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本資產購買協議 (「股東大會紀要」)協議”)自2024年9月27日起生效,並簽訂(“生效日期。exicure公司,一家根據特拉華州法律組建的公司(“exicure Flashpoint Therapeutics,Inc.,一個根據特拉華州法律組織成立的公司("Flashpoint)。Exicure和Flashpoint在本聲明中也分別稱爲“當事人.”

1.3獲得的IP” 表示Exicure或其關聯公司Exicure Operating Company,即截止日期爲止所擁有的所有節目IP。
1.4獲取的專利板塊” 意味着所獲得的知識產權內的所有專利。
1.6附屬公司「個人」表示相對於任何個人,任何其他控制、被控制或與該等個人共同控制的個人,但僅限於存在此種控制時,並且「控制」是指直接或間接擁有指導實體管理或政策的權力,無論是通過(a) 擁有表決權證券、(b) 與表決權或公司治理相關的合同,(c) 直接或間接擁有超過五十 percent(50%)的受益所有權(或最大的相對更低百分比

1.11作業與承擔協議(assignment and assumption agreement)「」在第2.2(b)(i)節中設定的含義。
1.14藍松鴉” 表示Bluejay Therapeutics, Inc.,一個特拉華州的公司。

1.24擬議的交易”指本協議及任何相關文件所 contemplat 的交易。

1.36exicure IND信件”在第2.2(b)(iii)條款中所述。
1.40出口管制法律「應指」:(a)所有適用的美國出口管制法律,包括《武器出口管制法》(22美國法典39章)、《國際緊急經濟措施法》(50美國法典§§ 1701等)、《與敵國交易法》(50美國法典附錄§§ 1等)、《1979年出口管理法》(50美國法典附錄§§ 2401等)、《1986年美國國內稅收法》第999部國際抵制條款,以及所有與前述相關的一切規則、法規和行政命令,包括但不限於這些。

受限於《國際武器貿易條例》(22 C.F.R. §§ 120等)、《出口管理條例》(15 C.F.R. §§ 730等)、以及由美國財政部外國資產控制辦公室實施的規定;以及(b)由任何國家、組織或其附屬機構所實施對任何物品的出口管制,而無論其轄區內的任一方或其聯屬機構開展或從事業務的國家或地區。
1.42「首次商業銷售」指的是在每個國家上,獲得所有銷售許可證明之後,產品首次供一般大眾使用或消費的銷售;但以下情況不構成「首次商業銷售」:(a) 向子公司或者特許經營者售出;(b) 將產品用於臨床試驗以外的開發活動;(c) 將產品提供給真正的慈善目的、同情用途或樣品。「首次銷售」指對任何產品,在該國的監管機構核准後,向該國的第三方進行的第一次銷售,如果需要該監管機構的核准;或者如果不需要該核准,則指首次進行的銷售。
1.46政府官員「政府當局」指(a) 任何政府機構的官員或員工,(b) 代表政府機構擔任正式職務的任何人,(c) 任何由政府機構持有大多數或完全擁有的人的官員或員工,(d) 任何國際公共組織的官員或員工,例如世界銀行或聯合國,(e) 任何政黨的官員或員工或代表政黨擔任官方職務的任何人,或者(f) 任何政治職位候選人。
1.48受益人「” 意指 exicure 賠償人或 flashpoint 賠償人。」

1.51發明者” 意味着Aleksandar Filip Radovic,Richard Kang,Subbarao Nallagatla,Christopher C. Mader和Sergei Gryaznov。
1.53「知識產權合同」是指所有包含知識產權授權、所有權或利益授予的合同,根據這些合同,(a) 公司從任何第三方獲得或授予任何許可、不起訴承諾、共存協議、和解協議或其他權利、所有權或利益,或(b) 公司明確受到限制,不能使用此定義中任何對公司業務至關重要的知識產權,截至本協議簽署之日,但不包括任何(i) 在常規業務過程中籤訂的保密合同,(ii) 提供的「即插即用」服務的合同,以及(iii) 附帶於向客戶出售產品或購買或使用設備、試劑或其他材料的銷售必要合同。「」在第7.2(f)(v)節中有所規定。
1.58受許可方「」 表示任何第三方,該第三方具有Flashpoint授權或從其他持有者獲得Acquired IP下商業化有Royalty-Bearing Product的許可,但不包括分銷商。

有關此類銷售的交易、數量、現金折扣、津貼、信貸或分配,以及一貫適用的內容如下:(a) 任何形式的貿易、數量和現金折扣、津貼和信貸,但明確排除與非專利-軸承產品無關的折扣或津貼;(b) 降價、退單及任何其他減少所開票據或發票的總額的津貼;(c) 產品退回或退貨,包括召回或破損貨物和賬單錯誤、信貸和折讓以及壞賬;(d) 因Royalty- Bearing產品而應計及實際支付或記入任何政府機構(或其代理人或機構分支)或任何第三方支付方、管理人員或承包商,包括但不限於受管理的醫療保健組織、藥店福利管理者(或其等價物)或其代理人、購買者、償付人或交易客戶,以及與專利-軸承產品相關的任何強制性付款,並由於醫療保健改革政策而產生的政府徵收費用;(e) 法律要求的折扣(或其等價物)、包括要求的退單和追溯性價格調整;(f) 運輸、貨運、郵資費用和其他費用,如保險費,相應與之有關,每項費用均列爲賬單或發票上針對第三方的特定款項;(g) 分配給適用專利-軸承產品銷售的根據《患者保護與平價醫療法案》,Pub.L.No. 111-148(經修訂)向處方藥品製造商徵收的年費部分;(h) 涉及商品生產、銷售、運輸、交付或使用而徵收或衡量的稅費、關稅、消費稅、進口稅和/或其他政府收費,每項費用均列爲賬單或發票上針對第三方的特定款項;以及(i) 與適用會計準則一致且不與前述條款(a)-(h)中任何扣除重複的任何其他類似和習慣性扣除。
關於任何人形機器人-軸承產品,只應支付一次版稅。 銷售或其他商業處置中的人形機器人-軸承產品在銷售方之間不視爲對第三方的銷售,並在其後重新銷售給第三方最終用戶的情況下,應在淨銷售計算中排除對任何目的的計算。 分銷商重新銷售人形機器人-軸承產品的情形,只要向該分銷商的銷售包含在淨銷售中,應對所有目的排除在淨銷售計算內。向第三方免費提供或以不超過銷售方針對此類人形機器人-軸承產品的完全負擔製造成本的金額提供人形機器人-軸承產品,在研究和開發(包括治療藥品IND銷售或早期獲取計劃)、臨床試驗、患者安慰使用或指定患者銷售、人道主義和慈善捐贈、貧困者計劃或用作樣品的情況下,應排除在淨銷售計算中,並且不應支付任何關於此類銷售或其他商業處置的款項。


1.70程序知識產權「」指的是所有專利、專有技術、商標以及Exicure或其關聯公司在截止日期時擁有或被許可的其他知識產權,這些知識產權(a) 是由Exicure或其關聯公司生成或使用,或者代表它們生成或使用,用於與任何化合物、產品的研究、開發或生產或任何項目的進行有關;(b) 對於任何化合物或產品的研究、開發、生產或商業化,或任何項目的進行是必要的或合理有用。

1.80具有人形機器人-軸承的產品” 表示任何產品(無論是目前已知的還是今後開發的),該產品由計劃專利的有效聲明覆蓋,在銷售該產品的國家或者以其他方式使用,含有或由任何化合物組成。
1.81Royalty Floor”在第4.2節中所載明。
1.82專利權期限「」指的是,按照按國家和具有Royalty-人形機器人-軸承產品區分的方式,從在該國家的Royalty-人形機器人-軸承產品的首次商業銷售開始,並在以下情況中最晚一種的結束期間:(a) 該國家涵蓋該Royalty-人形機器人-軸承產品的項目專利的最後到期有效索賠到期,以及(b) 該國家對該Royalty-人形機器人-軸承產品的首次商業銷售週年紀念日。
1.85指定合同「某項協作、選擇和許可協議」是由Exicure公司和艾普生生物製藥有限公司於2021年7月30日簽訂的。某項 Exicure公司和艾普生生物製藥有限公司於2022年12月12日簽訂的協作、選擇和許可協議的相互終止協議某項 Exicure公司和艾爾建制藥國際有限公司於2019年11月13日簽訂的協作、選擇和許可協議某項 與艾爾建制藥國際有限公司於2022年12月5日簽署的信函協議特定的 Exicure與Dermelix Biotherapeutics之間的許可和發展協議日期爲2019年2月17日特定的 Exicure與Purdue Pharma L.P.之間的研究合作、選擇和許可協議日期爲2016年12月2日。


