展品 97.1
傳承 教育公司。
I. | 目的 與範圍 |
II. | 管理 |
III. | 討論 主管 |
IV. | 事件 觸發本政策下的回收 |
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V. | 超額 補償:應予追回之金額 |
a. | 如果授予的補償獎勵,無論全部或部分,是基於對財務報告控制項的滿足,則該獎勵將被視為在該控制項被滿足的會計年度中收到。 授予 如果授予的股權補償獎勵的發生時 滿足; | |
b. | 如果授予的股權補償獎勵的發生 授予 則該獎勵將被視為在該控制項被滿足的財政年度中收到。 only 當財務報告措施績效條件達成時,則獎勵將被視為在該財政期間收到 授權; | |
c. | 如果 盈利 如果非股權激勵計劃獎勵的薪酬是基於相關財務報告措施績效目標的達成,則非股權激勵計劃獎勵將被視為在達成該績效目標的財政年度收到 滿足時並且 | |
d. | 如果 盈利 若補償金現金獎勵的核算是基於財務報告控制項績效目標的滿足,則該現金獎勵將被視為在該控制項成就時的財政年度收到 達成. |
VI. | 恢復的方法 |
a. | 要求 要求返還先前支付的現金補償; | |
b. | 尋求 追回因任何股權獎勵的授予、行使、結算、出售、轉讓或其他處置而獲得的任何收益; | |
c. | 抵銷 從公司應付給受覆蓋執行官的任何補償中沖銷已收回的金額; | |
d. | 取消 已授予或未授予的股權獎勵; 和/或 | |
e. | 採取 根據委員會決定的法律允許的任何其他補救和追回行動。 |
VII. | 不切實際 |
根據該政策,委員會將根據本政策追回任何超額薪酬,除非該追回實施不切實際,由委員會依據上市標準確定。特別明白,只有在以下情況下才會被認為追回不切實際:(A)支付給第三方協助執行該政策的直接費用將超過要追回的金額(在得出任何錯誤授予的薪酬金額追回將不切實際的結論之前,委員會將做出合理的嘗試來追回這些錯誤授予的薪酬金額,記錄這些合理的嘗試來追回並將該文件提供給紐交所美國分部);(B)追回將違反本國法律,該法律在2022年11月28日之前已採納(在根據違反本國法律將追回任何錯誤授予的薪酬金額是否不切實際的結論之前,委員會應獲得本國法律顧問的意見,該意見獲得適用於公司普通股交易的國家證券交易所或協會證明是接受的,追回將導致違反的意見,並必須將此意見提供給交易所或協會);或(C)追回可能導致本公司註冊員工廣泛可獲得福利的合格退休計劃無法滿足26 U.S.C. 401(a)(13)或26 U.S.C. 411(a)以及其頒布的規定。
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VIII. | 其他 回收權;認可 |
委員會可能要求在生效日期後簽訂的任何僱用協議、股權獎勵協議或類似協議,作為享有任何其中好處的條件,要求涵蓋高層管理人員同意遵守本政策的條款。本政策下的任何追索權力均為額外措施並非取代公司根據任何類似政策的條款在任何僱用協議、股權獎勵協議或類似協議中可能享有的任何其他追索權力或權利,以及公司可能享有的任何其他法律追索權。公司應向每位涵蓋高層管理人員提供通知並尋求書面(包括電子郵件)對本政策的確認; 提供當未能提供此類通知或獲得該確認時,對於任何涵蓋高層管理人員,此政策的適用性或可強制執行性將不受影響。
IX. | 沒有 被保障高管的賠償 |
X. | 賠償 |
在適用法律允許的範圍內,董事會及委員會的每位成員以及任何被指定行使本政策任何部分權限的高級職員或其他員工,均應受到公司的保障和豁免,以免因履行或未履行本政策而導致被強加或合理承擔的任何損失、成本、責任或支出,並對他或她在符合本政策的行動或不行動導致的或與之相關的任何索賠、訴訟或訴訟中所遭受的或可能參與的或可能成為一方的,或可能被牽連的任何行動或不行動負責,以及對他或她在滿足該等訴訟、訴訟或訴訟中對他或她的判決支付的任何金額予以賠償。 提供, 但是在他或她親自處理和辯護相關事項之前,他或她應給予公司機會,該機會由公司自費處理和辯護。前述保障權不得排除這些個人根據公司章程、公司章程、法律或其他規定享有的任何其他應有的保障權,或公司可能具有的對他們進行賠償或保障的權力。
XI. | Effective Date |
This Policy shall be effective as of the date the Policy is adopted by the Board (the “Board Adoption Date”). This Policy shall apply to any Compensation that is received by Covered Executives on or after [IPO DATE] (the “Effective Date”), even if such Compensation was approved, awarded, granted, or paid to Covered Executives prior to the Effective Date or the Board Adoption Date.
XII. | Amendment and Termination; Interpretation |
The Board may amend this Policy from time to time in its sole discretion and shall amend this Policy as it deems necessary to reflect and comply with further regulations, rules and guidance of the SEC and Listing Standards. The Board may terminate this Policy at any time.
