EX-10.1 3 ea021559501ex10-1_breeze.htm SPONSOR SUPPORT AGREEMENT DATED AS OF SEPTEMBER 24, 2024







该赞助支持协议(本“协议”),日期为2024年9月24日,由Breeze Holdings Acquisition corp.等人制定, 一个特拉华州的公司(“母公司。 ”),YD生物制药有限公司,一个开曼群岛特许公司(“公司”),Breeze Sponsor, LLC,一个特拉华州有限责任公司(“赞助商”和签署的 Parent股东 (即“Parent 股东” 和赞助商一起,即“母公司初始股东”。 Parent公司和每位Parent初始股东在此有时分别被称为“一方当事人”。 未在本文件中另有定义但大写的术语应具有《合并协议》(如下定义)中赋予该等术语的含义。




A. 2024年9月24日,母公司Parent,公司本身,作为开曼群岛独立公司,母公司全资子公司,有望更名为“YD Bio Limited”,该公司目前正在母公司的组建过程中,一旦成立,母公司将使其加入本协议的修订条款中(Pubco),Breeze Merger Sub, Inc.,一家特拉华州公司,将成为Pubco的直接,全资子公司(Parent Merger Sub指的是Elk Topco, LLC, a Bermuda limited liability company的一个直接全资子公司,是本协议的甲方。),并作为Pubco的全资子公司,有望更名为“BH Biopharma Merger Sub Limited”,该公司目前正在母公司的组建过程中,一旦成立,母公司将使其加入本协议的修订条款中(Company Merger Sub),签署了某项关于合并协议和重组计划的协议(并购协议根据协议的规定,其中包括(a)母公司合并子公司将与母公司合并,母公司将继续作为存续公司(“Parent Merger”),并且母公司股东将获得Pubco的基本等价证券,以及(b)公司合并子公司将与公司合并,并且公司将继续作为存续公司(“公司合并”;公司合并和母公司合并在本文中统称为“Mergers”),并且公司股东将获得Pubco普通股,作为合并的结果,母公司和公司将成为Pubco的全资子公司,并且Pubco将成为纳斯达克上市的公开交易公司,所有均按照合并协议的条款和法律规定进行。


b. 每位父公司初始股东均是父公司已发行和流通股份的记录和实际持有人,数量如下所示附表A以下称为“买方”。股份”).










1. 同意投票;不得赎回。各股份初创股东在此不可撤销地并无条件地同意(a)在股份初创股东的股份的任何股东大会或股份初创股东采取的任何书面同意行动中投票,包括但不限于投票支持其股份初创股东的所有股份(以及在此之后该股份初创股东取得记录或有利益所有权或投票权的任何其他股份,合称“被投票对象的母公司股份”)(i)支持母公司提案,包括但不限于批准并同意合并协议和交易的通过,并在必要时适用,提议延期,并且(ii)反对,以及保留不同意的立场,任何可能导致(A)违反合并协议中任何母公司各方的陈述、保证、合同、协议或义务或(B)未满足合并协议第8.01或8.03节规定的任何收盘条件的任何事项、行动、协议、交易或提议,调整投票股、选举赎回或出售或提交其任何投票股以便赎回以便在母公司股东批准、合并或其他交易或在必要时适用,提议延期方面。在合并协议的任何有效终止之前,每个股份初创股东应采取或导致采取所有行动,并做出或导致所需的所有事项,以便根据规定的条款和条件完成合并和其他交易的消耗。在此指定的股份初创股东的义务 冲突矿物披露。 无论并购、其他交易或上述任何行动是否得到母公司董事会的推荐,均适用本协议。每位母公司首要股东均确认收到并审阅了并购协议的副本。


2. 放弃 反稀释保护。每位母公司初始股东在此不可撤销地(a)放弃,受(但视)交割发生为条件,在适用法律和母公司组织文件所允许的最广泛范围内,并(b)同意不主张或行使,母公司初始股东在有关合并或其他交易中可能享有的任何调整权利或其他反稀释保护,或必要且适用时,展期提议。


3. 股票的转让.