1.89第三方「  」指的是exicure或flashpoint之外的個人或exicure或flashpoint的關聯公司。

2.1向 Flashpoint 出售資產。附表2.1中規定的任何資產除外(”排除的資產”),Exicure特此向Flashpoint出售、轉讓、轉讓和交付,Flashpoint特此從Exicure購買和收購,每種情況均截至截止日期,不含除承擔負債之外的所有負債,以及Exicure或其關聯公司擁有、使用或持有的全部資產、財產、特權、索賠、所有權、利益和權利與任何化合物有關或以其他方式相關的任何化合物,

(c)所有交易文件和監管備案,由exicure或其關聯公司持有在收盤日期之前存在,包括,對於Cavrotolimod IND編號139964,對於ASt-005,研究方案編號ASt-005,EudraCt編號2015-004349-17,以及對於XCUR17,研究方案編號xcur17-101,EudraCt編號2016-005174-35;
(d)所有板塊 exicure 文檔;

(i)一份附件A附贈的《轉讓及承諾協議書》的形式。作業與承擔協議(assignment and assumption agreement)”);
(iii)一封轉讓Cavrotolimod IND編號139964所有權的信函,表格見附件C(exicure IND 信函”);
(v)請填寫完整準確的IRS W-9表格;和
(vi)其他轉讓和過戶工具等合理必要文件,以便將收購資產的良好和有市場性的所有權轉讓給Flashpoint(所有這些文件,連同轉讓和承受協議、轉讓證書和exicure IND信函,"相關文件”).
(i)Assignment and Assumption Agreement已由Flashpoint及/或其適用的關聯公司簽署並執行;
2.3假設負債。根據此處包含的Exicure的條款、條件、陳述和保證,並以第2.4節爲前提,Flashpoint特此假設並同意在到期時立即全額支付、履行和清償:(a) 自截止日期起生效的Exicure在收購合同下的任何責任,但僅限於此類負債 (i) 在截止日期之後首次產生或與之相關的範圍,(ii) 不產生於任何負債 Exicure或其關聯公司違反任何此類收購合同的任何條款,(iii) 並非源於或與之相關在截止日期或之前發生或存在的任何事件、情況或狀況,以及 (iv) 可根據此類收購合同的條款合理確定,以及 (b) (i) 構成對西北大學或其任何附屬機構的損害賠償的任何責任 (”西北”) 與仲裁所依據的事實有關而產生 (”西北負債”)以及(ii)在截止日期之後與Flashpoint與西北航空之間的任何合同、交易或關係有關或產生的任何負債,在每種情況下((i)和(ii))與任何收購資產((a)和(b)共同相關的範圍內,”假設負債”)。Flashpoint應控制仲裁(須遵守第8.3(b)節規定的限制和程序),未經Flashpoint書面同意,Exicure不得對此類仲裁採取任何行動,不得無理拒絕。爲澄清起見,Exicure不得承擔任何種類、性質或描述的任何應計負債務,也不承擔任何責任,

2.4保留的負債除了承擔的債務外,Flashpoint 不應承擔也不對 exicure 或其關聯公司的任何種類、性質或描述的債務承擔任何責任,無論是已發生、絕對、或有條件的,Flashpoint明確聲明除了已承擔的債務之外不承擔任何明示或暗示的責任(統稱“保留的負債”).
2.5購買價格分配。Flashpoint 應根據《守則》第 1060 條準備對價(以及任何其他被視爲美國聯邦所得稅對價的金額)的分配(以下簡稱”購買價格分配”)。Flashpoint應在收盤後不遲於九十(90)天內向Exicure提交收購價格分配草案。在收到此類收購價格分配草案後的三十 (30) 天內,Exicure應就此類收購價格分配草案向Flashpoint提供書面意見,Flashpoint應認真考慮Exicure提出的任何合理評論。如果Exicure未能在收到購買價格分配草案後的三十(30)天內向Flashpoint提供書面意見,則該購買價格分配草案將成爲最終的並對所有各方具有約束力。除非適用法律或政府機構另有要求,否則Flashpoint和Exicure應以與購買價格分配一致的方式提交所有納稅申報表。如果任何政府機構對購買價格分配提出異議,則收到爭議通知的一方應立即以書面形式將此類通知和爭議解決辦法通知另一方。
2.6轉移。在截止日期後的五 (5) 個工作日內,Exicure應向美國食品和藥物管理局提交Exicure IND信函,Flashpoint應向美國食品和藥物管理局提交一封信函,承認IND號139964的所有權,其形式和實質內容與本文附件D所附表格基本相似(”閃點 IND 信函”)。Exicure應向Flashpoint或其指定人員提供所有收購資產,不向Flashpoint支付任何額外費用或費用(”轉移”)根據附表2.6中規定的時間表,在收盤時沒有轉移到Flashpoint。在轉讓方面,Exicure應向Flashpoint提供收購資產中包含的任何和所有文件、電子記錄和數據庫、樣本和其他有形材料的原件的電子副本(儘可能採用微軟Word格式,否則爲可搜索的PDF格式或其他商定格式),並應Flashpoint的合理要求,向Flashpoint提供實際訪問權限。根據Flashpoint的合理要求,Exicure應在不向Flashpoint提供任何額外費用或費用的情況下,提供合理的技術支持(通過電話會議、視頻會議、電子手段或面對面,每種支持都應在正常工作時間進行,並應提前合理通知),以支持轉移。儘管如此,如果Flashpoint或Exicure後來得知任何本應但尚未作爲轉讓的一部分轉移到Flashpoint的收購資產,則該方應立即通知另一方,Exicure應立即將此類收購資產轉讓給Flashpoint或其指定人。


2.9許可權回收Flashpoint特此授予Exicure及其關聯公司在收購資產中的所有權利下的全球性、不可撤銷、免許可費、可轉讓、可轉讓的權利和許可,包括知識產權,在買賣、銷售、分銷和處置庫存直到Closing日期Exicure或其關聯公司控制的所有庫存全部耗盡。爲避免疑義,Exicure 及其關聯公司無需向Flashpoint作出任何帳戶報告或以任何方式支付任何金額(包括任何版稅)以銷售任何庫存。本協議無妨阻止,且不應解釋爲阻止Exicure或其關聯公司以任何其認爲合適的方式出售或處置任何庫存。


(b)第二筆付款:在交割日起三 (3) 個月內,以現金形式支付四十萬美元($400,000.00);並

4.2人形機器人-軸承的特許權使用費在適用的特許權期內,在日曆季度結束後的四十五(45)天內,Flashpoint將支付給exicure該日曆季度內Flashpoint及其關聯公司或被許可方收到的所有軸承特許產品的全球淨銷售額的版稅,如果有的話。然而,(a)如果一個軸承特許產品應支付給一個或多個其他許可方版稅義務,則Flashpoint有權從應支付給exicure的版稅中扣除對於該軸承特許產品應支付給其他許可方的版稅金額,(b)自軸承特許產品在一個國家不再受限於節目專利的有效要求的日期起,該國家銷售的該軸承特許產品的版稅率將減少50%,前提是在(a)和(b)小節的減少的累積效應不得將對exicure的有效版稅率降至淨銷售額的[***]以下(“Royalty Floor[***]的30天內將在收到的Flashpoint根據Bluejay許可協議或其子許可方銷售的軸承特許產品的所有付款(除了Flashpoint或代表Flashpoint支出的費用的返還付款)傳達給exicure,並且在Bluejay許可協議下的銷售或向exicure傳達的任何此類付款都不會導致根據本協議向exicure支付任何版稅或許可費。
4.4Withholding of Taxes. Any withholding of Taxes levied by tax authorities on the payments hereunder shall be borne by Exicure and deducted by Flashpoint, from the sums otherwise payable by it hereunder, for payment to the proper tax authorities on behalf of Exicure. Flashpoint agrees to cooperate with Exicure in the event Exicure claims exemption from such withholding or seeks deductions under any double taxation or other similar treaty or agreement from time to time in force, including but not limited to providing Exicure with receipts of payment of such withheld Tax or other documents reasonably available to Flashpoint.

