Accenture plc(紐交所: ACN)的股票上漲了這一週,最新的季度報告中報告了超過9億美元的生成AI預訂。
埃森哲資本Inc.,一家特拉華州公司(「埃森哲資本」或「發行人」),正在發行總額爲11億美元的3.900%到期於2027年的優先票據(「2027年票據」),總額爲12億美元到期於2029年的4.050%優先票據(「2029年票據」),總額爲12億美元到期於2031年的4.250%優先票據(「2031年票據」)和總額爲15億美元到期於2034年的4.500%優先票據(「2034年票據」和與2027年票據,2029年票據和2031年票據一起,「票據」)。2027年票據將於2027年10月4日到期。2029年票據將於2029年10月4日到期。2031年票據將於2031年10月4日到期。2034年票據將於2034年10月4日到期。埃森哲資本將於每年4月4日和10月4日支付票據的利息,自2025年4月4日起計算。票據將以每筆最低面額爲2000美元,以及超過該等額的1000美元整數倍發行。埃森哲資本可能隨時贖回任何系列的所有票據,以及不時贖回一些票據,贖回價格爲本說明書補充提供的適用系列下的贖回價格。該描述是關於2018年定向增發的。 票據和擔保—可選贖回。埃森哲資產管理也可能以在某些情況下以等於該系列債券本金加上截至贖回日期未償付利息的贖回價格的價格贖回該系列債券,債券擔保款項參考適用於擔保的代扣稅發生變化。債券和擔保描述-可自主稅收贖回.”
投資該債券涉及高風險。請參閱“風險因素詳見第頁S-9 本招股說明書補充內容。
公開售價(1) 公開 |
承銷 折扣 |
收益,在此之前 費用,至 埃森哲資本 |
每2027票據 |
99.871 | % | 0.250 | % | 99.621 | % | ||||||
2027年債券總額 |
$ | 1,098,581,000 | $ | 2,750,000 | $ | 1,095,831,000 | ||||||
每張2029票據 |
99.825 | % | 0.350 | % | 99.475 | % | ||||||
2029年票據總額 |
$ | 1,197,900,000 | $ | 4,200,000 | $ | 1,193,700,000 | ||||||
每個2031註釋 |
99.838 | % | 0.400 | % | 99.438 | % | ||||||
2031張票據總數 |
$ | 1,198,056,000 | $ | 4,800,000 | $ | 1,193,256,000 | ||||||
2034票據轉讓 |
99.896 | % | 0.450 | % | 99.446 | % | ||||||
2034票據總額 |
$ | 1,498,440,000 | $ | 6,750,000 | $ | 1,491,690,000 | ||||||
總費用 |
$ | 4,992,977,000 | $ | 18,500,000 | $ | 4,974,477,000 | ||||||
摩根大通 | BofA Securities、Deutsche Bank Securities和Wells Fargo Securities。 | 花旗集團 | 法國巴黎銀行 |
巴克萊銀行 | 法國興業銀行 | 德意志銀行證券 | 匯豐銀行 |
渣打銀行 | 高盛股份有限公司 | 摩根士丹利 |
S-ii | ||||
S-iii | ||||
S-1 | ||||
S-9 | ||||
S-32 | ||||
S-33 | ||||
S-34 | ||||
S-43 | ||||
S-47 | ||||
S-52 | ||||
S-53 | ||||
S-59 | ||||
S-61 | ||||
S-61 |
1 | ||||
3 | ||||
4 | ||||
5 | ||||
7 | ||||
8 | ||||
9 | ||||
10 | ||||
24 | ||||
25 | ||||
26 | ||||
27 | ||||
28 | ||||
29 | ||||
30 | ||||
32 | ||||
32 |
• | 「埃森哲資本」或「發行人」指的是埃森哲資本公司,一家特拉華州公司; |
• | 「埃森哲有限公司」或「擔保方」是指愛爾蘭一家公開有限公司埃森哲有限公司;和 |
• | 「埃森哲」,「我們」,「我們」或「我們」的意思是埃森哲有限公司以及其合併子公司,包括埃森哲資本。 |
PRIIPs法規/禁止銷售給歐洲經濟區的零售投資者 - 這些票據不打算在歐洲經濟區(「歐洲經濟區」)向任何零售投資者提供、出售或以其他方式提供,也不應該向任何歐洲經濟區的零售投資者提供、出售或以其他方式提供。對於這些目的,零售投資者是指符合以下情況之一的人:(i)根據2014/65/EU指令(經修訂,稱爲「MiFID II」)第4(1)條第11點的定義屬於零售客戶;(ii)在2016/97/EU指令(經修訂,「保險分銷指令」)意義上是客戶,而該客戶不符合MiFID II第4(1)條第10點定義的專業客戶;或(iii)根據2017/1129/EU法規第2(e)條定義的合格投資者。 因此,根據「PRIIPs法規」規定,未爲在歐洲經濟區向零售投資者提供或銷售使零售投資者可獲得包裝零售和基於保險的投資產品的重要信息文檔而被準備,因此,在歐洲經濟區向任何零售投資者提供、銷售或以其他方式提供這些票據可能違法。
英國PRIIPs法規/禁止向英國零售投資者銷售 - 這些票據並不打算向任何英國零售投資者提供、出售或以其他方式提供,也不應該向任何英國零售投資者提供、出售或以其他方式提供。對於這些目的,零售投資者是指符合以下情況之一的人:(i)根據EUWA的規定,根據《歐盟(退出)法案2018》和根據該法案授予立法權的任何法規,作爲歐盟(退出)法案的一部分構成同化法律第8條第2點第2版的定義的零售客戶;(ii)根據英國金融服務和市場法2000(經修改,「FSMA」)及其根據FSMA實施2016/97/EU指令的任何規則或法規的規定,屬於不符合EUWA根據歐盟《600/2014/EU法規》第4(1)條第2號定義的專業客戶的那個客戶;或(iii)不是一位合格
• | 我們的經營業績已經,並可能在未來受到波動、負面或不確定的經濟和地緣政治條件以及這些條件對我們客戶業務和業務活動水平的影響的不利影響。 |
• | 我們的業務取決於爲我們的服務和解決方案產生和維持客戶需求,包括通過適應和擴大我們的服務和解決方案以響應技術和產品不斷變化的變化,以及對這種需求的顯著減少或無法適應不斷髮展的技術環境可能會對我們的經營業績產生重大影響。 |
• | 與人工智能(「AI」)的開發和使用相關的風險和不確定性可能會損害我們的業務,損害我們的聲譽或引發法律或監管行動。 |
• | 如果我們無法將全球各地的人員及其技能與客戶需求相匹配,並吸引和留住具有強大領導能力的專業人士,我們的業務、專業人員利用率和經營業績可能會受到重大不利影響。 |
• | 我們面臨着無法保護客戶和/或埃森哲數據免受安全事件或網絡攻擊可能帶來的法律、聲譽和財務風險。 |
• | 我們所處的市場競爭激烈,我們可能無法有效競爭。 |
• | 我們吸引和留住客戶和員工的能力可能取決於我們在市場上的聲譽。 |
• | 如果我們不能成功管理和發展與關鍵生態系統合作伙伴的關係,或者如果我們無法預期並在新技術領域建立新聯盟,我們的經營業績可能會受到不利影響。 |
• | 如果我們無法保持競爭力,成本管理策略失敗,交付效率低下,或未能滿足特定服務水平或約定目標,我們的盈利能力可能會因定價壓力而受到重大影響。 |
• | 我們稅收水平的變化,以及審計、調查和稅收訴訟的變化,或稅法的變化或其解釋或執行方式的變化,都可能對我們的有效稅率、經營業績、現金流和財務狀況產生重大不利影響。 |
• | 我們的經營業績可能會受到外匯匯率波動的重大不利影響。 |
• | 我們的債務義務可能會對我們的業務和財務狀況產生不利影響。 |
• | 會計準則的變化或在編制我們的合併財務報表時進行的估計和假設的變化可能對我們的財務結果產生不利影響。 |
• | 由於我們在全球各地擁有多樣化的業務和繼續在關鍵市場擴張的策略,我們更容易受到某些風險的影響。 |
• | 如果我們無法應對與規模相關的組織挑戰,我們可能無法實現業務目標。 |
• | 我們可能無法成功地收購、投資或整合企業,進入合資企業或剝離企業。 |
• | 如果我們承擔法律責任,我們的業務可能會受到重大不利影響。 |
• | 我們的全球業務使我們面臨衆多有時候相互衝突的法律和監管要求,違反這些法規可能會損害我們的業務。 |
• | 我們與政府客戶的合作使我們承擔額外的風險,政府合同環境中固有的風險。 |
• | 如果我們無法保護或執行我們的知識產權,或者我們的服務或解決方案侵犯他人的知識產權,或者我們失去利用他人的知識產權的能力,我們的業務可能會受到不利影響。 |
• | 我們註冊於愛爾蘭,愛爾蘭法律與美國現行法律有所不同,可能給我們的股東帶來較少的保護。我們還可能會受到與我們在愛爾蘭設立公司相關的批評和負面宣發。 |
有關這些因素的更詳細討論,請參閱我們最近年度報告表格第「風險因素」之下的信息 10-K, 最近提交的季度報告表格第「風險因素」之下的信息 10-Q 參見美國證券交易委員會(「SEC」)提交的其他文件,本材料以及我們提交的其他文件。我們對未來展望性聲明僅以本招股說明書日期或形成聲明日期爲準,我們不承擔更新任何未來展望性聲明的義務。請參閱“風險因素.”
本摘要突出了關於埃森哲和本次債券發行的某些信息。 本摘要未包含可能對您重要的所有信息。 在做出投資決策之前,您應該仔細閱讀本招股說明書補充、隨附的招股說明書以及在此和其中引用的文件,包括「風險因素」下的內容,以及我們的財務報表和相關附註。
埃森哲是全球領先的專業服務公司,幫助世界領先的組織構建其數字核心,優化其運營,加速營業收入增長並增強服務,快速且規模化地創造有形價值。 我們是一個以人才和創新爲引領的公司,擁有約774,000名員工,爲120多個國家的客戶提供服務。 科技是當今變革的核心,我們是在推動這種變革方面的全球領先者之一,擁有強大的生態系統關係。 我們將科技領域的實力與在雲、數據和人工智能方面的領導力相結合,具備無與倫比的行業經驗、功能專長和全球交付能力。 我們在策略與諮詢、技術、運營、行業板塊 X、歌曲等領域的廣泛服務、解決方案和資產,加上我們共享成功文化以及致力於創造360度價值的承諾,使我們能夠幫助客戶重塑並構建可信賴且持久的關係。 我們以爲客戶、彼此、股東、合作伙伴和社區創造360度價值來衡量我們的成功。 創新是引領科技變革的核心 公司擁有約774,000名員工,爲120多個國家的客戶提供服務。 科技是當今變革的核心,我們是在推動這種變革方面的全球領先者之一,擁有強大的生態系統關係。 我們將科技領域的實力與在雲、數據和人工智能方面的領導力相結合,具備無與倫比的行業經驗、功能專長和全球交付能力。 我們在策略與諮詢、技術、運營、行業板塊 X、歌曲等領域的廣泛服務、解決方案和資產,加上我們共享成功文化以及致力於創造360度價值的承諾,使我們能夠幫助客戶重塑並構建可信賴且持久的關係。 我們以爲客戶、彼此、股東、合作伙伴和社區創造360度價值來衡量我們的成功。
埃森哲資本是埃森哲股份有限公司的間接全資子公司。 埃森哲資本成立於2001年,根據特拉華州的法律。 請參閱“關於本附錄”和“您可以在哪裏找到更多信息.”
埃森哲資本的首席執行辦公室位於伊利諾伊州芝加哥市麥迪遜街500號,聯繫電話爲(312) 693-0161.
票據將由擔保方埃森哲plc全額無條件擔保。埃森哲plc的首席執行辦公室位於愛爾蘭都柏林大運河廣場1號,聯繫電話爲+(353) (1) 646-2000.
三個月之內結束 8月31日, |
2,185 8月31日, |
2024 | 2023 | 2024 | 2023 | |||||||||||||
收入 |
$ | 16,406 | $ | 15,985 | $ | 64,896 | $ | 64,112 | ||||||||
營業費用 |
14,052 | 14,072 | 55,301 | 55,302 | ||||||||||||
業務優化成本 |
106 | 472 | 438 | 1,063 | ||||||||||||
營業利潤 |
2,354 | 1,913 | 9,596 | 8,810 | ||||||||||||
稅前收入 |
2,333 | 1,959 | 9,699 | 9,139 | ||||||||||||
所得稅費用 |
614 | 551 | 2,280 | 2,136 | ||||||||||||
淨收入 |
1,719 | 1,408 | 7,419 | 7,004 | ||||||||||||
淨利潤歸屬於埃森哲加拿大控股有限公司的非控股權益 |
(2 | ) | (1 | ) | (7 | ) | (7 | ) | ||||||||
歸屬於非控股利益的其他淨利潤。(1) |
(33 | ) | (34 | ) | (147 | ) | (125 | ) | ||||||||
淨利潤歸屬於埃森哲有限公司 |
1,684 | 1,373 | 7,265 | 6,872 |
(1) | 主要由Avanade,Inc.的非控股股東持有的非控制權益組成。 |
截至 2024年8月31日 |
截至 2023年8月31日 |
現金及現金等價物 |
$ | 5,004 | $ | 9,045 | ||||
總資產 |
55,932 | 51,245 | ||||||
流動負債合計 |
18,976 | 18,009 | ||||||
開多期債務,淨電流部分 |
79 | 43 | ||||||
總 非流動性 負債 |
7,788 | 6,778 | ||||||
埃森哲股份公司股東權益總額 |
28,289 | 25,693 | ||||||
非控股權益 |
880 | 766 | ||||||
股東權益合計 |
29,168 | 26,459 | ||||||
負債和股東權益總計 |
55,932 | 51,245 |
三個月之內結束 8月31日, |
2,185 8月31日, |
2024 | 2023 | 2024 | 2023 | |||||||||||||
經營活動產生的現金流量 |
$ | 3,389 | $ | 3,409 | $ | 9,131 | $ | 9,524 | ||||||||
折舊、攤銷及其他 |
596 | 641 | 2,168 | 2,281 | ||||||||||||
投資活動產生的現金流量 |
(1,547 | ) | (1,367 | ) | (7,062 | ) | (2,622 | ) | ||||||||
購買固定資產 |
(214 | ) | (180 | ) | (517 | ) | (528 | ) | ||||||||
籌資活動產生的現金流量 |
(2,429 | ) | (1,480 | ) | (6,064 | ) | (5,645 | ) |
營業收入 增長(減少) 與美國百萬美元相比 美元的增長(減少) 2023財年 |
百分比 增長(減少) 以美元計價 |
百分比 增加(減少) 以本地貨幣計價(1) |
地理市場 |
北美洲 | $ | 445 | 1 | % | 2 | % | |||||||
歐洲、中東、非洲 | 525 | 2 | — | |||||||||||
增長市場 | (186 | ) | (2 | ) | 7 | |||||||||
行業 板塊(2) |
通信、媒體和科技 | $ | (616 | ) | (5 | )% | (4 | )% | ||||||
金融服務。 | (521 | ) | (4 | ) | (3 | ) | ||||||||
衛生與公共服務 | 1,280 | 10 | 10 | |||||||||||
產品 | 450 | 2 | 2 | |||||||||||
資源 | 191 | 2 | 4 | |||||||||||
工作類型(3) |
諮詢 | $ | (418 | ) | (1) | % | (1) | % | ||||||
管理服務 | 1,203 | 4 | 5 |
(1) | 我們使用「以本地貨幣計算」這一術語,以便查看某些財務結果時無需考慮外匯匯率波動的影響,從而便於比較業績表現。 我們相信這些指標和措施有助於便於我們業務的期間比較,並便於將我們的績效與其他支付解決方案提供商的績效進行比較。 以當地貨幣計算的財務結果是通過將當前期活動重新計算爲美元,使用可比的上一財年期間的外匯匯率。這種方法適用於所有功能貨幣不是美元的結果。 |
(2) | 我們的通信、媒體和科技行業板塊服務通信和媒體、高科技以及軟件和平台公司。我們的金融服務行業板塊服務銀行和資本市場以及保險公司。我們的健康和公共服務行業板塊服務健康和公共服務公司。我們的產品行業板塊服務消費品、零售和旅遊服務、工業以及生命科學公司。我們的資源行業板塊服務化學品和自然資源、能源和公用事業公司。 |
(3) | 諮詢包括策略、管理和技術諮詢以及技術整合諮詢,並反映出明確的、特定的項目或項目集,具有明確定義的結果和通常具有明確的具體可交付成果。託管服務包括爲轉移、運行和/或管理客戶系統或業務功能提供的持續、可重複的服務或能力。 |
基本報表。KPMG LLP,我們的獨立核數師,並未對隨附的初步財務數據進行審計、複覈、檢查、編制或執行同意程序,因此對此不表達意見或其他任何形式的保證。KPMG LLP的報告併入於此處引用,涉及埃森哲先前發佈的財務報表。該報告不涵蓋初步財務數據,不能據此進行解讀。
上述僅爲摘要,並非旨在成爲埃森哲未經審計的初步財務結果的全面陳述。實際結果可能會因財務結賬程序的完成、最終調整及在本期財務結果最終確定之時之間可能出現的其他情況而有重大差異。截至2024年8月31日及該時期的經審計財務報表將包含在我們的年度報告中10-K表格 ,截至2024年8月31日的財政年度結束。在您就此項目做出投資決定之前,您將無法查閱埃森哲截至2024年8月31日的經審計財務報表。
發行人 |
埃森哲資本。 |
發行票據 |
11億美元總票面額,到期日爲2027年的3.900%優先票據。 |
12億美元總票面額,到期日爲2029年的4.050%優先票據。 |
12億美元總票面額,到期日爲2031年的4.250%優先票據。 |
到期日2034年到期的45.0%高級票據總額爲15億美元。 |
保證人 |
埃森哲有限公司。 |
保證 |
票據將由擔保方全額無條件擔保。 |
到期日期 |
2027年票據:2027年10月4日。 |
2029年票據:2029年10月4日。 |
2031年的筆記:2031年10月4日。 |
2034年的筆記:2034年10月4日。 |
利率 |
2027年的筆記將於2024年10月4日起計息,年利率爲3.900%,每半年支付一次,拖欠支付。2029年的筆記將於2024年10月4日起計息,年利率爲4.050%,每半年支付一次,拖欠支付。2031年的筆記將於2024年10月4日起計息,年利率爲4.250%,每半年支付一次,拖欠支付。2034年的筆記將於2024年10月4日起計息,年利率爲4.500%,每半年支付一次,拖欠支付。 |
支付利息日期 |
筆記的利息將於每年4月4日和10月4日拖欠支付,從2025年4月4日開始。 |
排名 |
這些債券將是發行人一般的無擔保和無次位債務,其支付權利與其他一切現有和未來的發行人無擔保和無次位借款權利享有平等地位。債券將有效 |
對於所有發行人現有和未來擔保債務,受保護資產價值範圍內受限。截至2024年5月31日,發行人沒有借入資金的擔保債務,但有160億美元的票據未償還。發行人的設立目的是作爲我們債券的發行人和不時借用我們的信貸設施的借款人,沒有獨立資產、業務或收入。它沒有任何子公司,也不會擁有任何資產、現金流或資本資源用於履行債券項下的任何義務。 |
擔保責任將是擔保人的一般無擔保和次級責任,並將在支付權利方面與擔保人的所有現有和未來無擔保和次級債務平等排位。擔保責任在價值受限的情況下將有效地優先於擔保人現有和未來的擔保債務。截至2024年5月31日,擔保人沒有借入資金的債務。擔保責任將在結構上次級於擔保人子公司的所有現有和未來的有擔保和無擔保債務及其他負債。截至2024年5月31日,擔保人的子公司(除發行人外)沒有未償還借入資金的債務。 |
可選擇贖回 |
發行人可以自行選擇在適用的看漲日(下文中有定義)之前的任何時候全額或部分贖回任何系列債券,贖回價格等於待贖回系列債券本金金額的更高者,以及一個「補償性」金額,加上相應贖回日期的已計利息。 |
在適用的看漲日之後,發行人可以選擇在任何時候全額或部分贖回任何系列債券,贖回價格等於待贖回系列債券本金金額的100%,以及一個「補償性」金額,加上相應的贖回日期的已計利息。 |
關於贖回價格計算的更詳細信息,請參閱“票據和擔保描述—選擇性贖回.” |
補充金額 |
除了少數例外情況外,擔保方已同意不時向票據持有人支付額外金額,以應對擔保項下的任何支付受到某些 稅款(定義見“票據和擔保描述—支付額外金額”。然而,對於任何美國稅款,不會支付額外金額。 |
票據選擇稅務贖回: |
在某些方面的變化情況下 非美國人。 擔保一系列票據所適用的稅款,發行人可能 |
在任何時間於此類票據的到期日之前,可以整體贖回這類票據,但不得部分贖回,以贖回價格等於其本金金額的100%加上截至到贖回日的此類票據所應計未償利息。請參閱“債券和擔保描述-可自主稅收贖回.” |
契約 |
信託文件包括某些必須滿足的要求,如果發行人或擔保人與其他實體或人士合併、轉讓或全部轉讓其資產,或者進行其他實質性交易。請參閱“票據和擔保的描述—合併與併購。” |
資金用途 |
我們打算利用本次發行的淨收益用於一般企業用途,包括償還未償還的商業票據借款。請參閱“使用所得款項.” |
利益衝突 |
承銷商及其各自的關聯機構是從事各種活動的全方位金融機構,可能包括證券交易、商業和投資銀行業務、財務諮詢、投資管理、投資研究、主要投資、對沖、融資和券商業務。在各自業務的日常經營活動中,某些承銷商及其關聯機構已經參與過並可能在將來參與商業銀行業務、衍生品和/或財務諮詢、投資銀行以及其他商業交易和服務,以及向我們及我 們的關聯機構提供或將提供慣例性的手續費和佣金。例如,摩根大通證券有限責任公司的關聯機構、美銀證券公司、花旗環球市場有限公司和法國巴黎銀行證券公司是我們信貸協議下的貸款人,摩根大通證券有限責任公 司及美銀證券公司的關聯機構則擔任我們的商業票據計劃的經銷商和承銷代理。此外,擔保人及其關聯機構可能按照我們業務的日常經營爲承銷商或其關聯機構提供諮詢和其他服務。請參閱"承銷(利益衝突).” |
市場缺席 |
每一筆票據系列都是新的證券發行,沒有已建立的交易市場。我們目前沒有意向申請在任何證券交易所上市任何系列票據,或尋求它們被任何自動報價系統交易的承認。因此,我們無法保證任何系列票據的市場發展或流動性。請參閱"承銷(利益衝突).” |
風險因素 |
參見「」了解證券交易委員會對此類賠償條款的立場風險因素詳見第頁S-9 關於我們和投資債券的重要信息,請閱讀本招股說明書補充 |
Further Issuances |
The Issuer may, from time to time, without the written consent of and without giving notice to holders of the Notes of any series, create and issue additional Notes having the same terms and conditions as the Notes of the applicable series in all respects (other than the issue date, public offering price, first date of interest accrual and, to the extent applicable, first interest payment date of such notes). If we issue additional Notes of a series, those additional Notes will be consolidated with and form a single series with the previously outstanding Notes of the applicable series; provided, however, if any additional Notes of such series are not fungible with the Notes of such series offered by this prospectus supplement for U.S. federal income tax purposes, the additional Notes will have separate CUSIP and ISIN numbers. |
Trustee |
The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A. |
Governing Law |
The Notes and the indenture will be governed by the laws of the State of New York. |
如上所述,全球經濟和政治形勢不穩、負面或不確定,以及我們所服務市場的增長率下降或收縮,已經嚴重影響,並且未來可能會繼續影響客戶對我們服務和解決方案的需求。我們的成功在一定程度上取決於我們繼續開發和實施能夠預見並應對技術快速持續變化以及滿足客戶不斷演變需求的服務和解決方案的能力。一些重要變化領域的示例包括數字化、雲計算、安全相關的服務,這些領域不斷髮展演變,以及人工智能、生成式人工智能、增強和虛擬現實、自動化、blockchain、物聯網、量子和邊緣計算、基礎設施和網絡工程、智能連接產品、數字工程和製造、以及機器人解決方案等領域的發展。 當我們將服務和解決方案拓展至這些新領域時,我們可能面臨操作、法律、監管、倫理、技術等新領域特定風險,這可能會對我們的聲譽和對我們服務和解決方案的需求產生負面影響。
與人工智能的發展和使用相關的風險和不確定性可能會對我們的業務造成損害,影響我們的 聲譽或引發法律或監管行動。
我們正在越來越多地應用 人工智能相關的 科技,包括AI演算法,應用於我們的服務和解決方案中,應用於我們向客戶交付工作的方式,以及我們的內部運營。此外,我們正在創建新的產品以實現 客戶的人工智能解決方案。我們在人工智能方面進行了大量投資,並且仍在不斷承擔顯著的開發和運營成本,以開發和部署我們自己和客戶的人工智能服務和解決方案。如果我們無法 繼續開發領先的人工智能服務和解決方案,包括AI演算法,我們可能會失去在這一領域的領導地位,並未能實現我們在人工智能投資中預期的收益。
人工智能技術複雜且迅速發展,我們面臨着來自競爭對手的重大競爭,包括來自我們自己的客戶,他們可能會開發自己的 與人工智能相關的 能力,這可能會導致我們的服務或解決方案的需求減少。隨着這些技術的發展,目前由我們員工執行的一些服務和任務將被自動化替代,包括 人工智能啓用的 這些解決方案將導致我們服務的需求減少和/或對我們專業人士的利用率產生不利影響,前提是這些服務的需求未被新服務的需求所取代。利用人工智能能力來支持我們的內部職能和運營還帶來了額外的風險、成本和挑戰,包括在這些風險因素中討論的內容。
有關人工智能的發展規則、法規和行業標準可能要求我們承擔重大成本,以修改、維護或調整我們的業務實踐、服務和解決方案,以符合美國和 非美國 的規則和法規,這些法規的性質目前尚無法確定,並且可能因司法管轄區而異。 我們運營的幾個司法管轄區正在考慮或已提出或頒佈立法和政策來監管人工智能和 非個人 數據,例如歐盟的人工智能法案和美國的 關於人工智能的行政命令。這些法規可能對我們如何設計、構建和部署人工智能以及處理 非個人數據施加重大要求。 爲我們自己和客戶的數據,或者限制我們將某些人工智能能力融入到我們的產品中的能力。
我們特別依賴於留住 埃森哲 管理層的成員,這些成員具備關鍵能力。如果我們無法做到這一點,我們在創新、創造新業務機會以及有效領導大型和複雜轉型和客戶關係方面的能力可能會受到威脅。我們依賴於識別、發展和留住頂尖人才以創新和領導我們的 業務。這包括在技術熟練員工可能有限的市場中發展人才和領導能力。我們在關鍵市場的擴展能力在很大程度上依賴於我們吸引、發展、留住和整合地方業務的領導者和具備關鍵能力的人員。
我們的股權激勵補償計劃和其他 變量 現金補償項目以及晉升,旨在獎勵表現優異的個人對我們的貢獻,並提供激勵使他們留在我們公司。如果由於公司的表現或波動性,或我們股票價格缺乏正面表現,導致這些激勵預期的價值或晉升步伐未能實現,或者如果我們的整體補償方案未被視爲具有競爭力,我們吸引和留住所需人才的能力可能會受到負面影響。此外,如果我們未能獲得 股東 批准,繼續根據我們認爲必要的數量授予股權獎勵,我們的吸引和留住人才的能力可能會受到負面影響。
我們面臨法律、聲譽和金融風險,因爲未能保護客戶和/或 埃森哲 的數據免受安防 事件或網絡攻擊的影響。
我們依賴信息技術網絡和系統來安全地處理、傳輸和存儲電子信息,以及在全球各地與我們的員工、客戶、生態系統合作伙伴和供應商之間進行溝通。隨着這一基礎設施的廣度和複雜性不斷增加,包括由於對移動科技、 社交媒體 和基於雲的服務的依賴和使用日益增加,隨着越來越多的員工繼續遠程工作,以及網絡攻擊變得越來越複雜(例如深度僞造和人工智能生成的社交工程),安防 事件和網絡攻擊的風險也在增加。威脅行爲者可能利用新興的人工智能技術開發新的黑客工具和攻擊方法,利用漏洞,掩蓋他們的活動,並增加威脅歸屬的難度。這些事件可能導致我們和客戶系統的停機、干擾或損壞。