(a) 父母初始股东中的每一位均同意不得直接或间接(i)出售、转让(包括依法转让)、设定留置权、抵押、抵押、授予购买选择权、分配、处理或以其他方式担保其所拥有的任何父母股票主题或以其他方式进入任何合同、选择权或其他安排或承诺做任何前述行为(以下简称为“卖出”);(ii)将其所拥有的任何父母股票存入投票信托中或进入投票协议或安排,或授予与本协议中规定的任何约定或协议相冲突的股份的任何代理人或授权委托书,或(iii)采取任何会导致其在本协议下的责任无法按时履行或实质延误的行动;“转让”还将被视为发生在任何操作持有人(或该操作持有人的允许受让人)有B类普通股股份的非盈利机构(或该股份的任何受益人)持有该B类普通股股份的顶层支配权或独家投票权控制时,就该B类普通股股份而言,操作持有人(或其允许受让方)不再保留独立支配权(在操作持有人和其允许受让方之间)和其对该安全的投票或投票的独占支配权(包括通过委托、投票协议或其他方式),情况下(在这种情况下)。即使是这种情况,以下任何情况也不被视为“转让”:係确立于本协议中的约定; 在每种情况下,该B类股东和/或该B类股东的家庭成员需独立控制在此类帐户、计划或信托中持有的B类普通股实时;, 公司对于以下情况,不应承担责任:根据第10(b)部分书面信息可靠地提供。而上述约定不适用于(A)转让给该等父母初始股东的任何关联方,(B)转让给本协议当事方的另一位父母初始股东,且受本协议项下条款和义务约束,或(C)与合并或其他交易有关联的转让;在每种情况下,该B类股东和/或该B类股东的家庭成员需独立控制在此类帐户、计划或信托中持有的B类普通股实时;任何构成前述(A)款所述转让的受让方必须签署加入协议,同意成为当事方。





(b) 为了促进前述事项,母公司特此同意(i)对所有母公司股票采取可撤销的止损市价单, 第3(a)条包括那些可能被登记声明复盖的股票,以及(ii)以书面形式通知母公司的过户代理 关于该止损市价单和该母公司股票的限制, 第3(a)条 并指示母公司的过户代理不要处理任何母公司初始股东试图转让任何母公司股票的行为,除非符合 第3(a)条的责任)和并首先获得母公司批准;毫无疑问,母公司在本 第3(b)部分 应视为具有对象母公司股票上目前存在的任何类似止损市价单和限制的满足。


4. 保留。


5. 其他 契约和协议.


(a) 每一位母公司初始股东均同意受合并协议第7.04(b)条(保密性)和第7.11条(公开声明)的约束和适用范围,就如同这些条文适用于合并协议的各方一样,以及(ii) 第7.06条(独家性)和第7.02条(母公司股东会;上市公司及合并子公司股东批准)的约束和适用范围,就如同这些条文适用于母公司一样, mutatis mutandis 并且若该母公司初始股东是相关方,则应如同该母公司初始股东是该等相关方一样。


(b) 赞助方同意根据并购协议第7.19条的规定,承担并全额支付所有Legacy Parent交易费用,并且将赔偿Pubco、母公司、公司及其各自的子公司与Legacy Parent交易费用相关的任何及所有责任。尽管本文可能有相反之处,但赞助方同意在完全承担并全额支付所有Legacy Parent交易费用后,方可转让其任何股份或分配其任何资产。 第5(b)段不会影响任何方对于(A)在终止前故意且重大违反本协议或(B)任何欺诈主张的责任.


(c) Each of the Parent Initial Stockholders acknowledges and agrees that the Company is entering into the Merger Agreement and the Specified Stockholders are entering into the A&R Stockholder Support Agreement in reliance upon the Parent Initial Stockholders entering into this Agreement and agreeing to be bound by, and perform, or otherwise comply with, as applicable, the agreements, covenants and obligations contained in this Agreement, and but for the Parent Initial Stockholders entering into this Agreement and agreeing to be bound by, and perform, or otherwise comply with, as applicable, the agreements, covenants and obligations contained in this Agreement, the Company would not have entered into the Merger Agreement or agreed to consummate the Transactions and the Specified Stockholders would not have entered into the Stockholder Support Agreement or agreed to consummate the transactions contemplated thereby.