Article 5

Intellectual Property
5.1Patent Prosecution and Maintenance. As between the Parties, from and after the Closing Date Flashpoint shall have the sole right, but not any obligation, to prosecute and maintain all Program Patents, in its sole discretion and at its own expense and by counsel of its own choice. From and after the Closing Date, Exicure shall cooperate with Flashpoint to transfer of all prosecution and maintenance responsibilities relating to the Program Patents, which cooperation shall include: (a) transferring to Flashpoint the existing, complete patent files for the Program Patents and communicating to Flashpoint all facts and information then known to Exicure comprising or relating thereto; (b) furnishing Flashpoint with copies of all documents, electronic records, photographs, models, samples and other tangible materials in Exicure’s control that relate directly to the Program Patents, (c) executing all documents necessary to record with each applicable patent authority the assignment of the Acquired Patents to Flashpoint, including additional Patent Assignment Agreements in substantially the form attached hereto as Annex E, and (d) filing all documents necessary to transfer correspondence with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and other applicable patent authorities in other countries to Flashpoint and to give Flashpoint’s patent counsel power of attorney thereto.
5.2Enforcement. Exicure shall promptly notify Flashpoint of any alleged or threatened infringement or misappropriation of the Program IP, in each case of which it becomes aware. As between the Parties, Flashpoint shall have the sole right, but not the obligation, to bring a suit or otherwise take action against any Person or entity directly infringing, contributorily infringing or inducing infringement of, or misappropriating the Program IP, at its full discretion and its own expense and by counsel of its own choice, and Flashpoint shall solely retain any recovery in connection therewith. Exicure shall provide Flashpoint, at Flashpoint’s request and expense, with any assistance reasonably requested by Flashpoint with respect to the enforcement or defense of the Program Patents.
Article 6

Confidentiality, Publication and Publicity
6.1Confidentiality. Except to the extent expressly authorized by this Agreement or otherwise agreed in writing by the Parties, each Party agrees that, starting from the Closing Date until ten (10) years after the First Commercial Sale of the last Royalty-Bearing Product, it and its Affiliates shall, and shall cause their respective Representatives to, keep confidential and shall not publish or otherwise disclose and shall not use for any purpose other than as provided for in this Agreement any Confidential Information of the other Party, unless the receiving Party can demonstrate by competent proof that such Confidential Information:
(a)was already known to the receiving Party or its Affiliate, other than under an obligation of confidentiality, at the time of disclosure by the other Party;

(b)was generally available to the public or otherwise part of the public domain at the time of its disclosure to the receiving Party or its Affiliate;
(c)became generally available to the public or otherwise part of the public domain after its disclosure and other than through any act or omission of the receiving Party or its Affiliate in breach of this Agreement;
(d)was disclosed to the receiving Party or its Affiliate, other than under an obligation of confidentiality to a Third Party, by a Third Party who had no obligation to the disclosing Party not to disclose such information to others; or
(e)was independently discovered or developed by the receiving Party or its Affiliate without the use of Confidential Information belonging to the disclosing Party.
6.2Authorized Disclosure.
(a)Each Party and its Affiliates may disclose Confidential Information belonging to the other Party to the extent such disclosure:
(i)is reasonably necessary to prosecute or defend litigation with respect to this Agreement;
(ii)is reasonably necessary to comply with Applicable Laws, governmental regulations or court orders; or
(iii)is to each Party or its Affiliates’ Representatives, in each case who have a need to know to perform any obligation or exercise any right of such Party under this Agreement and who agree to be bound by terms of confidentiality which are no less restrictive than those set forth in this Agreement.
(b)Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event the receiving Party is required to make a disclosure of disclosing Party’s Confidential Information pursuant to Section 6.2(a)(ii), it will, except where impracticable, (i) give reasonable advance notice to the disclosing Party of such disclosure, (ii) use efforts to secure confidential treatment of such information at least as diligent as the receiving Party would use to protect its own Confidential Information, but in no event less than reasonable efforts, and (iii) cooperate with any efforts by the disclosing Party, at the disclosing Party’s request and expense, to secure confidential treatment of such Confidential Information. Disclosure by the receiving Party of Confidential Information in accordance with any of the foregoing provisions of this Section 6.2(b) shall not, in and of itself, cause the information so disclosed to cease to be treated as Confidential Information under this Agreement, except to the extent that, by virtue of disclosure by the receiving Party in full compliance with this Section 6.2(b), such information becomes generally known or available.
6.3Publication. Exicure and its Affiliates shall not publish or otherwise publicly disclose any data or results regarding any Program, Compound or Product without the prior written consent of Flashpoint. Flashpoint shall have the right to publish or otherwise publicly

disclose any data or results regarding any Program, Compound or Product in its sole discretion without the prior written consent of Exicure.
6.4Publicity. Neither Exicure nor Flashpoint shall, without the prior consent of the other, except as required by Applicable Laws (including those applicable to the public sale of securities), issue any press release or make any other public announcement concerning the terms of the Agreement, nor (except as set forth below) use the name of the other Party or its Affiliates. Notwithstanding the foregoing, each Party may disclose the terms of this Agreement in securities filings with the SEC to the extent required by Applicable Laws after complying with the procedure set forth in this Section 6.4. In such event, the Party seeking such disclosure shall prepare a draft confidential treatment request and proposed redacted version of this Agreement to request confidential treatment for this Agreement, and the other Party agrees to promptly (and in any event, no less than five (5) days after receipt of such confidential treatment request and proposed redactions) give its input in a reasonable manner in order to allow the Party seeking disclosure to file its request within the time lines proscribed by Applicable Laws. The Party seeking such disclosure shall exercise commercially reasonable efforts to obtain confidential treatment of the Agreement from the SEC (or equivalent foreign agency) as represented by the redacted version reviewed by the other Party. For clarity, Flashpoint shall not have any obligation to Exicure with respect to press releases or other public disclosures regarding the development, Regulatory Approval, commercialization or Exploitation of any Compound or Product or the conduct of any Program. For avoidance of doubt, Flashpoint shall be entitled to make announcements of any nature stating that it has acquired the Acquired Assets, including identification of such assets.
Article 7

Representations, Warranties and Covenants
7.1Representations and Warranties of Flashpoint. Flashpoint hereby represents and warrants to Exicure that, as of the Closing Date:
(a)Corporate Existence and Power. Flashpoint is a corporation duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the jurisdiction in which it is incorporated and has full power and authority and the legal right to own and operate its property and assets and to carry on its business as it is now being conducted and as contemplated by this Agreement.
(b)Authority and Binding Agreement. (i) Flashpoint has the power and authority and the legal right to enter into this Agreement and perform its obligations hereunder; (ii) Flashpoint has taken all necessary authorized action on its part required to authorize the execution and delivery of this Agreement and the performance of its obligations hereunder; and (iii) this Agreement has been duly executed and delivered on behalf of Flashpoint and constitutes a legal, valid and binding obligation that is enforceable against it in accordance with its terms.
(c)No Conflict. Flashpoint’s performance and execution of this Agreement does not and will not result in a breach of any other Contract to which it is a party.

