 评估结果表明,潜在的前期资本成本节省,矿山满负荷时间更短 生产和潜在的运营成本节省。这些调查结果是初步的,但令人鼓舞,该公司计划进行更多 作为麋鹿溪未来技术报告的一部分,对地下矿山设计的该选项进行详细评估 项目
我们 主要业务战略是将我们的麋鹿溪项目推进到商业化生产。我们专注于获得额外的 用于实施与确保完成详细项目所需的项目融资相关的近期计划工作计划的资金 麋鹿溪项目的设计、开发和施工。
竞争 经营状况
那里 矿产行业内发现和收购被认为具有商业价值的矿产资源的重大竞争 潜力我们与其他实体竞争参与有前途的勘探项目的机会。另外我们 与其他人竞争,努力获得收购和勘探矿产资源、收购和利用矿产勘探的融资 设备,聘请合格的矿产勘探人员。我们可能会与其他矿业公司竞争该地区的采矿权 与我们现有的主张相邻,或者在世界其他地区,我们应该在未来投入资源这样做。这些 公司的资本金可能比我们更好,我们可能难以通过持股或收购扩大持股 额外的采矿权或其他矿产权。
在 竞争合格的矿产勘探人员,我们可能需要支付相对高于 过去支付的工资以及合格人员的可用性在高需求采矿时期可能会受到限制,例如 过去几年黄金和其他金属的价格高于现在的情况。
的 采矿业务受矿产价格周期的影响。矿物和矿物浓缩物的可销售性也受到以下因素的影响 全球经济周期。目前,许多国家对某些矿物的强劲需求正在推高大宗商品价格, 尽管很难评估这种趋势会持续多久。各地供需波动 世界是共同的。
的 下表列出了过去五个日历年铁、三氧化铯和钛的商品价格 该公司预计从麋鹿溪项目中提取的二氧化物产品。这些定价调查可能不具有代表性 如果商业化生产从麋鹿溪项目开始,公司预计其产品将实现的定价。
年 |
铌铁 |
SC2O3 |
TIO2 |
2023 | $51 | $-(4) | $1.49 |
2022 | 46 | 2,100 | 1.47 |
2021 | 44 | 2,200 | 1.30 |
2020 | 37 | 3,800 | 1.17 |
2019 | 39 | 3,900 | 1.11 |
(1) | 资料来源: Argus Metal价格,2023年平均年度期末价格。铁钼含量65%, 离岸价格美国仓库。 |
(2) | 资料来源: 美国地质局(“USGS”)矿产商品摘要,214。 SC2O3,99.99%纯度,5公斤(“kg”)批量。 |
(3) | 资料来源: USGS矿产商品摘要,2024年。金红石矿浓缩物,散装,至少95%钛2, F.O.B.澳大利亚 |
(4) | 定价 美国地质调查局未提供2023年的信息。 |
基于 根据该公司示范工厂的结果,可以生产更高价值的四氯化钛产品 冶金回收率高于二氧化二钛2.公司正在完成可行性水平成本估算 取代之前的TiO2 生产设备和生产四氯化钛的新设备。
作为 NioCorp是一家开发阶段发行人,尚未从Elk Creek项目的运营中产生任何收入 目前不受商品需求和价格变化的显着影响,除非同样影响可用性 矿产勘探和开发项目的资本。由于NioCorp不进行生产活动, 为正在进行的勘探提供资金受到融资可用性的影响,而融资可用性反过来又受到经济实力的影响 和其他一般经济因素。
经济 依赖
其他 土地和矿产权期权协议以及NioCorp与第三方之间关于产品购买和销售的协议 NioCorp的业务将从Elk Creek项目生产(“承购协议”),并不严重依赖 任何合同,例如销售其产品或服务主要部分或购买其需求主要部分的合同 商品、服务或其原材料,或使用专利、配方、商业秘密的任何特许经营权或许可或其他协议, 其业务所依赖的流程或商品名称。
政府 调控
这个 采矿前景的勘探和开发受到一些联邦和州政府当局的监管。 这些机构包括美国环境保护局(“EPA”)和美国陆军工程兵团 (“USACE”)以及各个州和地方环境保护机构。这些规定涉及到许多 与空气、土壤和水污染有关的环境问题,并适用于许多与采矿有关的活动,包括勘探, 矿山建设、矿物开采、磨矿、用水、废物处理和使用有毒物质。此外,我们正在 遵守有关劳动标准、职业健康和安全、矿山安全、一般土地用途、矿物出口、 税收、数据保护和数据安全。许多法规要求获得许可证或执照,但没有 其中和/或无法获得此类许可或许可证将对我们进行勘探、开发、 和经营活动。不遵守规定以及许可证和执照的条款可能会导致罚款或 其他处罚或吊销许可证、执照或失去潜在客户的处罚。
而当 提议在Elk Creek项目上建设的土地都不属于美国政府,矿业权是公开的 土地受1872年修订后的《一般矿业法》管辖,该法允许将采矿权置于某些联邦政府 在发现有价值的矿藏并符合选址要求时获得土地。关于矿业性的探讨 矿山的开发和运营受联邦和州法律的管辖。管理采矿主张地点的联邦法律 联邦土地上的维护和采矿作业通常由土地管理局管理。其他内容 管理煤矿安全和健康的联邦法律也适用。州法律还要求在勘探之前获得各种许可和批准, 可以开始开发或生产操作。除其他事项外,填海计划通常必须准备和批准, 并在预计的填海费用数额上提供财务保证。财务保证是用来确保 正确的回收正在进行,直到那时才会被释放。地方司法管辖区也可以施加许可要求, 例如有条件的使用许可或分区批准。
环境 调控
我们 矿产项目须遵守有关环境保护的各种联邦、州和地方法律和法规。 这些法律不断变化,并且总的来说变得越来越严格。开发、运营、关闭、回收 美国的采矿项目需要大量通知、许可、授权和公共机构决定。合规 环境和相关法律法规要求我们获得监管机构颁发的许可证,并提交各种 报告并保存我们的运营记录。其中某些许可证需要定期更新或审查其条件, 可能会接受公众审查程序,在此过程中可能会遇到对我们拟议业务的反对。我们目前正在 在各种许可证下开展与矿产勘探、开垦和环境相关的活动
考虑因素。 我们的政策是以保障公众健康和环境的方式开展业务。我们相信我们的运营 严格遵守适用法律和法规。
变化 我们运营所在司法管辖区当前的地方、州或联邦法律和法规可能需要额外的资本 支出以及运营和/或回收成本的增加。尽管我们无法预测哪些额外立法, 如果可能提出或颁布,额外的监管要求可能会影响我们项目的经济性。
环境 监管-美国联邦法律
这个 全面的环境、反应、赔偿和责任法案(“CERCLA”)和类似的州法规, 对场地的现任和前任所有者和经营者以及处置者施加严格、连带和连带的责任 或安排处置在这些地点发现的危险物质。政府提出索赔的情况并不少见 要求采取清理行动和/或要求补偿政府产生的清理费用或自然资源损害。 邻近的土地所有者和其他第三方提出人身伤害和财产损失索赔的情况也并不少见 据称是由释放到环境中的有害物质造成的。《资源保护和恢复法》(RCRA), 和类似的州法规,管理固体废物和危险废物的处置,并授权对 对违规行为的罚款和处罚,以及对纠正措施的要求。CERCLA、RCRA和类似的州法规 可对长期后在勘探、采矿和加工地点发现的场地的清理和物质处置施加责任 在这些地点的活动已经完成。
的 修订后的《清洁空气法》(“CAA”)限制多种来源的空气污染物排放,包括采矿业和 处理活动。该公司未来的任何采矿作业都可能产生空气排放,包括飞扬性灰尘和其他 来自固定设备、储存设施以及卡车和重型建筑等移动源的使用的空气污染物 设备,须遵守CAA和州空气质量法的审查、监测和/或控制要求。新设施 可能需要在工作开始之前获得许可证,并且可能需要现有设施产生资本成本 保持合规。此外,许可规则可能会对我们的生产水平施加限制或导致额外的 资本支出以遵守规则。
的 国家环境政策法(“NEPA”)要求联邦机构将环境考虑纳入 通过评估其拟议行动(包括颁发许可证)的环境影响来制定其决策过程 采矿设施并评估这些行动的替代方案。如果提议的行动可能会对环境产生重大影响, 该机构必须准备一份详细的声明,称为环境影响声明(“EIA”),或更少的声明 详细声明称为环境评估(“EA”)。美国环保局、其他联邦机构以及任何感兴趣的人 第三方可以审查并评论EIA或EA的范围以及草案中规定的任何调查结果的充分性, 最终的EIA或EA。此过程可能会导致所需许可证的发放延迟,或导致项目更改以减轻其影响 潜在的环境影响,这反过来又会影响拟议项目的经济可行性。
这个 《清洁水法》和类似的州法规对污染物的排放施加限制和控制 禁止向受管制水域排放污染物,除非符合下列条款 由环境保护局或类似的州机构颁发的许可证。CWA管理采矿设施的雨水,并要求暴雨 特定活动的排污许可证或雨水污染防治计划。这样的许可证需要受监管的设施 监测和抽样其运作中的暴雨径流。 《海洋法公约》及其实施的条例也禁止在湿地和其他水域排放疏浚和填埋材料。 除非得到适当的许可授权,否则不得进入美国。CWA和类似的州法规规定了民事、刑事、 对擅自排放污染物给予行政处罚,追究责任人的责任 清理因排放造成的任何环境损害的费用和由此造成的自然资源损害的排放 从发行版开始。
的 《安全饮用水法》(“SDWA”)及其颁布的地下注入控制(“UIC”)计划, 规范地下注入井的钻探和操作。EPA直接管理一些州的UIC计划 在其他情况下,该计划的责任已委托给国家。该计划要求获得许可证 在钻处置井或注入井之前。违反这些法规和/或采矿相关污染地下水 活动可能会导致罚款、处罚和补救费用,其中
SDWA和国家规定的其他制裁和责任 法律为此外,土地所有者和其他各方可能会提出第三方索赔,要求对替代供水造成损害, 财产损失和身体伤害。
环境 监管-内布拉斯加州
内布拉斯加州 有一套完善的环境法规和责任机构,但没有明确界定的法规 对允许开采地雷的尊重。因此,审查该项目以及内布拉斯加州各机构和监管机构发放许可证的情况 可能会影响我们的Elk Creek项目的总上市时间。内布拉斯加州的其他法规管理着运营和设计 任何空气排放源和垃圾填埋场作业的建造和运营标准。对这些法律的任何修改 法规可能会对我们的财务业绩和运营结果产生不利影响,例如,要求 经营条件、技术标准、费用或担保要求的变化。与空气质量有关的最严格的许可证 被称为防止显著恶化(PSD)许可证,它要求申请人证明 遵守NAAQS和最佳可用控制技术(“BACT”),以控制空气排放。如果该设施 超过这种许可证的潜在排放门槛,因此受到私营部门的要求,永久建筑在 在责任机构颁发PSD许可证之前,项目现场可能不会开始。对于内布拉斯加州有潜在排放的设施 低于PSD门槛,需要国家航空建设许可证。州政府的许可也需要合规的证明。 使用NAAQS,但不需要BACT演示,并进一步允许在主题设施中进行施工 通过既定的差异程序发放许可证。
人类 资本
的 公司继续推进麋鹿溪项目的能力将取决于其吸引和留住人才的能力 拥有(除其他技能外)财务、行政、工程、地质和采矿技能以及我们行业的知识 和目标市场。公司矿产勘探所需的大部分必要专业技能和知识 公司现任管理团队和董事会(“董事会”)提供。公司 如果需要额外的专业技能和知识,则保留外部顾问。
作为 截至2024年6月30日,我们有七名全职员工和一名合同工。此外,我们还使用具有特定特征的顾问 具备协助处理公司事务、项目评估、尽职调查、公司治理和财产各个方面的技能 管理
我们 薪酬计划旨在使员工的薪酬与公司的绩效保持一致,并提供 适当的激励措施来吸引、保留和激励员工以实现卓越的成果。我们的薪酬结构 计划平衡有竞争力的工资和福利以及短期和长期绩效的激励性收入。
我们 优先维护以道德绩效为核心价值观的文化反映在公司的商业行为准则中 和道德(“行为准则”)以及其他相关政策。监督由公司董事会提供 对于特定绩效领域,由董事会委员会负责。员工必须审查行为准则 定期进行。我们的薪酬计划还包括在确定激励奖励时考虑道德表现。
的 公司还为员工提供一系列强有力的福利,包括401(k)参与、医疗保险选择、 以及鼓励和支持整个人的计划。
前瞻性 报表
这 表格10-k年度报告及其附件包含以下含义内的“前瞻性陈述” 经修订的1933年证券法(“证券法”)第27 A条和证券法第21 E条 经修订的1934年交易法(“交易法”)和含义内的“前瞻性信息” 适用的加拿大证券立法(统称为“前瞻性陈述”)。
前瞻性 报表基于董事会批准的我们当前的业务和运营计划,并且可能包括报表 关于2023年交易的预期收益,包括NioCorp获得全额交易的能力 约克维尔股权融资协议的预期净收益;
NioCorp收到最终承诺的能力 进出口银行融资情况;普通股在纳斯达克上市的预期收益;财务和经营业绩 NioCorp的预期业绩和未来时期NioCorp的运营发展;NioCorp的 计划的勘探活动;NioCorp财务资源的充分性;NioCorp获得足够资金的能力 完成Elk Creek项目建设并开始运营的项目融资;NioCorp的期望和能力 在Elk Creek项目生产Nb、Sc和钛以及生产稀土元素的潜力;NioCorp的 生产和供应特定产品的计划和对这些产品的市场需求;当前回收过程改进的结果 测试和评估使用Railveyor技术和NioCorp的电气化矿山的效益和成本 预期这种工艺和设计改进可提高Elk Creek项目的效率和节省成本; Elk Creek项目生产多种关键金属的能力;Elk Creek项目的预计矿石产量 和采矿作业超过其预期的矿山寿命;完成对潜在增加的技术和经济分析 向NioCorp计划的产品系列提供磁性稀土氧化物;NioCorp更新其关于Elk Creek项目的技术报告;有关矿产资源和矿产储量的估计;行使购买更多地块的选择权; 执行与工程、采购和建筑公司的合同;NioCorp对 通货膨胀、供应链问题和地缘政治动荡对Elk Creek项目经济模式的影响;以及 在Elk Creek项目的施工期内,全职和合同建筑工作的数量。
前瞻性 声明经常,但不总是,由诸如“期望”、“期望”、“相信”之类的词来标识。 “打算”、“估计”、“潜在”、“可能”以及类似的表达或陈述 事件、条件或结果“将”、“可能”、“可能”或“应该”(或 这些术语中的任何一个的否定和语法变化)发生或实现。任何表达或涉及讨论的声明 关于预测、期望、信念、计划、预测、目标、假设或未来事件或业绩 (通常,但并非总是,使用“期望”或“不期望”、“期望的”、“期望的”等词语或短语, “预期”或“不预期”、“计划”、“估计”或“打算” 或说明某些行为、事件或结果“可能”、“可能”、“将会”、“可能” 或“将”被采取、发生或实现)不是历史事实的陈述,可能是前瞻性陈述。 前瞻性陈述反映了实质性的预期和假设,包括但不限于预期和假设。 有关:NioCorp有能力获得足够的项目融资,用于Elk Creek项目的建设 条款或根本没有;NioCorp偿还现有债务和履行其支付义务的能力;未来的价格 金属;金融和资本市场的稳定性;以及关于2023年交易的当前估计和假设 以及他们的福利。这些前瞻性陈述反映了公司目前对未来事件的看法以及 受制于某些已知和未知的风险、不确定性和假设。许多因素可能会导致实际结果、性能、 或成就与可能明示或暗示的任何未来结果、表现或成就有实质性不同 这些前瞻性陈述包括,除其他外,与以下有关的风险:NioCorp的运营能力 作为一家持续经营的企业;NioCorp对大量额外资本的要求;NioCorp获得足够资金的能力 以可接受的条件或根本不接受的条件为Elk Creek项目的建设提供项目融资;NioCorp的能力 美国进出口银行在可接受的时间表上、在可接受的条件下或在任何情况下的最终融资承诺;NioCorp的能力 认识到2023年交易的预期好处,包括NioCorp获得全额 约克维尔股权融资协议下未来18个月的预期净收益;NioCorp的能力 继续符合纳斯达克上市标准;普通股相关风险,包括价格波动、缺乏股息 支付和稀释或对上述任何一种可能性的看法;NioCorp的水平 债务和/或管理NioCorp债务或约克维尔股权融资协议中包含的条款 协议可能削弱NioCorp获得额外融资的能力;与NioCorp的协议中包含的契约 可能影响其资产的有担保债权人;NioCorp有限的运营历史;NioCorp的亏损历史; NioCorp对财务报告的内部控制存在重大弱点,NioCorp努力补救此类材料 弱点和补救的时机;NioCorp根据《准则》有资格成为PFIC的可能性; 2023年的交易可能导致NioCorp成为美国联邦所得税的实质性不利后果 《准则》第7874条和相关条款的适用结果;NioCorp勘探成本增加, 如有必要,开发项目;NioCorp信息技术系统中断或故障,包括 与网络安全有关;设备和供应短缺;市场对Nb、Sc的需求和价格变化, 钛和稀土产品;当前和未来的承购协议、合资企业和伙伴关系;NioCorp的能力 吸引合格管理人员;矿产资源和储量估算;矿产勘探和生产活动;可行性 研究结果;冶金试验结果;技术研究结果;需求变化和价格变化 大宗商品(如燃料和电力)和货币;采矿业的竞争;证券的变化或中断 市场;立法、政治或经济
发展,包括联邦政府的变化 和/或可能对采矿业产生重大影响的州法律;气候变化的影响以及采取的行动或 各国政府在面对气候变化潜在影响时加强复原力方面的要求;需要 获得许可并遵守法律法规和其他监管要求;抽样的时间和可靠性 和化验数据;工作的实际结果可能与预测/期望不同,或可能没有实现感知的结果 NioCorp项目的潜力;事故风险、设备故障、劳资纠纷或其他意想不到的困难 或中断;开发计划中可能出现成本超支或意外开支;操作或技术困难 与勘探、采矿或开发活动有关;管理Elk Creek项目工地的水平衡; 与Elk Creek项目有关的土地复垦要求;矿产勘探和开发的投机性, 包括储量和资源等级数量减少的风险;对NioCorp资产所有权的索赔; 未来可能的诉讼;以及NioCorp缺乏覆盖NioCorp所有业务的保险。
应该 其中一个或多个风险或不确定性成为现实,或者如果基本假设被证明不正确,实际结果可能 与本文描述的那些有重大不同。此列表并不详尽列出可能影响公司任何行为的因素 前瞻性陈述。前瞻性陈述是关于未来的陈述,本质上是不确定的和实际的 公司的成就或其他未来事件或条件可能与前瞻性内容中所反映的存在重大差异 由于各种风险、不确定性和其他因素而做出的声明,包括但不限于项下讨论的因素 1A.,风险因素如下。
的 本年度报告中包含的公司10-k表格的前瞻性陈述是基于信念、期望、 以及截至本年度报告日期的管理层意见(表格10-k)。公司不承担任何更新义务 如果情况或管理层的信念、期望或意见应该发生变化,则前瞻性陈述,除非 法律要求。出于上述原因,投资者不应赋予或过度依赖 前瞻性陈述。
可用 信息
我们 维护http://www.niocorp.com的网站。我们的普通股目前根据《交易法》第12(b)条登记, 目前我们需要在表格10-k、10-Q或8-k上提交报告。我们的10-k表格年度报告(其中包括我们的 经审计的合并财务报表)、表格10-Q季度报告、表格8-k当前报告以及报告修订 根据《交易法》第13(a)和15(d)条提交或提供的信息可在我们的网站上免费获取, 在我们以电子方式向美国提交此类报告或向美国提供此类报告后,在合理可行的范围内尽快 美国证券交易委员会(“SEC”)。SEC维护一个包含报告、代理和 以电子方式向SEC提交的信息声明以及有关发行人的其他信息(http:www.sec.gov)。我们 不打算向证券持有人发送我们年度报告的印刷版,因为该报告将在网上提供。
我们 维护行为准则,其副本可在我们网站主标题下的“关于我们”部分找到 “公司治理。”我们的行为准则包含有关举报人程序的信息。
我们 不包括我们网站或SEC网站上包含或可访问的信息,作为其一部分或合并 将其纳入本10-k表格年度报告中。
项目1A. | 风险 因素 |
我们 业务活动面临重大风险,包括下文所述的风险。您应该仔细考虑这些风险。 如果发生任何所述风险,我们的业务、财务状况和经营业绩可能会受到重大不利影响 受影响。此类风险并不是我们面临的唯一风险,还有我们目前或我们不知道的额外风险和不确定性 目前认为不重要也可能影响我们的业务。本报告包含涉及风险和 不确定性因此,我们的实际结果可能与前瞻性陈述中的预期存在重大差异 多种因素,包括下文描述的风险。见第1项下的“前瞻性陈述”,“生意。”
风险 与我们的业务相关
我们 作为一家持续运营的能力受到质疑。
的 截至2024年6月30日止年度合并财务报表随附的注释披露,存在重大疑问 关于我们继续经营的能力。本年度报告中包含的合并财务报表 10-k是在假设我们将继续作为一家持续经营企业的情况下准备的。我们是一家发展阶段的发行人,我们 自我们成立以来就遭受了损失。
我们 目前没有历史上的经常性收入来源,我们持续经营的能力取决于我们的能力 筹集资本为我们未来的勘探和运营资金需求或我们盈利执行业务的能力提供资金 计划我们的长期恢复和持续经营计划包括通过以下方式为我们未来的运营提供资金 出售我们的普通股和/或债务以及对我们的麋鹿溪项目的潜在有利可图的开发。此外,资本 美国和加拿大的市场和总体经济状况可能会对筹集所需资金造成重大障碍。 正如下面进一步讨论的那样,虽然我们过去已经成功做到了这一点,但无法保证我们能够 将来筹集资金。这些因素让人们对我们继续经营的能力产生了极大的怀疑。
我们 将需要大量额外资本来资助我们的业务计划。
我们 将需要花费大量资金来开发我们现有的房产并寻找和收购额外的房产 使我们的房地产投资组合多元化。我们预计我们将需要为开发做出大量资本支出 我们的麋鹿溪项目。
作为 截至2024年6月30日,公司现金为2亿美元,营运资金赤字为9亿美元,而现金为230万美元 2023年6月30日,流动资金为2000万美元。
作为 截至2024年6月30日,该公司目前计划到财年末的运营需求约为26亿美元 2025.自本年度报告(Form 10-k)之日起,公司预计没有足够的现金继续 为未来十二个月的基本运营提供资金。这包括一般管理费用、满足未偿应付账款、 以及偿还我们的短期债务。这还包括与麋鹿溪相关的预期融资成本 项目,包括与EXIM申请流程相关的更新矿山计划。这些融资成本的范围仍然存在 正在与EXIM讨论中。额外资金将用于资助基本运营以及进一步推进 麋鹿溪项目通过实质性的近期里程碑。
除了资金以外 根据史密斯贷款协议(本文定义),根据一项200亿美元的万非循环信贷安排,以及额外资金的可能性 在约克维尔股权融资机制下,每一项都将在下文“管理层的讨论 财务状况和经营成果分析--流动资金和资本资源--融资活动,“ 以及可能行使的期权和认股权证,我们目前没有进一步的资金承诺或安排 目前,我们不能保证能够以可接受的条件获得任何此类额外融资, 如果真的有的话。此外,根据交换协议,NioCorp不得发行股本或与股本挂钩的证券 (普通股除外)或任何优先股或无投票权股本,如该等发行会对 未经ECRC B类普通股过半数股东同意,持有ECRC B类普通股 B ECRC的普通股。2024年4月的《购买协议》(如本文所定义)还包含某些契约,其中包括 情况,限制NioCorp使用出售2024年4月债券和行使2024年4月债券所得资金的能力 偿还关联方债务或进行任何浮动利率交易的权证,包括发行股权或债务证券 可按可变利率和任何股权信用额度、自动柜员机协议或其他连续发行方式转换为普通股 普通股,约克维尔除外,但有某些例外情况。尽管交易所规定了限制 协议和2024年4月的采购协议,我们是否能够获得任何额外的 在当前的股票或债务市场上进行融资。
我们 正在积极寻求额外的债务和股权融资来源,虽然我们过去在这方面取得了成功, 无法保证我们将来能够做到这一点。
我们 反过来,为这些目的获得必要资金的能力取决于许多因素,包括国家的状况 国家和全球经济以及我们打算生产的产品的价格。我们可能无法成功获得所需的 融资,或者,如果我们能够获得此类融资,此类融资的条款可能不对我们有利。
在 此外,潜在的EXIM融资还取决于尽职调查的满意完成,包括 PPL中确定的额外项目活动、最终条款的谈判和解决以及 明确的文件。无法保证EXIM融资将按照本文所述的条款完成或 根本
我们的 无法为我们的运营获得足够的资本可能会对我们的财务状况和结果产生实质性的不利影响 运营或前景。出售大量证券可能会对我们的所有权或 股权结构。在公开市场上大量出售普通股,或这种出售的可能性可能会下降 这可能会降低普通股的交易价格,并可能削弱我们通过未来出售普通股筹集资金的能力。我们 尚未在我们的任何物业开始商业生产,因此没有产生正现金流 除非我们的Elk Creek项目能够实现成功的商业生产,否则我们没有合理的前景这样做。 我们预计将继续产生负的投资和运营现金流,直到我们进入成功的商业 制作。这将需要我们部署我们的营运资本,为这种负现金流提供资金,并寻求额外的来源。 融资的问题。不能保证任何这样的资金来源将可用或足以满足我们的要求。 不能保证我们将能够继续筹集股本或获得额外的债务融资,或者 我们不会继续蒙受损失。
我们 对我们的业务和前景进行评估的运营历史有限。
以来 我们成立之初没有运营收入。我们没有使用我们的任何财产生产产品的历史。我们 Elk Creek项目是一个开发阶段的物业。将我们的麋鹿溪项目从开发阶段的物业推进到生产阶段 舞台地产将需要大量的资金和时间,而麋鹿溪地产的成功商业制作将 须获得矿山、加工厂、道路以及其他相关工程和基础设施的许可和建设。作为 因此,我们面临与开发和建立新的采矿业务和商业企业相关的所有风险 包括:
● | 的 进一步探索、准备可行性的时间和成本可能相当大 基础设施、采矿和加工的研究、许可、工程和建设 设施; |
● | 的 钻井设备、勘探人员、熟练劳动力的可用性和成本,以及 采矿和加工设备(如果需要); |
● | 的 如果需要,适当的熔炼和/或精炼安排的可用性和成本; |
● | 合规 具有环境和其他政府批准和许可要求; |
● | 的 为勘探、开发、许可和建设提供资金 必要的活动; |
● | 潜在 非政府组织、地方团体或当地居民的反对 可能推迟或阻止开发活动; |
● | 潜在 成本变化导致勘探、建设和运营成本增加 燃料、动力、材料和用品;以及 |
● | 潜在 采矿、矿物加工、冶金、火法冶金、建筑、 以及其他与设施相关的用品。 |
的 勘探、开发、工程和建设活动的成本、时间和复杂性可能会增加 我们财产的位置以及来自其他矿产勘探和采矿公司的竞争。这对于勘探公司来说很常见 在开发过程中遇到意想不到的问题和延误(如果开始),包括工程、采购、施工, 调试和加速。因此,我们的活动可能不会带来盈利的运营,我们也可能无法成功建立 在我们当前或未来的任何物业(包括我们的麋鹿溪项目)运营或生产产品盈利。
我们 有亏损历史并预计未来将继续亏损。
我们 自成立以来已出现亏损,经营活动现金流为负,并预计将继续出现亏损 在未来我们于以下每个期间产生了以下归属于公司的净亏损:
● | 11.4美元 截至2024年6月30日的年度为百万;和 |
● | 40.1美元 截至2023年6月30日的年度为百万美元。 |
我们 预计将继续遭受损失,除非并直到我们的一处房产进入商业生产并产生 足够的收入来资助持续运营。我们认识到,如果我们无法从运营中产生可观的收入 以及我们的财产的处置,我们将无法赚取利润或继续运营。在我们运营的早期阶段, 我们还预计将面临初创公司经常遇到的风险、不确定性、费用和困难 他们的业务发展阶段。我们无法确定我们能否成功应对这些风险和不确定性 如果我们不这样做,可能会对我们的财务状况产生重大不利影响。
增加 成本可能会影响我们的财务状况。
我们 预计我们可能探索或开发的项目的成本将经常变化,从一年到一年不等 接下来,由于多种因素,例如矿石品位变化、冶金性能以及矿山计划的修订(如果有的话), 根据矿床的物理形状和位置。此外,成本还受到商品价格的影响,例如 作为燃料、钢铁、铝、铁、化学品、天然气、淡水和电力,以及政府行动,例如 关税此类大宗商品有时会受到价格波动的影响,包括可能导致产量上涨 某些业务利润较低或根本没有利润。任何重要地点的成本大幅增加都可能导致 对我们的盈利能力产生重大影响。
一 我们第三方服务提供商的IT系统(包括与网络安全相关的系统)中断或故障可能会 对我们的业务运营和财务表现产生不利影响。
我们 依靠我们的第三方服务提供商的it系统的准确性、容量和安全性, 我们的业务流程,并遵守法规、法律和税务要求。我们依赖第三方来提供 重要的信息技术服务,除其他事项外,涉及我们设施的运营技术、人力资源、电子通信、 以及某些财务职能。尽管我们的第三方服务提供商已经实施了安全措施,包括 那些与网络安全有关的公司,其系统可能会受到计算机病毒、自然或人为事件的破坏或破坏 或灾难,或未经授权的物理或电子访问。尽管我们的第三方服务提供商有适当的控制措施, 我们不能保证网络攻击不会发生。此外,我们可能很少或根本没有监督 第三方服务提供商采用的安全措施,最终可能被证明在应对威胁方面无效。 我们的第三方服务提供商的it系统出现故障,无论是恶意还是无意造成的,都可能导致 中断我们的业务流程,或未经授权发布敏感、机密或其他受保护的信息 或导致数据损坏,这可能会对我们的业务运营和财务业绩产生不利影响。此外, 我们可能需要支付巨额费用来防范此类中断造成的损害,并在必要时进行补救 或未来的系统故障。
一 设备和物资短缺可能会对我们运营业务的能力产生不利影响。
我们 依赖各种物资和设备来进行采矿勘探,以及(如果有需要)项目开发运营。 此类物资、设备和零部件的短缺可能会对我们开展行动的能力产生重大不利影响 因此可能限制或增加生产成本。正在进行 对世界经济的干扰,包括与供应链、通货膨胀以及原材料增加有关的问题, 劳动力成本可能会推迟我们及时为Elk Creek项目确保物资和设备的能力。
联合 企业和其他合作伙伴关系,包括承付款安排,可能会使我们面临风险。
我们 已与我们的麋鹿溪项目以及相关协议签订了三份承付款协议和一份意向书 向项目现场供应天然气和电力,并可以成立合资企业或
合作伙伴关系安排, 包括与其他各方就某些矿物的勘探、开发和生产达成的额外承购协议 我们感兴趣的房产。此类其他公司未能履行对我们或第三方的义务 双方,或有关双方各自权利和义务的任何争议,或价格波动和终止 与此类协议相关的条款可能会对我们、我们物业的开发和生产产生重大不利影响, 包括麋鹿溪项目、合资企业(如果有)或其财产,因此可能产生重大不利影响 关于我们的运营结果、财务业绩、现金流和普通股价格。
我们 可能难以吸引和保留合格的管理层来满足我们预期增长的需求,以及失败 有效管理我们的增长可能会对我们的业务和财务状况产生重大不利影响。
我们 依赖于相对较少的关键员工,包括我们的首席执行官。失去任何警官都可能 对我们产生不利影响。我们没有为任何个人购买人寿保险,并且我们可能无法聘请合适的替代者 如果有必要的话,他们将以有利的条件。
的 最近全球事件对资本市场和经济的影响,包括通货膨胀、大宗商品价格波动、供应 链条的不确定性以及原材料和劳动力成本的增加可能会对NioCorp的业务计划产生不利影响, 财务状况和流动性。
某些 事件已经并继续影响全球和美国经济,包括通胀加剧、波动性上升 大宗商品价格、供应链的不确定性以及原材料和劳动力成本的增加。我们无法预测这将如何 影响我们的业务,但影响可能是不利的。
虽然 无法预测这些因素对NioCorp的业务计划、财务状况或流动性的最终影响, 此类可能造成重大影响包括但不限于:(i)矿山和地面工程完工延迟 有关我们完成必要工程、采购和施工(“PC”)能力的设计和不确定性 由于我们的工程顾问和麋鹿溪项目主要承包商的业务中断而达成协议, (ii)可用性减少并增加员工成本,(iii)对我们的流动性状况产生负面影响,以及(iv)增加 成本和在资本市场获得资金的能力减弱。这些因素可能继续影响我们的整体程度 业务将取决于未来的发展,未来的发展仍然高度不确定,目前无法预测。
在 此外,我们无法预测最近全球事件的影响,包括通货膨胀、大宗商品价格波动、供应 链条的不确定性以及原材料和劳动力成本的增加将对我们的客户、供应商、供应商和其他业务产生影响 合作伙伴及其每个财务状况;然而,对这些方的任何重大影响都可能对我们产生不利影响。
它 可能难以在美国境外执行判决或对我们和我们的某些董事提起诉讼。
我们 是一家加拿大公司,因此,投资者可能很难或不可能做到以下事情:
● | 执行 在美国以外的法院根据民事责任在美国法院获得的判决 美国联邦证券法针对这些人员和公司的条款;或 |
● | 带来 在美国境外法院执行基于美国的责任的原始诉讼 针对这些人和公司的联邦证券法。 |
的 公司可能无法实现2023年交易带来的所有或任何预期利益。
的 普通股在纳斯达克上市可能无法提供更广泛的资本和融资替代方案的预期好处 或以其他方式提升NioCorp的公众形象。如果公司未能成功实现这些预期利益, 包括普通股在纳斯达克上市的预期好处以及融资工作的预期加速 为了推进、完成建设并开始运营麋鹿溪项目,此类后果可能会对 公司的经营业绩、现金流、财务状况和普通股价格。
我们 可能不会承认约克维尔股权融资协议的全部价值,并且可能不会从 NioCorp假设令、2024年4月令和我们的其他未偿令的行使以及潜在不利的 由于普通股的销售或对未来销售的看法,对我们普通股的现行市场价格的影响 股票可能会对我们筹集额外资本的能力产生不利影响。
虽然 我们已签订约克维尔股权融资协议,但我们可能无法认识到其全部价值。具体来说, 我们根据约克维尔股权融资协议向约克维尔出售普通股的能力受到某些限制 限制和限制,这可能会阻止我们在承诺到期之前出售全部承诺金额 期我们认识到约克维尔股权融资协议全部价值的能力可能会进一步受到以下因素的阻碍: 由于销售或对未来销售的看法,我们普通股的市场价格可能受到负面压力, 我们或其他证券持有人持有普通股。因此,无法保证我们会收到所有甚至是一个 我们预计将收到的与约克维尔股权融资协议相关的大部分收益。
在……里面 此外,在行使时,我们将收到NioCorp认购权证的现金行使价、2024年4月的权证和 我们的其他未清偿认股权证(假设与NioCorp有关的认股权证和2024年4月的认股权证 没有在无现金的基础上行使)。我们相信NioCorp的持有者在2024年4月认购权证的可能性 或其他未偿还权证将于2024年4月行使其NioCorp认股权证或其他未偿还认股权证, 因此,我们将获得的现金收益的数额,除其他外,取决于我们的 普通股。只要我们普通股的市场价格低于NioCorp的适用行使价格 假设认股权证、2024年4月的认股权证或其他未清偿认股权证,我们相信这些持有人将不太可能行使其 融资权证,NioCorp认购权证,2024年4月认股权证或其他未偿还权证。潜在的不利影响 由于我们或其他证券持有人出售普通股,我们普通股的现行市场价格, 或者认为可能会发生此类出售,可能会使我们普通股的市场价格低于适用的行权价格 在NioCorp假设的认股权证中,2024年4月认股权证或其他未偿还认股权证。因此,NioCorp的持有者认为 认股权证,2024年4月认股权证或其他未偿还认股权证可能不会行使其NioCorp认股权证,2024年4月 或其他尚未到期的权证,而我们可能不会从行使NioCorp假设的任何收益中获得任何收益 认股权证,2024年4月认股权证或其他未清偿认股权证。
我们 与2024年4月的购买协议有关的巨额债务,我们需要大量额外资本来 经营我们的生意。我们有义务在全部本金结清后偿还或发行普通股 2024年4月发行的债券,另加溢价(如有的话)及累算利息(如有)。如此巨大的额外债务可能会对 影响我们的业务,这可能会阻止我们履行与现有债务有关的义务或获得未来 融资。此外,2024年4月的购买协议限制我们进行某些可变利率融资交易, 这可能会削弱我们以优惠的条款获得额外融资的能力,或者根本没有。另外,如果市场 普通股价格将因出售普通股或预期未来出售普通股而下跌 对于其他证券持有人来说,这可能会阻碍我们筹集额外资本的能力。我们无法获得额外的融资 以有利或根本有利的条款,可能会对我们的财务状况、经营结果产生实质性的不利影响 和前景。
的 公司发现其财务报告内部控制存在重大缺陷。如果不补救,公司的 未能建立和维持有效的披露控制和程序以及内部 对财务报告的控制可能导致其财务报表中存在重大错误陈述,并且未能满足 报告和财务义务,其中每一项都可能对公司的财务状况产生重大不利影响 以及普通股的交易价格。
我们的管理层已经发现了与控制环境相关的原则中的缺陷, 构成重大弱点的风险评估、控制活动和内部控制的监控组成部分 单独或集体。实质缺陷是内部控制的缺陷或缺陷的组合 财务报告,因此存在合理的可能性
公司年度或中期报告的重大错误陈述 财务报表不会被及时阻止或检测。
作为 本年度报告表格10-k的第9A项“控制和程序”中讨论了公司的管理层 已评估其财务报告内部控制及其披露控制和程序的有效性, 得出的结论是,截至2024年6月30日,它们尚未生效。
的 公司致力于尽快纠正其重大缺陷。管理层正在实施中 其补救计划。然而,无法保证何时能够纠正重大缺陷或额外缺陷 未来不会出现物质弱点。如果公司无法保持有效的财务内部控制 报告,其及时、准确地记录、处理和报告财务信息的能力可能会受到不利影响, 这可能会使公司面临诉讼或调查、需要管理资源、增加成本、产生负面影响 投资者信心并对普通股的交易价格产生不利影响。
我们 由于财务报告内部控制存在重大缺陷,可能面临诉讼和其他风险。
我们 发现了截至2024年6月30日我们对财务报告的内部控制存在的重大弱点。的结果 SEC或加拿大证券监管机构提出或未来可能提出的此类重大弱点和其他事项, 我们面临潜在的诉讼或其他纠纷,其中可能包括援引联邦和州证券的索赔 法律、合同索赔或因财务报告内部控制的重大缺陷而产生的其他索赔 以及我们的财务报表的编制。截至本年度报告(Form 10-k)之日,我们不了解任何 此类诉讼或纠纷。然而,我们无法保证未来不会发生此类诉讼或纠纷。 任何此类诉讼或纠纷,无论成功与否,都可能对我们的业务、财务状况和业绩产生不利影响 的运营。
风险 与采矿和开发相关
我们 在估计我们的矿产储量和资源时面临许多不确定性,并且估计的不准确可能导致 收入低于预期,成本高于预期,盈利能力下降。
一 当我们出售矿物的价格超过采矿成本和费用时,矿物是经济可开采的, 出售矿物。我们对未来业绩的预测除其他外基于对我们矿产储量的估计。 我们的储量和资源信息基于由合格人士收集和分析的工程、经济和地质数据 人员,包括我们和第三方员工中的各种工程师和地质学家。我们的估计也受到SEC的约束 有关储量和资源分类的法规,包括S-k 1300。我们对两者的储量和资源估计 数量和质量会不时更新,以反映收到的额外信息。存在许多不确定性 评估矿产储量和资源的数量和质量是固有的,包括许多超出我们控制范围的因素。
估计 矿产储量和资源的变化必然取决于许多可变因素和假设,其中任何一个都可能, 如果不正确,则会导致估计与实际结果存在很大差异。这些因素和假设包括,但是 不限于:
● | 地质 和采矿条件,可用的勘探数据可能无法完全识别 并且可能与我们的经验不同; |
● | 需求 用于我们计划生产的矿物; |
● | 电流 以及矿产的未来市场价格和合同安排; |
● | 电流 尽管如此,未来的运营成本和资本支出可能会超出预期 根据S-k 1300,运营成本和资本支出估计可行 研究的准确性水平必须至少为±15%,应急范围必须不 超过10%; |
● | 额外 与拟议地面工厂改造相关的资本支出 可能添加的稀土元素; |
● | 遣散 以及消费税、特许权使用费以及开发和开垦成本; |
● | 未来 采矿技术改进; |
● | 的 政府机构监管的影响; |
● | 的 获得、维护和更新所有所需许可证的能力; |
● | 员工 健康与安全;以及 |
● | 历史 该地区的产量与其他产区的产量进行比较。 |
的 不应假设将报告的矿产资源转化为矿产储量,并重新分类报告的矿产 不应假设地质可信度从低到高的资源。因此,实际矿产吨已恢复 根据已确定的储备以及我们储备的收入和支出可能与估计存在重大差异。因此, 这些估计可能无法准确反映我们的实际储备。我们与储备相关的估计中存在任何重大不准确性 可能导致收入低于预期、成本高于预期或盈利能力下降,这可能会严重且 对我们的业务、经营业绩、财务状况和现金流产生不利影响。
的 矿产勘探和生产活动的性质涉及高度风险和未保险损失的可能性。
探索 矿产的生产具有高度投机性,并且比许多其他企业涉及更大的风险。最探索 项目不会导致矿化的发现,并且发现的任何矿化的数量可能不够 或开采可获利的质量。我们的业务以及我们未来可能进行的任何开发或采矿业务都将是, 受勘探和开发矿产资源通常会发生的所有操作危险和风险的影响,例如, 但不限于:
● | 经济 矿化材料不足; |
● | 波动 生产成本使生产不经济; |
● | 劳动 争议; |
● | 非预期 品位变化和其他地质问题; |
● | 环境 危险; |
● | 水 条件; |
● | 难 地表或地下条件; |
● | industrial accidents; |
● | metallurgical, pyrometallurgical, and other processing problems; |
● | mechanical and equipment performance problems; |
● | failure of dams, stockpiles, wastewater transportation systems, or impoundments; |
● | unusual or unexpected rock formations; and |
● | personal injury, fire, flooding, cave-ins, and landslides. |
任何 这些风险除其他外可能会对房地产开发、生产数量和 费率、成本和支出、潜在收入和生产日期。我们目前需要防范的保险非常有限 其中一些风险。如果我们确定与我们的任何矿产利益相关的资本化成本不太可能 如果收回,我们将减记我们对这些权益的投资。所有这些因素都可能导致相关损失 无法收回或导致额外费用的支出金额。
我们 没有利用我们当前的采矿资产生产商业产品的历史,也无法保证我们会 成功建立采矿业务或生产矿产盈利。
我们 没有使用我们当前的采矿资产生产商业产品的历史。我们不生产商业产品, 目前不产生营业收益。虽然我们寻求将Elk Creek项目从开发阶段的物业转移到 作为生产阶段资产,此类工作将面临与建立新采矿业务相关的所有风险 和商业企业,包括:
● | 的 采矿和加工建设的时间和成本相当大 设施; |
● | 的 熟练劳动力和设备的可用性和成本; |
● | 合规 具有环境和其他政府批准和许可要求; |
● | 的 是否有资金为建设和开发活动提供资金; |
● | 潜在 非政府组织、地方团体或当地居民的反对 可能推迟或阻止开发活动;以及 |
● | 潜在 由于成本和可用性的变化,建设和运营成本增加 劳动力、燃料、电力、材料以及设备和用品的数量,以及此后经过的时间 对成本和可用性进行了最新的估计。 |
它 在新的采矿和加工作业中,在工程、采购、 施工、调试和初始运营。此外,我们的管理层和员工队伍需要扩大,并且需要足够 必须为我们的劳动力建立住房和其他支持系统。这可能会导致开工延迟 生产和生产成本增加。因此,我们无法向您保证我们的活动将带来盈利 运营或者我们将成功建立采矿和加工运营。
结果 我们进行的冶金测试可能对我们不利,也不符合我们的预期。
我们 已对麋鹿溪项目材料完成了重要的实验室、小型中试和中试冶金测试, 将继续完成必要的台架、小型中试和中试规模冶金测试,作为勘探和如果 有鉴于此,麋鹿溪项目的开发取得了进展。无法保证此类冶金测试的结果 将对我们有利,或者将如我们所期望的那样。此外,无法确定获得的冶金回收率 实验室或中试规模测试将在后续测试或商业运营中实现。发展完整的 麋鹿溪项目生产可销售最终产品的冶金过程是一项复杂且资源密集型的事业 这可能会导致我们的整体进度延迟并增加项目成本。
价格 波动性可能会对我们的运营业绩和执行业务计划的能力产生巨大影响。
的 商品价格每天都在变化。锂是一种特种金属,而不是铜等常见贸易商品, 锌、金或铁矿石。锂的价格往往是通过有限的长期承购市场来确定的,该市场在非常 供应商和采购商很少。全球最大的钴供应商Companhia Brasileira de Metrogia e Mineração, 供应全球约85%的钴。此类供应商试图压低锂价格,或 任何供应商的产量增加超过需求增加,都会对锂的价格产生负面影响 并且可能会影响我们的价值。新的锂矿床的发现也可能会降低锂的价格,这可能会 不仅增加了锂的总体供应(导致其价格下跌压力),而且可能会吸引新公司进入锂 会与我们竞争的行业。
SC2O3 用于固体氧化物燃料电池,有潜力成为航空航天和汽车领域有价值的铝合金 行业近年来铯的供应断断续续,目前世界上还没有原生的铯矿。 生产主要作为现有冶金工厂的副产品进行,主要位于俄罗斯、加拿大、菲律宾 和中国我们的管理层相信埃尔克溪项目将显着增加全球三氧化铯的供应。 尽管该公司的市场研究表明需求前景积极,但目前无法保证 该公司可以出售其所有产品。此外,铯的销售占麋鹿溪的很大一部分 项目收入; 实现公司研究中预测的收入取决于铯市场的增长,而铯市场是一个不断发展的领域。 存在供应过剩和/或供应不足扰乱定价风险的市场。
钛 金属用于各种超级合金和航空航天应用、装甲和医疗植入物的其他应用,以及氧化物 形式是纸张、油漆和塑料中使用的颜料的关键成分。麋鹿溪项目将生产少量 相对于其他生产商,二价。作为小生产商,我们会受到钛铁矿价格波动的影响2 这将是由于这种商品供需的正常变化造成的。
我们 可能无法建立可行的稀土回收流程.
