壓力位 協議
本 壓力位協議(本“協議”),日期爲2024年9月24日(“生效日期。”),由Delaware集團Eterna Therapeutics Inc.公司(“公司”),以及在簽名頁下方「股東」標題下列出的股東 之間達成。股東名稱”).
而, 公司正在簽訂交換協議(”交換協議”),日期自生效之日起, 可轉換票據(定義見交易協議)和/或認股權證(定義見交易協議)的持有人 除其他外,此類持有人將在不附帶所有留置權的情況下向公司轉讓、交付、轉讓和轉讓,每個: (i) 交換票據(定義見交換協議),以換取有效發行、已全額支付和不可估稅的普通股 按其中規定的交換比率計算的股票;以及 (ii) 交換認股權證(定義見交易協議)以換取有效的 按其中規定的交換比率已發行、已全額支付和不可評估的普通股;
鑑於, 公司正在與購買方簽署《票據購買協議》(以下簡稱“NPA”),日期爲生效日期,根據協議,公司同意向購買方發行和出售12.0%優先可轉換票據(以下簡稱“橋樑票據淨有形資產完成條件
鑑於,作爲公司願意進入並誘使公司進入SPA、交易所協議和NPA(統稱爲「條件」的條件,公司希望股東同意並股東同意簽訂本協議。交易協議並完成其中所 contempla transactions 部交易,公司希望股東同意,股東同意進入本協議。
現在, 因此,在考慮上述內容以及本協議中包含的相互約定和協議,並有意在此受法律約束的前提下,各方特此同意如下:
1.1 投票協議股東在執行和交付本協議的期間開始並持續直到根據本協議終止,同意以下內容 第4.1節無論股東公司股東大會如何召開,在任何由公司提出的股東書面同意行動中,股東應: (a)投票並確保其關聯方投票,所有股東或其關聯方有權投票的受覆蓋證券(如下定義)應贊成或代表其自身及其所有關聯方同意證券發行提案(如股份購買協議中定義);及(b)投票,並確保其關聯方投票,所有股東或其關聯方有權投票的受覆蓋證券應反對或拒絕(代表其自身及其受控關聯方)同意任何可能與證券發行提案相沖突、阻礙、延誤、干擾或以其他方式對案件協議中所述交易的批准造成不利影響或延誤的提案或任何其他公司行動或協議,或可能導致公司違反案件協議。爲了前述目的,股東應在公司向其股東發送代理聲明(如股份購買協議中定義)後第五天(或有效日期)向公司交付一份填妥的授權書,填寫形式由公司或代表公司分發,贊成證券發行提案。對於本協議,"覆蓋證券意味着(i)自生效日期起由股東和/或其關聯方擁有的所有普通股,以及在自生效日期後由股東和/或其關聯方取得的所有普通股和(ii)自生效日期起股東或其關聯方有權投票或在自生效日期起後有權投票的任何其他證券(如果有)公司股東大會。在本協議終止之前發生任何股息或分配,或者由於任何股息或分配、股票分割、資本變動、合併、兼併、轉換等導致公司資本股本變化,術語"受覆蓋證券"應視爲指代幷包括所述股息和分配以及所述股份的任何變化或交換而或爲其而獲得的任何證券在內。
1.2 關於其他事項的投票儘管任何規定 爲了本計劃的目的,以下術語應具有以下含義: 相反,除非在涉及Covered證券投票的任何其他協議中另有規定,股東應保持按照其認爲適當的方式就Covered證券進行投票或簽署同意書 爲了本計劃的目的,以下術語應具有以下含義: 股東可自行決定就股票問題進行投票或簽署同意書,視情形而定。
股東 在此向公司陳述並保證如下:
2.1 權限 相對於本協議股東具有簽署和交付本協議,履行其在此項下的義務,以及完成本協議項下所 contempl,的交易所需的所有必要的法律能力、權力和權威。本協議已由股東依法簽署和交付,並構成股東的合法、有效和具有約束力的義務,可依其條款對股東執行,但(a)若強制執行可能受限於適用的破產、破產清算、重組、欺詐轉讓、停賦或類似法律,現有或今後生效,涉及或一般影響債權人和其他債權人權利的執行,(b)在特定執行或其他形式的衡平救濟措施可能受到特定衡平抗辯原則和法院決定的合理裁量權之情況下,以及(c) 在適用法律和公共政策的限制下,賠償和貢獻的權利可能受到限制。股東已收到並審閱了交易協議和交易文件(在SPA和NPA中定義)。
2.2 無衝突.