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The Committee is authorized to interpret and construe this Policy and to make all determinations necessary, appropriate, or advisable for the administration of this Policy. This Policy is designed and intended to be interpreted in a manner that is consistent with the requirements of the Listing Standards. To the extent there is any inconsistency between this Policy and such regulations, rules and guidance, such regulations, rules and guidance shall control, and this Policy shall be deemed amended to incorporate such regulations, rules and guidance until or unless the Board or the Committee expressly determine otherwise.
This Policy shall be applicable, binding and enforceable against all Covered Executives and their beneficiaries, heirs, executors, administrators or other legal representatives to the fullest extent of the law. For the avoidance of doubt, this Policy shall be in addition to (and not in substitution of) any other clawback policy of the Company in effect from time to time or applicable to any Covered Executive.
XIII. | Definitions |
For purposes of this Policy, the following terms shall have the following meanings:
1. | “Company” means Legacy Education Inc., a Nevada corporation, and its subsidiaries and their successors. | |
2. | “Compensation” means any compensation which was approved, awarded or granted to, or earned by a Covered Executive (A) while the Company had a class of securities listed on a national securities exchange or a national securities association, and (B) on or after the Effective Date (including any award under any short-term or long-term incentive compensation plan of the Company, including any other short-term or long-term cash or equity incentive award or any other payment) that, in each case, is granted, earned, or vested based wholly or in part upon the attainment of any Financial Reporting Measure (i.e., any measures that are determined and presented in accordance with the accounting principles used in preparing the Company’s financial statements, and any measure that is derived wholly or in part from such measures, including share price and total shareholder return). Compensation may include (but is not limited to) any of the following: |
a. | Annual bonuses and other short- and long-term cash incentives; | |
b. | Stock options; | |
c. | Stock appreciation rights; | |
d. | Restricted shares; | |
e. | Restricted share units; | |
f. | Performance shares; and | |
g. | Performance units. |
3. | “Covered Accounting Restatement” means any accounting restatement of the Company’s financial statements due to the Company’s material noncompliance with any financial reporting requirement under U.S. securities laws. A Covered Accounting Restatement includes any required accounting restatement to correct an error in previously issued financial statements that is material to the previously issued financial statements (commonly referred to as “Big R” restatements) or that would result in a material misstatement if the error were corrected in the current period or left uncorrected in the current period (commonly referred to as “little r” restatements). A Covered Accounting Restatement does not include (A) an out-of-period adjustment when the error is immaterial to the previously issued financial statements, and the correction of the error is also immaterial to the current period; (B) a retrospective application of a change in accounting principle; (C) a retrospective revision to reportable segment information due to a change in the structure of an issuer’s internal organization; (D) a retrospective reclassification due to a discontinued operation; (E) a retrospective application of a change in reporting entity, such as from a reorganization of entities under common control; or (F) a retrospective revision for stock splits, reverse stock splits, stock dividends or other changes in capital structure. |
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4. | “Covered Executive” means any person who: |
a. | Has received applicable Compensation: |
i. | During the Three-Year Recovery Period; and | |
ii. | After beginning service as an Executive Officer; and |
b. | Has served as an Executive Officer at any time during the performance period for such Compensation. |
5. | “Exchange Act” means the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. | |
6. | “Executive Officer(s)” means an “executive officer” as defined in Exchange Act Rule 10D-1(d) and the Listing Standards and includes any person who is the Company’s president, principal financial officer, principal accounting officer (or if there is no such accounting officer, the controller), any vice president of the Company in charge of a principal business unit, division, or function (such as sales, administration, or finance), any other officer who performs a policy-making function, or any other person who performs similar policy-making functions for the Company (with any executive officers of the Company’s parent(s) or subsidiaries being deemed Covered Executives of the Company if they perform such policy making functions for the Company), and such other senior executives or employees who may from time to time be deemed subject to the Policy by the Board in its sole discretion. All executive officers of the Company identified by the Board pursuant to 17 CFR 229.401(b) shall be deemed “Executive Officers.” | |
7. | “Financial Reporting Measure(s)” means any measures that are determined and presented in accordance with the accounting principles used in preparing the Company’s financial statements, and any measure that is derived wholly or in part from such measures, including share price and total shareholder return, including, but not limited to, financial reporting measures including “non-GAAP financial measures” for purposes of Exchange Act Regulation G and 17 CFR 229.10, as well other measures, metrics and ratios that are not non-GAAP measures, like same store sales. Financial Reporting Measures may or may not be included in a filing with the SEC and may be presented outside the Company’s financial statements, such as in Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Conditions and Results of Operations or the performance graph. Financial Reporting Measures include, without limitation, any of the following: |
a. | Company share price; | |
b. | Total shareholder return; | |
c. | Revenues; | |
d. | Net income; | |
e. | Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA); | |
f. | Funds from operations; | |
g. | Liquidity measures such as working capital or operating cash flow; | |
h. | Return measures such as return on invested capital or return on assets; and | |
i. | Earnings measures such as earnings per share. |
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