EX-99.2 7 ea021559501ex99-2_breeze.htm INVESTOR PRESENTATION DATED SEPTEMBER 2024

Exhibit 99.2





©2024年,YD BIOPHARMA有限公司免責聲明:本投資者介紹(本「介紹」)已經爲了潛在的業務組合(「業務組合」)而準備,該業務組合是Breeze Holdings Acquisition Corp.(「SPAC」 )和YD生物製藥有限公司(「YD生物製藥」或「YD BIO」或「目標方」以及與SPAC一起稱爲「各方」)之間的。本介紹僅供信息目的,並且未經各方事先書面同意,不得全部或部分複製或轉發。本介紹並未同時包括或包含可能所需的用於評估業務組合的所有信息。各方保留更新或補充本介紹提供的信息的權利,但不承擔任何義務。您不應確切依賴它或將其用作任何與業務組合或其他事項有關的任何決定、合同、承諾或行動的確切依據。您應諮詢自己的法律、監管、稅務、商業、金融和會計顧問,至於你認爲必要的程度,並且你必須做出自己的投資決策,並對各方和業務組合進行自己獨立的調查和分析。在法律允許的最大範圍內,任何情況下,任一方或其各自的關聯公司、官員、董事、僱員、代表、顧問或代理商對於使用本介紹、其內容、其遺漏、依賴其內含信息或針對相關信息傳達的意見所引起的任何直接、間接或後果性損失或利潤損失概不負責或承擔任何責任。本介紹中的信息屬高度機密。本介紹應仍然是各方的財產,將本介紹分發或披露給任何其他人是未經授權的,除了您的隨從、官員、董事、僱員、代表、顧問或代理商,他們有需要接收此介紹來評估業務組合,並已被告知並同意遵守本處所述的保密義務。未經授權的披露、轉發、複製或複印,或本介紹或其任何部分的內容的更改是被禁止的。您應保密保持本介紹及其內容,不得將本介紹或其內容用於任何目的,而非明確得到各方授權,並且應在各方要求後立即歸還或銷燬您擁有的本介紹副本或其中的部分。通過接受本介紹,您被視爲同意前述保密要求。本介紹的任何未經授權的分發或複製任何部分可能導致違反1933年修正案的《美國證券法》。任何一方或其各自的關聯公司、高管、董事、僱員、代表、顧問或代理明示或暗示都不擔保或陳述與本介紹中包含的信息的準確性或完整性有關,或在此期間提供的任何口頭信息、產生的任何數據,或已經或可能根據本介紹所述或暗示的條款或方式效率進行任何交易,或關於未來預測、管理目標、估計、前景或回報的達成或合理性,如果有的話,各方對任何此類信息不承擔任何責任、義務或責任(無論是直接還是間接的、合同上的、侵權或其他形式)。各方及其各自的關聯公司、高管、董事、僱員、代表、顧問和代理明確否認可能基於本介紹及其中的任何錯誤或遺漏引起的任何責任。本介紹及其中包含的信息並不構成:(a)(i)就業務組合所涉證券的任何全權代理、同意或授權的徵求意見或(ii)出售或交換的任何一方,或出售或交換的徵求意見。購買或交換任何證券、商品或工具或相關衍生品的徵求意見,也不得在任何未在註冊或合格的任何該等司法管轄區的證券法下(b)一項銷售證券、商品或工具或相關衍生品的促銷或交換將是不合法的,或(b)貸款、聯合產權或安排融資、承銷或購買或擔任代理商或建議者,或以其他任何形式進行任何交易、或承諾資本,或參與任何交易戰略。您不應將本介紹的內容解釋爲法律、監管、稅務、會計或投資建議或推薦。我們建議您尋求獨立第三方法律、監管、商業、金融、會計和稅務建議,以了解本介紹的內容。本介紹不構成任何一方或其各自的關聯公司、高管、董事、僱員、代表、顧問或代理商的任何形式的金融或公平意見或建議。這不是研究報告。通過接受本介紹,您確認您不依賴本介紹中包含的信息來做出任何決定。本介紹僅分發給合理相信具有足夠專業知識以理解業務組合風險的人士。您應確定經濟風險和優缺點,以及法律、監管、商業、金融、會計和稅務特性和業務組合的相關風險和自願決定您能夠承擔與前述有關的風險。通過接受本介紹,您確認已被告知(a)任何一方都沒有爲您提供任何法律、監管、商業、金融、會計或稅務建議,(b)您了解與業務組合有法律、監管、商業、金融、會計和稅務風險,(c)您應該從具有適當專門知識的顧問那裏獲得法律、監管、商業、金融、會計和稅務建議,以評估相關風險和(d)您應告知您組織中的高級管理層與業務組合相關的法律、監管、商業、金融、會計和稅務建議(如適用)和有關這些事項的免責聲明 。您確認您不依賴本介紹中包含的信息做出任何決定。美國證券交易委員會(「SEC」)或任何州或地方證券委員會或任何其他監管機構尚未批准或不批准本介紹或確認其真實或完整。任何與此相反的陳述都是一種刑事犯罪。