2.2.1 股東執行和交付本協議,不會,股東履行本協議時不會, (i)與或違反任何適用於股東或影響或影響被覆蓋證券的任何外國、聯邦、州或地方法律、法規、法案或法令、規章、規定、命令、判決或法令或(ii)違反, 任何違約(或一個隨通知或時間的流逝或兩者都會變爲違約的事件)或導致他人獲得終止、修改、加速或撤消的權利,或導致設定留置權、抵押、抵押、選擇權、 擔保權益、擔保、稅款、優先購買權或其他限制(統稱爲“擔保機構”)對任何被覆蓋證券的任何票據、債券、抵押、債券、契約、協議、 租約、許可證、特許經營權或其他證書或義務的產生,除了在上述第(i)和(ii)款中,任何這樣的衝突、違約、終止、修改、加速、撤消或留置權可能 不能愉快地預期,單獨或累計地,防止、 實質性地延誤或實質性地損害股東履行本協議的能力。
2.2.2 Stockholder執行和交付本協議不需要,Stockholder執行本協議也不需要得到任何政府實體的同意、批准、授權或許可,也不需要向任何政府實體提交申報或通知。
2.3 股票名稱。在生效日期,股東擁有所附列之普通股股數作為業主。 附錄A 隨文附上。此普通股股份代表股東截至生效日期擁有的所有普通股,不論為記錄所有或有益所有,但除尚未於生效日期兌換或執行的任何衍生證券以取得普通股。此普通股股份的持有不受任何種類任何形式對股東表決權的任何質權或限制,但須除外(a) 本協議下之限制或限制,(b) 依據適用證券法所加之任何限制或限制,或(c) 任何限制或限制,合理來看,無論個別或合計,均不會防礙、實質延誤或實質損害股東履行本協議下之義務。股東尚未就任何涵蓋證券任命或授予任何透過授權委託代理的,而此等授予仍有效。
3.1 不 股票處分。股東謹此承諾並同意,在根據本協議終止之前,根據 第 4.1,股東不得提供或同意轉讓、過戶、提供、轉讓、質押、抵押或以其他方式處置、授予 有關的代理權或授權書,或創建或允許存有任何對股東投票 權利造成限制的抵押權或限制(除適用證券法律強加的任何限制或規定)對於被覆蓋的證券; 提供, 但是兆.股東可以轉讓、賣出或轉讓任何被覆蓋的 證券,前提是接受該等被覆蓋證券的收件人已向公司提交了一份公司合理滿意的書面協議,規定接收方應受到約束,並且轉讓、轉讓 或賣出的被覆蓋證券應繼續受本協議的約束。
3.2 公司 合作公司謹此立約並同意,不會認可任何對任何已被覆蓋的證券設定的留置權,並且股東不可撤回及無條件地承認並同意公司不會(並放棄與公司有關此事的任何權利),除非已遵守 第3.1節 的規定。
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4.1 終止。 本協議應自動終止,無需進一步採取行動,在最早發生以下情況之一時,即(a) 在公司獲得股東批准(按照股權控股協議(SPA)中的定義)之後立即跟隨,和 (b) 根據其條款終止所有交易協議時無效。
4.2 進一步保證股東將執行並交付進一步的文件和工具,並採取所有合理必要的行動,以便完成本合約所構思的交易。
4.3 特定 表現。 公司有權根據本協議要求特定履約。各方一致同意,有鑒於違反本協議內容可能導致的損失,金錢賠償可能無法足夠補償,並且在任何要求執行此等義務的訴訟中同意放棄及不主張軍工股為適當補救的辯護。
4.4 整個協議。本協議涵蓋了雙方對於本協議主題的整體理解,並取代了所有先前有關該事項的口頭或書面協議和理解,雙方承認這些協議已合併入本協議中。
4.5 修訂;豁免任何本協議的條款均不得放棄、修改、補充或修改,除非透過公司和股東簽署的書面文件。對於本協議的任何條款、控制項或要求的放棄不應被視為將來的持續放棄,或任何後續違約的放棄,或任何其他條款、控制項或要求的放棄,也不應被任何一方延遲或遺漏行使此處的任何權利以任何方式損害行使任何此類權利。
4.6 可分割性。 如果本協議的任何條款、規定、承諾或限制被有管轄權的法院裁定為無效、非法、無效或不可執行,本協議中所載的餘下的條款、規定、承諾和限制將繼續生效,並且不會受到影響、損害或無效,且本方將盡商業上合理的努力找到並使用替代手段以達到或基本達到該條款、規定、承諾或限制所預期的同等或基本相同的結果。雙方特此約定及聲明,其意圖是,即使有可能後來被宣告無效、非法、無效或不可執行的條款、規定、承諾或限制,他們仍會執行其餘的條款、規定、承諾和限制,而不包括任何可能後來被宣告無效、非法、無效或不可執行的內容。
4.7 Notices. Any and all notices or other communications or deliveries required or permitted to be provided hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed given and effective on the earliest of: (a) the time of transmission, if such notice or communication is delivered via email to the email address set forth on the signature pages attached hereto at or prior to 5:30 p.m. (New York City time) on a Trading Day (as such term is defined in the SPA), (b) the next Trading Day after the time of transmission, if such notice or communication is delivered via email to the email address set forth on the signature pages attached hereto on a day that is not a Trading Day or later than 5:30 p.m. (New York City time) on any Trading Day, (c) the second Trading Day following the date of mailing, if sent by U.S. nationally recognized overnight courier service or (d) upon actual receipt by the party to whom such notice is required to be given. The address for such notices and communications shall be as set forth on the signature pages attached hereto.