(d)Consideration. Flashpoint has taken all necessary actions to ensure that the total amount of Consideration is currently, and will at all times between the date hereof and payment of the Third Installment, be available in cash or other form of immediately available funds by wire transfer.
7.2Representations and Warranties of Exicure. Except with respect to the Specified Contracts, Exicure hereby represents and warrants as of the Closing Date and covenants, as applicable, as follows:
(a)Corporate Existence and Power. Exicure is a corporation duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the jurisdiction in which it is incorporated and has full power and authority and the legal right to own and operate its property and assets and to carry on its business as it is now being conducted and as contemplated by this Agreement. Exicure is duly qualified or licensed to do business and is in good standing in each jurisdiction in which ownership of the Acquired Assets makes such qualification or licensing necessary.
(b)Authority and Binding Agreement. Exicure has the power and authority and the legal right to enter into this Agreement and the Related Documents, to perform its obligations hereunder and thereunder and to consummate the Contemplated Transactions; has taken all necessary authorized action on its part required to authorize the execution and delivery of this Agreement and the Related Documents, the performance of its obligations hereunder and the consummation of the Contemplated Transactions. No other corporate proceedings on part of Exicure are necessary to authorize this Agreement or the Related Documents or to consummate the Contemplated Transactions; and this Agreement has been duly executed and delivered on behalf of Exicure and constitutes a legal, valid and binding obligation that is enforceable against Exicure in accordance with its terms.
(c)Acquired Assets. Exicure is the sole owner of the entire right, title and interest in and to all Acquired Assets (excluding the Patents disclosed in Schedule 7.2(f)(vii), which are co-owned by Exicure and Northwestern), in each case free of all Encumbrances, and has the full and legal rights and authority to sell, assign, transfer and deliver the Acquired Assets to Flashpoint. Other than the claims that are the subject of the Arbitration, there are no adverse claims of ownership to the Acquired Assets, and Exicure has not received any oral or written notice that any Person has asserted a claim of ownership or right of possession or use in or to any of the Acquired Assets, nor, to Exicure’s knowledge, are there any facts, circumstances or conditions on which such a claim could be brought in the future. At the Closing, subject to the Arbitration, Flashpoint will acquire from Exicure sole and exclusive, good and marketable title to all of the Acquired Assets, free and clear of all Encumbrances.
(d)Contracts. Schedule 7.2(d) contains a true and accurate list of all Contracts pursuant to which Exicure or any of its Affiliates enjoys any right or benefit or undertakes any obligation related to any Acquired Asset or any Program, Compound or Product, other than (i) non-disclosure agreements, (ii) licenses granted to Exicure for off-the-shelf software, (iii) invention assignment agreements with employees and consultants that assign or grant to Exicure ownership of inventions and intellectual property developed in the course of

providing services to Exicure by such employees and consultants, and Excluded Contracts. Exicure has made available to Flashpoint a complete and accurate copy of each such Contract, including all Acquired Contracts. Each Acquired Contract is in full force and effect and has not been terminated, except as disclosed in Schedule 7.2(d). No Acquired Contract has been breached by Exicure or any of its Affiliates, or to Exicure’s and its Affiliates’ knowledge, by the other party to such Acquired Contract. Exicure and its Affiliates have not received or provided any notice of breach or termination regarding any Acquired Contract. Neither Exicure nor any of its Affiliates has waived any right under any Acquired Contract. As of the Closing Date, there are no discussions or negotiations regarding any amendment or modification to or any termination of any Acquired Contract, except as disclosed in Schedule 7.2(d).
(e)Other Contracts. Other than the Acquired Contracts, there are no Contracts (i) pursuant to which Exicure or its Affiliates has obtained, or has a right to obtain, a license under or rights to use any Patent, Know-How, Trademark or other Intellectual Property Right that is relevant to any Program, Compound or Product; or (ii) to Exicure’s knowledge, pursuant to which Exicure or its Affiliates otherwise owes, or would otherwise owe, payments to a Third Party as a result of the practice of any Program IP, the conduct of any Program or the Exploitation of any Compound or Product.
(f)Intellectual Property.
(i)Schedule 7.2(f)(i) sets forth, as of the date hereof, a complete and accurate list of all registered Patents and Trademarks in the Acquired IP, including the registration number, filing date, expiration date, country or territory, registrant and owner of record in respect of each such item of Acquired IP (such items, collectively, “Exicure Registered IP”). As of the Effective Date, to Exicure’s knowledge, all Exicure Registered IP is subsisting and not invalid or unenforceable, and has been duly registered or filed with or issued by each appropriate Governmental Authority in the jurisdiction indicated in Schedule 7.2(f)(i). All necessary filing, examination, registration, maintenance and renewal fees currently due in connection with such Exicure Registered IP have been made, and all necessary documents, proofs of working or use, recordations, affidavits, and certificates in connection with such Exicure Registered IP have been timely filed with the relevant authorities in the United States or applicable non-U.S. jurisdictions, as the case may be, for the purposes of prosecuting, registering or maintaining such Exicure Registered IP up to the Effective Date. Exicure is the registered owner of each item of Exicure Registered IP which it owns or purports to own. The Exicure Registered IP has not expired or been declared invalid, in whole or in part, by any Governmental Authority, and is not subject to any interference, opposition, reissue, reexamination, cancellation or other similar proceeding which challenge the validity or ownership of such Exicure Registered IP. Each of the Program Patents listed in Schedule 7.2(f)(i) properly identifies each and every inventor of the claims thereof as determined in accordance with the laws of the jurisdiction in which such Acquired Patent is issued (or, with respect to patent applications, such patent application is pending). Each inventor named on the Patents listed in Schedule 7.2(f)(i) has executed an agreement assigning his, her or its entire right, title and interest in and to such Acquired Patent, and the inventions embodied and claimed therein, to Exicure. To Exicure’s knowledge, no such inventor has any contractual or other obligation that would preclude any

such assignment or otherwise conflict with the obligations of such inventor to Exicure under such agreement with Exicure.
(ii)Exicure exclusively owns all rights, title and interests in and to all Acquired IP (excluding the Patents disclosed in Schedule 7.2(f)(vii), which are co-owned by Exicure and Northwestern), and has the right to transfer to Flashpoint or its Affiliates under the terms of this Agreement, all Acquired IP, free and clear of all Encumbrances. Immediately following the Closing, Flashpoint shall have substantially the same rights, interest, and title in and to each item of Acquired IP as held by Exicure immediately prior to the Closing, in each case, without the payment of any additional amounts or consideration.
(iii)To Exicure’s knowledge, the Exploitation of the Acquired IP does not, and would not reasonably be expected, following commercialization, to infringe or misappropriate the Intellectual Property Rights of any other Person in existence on the Closing Date. To Exicure’s knowledge, (i) no Person or Persons has, directly or indirectly, infringed, diluted, misappropriated or otherwise violated or is or are infringing, diluting, misappropriating or otherwise violating the Acquired IP and (ii) Exicure has not brought or threatened to bring any claim, suit or proceeding against any Person alleging any such misappropriation, infringement, dilution or violation, and (iii) neither of the foregoing clauses (i) or (ii) have been asserted in any cease and desist letter or other written notice, including in the nature of offering a license or covenant not to sue, in each case relating to Acquired IP.
(iv)Except as set forth on Schedule 7.2(f)(iv), no claims have been asserted or threatened in writing by any Person against Exicure or its Affiliates, nor does there exist, to Exicure’s knowledge, any valid basis for such a claim, with respect to: (i) challenging the ownership, licensing or use of any Acquired IP; (ii) any actual or potential infringement, dilution, misappropriation or unauthorized use of Acquired IP; (iii) any actual or potential infringement, dilution, misappropriation or unauthorized use of any Third Party’s Intellectual Property Rights with respect to any Acquired IP; (iv) the validity or enforceability of any Acquired IP; or (v) asserting that the operation of any Program has infringed, diluted, misappropriated or otherwise violated any intellectual property right of any Person. Exicure has the right to bring Actions for infringement, including all rights to recover damages for past infringement, of all Acquired IP.
(v)Schedule 7.2(f)(v) sets forth a complete and accurate list as of the date hereof of all (i) Contracts in which options, rights or licenses to any Program IP are granted to Exicure by any other Person (other than (A) “commercial off-the-shelf” software, (B) non-exclusive rights or licenses granted by any Person in the ordinary course of business consistent with standard industry practices, or (C) Excluded Contracts) (collectively, “IP In-Licenses”), and (ii) Contracts in which options, rights, or licenses relating to any Acquired IP are granted by Exicure to any other Person (other than non-exclusive rights or licenses granted by Exicure in the ordinary course of business consistent with past practice or any Excluded Contracts) (collectively, “IP Out-Licenses”, and together with the IP In-Licenses the “IP Contracts”). To Exicure’s knowledge, (x) all obligations for payment of undisputed monies currently due as of the date hereof and payable by Exicure in connection with such IP Contracts have been satisfied