©2024, YD BIOPHARMA ., LTD. Disclaimer YD BIOPHARMA Forward - Looking Statements This Presentation contains certain “forward - looking statements” within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 , Section 27 A of the Act and Section 21 E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 , as amended . All statements other than statements of historical fact contained in this Presentation, including, but not limited to, statements as to the transactions contemplated by the Business Combination and related agreements, the benefits or timing of the Business Combination, the effects of regulations, projected future results of operations and financial position, revenue and other metrics, planned products and services, business strategy and plans, objectives of management for future operations, market size and growth opportunities, competitive position and technological and market trends, are forward - looking statements . Some of these forward - looking statements can be identified by the use of forward - looking words, including, but not limited to, “may,” “should,” “expect,” “intend,” “will,” “estimate,” “anticipate,” “believe,” “predict,” “plan,” “targets,” “projects,” “could,” “would,” “continue,” “forecast,” “strategy,” and “opportunity” or the negatives of these terms or variations of them or similar expressions . All forward - looking statements are subject to risks, uncertainties, and other factors (including those which are beyond the control of either Party) which could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward - looking statements . All forward - looking statements are based upon estimates, forecasts and assumptions that, while considered reasonable by the Parties, are inherently uncertain, and many factors may cause the actual results to differ materially from current expectations, which include, but are not limited to : (a) the occurrence of any event, change or other circumstances that could give rise to the termination of the definitive agreements executed by the Parties with respect to the Business Combination ; (b) the outcome of any legal proceedings that may be instituted against either Party or the combined company, or any of their respective directors or officers, following the announcement of the Business Combination and the transactions contemplated thereby ; (c) the inability to complete the Business Combination due to the failure to obtain approval of the stockholders of either Party, or to satisfy other conditions to closing of the Business Combination ; (d) changes to the proposed structure of the Business Combination that may be required or appropriate as a result of applicable laws or regulations or as a condition to obtaining applicable regulatory approvals for the Business Combination ; (e) the ability to meet or maintain the Nasdaq Stock Market’s listing standards prior to or following the consummation of the Business Combination ; (f) the risk that the announcement or consummation of the Business Combination disrupts current plans and operations of either Party ; (g) the inability to recognize the anticipated benefits of the Business Combination ; (h) the ability of the combined company to successfully increase market penetration into its target markets, to execute on its business strategy or to compete effectively ; (i) the addressable markets that the Parties intend to target do not grow as expected ; (j) the loss of any key executives ; (k) the loss of any relationships with key suppliers or customers (as may be applicable) or the inability to attract and retain customers ; (l) the inability to protect patents and other intellectual property ; (n) costs related to the Business Combination ; (o) changes in applicable laws or regulations ; (p) the possibility that either Party or the combined company may be adversely affected by other economic, business and/or competitive factors ; (q) the Parties’ estimates of growth and projected financial results and meeting or satisfying the underlying assumptions with respect thereto ; (r) the risk that the Business Combination may not be completed in a timely manner or at all, which may adversely affect the price of either Party’s securities ; (s) the risk that the transaction may not be completed by SPAC’s business combination deadline (as may be extended pursuant to SPAC’s governing documents) ; (t) the impact of the novel coronavirus disease pandemic, including any mutations or variants thereof, and its effect on business and financial conditions ; and (u) other risks and uncertainties set forth in the sections entitled “Risk Factors” and “Cautionary Note Regarding Forward - Looking Statements” in SPAC’s Form S - 1 (File No . 333 - 249677 ), annual report on Form 10 - K/A for the year ended December 31 , 2023 , quarterly report on Form 10 - Q for the period ended June 30 , 2024 and, when available, the registration statement on Form F - 4 to be filed with the SEC in connection with the Business Combination, which will include a document that serves as a preliminary prospectus and proxy statement of SPAC, referred to as a proxy statement/prospectus, and other documents filed or to be filed from time to time with the SEC in connection with the Business Combination . The foregoing list is not exhaustive, and new risks may emerge from time to time . These filings identify and address other important risks and uncertainties that could cause actual events and results to differ materially from those contained in the forward - looking statements . Nothing in this Presentation should be regarded as a representation by any person that the forward - looking statements set forth herein will be achieved or that any of the contemplated results of such forward looking statements will be achieved . You should not place undue reliance on forward - looking statements, which speak only as of the date they are made . Neither Party, nor any of their respective affiliates, gives any assurance that the combined company will achieve its currently expected results . Neither Party nor the combined company undertakes any duty to update or revise these forward - looking statements, except as otherwise required by law . Use of Projections This Presentation may contain financial forecasts of the Parties and the combined company which are based on currently available information and estimates . Neither Party nor its independent auditors, nor the independent registered public accounting firm of either Party, has audited, reviewed, compiled or performed any procedures with respect to the projections for the purpose of their inclusion in this Presentation, and accordingly, none of the foregoing has expressed an opinion or provided any other form of assurance with respect thereto for the purpose of this Presentation . These projections are forward - looking statements and should not be relied upon as being necessarily indicative of future results . The projected financial information contained in this Presentation constitutes forward - looking information, and neither Party nor the combined company undertakes any duty to update or revise the projected financial information . The assumptions and estimates underlying such projected financial information are inherently uncertain and are subject to a wide variety of significant business, economic, competitive, and other risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in the prospective financial information . See the section titled “Forward - Looking Statements” above . Accordingly, there can be no assurance that the prospective results are indicative of future performance or that actual results will not differ materially from the results presented in the prospective financial information contained in this Presentation . Actual results may differ materially from the results contemplated by the projected financial information contained in this Presentation . The inclusion of such information in this Presentation should not be regarded as a representation by any person that the results reflected in such projections will be achieved . 3



