EX-11.2 7 d835957dex112.htm EX-11.2 EX-11.2





这份修订和重发的重要信息和防止内幕交易的声明 非公开信息 (本文称“ 新东方教育科技集团股份有限公司("新东方”或“公司公司)分为三个部分:第一部分概述;第二部分阐明了新东方禁止内幕交易的政策;第三部分解释了内幕交易。



新东方的美国存托股("ADS其普通股票目前在纽约证券交易所上市交易(“NYSE”)及其普通股票(“普通股份。”) 目前在香港交易所交易。这份声明和以下描述的程序是我们作为上市公司的责任的结果。预防内幕交易对新东方及其所有相关人士的声誉和诚信至关重要。当任何人在持有有关该证券的内幕信息时购买或出售证券,或泄露此类内幕信息时,就会发生“内幕交易”。 正如下文III节所解释的,“内幕信息”是被认为既“重要”又 “非公开”的信息。


此声明适用于所有新东方及其子公司和关联实体的董事、董事会成员、员工和顾问,并延伸至新东方职责范围内外的一切活动。 每位董事、董事会成员、管理人员和适当的第三方顾问都必须审阅此声明。


(本页其余部分 故意留白)








交易 - 任何董事,董事,雇员或顾问在掌握与新东方,其ADS,普通股或其他证券相关的重要信息时,不得购买或出售任何类型的公司证券,或制定具有约束力的证券交易计划(“交易计划”) 非公开的 没有任何董事,董事,雇员或顾问在掌握与新东方,其ADS,普通股或其他证券相关的重要信息时,应购买或出售任何类型的公司证券或制定具有约束力的证券交易计划(“交易计划”) (“本登记声明”) 由特立软件股份有限公司,一家德拉华州股份公司 (以下简称为“本公司”) 提交,目的是为了注册其额外的7,184,563股A类普通股,每股面值$0.0001 (以下简称为“A类普通股”), 以及在特立软件股份有限公司 2022年股权激励计划下可发行股份的1,436,911股A类普通股,注(下文简称为“A类普通股”)。重要信息”).

如果您拥有的重要信息涉及ADSs、普通股或其他公司证券,则上述政策将要求至少在公司公开披露重要信息后等待至少二十四(24)小时,这二十四(24)小时应在纽约证券交易所或香港证券交易所发布相关信息后的至少一个完整交易日内。术语“交易日” 在以下情况下定义,(i) 关于纽约证券交易所,指的是纽约证券交易所开放交易的日期,(ii) 关于香港证券交易所,指的是香港证券交易所开放交易的日期。除美国公共假期外,纽约证券交易所的常规交易时间是每周一至周五,上午9:30至下午4:00,纽约时间。除香港公共假期外,香港证券交易所的常规交易时间是每周一至周五,上午9:30至下午4:00,香港时间。

补充 Witty说:“通过我们最新的直接转卡和负担得起的银行账户支付选项,向美国各地或全球的亲朋好友转账变得比以往更加方便和实惠。” 没有任何董事、高管、雇员或顾问得在未经合规主管事先批准的情况下购买、卖出任何公司证券或制定交易计划,无论这些董事、高管、雇员或顾问是否持有任何重要信息,在任何被指定为“有限交易期”的时期内。 合规主管可在他认为适当的时间宣布限制交易期,无需提供任何宣布的理由。

此外,生物制药公司、学术机构和医药外包机构之间的合作和伙伴关系公司证券的所有交易(包括但不限于,购买和出售ADS、普通股,以及出售因行使股票期权而发行的普通股/ADS,但不包括接受公司授予的期权和行使不涉及证券出售的期权)必须由公司不时指定的高管、董事和关键员工进行 预先批准的 由合规主管负责。





交易 窗户假设第 上所列“无交易”限制的任何一个不适用,任何董事、董事、雇员或顾问不得在“ II-A 适用,任何董事、董事、雇员或顾问不得在新东方的任何公司证券,或者订立安防 交易计划,除非在“交易窗口期 ”的情形:在新东方任何财政季度结束后的第一个交易日结束之时起,以及截至6月1日、9月1日、12月1日和3月1日,如有必要。

