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apa corporation
APA Corporation为一家特拉华州公司(本“公司”,该术语包括以下所指的信用契约下的任何后续公司)特此承诺对Cede & Co. 或经过登记转让的人支付2028年10月15日(“标明到期日”)$[_]的本金,并自2024年10月15日或进行过支付利息或有适当提供的最近日期起,每年的4月15日和10月15日(各为“利息支付日”)支付其利息,自2025年4月15日开始,并在标明到期日或该票据本金到期支付的任何其他日期上支付,无论通过加速宣布、赎回通知或其他方式,包括任何赎回日期(每个日期,“到期日”),按照每年4.375%的利率支付,直至本票据本金支付或有适当资金可供支付。根据下文信用契约规定,因于任何利息支付日支付或适当提供的利息将支付给以此票据(或一个或多个前身证券)登记的人士,截至前述利息支付日期(即使不是业务日)前一个工作日的4月1日或10月1日(每一个此类日期,为“常规记录日期”)名称。任何应支付但未在任何利息支付日按时支付或适当提供的利息将立即停止支付给此票据持有人至该常规记录日期,并将支付给在此类不符合条件性要求的特殊纪录日期上的名称下有登记的人士,其日期将由受托人确定,须提前不少于该特殊记录日期的十天通知此票据持有人,或以本证券交易所的要求不矛盾的任何合法方式支付,并按照可能由该交易所要求的通知进行,如在信托文件中更完全提供。
特此证明,apa corporation 已导致该文件得以正式执行。
apa corporation | ||
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名字: | [_________] | |
职称: | [_________] |
确认: | ||
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名字: | [_________] | |
职称: | [_________] |
COMPUTERSHARE 信托公司,N.A.,作为受托人 | ||
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授权主管 |
NOTE 的反面
apa corporation
4.375% 2028年到期的票据
本票据是公司根据2021年6月30日期的高阶契约(以下简称「契约」)在Computershare Trust Company, N.A.(作为继任人取代Wells Fargo Bank, National Association的信托人)(以下简称「受托人」,该术语包括契约下的任何继任受托人)之间发行的证券授权问题中的一个。该契约被指定为2028年到期的4.375%票据(以下简称「票据」),限制为$[_]的总本金金额,受契约条款的规定。有关公司、受托人和票据持有人的各自权利、权利的限制、责任和豁免,以及票据已经或将要被认证和交付的条款,请参阅契约。本票据中所述的以下所有术语,如果未在本次定义并且在契约中有定义,则应具有契约中分配给它们的含义。
本票据的利息支付将包括累积至适用的利息支付日期或到期日(视情况而定)的利息。本票据的利息支付将根据 360 日 十二年 每年1月1日开始为期30天的时期内,Reach Media的非控股权益股东可行使年度购回权。 月。
本债券可以全额赎回或可公司自行从时至时部分赎回。如果在债券规定到期日前三个月内公司赎回债券,则于相关定期记录日的记录人将有权收到的赎回价格等于(i)债券的未偿还本金的100%或(ii)。 该等按照半年度的方式折现至适用赎回日的待赎回债券的本金和利息的剩余应付款项的现值之和(不包括任何应付款项的部份利息到适用赎回日为止计算的利息部份)。 360 日 为一年,包含十二个 每年1月1日开始为期30天的时期内,Reach Media的非控股权益股东可行使年度购回权。 每月适用的国库利率再加25个基点;再加上每种情况下的
““可比美国国库券期货” 是指由独立投资银行家选定的美国国库券期货,其实际或插入的到期日与要赎回的票据的剩余期限相当,好像这些票据在适用 。按照惯例的金融实践,在定价新的具有相似期限的公司债券时,本身具有的价值。” 指独立投资银行家选定的美国财政部安全,其到期时间与待赎回票据的剩余期限("剩余存续期")相当,在选定时,并依照惯例的财务实践,在定价类似到期时间的公司债券新发行中使用。
““可比美国国库券期货价格” 是指在从参考国债经销商的牌价中排除最高和最低的牌价之后,对于任何赎回日期的参考国债经销商牌价的平均值;如果独立投资银行家获得的参考国债经销商的牌价少于四个,则所有这些牌价的平均值为(2);如果只接收到一张参考国债经销商牌价,则为该牌价。” 意味着在任何赎回日期方面,(1)排除最高和最低的五家参考财政部经销商行情的平均值,或者(2)如果独立投资银行家获得少于五家这样的参考财政部经销商行情,所有这些行情的平均值。
“独立投资银行家” 意味着由公司指定的瑞士信贷证券(美国)有限责任公司,摩根大通证券有限责任公司,或美林证券公司(Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated)或它们的继任者之一,或者如果这些公司不愿或不能选择相似的国债标的,由公司指定的具有国家地位的独立投资银行机构。
““参考国库券撮合交易商”一词指的是花旗集团全球市场股份有限公司、瑞穗证券美国有限责任公司和威尔斯法戈证券有限责任公司或其任一附属机构或继任者;但前述机构如有任何一家不再是美国政府主要证券商(“主要国库券交易商”),我们会为该实体选择另一家主要国库券交易商。“” 分别指 (1) 瑞士信贷证券(美国) LLC、J.P. 摩根证券 LLC 或 Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated ,及其各自的继任者,但如果以上任何一家停止成为美国的主要公债经纪商(即“主要国库经纪商”),公司应更换为另一家主要国库经纪商;以及 (2) 公司在与独立投资银行师进行咨询后选定的任何其他主要国库经纪商。
“「参考债券经纪人引述的美国国债发行报价」是指相对于每个参考债券经纪人和任何赎回日期,独立投资银行家在当地时间下午5:00前的第三个营业日收到的Comparable Treasury Issue报价的算术平均值(均以其本金金额的百分比表示)。“” 意指至于每家参照国库经纪商及任何赎回日,独立投资银行师确定的相似国库券投标价格和询价价格的平均值(均以其本金金额的百分比表达),在计算日纽约市时间下午 5 时以书面报给独立投资银行师。
要赎回的票据持有人将在赎回日之前不少于 10 天与不多于 60 天之间,以资格只说明书所规定的地方传送他们的地址,通过首级邮件收到赎回通知。 当票据为全球票据形式时,将根据存管机构的相关程序发送该通知。 除非公司不能支付赎回价格,在赎回日期后,票据或其部分的利息将停止累积。
如果要赎回的票据不足全部,受托人将在赎回日期之前不少于 10 天与不多于 60 天,根据存管机构所要求的方法,从尚未前次被要求赎回的待赎回票据中选择赎回特定票据或其部分。 受托人可以选择以 1,000 美元的金额或 1,000 美元的整数倍数赎回票据。
根据及受《债券契约》的规定,任何债券持有人将无权就《债券契约》、债券或根据该等条款索取任何救济,提起诉讼,除非(i)该持有人事先已向受托人书面通知持续的违约事件事项,依据债券(ii)债券的未偿还金额不少于已发行的债券金额的25%的持有人书面要求并提 供合理的保证,以便履行此项要求而遭遇的费用、支出和责任,将此等诉讼作为受托人(iii)在收到该等书面通知、要求和提供赔偿的60天内未能就此事进行诉讼,且(iv)受托人在该60日内未收到未偿还债券金额占已发行的债券金额多数的持有人提出与该要求不一致的指示,但是,此项限制不适用于本持有人提起的诉讼,以强制支付本债券的本金或溢价(如有),以及本债券上的任何利息,并自本文所示各该应付款项的到期日后启动。
The Indenture permits, with certain exceptions as therein provided, the amendment thereof and the modification of the rights and obligations of the Company and the rights of the Holders of the Securities of each series thereunder to be affected under the Indenture at any time by the Company and the Trustee with the consent of the Holders of a majority in aggregate principal amount of such Securities then Outstanding of each series to be affected. The Indenture also contains provisions permitting the Holders of not less than a majority in principal amount of the Securities of each series thereunder at the time Outstanding, on behalf of the Holders of all Securities of such series, to waive compliance by the Company with certain restrictive provisions of the Indenture and certain past defaults under the Indenture and their consequences. Any such consent or waiver by the Holder of this Note shall be conclusive and binding upon such Holder and upon all future Holders of any Note issued upon the registration of transfer hereof or in exchange for or in lieu hereof, whether or not notation of such consent or waiver is made upon this Note.