©2024年, YD BIOPHARMA有限公司。免責聲明YD BIOPHARMA財務信息本演示文稿中包含的某些財務信息和數據未經審計,可能不符合規定S-X。這些信息和數據可能不包括在即將提交給SEC與企業合併有關的註冊聲明中,可能會進行調整或以不同方式呈現。商標每個方擁有或擁有各種商標、服務標記、版權、商業名稱和產品的權利,用於與其業務的操作有關。本演示文稿還可能包含其他公司的商標、服務標記、版權、商業名稱或產品,這些商標、服務標記、版權、商業名稱或產品歸其各自所有者所有。在本演示文稿中使用或展示第三方商標、服務標記、版權、商業名稱或產品並不意味着Party之間具有關係,也不意味着Party的贊助或支持。僅僅出於便利起見,本演示文稿中提到的商標、服務標記、商業名稱和版權可能沒有帶有Tm、Sm、©或®符號,但這些引用並不打算在任何方面表明,每個方將不維護,根據適用法律的規定,其權利或相應所有者(如果有)對這些商標、服務標記、版權、商業名稱和產品的權利。行業和市場數據本演示文稿包含並依賴於從第三方來源和內部來源獲取的某些信息。這些信息涉及許多假設和限制;因此,無法保證此類假設的準確性或可靠性,因此,您應該謹慎對此信息給予過多重視。此外,任何一方均不就本文中所作的任何假設的合理性或此處包含的任何預測或任何其他信息的準確性或完整性作出明示或暗示的陳述或擔保,並在法律允許的最大範圍內,各方特此免除對因使用此類信息而導致的任何直接、間接或間接的損失或利潤損失的任何責任。此處包含的有關過去業績或建模的任何數據並不表示未來表現的指示。任何一方或其各自的關聯公司、官員、董事、僱員、代表或顧問均未獨立核實任何此類第三方信息的準確性或完整性。同樣,Party主題進行的其他第三方調查數據和研究報告雖然被認爲是可靠的,但基於有限的樣本規模,並未由Parties進行獨立核實。此外,對Target運營的行業未來表現以及其未來表現的預測、假設、估計、目標、計劃和趨勢的投影,由於各種因素,包括以上描述的那些因素,必然會受到不確定性和風險的影響。這些和其他因素可能導致結果與獨立方和Party所做估計中表達的結果有重大不同。附加信息及查閱方式Party打算提交SPAC與SEC有關企業組合的一份明確的代理聲明/招股說明書(「明確代理聲明/招股說明書」)。明確代理聲明/招股說明書將發送給SPAC和Target的所有股東,作爲一個待建立的記錄日期。Party還將向SEC提交有關企業組合的其他文件。在做出任何投票或其他投資決策之前,敦促SPAC和Target的投資者和證券持有人閱讀明確的代理聲明/招股說明書以及與企業組合有關的所有其他已提交或將提交的有關文件,因爲它們將包含有關Party和企業組合的重要信息。投資者和證券持有人可通過SEC維護的網站www.sec.gov免費獲取Party在與企業組合有關的文件中已提交或將提交的明確的代理聲明/招股說明書和所有其他相關文件副本。通過這樣一個網站。招徠徵集Party及與企業組合有關的明確協議中的某些其他方,以及他們各自的董事、高管和其他管理人員和僱員,根據SEC規則,可能被視爲會參與從SPAC的股東那裏徵集代理人的活動,以便與企業組合有關。這些人的姓名列表以及有關他們在企業組合中的利益的信息將包含在明確的代理聲明/招股說明書中。當可用時,您可以通過向SPAC發送郵件請求免費獲得這些文件的副本。此演示文稿未包含應與企業組合有關的所有信息。它不打算形成任何投資決策或有關企業組合的任何決定的任何依據。4