合作伙伴和供應商,以及對敏感或機密信息的未經授權披露,包括個人數據和專有業務信息。過去,我們經歷過,未來我們可能會再次經歷,數據安全事件,這些事件源於對我們及我們的服務提供商系統的未經授權訪問,以及對我們和客戶數據的未經授權獲取,包括:意外披露, 系統配置錯誤,釣魚勒索或惡意軟體攻擊。此外,我們的客戶經歷過,未來也可能會經歷,由我們啓用、管理或提供的系統和基於雲的服務的違規行爲。迄今爲止,這些 事件對我們或客戶的經營沒有產生重大影響;然而,不能保證未來這種影響不會是重大的,這些事件在過去產生過的影響,未來可能仍會產生如下討論的影響。
在向客戶提供服務和解決方案時,我們經常管理、利用和存儲敏感或機密的客戶、埃森哲或其他第三方數據,包括客戶和其他個人數據及專有信息,我們預計這些活動將會增加,包括通過使用人工智能、物聯網和分析。未經授權的披露 或使用、拒絕訪問、或其他涉及敏感或機密客戶、供應商、生態系統合作伙伴或埃森哲數據的事件,無論是由於系統故障、員工過失、欺詐、挪用,或網絡安全、勒索軟體或惡意軟體攻擊,或其他有意或無意的行爲,都可能損害我們的聲譽和我們在市場上的競爭地位,擾亂我們或客戶的業務,導致我們失去客戶,並導致重大財務 損失和法律責任。同樣,未經授權訪問或通過、拒絕訪問、停機或其他涉及我們的軟體和IT供應鏈的事件, software-as-a-service 提供商,我們或我們的服務提供商的信息系統,或我們爲客戶開發的信息系統,無論是由我們的員工還是第三方造成,包括計算機程序員、黑客、組織犯罪成員和/或國家支持的組織,他們不斷開發和部署病毒、勒索軟體、惡意軟體或其他惡意軟體程序或社交工程攻擊,已經導致並可能在未來造成負面宣傳、重大修覆成本、法律責任、對我們聲譽的損害以及政府制裁,並可能對我們的經營業績產生重大不利影響——請參見下面標題爲“如果我們承擔法律責任,我們的業務可能會受到重大不利影響。網絡安全威脅不斷擴展和演變,變得越來越複雜和先進,增加了檢測和防禦它們的難度,並維持有效的安防措施和協議。
我們受到衆多法律和法規的約束,這些法律法規旨在保護這信息,包括隱私和網絡安全法,如歐盟的通用數據保護條例(「GDPR」)、英國的GDPR、美國各州近期的全面隱私立法以及各種其他美國聯邦和州法律,管理隱私、健康或其他個人身份信息的保護,以及其他地區的數據隱私和網絡安全法律,以及相關的合同義務。 這些法律和法規仍然在不斷髮展,複雜性和數量不斷增加,並且在我們運營的各個國家之間越來越多地發生衝突,導致我們面臨更大的合規風險和成本。各種隱私法律對個人數據的處理施加了合規義務,包括數據本地化和數據的跨境轉移,以及不合規的重大財務罰款。例如,未能遵守GDPR可能會導致監管執法行動,這可能導致全球營業收入高達4%的貨幣罰款,停止某些數據處理操作的命令,民事訴訟或聲譽損害。如果任何人,包括我們的任何員工,疏忽忽視或故意違反我們在客戶、第三方或埃森哲數據方面制定的控制措施,或以其他方式錯誤管理或挪用該數據,我們可能會面臨重大訴訟、貨幣損害、監管執法行動、罰款和/或在一個或多個司法管轄區內的刑事起訴。這些貨幣損害可能不受合同責任限制或不包括附帶或間接損害,且可能相當重大。此外,我們的責任保險,包括網絡保險,可能在類型或金額上不足以保護我們免受與安全事件、網絡攻擊和其他相關事件有關的索賠。
• | 大型跨國IT服務提供商,包括大型全球科技提供商的服務部門; |
• | 離岸 低成本區域的IT服務提供商,尤其是在 印度; |
• | 提供諮詢、託管服務以及其他IT服務和解決方案的會計師事務所和諮詢公司; |
• | 在特定地理市場、行業或服務領域與我們競爭的解決方案或服務提供商,包括廣告公司控股公司、工程服務提供商和科技 初創公司 和其他能夠快速擴展以專注於或顛覆特定市場並提供新或替代產品、服務或交付模型的公司;以及 |
• | 內部 大型企業的IT部門使用自己的資源,而不是聘請外部公司,例如越來越多設立全球能力中心的公司。 |
我們與能力互補的公司建立了聯盟。我們營業收入和服務與解決方案的很大一部分基於一些主要生態系統合作伙伴提供的科技或軟體。請參閱我們最新年度報告第一部分中的「業務—服務」。 10-K.
我們的一些生態系統合作伙伴也是我們的大型客戶或科技供應商。我們所做的決策 與…… 一個生態系統合作伙伴可能會影響我們與其他生態系統成員的持續聯盟關係。
• | 一般經濟和政治條件; |
• | 我們客戶希望降低成本; |
• | 我們行業的競爭環境; |
• | 競爭對手引入新技術(例如生成式人工智能)、服務或產品,可能會降低我們獲取有利定價的能力,並影響我們所提供服務或解決方案的整體經濟情況; |
• | 我們準確估算服務交付成本的能力,有時決定於這些成本,包括我們估計通貨膨脹和匯率期貨對我們服務交付成本的長期合同產生的影響; |
• | 客戶的採購實踐及其對第三方顧問的使用。 |
如果我們無法保持競爭力,我們的盈利能力可能會受到影響。. 我們所在行業的競爭環境以多種方式影響我們以目標經濟性獲得新合同的能力,其中任何一種方式都可能對我們的經營業績產生重大負面影響。我們無法區分我們的服務和解決方案或清晰傳達我們服務和解決方案的價值,風險越高,我們在贏得足夠量的新項目以及以我們的目標定價和整體經濟性贏得新項目的能力就越大。競爭對手有時可能願意承擔更多風險或以低於我們的價格投標,以進入市場或增加市場份額。
如果我們的成本管理策略不成功,我們的盈利能力可能會受到影響,我們可能無法提高盈利能力。 我們改善或維持盈利能力的能力取決於成功管理成本,包括採取行動減少某些成本和優化我們的業務。我們的成本管理策略包括保持服務和解決方案需求與交付所需的人員之間的適當配合。如果我們無法有效地管理運營成本以響應需求或定價變化,或者如果我們無法成本有效地僱傭和留住具有交付我們服務和解決方案所需的知識和技能的人員,特別是在新技術和提供的領域以及在正確的地理位置,我們可能會產生增加的成本,這可能會降低我們繼續投資於業務以實現我們計劃的增長速度和所期望的盈利水平的能力。
如果我們不能準確預測執行工作的成本、風險和複雜性,或者我們依賴的第三方未能兌現承諾,那麼我們的合同可能存在交付效率低下的問題,盈利可能低於預期甚至虧損。 我們的合同盈利能力高度依賴於我們對提供服務和解決方案所需的工作量和成本的預測,這些預測是基於可用數據的。
總體稅收環境依然高度不確定,且日益複雜。歐洲委員會一直在進行調查, 重點關注地方國家的稅收裁定或稅收立法是否提供違反歐盟國家援助規則的優惠稅收待遇。在美國,各種提高公司所得稅的提案週期性被考慮。全球各個國家和歐盟已實施或計劃實施數字稅,以根據最終用戶所在地點對公司徵收增量稅。經濟合作與發展組織(「OECD」)是一個成員國的全球聯盟,進一步制定了Co-operation 國際稅務改革計劃。該計劃 旨在防止新的數字稅的蔓延,並通過建立一個新的全球系統來基於用戶的所在地對收入徵稅,以確保各國之間利潤的更公平分配,並通過引入全球最低稅收來對稅收競爭施加底線。愛爾蘭和我們運營的其他國家已經實施了OECD的全球最低稅率,即第二支柱,適用於我們自2025財政年度起。其他國家也在積極考慮對其稅法進行修改,以採納OECD的某些部分的 雙支柱 雙支柱 框架。我們無法預測未來OECD指導和財報解讀、相關地方國家稅收立法以及對我們兩柱制度立場的地方挑戰對我們所得稅的影響。然而,我們預計兩柱制度將進一步增加所得稅的複雜性和不確定性。各種司法管轄區對挑戰稅收立場和制定新稅法的關注增加,可能會對我們的有效稅率、經營業績、現金流和財務狀況產生重大不利影響。
隨着我們繼續利用我們的全球交付模式,我們產生的費用越來越多 我們爲相關服務開具賬單時使用的貨幣以外的貨幣。某些貨幣,例如印度盧比或菲律賓披索,兌我們收入所用貨幣的價值上漲可能會增加以下貨幣的成本 在以下地點提供服務 離岸 通過增加以當地貨幣計價的勞動力和其他成本來建造場所。我們的合同條款或成本管理努力可能無法抵消他們 影響,而我們的貨幣套期保值活動旨在部分抵消這種影響,但可能不會成功。這可能會導致我們使用交付中心資源的合同的盈利能力下降。在 此外,我們的貨幣套期保值活動本身也面臨風險。其中包括與套期保值合約下的交易對手錶現相關的風險、與套期保值無效相關的風險以及與貨幣波動相關的風險。我們還面對 極端經濟狀況、政治不穩定、敵對行動或下述類型的災難可能影響或消除我們正在對沖的潛在風險敞口的風險。這樣的事件可能會導致損失 在當時的貨幣套期保值中確認,這些套期保值不會被標的套期保值風險敞口的預期變化所抵消。
我們的債務義務 可能會對我們的業務和財務狀況產生不利影響。
我們目前的債務和特此發行的票據,以及任何其他債務 我們承擔的債務可能會對我們的財務狀況和未來的財務業績產生不利影響,除其他外,要求將部分預期運營現金用於償還債務,從而減少 可用於其他用途的現金流量。我們還可能需要籌集額外融資,這將取決於我們的財務狀況和業績,以及當前的市場狀況和其他因素。 超出我們的控制範圍。我們可能無法以我們可接受的條件獲得額外的融資或再融資,或者根本無法獲得任何融資,這可能會對我們償還未償債務或償還未償債務的能力產生不利影響 它到期了,可能會對我們的業務和財務狀況產生不利影響。此外,進一步的負債可能會增加我們信用評級未來下調的風險,這可能會增加未來的債務成本並限制未來 債務融資的可用性。
會計準則或我們在編制會計準則時所做的估算和假設的更改 我們的合併財務報表可能會對我們的財務業績產生不利影響。
我們的財務報表編制於 符合美國公認的會計原則。會計準則的變化可能會對我們的經營業績和財務狀況產生重大不利影響。普遍接受的申請 會計原則要求我們對影響我們報告的財務狀況和經營業績的某些項目和未來事件以及隨之而來的披露等內容做出估計和假設, 收入確認和所得稅。我們的估算基於歷史經驗、合同承諾和其他各種假設,我們認爲這些假設在當時和作出這些假設時是合理的。這些估計和 假設涉及判斷的運用,存在重大不確定性,其中一些不確定性是我們無法控制的。如果我們的估計或此類估計所依據的假設不正確,則實際結果可能與之存在重大差異 我們的估計,除其他外,我們可能需要調整收入或累積可能對我們的經營業績產生不利影響的額外成本。
由於我們的 地域多元化的業務以及我們在全球主要市場繼續增長的戰略,我們更容易受到某些風險的影響。
我們在全球 52 個國家/地區的 200 多個城市設有辦事處和業務。我們戰略的一個方面是繼續增長 我們在全球的主要市場。我們的策略可能不會成功。如果我們無法管理全球運營和戰略的風險,我們的經營業績和增長能力可能會受到重大不利影響。
突發衛生事件或流行病;恐怖暴力行爲;政治、社會和內亂;區域和國際戰爭及其他 敵對行動和對這些戰爭和敵對行動的國際反應; 自然災害,
我們的業務模式依賴於我們的全球交付能力。 雖然我們的交付中心遍佈全球,但我們在印度和菲律賓設立了大量的交付能力,這裏分別是我們員工數量最多和第二多的地方。此外,某些客戶和市場主要由單個交付中心支持。集中我們的交付能力在這些地點會帶來一些操作風險,包括本風險因素中討論的許多我們無法控制的風險,這些風險已經並可能在未來受到日益加強的地緣政治緊張局勢的加劇。雖然這些事件並沒有對我們向客戶交付服務的能力產生實質性影響,但國際衝突是不可預測的,我們可能在未來減輕這些操作風險方面不如預期成功。
未經授權泄露的 非公開 公司信息或損害我們聲譽。如果我們繼續不發展並實施正確的流程 和工具來管理我們的企業,並將我們的文化和核心價值觀灌輸給所有員工,我們成功競爭和實現我們業務目標的能力可能會受到影響。此外,從時間上看,我們已經做出了改變,可能 會繼續對我們的運營模式進行更改,包括我們如何組織,因爲我們的業務的需求和規模發生變化,如果我們沒有成功實施這些變化,我們的業務和運營結果可能會受到負面影響。
我們預計將繼續追求戰略收購、投資和合資企業,以增強或補充我們的技能和能力或 服務和解決方案的提供,或使我們能夠在某些地理和其他市場擴展。我們已經增加並可能在未來再次增加在此類機會中投資的資本。這些收購和其他 交易及投資涉及挑戰和風險,例如,我們可能無法成功完成目標交易,包括市場變得日益競爭激烈的結果,或實現預期的運營成果。在我們增加在這些機會中投資的資本時,就像我們在2024財年所做的那樣,與這些投資相關的風險,如下文進一步描述的,也增加了。
此外,我們面臨成功整合我們可能收購的任何業務的風險,且這些風險可能因我們執行的交易的規模和 數量而加劇。持續的業務可能會受到干擾,我們管理層的注意力可能會因收購、投資、過渡或整合活動而分散。此外,我們可能需要投入額外的 管理和其他資源,而我們的組織結構可能使我們難以有效地將收購的業務整合到我們的持續運營中,以及將這些業務的員工融入我們的文化和 運營中。關鍵高管、員工、客戶、供應商、承包商和其他商業夥伴的流失可能會對資產、運營或業務的價值產生不利影響。此外,收購或合資企業 可能導致重大成本和費用,包括與保留支付、股權補償、遣散費、提前退休成本、無形資產攤銷和資產減值費用相關的成本,增強控制、程序和 政策,包括與財務報告、披露和網絡與信息安全相關的政策,假設的訴訟和其他負債,以及法律、會計和財務顧問費用,這可能會隨着在這些收購和合資企業中投資的資本增加而對我們的盈利能力產生負面影響。由於進入我們有限或沒有直接先前經驗的新市場,或競爭對手可能在市場上擁有更強的市場地位,我們可能會面臨困難。
由於收購協議的某些條款和條件,例如可盈利付款或關閉工作資金調整,可能會產生索賠。或者,股東訴訟可能因擬議的收購而產生。如果我們無法完成我們的投資計劃中的數量和類型,或者如果我們在將收購的業務整合到我們的事件;事件控制項中時效率低下或不成功,我們可能無法實現 我們計劃的增長率,或改善我們的市場份額、盈利能力或在特定市場或服務中的競爭地位。
我們也 定期評估,並參與資產和業務的處置。出售可能會涉及操作、服務、產品和人員分離的困難,管理層注意力的轉移,業務的干擾以及關鍵員工的潛在流失。在與買方達成業務處置協議後,交易可能會受到滿足的條件的限制, 預先關閉 包括獲得必要的監管和政府批准,如果未能滿足或獲得這些條件,可能會阻止我們完成交易。出售可能還涉及對出售的資產和業務的持續財務參與或責任,例如賠償或其他財務義務,出售的資產或業務的表現可能會影響我們的事件;事件控制項結果。我們進行的任何出售都可能對我們的事件;事件控制項結果產生不利影響。
承諾提供我們無法交付的服務或解決方案,或其交付可能會降低我們的盈利能力或給我們造成財務損失。如果我們無法或不履行我們的合同 義務,如果我們的協議條款沒有充分限制我們的潛在責任,則不執行責任限制,或者第三方指控欺詐或其他不當行爲以阻止我們依賴這些合同 保護,我們可能面臨重大的法律責任和訴訟費用,我們的經營業績可能會受到重大不利影響。此外,隨着我們將服務和解決方案擴展到新領域,我們可能會面臨更多和 這些新領域特有的風險不斷變化。
此外,我們代表客戶提供平台信任和安全服務,包括 內容審核,由於我們的員工審查的材料的性質,這可能會對他們產生負面影響。關於我們提供這些服務以及與該條款相關的訴訟,我們一直受到媒體的報道 這些服務可能導致不利的判斷或和解或政府的詢問和調查。
雖然我們維護 某些潛在負債的保險,此類保險並不涵蓋所有類型和金額的潛在負債,並且有各種例外情況以及可收回金額的上限。即使我們認爲索賠屬於 保險,保險公司可能會出於各種潛在原因對我們的賠償權提出異議,這可能會影響時機,如果佔上風,還會影響我們的賠償金額。
我們的全球業務使我們面臨衆多、有時甚至相互矛盾的法律和監管要求,違反這些法規可能會造成損害 我們的業務。
在各種各樣的問題上,我們面臨着衆多、不斷變化、有時甚至是相互衝突的法律制度 反腐敗、進出口管制、內容要求、貿易限制、關稅、稅收、制裁、移民、內部和披露控制義務、證券監管,包括ESG監管和報告要求, 反競爭,反洗錢,數據隱私和保護,政府合規, 工資和工時 標準, 僱傭和勞資關係, 產品責任, 健康與安全、環境、人權和人工智能法規,例如歐盟的《人工智能法》。制裁環境導致了新的制裁和貿易限制,這可能會損害與受制裁個人的貿易 國家,以及對我們的客戶、生態系統合作伙伴和我們之間的區域貿易生態系統的負面影響。例如,由於爲應對俄羅斯入侵烏克蘭而實施的制裁,我們被限制提供某些服務 我們爲某些地區的客戶提供的服務。我們的業務和供應鏈的全球性質,包括我們可能不太發達或不了解法律體系的新興市場,以及我們在多個領域的業務的多樣性 在受監管的行業中,進一步增加了合規難度。遵守不同的法律要求既昂貴又耗時,並且需要大量資源。在我們的行爲中違反其中一項或多項法規的行爲 業務可能會導致對我們和/或我們的員工處以巨額罰款、執法行動或刑事制裁、禁止經商和損害我們的聲譽。與履約有關的違反這些法規的行爲 我們對客戶的義務也可能導致重大金錢損失、罰款、執法行動和/或刑事起訴或制裁、不利宣傳和其他聲譽損害以及對我們能力的限制的責任 有效履行我們的合同義務,從而使我們面臨客戶的潛在索賠。由於我們開展業務的國家法律體系的發展程度不同,當地法律可能不盡如人意 制定或提供了足夠明確的指導,可能不足以保護我們的權利。
特別是,在許多地方 世界,包括我們開展業務和/或尋求擴張的國家,當地商界的做法可能不符合國際商業標準,並可能違反反腐敗法律或法規,包括美國外國法律或法規 《反腐敗法》和《2010年英國反賄賂法》。我們的員工、分包商、供應商、代理商、聯盟或合資夥伴、我們收購的公司及其員工、分包商、供應商和代理以及其他第三方 我們認爲,可能會採取違反旨在促進法律和監管合規性或適用的反腐敗法律或法規的政策或程序的行動。我們、我們的員工或任何人違反這些法律或法規的行爲
這些第三方可能使我們面臨刑事或民事執法行動(無論我們是否參與或知悉導致違規的行爲),包括罰款或 處罰、利潤沒收以及禁入或取消工作資格,包括美國聯邦合同,任何這些都可能對我們的業務產生實質性不利影響,包括我們的運營結果和聲譽。
法律和法規的變化也可能要求我們對實施服務和解決方案的方式進行重大且高成本的改變,或者可能 對我們的服務和解決方案施加額外稅費。例如,限制使用的法律和法規的變化, 離岸 與我們的工作有關的資源, 離岸 已經在各個司法管轄區時不時地提出,可能會對我們的運營結果產生不利影響。這些變化可能導致合同被終止或工作被轉移到境內,給我們帶來更高的成本,並可能對我們從政府客戶那裏獲得未來工作的能力產生負面影響。
對ESG問題日益關注導致了並預計將繼續導致法律和監管要求的採納,旨在減少氣候變化對環境的影響,以及法律和監管要求要求與氣候、人權和供應鏈有關的披露。如果新法律或法規比當前的法律或監管要求更爲嚴格,我們可能會面臨增加的合規負擔和成本以滿足這些義務。此外,我們選擇的自願披露框架和標準,以及這些框架和標準的解釋或應用,可能會不時發生變化,或可能無法滿足投資者或其他利益相關者的期望。我們實現我們ESG承諾的能力(例如我們的2040 淨零 溫室氣體 排放目標和我們的2025性別平等目標)受到許多我們無法控制的風險的影響。這些風險的例子包括:(1) 可用性和成本的 低- 或 非碳基 能源來源和技術,以及我們供應商利用新技術減少排放的能力;(2) 影響ESG標準或披露的不斷變化的監管要求; (3) 能夠滿足我們的可持續性、多樣性和其他標準的供應商的可用性;以及(4) 我們招聘、培養和留住足夠多元化人才的能力。此外,跟蹤和報告ESG 事務的標準,包括氣候變化和人權相關事務,尚未統一,並且仍在發展中。ESG數據報告的方法可能會更新,以反映第三方數據的可用性和質量的改善,以及假設的變化、我們運營性質和範圍的變化以及其他情況的變化。我們在各項業務中報告ESG事務的流程和控制正在隨着多種不同的ESG度量標準的識別、測量和報告而不斷演變,包括 有關ESG相關的技能。 可能被SEC、歐洲及其他監管機構要求的披露,這些標準可能會 隨着時間的推移而改變,這可能導致我們當前目標、在實現這些目標方面報告的進展或在未來實現這些目標的能力進行重大修訂。
• | 政府實體,尤其是在美國,通常保留審計我們的合同成本的權利,並對我們的業務實踐和合規性進行詢問和調查。美國政府機構,包括國防合同審計局,定期審計我們的合同成本,包括分配的間接成本,以確保符合成本會計標準和聯邦採購條例。這些機構還會在與我們在政府合同的履行和業務實踐相關的情況下,對我們的會計、信息技術和其他系統進行審查和調查,並提出詢問。現有和未來審計、調查或詢問的負面結果,或不符合適用的IT安全或供應鏈要求,可能會影響我們的未來銷售。 |
通過法律或實際操作阻止我們在一段時間內獲得新政府合同的盈利能力,或者導致以下段落中描述的其他不利後果。此外,如果美國政府認爲某些費用不可報銷,未被正確確定或基於我們工作的過時估算,那麼我們將無法對此類費用開具賬單,可能 必須退還已經支付給我們的款項,或可能需要針對我們工作的既定賬單或定價Rates進行追溯性和前瞻性的調整。現有和未來對我們業務 系統的審計,包括我們的會計系統的負面調查結果,可能導致美國政府至少暫時阻止我們賬單的一定百分比的費用。由於與審計、調查和詢問相關的之前負面調查結果, 我們時不時會經歷上述描述的一些不利後果,未來可能會經歷進一步的不利後果,這可能會對我們未來的事件結果產生重大不利影響。 |
• | 如果政府客戶在審計或調查過程中發現不當或非法活動,或 聲稱發生過這種行爲,我們可能會面臨各種民事和刑事處罰,包括根據美國民事虛假索賠法的處罰,以及行政制裁,可能包括合同終止、利潤沒收、支付暫停、罰款以及暫停或禁入與該政府其他機構的業務。內部控制的固有限制可能無法防止或發現所有不當或非法活動。 |
• | 美國政府的合同法規對合規性和披露義務提出了嚴格要求。我們不時地在政府合同工作中向政府進行必要或自願的披露。如果某些公司人員知道有關違反聯邦刑法(涉及欺詐、利益衝突、賄賂或不當酬金)、違反美國民事虛假索賠法或從政府收到重大超額付款的「可信證據」,則需要進行披露。未能進行必要的披露可能是 暫停和/或禁止參與美國聯邦政府合同的基礎,此外還可能導致特定合同的違約,並可能影響超出美國聯邦層面的合同。報告的事項也可能導致審計或調查以及其他民事、刑事或行政制裁,包括上述描述的制裁。例如,在埃森哲聯邦服務(「AFS」)自願向美國政府披露後,美國司法部就是否一名或多名員工向代表美國政府評估AFS服務提供的評估員提供不準確信息進行了民事和刑事調查,以及該服務提供是否完全實施了所需的聯邦安全控制。這一事項可能會使我們面臨不利後果,包括此風險因素中所描述的後果。 |
• | 與商業客戶的合同相比,政府合同面臨更大的聲譽和合同風險。例如,政府合同及其相關程序通常會受到更加廣泛的審查和宣發。負面宣發,包括對不當或非法活動的指控,無論其準確性如何,可能會對我們的聲譽產生不利影響。 |
• | 政府合同的條款和條件通常比較繁重,談判也往往更加困難。例如,這些合同通常對違約責任設定高額或無限責任,並且其付款條款不太有利,有時還要求我們承擔第三方的履約責任。 |
• | 政府實體通常通過撥款資金資助項目。雖然這些項目往往作爲多年項目進行規劃和實施,但政府實體通常保留因缺乏批准的資金和/或出於便利而更改項目範圍或終止這些項目的權利。選舉、政府變動或政治發展,包括政府關閉或停擺、預算赤字、短缺或不確定性、政府支出減少或其他債務限制,可能導致我們的項目價格或範圍減少或完全終止,這也可能限制我們對已發生成本、可報銷費用和利潤的追索。 |
在終止之前完成的工作。此外,如果政府實體沒有足夠的資金來支付終止費用,我們可能無法完全收回我們的投資。 |
• | 政治和經濟因素,如即將到來的選舉、最近選舉的結果、關鍵的行政或立法決策者領導層的變化、政府稅收或其他政策的修訂以及減少的稅收收入,都可能影響新政府合同的數量和條款,影響新合同簽署的速度,減少我們所投標的項目的未來支出和授權,將支出優先級轉向我們不提供服務的項目,和/或導致對相關規則或法律遵守的評估發生變化。 |
• | 我們爲美國政府工作的能力受到我們作爲一家愛爾蘭公司的影響。我們選擇與美國國防部簽訂代理協議,以增強我們美國聯邦政府合同子公司的能力,使其能夠爲美國政府執行某些工作。代理協議規範了該子公司的管理和事件;事件控制項,並限制了我們能夠對其行使的控制。此外,立法和行政提案仍在考慮中,或將來可能被提議,如果實施,可能會對我們在美國獲得州或聯邦政府合同的資格施加額外限制,甚至禁止我們獲得合同,或可能包括將以其他方式影響我們營業結果的要求。近年來,各種美國聯邦和州立法提案已經被提出和/或實施,拒絕將政府合同授予在美國以外重新註冊或重新註冊的某些美國公司。雖然埃森哲並不是在美國以外重新註冊的美國公司,但這些合同禁令和其他立法提案可能會以消極的方式影響埃森哲。 |
In addition, we cannot be sure that our services and solutions, including, for example, our AI, software and hardware solutions, or the solutions of others that we offer to our clients, do not infringe on the intellectual property rights of third parties (including competitors as well as non-practicing holders of intellectual property assets), and these third parties could claim that we or our clients are infringing upon their intellectual property rights. Furthermore, although we have established policies and procedures to respect the intellectual property rights of third parties and that prohibit the unauthorized use of intellectual property, we may not be aware if our employees have misappropriated and/or misused intellectual property, and their actions could result in claims of intellectual property misappropriation and/or infringement from third parties. These claims could harm our reputation, cause us to incur substantial costs or prevent us from offering some services or solutions in the future. Any related proceedings could require us to expend significant resources over an extended period of time. In most of our contracts, we agree to indemnify our clients for expenses and liabilities resulting from claimed infringements of the intellectual property rights of third parties. In some instances, the amount of these indemnities could be greater than the revenues we receive from the client. Any claims or litigation in this area could be time-consuming and costly, damage our reputation and/or require us to incur additional costs to obtain the right to continue to offer a service or solution to our clients. If we cannot secure this right at all or on reasonable terms, or we are unable to implement in a cost-effective manner alternative technology, our results of operations could be materially adversely affected. The risk of infringement claims against us may increase as we expand our industry AI, software and hardware solutions and continue to develop and deploy our AI, software and hardware solutions to multiple clients. Any infringement action brought against us or our clients could be costly to defend or lead to an expensive settlement or judgment against us.