and (y) Exicure has not materially breached any of Exicure’s performance obligations in connection with such IP Contracts.
(vi)Exicure has used commercially reasonable efforts to protect its ownership of and rights in the Acquired IP and to maintain its trade secrets constituting Acquired IP in confidence. Exicure and its Affiliates have not made any of their trade secrets constituting Acquired IP or other confidential or proprietary information related to any Program available to any other Person except pursuant to written agreements requiring such Person to maintain the confidentiality of such information.
(vii)Except as set forth on Schedule 7.2(f)(vii), no college, university or other educational or research institution or agency, or any government, has any claim of commercial right or license to, or ownership of, or other Encumbrance upon any Acquired IP. Except as set forth on Schedule 7.2(f)(vii), no Acquired IP (i) was conceived, discovered, developed or otherwise made in connection with any research activities funded, in whole or in part, by the federal government of the United States or any agency thereof, (ii) is a “subject invention” as that term is described in 35 U.S.C. Section 201(e) or (iii) is otherwise subject to the provisions of the Bayh-Dole Act.
(viii)The execution and delivery of this Agreement and the Related Documents by Exicure do not, and the consummation of the Contemplated Transactions and compliance by Exicure with the provisions of this Agreement and any Related Document will not, conflict with, or result in any material breach of or default (with or without notice or lapse of time, or both) under, or give rise to a right of, or result in, termination, cancellation or acceleration of any obligation or to the loss of a benefit under, or result in the creation of any Encumbrance in or upon, any Acquired IP (other than Flashpoint’s ownership of Exicure’s right, title, and interest in and to the Acquired IP following the consummation of the Contemplated Transactions).
(ix)Exicure has not prior to the Closing Date assigned or licensed, to any Person, any Know-How, Patent or other Intellectual Property Right that is or could reasonably be expected to be necessary or useful for the research, development, manufacture, use or sale of any Compound or Product or the conduct of any Program, except as disclosed in Schedule 7.2(f)(ix).
(g)Regulatory. Schedule 7.2(g) accurately identifies all Regulatory Documentation and Regulatory Filings as of the Closing Date. Exicure owns all such Regulatory Documentation and Regulatory Filings. To the knowledge of Exicure, Exicure and its Affiliates have generated, prepared, maintained, and retained all Regulatory Documentation and Regulatory Filings that are required to be maintained or retained pursuant to and in accordance with good laboratory, manufacturing and clinical practice and in compliance with Applicable Law, and all such information is true and complete and accurate and what it purports to be. Neither Exicure nor any of its Affiliates, nor, to Exicure’s knowledge, any of its or their respective officers, employees, or agents, has made an untrue statement of material fact or fraudulent statement to the FDA or any other Regulatory Authority with respect to the development or manufacture of any Compound or Product, failed to disclose a material fact

required to be disclosed to the FDA or any other Regulatory Authority with respect to the development or manufacture of any Compound or Product, or committed an act, made a statement, or failed to make a statement with respect to the development or manufacture of any Compound or Product that could reasonably be expected to provide a basis for the FDA to invoke its policy respecting “Fraud, Untrue Statements of Material Facts, Bribery, and Illegal Gratuities”, set forth in 56 Fed. Reg. 46191 (September 10, 1991) and any amendments thereto or any analogous laws or policies in the Territory. Neither Exicure nor any of its Affiliates have received any FDA Form 483, notice of adverse finding, safety notice, warning letter, untitled letter or other communication from the FDA or any other Regulatory Authority alleging or asserting noncompliance with Applicable Law with respect to any Compound or Product.
(h)Litigation. Except as set forth on Schedule 7.2(h), there is no Action to which Exicure or any Affiliate of Exicure is a party (either as plaintiff or defendant) or to which the Acquired Assets are subject that is pending, or, to Exicure’s knowledge, threatened in writing, that relates to any Program or the Exploitation of the Acquired Assets or that, if successful, could reasonably be expected to result in restraining, enjoining or otherwise preventing the completion by Exicure of the Contemplated Transactions, nor are there, to Exicure’s knowledge, any facts, circumstances or conditions on which any such Action would reasonably be expected to be brought in the future. There is no Action related to any Program or Exploitation of the Acquired Assets that (a) resulted in an order of any Governmental Authority against or settlement (whether or not such order or settlement was paid, in whole or in part, by an insurer of Exicure or other Third Party) or (b) resulted in any equitable relief or (c) relates to the Contemplated Transactions. There is no Action which Exicure presently intends to initiate relating to or involving any Program or the Exploitation of the Acquired Assets.
(i)Exicure Documents. Schedule 7.2(i) accurately identifies all Exicure Documents as of the Closing Date. Exicure is the sole owner of all Exicure Documents.
(j)Clinical Trials. Schedule 7.2(j) accurately identifies each and every clinical trial of any Compound or Product that was initiated prior to the Closing Date. Unless otherwise indicated, all such clinical trials have been completed or terminated and there are no further activities (including patient follow-up) contemplated or required with respect to any such clinical trial.
(k)No Debarment. Neither Exicure nor any of its Affiliates has been debarred, disqualified, suspended, or excluded, or is subject to debarment, disqualification, suspension, or exclusion, and neither Exicure nor any of its Affiliates has used or will use in any capacity, in connection with any services to be performed under this Agreement, any Person who has been debarred pursuant to 21 U.S.C. § 335a or any similar law or excluded under 42 U.S.C. § 1320a-7 or any similar law or regulation, or who has been convicted of any crime or engaged in any conduct that would reasonably be expected to result in debarment, disqualification, suspension, or exclusion.
(l)Good Laboratory Practice. To the knowledge of Exicure, Exicure and its Affiliates have at all times conducted, and have caused their contractors and consultants to conduct at all times, any and all pre-clinical and clinical studies related to any Program,

Compound or Product in accordance with good laboratory and clinical practice and in compliance with Applicable Law, as applicable and as appropriate to the given development stage.
(m)Safety Reporting. To the knowledge of Exicure, Exicure and its Affiliates are, and at all times have been, in compliance with all adverse event reporting requirements applicable to any Compound or Product. To the knowledge of Exicure and its Affiliates, Schedule 7.2(m) sets forth a complete and accurate list of all (i) adverse drug experience information; (ii) material events and matters concerning or affecting safety (including clinical holds) or lack of efficacy; and (iii) medical inquiries and complaints, in each case, relating to any Compound or Product. Neither Exicure nor any of its Affiliates has any knowledge of any scientific or technical facts or circumstances that would adversely affect the scientific, therapeutic, or commercial potential of any Compound or Product. Neither Exicure nor any of its Affiliates is aware of anything that could adversely affect the acceptance, or the subsequent approval, by any Regulatory Authority of any filing, application or request for Regulatory Approval with respect to any Compound or Product.
(n)Good Manufacturing Practice. To the knowledge of Exicure, Exicure and its Affiliates, and all contractors and consultants of any of the foregoing, have at all times conducted, all manufacturing activities with respect to Compounds and Products in accordance with good manufacturing practice and in compliance with all Applicable Laws.
(o)No Conflicts; Consents.
(i)The execution and delivery of this Agreement and the Related Documents and the performance by Exicure of its obligations hereunder or thereunder do not and will not conflict with, or result in any violation or breach of, or default (with or without notice or lapse of time, or both) under, or give rise to a right of, or result in, termination, cancellation or acceleration of any material obligation or to the loss of a benefit under, or result in the creation of any material Encumbrance in or upon the Acquired Assets under, Exicure’s Certificate of Incorporation and Bylaws or any Applicable Law applicable to Exicure or the Acquired Assets.
(ii)Exicure has not entered, and shall not enter into any Contract with any Third Party that is in conflict with the rights granted to Flashpoint under this Agreement, and Exicure has not taken and shall not take any action that would in any way prevent it from granting the rights granted to Flashpoint under this Agreement, or that would otherwise materially conflict with or adversely affect Flashpoint’s rights under this Agreement. Exicure’s performance and execution of this Agreement does not and will not result in a breach of any other Contract to which it is a party. As of the Closing Date, Exicure and its Affiliates are aware of no Action instituted by any Third Party that threatens the validity of this Agreement.
(iii)No consent, approval, order or authorization of, action by or in respect of, or registration, declaration or filing with, any Governmental Authority or Third Party is required by or with respect to Exicure or the Acquired Assets for, or in connection with, (i) the execution and delivery of this Agreement by Exicure, (ii) the transfer of the Acquired Assets to Flashpoint or (iii) the consummation of the Contemplated Transactions.