©2024年,YD BIOPHARMA有限公司。 YD BIO與Breeze Holdings Acquisition Corp.合併。 YD BIOPHARMA關鍵管理人員• SPAC概覽:Breeze Holdings Acquisition Corp.(OTCQX:BRZH)是一家公開上市的特殊目的收購公司,大約有1000萬美元的現金。• 估值:公司的擬議淨資產價值約爲70000萬美元。• 結構:Breeze和YD BIO將各自合併爲新成立的開曼控股公司的全資子公司,預計將命名爲「YD Bio Limited」。合併後,YD Bio Limited預計將在納斯達克上市。• 所有權:現有的YD BIO股東:90.6%,PIPE股東:2.6%,SPAC公開股份:2.1%,SPAC內部股份:4.7%。• 時間:預計交易將於25年第1季度結束,視常規收盤條件和任何必要的監管批准而定。• 管理和董事會構成:交易完成後,YD BIO將繼續由沈峯博士領導。董事會將由YD BIO的CEO,YD BIO指定的五(5)名董事和Breeze Holdings指定的兩(2)名董事組成。 Breeze和YD生物製藥公司的合作結合了上市公司經驗和行業專業知識交易詳情經驗名稱及職務〜25年 道格·拉姆齊****及首席執行官 〜35年 Russ Griffin 董事 及 總裁 〜23年 沈峯****及首席執行官 〜17年 吳承峯 首席醫務官 〜35年 蔡美玲 首席業務官 〜18年 陳吉恩 會計經理 Breeze Holdings YD生物製藥公司5