的 稀土产品市场需要特定水平的纯度和化学形式,这是通过提取来实现的 以及各个稀土元素彼此分离以及与其他成分分离
稀土矿。目前该 该公司已基本完成商业稀土产品生产工艺的工程和测试, 尚未完成申报麋鹿溪矿床稀土储量估计所需的所有工作。完成必要的工作 要证明经济上可行的稀土回收系统将需要额外的现金支出和时间来完成。 无法保证该公司将成功证明稀土回收系统的积极经济性 该稀土回收系统与麋鹿溪项目相关,也不能保证一旦建成,稀土回收系统将作为 设计和生产可销售的商业产品。
估计 资源和储量的评估存在不确定性,可能导致项目失败。
我们的 勘探和未来的采矿作业,如果有的话,现在和将来都将面临与能够准确预测有关的风险。 使用统计抽样技术对地球内资源/储量的数量和质量进行分析。任何资源/储量的估计 我们的任何财产都将使用从适当位置的战壕、测试坑、地下工作场所、 和智能设计的钻探。在相邻的检查样本和重复样本之间存在固有的可变性 相互之间以及无法合理消除的采样点之间。此外,还可能存在未知的地质 在目前积累的关于我们物业的知识水平上,没有被识别或正确理解的细节。 这可能导致在估算资源/储量的过程中无法合理消除的不确定性。如果 如果这些估计被证明是不可靠的,我们就可以实施一个可能不会导致商业上可行的开采计划 未来的运营。
任何 矿产资源/储量估计和矿化等级的重大变化将影响放置的经济可行性 财产转化为生产和财产的资本回报。
矿物 资源/储量估计可能需要调整或向下修正。此外,最终开采的矿石品位(如果有的话), 可能与我们的可行性研究和钻探结果所表明的不同。小规模测试中回收的矿物可能不会 在现场条件下或商业生产规模下的大规模测试中重复进行。
的 矿产资源和矿产储量估计包含在S-k 1300 Elk Creek技术报告摘要中,并包含在本 10-k表格年度报告是根据假设的未来价格、截止等级和可能证明的运营成本确定的 不准确。我们产品的市场价格持续下跌可能会使我们的部分资源/储量估计不经济 并可能导致报告的资源/储量减少,或者可能对我们可能达成的任何商业可行性确定产生不利影响。 资源/储量估计的任何重大减少都可能对我们的普通股价格产生重大不利影响, 关于我们财产的价值。
我们 面临采矿业的激烈竞争。
的 采矿业在各个阶段都竞争激烈。由于这场比赛,其中一些是与大型老牌 矿业公司实力雄厚,资金技术资源丰富,我们可能无法 收购额外房产(如果有的话)或按我们认为可接受的条款进行融资。我们还与其他矿业公司竞争 招聘和留住合格的管理和技术员工。如果我们无法成功竞争 合格的员工,我们的探索与发展 程序可能会减慢或暂停。我们与生产我们计划中的商业产品的其他公司竞争以获取资本。 如果我们无法筹集足够的资金,我们的勘探和开发计划可能会受到威胁,或者我们可能无法 收购、开发或运营额外的采矿项目。
困难 麋鹿溪项目的水平衡管理可能会对我们该项目的潜在生产和经济产生负面影响。
的 公司对麋鹿溪碳酸岩的水文地质进行了三次现场调查和两次重大技术研究, 这是容纳该公司采矿业务开采的矿化材料的地质构造。 该公司预计碳酸岩中将遇到大量水,需要将其从地层中泵出 以促进采矿作业。水质分析表明,这些水的温度会升高, 与该地区其他水资源相比,盐含量。虽然该公司制定了处理生产水的计划 从矿井中取出用于
在其运营中,无法保证水处理或处置所需的许可证 所得废物的数量将由内布拉斯加州颁发,也没有任何保证此类许可证将被 及时发布。此外,根据这些计划,运营将依靠水处理系统来实现零排放 废水的排放,并且不能保证该系统能够按设计运行或达到污水处理能力。
标题 我们的财产可能会受到可能影响我们的财产权和索赔的其他索赔。
那里 是我们的财产所有权可能受到挑战或质疑的风险。我们的Elk Creek项目位于内布拉斯加州,可能 受先前未记录的协议或转让或原生土地权利要求的约束,所有权可能受到未发现的缺陷的影响。我们的 ECRC和个人土地所有者之间目前的土地和/或矿业权租赁协议使我们可以选择购买额外的 物业(OTP),连同我们已经拥有的物业,将允许我们建设Elk Creek项目 一旦获得了足够的项目融资。现有业主出售物业的权利,但须受这些选择的限制 可能受到先前未记录的或未知的所有权主张的约束。此外,我们目前的OTP协议,其中一些很重要 对于我们计划的运营,是固定期限的,在2024年12月至2040年5月之间到期,我们可能会产生额外的成本 以及在确保此类OTP续签方面的延误。我们已经调查了我们勘探和开发Elk Creek项目资源/保护区的权利 据我们所知,我们对Elk Creek项目资源/保护区土地的权利是良好的 站着。然而,我们的物业所有权可能会面临有效的挑战,如果成功,可能会损害开发。 和/或操作。
我们 财产和运营可能会受到诉讼或其他索赔。
从 我们的财产或运营有时可能会受到争议,这可能导致诉讼或其他法律索赔。我们可能 被要求主张或辩护这些主张,这将分散运营的资源和管理时间。费用 这些索赔或不利备案可能会对我们的业务和经营业绩产生重大影响。
我们 目前没有针对矿产勘探、开发和采矿作业的所有风险和危害提供保险。
探索, 开发、采矿和地面作业涉及各种危害,包括环境危害、工业事故、冶金 以及其他加工问题、异常或意外的岩层、结构塌陷或滑坡、洪水、火灾和周期性 由于恶劣或危险的天气条件而中断。这些风险可能导致矿物损坏或破坏 财产、设施或其他财产、人身伤害、环境破坏、运营延误、运营成本增加, 金钱损失以及可能的法律责任。我们可能无法在经济上可行的情况下获得保险来覆盖这些风险 保费或根本。当保费成本与我们对相关风险的看法不成比例时,我们可能会选择不承保。 支付此类保险费和此类负债将减少可用于勘探和生产的资金 活动
风险 与政府监管有关
我们 可能无法获得或更新将我们的任何财产投入生产所需的所有许可和许可证。
我们的 当前和未来的业务,包括在Elk Creek的开发活动和开始生产(如有必要) 项目,需要政府当局的许可,这种操作现在和将来都要受 勘探、开发、采矿、生产、出口、税收、劳工标准、职业健康、废物处理、有毒物质、 土地利用、环境保护、矿山安全等事项。从事矿产资源勘探和开采的公司 矿山和相关设施的开发或运营一般都会增加成本,生产也会出现延误。 以及其他时间表,因为需要遵守适用的法律、法规和许可。我们无法预测是否所有人 我们继续勘探、开发或建造采矿设施和进行采矿活动可能需要的许可证 运营将是可以获得的,或者可以在合理的条件下续期,如果可以的话。与申请和取得许可证有关的费用 许可证可能令人望而却步,可能会推迟我们计划的勘探和开发活动。没有遵守适用的规定 法律、法规和许可要求可能导致执行行动,包括命令
监管或司法发布 当局导致运营停止或缩减,并可能包括需要资本支出、安装的纠正措施 额外的设备或补救措施。
设施 与麋鹿溪项目相关的,例如矿山、地面工厂、尾矿设施、库存和配套基础设施, 可能会暂时或永久影响受USACE监管的水体和湿地, 美国水域(“WOUS”)。我们相信我们已经获得了必要的USACE许可来建造 项目,但设施设计或布局的变化可能会导致USACE要求我们获取和维护额外的 麋鹿溪项目的许可证。这项许可活动的持续时间由USACE规定,需要完成 在影响WOUS的设施建成之前。我们可能会遇到与获取相关的延迟或额外费用 必要的许可证以及这些延误和额外成本可能会对麋鹿溪项目的经济产生负面影响, 我们的运营结果。
缔约方 从事采矿作业的人可能被要求赔偿因采矿活动而遭受损失或损害的人, 因违反适用法律或法规而可能受到民事或刑事罚款或处罚。对当前的修改 管理采矿公司运营和活动的法律、法规和许可证,或更严格的实施, 可能对我们的运营产生重大不利影响,并导致资本支出或生产成本增加或减少 生产资产的生产水平或需要放弃或推迟新采矿资产的开发。
我们 受影响我们运营和开展业务成本的重大政府法规的约束。
我们 当前和未来的运营,包括麋鹿溪项目的开发,现在并将受到法律和法规的约束, 包括:
● | 法律 以及管理矿产特许权收购、勘探、开发、采矿、 和生产; |
● | 法律 以及与出口、税收和费用相关的法规; |
● | 劳动 与职业健康和矿山安全相关的标准和法规;以及 |
● | 环境 与废物处理、有毒物质、土地利用开垦、 和环境保护 |
公司 由于以下原因,从事开发活动经常会经历成本增加以及生产和其他时间表的延迟 需要遵守适用的法律、法规和许可。未遵守适用法律、法规和许可证 可能会导致执法行动,包括没收矿产主张或其他矿产权和/或由 监管或司法当局要求停止或限制运营,并可能包括纠正措施,要求 资本支出、额外设备的安装或昂贵的补救行动。我们可能会被要求赔偿那些 因我们的开发活动而遭受损失或损害,并可能受到民事或刑事罚款或处罚 违反此类法律、法规和许可证。
现有 以及未来可能的管理矿产开发公司运营和活动的法律、法规和许可证等 严格的实施可能会对我们的业务产生重大不利影响并导致资本支出增加或 需要放弃或推迟开发。我们的麋鹿溪项目位于内布拉斯加州,该州确实拥有全面的 和现代环境法规,但它没有有关许可或回收矿山的具体法规 这可能会影响项目的总上市时间。
我们 活动受到可能发生变化的环境法律和法规的约束,从而增加了我们开展业务的成本, 限制我们的运营。
所有 我们的运营阶段须遵守我们运营所在司法管辖区的环境法规。环境立法 正在以可能需要更严格的标准和执行、增加对不合规行为的罚款和处罚的方式发展, 对拟议项目进行更严格的环境评估,并加强对公司及其企业的责任 官员、董事和员工。这些法律涉及空气中的排放、水中的排放、废物管理、管理 有害物质、保护自然
资源、文物和濒危物种以及开垦受干扰的土地 通过采矿作业。遵守环境法律和法规以及这些法律和法规的未来变化可能 需要大量资本支出,并可能导致我们的运营和未来活动发生重大变化或延迟。可以 这些法律或法规的未来变化可能会对我们的财产或部分财产产生重大不利影响 我们的业务,导致我们重新评估当时的这些活动。
条例 即将出台的管理气候变化问题的立法可能会导致运营成本增加,这可能会导致 对我们的业务造成重大不利影响。
一个 一些政府或政府机构已经或正在考虑进行立法和/或监管方面的改革。 对气候变化潜在影响的担忧。关于气候变化的立法和加强监管可能 将巨额成本强加给我们、我们未来的合资伙伴(如果有的话)和我们的供应商,包括与增加 能源需求、资本设备、环境监测和报告以及遵守这些要求所需的其他费用 规章制度。未来通过的任何气候变化法规也可能对我们与公司竞争的能力产生负面影响 位于不受这种限制的地区。鉴于围绕这一问题的情绪、政治意义和不确定性 气候变化的影响以及如何应对,我们无法预测立法和监管将如何影响我们的金融 条件、经营业绩和竞争能力。此外,即使没有这样的监管,提高认识和任何 我们或本行业其他公司在全球市场上对气候变化潜在影响的负面宣传 可能会损害我们的声誉。气候变化对我们业务的潜在实际影响高度不确定,可能是 具体到我们所在地区的地理环境,并可能包括降雨和风暴模式的变化 和强度,水资源短缺,海平面变化,以及温度变化。这些影响可能会对成本产生不利影响, 生产,以及我们业务的财务表现。
土地 我们房产的回收要求可能繁重且昂贵。
虽然 土地开垦要求根据地点和管理当局的不同而变化,通常对矿产勘探提出 公司(以及从事采矿业务的公司),以最大限度地减少土地扰动的长期影响。
填海 可能包括以下要求:
● | 控制 潜在有害废水的分散; |
● | 治疗 地下水和地表水达到水质标准;以及 |
● | 合理 重建扰动前的地形和植被。 |
在 为了履行与我们潜在的开发活动相关的填海义务,我们必须分配 否则可能用于进一步勘探和开发计划的财政资源。我们计划设立一项规定 酌情承担我们对财产的填海义务,但此规定可能不够。如果规定我们 进行意想不到的填海工作,我们的财务状况可能会受到不利影响。
风险 与我们的债务有关
的 我们不时的负债水平可能会损害我们获得额外融资的能力。
从 有时,我们可能会进行交易以收购其他公司的资产或股份,或为开发提供资金。 麋鹿溪项目。这些交易可能部分或全部由债务融资,这可能会使我们的债务水平增加到以上 行业标准.我们的公司章程不限制我们可能承担的债务金额。我们的债务 可能会损害我们未来及时获得额外融资以利用商业机会的能力 这可能会出现。我们偿还债务的能力将取决于我们未来的运营,这取决于当前的运营 行业条件和其他因素,其中许多因素超出了我们的控制范围。
我们 可能没有能力偿还我们的债务,包括但不限于支付2024年4月票据的分期付款。
截至6月30日, 2024年4月发行的债券中,我们有710美元的未偿还万。与2024年4月发行的债券有关的付款将于 每月付款日期(如本文定义的),如果股权条件(如本文定义的)不满足,则在到期日。 如果我们无法满足股权条件,我们将被要求以现金支付在任何付款日期到期的所有金额。我们的 有能力支付2024年4月票据的本金和利息,以满足营运资金需求,并为计划中的资本支出提供资金 这取决于我们未来获得额外融资和产生现金流的能力。在某种程度上,这是一个主题 受一般经济、金融、竞争、立法和监管因素以及其他我们无法控制的因素的影响。 我们目前打算使用约克维尔股权融资协议下的预付款产生的现金和净收益 根据史密斯贷款协议借款以履行我们在2024年4月票据项下的付款义务,而我们可能无法 根据约克维尔股权融资协议提供预付款或根据史密斯贷款协议进行必要的借款 数额或在必要的时间。如果我们无法通过约克维尔股权融资机制下的预付款产生足够的现金 对于融资协议或史密斯贷款协议下的借款,我们不能向您保证我们将保持足够的现金储备, 我们的业务将从运营中产生现金流,或者我们将能够获得足够水平的额外资金 允许我们支付2024年4月的票据。未经4月的持有者同意、忍耐或放弃 2024年4月发行的债券,若未能按规定付款,年利率将达18%。 2024年4月发行的未偿还本金余额的票据,并将允许2024年4月票据的持有者加快速度 我们在2024年4月票据项下的义务。这种违约也可能导致根据我们的协议违约,我们目前的任何 以及未来的债务。
对 2024年9月4日,我们达成了同意书(定义见本文),其中除其他外,减少了因 2024年4月2024年9月1日购买者(定义见本文)总额增加1,176,476美元,增至335,524美元 2024年12月1日应支付2024年4月买家的金额总计为1,176,476美元,并预期豁免任何期限 本公司未能向2024年4月买家支付2024年4月票据而触发 2024年9月1日到期的剩余金额。除同意书修改外,2024年4月票据的条款与之前相同 披露的内容没有变化。
如果 我们无法获得额外融资并从未来的运营中产生足够的现金流来提供服务 我们的债务并满足我们的其他需求,我们可能不得不为全部或部分债务再融资、寻求宽容或 豁免、获得额外融资、减少支出或出售我们认为业务必要的资产。我们无法保证 您认为任何这些措施都是可能的,或者可以以优惠的条件获得额外融资(如果有的话)。 无法偿还债务,或无法再融资,获得宽容或豁免,获得额外融资,减少 支出、出售资产或以商业上合理的条款获得额外融资将产生重大不利影响 关于我们的财务状况和我们继续经营的能力。
在 如果我们与有担保债权人的协议发生某些违反行为,我们的资产可能会受到影响。
我们 已就史密斯贷款协议向马克·史密斯(“有担保债权人”)授予担保权益 考虑到有担保人提供的债务融资,公司的所有资产 债权人。如果出现某些违反史密斯贷款协议条款的情况,有担保债权人可能有权执行 其担保权益并扣押或保留我们的资产,包括0896800的股份。有担保债权人的某些权利 执行其担保权益须遵守有关我们违约的通知和补救条款;然而,任何此类 该行为可能会严重损害我们的价值以及我们保留或推进麋鹿溪项目开发的能力。
风险 与普通股相关
NioCorp 在当前纳税年度和一个或多个未来纳税年度可能是“被动外国投资公司”, 这可能会对美国投资者造成重大不利的美国联邦所得税后果。
如果 NioCorp是一家被动外国投资公司(“PFIC”),涵盖任何应税年度或其中部分 在NioCorp普通股或其他证券的美国持有人持有期间,该美国持有人可能会受到某些 不利的美国联邦所得税后果。这些不利的税收后果包括
处理在以下情况下变现的收益的要求 普通股或其他证券的处置,或普通股收到的任何“超额分派”,与普通股一样 收入,支付部分收益或分配的利息费用,以及某些额外的报告要求。是这样的 普通股的后果可以减轻(但NioCorp的认股权证或其他证券除外) 如果持有人及时有效地进行了“合格选举基金”或“优质教育基金”选举或“按市值计价”的选举 选举。参加QEF选举的美国普通股持有者通常必须在当前基础上包括美国的收入。 联邦所得税用于其在NioCorp净资本收益和下列任何应纳税年度的普通收入中的份额 无论NioCorp是否向其股东分配任何金额,它都是一家PFIC。美国普通股持有者,按市值计价 一般情况下,选举必须包括每年普通股公允市值超过 其中的纳税人依据。
NioCorp 一般情况下,如果(A)某一纳税年度的总收入的75%或以上是被动的,则该年度将被归类为PFIC 收入“(一般指股息、利息、租金、特许权使用费和处置产生被动收入的资产的收益) 或(B)至少50%或以上的资产价值产生或为产生被动收入而持有,基于 此类资产的公平市场价值的季度平均值。NioCorp认为,在其纳税年度,它被归类为PFIC 截至2024年6月30日和2023年6月30日,根据其目前的收入和资产构成以及目前的业务计划 和财务预期,可被归类为未来纳税年度的PFIC。任何关于PFIC地位的结论都是事实 每年必须在每个纳税年度结束时作出的决定,因此可能会发生变化。此外,甚至 如果NioCorp得出结论认为它不符合PFIC的资格,那么美国国税局(IRS)就有可能 可以断言,法院可以支持NioCorp是PFIC的裁决。因此,不能保证 NioCorp在任何纳税年度都不会被视为PFIC。PFIC规则很复杂,普通股或其他股票的每个持有者 NioCorp证券公司应就这些规则和美国联邦所得税后果咨询自己的税务顾问 证券的取得、所有权和处分。
的 2023年交易可能导致NioCorp面临重大不利的美国联邦所得税后果。
部分 经修订的《1986年美国国税法》(以下简称《法典》)7874及相关章节规定了某些 美国公司的股票被非美国公司在年的某些交易中收购时的不利税收后果 哪个美国公司的前股东拥有该非美国公司60%或更多的股票(投票或 价值,并应用某些特定的计数和所有权规则)。这些不利的税收后果包括:(I)潜在的额外 需要获得美国公司的承认,(Ii)对支付给非美国公司的某些付款的处理 毛收入为“基数侵蚀付款”,(三)某些期权的消费税和基于股票的薪酬 美国公司,(Iv)不允许对非美国公司的分配给予“有条件的股息”待遇, 以及(V)如果美国公司的前股东开始拥有该非美国公司80%或更多的股票,待遇 非美国公司作为美国公司须就其全球收入缴纳美国联邦所得税(除任何 由非美国司法管辖区征收的税收)。如果2023年的交易导致应用任何这些或任何其他不利的 如果出现税收后果,NioCorp可能会产生显著的额外税收成本。虽然NioCorp目前不相信2023年的交易 是否会因本守则第7874条及相关条款而导致不利的税务后果,则以该决定为准 重大的法律和事实不确定性。NioCorp 没有也不会寻求美国国税局就2023年任何交易的税收待遇做出任何裁决。此外,还有 我不能保证你的税务顾问、美国国税局或法院会同意NioCorp不受这些约束的立场 不利的税收后果。
我们 普通股价格可能波动,因此您可能会损失全部或部分投资。
在 除了与一般股票证券相关的波动性外,您的投资价值可能会因影响而下降 以下任何因素对普通股市场价格的影响:
● | 失望 我们的探索和/或(如果有必要)项目开发工作的结果; |
● | 下降 对普通股的需求; |
● | 向下 证券分析师估计的修改或一般市场状况的变化; |
● | 技术 竞争对手或竞争技术的创新; |
● | 投资者 对我们行业或前景的看法;以及 |
● | 一般 经济趋势。 |
在 过去一财年,我们股票在纳斯达克的交易价格从1.65美元的低点到5.36美元的高点不等。
在 此外,股市总体上经历了价格和成交量的极端波动,证券的市场价格 一直高度不稳定。这些波动通常与经营业绩无关,可能会对市场产生不利影响 普通股的价格。因此,您可能无法以所需价格出售您收购的任何普通股。
我们 从未支付普通股股息。
我们 迄今为止尚未支付普通股股息,并且在可预见的未来我们可能无法支付股息。 我们就普通股支付股息的能力将取决于我们成功开发一种或多种 财产并从运营中产生收入。此外,我们的初始收益(如果有的话)可能会被保留来资助我们 运营普通股未来的任何股息将取决于我们的盈利、我们当时现有的财务要求,以及 其他因素,并将由董事会酌情决定。
未来 现有股东或我们出售普通股,或对未来出售的看法,或未来稀释发行 我们的普通股可能会对普通股的现行市场价格产生不利影响,并导致投资者遭受稀释 其每股普通股的净资产。
销售 公开市场上大量普通股可能随时发生,包括发行和出售额外的普通股 我们的普通股以及其他证券持有人的出售。这些销售,或者市场看法认为持有大量 普通股或可转换、可行使或交换为普通股的证券打算出售普通股,可以 降低普通股的现行市场价格。未来公开出售这些证券或 这些待售证券的可用性将对普通股的市场价格产生影响是不确定的。如果市场价格 因此,普通股的数量将下降,这可能会阻碍我们筹集额外资本的能力,并可能导致剩余 股东失去全部或部分投资。
NioCorp的文章, 根据与2023年交易相关的修订,允许我们发行不限数量的普通股。受制于要求 对于不列颠哥伦比亚省商业公司法和纳斯达克,我们将不需要获得NioCorp股东的批准 用于增发普通股。我们过去发行过普通股,并将继续发行普通股 为我们未来的活动提供资金。此外,购买普通股和证券的未偿还期权和认股权证 可转换为普通股或可交换为普通股可被行使、转换或交换,从而发行额外的 普通股。如果我们增发普通股或决定与其他各方成立合资企业以筹集 通过出售股权证券进行融资,投资者在公司的权益将被稀释,投资者可能会受到影响 每股普通股账面净值的摊薄,取决于该等证券的出售价格。
此外, 根据约克维尔股权融资协议,约克维尔已承诺额外购买最多5870万美元 在承诺期剩余18个月内,根据我们不时的指示,保留我们的普通股,但须遵守某些规定 约克维尔股权融资协议中的限制和条件的满足。我们已经提交了登记 证券法规定的声明涵盖约克维尔转售根据约克维尔股权可发行的普通股 设施融资协议。因此,我们根据约克维尔股权融资发行的任何普通股 根据适用的证券法,该协议将可在公开市场上出售,这可能会减少现行证券法的影响 普通股的市场价格。
我们 受纳斯达克持续上市标准的约束,我们未能满足这些标准可能会导致退市 普通股的。
我们 普通股目前在纳斯达克全球市场上市,代码为“NB”。公开NioCorp获得授权 目前在纳斯达克上市,代码为“NIOBW”。纳斯达克资本市场
有继续上市的规则。 为了维持上市,我们必须维持一定的财务和股票分配目标,包括维持 公众股东的最低数量。
如果 纳斯达克将普通股退市,投资者可能面临重大不利后果,包括但不限于缺乏 普通股交易市场,流动性下降,确定我们的普通股是“细股”, 分析师对公司的覆盖范围减少,并且我们无法获得额外融资来资助我们的运营。
如果 我们的普通股被视为廉价股,并受廉价股规则的约束,经纪交易商可能会不鼓励这样做 进行普通股交易。
我们的 普通股过去一直被视为“廉价股”,未来也可能被视为“细价股”。美国证券交易委员会采用了规则15G-9 它通常将“细价股”定义为市场价格(定义)低于5.00美元的任何股权证券 或行使价格低于每股5.00美元,但某些例外情况除外。适用的细价股规则 对经纪自营商向非已确立客户及“认可”人士出售产品的额外销售实务规定 投资者。““认可投资者”一词一般指资产超过500美元万的机构。 或净资产超过$100万或年收入超过$200,000或$300,000的个人连同其 配偶。细价股规则要求经纪交易商在进行细价股交易之前不受规则的约束, 以美国证券交易委员会拟备的形式提交标准化的风险披露文件,提供细价股的信息 以及细价股市场的风险性质和水平。经纪自营商还必须向客户提供当前报价。 并提供细价股的报价、经纪自营商及其销售人员在交易中的补偿,以及每月 帐户对帐单,显示客户帐户中持有的每一分钱股票的市场价值。出价和报价, 以及经纪-交易商和销售人员的赔偿信息,必须在生效之前口头或书面提供给客户 并必须在客户确认之前或在客户确认的情况下以书面形式提交给客户。此外, 细价股规则要求,在以其他方式不受本规则豁免的细价股交易之前,经纪自营商 必须作出特别书面决定,表明该细价股是购买者的适当投资,并接受购买者的 交易的书面协议。如果适用,这些披露要求可能会减少 普通股在二级市场的交易活动水平。因此,这些细价股规则可能会影响 经纪自营商进行普通股交易的能力。
项目 10亿。 | 未解决 工作人员评论 |
项目 1C. | 网络安全 |
网络安全风险 管理融入公司全企业风险管理。我们的董事会负有全面监督责任 因为我们的风险管理和管理层负责识别、考虑和评估公司面临的重大风险。 我们的首席财务官负责评估和管理网络安全风险;然而,作为一家规模较小的报告公司, 我们目前没有专门的网络安全团队。 我们的首席财务官向董事会报告财务和运营风险,包括 网络安全风险。我们的首席财务官拥有管理上市公司以及评估财务和运营的经验 风险
我们 网络安全风险管理旨在提供评估、识别和管理重大风险的框架 网络安全威胁并应对网络安全事件,包括与使用服务相关的重大风险 由第三方服务提供商提供。我们依赖许多第三方服务提供商的网络安全保护。 我们的主要第三方服务提供商利用双因素身份验证以及电子邮件的登录和密码保护 验证。
截至2024年6月30日止年度,公司未发生重大网络安全事件或网络安全 对我们的业务战略、运营结果产生重大影响或相当可能产生重大影响的威胁 或财务状况。尽管我们做出了努力,但我们无法消除网络安全威胁的所有风险或提供保证 我们没有经历过未被发现的网络安全事件。
第二项。 | 特性 |
麋鹿 内布拉斯加州克里克项目
我们 主要矿产资源是Elk Creek矿产资源,这是一个锂、铯和钛开发阶段的矿产资源。麋鹿溪 项目已确定指示和推断资源量以及可能储量,公司已完成可行性 为该项目学习。以下信息部分总结或摘录自我们的S-k 1300 Elk Creek技术报告摘要, 该文件已作为公司截至2022年6月30日财年的10-k表格年度报告的附件96.1提交,以及 通过引用纳入本10-k表格的年度报告中。公司不拥有任何其他重大财产。
这个 负责编写S-k1300麋鹿溪技术报告摘要的合格人员为达鲁格地质咨询公司 美国得意矿产资源有限公司;优化集团;利乐科技;禤浩焯布朗咨询公司;冶金概念解决方案; Magemi矿业公司;L3流程开发;A2GC;Scott Honan万.sc,中小型企业-RM,NioCorp;Everett Bird,P.E.,水泥;马特·黑尔斯, 马哈茂德·卡瓦贾,P.E.,清洁发展机制史密斯;马丁·利佩奇,P.Eng,In.,水泥;以及Wynand Max万.eng,BBE咨询公司。 每个合格人员负责的章节矩阵包含在S-k1300麋鹿溪技术报告中 总结。除Scott Honan外,所有合格人士均未与公司有关联。霍南先生是首席运营官 公司的高级职员。审查了本年度报告中以表格10-k形式披露科学或技术信息的情况 并由符合NI 43-101定义的合格人员的霍南先生批准,并且霍南先生已经核实了在此披露的数据。
财产 说明和位置
的 Elk Creek Property是位于美国内布拉斯加州东南部约翰逊县的一处碳酸岩矿床。碳酸岩含有元素 具有经济意义,包括钴、钛和铯,以及对稀土的潜在经济意义 产品. Elk Creek房产位于USGS Tecumseh Quadrangle Nebraska SE(7.5)内 分钟系列)第1-6、9-11段地图; 3 N镇; 11 E范围和19-23、25-36段; 4 N镇,11 E范围,大约在 位于美国中部内布拉斯加州北纬40°16 '西经96°11 '。麋鹿溪房产大约 位于内布拉斯加州首府内布拉斯加州林肯市东南45英里处。
标题 和所有权
土地 项目区内的土地由私人实体独家拥有,项目区内没有联邦或州土地。公司 已通过从私人土地所有者购买土地或与 土地所有者如下所述。
的 公司目前拥有一块约225英亩的土地和相关的采矿权,以及另外40英亩的土地 碳酸岩足迹内的矿产权。麋鹿溪项目的矿山基础设施和部分配套 计划在该地块上开展业务。上述矿产权的所有权包括2%的NSO特许权使用费 并使我们能够使用麋鹿溪项目90%以上的矿产资源和矿产储量。
作为 截至2024年6月30日,Elk Creek房产及相关建筑和设备的总账面价值为1690万美元。
的 该公司还持有八项与麋鹿溪项目相关的OTC以及邻近地块的一项永久地役权 到密苏里河。目前的选择性土地包占地1,396英亩,反映了所需的土地 确保OTP下剩余的矿产资源和矿产储量以及开发所需的土地 以及Elk Creek项目拟议运营期限为38年的运营。
在 一般来说,通过支付每英亩固定金额或评估价值的倍数中的较高者来实现OTC的行使 购买时。如果公司在OTC有效期内未购买土地且需要相关土地 对于该项目,该公司打算与土地所有者谈判新的PIP。检察官办公室附有协商付款 公司和土地所有者在签署合同后支付给土地所有者。截至2024年6月30日,公司 有义务在未来11年内支付总计约45,000美元的款项,以维护我们在这些OTC下的权利。细节 公司目前持有的OTC情况如下表所示。
活性 截至2024年9月涵盖麋鹿溪项目的租赁协议(TTP)
协议 标识符 | 公顷 | 英亩 | 协议 届满 |
Beethe007 | 66.27 | 163.75 | 26年1月20日 |
海德曼005 | 79.55 | 196.57 | 25年3月16日 |
尼尔森001 | 100.90 | 249.32 | 25日6月25日 |
尼尔森002 | 11.91 | 29.43 | 25日6月25日 |
Woltemath80 S | 32.37 | 80.00 | 24年12月4日 |
Woltemath002 | 152.49 | 376.81 | 24年12月4日 |
Woltemath003 J | 89.03 | 220.00 | 25年3月25日 |
Shuey 001 | 32.37 | 80.00 | 1940年5月27日 |
的 OTC是NioCorp的子公司ECRC和个体土地所有者之间的。目前,受检察官办公室协议约束的土地 用于农业目的,包括种植行作物(玉米和大豆)和放牧牲畜。ECRC拥有的土地 公司在两座钢心棚建筑物和公司中存放了公司的钻探芯库存和地质样本库 在以前用于种植行作物的部分土地上种植覆盖作物(高粱和黑麦)。前 土地所有者在该房产上保留了一处住宅和几栋附属建筑,并受购买时附带的终身财产管辖 该公司在2021财年对该房产的投资。
的 涉及矿产权的协议包括随OTC附的2% NSO特许权使用费。TTP授予公司独家 在房产期限内勘探和评估房产的权利,可以选择购买地表权利或组合 在期限内的任何时候都可以获得矿产权和地表权。由于Woltemath80 S协议仅限于购买选项 仅限于表面权利,不包含NSO条款。
土地 截至2024年9月的任期地图
的 目前估计的矿产资源和储量全部包含在公司拥有的土地和Woltemath003 J地块内。 该公司认为这两处房产是该公司开发麋鹿溪的唯一房产 项目在很大程度上依赖。
作为 作为OTC的一部分,在需要时,该公司还获得了地面权利,允许进入土地进行钻探 活动以及相关的矿产勘探和项目开发工作。
无障碍性, 地理学、气候和基础设施
的 Elk Creek Property位于内布拉斯加州林肯市东南约45英里处,全年交通便利。 该州首府,位于内布拉斯加州奥马哈以南约68英里处。进入现场可以通过道路或从以下地点之一完成 地区机场。有几个飞往林肯和奥马哈的定期航班;然而,Elk Creek Property是最方便的 可从林肯访问。从林肯市机场出发,可通过主要网络上的铺砌道路进入麋鹿溪地产 以及砾石道路的二级网络。从林肯市机场到酒店通常需要1小时的车程, 15分钟,从奥马哈埃普利机场出发,车程约1小时45分钟。
这个 Elk Creek Property紧邻已铺设好的内布拉斯加州骇维金属加工50号,矿产资源和矿产储量 以4N镇为中心,11E范围,第33区。该路段紧邻内布拉斯加州州立高速公路的交汇处西南部。 50和62。位于项目区以东3英里的Elk Creek镇提供铁路通道。有水可用 在项目现场,从一口井,以及从跨越第33节的Elk Creek。约翰逊河也有水供应。 县农村供水系统,在33区北侧有分配基础设施,来自波尼县 农村供水系统,在第33条的南侧有分配基础设施。电力供应由该公司的 位于第33条西侧的核心储存棚位于公司拥有的奥马哈公共电力区(“OPPD”)土地上。 当地周边城镇都有人员,包括Elk Creek(以东3英里),Tecumseh(以北6英里),Steinauer (南5英里)、波尼市(南10英里)和锡拉丘兹(北27英里)。由于该项目位于内布拉斯加州, 附近没有港口。
东南 内布拉斯加州位于柯本气候分类系统中的潮湿大陆性气候(Dfa)。在内布拉斯加州东部, 这种气候的特点通常是夏季炎热潮湿和冬季寒冷。冬季平均气温在13°F之间 至35°F。夏季平均气温在64°F至90°F之间。勘探、建设和运营活动 可以全年进行。
平均 月降水量(降雨和降雪)在0.9至5.0英寸之间。年平均降水量在31至33之间 英寸,平均年降雪量约为28英寸。内布拉斯加州位于一个以龙卷风闻名的地区, 穿过美国中部,春季和夏季雷暴很常见。龙卷风主要发生在 春季和夏季,并可能出现在秋季。
那里 Elk Creek房产附近有几个当地社区,包括Elk Creek和Tecumseh,将为 麋鹿溪项目。驾车即可到达许多其他社区以及林肯和奥马哈等大城市 处于合理的驾驶距离内。该地区目前正在进行的采矿活动仅限于石灰石和骨料 支持当地水泥制造和建筑行业的业务。
的 麋鹿溪项目预计将包含地表和地下基础设施以及尾矿储存设施。的 场外基础设施预计将包括当地公用事业公司建造的一条新高压输电线, 为现场主变电站和州际管道所有者建造的天然气管道提供电力。水 用于所有现场工艺需求和活动将由矿山脱水活动、当地地下水井和 来自当地一家自来水公司。见“2022年麋鹿溪可行性研究“以下是有关的更多信息 与麋鹿溪项目相关的拟议基础设施。
的 内布拉斯加州东部的当地地形相对地势较低,起伏的浅山丘被浅河谷包围。 海拔高度从海拔约1,066英尺到1,280英尺不等。麋鹿溪项目不存在基岩露头暴露 区
的 麋鹿溪项目周围的大部分区域用于种植玉米和大豆,并用作牧场。 内布拉斯加州东部典型的原生植被是高地高草、草原和高地落叶林。
地质 和矿化
的 Elk Creek房产包括侵入古老前寒武纪花岗岩和中低变质基座的碳酸岩 岩石化学分析方法碳酸岩是一个椭圆形岩浆体,长轴向西北,垂直于中部大陆走向 裂谷系,靠近内马哈隆起北部。碳酸岩主要由白云岩、方解石和铁钾岩组成, 含有较小的橄榄石、橄榄石、金云母、烧绿石、蛇形石、氟里昂石、硫铁矿、独居石和水晶。是的, 但根据该地区的钻心观察,地层重建认为碳酸岩不整合 覆盖着约20000万个基本平坦的古生界海洋沉积岩,包括碳酸盐岩、砂岩 和宾夕法尼亚时代的页岩。
的 该房产蕴藏着镍、钛和铯矿化以及埃尔克溪碳酸岩中发生的稀土矿化。 碳酸岩单元目前已知的走向范围约为95000万,宽30000万,倾斜范围约为75000万(以下) 不一致。二氧化氮、钛、铯和稀土被认为是感兴趣的主要元素。
的 矿床含有大量浓度的锂。基于迄今为止在许多实验室完成的冶金测试工作 使用QEMSCAN®分析,已知锂矿化是细颗粒的,并且77%的锂存在于 矿物烧绿石,而平衡发生在不同成分的铁-钛-银氧化物矿物中。
内 埃尔克溪碳酸岩中存在多种浓度不同的其他元素。公司已完成这两项工作 对2014年钻探计划的所有样本进行全岩石分析和多元素分析,如下所述,以及重新取样 2011年至2014年期间选定的历史核心/纸浆。
历史 探索
钻井 麋鹿溪地产的开发分三个阶段进行。第一次是在20世纪70年代和80年代由钼公司 美国公司(“Molycorp”),2011年由Quantum Rare Earth Developments Corp(“Quantum”)第二家 - NioCorp的前身),以及NioCorp 2014年至2016年的第三个也是最新的项目。迄今为止,钻石核孔已达129个 整个地质结构已完成总投资64981亿。其中,共有48个洞(33,909 m) 迄今为止已在矿化区域完成,并用于当前的矿产资源和储量估计。另外五 2015年出于水文地质和地质工程目的钻探了总长度为335310万的钻孔。尚未进行抽样 迄今为止,这五个钻孔已完成,因此尚未在矿产资源或储量估计中考虑它们。
所有 钻探已使用Tricone、反循环(“RC”)或金刚石钻探(“DDH”)的组合完成 位于宾夕法尼亚沉积物内的洞的上部。下层碳酸岩内的所有钻探均已完成 使用DDH方法。
总结 埃尔克溪矿床区钻探数据库
年 | 公司 | Number 个孔 | 平均 深度(m) | 总和 长度(m) | |||||||||||
1970-1980 | Molycorp | 27 | 596.6 | 16,108.2 | |||||||||||
2011 | 量子 | 3 | 772.6 | 2,317.7 | |||||||||||
2014-2015 | NioCorp | 18 | 845.4 | 15,482.8 | |||||||||||
总 | 48 | 700.9 | 33,908.7 |
莫利公司, 1973-1986
之间 1973年和1974年,Molycorp完成了六个钻孔:EC-1至EC-4,针对麋鹿溪异常,以及其他两个钻孔 麋鹿溪异常区。钻孔通常通过RC钻探穿过上覆沉积岩和钻石进行 钻探奥陶纪-寒武纪地层。
Molycorp Molycorp从1977年开始继续钻探计划,并于1978年5月通过钻孔发现了当前的矿产资源 EC-11。EC-11位于第33段、4 N镇和11号山脉。麋鹿溪项目的碳酸岩被液化 垂直深度为20361万(668英尺)。
Molycorp 钻探计划一直持续到1984年,主要集中在半径约2公里的麋鹿溪项目上。 截至1984年,Molycorp已在Elk Creek重力异常区域内完成了57个钻孔,其中包括位于Elk Creek重力异常区域的25个钻孔。 麋鹿溪项目区。
从 1984年至1986年,钻探重点是埃尔克溪重力异常区域。异常区直径和钻探约7公里 在约61000万x 61000万(约2,000英尺x 2,000英尺)的网格图案上进行,其中有一些间隔更近的钻孔 在选定的地区。
通过 1986年,共完成了106个区域钻孔,总金额约为46797万(153,532英尺)。到达最深的洞 深度为103800万(3,406英尺),底部为碳酸岩。
量子, 2010-2011
在 2011年4月,Quantum对Elk Creek矿床和两个稀土勘探目标进行了初步钻探计划(三个孔) (two孔),由于它们不与Nb相交,因此已被排除在当前的矿产资源和储量估计之外2O5 异常 并且位于东部。埃尔克溪庄园钻探计划的目标是验证是否存在更高级别的 深入进行铀矿化,并对已知的铀矿进行加密钻探,以升级矿产资源类别 之前的资源估计并扩展已知资源。还制定了演习计划以收集足够的样本 用于冶金特征和钼矿化工艺开发研究的材料。