Further, we rely on third-party software, hardware, data and other intellectual property in providing some of our services and solutions. If we lose our ability to continue using any such software, hardware, data or intellectual property for any reason, including because it is found to infringe the rights of others, we will need to obtain substitutes or seek alternative means of obtaining the technology necessary to continue to provide such services and solutions. Our inability to replace such software, hardware, data or intellectual property effectively or in a timely and cost-effective manner could materially adversely affect our results of operations.
We are incorporated in Ireland and Irish law differs from the laws in effect in the United States and might afford less protection to our shareholders. We may also be subject to criticism and negative publicity related to our incorporation in Ireland.
Irish law differs from the laws in effect in the United States and our shareholders could have more difficulty protecting their interests than would shareholders of a corporation incorporated in a jurisdiction of the United States. The United States currently does not have a treaty with Ireland providing for the reciprocal recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters. As such, there is some uncertainty as to whether the courts of Ireland would recognize or enforce judgments of U.S. courts obtained against us or our directors or officers based on U.S. federal or state civil liability laws, including the civil liability provisions of the U.S. federal or state securities laws, or hear actions against us or those persons based on those laws.
As an Irish company, we are governed by the Companies Act. The Companies Act differs in some significant, and possibly material, respects from laws applicable to U.S. corporations and shareholders under various state corporation laws, including the provisions relating to interested directors, mergers and acquisitions, takeovers, shareholder lawsuits and indemnification of directors.
Under Irish law, the duties of directors and officers of a company are generally owed to the company only. Shareholders of Irish companies do not generally have rights to take action against directors or officers of the company under Irish law, and may only do so in limited circumstances. Directors of an Irish company must, in exercising their powers and performing their duties, act with due care and skill, honestly and in good faith with a view to the best interests of the company. Directors have a duty not to put themselves in a position in which their duties to the company and their personal interests might conflict and also are under a duty to disclose any personal interest in any contract or arrangement with the company or any of its subsidiaries. If a director or
officer of an Irish company is found to have breached his or her duties to that company, he or she could be held personally liable to the company in respect of that breach of duty.
Under Irish law, we must have authority from our shareholders to issue any shares, including shares that are part of the company’s authorized but unissued share capital. In addition, unless otherwise authorized by its shareholders, when an Irish company issues shares for cash to new shareholders, it is required first to offer those shares on the same or more favorable terms to existing shareholders on a pro-rata basis. If we are unable to obtain these authorizations from our shareholders, or are otherwise limited by the terms of our authorizations, our ability to issue shares under our equity compensation plans and, if applicable, to facilitate funding acquisitions or otherwise raise capital could be adversely affected.
Some companies that conduct substantial business in the United States but that have a parent domiciled in certain other jurisdictions have been criticized as improperly avoiding U.S. taxes or creating an unfair competitive advantage over U.S. companies. Accenture never conducted business under a U.S. parent company and pays U.S. taxes on all of its U.S. operations. Nonetheless, we could be subject to criticism in connection with our incorporation in Ireland.
Risks Related to the Notes and the Guarantee
The Notes will be effectively subordinated to all of the Issuer’s existing and future secured indebtedness (to the extent of the value of the assets securing any such indebtedness), and the Guarantee will be effectively subordinated to all of the Guarantor’s existing and future secured indebtedness (to the extent of the value of the assets securing any such indebtedness) and to the existing and future indebtedness of the Guarantor’s subsidiaries.
The Notes are not secured by any of the Issuer’s assets, and the Guarantee is not secured by any of the assets of the Guarantor or the assets of any of the Guarantor’s subsidiaries. As a result, the indebtedness represented by the Notes will effectively be subordinated to any existing and future secured indebtedness of the Issuer and the indebtedness represented by the Guarantee will effectively be subordinated to any existing and future secured indebtedness of the Guarantor or its subsidiaries, in each case to the extent of the value of the assets securing any such indebtedness. As of May 31, 2024, neither the Issuer nor the Guarantor had any secured indebtedness for borrowed money, the Guarantor had no outstanding indebtedness for borrowed money, and the Issuer had $1.6 billion of commercial paper outstanding. The indebtedness represented by the Guarantee will be structurally subordinated to all of the existing and future secured and unsecured indebtedness and other liabilities of the Guarantor’s subsidiaries. The Issuer was formed for the sole purpose of serving as an issuer of our debt securities and a borrower under our credit facilities from time to time and has no independent assets or operations or revenues. It does not have any subsidiaries. It will not have any assets, cash flow or capital resources available to fulfill any obligations under the Notes. The Guarantor’s operations are primarily conducted through its subsidiaries, which are separate legal entities that have no obligation to pay any amounts due under the Notes or to make any funds available therefor, whether by dividends, loans, or other payments. As of May 31, 2024, the Guarantor’s subsidiaries (other than the Issuer) had no outstanding indebtedness for borrowed money.
In the event of any distribution or payment of the Issuer’s assets or those of the Guarantor in any foreclosure, dissolution, winding up, liquidation or reorganization, or other bankruptcy proceeding, any secured creditors of the Issuer or of the Guarantor, respectively, would have a superior claim to holders of the Notes to the extent of the value of their collateral. In the event of a dissolution, winding up, liquidation or reorganization, or other bankruptcy proceeding of a subsidiary of the Guarantor, creditors of that subsidiary would generally have the right to be paid in full before any distribution is made to the Guarantor or to you in respect of the Guarantee of the Guarantor. If any of the foregoing occur, we cannot assure you that there will be sufficient assets to pay amounts due on the Notes.
We need to maintain adequate liquidity in order to have sufficient cash to meet operating cash flow requirements, repay maturing indebtedness and satisfy other obligations. If we fail to comply with the covenants contained in our various borrowing agreements, our (including Accenture Capital’s) liquidity, results of operations and financial condition may be adversely affected.
Our liquidity is a function of our ability to successfully generate cash flows from operations and improvement therein, access to capital markets and borrowings under our credit agreements. We believe our liquidity (including operating and other cash flows that we expect to generate) will be sufficient to meet operating requirements as they occur; however, our ability to maintain sufficient liquidity going forward depends on our ability to generate cash from operations and access to the capital markets and borrowings, all of which are subject to general economic, financial, competitive, legislative, regulatory and other market factors that are beyond our control.
As of May 31, 2024, Accenture plc’s credit facilities included a syndicated loan facility, which matures on May 14, 2029; separate, uncommitted, unsecured multicurrency revolving credit facilities; and local guaranteed and non-guaranteed lines of credit. These credit facilities are for general working capital purposes, including the issuance of letters of credit and providing local currency financing for operations. As of May 31, 2024, we had no borrowings under these credit facilities and the local guaranteed and non-guaranteed lines of credit. We had an aggregate of $1.2 billion of letters of credit outstanding and $1.6 billion of commercial paper outstanding as of May 31, 2024, which reduce the available borrowing capacity under the credit facilities. As of May 31, 2024, we were in compliance with the financial covenants and all other covenants contained in these credit facilities. However, failure to comply with material provisions of our covenants in these credit facilities could result in a default thereunder, rendering them unavailable to us and causing a material adverse effect on the liquidity, results of operations and financial condition of Accenture plc (and Accenture Capital).
Certain of our financing agreements, including our credit facilities, contain various covenants that limit the discretion of our management in operating our business and could prevent us from engaging in certain potentially beneficial activities, and the violation of these covenants could result in an event of default. The Notes will not have the benefit of all of these covenants.
The restrictive covenants in our financing agreements may impact how we operate our business and prevent us from engaging in certain potentially beneficial activities. Failure to comply with the covenants contained in our credit facilities or other indebtedness could result in an event of default under such facility or indebtedness that, if not cured or waived, could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations. In the event of certain defaults under our credit facilities or other indebtedness, the lenders thereunder would not be required to lend any additional amounts to us and could elect to declare all borrowings outstanding, together with accrued and unpaid interest and fees, to be due and payable. If the indebtedness under our credit facilities or any of our other indebtedness, including the Notes, were to be accelerated, there can be no assurance that our assets would be sufficient to repay such indebtedness in full. See “Description of the Notes and the Guarantee.”
The indenture contains no covenants limiting the Issuer’s or the Guarantor’s ability to incur future indebtedness, grant security interests or liens on its properties or assets, pay dividends or transfer assets among their respective subsidiaries, and only very limited restrictions on the Issuer’s or the Guarantor’s ability to engage in certain other activities, which could adversely affect the Issuer’s or the Guarantor’s ability to pay their respective obligations under the Notes.
The indenture does not contain any financial covenants. The indenture will permit Accenture plc and its subsidiaries (including the Issuer) to incur additional indebtedness, including secured indebtedness. Because the Notes will be unsecured, in the event of any dissolution, winding up, liquidation or reorganization or other bankruptcy proceeding regarding the Issuer or the Guarantor, whether voluntary or involuntary, the holders of the Issuer’s or the Guarantor’s secured indebtedness will be entitled to receive payment to the extent of the value of the assets securing any such indebtedness before the Issuer or the Guarantor can make any payment with respect
to the Notes. If any of the foregoing events occurs, we cannot assure you that the Issuer or the Guarantor will have sufficient assets to pay amounts due on the Notes. As a result, you may receive payments on the Notes that are less than that which you are entitled to receive or recover nothing if any liquidation, dissolution, reorganization, bankruptcy or other similar proceeding occurs.
The indenture does not limit the Issuer’s or the Guarantor’s or its subsidiaries’ ability to issue or repurchase securities, grant security interests or liens on its properties or assets, pay dividends or transfer assets among their respective subsidiaries, and only very limited restrictions on the Issuer’s or the Guarantor’s ability to engage in certain other activities. The ability of the Issuer and the Guarantor to use funds for numerous purposes may limit the funds available to pay the Issuer’s or the Guarantor’s obligations under the Notes.
An increase in market interest rates could result in a decrease in the market value of the Notes.
In general, as market interest rates rise, debt securities bearing interest at fixed rates of interest generally decline in market value. Consequently, if you purchase Notes in this offering and market interest rates increase, the market values of the Notes may decline. We cannot predict the future level of market interest rates.
The Notes lack a developed public market, and we do not intend to list the Notes on any securities exchange or quotation system.
Each series of Notes is a new issue of securities for which there currently is no established market. We do not intend to apply for the Notes of any series to be listed on any securities exchange or to arrange for the Notes of any series to be quoted on any quotation system. There can be no assurance regarding the future development of markets for the Notes or the ability of holders thereof to sell, or the price at which such holders may be able to sell, their Notes. If such markets were to develop, the Notes could trade at prices that may be higher or lower than the initial offering prices depending on many factors, including, among other things, prevailing interest rates, the Issuer’s or the Guarantor’s operating results or financial condition and the market for similar securities. Underwriters, broker-dealers and agents that participate in the distribution of the Notes may make markets in the Notes of any series as permitted by applicable laws and regulations, but will have no obligation to do so, and any such market-making activities with respect to the Notes of any series may be discontinued at any time without notice. Therefore, there can be no assurance as to the liquidity of any trading markets for the Notes or that active public markets for the Notes will develop. See “Underwriting (Conflicts of Interest).”
Credit ratings of the Notes may not reflect all risks of an investment in the Notes, and a change in the ratings after issuance may affect the market price and marketability of the Notes.
The credit ratings of the Notes may not reflect the potential impact of all risks related to structure and other factors on any trading market for, or trading value of, the Notes. In addition, real or anticipated changes in the Issuer’s or the Guarantor’s credit ratings, which could result from any number of factors (including the modification by a credit rating agency of the criteria or methodology it applies to particular issuers, including the Issuer or the Guarantor), will generally affect any trading market for, or trading value of, the Notes.
We currently expect that the Notes will be rated by one or more ratings agencies prior to issuance. Such credit ratings are limited in scope, and do not address all material risks relating to an investment in the Notes, but rather reflect only the view of each rating agency at the time the rating is issued. An explanation of the significance of each rating may be obtained from each such rating agency. There is no assurance that any credit ratings will be issued or remain in effect for any given period of time or that a rating will not be lowered, suspended or withdrawn entirely by the issuing rating agency, if, in such rating agency’s judgment, circumstances so warrant. It is also possible that ratings may be lowered in connection with future events, such as future acquisitions or regulatory action taken against us. Any lowering, suspension or withdrawal of such ratings or the anticipation of future changes to such ratings may have an adverse effect on the market prices or marketability of the Notes and our corporate borrowing costs. Any rating is not a recommendation to purchase, sell or hold the Notes, and does not correspond to market prices or suitability for a particular investor.
Optional redemption may adversely affect your return on the Notes.
We have the right to redeem some or all of the Notes prior to maturity. We may redeem the Notes at times when prevailing interest rates may be relatively low. Accordingly, you may not be able to reinvest the amount received upon a redemption in comparable securities at effective interest rates as high as that of the Notes.
The net proceeds to us from this offering after deducting the underwriting discount and estimated offering expenses payable by us are expected to be approximately $4.96 billion. We intend to use the net proceeds from this offering for general corporate purposes, including the repayment of outstanding commercial paper borrowings.
As of May 31, 2024, we had approximately $1.6 billion in principal amount of notes outstanding under our commercial paper program, bearing interest at a weighted average rate of 5.4% per annum, which matured at various dates through the fourth quarter of fiscal 2024 and incurred for general corporate purposes. Affiliates of certain of the underwriters are dealers and/or placement agents under our commercial paper program and may hold commercial paper thereunder, amounts outstanding under which are expected to be repaid with the net proceeds from this offering and, accordingly, will receive a portion of the amounts repaid under the commercial paper program. Additionally, affiliates of certain of the underwriters are lenders under our credit agreement and may receive a portion of the net proceeds from this offering should it be used for the repayment of other debt. See “Underwriting (Conflicts of Interest).”
The following table sets forth Accenture plc’s cash and cash equivalents and capitalization as of May 31, 2024, on an actual basis and on an as adjusted basis to give effect to this offering and the application of the net proceeds therefrom as set forth under “Use of Proceeds” as if they had occurred on such date. You should read the data set forth in the table below in conjunction with “Summary—Summary Historical Consolidated Financial Data of Accenture plc” and “Use of Proceeds” in this prospectus supplement, as well as “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations” in our Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended May 31, 2024, which is incorporated by reference herein.
As of May 31, 2024 | ||||||||
Actual | As Adjusted | |||||||
(millions) | ||||||||
Cash and cash equivalents |
$ | 5,537 | $ | 10,497 | ||||
Outstanding debt |
3.900% Senior Notes due 2027 offered hereby(1) |
$ | — | $ | 1,100 | ||||
4.050% Senior Notes due 2029 offered hereby(1) |
— | 1,200 | ||||||
4.250% Senior Notes due 2031 offered hereby(1) |
— | 1,200 | ||||||
4.500% Senior Notes due 2034 offered hereby(1) |
— | 1,500 | ||||||
Other(2) |
1,679 | 1,679 | ||||||
Total debt |
1,679 | 6,679 | ||||||
Less current portion of long-term debt and bank borrowings |
1,610 | 1,610 | ||||||
Total long-term debt |
69 | 5,069 | ||||||
Shareholders’ equity |
Ordinary shares, par value 1.00 euros per share, 40,000 shares authorized and issued as of May 31, 2024 |
— | — | ||||||
Class A ordinary shares, par value $0.0000225 per share, 20,000,000,000 shares authorized, 671,948,015 shares issued as of May 31, 2024 |
— | — | ||||||
Class X ordinary shares, par value $0.0000225 per share, 1,000,000,000 shares authorized, 308,754 shares issued and outstanding as of May 31, 2024 |
— | — | ||||||
Restricted share units |
2,242 | 2,242 | ||||||
Additional paid-in capital |
15,013 | 15,013 | ||||||
Treasury shares, at cost: Ordinary, 40,000 shares as of May 31, 2024; Class A ordinary, 45,326,443 shares as of May 31, 2024 |
(9,998 | ) | (9,998 | ) | ||||
Retained earnings |
22,242 | 22,242 | ||||||
Accumulated other comprehensive loss |
(1,755 | ) | (1,755 | ) | ||||
Total Accenture plc shareholders’ equity |
27,744 | 27,744 | ||||||
Noncontrolling interests |
875 | 875 | ||||||
Total shareholders’ equity |
28,620 | 28,620 | ||||||
Total capitalization |
$ | 28,689 | $ | 33,689 | ||||
(1) | Excludes costs and discounts related to the issuance of the notes. |
(2) | Consists of commercial paper borrowings and capital lease obligations. |
The following description of the particular terms of the Notes offered by this prospectus supplement and, to the extent inconsistent therewith, replaces the description of the general terms and provisions of the Notes set forth under “Description of Debt Securities and Guarantees” in the accompanying prospectus. Terms used herein that are otherwise not defined have the meanings given to them in the accompanying prospectus.
Accenture Capital will issue $1,100,000,000 aggregate principal amount of 3.900% senior notes due 2027 (the “2027 Notes”), $1,200,000,000 aggregate principal amount of 4.050% senior notes due 2029 (the “2029 Notes”), $1,200,000,000 aggregate principal amount of 4.250% senior notes due 2031 (the “2031 Notes”) and $1,500,000,000 aggregate principal amount of 4.500% senior notes due 2034 (the “2034 Notes” and, collectively with the 2027 Notes, the 2029 Notes and the 2031 Notes, the “Notes”) pursuant to the indenture, to be entered into among Accenture Capital, as issuer, Accenture plc, as guarantor, and The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., as trustee (the “Trustee”), as supplemented by an officer’s certificate. We refer to the indenture, as supplemented by the officer’s certificate, as the indenture. The following is a summary of the material provisions of the indenture. It does not include all of the provisions of the indenture. We urge you to read the indenture because it, not this description, defines your rights. The terms of the Notes include those stated in the indenture and those made part of the indenture by reference to the Trust Indenture Act of 1939, as amended. A copy of the indenture may be obtained from the Issuer or the Trustee.
The Issuer will issue the Notes in fully registered form in denominations of $2,000 and integral multiples of $1,000 in excess thereof. The Trustee will initially act as paying agent and registrar for the Notes. The Notes may be presented for registration of transfer and exchange at the offices of the registrar. The Issuer may change the paying agent and registrar without notice to holders of the Notes. It is expected that the Issuer will pay principal and interest (and premium, if any) on the Notes (and, as necessary, the Guarantor will pay such amounts in relation to its Guarantee) at the Trustee’s corporate office by wire transfer, if book-entry at The Depository Trust Company (“DTC”).