6. Representations and Warranties. Each of the Parent Initial Stockholders, severally and not jointly, represents and warrants to Parent and the Company as follows:


(a) If such Parent Initial Stockholder is a natural person, he or she is legally competent to execute and deliver this Agreement. If such Parent Initial Stockholder is not a natural person, it is duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the Laws of the jurisdiction of its incorporation or organization.


(b) The execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement and the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby are within such Parent Initial Stockholder’s power and have been duly authorized by all necessary actions on the part of such Parent Initial Stockholder.


(c) The execution and delivery of this Agreement by such Parent Initial Stockholder does not, and the performance by such Parent Initial Stockholder of his, her or its obligations hereunder will not, (i) conflict with or violate any Law applicable to such Parent Initial Stockholder, (ii) result in the creation of any Lien on any of its Subject Parent Stock (other than under this Agreement, the Merger Agreement or the Ancillary Agreements), (iii) if applicable, conflict with or result in a breach or violation of or constitute a default under its organizational documents, or (iv) require any consent, authorization or approval of, declaration, filing or registration with, or notice to, any Person, in each case that has not been given or made as of the date hereof.


(d) There are no Actions pending against such Parent Initial Stockholder or, to the knowledge of such Parent Initial Stockholder, threatened against such Parent Initial Stockholder, before (or, in the case of threatened Actions, that would be before) any arbitrator or any Governmental Authority, which in any manner challenges or seeks to prevent, enjoin or materially delay the performance by such Parent Initial Stockholder of its obligations under this Agreement.


(e) This Agreement has been duly executed and delivered by such Parent Initial Stockholder and, assuming due authorization, execution and delivery by the other Parties, this Agreement constitutes a legally valid and binding obligation of such Parent Initial Stockholder, enforceable against him, her or it in accordance with the terms hereof (except as enforceability may be limited by applicable bankruptcy Laws, other applicable, similar Laws affecting creditors’ rights and general principles of equity affecting the availability of specific performance and other equitable remedies),


(f) Such Parent Initial Stockholder has not entered into, and shall not enter into, any agreement that would restrict, limit or interfere with the performance of his, her or its obligations hereunder.





(g) Such Parent Initial Stockholder is the exclusive record and beneficial owner of, and has good and valid title to, all of the Shares set forth opposite such Parent Initial Stockholder’s name on Schedule A hereto, and there exist no Liens, pledge, proxy, security interest, option, right of first refusal, adverse claim of ownership or any other limitations or restrictions (including, without limitation, any restriction on the right to vote, sell or otherwise dispose of such Shares), other than pursuant to (i) this Agreement, (ii) the Parent Organizational Documents, (iii) the Merger Agreement or the Ancillary Agreements, (iv) the Letter Agreement, dated as of November 23, 2020, by and between Parent and the Sponsor, (v) the Securities Escrow Agreement, dated as of November 23, 2020, by and among Parent, certain stockholders of Parent and Continental Stock Transfer & Trust Company, and (vi) any applicable securities Laws, and as of the date of this Agreement, such Parent Initial Stockholder has the sole power (as currently in effect) to vote, and the right, power and authority to sell, transfer and deliver, such Shares, and such Parent Initial Stockholder does not own, directly or indirectly, any other Shares.


7. Termination. This Agreement shall automatically terminate, without any notice or other action by any Party, upon the earliest of (a) the termination of the Merger Agreement in accordance with its terms and (b) the mutual written agreement of all of the Parties. Upon termination of this Agreement as provided in the immediately preceding sentence, none of the Parties shall have any further obligations or liabilities under, or with respect to, this Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing or anything to the contrary in this Agreement, (i) the termination of this Agreement pursuant to Section 7(a) shall not affect any liability on the part of any Party for a Willful Breach of any covenant or agreement set forth in this Agreement prior to such termination or Fraud, (ii) Sections 2, 6 and 12 shall each survive any termination of this Agreement pursuant to Section 7(a), and (iii) Sections 7 through 16 shall survive any termination of this Agreement. For purposes of this Section 7, “Fraud” means an act or omission by a Party, and requires: (i) a false or incorrect representation or warranty expressly set forth in this Agreement, (ii) with actual knowledge (as opposed to constructive, imputed or implied knowledge) by the Party making such representation or warranty that such representation or warranty expressly set forth in this Agreement is false or incorrect, (iii) an intention to deceive another Party to induce him, her or it to enter into this Agreement, (iv) another Party, in justifiable or reasonable reliance upon such false or incorrect representation or warranty expressly set forth in this Agreement, causing such Party to enter into this Agreement, and (v) causing such Party to suffer damage by reason of such reliance.