换句话说,下列限制将基于新东方对其前一 年度,半年度或季度的财务业绩进行公开披露。















C. E. 业务限制 – 假定不适用于第III-A条中规定的“禁止交易”,由公司指定的董事、高管或关键员工除了在交易窗口期间外,还需严格遵守公司制定的交易限制。 - 任何董事、董事、雇员或顾问都不得直接或间接向任何交易公司证券的人披露任何重要信息 泄露 “内幕交易”)而拥有此类重要信息的情况下,无论接收信息的个人或实体,即“消息者”,是否与您有关,且无论您是否从消息者那里获得任何金钱上的好处。

D. 保密协议 - 除非事先经合规官员批准,否则任何董事、董事、员工或顾问都不得在任何情况下将任何重要信息传达给公司外的任何人,也不得传达给公司内部的任何人需要知情人士方可了解。董事会考虑: 董事会于 2024 年 5 月 3 日举行会议,审查和考虑 Conversion、停顿协议和 Tender Offer,随后于 2024 年 6 月 6 日至 7 日进一步审查和考虑 Conversion。基金董事会成员中不是“利益相关方”的人员,按照 1940 年法案所定义的该术语(“独立董事会成员”),受到独立董事会成员的独立法律顾问的建议。董事会(包括独立董事)收到了顾问提供的有关该董事会、停顿协议、 Tender Offer 和 Conversion 的相关信息的书面材料,包括有关停顿协议和与 Karpus 的谈判、 Tender Offer 和 Conversion 的有关基金及其股东的权益以及计划作为间隔基金如何运作的描述,以及有关事实和支出信息。

E. 不 评论 - 任何董事、董事、雇员或顾问不得与新东方以外的任何人讨论任何内部事务或发展,除非在履行常规法人职责所需。 除非您被明确授权相反,如果您收到财经媒体、投资分析师或其他人对新东方或其公司证券的任何询问,或者任何要求评论或采访,您应拒绝评论并将询问或请求转至合规官员。

纠正措施-如果您发现任何潜在的重要信息已被意外披露或可能已被披露,您必须立即通知首席财务官,以便公司判断是否需要采取纠正措施,例如向公众进行普遍披露。纠正行动 - 如果无意中披露任何可能具有重大意义的信息,则任何董事、董事、雇员或顾问应立即通知合规官员,以便公司判断是否需要采取纠正措施,例如向公众普遍披露。

G. 规则10b5-1 交易计划 - 规则 10b5-1 根据美国证券法提供了针对内幕交易责任的肯定性抗辩。受本政策约束的人可以依赖这一抗辩并进行公司证券的交易,无论其是否知晓内幕信息,只要交易是根据 预先安排的 书面交易计划进行的,并且在该人不掌握重要 非公开的 信息的情况下进行,并且符合规则的要求 10b5-1.

任何受本政策约束的人如果希望制定交易计划,必须在计划进入交易计划之前至少提前两个工作日将交易计划提交给合规主管进行批准。当一个人掌握重要 非公开的 关于公司或其证券的信息,必须遵守《规则》的要求。 10b5-1 (包括指定的等待期和对多重重叠计划和单次交易计划的限制)。






如上所述,“内幕交易”是指在持有与该安全-半导体相关的“重要”或“非公开”信息时买入或卖出安全-半导体,或泄漏这些信息。 “非公开” “公司证券”不仅包括股票,债券,票据和债券,还包括期权,warrants和类似工具(包括在纽交所交易的ADSs和在香港证券交易所交易的普通股)。“买入”不仅包括实际买入证券,还包括任何购买或其他方式获得证券的合同。“卖出”不仅包括实际卖出证券,还包括任何出售或其他处置证券的合同。这些定义涵盖了广泛的交易,包括传统的交易,股票期权的授予和行权,以及与证券相关的期权的认购和行权或put,call或其他期权的收购和行权。一般认为内幕交易包括以下情况: 内幕交易 交易者在持有重要信息时进行交易,



内部人士在持有重要信息时进行交易, 非公开的持有重要



持有内幕信息进行交易的人,不包括内部人士; 非公开的 信息如是不法地泄露或被侵占,而由有义务保密的内部人士给予;或



传达或透露重大信息, 非公开的 包括在持有这类信息的情况下,向他人推荐购买或卖出某个安防-半导体;