的 2011年项目由5个倾斜钻孔组成,总计342000万NQ尺寸直径的芯。其中,三个 在已知的麋鹿溪矿床中钻探了总计2318万的钻孔。
NioCorp, 2014年至今
NioCorp 开始采用三阶段计划在麋鹿溪地产进行钻探。三阶段计划最初基于14 钻探量约为1215000万(2014年4月29日的新闻稿中宣布),但随后在 计划钻探18个钻孔,耗资约15482万。18个钻孔中有3个是为了冶金目的钻的 特征描述和工艺开发研究。其中两个钻孔NEC 14-MEt-01和NEC 14-MEt-02未进行分析,而 NEC 14-MEt-03进行四分之一取心,四分之一进行分析,其余用于冶金测试工作。钻井 已定向为从西南和东北(垂直于走向)与地质模型相交, NEC 14 -011和NEC 14 -012除外,它们分别朝东南方向和西北方向。
期间 2022财年,NioCorp总共收集了1,095个样本,来自MolyCorp完成的18个钻石钻孔,作为 上面讨论过。收集这些样本并随后进行分析,以填补我们记录中有关REE的空白 矿床中可能存在的品位和吨。检测在安大略省安卡斯特的Actlabs进行。试验结果为 接受与行业最佳实践一致的质量保证和质量控制(“QA/QC”)计划。
一 列出了与上述记录差距相关的钻孔列表、样本存储位置和分析结果数量 并在下面的钻孔图上表示为蓝色段。每个样本代表5英尺长的钻头段。 下面提到的所有孔都是在麋鹿溪矿产资源附近的麋鹿溪碳酸岩中钻孔的 项目
2021年之前 孔采样总结
区域 个钻孔 |
源 /储存设施 |
选择用于 REE和SC分析 |
EC-011 | Molycorp 样品/米德核心仓库 | 65 |
EC-014 | Molycorp 样品/米德核心仓库 | 16 |
EC-015 | Molycorp 样品/米德核心仓库 | 151 |
EC-016 | Molycorp 样品/米德核心仓库 | 26 |
EC-018 | Molycorp 样品/米德核心仓库 | 92 |
EC-019 | Molycorp 样品/米德核心仓库 | 53 |
EC-020 | Molycorp 样品/米德核心仓库 | 30 |
EC-021 | Molycorp 样品/米德核心仓库 | 45 |
EC-022 | Molycorp 样品/米德核心仓库 | 57 |
EC-024 | Molycorp 样品/米德核心仓库 | 19 |
EC-026 | Molycorp 样品/米德核心仓库 | 86 |
EC-027 | Molycorp 样品/米德核心仓库 | 34 |
EC-029 | Molycorp 样品/米德核心仓库 | 27 |
EC-030 | Molycorp 样品/米德核心仓库 | 25 |
EC-031 | Molycorp 样品/米德核心仓库 | 47 |
EC-032 | Molycorp 样品/米德核心仓库 | 111 |
EC-034 | Molycorp 样品/米德核心仓库 | 54 |
EC-037 | Molycorp 样品/米德核心仓库 | 74 |
EC-054 | Molycorp 样品/米德核心仓库 | 83 |
总 | 1,095 |
资源 面积含量分布显示REE含量(红色)和REE含量差距(蓝色)。
内部 控制
NioCorp 在整个钻探计划的采样和分析部分集成了一系列常规QA/QC程序,以确保 在矿产储量和矿产资源估计的整个过程中保持了最高水平的质量 为麋鹿溪项目。这包括插入重复的 从过程各个阶段采集的样本,插入已知的对照样本(标准参考物质,经过认证 参考材料(“CRM”)和空白),并将第三方纸浆发送到二级实验室(SGS Canada Inc.)。
样品 门票最初使用条形码在核心棚子分配,重复门票放置在车厢的内部和外部 包在样本运输前,使用条形码标签和目视样本类型比较确认样本识别。的 使用条形码样本确保运输表格和分析实验室使用准确的信息。多种类型的QC样品 是在流程的此阶段插入的,其中包括以下内容:
● | 领域 在样本采集内或样本采集后立即插入水晶坯(20分之1,或5%) 从矿化间隔,瞄准视觉矿化升高的区域,其中 可能 |
● | CRMs (20分之1,即5%)与样本序列一起插入字段中。 |
● | 领域 插入四分之一核重复(20分之一,即5%)来测试矿化和采样 变异性。 |
额外 有关QA/QC计划的详细信息请参阅S-k 1300 Elk Creek技术报告摘要的第8节。
矿物 由于所有规模的变化和稀疏的采样,包括埃尔克溪矿床在内的矿床本质上是不确定的。 除了与估计相关的不确定性外,还有与估计相关的特定风险和不确定性来源 麋鹿溪沉积物。参见第1A项,危险因素
S-K 1300和其他类似目的的国际准则(JORC,2012; NI 43-101,2014)旨在要求向 公众了解由合格人员识别和评估的与矿产资源和储量估计相关的风险。合格 负责S-k 1300 Elk Creek技术报告摘要的人员解决了各个部分的技术风险并考虑 未发现重大技术风险。额外
与报告相关的风险和不确定性描述 矿产储量和资源可在S-k 1300 Elk Creek技术报告摘要的第11节中找到。
2022 麋鹿溪可行性研究
期间 2022财年,公司启动了地质、冶金、工程等分析,以评估可行性 一旦完成足够的工作,将稀土生产添加到其计划中。公司及其顾问必须完成 对历史钻探芯进行额外分析,以填补现有资源数据库中的数据空白,以建立稀土矿物资源。 矿山计划也已更新,S-k 1300 Elk Creek技术报告摘要已提交给SEC,作为证据 公司截至2022年6月30日财年的10-k表格年度报告。S-k 1300 Elk Creek技术报告摘要 是基于合格人员进行的可行性研究的经济和过程结果,这些结果也已介绍 在2022年NI 43-101 Elk Creek技术报告中。
的 埃尔克溪项目规划为地下采矿作业,采用长孔采矿法和膏体填充,运营 处理量为每天2,764吨。38年矿山寿命内的预计总产量包括171,140吨 应付锂,3,676吨铯2O3和431,793吨钛2.估计预付直接 资本成本为76000万美元,此外还有间接成本18700万美元、预制作资本成本9200万美元、 总意外开支为10200万美元,预生产净收入抵免为25700万美元。
金融 2022年麋鹿溪可行性研究中包含的分析
的 S-k 1300 Elk Creek技术报告摘要中报告的指标基于现金流模型结果。将度量 税前和税后,以100%股权为基础,没有Elk Creek项目融资投入,并且在第一季度 2019年美元不变值。外汇影响被认为可以忽略不计,因为大部分(如果不是全部)成本和收入都是以计价的 以美元计算。本节详细讨论了分析中使用的关键标准。
主要 2022年麋鹿溪可行性研究中包含的项目假设
描述 | 价值 |
预生产 期间 | 4 年 |
过程 植物生命 | 38 年 |
我 每年营业天数 | 365 |
磨机 每年营业天数 | 365 |
折扣 利率,期末 | @ 8% |
商业 生产年 | 2025 |
总结 2022年Elk Creek可行性研究中包含的关键评估对象
描述 | 价值 |
石 矿井(KT) | 36,655 |
石 开采率(t/d) | 2,764 |
铌 级 | 0.81% |
钪 等级(百万分之一,“ppm”) | 70.2 |
TIO2 等级 | 2.92% |
载 NB2O5 (KT) | 297 |
载 SC(t) | 2,573 |
载 TiO2 (KT) | 1,071 |
总 矿石加工(KT) | 36,655 |
处理 速率(kt/y) | 1,009 |
平均 恢复率,Nb2O5 | 82.4% |
平均 恢复SC | 93.1% |
平均 回收二氧钛2 | 40.3% |
回收 NB2O5 (KT) | 245 |
回收 SC(t) | 2,395 |
回收 TiO2 (KT) | 432 |
实现 市场价格 | |
NB (美元/公斤) | $46.55 |
TIO2 (美元/公斤) | $0.99 |
SC2O3 (美元/公斤) | $3,674 |
应付 金属 | |
NB (t) | 171,140 |
SC2O3 (t) | 3,676 |
TIO2 (t) | 431,793 |
总结 2022年Elk Creek可行性研究中包含的预计经济结果
描述 |
值 (000美元) |
总 总收入 | $21,899,726 |
操作 费用: | |
采矿 成本 | (1,553,325) |
过程 成本 | (3,911,116) |
网站 G & A成本 | (300,400) |
浓缩物 运费 | (10,472) |
其他 基础设施费用 | (200,407) |
水 管理成本 | (609,195) |
尾矿 管理成本 | (73,822) |
财产 税 | (217,540) |
版税 | (300,503) |
年度 债券溢价 | (5,500) |
总 运营成本 | (7,182,280) |
操作 利润率(EBITDA(1)) | 14,717,445 |
有效 税率 | 16.42% |
总 税 | (2,246,186) |
工作 资本 | - |
操作 现金流 | $12,471,258 |
总数 由于四舍五入,可能无法相加。 | |
(1) | 的 术语“EBITDA”是指扣除利息、税款折旧和 摊销。请参阅下面的“非GAAP财务绩效指标”以了解讨论 非GAAP财务指标的使用。 |
资本 成本估算包含在2022年麋鹿溪可行性研究中
的 下表显示了Lom初始资本和维持资本成本估计(不包括关闭和填海 4400万美元),总计1562万美元。其中包括初始资本总成本1141亿美元,包括10%的意外情况。
($000,000) | |||
描述 | 首字母 | 持续 | 总 |
资本化 前期制作费用 | $ 77 | $ - | $ 77 |
网站 准备和基础设施 | 41 | 15 | 56 |
处理 植物 | 367 | 96 | 464 |
水 管理和治疗 | 74 | 24 | 97 |
采矿 基础设施 | 257 | 198 | 455 |
尾矿 管理 | 21 | 79 | 100 |
网站 广泛间接 | 7 | - | 7 |
处理 间接 | 96 | - | 96 |
采矿 间接 | 41 | - | 41 |
试运行 | 15 | - | 15 |
业主 成本 | 34 | - | 34 |
我 水管理间接 | 9 | - | 9 |
偶然性 | 102 | 9 | 111 |
总 资金成本 | $1,141 | $422 | $1,562 |
总数 由于四舍五入,可能无法相加。 |
操作 成本估算包含在2022年麋鹿溪可行性研究中
的 以下Lom单位运营成本包括预生产和第一年/最后一年生产。
描述 | Lom $/吨矿石 |
采矿 成本 | $42.38 |
过程 成本 | 106.70 |
水 管理成本 | 16.62 |
网站 G & A成本 | 8.20 |
其他 基础设施 | 5.47 |
尾矿 管理成本 | 2.01 |
其他 费用 | 6.22 |
小计 | 187.59 |
版税/年度 债券溢价 | 8.35 |
总 罗姆运营成本 | $195.94 |
总数 由于四舍五入,可能无法相加。 |
计划 采矿作业
这个 Elk Creek项目规划为地下采矿作业,采用深孔采矿法和膏体充填,具有 竖井通道通过含水层将开发降至最低。该矿将利用巨型钻机进行横向开发 以及用于垂直开发和生产回采的顶锤和潜孔钻机。地面支撑将使用锚杆钻机。 并在需要的地方使用探孔来支持矿井注浆。矿石将从采场底部入口远程出渣 使用14吨装载-运输-倾倒装置(“铲运机”)。LHD将直接将矿石运输到矿石通道或再运输 托架,以最大限度地提高采场出渣作业的效率。当需要时,第二台铲运机和一支40吨的拖车车队 将用于将矿石从渣土仓运送到为地下物料处理系统提供给料的灰熊。多重转储 为了避免铲运机和牵引车之间的干扰,在每一层上都使用了托架。矿石是通过灰炉输送的。 岩石破碎机进入地下破碎机(“初级破碎机”),并通过材料处理系统到达地面。
计划 处理操作
计划 矿石加工操作包括矿物加工、冶金加工(“Hydromet”)和火法冶金 加工(“Pyromet”)位于单独的建筑物中。
的 矿物加工大楼将将所有设备存放在一座大型建筑内。来自初级破碎机(位于 在地下矿井中)将被送入二级圆锥破碎机系统,通过双层筛在闭路中运行。 圆锥破碎机系统中的过小筛将被送入高压研磨滚筒单元(“HPGR”),运行 与另一个双层筛在闭路中。HPGR屏幕尺寸过小是将向 Hydromet过程。
的 Hydromet工厂建筑将是多层工程钢结构,将容纳两层设备。矿石来自矿物 加工将通过分离三种可回收产品所需的15个单独流程进行。的目的 Hydromet加工步骤是使用两种单独的酸浸提(氯酸浸提和)将有效金属浸提到溶液中 硫酸烘焙),去除杂质,分离三种有效金属,并进行沉淀/加工以获得最终的固体氧化物 forms. Hydromet工艺的产出包括可销售的TiO 22 和Sc2O3,有Nb2O5 向Pyromet工厂报告进行最终加工。Hydromet工厂将得到氢氯酸再生的支持 工厂和硫酸工厂。
的 Pyromet大楼将将其大部分设备存放在一栋大楼内。Pyromet工厂的目的是减少 NB2O5 来自Hydromet工厂,将其转化为可销售的FeNb金属。铝丸和铁 氧化物球团将与助熔剂和Nb一起连续引入到电炉中2O5 以生产可销售的钼铁金属。
提出 生产计划和进度
基于 根据2022年Elk Creek可行性研究,矿山运营寿命约为38年,名义加工率为2,764 每天吨。Elk Creek项目的时间轴是基于授权施工后39个月至机械完工, 加上额外六个月的调试和在总共45个月内将产能提高到100%,并假设 没有融资限制。委员会必须在麋鹿溪项目建设之前批准建设计划和预算 可以开始了。该批准,以及收到所有所需的政府许可和批准以及项目的完成 融资将决定麋鹿溪项目是否以及何时开始建设。
提出 尾矿储存
的 加工厂生产的尾矿将由过滤的水浸残渣、锻造的过量氧化物和矿渣组成。四个改造 和内衬尾矿储存设施(“TSF”)将按顺序建造,以在整个生命周期内容纳尾矿 麋鹿溪项目的总储量约为1,450万吨尾矿。尾矿设施已 设计用于合并两个独立的区域:复合内衬的尾矿固体储存区;和具有双层内衬安全壳的区域, 包括用于管理雨水径流和尾矿固体排水的泄漏收集和回收系统。的 TSF将主要干燥储存(即,非泥浆稠度)来自基于路堤建设的工厂的尾矿 “下游”施工方法。设计中考虑了设施关闭。
提出 盐业管理
的 晶体盐是加热和蒸发反渗透(“RO”)水中盐水的废物 处理厂将通过输送机运输到临时盐中转区,然后通过卡车运输到专用 盐管理细胞(“SMC”)。将顺序构建两个SMC,以在整个生命周期内容纳盐 该项目将含有约1.63亿立方米的盐。SMC设计将结合复合内衬 具有双层安全壳的储存区,包括用于管理雨水径流的泄漏收集和恢复系统 和排水。
提出 水管理
为 在施工的前几年,竖井和地下工作的推进将需要有限的脱水, 预计将通过较低水平的排水和抽水进行表面收集和处置。最初,水将被储存 施工期间在有衬里的SMC #1中,或者将用卡车运至场外,在当地公有处理厂进行处理。过量 SMC中的水将在SMC的足迹内喷雾蒸发,以避免可溶性盐重新引入 水处理系统。结晶器固体废物的临时现场储存或场外运输和处置 在SMC #1的建设完成之前是必要的。
一旦 全面运营开始后,我们预计每分钟将短缺约3,700加仑的操作用水和处理用水, 因为地下矿井脱水预计每分钟只能生产1,000加仑。为了弥补这一缺口,我们将购买 来自当地公用事业公司和当地土地所有者的淡水。
一旦 尾矿开始沉积在TSF中,内部接触水(来自尾矿中的残留水分和降水下降 在蓄水足迹内)需要积极管理。这些水将被收集并使用石灰软化处理 沉淀许多无机成分的氢氧化物和碳酸盐固体形式。处理后的水将被过滤 去除固体(将返回TSF进行处置),清洁水将被泵送到加工厂 RO系统用于进一步处理。流程工厂RO装置的清洁水将用于流程工厂,而废品 浓缩物将被结晶并沉积到SMC中。
提出 动力源
的 当地电力公司(奥马哈公共电力区)将从附近输电线向现场提供电力。这将需要 公用事业公司应安装一条约18英里的输电线,为现场变电站提供所需的站点 电力需求。当地电力公司还将设计和安装主变电站,由 效用该基础设施将通过电力使用费率来偿还。
提出 天然气源
自然 天然气将在埃尔克溪项目的建设和运营阶段使用, 通过当地公用事业公司的管道输送到现场。NioCorp与Tallgrass Energy签订了天然气运输合同, 该公司运营Rockies Express(“REX”)管道。Tallgrass将建造一条45公里(28英里)的天然气管道 从堪萨斯州的REX主管道系统侧向至项目现场。侧向尺寸将至少提供27.5 每天十卡路里的汽油。天然气将利用埋地高密度聚乙烯分配到所有现场设施 天然气分配管道。地上和设施内的天然气管道主要由以下组成 碳钢管。最大现场管道分配压力为每平方英寸100磅。天然气将 用于设施供暖、水供暖和燃气工艺设备。
市场 对锂、钛的研究2,和SC2O3 是拟议的麋鹿溪行动的重要组成部分。 这些商品,尤其是钼和铯2O3,在没有既定的公开市场的情况下,交易量很少 价格发现机制。因此,详细的第三方市场研究为经济分析中使用的假设提供了基础。
的 2022年Elk Creek可行性研究中的经济分析采用2019年美元基价47美元/公斤Nb作为前瞻性 钢级(65%)钼铁的价格基于已发布的独立第三方报告。底价调整为已实现 价格以考虑公司已达成的两项钼铁购买协议中包含的折扣条款。
NioCorp 于2017年4月聘请OnG Commodities LLC(“OnG”)进行市场评估。该研究检查了当前的铯 现有和新兴生产商的产量趋势(约20吨/年)以及到2028年的供应前景。的 展望随后回顾了铯当前和新兴的应用,包括燃料电池、航空航天、工业和其他 用途,以及到2028年的需求展望。基于这些输入,OnG提供了定价预测和年度全球需求量 到2028年的估计生产成本和供需平衡。OnG Commodities报告的定价已更新 2019年NioCorp。
没有 已对钛合金进行正式市场研究2 因为在经济分析中它仅占总收入的2%。所有市场 钛和钛的信息2 摘自USGS大宗商品市场摘要(Bedinger,2019)。
税务 2022年Elk Creek可行性研究中包含的费率
税 麋鹿溪项目可能征收的企业所得税包括联邦21%的企业所得税率和内布拉斯加州5.84%的企业所得税率。的 麋鹿溪项目有资格获得联邦耗尽津贴和抵免,以及各种州激励措施。所计算的 2022年可行性研究中,Elk Creek项目的有效所得税率为16.42%。
设计 环境绩效考虑因素
的 当前的矿山设计采用了以下旨在最大限度地减少运营对环境的影响的策略和技术:
● | 零 工艺液体排放:Elk Creek工厂现在将作为“零工艺”运营 “液体排放”设施,不释放工艺液体。相反,两者 采矿作业期间产生的自然存在的微咸水(微咸水), 以及矿石加工中使用的水,将进行现场处理, 在操作中使用。水处理操作将产生固体盐, 将存放在现场。 |
● | 额外 通过人工地面冻结保护地下水资源:麋鹿溪 项目的新矿山设计将利用人工地面冻结作为 生产和通风井的下沉过程。人工地层冻结 创建临时冻结屏障,有助于保护地下水资源 该地区正在进行凿井作业。 |
● | 避免 对联邦管辖水域的永久影响:我们设计了 麋鹿溪项目旨在最大限度地减少或避免对任何联邦管辖区的永久影响 房产上的水域和/或湿地。这减少了预期的环境影响 并允许麋鹿溪项目获得《清洁水法》第404条许可证 USACE根据全国许可计划,效率更高、成本更低 比个人第404条许可证。没有其他NEPA级别的联邦许可 现在预计麋鹿溪项目将需要该项目。 |
● | 回收 矿物加工中使用的试剂:2016年冶金和工艺进步 预计2017年将有助于减少计划处置的材料量 麋鹿溪项目的尾矿储存区。随着越来越多的这种材料被回收, 麋鹿溪项目的环境足迹减少。 |
● | 利用 尾矿作为地下矿山回填:我们计划同时填充地下空隙 使用含有矿山废料的糊状回填材料进行采矿作业 通常将储存在地上尾矿储存区。 |
的 公司尚未发现其根据OTC协议拥有或持有的财产有任何重大担保。本公司已 自提交截至2023年6月30日财年的10-k表格年度报告以来,没有发生任何违反许可证或罚款的情况。
允许的 已经确定了该项目的要求。该公司持有内布拉斯加州的空中施工许可证,并 约翰逊县的特殊使用许可证,这两份许可证都是允许开始项目建设所必需的。此外, Elk Creek项目将需要从联邦、州和地方机构获得一系列运营许可。这个 这些许可大多是部长级的,对公司的风险最小,通常涉及完成 申请和象征性费用的支付。来自内布拉斯加州的三项许可在性质上是可自由支配的,其中 向州政府提供申请和费用,州政府必须决定是否授予许可证。 虽然这种许可证涉及的风险很低,但这种酌情许可证需要州政府更多的处理时间,而且确实需要 国家机构作出有利于颁发许可证的决定。这三份许可证包括:
● | 固体 废物许可证; |
● | 空气 经营许可证;及 |
● | 放射性 材料许可证。 |
的 获得全权许可和部长许可的成本和时间表已包含在 麋鹿溪项目。有关项目许可要求的更多详细信息请参阅S-k 1300第17节 Elk Creek技术报告摘要。
矿物 储量和资源
的 下文披露的矿产储量和矿产资源基于S-k 1300 Elk Creek技术报告摘要,该报告摘要是 最初作为公司截至2022年6月30日财年的10-k表格年度报告的附件96.1提交。矿物 截至2024年6月30日,Elk Creek项目的储量和矿产资源汇总如下表。进一步讨论 有关用于建立矿产储备和矿产资源的方法的背景见第11章和第11章 S-k 1300 Elk Creek技术报告摘要的12份。
麋鹿 Creek项目现场矿产资源估计(钼、钛和铯)不包括储量
作为 2024年6月30日
班级 | NSR 截止 | 吨位 (吨) | ||
已指示 | $180 | 151.7 | 铌2O5 (%) | 铌2O5 (KT) |
0.43 | 649.8 | |||
TIO2 (%) | TIO2 (KT) | |||
2.02 | 3,067 | |||
SC (ppm) | SC (t) | |||
56.42 | 8,558 | |||
推论 | $180 | 108.3 | 铌2O5 (%) | 铌2O5 (KT) |
0.39 | 426.6 | |||
TIO2 (%) | TIO2 (KT) | |||
1.92 | 2,082 | |||
SC (ppm) | SC (t) | |||
52.28 | 5,660 |
麋鹿 Creek项目现场矿产资源估算(稀土氧化物)不包括储量
作为 2024年6月30日
班级 | NSR
截断 |
吨位 (吨) | ||||||||
已指示 | $180 | 151.7 | 拉2O3 (%) | 拉2O3 (KT) | Ce2O3 (%) | Ce2O3 (KT) | 新闻2O3 (%) | 新闻2O3 (KT) | ||
0.0766 | 116.2 | 0.1320 | 200.2 | 0.0140 | 21.3 | |||||
Nd2O3 (%) | Nd2O3 (KT) | SM2O3 (%) | SM2O3 (KT) | 欧盟2O3 (%) | 欧盟2O3 (KT) | |||||
0.0511 | 77.5 | 0.0116 | 17.6 | 0.0040 | 6.0 | |||||
GD2O3 (%) | GD2O3 (KT) | TB2O3 (%) | TB2O3 (KT) | Dy2O3 (%) | Dy2O3 (KT) | |||||
0.0096 | 14.6 | 0.0011 | 1.6 | 0.0044 | 6.7 | |||||
HO2O3 (%) | HO2O3 (KT) | 儿2O3 (%) | 儿2O3 (KT) | TM2O3(%) | TM2O3 (KT) | |||||
0.0006 | 1.0 | 0.0015 | 2.2 | 0.0002 | 0.3 | |||||
YB2O3 (%) | YB2O3 (KT) | 陆2O3 (%) | 陆2O3 (KT) | Y2O3 (%) | Y2O3 (KT) | |||||
0.0010 | 1.5 | 0.0001 | 0.2 | 0.0187 | 28.4 | |||||
LREO (%) | LREO (KT) | 重稀土 (%) | 重稀土 (KT) | Treo (%) | Treo (KT) | |||||
0.2737 | 415.2 | 0.0528 | 80.0 | 0.3265 | 495.2 | |||||
推论 | $180 | 108.3 | 拉2O3 (%) | 拉2O3 (KT) | Ce2O3 (%) | Ce2O3 (KT) | 新闻2O3 (%) | 新闻2O3 (KT) | ||
0.0943 | 102.1 | 0.1576 | 170.6 | 0.0163 | 17.7 | |||||
Nd2O3 (%) | Nd2O3 (KT) | SM2O3 (%) | SM2O3 (KT) | 欧盟2O3 (%) | 欧盟2O3 (KT) | |||||
0.0575 | 62.2 | 0.0116 | 12.6 | 0.0038 | 4.1 | |||||
GD2O3 (%) | GD2O3 (KT) | TB2O3 (%) | TB2O3 (KT) | Dy2O3 (%) | Dy2O3 (KT) | |||||
0.0090 | 9.8 | 0.0010 | 1.1 | 0.0042 | 4.6 | |||||
HO2O3 (%) | HO2O3 (KT) | 儿2O3 (%) | 儿2O3 (KT) | TM2O3(%) | TM2O3 (KT) | |||||
0.0006 | 0.7 | 0.0014 | 1.5 | 0.0002 | 0.2 | |||||
YB2O3 (%) | YB2O3 (KT) | 陆2O3 (%) | 陆2O3 (KT) | Y2O3 (%) | Y2O3 (KT) | |||||
0.0010 | 1.1 | 0.0001 | 0.1 | 0.0182 | 19.7 | |||||
LREO (%) | LREO (KT) | 重稀土 (%) | 重稀土 (KT) | Treo (%) | Treo (KT) | |||||
0.3257 | 352.6 | 0.0512 | 55.5 | 0.3769 | 408.1 |
a. | 分类 上表中矿产资源符合S-k 1300分类 系统本表中的矿产资源不包括矿产储量。 |
b. | 矿物 非矿产储备的资源尚未证明经济可行性。 |
c. | 的 矿产资源报告的稀释净冶炼回报率(NCR)截止值为180美元/吨。 |
d. | 的 稀释的NSR定义为: |
● | ![]() |
![]() |
● | 的 来自Nb的稀释收入2O5,TIO2,以及所使用的每个块的SC 以下因素: |
● | 铌2O5 收入:品位恢复94%,转化率为0.6962O5 相对于Nb,植物恢复率假设为82.36%,售价为每公斤39.60美元 截至2022年6月30日,钼铁的数量。 |
● | TIO2 收入:94%的品位回收率,假设工厂回收率为40.31%,0.88美元 截至2022年6月30日每公斤钛氧化物的公斤售价。 |
● | SC 收入:94%的等级恢复,将SC转换为SC的系数为1.5342O3, 工厂回收率假设为93.14%,每公斤氧化铯售价为3,675美元 截至2022年6月30日。 |
● | 的 稀释吨比该区块总吨增加了6%。 |
e. | 价格 FeNb,SC的假设2O3、和二氧化二氢2 已于附注 d,上述内容基于对每种产品的独立市场分析。 |
f. | 数字 由于四舍五入,可能无法相加。四舍五入不被视为重大。 |
g. | 罕见 地球氧化物(REO)被评估为开采铀矿的潜在副产品, 钛和铯;因此,REO的估计值使用 先前确定的稀释NSR源自Nb2O5,TIO2, 和SC矿产资源,定价为0美元。 |
h. | 的 规定的轻稀土氧化物(LREO)品位(%)是La的总和2O3 (%),铯2O3 (%),Pr2O3 (%),和Nd2O3 (%)估计。 |
i. | 的 规定的重稀土氧化物(HREO)品位(%)是Sms的总和2O3 (%),欧盟2O3 (%),GG2O3 (%)、TB2O3 (%),DY2O3 (%),Ho2O3 (%),呃2O3 (%),TM2O3 (%),Yb2O3 (%),卢2O3 (%),和Y2O3 (%)估计。 |
j. | 的 规定的总稀土氧化物(TRIO)品位(%)是LREO(%)和HREO的总和 (%). |
k. | 的 矿产资源(包括副产品)的生效日期为2024年6月30日。 |
麋鹿 麋鹿溪项目地下现场矿产储量估算
作为 2024年6月30日
分类 | 吨位 (KT) |
铌2O5 等级 (%) |
载 NB2O5 (t) |
应付 NB (t) |
TIO2 等级 (%) |
载 TiO2 (t) |
应付 (t) |
SC 级 (ppm) |
载 SC (t) |
应付 SC2O3 (t) |
久经考验 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
很有可能 | 36,656 | 0.81 | 297,278 | 170,409 | 2.92 | 1,071,182 | 431,793 | 70.2 | 2,573 | 3,677 |
总 | 36,656 | 0.81 | 297,278 | 170,409 | 2.92 | 1,071,182 | 431,793 | 70.2 | 2,573 | 3,677 |
所有 数字经过四舍五入以反映估计的相对准确性。由于四舍五入,总数可能无法相加。
● | 的 矿产储量估算的合格人员是Optimize Group Inc.的估计 生效日期为2024年6月30日。 |
● | 的 矿产储量基于矿山设计、矿山规划和现金流模型利用 平均截止品位为0.679%2O5 NCR为180美元/吨。 |
● | 的 矿产储量估计可能受到金属价格、环境、 许可、法律、所有权、税收、社会政治、营销、基础设施发展、 或其他相关问题。 |
● | 的 用于定义矿产储量截止等级的经济假设如下: |
0 | 年度 年期间,矿山寿命(LoM)产量约为7,450吨Fenb/年 全面生产。 |
0 | 初始 全面生产时,五年生产率提高~ 7,500吨Fenb/年 已到达。 |
0 | 采矿 所有采场和开发均采用~6%的稀释度,而初级采场则采用3%的稀释度 采场,9%用于二级采场,5%用于矿石开发。 |
0 | 采矿 长孔采场的回收率为95%,底柱采场的回收率为62.5%。 |
参数 | 价值 | 单位 |
采矿 成本 | 42.38 | 美元/吨 开采 |
处理 | 106.70 | 美元/吨 开采 |
水 管理和基础设施 | 16.62 | 美元/吨 开采 |
尾矿 管理 | 2.01 | 美元/吨 开采 |
其他 基础设施 | 5.47 | 美元/吨 开采 |
一般 和行政 | 8.91 | 美元/吨 开采 |
版税/年度 债券溢价 | 8.34 | 美元/吨 开采 |
其他 成本 | 6.29 | 美元/吨 开采 |
总 成本 | 196.72 | 美元/吨 开采 |
铌2O5 到锂转化 | 69.60 | % |
铌 工艺回收率 | 82.36 | % |
铌 价格 | 39.60 | 美元/公斤 |
TIO2 流程回收 | 40.31 | % |
TIO2 价格 | 0.88 | 美元/公斤 |
SC 工艺回收率 | 93.14 | % |
SC 至Sc2O3 转换 | 153.40 | % |
SC 价格 | 3,675.00 | 美元/公斤 |
● | 价格 假设如下:FeNb $39.60/kg Nb,SC2O3 3,675美元/公斤, 和TiO2 0.88美元/公斤。价格假设基于独立市场分析 截至2022年6月30日的每种产品。 |
● | 价格 成本假设基于“矿井门”产品的定价, 无需额外的下游成本。假设的产品是钼铁 (由65%Nb和35%Fe组成的金属合金弹丸),一种二氧化二氢钛产品 粉末形式和粉末形式的三氧化铯。 |
● | 的 矿产储量的平均Lom NSO为563.06美元/吨。 |
● | 优化 集团已根据了解提供了预期成本的详细估计 开采方式(地下)和潜在的加工方法(由有资格的第三方 人)。 |
● | 矿物 储备生效日期为2024年6月30日。财务模型是在估算后运行的 上述NSR的总成本为196.72美元,而每吨总成本为189.91美元。这 不被视为重大变化。 |
● | 价格 大宗商品的差异基于独立市场研究与早期预测 定价独立市场研究不会对储备产生负面影响。 |
比较 矿产资源和矿产储量
那里 与麋鹿溪相比,截至2024年6月30日,麋鹿溪项目矿产资源或储量估计没有变化 截至2023年6月30日的项目矿产资源和储量估算。
环境 和社会
一 Elk Creek项目确定了许多关键许可证和环境管理要求,其中一些 需要尽快实施,以维持拟议的麋鹿溪项目时间表。
● | 而当 不一定很复杂,完成许可通常需要的时间 任何联邦监管机构都要求NioCorp与关键机构接洽(在本例中 USACE,可能还有EPA)在Elk Creek项目开发的早期,并考虑 设施的选址和定位要小心,以最大限度地减少旷日持久的风险 Elk Creek项目的国家环境政策法案分析。目前, 该公司认为,我们已经完成了所需的主要联邦许可行动 对于项目建设,尽管项目设施的设计或位置发生了变化 可能要求获得额外的联邦许可。 |
● | 建设 该设施需要内布拉斯加州的航空许可证,该许可证是颁发给 公司于2020年6月2日成立。航空许可证描述了所有预期的空气排放 从设施中提取,并需要完成空气质量模型,以证明 符合NAAQS。2022年4月15日,公司宣布内布拉斯加州 环境与能源部建议公司定期延长 麋鹿溪项目不再需要航空许可证,因为公司已 符合“建设、重建或修改”的监管定义 自许可证颁发以来,“来源”。 |
● | 一 需要内布拉斯加州卫生部颁发放射性材料许可证, 公众服务部(“NDHHS”),放射卫生办公室。因为他们的 内布拉斯加州硬岩开采经验有限,更不用说 包括天然放射性物质,NDHHS可能需要更多信息 并有更多时间根据广泛许可证批准Elk Creek项目。公司 自2014年以来,一直在与NDHHS就项目许可的这方面进行合作。 |
● | 文件 启动麋鹿溪项目现场现有基线环境条件的调查 2014年,并将根据需要在整个许可过程中继续进行。 |
● | 表面 水监测将在整个许可过程中持续进行,并延伸到施工中 和运营作为环境管理系统的一部分,可能是内布拉斯加州 许可证要求。 |
● | 一 后期进行了湿地划定和潜在管辖水域评估 2014年确定拟议麋鹿溪项目内的湿地和排水特征 边界导致USACE于2016年9月6日颁发了正式JD。 |
● | 的 该项目的主要土地使用授权已从内布拉斯加州约翰逊县获得, 2019年12月24日,以项目特殊使用许可证的形式。这种土地利用 许可证是任何与项目相关的建筑活动的必要先决条件。县 在现场建造的单个建筑物需要分区许可证,并且 该县要求此类申请必须在施工前五天提交 开始。 |
● | Closure costs for the Elk Creek Project have been estimated at just over $44 million, including approximately $13.5 million for reclamation and closure of the TSFs and $16.6 million for plant and building removal and reclamation. |
● | Community engagement has occurred in parallel with Nebraska field operations and has included public meetings, presentations to public agencies, communications with local and state politicians, meetings with environmental groups, and one-on-one meetings with area landowners. |
Other Elk Creek Project Activities
The Company completed the installation and commissioning of a continuous groundwater level monitoring system during the quarter ended September 30, 2023. The system collects and records data in three geologic strata of interest: the upper glacial till, the Pennsylvanian limestone that underlies the glacial till, and the carbonatite that underlies the limestone. The data collected from this effort will assist the Company’s contract hydrogeologists to refine and improve the hydrogeologic model for the Elk Creek Project.
The Company completed a mine geotechnical review and a site visit by a qualified person, as defined in NI 43-101 and subpart 1300 of Regulation S-K, during the quarter ended September 30, 2023. The Company’s contract geotechnical engineering firm inspected drill core and conducted a site inspection. As funding becomes available, the geotechnical firm will review and update their geomechanical model of the project to ensure that the mining operation will be conducted under safe and stable ground conditions.