©2024年,遠東生物醫藥有限公司介紹:遠東生物醫藥永鼎生物醫藥股份有限公司(以下簡稱「遠東生物醫藥」或「YD BIOPHARMA」或「YD BIO」,公司)由沈伊桐博士於2013年在臺灣臺北創立。遠東生物醫藥專注於醫藥商業,是臨床試驗藥物和醫療材料供應商。2015年,遠東生物醫藥被諾華(臺灣)任命爲臨床試驗藥物供應商,並自那時起擴展其產品線以包括上市後的附屬產品的開發和供應。2024年6月,遠東生物醫藥從3D GLOBAL生物技術公司(「3D Biotech」)獲得了專利和技術授權。與3D Biotech合作,遠東生物醫藥引領了角膜間充質幹細胞及其外泌體治療眼部疾病的應用。遠東生物醫藥推出了針對乾眼症、青光眼和角膜修復等病症的新藥物和治療方法。2024年第二季度,遠東生物醫藥從EG Biomed獲得了胰腺癌核甲基化檢測的專利、技術和美國市場授權。這一合作導致在美國建立了一個專門用於胰腺癌檢測的獨立實驗室,並標誌着遠東生物醫藥將其研發能力拓展到重要醫療領域的重大擴張。遠東生物醫藥最近就乳腺癌檢測進行了相關授權談判,以進一步擴展公司的產品線。在與Breeze Holdings的業務合併關閉交易同時,遠東生物醫藥將同時完成對EG Biomed的乳腺癌檢測技術在美國、歐盟和亞太地區的許可收購。沈伊桐博士關於遠東生物醫藥使命的觀點:「利用我們的技術及早發現身體問題,並幫助身體再生、延緩衰老、恢復健康,無需服用藥物。」YD BIOPHARMA LIMITED(開曼群島)永鼎生物醫藥股份有限公司(臺灣)全資擁有



©2024, YD BIOPHARMA ., LTD. Transaction Overview YD BIOPHARMA Transaction Summary Pro Forma Ownership Illustrative Sources and Uses Illustrative Pro Forma Valuation • YD Biopharma to combine with Breeze Holdings to become publicly traded, NASDAQ - listed company o Pro forma equity value of $ 715 m o Existing YD BIO equity holders to roll 100 % of their equity • Anticipated ~ $ 25 m in new capital, assuming no redemptions from SPAC trust . • Proceeds to be used to expand production and continue development, approval and launch of new technologies . 95.4% Pro Forma Shares Outstanding 71 Share Price $10 Pro Forma Equity Value $715 Less: Cash $21 Plus: Debt $0 Pro Forma Enterprise Value $694 Amounts in millions [ 1 ] Assumes no redemptions from current trust balance, which is calculated based on 893 , 712 outstanding shares multiplied by $ 11 . 26 market price as of 9 / 12 / 2024 . Sources ($m) Seller Rollover Equity $647.3 96.3% New Capital $15.0 2.2% Cash from SPAC Trust [1] $10.1 1.5% Total Sources $672.4 100.0% Uses ($m) Seller Rollover Equity $647.3 96.3% Cash to Balance Sheet $20.7 3.1% Estimated Transaction Costs $4.4 0.7% Total Uses $672.4 100.0% 7



©2024, YD BIOPHARMA ., LTD. Company Products and Capabilities YD BIOPHARMA 8 Formulation and manufacturing of health supplements Products based on patented limbal stem cells (LSC) technology to treat eye - related disorders including glaucoma, corneal repair, and dry eye syndrome. Partnership with EG BioMed in 2024 to develop techniques (DNA Methylation Analysis) for early detection of pancreatic cancer. Licensing of EG Biomed’s breast cancer detection technology in the U.S., E.U., and Asia - Pacific. Pancreatic Cancer Diagnostics Breast Cancer Diagnostics Ophthalmology Cellular Drug Development Nutritional Product Sales



©2024, YD BIOPHARMA ., LTD. Strategic Partnerships YD BIOPHARMA YD Biopharma appointed a clinical testing drug supplier by Novartis (Taiwan) in 2015. Licensing partnership with 3D Global Biotech in 2024 to develop products based on patented limbal stem cells (LSC) technology for the treatment of eye disorders such as glaucoma, corneal repair, and dry eye syndrome. 3D Global Biotech is publicly - traded on the Taipei Stock Exchange. Licensing partnership with EG BioMed, a biomedical and healthcare startup in Taiwan developing new technologies for cancer detection. YD BIO acquired authorization to use EG Biomed’s pancreatic cancer detection technology in Q2 2024 and is finalizing the licensing agreement for EG Biomed’s breast cancer detection technology in the U.S., E.U., and Asia - Pacific. 9