(p)No Undisclosed Liabilities. Except for the Assumed Liabilities, Exicure has no material liabilities related to the Acquired Assets that are not Retained Liabilities.
(q)Absence of Certain Changes. Since December 31, 2023, (i) no event, change, fact, condition or circumstance has occurred or arisen that has had, or would reasonably be expected to have, individually or in the aggregate, a material adverse effect on the Acquired Assets, and (ii) there has not been any material loss, destruction or damage affecting any Acquired Asset.
(r)Full Disclosure. To Exicure’s knowledge, all written data, results and other information disclosed to Flashpoint or its Affiliate at any time prior to the Closing Date by Exicure or its Affiliates relating to the Acquired Assets are true and accurate. Additionally, Exicure and its Affiliates have not failed prior to the Closing Date and will not fail to disclose to Flashpoint any material information known to Exicure or its Affiliates that relates to the Acquired Assets or that would be required to be disclosed in order to make the data, results, and other information relating to the Acquired Assets that have been disclosed not misleading.
(s)Certain Business Practices. None of Exicure, and to Exicure’s knowledge, Exicure’s employees or other Representatives (i) has used or is using any funds for any unlawful contributions, unlawful gifts, unlawful entertainment or other unlawful expenses; (ii) has made any direct or indirect unlawful payments to any foreign or domestic Government Official; (iii) has violated or is violating any Anti-Corruption Laws; (iv) has established or maintained, or is maintaining, any unlawful or unrecorded fund of monies or other properties; (v) has made, or is making, any false or fictitious entries on its accounting books and records; (vi) has made, or is making, any bribe, rebate, payoff, influence payment, kickback or other unlawful payment of any nature, or has paid, or is paying, any fee, commission or other payment that has not been properly recorded on its accounting books and records as required by the Anti-Corruption Laws; and (vii) has otherwise given or received anything of value to or from a Government Official, an intermediary for payment to any individual including Government Officials, any political party or customer for the purpose of obtaining or retaining business.
(t)Tax Matters. Exicure (i) has timely and properly paid all Taxes required to be paid that relate to the Acquired Assets or the Assumed Liabilities to the appropriate Governmental Authority (whether or not shown on any Tax Return) and no such Taxes are delinquent and (ii) has timely filed all Tax Returns required to be filed that relate in whole or in part to the Acquired Assets or the Assumed Liabilities. All such Tax Returns are true, complete and accurate in all material respects and were prepared in accordance with Applicable Laws. There are no liens for Taxes on any of the Acquired Assets except for Taxes not yet due and payable. There is no material audit, examination, investigation, contest, litigation, or other proceeding relating to Taxes pending or threatened in writing with respect to any of the Acquired Assets or Assumed Liabilities.
(u)Going Concern. (i) Immediately after giving effect to sale, conveyance, delivery, transfer and assignment of the Acquired Assets contemplated by this Agreement, Exicure shall: (a) be able to pay its debts as they become due; (b) own property that has a fair saleable value greater than the amounts required to pay its debts (including an amount of all

contingent liabilities based on a fair valuation); and (c) have adequate capital to carry on its business; (ii) in connection with the Contemplated Transactions, Exicure has not incurred, nor plans to incur, debts beyond its ability to pay as they become absolute and matured; (iii) the consummation of the Contemplated Transactions does not and will not constitute any transfer or incurrence of any obligation with intent to hinder, delay or defraud any present or future creditor of Exicure; and (iv) the Contemplated Transactions do not and will not constitute a fraudulent transfer, fraudulent conveyance or similar theory under applicable law (including, without limitation, the provisions of Section 548 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code, the Uniform Voidable Transactions Act, the Uniform Fraudulent Conveyance Act, the Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act and other similar laws).
(v)Brokers and other Advisors. No broker, investment banker, financial advisor or other Person is entitled to any broker’s finder’s financial advisory or similar fee or commission in connection with the Contemplated Transactions based upon arrangements made by or on behalf of Exicure.
(w)Inventor Letter. Exicure covenants to use commercially reasonable efforts to expeditiously deliver a letter to each of the Inventors in the form attached hereto as Annex F (each, an “Inventor Letter”) after the Closing Date.
7.3Pre-Closing Period. From the Effective Date until the Closing Date, Exicure shall not take any action (or fail to take any action) if such action (or inaction) could reasonably be expected to (a) materially and adversely affect the Acquired Assets or any rights purported to be transferred and granted to Flashpoint under the Acquired Assets or (b) materially increase liabilities to be assumed by Flashpoint under the Assumed Liabilities; provided that Exicure shall, at its sole expense, take the necessary measures to extend or renew the Acquired Contracts set to expire or terminate prior to the Closing Date, if requested by Flashpoint.
7.4Further Assurances. Each Party covenants to do and perform, and cause to be done and performed, all such further acts and things, and to execute and deliver all such other agreements, certificates, instruments and documents, as the other Party may reasonably request in order to carry out the intent and accomplish the purposes of this Agreement and the consummation of the Contemplated Transactions. In addition to the foregoing, for a period of 180 days following the Closing Date, Exicure shall perform all acts reasonably requested by Flashpoint for the purpose of transferring and transitioning to Flashpoint all Know-How included in the Acquired Assets and providing to Flashpoint such other information as Flashpoint may reasonably request to enable Flashpoint and its Affiliates and Third Party service providers to Exploit the Acquired Assets.

Article 8

8.1Indemnification by Flashpoint. Subject to Section 8.3, Flashpoint hereby agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Exicure, its Affiliates, and all of their respective officers, directors, trustees, employees, and agents and their respective successors, heirs and assigns (collectively, the “Exicure Indemnitees”) from and against all liabilities, damages, expenses and/or loss, including reasonable legal expenses and attorneys’ fees (collectively, “Losses”), resulting from Third Party suits, claims, Actions, proceedings and demands (collectively, “Claims”) against an Exicure Indemnitee arising from (a) Flashpoint’s or its Affiliates’ or Licensees’ research, development, manufacturing, use, marketing or sale of any Compounds or Products or conduct of any Programs or Acquired Assets, in each case after the Closing Date; (b) any Assumed Liabilities; (c) the Northwestern Liabilities; or (d) Flashpoint’s or its Affiliate’s negligence, intentional misconduct, fraud or breach of any obligation, representation, warranty or covenant in this Agreement; provided, that, for purposes of clause (c), “Losses” shall exclude costs and expenses (including legal expenses and attorneys’ fees) relating to the Arbitration that have accrued or been paid through the Closing Date. The foregoing indemnity obligation shall not apply to the extent that any Claim arises from, is based on, or results from any activity or circumstance for which Exicure is obligated to indemnify the Flashpoint Indemnitees under Section 8.2.
8.2Indemnification by Exicure. Subject to Section 8.3, Exicure hereby agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Flashpoint, its Affiliates, and all of their respective officers, directors, trustees, employees, and agents and their respective successors, heirs and assigns (collectively, the “Flashpoint Indemnitees”) from and against all Losses resulting from Claims against a Flashpoint Indemnitee arising from: (a) Exicure’s or its Affiliates’, contractors’ or Licensees’ research, development, manufacturing, use, marketing or sale of any Compound or Product or conduct of any Program or the Acquired Assets, in each case on or prior to the Closing Date, (b) any Retained Liabilities, including any breach by Exicure or its Affiliate of any obligation, representation, warranty or covenant in any Acquired Contract on or prior to the Closing Date, or (c) Exicure’s or its Affiliates’, contractors’ or licensees’ negligence, intentional misconduct, fraud, or breach of any obligation, representation, warranty or covenant in this Agreement. The foregoing indemnity obligation shall not apply to the extent that any Claim arises from, is based on, or results from any activity or circumstance for which Flashpoint is obligated to indemnify the Exicure Indemnitees under Section 8.1.
(a)To be eligible to be indemnified as described in this Article 8, each Indemnitee seeking to be indemnified shall provide the indemnifying Party with prompt notice of any Claim (with a description of the claim and the nature and amount of any such loss) giving rise to the indemnification obligation pursuant to Section 8.1 or 8.2, as the case may be; provided, however, that the failure to give such notification or any deficiency in such notification

