EX-99.1 2 q2fy25ex-991.htm EX-99.1 Document



ウォータールー、オンタリオ - ブラックベリー・リミテッド (nyse: ブラックベリー; tsx: ブラックベリー) は、2024年8月31日に終了した3か月間の財務結果を報告しました(すべての数字は米ドルおよび米国の会計基準に基づいていますが、別に指定されている場合を除く)。

ブラックベリーは、売上高の予想を上回る二桁の成長を遂げたIotとサイバーセキュリティの両方で、ブレークイーブンの調整後EBITDAと非GAAP epsを記録することで、収益性に向けた道のりで重要なマイルストーンに到達しました。この成果は、コスト構造を合理化する中での強力な進展と、前年同期のベースラインよりも24%低い四半期の営業費用によって達成されました。”とブラックベリーのCEO、John J. Giamatteo氏は述べています。「QNXは今四半期も強力なロイヤリティ収入をもたらし、サイバーセキュリティ部門のセキュア通信製品でも前年比売上高が増加しました。」

サイバーセキュリティの売上高は前年比10%増の$87 million となり、以前に提供されたガイダンスを上回りました。サイバーセキュリティの粗利率は前年比1ポイント増の55%となりました。
サイバーセキュリティのARRは前年同期比で279億ドルで横ばい。 DBNRRは前年同期比および四半期連続で7ポイント増加し、88%に達しました。


ブラックベリー QNX は、QNX® コンテナを追加して、QNX ベースのデバイスでオペレーティングシステム(OS)の仮想化とコンテナ化をサポートしています。これにより、高度にセキュアで分離された組み込みコンテナが提供され、QNX® OS 8 の高性能とリアルタイム性が維持されます。
ブラックベリーとHaleyTek AbがHaleyTekの汎用自動車プラットフォーム(GAP)コックピットソフトウェアプラットフォームを発表しました。このプラットフォームにはQNX®サウンドソフトウェアデファインドオーディオプラットフォームが含まれます。
ブラックベリーは、人工知能を搭載したオープンXDRプラットフォームに基づく最先端の管理型検出および対応(MDR)サービスであるCylanceMDR™ Proを立ち上げました。
ブラックベリーのEPPプラットフォーム、CylanceENDPOINT™、は、ガートナー® Peer Insights™によって2024年のエンドポイント保護プラットフォーム(EPP)の顧客選択に選ばれました。

$146 - $15400 million
$591 - $61600 million
$56 - $6000 million
$225 - $23500 million
$86 - $90 million
$350 - $365 million
約$4 million約$16 million
調整後EBITDA:ブレークイーブン - +$10 millionブレークイーブン - +$10 million
調整後の基本EPS:($0.01) - +$0.01($0.05) - ($0.02)




BlackBerry (NYSE:BB; TSX:BB) は、世界中の企業や政府に対して、インテリジェントなセキュリティソフトウェアおよびサービスを提供しています。同社のソフトウェアは、2億3,500万台以上の自動車に搭載されています。オンタリオ州ウォータールーに拠点を置き、AIおよび機械学習を活用して、サイバーセキュリティ、安全性、データプライバシーソリューションの分野で革新的なソリューションを提供し、エンドポイント管理、エンドポイントセキュリティ、暗号化、および組込みシステムの分野でもリーダーです。BlackBerryのビジョンは明確であり、信頼性の高い接続された未来を確実に保つことです。
ブラックベリー(nyse:BB; tsx:BB)は、世界中の企業や政府に知的なセキュリティソフトウェアとサービスを提供しています。同社のソフトウェアは2億3,500万台以上の車両を支えています。オンタリオ州ウォータールーを拠点に、同社は人工知能と機械学習を活用して、サイバーセキュリティ、安全性、データプライバシーの分野で革新的なソリューションを提供し、エンドポイントセキュリティ管理、暗号化、組み込みシステムの分野でリーダーです。ブラックベリーのビジョンは明確です-信頼できる未来を保護することです。