Principal, Maturity and Interest
The 2027 Notes will mature on October 4, 2027. The 2029 Notes will mature on October 4, 2029. The 2031 Notes will mature on October 4, 2031. The 2034 Notes will mature on October 4, 2034. $1,100,000,000 in aggregate principal amount of 2027 Notes, $1,200,000,000 in aggregate principal amount of 2029 Notes, $1,200,000,000 in aggregate principal amount of 2031 Notes and $1,500,000,000 in aggregate principal amount of 2034 Notes will be issued in this offering. After the issue date of the Notes, additional notes having the same terms and conditions as the Notes of the applicable series in all respects (other than the issue date, public offering price, first date of interest accrual and, to the extent applicable, first interest payment date of such notes) (“Additional Notes”) may be issued from time to time; provided, however, that if the Additional Notes of such series are not fungible with the Notes of such series for U.S. federal income tax purposes, the Additional Notes of such series will have a separate CUSIP number. The applicable series of Notes and any Additional Notes of such series that are actually issued will be treated as a single class for all purposes under the indenture, including, without limitation, as to waivers, amendments, redemptions and any applicable offers to purchase. Unless the context otherwise requires, for all purposes of the indenture and this “Description of the Notes and the Guarantee,” references to the Notes of a series include any Additional Notes of such series actually issued.
Interest on the 2027 Notes will accrue at the rate of 3.900% per annum. Interest on the 2029 Notes will accrue at the rate of 4.050% per annum. Interest on the 2031 Notes will accrue at the rate of 4.250% per annum. Interest on the 2034 Notes will accrue at the rate of 4.500% per annum. Interest on the Notes of a series will be payable semi-annually in arrears in cash on each April 4 and October 4, commencing on April 4, 2025, to the persons who are registered holders of Notes of such series at the close of business on March 20 or September 19, as the case may be, immediately preceding the applicable interest payment date. Interest on the Notes of a series
will accrue from the most recent date to which interest has been paid or, if no interest has been paid, from and including the date of issuance to but excluding the actual interest payment date.
Interest will be computed on the basis of a 360-day year composed of twelve 30-day months.
Optional Redemption
Prior to the applicable Par Call Date, the Issuer may redeem any series of the Notes at its option, in whole or in part, at any time and from time to time, at a redemption price (expressed as a percentage of principal amount and rounded to three decimal places) equal to the greater of:
(1) (a) the sum of the present values of the remaining scheduled payments of principal and interest on the Notes of such series discounted to the redemption date (assuming the Notes of such series matured on the applicable Par Call Date) on a semi-annual basis (assuming a 360-day year consisting of twelve 30-day months) at the Treasury Rate plus 7.5 basis points, in the case of the 2027 Notes, plus 10 basis points, in the case of the 2029 Notes, plus 12.5 basis points, in the case of the 2031 Notes, and plus 15 basis points, in the case of the 2034 Notes less (b) interest accrued to the date of redemption, and
(2) 100% of the principal amount of the Notes of such series to be redeemed,
plus, in either case, accrued and unpaid interest thereon to the redemption date.
On or after the applicable Par Call Date, the Issuer may redeem any series of Notes in whole or in part, at any time and from time to time, at a redemption price equal to 100% of the principal amount of the Notes of such series being redeemed plus accrued and unpaid interest thereon to the redemption date.
“Par Call Date” means, in the case of the 2027 Notes, September 4, 2027 (the date that is one month prior to the maturity date of the 2027 Notes), in the case of the 2029 Notes, September 4, 2029 (the date that is one month prior to the maturity date of the 2029 Notes), in the case of the 2031 Notes, August 4, 2031 (the date that is two months prior to the maturity date of the 2031 Notes), and in the case of the 2034 Notes, July 4, 2034 (the date that is three months prior to the maturity date of the 2034 Notes).
“Treasury Rate” means, with respect to any redemption date, the yield determined by the Issuer in accordance with the following two paragraphs.
The Treasury Rate shall be determined by the Issuer after 4:15 p.m., New York City time (or after such time as yields on U.S. government securities are posted daily by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System), on the third business day preceding the redemption date based upon the yield or yields for the most recent day that appear after such time on such day in the most recent statistical release published by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System designated as “Selected Interest Rates (Daily) – H.15” (or any successor designation or publication) (“H.15”) under the caption “U.S. government securities–Treasury constant maturities–Nominal” (or any successor caption or heading) (“H.15 TCM”). In determining the Treasury Rate, the Issuer shall select, as applicable: (1) the yield for the Treasury constant maturity on H.15 exactly equal to the period from the redemption date to the applicable Par Call Date (the “Remaining Life”); or (2) if there is no such Treasury constant maturity on H.15 exactly equal to the Remaining Life, the two yields – one yield corresponding to the Treasury constant maturity on H.15 immediately shorter than and one yield corresponding to the Treasury constant maturity on H.15 immediately longer than the Remaining Life – and shall interpolate to the applicable Par Call Date on a straight-line basis (using the actual number of days) using such yields and rounding the result to three decimal places; or (3) if there is no such Treasury constant maturity on H.15 shorter than or longer than the Remaining Life, the yield for the single Treasury constant maturity on H.15 closest to the Remaining Life. For purposes of this paragraph, the applicable Treasury constant maturity or maturities on H.15 shall be deemed to have a maturity date equal to the relevant number of months or years, as applicable, of such Treasury constant maturity from the redemption date.
If on the third business day preceding the redemption date H.15 TCM is no longer published, the Issuer shall calculate the Treasury Rate based on the rate per annum equal to the semi-annual equivalent yield to maturity at 11:00 a.m., New York City time, on the second business day preceding such redemption date of the United States Treasury security maturing on, or with a maturity that is closest to, the applicable Par Call Date. If there is no United States Treasury security maturing on the applicable Par Call Date but there are two or more United States Treasury securities with a maturity date equally distant from the applicable Par Call Date, one with a maturity date preceding the applicable Par Call Date and one with a maturity date following the applicable Par Call Date, the Issuer shall select the United States Treasury security with a maturity date preceding the applicable Par Call Date. If there are two or more United States Treasury securities maturing on the applicable Par Call Date or two or more United States Treasury securities meeting the criteria of the preceding sentence, the Issuer shall select from among these two or more United States Treasury securities the United States Treasury security that is trading closest to par based upon the average of the bid and asked prices for such United States Treasury securities at 11:00 a.m., New York City time. In determining the Treasury Rate in accordance with the terms of this paragraph, the semi-annual yield to maturity of the applicable United States Treasury security shall be based upon the average of the bid and asked prices (expressed as a percentage of principal amount) at 11:00 a.m., New York City time, of such United States Treasury security, and rounded to three decimal places.
The Issuer’s actions and determinations in determining the redemption price shall be conclusive and binding for all purposes, absent manifest error. The Trustee shall have no responsibility in determining or calculating the redemption price.
Notice of any redemption described under “—Optional Redemption” will be mailed or electronically delivered (or otherwise transmitted in accordance with the depositary’s procedures) at least 10 days but not more than 60 days before the redemption date to each holder of Notes to be redeemed.
In the case of a partial redemption, selection of the Notes for redemption will be made, by lot. No Notes of a principal amount of $2,000 or less will be redeemed in part. If any Note is to be redeemed in part only, the notice of redemption that relates to the Note will state the portion of the principal amount of the Note to be redeemed. A new Note in a principal amount equal to the unredeemed portion of the Note will be issued in the name of the holder of the Note upon surrender for cancellation of the original Note. For so long as the Notes are held by DTC (or another depositary), the redemption of the Notes shall be done in accordance with the policies and procedures of the depositary.
Unless the Issuer and the Guarantor default in payment of the redemption price, on and after the redemption date, interest will cease to accrue on the Notes or portions thereof called for redemption.
Under the Guarantee, the Guarantor will fully, unconditionally and irrevocably guarantee the due and punctual payment of the principal, interest, premium (if any) and all other amounts due under the indenture and on the Notes when the Notes become due and payable, whether at maturity, pursuant to optional redemption, by acceleration or otherwise, in each case after any applicable grace periods or notice requirements, according to the terms of the Notes.
The obligations of the Guarantor under its Guarantee will be unconditional, regardless of the enforceability of the Notes, and will not be discharged until all obligations under the Notes and the indenture are satisfied. Holders of the Notes may proceed directly against Accenture plc under the Guarantee if an event of default affecting the Notes occurs without first proceeding against the Issuer.
The Notes will be:
• | the Issuer’s general unsecured and unsubordinated obligations; |
• | effectively subordinated to all of the Issuer’s existing and future secured indebtedness to the extent of the value of the assets securing any such indebtedness; |
• | of equal rank in right of payment with each other and with all of the Issuer’s other existing and future unsecured and unsubordinated indebtedness; and |
• | senior in right of payment to all of the Issuer’s existing and future subordinated indebtedness. |
The Guarantee will be:
• | the Guarantor’s general unsecured and unsubordinated obligation; |
• | effectively subordinated to all of the Guarantor’s existing and future secured indebtedness to the extent of the value of the assets securing any such indebtedness; |
• | structurally subordinated to all of the existing and future secured and unsecured indebtedness and other liabilities of Accenture plc’s subsidiaries; |
• | of equal rank in right of payment with all of the Guarantor’s other existing and future unsecured and unsubordinated indebtedness; and |
• | senior in right of payment to all of the Guarantor’s existing and future subordinated indebtedness. |
See “Risk Factors—The Notes will be effectively subordinated to all of the Issuer’s existing and future secured indebtedness (to the extent of the value of the assets securing any such indebtedness), and the Guarantee will be effectively subordinated to all of the Guarantor’s existing and future secured indebtedness (to the extent of the value of the assets securing any such indebtedness) and to the existing and future indebtedness of the Guarantor’s subsidiaries.”
• | As of May 31, 2024, the Issuer had $1.6 billion of commercial paper outstanding. |
• | As of May 31, 2024, the Guarantor had no indebtedness for borrowed money. |
• | As of May 31, 2024, the Guarantor’s subsidiaries (other than the Issuer) had no outstanding indebtedness for borrowed money. |
Payment of Additional Amounts
Payments made by the Issuer or the Guarantor in respect of the Notes or the Guarantee will be made free and clear of and without withholding or deduction for or on account of any present or future income, stamp or other tax, duty, levy, impost, assessment or other governmental charge of a similar nature (“Taxes”) unless the Issuer or the Guarantor, as applicable, is required to withhold or deduct Taxes by law or the official interpretation or administration thereof.
If the Issuer or the Guarantor is required to withhold or deduct any amount for or on account of Taxes from any payment made with respect to the Notes or the Guarantee levied by or on behalf of (i) the government of Ireland or by any authority or agency therein or thereof having the power to tax, (ii) any other jurisdiction in which the Issuer or the Guarantor, as the case may be, is organized or is otherwise resident for tax purposes or any political subdivision or any authority or agency therein or thereof having the power to tax, or (iii) any jurisdiction from or through which payment under or with respect to the Issuer or the Guarantor is made or any political subdivision or any authority or agency therein or thereof having the power to tax, in each of clauses (ii) and (iii) other than the United States in the case of U.S. dollar-denominated debt securities issued by the Issuer (each of clauses (i), (ii), and (iii), a “Relevant Taxing Jurisdiction”), then the Issuer or the Guarantor will pay such additional amounts as may be necessary so that the net amount received by each holder (including additional amounts) after such withholding or deduction will not be less than the amount the holder would have
received if the Taxes had not been withheld or deducted; provided that no additional amounts will be payable with respect to Taxes:
• | that would not have been imposed but for the existence of any present or former connection between such holder or beneficial owner of the Notes (or between a fiduciary, settlor, beneficiary, member or shareholder of, or possessor of a power over, such holder or beneficial owner, if such holder or beneficial owner is an estate, trust, partnership or corporation) and such Relevant Taxing Jurisdiction, including, without limitation, such holder or beneficial owner (or such fiduciary, settlor, beneficiary, member, shareholder or possessor) being or having been a citizen or resident thereof or treated as a resident thereof or domiciled thereof or a national thereof or being or having been present or engaged in trade or business therein or having or having had a permanent establishment therein; |
• | that are estate, inheritance, gift, sales, value added, transfer, personal property, wealth or similar taxes, duties, assessments or other governmental charges; |
• | payable other than by withholding from payments of principal of a premium, if any, or interest, if any in respect of the Notes or the Guarantee, as applicable; |
• | that would not have been imposed but for the failure of the applicable recipient of such payment (or the beneficial owner of the Note) to comply with any certification, identification, information, documentation or other reporting requirement to the extent: |
• | such compliance is required by applicable law or administrative practice or an applicable treaty as a precondition to exemption from, or reduction in, the rate of deduction or withholding of such Taxes; and |
• | at least 30 days before the first payment date with respect to which such additional amounts or Taxes shall be payable, the Issuer or the Guarantor, as the case may be, has notified such recipient in writing that such recipient is required to comply with such requirement; |
• | that would not have been imposed but for the presentation of a Note (where presentation is required) for payment on a date more than 30 days after the date on which such payment became due and payable or the date on which payment thereof was duly provided for, whichever occurred later; |
• | that are imposed or withheld pursuant to Sections 1471 through 1474 of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”), as of the issue date of a Note (or any amended or successor version of such sections), any regulations promulgated thereunder, any official interpretations thereof, any similar law or regulation adopted pursuant to an intergovernmental agreement with respect to the foregoing or any agreements entered into pursuant to Section 1471(b)(1) of the Code (any such taxes, “FATCA Taxes”), and any amounts to be paid on debt securities by or on behalf of the issuer will be paid net of any FATCA Taxes imposed or required pursuant thereto; |
• | that would not have been imposed if presentation for payment of a Note or the Guarantee (where presentation is required) had been made to a paying agent other than the paying agent to which the presentation was made; |
• | any taxes imposed by the United States or any political subdivision thereof or tax authority therein, including any U.S. withholding and backup withholding taxes; or |
• | any combination of the foregoing items; |
nor shall additional amounts be paid with respect to any payment of the principal of or premium, if any, or interest, if any in respect of the Notes or the Guarantee to any such holder or beneficial owner who is a fiduciary or a partnership or a beneficial owner who is other than the sole beneficial owner of such payment to the extent a beneficiary or settlor with respect to such fiduciary or a member of such partnership or a beneficial owner would not have been entitled to such additional amounts had it been the holder of the Note. For the avoidance of doubt, no additional amounts shall be payable in respect of any Taxes imposed by any jurisdiction other than a Relevant Taxing Jurisdiction.
If the Issuer or the Guarantor becomes aware that it will be obligated to pay additional amounts pursuant to this covenant with respect to any payment with respect to the Notes or the Guarantee, the Issuer or the Guarantor, as the case may be, will deliver to the Trustee on a date that is at least 30 days prior to the date of that payment (unless the obligation to pay such additional amounts arises after the 30th day prior to that payment date, in which case the Issuer or the Guarantor shall notify the Trustee promptly thereafter) an officer’s certificate of the Issuer or the Guarantor, as applicable, stating the fact that such additional amounts will be payable pursuant to this covenant and the amount estimated to be so payable. Such officer’s certificate must also set forth any other information reasonably necessary to enable the paying agents to pay such additional amounts to holders of the Notes on the relevant payment date. The Trustee shall be entitled to rely solely on such officer’s certificate as conclusive proof that such payments are necessary. The Issuer or the Guarantor, as the case may be, will provide the Trustee with documentation reasonably satisfactory to the Trustee evidencing the payment of additional amounts.
The Issuer or the Guarantor will make all withholdings and deductions required by law and will remit the full amount deducted or withheld to the Relevant Taxing Jurisdiction in accordance with applicable law with respect to payments in respect of the Notes or the Guarantee. Upon request, the Issuer or the Guarantor, as applicable, will provide to the Trustee an official receipt or, if official receipts are not obtainable, other documentation reasonably satisfactory to the Trustee evidencing the payment of any Taxes so deducted or withheld. Upon request, copies of those receipts or other documentation, as the case may be, will be made available by the Trustee to the holders of the Notes.
The obligations in this covenant will survive any termination or discharge of the indenture and any transfer by a holder or beneficial owner of its Notes and will apply mutatis mutandis to any jurisdiction in which any successor person to the Issuer or the Guarantor is incorporated or resident for tax purposes or any jurisdiction from or through which such person makes any payment in respect of the Notes or the Guarantee and any department or political subdivision thereof or therein.
All references in this prospectus supplement and the accompanying prospectus, other than under “—Defeasance and Discharge” and “Description of Debt Securities and Guarantees—Defeasance” in the accompanying prospectus, to the payment of the principal of or premium, if any, or interest, if any, on or the net proceeds received on the sale or exchange of, any Notes or any payment made under the Guarantee shall be deemed to include additional amounts to the extent that, in that context, additional amounts are, were or would be payable.
Non-U.S. Holders (as defined under “Certain U.S. Federal Income Tax Considerations—Tax Considerations Applicable to Non-U.S. Holders—Definition of a Non-U.S. Holder”) should refer to “Certain U.S. Federal Income Tax Considerations—Tax Considerations Applicable to Non-U.S. Holders” for a discussion of U.S. federal withholding taxes that may be imposed on payments under the Notes and possible exemptions from, or reductions of, such withholding taxes.
Optional Tax Redemption
The Issuer may redeem the Notes of a series in whole, but not in part, at its option at any time prior to maturity, upon the giving of not less than 10 nor more than 60 days’ notice of tax redemption to the holders, at a redemption price equal to the principal amount of the Notes of such series plus accrued and unpaid interest, if any, to the redemption date, if:
• | it determines that, as a result of any change in, or amendment to, the laws or any regulations or rulings promulgated thereunder of a Relevant Taxing Jurisdiction, or any change in the official application, administration, or written interpretation of such laws, regulations or rulings, which change or amendment becomes effective or, in the case of an interpretation, is announced, on or after the issue date of the Notes of such series, the Issuer or the Guarantor, as applicable, would be required to pay additional amounts (as described under “—Payment of Additional Amounts”) with respect to the Notes |
or the Guarantee on the next succeeding interest payment date and the payment of such additional amounts cannot be avoided by the use of reasonable measures available to the Issuer or the Guarantor, or any successor thereto; or |
• | it determines, based upon an opinion of independent counsel that, as a result of any action taken by any legislative body of, taxing authority of, or any action brought in a court of competent jurisdiction in, Ireland (or any political subdivision or taxing authority thereof), which action is taken or brought on or after the issue date of the Notes of such series under the laws of a jurisdiction other than Ireland (or any political subdivision or taxing authority thereof), with respect to taxes imposed by such other jurisdiction, there is a substantial probability that the circumstances described above would exist. |
No notice of any such redemption may be given earlier than 90 days prior to the earliest date on which the Issuer or the Guarantor, as the case may be, would be obligated to pay any additional amounts. The Issuer or the Guarantor, as applicable, will also pay to each holder, or make available for payment to each such holder, on the redemption date, any additional amounts (as described under “—Payment of Additional Amounts”) resulting from the payment of such redemption price by it. Prior to the delivery of any notice of redemption, the Issuer will deliver to the Trustee (i) an officer’s certificate stating that it is entitled to effect or cause a redemption and setting forth a statement of facts showing that the conditions precedent of the right so to redeem or cause such redemption have occurred, and (ii) an opinion of independent counsel of recognized standing to the effect that there has been such change or amendment that would entitle the Issuer to redeem the Notes under the indenture. The Trustee will accept such officer’s certificate and opinion of counsel as sufficient evidence of the existence and satisfaction of the conditions precedent as described above, in which event it will be conclusive and binding on the holders of the Notes. The foregoing will apply, mutatis mutandis, to any jurisdiction in which any successor to the Issuer or the Guarantor is incorporated or organized or tax resident or any political subdivision or taxing authority or agency thereof or therein, provided that if on the date of the succession the taxing jurisdiction is not already a Relevant Taxing Jurisdiction, the change or amendment of law becomes effective (or the announcement of the official interpretation is announced) after that date.
Consolidation and Merger
The indenture provides that each of the Issuer and the Guarantor may consolidate with or merge or convert into, or convey, transfer or lease its or their properties or assets substantially as an entirety to, another person without the consent of any Security holders if, along with certain other conditions set forth in the indenture:
• | the Issuer or Guarantor, as the case may be, is the successor person; or |
• | the successor person (if other than the Issuer or Guarantor, as the case may be) formed by such consolidation or conversion or into which the Issuer or Guarantor, as the case may be, merges or converts or which acquires or leases the assets of the Issuer or Guarantor, as the case may be, substantially as an entirety: |
a. | (i) in the case of the Issuer or the Guarantor, as the case may be, is a corporation or other entity organized and existing under the laws of the United States, any state thereof or the District of Columbia, Ireland, England and Wales, Jersey, any member state of the European Union as in effect on the date the debt securities of the applicable series are first issued or Switzerland; and (ii) expressly assumes by supplemental indenture the obligations of the Issuer or Guarantor, as the case may be, in relation to the Notes or the Guarantee, as the case may be, and under the indenture; |
b. | immediately after giving effect to such transaction, there is no event of default and no event which, after notice or passage of time or both, would become an event of default; and |
c. | the Issuer or the Guarantor, as the case may be, has delivered to the Trustee an officer’s certificate and an opinion of counsel, each stating that the transaction complies with the conditions set forth in the indenture. |
Notwithstanding the foregoing, (A) any conveyance, transfer or lease of assets between or among the Guarantor or the Issuer and its subsidiaries will not be prohibited under the indenture, and (B) each of the Guarantor and the Issuer may, directly or indirectly, consolidate with or merge with or into an affiliate incorporated solely for the purpose of reincorporating the Guarantor or the Issuer, as applicable, in another jurisdiction within the United States, any state thereof or the District of Columbia, Ireland, England and Wales, Jersey, any member state of the European Union as in effect on the date the Notes are first issued or Switzerland to realize tax or other benefits.
Depending on the facts, it is possible that a merger, transfer, lease or other transaction could be treated for U.S. federal income tax purposes as a taxable exchange by the beneficial owner of the Notes or Guarantee for new securities, which could result in U.S. beneficial owners of debt securities or guarantees recognizing taxable gain or loss for U.S. federal income tax purposes and possibly holding new notes with original issue discount solely for U.S. federal income tax purposes. A merger, transfer, lease or other transaction could also have adverse tax consequences to beneficial owners of the Notes or the Guarantee under other tax laws to which the beneficial owners are subject.
Events of Default
Each of the following is an “event of default” under the indenture with respect to the Notes:
• | failure to pay the principal of, or any premium on, the Notes when due; |
• | failure to pay the interest or any additional amount on the Notes when due and the continuation of that failure for 30 days; |
• | the cessation of the Guarantee to be in full force and effect, the declaration that the Guarantee is null and void and unenforceable, the finding that the Guarantee is invalid or the denial by the Guarantor of its liability under the Guarantee (other than by reason of the release of the Guarantor in accordance with the terms of the indenture); |
• | failure by the Issuer or the Guarantor to comply with any of its other covenants or agreements contained in the indenture and the continuation of that failure for 90 days after written notice of that failure is given to the Issuer or Guarantor from the Trustee (or to the Issuer, Guarantor and Trustee from the holders of at least 25% in principal amount of the outstanding Notes); and |
• | certain events of bankruptcy, insolvency or reorganization relating to the Issuer or the Guarantor; |
The indenture provides that if there is a continuing event of default with respect to the Notes, the Trustee or the holders of at least 25% of the outstanding principal amount of the Notes may require the Issuer or the Guarantor to pay immediately the principal of and accrued and unpaid interest, if any, on the Notes. However, at any time after the Trustee or the holders, as the case may be, declare an acceleration with respect to the Notes, but before the applicable person has obtained a judgment or decree for payment of the money, the holders of a majority in principal amount of the Notes may, under certain conditions, cancel such acceleration if (i) all events of default (other than the non-payment of accelerated principal) with respect to the Notes have been cured or (ii) all such events of default have been waived, each as provided in the indenture. For information as to waiver of defaults, see “—Modification and Waiver” in the accompanying prospectus.
The indenture provides that, subject to the duties of the Trustee to act with the required standard of care, if there is a continuing event of default, the Trustee need not exercise any of its rights or powers under the indenture at the request or direction of any of the holders of Notes, unless those holders have offered to the Trustee security or indemnity reasonably satisfactory to it. Subject to those provisions for security or indemnification of the Trustee and certain other conditions, the holders of a majority in principal amount of the outstanding Notes will have the right to direct the time, method and place of conducting any proceeding for any remedy available to the Trustee or exercising any trust or power the Trustee holds with respect to the Notes.
No holder of any Security will have any right to institute any proceeding with respect to the indenture or for any remedy thereunder unless:
• | the Trustee has failed to institute the proceeding for 60 days after the holder has previously given the Trustee written notice of a continuing event of default with respect to the Notes; |
• | the holders of at least 25% in principal amount of the outstanding Notes have made written request, and offered reasonable security or indemnity, to the Trustee to institute the proceeding as Trustee; and |
• | the Trustee has not received from the holders of a majority in principal amount of the outstanding Notes a direction inconsistent with that request. |
However, the holder of any Security will have an absolute and unconditional right to receive payment of the principal of, and any premium or interest on, that Security on or after the date or dates they are to be paid as expressed in or pursuant to the Notes and to institute suit for the enforcement of any such payment.
The indenture provides that the Trustee shall provide notice to the holders of Notes within 90 days of the occurrence of any default with respect to such Notes known to the Trustee, except that the Trustee need not provide holders of any such Notes notice of any default (other than the non-payment of principal or any premium, interest or additional amounts) if such default has been cured and the Trustee considers it in the interest of the holders of such Notes not to provide that notice.
Governing Law
The indenture and the Notes will be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of New York.
Defeasance and Discharge
Under certain circumstances, the Issuer and the Guarantor may be discharged, referred to as defeasance, from any and all obligations in respect of the Notes of any series and the related Guarantee, as applicable, as described in “Description of Debt Securities and Guarantees—Defeasance” in the accompanying prospectus.