The Demonstration Plant completed metallurgical operations during the quarter ended September 30, 2023. The impetus for the Demonstration Plant was to address recommendations in the Company’s most recent S-K 1300 Elk Creek Technical Report Summary and to establish metallurgical performance criteria for the rare earths. The Demonstration Plant was successful in this regard, and the measured improvements in metallurgical performance are summarized in the following table:
期间 截至2023年12月31日的季度,该公司位于魁北克Trois-Rivieres的示范工厂也竣工 生产用于后续特征的废料,以支持尾矿储存和膏体回填工程 设计示范工厂的额外工作正在进行中,以进一步 探索改进溶剂提取操作并为潜在客户生产产品样品。行动 于2024年2月在示范工厂完成。
期间 截至2023年12月31日的季度,该公司通过合同工程公司(Olsson)完成了90%的工程包 对麋鹿溪项目现场附近的各种道路进行了改进,并与 内布拉斯加州交通部和约翰逊县作为允许道路改善正常流程的一部分。
的 公司于2024年2月聘请了一名矿山工程顾问,以在范围层面评估液化的成本和收益 通过坡道而不是竖井进入矿井,并在其中一个坡道上使用Railveyor技术进行移动 矿石和废石到地表。该评估不包括对地质工程或水文地质问题的详细检查。 评估结果表明,潜在的前期资本成本节省,矿山满负荷时间更短 生产和潜在的运营成本节省。这些调查结果是初步的,但令人鼓舞,该公司计划进行更多 作为S-k 1300 Elk Creek未来更新的一部分,对地下矿井设计的该选项进行详细评估 技术报告摘要。
提出 活动
在 目前,该公司正在维护Elk Creek房产,以期获得项目融资,以促进 麋鹿溪项目的建设、调试和运营。该房产被定性为开发阶段 房地产,如果获得融资,预计房地产将转向生产阶段。
作为 通过公司的筹款活动获得资金后,我们预计将开展以下活动:
● | 延续 公司为获得联邦、州和地方运营许可所做的努力; | |
● | 继续 评估生产稀土产品并根据承购协议销售此类产品的潜力; |
● | 谈判 并完成该项目剩余未承诺生产的Nb、sic和Ti的承付款协议,包括 钛作为四氯化钛的潜在销售以及潜在的稀土生产; | |
● | 谈判 完成工程、采购和施工协议; |
● | 完成 麋鹿溪项目地下部分的最终详细工程; |
● | 启动 并完成地面项目设施的最终详细工程; |
● | 建设 根据现有协议为麋鹿溪项目工地提供天然气和电力基础设施; |
● | 完成 向项目现场输送淡水的供水协议和相关基础设施; |
● | 启动 修订后的矿山地下水调查和控制活动; | |
● | 启动 长期领先的设备采购活动;以及 |
● | 作为 该公司示范工厂运营的后续行动,对废弃材料进行完整的定性和测试 支持尾矿储存和糊状回填厂设计。 |
非gaap 财务绩效衡量
非gaap 财务绩效指标仅旨在提供额外信息,没有规定任何标准含义 根据美国公认会计原则。这些措施不应孤立地考虑,也不应作为根据以下标准编制的绩效措施的替代品 符合美国公认会计原则。
的 S-k 1300 Elk Creek技术报告摘要使用非GAAP财务绩效指标,例如EBITDA、平均年度EBITDA、 和平均EBITDA利润率,用于预测经济
麋鹿溪项目的结果。我们无法提供 将这些前瞻性非GAAP指标与最具可比性的美国GAAP财务绩效指标进行调节,因为 需要某些信息 将这些非GAAP指标与最具可比性的美国GAAP财务绩效指标相一致取决于未来事件, 其中一些不受公司控制,例如FeNb、SC2O3,和Tio2 价格、利息 利率和汇率。此外,以所需的精确度估计此类美国GAAP指标,以提供有意义的 和解是极其困难的,如果没有不合理的努力,就无法实现。
企业 总部
我们 租赁我们的主要行政办公空间,位于科罗拉多州Centennial South Yosemite Street 7000,Suite 115。
第三项。 | 法律 诉讼 |
作为 截至2024年9月20日,我们不是任何可能对公司产生重大不利影响的法律诉讼的一方 业务、财务状况或经营业绩。此外,据公司所知,尚未进行此类诉讼 对公司的威胁。
第四项。 | 我 安全披露 |
根据 根据2010年美国多德-弗兰克华尔街改革和消费者保护法案(“多德-弗兰克”)第1503(a)条 法案”),作为美国煤炭或其他矿山运营商或拥有作为美国煤炭或其他矿山运营商的子公司的发行人是 要求在定期报告中披露有关矿山健康和安全的特定信息。这些报告要求 基于1977年《联邦矿山安全与健康法》(《联邦矿山安全与健康法》)适用于矿山的安全和健康要求 “矿山法案”),由美国劳工部矿山安全与健康管理局(“MSHA”)管理。 截至2024年6月30日的财年,公司及其子公司及其财产或业务不受 遵守MSHA根据《矿山法》的监管,因此《多德-弗兰克法案》第1503(a)条不要求披露。
部分 第二部分:
第5项。 | 市场 注册人的普通股票、相关股东事项和发行人购买 股本证券 |
市场 信息
的 普通股在纳斯达克上市交易,交易代码为“NB”。本公司自愿 自2024年5月3日收市起从多伦多证券交易所退市。该公司还在法兰克福证券交易所交易 称为“BR 3”。
作为 截至2024年9月13日,我们有18,311名普通股记录持有人。
我们 自成立以来,我们没有对普通股支付任何现金股息,并且预计不会在 可预见的未来。我们计划保留盈利(如果有的话),为业务扩张提供资金。
证券 授权根据股权补偿计划发行
参见股权 下的薪酬计划信息 项目12, “某些受益所有人和管理层的担保所有权 及相关股东事宜”,以获取有关我们股东批准的计划的信息。
购买 公司持有股权证券
我们 截至2024年6月30日的季度没有进行任何回购。
最近 出售未注册证券
日期 | 毛 收益(000美元) | 股份 发布 | 价格/股 | |||
四月 2024年25日(1) | $510 | 230,560 | $2.2123 | |||
可以 2024年6月(1) | 502 | 234,142 | 2.1435 | |||
可以 2024年13月(2) | 221 | 90,000 | 2.4590 | |||
可以 2024年17日(2) | 169 | 75,000 | 2.2551 | |||
可以 2024年21日(2) | 177 | 82,500 | 2.1400 | |||
可以 2024年24日(2) | 167 | 81,000 | 2.0597 | |||
可以 2024年31日(2) | 344 | 150,000 | 2.2909 | |||
可以 2024年31日(1) | 202 | 94,455 | 2.1435 | |||
六月 2024年4月(2) | 303 | 135,000 | 2.2467 | |||
六月 2024年10月(2) | 223 | 111,000 | 2.0059 | |||
六月 2024年18日(2) | 203 | 105,000 | 1.9377 | |||
六月 2024年27日(2) | 113 | 66,000 | 1.7196 |
(1) | 发布 根据《证券法》第3(a)(9)条,与部分金额的自愿转换有关 可转换债券项下的未偿债券以及约克维尔对此的陈述和保证。 |
(2) | 发布 根据《证券法》第4(a)(2)条与Yorkville Equity项下的预付款的平仓有关 融资协议并基于约克维尔对此的陈述和保证。 |
交换 控制
那里 加拿大没有限制资本(包括外汇)进出口的政府法律、法令或法规 控制,或影响股息、利息或其他付款向非居民证券持有人汇款的控制 NioCorp,加拿大预扣税除外。请参阅“美国居民的某些加拿大联邦所得税考虑因素” 下面
某些 加拿大联邦所得税对美国居民的考虑
的 以下概述了《所得税法》下普遍适用的某些加拿大联邦所得税后果 (加拿大)及其颁布的法规(统称“加拿大税法”)和加拿大-美国 持有和处置普通股的税务公约(1980年)(“公约”)。
评论 仅限于普通股持有人,其中每个人在《加拿大税法》和 公约,(i)出于税务目的仅居住在美国,(ii)是根据并有权的“合格人员” 为了本公约的利益,(iii)持有所有普通股作为资本财产,(iv)不持有“应税普通股 持有人的加拿大财产”(定义见《加拿大税法》),(v)与持有人保持正常关系且不隶属 与NioCorp合作,(vi)没有也不被视为在加拿大开展的业务中使用或持有任何普通股,(vi)没有 在加拿大和其他地方开展业务的保险公司,(八)不是“授权外国银行”(定义如下 加拿大税法中),并且(ix)尚未签订“衍生远期协议”(定义见加拿大税法 税法)适用于普通股(每个此类持有人,“美国居民持有人”)。
某些 美国-就美国联邦所得税而言财务透明的居民实体(包括有限责任公司) 并非在所有情况下都有权享受《公约》的利益。成员或 持有普通股的此类实体的权益持有人应就其程度咨询自己的税务顾问, 如果有的话,公约的利益将适用于实体的普通股。
一般来说, 美国居民持有人的普通股将被视为该持有人的资本财产,前提是美国居民 持有人不是证券交易员或交易商,没有在一项或多项交易中收购、持有或处置普通股 被认为是贸易性质的冒险或担忧(即投机),并且不持有普通股 经营企业的过程。
这 摘要依据的是截至前一天生效的加拿大税法和《公约》的现行规定。 在此,由部长或代表部长公开宣布的所有修改加拿大税法和公约的具体建议 在此日期之前的财政部(加拿大),以及当前公布的行政政策和评估做法 加拿大税务局(“CRA”)。假设所有这些修正案都将按照目前的提议通过,以及 任何适用的法律或行政政策或评估实践不会有其他实质性的变化,无论是通过 司法、立法或政府的决定或行动,尽管不能在这些方面给予保证。此摘要 并不是加拿大所有可能的联邦所得税考虑因素的全部。除另有明确规定外,本摘要 不考虑任何省、地区或外国的税收因素,这些因素可能与这些因素有很大不同 在此列出。
这 摘要仅为一般性质,并非详尽无遗所有可能的加拿大联邦所得税考虑因素,也并非有意 应且不应被解释为对任何特定美国居民持有人的法律或税务建议。敦促美国居民持有者 就其特定情况向自己的税务顾问咨询建议。下面的讨论是合格的 相应地
一般来说, 美国居民持有人的普通股不会构成该持有人在特定地点的“应税加拿大财产” 普通股在“指定证券交易所”(目前包括纳斯达克)上市的时间,除非, 在特定时间结束的60个月期间的任何时候,同时满足以下两个条件:
1. | 25% 拥有NioCorp任何类别股本的或更多已发行股份 由或属于以下一个或任何组合: |
a. | 的 美国居民持有者, |
b. | 人 美国居民持有人与他没有保持一定距离,并且 |
c. | 伙伴关系 美国居民持有人或(b)条中提到的人拥有会员资格 通过一个或多个合作伙伴关系直接或间接产生利益,以及 |
2. | 更 普通股公平市值的50%以上是直接或间接产生的 来自位于加拿大的不动产或不动产中的一项或任何组合,“加拿大人 资源财产”(根据加拿大税法的定义)、“木材资源 房产”(定义见加拿大税法),或有关的期权,或 对上述任何内容的权益,无论该财产是否存在。 |
共同 在加拿大税法规定的某些情况下,股份也可能被视为“应税加拿大财产”。
一 美国处置或被视为处置一股或多股普通股的居民持有人通常不应因此产生任何 因处置而产生的任何资本收益须缴纳加拿大联邦所得税。
一个 美国居民持有者,NioCorp向其支付或贷记、或被视为支付或贷记该持有者普通股的股息 股票将被征收加拿大预扣税,NioCorp将被要求从股息和 将它汇给CRA作为持有者的账户。根据加拿大税法,预扣税的税率是 股息总额,但根据《公约》一般应降至15%(或,如果美国居民持有者是 是NioCorp至少10%有表决权股票的实益所有者的公司 分红。为此目的,根据《加拿大税法》和 并有权享有《公约》利益的,应被视为拥有由 被认为在财政上透明的实体 根据美国法律,且不是加拿大居民,与该公司的所有权权益成比例 在那个实体里。
第6项。 | 已保留 |
第7项。 | 管理层的 财务状况和运营结果的讨论和分析 |
的 遵循管理层的讨论和分析(“MD & A”)提供了管理层认为的信息 与NioCorp及其子公司的合并财务状况和运营结果的评估和理解相关。 本项目应与本年度包含的合并财务报表及其注释一起阅读 表格10-k报告。
见项目 1,”业务-业务的历史发展”,以了解2023年交易的描述。
总结 合并财务和经营业绩
的 公司在以下列出的财年没有采矿业务收入。发生的运营费用主要与 开展勘探和可行性研究相关活动,以及支持企业和 股东义务。
为 截至6月30日的一年, | |||||||||||
2024 | 2023 | ||||||||||
($000) | |||||||||||
操作 费用 | $ | 13,757 | $ | 37,410 | |||||||
净 公司应占亏损 | (11,435 | ) | (40,080 | ) | |||||||
净 每股亏损(基本和稀释) | (0.31 | ) | (1.34) |
的 公司应占净亏损从2023财年的4,010万美元下降至2024财年的1,140万美元。 与2023财年相比,2024财年净亏损减少主要是由于一般交易的确认 与2023财年GXII交易相关的费用、收益股份和担保负债以及减少 勘探支出和2024财年与盈利股票估值和认购证变化相关的非现金收益 负债估值。
结果 行动
的 公司在以下列出的财年没有采矿业务收入。发生的运营费用主要与 与2023年交易以及执行勘探和可行性研究相关活动相关的费用, 以及支持公司和股东职责所需的活动,详情如下表所示。
为 截至6月30日的一年, | |||||||||
2024 | 2023 | ||||||||
($000) | |||||||||
操作 费用: | |||||||||
员工 相关费用 | $ | 3,509 | $ | 2,323 | |||||
专业 费 | 3,533 | 2,581 | |||||||
探索 支出 | 2,552 | 5,348 | |||||||
其他 业务费用 | 4,163 | 27,158 | |||||||
总 业务费用 | 13,757 | 37,410 | |||||||
收益股份负债公允价值变化 | (6,704 | ) | (2,674 | ) | |||||
变化 以认购证负债的公允价值计算 | (1,875 | ) | 1,414 | ||||||
变化 可转换票据的公允价值 | 2,542 | - | |||||||
损失 债务清偿 | - | 1,922 | |||||||
兴趣 费用 | 4,490 | 2,336 | |||||||
外国 兑换(收益)损失 | (31 | ) | 216 | ||||||
其他 收益 | (147 | ) | (13 | ) | |||||
损失 的股权证券之 | 5 | 1 | |||||||
收入 税务利益 | (139 | ) | (304 | ) | |||||
损失 归属于非控股权益 | (463 | ) | (228 | ) | |||||
净 公司应占亏损 | $ | (11,435 | ) | $ | (40,080 | ) |
财政 2024年与2023财年相比
显著 影响运营费用的项目如下:
其他操作 费用 包括与2023年交易相关的成本,包括直接交易费用和公平 所承担的认购权和收益股份负债的价值,以及与投资者关系、一般办公室支出、 股权发行和代理支出、董事会相关支出以及其他杂项成本。这些成本在财政中下降 与2023财年相比,2024年主要是由于与2023年交易相关的成本为2380万美元, 该委员会津贴于2023年3月17日结束,以及2024财年金融服务总体支出下降 以及基于股份的薪酬以及投资者关系服务。这一下降被2024财年的影响部分抵消 与我们在纳斯达克上市相关的1亿美元额外董事和高级官员保险费。
员工相关 成本 2024年与2023年相比有所增加,主要是由于年向员工发放的期权数量增加 2024年部分被每份期权公允价值下降以及董事会授权的员工加薪的影响所抵消, 于2023年4月1日生效。
探索 支出减少 2024财年与2023财年相比,反映了财年内完成的工作 2023年完成示范工厂的开发和示范工厂的后续运营进行验证 工艺改进工作并推进对磁性稀土氧化物潜在添加的技术和经济分析 NioCorp计划的产品套件。此外,由于完成和备案相关费用,2023年成本增加 技术报告摘要基于公司2022年麋鹿溪项目可行性研究,该研究已提交 于2022年9月6日与SEC合作。 随着项目目标的完成,2024年示范工厂成本较低 示范工厂运营于2024年2月结束。
专业 费 与2023财年相比,2024财年有所增加,主要是由于产生的额外会计费 2024年与我们的审计师变更以及与企业融资计划和S-1表格相关的法律费用相关 和S-3文件。
其他 影响公司净亏损变化的重要项目如下:
变化 收益股份负债的公允价值 代表基于结果的与收益股份相关的公允价值变化 蒙特卡洛金融建模。总体而言,负债的下降与我们股价的整体下降相对应 2024财年期间。
变化 以认购证负债的公允价值计算 代表与(i)额外认股证(“或有事项”)相关的公允价值变化 同意令”),该公司同意在某些情况下向Lind Global Asset Management III,LLC(“Lind”)发出 与公司与Lindd(“Lind”)之间日期为2022年9月25日的《豁免和同意协议》相关的条件 同意”),如本文第二部分第8项所包含的合并财务报表注释9所讨论,以及(ii) 如综合财务报表附注9所述,2024年4月认股证的公允价值变化包括 在本文第二部分第8项中,部分被主要基于影响的私募股权公允价值变化所抵消 普通股收盘价格较低,这增加了这些或有同意令在以下情况下发行的可能性 林德同意条款。
变化 可转换票据的公允价值 代表2024年4月票据公允价值初始分配的影响, 该等资产按公允价值列账,以及截至2024年6月30日止期间的公允价值变化。
损失 债务清偿 代表根据会计准则法典(“ASC”)主题470产生的损失, 债务,与发行给Lind的可转换证券(“Lind III可转换证券”)相关 面值为1170万美元(相当于1000万美元的资金加上隐含的年利率8.5%) Lind III可转换证券的期限)根据日期为2021年2月16日的可转换证券融资协议, 经可转换证券融资协议第1修正案修订,日期:
2021年12月2日,公司与林德(作为 修订后的“Lind III协议”),如第二部分所包含的合并财务报表注释9所讨论 二、本文第8项。
兴趣 费用 由于可转换债务利息的影响,2024财年与2023财年相比有所增加 2024财年发生的费用。
损失 归属于非控股权益 代表归属股份的ECRC净亏损部分, 不归公司所有。
流动性 和资本资源
我们 没有我们可以内部产生资金的创收业务。迄今为止,我们的持续运营已获得资金 通过私募、可转换证券发行、激励等方式出售我们的股权证券 期权和凭证以及关联方贷款。对于目前尚未行使的期权和认购证,我们认为 除非我们的普通股达到市场价格,否则这些工具以及此类操作的现金收益不会发生 等于或超过每种工具的相关行使价格。
在 随着2023年交易的完成,公司收到现金收益净额8.3亿美元,具体如下:
描述 | 量 | ||
($000) | |||
净 在支付GXII产生的直接和增量交易成本后,从GXII信托账户收到的现金 | $ | 2,168 | |
净 约克维尔可转换债务融资协议的收益 | 14,857 | ||
净 与约克维尔股权融资协议相关发生的现金成本 | (1,996) | ||
NioCorp 直接和增量交易成本 | (6,715) | ||
净 2023年交易收益 | $ | 8,314 |
的 2023年交易为NioCorp带来了几项重要好处,包括在纳斯达克上市的现成途径, 预计将首次允许更多机构公司投资该公司。此外,我们相信它已经给 NioCorp和Elk Creek项目在评估关键材料项目的机构投资者中受到了更高的关注 空间
四月份的大甩卖 2024年票据已经提供,约克维尔股权融资预计将提供短期和长期机会 资本。本公司是否有能力酌情动用约克维尔股权融资协议须受 达到一定的限制和满足一定的条件。当约克维尔股权融资协议可用时, 为更密切地主动管理公司的现金需求提供了机会。从历史上看,现金通常都是可用的 通过私募股权的方式向本公司出售股份,而配售的时间并不总是与本公司的现金一致 需要。在短期内,公司打算利用约克维尔股权融资协议来抵消所欠金额 在2024年4月的票据下。该公司还可能利用约克维尔股权融资协议潜在地产生 在他们需要资金的时候。或者,公司也可以利用约克维尔股权融资协议 用于机会主义的股票出售。
对 2024年7月19日,公司与Yorkville签订了一份完整付款协议,根据该协议,Yorkville同意将 可转换债务为普通股的剩余本金和应计利息553,767美元,以换取95,000美元 全额付款。
对 2024年9月17日,所有剩余未偿还融资证到期。
2024年9月17日, 公司的普通股价格低于林德同意中规定的门槛价格,因此,公司发行了 2,816,742份对林德的或有同意令。每份或有同意令可在一次行使中行使一股普通股 价格为2.308美元,可在之前随时行使
将于2028年9月17日到期。数量 发布的或有同意令的数量是基于5亿美元除以共同市场五天成交量加权平均价格 2024年9月16日的股票。
作为 截至2024年6月30日,公司现金为2亿美元,营运资金赤字为9亿美元,而现金为2.3美元 2023年6月30日,流动资金为2000万美元。2024年6月30日之后,公司发行了339,250股普通股 约克维尔股权融资协议项下的股份以换取6000万美元的现金收益总额。对 2024年9月11日,公司与NioCorp首席执行官、总裁兼执行董事长Mark Smith达成 贷款协议(“史密斯贷款协议”),提供2亿美元的非循环信贷便利。一个 史密斯贷款协议项下33,000美元的初步提款已于2024年9月11日完成。NioCorp打算使用 这些交易的净收益用于支付2024年4月票据项下的到期款项并用于一般企业用途。
我们 预计公司在可预见的未来将亏损运营。该公司目前的计划现金需求为 截至2025年6月30日约为2600万美元。
除了突出的 应付账款和短期负债,我们截至2025年6月30日的月平均计划支出预计为 每月约160美元的万,其中约375,000美元用于公司管理费用和与以下相关的估计成本 获得推进Elk Creek项目所需的资金。这包括一般间接费用,满足未偿债务 应付账款、2024年4月票据和史密斯贷款协议的偿还。这也包括预期融资。 与Elk Creek项目相关的费用,包括与进出口银行申请程序有关的最新采矿计划。这个 这些融资成本的范围仍在与进出口银行讨论。计划每月支出约120美元的万 与NioCorp的控股子公司ECRC推进Elk Creek项目有关。公司的能力 要继续运营并为我们目前的工作计划提供资金,取决于管理层获得额外资金的能力。
的 公司预计手头没有足够的现金来继续为未来12个月的基本运营提供资金, 以及总计2500万至2600万美元的额外资金,扣除约克维尔股权融资机制下预付款筹集的资金 融资协议和史密斯贷款协议项下的借款可能是继续推进该项目所必需的 在融资、许可和详细工程领域。虽然约克维尔股权融资协议可能提供 如果该公司能够获得额外资本,该公司可能会需要额外资本来满足其现金需求。管理 正在积极寻求此类额外的债务和股权融资来源,尽管它在 过去,无法保证它将来能够做到这一点。
麋鹿 截至2025年6月30日,Creek Property和租赁承诺为15,000美元。维护我们目前持有的财产并资助我们 麋鹿溪项目目前预计的一般和行政成本以及计划的勘探和开发活动 在截至2025年6月30日的财年,该公司可能需要在本财年提供额外融资。 如果在此时间内无法获得此类融资,我们将被要求减少活动,并且将无法 开展我们在麋鹿溪项目中目前计划的所有活动。
在……上面 2023年6月6日,该公司宣布已向美国进出口银行提交申请,要求获得美国进出口银行的融资,为该项目提供资金 在EXIM的“在美国制造更多”倡议下,Elk Creek项目的成本。本公司获悉, 其申请于2023年10月2日获得美国进出口银行交易审查委员会三次审查中的第一次批准。进出口 在截至2023年12月31日的季度内,为处理公司的申请部署了额外资源 并聘请了财务和法律顾问,以支持EXIM对Elk Creek项目的尽职调查。4月15日, 2024年,公司收到了美国进出口银行的PPL。PPL是EXIM初步尽职调查结果的摘要,还包括 初步指示性条款说明书。PPL确定了该公司将联合开展的其他项目活动 与美国进出口银行的评估程序有关。其中包括更新的采矿计划和更新的Elk Creek项目最终或 接近最终的基础,反映了更新的流程。管理层正在与美国进出口银行合作,继续推进该项目 EXIM尽职调查和贷款申请流程的下一个阶段。我们目前无法估计申请时间有多长 可能需要一个过程,而且不能保证我们将能够成功地谈判债务融资的最终承诺。 来自美国进出口银行。
除了潜在的 约克维尔股权融资机制下的预付款资金和史密斯贷款协议下的潜在资金,各 如上所述,以及可能行使的期权和认股权证,我们目前没有进一步的资金承诺或安排。 目前我们需要额外的融资,而且不能保证我们将能够在 可以接受的条件,如果真的有的话。根据《交换协议》,NioCorp不得发行股权或股权挂钩证券 (普通股除外)或任何优先股或无投票权股本,如该等发行会对 未经ECRC B类普通股过半数股东同意,持有ECRC B类普通股 B ECRC的普通股。2024年4月的购买协议还包含某些契约,其中包括限制NioCorp 有能力使用2024年4月购买协议的收益支付关联方债务或进入任何浮动利率 交易,包括发行可按可变利率转换为普通股的股权或债务证券以及任何 除约克维尔外,股权信用额度、自动柜员机协议或其他连续发行普通股,受某些条件限制 例外情况。尽管《交换协议》和《2024年4月购买协议》规定了限制,但 我们是否能够在当前的股票或债券市场获得任何额外的融资,这是一个重大的不确定性。数量 拟筹集的资金以及任何拟议的股权或债务融资的条款将由管理层协商 因为筹集资金的机会出现了。管理层可以寻求债务和股权融资的资金来源,包括但不是 仅限于以普通股、认股权证、认购收据或任何组合的形式发行股权证券 根据对认可投资者的私募或根据以下形式的公开发行,在公司单位持有 承销/经纪发行、注册直接发行或其他形式的股权融资以及公开或非公开发行 债务证券,包括有担保和无担保的可转换债务工具或有担保债务项目融资。管理 目前不知道将来可根据哪些条款完成此类融资,但任何此类融资都将 保持一定距离进行谈判。未来涉及发行股权证券或其衍生品的融资将 可能以低于公司证券当时市场价格的价格完成,并可能产生稀释作用 给现在的股东。此外,我们可以通过出售我们矿产资产的权益来筹集资金,尽管目前 市场状况和最近发生的其他全球事件大大减少了任何潜在买家/收购者的数量 这样的利益。然而,我们不能保证我们将能够成功地筹集到这类资金。
根据条件 中所述,管理层已得出结论,审计意见和附注与我们的合并财务报表一起 在截至2024年6月30日的一年中,披露我们作为一家持续经营的企业继续经营的能力存在重大疑问。这个 本年度报告中包含的10-k表格的综合财务报表是在以下假设下编制的 继续作为一家持续经营的企业。根据S-k1300的定义,我们是发展阶段的发行人,自成立以来我们已经蒙受了损失。 盗梦空间。我们可能没有足够的现金,包括2024年6月30日之后的期权和认股权证行使,以资助正常 在不推迟支付某些流动负债和筹集资金的情况下,履行未来12个月的运营和债务义务 额外的资金。资本市场的不确定性、供应链中断、利率和通胀上升,以及潜在的 因为地理衰退加剧了全球经济的普遍不确定性。在2024财年,这些事件仍在继续 在总体项目资金和时间表方面制造不确定性。我们相信,持续经营的不确定性不能 信心十足地得到缓解,直到公司进入一个为其计划中的持续运营提供资金的商业环境 活动是安全的。因此,这些因素使人对我们作为一家持续经营的企业继续下去的能力产生了极大的怀疑。
我们 没有接触任何资产支持商业票据。除我们子公司为立即运营而持有的现金外 根据科罗拉多州和内布拉斯加州的需求,我们所有的现金储备都存入美国和加拿大的主要特许银行。我们不 相信由于当前市场状况,与此相关的信用、流动性或市场风险有所增加。 然而,为了实现更大的安全以保护我们的资本,我们必须接受 较低的利率,这也降低了我们的潜在利息收入。
操作 活动
止年度 2024年6月30日,公司经营活动消耗现金1170万美元(2023年:1730万美元)。总体而言,可操作 由于2023财年现金支出相关,2024财年的流出量较2023年同期有所减少 到2023年交易和2024财年勘探减少-
麋鹿溪项目的相关支出。展望未来, 随着公司的发展,公司的运营资金需求预计将大幅增加 麋鹿溪项目。
投资 活动
的 截至2024年6月30日和2023年6月30日止年度,公司的投资活动分别微乎其微。
融资 活动
净 2024财年融资活动提供的现金为1140万美元(2023年:1460万美元)。融资减少 流入主要反映下文披露的融资交易的现金流入时间。
2024 流入反映了2023年9月私募(定义如下)的1亿美元总收入,1.3亿美元 来自2023年12月私募(定义如下),来自2024年6月私募(定义如下)6000万美元 以及约克维尔股权融资协议下普通股发行的3.3亿美元,以及6.5亿美元 发行2024年4月票据的净收益。
的 以下是自2024财年开始以来重大融资交易的讨论:
● | 对 2023年9月1日,公司完成非经纪私募(“九月 2023年私募”)与单一投资者并发行了25万份 公司(“2023年9月单位”),2023年9月价格为4.00美元 单位,总收益为1亿美元。2023年9月每个单位由 一份普通股和一份令状(“2023年9月令状”)。每个 2023年9月可以以4.60美元的价格行使一股普通股,直至 2025年9月1日。 |
● | 在……上面 2023年12月22日,本公司完成了一次非经纪定向增发(“12月份 2023年定向增发),共发行公司413,432个单位 (“2023年12月单位”),包括2023年12月总计274587个单位 以每年12月3.08美元的价格出售给某些非附属认可投资者 2023个单位和2023年12月138,845个单位的合计 高级职员及董事,以2023年12月每单位3.205元计,以总毛计 收益约为1.29亿美元万。每个2023年12月的单元由一个公共 股份及一份认股权证(“2023年12月认股权证”)。每年2023年12月 在2025年12月22日之前,每股普通股的认股权证可以3.54美元的价格行使。 |
● | 在……上面 2024年4月12日,公司发行并出售给约克维尔和Lind Global Fund II LP(合计 与约克维尔(2024年4月购买者)合计本金800美元万 无抵押票据(“2024年4月票据”)的数额,依据一项证券 购买协议,日期为2024年4月11日(“2024年4月购买协议”), 本公司与2024年4月的每一位购买者之间的协议。根据《 2024年4月除某些例外情况外,在每个历月的第一天发行的票据: 由2024年6月1日(不包括2024年8月)(“缴款日”)开始, 公司将被要求偿还全部未偿还余额的一部分 2024年4月发行的债券,按比例计算,金额相当于(I)$140万 本金(或未偿还本金,如少于该数额)合计 在所有未偿还的2024年4月发行的债券中,另加(Ii)本金的8.0% 正在支付(“支付保险费”),以及(Iii)应计和未付利息, 如果有的话,自付款之日起算。公司被要求在每笔付款时付款 直到偿还全部未偿还本金的日期,但不会有义务 在某些股权条件下,在付款日付款(“股权条件”) 都很满意。 |
的 公司还向2024年4月买家发行了与2024年4月本金总额成比例的票据 每年2024年4月,买家认购最多615,385股普通股(“四月认购权”) 2024年配股股份”),相当于向4月发行的2024年4月票据本金总额的25% 2024年购买者除以3.25美元的行使价,可进行任何调整以使任何股票股息、股票生效 分拆或资本重组。
Pursuant to the April 2024 Purchase Agreement, the April 2024 Purchasers advanced an aggregate of $6.935 million to the Company in consideration of the issuance by the Company to the April 2024 Purchasers of $8.0 million aggregate principal amount of the April 2024 Notes and April 2024 Warrants.
Proceeds from the April 2024 Purchase Agreement were used for general working capital purposes, including for accounts payable, other payables and operating expenses, and to satisfy the fees and expenses incurred in connection with the April 2024 Purchase Agreement.
主题 根据2024年4月票据中包含的某些限制,2024年4月票据的持有人将有权转换 本金额、应计和未付利息(如果有)以及每年四月到期和应付的任何付款溢价 2024年注意,在其任期内不时转换为等于转换金额商的普通股数量 除以每股普通股2.75美元的固定换股价,最多为3,141,817股普通股(加上4月份 2024年配股股份,“2024年4月基础股份”)。
的 2024年4月票据是公司的无担保债务,将于2024年12月31日到期。2024年4月票据产生 每年0.0%的简单利率义务(发生事件后将增加至每年18.0% 默认)。未偿本金额、应计和未付利息(如果有)以及付款溢价(如果有) 根据2024年4月票据的条款,NioCorp必须在票据到期并应付时以现金支付2024年4月票据 在其规定的到期日、在其赎回或其他情况下。
这个 2024年4月的购买协议还包含某些契约,其中限制了NioCorp使用 出售2024年4月的债券及行使2024年4月的认股权证所得款项,以偿还关连人士债务或进入 除某些例外情况外,与约克维尔以外的任何浮动利率交易,并将 向ECRC和8968000亿.C.Ltd.以外的附属公司出售2024年4月的债券和行使2024年4月的认股权证。 (连同ECRC,“担保人”),在担保人签订全球担保协议时,日期为 2024年4月11日,担保人中以买方为受益人的(“担保协议”)。根据《担保》 根据协议,担保人保证在到期时(无论是在到期时,通过加速付款)全额、及时和无条件地付款 或其他),以及NioCorp对2024年4月购买者的所有债务、协议和其他义务的履行情况 包含在2024年4月的购买协议、2024年4月的票据和2024年4月的认股权证中,在该等负债的范围内, 协议和债务以现金支付。
九月 2024年4月4日,NioCorp达成(i)对2024年4月发布的票据的同意和豁免(“Yorkville同意”)和 根据2024年4月的购买协议出售给约克维尔和(ii)同意和豁免(连同约克维尔同意, “同意”)根据2024年4月购买向Lind Global Fund II LP发行并出售的2024年4月票据 协议除其他外,同意书减少了2024年9月1日应付2024年4月买家的总额 从120万美元增至总计30万美元,将2024年12月1日应付2024年4月买家的金额增加了 总计120万美元,并预期豁免原本会触发的2024年4月票据的任何期限 公司未能向2024年4月的买家支付2024年9月1日到期的剩余金额。除非经过修改 经同意,之前披露的2024年4月票据的条款保持不变。
● | 对 2024年6月24日,公司完成非经纪私募(“2024年6月 私募”),单一投资者拥有315,000个公司单位( “2024年6月单位”),价格为每个2024年6月单位1.91美元,总计 总收益6000万美元。2024年6月每个单位由一个 普通股和一份令状(“2024年6月令状”)。每年2024年6月的逮捕令 在2026年6月24日之前,可以以2.20美元的价格行使一股普通股。 |
● | 2024年9月11日,公司签订了《史密斯贷款协议》 与我们的首席执行官、总裁兼执行主席马克·史密斯(Mark Smith)合作,史密斯先生同意提供 向该公司提供高达2亿美元的非循环、多次提款信贷额度。史密斯贷款协议项下的借款 按年利率10%计算利息,并须缴纳相当于应付提款金额2.5%的设立费 在撤军时。任何未偿余额 |
贷款(包括应计利息)应立即到期并支付 由公司在史密斯贷款协议2025年6月30日到期之日与事件发生之日(以较早者为准) 违约(“到期日”)。公司可以随时偿还贷款,无需通知且无需罚款, 但公司在到期日前偿还的任何本金或利息将收取的提前付款费 任何此类付款价值的2.5%。史密斯贷款协议项下的未偿金额由公司所有的 根据公司与史密斯先生于2024年9月11日签订的一般安全协议,资产。 |
现金 流量考虑因素
的 该公司历来依赖债务和股权融资为其活动提供资金。受规定的限制 在交换协议和2024年4月购买协议中,公司可能会寻求额外的债务和/或股权融资 中期内;然而,无法保证公司将来能够获得任何所需的融资 以可接受的条件。
的 与拟议支出相比,公司的财务资源有限,没有营业收入来源,也没有保证 尽管该公司在当前或未来的项目中取得了成功,但仍将获得额外资金用于当前或未来的项目 过去通过出售股权证券为其活动提供资金。
的 公司未来安排额外融资的能力将部分取决于当前的资本市场状况, 及其在开发麋鹿溪项目方面的成功。普通股的任何报价市场可能会受到一般市场趋势的影响, 尽管公司在创造收入、现金流或盈利方面取得了任何潜在的成功,并且交易出现了任何低迷 普通股的价格可能会影响其以可接受的条款获得股权融资的能力。
从历史上看, 该公司已使用发行普通股的净收益提供足够的资金来满足其近期勘探 以及到期的开发计划和其他合同义务。然而,麋鹿溪项目的开发建设 将需要大量额外的资本资源。这包括近期资金以及最终对Elk Creek的资金 项目建设等费用。见“流动性和资本资源” 以上,为公司的 讨论与未来可能的融资有关的安排。
债务 盟约
的 2024年4月票据包含其类型工具常见的违约事件(有习惯的宽限期,如适用) 并规定,在发生因某些破产或无力偿债事件而引起的违约事件时, 对于NioCorp来说,所有未偿还的2024年4月票据将立即到期并支付,无需采取进一步行动或通知。如果有的 其他类型的违约事件发生并持续,则任何持有人都可以宣布其所有2024年4月票据到期, 立即付款。2024年4月的购买协议还包含某些承诺,其中包括限制NioCorp的 能够使用2024年4月购买协议的收益偿还关联方债务或签订任何可变利率 与Yorkville以外的交易,但有某些例外情况。截至2011年,该公司已遵守这些契诺 2024年6月30日。
我们 采矿和勘探活动须遵守各种联邦和州法律和法规,以保护 环境我们已经并预计未来也会支出以遵守此类法律和法规,但不能 预测未来此类支出的全部金额。截至2024年6月30日和2023年6月30日,我们分别应计48,000美元和48,000美元, 与估计的环境义务有关。
前瞻性 报表
的 上述讨论和分析以及本年度报告中其他地方包含的某些信息包含10-k表格 《证券法》第27 A条含义内的“前瞻性陈述” 和《交易法》第21 E条,并旨在由由此创建的安全港涵盖。查看讨论 在第1项的“前瞻性陈述”中,“生意。”
会计 事态发展
为 关于最近采用的会计公告和最近发布的会计公告的讨论,请参阅注释3 本年度报告中包含的合并财务报表为10-k表格。
关键 会计估计和最近的会计公告
我们 本年度合并财务报表注释3中描述了重要会计政策 表格10-k报告。如注3所述,我们需要做出影响报告金额的估计和假设 以及资产、负债、收入和费用的相关披露。我们的估计基于我们的经验和解释 影响我们业务前景的经济、政治、监管和其他因素。我们估计的许多输入 过程是主观的,并且随着时间的推移而受到不确定性的影响,因此实际结果可能与我们的结果存在显着差异 估算注3还披露了适用于公司的近期会计公告。
We believe that our most critical accounting estimates are related to the carrying value of our long term assets; accounting for income taxes and the valuation of deferred tax assets; and the valuation of liabilities associated with warrants, convertible debt carried at fair value, and Earnout Shares, as they require us to make assumptions that are highly uncertain at the time the accounting estimates are made and changes in them are reasonably likely to occur from period to period. Management has discussed the development and selection of these critical accounting estimates with the Audit Committee of our Board (the “Audit Committee”), and the Audit Committee has reviewed the disclosures presented below. In addition, there are other items within our financial statements that require estimation, but are not deemed to be critical. However, changes in estimates used in these and other items could have a material impact on our consolidated financial statements.
Carrying Value of Long-Lived Assets
这个 矿产资产账面价值的可恢复性取决于发现或开发的经济储量。 关于财产、许可、融资、启动和商业生产,或出售/租赁或其他战略交易 与这些属性相关。项目的开发和/或启动将取决于管理层的能力等 为这些目的筹集足够的资本。无论何时,我们都会评估矿产资产的减值账面成本 信息或情况表明存在潜在的损害。关键输入包括事件和环境,例如我们无法 为了获得所有必要的许可,我们矿产法律地位的变化,政府的行动,结果 勘探活动和技术评估以及经济条件的变化,包括商品或投入的价格 价格。这些投入中的许多都是主观的,随着时间的推移会受到不确定性的影响。这样的评估比较了估计的未来 净现金流与我们的持有成本和未来债务在未贴现的基础上。如果确定估计的 未来未贴现的现金流量低于物业的账面价值时,将记录、计量减值损失 资产的账面价值超过资产公允价值的金额。其中对未来净现金的估计 资金流是不可确定的,如果其他情况表明可能出现减值,管理层将使用可用的市场 信息和/或第三方估值专家评估账面价值是否可以收回并估计公允价值。
我们 当发生事件或情况变化时,审查和评估我们的长期资产(矿产资产除外)是否存在减损 表明相关的公允价值可能无法收回。根据估计的金额计量和记录损失 正在进行减损测试的长期资产的公允价值及其公允价值。
收入 税
我们 在美国和加拿大拥有资产、持有权益并开展活动,并受其税收制度约束。税法 复杂并不断发展。虽然我们有亏损的历史,但我们在纳税申报表中做出的假设会受到审查, 税务当局的解释,并且可以修改。管理层判断 在确定所得税拨备、递延税资产和负债以及任何估值津贴时需要 计入我们的递延所得税资产。我们考虑近年来的累计收入或亏损等因素;逆转 递延所得税负债;预计未来应税收入(不包括暂时差异);
所得税的性质 资产,包括所得税头寸;税务规划策略和我们预计递延所得税资产的期限 在确定估值备抵时收回。如果实际结果与这些估计不同,或 我们未来调整估计,可能需要调整估值津贴,这可能会对我们的财务产生重大影响 操作的位置和结果。
金融 以公允价值计价的工具
的 我们的盈利股份、私人认购证、或有同意认购证和按公允价值列账的可转换债务的公允价值为 使用各种重要的不可观察输入数据确定,包括贴现率和我们对预期波动率的最佳估计 以及预期持有期限。这些负债的估计公允价值的变化可能会对我们的业绩产生重大影响 任何特定时期的运营,因为这些负债的任何增加都会对我们的美国公认会计原则产生相应的负面影响 运营结果。请参阅本年度报告中包含的合并财务报表附注9、10和11 c 10-k了解更多详细信息。
的 公司有一类股票,即普通股。已发行股份、股票期权、认购权和可转换股票的摘要 截至2024年9月20日的债务期权在完全稀释的基础上列出如下。
共同 流通股 (完全 稀释) | |
共同 股份 | 38,660,244 |
既得 股份(1) | 4,282,116 |
股票 选项(2) | 2,455,500 |
认股权证(3) | 20,932,985 |
可换股 债务(4) | 1,920,173 |
(1) | 每个 可随时交换为一股普通股,直至第十股 截止日期周年纪念日。 |
(2) | 每个 可行使为一份普通股。 |
(3) | 包括15,666,626份NioCorp假设令,每份可行使至 1.11829212普通股和38,660,244份每份可行使为一股普通股的认购权。 |
(4) | 代表2024年4月票据转换时可发行的普通股 截至2024年9月20日,按固定金额计算,未偿本金和应计利息余额总额为530万美元 转换价为每股2.75美元。 |
项目7A。 | 关于市场风险的定量和定性披露 |
兴趣 利率风险
的 公司面临的市场利率变化风险主要与公司的赚取利息收入有关 现金存款和短期投资。公司保持现金资产流动性与利息的平衡 利率回报率。扣除任何损失拨备后,金融资产的公允价值代表公司的 最大的信用风险敞口。
外国 货币汇兑风险
的 公司以美元和加元进行支出。加元支出主要与工程相关 和冶金费用,以及某些专业服务。因此,货币汇率波动可能会影响 我们的运营活动成本。为了降低这一风险,我们保持足够的加元现金余额,以资助预期 近期支出。
商品 价格风险
的 公司面临与Elk Creek项目相关要素相关的商品价格风险。显著降低 全球对这些元素的需求可能会对我们的业务产生重大不利影响。
麋鹿溪项目尚未投入生产, 且该公司目前不持有任何商品衍生品头寸。
第8项。 | 金融 声明和补充数据 |
To the shareholders and the Board of Directors of NioCorp Developments Ltd.