+1 (519) 597-7273



「期待する」、「予期する」、「見積もる」、「可能性がある」、「するだろう」、「すべきである」、「できるかもしれない」、「意図する」、「信じる」、「目標」という言葉は、これらの前向きな見通しを特定するために使用されます。前向きな見通しは、ブラックベリーが経験と歴史的トレンド、現在の状況、予想される将来の展開、およびブラックベリーが適切と考える他の要因に基づいて行った見積もりと仮定に基づいています。これらの要因には、ブラックベリーのビジネス、戦略、機会、見通し、新製品およびサービスのローンチ、一般的な経済状況、競争、ブラックベリーの業績に関する期待、およびブラックベリーの事業の分離に関する期待などが含まれます。多くの要因が、ブラックベリーの実際の結果、業績、または達成物が前向きな見通しで示された事柄と異なる結果になる可能性があります。これには、次の要因に関連するリスクが含まれます: ソフトウェアおよびサービスの提供拡大を通じたブラックベリーの顧客基盤の維持または拡大、収益の成長または持続的な利益の実現、ブラックベリーの販売サイクルおよび販売活動の時間と費用、ブラックベリーが直面する激しい競争、ブラックベリーが企業市場向けに製品とサービスを競争力のある価格、機能、性能で適時に拡大、開発、導入、または収益化できる能力、ブラックベリーのネットワークサイバーセキュリティ対策の違反または適切でない信頼関係または個人情報の機密情報の開示の発生または認識、ブラックベリーの提案された事業部門の分離およびコスト削減イニシアチブの潜在的影響、ブラックベリーが新しい人材を引き入れ続け、既存の主要な人材を維持し、スタッフを効果的に管理する能力、ブラックベリーのソリューションがセキュリティの脆弱性を検出または防止できないか、またはその失敗または認識、ブラックベリーのリセラーおよびチャネルパートナーとの関係に依存する状況、ブラックベリーに対する訴訟、不利な宏観経済および地政学的状況、ネットワークの障害またはその他の事業中断、第三者アプリケーション開発者のエコシステムを育成するブラックベリーの能力、ブラックベリーの製品とサービスが第三者によって提供される急速に変化するシステムとのインタオペラビリティに依存している状況、ブラックベリーの知的財産を保護せず、知的財産権から期待される収入を獲得しないことの失敗、第三者ソフトウェアの使用権取得およびオープンソースソフトウェアの使用、ブラックベリーが他者の知的財産権に侵害されていると判断される可能性、ブラックベリーの運用の柔軟性や財務状況に影響を及ぼす可能性のある負債、直面するブラックベリーの重要な資産リスク、長期資産と資産、その他の要因に関連する料金の可能性、ブラックベリーの実際の企業および機密情報、政府規制、製品とサービスに適用される規制、暗号機能を含む製品、環境、社会、ガバナンスの期待と標準、ブラックベリーのサプライヤ、サブコントラクタ、チャンネルパートナー、代理人が受け入れられる倫理的な

business practices or comply with applicable laws; potential impacts of acquisitions, divestitures and other business initiatives; risks associated with foreign operations, including fluctuations in foreign currencies; environmental events; the fluctuation of BlackBerry’s quarterly revenue and operating results; and the volatility of the market price of BlackBerry’s common shares.

These risk factors and others relating to BlackBerry are discussed in greater detail in BlackBerry’s Annual Report on Form 10-K and the “Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements” section of BlackBerry’s MD&A (copies of which filings may be obtained at www.sedarplus.ca or www.sec.gov). All of these factors should be considered carefully, and readers should not place undue reliance on BlackBerry’s forward-looking statements. Any statements that are forward-looking statements are intended to enable BlackBerry’s shareholders to view the anticipated performance and prospects of BlackBerry from management’s perspective at the time such statements are made, and they are subject to the risks that are inherent in all forward-looking statements, as described above, as well as difficulties in forecasting BlackBerry’s financial results and performance for future periods, particularly over longer periods, given changes in technology and BlackBerry’s business strategy, evolving industry standards, intense competition and short product life cycles that characterize the industries in which BlackBerry operates. Any forward-looking statements are made only as of today and BlackBerry has no intention and undertakes no obligation to update or revise any of them, except as required by law.


