展品 8.3
关于Samfine Creation Holdings Group Limited相关的香港法律意见回复
我们订婚了(”参与度”) 担任三丰创想控股集团有限公司(以下简称”)的香港法律顾问公司”),一家根据法律注册成立的公司 开曼群岛及其在香港设立的与 (a) 拟议的首次公开募股(”提供”) 2,500,000股普通股,每股面值0.0000625美元(”普通股”),由公司的,由公司的, 和转售(”转售”)按规定由公司两名现有股东持有最多1,796,400股普通股 在公司关于F-1表格的注册声明中,包括其所有修正或补充(”注册 声明”),由公司根据1933年《美国证券法》(经修订)向美国证券交易委员会提交 关于本次发行和转售;以及(b)公司提议在纳斯达克资本上市(Nasdaq Capital)普通股 市场。
CFN 律师 律师事务所
27th 告士打道 128 号 Neich Tower 楼层 Wan Chai,香港 香港仔仔警告士打道128大27楼 电话: +852 2114 2208 传真:+852 3585 6325 电子邮件: cfn@cfnlaw.com.hk
合作伙伴 冯 Po Yee Ng Wai Yat 陈 珍妮 Mok 金尚 * 陈 金成 嘿 男人 Choi Sanny 黄 赛雄 Tsen Hau Yen |
合情人 馮寶儀 慧日 芳芳 莫哈哈哈哈哈哈 成 敏 盈 王世界雄 曾豪豪
F | 房间
编号 4101-4104、41st 新鸿基中心楼层 |
顾问 曾氏 智强 李 阿曼达·清敏 Ng Bon G 双关语 Tsz Man Jenny 黄 斯蒂芬妮陶陶 元 凯 陈 Yuk Hang Ricky 击倒 史蒂芬·官关
问 曾志强 李文 邦智 潘 黃陶陶 袁凱 陳育恆 高群
*中国任命 公证官 中國委托公人 |
CFN 律师事务所 | 第2页 |
A. | 假设。 |
(i) | 所有签名、印章和印文均为真实有效,各方代表签署的每份签名均系得到该方授权的人士所执行,提交给我们与承诺有关的所有文件(“文件 ”)作为原件均为真实可靠,提交给我们的所有作为认证或复印件的文件与原件一致; |
(ii) | 文件的各方(a)若为法人或其他实体,则应合法组织并在其设立或注册管辖区域的法律下合法存在并具有良好信誉;或者(b)若为个人,则应具有民事行为能力;它们/她/他都具有充分的权力和权限根据其设立或注册管辖区域的法律或其受约束的法律以符合相关文件的规定签订、交付和履行其/她/他在其是一方的文件项下的义务。 |
(iii) | 本意见书日期之日,文件仍然完全有效,且未被撤销、修订或补充,在提交给我们用于本意见书目的之后,未作任何修正、更改、补充、修改或其他变更,也未发生撤销或终止。 |
(iv) | 所有与文件有关的各方之间,除了本意见中提及的,没有任何可能影响此处表达的意见的文件或协议,也没有我们在此意见中审查过的文件的任何未公开的修改、豁免或修订(无论是书面还是口头)。 |
(v) | 遵守可能适用于文件的执行、交付、履行或执行的香港以外司法管辖区的法律; |
(vi) | 所有要求的文件都已经提供给我们,所有与本意见相关的事实陈述向我们做出的陈述都是真实、正确且完整的。 |
B. | 意见 |
(i) | 根据注册声明中“风险因素”、“法规”、“民事责任可执行性”和“法律事宜”各标题下所载述的有关香港法律事宜的说明(但财务报表及相关附表及其中包含的财务数据除外,对于这些我们不表达任何意见),在此刻描述或概要描述的有关香港法律事宜均在所有重大方面属实准确,并在此刻属实总结概述有关香港法律事宜。 |
(ii) | 在注册声明中列明的"重要收入税考虑"一栏中的陈述在所有重大方面都是真实准确的,并且这些陈述构成我们对香港法律的意见。 |
CFN 律师事务所 | 第3页 |
C. | 限制条件 |
(i) | 本意见仅适用于今日之香港普通法律。我们并未针对任何其他地区的法律进行调查,因此对其也没有任何观点或暗示。在不影响前述句子的一般性的前提下,我们的意见并非意在构成,也不应被解释为关于美国或任何其州的证券法或其他法律的建议,并且我们对美国或任何其州的任何法院的管辖权也不发表任何意见; |
(ii) | 本文件所指的香港法律是公开可获得并当前生效的法律和法规,在本文件日期之日无法保证任何此类法律和法规,或其解释或执行,将来不会在有或无追溯效应的情况下发生变更、修订或废止。我们的意见是基于我们无需在此意见日期后通知任何收件人有关香港法律变化或适用的任何义务。 |
(iii) | this opinion is subject to (a) applicable bankruptcy, insolvency, liquidation, fraudulent transfer, reorganization, moratorium or similar laws in the Hong Kong affecting creditors’ rights generally, and (b) possible judicial or administrative actions or any Hong Kong laws affecting creditors’ rights; |
(iv) | this opinion is subject to the effects of (a) certain legal or statutory principles affecting the enforceability of contractual rights generally under the concepts of public interest, social ethics, national security, good faith, fair dealing, and applicable statutes of limitation; (b) any circumstance in connection with formulation, execution or performance of any legal documents that would be deemed materially mistaken, clearly unconscionable, fraudulent, coercionary or concealing illegal intentions with a lawful form; (c) judicial discretion with respect to the availability of specific performance, injunctive relief, remedies or defenses, or calculation of damages; and (d) the discretion of any competent Hong Kong legislative, administrative or judicial bodies in exercising their authority in Hong Kong; |
(v) | this opinion is issued based on our understanding of the laws of Hong Kong that are currently in effect. For matters not explicitly provided under the laws of Hong Kong, the future interpretation, implementation and application of the specific requirements under the laws of Hong Kong are subject to the final discretion of competent Hong Kong legislative, administrative and judicial authorities, and there can be no assurance that the government agencies will not ultimately take a view that is contrary to our opinion stated above; |
(vi) | we may rely, as to matters of fact (but not as to legal conclusions), to the extent we deem proper, on certificates and confirmations of responsible officers of the Company and public searches conducted in Hong Kong; |
(vii) | this opinion is intended to be used in the context which is specifically referred to herein; each paragraph shall be construed and read as a whole, and no part of the opinion herein shall be extracted and referred to independently; |
(viii) | as used in this opinion, the expression “to our best knowledge” or similar language with reference to matters of fact refers to the current actual knowledge of the solicitors of this firm who have worked on matters for the Company in connection with the Offering and the Resale and the transactions contemplated thereunder. We have not undertaken any independent investigation or verification to determine the existence or absence of any fact, and no inference as to our knowledge of the existence or absence of any fact should be drawn from our representation of the Company or the rendering of this opinion; and |
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(ix) | we express no opinion as to matters of fact. |
This opinion is delivered solely for the purpose of and in connection with the Registration Statement publicly filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission on the date of this opinion and may not be used for any other purpose without our prior written consent.
We hereby consent to the use of this opinion in, and the filing hereof as an exhibit to, the Registration Statement, and to the reference to this firm in the Registration Statement under the captions “Prospectus Summary,” “Risk Factors,” “Enforceability of Civil Liabilities,” “Material Income Tax Consideration,” and “Legal Matters”. In giving such consent, we do not thereby admit that we come within the category of persons whose consent is required under Section 7 of the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or the regulations promulgated thereunder.
Yours faithfully,
/s/ CFN Lawyers in association with Broad & Bright