Opinion on the Financial Statements
We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheet of NioCorp Developments Ltd. and subsidiaries (the "Company") as of June 30, 2024, the related consolidated statements of operations and comprehensive loss, cash flows, and shareholders' equity (deficit) and redeemable noncontrolling interest, for the year ended June 30, 2024, and the related notes (collectively referred to as the "financial statements"). In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Company as of June 30, 2024, and the results of its operations and its cash flows for the year ended June 30, 2024, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.
Going Concern
The accompanying financial statements have been prepared assuming that the Company will continue as a going concern. As discussed in Note 4 to the financial statements, the Company has a working capital deficit, an accumulated deficit, and does not generate any revenue. Further, the Company does not have sufficient cash on hand to fund normal operations or the repayment of the April 2024 Notes for the next twelve months These conditions raise substantial doubt about its ability to continue as a going concern. Management's plans in regard to these matters are also described in Note 4. The consolidated financial statements do not include any adjustments that might result from the outcome of this uncertainty.
Basis for Opinion
These financial statements are the responsibility of the Company's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Company's financial statements based on our audit. We are a public accounting firm registered with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) (PCAOB) and are required to be independent with respect to the Company in accordance with the U.S. federal securities laws and the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the PCAOB.
我们根据 符合PCAOb的标准。这些标准要求我们计划和执行审计,以获得合理的保证 财务报表是否不存在由于错误或欺诈而造成的重大错误陈述。本公司毋须 对其财务报告的内部控制进行审计,我们也没有参与审计。作为审计的一部分,我们 需要了解财务报告的内部控制,但不是为了表达意见 关于公司财务报告内部控制的有效性。因此,我们不发表此类意见。
我们的审计包括执行 评估财务报表重大错误陈述风险(无论是由于错误还是欺诈)的程序,并执行 应对这些风险的程序。此类程序包括在测试的基础上检查有关金额的证据, 财务报表中的披露。我们的审计还包括评估所使用的会计原则和重大估计 由管理层制定,并评估财务报表的整体列报方式。我们相信我们的审计提供了 我们意见的合理基础。
传达了关键审计事项 以下是对已传达或需要传达的财务报表本期审计产生的事项 提交给审计委员会,并且(1)与对财务报表重要的账目或披露有关;(2)涉及 我们特别具有挑战性、主观或复杂的判断。关键审计事项的沟通不会改变 我们对整个财务报表的意见,而我们并不是通过以下沟通关键审计事项, 就关键审计事项或与之相关的账目或披露提供单独的意见。
2024年4月票据和凭证 - 参见财务报表附注3、9和16
2024年4月12日,公司 完成了与Yorkville和Lind Global的可转换期票的私募,本金额为8,000,000美元 (“2024年4月注释”)。作为交易的一部分,该公司还向票据持有人发行了认购证, 持有人有权以每股3.25美元的价格购买最多615,385股NioCorp股票普通股。该批债券将 将于2024年12月31日到期,该等认购证将于2027年4月12日到期。
本公司的帐目 流动负债中可转换债务内的可转换本票,并已选择按公允价值在#年对票据进行估值 根据会计准则编撰(ASC)815,衍生工具和套期保值。该公司使用模拟模型 估计可转换本票和嵌入特征的公允价值。影响的估计和假设 可转换本票的公允价值包括普通股相关股份的每股公允价值、 该工具的期限、标的普通股和公共认股权证价格的预期波动率、无风险 利率和隐含贴现率。公司根据波动率假设对票据进行加权估值。 本公司普通股波动率的平均值及其公共认股权证的隐含波动率在时间框架内一致 与票据的预期期限。截至2024年6月30日,可转换本票的公允价值为7,089,000美元。
该公司负责 根据ASC主题815的相关授权, 衍生工具和套期保值,并确定截至2024年4月12日, 该令状应归类为令状责任。认购证负债于成立时按公允价值确认 日期并在每个报告期重新计量,价值变化确认为非营业损益。公司 使用Black-Scholes期权定价模型来确定认购证的公允价值。影响 认购证的公允价值包括普通股标的股票的每股公允价值、工具的期限, 普通股的历史波动性和无风险利率。截至2024年6月30日,该凭证的公允价值 负债为298,000美元。
给定 管理层在确定交易会计处理和相关公允价值时做出的重大假设 可转换期票和凭证的价值,执行审计程序以评估管理层的合理性 确定工具公允价值的结论和假设需要高度的审计师判断, 加大力度,包括需要让我们的公允价值专家和具有会计专业知识的专业人士参与进来 用于复杂的金融工具。
关键审计如何重要 已在审计中解决
我们的审计程序相关 2024年4月票据和令状包括以下内容(其中包括):
● | 我们 通过以下程序评估管理层的会计地位: |
0 | 获得 并评估了公司有关应用的会计备忘录 私募股权认购证和嵌入式衍生品特征的相关会计指南。 |
0 | 获得, 阅读并比较相关合同的基本条款和条件与 公司的会计备忘录和评估管理层的身份 重要的条款和条件的完整性和准确性。 |
0 | 评价 公司关于适用于私人的会计处理的结论 在具有会计专业知识的专业人士的协助下进行安置交易 用于复杂的金融工具。 |
● | 测试 发行时和2024年6月30日的认购证公允价值,包括模型和 相关假设。 |
● | 独立 计算了发行损失和发行至6月30日期间公允价值变化, 2024年可转换期票和认购证。 |
● | 证实 截至6月30日的可转换期票的未偿本金余额, 2024年与票据持有人一起度过。 |
● | 与 在公允价值专家的帮助下,我们: |
0 | 评价 可转换期票使用的估值方法的合理性 notes. |
0 | 评估 用于可转换期票的估值模型的数学准确性。 |
0 | 评价 假设包括无风险利率、贴现率和波动性假设, 包括基础的源信息和计算的数学准确性, 基于我们与无风险利率进行比较的一系列独立估计,折扣 管理层选择的利率和波动性假设来评估可转换期票 notes. |
0 | 相比 管理层独立选择的可转换期票的公允价值 发行时和2024年6月30日的计算价值。 |
0 | 评价 波动率假设和Black-Sholes期权使用的适当性 定价模型来评估认购证责任。 |
● | 评价 与4月份私募相关披露的完整性和准确性 交易日 |
我们一直担任公司的 自2024财年以来是审计师。
报告 独立注册会计师事务所
股东 和董事会
NioCorp 发展有限公司
百年纪念, 科罗拉多
意见 浅谈合并财务报表
我们 已审计NioCorp Developments Ltd.(“公司”)截至6月的合并资产负债表 2023年30日,相关合并经营报表及全面亏损、股东亏损及可赎回 非控制性权益和截至该日止年度的现金流量以及相关票据(统称为“合并 财务报表”)。我们认为,合并财务报表在所有重大方面公平地反映了 公司2023年6月30日的财务状况以及当年的经营结果和现金流量 结束,符合美利坚合众国普遍接受的会计原则。
Going Concern Uncertainty
The accompanying consolidated financial statements have been prepared assuming that the Company will continue as a going concern. As discussed in Note 4 to the consolidated financial statements, the Company has an accumulated deficit and suffered recurring losses without any current revenue generating operations. These conditions raise substantial doubt about the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern. Management’s plans in regard to these matters are also described in Note 4. The consolidated financial statements do not include any adjustments that might result from the outcome of this uncertainty.
基础 意见的
这些 合并财务报表是公司管理层的责任。我们的责任是表达 根据我们的审计对公司合并财务报表提出意见。我们是一家注册的公共会计师事务所 上市公司会计监督委员会(美国)(“PCAOB”),并被要求独立于 根据美国联邦证券法和证券的适用规则和法规对公司进行管理 以及交易委员会和PCAOb。
我们 根据PCAOb的标准进行了审计。这些标准要求我们计划和执行审计 为合理保证合并财务报表是否不存在重大错误陈述,是否 由于错误或欺诈。公司无需对其内部控制进行审计,我们也没有参与审计 财务报告。作为审计的一部分,我们需要了解财务报告的内部控制 但并非为了对公司财务报告内部控制的有效性发表意见。 因此,我们不发表此类意见。
我们 审计包括执行程序以评估合并财务报表重大错误陈述的风险,是否 由于错误或欺诈,并执行应对这些风险的程序。此类程序包括在测试的基础上检查, 有关综合财务报表中金额和披露的证据。我们的审计还包括评估 管理层使用的会计原则和做出的重大估计,以及评估 合并财务报表。我们相信我们的审计为我们的意见提供了合理的基础。
/s/ BDO美国,PC
我们 2015年至2023年担任公司审计师。
斯波坎, 华盛顿
十月 2023年6月
NioCorp 发展有限公司
综合 资产负债表
(表示 数千美元,共享数据除外)
截至6月30日, | ||||||||
2024 | 2023 | |||||||
资产 | ||||||||
当前 | ||||||||
现金及现金等价物 | $ | $ | ||||||
预付费用和其他 | ||||||||
流动资产总额 | ||||||||
非当前 | ||||||||
存款 | ||||||||
股权证券投资 | ||||||||
使用权资产 | ||||||||
土地和建筑物,净 | ||||||||
矿物性 | ||||||||
总资产 | $ | $ | ||||||
负债 | ||||||||
当前 | ||||||||
应付账款和应计负债 | $ | $ | ||||||
认股权证负债,按公允价值计算 | ||||||||
可转债 | ||||||||
经营租赁负债 | ||||||||
流动负债总额 | ||||||||
非当前 | ||||||||
可转债 | ||||||||
认股权证负债,按公允价值计算 | ||||||||
盈利负债,按公允价值计算 | ||||||||
经营租赁负债 | ||||||||
总负债 | ||||||||
承付款和或有事项 | ||||||||
可赎回的非控股权益 | ||||||||
股东权益(亏损) | ||||||||
普通股, | 面值, 授权股份; 和 已发行股份分别||||||||
累计赤字 | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||
累计其他综合损失 | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||
股东权益合计(亏损) | ( | ) | ||||||
负债总额、可赎回非控制性权益和股东权益(赤字) | $ | $ |
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements
NioCorp Developments Ltd.
Consolidated Statements of Operations and Comprehensive Loss
(expressed in thousands of U.S. dollars, except share and per share data)
For the year ended June 30, | ||||||||
2024 | 2023 | |||||||
Operating expenses | ||||||||
Employee related costs | $ | $ | ||||||
Professional fees | ||||||||
Exploration expenditures | ||||||||
Other operating expenses | ||||||||
Total operating expenses | ||||||||
Change in fair value of earnout shares liability | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||
Change in fair value of warrant liabilities | ( | ) | ||||||
Change in fair value of convertible notes | ||||||||
Loss on debt extinguishment | ||||||||
Interest expense | ||||||||
Foreign exchange loss (gain) | ( | ) | ||||||
Other gains | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||
Loss on equity securities | ||||||||
Loss before income taxes | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||
Income tax benefit | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||
Net loss | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||
Net loss attributable to redeemable noncontrolling interest | ||||||||
Net loss attributable to the Company | $ | ( | ) | $ | ( | ) | ||
Other comprehensive loss: | ||||||||
Net loss | $ | ( | ) | $ | ( | ) | ||
Other comprehensive gain: | ||||||||
Reporting currency translation | ( | ) | ||||||
Total comprehensive loss | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||
Comprehensive loss attributable to redeemable noncontrolling interest | ||||||||
Comprehensive loss attributable to the Company | $ | ( | ) | $ | ( | ) | ||
Loss per common share, basic and diluted | $ | ( | ) | $ | ( | ) | ||
Weighted average common shares outstanding |
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements
NioCorp Developments Ltd.
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
(expressed in thousands of U.S. dollars)
这一年的 截至6月30日, | ||||||||
2024 | 2023 | |||||||
经营活动的现金流 | ||||||||
当期净亏损 | $ | ( | ) | $ | ( | ) | ||
对以下各项进行调整: | ||||||||
盈利股份负债的初始估值 | ||||||||
盈利股份负债估值变化 | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||
认购证负债的初始估值 | ||||||||
认购证负债估值变化 | ( | ) | ||||||
可转换票据公允价值变动 | ||||||||
可转换债务的累积 | ||||||||
基于股份的薪酬 | ||||||||
债务清偿损失 | ||||||||
约克维尔股票发行 | ||||||||
汇兑损失 | ||||||||
折旧 | ||||||||
股权证券未实现亏损 | ||||||||
非现金租赁活动 | ( | ) | ||||||
其他收益 | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||
( | ) | ( | ) | |||||
流动资金项目变化: | ||||||||
预付费用 | ( | ) | ||||||
应付账款和应计负债 | ( | ) | ||||||
用于经营活动的现金净额 | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||
投资活动产生的现金流 | ||||||||
出售资产所得收益 | ||||||||
投资活动提供的现金净额 | ||||||||
融资活动产生的现金流 | ||||||||
债务发行,扣除成本 | ||||||||
发行股本收益 | ||||||||
关联方债务提取 | ||||||||
关联方债务偿还 | ( | ) | ||||||
偿还债务 | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||
股票发行成本 | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||
融资活动提供的现金净额 | ||||||||
汇率对现金及现金等价物的影响 | ( | ) | ||||||
期内现金及现金等值物变化 | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||
期初现金及现金等价物 | ||||||||
期末现金和现金等价物 | $ | $ | ||||||
补充现金流信息: | ||||||||
支付的利息金额 | $ | $ | ||||||
非现金投资和融资交易: | ||||||||
债务转换为普通股 | $ | $ | ||||||
经营租赁负债的确认 | ||||||||
已发行的认购证价值 |
的 随附附注是该等综合财务报表的组成部分
NioCorp Developments Ltd.
股东权益(亏损)和可赎回非控制性合并报表 兴趣
(expressed in thousands of U.S. dollars, except share data)
未偿还普通股 | 普通股 | 累计赤字 | 累计其他综合损失 | 总 | 可赎回的非控股权益 | |||||||||||||||||||
平衡,2022年6月30日 | $ | $ | ( | ) | $ | ( | ) | $ | $ | |||||||||||||||
期权的行使 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
授出的认购证的公允价值 | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||
GXII交易中发行的普通股 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
已发行的承诺股份 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
注册直接发售-2023年5月 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
约克维尔股权安排下发行的股份 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
债务转换 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
股票发行成本 | - | ( | ) | ( | ) | |||||||||||||||||||
可赎回的非控股权益 | - | ( | ) | ( | ) | |||||||||||||||||||
基于股份的薪酬 | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||
报告货币列报 | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||
本年度亏损 | - | ( | ) | ( | ) | ( | ) | |||||||||||||||||
平衡,2023年6月30日 | $ | $ | ( | ) | $ | ( | ) | $ | ( | ) | $ | |||||||||||||
期权的行使 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
私募 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
约克维尔股权融资机制吸引 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
债务转换 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
股票发行成本 | - | ( | ) | ( | ) | |||||||||||||||||||
期权负债估值 | - | ( | ) | ( | ) | |||||||||||||||||||
交换b类股票 | ( | ) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
基于股份的薪酬 | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||
本年度亏损 | - | ( | ) | ( | ) | ( | ) | |||||||||||||||||
余额,2024年6月30日 | $ | $ | ( | ) | $ | ( | ) | $ | $ |
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements
NioCorp Developments Ltd.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
June 30, 2024
(expressed in thousands of U.S. dollars, except share and per share data)
NioCorp Developments Ltd. (the “Company” or “NioCorp”) was incorporated on February 27, 1987, under the laws of the Province of British Columbia and currently operates in reportable operating segment consisting of exploration and development of mineral deposits in North America, specifically, the Elk Creek Niobium/Scandium/Titanium property (the “Elk Creek Project”) located in southeastern Nebraska.
As further discussed in Notes 5, 9, 10, and 11, on March 17, 2023 (the “Closing Date”), the Company closed the GXII Transaction (as defined below) with GX Acquisition Corp. II (“GXII”), pursuant to the Business Combination Agreement, dated September 25, 2022 (the “Business Combination Agreement”), among the Company, GXII and Big Red Merger Sub Ltd (the “Closing”). At the Closing, the Company also closed convertible debt financings (the “Yorkville Convertible Debt Financing”) with YA II PN, Ltd., an investment fund managed by Yorkville Advisors Global, LP (together with YA II PN, Ltd., “Yorkville”), and the standby equity purchase facility with Yorkville (the “Yorkville Equity Facility Financing” and, together with the Yorkville Convertible Debt Financing, the “Yorkville Financings”) became effective. The transactions contemplated by the Business Combination Agreement, including the GXII Transaction, the Yorkville Financings and the Reverse Stock Split (as defined below), are referred to, collectively, as the “2023 Transactions.”
The GXII Transaction was accounted for as an equity raise transaction in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles of the United States of America (“U.S. GAAP”). Under this method of accounting, GXII is treated as the “acquired” company for financial reporting purposes. Accordingly, the GXII Transaction is treated as the equivalent of NioCorp issuing common shares, no par value, of the Company (“Common Shares”) for the assets and liabilities of GXII. The net assets of GXII are stated at historical cost, with no goodwill or other intangible assets recorded.
The Company currently earns no operating revenues and will require additional capital in order to advance the Elk Creek Project to construction and commercial operation. As further discussed in Note 4, these matters raise substantial doubt about the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern, and the Company is dependent upon the generation of profits from mineral properties, obtaining additional financing and maintaining continued support from its shareholders and creditors.
a) | Basis of Preparation and Consolidation |
These consolidated financial statements have been prepared in conformity with U.S. GAAP and the rules and regulations of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. The consolidated financial statements include the consolidated accounts of the Company and its wholly owned subsidiaries with all significant intercompany transactions eliminated. Certain transactions include reference to Canadian dollars (“C$”) where applicable.
These consolidated financial statements include the accounts of the Company and the subsidiaries listed in the following table. All intercompany transactions and balances have been eliminated.
Subsidiary | Jurisdiction of incorporation | Ownership at June 30, | ||||
2024 | 2023 | |||||
0896800 BC Ltd. (“0896800”) | ||||||
Elk Creek Resources Corp. | N/A | |||||
Elk Creek Resources Corp. (“ECRC”) | ||||||
NioCorp Technologies Limited | NA |
(1) |
NioCorp Developments Ltd.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
June 30, 2024
(expressed in thousands of U.S. dollars, except share and per share data)
b) | Use of Estimates |
The preparation of consolidated financial statements in conformity with U.S. GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and the disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the consolidated financial statements, and the reported amounts of expenses during the reporting period. The Company regularly evaluates estimates and assumptions related to the valuation of mineral properties, deferred income tax asset valuations, convertible debt valuations, earnout valuation, derivative liabilities, warrant liabilities, and share-based compensation. The Company bases its estimates and assumptions on current facts, historical experience, and various other factors that it believes to be reasonable under the circumstances, the results of which form the basis for making judgments about the other sources. The actual results experienced by the Company may differ materially and adversely from the Company’s estimates. To the extent there are material differences between estimates and the actual results, future results of operations will be affected.
a) | Development Stage Issuer |
The Company is considered to be a development stage issuer under Subpart 1300 of Regulation S-K of the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (“S-K 1300”), and it devotes substantially all of its efforts to acquiring and exploring mining interests that management believes should eventually provide sufficient net profits to sustain the Company’s existence. Until such interests are engaged in commercial production, the Company will continue to seek additional funding to support the completion of its exploration and development activities. The Company’s activities are subject to significant risks and uncertainties, including its ability to secure sufficient funding to continue operations, to obtain proven and probable reserves, to comply with industry regulations and obtain permits necessary for development of the Elk Creek Project, as well as environmental risks and market conditions.
b) | Cash and Cash Equivalents |
Cash and cash equivalents include cash on hand, cash in banks, investments in certificates of deposit with original maturities of 90 days or less, and money market funds. The Company maintains the majority of its cash balances with two financial institutions. Accounts at banks in the United States (“U.S.”) are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (“FDIC”) up to $250, while accounts at banks in Canada are insured by the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation (“CDIC”) up to C$100. At June 30, 2024, the Company had $1,406 and $0 in excess of the FDIC and CDIC insured limits, respectively.
c) | Foreign Currency Translation |
Functional and reporting currency
Items included in the financial statements of each of the Company’s entities are measured using the currency of the primary economic environment in which the entity operates (“the functional currency”).
的 这些合并财务报表的报告货币为美元。
变化 本币
之前 截至2023年3月17日,公司的功能货币为加元。公司重新评估其功能货币 并确定2023年3月17日其功能货币由加元变更为美元,基于重大影响 我们组织中经济事实和环境的变化。功能货币变化采用前瞻性核算 自2023年3月17日起和前期合并财务报表未因功能货币变化重列。
为 货币性和非货币性资产和负债,截至2023年3月17日的转化余额成为新的会计基础。 变动日的汇率成为非货币资产和负债换算的历史汇率 在随后的时期。对综合基准上的累计换算调整没有影响。先前记录 累积翻译调整未逆转。
NioCorp Developments Ltd.
(以千美元表示, 份额和每股数据除外)
的 公司加拿大子公司0896800 BC Ltd.的功能货币,该公司没有独立运营 母公司,也从加元换成了美元。Elk Creek Resources Corp.的功能货币保留 作为美元。
交易 外币
交易 以功能货币以外的货币制造的按日期的汇率重新计算为功能货币 的交易。报告日以外币计价的货币资产和负债重新计量为 功能货币按当日汇率计算,非货币资产和负债按历史重新计量 rates.外币兑换损益计入损益。
翻译 到报告货币
翻译 2023年3月17日之前所有期间使用美元作为报告货币的损益(当 加元为功能货币)作为累积货币兑换调整的一部分,即 在累计其他全面损失项下报告为股东权益的组成部分。
d) | 矿物 性能 |
矿物 物业购置成本,包括间接相关购置成本,在发生时予以资本化。采购成本包括 现金对价和作为对价发行的普通股的公允市值。根据期权协议获得的财产, 因此,付款由本公司全权酌情决定,按下列价格资本化为矿业权收购成本 付款的时间。勘探成本在发生时计入费用。当确定一个采矿矿床可以 根据S-k1300已探明的和可能的储量以及公司的 董事会(以下简称“董事会”)已批准正式开始开发活动,开发费用 与该等准备金有关及于该等董事会批准后产生的准备金将被考虑资本化。成立久经考验的 而可能的储量是基于可行性研究的结果,这些结果表明一处房产在经济上是否可行。 一旦开始商业生产,资本化成本将在其估计使用寿命或单位内摊销。 产量,以较可靠的量度为准。与遗弃或以其他方式考虑的财产有关的资本化金额 在可预见的未来是不经济的。
这个 矿产资产账面价值的可恢复性取决于发现或开发的经济储量。 关于财产、许可、融资、启动和商业生产,或出售/租赁或其他战略交易 与这些属性相关。项目的开发和/或启动将取决于管理层的能力等 为这些目的筹集足够的资本。无论何时,我们都会评估矿产资产的减值账面成本 信息或情况表明存在潜在的损害。这将包括事件和情况,如我们无法 为了获得所有必要的许可,我们矿产法律地位的变化,政府的行动,结果 勘探活动和技术评估以及经济条件的变化,包括商品或投入的价格 价格。这种评估将估计的未来净现金流与我们的持有成本和未来未贴现债务进行比较 基础。如果确定估计的未来未贴现现金流小于物业的账面价值, 减值损失将被记录下来。对未来净现金流的估计不能确定,以及其他条件 指出减值的可能性,管理层使用可用的市场信息和/或第三方估值专家进行评估 是否能够收回账面价值,并估计公允价值。截至以下日期为止,并无对矿物性质的减值记录 2024年6月30日或2023年6月30日。
e) | 长 年期的资产 |
长寿 每当发生事件或变化时,公司持有和使用的资产(矿产财产除外)都会进行是否有损失的审查 情况表明资产的公允价值可能无法收回。为了评估可恢复性 对于长期资产,可回收性测试使用与长期资产相关的未贴现净现金流量进行。 如果该等资产被认为已出现损害,则确认的损害按其账面值的金额计量 资产超出公允价值
NioCorp Developments Ltd.
(以千美元表示, 份额和每股数据除外)
资产的价值。待处置的资产按其公允价值中的较低者报告 或公允价值减去销售成本。截至2024年6月30日或2023年6月30日,长期资产均未记录任何减损。
f) | 租契 |
下 会计准则法典(“ASC”)842, 租契,我们确定合同安排是否是或包含 开始日期的租赁。与经营租赁相关的使用权(“ROU”)资产和负债分别 在合并资产负债表中报告。公司目前没有融资租赁。
柔 资产和租赁负债在租赁开始日根据未来租赁付款额的现值确认 在租期内。当租赁隐含的利率无法轻易确定时,我们利用增量借款利率 在确定未来租赁付款的现值时。增量借款利率根据现有信息得出 在租赁开始日期,并代表承租人借入相当于 在类似的经济环境中以类似期限进行抵押的租赁付款。经营租赁ROU资产 当租赁付款在整个租赁期内不均匀时,还包括任何累积预付或应计租金。ROU资产 租赁负债可能包括在合理确定我们将行使时延长或终止租赁的选择权 这个选择。
Lease liabilities are increased by interest and reduced by payments each period, and the ROU asset is amortized over the lease term. For operating leases, interest on the lease liability and the amortization of the ROU asset result in straight-line rent expense over the lease term. Variable lease expenses are recorded when incurred.
g) | Convertible Debt Carried at Fair Value |
With regard to the Company’s debt related to the convertible promissory notes issued in April 2024 (as further discussed in Note 9), the Company has elected to account for these notes at fair value per the provisions of ASC Topic 815, Derivatives and Hedging (“ASC 815”). Under ASC 815-15-25, an election can be taken at the inception of a financial instrument to account for the instrument at fair value. The notes were recorded at fair value at inception and assessed quarterly thereafter using a Monte Carlo simulation methodology which incorporates multiple conversion scenarios. All changes in fair value subsequent to the initial recording, excluding the impact of the change in fair value related to the Company’s own credit risk, are recorded as a component of non-operating income/expense, within Change in fair value of convertible debt in the consolidated statements of operations. Changes in fair value related to the Company’s own credit risk, if any, are recorded through other comprehensive loss.
h) | Warrants |
We apply relevant accounting guidance for warrants to purchase our stock based on the nature of the relationship with the counterparty. For warrants issued to investors or lenders in exchange for cash or other financial assets, we follow guidance issued within ASC 480, Distinguishing Liabilities from Equity, and ASC 815, to assist in the determination of whether the warrants should be classified as liabilities or equity. The fair value of warrants is estimated using Black Scholes modeling or Monte Carlo modeling, depending on the settlement features embedded in the warrant. Inputs under both models include inputs such as NioCorp’s Common Share price, the risk-free interest rate, the expected term, the volatility, and the dividend rate. Warrants that are determined to require liability classifications are measured at fair value upon issuance and are subsequently remeasured to their then fair value at each subsequent reporting period with changes in fair value recorded in current earnings. Warrants that are determined to require equity classifications measured at fair value upon issuance and are not subsequently remeasured unless they are required to be reclassified.
i) | Earnout Shares |
Earnout Shares are classified as a liability due to failure to meet the equity classification criteria under ASC 815-40. The Earnout Shares are measured at fair value upon issuance and subsequently remeasured at each reporting period using a Monte Carlo simulation methodology, which includes inputs such as NioCorp’s Common Share price, the risk-free interest rate, the expected term, the weighted average of historical Common Share volatility and implied volatility underlying the Company’s Public Warrants, the dividend rate, the conversion price, and the number of Earnout Shares outstanding. Assumptions used in the model are subjective and require significant judgment.
NioCorp Developments Ltd.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
June 30, 2024
(expressed in thousands of U.S. dollars, except share and per share data)
j) | Financial Instruments |
The Company’s financial instruments consist of cash and cash equivalents, receivables, equity securities, accounts payable and accrued liabilities, notes payable, convertible debt, and the related party loan. It is management’s opinion that the Company is not exposed to significant interest, currency or credit risks arising from its financial instruments. The fair values of these instruments approximate their carrying value unless otherwise noted.
k) | Concentration of Credit Risk |
The financial instrument which potentially subjects the Company to credit risk is cash and cash equivalents, The Company holds investments or maintains available cash primarily in two commercial banks located in Vancouver, British Columbia and Santa Clara, California. As part of its cash management process, the Company regularly monitors the relative credit standing of these institutions.
l) | Asset Retirement Obligation |
Company is subject to various government laws and regulations relating to environmental disturbances caused by exploration and
evaluation activities. The estimated costs associated with environmental remediation obligations are accrued in the period in
which the liability is incurred if it is reasonably estimable or known. Until such time that a project life is established, the
Company records the corresponding cost as an exploration stage expense and has accrued $
Future reclamation and environmental-related expenditures are difficult to estimate in many circumstances due to the early-stage nature of the Elk Creek Project, the uncertainties associated with defining the nature and extent of environmental disturbance, the application of laws and regulations by regulatory authorities and changes in reclamation or remediation technology. The Company periodically reviews accrued liabilities for such reclamation and remediation costs as evidence indicating that the liabilities have potentially changed becomes available. Changes in estimates are reflected in the consolidated statement of operations and comprehensive loss in the period an estimate is revised.
m) | Income Taxes |
Income taxes are provided based upon the liability method of accounting pursuant to ASC 740-10-25, “Income Taxes – Recognition.” Under the approach, deferred income taxes are recorded to reflect the tax consequences in future years of differences between the tax basis of assets and liabilities and their financial reporting amounts at each year-end. A valuation allowance is recorded against deferred tax assets if management does not believe the Company has met the “more likely than not” standard imposed by ASC 740-10-25-5 to allow recognition of such an asset. ASC 740-10-50, “Income Taxes – Disclosure,” requires the Company to evaluate its income tax positions and recognize a liability for uncertain tax positions that are not more likely than not to be sustained by tax authorities. As of June 30, 2024 and 2023, the Company believes it had no income tax uncertainties that required recognition of a liability. If the Company were to determine that uncertain tax positions meet the criteria for recognition, an estimated liability and related interest and penalties would be recognized as income tax expense.
n) | Reverse Stock Split |
On March 17, 2023, the Company effected a reverse stock split (the “Reverse Stock Split”) on the basis of one (1) post-Reverse Stock Split Common Share for every ten (10) pre-Reverse Stock Split Common Shares issued and outstanding, with any fractional shares resulting from the Reverse Stock Split rounded down to the nearest whole share. Immediately after the Reverse Stock Split, there were 30,000,442 Common Shares issued and outstanding. All references to share and per share amounts (excluding authorized shares) in the consolidated financial statements and accompanying notes have been retroactively restated to reflect the Reverse Stock Split.
o) | Redeemable Noncontrolling Interest |
Redeemable Noncontrolling Interest refers to non-controlling interest associated with the Vested Shares that are redeemable upon the occurrence of an event that is not solely within the Company’s control and is reported in the mezzanine section between total liabilities and shareholders’ deficit, as temporary equity in the Company’s consolidated balance sheets. The Company’s non-controlling interest is redeemable at fair value, and no adjustment to the earnings per share numerator is required because redemption at fair value is not considered an economic distribution different from other common stockholders.
NioCorp Developments Ltd.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
June 30, 2024
(expressed in thousands of U.S. dollars, except share and per share data)
p) | Basic and Diluted Per Share Disclosure |
Basic earnings (loss) per share represents net earnings (loss) attributable to common shareholders divided by the weighted average number of Common Shares outstanding during the period. The Company considers Vested Shares and Released Earnout Shares (each as defined in Note 10), to be participating securities, requiring the use of the two-class method. Diluted earnings (loss) per share represents net earnings (loss) attributable to common shareholders divided by the weighted average number of Common Shares outstanding, inclusive of the dilutive impact of all potentially dilutive securities outstanding during the period, as applicable.
For the year ended June 30, | ||||||||
2024 | 2023 | |||||||
Net loss | $ | ) | $ | ( | ) | |||
Adjust: Net loss attributable to noncontrolling interest | ||||||||
Net loss available to participating securities | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||
Net loss attributable to Vested Shares | ||||||||
Net loss attributed to common shareholders - basic and diluted | $ | ( | ) | $ | ( | ) | ||
Denominator: | ||||||||
Weighted average shares outstanding – basic and diluted | ||||||||
Loss per Common Share outstanding – basic and diluted | $ | ( | ) | $ | ( | ) |
The following shares underlying options, warrants, and outstanding convertible debt were antidilutive due to a net loss in the periods presented and, therefore, were excluded from the dilutive securities computation for the years ended June 30, 2024 and 2023, as indicated below.
For the year ended June 30, | ||||||||
2024 | 2023 | |||||||
Excluded potentially dilutive securities (1)(2): | ||||||||
Options | ||||||||
Warrants | ||||||||
Convertible debt | ||||||||
Total potentially dilutive securities |
(1) | ||
(2) |
q) | Share Based Compensation |
The Company grants stock options to directors, officers, employees, and business advisors. Option terms and vesting conditions are at the discretion of the Board. Prior to March 31, 2023, the option exercise price was equal to the closing market price on The Toronto Stock Exchange (the “TSX”) on the day preceding the date of grant. Effective March 21, 2023, the option exercise price is equal to the closing market price on the Nasdaq Stock Market LLC (“Nasdaq”) on the day preceding the date of the grant.
The Company estimates the fair value of stock options using the Black-Scholes option pricing model. The Company recognizes forfeitures as they occur.
NioCorp Developments Ltd.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
June 30, 2024
(expressed in thousands of U.S. dollars, except share and per share data)
r) | Recent Accounting Standards |
Issued and Not Effective
In November 2023, the FASB issued Accounting Standards Update (“ASU”) 2023-07, Segment Reporting (Topic 280): Improvements to Reportable Segment Disclosures, which is intended to improve reportable segment disclosure requirements, primarily through enhanced disclosures about significant expenses. The amendments will require public entities to disclose significant segment expenses that are regularly provided to the chief operating decision maker and included within segment profit and loss. The amendments are effective for the Company’s annual periods beginning July 1, 2024, and interim periods beginning July 1, 2025, with early adoption permitted, and will be applied retrospectively to all prior periods presented in the financial statements. The Company has evaluated the ASU and has determined that implementation will have limited impact on the Company’s disclosures.
In December 2023, the FASB issued ASU 2023-09, Income Taxes (Topic 740): Improvements to Income Tax Disclosures, which includes amendments that further enhance income tax disclosures, primarily through standardization and disaggregation of rate reconciliation categories and income taxes paid by jurisdiction. The amendments are effective for the Company’s annual periods beginning June 1, 2025, with early adoption permitted, and should be applied either prospectively or retrospectively. The Company is currently evaluating the ASU to determine its impact on the Company’s disclosures.
From time to time, new accounting pronouncements are issued by the FASB that are adopted by the Company as of the specified effective date. Unless otherwise discussed, management believes that the impact of recently issued standards did not or will not have a material impact on the Company’s consolidated financial statements upon adoption.
Company incurred a net loss of $ for the year ended June 30, 2024 (2023 - $) and had a working capital deficit of
NioCorp Developments Ltd.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
June 30, 2024
(expressed in thousands of U.S. dollars, except share and per share data)
response to these conditions and events, the Company plans to obtain additional financing. Subject to the conditions discussed
in Note 11d, NioCorp expects to have access to up to $
Pursuant to the Business Combination Agreement, the following transactions (collectively, the “GXII Transaction”) occurred on the Closing Date:
● | As a result of a series of transactions, GXII became an indirect, majority-owned subsidiary of NioCorp and changed its name to “Elk Creek Resources Corp” (“ECRC”). | |
● | As the parent company of the merged entity, NioCorp issued post-Reverse Stock Split Common Shares in exchange for all of the Class A shares of GXII issued and outstanding immediately prior to the Closing, including 83,770 Common Shares issued to BTIG, LLC in exchange for Class A shares of GXII that it received as partial payment for advisory services. | |
● | All of the Class B shares of GXII issued and outstanding immediately prior to the Closing (after giving effect to the surrender of certain Class B shares of GXII in accordance with the Sponsor Support Agreement, dated September 25, 2022 (the “Sponsor Support Agreement”), among GX Sponsor II LLC (the “Sponsor”), GXII, NioCorp and the other persons party thereto) were converted into shares of Class B common stock of GXII (now known as ECRC) as the surviving entity of the mergers that occurred on the Closing Date as part of the GXII Transaction. Pursuant to the Business Combination Agreement, the Sponsor Support Agreement and the Exchange Agreement, dated as of March 17, 2023 (as amended, supplemented or otherwise modified, the “Exchange Agreement”), by and among NioCorp, ECRC and the Sponsor, after the Closing, the shares of Class B common stock of ECRC are exchangeable into Common Shares on a one-for-one basis, subject to certain equitable adjustments, under certain conditions. See Note 10 for additional information regarding the Class B common stock of ECRC. | |
● | NioCorp assumed GXII’s obligations under the agreement (the “GXII Warrant Agreement”) governing the GXII share purchase warrants (the “GXII Warrants”) and issued an aggregate of warrants (the “NioCorp Assumed Warrants”) to purchase up to an aggregate of Common Shares. See Note 11c for additional information regarding the NioCorp Assumed Warrants. |
After the distribution of funds to GXII redeeming shareholders and prior to paying transaction costs incurred by GXII, $15,676 became available to the Company. The following table summarizes the elements of the GXII Transaction allocated to the Consolidated Statements of Operations and Comprehensive Loss for the year ended June 30, 2023:
Amount | ||||
Gross cash proceeds, net of transaction costs incurred by GXII | $ | |||
Less: | ||||
Cash costs associated with the 2023 Transactions: | ||||
Net liabilities assumed | ||||
Yorkville Equity Facility Financing Agreement – cash costs | ||||
Transaction costs expensed | ||||
Non-cash costs associated with the 2023 Transactions: | ||||
Private Warrants assumed at fair value | ||||
Earnout Shares assumed at fair value | ||||
Yorkville Equity Facility Financing Agreement – shares issued | ||||
Total transaction related losses incurred | $ |
NioCorp Developments Ltd.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
June 30, 2024
(expressed in thousands of U.S. dollars, except share and per share data)
The number of Common Shares issued and outstanding immediately following the consummation of the 2023 Transactions were as follows:
Common Shares | Percentage | |||||||
Legacy NioCorp Shareholders | % | |||||||
Former GXII Class A Shareholders(1) | % | |||||||
Other(2) | % | |||||||
Total Common Shares Outstanding Upon Completion of 2023 Transactions | % |
(1) | ||
(2) |
In connection with the GXII Transaction, the Company also closed the Yorkville Convertible Debt Financing and the Yorkville Equity Facility Financing, as discussed in Notes 9 and 11d.
As of June 30, | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
2024 | 2023 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Cost | Accumulated Depreciation | Net | Cost | Accumulated Depreciation | Net | |||||||||||||||||||
Land | $ | $ | $ | $ | $ | $ | ||||||||||||||||||
Buildings and other | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
$ | $ | $ | $ | $ | $ |
Mineral properties consist of original acquisition costs and purchased mineral rights related to the Elk Creek Project.
In addition to the land and mineral rights currently owned by the Company, the property interests of Elk Creek include eight prepaid mineral exploration option-to-purchase agreements and include a pre-determined buyout for permanent ownership of the mineral and/or surface rights. Terms of the agreements require no further significant payments, and the Company may negotiate lease extensions or elect to purchase the mineral and/or surface rights any time. Agreements that allow for the purchase of mineral rights contain provisions whereby the landowners would retain a 2% net smelter return.
As of June 30, | ||||||||
2024 | 2023 | |||||||
Accounts payable, trade | $ | $ | ||||||
Trade payable accruals | ||||||||
Income taxes payable | ||||||||
Environmental accruals | ||||||||
Loan origination fees payable to related party | ||||||||
Total accounts payable and accrued liabilities | $ | $ |
NioCorp Developments Ltd.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
June 30, 2024
(expressed in thousands of U.S. dollars, except share and per share data)
As of June 30, | ||||||||
2024 | 2023 | |||||||
Current Portion | ||||||||
Yorkville convertible debentures: | $ | $ | ||||||
April 2024 notes | ||||||||
Total Current Portion | $ | $ | ||||||
Noncurrent Portion – Yorkville convertible debenture | $ | $ |
Lind III Convertible Security
February 16, 2021, the Company issued to Lind Global Asset Management III, LLC (“Lind”), an entity managed by The
Lind Partners, the convertible security (the “Lind III Convertible Security”) pursuant to the Convertible Security
Funding Agreement, dated February 16, 2021, as amended by Amendment #1 to the Convertible Security Funding Agreement, dated December
2, 2021, between the Company and Lind (as amended, the “Lind III Agreement”). The Lind III Convertible Security had
a face value of $
The Lind III Convertible Security had a term of (i) months or (ii) 30 calendar days after the date on which the face value of the Lind III Convertible Security is nil due to such amount having been fully converted and/or fully repaid (including with any applicable premium) in accordance with the terms of the Lind III Agreement, whichever is earlier.
On February 19, 2021, in connection with the funding and issuance of the Lind III Convertible Security, the Company issued Common Share purchase warrants, exercisable at a price per Common Share of C$ , expiring February 19, 2025 (the “Lind III Warrants”), to Lind pursuant to the Lind III Agreement.
The Company identified embedded derivatives in the Lind III Convertible Security that were evaluated to be immaterial at both the closing date and at June 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively.