BlackBerry Limited
Incorporated under the Laws of Ontario
(United States dollars, in millions except share and per share amounts) (unaudited)

Consolidated Statements of Operations
 Three Months EndedSix Months Ended
 August 31, 2024May 31, 2024August 31, 2023August 31, 2024August 31, 2023
Revenue$145 $144 $132 $289 $505 
Cost of sales51 48 47 99 241 
Gross margin94 96 85 190 264 
Gross margin %64.8 %66.7 %64.4 %65.7 %52.3 %
Operating expenses
Research and development37 42 50 79 104 
Sales and marketing34 38 43 72 88 
General and administrative33 40 30 73 84 
Amortization11 12 14 23 29 
Impairment of long-lived assets 3 
Debentures fair value adjustment — (6) 16 
 115 135 132 250 322 
Operating loss(21)(39)(47)(60)(58)
Investment income, net3 8 10 
Loss before income taxes(18)(34)(40)(52)(48)
Provision for income taxes1 9 
Net loss$(19)$(42)$(42)$(61)$(53)
Loss per share
Weighted-average number of common shares outstanding (000s)
Basic590,549 589,821 583,524 590,188 583,171 
Diluted590,549 589,821 583,524 590,188 583,171 
Total common shares outstanding (000s)590,728 590,171 583,684 590,728 583,684 

BlackBerry Limited
Incorporated under the Laws of Ontario
(United States dollars, in millions) (unaudited)

Consolidated Balance Sheets
As at
August 31, 2024February 29, 2024
Cash and cash equivalents$171 $175 
Short-term investments40 62 
Accounts receivable, net of allowance of $6 and $6, respectively150 199 
Other receivables21 21 
Income taxes receivable 4 
Other current assets52 47 
438 508 
Restricted cash and cash equivalents17 25 
Long-term investments37 36 
Other long-term assets59 57 
Operating lease right-of-use assets, net32 32 
Property, plant and equipment, net17 21 
Intangible assets, net136 154 
Goodwill563 562 
 $1,299 $1,395 
Accounts payable $7 $17 
Accrued liabilities109 117 
Income taxes payable28 28 
Deferred revenue, current161 194 
 305 356 
Deferred revenue, non-current28 28 
Operating lease liabilities38 38 
Other long-term liabilities1 
Long-term notes195 194 
 567 619 
Shareholders’ equity
Capital stock and additional paid-in capital2,964 2,948 
Accumulated other comprehensive loss(13)(14)
 732 776 
 $1,299 $1,395 

BlackBerry Limited
Incorporated under the Laws of Ontario
(United States dollars, in millions) (unaudited)
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
 Six Months Ended
  August 31, 2024August 31, 2023
Cash flows from operating activities
Net loss$(61)$(53)
Adjustments to reconcile net loss to net cash provided by (used in) operating activities:
Amortization26 32 
Stock-based compensation15 20 
Impairment of long-lived assets3 
Intellectual property disposed of by sale 147 
Debentures fair value adjustment 16 
Operating leases(4)(5)
Net changes in working capital items
Accounts receivable, net of allowance49 (7)
Other receivables 
Income taxes receivable (2)
Other assets(6)(61)
Accounts payable(10)(6)
Accrued liabilities(5)(24)
Income taxes payable 
Deferred revenue(33)(20)
Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities(28)43 
Cash flows from investing activities
Acquisition of long-term investments (1)
Acquisition of property, plant and equipment(3)(3)
Acquisition of intangible assets(4)(10)
Acquisition of short-term investments(72)(92)
Proceeds on sale or maturity of short-term investments94 182 
Net cash provided by investing activities15 76 
Cash flows from financing activities
Issuance of common shares1 
Net cash provided by financing activities1 
Net increase (decrease) in cash, cash equivalents, restricted cash, and restricted cash equivalents during the period(12)121 
Cash, cash equivalents, restricted cash, and restricted cash equivalents, beginning of period200 322 
Cash, cash equivalents, restricted cash, and restricted cash equivalents, end of period$188 $443 
As atAugust 31, 2024February 29, 2024
Cash and cash equivalents$171 $175 
Restricted cash and cash equivalents17 25 
Short-term investments40 62 
Long-term investments37 36 
$265 $298 