shall not affect the indemnification provided under Section 8.1 or 8.2 except to the extent that the indemnifying Party has been actually prejudiced as a result of such failure or deficiency.
(b)The indemnifying Party shall have the ability to control the defense of such claim (with the reasonable cooperation of Indemnitee(s)). Each Indemnitee shall have the right to retain its own counsel, at its own expense, or, if representation by the counsel of the indemnifying Party would be inappropriate due to actual or potential differing interests between such Indemnitee(s) and the indemnifying Party, then at the indemnifying Party’s expense. The cost of defending any Claim shall also be at the indemnifying Party’s expense if the indemnifying Party does not promptly assume defense of, and continue to diligently defend, such Claim. Neither the Indemnitee(s) nor the indemnifying Party shall settle or consent to the entry of any judgment with respect to any Claim for which indemnification is sought without the prior written consent of the other (not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed); provided however, that the indemnifying Party shall have the right to settle or compromise any claim for losses without such prior written consent if the settlement or compromise provides for a full and unconditional release of the Indemnitee(s) and is not materially prejudicial to any Indemnitee’s rights.
8.4Survival. Article 4 and the representations, warranties covenants and obligations contained in this Agreement shall survive the Closing; provided, that, except in the case of fraud or intentional misrepresentation (i) the representations and warranties set forth in Sections 7.2(a) and 7.2(b) shall survive until the date which is one hundred eighty (180) days after the expiration of the applicable statute of limitations, (ii) the remaining representations and warranties contained in this Agreement for a period of twenty-four (24) months from the Closing Date and (iii) any obligations pursuant to subparagraph (b) of Section 8.2, subparagraph (c) of Section 8.1, and any claims relating to Taxes shall survive for a period of six (6) years from the Closing Date. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the indemnification obligations set forth in this Article 8 shall not terminate with respect to any claims as to which the Indemnitee shall have delivered a notice of such claim to the indemnifying Party prior to the expiration of the applicable survival period.
8.5Sole and Exclusive Remedy. Each of the Parties acknowledges and agrees that, as between the Parties, except in the case of claims for equitable relief and claims and causes of action arising from fraud or intentional misrepresentation, its sole and exclusive remedy with respect to third party Claims shall be pursuant to the indemnification provisions set forth in this Article 8. Notwithstanding the foregoing or anything to the contrary in the remainder of this Agreement, Flashpoint may, at its election, set off, deduct or retain any amount due to any Flashpoint Indemnitees under this Article 8 against any payments Flashpoint may be obligated to make pursuant to this Agreement. Flashpoint will promptly notify Exicure in writing of any such offset, which notice shall indicate the amount so offset and the reason for such offset.
Article 9

Dispute Resolution
9.1Resolution by Executive Officers. The Parties recognize that disputes between the Parties as to certain matters may from time to time arise during the term of this Agreement which relate to either Party’s rights and/or obligations hereunder. It is the objective of the Parties

to establish procedures to facilitate the resolution of disputes arising under this Agreement in an expedient manner by mutual cooperation and without resort to litigation. To accomplish this objective, the Parties agree to follow the procedures set forth in this Section 9.1 to resolve any controversy or claim arising out of, relating to or in connection with any provision of this Agreement, if and when a dispute arises under this Agreement. With respect to all disputes arising between the Parties under this Agreement, including, without limitation, any alleged breach under this Agreement or any issue relating to the interpretation or application of this Agreement, if the Parties are unable to resolve such dispute within ten (10) days after such dispute is first identified by either Party in writing to the other, the Parties shall refer such dispute to the chief executive officer of Exicure and the chief executive officer of Flashpoint (collectively, the “Executive Officers”) for attempted resolution by good faith negotiations within thirty (30) days after such notice is received. If the Executive Officers are unable to resolve the dispute, controversy or claim through amicable internal resolution in accordance with this Section 9.1 within thirty (30) days after the matter was referred to them and either Party wishes to pursue the matter, such Party may submit such matter for resolution in accordance with Section 9.2.
(a)Any dispute between the Parties that is not resolved pursuant to Section 9.1, shall be finally settled by arbitration in accordance with the then-current rules of the American Arbitration Association’s Commercial Arbitration Rules (the “Rules”) by a single arbitrator selected in accordance with the Rules. The seat of arbitration shall be located in San Francisco, California, United States. The language to be used in the arbitral proceedings will be English. Any situation not expressly covered by this Agreement shall be decided in accordance with the Rules.
(b)The arbitrator shall issue a reasoned opinion following a full comprehensive hearing no later than twelve (12) months following the selection of the arbitrator as provided for in Section 9.2(a) unless the Parties jointly request an extension or the arbitrator determines in a reasoned decision that the interest of justice or the complexity of the case requires that such limit be extended.
(c)The arbitrator may only issue awards for monetary damages. Any such award shall be promptly paid in Dollars free of any tax, deduction or offset; and any costs, fees or taxes incident to enforcing the award shall, to the maximum extent permitted by Applicable Law, be charged against the Party resisting enforcement. Each Party agrees to abide by the award rendered in any arbitration conducted pursuant to this Section 9.2(c), and agrees that judgment may be entered in any court of competent jurisdiction and the Parties hereby consent to the jurisdiction of such court for purposes of enforcement of such award.
(d)Each Party shall bear its own legal fees and expenses arising out of the dispute resolution procedures described in this Section 9.2 and shall pay an equal share of the fees and expenses of the arbitrator.

(e)The arbitration proceeding shall be confidential and the arbitrator shall issue appropriate protective orders to safeguard each Party’s Confidential Information. Except as required by Applicable Law, no Party shall make (or instruct the arbitrator to make) any public announcement with respect to the proceedings or decision of the arbitrator without prior written consent of the other Party. The existence of any dispute submitted to arbitration, and the award, shall be kept in confidence by the Parties and the arbitrators, except (i) as required in connection with the enforcement of such award, (ii) as otherwise required by Applicable Law or required of a Party to fulfill a legal duty or protect or pursue a legal right, (iii) with the consent of both Parties, or (iv) where such information is already in the public domain other than as a result of a breach of this clause.
(f)Nothing contained in this Agreement shall deny either Party the right to seek injunctive or other equitable relief, including specific performance (but not monetary damages), from a court of competent jurisdiction in the context of a bona fide emergency or prospective irreparable harm, but limited solely to breaches of the provisions of Section 6.1, and such an Action may be filed and maintained notwithstanding any ongoing discussions between the Parties or any ongoing arbitration proceeding. In addition, nothing contained in this Agreement shall preclude Flashpoint from bringing an Action in any court of competent jurisdiction to resolve disputes with Third Parties pertaining to the validity, construction, scope, enforceability, infringement or other violations of Patents or other Intellectual Property Rights, and no such claim shall be subject to arbitration pursuant to this Section 9.2.
Article 10
Conditions Precedent; Termination
10.1Conditions to the Obligations of Flashpoint. The obligation of Flashpoint to effect the Closing is subject to the satisfaction or waiver by Flashpoint, on or prior to the Closing Date, of the following conditions:

(a)Representations and Warranties. The representations and warranties of Exicure set forth in Section 7.2 shall be true and correct as of the Closing Date with the same effect as though made on and as of the Closing Date.
(b)Performance by Exicure. Exicure shall have performed and complied in all material respects with all of its covenants, agreements and obligations contained in this Agreement and required to be performed or complied with on or prior to the Closing Date.
(c)No Material Adverse Change. There shall not have occurred any material adverse change (i) on the business, assets, liabilities, financial condition or results of operations of Exicure, (ii) in the character or condition of any the Acquired Assets, or (iii) Exicure’s ability to consummate the Contemplated Transactions.
(d)No Actions. There shall not be pending or threatened in writing any Action brought by any Governmental Authority or any other Person seeking to restrain or prohibit the consummation of the Contemplated Transactions.
(e)No Injunctions or Restraints. No temporary restraining order, preliminary or permanent injunction or other order issued by any court of competent jurisdiction or other Applicable Law which has the effect of restraining, enjoining or otherwise preventing the consummation of the Contemplated Transactions shall be in effect.
10.2Conditions to the Obligations of Exicure. The obligation of Exicure to effect the Closing is subject to the satisfaction or waiver by Exicure, on or prior to the Closing Date, of the following conditions:
(a)Representations and Warranties. The representations and warranties of Flashpoint set forth in Section 7.1 shall be true and correct as of the Closing Date with the same effect as though made on and as of the Closing Date.
(b)Performance by Flashpoint. Flashpoint shall have performed and complied in all material respects with all of its covenants, agreements and obligations contained in this Agreement and required to be performed or complied with on or prior to the Closing Date.