4.8 Governing Law; Jurisdiction; Waiver of Jury Trial. All questions concerning the construction, validity, enforcement and interpretation of this Agreement shall be governed by and construed and enforced in accordance with the internal laws of the State of New York, without regard to the principles of conflicts of law thereof that would result in the application of the laws of any jurisdiction other than the State of New York. Each party agrees that all actions, claims, suits, disputes or proceedings (collectively, “Actions”) concerning the interpretations, enforcement and defense of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement (whether brought against a party hereto or its respective affiliates, directors, officers, shareholders, partners, members, employees or agents) shall be commenced exclusively in the state and federal courts sitting in the City of New York. Each party hereby irrevocably submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of the state and federal courts sitting in the City of New York, Borough of Manhattan for the adjudication of any dispute hereunder or in connection herewith or with any transaction contemplated hereby or discussed herein (including with respect to the enforcement of this Agreement), and hereby irrevocably waives, and agrees not to assert in any Action, any claim that it is not personally subject to the jurisdiction of any such court, that such Action is improper or is an inconvenient venue for such Action. Each party hereby irrevocably waives personal service of process and consents to process being served in any such Action by mailing a copy thereof via registered or certified mail or overnight delivery (with evidence of delivery) to such party at the address in effect for notices to it under this Agreement and agrees that such service shall constitute good and sufficient service of process and notice thereof. Nothing contained herein shall be deemed to limit in any way any right to serve process in any other manner permitted by law. If any party shall commence an Action to enforce any provisions of the Agreement, then the prevailing party in such Action shall be reimbursed by the non-prevailing party for its reasonable attorneys’ fees and other costs and expenses incurred with the investigation, preparation and prosecution of such Action. IN ANY ACTION IN ANY JURISDICTION BROUGHT BY ANY PARTY AGAINST THE OTHER, THE PARTIES EACH KNOWINGLY AND INTENTIONALLY, TO THE GREATEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, HEREBY ABSOLUTELY, UNCONDITIONALLY, IRREVOCABLY AND EXPRESSLY WAIVES FOREVER TRIAL BY JURY.
4.9 Saturdays, Sundays, Holidays, etc. If the last or appointed day for the taking of any action or the expiration of any right required or granted herein shall not be a Business Day (as such term is defined in the SPA), then such action may be taken or such right may be exercised on the next succeeding Business Day.
4.10 Construction. The parties agree that each of them and/or their respective counsel have reviewed and had an opportunity to revise this Agreement and, therefore, the normal rule of construction to the effect that any ambiguities are to be resolved against the drafting party shall not be employed in the interpretation of this Agreement or any amendments thereto.
4.11 Headings. The headings herein are for convenience only, do not constitute a part of this Agreement and shall not be deemed to limit or affect any of the provisions hereof.
4.12 Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties and their successors and permitted assigns. Stockholder may not assign this Agreement or any rights or obligations hereunder without the prior written consent of the Company.
4.13 Execution. This Agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts, all of which when taken together shall be considered one and the same agreement and shall become effective when counterparts have been signed by each party and delivered to each other party, it being understood that the parties need not sign the same counterpart. In the event that any signature is delivered by electronic signature (including via DocuSign) or by e-mail delivery of a “.pdf” (or similar) format data file, such signature shall create a valid and binding obligation of the party executing (or on whose behalf such signature is executed) with the same force and effect as if such electronic or “.pdf” (or similar) signature page were an original thereof.
[Signature page follows]
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IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Stockholder and the Company have duly executed this Agreement as of the Effective Date.
Address for Notice:
Eterna Therapeutics Inc. Attention: CEO 1035 Cambridge Street, Suite 18A, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02141 |
By: | /s/ Sanjeev Luther | Email: sanjeev.luther@eternatx.com |
Name: | Sanjeev Luther | |
Title: | President and Chief Executive Officer |
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IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Stockholder and the Company have duly executed this Agreement as of the Effective Date.
Name of Stockholder
Signature of Authorized Signatory of Stockholder
Name of Authorized Signatory
Title of Authorized Signatory
Email Address of Authorized Signatory
Address for Notice to Stockholder
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Stockholder | Number
of Shares of Common Stock Owned as of the Effective Date |
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