In addition, the Issuer and the Guarantor may also obtain a discharge of the indenture with respect to all debt securities (including the Notes) issued thereunder and any related guarantee (including the Guarantee), as applicable, by depositing with the Trustee, in trust, money and/or securities of the United States or such other government which issues the currency in which the debt securities of that series are payable or securities of agencies backed by the full faith and credit of the United States or such other government, which, through the payment of interest and principal in accordance with their terms, will provide, in the opinion of a nationally recognized public accounting firm, enough money to pay all amounts due on the debt securities on the date those payments are due whether at maturity, upon redemption or otherwise, so long as those debt securities are by their terms to become due and payable within one year or are to be called for redemption within one year.
Concerning Our Relationship with the Trustee
The Guarantor and its affiliates have commercial deposits and custodial arrangements with The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A. (“BNY”) and may have borrowed money from BNY or its affiliates in the normal course of business. The Guarantor and its affiliates may enter into similar or other banking relationships with BNY or its affiliates in the future in the normal course of business. In addition, the Guarantor and its affiliates may provide consulting and other services in the ordinary course of our business for BNY or its affiliates.
Offers to Purchase; Open Market Purchases
Neither the Issuer nor the Guarantor is required to make any sinking fund payments or any offers to purchase with respect to the Notes or the Guarantee. The Issuer or the Guarantor may at any time and from time to time purchase Notes in the open market or otherwise.
We have obtained the information in this section concerning DTC, Clearstream Banking S.A. (“Clearstream, Luxembourg”) and Euroclear Bank SA/NV (“Euroclear”) and their book-entry systems and procedures from sources that we believe to be reliable. We take no responsibility for an accurate portrayal of this information. In addition, the description of the clearing systems in this section reflects our understanding of the rules and procedures of DTC, Clearstream, Luxembourg and Euroclear as they are currently in effect. Those systems could change their rules and procedures at any time.
The Notes of each series will initially be represented by one or more fully registered global notes. Each such global note will be deposited with, or on behalf of, DTC or any successor thereto and registered in the name of Cede & Co. (DTC’s nominee). You may hold your interests in the global notes in the United States through DTC, or in Europe through Clearstream, Luxembourg or Euroclear, either as a participant in such systems or indirectly through organizations which are participants in such systems. Clearstream, Luxembourg and Euroclear will hold interests in the global notes on behalf of their respective participating organizations or customers through customers’ securities accounts in Clearstream, Luxembourg’s or Euroclear’s names on the books of their respective depositaries, which in turn will hold those positions in customers’ securities accounts in the depositaries’ names on the books of DTC.
So long as DTC or its nominee is the registered owner of the global securities representing the Notes of a series, DTC or such nominee will be considered the sole owner and holder of the Notes of such series for all purposes of the Notes of such series and the indenture. Except as provided below, owners of beneficial interests in the Notes will not be entitled to have the Notes registered in their names, will not receive or be entitled to receive physical delivery of the Notes in definitive form and will not be considered the owners or holders of the Notes under the indenture, including for purposes of receiving any reports delivered by the Issuer, the Guarantor or the Trustee pursuant to the indenture. Accordingly, each person owning a beneficial interest in a Note must rely on the procedures of DTC or its nominee and, if such person is not a participant, on the procedures of the participant through which such person owns its interest, in order to exercise any rights of a holder of Notes.
Unless and until the Issuer issues the Notes of a series in fully certificated, registered form under the limited circumstances described below under “—Certificated Notes”:
• | you will not be entitled to receive a certificate representing your interest in the Notes of such series; |
• | all references in this prospectus or an accompanying prospectus supplement to actions by holders will refer to actions taken by DTC upon instructions from its direct participants; and |
• | all references in this prospectus or an accompanying prospectus supplement to payments and notices to holders will refer to payments and notices to DTC or Cede & Co., as the registered holder of the Notes of such series, for distribution to you in accordance with DTC procedures. |
The Depository Trust Company
DTC will act as securities depositary for the Notes. The Notes will be issued as fully registered Notes registered in the name of Cede & Co. DTC is:
• | a limited-purpose trust company organized under the New York Banking Law; |
• | a “banking organization” under the New York Banking Law; |
• | a member of the Federal Reserve System; |
• | a “clearing corporation” under the New York Uniform Commercial Code; and |
• | a “clearing agency” registered under the provisions of Section 17A of the Exchange Act. |
DTC holds securities that its direct participants deposit with DTC. DTC facilitates the settlement among direct participants of securities transactions, such as transfers and pledges, in deposited securities through electronic computerized book-entry changes in direct participants’ accounts, thereby eliminating the need for physical movement of securities certificates.
Direct participants of DTC include securities brokers and dealers (including the underwriters), banks, trust companies, clearing corporations and certain other organizations. DTC is owned by a number of its direct participants. Indirect participants of DTC, such as securities brokers and dealers, banks and trust companies, can also access the DTC system if they maintain a custodial relationship with a participant, either directly or indirectly.
Purchases of Notes under DTC’s system must be made by or through direct participants, which will receive a credit for the Notes on DTC’s records. The ownership interest of each beneficial owner is in turn to be recorded on the records of direct participants and indirect participants. Beneficial owners will not receive written confirmation from DTC of their purchase, but beneficial owners are expected to receive written confirmations providing details of the transaction, as well as periodic statements of their holdings, from the direct participants or indirect participants through which such beneficial owners entered into the transaction. Transfers of ownership interests in the Notes are to be accomplished by entries made on the books of participants acting on behalf of beneficial owners. Beneficial owners will not receive certificates representing their ownership interests in Notes, except as provided below under “—Certificated Notes.”
To facilitate subsequent transfers, all Notes deposited with DTC are registered in the name of DTC’s nominee, Cede & Co. The deposit of Notes with DTC and their registration in the name of Cede & Co. effect no change in beneficial ownership. DTC has no knowledge of the actual beneficial owners of the Notes. DTC’s records reflect only the identity of the direct participants to whose accounts such Notes are credited, which may or may not be the beneficial owners. The participants will remain responsible for keeping account of their holdings on behalf of their customers.
Conveyance of notices and other communications by DTC to direct participants, by direct participants to indirect participants and by direct participants and indirect participants to beneficial owners will be governed by arrangements among them, subject to any statutory or regulatory requirements as may be in effect from time to time.
Book-Entry Format
Under the book-entry format, the paying agent will pay interest or principal payments to Cede & Co., as nominee of DTC. DTC will forward the payment to the direct participants, who will then forward the payment to the indirect participants (including Clearstream, Luxembourg or Euroclear) or to you as the beneficial owner. You may experience some delay in receiving your payments under this system. None of the Issuer, the Guarantor, the Trustee or any paying agent has any direct responsibility or liability for the payment of principal or interest on the Notes to owners of beneficial interests in the Notes.
DTC is required to make book-entry transfers on behalf of its direct participants and is required to receive and transmit payments of principal, premium, if any, and interest on the Notes. Any direct participant or indirect participant with which you have an account is similarly required to make book-entry transfers and to receive and transmit payments with respect to the Notes on your behalf. None of the Issuer, the Guarantor or the Trustee have responsibility for any aspect of the actions of DTC, Clearstream, Luxembourg or Euroclear or any of their direct or indirect participants. In addition, none of the Issuer, the Guarantor or the Trustee have responsibility or liability for any aspect of the records kept by DTC, Clearstream, Luxembourg, Euroclear or any of their direct or indirect participants relating to or payments made on account of beneficial ownership interests in the Notes or for maintaining, supervising or reviewing any records relating to such beneficial ownership interests. Neither the Issuer nor the Guarantor supervises these systems in any way.
The Trustee will not recognize you as a holder under the indenture, and you can only exercise the rights of a holder indirectly through DTC and its direct participants. DTC has advised us that it will only take action regarding a Note if one or more of the direct participants to whom the Note is credited directs DTC to take such action and only in respect of the portion of the aggregate principal amount of the Notes as to which that participant or participants has or have given that direction. DTC can only act on behalf of its direct participants. Your ability to pledge Notes to non-direct participants, and to take other actions, may be limited because you will not possess a physical certificate that represents your Notes.
Neither DTC nor Cede & Co. (nor such other DTC nominee) will consent or vote with respect to the Notes unless authorized by a direct participant in accordance with DTC’s procedures. Under its usual procedures, DTC will mail an omnibus proxy to us as soon as possible after the record date. The omnibus proxy assigns Cede & Co.’s consenting or voting rights to those direct participants to whose accounts the Notes are credited on the record date (identified in a listing attached to the omnibus proxy).
Clearstream, Luxembourg or Euroclear will credit payments to the cash accounts of Clearstream, Luxembourg customers or Euroclear participants in accordance with the relevant system’s rules and procedures, to the extent received by its depositary. These payments will be subject to tax reporting in accordance with relevant U.S. tax laws and regulations. Clearstream, Luxembourg or the Euroclear Operator, as the case may be, will take any other action permitted to be taken by a holder under the indenture on behalf of a Clearstream, Luxembourg customer or Euroclear participant only in accordance with its relevant rules and procedures and subject to its depositary’s ability to effect those actions on its behalf through DTC.
DTC, Clearstream, Luxembourg and Euroclear have agreed to the foregoing procedures in order to facilitate transfers of the Notes among participants of DTC, Clearstream, Luxembourg and Euroclear. However, they are under no obligation to perform or continue to perform those procedures, and they may discontinue those procedures at any time.
Transfers Within and Among Book-Entry Systems
Transfers between DTC’s direct participants will occur in accordance with DTC rules. Transfers between Clearstream, Luxembourg customers and Euroclear participants will occur in accordance with its applicable rules and operating procedures.
DTC will effect cross-market transfers between persons holding directly or indirectly through DTC, on the one hand, and directly or indirectly through Clearstream, Luxembourg customers or Euroclear participants, on the other hand, in accordance with DTC rules on behalf of the relevant European international clearing system by its depositary. However, cross-market transactions will require delivery of instructions to the relevant European international clearing system by the counterparty in that system in accordance with its rules and procedures and within its established deadlines (European time). The relevant European international clearing system will, if the transaction meets its settlement requirements, instruct its depositary to effect final settlement on its behalf by delivering or receiving securities in DTC, and making or receiving payment in accordance with normal procedures for same-day funds settlement applicable to DTC. Clearstream, Luxembourg customers and Euroclear participants may not deliver instructions directly to the depositaries.
Because of time-zone differences, credits of securities received in Clearstream, Luxembourg or Euroclear resulting from a transaction with a DTC direct participant will be made during the subsequent securities settlement processing, dated the business day following the DTC settlement date.
Those credits or any transactions in those securities settled during that processing will be reported to the relevant Clearstream, Luxembourg customer or Euroclear participant on that business day. Cash received in Clearstream, Luxembourg or Euroclear as a result of sales of securities by or through a Clearstream, Luxembourg customer or a Euroclear participant to a DTC direct participant will be received with value on the DTC
settlement date but will be available in the relevant Clearstream, Luxembourg or Euroclear cash amount only as of the business day following settlement in DTC.
Although DTC, Clearstream, Luxembourg and Euroclear have agreed to the foregoing procedures in order to facilitate transfers of debt securities among their respective participants, they are under no obligation to perform or continue to perform such procedures and such procedures may be discontinued at any time.
Certificated Notes
Unless and until they are exchanged, in whole or in part, for Notes in definitive form in accordance with the terms of the Notes, the Notes may not be transferred except (i) as a whole by DTC to a nominee of DTC, (ii) by a nominee of DTC to DTC or another nominee of DTC or (iii) by DTC or any such nominee to a successor of DTC or a nominee of such successor.
The Issuer will issue Notes of the applicable series to you or your nominees, in fully certificated registered form, rather than to DTC or its nominees, only if:
• | the Issuer advises the Trustee in writing that DTC is no longer willing or able to discharge its responsibilities properly or that DTC is no longer a registered clearing agency under the Exchange Act, and the Trustee or we are unable to locate a qualified successor within 90 days; |
• | an event of default with respect to the Notes of the applicable series has occurred and is continuing under the indenture; or |
• | the Issuer, at its option, elects to terminate the book-entry system through DTC. |
If any of the three above events occurs, DTC is required to notify all direct participants that Notes of the applicable series in fully certificated registered form are available through DTC. DTC will then surrender the global notes representing the Notes of such series along with instructions for re-registration. The Trustee will re-issue the Notes of the applicable series in fully certificated registered form and will recognize the registered holders of the certificated debt securities as holders under the indenture.
Unless and until the Issuer issues the Notes in fully certificated, registered form, (i) you will not be entitled to receive a certificate representing your interest in the Notes, (ii) all references in this prospectus supplement or the accompanying prospectus to actions by holders will refer to actions taken by the depositary upon instructions from their direct participants and (iii) all references in this prospectus supplement or the accompanying prospectus to payments and notices to holders will refer to payments and notices to the depositary, as the registered holder of the Notes, for distribution to you in accordance with its policies and procedures.
The following discussion is a summary of certain U.S. federal income tax considerations of the ownership and disposition of the Notes issued pursuant to this offering, but does not purport to be a complete analysis of all potential tax effects. The effects of other U.S. federal tax laws, such as estate and gift tax laws, the Medicare tax on certain investment income, and any applicable state, local or non-U.S. tax laws are not discussed. This discussion is based on the Code, Treasury Regulations promulgated thereunder, judicial decisions, and published rulings and administrative pronouncements of the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (the “IRS”), in each case in effect as of the date hereof. These authorities may change or be subject to differing interpretations. Any such change or differing interpretation may be applied retroactively in a manner that could adversely affect a beneficial owner of the Notes. We have not sought and will not seek any rulings from the IRS regarding the matters discussed below. There can be no assurance the IRS or a court will not take a contrary position to that discussed below regarding the tax consequences of the ownership and disposition of the Notes.
This discussion is limited to persons who hold the Notes as “capital assets” within the meaning of Section 1221 of the Code (generally, property held for investment). In addition, this discussion is limited to persons purchasing the Notes for cash at original issue and at their original “issue price” within the meaning of Section 1273 of the Code (i.e., the first price at which a substantial amount of the Notes is sold to the public (not including bond houses, brokers or similar persons or organizations acting in the capacity of underwriters, placement agents or wholesalers) for cash). This discussion does not address all U.S. federal income tax considerations relevant to a person’s particular circumstances. In addition, it does not address considerations relevant to persons subject to special rules, including, without limitation:
• | U.S. expatriates and former citizens or long-term residents of the United States; |
• | persons subject to the alternative minimum tax; |
• | U.S. Holders (as defined below) whose functional currency is not the U.S. dollar; |
• | persons holding the Notes as part of a hedge, straddle or other risk reduction strategy or as part of a conversion transaction or other integrated investment; |
• | banks, insurance companies, and other financial institutions; |
• | real estate investment trusts or regulated investment companies; |
• | brokers, dealers or traders in securities; |
• | “controlled foreign corporations,” “passive foreign investment companies” and corporations that accumulate earnings to avoid U.S. federal income tax; |
• | S corporations, partnerships or other entities or arrangements treated as partnerships for U.S. federal income tax purposes (and investors therein); |
• | tax-exempt organizations or governmental organizations; and |
• | persons subject to special tax accounting rules as a result of any item of gross income with respect to the Notes being taken into account in an applicable financial statement. |
If an entity or arrangement treated as a partnership for U.S. federal income tax purposes holds the Notes, the tax treatment of a partner in the partnership generally will depend on the status of the partner, the activities of the partnership and certain determinations made at the partner level. Accordingly, each partnership holding or considering an investment in the Notes and each partner in such partnership is urged to consult its tax advisor regarding the U.S. federal income tax considerations of the ownership and disposition of the Notes by such partnership.
Tax Considerations Applicable to U.S. Holders
Definition of a U.S. Holder
For purposes of this discussion, a “U.S. Holder” is a beneficial owner of a Note that, for U.S. federal income tax purposes, is or is treated as:
• | an individual who is a citizen or resident of the United States; |
• | a corporation created or organized under the laws of the United States, any state thereof, or the District of Columbia; |
• | an estate, the income of which is subject to U.S. federal income tax regardless of its source; or |
• | a trust that (1) is subject to the primary supervision of a U.S. court and the control of one or more “United States persons” (within the meaning of Section 7701(a)(30) of the Code) or (2) has a valid election in effect to be treated as a United States person for U.S. federal income tax purposes. |
Payments of Interest
Interest on a Note generally will be taxable to a U.S. Holder as ordinary income at the time such interest is received or accrued, in accordance with such U.S. Holder’s method of tax accounting for U.S. federal income tax purposes. Payments under the Notes or the Guarantee will have a U.S. source.
Sale, Exchange, Redemption or Other Taxable Disposition
A U.S. Holder generally will recognize gain or loss on the sale, exchange, redemption or other taxable disposition of a Note. The amount of such gain or loss will generally equal the difference, if any, between the amount of cash and the fair market value of any property received for the Note (less amounts attributable to any accrued but unpaid interest, which will be taxable as ordinary interest income to the extent not previously included in income) and the U.S. Holder’s adjusted tax basis in the Note. A U.S. Holder’s adjusted tax basis in a Note generally will be equal to the amount the U.S. Holder paid for the Note. Any gain or loss will generally be capital gain or loss and will be long-term capital gain or loss if the U.S. Holder has held the Note for more than one year at the time of sale, exchange, redemption or other taxable disposition. Long-term capital gains recognized by individuals and certain other non-corporate U.S. Holders are eligible for reduced rates of U.S. federal income tax. The deductibility of capital losses is subject to limitations.
Information Reporting and Backup Withholding
A U.S. Holder may be subject to information reporting and backup withholding when the U.S. Holder receives payments on a Note or receives proceeds from the sale or other taxable disposition of a Note. Certain U.S. Holders (including corporations) are exempt from backup withholding. A U.S. Holder will be subject to backup withholding if the U.S. Holder is not otherwise exempt (and certified such exempt status if required) and:
• | the U.S. Holder fails to furnish the U.S. Holder’s taxpayer identification number; |
• | the U.S. Holder furnishes an incorrect taxpayer identification number; |
• | the applicable withholding agent is notified by the IRS that the U.S. Holder previously failed to properly report payments of interest or dividends; or |
• | the U.S. Holder fails to certify under penalties of perjury that the U.S. Holder has furnished a correct taxpayer identification number and that the IRS has not notified the U.S. Holder that the U.S. Holder is subject to backup withholding. |
Backup withholding is not an additional tax. Any amounts withheld under the backup withholding rules may be allowed as a refund or a credit against a U.S. Holder’s U.S. federal income tax liability, provided the required information is timely furnished to the IRS. A U.S. Holder who does not timely provide a correct taxpayer identification number may also be subject to penalties imposed by the IRS. Each U.S. Holder is urged to consult its tax advisor regarding such U.S. Holder’s qualification for an exemption from backup withholding and the procedures for obtaining such an exemption.
Tax Considerations Applicable to Non-U.S. Holders
Definition of a Non-U.S. Holder
For purposes of this discussion, a “Non-U.S. Holder” is a beneficial owner of a Note that is neither a U.S. Holder nor an entity or arrangement treated as a partnership for U.S. federal income tax purposes.
Payments of Interest
Subject to the discussion of FATCA (as defined below) and Information Reporting and Backup Withholding below, interest paid on a Note or the Guarantee to a Non-U.S. Holder that is not effectively connected with the Non-U.S. Holder’s conduct of a trade or business within the United States generally will not be subject to U.S. federal income tax, or withholding tax of 30% (or such lower rate specified by an applicable income tax treaty), provided that:
• | the Non-U.S. Holder does not, actually or constructively, own 10% or more of the total combined voting power of all classes of our voting stock within the meaning of the Code and applicable U.S. Treasury Regulations; |
• | the Non-U.S. Holder is not a controlled foreign corporation related to us through actual or constructive stock ownership; and |
• | either (1) the Non-U.S. Holder properly certifies in a statement provided to the applicable withholding agent under penalties of perjury that it is not a United States person and provides its name and address; (2) a securities clearing organization, bank or other financial institution that holds customers’ securities in the ordinary course of its trade or business and holds the Note on behalf of the Non-U.S. Holder certifies to the applicable withholding agent under penalties of perjury that it, or the financial institution between it and the Non-U.S. Holder, has received from the Non-U.S. Holder a statement under penalties of perjury that such Non-U.S. Holder is not a United States person and provides a copy of such statement to the applicable withholding agent; or (3) the Non-U.S. Holder holds its Note directly through a “qualified intermediary” (within the meaning of applicable Treasury Regulations) and certain conditions are satisfied. |
If a Non-U.S. Holder does not satisfy the requirements above, such Non-U.S. Holder may be entitled to a reduction in or an exemption from withholding on such interest as a result of an applicable income tax treaty. To claim such entitlement, the Non-U.S. Holder must provide the applicable withholding agent with a properly executed IRS Form W-8BEN or W-8BEN-E (or other applicable documentation) claiming a reduction in or exemption from withholding tax under an applicable income tax treaty between the United States and the country in which the Non-U.S. Holder resides or is established.
If interest paid to a Non-U.S. Holder is effectively connected with the Non-U.S. Holder’s conduct of a trade or business within the United States (and, if required by an applicable income tax treaty, the Non-U.S. Holder maintains a permanent establishment in the United States to which such interest is attributable), the Non-U.S.
Holder will be exempt from the U.S. federal withholding tax described above. To claim the exemption, the Non-U.S. Holder must furnish to the applicable withholding agent a valid IRS Form W-8ECI, certifying that interest paid on a Note is not subject to withholding tax because it is effectively connected with the conduct of the Non-U.S. Holder of a trade or business within the United States.
Any such effectively connected interest generally will be subject to U.S. federal income tax at the regular graduated U.S. federal income tax rates as if the Non-U.S. Holder were a U.S. Holder, unless an applicable income tax treaty provides otherwise. In addition, a Non-U.S. Holder that is a corporation also may be subject to a branch profits tax at a rate of 30% (or such lower rate specified by an applicable income tax treaty) on its effectively connected earnings and profits for the taxable year that are attributable to such interest, as adjusted for certain items.
The certifications described above must be provided to the applicable withholding agent prior to the payment of interest and must be updated periodically. A Non-U.S. Holder that does not timely provide the applicable withholding agent with the required certification, but that qualifies for a reduced rate (e.g., under an applicable income tax treaty), may obtain a refund of any excess amounts withheld by timely filing an appropriate claim for refund with the IRS. Each Non-U.S. Holder is urged to consult its tax advisor regarding its entitlement to benefits under any applicable income tax treaty.
Sale, Exchange, Redemption or Other Taxable Disposition
A Non-U.S. Holder will not be subject to U.S. federal income tax on any gain realized upon the sale, exchange, redemption or other taxable disposition of a Note (other than amounts allocable to accrued and unpaid interest, which generally will be treated as interest subject to the rules discussed above under “—Payments of Interest”) unless:
• | the gain is effectively connected with the Non-U.S. Holder’s conduct of a trade or business within the United States (and, if required by an applicable income tax treaty, the Non-U.S. Holder maintains a permanent establishment in the United States to which such gain is attributable); or |
• | the Non-U.S. Holder is a nonresident alien individual present in the United States for 183 days or more during the taxable year of the disposition and certain other requirements are met. |
Gain described in the first bullet point above generally will be subject to U.S. federal income tax on a net income basis at the regular graduated U.S. federal income tax rates as if such Non-U.S. Holder were a U.S. Holder. A Non-U.S. Holder that is a corporation also may be subject to a branch profits tax at a rate of 30% (or such lower rate specified by an applicable income tax treaty) on its effectively connected earnings and profits for the taxable year that are attributable to such gain, as adjusted for certain items.
Gain described in the second bullet point above will be subject to U.S. federal income tax at a rate of 30% (or such lower rate specified by an applicable income tax treaty), which may be offset by U.S.-source capital losses of the Non-U.S. Holder (even though the individual is not considered a resident of the United States), provided the Non-U.S. Holder has timely filed U.S. federal income tax returns with respect to such losses.
If a Non-U.S. Holder is eligible for the benefits of an income tax treaty between the United States and such Non-U.S. Holder’s country of residence, the U.S. federal income tax treatment of any such gain described above may be modified in the manner specified by the treaty. Each Non-U.S. Holder is urged to consult its tax advisor regarding any applicable income tax treaties that may provide for different rules.
Information Reporting and Backup Withholding
Payments of interest generally will not be subject to backup withholding, provided the applicable withholding agent does not have actual knowledge or reason to know the Non-U.S. Holder is a United States
person and the Non-U.S. Holder certifies its non-U.S. status as described above under “—Payments of Interest.” However, information returns are required to be filed with the IRS in connection with any interest paid to the Non-U.S. Holder, regardless of whether any tax was actually withheld. In addition, proceeds of the sale or other taxable disposition of a Note (including a retirement or redemption of the Note) within the United States or conducted through certain U.S.-related brokers generally will not be subject to backup withholding or information reporting, if the applicable withholding agent receives the statement described above and does not have actual knowledge or reason to know that such Non-U.S. Holder is a United States person or the Non-U.S. Holder otherwise establishes an exemption. Proceeds of a disposition of a Note paid outside the United States and conducted through a non-U.S. office of a non-U.S. broker generally will not be subject to backup withholding or information reporting.
Copies of information returns that are filed with the IRS may also be made available under the provisions of an applicable treaty or agreement to the tax authorities of the country in which the Non-U.S. Holder resides or is established.
Backup withholding is not an additional tax. Any amounts withheld under the backup withholding rules may be allowed as a refund or a credit against a Non-U.S. Holder’s U.S. federal income tax liability, provided the required information is timely furnished to the IRS.