如前所述,在本声明的目的下,“购买”和“卖出”公司证券的术语不包括接受公司授予的期权或其他股份奖励,以及行使期权或归属其他股份奖励而不涉及证券的出售。 其他事项中,无现金行使期权确实涉及证券的出售,因此适用本声明中列明的政策。















changes in financial condition or asset value;



negotiations for the mergers or acquisitions or dispositions of significant subsidiaries or assets;



significant new contracts or the loss of a significant contract;



significant new products or services;



significant marketing plans or changes in such plans;



capital investment plans or changes in such plans;



material litigation, administrative action or governmental investigations or inquiries about the Company or any of its affiliated companies, officers or directors;



significant borrowings or financings;



defaults on borrowings;



new equity or debt offerings;



adoption of repurchase plans or amendment of existing repurchase plans;



significant personnel changes;



a cybersecurity incident or risk that may adversely impact the Company’s business, reputation or share value;



changes in accounting methods and write-offs; and



any substantial change in industry circumstances or competitive conditions which could significantly affect the Company’s earnings or prospects for expansion.

A good general rule of thumb: when in doubt, do not trade.




Information is “non-public” if it is not available to the general public. In order for information to be considered public, it must be widely disseminated in a manner making it generally available to investors through such media as Dow Jones, Reuters Economic Services, The Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, Associated Press, PR Newswire or United Press International, filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission or publications on the website of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong. The circulation of rumors, even if accurate and reported in the media, does not constitute effective public dissemination.

In addition, even after a public announcement, a reasonable period of time must lapse in order for the market to react to the information. Generally, one should allow approximately forty-eight (48) hours following publication as a reasonable waiting period before such information is deemed to be public.





“Insiders” include officers, directors, employees and consultants of a company and anyone else who has material inside information about a company. Insiders have independent fiduciary duties to their company and its stockholders not to trade on material, non-public information relating to the company’s securities. All officers, directors, employees and consultants of the Company should consider themselves insiders with respect to material, non-public information about business, activities and securities. Officers, directors, employees and consultants may not trade the Company’s securities while in possession of material, non-public information relating to the Company nor tip (or communicate except on a need-to-know basis) such information to others.

It should be noted that trading by members of an officer’s, director’s, employee’s or consultant’s household can be the responsibility of such officer, director, employee or consultant under certain circumstances and could give rise to legal and Company-imposed sanctions.




Insiders may be liable for communicating or tipping material, non-public information to a third party (“tippee”), and insider trading violations are not limited to trading or tipping by insiders. Persons other than insiders also can be liable for insider trading, including tippees who trade on material, non-public information tipped to them or individuals who trade on material, non-public information which has been misappropriated.

Tippees inherit an insider’s duties and are liable for trading on material, non-public information illegally tipped to them by an insider. Similarly, just as insiders are liable for the insider trading of their tippees, so are tippees who pass the information along to others who trade. In other words, a tippee’s liability for insider trading is no different from that of an insider. Tippees can obtain material, non-public information by receiving overt tips from others or through, among other things, conversations at social, business, or other gatherings.




Penalties for trading on or tipping material, non-public information can extend significantly beyond any profits made or losses avoided, both for individuals engaging in such unlawful conduct and their employers. The Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) and Department of Justice in the United States have made the civil and criminal prosecution of insider trading violations a top priority. The Securities and Futures Commission (“SFC”) in Hong Kong also regularly prosecutes individuals for insider trading. See Section F below for more information. Enforcement remedies available to the government or private plaintiffs under the federal securities laws in the United States include:



SEC administrative sanctions;



Securities industry self-regulatory organization sanctions;



Civil injunctions;




Damage awards to private plaintiffs;



Disgorgement of all profits;



Civil fines for the violator of up to three times the amount of profit gained or loss avoided;



Civil fines for the employer or other controlling person of a violator (i.e., where the violator is an employee or other controlled person) of up to the greater of approximately US$2,500,000 or three times the amount of profit gained or loss avoided by the violator;



Criminal fines for individual violators of up to US$1,000,000 (US$25,000,000 for an entity); and



Jail sentences of up to 20 years.

In addition, insider trading could result in serious sanctions by the Company, including immediate dismissal. Insider trading violations are not limited to violations of the federal securities laws: other federal and state civil or criminal laws, such as the laws prohibiting mail and wire fraud and the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO), also may be violated upon the occurrence of insider trading.