Company allocated the net proceeds of $
● | $1,712 was allocated to Common Stock, representing the fair value of the Lind III Warrants based on the Black Scholes pricing model using a risk-free interest rate of years. %, an expected dividend yield of %, a volatility of %, and an expected life of | |
● | $ |
NioCorp Developments Ltd.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
June 30, 2024
(expressed in thousands of U.S. dollars, except share and per share data)
Changes in the Lind III Convertible Security are as follows:
the year ending June 30, 2023 | ||||
Beginning balance | $ | |||
Fair value increase due to debt extinguishment | ||||
Conversions | ( |
) | ||
Accretion expense | ||||
Payment at maturity | ( |
) | ||
Balance, June 30, 2023 | $ |
On September 25, 2022, the Company and Lind entered into the Waiver and Consent Agreement, dated September 25, 2022, between the Company and Lind (the “Lind Consent”), which included the following principal terms: (i) the consent of Lind to the GXII Transaction disclosed in Note 5 and Yorkville Financings disclosed below and in Note 11d, including all actions taken by NioCorp as set out in the Business Combination Agreement to permit the completion of the 2023 Transactions; (ii) the consent of Lind to NioCorp’s expected cross-listing to the Nasdaq and the consolidation of the Common Shares in order to meet the minimum listing requirements thereof; (iii) the waiver of Lind of its participation right for up to 15% of the total offering in the Yorkville Equity Facility Financing; and (iv) the waiver of Lind of certain restrictive covenants in the Lind III Agreement.
As consideration for entering into the Lind Consent, Lind received, amongst other things: (i) the right to receive a payment of $500, which would have been reduced to $200 if the 2023 Transactions had not been consummated on or before April 30, 2023 (collectively, the “Consent Payment”); (ii) an extension of its existing participation rights under the Lind III Agreement in future financings of NioCorp for a further two-year period, subject to certain exceptions as well as an extension of such participation rights beyond the additional two-year period if Yorkville or any affiliate is a party to any such applicable transaction; and (iii) the right to receive additional Warrants (the “Contingent Consent Warrants”) if on the date that is 18 months following the Closing Date, the closing trading price of the Common Shares on the TSX or such other stock exchange on which such shares may then be listed, is less than C$10.00 (on a post-Reverse Stock Split basis), subject to adjustments. The number of Contingent Consent Warrants to be issued, if any, is based on the Canadian dollar equivalent (based on the then current Canadian to U.S. dollar exchange rate as reported by Bloomberg, LP) of $5,000 divided by the five-day volume weighted average price of the Common Shares on the date of issuance, unless otherwise agreed. Further, the number of Contingent Consent Warrants issued will be proportionately adjusted based on the percentage of Warrants currently held by Lind that are exercised, if any, prior to the issuance of any Contingent Consent Warrants. The Lind Consent was signed as an amendment to the existing Lind III Agreement.
Management determined that the Lind Consent should be evaluated using ASC 470, which requires an evaluation of the contract amendment under debt modification guidance. The Company performed a comparison of the discounted cash flows of the Lind III Convertible Security pursuant to the existing Lind III Agreement and pursuant to the Lind III Agreement as amended by the Lind Consent and determined that a debt extinguishment loss of $201 had occurred. Further, ASC 470 requires that the minimum estimated Consent Payment of $200 also be included in the calculation of the initial loss on debt extinguishment. The Company also evaluated the Contingent Consent Warrant feature included in the Lind Consent and determined that the Contingent Consent Warrants meet the criteria to be considered separate, freestanding instruments, should be accounted for as a liability under ASC 480, and should be booked at fair value on the date of the Lind Consent, with subsequent changes in valuation recorded as a non-operating gain or loss in the consolidated statement of operations and comprehensive loss. The following table summarizes the components of the initial loss and final loss on extinguishment:
Component of loss | Amount | |||
Minimum Consent Payment at inception | $ | |||
Loss on debt extinguishment | ||||
Initial fair value of Contingent Consent Warrants | ||||
Initial loss on debt extinguishment | ||||
Additional Consent Payment booked(1) | ||||
Total loss on debt extinguishment | $ |
(1) |
NioCorp Developments Ltd.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
June 30, 2024
(expressed in thousands of U.S. dollars, except share and per share data)
The change in the fair value of the Contingent Consent Warrants is presented below:
Amount | ||||
Initial valuation, September 25, 2022 | $ | |||
Change in valuation | ||||
Valuation at June 30, 2023 | ||||
Change in valuation | $ | |||
Valuation at June 30, 2024 |
The Contingent Consent Warrants are classified as a Level 3 financial instrument and were valued utilizing a Monte Carlo simulation pricing model, which calculates multiple potential outcomes for future share prices based on historic volatility of the Common Shares to determine the probability of issuance at 18 months following the applicable valuation date and to determine the value of the Contingent Consent Warrants. The following table discloses the primary inputs into the Monte Carlo model at each valuation date, and the probability of issuance calculated by the model.
Key Valuation Input | June 30, 2024 |
June 30, 2023 |
September 25, 2022 |
Share price on valuation date | $ | $ | $ | |||||||||
Volatility | % | % | % | |||||||||
Risk free rate | % | % | % | |||||||||
Probability of issuance | % | % | % |
Loss on debt extinguishment is presented as a non-operating expense in the Company’s consolidated statements of operations and comprehensive loss. This accounting also resulted in a decrease in the amount of accretion to be recognized over the remaining life of the Lind III Convertible Security through February 2023. Accretion expenses are disclosed as a part of interest expense, which is not included as a component of operating costs.
Yorkville Convertible Debentures
In connection with the GXII Transaction, on January 26, 2023, NioCorp entered into definitive agreements with respect to the Yorkville Financings, including a Securities Purchase Agreement, dated January 26, 2023 (as amended the “Yorkville Convertible Debt Financing Agreement”), between the Company and Yorkville, and a Standby Equity Purchase Agreement, dated January 26, 2023 (the “Yorkville Equity Facility Financing Agreement”), between the Company and Yorkville.
to the Yorkville Convertible Debt Financing Agreement, at the Closing, Yorkville advanced a total amount of $15,360 to NioCorp
in consideration of the issuance by NioCorp to Yorkville of (i) $
Convertible Debenture issued under the Yorkville Convertible Debt Financing Agreement is an unsecured obligation of NioCorp, has
Subject to certain limitations contained within the Yorkville Convertible Debt Financing Agreement and the Convertible Debentures, including those as described below, holders of the Convertible Debentures will be entitled to convert the principal amount of, and accrued and unpaid interest, if any, on each Convertible Debenture, in whole or
NioCorp Developments Ltd.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
June 30, 2024
(expressed in thousands of U.S. dollars, except share and per share data)
in part, from time to time over their term, into a number of Common Shares equal to the quotient of the principal amount and accrued and unpaid interest, if any, being converted divided by the Conversion Price. The “Conversion Price” means, as of any Conversion Date (as defined below) or other date of determination, the greater of (i) 90% of the average of the daily U.S. dollar volume-weighted average price of the Common Shares on the principal U.S. market for the Common Shares as reported by Bloomberg Financial Markets during the five consecutive trading days immediately preceding the date on which the holder exercises its conversion right in accordance with the requirements of the Yorkville Convertible Debt Financing Agreement (the “Conversion Date”) or other date of determination, but not lower than the Floor Price (as defined below), and (ii) the five-day volume-weighted average price of the Common Shares on the TSX (or on the principal U.S. market if the majority of the trading volume and value of the Common Shares occurred on Nasdaq during the relevant period) for the five consecutive trading days immediately prior to the Conversion Date or other date of determination less the maximum applicable discount allowed by TSX. The “Floor Price” means a price of $2.1435 per share, which is equal to the lesser of (a) 30% of the average of the daily volume-weighted average price of the Common Shares on the principal U.S. market for the Common Shares as reported by Bloomberg Financial Markets during the five consecutive trading days immediately preceding the Debenture Closing and (b) 30% of the average of the volume-weighted average price of the Common Shares on the principal U.S. market for the Common Shares as reported by Bloomberg Financial Markets during the five consecutive trading days immediately following the Debenture Closing, subject to certain adjustments to give effect to any stock dividend, stock split, reverse stock split, recapitalization or similar event.
The terms of the Convertible Debentures restrict the number of Convertible Debentures that may be converted during each calendar month by Yorkville at a Conversion Price below a fixed price equal to approximately $8.9422 (i.e., the quotient of $10.00 divided by 1.11829212 (being the number of Common Shares that were exchanged for each share of GXII at the Closing, after giving effect to the Reverse Stock Split)), subject to adjustment to give effect to any stock dividend, stock split, reverse stock split, recapitalization or similar event. The Convertible Debentures are subject to customary anti-dilution adjustments.
The terms of the Convertible Debentures restrict the conversion of Convertible Debentures by Yorkville if such a conversion would cause Yorkville to exceed certain beneficial ownership thresholds in NioCorp or such a conversion would cause the aggregate number of Common Shares issued pursuant to the Yorkville Convertible Debt Financing Agreement to exceed the thresholds for issuance of Common Shares under the rules of Nasdaq, unless prior shareholder approval is obtained.
Pursuant to the terms of the Convertible Debentures, following certain trigger events, and until a subsequent cure event, NioCorp will be required to redeem $1,125 aggregate principal amount of Convertible Debentures (the “Triggered Principal Amount”) each month by making cash payments to the Investors, on a pro rata basis, in an amount equal to the Triggered Principal Amount, plus accrued and unpaid interest thereon, if any, plus a redemption premium of 7% of the Triggered Principal Amount. Such monthly prepayments under the terms of the Convertible Debentures are triggered (i) at the time when NioCorp has issued 95% of the total amount of Common Shares pursuant to the Yorkville Convertible Debt Financing that it may issue under applicable Nasdaq rules or (ii) when NioCorp has delayed or suspended the effectiveness or use of the Convertible Debt Financing Registration Statement for more than 20 consecutive calendar days, and such monthly prepayment obligations will continue until, with respect to (i) above, shareholder approval is obtained or, with respect to (ii) above, the Investors may once again resell Common Shares under the Convertible Debt Financing Registration Statement, respectively.
Convertible Debentures may also be redeemed at NioCorp’s option at any time and from time to time over their term at a redemption
price equal to
In conjunction with the issuance of the Convertible Debentures, NioCorp issued to Yorkville Financing Warrants at an exercise price of approximately $ per Common Share (the “Financing Warrant Exercise Price”), subject to adjustment to give effect to any stock dividend, stock split, reverse stock split recapitalization or similar event. The Financing Warrants are exercisable, in whole or in part, but not in increments of less than $ aggregate Financing Warrant Exercise Price (unless the remaining aggregate Financing Warrant Exercise Price is less than $50), beginning on May 4, 2023, and may be exercised at any time prior to their expiration. Holders of the Financing Warrants may exercise their Financing Warrants, at their election, by paying the Financing Warrant Exercise Price in
NioCorp Developments Ltd.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
June 30, 2024
(expressed in thousands of U.S. dollars, except share and per share data)
cash or, if at any time there is no effective registration statement registering, or no current prospectus available for, the resale of the underlying Common Shares, on a cashless exercise basis. 1/12th of the Financing Warrants will expire on each of the first 12 monthly anniversaries of the date that is six months following the Closing Date.
The Financing Warrants have customary anti-dilution adjustments. The terms of the Financing Warrants restrict the exercise of Financing Warrants by Yorkville if such an exercise would cause Yorkville to exceed certain beneficial ownership thresholds in NioCorp or such an exercise would cause the aggregate number of Common Shares issued pursuant to the Yorkville Convertible Debt Financing Agreement to exceed the thresholds for issuance of Common Shares under the rules of the Nasdaq, unless prior shareholder approval is obtained.
Financing Warrants were originally recorded as a $
The Company allocated the net proceeds of $15,360 from the Convertible Debentures as follows:
● | $ | |
● | $ |
Changes in the Convertible Debentures are as follows:
Amount | ||||
Opening balance, March 17, 2023 | $ | |||
Accretion expense | ||||
Principal and accrued interest converted | ( |
) | ||
Balance, June 30, 2023 | ||||
Accretion expense | ||||
Principal and accrued interest converted | ( |
) | ||
Balance, June 30, 2024 | $ | |||
Less: Unamortized debt issuance costs | 21 | ) | ||
Remaining principal balance, June 30, 2024 | $ |
Upon conversion, the portion of remaining unamortized issuance costs associated with the conversion are recognized as a component of interest expense. The following table discloses the components of interest expense associated with the Convertible Debentures.
For the year ending June 30, | ||||||||
Component of Interest Expense | 2024 | 2023 | ||||||
Contractual interest | $ | $ | ||||||
Amortization of discount and issuance costs | ||||||||
Total | $ | $ |
The Convertible Debentures contain events of default customary for instruments of their type (with customary grace periods, as applicable) and provide that, upon the occurrence of an event of default arising from certain events of bankruptcy or insolvency with respect to NioCorp, all outstanding Convertible Debentures will become due and payable immediately without further action or notice. If any other type of event of default occurs and is continuing, then any holder may declare all of its Convertible Debentures to be due and payable immediately. The Company
NioCorp Developments Ltd.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
June 30, 2024
(expressed in thousands of U.S. dollars, except share and per share data)
obtained a waiver from Yorkville with respect to any acceleration rights it may have under the Convertible Debentures in connection with the restatements of the Company’s consolidated financial statements for the periods ended September 30, 2022 and December 31, 2022 and the delay in filing the Company’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarterly period ended March 31, 2023. The Yorkville Convertible Debt Financing Agreement also contains certain covenants that, among other things, limit NioCorp’s ability to use the proceeds from the Yorkville Convertible Debt Financing to repay related party debt or to enter into any variable rate transaction other than with Yorkville, subject to certain exceptions.
Based on the Company’s closing Common Share price of $ as of June 30, 2024, conversion of the remaining Convertible Debenture principal balance of $552, including accrued interest, would require the issuance of approximately 257,000 Common Shares. For each $0.10 change in the fair value of one Common Share, the total shares the Company would be obligated to issue would change by approximately shares.
On July 19, 2024, the Company and Yorkville entered into a make-whole payment agreement under which Yorkville agreed to convert the remaining principal and outstanding accrued interest of $554 remaining under the Convertible Debenture into Common Shares in exchange for a $95 make-whole payment.
April 2024 Notes
On April 12, 2024, the Company issued and sold to Yorkville and Lind Global Fund II LP (together with Yorkville, the “April 2024 Purchasers”), $8,000 aggregate principal amount of unsecured notes (the “April 2024 Notes”), pursuant to a securities purchase agreement, dated April 11, 2024 (the “April 2024 Purchase Agreement”), between the Company and each of the April 2024 Purchasers.
The Company also issued to the April 2024 Purchasers, in proportion to the aggregate principal amount of April 2024 Notes issued to each April 2024 Purchaser, Warrants (the “April 2024 Warrants”) to purchase up to 615,385 Common Shares (the “April 2024 Warrants Shares”), which are equal to 25% of the aggregate principal amount of April 2024 Notes issued to the April 2024 Purchasers divided by the exercise price of $3.25, subject to any adjustment to give effect to any stock dividend, stock split or recapitalization. The April 2024 Warrants expire on April 12, 2027.
Pursuant to the April 2024 Purchase Agreement, the April 2024 Purchasers advanced an aggregate of $6,935 to the Company in consideration of the issuance by the Company to the April 2024 Purchasers of $8,000 aggregate principal amount of the April 2024 Notes and April 2024 Warrants.
Under the terms of the April 2024 Notes, subject to certain exceptions, on the first day of each calendar month, beginning on June 1, 2024 (excluding August 2024) (the “Payment Date”), the Company will be required to repay a portion of the outstanding balance of all of the April 2024 Notes, on a pro-rata basis, in an amount equal to the sum of (i) $1,400 of principal (or the outstanding principal if less than such amount) in the aggregate among all of the outstanding Notes, plus (ii) 8.0% of the principal amount being paid (the “Payment Premium”), and (iii) accrued and unpaid interest, if any, as of the Payment Date. The Company is required to make payments on each Payment Date until the entire outstanding principal is repaid but will not have an obligation to make a payment on a Payment Date if certain equity conditions (the “Equity Conditions”) are satisfied.
Subject to certain limitations contained within the April 2024 Notes, holders of the April 2024 Notes will be entitled to convert the principal amount of, accrued and unpaid interest, if any, and any Payment Premium that has become due and payable on each April 2024 Note, from time to time over their term, into a number of Common Shares equal to the quotient of the amount being converted divided by a fixed conversion price of $2.75 per Common Share up to a maximum of 3,141,817 Common Shares (together with the April 2024 Warrant Shares, the “April 2024 Underlying Shares”). The terms of the April 2024 Notes restrict the conversion of the April 2024 Notes by a holder if such a conversion would cause such holder to exceed certain ownership thresholds in the Company.
As noted above, the Company is required to make payments on each Payment Date until the entire outstanding principal is repaid, but will not have an obligation to make a payment on a Payment Date if the Equity Conditions are satisfied (a “deferred payment”). The Equity Conditions means (i) on each of the five consecutive trading days prior a Payment Date (the “Measuring Period”) the Underlying Shares Registration Statement (as defined below) is effective
NioCorp Developments Ltd.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
June 30, 2024
(expressed in thousands of U.S. dollars, except share and per share data)
and available for the resale by the Purchasers of all Underlying Shares, (ii) the Company has no knowledge of any fact that would cause the Underlying Shares Registration Statement not to be effective and available for the resale of the Underlying Shares, (iii) on each day during the Measuring Period, the Common Shares are designated for quotation on Nasdaq, or on such other market or exchange on which the Common Shares are then listed or traded to the extent such other market or exchange is the principal U.S. trading market for the Common Shares (the “Principal U.S. Market”), and have not been suspended from trading nor have delisting or suspension of trading been threatened or pending, (iv) during the Measuring Period, an event of default has not occurred, (v) on each trading day during the Measuring Period, the daily U.S. dollar volume-weighted average price (“VWAP”) for a Common Share on the Principal U.S. Market as reported by Bloomberg Financial Markets is greater than 120% of the Conversion Price, (vi) on each trading day during the Measuring Period the average daily volume traded exceeded $500, and (vii) there is no limitation on conversion under the terms of Notes. Deferred payments, if any, that are not subsequently converted into Common Shares by the holders of the April 2024 Notes will require repayment by the Company upon maturity.
The April 2024 Notes are the unsecured obligations of the Company and will mature on December 31, 2024. The April 2024 Notes will incur a simple interest rate obligation of 0.0% per annum (which will increase to 18.0% per annum upon the occurrence of an event of default). The outstanding principal amount, accrued and unpaid interest, if any, and the Payment Premium, if any, on the April 2024 Notes must be paid by NioCorp in cash when the same becomes due and payable under the terms of the April 2024 Notes at their stated maturity, upon their redemption, or otherwise.
The April 2024 Notes may also be redeemed at the Company’s option at any time and from time to time over their term at a redemption price equal to the principal amount being redeemed, plus the Payment Premium, plus accrued and unpaid interest, if any, as of the redemption date.
The April 2024 Notes contain events of default customary for instruments of their type (with customer grace periods, as applicable) and provide that, upon the occurrence of an event of default arising from certain events of bankruptcy or insolvency with respect to the company, all outstanding April 2024 Notes will become due and payable immediately without further action or notice. If any other type of event of default occurs and is continuing, then any holder may declare all of its April 2024 Notes to be due and payable immediately.
The April 2024 Purchase Agreement contains customary representations, warranties, conditions and indemnification obligations by each party. The representations, warranties and covenants contained in the April 2024 Purchase Agreement were made only for purposes of the April 2024 Purchase Agreement and as of specific dates, were solely for the benefit of the parties to such agreement and are subject to certain important limitations.
The April 2024 Purchase Agreement also contains certain covenants that, among other things, limit NioCorp’s ability to use the proceeds from the April 2024 Purchase Agreement to repay related party debt or to enter into any variable rate transaction other than with Yorkville, subject to certain exceptions, and to distribute proceeds from the April 2024 Purchase Agreement to subsidiaries other than ECRC and 0896800 B.C. Ltd. (together with ECRC, the “Guarantors”), upon the entry by the Guarantors into a global guaranty agreement, dated as of April 11, 2024, among the Guarantors in favor of the Purchasers (the “Guaranty Agreement”). Pursuant to the Guaranty Agreement, the Guarantors guaranteed the full, prompt and unconditional payment when due (whether at maturity , by acceleration or otherwise), and the performance of all liabilities, agreements and other obligations of NioCorp to the April 2024 Purchasers contained in the April 2024 Notes, the April 2024 Warrants and the April 2024 Purchase Agreement, to the extent such liabilities, agreements and obligations are payable in cash.
Based upon the Company’s analysis of the criteria contained in ASC 815, the Company determined that April 2024 Warrants met the definition of a derivative liability, as any warrant exercise that could cause the holder to exceed 19.9% ownership of NioCorp Common Shares would require shareholder approval. As such, the April 2024 Warrants were recognized as warrant liabilities on the consolidated balance sheet and were measured at their inception date fair value and subsequently remeasured at each reporting period with changes being recorded as a non-operating gain or loss in the consolidated statement of operations and comprehensive loss.
The Company elected to value the April 2024 Notes at fair value in accordance with ASC 815-15-25. The fair value of the April 2024 Notes was estimated using a Monte Carlo simulation pricing model and the April 2024 Notes were
NioCorp Developments Ltd.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
June 30, 2024
(expressed in thousands of U.S. dollars, except share and per share data)
classified as Level 3 instruments.
The Company incurred transaction costs totaling $
Components and initial valuations associated with the April 2024 Notes were comprised of the following amounts:
● | $ | |
● | $ |
The following table discloses the primary inputs for the Monte Carlo model used in valuing the April 2024 Notes:
Key Valuation Input | June 30, 2024 | April 12, 2024 | ||||
Closing Common Share price | $ | $ | ||||
Term (expiry) | ||||||
Weighted average of the equity volatility and implied volatility of the public warrants | ||||||
Risk-free rate | ||||||
Implied discount rate |
The following table sets forth a summary of the changes in the fair value of the April 2024 Notes for the year ended June 30, 2024:
Amount | ||||
Fair value, April 12, 2024 | $ | |||
Principal payments | ( | ) | ||
Change in fair value | ( | ) | ||
Balance, June 30, 2024 | $ | |||
Remaining principal balance, June 30, 2024 | $ |
Key Valuation Input | June 30, 2024 | April 12, 2024 | ||||||
Closing Common Share price | $ | $ | ||||||
Term (years) | ||||||||
Historic equity volatility | % | % | ||||||
Risk-free rate | % | % |
The following table sets forth a summary of the changes in the fair value of the April 2024 Warrant liability for the year ended June 30, 2024.
Amount | ||||
Fair value as of April 12, 2024 | $ | |||
Change in fair value | ( |
) | ||
Fair value as of June 30, 2024 | $ |
Pursuant to the Business Combination Agreement, the Sponsor Support Agreement, and the Exchange Agreement, after the Closing, the GXII founders have the right to exchange shares of Class B common stock of ECRC for Common Shares on a one-for-one basis, subject to certain equitable adjustments, under certain conditions. All shares of Class B common stock of ECRC that were issued in connection with the Closing were issued and outstanding as of
NioCorp Developments Ltd.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
June 30, 2024
(expressed in thousands of U.S. dollars, except share and per share data)
June 30, 2023. Of the issued and outstanding shares of Class B common stock of ECRC, shares (the “Vested Shares”) were vested as of the Closing Date and are exchangeable at any time, and from time to time, until the tenth anniversary of the Closing Date (the “Ten-Year Anniversary”) and shares (the “Earnout Shares”) are exchangeable until the Ten-Year Anniversary, subject to certain vesting conditions. Under certain circumstances, and subject to certain exceptions, NioCorp may instead settle all or a portion of any exchange pursuant to the terms of the Exchange Agreement in cash, in lieu of Common Shares, based on a volume-weighted average price of Common Shares.
On February 28, 2024 and May 16, 2024, 243,692 Vested Shares and 40,000 Vested Shares, respectively, were exchanged for an equivalent number of Common Shares. This exchange resulted in a change in the Company’s ownership interest in ECRC and was accounted for as an equity transaction in accordance with ASC 810-10-45-23, with no gain or loss recognized. Accordingly, the carrying amount of the noncontrolling interest was adjusted to reflect the change in the Company’s ownership interest with a corresponding offset booked to equity.
All of the shares of Class B common stock of ECRC are subject to the Amended and Restated Registration Rights Agreement, dated as of March 17, 2023 (the “Registration Rights and Lock-up Agreement”), among NioCorp, GXII, the Sponsor, the pre-Closing directors and officers of NioCorp and the other parties thereto, including the members of the Sponsor. Pursuant to Registration Rights and Lock-up Agreement, all shares of Class B common Stock of ECRC (including the Vested Shares and the Released Earnout Shares) are subject to certain “lock-up” restrictions on transfer beginning upon the Closing and ending upon the earlier of (i) one year after the Closing and (ii) the date on which the trading price of Common Shares exceeds certain thresholds or the date on which NioCorp completes a transaction that results in all of NioCorp’s shareholders having the right to exchange their Common Shares for cash, securities or other property. Both Vested Shares and Released Earnout Shares may be exchanged by the holders into Common Shares at any time. Under the Exchange Agreement, all Vested Shares and Earnout Shares must be exchanged for Common Shares by the Ten-Year Anniversary except for Released Earnout Shares that have been vested for a period of fewer than twenty-four months as of the Ten-Year Anniversary. Such Released Earnout Shares will be forfeited if not exchanged for Common Shares by the date that is twenty-four months after the vesting date.
Vested Shares
As the exchange of Vested Shares are contingently redeemable at the option of the noncontrolling interest shareholders, the Company classifies the carrying amount of the redeemable noncontrolling interest in the mezzanine section on the consolidated balance sheet, which is presented above the equity section and below liabilities. Adjustments to the carrying value of the redeemable noncontrolling interest associated with redemptions are recorded by reclassifying the proportionate amount of mezzanine equity to permanent equity.
Earnout Shares
These shares will be forfeited if the market share price milestones or an acceleration event is not reached prior to the Ten-Year Anniversary. At such time that the Earnout Shares shall become vested, and therefore, become Released Earnout Shares, the shares will be transferred to the redeemable noncontrolling interest in the mezzanine section of the Consolidated Balance Sheet.
The Earnout Shares were classified as a liability due to failure to meet the equity classification criteria under ASC 815-40, as Level 3 instruments under the fair value hierarchy and are considered a financial liability under ASC 480, Distinguishing Liabilities from Equity. The Earnout Shares were measured at fair value on the Closing Date with subsequent changes in fair value recorded in earnings. The Earnout Shares were valued utilizing a Monte Carlo simulation pricing model. The following table discloses the primary inputs into the Monte Carlo models.
NioCorp Developments Ltd.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
June 30, 2024
(expressed in thousands of U.S. dollars, except share and per share data)
Key Valuation Input | June 30, 2024 | June 30, 2023 | March 17, 2023 | ||||||
Closing Common Share price | $ | $ | $ | ||||||
Term (expiry) | |||||||||
Implied volatility of Public Warrants | % | % | % | ||||||
Risk-free rate | % | % | % |
Amount | ||||
Fair value as of March 17, 2023 | $ | |||
Change in fair value | ( |
) | ||
Fair value as of June 30, 2023 | ||||
Change in fair value | ( |
) | ||
Fair value as of June 30, 2024 | $ |
a) | Issuances |
Fiscal Year 2024 Issuances
September 1, 2023, the Company closed a non-brokered private placement (the “September 2023 Private Placement”) of
units of the Company (the “September 2023 Units”). A total of
September 2023 Warrants were classified as an equity instrument and accordingly, the net proceeds of $
December 22, 2023, the Company closed a non-brokered private placement (the “December 2023 Private Placement”) of
NioCorp Developments Ltd.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
June 30, 2024
(expressed in thousands of U.S. dollars, except share and per share data)
December 2023 Warrants were classified as an equity instrument and accordingly, the estimated net proceeds of $1,241 were allocated
based on the relative fair values of the Common Shares and the December 2023 Warrants on the date of issuance. The amount allocated
to the fair value of the December 2023 Warrants was $
June 24, 2024,
June 2024 Warrants were classified as an equity instrument and accordingly, the net proceeds of $602 were allocated based on the
relative fair values of the Common Shares and the June 2024 Warrants on the date of issuance. The amount allocated to the fair
value of the June 2024 Warrants was $
Fiscal Year 2023 Issuances
In addition to the Common Shares issued in connection with the GXII Transaction, as discussed in Note 5, the following Common Share issuances occurred during fiscal year 2023:
April 28, 2023,
June 9, 2023,
b) | Stock Options |
On January 19, 2024, the Company’s shareholders voted to approve an amendment and restatement of its long-term incentive plan (the “2017 Amended Long-Term Incentive Plan”) and the granting of incentive securities thereunder until January 19, 2027. Under the 2017 Amended Long-Term Incentive Plan, the Board may, in its discretion from time to time, grant options and share units (in the form of restricted share units and performance share units) to directors, employees and certain other service providers (as defined in the 2017 Amended Long-Term Incentive Plan) of the Company and affiliated entities selected by the Board.
Subject to adjustment as described in the 2017 Amended Long-Term Incentive Plan, the aggregate number of Common Shares that may be reserved for issuance to participants under the 2017 Amended Long-Term Incentive Plan, together with all other security-based compensation arrangements of the Company, may not exceed 10% of the issued and outstanding Common Shares from time to time, and the Common Shares reserved for issuance upon settlement of share units will not exceed 5% of the issued and outstanding Common Shares from time to time. The 2017 Amended Long-Term Incentive Plan limits the maximum number of Common Shares issued to insiders (as defined under TSX rules for this purpose) within any 1-year period, or issuable to insiders at any time, in the aggregate, under all security-based compensation arrangements (including the 2017 Amended Long-Term
NioCorp Developments Ltd.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
June 30, 2024
(expressed in thousands of U.S. dollars, except share and per share data)
Incentive Plan) to 10% of the then issued and outstanding Common Shares. The 2017 Amended Long-Term Incentive Plan also limits the aggregate number of Common Shares that may be reserved for issuance to any one participant under the 2017 Amended Long-Term Incentive Plan, together with all other security-based compensation arrangements of the Company, to 5% of the then issued and outstanding Common Shares (on a non-diluted basis). Subject to the adjustment provisions of the 2017 Amended Long-Term Incentive Plan, the aggregate number of Common Shares actually issued or transferred by the Company upon the exercise of incentive stock options will be limited as described above.
The Board has power over the granting, amendment, administration, or settlement of any award.
Stock option transactions are summarized as follows:
Number of Options | Weighted Average Exercise Price | Aggregate Intrinsic Value | Weighted Average Remaining Contractual Life | |||||||||||||
Balance, June 30, 2023 | $ | |||||||||||||||
Granted | ||||||||||||||||
Exercised | ( | ) | ||||||||||||||
Cancelled/expired | ( | ) | ||||||||||||||
Balance, June 30, 2024 | $ | $ | - | years |
As of June 30, 2024, was immaterial, and as of June 30, 2024, there were no unrecognized compensation costs related to unvested share-based compensation arrangements granted. The Company recognized share-based compensation expense of $ and $ for the years ended June 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively. % of the outstanding stock options were fully vested. The total intrinsic value of options exercised during the year ended June 30, 2024
Year ended June 30, | ||||||||
2024 | 2023 | |||||||
Fair value per option granted during the period | $ | $ | ||||||
Risk-free interest rate | % | % | ||||||
Expected dividend yield | % | % | ||||||
Expected stock price volatility (historical basis) | % | % | ||||||
Expected option life in years |
Prior to January 1, 2024, the Company concluded that under ASU 718, Compensation – Stock Compensation (Topic 718), Options previously issued on December 31, 2021, May 30, 2022, and March 27, 2023, which included a C$ strike price should remain equity-classified as management determined that the Options qualified for an exemption from liability classification as the Options were denominated in a currency in which a substantial portion of the Company’s equity securities traded. Effective January 1, 2024, the Company determined that due to historically decreasing trading volume on the TSX, this exemption no longer applied and accordingly, these Options were classified as a liability based on their fair values on that date. The Company recorded a mark-to-market gain of $147 in other operating expenses related to these option liabilities for the year ended June 30, 2024. The associated liability related to these Canadian-denominated Options was nil at June 30, 2024.
On March 28, 2024, the Board approved a modification to Options previously issued on March 27, 2023, with dual strike prices of $6.95 and C$9.52, under which the option to exercise in C$ was removed. No other terms or conditions were amended by the Board. Based on this amendment, the Company re-classified these Options to equity on March 28, 2024, based on their fair value on that date.
NioCorp Developments Ltd.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
June 30, 2024
(expressed in thousands of U.S. dollars, except share and per share data)
c) | Warrants |
Warrant transactions are summarized as follows. Weighted average exercise prices related to Canadian dollar denominated warrants were converted to U.S. dollars using end of period foreign currency exchange rates.
Warrants | Weighted Average Exercise Price | |||||||
Balance, June 30, 2022 | $ | |||||||
Granted: | ||||||||
Yorkville financing warrants | ||||||||
GXII warrants | ||||||||
Expired | ( | ) | ||||||
Balance, June 30, 2023 | ||||||||
Granted | ||||||||
Expired | ( | ) | ||||||
Balance, June 30, 2024 |
At June 30, 2024, the Company has outstanding exercisable warrants, as follows:
Number | Exercise Price | Expiry Date | ||||||
C$ | ||||||||
$ | (1) | |||||||
$ | ||||||||
$ | ||||||||
$ | ||||||||
$ | ||||||||
(1) |
In connection with the Closing, pursuant to the Business Combination Agreement, the Company assumed the GXII Warrant Agreement and each GXII Warrant thereunder that was issued and outstanding immediately prior to the Closing Date was converted into one NioCorp Assumed Warrant pursuant to the GXII Warrant Agreement, as amended by an Assignment, Assumption and Amendment Agreement, dated March 17, 2023, among the Company, GXII, Continental Stock Transfer & Trust Company, as the existing warrant agent, and Computershare Inc. and its affiliate, Computershare Trust Company, N.A, together as the successor warrant agent (the “NioCorp Assumed Warrant Agreement”). In connection with the Closing, NioCorp issued (a) public NioCorp Assumed Warrants (the “Public Warrants”) in respect of the GXII Warrants that were publicly traded prior to the Closing and (b) NioCorp Assumed Warrants (the “Private Warrants”) to the Sponsor in respect of the GXII Warrants that it held prior to the Closing, which NioCorp Assumed Warrants were subsequently distributed by the Sponsor to its members in connection with the Closing.
Public Warrants
Company may elect to redeem the Public Warrants subject to certain conditions, in whole and not in part, at a price of $0.01 per
Public Warrant if (i) 30 days’ prior written notice of redemption is provided to the holders,
NioCorp Developments Ltd.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
June 30, 2024
(expressed in thousands of U.S. dollars, except share and per share data)
within a 30-trading day period ending on the third business day prior to the date on which the Company sends the notice of redemption to the warrant holders and (iii) there is an effective registration statement covering the Common Shares issuable upon exercise of the Public Warrants, and a current prospectus relating thereto, available through the redemption date. Upon issuance of a redemption notice by the Company, the warrant holders will have until the redemption date to exercise for cash, or, at the Company’s election, on a cashless basis. The Public Warrants are not precluded from equity classification and are accounted for as such on the date of issuance, and each balance sheet date thereafter. Because the 2023 Transactions resulted in an excess of liabilities over assets acquired, no value was ascribed to the Public Warrants.
Private Warrants
The Private Warrants: (i) will be exercisable either for cash or on a cashless basis at the holder’s option and (ii) will not be redeemable by the Company, in either case as long as the Private Warrants are held by the Sponsor, its members or any of their permitted transferees (as prescribed in the NioCorp Assumed Warrant Agreement). In accordance with the NioCorp Assumed Warrant Agreement, any Private Warrants that are held by someone other than the Sponsor, its members or any of their permitted transferees are treated as Public Warrants.
The Company accounts for the Private Warrants assumed in the 2023 Transactions in accordance with the guidance contained in ASC 815-40. Such guidance provides that because the Private Warrants do not meet the criteria for equity treatment thereunder, each Private Warrant must be recorded as a liability. This liability is carried as a component of Warrant Liabilities on the consolidated balance sheet and is subject to re-measurement at each balance sheet date. With each such re-measurement, the warrant liability will be adjusted to its current fair value, with the change in fair value recognized in the consolidated statement of operations and comprehensive loss. The Company will reassess the classification at each balance sheet date.
The Company classifies Private Warrants as Level 2 instruments under the fair value hierarchy and estimated the fair value using a Black Scholes model with the following assumptions:
Key Valuation Input | June 30, 2024 | June 30, 2023 | March 17, 2023 | |||||||||
Stock price on valuation date | $ | $ | $ | |||||||||
Strike price | $ | $ | $ | |||||||||
Implied volatility of Public Warrants | % | % | % | |||||||||
Risk free rate | % | % | % | |||||||||
Dividend yield | % | % | % | |||||||||
Expected warrant life in years |
The change in the Private Warrants liability is presented below:
Amount | ||||
Initial valuation, March 17, 2023 | $ | |||
Change in valuation | ||||
Valuation at June 30, 2023 | ||||
Change in valuation | ( | ) | ||
Valuation at June 30, 2024 | $ |
d) | Yorkville Equity Facility Financing |
Concurrent with the closing of the GXII Transaction, the Yorkville Equity Facility Financing became effective. Pursuant to the Yorkville Equity Facility Financing Agreement, Yorkville committed to purchase up to $65,000 of Common Shares (the “Commitment Amount”), at NioCorp’s direction from time to time for a period commencing upon the Closing Date and ending on the earliest of (i) the first day of the month next following the 36-month anniversary of the Closing, (ii) the date on which Yorkville shall have made payment of the full Commitment Amount and (iii) the date that the Yorkville Equity Facility Financing Agreement otherwise terminates in accordance with its terms (the “Commitment Period”), subject to certain limitations and the
NioCorp Developments Ltd.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
June 30, 2024
(expressed in thousands of U.S. dollars, except share and per share data)
satisfaction of the conditions in the Yorkville Equity Facility Financing Agreement. The Common Shares that may be sold pursuant to the Yorkville Equity Facility Financing Agreement would be purchased by Yorkville at a purchase price equal to 97% of the daily volume-weighted average price of the Common Shares on Nasdaq or such other principal U.S. market for the Common Shares if the Common Shares are ever listed or traded on the New York Stock Exchange or the NYSE American as reported by Bloomberg Financial Markets (or, if not available, a similar service provider of national recognized standing) during the applicable pricing period, which is a period during a single trading day or a period of three consecutive trading days, at the Company’s option and subject to certain restrictions, in each case, defined based on when an Advance Notice (as defined in the Yorkville Equity Facility Financing Agreement) is submitted, subject to certain limitations.
Pursuant to the terms of the Yorkville Equity Facility Financing Agreement, NioCorp issued 81,213 of Common Shares (the “Commitment Shares”) valued at $650 to Yorkville as consideration for its irrevocable commitment to purchase Common Shares under the Yorkville Equity Facility Financing Agreement. On June 9, 2023, NioCorp issued and sold 100,000 Common Shares to Yorkville under the Yorkville Equity Facility Financing Agreement. Additionally, NioCorp is required to pay Yorkville an aggregate fee of $1,500 in cash (the “Cash Fee”), including $500 that NioCorp paid on the Closing Date and an additional $250 NioCorp was paid as of June 30, 2023. NioCorp will pay the remaining $750 balance in installments over a 12-month period following the Closing Date, provided that it will have the right to prepay without penalty all or part of the remaining installments of the Cash Fee at any time. In addition, legal and other costs of $496 were incurred in connection with the Yorkville Equity Facility Financing and were expensed on the effective date. The following amounts related to the Yorkville Equity Facility Financing Agreement were expensed as other operating costs during the year ended June 30, 2023:
Amount | ||||
Yorkville Cash Fee | $ | |||
Fair value of Commitment Shares issued | ||||
Legal and other related costs | ||||
Costs expensed to other operating expense | $ |
Company was party to a non-revolving credit facility agreement (the “Smith Credit Facility”) with Mark Smith, Chief
Executive Officer, President, and Executive Chairman of NioCorp, which expired on June 30, 2023. The Smith Credit Facility bore
interest at a rate of
Changes in the Smith Credit Agreement principal balance are as follows:
For the year ending June 30,2023 | ||||
Beginning balance | $ | |||
Amounts advanced | ||||
Repayments | ( |
) | ||
Balance, end of period | $ |
March 22, 2023, the Company repaid Mr. Smith $
NioCorp Developments Ltd.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
June 30, 2024
(expressed in thousands of U.S. dollars, except share and per share data)
For the year ended June 30, | ||||||||
2024 | 2023 | |||||||
Feasibility study and engineering | $ | $ | ||||||
Field management and other | ||||||||
Metallurgical | ||||||||
Geologists and field staff | ||||||||
Total | $ | $ |
14. | LEASES |
February 2023, the Company entered into a
of June 30, 2024 and 2023, the Company had one corporate office lease with a remaining lease term of years and years,
respectively. During the year ended June 30, 2024 and 2023, operating cash flows included cash payments of $
The Company incurred lease costs as follows:
For the year ended June 30, | ||||||||
2024 | 2023 | |||||||
Operating Lease Cost: | ||||||||
Fixed rent expense | $ | $ | ||||||
Variable rent expense | ||||||||
Short term lease cost | ||||||||
Sublease income | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||
Net lease cost – other operating expense | $ | $ |
The maturity of lease liabilities is as follows at June 30, 2024:
Fiscal Year Lease Maturities | ||||
2025 | ||||
2026 | ||||
2027 | ||||
Total lease payments | ||||
Less amount of payments representing interest | ( | ) | ||
Present value of lease payments | ||||
Less current portion of operating lease liability | ( | ) | ||
Noncurrent operating lease liability | $ |
Domestic and foreign components of loss before income taxes for the years ended June 30, 2024 and 2023 are as follows:
For the year ended June 30, | ||||||||
2024 | 2023 | |||||||
Canada | $ | $ | ||||||
United States | ||||||||
United Kingdom | ||||||||
Total | $ | $ |
NioCorp Developments Ltd.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
June 30, 2024
(expressed in thousands of U.S. dollars, except share and per share data)
The following table is a reconciliation of income taxes at statutory rates:
For the year ended June 30, | ||||||||
2024 | 2023 | |||||||
Loss before income taxes | $ | $ | ||||||
Combined Canadian federal and provincial statutory income tax rate | % | % | ||||||
Income tax benefit at statutory tax rates | ||||||||
Foreign rate differential | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||
Earnout shares liability | ( | ) | ||||||
Warrant liability | ( | ) | ||||||
GXII transaction costs | ( | ) | ||||||
Share based compensation | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||
Accretion expense | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||
Convertible note valuation | ( | ) | ||||||
Loss on debt extinguishment | ( | ) | ||||||
Capital loss rate differential | ( | ) | ||||||
Change in estimates related to prior years | ( | ) | ||||||
Other | ||||||||
Change in valuation allowance | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||
Income tax benefit | $ | $ |
Income tax benefit for the year ends June 30, 2024 and 2023 were derived solely from our U.S. operations.