Reconciliations of the Company’s Segment Results to the Consolidated Results
The following tables show information by operating segment for the three months ended August 31, 2024 and August 31, 2023. The Company reports segment information in accordance with U.S. GAAP Accounting Standards Codification Section 280 based on the “management” approach. The management approach designates the internal reporting used by the Chief Operating Decision Maker for making decisions and assessing performance of the Company’s reportable operating segments
For the Three Months Ended
(in millions) (unaudited)
CybersecurityIoTLicensingSegment Totals
August 31,August 31,August 31,August 31,
Segment revenue$87$79$55$49$3$4$145$132
Segment cost of sales3936108125046
Segment gross margin$48$43$45$41$2$2$95$86
Segment gross margin %55 %54 %82 %84 %67 %50 %66 %65 %
The following table reconciles the Company’s segment results for the three months ended August 31, 2024 to consolidated U.S. GAAP results:
 For the Three Months Ended August 31, 2024
(in millions) (unaudited)
CybersecurityIoTLicensingSegment TotalsReconciling ItemsConsolidated U.S. GAAP
Revenue$87$55$3$145 $— $145 
Cost of sales3910150 51 
Gross margin (1)
$48$45$2$95 $(1)$94 
Operating expenses115 115 
Investment income, net
Loss before income taxes$(18)
(1) See “Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Measures with the Nearest Comparable U.S. GAAP Measures” for a reconciliation of selected U.S. GAAP-based measures to adjusted measures for the three and six months ended August 31, 2024.
The following table reconciles the Company’s segment results for the three months ended August 31, 2023 to consolidated U.S. GAAP results:
 For the Three Months Ended August 31, 2023
(in millions)
CybersecurityIoTLicensingSegment TotalsReconciling ItemsConsolidated U.S. GAAP
Revenue$79 $49 $$132 $— $132 
Cost of sales 36 46 47 
Gross margin (1)
$43 $41 $$86 $(1)$85 
Operating expenses132 132 
Investment income, net
Loss before income taxes$(40)
(1) See “Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Measures with the Nearest Comparable U.S. GAAP Measures” for a reconciliation of selected U.S. GAAP-based measures to adjusted measures for the three and six months ended August 31, 2023.

Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Measures with the Nearest Comparable U.S. GAAP Measures
In the Company’s internal reports, management evaluates the performance of the Company’s business on a non-GAAP basis by excluding the impact of certain items below from the Company’s U.S. GAAP financial results. The Company believes that these non-GAAP financial measures and non-GAAP ratios provide management, as well as readers of the Company’s financial statements, with a consistent basis for comparison across accounting periods and are useful in helping management and readers understand the Company’s operating results and underlying operational trends.
Readers are cautioned that adjusted gross margin, adjusted gross margin percentage, adjusted operating expense, adjusted net income (loss), adjusted earnings (loss) per share, adjusted research and development expense, adjusted sales and marketing expense, adjusted general and administrative expense, adjusted amortization expense, adjusted operating income (loss), adjusted EBITDA, adjusted operating income (loss) margin percentage, adjusted EBITDA margin percentage and free cash flow (usage) and similar measures do not have any standardized meaning prescribed by U.S. GAAP and are therefore unlikely to be comparable to similarly titled measures reported by other companies. These non-GAAP financial measures should be considered in the context of the U.S. GAAP results.
Reconciliation of non-GAAP based measures with most directly comparable U.S. GAAP based measures for the three months ended August 31, 2024 and August 31, 2023
A reconciliation of the most directly comparable U.S. GAAP financial measures for the three months ended August 31, 2024 and August 31, 2023 to adjusted financial measures is reflected in the table below:
For the Three Months Ended (in millions)August 31, 2024August 31, 2023
Gross margin$94 $85 
Stock compensation expense
Adjusted gross margin$95 $86 
Gross margin % 64.8 %64.4 %
Stock compensation expense0.7 %0.8 %
Adjusted gross margin % 65.5 %65.2 %
Reconciliation of U.S. GAAP operating expense for the three months ended August 31, 2024 and August 31, 2023 to adjusted operating expense is reflected in the table below:
For the Three Months Ended (in millions)August 31, 2024August 31, 2023
Operating expense$115 $132 
Restructuring charges
Stock compensation expense10 
Debentures fair value adjustment — (6)
Acquired intangibles amortization10 
LLA impairment charge— 
Adjusted operating expense$99 $114 

