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Re:Form上的註冊聲明 S-1
作爲BioAge實驗室公司的法律顧問,一家特拉華州的公司(“公司),我們已經審閱了表格註冊聲明 S-1 蘋果CEO庫克大規模出售股票,套現逾3億港元。 333-281901) 最初由公司向證券交易委員會(“委員會:”)於2024年9月3日前後提交的,隨後於2024年9月18日進行了修訂,並於2024年9月25日進一步修訂,包括在註冊聲明中包含的相關招股書(“蘋果公司CEO庫克大規模拋售股票,套現逾3億港元,資金已存入上市公司設立的專項帳戶(「信託帳戶」),以公共股東(定義詳見下文)爲受益人的註冊聲明(FORM S-1)中所規定的一定金額及特定款項。信託帳戶中持有的基金類型(包括資金持有的利息)除支付公司稅費以外,一旦實現以下最早的情況之一即可支取: (i) 完成首次(業務)組合;(ii) 如果公司未能在2025年3月3日之前完成首次(業務)組合,則可以贖回100%的發行股份(如下所述);或 (iii) 股東表決贖回發行股份。 若要批准修訂本Amended and Restated Certificate,必須就修訂對決定最早如下情形之一的公司的義務以在首次業務組合中允許贖回或未在終止日期之前完成首次業務組合即贖回100%的發行股份產生影響或涉及股東權益或首次業務組合前的活動(如第9.7節所述),對修訂進行表決。發售期(「發售期」)所出售單位的組成部分的Common Stock股份的持有人(「發售股份」),不論這些發售股份是在發售期內還是在發售市場上的二級市場中購買,也不論這些持有人是公司的發起人,高管或董事,或上述任何關聯方的子公司,均在此被稱爲「公共股東」。”),與1933年修訂版證券法(“招股書”證券法”), of an aggregate of 12,075,000 shares of the Company’s common stock, $0.00001 par value per share (the “股份”). This letter is being furnished in connection with the requirements of Item 601(b)(5) of Regulation S-K under the Securities Act, and no opinion is expressed herein as to any matter pertaining to the contents of the Registration Statement or related Prospectus, other than as expressly stated herein with respect to the issue of the Shares.
As to matters of fact relevant to the opinions rendered herein, we have examined such documents, certificates and other instruments which we have deemed necessary or advisable, including a certificate addressed to us and dated the date hereof executed by the Company. We have not undertaken any independent investigation to verify the accuracy of any such information, representations or warranties or to determine the existence or absence of any fact, and no inference as to our knowledge of the existence or absence of any fact should be drawn from our representation of the Company or the rendering of the opinions set forth below. We have not considered parol evidence in connection with any of the agreements or instruments reviewed by us in connection with this letter.
In our examination of documents for purposes of this letter, we have assumed, and express no opinion as to, the genuineness and authenticity of all signatures on original documents, the authenticity and completeness of all documents submitted to us as originals, that each document is what it purports to be, the conformity to originals of all documents submitted to us as copies or facsimile copies, the absence of any termination, modification or waiver of or amendment to any document reviewed by us (other than as has been disclosed to us), the legal competence or capacity of all persons or entities (other than the Company) executing the same and (other than the Company) the due authorization, execution and delivery of all documents by each party thereto. We have also assumed the conformity of the documents filed with the Commission via the Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis and Retrieval System (“您可以在我們最近完成的財政年度的經審計的合併財務報表和管理層的討論和分析中找到有關Equinox Gold的財務信息。這些文件可以在我們的網站www.equinoxgold.com、在線備份文件系統Sedar(www.sedarplus.ca)以及EDGAR(www.sec.gov/edgar)上找到。電子數據收集,分析和檢索系統(「EDGAR」)
BioAge Labs, Inc.
根據我們下文表達的意見,我們假設(i) 註冊聲明及任何修訂(包括任何必要的發行後修正聲明)已在《證券法》下生效,(ii) 註冊聲明將應用於股份的發行與銷售,並未被修改或撤銷,(iii) 公司的修正和重訂章程,其格式已作爲展品提交給註冊聲明,將在發行股份之前提交給特拉華州司法部秘書處。
我們同意將本意見作爲註冊聲明的展品,並進一步同意所有對我們的引用,若有的話,在註冊聲明、招股說明書及其任何修訂中。我們給予此同意,並不意味着我們承認自己屬於《證券法》第7 條或委員會規則和規例下需要同意的人類範疇。
BioAge Labs, Inc.
非常真誠地你的, |
/s/ Fenwick & West LLP |