No reference to the Indenture and no provision of this Note or of the Indenture shall alter or impair the obligation of the Company, which is absolute and unconditional, to pay the principal of and premium, if any, and any interest on this Note at the times, places and rate, and in the coin or currency, herein prescribed.
The Notes are issuable only in fully registered form in denominations of $2,000 and integral multiples of $1,000 in excess thereof. As provided in the Indenture and subject to certain limitations therein set forth, this Note is exchangeable for a like aggregate principal amount of Notes of this series and of like tenor of any authorized denomination, as requested by the Holder surrendering the same. As provided in the Indenture and subject to certain limitations therein set forth, the transfer of this Note is registrable in the Security Register, upon surrender of this Note for registration of transfer at the Office or Agency of the Company in any place where the principal of and any interest on this Note are payable or at such other offices or agencies as the Company may designate, duly endorsed by, or accompanied by a written instrument of transfer in form satisfactory to, the Company and the Security Registrar or any transfer agent duly executed by the registered owner hereof or his attorney duly authorized in writing, and thereupon one or more new Notes of this series and of like tenor, of authorized denominations and for the same aggregate principal amount and Stated Maturity will be issued to the designated transferee or transferees.
Subject to the terms of the Indenture, prior to due presentment of this Note for registration of transfer, the Company, the Trustee, and any agent of the Company or the Trustee may treat the Person in whose name this Note is registered as the owner hereof for all purposes, whether or not any payment with respect to this Note is overdue, and neither the Company, nor the Trustee or any agent of the Company or the Trustee shall be affected by notice to the contrary.
No service charge shall be made for any registration of transfer or exchange of this Note, but, subject to certain limitations set forth in the Indenture, the Company may require payment of a sum sufficient to cover any tax or other governmental charge payable in connection therewith.
The Indenture and this Note shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of New York without regard to the conflicts of laws principles thereof.
This Note shall not be valid or become obligatory for any purpose until the Trustee’s Certificate of Authentication hereon shall have been executed by the Trustee.
FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the undersigned hereby sells, assigns, and transfers unto
Please insert Social Security or other identifying number of assignee
(please print or type name and address of assignee)
the within Security and all rights thereunder and does hereby irrevocably constitute and appoint the aforesaid assignee attorney to transfer the within Security on the books kept for registration thereof, with full power of substitution in the premises.
Dated: |
In the presence of:
NOTICE: The signature to this assignment must correspond with the name as it appears upon the face of the within Security in every particular, without alteration or enlargement or any change whatever. When assignment is made by a guardian, trustee, executor or administrator, an officer of a corporation, or anyone in a representative capacity, proof of his or her authority to act must accompany the Security. The signature must be guaranteed by an Institution which is a member of one of the following recognized signature Guarantee Programs: (i) The Securities Transfer Agent Medallion Program (STAMP); (ii) The New York Stock Exchange Medallion Program (MNSP); (iii) The Stock Exchange Medallion Program (SEMP); or (iv) in such other guarantee program acceptable to the Trustee.