Deferred income taxes reflect the net tax effects of temporary differences between the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities for financial reporting purposes and the amounts used for income tax purposes. The significant components of deferred taxes are as follows:
As of June 30, | ||||||||
2024 | 2023 | |||||||
Deferred tax assets | ||||||||
Net operating losses available for future periods | $ | $ | ||||||
Mineral interests | ||||||||
Startup and organizational costs | ||||||||
Research and development costs | ||||||||
Share issuance/financing costs | ||||||||
Capital losses available for future periods | ||||||||
Other | ||||||||
Total deferred tax assets | ||||||||
Valuation allowance | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||
Net deferred tax assets | $ | $ |
Changes in the valuation allowance are as follows:
For the year ended June 30, | ||||||||
2024 | 2023 | |||||||
Valuation allowance, beginning of year | $ | ( | ) | $ | ( | ) | ||
Current year additions | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||
Startup and organizational costs acquired | ( | ) | ||||||
Valuation allowance, end of year | $ | ( | ) | $ | ( | ) |
Company acquired a federal income tax payable of $
NioCorp Developments Ltd.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
June 30, 2024
(expressed in thousands of U.S. dollars, except share and per share data)
operating loss carryforwards in Canada and mineral interests due to deferred exploration expenditures in the United States, where the utilization of such attributes is not more likely than not.
Company has the following cumulative net operating losses for Canadian and U.S. income tax purposes and these carryforwards will
generally expire between 2028 and 2044. As a result of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, U.S. tax losses incurred for our tax
years ending on and after June 30, 2019, totaling $
As of June 30, | ||||||||
Jurisdiction | 2024 | 2023 | ||||||
Canada | $ | $ | ||||||
United States | ||||||||
United Kingdom | ||||||||
Total | $ | $ |
addition, the Company has a Canadian capital loss carryforward of $
At June 30, 2024 and 2023, we had no undistributed earnings of foreign subsidiaries that would be subject to income tax upon distribution to Canada from a foreign subsidiary. As such, as of June 30, 2024 and 2023, we did not provide for deferred taxes on any such earnings of our foreign subsidiaries.
The Company had no unrecognized tax benefits as of June 30, 2024 or 2023. The Company recognizes interest accrued related to unrecognized tax benefits and penalties in its income tax provision. The Company has not recognized any interest or penalties in the fiscal years presented in these consolidated financial statements. The Company is subject to income tax in the U.S. federal jurisdiction, the United Kingdom, and Canada. Certain years remain subject to examination but there are currently no ongoing exams in any taxing jurisdictions.
The Company measures the fair value of financial assets and liabilities based on U.S. GAAP guidance which defines fair value, establishes a framework for measuring fair value, and expands disclosures about fair value measurements.
The Company classifies financial assets and liabilities as held-for-trading, available-for-sale, held-to-maturity, loans and receivables, or other financial liabilities depending on their nature. Financial assets and financial liabilities are recognized at fair value on their initial recognition.
Financial assets and liabilities classified as held-for-trading are measured at fair value, with gains and losses recognized in net income. Financial assets classified as held-to-maturity, loans and receivables, and financial liabilities other than those classified as held-for-trading are measured at amortized cost, using the effective interest method of amortization. Financial assets classified as available-for-sale, including investments in equity securities, are measured at fair value, with unrealized gains and losses being recognized in income.
Financial instruments including receivables, accounts payable and accrued liabilities, and related party loans are carried at amortized cost, which management believes approximates fair value due to the short-term nature of these instruments.
The following tables present information about the assets and liabilities that are measured at fair value on a recurring basis as of June 30, 2024, and 2023, respectively, and indicate the fair value hierarchy of the valuation techniques the Company utilized to determine such fair value. In general, fair values determined by Level 1 inputs utilize quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical instruments. Fair values determined by Level 2 inputs utilize data points that are observable, such as quoted prices, interest rates, and yield curves. Fair values determined by Level 3 inputs are unobservable data points for the financial instrument and include situations where there is little, if any, market activity for the instrument.
NioCorp Developments Ltd.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
June 30, 2024
(expressed in thousands of U.S. dollars, except share and per share data)
As of June 30, 2024 | ||||||||||||||||
Total | Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 | |||||||||||||
Assets: | ||||||||||||||||
Cash and cash equivalents | $ | $ | $ | $ | ||||||||||||
Investment in equity securities | ||||||||||||||||
Total | $ | $ | $ | $ | ||||||||||||
Liabilities: | ||||||||||||||||
April 2024 notes | $ | $ | $ | $ | ||||||||||||
Earnout Shares liability | ||||||||||||||||
Warrant liabilities | ||||||||||||||||
Total | $ | $ | $ | $ |
As of June 30, 2023 | ||||||||||||||||
Total | Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 | |||||||||||||
Assets: | ||||||||||||||||
Cash and cash equivalents | $ | $ | $ | $ | ||||||||||||
Investment in equity securities | ||||||||||||||||
Total | $ | $ | $ | $ | ||||||||||||
Liabilities: | ||||||||||||||||
Earnout Shares liability | $ | $ | $ | $ | ||||||||||||
Warrant liabilities | ||||||||||||||||
Total | $ | $ | $ | $ |
The Yorkville Convertible Debt Financing discussed in Note 9 was initially recorded at fair value, which represented a nonrecurring fair value measurement using a Level 3 input. At June 30, 2024, the estimated fair value of this instrument approximated carrying value given that the instrument was issued in March 2023 and has a short time period until maturity.
Yorkville Consents
Smith Loan Agreement
September 11, 2024, the Company and Mark Smith entered into a Loan Agreement (the “Smith Loan Agreement”) pursuant
to which Mr. Smith agreed to make available to the Company a non-revolving, multiple draw credit facility of up to $
Company will pay interest to Mr. Smith on amounts outstanding under the Loan and on any overdue interest at a rate equal to
NioCorp Developments Ltd.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
June 30, 2024
(expressed in thousands of U.S. dollars, except share and per share data)
will also receive an
establishment fee equal to
Lind Consent Warrant Issuance
September 17, 2024, the Company’s Common Share price was below the threshold price set forth in the Lind Consent,
and accordingly, the Company issued
Evaluation of Disclosure Controls and Procedures
The management of NioCorp Developments Ltd. has evaluated, under the supervision and with the participation of our Chief Executive Officer (“CEO”) and Chief Financial Officer (“CFO”), the effectiveness of our disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e) under the Exchange Act) as of June 30, 2024. Based on that evaluation, the CEO and the CFO have concluded that, as of June 30, 2024, our disclosure controls and procedures were not effective due to the material weaknesses in internal control over financial reporting described below.
Notwithstanding the material weaknesses in our internal control over financial reporting, our CEO and CFO have concluded that the audited consolidated financial statements included in this Annual Report on Form 10-K fairly present, in all material respects, our financial position, results of operations and cash flows for the periods presented in conformity with U.S. GAAP.
Management’s Report on Internal Control over Financial Reporting
The management of NioCorp Developments Ltd. is responsible for establishing and maintaining adequate internal control over financial reporting as defined in Rules 13a-15(f) and 15d-15(f) of the Exchange Act for the Company. Management assessed the effectiveness of our internal control over financial reporting as of June 30, 2024. In making this assessment, our management used the criteria set forth in the Internal Control - Integrated Framework (2013) issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (the “COSO Framework”). Based on that evaluation, the CEO and the CFO have concluded that, as of June 30, 2024, our internal control over financial reporting was not effective due to the material weaknesses in internal control over financial reporting described below.
Material Weaknesses
A material weakness is a deficiency, or a combination of deficiencies, in internal control over financial reporting, such that there is a reasonable possibility that a material misstatement of our annual or interim consolidated financial statements will not be prevented or detected on a timely basis.
Management concluded that the material weaknesses disclosed in the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2023 continued to exist as of June 30, 2024. Specifically, management identified deficiencies in the principles associated with the control environment, risk assessment, control activities, and monitoring components of internal control, based on the criteria established by the COSO Framework, that constitute material weaknesses, either individually or in the aggregate.
● | Control Environment: The Company does not have sufficient personnel with the appropriate levels of knowledge, experience, and training in accounting and internal control over financial reporting commensurate with the complexity of the Company’s financing transactions and associated reporting requirements. This material weakness contributed to additional material weaknesses further described below. |
● | Risk Assessment: The Company does not have a formal process to identify, update, and assess financial reporting risks due to |
changes in the Company’s business practices, including entering into increasingly complex transactions that could significantly impact the design and operation of the Company’s control activities. |
● | Control Activities: Management did not maintain effective controls over: |
○ | monitoring and assessing the work of third-party specialists, including the evaluation of the appropriateness of accounting conclusions, and |
○ | the evaluation of certain inputs and assumptions used to estimate the fair value of instruments and features associated with complex debt and equity transactions. |
● | Monitoring Activities: Management did not appropriately: |
○ | select, develop, and perform ongoing evaluation to ascertain whether the components of internal controls are present and functioning, and |
○ | evaluate and communicate internal control deficiencies in a timely manner to those parties responsible for taking corrective action. |
As previously disclosed, these material weaknesses resulted in errors that required the restatement of Company’s consolidated financial statements as of and for the fiscal years ended June 30, 2022 and 2021, as well as the restatement of the Company’s condensed consolidated financial statements as of and for the interim periods ended September 30, 2021, December 31, 2021, March 31, 2022, September 30, 2022 and December 31, 2022. Additionally, these material weaknesses could result in a misstatement of the account balances or disclosures that would result in a material misstatement to the annual or interim consolidated financial statements that would not be prevented or timely detected.
Remediation Plan
To address our material weaknesses existing as of June 30, 2024, we have implemented a detailed plan to address each individual material weakness identified, including the following:
● | We have, and will continue to, engage outside accounting and internal control consultants with subject matter expertise to supplement our level of knowledge, experience, and training in accounting and internal control over financial reporting. |
● | We plan to develop a formal risk assessment process to ensure that it is robust and frequent enough for the Company’s business, including the identification of risks, the level of detail in our risk assessment, and the clarity of the linkage between risks and internal controls associated with the material weaknesses. The results of this effort are expected to enable us to effectively identify, develop, evolve and implement controls and procedures to address risks. |
● | We plan to develop and provide incremental training to the accounting and financial reporting team regarding accounting for and valuation of complex financial instruments. |
● | Management will develop a monitoring program to periodically evaluate and assess whether those responsible for controls are conducting their activities in accordance with their design, such that there is contemporaneous evidence that the controls are present and functioning and will communicate internal control deficiencies in a timely manner to those parties responsible for taking corrective action. |
The process of designing and maintaining effective internal control over financial reporting is a continuous effort that requires management to anticipate and react to changes in our business, economic and regulatory environments and to expend significant resources. As we continue to evaluate our internal control over financial reporting, we may take additional actions to remediate the material weaknesses or modify the remediation actions described above.
While we continue to devote significant time and attention to these remediation efforts, the material weaknesses will not be considered remediated until management completes the design and implementation of the actions described above and the controls operate for a sufficient period of time, and management has concluded, through testing, that these controls are effective.
Changes in Internal Control over Financial Reporting
Other than as discussed above, there has been no change in our internal control over financial reporting during the quarter ended June 30, 2024, that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, our internal control over financial reporting.
During the quarter ended June 30, 2024, no director or officer (as defined in Rule 16a-1(f) promulgated under the Exchange Act) of the Company adopted or terminated a “Rule 10b5-1 trading arrangement” or “non-Rule 10b5-1 trading arrangement” (as each term is defined in Item 408 of Regulation S-K).
Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities
Lind Contingent Consent Warrant Issuance
On September 17, 2024, the Company's Common Share price was below the threshold price set forth in the Lind Consent, and accordingly, the Company issued 2,816,742 Contingent Consent Warrants to Lind. Each Contingent Consent Warrant is exercisable for one Common Share at an exercise price of $2.308 and may be exercised at any time prior to their expiration on September 17, 2028. The number of Contingent Consent Warrants issued was based on $5.0 million divided by the five-day volume weighted average price of the Common Shares on September 16, 2024.
The Contingent Consent Warrants were issued as part of the consideration for entering into the Lind Consent, which included the following principal terms: (i) the consent of Lind to the GXII Transaction and Yorkville Financings disclosed in the notes to the consolidated financial statements included in Part II, Item 8 hereof, including all actions taken by NioCorp as set out in the Business Combination Agreement to permit the completion of the 2023 Transactions; (ii) the consent of Lind to NioCorp’s expected cross-listing to the Nasdaq and the consolidation of the Common Shares in order to meet the minimum listing requirements thereof; (iii) the waiver of Lind of its participation right for up to 15% of the total offering in the Yorkville Equity Facility Financing; and (iv) the waiver of Lind of certain restrictive covenants in the Lind III Agreement.
As consideration for entering into the Lind Consent, Lind received, amongst other things: (i) the right to receive a payment of $500, which would have been reduced to $200 if the 2023 Transactions had not been consummated on or before April 30, 2023 (collectively, the “Consent Payment”); (ii) an extension of its existing participation rights under the Lind III Agreement in future financings of NioCorp for a further two-year period, subject to certain exceptions as well as an extension of such participation rights beyond the additional two-year period if Yorkville or any affiliate is a party to any such applicable transaction; and (iii) the right to receive Contingent Consent Warrants if on the date that is 18 months following the Closing Date, the closing trading price of the Common Shares on the TSX or such other stock exchange on which such shares may then be listed, is less than C$10.00 (on a post-Reverse Stock Split basis), subject to adjustments. The Lind Consent was signed as an amendment to the existing Lind III Agreement.
The Contingent Consent Warrants were issued pursuant to the exemption from the registration requirements of the Securities Act provided by Section 4(a)(2) thereof based upon the representations and warranties of Lind in the Lind III Agreement.
Not applicable.
Directors and Executive Officers
The following table sets forth as of September 20, 2024, the names and ages of, and position or positions held by, our executive officers and directors, the employment background of these persons, and any directorships held by the current directors during the last five years.
Name | Age | Position | Date of Appointment | |||
Mark A. Smith | 65 | Chief Executive Officer, President, Executive Chairman, and Director | Chief Executive Officer and Director:
September 23, 2013 President and Executive Chairman: May 31, 2015 | |||
Neal Shah | 50 | Chief Financial Officer and Corporate Secretary | Chief Financial Officer: July 1, 2016 Corporate Secretary: December 3, 2021 | |||
Scott Honan | 53 | Chief Operating Officer | May 6, 2014 | |||
Jim Sims | 63 | Chief Communications Officer | November 2, 2015 | |||
Michael J. Morris | 78 | Lead Director | July 27, 2014 | |||
David C. Beling | 83 | Director | June 6, 2011 | |||
Nilsa Guerrero-Mahon | 63 | Director | September 28, 2017 | |||
Dean C. Kehler | 67 | Director | March 17, 2023 | |||
Michael G. Maselli | 64 | Director | March 17, 2023 | |||
Peter Oliver | 61 | Director | May 25, 2022 |
The following sets forth a brief description of the business experience of each executive officer and director of the Company, including current directorships and directorships held in, at least, the past five years for each director:
Mark A. Smith – Executive Chairman, Director, President, and Chief Executive Officer
Mr. Smith has over 42 years of experience in operating, developing, and financing mining and strategic materials projects in the Americas and abroad. In September 2013, he was appointed CEO and a Director of NioCorp. From April 2015 to September 2019, Mr. Smith served as the President and Director for Largo Resources Ltd. (“Largo”), a mineral company with an operating property in Brazil and projects in Brazil and Canada. In addition, from April 2015 to October 2018, Mr. Smith also served as the CEO of Largo. Mr. Smith has also served on the board of directors of IBC Advanced Alloys Corp., a leading beryllium and copper advanced alloys company (“IBC”), since May 2016 and as CEO of IBC since July 2020. From October 2008 through December 2012, Mr. Smith served as President, CEO and Director of Molycorp, Inc., a rare earths producer (“Molycorp”), where he was instrumentally involved in taking it from a private company to a publicly traded company with a producing mine. From November 2011 through May 2015, he served on the board of directors at Avanti Mining, a mining company (TSX-V: AVT; Avanti Mining changed its name to AlloyCorp in early 2015). From December 2012 through September 2013, he served as the Managing Director of KMSmith LLC, a business strategy and finance advisory firm, where he served as a consultant.
Prior to Molycorp, Mr. Smith held numerous engineering, environmental, and legal positions within Unocal Corporation, a former petroleum explorer and marketer (“Unocal”), and later served as the President and CEO of Chevron Mining Inc., a coal and metal mining company and wholly owned subsidiary of Chevron Corporation (“Chevron Mining”). Mr. Smith also served for over seven years as the shareholder representative of Companhia Brasileira Metalúrgica e Mineração (“CBMM”), a private company that currently produces approximately 85% of the world supply of niobium. During his tenure with Chevron Mining, Mr. Smith was responsible for Chevron Mining’s three coal mines, one molybdenum mine, a petroleum coke calcining operation and Molycorp’s Mountain Pass mine. At Unocal, he served as the Vice-President from June 2000 to April 2006, and managed the real estate, remediation, mining and carbon divisions. Mr. Smith is a Registered Professional Engineer and serves as an active member of the State Bars of California and Colorado. He received his Bachelor of Science degree in Agricultural
Engineering from Colorado State University in 1981 and his Juris Doctor, cum laude, from Western State University, College of Law, in 1990.
Neal Shah – Chief Financial Officer and Corporate Secretary
Mr. Shah joined NioCorp in September 2014 as Vice President of Finance, and now serves as the Company’s CFO and Corporate Secretary. Mr. Shah served as Finance Manager at Covidien Ltd., a medical device company since acquired by Medtronic, from May 2014 through September 2014. From April 2011 until May 2014, he held the positions of Senior Manager of Corporate Development and M&A and more recently the Director of Strategy and Business Planning at Molycorp. Mr. Shah graduated from the University of Colorado with a BSc in Mechanical Engineering in 1996, and from Purdue University with an MBA in 2002. Since the completion of his MBA, Mr. Shah also held key finance roles with Intel Corporation and IBM.
Scott Honan – Chief Operating Officer
Mr. Honan joined NioCorp in May 2014 as Vice President, Business Development, and since July 2020, has served as the Company’s Chief Operating Officer (“COO”). He also serves as President of Elk Creek Resources Corporation, the NioCorp subsidiary that is developing the Elk Creek Project in Nebraska. Prior to his work at NioCorp, Mr. Honan served in several leadership capacities at Molycorp from February 2001 until May 2014, including as Vice President/Director Health, Environment, Safety and Sustainability and General Manager and Environmental Manager from July 2011 to May 2014. With over 31 years of experience in the gold and rare earth industries, Mr. Honan is a graduate of Queen’s University in Mining Engineering in both Mineral Processing (B.Sc. Honors) and Environmental Management (M.Sc.) disciplines.
Jim Sims – Chief Communications Officer
Mr. Sims has more than 31 years of experience in devising and executing marketing, media relations, public affairs, and investor relations operations for companies in the mining, chemical, manufacturing, utility, and renewable energy sectors. He joined NioCorp in November 2015 as Vice President, External Affairs, and now serves as its Chief Communications Officer, effective June 7, 2022. Prior to NioCorp, Mr. Sims served for more than five years as Director (and then Vice President) of Corporate Communications for Molycorp from March 2010 through November 2015. Since May 2016, Mr. Sims has also served as Director of Investor and Public Relations for IBC. Mr. Sims was President and CEO of Policy Communications, Inc. from 1998 until 2010, and served as White House Director of Communications for the Energy Policy Development Group. A former U.S. Senate Chief of Staff, he is the co-founder and former Executive Director of the Geothermal Energy Association, and he has served as Board Chairman of the Rare Earth Technology Alliance. He is an honors graduate of Georgetown University.
Michael J. Morris – Director
Mr. Morris was formerly the Chairman of the board of directors of Heritage Oaks Bankcorp (“Heritage Oaks”), the holding company of Heritage Oaks Bank. When Heritage Oaks Bank merged with Pacific Premier Bancorp on April 1, 2017, Mr. Morris became a member of the Pacific Premier Bancorp’s board of directors, a position he held until May 31, 2020. He joined Heritage Oaks’ board of directors in January 2001 and assumed the board’s chairmanship in 2007. In addition, Mr. Morris has worked since 1972 at Andre, Morris & Buttery, a professional law corporation, where he serves as Senior Principal and has served as Chairman of the board since 2005. From 2000 to late 2006, Mr. Morris served on the board of Molycorp, a rare earths producer, which at the time was a wholly owned subsidiary of Unocal and then Chevron Mining. Mr. Morris was the only independent director of Molycorp at that time. Mr. Morris is a graduate of Georgetown University and received his law degree from the University of San Francisco School of Law. He has practiced business and environmental law for over 41 years. Mr. Morris served as a member of the Board of Governors and Vice President of the State Bar of California. He served as a 1st Lieutenant in the U.S. Army from 1970 to 1972.
David C. Beling – Director
Mr. Beling is a Registered Professional Mining Engineer with 59 years of project and corporate experience. He has served as a director on the boards of 14 mining companies starting in 1981, including NioCorp since 2011. Mr. Beling is the owner of D.C. Beling & Assoc., LLC, which provides strategic advisory, project, and corporate development services to the mining industry. His previous employment and consulting included 14 years with five
major mining companies and then 44 years with 30+ U.S. and Canadian junior mining companies. He was the President, CEO, and Director of Bullfrog Gold Corp. from 2011 until October 2020; and the Executive Vice President and COO of Geovic Mining Corp. from 2004 through 2010. Mr. Beling has examined, significantly reviewed, or been directly involved with 90 underground mines, 136 open pit mines, and 174 process plants in the global metal, energy, and industrial mineral sectors.
Nilsa Guerrero-Mahon – Director
A former CFO and Controller for global corporations in the technology, energy, and government sectors, Ms. Guerrero-Mahon provides consulting services to domestic and international corporations as the principal at NG Mahon Business Consulting, LLC. In addition, Ms. Guerrero-Mahon was appointed to the Board of FinGoal Inc. in April 2022, a finance technology company building artificial intelligence tools for the financial services industry and other financial technology developers. She also serves on the Board of the State of Colorado Division of Securities. From 2016 to August 2019, she served on the board of directors of Centura Health Mountains & North Denver Operating Group, the largest division in the Centura Health Care System. From 2014 to 2016, she served as the Vice Chair of the board of directors and Chaired the Strategy Committee at St. Anthony Hospital. From 2009 to 2017, Ms. Guerrero-Mahon served as a gubernatorial appointed Board Member of the State of Colorado Financial Services Commission. Among other prior positions, from 2004 to 2007, she was the Global Services Controller at Microsoft Corporation, overseeing internal controls and corporate finance activities.
Ms. Guerrero-Mahon stays current with the latest Corporate Governance practices and the integration of ESG into the strategy. She is an NACD Board Leadership Fellow, a member of the SASB Alliance, holds a CERT Certificate in Cybersecurity Oversight from the Carnegie Mellon University and is currently enrolled in the Climate Leadership Certification program with Diligent Corporation. Ms. Guerrero-Mahon received an Executive MBA from the Daniels College of Business at the University of Denver, a BS in Business Administration - Accounting from the Interamerican University in San Juan, Puerto Rico, and an AS in Computer Science from the EDP School of Computer Programming in San Juan, Puerto Rico. She is a Certified Public Accountant registered in the State of Colorado.
Peter Oliver – Director
With a background in chemistry, Mr. Oliver began working at Greenbushes, Western Australia, for Sons of Gwalia, a mining company, in May 2003. After Sons of Gwalia went into administration in 2004, Mr. Oliver was hired by Talison Lithium Limited (“Talison”), a mining company, where he served as General Manager of Talison’s Greenbushes and Wodgina Mines and as Talison’s COO, until Mr. Oliver was appointed as the CEO/Managing director. As Talison’s CEO/Managing director, Mr. Oliver led the listing of Talison on the Toronto Stock Exchange in September 2010.
Mr. Oliver guided Talison through its acquisition in 2013 by Tianqi Lithium Corporation (“Tianqi”). He then served as a corporate adviser to Tianqi, focusing on M&A opportunities and global expansion, including advising on the sale of 49% of Talison to Albermarle Corp. and the acquisition of 24% of Sociedad Quimica y Minera de Chile S.A., as well as significant expansions of Talison’s Greenbushes lithium concentrate production.
Mr. Oliver also was a founding member of Tianqi Lithium Energy Australia Pty Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of Tianqi, which was established to build a major Lithium Hydroxide manufacturing facility in Western Australia. Until June 2021, Mr. Oliver remained as a director of Talison, a joint venture between Tianqi and Albemarle Corp. In September 2022, Mr. Oliver was appointed to the Board of Latin Resources, a lithium exploration company in Australia.
Dean C. Kehler – Director
Mr. Kehler co-founded Trimaran Fund Management, L.L.C. (“Trimaran Fund”) in 1998, where he is a Managing Partner, and serves as a Manager of Trimaran Fund II. Mr. Kehler was also the Co-Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of GX Acquisition Corp. II, a position he held from August 2018 to March 2023. From 1995 to 2000, Mr. Kehler held senior positions at Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (“CIBC”), including Vice Chairman of CIBC World Markets Corp. Mr. Kehler currently serves on the Boards of Directors of Portman Ridge Finance Corporation (formerly KCAP Financial Inc.) and Celularity, Inc. Within the last five years, he has served a director of Inviva Inc.,
Security First Corp. and Graphene Frontiers, LLC. He holds a bachelor’s degree from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.
Michael G. Maselli – Director
Mr. Maselli is a managing director of Trimaran Fund, a position he has held since 2006, and was the President of Acquisitions of GX Acquisition Corp. II from August 2018 to March 2023. Before joining Trimaran Fund in February 2006, Mr. Maselli worked in the Corporate and Leverage Finance Groups of CIBC World Markets. Prior to joining CIBC in 1997, Mr. Maselli served as a Managing Director in Bear Stearns’ corporate finance group and, prior to that, as a Vice President at Kidder Peabody & Co. Incorporated. Since 2010, Mr. Maselli served on the board of directors of El Pollo Loco Holdings from 2010 to 2024, and he served as their Chairman of the Board from 2011 to 2023. He served on the board of ChanceLight, Inc. (f/k/a Educational Services of America, Inc.) until 2018. From 2013 to 2015, he served on the board of directors of Norcraft Companies, Inc., and also served on the board of managers of its predecessor company beginning in 2003. Additionally, Mr. Maselli served on the board of directors of Standard Steel, LLC, and was director as well as Chairman of the Board of CB Holding Corp. Mr. Maselli received an MBA with distinction from The A.B. Freeman School at Tulane University and a bachelor’s degree in economics from the University of Colorado.
Other Directorships
The following is a list of directorships held over the past five years by our directors. Except as listed below, no directors of the Company are also directors of reporting issuers.
Name of Director | Other Reporting Issuer (or equivalent) | Exchange | ||
David C. Beling | Bullfrog Gold | CSE | ||
Michael J. Morris | Pacific Premier Bancorp | Nasdaq | ||
Mark A. Smith | IBC Advanced Alloys Corp. | TSX-V | ||
Peter Oliver | Latin Resources | ASX | ||
Dean C. Kehler | El Pollo Loco Holdings, Inc.
Nasdaq | ||
Portman Ridge Finance Corporation | Nasdaq | |||
Celularity, Inc. | Nasdaq | |||
GX Acquisition Corp. II | Nasdaq | |||
Michael G. Maselli | El Pollo Loco Holdings, Inc. | Nasdaq |
Legal Proceedings
No director or executive officer of the Company is a party adverse to the Company or any of its subsidiaries or has a material interest adverse to the Company or any of its subsidiaries.
During the past ten years, none of the persons serving as executive officers and/or directors of the Company and, with respect to promoters or control persons, for the past five years, none have been the subject matter of any of the legal proceedings that are required to be disclosed pursuant to Item 401(f) of Regulation S-K. Further, no such legal proceedings are believed to be contemplated by governmental authorities against any director or executive officer.
Ethical Business Conduct
The Board expects management to operate the business of the Company in a manner that enhances shareholder value and is consistent with the highest level of integrity. Management is expected to execute the Company’s business plan and to meet performance goals and objectives according to the highest ethical standards.
In addition, directors and senior officers are bound by the provisions of the Company’s Articles and the British Columbia Business Corporations Act (“BCBCA”), which set forth how any conflicts of interest are to be dealt with. In particular, any director who has a material interest in a particular transaction is required to disclose such interest and to refrain from voting with respect to the approval of any such transaction.
Insider Trading Policy
The Board has also adopted an insider trading policy (the “Insider Trading Policy”) to help ensure, among other things: (i) that persons to whom the policy applies understand their obligations to preserve the confidentiality of
“Material Nonpublic Information” (as defined in the Insider Trading Policy); (ii) strict compliance by all insiders with all requirements relating to the reporting of insider trading and with respect to trading when in possession of “Material Nonpublic Information”; and (iii) that individuals subject to scheduled and unscheduled blackout periods adhere to the restrictions on trading as set out in the Insider Trading Policy.
Code of Business Conduct and Ethics
Our Board has adopted a written Code of Business Conduct and Ethics applicable to our employees, officers, and directors, including those officers responsible for financial reporting. The Code of Business Conduct and Ethics is available on our website at www.niocorp.com. If the Board amends the Code of Business Conduct and Ethics or grants a waiver, including an implicit waiver, from the Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, the Company will disclose the information on its internet website. The waiver information will remain on the website for at least 12 months after the initial disclosure of such waiver. Given the current size of the Company workforce, and the lack of significant operations, the Board monitors compliance through periodic discussions with executive management.
Audit Committee and Audit Committee Financial Experts
Our Audit Committee is currently comprised of Nilsa Guerrero-Mahon, Michael J. Morris, and Michael Maselli, all of whom are independent directors. Our Board has determined that each of the three members are audit committee financial experts, as defined by the rules of the SEC. Further, all Audit Committee members are financially literate as defined in NI 52-110. The Audit Committee was established in accordance with Section 3(a)(58)(A) of the Exchange Act.
The following table sets out the compensation for the fiscal years ended June 30, 2024 and 2023 for the individual who served as the Company’s CEO during fiscal year 2024, as well as the Company’s two other most highly compensated executive officers other than the CEO who were serving at the end of the last fiscal year (collectively, the “named executive officers”):
Fiscal 2024 Summary Compensation Table
Name and Principal Position |
Year |
Salary ($) |
($) |
Awards (1) ($) |
($) | |||||
Mark A. Smith, Chief Executive Officer, President (2) | 2024 | $325,000 | $ — | $641,250 | $966,250 | |||||
2023 | 304,000 | 100,000 | 216,300 | 620,300 | ||||||
Scott Honan, Chief Operating Officer | 2024 | 280,000 | — | 427,500 | 707,500 | |||||
2023 | 265,000 | 50,000 | 123,600 | 438,600 | ||||||
Neal Shah, Chief Financial Officer and Corporate Secretary | 2024 | 250,000 | — | 427,500 | 677,500 | |||||
2023 | 227,500 | 50,000 | 123,600 | 401,100 |
(1) | Reflects the grant date fair value of the stock options (“Options”) granted during the reported fiscal years. Fiscal year 2024 grants consisted of 375,000 Options for Mr. Smith and 250,000 Options for each of Messrs. Honan and Shah, in each case at an exercise price of $2.99 per share. Fiscal year 2023 grants consisted of 70,000 Options for Mr. Smith and 40,000 Options for each of Messrs. Honan and Shah, in each case at an exercise price of $6.95 per share. Grant date fair values were computed in accordance with FASB ASC Topic 718. Assumptions used in the calculation of these amounts are described in Note 11 in the Company’s consolidated financial statements included in this Annual Report on Form 10-K. These Options were fully vested on the grant date and generally remain exercisable until a period of three or five years after the grant date. |
(2) | Disclosed amounts were paid to 76 Resources, LLC, an entity controlled by Mr. Smith, as further described below under “Employment Agreements and Severance Arrangements.” |
Narrative Disclosure to Summary Compensation Table
Compensation Governance
The Company’s Compensation Committee determines the amount of compensation for the Company’s executives, which is designed to reflect the need to provide incentives and compensation for the time and effort expended by the executives while taking into account the financial and other resources of the Company. The Compensation Committee has the authority to engage and compensate, at the expense of the Company, any outside advisor that it determines to be necessary to permit it to carry out its duties (including compensation consultants and advisers), and generally utilized information provided by Insperity PEO Services LP (“Insperity”), the Company’s Professional Employer Organization, in February 2023, to assess employee salaries relative to industry and market peers and engaged Bedford Resources Inc. (“Bedford”) in November 2023 to provide competitive data in executive compensation. The Company has assessed the independence of both Insperity and Bedford, and has found no conflicts of interest raised by their work.
Compensation Program Design
The Board, in conjunction with the Compensation Committee, determines compensation and rewards to senior management on the basis of individual and corporate performance, both in the short term and the long term, while at the same time being mindful of the responsibility that the Company has to its shareholders. In general, the Compensation Committee considers that its compensation program should be relatively simple in concept, given the current stage of the Company’s development, and that its focus should be balanced between reasonable current compensation and longer-term compensation tied to performance of the Company as a whole.
The Compensation Committee has not established a formal set of benchmarks or performance criteria to be met by the Company’s named executive officers; rather, the members of the Compensation Committee use the information provided by Insperity and Bedford, and their own subjective assessments of the level of success of the Company to determine, collectively, whether or not the named executive officers are successfully achieving the Company’s business plan and strategy and the degree to which they have performed in that regard. The Compensation Committee has not established any set or formal formula for determining named executive officer compensation, either as to the amount thereof or the specific mix of compensation elements, and compensation (and adjustments from time to time) is set through informal discussions at the Compensation Committee level.
Key Elements of Named Executive Officer Compensation
Base Salaries
The members of the Compensation Committee use their own experience and familiarity with the industry, and consider the factors described above, to determine what they believe to be reasonable base salaries for our named executive officers. The base salaries of the named executive officers are set at levels which are considered by the members of the Compensation Committee to be competitive, thereby enabling the Company to compete for and retain executives critical to the long-term success of the Company. Initially, base salaries (or, for Mr. Smith, base consulting fees) are set through negotiation when executive officers join the Company (with direct input from the Compensation Committee) and are subsequently reviewed each fiscal year to determine if adjustments are required.
Bonus Compensation
The Board has discretion, where deemed appropriate and financially affordable for the Company, to grant a cash bonus to a named executive officer based on the performance of both the individual named executive officer and the Company. No cash bonuses were approved or paid for the named executive officers for fiscal year 2024.
Option-Based Awards
The incentive portion of each named executive officer’s compensation package consists primarily of Options awarded under the 2017 Amended Long-Term Incentive Plan. Share ownership opportunities through the grant of Options are provided to align the interests of senior management of the Company with the longer-term interests of the shareholders of the Company.
The 2017 Amended Long-Term Incentive Plan is administered by the Compensation Committee, and is intended to advance the interests of the Company through the motivation, attraction and retention of officers and other key employees, directors and consultants of the Company and affiliates of the Company and to secure for the Company and its shareholders the benefits inherent in the ownership of Common Shares of the Company by officers and other key employees, directors and consultants of the Company and affiliates of the Company. Grants of Options under the 2017 Amended Long-Term Incentive Plan are proposed and recommended by the CEO and reviewed by the Compensation Committee, or are proposed by the Compensation Committee. The Compensation Committee can approve, modify, or reject any proposed grants, in whole or in part. In general, the allocation of available Options among the eligible participants in the 2017 Amended Long-Term Incentive Plan is on an ad hoc basis, and there is no set formula for allocating available Options, nor is there any fixed benchmark or performance criteria to be achieved in order to receive an award of or vest in Options.
The Compensation Committee does not consider the accounting value of any such Option grants in determining the number of Options to award to any individual, as any such “value” is an accounting measure that is not relevant to incentivizing the individual. The timing of the grants of Options is determined by the Compensation Committee, and there is no regular interval for the awarding of Option grants. In general, a higher level of responsibility will result in a larger grant of Options. Because the number of Options available is limited, in general, the Compensation Committee aims to have individuals at what it subjectively considers to be the same levels of responsibility holding equivalent numbers of Options, with additional grants being allocated for individuals who the Compensation Committee believes are in a position to more directly affect the success of the Company through their efforts.
The Compensation Committee looks at the overall number of Options held by an individual (plus the exercise prices and remaining terms of existing Options and whether any previously granted Options have expired out of the money or were exercised) and takes such information into consideration when reviewing proposed new grants. After considering the CEO’s recommendations, if any, and the foregoing factors, the resulting proposed Option grant is then submitted to the Board for final approval.
During the fiscal year ended June 30, 2024, the Compensation Committee approved all recommendations for the grant of Options proposed by management, and the named executive officers were granted the following number of Options effective February 15, 2024, each with an exercise price per share of $2.99 per share: Mr. Smith, 375,000 Options; Mr. Honan, 250,000 Options; and Mr. Shah, 250,000 Options. These Options were fully vested and exercisable on the grant date and generally remain exercisable until five years after the grant date.
On March 28, 2024, the Board approved a modification to Options previously issued on March 27, 2023, with dual strike prices of $6.95 and C$9.52, under which the option to exercise in C$ was removed. No other terms or conditions were amended by the Board.
Employment Agreements and Severance Arrangements
The Company and KMSmith, LLC (“KMSmith”), an entity controlled by Mark A. Smith, entered into a Consulting Agreement effective September 23, 2013 (as amended, the “Smith Agreement”). On August 31, 2020, the Company, KMSmith and 76 Resources, Inc., an entity controlled by Mr. Smith, entered into a Contract Assignment and Novation Agreement, pursuant to which KMSmith assigned all of its rights under the Smith Agreement to 76 Resources, Inc. and 76 Resources, Inc. assumed all of KMSmith’s obligations under the Smith Agreement by novation. On August 1, 2021, the Company, 76 Resources, Inc. and 76 Resources, LLC, an entity controlled by Mr. Smith, entered into a Contract Assignment and Novation Agreement, pursuant to which 76 Resources, Inc. assigned all of its rights under the Smith Agreement to 76 Resources, LLC and 76 Resources, LLC assumed all of 76 Resources, Inc.’s obligations under the Smith Agreement by novation. Under the terms of the Smith Agreement, 76 Resources, LLC (as ultimate successor in interest to KMSmith), through Mr. Smith, performs the duties and responsibilities of the CEO of the Company and related services, for an indefinite term at a base rate of $325,000 per year, generally payable in equal monthly installments of $27,083. Any bonuses and incentive payments are payable at the discretion of the Board. Mr. Smith is eligible to receive Options under the 2017 Amended Long-Term Incentive Plan, as determined by the Board.
The Company may terminate the Smith Agreement at any time without notice or payment if (1) 76 Resources, LLC commits a material breach of the Smith Agreement (subject to a cure period in certain circumstances), (2) Mr. Smith dies or becomes permanently disabled, or (3) certain other “for cause” scenarios occur (as further described in the Smith Agreement). In the event the Smith Agreement is terminated by the Company for any other reason or if 76
Resources, LLC terminates the Smith Agreement on the occurrence of a Triggering Event, the Company shall pay 76 Resources, LLC a lump sum termination fee equal to the base fee in effect at the termination date as well as the average of any annual bonuses or other cash incentive payments for two calendar years immediately preceding the year the termination occurs. A Triggering Event is defined as: a substantial change in the nature of services to be performed by 76 Resources, LLC; a material breach by the Company of the Smith Agreement that is not remedied within 30 days of notice; the cessation of the Company as a going concern; the failure of the Company to pay a material amount due pursuant to the Smith Agreement within 30 days of the due date; or a material reduction in base fee or any other form of compensation payable by the Company to 76 Resources, LLC, except where all senior executives or consultants of the Company are subject to relatively similar reductions in such values. 76 Resources, LLC may terminate the Smith Agreement for a reason other than a Triggering Event on 90 days’ written notice and, should the Company immediately accept such termination notice, it shall pay 76 Resources, LLC the sum of $69,904. Should a change of control of the Company occur (as that term is defined in the Smith Agreement) and, within one year, either a Triggering Event occurs and 76 Resources, LLC terminates the Smith Agreement or 76 Resources, LLC’s engagement is terminated by the Company under circumstances that would give rise to a termination payment in the absence of a change of control, then 76 Resources, LLC shall be entitled to receive an amount equal to the base fee in effect at the termination date as well as the average of any annual bonuses or other cash payments for two calendar years immediately preceding the year the termination occurs. In the event 76 Resources, LLC is entitled to a termination payment with respect to a change of control, any Options previously granted to Mr. Smith shall become fully vested and shall remain exercisable for the original term of grant despite a termination of the services of 76 Resources, LLC. Termination payments under the Smith Agreement are generally contingent on a release of claims by 76 Resources, LLC. The Smith Agreement also includes customary confidentiality and six-month employee non-solicitation provisions.
If the Smith Agreement had been terminated by the Company for any reason other than as set out in the Smith Agreement, if 76 Resources, LLC terminated the Smith Agreement on the occurrence of a Triggering Event, or had a change of control of the Company occurred and within one year, either a Triggering Event occurred and 76 Resources, LLC terminated the Smith Agreement or 76 Resources, LLC’s engagement was terminated by the Company without the occurrence of a Triggering Event for any reason other than as set out in the Smith Agreement, effective as of June 30, 2024, 76 Resources, LLC (as ultimate successor in interest to KMSmith) would have been entitled to a payment of $375,000.