Reconciliation of U.S. GAAP net loss and U.S. GAAP basic loss per share for the three months ended August 31, 2024 and August 31, 2023 to adjusted net loss and adjusted basic loss per share is reflected in the table below:
For the Three Months Ended (in millions, except per share amounts)August 31, 2024August 31, 2023
Basic loss
per share
Basic loss
per share
Net loss$(19)$(0.03)$(42)$(0.07)
Restructuring charges
Stock compensation expense11 
Debentures fair value adjustment— (6)
Acquired intangibles amortization10 
LLA impairment charge— 
Adjusted net loss$(2)$0.00$(23)$(0.04)
Reconciliation of U.S. GAAP research and development, sales and marketing, general and administrative, and amortization expense for the three months ended August 31, 2024 and August 31, 2023 to adjusted research and development, sales and marketing, general and administrative, and amortization expense is reflected in the table below:
For the Three Months Ended (in millions)August 31, 2024August 31, 2023
Research and development$37 $50 
Stock compensation expense
Adjusted research and development expense$35 $48 
Sales and marketing$34 $43 
Stock compensation expense
Adjusted sales and marketing expense$33 $40 
General and administrative$33 $30 
Restructuring charges
Stock compensation expense
Adjusted general and administrative expense$29 $22 
Amortization$11 $14 
Acquired intangibles amortization10 
Adjusted amortization expense$$

Adjusted operating loss, adjusted EBITDA, adjusted operating loss margin percentage and adjusted EBITDA margin percentage for the three months ended August 31, 2024 and August 31, 2023 are reflected in the table below.
For the Three Months Ended (in millions)August 31, 2024August 31, 2023
Operating loss$(21)$(47)
Non-GAAP adjustments to operating loss
Restructuring charges
Stock compensation expense11 
Debentures fair value adjustment— (6)
Acquired intangibles amortization10 
LLA impairment charge— 
Total non-GAAP adjustments to operating loss17 19 
Adjusted operating loss(4)(28)
Amortization13 16 
Acquired intangibles amortization(9)(10)
Adjusted EBITDA$— $(22)
Revenue$145 $132 
Adjusted operating loss margin % (1)
Adjusted EBITDA margin % (2)
(1) Adjusted operating loss margin % is calculated by dividing adjusted operating loss by revenue.
(2) Adjusted EBITDA margin % is calculated by dividing adjusted EBITDA by revenue.