Withholding taxes may be imposed under Sections 1471 to 1474 of the Code (such Sections commonly referred to as the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, or “FATCA”) on certain types of payments made to non-U.S. financial institutions and certain other non-U.S. entities. Specifically, a 30% withholding tax may be imposed on payments of interest on a Note paid to a “foreign financial institution” or a “non-financial foreign entity” (each as defined in the Code), unless (1) the foreign financial institution undertakes certain diligence and reporting obligations, (2) the non-financial foreign entity either certifies it does not have any “substantial United States owners” (as defined in the Code) or furnishes identifying information regarding each substantial United States owner or (3) the foreign financial institution or non-financial foreign entity otherwise qualifies for an exemption from these rules. If the payee is a foreign financial institution and is subject to the diligence and reporting requirements in (1) above, it must enter into an agreement with the U.S. Department of the Treasury requiring, among other things, that it undertake to identify accounts held by certain “specified United States persons” or “United States owned foreign entities” (each as defined in the Code), annually report certain information about such accounts, and withhold 30% on certain payments to non-compliant foreign financial institutions and certain other account holders. Foreign financial institutions located in jurisdictions that have an intergovernmental agreement with the United States governing FATCA may be subject to different rules.
Each prospective investor is urged to consult its tax advisor regarding the potential application of withholding under FATCA to its investment in a Note.
The following is a general summary of the Irish withholding tax consequences in relation to payments of interest on the Notes and payments in respect of the Guarantee and of the Irish stamp duty consequences of the issue or transfer of the Notes. It deals only with holders of Notes who beneficially own their Notes as an investment and who are not associated with the Issuer (otherwise than by virtue of holding the Notes). This summary does not deal with other Irish tax aspects of acquiring, holding or disposing of the Notes. This summary is based upon the laws of Ireland and the published practices of the Revenue Commissioners of Ireland in effect on the date of this prospectus supplement and is subject to any change in law or practice which may take effect after that date (including with retrospective effect).
This summary does not constitute legal or tax advice and the comments below are of a general nature only. Holders (or prospective holders) of Notes who are in any doubt as to their tax position should consult their professional advisors.
Irish Withholding Tax
Payments of Interest on the Notes
Withholding Tax. Interest payments on the Notes made by the Issuer may be made without withholding on account of Irish income tax provided that they do not have an “Irish source.” Interest payments on the Notes made by the Issuer would not generally be considered to have an Irish source where: (i) the Issuer is not resident in Ireland for the purposes of Irish tax; (ii) the Issuer does not operate in Ireland through a branch or agency with which the issue of the Notes is connected; (iii) the funds for the payments do not come from Ireland and no interest payments will be made from Ireland; and (iv) no debt is secured on Irish situate assets. Accordingly, the Issuer or any paying agent acting on behalf of the Issuer should not be obliged to deduct Irish interest withholding taxes from payments made in connection with the Notes.
Encashment Tax. In certain circumstances, Irish tax will be required to be withheld at a rate of 25 per cent from any interest paid in respect of the Notes, where such interest is paid, collected or realized by a person in Ireland on behalf of any holder of the Notes. Holders of the Notes should therefore note that the appointment of an Irish collection agent or an Irish paying agent could result in the deduction of 25% encashment tax by such agent from interest payments on the Notes. A holder of Notes that is not resident in Ireland for tax purposes may claim an exemption from this withholding tax by submitting an appropriate declaration of non-Irish tax residency to the Irish agent.
Payments in Respect of the Guarantee
The Guarantor currently does not intend to withhold tax from any payments under the Guarantee. Depending on the correct analysis under Irish law of payments in respect of the Guarantee, it is possible that such payments would be subject to withholding on account of Irish income tax at the standard rate (currently 20%), subject to such relief as may be available under the provisions of any applicable double tax treaty or any other exemption which may apply under domestic Irish law.
Stamp Duty
No Irish stamp duty should be payable on the issue or transfer of the Notes for so long as (a) the Notes do not derive their value or the greater part of their value directly or indirectly from any non-residential immovable property situated in Ireland, and (b) the transfer of the Notes does not relate to: (i) any immovable property situated in Ireland or any right over or interest in such property; or (ii) the stocks or marketable securities of a company registered in Ireland.
Subject to the conditions contained in an underwriting agreement dated as of the date of this prospectus supplement by and among the Issuer, the Guarantor, and the underwriters named below, for whom J.P. Morgan Securities LLC, BofA Securities Inc., Citigroup Global Markets Inc. and BNP Paribas Securities Corp. are acting as representatives, the Issuer and the Guarantor have agreed to sell to each underwriter, and each underwriter has severally and not jointly agreed to purchase from us, the principal amount of the Notes that appears opposite its name in the table below:
Underwriter |
Principal Amount of the 2027 Notes |
Principal Amount of the 2029 Notes |
Principal Amount of the 2031 Notes |
Principal Amount of the 2034 Notes |
J.P. Morgan Securities LLC |
$ | 352,000,000 | $ | 384,000,000 | $ | 384,000,000 | $ | 480,000,000 | ||||||||
BofA Securities, Inc. |
220,000,000 | 240,000,000 | 240,000,000 | 300,000,000 | ||||||||||||
Citigroup Global Markets Inc. |
143,000,000 | 156,000,000 | 156,000,000 | 195,000,000 | ||||||||||||
BNP Paribas Securities Corp. |
110,000,000 | 120,000,000 | 120,000,000 | 150,000,000 | ||||||||||||
Barclays Capital Inc. |
55,000,000 | 60,000,000 | 60,000,000 | 75,000,000 | ||||||||||||
SG Americas Securities, LLC |
55,000,000 | 60,000,000 | 60,000,000 | 75,000,000 | ||||||||||||
Deutsche Bank Securities Inc. |
44,000,000 | 48,000,000 | 48,000,000 | 60,000,000 | ||||||||||||
HSBC Securities (USA) Inc. |
44,000,000 | 48,000,000 | 48,000,000 | 60,000,000 | ||||||||||||
Standard Chartered Bank |
44,000,000 | 48,000,000 | 48,000,000 | 60,000,000 | ||||||||||||
Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC |
16,500,000 | 18,000,000 | 18,000,000 | 22,500,000 | ||||||||||||
Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC |
16,500,000 | 18,000,000 | 18,000,000 | 22,500,000 | ||||||||||||
Total |
$ | 1,100,000,000 | $ | 1,200,000,000 | $ | 1,200,000,000 | $ | 1,500,000,000 | ||||||||
The underwriters are offering the Notes subject to their acceptance of the Notes from us and subject to prior sale. The underwriting agreement provides that the obligations of the several underwriters to pay for and accept delivery of the Notes offered by this prospectus supplement are subject to certain conditions. The underwriters are obligated to take and pay for all of the Notes offered by this prospectus supplement if any such notes are taken. The offering of the Notes by the underwriters is subject to receipt and acceptance and subject to the underwriters’ right to reject any order in whole or in part.
The underwriters initially propose to offer the Notes of each series to the public at the applicable public offering prices that appear on the cover page of this prospectus supplement. In addition, the underwriters initially propose to offer the Notes to certain dealers at prices that represent a concession not in excess of 0.150% of the aggregate principal amount of the 2027 Notes, 0.200% of the aggregate principal amount of the 2029 Notes, 0.250% of the aggregate principal amount of the 2031 Notes and 0.275% of the aggregate principal amount of the 2034 Notes, as applicable. Any underwriter may allow, and any such dealer may reallow, a concession not in excess of 0.100% of the aggregate principal amount of the 2027 Notes, 0.150% of the aggregate principal amount of the 2029 Notes, 0.150% of the aggregate principal amount of the 2031 Notes and 0.175% of the aggregate principal amount of the 2034 Notes, as applicable to certain other dealers. After the initial offering of the Notes, the underwriters may from time to time vary the offering prices and other selling terms.
The following table shows the underwriting discount that we will pay to the underwriters in connection with the offering of the Notes:
Paid by Us | ||||
Per 2027 Note |
0.250 | % | ||
2027 Notes total |
$ | 2,750,000 | ||
Per 2029 Note |
0.350 | % | ||
2029 Notes total |
$ | 4,200,000 | ||
Per 2031 Note |
0.400 | % | ||
2031 Notes total |
$ | 4,800,000 | ||
Per 2034 Note |
0.450 | % | ||
2034 Notes total |
$ | 6,750,000 | ||
Total |
$ | 18,500,000 |
We estimate that our out of pocket expenses for this offering will be approximately $14.0 million.
We have agreed to indemnify the several underwriters against certain liabilities, including liabilities under the Securities Act, or contribute to payments that the underwriters may be required to make in respect of those liabilities.
Each series of Notes is a new issue of securities with no established trading market, and we currently have no intention to apply to list the Notes of any series on any securities exchange or to seek their admission to trading on any automated quotation system. One or more of the underwriters intend(s) to make secondary markets for the Notes. However, they are not obligated to do so and may discontinue making secondary markets for the Notes at any time without notice. No assurance can be given as to how liquid the trading markets for the Notes will be.
In connection with this offering of the Notes, the underwriters may engage in overallotments, stabilizing transactions, and syndicate covering transactions in accordance with Regulation M under the Exchange Act. Overallotment involves sales in excess of the offering size, which creates a short position for the underwriting. Stabilizing transactions involve bids to purchase the Notes in the open market for the purpose of pegging, fixing or maintaining the prices of the Notes, as applicable. Syndicate covering transactions involve purchases of the Notes in the open market after the distribution has been completed in order to cover short positions. Stabilizing transactions and syndicate covering transactions may cause the prices of the Notes to be higher than they would otherwise be in the absence of those transactions. If the underwriters engage in stabilizing or syndicate covering transactions, they may discontinue them at any time without notice.
The underwriters also may impose a penalty bid. This occurs when a particular underwriter repays to the underwriters a portion of the underwriting discount received by it because the representatives have repurchased notes sold by or for the account of such underwriter in stabilizing or short covering transactions.
These activities by the underwriters, as well as other purchases by the underwriters for their own accounts, may stabilize, maintain or otherwise affect the market price of the Notes. As a result, the price of the Notes may be higher than the price that otherwise might exist in the open market. If these activities are commenced, they may be discontinued by the underwriters at any time without notice. These transactions may be effected in the over-the-counter market or otherwise.
To the extent any underwriter that is not a U.S.-registered broker-dealer intends to effect sales of the Notes in the United States, it will do so through one or more U.S.-registered broker-dealers in accordance with the applicable U.S. securities laws and regulations.
Conflicts of Interest; Other Relationships
The underwriters and their respective affiliates are full service financial institutions engaged in various activities, which may include securities trading, commercial and investment banking, financial advisory, investment management, investment research, principal investment, hedging, financing and brokerage activities. From time to time in the ordinary course of their respective businesses, certain of the underwriters and their affiliates have engaged in and may in the future engage in commercial banking, derivatives and/or financial advisory, investment banking and other commercial transactions and services with us and our affiliates for which they have received or will receive customary fees and commissions. For example, affiliates of J.P. Morgan Securities LLC, BofA Securities, Inc., Citigroup Global Markets Inc. and BNP Paribas Securities Corp. are lenders under our credit agreement and affiliates of J.P. Morgan Securities LLC and BofA Securities, Inc. act as dealers and placement agents under our commercial paper program. Additionally, the Guarantor and its affiliates may provide consulting and other services in the ordinary course of our business to the underwriters or their affiliates.
In addition, in the ordinary course of their business activities, the underwriters and their affiliates may make or hold a broad array of investments and actively trade debt and equity securities (or related derivative securities) and financial instruments (including bank loans) for their own account and for the accounts of their customers. If any of the underwriters or their affiliates have a lending relationship with us, certain of those underwriters or their affiliates routinely hedge, and certain other of those underwriters may hedge, their credit exposure to us consistent with their customary risk management policies. Typically, these underwriters and their affiliates would hedge such exposure by entering into transactions which consist of either the purchase of credit default swaps or the creation of short positions in our securities, including potentially the securities offered hereby. Any such credit default swaps or short positions could adversely affect future trading prices of the securities offered hereby. Such investments and securities activities may involve securities and/or instruments of ours or our affiliates. The underwriters and their affiliates may also make investment recommendations and/or publish or express independent research views in respect of such securities or financial instruments and may hold, or recommend to clients that they acquire, long and/or short positions in such securities and instruments.
As described in the “Use of Proceeds” section of in this prospectus supplement, we intend to use the net proceeds from this offering for general corporate purposes, including the repayment of outstanding commercial paper borrowings. Accordingly, certain of the underwriters and/or their affiliates who may be lenders, dealers and/or placement agents may receive a portion of the proceeds of the offering. If any one underwriter, together with its affiliates, were to receive 5% or more of the net proceeds of this offering by reason of any such repayment, such underwriters would be deemed to have a “conflict of interest” within the meaning of Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (“FINRA”) Rule 5121. Accordingly, this offering will be conducted in accordance with Rule 5121. However, in accordance with FINRA Rule 5121, no “qualified independent underwriter” is required because the Notes are investment grade-rated by one or more nationally recognized statistical rating agencies.
We expect to deliver the Notes against payment for the Notes on or about the date specified in the last paragraph of the cover page of this prospectus supplement, which will be the third business day following the date of the pricing of the Notes. Under Rule 15c6-1 of the Exchange Act, trades in the secondary market generally are required to settle in one business day, unless the parties to any such trade expressly agree otherwise. Accordingly, purchasers who wish to trade Notes prior to the business day preceding the closing date will be required, by virtue of the fact that the Notes initially will settle in T+3, to specify an alternate settlement arrangement to prevent a failed settlement.
Selling Restrictions
The Notes may be sold only to purchasers purchasing, or deemed to be purchasing, as principal that are accredited investors, as defined in National Instrument 45-106 Prospectus Exemptions or subsection 73.3(1) of the Securities Act (Ontario), and are permitted clients, as defined in National Instrument 31-103 Registration Requirements, Exemptions and Ongoing Registrant Obligations. Any resale of the Notes must be made in accordance with an exemption from, or in a transaction not subject to, the prospectus requirements of applicable securities laws.
Securities legislation in certain provinces or territories of Canada may provide a purchaser with remedies for rescission or damages if this prospectus supplement and the accompanying prospectus (including any amendment thereto) contain a misrepresentation, provided that the remedies for rescission or damages are exercised by the purchaser within the time limit prescribed by the securities legislation of the purchaser’s province or territory. The purchaser should refer to any applicable provisions of the securities legislation of the purchaser’s province or territory for particulars of these rights or consult with a legal advisor.
If applicable, pursuant to section 3A.3 of National Instrument 33-105 Underwriting Conflicts (“NI 33-105”), the underwriters are not required to comply with the disclosure requirements of NI 33-105 regarding underwriter conflicts of interest in connection with this offering.
European Economic Area
The Notes are not intended to be offered, sold or otherwise made available to and should not be offered, sold or otherwise made available to any retail investor in the European Economic Area (the “EEA”). For these purposes, a retail investor means a person who is one (or more) of: (i) a retail client as defined in point (11) of Article 4(1) of Directive 2014/65/EU (as amended, the “MiFID II”); (ii) a customer within the meaning of Directive (EU) 2016/97 (as amended, the “Insurance Distribution Directive”), where that customer would not qualify as a professional client as defined in point (10) of Article 4(1) of MiFID II; or (iii) not a qualified investor as defined in Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 (as amended, the “Prospectus Regulation”). Consequently, no key information document required by Regulation (EU) No 1286/2014 (as amended or superseded, the “PRIIPs Regulation”) for offering or selling the Notes or otherwise making them available to retail investors in the EEA has been prepared, and therefore offering or selling the Notes or otherwise making them available to any retail investor in the EEA may be unlawful under the PRIIPs Regulation.
This prospectus supplement and the accompanying prospectus have been prepared on the basis that any offer of the Notes in any member state of the EEA will be made pursuant to an exemption under the Prospectus Regulation from the requirement to publish a prospectus for offers of securities. This prospectus supplement and the accompanying prospectus are not a prospectus for the purposes of the Prospectus Regulation.
United Kingdom
The Notes are not intended to be offered, sold or otherwise made available to and should not be offered, sold or otherwise made available to any retail investor in the United Kingdom (the “UK”). For these purposes, a retail investor means a person who is one (or more) of: (i) a retail client, as defined in point (8) of Article 2 of Regulation (EU) No 2017/565 as it forms part of domestic law by virtue of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 (the “EUWA”); (ii) a customer within the meaning of the provisions of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (the “FSMA”) and any rules or regulations made under the FSMA to implement Directive (EU) 2016/97, where that customer would not qualify as a professional client, as defined in point (8) of Article 2(1) of Regulation (EU) No 600/2014 as it forms part of domestic law by virtue of the EUWA; or (iii) not a qualified investor as defined in Article 2 of Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 as it forms part of domestic law by virtue of the EUWA (the “UK Prospectus Regulation”). Consequently, no key information document required by
Regulation (EU) No 1286/2014 as it forms part of assimilated law by virtue of the EUWA (the “UK PRIIPs Regulation”) for offering or selling the Notes based investment products or otherwise making them available to retail investors in the UK has been prepared and therefore offering or selling the Notes or otherwise making them available to any retail investor in the UK may be unlawful under the UK PRIIPs Regulation.
This prospectus supplement and the accompanying prospectus has been prepared on the basis that any offer of Notes in the UK will be made pursuant to an exemption under the UK Prospectus Regulation and FSMA from the requirement to publish a prospectus for offers of Notes. This ‘prospectus supplement’ and there are references herein to a “prospectus,” neither this prospectus supplement nor the accompanying prospectus is a prospectus for the purposes of the UK Prospectus Regulation or the FSMA.
Hong Kong
Each underwriter (i) has not offered or sold and will not offer or sell in Hong Kong, by means of any document, any Notes other than (a) to “professional investors” as defined in the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap. 571 of the laws of Hong Kong) (the “SFO”) and any rules made thereunder; or (b) in other circumstances which do not result in the document being a “prospectus” as defined in the Companies (Winding Up and Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance (Cap. 32 of the Laws of Hong Kong) (the “CO”) or which do not constitute an offer to the public within the meaning of the CO; and (ii) has not issued or had in its possession for the purposes of issue, and will not issue or have in its possession for the purposes of issue, whether in Hong Kong or elsewhere, any advertisement, invitation or document relating to the Notes, which is directed at, or the contents of which are likely to be accessed or read by, the public of Hong Kong (except if permitted to do so under the securities laws of Hong Kong) other than with respect to the Notes which are or are intended to be disposed of only to persons outside Hong Kong or only to “professional investors” as defined in the SFO and any rules made thereunder. The contents of this document have not been reviewed by any regulatory authority in Hong Kong. You are advised to exercise caution in relation to the offer. If you are in any doubt about any of the contents of this document, you should obtain independent professional advice.
The Notes have not been and will not be registered pursuant to Article 4, Paragraph 1 of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act. Accordingly, none of the Notes nor any interest therein may be offered or sold, directly or indirectly, in Japan or to, or for the benefit of, any “resident” of Japan (which term as used herein means any person resident in Japan, including any corporation or other entity organized under the laws of Japan), or to others for re-offering or resale, directly or indirectly, in Japan or to or for the benefit of a resident of Japan, except pursuant to an exemption from the registration requirements of, and otherwise in compliance with, the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and any other applicable laws, regulations and ministerial guidelines of Japan in effect at the relevant time.
Each underwriter has acknowledged that this prospectus supplement has not been registered as a prospectus with the Monetary Authority of Singapore. Accordingly, each underwriter has represented, warranted and agreed that it has not offered or sold any Notes or caused the Notes to be made the subject of an invitation for subscription or purchase and will not offer or sell any Notes or cause the Notes to be made the subject of an invitation for subscription or purchase, and has not circulated or distributed, nor will it circulate or distribute, this prospectus supplement or any other document or material in connection with the offer or sale, or invitation for subscription or purchase, of the Notes, whether directly or indirectly, to any person in Singapore other than (i) to an institutional investor (as defined in Section 4A of the Securities and Futures Act 2001 of Singapore, as modified or amended from time to time (the “SFA”)) pursuant to Section 274 of the SFA or (ii) to an accredited investor (as defined in Section 4A of the SFA) pursuant to and in accordance with the conditions specified in Section 275 of the SFA.
This prospectus supplement and the accompanying prospectus do not constitute an offer to the public or a solicitation to purchase or invest in any Notes. No Notes have been offered or will be offered to the public in Switzerland, except that offers of Notes may be made to the public in Switzerland at any time under the following exemptions under the Swiss Financial Services Act (“FinSA”):
(a) to any person which is a professional client as defined under the FinSA; or
(b) in any other circumstances falling within Article 36 FinSA in connection with Article 44 of the Swiss Financial Services Ordinance,
provided that no such offer of Notes shall require the Company or any bank to publish a prospectus pursuant to Article 35 FinSA.
The Notes have not been and will not be listed or admitted to trading on a trading venue in Switzerland.
Neither this document nor any other offering or marketing material relating to the Notes constitutes a prospectus as such term is understood pursuant to the FinSA and neither this document nor any other offering or marketing material relating to the Notes may be publicly distributed or otherwise made publicly available in Switzerland.
The Notes have not been, and will not be, registered or filed with, or approved by, the Financial Supervisory Commission of Taiwan, the Republic of China (“Taiwan”) and/or other regulatory authority of Taiwan pursuant to applicable securities laws and regulations and may not be sold, issued or offered within Taiwan through a public offering or in circumstances which constitute an offer within the meaning of the Taiwan Securities and Exchange Act or relevant laws and regulations that requires a registration, filing or approval of the Financial Supervisory Commission of Taiwan and/or other regulatory authority of Taiwan. No person or entity in Taiwan is authorized to offer, sell or distribute or otherwise intermediate the offering of the Notes or the provision of information relating to this prospectus supplement and the accompanying prospectus. The Notes may be made available to Taiwan resident investors outside Taiwan for purchase by such investors outside Taiwan for purchase outside Taiwan by investors residing in Taiwan, but may not be issued, offered, sold or resold in Taiwan, unless otherwise permitted by Taiwan laws and regulations. No subscription or other offer to purchase the Notes shall be binding on us until received and accepted by us or any underwriter outside of Taiwan (the “Place of Acceptance”), and the purchase/sale contract arising therefrom shall be deemed a contract entered into in the Place of Acceptance.
We are subject to the information reporting requirements of the Exchange Act. In accordance with the Exchange Act, we file reports, proxy statements and other information with the SEC. Our SEC file number is 001-34448. The SEC maintains a website at www.sec.gov that contains reports, proxy statements and other information about issuers, such as us, who file electronically with the SEC.
The SEC’s rules allow us to “incorporate by reference” information in this prospectus supplement, which means that we can disclose important information to you by referring you to another document filed separately with the SEC. The information incorporated by reference is deemed to be part of this prospectus supplement, and subsequent information that we file with the SEC will automatically update and supersede that information. Any statement contained in a previously filed document incorporated by reference herein will be deemed to be modified or superseded for purposes of this prospectus supplement to the extent that a statement contained in this prospectus supplement or a subsequently filed document incorporated by reference herein modifies or replaces such statement.
This prospectus supplement incorporates by reference (i) the documents set forth below and (ii) any future filings we make with the SEC pursuant to Section 13(a), 13(c), 14 or 15(d) of the Exchange Act subsequent to the date of this prospectus supplement and prior to the termination of this offering, except we are not incorporating by reference any information furnished (but not filed) under Item 2.02 or Item 7.01 of any Current Report on Form 8-K and exhibits filed on such form that are related to such items, unless specifically noted below for such report or in a prospectus supplement:
• | Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended August 31, 2023, filed with the SEC on October 12, 2023, as revised by our Current Report on Form 8-K filed on September 30, 2024, which revised Part I, Item 1, Part II, Item 7 and Part II, Item 8 thereof; |
• | information specifically incorporated by reference in the Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended August 31, 2023 from the Definitive Proxy Statement on Schedule 14A, filed with the SEC on December 13, 2023; |
• | Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended November 30, 2023, filed with the SEC on December 19, 2023, the quarter ended February 29, 2024, filed with the SEC on March 21, 2024, and the quarter ended May 31, 2024, filed with the SEC on June 20, 2024; and |
• | Current Reports on Form 8-K, filed with the SEC on December 6, 2023, January 31, 2024, May 17, 2024, June 11, 2024 (as amended on July 19, 2024), and September 30, 2024 (including Accenture plc’s recast financial statements and related disclosures, as of August 31, 2023, along with the audit report of our independent registered public accounting firm). |
You will find additional information about us in the registration statement of which this prospectus and the accompanying prospectus form a part. This prospectus supplement and the accompanying prospectus do not contain all of the information in the registration statement. Statements in this prospectus supplement, the accompanying prospectus or any documents incorporated by reference herein or therein concerning the provisions of legal documents are not necessarily complete, and you should read the documents that are filed as exhibits to the registration statement or otherwise filed with the SEC for a more complete understanding of the document or matter.
You may request a free copy of any of the documents incorporated by reference in this prospectus supplement by writing or calling us at the following address or telephone number:
Accenture plc
Investor Relations
395 Ninth Avenue
60th Floor
New York, New York 10001
United States of America
Telephone: +1 (703) 948-5150
The validity of the Notes will be passed upon for us as to Irish law by Arthur Cox LLP and as to U.S. law by Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP, New York, New York. Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP, Menlo Park, California, will pass upon certain matters for the underwriters.