©2024, YD BIOPHARMA ., LTD. YD BIO – Innovation & Licensed Technology Eye Disorders No immune rejection Rapid cell culture Long - term storage Pancreatic Cancer Diagnostics Higher accuracy (~92%) and early detection rate (Stage 1 & 2) compared to current solutions in market that range from 50 - 60% Non - invasive and user - friendly testing procedures Expedited report generation Breast Cancer Diagnostics More sensitive, accurate, lower cost, and easier to operate than other breast cancer detection methods Licensing / Patent Details Advantages Novel DNA methylation biomarkers EG - Pancreatic Blood Test - E1 Corneal mesenchymal stem cell storage and culture technology EG - Breast Cancer Detection - P1 Innovation & Technology "METHODS OF CULTURING HUMAN CORNEAL LIMBUS CELLS“ (U.S. Patent Application No. US15/967,401; Publication No. US20190062704A1) Patents and technology related to blood monitoring tool for breast cancer progression by detecting circulating methylation GCM2 and TMEM240 Methylation analysis technology for application in pancreatic cancer (incl. U.S. Patent Application No. 18/444,053) 10 YD BIOPHARMA



©2024, YD BIOPHARMA ., LTD. YD BIO – Innovation & Licensed Technology Global Pancreatic Cancer Diagnostics United States Breast Cancer Diagnostics U.S., E.U., Asia - Pacific L icensed Markets Approval Status 3D LensMate Evs buffer products: obtain certification in Q3 2024 Therapeutic lens set (exosomes): in R&D phase, indications include dry eye disease and glaucoma. Expected to pass IRB review by end of 2024 and enter clinical trial for IVD application. First phase of administrative review completed and is currently entering the 90 - day substantive review. FDA expected to respond with results on 12/8/2024. Preparing to submit de novo application to FDA, has passed first phase of administrative review and is currently entering the second phase of review. Commercialization Status U.S. CLIA Laboratory certification is expected to obtained by end of Nov 2024. U.S. rollout and sales scheduled to commence in Q4 2024. Sales scheduled to commence in Q2 2025. 3D LensMate Evs buffer products: Sales scheduled to commence in Q2 2025 Therapeutic lens set (exosomes): Sales schedule TBD Eye Disorders 11 YD BIOPHARMA



©2024, YD BIOPHARMA ., LTD. Company History & Milestones YD BIOPHARMA YD Biopharma founded by Dr. Ethan Shen Initial focus on nutritional innovations, product sales, & pharmacy operations Partnership with Novartis (Taiwan) to expand into clinical testing drug market Collaborative Innovation Exosome Development Partnership with 3D Global Biotech to expand into eye disorders treatment Partnership with EG Biomed to expand into pancreatic cancer and breast cancer detection technology / diagnostics 2024 2022 - 2023 2015 2013 / 5 12



©2024, YD BIOPHARMA ., LTD. Market Analysis – Selected Disorders YD BIOPHARMA Pancreatic Cancer Diagnostics Glaucoma Dry Eye Syndrome Disease / Disorder Market Size ~$870M as of 2023 CAGR ~5.6% from 2023 to 2030 ~$5.5B as of 2021 ~3.2% from 2022 to 2028 ~$6.0B as of 2022 Source: https://www.grandviewsearch.com ~7.2% from 2022 to 2030 Source: https://www.gminsights.com/industry - analysis/dry - eye - disease - market Breast Cancer Diagnostics ~$4.5B as of 2023 ~7.2% from 2023 to 2033 Source: biospace.com/breast - cancer - diagnostics - market - size - share - and - growth - report - 2033 Market(s): Global Market(s): North American & Europe Source: https://www.gminsights.com/industry - analysis/dry - eye - disease - market Market(s): Global Market(s): United States 13



©2024, YD BIOPHARMA ., LTD. YD Biopharma Management Team Ph.D. of Translational Medicine Finance/ Baruch College/ New York Expertise: Translational Medicine New drug development Medical - grade health product development Financial Management Chairman / CEO Dr. Ethan Shen C hief Medical Officer Wu Cheng - feng Master of Pharmacology Expertise: Development of new drugs and nutraceuticals/cell medical applications C hief Business Officer May Tsai Masters Degree in Business Administration, UNC Charlotte Expertise: H ealth care products, drug procurement and pharmacy channel development Master of Accountancy, National Taipei University CPA of the Republic of China Expertise: Financial Accounting Financial Management Internal Control Accounting Manager Jean Chen 14 YD BIOPHARMA