10.4終止的效力根據第10.3節,如果根據該協議和擬議交易終止,則Flashpoint應立即向exicure發出書面通知,該協議和擬議交易將終止,無需任何一方進一步行動;但是,前提是:(a) 任何一方不得免除因該方故意違反本協議任何條款而產生的任何責任;和(b) 本第10.4節和第11條不受此終止的影響,應繼續完整有效。


Flashpoint Therapeutics,Inc.
4145 Amaranta Ave
加利福尼亞州Palo Alto市94306
注意: 亞當·馬戈林
電子郵件: adam@flashpoint.bio
Goodwin Procter LLP
注意:    尊敬的Deepa Rich
郵箱:    drich@goodwinlaw.com
2430 North Halsted Street
芝加哥,IL 60614
555 California Street
注意:Kelly Boyd, Esq。

11.3不可抗力沒有一方應對無法控制的情況下導致的任何延遲或履行失敗負責,只要行使盡職盡責的能力無法阻止,包括火災、洪水、地震、颶風、禁運、短缺、流行病、大流行、檢疫、戰爭、戰爭行爲(無論是否宣戰)、恐怖主義行爲、暴動、騷亂、內亂、罷工、工會封鎖,或其他勞資糾紛(無論涉及無法履行方的勞動力或任何其他個人)、或天災。 在每種情況下,該B類股東和/或該B類股東的家庭成員需獨立控制在此類帳戶、計劃或信託中持有的B類普通股實時; 宣告免責的一方應盡商業上合理的努力克服相同的困難。受影響一方應儘快通知另一方有關不可抗力情況,並立即採取一切必要合理努力來消除該不可抗力情況。

11.7Assignment. Neither Party may assign or transfer this Agreement or any rights or obligations hereunder without the prior written consent of the other Party, except that Flashpoint may make such an assignment or transfer without Exicure’s consent to its Affiliate or to the successor to all or substantially all of the business of Flashpoint to which this Agreement relates (whether by merger, acquisition, consolidation, sale of assets, sale of a majority of the direct or indirect equity interests in Flashpoint or otherwise). Any permitted assignment shall be binding on the successors, heirs and assigns of the assigning Party. Any assignment or attempted assignment by a Party in violation of the terms of this Section 11.7 shall be null and void.
11.8Limitation of Liability.
(a)Without limiting Section 9.2(f), each Party’s liability under this Agreement shall apply only with respect to claims which, individually or in the aggregate, exceed Twenty Thousand US Dollars ($20,000.00) (the “Threshold”), but if the claims exceed in the aggregate the Threshold, the Party seeking damages is entitled to claim from the other Party the entire amount of all claims and not only the amount in excess of the Threshold.
(b)In no event shall the aggregate liability of each Party for the breach of any representation or warranty exceed: (a) with respect to breaches occurring during the period that is between the Closing Date and 12 months following the Closing Date, one hundred percent (100%) of the Consideration plus one hundred percent (100%) of the licensing fees actually received by Exicure pursuant to Section 4.3 hereof, (b) with respect to breaches occurring during

the period that is between 12 months and 24 months following the Closing Date, one hundred percent (100%) of the Consideration, (c) with respect to breaches occurring during the period that is between 24 months and 36 months following the Closing Date, eighty percent (80%) of the Consideration, and (d) with respect to breaches occurring during the period that is between 36 and 78 months following the Closing Date, fifty (50%) of the Consideration. Liability for breach of any representation or warranty herein shall terminate 78 months following the Closing Date. For purposes of this Section 11.8(b), a breach shall be deemed to have occurred as of the later to occur of (x) the date of the fact, event or circumstance giving rise to such breach and (y) the Closing Date.
11.9Purchase Price Adjustments. To the extent permitted by Applicable Laws, any amounts payable under Article 8 or Article 9 shall be treated by Exicure and Flashpoint as adjustments to the purchase price paid for the Acquired Assets for U.S. federal income tax purposes.
11.10Performance by Affiliates. Flashpoint may discharge any obligations and exercise any right hereunder through any of its Affiliates. Flashpoint hereby guarantees the performance by its Affiliates of its obligations under this Agreement, and shall cause its Affiliates to comply with the provisions of this Agreement in connection with such performance. Any breach by Flashpoint’s Affiliate(s) of any of its obligations under this Agreement shall be deemed a breach by Flashpoint. Whenever this Agreement or any Related Document requires Exicure to take any action, such requirement shall be deemed to include an undertaking on the part of Exicure to its Affiliates to take such action.
11.11Relationship between the Parties. The Parties’ relationship, as established by this Agreement, is solely that of independent contractors. This Agreement does not create any partnership, joint venture or similar business relationship between the Parties. Neither Party is a legal Representative of the other Party, and neither party may assume or create any obligation, representation, warranty or guarantee, express or implied, on behalf of the other Party for any purpose whatsoever.
11.12No Third Party Rights. The provisions of this Agreement are for the exclusive benefit of the Parties, and no other Person shall have any right or claim against either Party by reason of these provisions or be entitled to enforce any of these provisions against either Party.
11.13Headings; Interpretation. The headings of clauses contained in this Agreement preceding the text of the sections, subsections and paragraphs hereof are inserted solely for convenience and ease of reference only and shall not constitute any part of this Agreement, or

have any effect on its interpretation or construction. All references in this Agreement to the singular shall include the plural where applicable. The term “including” or “includes” as used in this Agreement means including, without limiting the generality of any description preceding such term, and the word “or” has the inclusive meaning represented by the phrase “and/or.” Unless otherwise specified, references in this Agreement to any section shall include all subsections and paragraphs in such Section and references in this Agreement to any subsection shall include all paragraphs in such subsection. All references to days in this Agreement shall mean calendar days, unless otherwise specified. Ambiguities and uncertainties in this Agreement, if any, shall not be interpreted against either Party, irrespective of which Party may be deemed to have caused the ambiguity or uncertainty to exist.
11.14English Language. All notices required or permitted to be given hereunder, and all written, electronic, oral or other communications between the Parties regarding this Agreement shall be in the English language. This Agreement was prepared in the English language, which language shall govern the interpretation of, and any dispute regarding, the terms of this Agreement. In the event of any inconsistency or conflict between the English version of this Agreement and any translation of this Agreement into any other language, the English version shall control.
11.15Counterparts; Email or Facsimile Delivery. This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be an original and all of which shall constitute together the same document. This Agreement may be executed via electronic signature, such as DocuSign or similar. Executed counterparts of this Agreement may be delivered by facsimile transmission or by delivery of a scanned counterpart in portable document format (PDF) by e-mail, in either case with delivery confirmed. On such confirmed delivery, facsimile or PDF signatures shall be deemed to have the same force and effect as if the manually signed counterpart had been delivered to the other Party in person.
[signature page to follow]

In Witness Whereof, the Parties hereto have duly executed this Asset Purchase Agreement as of the Effective Date.
Flashpoint Therapeutics, Inc.



Exicure, Inc.




Signature Page to Asset Purchase Agreement

Schedule 1.21: Cavrotolimod Structure
Schedule 1.33: Excluded Contracts
Schedule 1.69: Programs and Related Compounds and Products
Schedule 2.1: Excluded Assets
Schedule 2.1(a): Acquired Contracts
Schedule 2.6: Transfer Schedule
Schedule 7.2(d): Contracts
Schedule 7.2(f)(i): Exicure Registered IP and Transferred Know-How
Schedule 7.2(f)(iv): Claims
Schedule 7.2(f)(v): IP Contracts
Schedule 7.2(f)(vii): Northwestern Patents
Schedule 7.2(f)(ix): Prior Licenses and Assignments
Schedule 7.2(g): Regulatory Documentation and Regulatory Filings
Schedule 7.2(h): Litigation
Schedule 7.2(i): Exicure Documents
Schedule 7.2(j): Clinical Trials
Schedule 7.2(m): Safety Reporting
Schedule 7.2(o): No Conflicts; Consents

Annex A: Assignment and Assumption Agreement
Annex B: Bill of Sale
Annex C: Exicure IND Letter
Annex D: Flashpoint IND Letter
Annex E: Patent Assignment Agreement
Annex F: Form of Inventor Letter