The consolidated financial statements of Accenture plc as of August 31, 2023 and 2022, and for each of the years in the three-year period ended August 31, 2023, and management’s assessment of the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting as of August 31, 2023 have been incorporated by reference herein and in the registration statement in reliance upon the report of KPMG LLP, independent registered public accounting firm, incorporated by reference herein, and upon the authority of said firm as experts in accounting and auditing.
Accenture plc | Accenture Capital Inc. | Accenture Global Capital DAC | ||
Guarantees Class A Ordinary Shares Preference Shares Share Purchase Contracts Share Purchase Units Warrants Depositary Shares |
Debt Securities | Debt Securities | ||
Units |
Accenture plc, Accenture Capital or Accenture DAC (each as defined below) may from time to time offer and sell any of the securities identified above, or any combination thereof, in each case, in one or more series and in one or more offerings. This prospectus provides you with a general description of the securities and the general manner in which they may be offered.
Accenture plc, Accenture Capital or Accenture DAC may offer and sell the securities to or through one or more underwriters, dealers and agents or directly to purchasers, or through a combination of these methods, on a continuous or delayed basis. If any underwriters, dealers or agents are involved in the sale of any of the securities, their names and any applicable purchase price, fee, commission or discount arrangement between or among them will be set forth, or will be calculable from the information set forth, in the applicable prospectus supplement. See “About this Prospectus” and “Plan of Distribution” for more information. None of the securities may be sold without delivery of this prospectus and the applicable prospectus supplement describing the method and terms of the offering of such securities.
Each time Accenture plc, Accenture Capital or Accenture DAC offers and sells securities, a supplement to this prospectus will be provided that contains specific information about the offering and the amounts, prices and terms of the securities. The prospectus supplement may also add, update or change information contained in this prospectus with respect to that offering. You should carefully read this prospectus and the applicable prospectus supplement before you invest in any of the securities, as well as the documents incorporated or deemed to be incorporated by reference herein and therein.
The Class A ordinary shares of Accenture plc are listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol “ACN.”
Neither the Securities and Exchange Commission nor any state securities commission has approved or disapproved of these securities or passed upon the adequacy or accuracy of this prospectus. Any representation to the contrary is a criminal offense.
The date of this prospectus is September 30, 2024.
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This prospectus is part of an automatic shelf registration statement that we have filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) as a “well-known seasoned issuer” (as defined in Rule 405 under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”)) using an automatic “shelf” registration process. By using a shelf registration statement, Accenture plc, Accenture Capital or Accenture DAC may, over time, offer any combination of the securities described in this prospectus in one or more offerings.
Unless otherwise stated or the context otherwise requires, in this prospectus we use the terms:
• | “Accenture Capital” to refer to Accenture Capital Inc., a Delaware corporation and a wholly owned subsidiary of Accenture plc; |
• | “Accenture DAC” to refer to Accenture Global Capital DAC, an Irish designated activity company and a wholly owned subsidiary of Accenture plc; |
• | “Accenture plc” to refer to Accenture plc, an Irish public limited company; |
• | “Accenture,” “we,” “us” or “our” to refer to Accenture plc, together with its consolidated subsidiaries, including Accenture Capital and Accenture DAC; and |
• | the “securities” to refer collectively to the guarantees, Class A ordinary shares, preference shares, share purchase contracts, share purchase units, warrants, depositary shares and units offered by Accenture plc, the debt securities offered by Accenture Capital and the debt securities offered by Accenture DAC. |
This prospectus provides you with a general description of the securities that Accenture plc, Accenture Capital or Accenture DAC may offer. Each time that Accenture plc, Accenture Capital or Accenture DAC offers and sells securities, a prospectus supplement to this prospectus will be provided that contains specific information about the securities being offered and sold and the specific terms of that offering. We may also authorize one or more free writing prospectuses to be provided to you that may contain material information relating to these offerings. The prospectus supplement or free writing prospectus may also add, update or change information contained in this prospectus with respect to that offering. If there is any inconsistency between the information in this prospectus and the applicable prospectus supplement or free writing prospectus, you should rely on the prospectus supplement or free writing prospectus, as applicable. Before purchasing any securities, you should carefully read this prospectus, any applicable prospectus supplement and any applicable free writing prospectuses, together with the additional information described under “Where You Can Find More Information” and “Incorporation by Reference.”
As allowed by SEC rules, this prospectus does not contain all the information you can find in the registration statement of which this prospectus is a part or the exhibits to such registration statement. For further information, we refer you to such registration statement, including its exhibits and schedules and the documents incorporated by reference therein. Statements contained in this prospectus about the provisions or contents of any contract, agreement or other document are not necessarily complete. For each of these contracts, agreements or documents filed as an exhibit to the registration statement, we refer you to the actual exhibit for a more complete description of the matters involved.
We have not authorized anyone to provide you with any information or to make any representation that is different from, or in addition to, the information contained in this prospectus, any applicable prospectus supplement, any applicable free writing prospectus or any documents incorporated by reference in this prospectus. We take no responsibility for, and can provide no assurance as to the reliability of, any other information that others may give you or representations that others may make. You should not assume that the information contained, incorporated or deemed to be incorporated by reference in this prospectus, any applicable prospectus supplement, any applicable free writing prospectus or any documents incorporated by reference in
this prospectus is accurate as of any date other than the date on the cover of the applicable document, unless otherwise indicated. The business, financial condition, results of operations and prospects of Accenture plc, Accenture Capital and/or Accenture DAC may have changed since that date. Neither this prospectus nor any prospectus supplement constitutes an offer to sell securities or a solicitation of an offer to buy securities by anyone in any jurisdiction in which that offer or solicitation is not authorized, or in which the person is not qualified to do so or to any person to whom it is unlawful to make that offer or solicitation, nor will we make an offer to sell securities in any jurisdiction where the offer or sale is not permitted.
This document is not intended to be and is not a prospectus for purposes of the Companies Act 2014 of Ireland, as amended, Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 June 2017 on the prospectus to be published when securities are offered to the public or admitted to trading on a regulated market, and repealing Directive 2003/71/EC (the “EU Prospectus Regulation”) or any legislation, regulations or rules of the European Union, Ireland or any other member state of the European Economic Area implementing the EU Prospectus Regulation. In the United Kingdom, this document is not intended to be and is not a prospectus for the purposes of Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 as it forms part of assimilated law by virtue of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 (as amended, the “EUWA”) including any statutory instruments made pursuant to the EUWA (the “UK Prospectus Regulation”). This document has not been reviewed or approved by the Central Bank of Ireland nor by any other competent or supervisory authority of any other member state of the European Economic Area or the United Kingdom for the purposes of the EU Prospectus Regulation or the UK Prospectus Regulation. No offer of securities to the public is being, or shall be, made in Ireland or any other member state of the European Economic Area or the United Kingdom on the basis of this document. References to any UK legislation in this paragraph include any successor legislation to that legislation.
This prospectus incorporates by reference, and any prospectus supplement or free writing prospectus may contain and incorporate by reference, market data and industry statistics and forecasts that are based on independent industry publications and other publicly available information. Although we believe these sources are reliable, we do not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of this information and we have not independently verified this information. In addition, the market and industry data and forecasts that may be included or incorporated by reference in this prospectus, any prospectus supplement or any applicable free writing prospectus may involve estimates, assumptions and other risks and uncertainties and are subject to change based on various factors, including those discussed under the heading “Risk Factors” in this prospectus, the applicable prospectus supplement and any applicable free writing prospectus, and under similar headings in documents that are incorporated by reference in such documents. Accordingly, you should not place undue reliance on this information.
We are subject to the information reporting requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “Exchange Act”). In accordance with the Exchange Act, we file reports, proxy statements and other information with the SEC. The SEC maintains a website at www.sec.gov that contains reports, proxy and information statements and other information about issuers, such as us, who file electronically with the SEC.
Our website address is www.accenture.com. The information on our website is not, and should not be deemed to be, a part of this prospectus.
You will find additional information about us in the registration statement of which this prospectus forms a part. This prospectus and any prospectus supplement do not contain all of the information in the registration statement. Other documents establishing the terms of the offered securities are or may be filed as exhibits to the registration statement or documents incorporated by reference therein. Statements in this prospectus or any prospectus supplement about these documents are summaries, and each statement is qualified in all respects by reference to the document to which it refers. You should refer to the actual documents for a more complete description of the relevant matters. The full registration statement may be obtained through the SEC’s website as provided above, or through us as provided under “Incorporation by Reference.”
The SEC’s rules allow us to “incorporate by reference” information in this prospectus, which means that we can disclose important information to you by referring you to another document filed separately with the SEC. The information incorporated by reference is deemed to be part of this prospectus, and subsequent information that we file with the SEC will automatically update and supersede that information. Any statement contained in this prospectus or a previously filed document incorporated by reference herein will be deemed to be modified or superseded for purposes of this prospectus to the extent that a statement contained in this prospectus or a subsequently filed document incorporated by reference herein modifies or replaces such statement.
This prospectus and any accompanying prospectus supplement incorporate by reference (i) the documents set forth below and (ii) any future filings we make with the SEC pursuant to Section 13(a), 13(c), 14 or 15(d) of the Exchange Act subsequent to the date of this prospectus and prior to the termination of this offering, except we are not incorporating by reference any information furnished (but not filed) under Item 2.02 or Item 7.01 of any Current Report on Form 8-K and exhibits filed on such form that are related to such items, unless specifically noted below for such report or in a prospectus supplement:
• | Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended August 31, 2023, filed with the SEC on October 12, 2023, as revised by our Current Report on Form 8-K filed on September 30, 2024, which revised Part I, Item 1, Part II, Item 7 and Part II, Item 8 thereof; |
• | information specifically incorporated by reference in the Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended August 31, 2023 from the Definitive Proxy Statement on Schedule 14A, filed with the SEC on December 13, 2023; |
• | Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended November 30, 2023, filed with the SEC on December 19, 2023, the quarter ended February 29, 2024, filed with the SEC on March 21, 2024 and the quarter ended May 31, 2024, filed with the SEC on June 20, 2024; |
• | Current Reports on Form 8-K, filed with the SEC on December 6, 2023, January 31, 2024, May 17, 2024, June 11, 2024 (as amended on July 19, 2024), and September 30, 2024 (including Accenture plc’s recast financial statements and related disclosures, as of August 31, 2023, along with the audit report of our independent registered public accounting firm); and |
• | the description of the Class A ordinary shares of Accenture plc contained in our Current Report on Form 8-K12B filed with the SEC on September 1, 2009, as updated by the Current Reports of the Company on Form 8-K (under Items 5.03 and 9.01), filed on February 9, 2012, February 3, 2016 and February 7, 2018 and in Exhibit 4.1 to the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K filed on October 12, 2023, and as subsequently amended or updated. |
You may request a free copy of any of the documents incorporated by reference in this prospectus by writing or calling us at the following address or telephone number:
Accenture plc
Investor Relations
395 Ninth Avenue
60th Floor
New York, New York 10001
United States of America
Telephone: +1 (703) 948-5150
Exhibits to the filings will not be sent, however, unless those exhibits have specifically been incorporated by reference in this prospectus or any accompanying prospectus supplement.
This prospectus, any prospectus supplement and the documents incorporated or deemed to be incorporated by reference herein or therein may contain forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act and Section 21E of the Exchange Act relating to our operations, results of operations and other matters that are based on our current expectations, estimates, assumptions and projections. Words such as “may,” “will,” “should,” “likely,” “anticipates,” “aspires,” “expects,” “intends,” “plans,” “projects,” “believes,” “estimates,” “positioned,” “outlook,” “goal,” “target” and similar expressions are used to identify these forward-looking statements. These statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks, uncertainties and assumptions that are difficult to predict. Forward-looking statements are based upon assumptions as to future events that may not prove to be accurate. Actual outcomes and results may differ materially from what is expressed or forecast in these forward-looking statements. Risks, uncertainties and other factors that might cause such differences, some of which could be material, include but are not limited to those identified below.
• | Our results of operations have been, and may in the future be, adversely affected by volatile, negative or uncertain economic and geopolitical conditions and the effects of these conditions on our clients’ businesses and levels of business activity. |
• | Our business depends on generating and maintaining client demand for our services and solutions, including through the adaptation and expansion of our services and solutions in response to ongoing changes in technology and offerings, and a significant reduction in such demand or an inability to respond to the evolving technological environment could materially affect our results of operations. |
• | Risks and uncertainties related to the development and use of AI could harm our business, damage our reputation or give rise to legal or regulatory action. |
• | If we are unable to match people and their skills with client demand around the world and attract and retain professionals with strong leadership skills, our business, the utilization rate of our professionals and our results of operations may be materially adversely affected. |
• | We face legal, reputational and financial risks from any failure to protect client and/or Accenture data from security incidents or cyberattacks. |
• | The markets in which we operate are highly competitive, and we might not be able to compete effectively. |
• | Our ability to attract and retain business and employees may depend on our reputation in the marketplace. |
• | If we do not successfully manage and develop our relationships with key ecosystem partners or if we fail to anticipate and establish new alliances in new technologies, our results of operations could be adversely affected. |
• | Our profitability could materially suffer due to pricing pressure, if we are unable to remain competitive, if our cost-management strategies are unsuccessful or if we experience delivery inefficiencies or fail to satisfy certain agreed-upon targets or specific service levels. |
• | Changes in our level of taxes, as well as audits, investigations and tax proceedings, or changes in tax laws or in their interpretation or enforcement, could have a material adverse effect on our effective tax rate, results of operations, cash flows and financial condition. |
• | Our results of operations could be materially adversely affected by fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates. |
• | Our debt obligations could adversely affect our business and financial condition. |
• | Changes to accounting standards or in the estimates and assumptions we make in connection with the preparation of our consolidated financial statements could adversely affect our financial results. |
• | As a result of our geographically diverse operations and our strategy to continue to grow in our key markets around the world, we are more susceptible to certain risks. |
• | If we are unable to manage the organizational challenges associated with our size, we might be unable to achieve our business objectives. |
• | We might not be successful at acquiring, investing in or integrating businesses, entering into joint ventures or divesting businesses. |
• | Our business could be materially adversely affected if we incur legal liability. |
• | Our global operations expose us to numerous and sometimes conflicting legal and regulatory requirements, and violation of these regulations could harm our business. |
• | Our work with government clients exposes us to additional risks inherent in the government contracting environment. |
• | If we are unable to protect or enforce our intellectual property rights, or if our services or solutions infringe upon the intellectual property rights of others or we lose our ability to utilize the intellectual property of others, our business could be adversely affected. |
• | We are incorporated in Ireland and Irish law differs from the laws in effect in the United States and might afford less protection to our shareholders. We may also be subject to criticism and negative publicity related to our incorporation in Ireland. |
For a more detailed discussion of these factors, see the information under the heading “Risk Factors” in Part I, Item 1A of our most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K, Part II, Item 1A of any subsequent Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q and/or any Current Reports on Form 8-K filed after the date of this prospectus. Our forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of this prospectus or as of the date they are made, and we undertake no obligation to update any forward-looking statements. See “Risk Factors.”
Investment in any securities offered pursuant to this prospectus and any applicable prospectus supplement involves risks. You should carefully consider the risk factors contained under “Risk Factors” in Part I, Item 1A of our most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K, Part II, Item 1A of any subsequent Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q and/or any Current Reports on Form 8-K filed after the date of this prospectus, and all other information contained in or incorporated by reference in this prospectus, as updated by our subsequent filings under the Exchange Act, and the risk factors and other information contained in any applicable prospectus supplement and any applicable free writing prospectus, before acquiring any of such securities. The occurrence of any of these risks might cause you to lose all or part of your investment in the offered securities.
Accenture is a leading global professional services company that helps the world’s leading organizations build their digital core, optimize their operations, accelerate revenue growth and enhance services—creating tangible value at speed and scale. We are a talent- and innovation-led company with 774,000 people serving clients in more than 120 countries. Technology is at the core of change today, and we are one of the world’s leaders in helping drive that change, with strong ecosystem relationships. We combine our strength in technology and leadership in cloud, data and AI with unmatched industry experience, functional expertise and global delivery capability. Our broad range of services, solutions and assets across Strategy & Consulting, Technology, Operations, Industry X and Song, together with our culture of shared success and commitment to creating 360° value, enable us to help our clients reinvent and build trusted, lasting relationships. We measure our success by the 360° value we create for our clients, each other, our shareholders, partners and communities.
Our principal executive offices are located at 1 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Ireland, our telephone number is +(353) (1) 646-2000 and our website is www.accenture.com. The information on, or accessible through, our website is not, and should not be deemed to be, a part of this prospectus or any other filing we make with the SEC.
Accenture plc is an Irish public limited company, and its Class A ordinary shares are currently traded on the NYSE under the symbol “ACN.” Accenture Capital Inc. (“Accenture Capital”) is a Delaware corporation and a wholly owned subsidiary of Accenture plc. Accenture Global Capital DAC is an Irish designated activity company and a wholly owned subsidiary of Accenture plc. See “About this Prospectus,” “Where You Can Find More Information” and “Incorporation by Reference.”
Unless we state otherwise in an applicable prospectus supplement, we expect to use the net proceeds from the sale of the securities described in this prospectus and any applicable prospectus supplement for general corporate purposes, including securities repurchase programs, capital expenditures, working capital, repayment or reduction of long-term and short-term debt and the financing of acquisitions. We may invest funds that we do not immediately require in short term marketable securities.
In this description, references to “holders” mean those who own debt securities and the related guarantees registered in their own names, on the books that the registrar maintains for this purpose, and not those who own beneficial interests in debt securities and the related guarantees registered in “street name” or issued in book-entry form and held through one or more depositaries.
The following description, together with the additional information we include in any applicable prospectus supplement or free writing prospectus, summarizes certain general terms and provisions of any senior debt securities that Accenture Capital may offer (the “Accenture Capital debt securities”), any senior debt securities that Accenture DAC may offer (the “Accenture DAC debt securities”) or that Accenture Capital and Accenture DAC may offer as co-issuers (the “co-issued debt securities”) pursuant to this prospectus. When we offer to sell a particular series of debt securities, we will describe the specific terms of the series in a supplement to this prospectus. We will also indicate in the applicable prospectus supplement to what extent the general terms and provisions described in this prospectus apply to a particular series of debt securities.
Accenture Capital Debt Securities
Accenture Capital may issue Accenture Capital debt securities under an indenture to be entered into later (the “Accenture Capital indenture”), among Accenture Capital, as issuer, and Accenture plc, as guarantor (the “guarantor”), and The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A. or another trustee, as trustee, in respect of certain series of Accenture Capital debt securities.
Any Accenture Capital debt securities that Accenture Capital issues under the Accenture Capital indenture will constitute unsubordinated debt of Accenture Capital. Any guarantee that Accenture plc, as the guarantor, issues under the Accenture Capital indenture will constitute an unsubordinated obligation of Accenture plc.
Accenture DAC Debt Securities
Accenture DAC may issue Accenture DAC debt securities under an indenture to be entered into later (the “Accenture DAC indenture”), among Accenture DAC, as issuer, and Accenture plc, as guarantor, and The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A. or another trustee, as trustee, in respect of certain series of Accenture DAC debt securities.
Any Accenture DAC debt securities that Accenture DAC issues under the Accenture DAC indenture will constitute unsubordinated debt of Accenture DAC. Any guarantee that Accenture plc, as the guarantor, issues under the Accenture DAC indenture will constitute an unsubordinated obligation of Accenture plc.
Co-Issued Debt Securities
Accenture Capital and Accenture DAC may jointly issue co-issued debt securities under an indenture to be entered into later (the “joint indenture”), among Accenture Capital, as co-issuer, Accenture DAC, as co-issuer, Accenture plc, as guarantor, and The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A. or another trustee, as trustee, in respect of certain series of co-issued debt securities.
Any co-issued debt securities that Accenture Capital and Accenture DAC jointly issue under the joint indenture will constitute unsubordinated debt of Accenture Capital and Accenture DAC. Any guarantee that Accenture plc, as the guarantor, issues under the joint indenture will constitute an unsubordinated obligation of Accenture plc.
In this description:
• | the Accenture Capital debt securities, the Accenture DAC debt securities and the co-issued debt securities are sometimes referred to collectively as the “debt securities”; |
• | the Accenture Capital indenture, the Accenture DAC indenture and the joint indenture are sometimes referred to collectively as the “indentures”; |
• | the guarantees that Accenture plc issues under the indentures are sometimes referred to collectively as the “guarantees”; and |
• | each of Accenture Capital and Accenture DAC, in each case in its capacity as issuer or co-issuer of debt securities, is sometimes referred to as an “issuer” (which term sometimes refers to the co-issuers collectively). |
The terms of each series of debt securities and guarantees, if applicable, will be established by or pursuant to a resolution of the issuer’s board of directors and set forth or determined in the manner provided in a resolution of the issuer’s board of directors, in an officer’s certificate or by a supplemental indenture. The terms of any debt securities and, if applicable, the guarantees will include those stated in the applicable indenture and those made part of that indenture by reference to the Trust Indenture Act of 1939 (the “Trust Indenture Act”). The debt securities will be subject to all those terms, and we refer prospective purchasers and holders of debt securities and guarantees to the applicable indenture and the Trust Indenture Act for a statement of those terms. The debt securities will be described in a prospectus supplement relating to such series (including any pricing supplement or term sheet).
The following summaries of various provisions of the debt securities, the indentures and the guarantees are not complete. They do not describe certain exceptions and qualifications contained in the debt securities, the indentures and the guarantees, and are qualified in their entirety by reference to the provisions of the debt securities, the indentures and the guarantees. Unless we otherwise indicate, capitalized terms have the meanings assigned to them in the applicable indenture.
An applicable prospectus supplement will specify the issuer or co-issuers, the guarantor, if any, and whether the debt securities are to be guaranteed. The debt securities may be issued as part of units consisting of debt securities and other securities that may be offered under this prospectus. If debt securities are issued as part of units of debt securities and other securities that may be issued under this prospectus, an applicable prospectus supplement will describe certain applicable U.S. federal income tax considerations to holders.
The debt securities will be unsecured obligations of the applicable issuer. None of the indentures limit the amount of debt securities that the issuer may issue. Each indenture provides that the issuer may issue debt securities from time to time in one or more series.
The debt securities and any debt guarantees will be unsecured and unsubordinated obligations of the applicable issuer and will rank equally in right of payment with such issuer’s other unsecured and unsubordinated obligations. Because Accenture plc is a holding company and Accenture Capital and Accenture DAC do not hold any assets, the holders of debt securities and debt guarantees may not receive assets of the applicable issuer’s subsidiaries in a liquidation or recapitalization until the claims of such subsidiaries’ creditors are paid, except to the extent that the applicable issuer may have recognized claims against such subsidiaries. In addition, certain regulatory laws limit some of such subsidiaries from making payments to the applicable issuer of dividends and on loans and other transfers of funds.
An applicable prospectus supplement will describe the specific terms relating to the series of debt securities being offered. These terms will include some or all of the following:
• | the name of the issuer, or the names of the co-issuers, of those debt securities and, if applicable, the name of the guarantor; |
• | the title of the debt securities; |
• | the total principal amount of the debt securities; |
• | whether the issuer will issue the debt securities in global form; |
• | the maturity date or dates of the debt securities; |
• | the interest rate or rates, if any (which may be fixed or variable), and, if applicable, the method used to calculate the interest rate; |
• | the date or dates from which interest will accrue and on which interest will be payable and the date or dates used to determine the persons to whom interest will be paid; |
• | any trustees, authenticating agents or paying agents with respect to such series, if different from those set forth in the applicable indenture; |
• | whether the debt securities will be guaranteed; |
• | whether the debt securities will be secured; |
• | the place or places where principal of, and any premium or interest on, the debt securities will be paid; |
• | whether (and if so, when and under what terms and conditions) the debt securities may be redeemed by the issuer and/or any co-issuer, if applicable, at its option or at the option of the holders; |
• | whether there will be a sinking fund; |
• | if other than U.S. dollars and denominations of $2,000 or any multiple of $1,000, the currency or currencies or currency unit or currency units or composite currency and denomination in which the debt securities will be issued and in which payments will be made; |
• | if other than the principal amount, the portion of the principal amount of the debt securities that the issuer will pay upon acceleration of the maturity date; |
• | if the debt securities are not subject to defeasance by the issuer; |
• | any deletions from, modifications of or additions to the events of default applicable to such debt securities; |
• | whether the debt securities will be exchangeable for or convertible into Class A ordinary shares of Accenture plc or any other securities or property and the terms and conditions governing such exchange or conversion; and |
• | any other terms of the debt securities. |
If an issuer denominates the purchase price of a series of debt securities in a non-U.S. dollar currency or currencies or a non-U.S. dollar currency unit or units, or if the principal of, any premium and interest on any series of debt securities is payable in a non-U.S. dollar currency or currencies or a non-U.S. dollar currency unit or units, an applicable prospectus supplement will generally describe certain U.S. federal income tax considerations applicable to such debt securities.
The issuer will pay principal and any interest, premium and additional amounts in the manner, at the places and subject to the restrictions set forth in the applicable debt securities, the applicable indenture and any applicable prospectus supplement. The issuer will not impose a service charge for any transfer or exchange of debt securities, but it may require payment of a sum sufficient to cover any tax or other governmental charge that may be imposed (or proof of payment thereof). (Section 2.05 of the indentures).