8. No Recourse. Except for claims pursuant to the Merger Agreement or any other Ancillary Agreement by any party thereto against any other party thereto, each Party agrees that (a) this Agreement may only be enforced against, and any action for breach of this Agreement may only be made against, the Parties, and no claims of any nature whatsoever (whether in tort, contract or otherwise) arising under or relating to this Agreement, the negotiation hereof or its subject matter, or the transactions contemplated hereby shall be asserted against any Affiliate of the Company or any Affiliate of Parent (other than the Parent Initial Stockholders, on the terms and subject to the conditions set forth herein), and (b) none of the Affiliates of the Company or the Affiliates of Parent (other than the Parent Initial Stockholders, on the terms and subject to the conditions set forth herein) shall have any liability arising out of or relating to this Agreement, the negotiation hereof or its subject matter, or the transactions contemplated hereby, including with respect to any claim (whether in tort, contract or otherwise) for breach of this Agreement or in respect of any written or oral representations made or alleged to be made in connection herewith, as expressly provided herein, or for any actual or alleged inaccuracies, misstatements or omissions with respect to any information or materials of any kind furnished in connection with this Agreement, the negotiation hereof or the transactions contemplated hereby.





9. Notices. All notices and other communications among the Parties shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given (a) when delivered in person, (b) when delivered after posting in the United States mail having been sent registered or certified mail return receipt requested, postage prepaid, (c) when delivered by FedEx or other nationally recognized overnight delivery service or (d) when e-mailed during normal business hours (and otherwise as of the immediately following Business Day), addressed as follows:


  (a) If to Parent, to:


Breeze Holdings Acquisition Corp.
955 W. John Carpenter Fwy., Suite 100-929
Irving, TX 75039
Attention: J. Douglas Ramsey, Ph.D.
Email: doug@breezeacquisition.com


with a copy to:


Woolery & Co.
1 Pier 76
408 12th Ave
New York, NY 10018
Attention: Jim Woolery; Mathew J. Saur
Email: james@wooleryco.com; matt@ekpyrosis.co


  (b) If to the Company, to:


YD Biopharma Limited
12th Floor, No. 101, Section 2
Nanjing East Road, Zhongshan District
Taipei City, Taiwan 54186159
Attn: Dr. Ethan Shen
E-mail: ethanshen@eg-bio.com


with a copy to: 


ArentFox Schiff LLP
1717 K Street NW
Suite 700
Washington, DC 20006
Attention: Ralph V. De Martino
Email: ralph.demartino@afslaw.com


  (c) If to the Sponsor, to:


Breeze Sponsor, LLC
955 W. John Carpenter Fwy., Suite 100-929
Irving, TX 75039
Attention: J. Douglas Ramsey, Ph.D.
Email: doug@breezeacquisition.com


with a copy to:


Woolery & Co.
1 Pier 76
408 12th Ave
New York, NY 10018
Attention: Jim Woolery; Mathew J. Saur
Email: james@wooleryco.com; mathew@wooleryco.com





If to a Parent Initial Stockholder (other than the Sponsor), to the address or email address set forth for such Parent Initial Stockholder on his, her or its signature page hereof, or to such other address or addresses as the Parties may from time to time designate in writing.


10. Entire Agreement. This Agreement and the Merger Agreement constitute the entire agreement of the Parties with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement and supersede all prior agreements and undertakings, both written and oral, among the Parties with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement, except as otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement.


11. Amendments and Waivers; Assignment. Any provision of this Agreement may be amended or waived if, and only if, such amendment or waiver is in writing and signed by the Parties and the Parties to be bound thereby, respectively. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no failure or delay by any Party in exercising any right hereunder shall operate as a waiver thereof nor shall any single or partial exercise thereof preclude any other or further exercise of any other right hereunder. Neither this Agreement nor any of the rights, interests or obligations hereunder shall be assignable by any Party without the prior written consent of the other Parties.