Market misconducts prohibited by the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap. 571 of the Laws of Hong Kong) (“SFO”) include insider dealing, false trading, price rigging, stock market manipulation, disclosure of information about prohibited transactions, and disclosure of false and misleading information. Market misconducts may result in civil action or criminal prosecution, but a party in breach will not be penalized repeatedly for the same act.

Insider dealing provisions contained in the SFO (primarily Section 270 of the SFO) prohibit any person in connection with the company who is in possession of the relevant information from dealing in or procuring other persons to deal in the securities of the company. Further, these persons are prohibited from disclosing the relevant information to other persons who may trade in the securities of the company.

The relevant principles of insider dealing and inside information are largely similar to principles of non-public information (as set out above); please note that the Company is not exempt from the market misconduct and insider dealing provisions of the SFO. For further details, please refer to the SFO and the Guidelines on Disclosure of Inside Information issued by the Securities and Futures Commission.

Section 307A(1) of the SFO defines “inside information” in relation to a listed corporation. The three key elements in the concept of inside information are:

(a) the information about the particular corporation must be specific;

(b) the information must not be generally known to that segment of the market which deals or which would likely deal in the corporation’s securities; and



(c) the information would, if so known, be likely to have a material effect on the price of the corporation’s securities.

“Insider dealing” is when any person connected with the company holds the relevant information (being inside information, as described above) in relation to the company deals in the listed securities or derivatives of the company (or in the listed securities or derivatives of a related corporation of the company) or counsels or procures another person to deal in such securities or derivatives, knowing or having reasonable cause to believe that such other persons will deal in them.

In particular, Sections 270 and 291 of the SFO set out certain occasions and offences of insider dealing. Insider dealing in relation to a listed corporation takes place when:



Person with inside information deals in shares of a corporation with which he is connected – Sections 270(1)(a) and 291(1)



Bidder of take-over offer (being inside information) deals in shares of target – Sections 270(1)(b) and 291(2)



Person connected with a corporation discloses inside information about that corporation – Sections 270(1)(c) and 291(3)



Bidder of take-over offer leaks take-over information – Sections 270(1)(d) and 291(4)



Recipient of inside information from a person connected with a corporation deals in shares of that corporation – Sections 270(1)(e) and 291(5)



Recipient of inside information about a take-over from bidder deals in shares of the target – Sections 270(1)(f) and 291(6)



Person with inside information facilitates or discloses such information to facilitate dealing on an overseas market – Sections 270(2) and 291(7)

Section 279 of the SFO imposes a duty on all officers of a corporation to take reasonable measures to ensure that proper safeguards exist to prevent the corporation from acting in a way which would result in the corporation perpetrating any market misconduct. Under Section 258 of the SFO, where a corporation has been identified as having been engaged in market misconduct and the market misconduct is directly or indirectly attributable to a breach by any person as an officer of the corporation of the duty imposed on him under Section 279, the Market Misconduct Tribunal of Hong Kong may make one or more of the orders in respect of that person even if that person has not been identified as having engaged in market misconduct himself.





Regardless of whether New Oriental has recommended a trading window to an individual, such individual is responsible for complying with this Policy. In any case, an individual should make appropriate judgments in connection with any transaction in Company Securities and carefully consider whether they are aware of any material inside information before such transaction. An individual may, from time to time, be required to forego a proposed transaction in Company Securities even if he or she planned to make the transaction before learning material non-public information and even though he or she may suffer economic loss or forego anticipated profit by waiting. Each person subject to this Policy is individually responsible for complying with this Policy and ensuring the compliance of any family members, such as spouses, minor children, adult family members who share the same household, and any other person or entity whose securities trading decisions are influenced or controlled by the person whose transactions are subject to this Policy. Accordingly, you should make your family and household members aware of the need to confer with you before they trade in the Company Securities, and you should treat all such transactions for the purposes of this Policy and applicable securities laws concerning trading while in possession of material non-public information as if the transactions were for your own account.




This Policy and the guidelines described herein also apply to material non-public information relating to other companies, , including the Company’s customers, vendors and suppliers (“Business Partners”), especially when that information is obtained in the course of employment with, or other services performed by, or on behalf of, the Company. Trading inside information about Business Partners of New Oriental may result in civil and criminal punishments, as well as disciplinary sanctions, including termination of the employment relationship for such reason. Each individual should treat material non-public information about Business Partners of New Oriental with the same caution in accordance with the requirements for information directly related to New Oriental.