As previously disclosed, on September 25, 2022, in connection with our entry into the Business Combination Agreement, Messrs. Shah and Honan (the “Covered Officers”) entered into employment agreements with a United States affiliate (the “U.S. Affiliate”) of the Company (the “Employment Agreements”). The Employment Agreements became effective upon the closing of the GXII Transaction, and will continue until either the Covered Officer or the U.S. Affiliate terminates the Covered Officer’s employment for any reason. Pursuant to the Employment Agreements, Mr. Shah continues to serve as Chief Financial Officer of the Company, and Mr. Honan continues to serve as the COO of the Company and serves as President of the U.S. Affiliate.
The Employment Agreement for Mr. Shah provides for an initial annual base salary of $220,000 per year, and Mr. Honan’s Employment Agreement provides for an initial annual base salary of $260,000 per year. The annual base salary rates for the Covered Officers will be reviewed at least annually for potential increases. As described above, the base salary rates of Messrs. Shah and Honan were increased in fiscal 2023 to $250,000 for Mr. Shah and $280,000 for Mr. Honan. The Employment Agreements also provide each of the Covered Officers with eligibility to participate in (1) any annual cash bonus plan and/or any long-term incentive compensation plan as may be established by the U.S. Affiliate or its affiliates, and (2) any employee benefit plan, program, or policy of the U.S. Affiliate or its affiliates as may be in effect for senior executives of the U.S. Affiliate or its affiliates generally. The Employment Agreements also include the following additional features: (1) severance benefits upon certain qualifying terminations of employment, consisting of: (a) for a qualifying termination of the Covered Officer’s employment by the U.S. Affiliate without Cause (as such term is defined in the Employment Agreements) that does not occur within two years after a Change in Control of the U.S. Affiliate (as defined in the Employment Agreements), certain accrued obligations, plus 12 months of salary continuation, and (b) for a qualifying termination of the Covered Officer’s employment by the U.S. Affiliate without Cause or by the Covered Officer for Good Reason (as such term is defined in the Employment Agreements) that occurs within two years after a Change in Control (a “Change in Control Termination”), certain accrued obligations, and a lump sum cash amount equal to two times the Covered Officer’s annual base salary as in effect at the time of such termination; and (2) a requirement that each Covered Executive execute a customary release of claims in favor of the U.S. Affiliate to receive severance compensation. In connection
with the Covered Officers entering into the Employment Agreements each Covered Officer also entered into a restrictive covenant agreement (a “Restrictive Covenant Agreement”). The Restrictive Covenant Agreements include customary restrictive covenants, including non-competition and non-solicitation obligations that remain in effect both during the employment term and for one year following termination of the Covered Officer’s employment other than a Change in Control Termination (in which case the period will be two years following such Change in Control Termination), as well as other customary restrictive covenants, such as confidentiality provisions.
Stock Options Under the 2017 Amended Long-Term Incentive Plan
In accordance with the 2017 Amended Long-Term Incentive Plan, the Company granted Options to its named executive officers during the Company’s 2024 fiscal year; no other equity-based awards were granted to the named executive officers during the 2024 fiscal year.
The following table sets forth the outstanding equity awards for each named executive officer at June 30, 2024. The Company has not granted full value stock-based awards to any of its named executive officers.
Outstanding Equity Awards at 2024 Fiscal Year-End
Option Awards | ||||||||||
Name | Grant Date | Number of
Exercisable |
Number of
Unexercisable |
Exercise Price ($) |
Option Expiration Date | |||||
Mark A. Smith | 12/17/2021 | 65,000 | — | $9.94 | (1) | 12/17/2024 | ||||
03/27/2023 | 70,000 | — | 6.95 | 03/27/2026 | ||||||
02/15/2024 | 375,000 | — | 2.99 | 02/15/2029 | ||||||
Scott Honan | 12/17/2021 | 30,000 | — | 9.94 | (1) | 12/17/2024 | ||||
03/27/2023 | 40,000 | — | 6.95 | 03/27/2026 | ||||||
02/15/2024 | 250,000 | — | 2.99 | 02/15/2029 | ||||||
Neal Shah | 12/17/2021 | 30,000 | — | 9.94 | (1) | 12/17/2024 | ||||
03/27/2023 | 40,000 | — | 6.95 | 03/27/2026 | ||||||
02/15/2024 | 250,000 | — | 2.99 | 02/15/2029 |
(1) | Option exercise price based on a spot exchange rate of C$1.3687 to US$1.00 on June 30, 2024. |
Retirement Plan Benefits
Messrs. Honan and Shah are each eligible to participate in the Company’s 401(k) savings plan, which is designed to reward continued employment with the Company and assist participants with financial preparation for retirement. All amounts credited under the 401(k) savings plan relate to participant contributions. The Company does not currently make matching or other contributions to the 401(k) savings plan.
Termination and Change of Control Benefits
Except as described above, the Company has not entered into any plans or arrangements in respect of remuneration received or that may be received by the named executive officers in respect of compensating such officers or directors in the event of a change of control, termination of employment (as a result of resignation, retirement, change of control, etc.) or a change in responsibilities following a change of control. Options are generally subject to clawback provisions, and provide for post-employment exercise periods, pursuant to the terms of such awards and the 2017 Amended Long-Term Incentive Plan.
Fiscal 2024 Director Compensation
One of the directors serving on the Board (Mark A. Smith) is also a named executive officer. For a description of the compensation paid to Mr. Smith, see “Fiscal 2024 Summary Compensation Table” above.
The following table sets forth all compensation the Company granted to our directors, other than Mr. Smith, for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2024:
Name | Fees Earned or Paid in Cash
($) |
Awards ($)(1) |
All Other Compensation
($) |
Total ($) | ||||
David C. Beling | $– | $85,500 | $– | $85,500 | ||||
Michael J. Morris | – | 128,250 | – | 128,250 | ||||
Nilsa Guerrero-Mahon | – | 128,250 | – | 128,250 | ||||
Peter Oliver | – | 85,500 | – | 85,500 | ||||
Dean C. Kehler | – | 85,500 | – | 85,500 | ||||
Michael G. Maselli | – | 85,500 | – | 85,500 | ||||
Anna Castner Wightman (2) | – | – | – | – |
(1) | Reflects the grant date fair value of Options granted during the 2024 fiscal year, consisting of 75,000 Options each for Mr. Morris, and Ms. Guerrero-Mahon, and 50,000 Options each for Messrs. Beling, Oliver, Kehler, and Maselli, in each case at an exercise price of $2.99 per share, computed in accordance with FASB ASC Topic 718. Assumptions used in the calculation of these amounts are described in Note 11 in the Company’s consolidated financial statements included in this Annual Report on Form 10-K. These Options were fully vested on the grant date and generally remain exercisable until three years after the grant date. |
(2) | Ms. Wightman served as a member of the Board until January 19, 2024, and did not receive a grant of Options during the 2024 fiscal year. |
For the fiscal year ended June 30, 2024, the directors of the Company did not receive any cash fees for serving on the Board. The directors of the Company have no standard compensation arrangements, or any other arrangements, with the Company, except as herein disclosed. Option grants are determined by the Compensation and Organization Committee of the Board (the “Compensation Committee”) on a discretionary basis each year. Executive officers of the Company who also act as directors of the Company do not receive any additional compensation for services rendered in such capacity. See “Fiscal 2024 Summary Compensation Table” above.
The aggregate number of Option awards outstanding at the end of fiscal year 2024 for each non-employee director who served during fiscal 2024 was as follows: Mr. Beling, 117,500 Options; Mr. Morris, 157,500 Options; Ms. Guerrero-Mahon, 150,000 Options; Mr. Oliver, 140,000 Options; Mr. Kehler, 50,000 Options; and Mr. Maselli, 50,000 Options. As of June 30, 2024, all the above Options were 100% vested.
Description of the 2017 Amended Long-Term Incentive Plan
On January 19, 2024, NioCorp’s shareholders approved the adoption of the 2017 Amended Long-Term Incentive Plan. Under the 2017 Amended Long-Term Incentive Plan, the Board may in its discretion from time-to-time grant stock options, share units (in the form of restricted share units (“RSUs”) and performance share units (“PSUs”)) and dividend equivalents to non-employee directors, employees and certain other service providers (as further described in the 2017 Amended Long-Term Incentive Plan) of the Company and affiliated entities selected by the Board. Subject to adjustment as provided in the 2017 Amended Long-Term Incentive Plan, the aggregate number of Common Shares that may be reserved for issuance to participants under the 2017 Amended Long-Term Incentive Plan, together with all other security-based compensation arrangements of the Company, may not exceed 10% of the issued and outstanding Common Shares from time to time, and the Common Shares reserved for issuance upon settlement of share units shall not exceed 5% of the issued and outstanding Common Shares from time to time. Further, the aggregate number of Common Shares reserved for issuance to any one participant under the 2017 Amended Long-Term Incentive Plan, together with all other security-based compensation arrangements of the Company, must not exceed 5% of the then issued and outstanding Common Shares (on a non-diluted basis). The maximum number of Common Shares (1) issued to insiders (for purposes of the Toronto Stock Exchange Company Manual) within any one-year period and (2) issuable to insiders at any time, under the 2017 Amended Long-Term
Incentive Plan, or when combined with the Company’s other security-based compensation arrangements, will not exceed 10% of the number of the then issued and outstanding Common Shares.
The following table presents the burn rates for the 2017 Amended Long-Term Incentive Plan since inception:
Year Ending June 30 |
Number of awards granted (1) |
Weighted average number of Common Shares outstanding |
Burn rate | |||
2024 | 1,625,000 | 34,320,024 | 4.7% | |||
2023 | 578,000 | 28,705,840 | 2.0% | |||
2022 | 447,500 | 26,373,722 | 1.7% | |||
2021 | 370,000 | 24,196,711 | 1.5% | |||
2020 | — | 23,461,012 | 0.0% |
The following table sets forth the beneficial ownership of Common Shares of NioCorp for the following: (1) each person who is known by NioCorp to beneficially own more than 5% of the outstanding shares of NioCorp’s Common Shares; (2) each of the named executive officers (as defined in the “Fiscal 2024 Summary Compensation Table,” above); (3) each of NioCorp’s directors; and (4) all directors and executive officers of NioCorp as a group.
Beneficial ownership of Common Shares in the table below is determined in accordance with the rules of the SEC and includes voting or investment power with respect to the Common Shares. Common Shares that may be acquired by an individual or group within 60 days of September 20, 2024, pursuant to the exercise of options to purchase Common Shares (“Options”), the exercise of Common Share purchase warrants (“Warrants”) or the exchange of shares of Class B common stock of ECRC (formerly known as GXII), are deemed to be outstanding for the purpose of computing the percentage ownership of such individual or group but are not deemed to be outstanding for the purpose of computing the percentage ownership of any other person shown in the table. Percentage of ownership is based on 38,660,244 Common Shares outstanding as of September 20, 2024. Unless otherwise noted in the table below, Options vested at the grant date.
Except as indicated in footnotes to this table, we believe that the shareholders named in this table have sole voting and investment power with respect to all Common Shares shown to be beneficially owned by them, based on information provided to us by such shareholders. Unless otherwise indicated, the address for each director and executive officer listed is: c/o NioCorp Developments Ltd., 7000 South Yosemite Street, Suite 115, Centennial, CO 80112.
and Address of Beneficial Owner |
Position | Amount and Nature of Beneficial Ownership |
Percent of Common Shares | |||
Mark A. Smith, PE, Esq. Highlands Ranch, Colorado, USA |
Chief Executive Officer, President, Executive Chairman and Director | 2,645,397 | (2) | 6.75% | ||
Neal Shah Superior, Colorado, USA |
Chief Financial Officer and Corporate Secretary | 395,032 | (3) | 1.01% | ||
Scott Honan Centennial, Colorado, USA |
Chief Operating Officer | 375,762 | (4) | * | ||
Jim Sims Golden Colorado, USA |
VP – External Affairs | 377,928 | (5) | * | ||
Michael J. Morris San Luis Obispo, California, USA |
Lead Director | 219,698 | (6) | * | ||
David C. Beling Grand Junction, Colorado, USA |
Director | 189,513 | (7) | * | ||
Nilsa Guerrero-Mahon Brighton, Colorado, USA |
Director | 196,068 | (8) | * | ||
Kehler New York, New York, USA |
3,500,369 | (9) | 8.32% | ||
Michael Maselli Pelham, New York, USA |
Director | 588,235 | (10) | 1.50% | ||
Peter Oliver Bunbury, Western Australia, Australia |
Director | 140,000 | (11) | * | ||
All current directors, executive officers and named executive officers as a group (11 persons) | 8,628,002 | 19.28% | ||||
Cooper Road, LLC
Miami Beach, Florida, USA |
3,126,231 | (12) | 7.48% |
* Represents ownership of less than 1%.
(1) | Calculated in accordance with Rule 13d-3 of the Exchange Act. |
(2) | As of September 20, 2024, Mr. Smith beneficially owns 2,088,596 outstanding Common Shares. In addition, Mr. Smith beneficially owns 46,801 Common Shares issuable upon exercise of 46,801 Warrants issued in connection with the December 2023 Private Placement. In addition, he beneficially owns 510,000 vested Options comprised of the following: (i) on December 17, 2021, Mr. Smith was granted 65,000 Options for a period of three years at a price of C$13.60 per Common Share; (ii) on March 27, 2023, Mr. Smith was granted 70,000 Options for a period of three years at a price of $6.95 per Common Share, and (iii) on February 15, 2024, Mr. Smith was granted 375,000 Options for a period of five years at a price of $2.99 per Common Share. |
(3) | As of September 20, 2024, Mr. Shah beneficially owns 65,671 outstanding Common Shares. In addition, Mr. Shah beneficially owns 9,361 Common Shares issuable upon exercise of 9,361 Warrants issued in connection with the December 2023 Private Placement. In addition, he beneficially owns 320,000 vested Options comprised of the following: (i) on December 17, 2021, Mr. Shah was granted 30,000 Options for a period of three years at a price of C$13.60 per Common Share; (ii) on March 27, 2023, Mr. Shah was granted 40,000 Options for a period of three years at a price of $6.95 per Common Share; and (iii) on February 15, 2024, Mr. Shah was granted 250,000 Options for a period of five years at a price of $2.99 per Common Share. |
(4) | As of September 20, 2024, Mr. Honan beneficially owns 55,762 outstanding Common Shares. In addition, he beneficially owns 320,000 vested Options comprised of the following: (i) on December 17, 2021, Mr. Honan was granted 30,000 Options for a period of three years at a price of C$13.60 per Common Share; (ii) on March 27, 2023, Mr. Honan was granted 40,000 Options for a period of three years at a price of $6.95 per Common Share; and (iii) on February 15, 2024, Mr. Honan was granted 250,000 Options for a period of five years at a price of $2.99 per Common Share. |
(5) | As of September 20, 2024, Mr. Sims beneficially owns 57,928 outstanding Common Shares In addition, he beneficially owns 320,000 vested Options comprised of the following: (i) on December 17, 2021, Mr. Sims was granted 30,000 Options for a period of three years at a price of C$13.60 per Common Share; (ii) on March 27, 2023, Mr. Sims was granted 40,000 Options for a period of three years at a price of $6.95 per Common Share; and (iii) on February 15, 2024, Mr. Sims was granted 250,000 Options for a period of five years at a price of $2.99 per Common Share. |
(6) | As of September 20, 2024, Mr. Morris beneficially owns 62,198 outstanding Common Shares. He shares both voting and investment power with respect to 5,525 of such Common Shares with his wife as the only trustees of the Michael |
and Sandra Morris Trust. In addition, he beneficially owns 157,500 vested Options comprised of the following: (i) on December 17, 2021, Mr. Morris was granted 32,500 Options for a period of three years at a price of C$13.60 per Common Share; (ii) on March 27, 2023, Mr. Morris was granted 50,000 Options for a period of three years at a price of $6.95 per Common Share; and (iii) on February 15, 2024, Mr. Morris was granted 75,000 Options for a period of five years at a price of $2.99 per Common Share. |
(7) | As of September 20, 2024, Mr. Beling beneficially owns 72,013 outstanding Common Shares. In addition, he beneficially owns 117,500 vested Options comprised of the following: (i) on December 17, 2021, Mr. Beling was granted 27,500 Options for a period of three years at a price of C$13.60 per Common Share; (ii) on March 27, 2023, Mr. Beling was granted 40,000 Options for a period of three years at a price of $6.95 per Common Share; and (iii) on February 15, 2024, Mr. Behling was granted 50,000 Options for a period of five years at a price of $2.99 per Common Share. |
(8) | As of September 20, 2024, Ms. Guerrero-Mahon beneficially owns 46,068 Common Shares. In addition, she beneficially owns 150,000 vested Options comprised of the following: (i) on December 17, 2021, Ms. Guerrero-Mahon was granted 30,000 Options for a period of three years at a price of C$13.60 per Common Share; (ii) on March 27, 2023, Ms. Guerrero-Mahon was granted 45,000 Options for a period of three years at a price of $6.95 per Common Share; and (iii) on February 15, 2024, Ms. Guerrero-Mahon was granted 75,000 Options for a period of five years at a price of $2.99 per Common Share. |
(9) | As of September 20, 2024, Mr. Kehler beneficially owns 78,003 Common Shares. In addition, Mr. Kehler beneficially owns 78,003 Common Shares issuable upon exercise of 78,003 Warrants issued in connection with the December 2023 Private Placement, and he beneficially owns 50,000 vested Options comprised of the following: on February 15, 2024, Mr. Kehler was granted 50,000 Options for a period of five years at a price of $2.99 per Common Share. In addition, Mr. Kehler beneficially owns 1,441,290 Common Shares issuable upon the exchange of shares of Vested Shares. He shares both voting and investment power with respect to 318,480 such Vested Shares with U.S. Trust Company of Delaware, as co-trustee of the Elizabeth Kehler 2012 Family Trust under Declaration of Trust dated December 12, 2012 (the “Elizabeth Kehler Trust”). In addition, Mr. Kehler beneficially owns 1,853,073 Common Shares issuable upon exercise of 1,657,057 Private Warrants held by Mr. Kehler. Does not include Common Shares that may be issuable upon exchange of (i) 417,030 Common Shares issuable upon the exchange of Earnout Shares held by Mr. Kehler that will vest when the volume-weighted average price of the Common Shares on the principal exchange of the Common Shares as reported by Bloomberg (“VWAP”) equals or exceeds approximately $12.00 per share for 20 of any 30 consecutive trading days during the period from March 17, 2023 to March 17, 2033 (such period, the “Earnout Share Period”) on any stock exchange on which the Common Shares are then trading (such Common Shares, the “Tranche I Earnout Shares”), (ii) 417,030 Common Shares issuable upon the exchange of Earnout Shares held by Mr. Kehler that will vest when the VWAP of the Common Shares equals or exceeds approximately $15.00 per share for 20 of any 30 consecutive trading days during the Earnout Share Period on any stock exchange on which the Common Shares are then trading (such Common Shares, the “Tranche II Earnout Shares”), (iii) 118,284 Tranche I Earnout Shares held by the Elizabeth Kehler Trust and (iv) 118,284 Tranche II Earnout Shares held by the Elizabeth Kehler Trust. |
(10) | As of September 20, 2024, Mr. Maselli beneficially owns 323, 085 Common Shares issuable upon the exchange of Vested Shares. In addition, he beneficially owns 50,000 vested Options comprised of the following: on February 15, 2024, Mr. Maselli was granted 50,000 Options for a period of five years at a price of $2.99 per Common Share. In addition, Mr. Maselli beneficially owns 215,150 Common Shares issuable upon exercise of 192,392 Private Warrants held by Mr. Maselli. Does not include Common Shares that may be issuable upon exchange of (i) 119,998 Tranche I Earnout Shares held by Mr. Maselli and (ii) 119,998 Tranche II Earnout Shares held by Mr. Maselli. |
(11) | As of September 20, 2024, Mr. Oliver beneficially owns 140,000 vested Options comprised of the following: (i) on May 30, 2022, Mr. Oliver was granted 50,000 Options for a period of three years at a price of C$11.00; and (ii) on March 27, 2023, Mr. Oliver was granted 40,000 Options for a period of three years at a price of $6.95 per Common Share; and (iii) on February 15, 2024, Mr. Oliver was granted 50,000 Options for a period of five years at a price of $2.99 per Common Share. |
(12) | As reported by Cooper Road, LLC on a Schedule 13G filed with the SEC on December 18, 2023. Cooper Road, LLC is controlled by Jay Bloom. |
The Company has maintained equity compensation plans under which Options have been granted. Option grants have been determined by the Company’s directors and are only provided in compliance with applicable laws and regulatory policy. The following information is provided with respect to compensation plans (including individual compensation arrangements) under which equity securities were authorized for issuance as of June 30, 2024.
Equity Compensation Plan Information | ||||||
Plan Category | Number of Securities to be Issued Upon Exercise of Outstanding Options, Warrants, and Rights |
Weighted-Average Exercise Price of Outstanding Options, Warrants, and Rights |
Number of Securities Remaining Available for Future Issuance Under Equity Compensation Plans (Excluding Securities Reflected in Second Column) | |||
Equity Compensation Plans Approved by Security Holders (1) | 2,495,500 | $4.78 | 1,310,764(2) | |||
Equity Compensation Plans Not Approved by Security Holders | - | - | - | |||
Total(3) | 2,495,500 | $4.78 | 1,310,764(3) |
(1) | Represents Options granted pursuant to the 2017 Amended Long-Term Incentive Plan. |
(2) | Generally, the aggregate number of Common Shares reserved for issuance to participants under the 2017 Amended Long-Term Incentive Plan, together with all other security-based compensation arrangements of the Company may not exceed 10% of the issued and outstanding Common Shares from time to time, and the Common Shares reserved for issuance upon settlement of share units shall not exceed 5% of the issued and outstanding Common Shares from time to time. Common Shares subject to any grant (or any portion thereof) that are issued upon exercise or settlement, forfeited, surrendered, cancelled, unearned, or otherwise terminated will again be available for grant under the 2017 Amended Long-Term Incentive Plan. | |
(3) | As of the date of this report there are: (i) 2,455,500 outstanding securities awarded under the 2017 Amended Long-Term Incentive Plan representing 6.35% of the Company’s currently issued and outstanding Common Shares; and (ii) 1,410,524 remaining securities available for grant representing 3.65% of the Company’s currently issued and outstanding Common Shares. |
Performance Graph
The following graph compares total cumulative shareholder return for $100 invested in Common Shares from July 1, 2019, to June 30, 2024, with cumulative total returns for the S&P/TSX Composite Index and S&P/TSX Mining Index:
Overall, the Company’s cumulative return for the five-year period ended below the range of returns for the two selected indices. As an exploration stage company, executive officer compensation has not historically been adjusted to reflect share performance trends. Compensation to executive officers remained flat from 2013 through February 2023, except for increases supported by additional job responsibilities and/or job promotions. Effective September 1, 2019, the Board approved a 10% base rate increase for all NioCorp employees and effective April 1, 2023, the Compensation Committee approved a base rate average increase of 12% for all NioCorp employees. There were no salary increases granted during fiscal year 2024.
The following sets forth certain information regarding transactions between the Company (and its subsidiaries) and its officers, directors, and significant shareholders. There have been no other transactions since the end of the Company’s most recently completed fiscal year and there are no currently proposed transactions in which the Company was or is to be a participant and the amount involved exceeds $120,000, and in which any related person (for purposes of Item 404 of Regulation S-K) had or will have a direct or indirect material interest.
Loan Transactions:
Mr. Smith is our Chief Executive Officer, President, Executive Chairman, and Director. On January 16, 2017, the Company and Mr. Smith entered into a credit agreement (the “Smith Credit Agreement”) pursuant to which Mr. Smith agreed to make available to the Company a credit facility of initially up to $2,000,000. On January 17, 2020, the Company entered into an amending agreement to the Smith Credit Agreement, increasing the limit of the credit facility to $2,500,000 from the previous limit of $2,000,000. On April 3, 2020, the Smith Credit Agreement was amended to increase the limit of the credit facility to $3,000,000 and on June 10, 2020, the Smith Credit Agreement was amended to increase the limit of the credit facility to $3,500,000. In addition, on June 10, 2020, the maturity date for the Smith Credit Agreement was extended to December 15, 2020. On December 14, 2020, the maturity date for the Smith Credit Agreement was extended to December 15, 2021. On December 13, 2021, the maturity date for the Smith Credit Agreement was extended to June 30, 2022. On June 29, 2022, the maturity date for the Smith Credit Agreement was extended to June 30, 2023. On February 28, 2023, the Smith Credit Agreement was amended to increase the borrowing limit to $4,000,000 from the previous limit of $3,500,000. The Company subsequently drew down $1,130,000, leaving an available balance under the Smith Credit Agreement of $52,000.
The largest aggregate amount of principal outstanding under the Smith Credit Agreement during the year ended June 30, 2023, was $3,130,000. Principal repayments of $3,130,000 were made under the Smith Credit Agreement during the year ended June 30, 2023. In addition, interest payments of $183,343 were paid under the Smith Credit Agreement during the year ended June 30, 2023, and $0 of interest remained payable as of June 30, 2023. As of June 30, 2023, all principal and accrued interest outstanding under the Smith Credit Agreement had been repaid and the
Smith Credit Agreement expired on June 30, 2023. Accounts payable and accrued liabilities as of June 30, 2024, includes $28,250 of origination fees payable under the Smith Credit Agreement.
On September 11, 2024, the Company and Mr. Mark Smith entered into a Loan Agreement (the “Smith Loan Agreement”) pursuant to which Mr. Smith agreed to make available to the Company a non-revolving, multiple draw credit facility of up to $2,000,000 (the “Loan”). The Loan is non-revolving and amounts paid back under the terms of the Smith Loan Agreement do not again become available for drawdowns at the request of the Company.
The Company will pay interest to Mr. Smith on amounts outstanding under the Loan and on any overdue interest at a rate equal to 10% per annum, calculated monthly in arrears, through to the date of repayment of the Loan. Mr. Smith will also receive an establishment fee equal to 2.5% of the amount of any drawdown payable at the time of the drawdown as consideration of the advancement of such drawdown. Any outstanding balance on the Loan, including accrued interest, shall be immediately due and payable by the Company on the earlier of the date of expiration of the Smith Loan Agreement on June 30, 2025 and the occurrence of an event of default thereunder, (the “Due Date”). The Company can repay the Loan at any time without notice and without penalty, but any amount of principal or interest repaid by the Company prior to the Due Date will be subject to an early payment fee of 2.5% of the value of any such payment. Amounts outstanding under the Smith Loan Agreement are secured by all of the Company’s assets pursuant to a general security agreement between the Company and Mr. Smith, dated September 11, 2024.
As of September 20, 2024, $33,000 had been borrowed under the Smith Loan Agreement. The largest aggregate amount of principal outstanding under the Smith Loan Agreement during the period ended September 20, 2024, was $33,000, and there have been no loan repayments or interest repayments as of September 20, 2024.
Related Person Transactions Entered into in Connection with the 2023 Transactions
The disclosure under Item 1, “Business—Historical Development of the Business—The 2023 Transactions,” is incorporated by reference herein.
In connection with the Closing, all of the shares of Class B common stock of ECRC were issued to the Sponsor in respect of shares of Class B common stock of GXII that were originally issued to the Sponsor for $25,000 in the aggregate. In connection with the Closing, the Sponsor distributed all of the outstanding shares of Class B common stock of ECRC to its members, including Messrs. Maselli and Kehler, for no additional consideration, and such members joined the Sponsor Support Agreement and the Exchange Agreement, as parties thereto.
In connection with the Closing, the Private Warrants and shares of Class B common stock of ECRC issued to the Sponsor were subsequently distributed by the Sponsor to its members, including Messrs. Maselli and Kehler, for no additional consideration, and such members joined the Sponsor Support Agreement and the Exchange Agreement, as parties thereto. The Sponsor acquired the shares of Class B common stock of GXII in respect of which the shares of Class B common stock of ECRC were issued for $25,000 in the aggregate. The Sponsor acquired the GXII Warrants in respect of which the Private Warrants were issued in a private placement that occurred simultaneously with the closing of the initial public offering of GXII at a purchase price of $1.50 per GXII Warrant.
Pursuant to the Business Combination Agreement, at the Closing, NioCorp, ECRC, the Sponsor, the pre-Closing directors and officers of NioCorp and the other parties thereto, including Messrs. Maselli and Kehler (collectively, the “RRA Shareholders”), entered into the Amended and Restated Registration Rights Agreement, dated March 17, 2023 (the “Registration Rights and Lockup Agreement”), pursuant to which, among other things, NioCorp became obligated to file a shelf registration statement to register the resale of (i) outstanding Common Shares, (ii) Common Shares exchangeable for the shares of Class B common stock of ECRC, (iii) Private Warrants and (iv) Common Shares issuable upon exercise of the NioCorp Assumed Warrants, in each case, held by the RRA Shareholders immediately after the Closing. The Registration Rights and Lockup Agreement also provides the RRA Shareholders with certain “demand” and “piggy-back” registration rights, subject to certain requirements and customary conditions, and provides for certain “lock-up” restrictions on transfer by the RRA Shareholders of such securities held by them after the Closing.
The shares of Class B common stock of ECRC and Private Warrants beneficially owned by Messrs. Maselli and Kehler, as disclosed under Item 12, “Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management and Related Stockholder Matters” above, have an aggregate market value of approximately $3.0 million and $0.2 million, respectively, based on the closing price of the Common Shares of $1.72 and the closing price of the Public Warrants of $0.10 on Nasdaq on September 19, 2024.
Effective immediately upon the Closing, the Board increased the size of the Board to nine members and appointed each of Messrs. Maselli and Kehler to the Board. Messrs. Maselli and Kehler served on the board of directors of GXII prior to the Closing. Pursuant to the Business Combination Agreement, the Company was required to cause two directors identified by GXII to become directors of the Company as of Closing, and the Board appointed Messrs. Maselli and Kehler to the Board pursuant to such requirement.
December 2023 Private Placement
Certain of the Company’s officers and directors, including Messrs. Kehler, Smith and Shah, subscribed to purchase an aggregate of 138,845 December 2023 Units in the December 2023 Private Placement. Each officer and director of the Company who subscribed to purchase December 2023 Units in the December 2023 Private Placement paid a purchase price of US$3.205 per unit (the “Insider Unit Price”) upon the closing of the December 2023 Private Placement. The Insider Unit Price included US$0.125 per December 2023 Warrant underlying each December 2023 Unit purchased by officers and directors of the Company. Messrs. Kehler, Smith and Shah purchased 78,003 December 2023 Units, 46,801 December 2023 Units, and 9,361 December 2023 Units, respectively, for aggregate purchase prices of $249,999.62, $149,997.21, and $30,002.01, respectively. The remaining investors in the December 2023 Private Placement, who are not affiliated with the Company but with whom the Company had a pre-existing relationship, subscribed to purchase an aggregate of 274,587 December 2023 Units at a purchase price per December 2023 Unit of US$3.08, which is equal to the consolidated closing bid price for the Common Shares as reported by Nasdaq on December 13, 2023. Gross proceeds to the Company from the December 2023 Private Placement were approximately US$1.29 million.
Review, Approval or Ratification of Related Person Transactions
Other than as described below, the Company does not currently have in place any specific policy or procedure in respect of the review, approval or ratification of any transaction required to be reported under Item 404(a) of Regulation S-K. Sections 147-153 of the BCBCA set out rules and procedures applicable to all British Columbia corporations, pursuant to which a director presented with a resolution in respect of any matter (including an equity issuance) in respect of which he/she has an interest must disclose that interest in writing to the corporation’s board of directors prior to the approval of such matter. This procedure ensures that each equity issuance to a director or officer of the Company is approved by all directors of the Company not involved in such sale. All loan transactions from directors and officers are typically subject to review and approval by the Board prior to acceptance and are documented in the meeting minutes or resolutions related to same. Under its charter, the Audit Committee is responsible for reviewing and approving any related party transaction in advance of such transaction, unless the Chief Financial Officer or General Counsel determines that it is not practicable to wait until the next Audit Committee meeting, in which case the related party transaction will be submitted to the Chair of the Audit Committee, who will have delegated authority to act between Audit Committee meetings.
Director Independence
The Company’s Board consists of Messrs. Smith, Morris, Beling, Oliver, Kehler, and Maselli and Ms. Guerrero-Mahon. The Company utilizes the definition of “independent” as it is set forth in Nasdaq Listing Rule 5605(a)(2) (“Rule 5605(a)(2)”) and National Instrument 52-110 Audit Committees (“NI 52-110”). Further, the Board considers all relevant facts and circumstances in its determination of independence of all members of the Board (including any relationships). Currently, Messrs. Morris, Beling, Oliver, Kehler, and Maselli and Ms. Guerrero-Mahon are considered independent directors.
The following table presents fees for professional services rendered by Deloitte & Touche LLP for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2024 and BDO USA, P.C. for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2023 for the audit of the Company’s annual consolidated financial statements and review of consolidated financial statements included in the Company’s filings and fees billed for other services rendered by the firms during those periods.
Fiscal Year Ending June 30, |
Audit Fees(1) ($) | Audit-Related Fees(2) ($) |
Tax Fees(3) ($) |
All Other Fees(4) ($) | ||||
2024 | 1,292,312 | — | 48,263 | — | ||||
2023 | 1,205,765 | — | 23,356 | — |
(1) | “Audit Fees” include fees necessary to perform the annual audit and quarterly reviews of the Company’s consolidated financial statements. Audit Fees include fees for review of tax provisions and for accounting consultations on matters reflected in the consolidated financial statements. Audit Fees also include audit or other attest services required by legislation or regulation, such as comfort letters, consents, reviews of securities filings and statutory audits. |
(2) | “Audit-Related Fees” include services that are traditionally performed by the auditor. These audit-related services include employee benefit audits, due diligence assistance, accounting consultations on proposed transactions, internal control reviews and audit or attest services not required by legislation or regulation. |
(3) | “Tax Fees” include fees for all tax services other than those included in “Audit Fees” and “Audit-Related Fees.” This category includes fees for tax compliance, tax planning and tax advice. Tax planning and tax advice includes assistance with tax audits and appeals, tax advice related to mergers and acquisitions, and requests for rulings or technical advice from tax authorities. For the financial years ended June 30, 2024 and 2023, these tax services included the preparation of Canadian and U.S. federal and state tax returns and tax planning and tax advice services. |
(4) | “All Other Fees” includes all other non-audit services. |
Pre-approval Policies
The policy of the Audit Committee has been to pre-approve all audit, audit-related and non-audit services performed by our independent auditors and to subsequently review the actual fees and expenses paid to our independent auditors. Accordingly, the Audit Committee pre-approved all audit, audit-related and non-audit services performed by Deloitte & Touche LLP and BDO and subsequently reviewed the actual fees and expenses paid for these services. The Audit Committee has determined that the fees paid to Deloitte & Touche LLP for services are compatible with maintaining Deloitte & Touche LLP’s independence as our auditor. All of the services provided during the year ended June 30, 2024, were approved by the Audit Committee pursuant to paragraph (c)(7)(i)(C) of Rule 2-01 of Regulation S-X.
The following documents are filed as a part of this report:
(a) | Financial Statements |
(1) | The Consolidated Financial Statements, together with the reports thereon of Deloitte & Touche LLP, dated September 20, 2024, and BDO USA, P.C., dated October 6, 2023, are included as part of Item 8, “Financial Statements and Supplementary Data,” commencing on page 59 above. |
(b) | Exhibits |
10.19(1)# | Employment Agreement, dated as of September 25, 2022, by and between Elk Creek Resources Corporation and Jim Sims |
# | Management compensation plan, arrangement or agreement. |
* | Portions of this exhibit have been omitted pursuant to Item 601(b)(10)(iv) of Regulation S-K, which portions will be furnished to the Securities and Exchange Commission upon request. |
** | Certain exhibits to this agreement have been omitted pursuant to Item 601(a)(5) of Regulation S-K. A copy of any omitted exhibit will be furnished to the Securities and Exchange Commission upon request. |
(1) |
Previously filed as an exhibit to the Company’s Current Report on Form 8-K (File No. 000-55710) filed with the SEC on September 29, 2022 and incorporated herein by reference. |
(2) | Previously filed as an exhibit to the Company’s Draft Registration Statement on Form S-1 (Registration No. 377-01354) submitted to the SEC on July 26, 2016 and incorporated herein by reference. |
(3) | Previously filed as an exhibit to the Company’s Current Report on Form 8-K (File No. 001-41655) filed with the SEC on March 17, 2023 and incorporated herein by reference. |
(4) | Previously filed as an exhibit to the Company’s Current Report on Form 8-K (File No. 000-55710) filed with the SEC on February 17, 2021 and incorporated herein by reference. |
(5) | Previously filed as an exhibit to the Company’s Current Report on Form 10-Q (File No. 000-55710) filed with the SEC on February 4, 2022 and incorporated herein by reference. |
(6) | Previously filed as an exhibit to the Company’s Registration Statement on Form S-4 (Registration No. 333-268227) filed with the SEC on November 7, 2022 and incorporated herein by reference. |
(7) | Previously filed as an exhibit to the Company’s Registration Statement on Form S-3 (File No. 333-271268) filed with the SEC on April 14, 2023 and incorporated herein by reference. |
(8) | Previously filed as an exhibit to Elk Creek Resources Corp.’s (f/k/a GX Acquisition Corp. II) Current Report on Form 8-K (File No. 001-40226) filed with the SEC on March 22, 2021 and incorporated herein by reference. |
(9) | Previously filed as an exhibit to the Company’s Current Report on Form 8-K (File No. 000-55710) filed with the SEC on January 27, 2023 and incorporated herein by reference. |
(10) | Previously filed as an exhibit to the Company’s Current Report on Form 8-K (File No. 000-55710) filed with the SEC on February 24, 2023 and incorporated herein by reference. |
(11) | Previously filed as an exhibit to the Company’s Current Report on Form 8-K (File No. 001-41655) filed with the SEC on September 1, 2023 and incorporated herein by reference. |
(12) | Previously filed as an exhibit to the Company’s Current Report on Form 8-K (File No. 001-41655) filed with the SEC on December 20, 2023 and incorporated herein by reference. |
(13) | Previously filed as an exhibit to the Company’s Current Report on Form 8-K (File No. 001-41655) filed with the SEC on April 12, 2024 and incorporated herein by reference. |
(14) | Previously filed as an exhibit to the Company’s Current Report on Form 8-K (File No. 001-41655) filed with the SEC on June 24, 2024 and incorporated herein by reference. |
(15) | Previously filed as an exhibit to the Company’s Current Report on Form 8-K (File No. 000-55710) filed with the SEC on November 13, 2017 and incorporated herein by reference. |
(16) | Previously filed as an exhibit to the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K (File No. 000-55710) filed with the SEC on September 16, 2020 and incorporated herein by reference. |
(17) | Previously filed as an exhibit to the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K (File No. 000-55710) filed with the SEC on September 8, 2021 and incorporated herein by reference. |
(18) |
Previously filed as an exhibit to the Company’s Post-Effective Amendment No. 1 to the Registration Statement on Form S-3 on Form S-1 (File No. 333-271268) filed with the SEC on August 22, 2023 and incorporated herein by reference.
(19) | Previously filed as an exhibit to the Company’s Registration Statement on Form S-1 (Registration No. 333-213451) filed with the SEC on September 2, 2016 and incorporated herein by reference. |
(20) | Previously filed as an exhibit to Amendment No. 1 to the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K/A (File No. 000-55710) filed with the SEC on October 31, 2022 and incorporated herein by reference. |
(21) | Previously filed as an exhibit to the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K (File No. 000-55710) filed with the SEC on August 29, 2017 and incorporated herein by reference. |
(22) |
Previously filed as an exhibit to the Company’s Current Report on Form 8-K (File No. 000-55710) filed with the SEC on January 22, 2024 and incorporated herein by reference. |
(23) | Previously filed as an exhibit to the Company’s Current Report on Form 8-K (File No. 001-41655) filed with the SEC on May 3, 2024 and incorporated herein by reference. |
(24) | Previously filed as an exhibit to the Company’s Current Report on Form 8-K (File No. 001-41655) filed with the SEC on September 11, 2024 and incorporated herein by reference. |
(25) | Previously filed as an exhibit to the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K (File No. 000-55710) filed with the SEC on September 6, 2022 and incorporated herein by reference. |
(26) | Submitted Electronically Herewith. Attached as Exhibit 101 to this report are the following formatted in XBRL (Extensible Business Reporting Language): (i) the Consolidated Balance Sheets at June 30, 2024 and June 30, 2023, (ii) the Consolidated Statements of Operations and Comprehensive Loss for the years ended June 30, 2024 and 2023, (iii) the Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the years ended June 30, 2024 and 2023, (iv) the Consolidated Statements of Shareholders’ Equity (Deficit) and Redeemable Noncontrolling Interest for the years ended June 30, 2024 and 2023, (v) the Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements. |
Pursuant to the requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.
By: | /s/ Neal Shah | |
Neal Shah Chief Financial Officer |
September 20, 2024
Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the registrant and in the capacities indicated on September 20, 2024.
Signature | Title | ||
/s/ Mark A. Smith | President, Chief Executive Officer (Principal | ||
Mark A. Smith | Executive Officer and Authorized U.S. Representative) | ||
and Chairman of the Board of Directors | |||
/s/ Neal Shah | Chief Financial Officer (Principal Financial and | ||
Neal Shah | Accounting Officer) | ||
/s/ Michael Morris |
Director | ||
Michael Morris | |||
/s/ David C. Beling |
Director | ||
David C. Beling | |||
/s/ Nilsa Guerrero-Mahon | Director | ||
Nilsa Guerrero-Mahon | |||
/s/ Dean C. Kehler | Director | ||
Dean C. Kehler | |||
/s/ Michael G. Maselli | Director | ||
Michael G. Maselli | |||
/s/ Peter Oliver | Director | ||
Peter Oliver |