Doug Ramsey, Ph.D. Chairman, CEO, CFO and Director ▪ Finance professor at SMU, Baylor and Cal Poly Pomona ▪ BS in Finance from Cal Poly Pomona, MBA from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business and an MA and Ph.D. in Business and Financial Economics from Claremont Graduate University ▪ Public - company CFO experience ▪ National Association of Corporate Directors (NACD) – Directorship Certified ©2024, YD BIOPHARMA ., LTD. Breeze Holdings Acquisition Corp. Management Team – Selected Highlights Russ Griffin President and Director ▪ BS in Petroleum Engineering Technology from Nicholls State University ▪ Led or participated in multiple acquisitions and divestitures, both domestic and international ▪ National Association of Corporate Directors (NACD) – Directorship Certified Charles Ross Chief Operating Officer ▪ BS in Engineering from UT Austin ▪ Led or participated in multiple acquisitions and divestitures, both domestic and international Aaron Ortega Executive VP of Business Development ▪ BA from Duke University, and an MBA from Southern Methodist University’s Cox School of Business ▪ Led or participated in multiple acquisitions and divestitures, both domestic and international SPAC Board Members: Albert McLelland, Robert Thomas, Bill Stark and Gen. James Williams. Various Roles & Credentials ▪ Director of the Chairman’s Asian Cross - Border Transactions Initiative for PwC ▪ Adjunct Professor at SMU Caruth Institute for Entrepreneurship in the Cox School of Business ▪ Extensive international operating, capital markets and corporate governance experience including multiple director roles on b eha lf of the Carlyle Group and other prominent financial services firms 15 YD BIOPHARMA



©2024, YD BIOPHARMA ., LTD. Biotech Sector Strength – Recent Transactions YD BIOPHARMA MBX Biosciences (Nasdaq: MBX) Bicara Therapeutics (Nasdaq: BCAX) Zenas BioPharma (Nasdaq: ZBIO) A developer of therapies for endocrine and metabolic disorders, MBX shares traded immediately post - IPO up 48 % to over $ 23 /share (above its IPO price of $ 16 /share) . MBX’s upsized IPO raised $ 163 M, pricing 10 . 2 M shares at the upper limit of the price range . Order book was reportedly 7 x oversubscribed . A provider of treatments targeting head and neck carcinomas, BCAX shares traded immediately post - IPO up 30 % to over $ 23 /share . BCAX upsized its IPO to sell 17 . 5 M shares at $ 18 (at the top of the price range) to raise $ 315 M . Order book was reportedly 10 x oversubscribed . A number of successful IPOs in the biotech sector have priced in September 2024, representing the busiest period for biotech and pharmaceutical IPOs since July 2021. A developer of therapies for patients with autoimmune diseases, ZBIO shares traded immediately post - IPO up 6 . 8 % to over $ 18 /share . The IPO raised $ 225 M priced at $ 17 /share (the middle of the marketed range) . 16






We will strive to surpass our competitors within two years Galleri EGPT - E1 Test Grail EG BIOMED Company NGS platform qPCR platform platform High Low Testing Cost Analysis takes a long time and reporting is slow Short analysis time and quick report generation Test of Time High construction costs Unable to quickly deploy globally Low construction cost Rapid global layout Global layout Through low detection cost, fast speed and low construction cost, we hope to surpass our competitors in 2 years . 18 YD BIOPHARMA



©2024, YD BIOPHARMA ., LTD. Publications Related to Licensed Technology 19 YD BIOPHARMA



Pancreatic cancer ranks among top ten cancers in Taiwan Pancreatic Cancer ©2024, YD BIOPHARMA ., LTD. Early diagnosis of pancreatic cancer is difficult Symptoms often appear in advanced stages Five - year survival rate is only 5% High - fat diets contribute to increasing incidence Diabetics face over eight times higher risk YD BIO’s EG Test - E1 is able to detect Stage 1 & 2 pancreatic cancer. 20 YD BIOPHARMA



EG Test - E1 technical performance • EG - Pancreatic Blood Test - E1 clinical trial enrollment verification, covering pancreatic cancer stages 1, 2, 3, and 4 . • Pancreatic cancer early detection kits and detection methods can Early Detection Pancreatic Cancer . • EG - Biomed has submitted a de novo application to the FDA, has passed the first phase of administrative review, and is currently entering the second phase of review. Sensitivity 99.9%, Specificity 93.3% Accuracy 94.2% AUC: 0.97 21 YD BIOPHARMA