Reconciliation of non-GAAP based measures with most directly comparable U.S. GAAP based measures for the six months ended August 31, 2024 and August 31, 2023
A reconciliation of the most directly comparable U.S. GAAP financial measures for the six months ended August 31, 2024 and August 31, 2023 to adjusted financial measures is reflected in the table below:
For the Six Months Ended (in millions)August 31, 2024August 31, 2023
Gross margin$190 $264 
Stock compensation expense
Adjusted gross margin$192 $266 
Gross margin % 65.7 %52.3 %
Stock compensation expense0.7 %0.4 %
Adjusted gross margin % 66.4 %52.7 %
Reconciliation of U.S. GAAP operating expense for the six months ended August 31, 2024 and August 31, 2023 to adjusted operating expense is reflected in the table below:
For the Six Months Ended (in millions)August 31, 2024August 31, 2023
Operating expense$250 $322 
Restructuring charges
Stock compensation expense13 18 
Debentures fair value adjustment — 16 
Acquired intangibles amortization17 20 
LLA impairment charge
Adjusted operating expense$208 $259 
Reconciliation of U.S. GAAP net loss and U.S. GAAP basic loss per share for the six months ended August 31, 2024 and August 31, 2023 to the adjusted net income (loss) and adjusted basic earnings (loss) per share is reflected in the table below:
For the Six Months Ended (in millions, except per share amounts)August 31, 2024August 31, 2023
Basic loss per shareBasic earnings (loss) per share
Net loss$(61)$(0.10)$(53)$(0.09)
Restructuring charges
Stock compensation expense15 20 
Debentures fair value adjustment— 16 
Acquired intangibles amortization17 20 
LLA impairment charge
Adjusted net income (loss)$(17)$(0.03)$12 $0.02

Reconciliation of U.S GAAP research and development, sales and marketing, general and administrative, and amortization expense for the six months ended August 31, 2024 and August 31, 2023 to adjusted research and development, sales and marketing, general and administrative, and amortization expense is reflected in the table below:
For the Six Months Ended (in millions)August 31, 2024August 31, 2023
Research and development$79 $104 
Stock compensation expense
Adjusted research and development expense$75 $100 
Sales and marketing$72 $88 
Stock compensation expense
Adjusted sales and marketing expense$69 $84 
General and administrative$73 $84 
Restructuring charges
Stock compensation expense10 
Adjusted general and administrative expense$58 $66 
Amortization$23 $29 
Acquired intangibles amortization17 20 
Adjusted amortization expense$$
Adjusted operating income (loss), adjusted EBITDA, adjusted operating income (loss) margin percentage and adjusted EBITDA margin percentage for the six months ended August 31, 2024 and August 31, 2023 are reflected in the table below.
For the Six Months Ended (in millions)August 31, 2024August 31, 2023
Operating loss$(60)$(58)
Non-GAAP adjustments to operating loss
Restructuring charges
Stock compensation expense15 20 
Debentures fair value adjustment— 16 
Acquired intangibles amortization17 20 
LLA impairment charge
Total non-GAAP adjustments to operating loss44 65 
Adjusted operating income (loss)(16)
Amortization26 32 
Acquired intangibles amortization(17)(20)
Adjusted EBITDA$(7)$19 
Revenue$289 $505 
Adjusted operating income (loss) margin % (1)
(6 %)%
Adjusted EBITDA margin % (2)
(2 %)%
(1) Adjusted operating income (loss) margin % is calculated by dividing adjusted operating income (loss) by revenue.
(2) Adjusted EBITDA margin % is calculated by dividing adjusted EBITDA by revenue.

The Company uses free cash flow (usage) when assessing its sources of liquidity, capital resources, and quality of earnings. The Company believes that free cash flow (usage) is helpful in understanding the Company’s capital requirements and provides an additional means to reflect the cash flow trends in the Company’s business.
Reconciliation of U.S. GAAP net cash used in operating activities for the three months ended August 31, 2024 and August 31, 2023 to free cash flow (usage) is reflected in the table below:
For the Three Months Ended (in millions)August 31, 2024August 31, 2023
Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities$(13)$(56)
Acquisition of property, plant and equipment(2)(1)
Free cash flow (usage)$(15)$(57)
Key Metrics
The Company regularly monitors a number of financial and operating metrics, including the following key metrics, in order to measure the Company’s current performance and estimated future performance. Readers are cautioned that annual recurring revenue (“ARR”), dollar-based net retention rate (“DBNRR”), and recurring revenue percentage do not have any standardized meaning and are unlikely to be comparable to similarly titled measures reported by other companies.
For the Three Months Ended (in millions)August 31, 2024
Cybersecurity Annual Recurring Revenue$279 
Cybersecurity Dollar-Based Net Retention Rate88 %
Recurring Software Product Revenue Percentage~ 80 %