12. Fees and Expenses. Except as otherwise expressly set forth herein or in the Merger Agreement, all fees and expenses incurred in connection with this Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby, including the fees and disbursements of counsel, financial advisors and accountants, shall be paid by the Party incurring such fees or expenses.


13. Fiduciary Duties. Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to the contrary, (a) none of the Parent Initial Stockholders makes any agreement or understanding herein in any capacity other than in its capacity as a record holder and beneficial owner of the Subject Parent Stock and (b) nothing herein will be construed to limit or affect any action or inaction by any representative of such Parent Initial Stockholder in its capacity as a member of the Parent Board or other similar governing body of any of its Affiliates or as an officer, employee or fiduciary of Parent or any of its Affiliates, in each case, acting in such person’s capacity as a director, officer, employee or fiduciary of Parent or such Affiliate.


14. Remedies. Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, any and all remedies provided herein will be deemed cumulative with and not exclusive of any other remedy conferred hereby, or by law or equity upon such Party, and the exercise by a Party of any one remedy will not preclude the exercise of any other remedy. The Parties agree that irreparable damage for which monetary damages, even if available, would not be an adequate remedy, would occur in the event that a Party does not perform its respective obligations under the provisions of this Agreement in accordance with their specific terms or otherwise breaches such provisions. It is accordingly agreed that each Party shall be entitled to an injunction or injunctions, specific performance and other equitable relief to prevent breaches of this Agreement and to enforce specifically the terms and provisions of this Agreement, in each case, without posting a bond or undertaking and without proof of damages and this being in addition to any other remedy to which they are entitled at law or in equity. Each Party agrees that it will not oppose the granting of an injunction, specific performance and other equitable relief when expressly available pursuant to the terms of this Agreement on the basis that the other Parties have an adequate remedy at law or an award of specific performance is not an appropriate remedy for any reason at law or equity.


15. No Third Party Beneficiaries. This Agreement shall be for the sole benefit of the Parties and their respective successors and permitted assigns and is not intended, nor shall be construed, to give any Person, other than the Parties and their respective successors and permitted assigns, any legal or equitable right, benefit or remedy of any nature whatsoever by reason this Agreement. Nothing in this Agreement, expressed or implied, is intended to or shall constitute the Parties acting as partners or participants in a joint venture.


16. Incorporation by Reference. Sections 1.03 (Construction)), 10.03 (Severability), 10.06 (Governing Law), 10.07 (Waiver of Jury Trial), 10.08 (Headings) and 10.09 (Counterparts; Electronic Delivery) of the Merger Agreement are incorporated herein by reference and shall apply to this Agreement mutatis mutandis.


[Signature page follows]





IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the Parties has executed and delivered this Sponsor Support Agreement as of the date first above written.


  By: /s/ J. Douglas Ramsey, Ph.D.
    Name:  J. Douglas Ramsey, Ph.D.
    Title: CEO & CFO


  By: /s/ J. Douglas Ramsey, Ph.D.
    Name:  J. Douglas Ramsey, Ph.D.
    Title: Manager


  By: /s/ Dr. Hsieh Tsung Shen
    Name:  Dr. Hsieh Tsung Shen
    Title: CEO


[Signature Page to Sponsor Support Agreement]




IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the Parties has executed and delivered this Sponsor Support Agreement as of the date first above written.


  By: /s/ Matthew J. McCloskey
  Name: Matthew J. McCloskey
  Title: President


  /s/ Albert McLelland
  Albert McLelland


  /s/ Daniel L. Hunt
  Daniel L. Hunt


  /s/ Robert Lee Thomas
  Robert Lee Thomas


  /s/ Bill Stark
  Bill Stark


[Signature Page to Sponsor Support Agreement]








Name   Number of Shares of Common Stock
Breeze Sponsor, LLC   2,475,000
I-Bankers Securities, Inc.   300,000
Albert McLelland   25,000
Daniel L. Hunt   25,000
Robert Lee Thomas   25,000
Bill Stark   25,000