Breast cancer diagnosis requires invasive and anesthetic breast biopsy procedures, which can be stressful for patients. Current blood tests for breast cancer monitoring lack sufficient sensitivity . The Clinical Need for Precise, Non - Invasive Blood Cancer Detection Breast Cancer 22 ©2024, YD BIOPHARMA ., LTD. YD BIOPHARMA



EG Breast Blood Test - P1 technical performance • Monitoring for Progression of Breast Cancer • FDA de novo Under Review • Sensitivity 95.7% Specificity 90.3% Accuracy 95.4% EGBC - P1 CA15 - 3 CEA 23 ©2024, YD BIOPHARMA ., LTD. YD BIOPHARMA



Summary of Patent Licensing and Technology Transfer Agreement from 3D GLOBAL BIOTECH INC. • Licensed Patent and Know - How: "METHODS OF CULTURING HUMAN CORNEAL LIMBUS CELLS" (U.S. Patent Application No. US15/967,401; Publication No. US20190062704A1), and owns the relevant know - how and technical data. • Scope of License: 3D GLOBAL 's Patent and Know - How, as well as its know - how in the technology of cell culture process, technology of cell bank construction , exosome purification and authentication technology, and exosome production , which are related to and/or derived from "METHODS OF CULTURING HUMAN CORNEAL LIMBUS CELLS" . YD Biopharma obtains a global, exclusive license from 3D GLOBAL to use the licensed subject to develop, manufacture, offer for sale, sell, use, or import for the above purpose the Product. • Method of License: Global, exclusive license. and agrees YD Biopharma can sublicense to a third party. » Authorization tim e: From the effective date of this Agreement until the expiration of twenty (20) years after all the Product have/has been put on the market. » License Fees and Royalties from selling the Product: Total Licensing fee is USD 5,000,000, Signature Deposit is USD 1,000,0000, Other USD4,000,000 authorization fees will be paid upon milestone completion. and a royalty of 10% of the " Gross Sales" of the Product on a quarterly basis. » Sub - licenses Fee: 20% of the sub - license fees 24 YD BIOPHARMA



Summary of Patent Licensing and Technology Transfer Agreement (Pancreatic cancer Detection) from EG BioMed • Licensed Patent and Know - How: methylation analysis technology for application in pancreatic cancer (including U.S. Patent Application No. 18/444,053) and the relevant know - how, and agrees to have the aforesaid patent(s) and relevant know - how • Scope of License: use of the Licensed Patent and Know - How in the Licensed Territory (United States) for manufacturing, offering for sale, selling, using, or importing the Product for the aforementioned purposes. High - fat diets contribute to increasing incidence • Method of License: E xclusive license in U.S. » Authorization tim e : 10 years and will be automatically renewed for another five years or until the expiration of the Licensed Patent » License Fees and Royalties from selling the Product: NT$60,000,000 (tax excluded) and a royalty of 7% of the " Gross Sales" of the Product on a quarterly basis. 25 YD BIOPHARMA



Summary of Patent Licensing and Technology Transfer Agreement (Breast cancer Detection) from EG BioMed * • Licensed Patent and Know - How: methylation analysis technology for application in breast cancer (including U.S. Patent Application No. 17/053,688, Europe 3790984, China Patent No. 201980031343.5,Taiwan Patent No. I721414 and other Patent in Asian countries) and the relevant know - how, and agrees to have the aforesaid patent(s) and relevant know - how • Scope of License: use of the Licensed Patent and Know - How in the Licensed Territory(American, European and Asian) for manufacturing, offering for sale, selling, using, or importing the Product for the aforementioned purposes. High - fat diets contribute to increasing incidence • Method of License: E xclusive license • Authorization tim e : 20 years and will be automatically renewed for another five years or until the expiration of the Licensed Patent » License Fees and Royalties from selling the Product: A royalty of 20% of the " Gross Sales" of the Product on a quarterly basis. *YD Biopharma and EG BioMed have reached an agreement in principle on the above terms and are currently working on definitive documentation. 26 YD BIOPHARMA