Unless otherwise indicated in an applicable prospectus supplement, each issuer will issue debt securities in fully registered form, without coupons, in denominations of $2,000 or integral multiples of $1,000 in excess thereof. (Sections 2.01 and 2.04 of the indentures).
The issuer may offer to sell at a substantial discount below their stated principal amount, debt securities bearing no interest or interest at a rate that, at the time of issuance, is below the prevailing market rate. An applicable prospectus supplement will generally describe certain U.S. federal income tax considerations applicable to any of those discounted debt securities.
The issuer may offer to sell debt securities in which the principal or interest will be determined by reference to one or more currency exchange rates, commodity prices, equity indices or other factors. The principal amount or payment of interest applicable to those debt securities may be greater than or less than the amount of principal or interest otherwise payable, depending upon the value of the applicable currency, commodity, equity index or other factor on the date on which that principal or interest is due. An applicable prospectus supplement will describe the methods used to determine the amount of principal or interest payable on any date, the currencies, commodities, equity indices or other factors to which the amount payable on that date is linked and certain additional tax considerations applicable to those debt securities.
The indentures do not restrict the issuer’s ability to incur unsecured indebtedness or, unless specified otherwise in the applicable prospectus supplement, secured indebtedness, subject in all cases to the restrictions described in “ —Consolidation and Merger,” to engage in reorganizations, restructurings, mergers, consolidations or similar transactions that have the effect of increasing the issuer’s indebtedness. Accordingly, unless an applicable prospectus supplement states otherwise, neither the debt securities nor any guarantees will contain any provisions that afford holders protection against the issuer or, if applicable, the guarantor incurring unsecured indebtedness or engaging in certain reorganizations or transactions. As a result, an issuer could become highly leveraged.
Events of Default
With respect to any series of debt securities, “event of default” means any of the following:
• | failure to pay the principal of, or any premium on, any debt security of that series when due; |
• | failure to pay the interest or any additional amount on any debt security of that series when due and the continuation of that failure for 30 days; |
• | if that series of debt securities is guaranteed, the cessation of any guarantee of any debt security of that series to be in full force and effect, the declaration that any guarantee of such debt securities is null and void and unenforceable, the finding that any guarantee of such debt securities is invalid or the denial by the guarantor of its liability under its guarantee of such debt securities (other than by reason of the release of the guarantor in accordance with the terms of the applicable indenture); |
• | failure by the issuer or, if applicable, the guarantor to comply with any of its other covenants or agreements contained in the applicable indenture and the continuation of that failure for 90 days after written notice of that failure is given to such issuer or, if applicable, guarantor from the applicable trustee (or to such issuer and, if applicable, guarantor and that trustee from the holders of at least 25% in principal amount of the outstanding debt securities of that series); |
• | certain events of bankruptcy, insolvency or reorganization relating to the issuer or, if applicable, guarantor; |
• | if that series of debt securities is convertible or exchangeable into Class A ordinary shares of Accenture plc or any other securities or property, default in the delivery of any such Class A ordinary shares, together with cash in lieu of fractional shares, or other securities or property, as applicable, when required to be delivered upon conversion or exchange of any debt security of that series, and the continuation of such default for 10 business days; and |
• | any other event of default provided with respect to debt securities of that series that is described in an applicable prospectus supplement (Section 6.01 of the indentures). |
If there is a continuing event of default with respect to any outstanding series of debt securities, the applicable trustee or the holders of at least 25% of the outstanding principal amount of the debt securities of that series may require the issuer or, if applicable, the guarantor to pay immediately the principal (or, if the debt securities of that series are discount securities, that portion of the principal amount as may be specified in the terms of that series) of and accrued and unpaid interest, if any, on all debt securities of that series. However, at any time after that
trustee or the holders, as the case may be, declare an acceleration with respect to debt securities of any series, but before the applicable person has obtained a judgment or decree for payment of the money, the holders of a majority in principal amount of the outstanding debt securities of that series may, under certain conditions, cancel such acceleration if (i) all events of default (other than the non-payment of accelerated principal) with respect to such debt securities have been cured or (ii) all such events of default have been waived, each as provided in the applicable indenture. (Section 6.01 of the indentures). For information as to waiver of defaults, see “ —Modification and Waiver.” The particular provisions relating to acceleration of the maturity of a portion of the principal amount of such debt securities that are discount securities triggered by an event of default shall be described in an applicable prospectus supplement. In the event of bankruptcy, insolvency, liquidation or a similar event, the debt securities will become due and payable immediately and without any declaration or other act on the part of any holder.
Each indenture provides that, subject to the duties of the applicable trustee to act with the required standard of care, if there is a continuing event of default, the applicable trustee need not exercise any of its rights or powers under the indenture at the request or direction of any of the holders of debt securities, unless those holders have offered to the applicable trustee security or indemnity reasonably satisfactory to it. (Section 7.02 of the indentures). Subject to those provisions for security or indemnification of the applicable trustee and certain other conditions, the holders of a majority in principal amount of the outstanding debt securities of any series will have the right to direct the time, method and place of conducting any proceeding for any remedy available to the applicable trustee or exercising any trust or power that trustee holds, in each case, with respect to the debt securities of that series. (Section 6.06 of the indentures).
No holder of any debt security of any series will have any right to institute any proceeding with respect to any indenture or for any remedy thereunder unless:
• | the applicable trustee has failed to institute the proceeding for 60 days after the holder has previously given such trustee written notice of a continuing event of default with respect to debt securities of that series; |
• | the holders of at least 25% in principal amount of the outstanding debt securities of that series have made written request, and offered reasonable security or indemnity, to the applicable trustee to institute the proceeding as trustee; and |
• | the applicable trustee has not received from the holders of a majority in principal amount of the outstanding debt securities of that series a direction inconsistent with that request. (Section 6.04 of the indentures). |
However, the holder of any debt security will have an absolute and unconditional right to receive payment of the principal of, and any premium or interest on, that debt security on or after the date or dates they are to be paid as expressed in or pursuant to that debt security and to institute suit for the enforcement of any such payment. (Section 6.04 of the indentures).
Each indenture provides that the applicable trustee shall provide notice to the holders of debt securities of any series within 90 days of the occurrence of any default with respect to such debt securities known to such trustee, except that the trustee need not provide holders of such debt securities notice of any default (other than the non-payment of principal or any premium, interest or additional amounts) if such default has been cured and such trustee considers it in the interest of the holders of such debt securities not to provide that notice. (Section 6.07 of the indentures).
Consolidation and Merger
Each indenture provides that each of the issuer and the guarantor may consolidate with or merge or convert into, or convey, transfer or lease its or their properties or assets substantially as an entirety to, another person without the consent of any debt security holders if, along with certain other conditions set forth in the indentures:
• | the issuer or guarantor, as the case may be, is the successor person; or |
• | the successor person (if other than the issuer or guarantor, as the case may be) formed by such consolidation or conversion or into which the issuer or guarantor, as the case may be, merges or converts or which acquires or leases the assets of the issuer or guarantor, as the case may be, substantially as an entirety: |
a. | (i) is a corporation or other entity organized and existing under the laws of United States, any state thereof or the District of Columbia, Ireland, England and Wales, Jersey, any member state of the European Union as in effect on the date the debt securities of the applicable series are first issued or Switzerland; and (ii) expressly assumes by supplemental indenture the obligations of the issuer or guarantor, as the case may be, in relation to the debt securities or such guarantee, as the case may be, and under the applicable indenture; |
b. | immediately after giving effect to such transaction, there is no event of default and no event which, after notice or passage of time or both, would become an event of default; and |
c. | the issuer or guarantor, as the case may be, has delivered to the trustee an officer’s certificate and an opinion of counsel, each stating that the transaction complies with the conditions set forth in the applicable indenture. |
Notwithstanding the foregoing, (A) any conveyance, transfer or lease of assets between or among the guarantor or the issuer and its subsidiaries will not be prohibited under each indenture, and (B) each of the guarantor and the issuer may, directly or indirectly, consolidate with or merge with or into an affiliate incorporated solely for the purpose of reincorporating the guarantor or the issuer, as applicable, in another jurisdiction within the United States, any state thereof or the District of Columbia, Ireland, England and Wales, Jersey, any member state of the European Union as in effect on the date the debt securities of the applicable series are first issued or Switzerland to realize tax or other benefits. (Section 11.01 of the indentures).
Depending on the facts, it is possible that a merger, transfer, lease or other transaction could be treated for U.S. federal income tax purposes as a taxable exchange by the beneficial owner of debt securities or guarantees for new securities, which could result in U.S. beneficial owners of debt securities or guarantees recognizing taxable gain or loss for U.S. federal income tax purposes and possibly holding new notes with original issue discount solely for U.S. federal income tax purposes. A merger, transfer, lease or other transaction could also have adverse tax consequences to beneficial owners of debt securities or guarantees under other tax laws to which the beneficial owners are subject.
Payment of Additional Amounts
Payments made by Accenture plc, Accenture Capital, Accenture DAC or a paying agent, as applicable, on the debt securities or in respect of the guarantees will be made free and clear of and without withholding or deduction for or on account of any present or future income, stamp or other tax, duty, levy, impost, assessment or other governmental charge of a similar nature (“Taxes”) unless Accenture plc, Accenture Capital, Accenture DAC or a paying agent, as applicable, is required to withhold or deduct Taxes by law or the official interpretation or administration thereof.
If Accenture plc, Accenture Capital, Accenture DAC or a paying agent, as applicable, is required to withhold or deduct any amount for or on account of Taxes from any payment made with respect to the debt securities or the guarantees levied by or on behalf of (i) the government of Ireland or by any authority or agency therein or thereof having the power to tax, (ii) any other jurisdiction in which Accenture plc, Accenture Capital or Accenture DAC is organized or is otherwise resident for tax purposes or any political subdivision or any authority or agency therein or thereof having the power to tax, or (iii) any jurisdiction from or through which payment under or with respect to Accenture plc, Accenture Capital or Accenture DAC is made or any political subdivision or any authority or agency therein or thereof having the power to tax, in each of clauses (ii) and (iii) other than the United States in the case of U.S. dollar-denominated debt securities issued by Accenture Capital (each of clauses (i), (ii), and (iii), a “Relevant Taxing Jurisdiction”), Accenture plc, Accenture Capital or Accenture DAC, as
applicable, will pay such additional amounts as may be necessary so that the net amount received by each holder (including additional amounts) after such withholding or deduction will not be less than the amount the holder would have received if the Taxes had not been withheld or deducted; provided that no additional amounts will be payable with respect to Taxes:
• | that would not have been imposed but for the existence of any present or former connection between such holder or beneficial owner of the debt securities or guarantees, as applicable (or between a fiduciary, settlor, beneficiary, member or shareholder of, or possessor of a power over, such holder or beneficial owner, if such holder or beneficial owner is an estate, trust, partnership or corporation), and such Relevant Taxing Jurisdiction, including, without limitation, such holder or beneficial owner (or such fiduciary, settlor, beneficiary, member, shareholder or possessor) being or having been a citizen or resident thereof or treated as a resident thereof or domiciled thereof or a national thereof or being or having been present or engaged in trade or business therein or having or having had a permanent establishment therein; |
• | that are estate, inheritance, gift, sales, value added, transfer, personal property, wealth or similar taxes, duties, assessments or other governmental charges; |
• | payable other than by withholding from payments of principal of and premium, if any, or interest, if any, on the debt securities or the guarantees, as applicable; |
• | that would not have been imposed but for the failure of the applicable recipient of such payment (or the beneficial owner of the applicable debt security) to comply with any certification, identification, information, documentation or other reporting requirement to the extent: |
a. | such compliance is required by applicable law or administrative practice or an applicable treaty as a precondition to exemption from, or reduction in, the rate of deduction or withholding of such Taxes; and |
b. | at least 30 days before the first payment date with respect to which such additional amounts or Taxes shall be payable, Accenture plc, Accenture Capital or Accenture DAC, as the case may be, has notified such recipient in writing that such recipient is required to comply with such requirement; |
• | that would not have been imposed but for the presentation of the relevant debt security or guarantee (where presentation is required) for payment on a date more than 30 days after the date on which such payment became due and payable or the date on which payment thereof was duly provided for, whichever occurred later; |
• | that are imposed or withheld pursuant to Sections 1471 through 1474 of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”), as of the issue date of the debt securities (or any amended or successor version of such sections), any regulations promulgated thereunder, any official interpretations thereof, any similar law or regulation adopted pursuant to an intergovernmental agreement with respect to the foregoing or any agreements entered into pursuant to Section 1471(b)(1) of the Code (any such taxes, “FATCA Taxes”), and any amounts to be paid on debt securities by or on behalf of the issuer will be paid net of any FATCA Taxes imposed or required pursuant thereto; |
• | that would not have been imposed if presentation for payment of the relevant debt security or guarantee (where presentation is required) had been made to a paying agent other than the paying agent to which the presentation was made; |
• | in the case of U.S. dollar-denominated debt securities issued by Accenture Capital, any taxes imposed by the United States or any political subdivision thereof or tax authority therein, including any U.S. withholding and backup withholding taxes; or |
• | any combination of the foregoing items; |
nor shall additional amounts be paid with respect to any payment of the principal of or premium, if any, or interest, if any, on any debt security or any payment in respect of any guarantee to any such holder or beneficial
owner who is a fiduciary or a partnership or a beneficial owner who is other than the sole beneficial owner of such payment to the extent a beneficiary or settlor with respect to such fiduciary or a member of such partnership or a beneficial owner would not have been entitled to such additional amounts had it been the holder of the debt security. For the avoidance of doubt, no additional amounts shall be payable in respect of any Taxes imposed by any jurisdiction other than a Relevant Taxing Jurisdiction.
If Accenture plc, Accenture Capital, Accenture DAC or a paying agent becomes aware that it will be obligated to pay additional amounts pursuant to this covenant with respect to any payment with respect to a debt security or guarantee of the debt security, Accenture plc, Accenture Capital, Accenture DAC or a paying agent, as applicable, will deliver to the trustee on a date that is at least 30 days prior to the date of that payment (unless the obligation to pay such additional amounts arises after the 30th day prior to that payment date, in which case Accenture plc, Accenture Capital, Accenture DAC or a paying agent, as applicable, shall notify the trustee promptly thereafter) an officer’s certificate of Accenture plc, Accenture Capital, or Accenture DAC stating the fact that such additional amounts will be payable pursuant to this covenant and the amount estimated to be so payable. Such officer’s certificate must also set forth any other information reasonably necessary to enable the paying agents to pay such additional amounts to holders of the debt securities on the relevant payment date. The trustee shall be entitled to rely solely on such officer’s certificate as conclusive proof that such payments are necessary. Accenture plc, Accenture Capital, Accenture DAC or a paying agent, as applicable, will provide the trustee with documentation reasonably satisfactory to the trustee evidencing the payment of additional amounts.
Accenture plc, Accenture Capital, Accenture DAC or a paying agent, as applicable, will make all withholdings and deductions required by law and will remit the full amount deducted or withheld to the Relevant Taxing Jurisdiction in accordance with applicable law with respect to payments in respect of the debt securities or guarantees. Upon request, Accenture plc, Accenture Capital, Accenture DAC or a paying agent, as applicable, will provide to the trustee an official receipt or, if official receipts are not obtainable, other documentation reasonably satisfactory to the trustee evidencing the payment of any Taxes so deducted or withheld. Upon request, copies of those receipts or other documentation, as the case may be, will be made available by the trustee to the holders of the debt securities.
The obligations in this covenant will survive any termination or discharge of the indenture and any transfer by a holder or beneficial owner of its debt securities and will apply mutatis mutandis to any jurisdiction in which any successor person to Accenture plc, Accenture Capital, Accenture DAC or a paying agent, as applicable, is incorporated or resident for tax purposes or any jurisdiction from or through which such person makes any payment in respect of the guarantees of such debt securities and any department or political subdivision thereof or therein.
All references in this prospectus, other than under “ —Defeasance,” to the payment of the principal of or premium, if any, or interest, if any, on or the net proceeds received on the sale or exchange of, any debt securities or any payment in respect of any guarantee shall be deemed to include additional amounts to the extent that, in that context, additional amounts are, were or would be payable. (Section 4.05 of the indentures).
Optional Tax Redemption
The issuer may redeem any series of debt securities in whole, but not in part, at its option at any time prior to maturity, upon the giving of not less than 10 nor more than 60 days’ notice of tax redemption to the holders, at a redemption price equal to the principal amount plus accrued and unpaid interest, if any, to the redemption date (except in the case of discounted debt securities, which may be redeemed at the redemption price specified by the terms of each series of such debt securities), if:
• | the issuer determines that, as a result of any change in, or amendment to the laws or any regulations or rulings promulgated thereunder of a Relevant Taxing Jurisdiction, or any change in the official application, administration, or written interpretation of such laws, regulations or rulings, which change |
or amendment becomes effective or, in the case of an interpretation, is announced, on or after the issue date of the applicable debt securities or guarantee, the issuer, the guarantor or any successor to the issuer or guarantor, as applicable, would be required to pay additional amounts (as described under “ —Payment of Additional Amounts”) with respect to that series of such debt securities or under the guarantee, as the case may be, on the next succeeding interest payment date for such debt securities and the payment of such additional amounts cannot be avoided by the use of reasonable measures available to the issuer, the guarantor or any successor to the issuer or guarantor, as applicable; or |
• | the issuer determines, based upon an opinion of independent counsel of recognized standing that, as a result of any action taken by any legislative body of, taxing authority of, or any action brought in a court of competent jurisdiction in, a Relevant Taxing Jurisdiction, which action is taken or brought on or after the issue date of the applicable debt securities or guarantee, under the laws of a jurisdiction other than a Relevant Taxing Jurisdiction, with respect to taxes imposed by such other jurisdiction, there is a substantial probability that the circumstances described above would exist. |
No notice of any such redemption may be given earlier than 90 days prior to the earliest date on which Accenture plc, Accenture Capital or Accenture DAC, as applicable, would be obligated to pay any additional amounts.
Accenture plc, Accenture Capital or Accenture DAC will also pay to each holder, or make available for payment to each such holder, on the redemption date, any additional amounts (as described under “ —Payment of Additional Amounts”) resulting from the payment of such redemption price by it. Prior to the delivery of any notice of redemption, Accenture plc, Accenture Capital or Accenture DAC will deliver to the trustee (i) an officer’s certificate stating that it is entitled to effect or cause a redemption and setting forth a statement of facts showing that the conditions precedent of the right so to redeem or cause such redemption have occurred, and (ii) an opinion of independent counsel to the effect that there has been such change or amendment that would entitle the issuer to redeem the debt securities under the indenture. The trustee will accept such officer’s certificate and opinion of counsel as sufficient evidence of the existence and satisfaction of the conditions precedent as described above, in which event it will be conclusive and binding on the holders of the securities being redeemed. The foregoing will apply, mutatis mutandis, to any jurisdiction in which any successor to Accenture plc, Accenture Capital or Accenture DAC is incorporated or organized or tax resident or any political subdivision or taxing authority or agency thereof or therein, provided that if on the date of the succession the taxing jurisdiction is not already a Relevant Taxing Jurisdiction, the change or amendment of law becomes effective (or the announcement of the official interpretation is announced) after that date. (Section 3.02 of the indentures).
Defeasance and Discharge. Unless the debt securities of any series provide otherwise, the issuer and, if applicable, the guarantor may be discharged from any and all obligations in respect of the debt securities of that series and any related guarantee, as applicable (except for certain obligations to register the transfer or exchange of debt securities of that series, to replace stolen, destroyed, lost or mutilated debt securities of that series, to maintain paying agencies, to execute and furnish definitive securities evidenced by temporary securities, to return moneys deposited with or paid to the trustee or any paying agent remaining unclaimed for three years, to compensate and indemnify the applicable trustee or to furnish such trustee (if that trustee is not the registrar) with the names and addresses of holders of debt securities of that series). This discharge, referred to as defeasance, will occur only if, among other things:
• | the issuer or, if applicable, the guarantor or the issuer together with the guarantor irrevocably deposits or deposit with the applicable trustee, in trust, money and/or securities of the United States or the other government which issues the currency in which the debt securities of that series are payable or securities of agencies backed by the full faith and credit of the United States or such other government, which, through the payment of interest and principal in accordance with their terms, will provide, in the opinion of a nationally recognized public accounting firm, enough money to pay each installment of principal of, and any premium and interest on, and any additional amounts known to be payable at the |
time of such defeasance and discharge and any mandatory sinking fund payments in respect of, the debt securities of that series on the applicable due dates for those payments in accordance with the terms of those debt securities; and |
• | the issuer or, if applicable, the guarantor delivers or deliver to the applicable trustee an opinion of counsel confirming that the beneficial owners of the debt securities of that series will not recognize income, gain or loss for U.S. federal income tax purposes as a result of such defeasance and will be subject to U.S. federal income tax on the same amounts and in the same manner and at the same times as would have been the case if the discharge had not occurred. |
That opinion must state that the issuer or, if applicable, the guarantor has or have received from the U.S. Internal Revenue Service a ruling or, since the date of execution of the applicable indenture, there has been a change in the applicable U.S. federal income tax law, in any case, in support of that opinion. (Sections 13.02 and 13.04 of the indentures).
In addition, the issuer or, if applicable, the guarantor or the issuer together with the guarantor may also obtain a discharge of the applicable indenture with respect to all debt securities issued under that indenture and any related guarantee, as applicable, by depositing with the applicable trustee, in trust, enough money to pay all amounts due on the debt securities on the date those payments are due or upon redemption of all of those debt securities, so long as those debt securities are by their terms to become due and payable within one year or are to be called for redemption within one year. (Section 12.01 of the indentures).
Defeasance of Certain Covenants and Certain Events of Default. Unless the debt securities of any series provide otherwise, upon compliance with certain conditions:
• | the issuer and, if applicable, the guarantor may omit to comply with any provision of the applicable indenture (except for certain obligations to register the transfer or exchange of debt securities of that series, to replace stolen, destroyed, lost or mutilated debt securities of that series, to maintain paying agencies, to execute and furnish definitive securities evidenced by temporary securities, to return moneys deposited with or paid to the trustee or any paying agent on any debt security and not applied to payments on the debt securities but remaining unclaimed for three years, to punctually pay the principal of and premium or interest, if any, on the debt securities, to deliver to the trustee an annual statement as to default, to adhere to the covenants with respect to payment on the debt securities on default, to adhere to the resignation or removal procedures regarding the trustee, to compensate and indemnify the applicable trustee or to furnish that trustee (if that trustee is not the registrar) with the names and addresses of holders of debt securities of that series), including the covenant described under “ — Consolidation and Merger”; and |
• | any omission to comply with those covenants will not constitute an event of default with respect to the debt securities of that series (“covenant defeasance”). (Sections 13.03 and 13.04 of the indentures). |
The conditions include, among other things:
• | irrevocably depositing with the applicable trustee, in trust, money and/or securities of the government which issues the currency in which the debt securities of that series are payable or securities of agencies backed by the full faith and credit of that government, which, through the payment of interest and principal in accordance with their terms, will provide, in the opinion of a nationally recognized public accounting firm, enough money to pay each installment of principal of, any premium and interest on, and any additional amounts known to be payable at the time of such covenant defeasance and any mandatory sinking fund payments in respect of, the debt securities of that series on the applicable due dates for those payments in accordance with the terms of those debt securities; and |
• | delivering to the applicable trustee an opinion of counsel to the effect that the beneficial owners of the debt securities of that series will not recognize income, gain or loss for U.S. federal income tax |
purposes as a result of the covenant defeasance and will be subject to U.S. federal income tax on the same amounts and in the same manner and at the same times as would have been the case if the covenant defeasance had not occurred. (Section 13.04 of the indentures). |
Covenant Defeasance and Certain Other Events of Default. If the issuer or, if applicable, the guarantor or the issuer together with the guarantor exercises or exercise the option to effect a covenant defeasance with respect to the debt securities of any series as described above and the debt securities of that series are thereafter declared due and payable because of an event of default (other than an event of default caused by failing to comply with the covenants that are defeased), the amount of money and securities it has or they have deposited with the applicable trustee would be sufficient to pay amounts due on the debt securities of that series on their respective due dates but may not be sufficient to pay amounts due on the debt securities of that series at the time of acceleration resulting from that event of default. However, the issuer and, if applicable, the guarantor would remain liable for any shortfall.
Modification and Waiver
Each indenture provides that the issuer and, if applicable, the guarantor may enter into supplemental indentures with the applicable trustee without the consent of the holders of debt securities to:
• | document the fact that a successor entity has assumed the issuer’s or, if applicable, the guarantor’s obligations; |
• | add covenants or events of default or to surrender any right or power conferred upon the issuer or, if applicable, the guarantor for the benefit of the holders of debt securities; |
• | add or change such provisions as are necessary to permit the issuance of global debt securities; |
• | cure any ambiguity or correct any inconsistency in the indenture or in the terms of the debt securities as shall not adversely affect the interests of the holders of debt securities in any material respect; |
• | conform the applicable indenture or the terms of the debt securities or guarantees to any terms set forth in this prospectus or an applicable prospectus supplement; |
• | document the fact that a successor trustee has been appointed; or |
• | establish the forms and terms of debt securities of any series. (Section 10.01 of the indentures). |
The issuer and, if applicable, the guarantor may enter into a supplemental indenture to modify an indenture with the consent of the applicable trustee and the holders of at least a majority in principal amount of outstanding debt securities of each series affected by such supplemental indenture. However, the issuer and, if applicable, the guarantor may not modify an indenture without the consent of the holders of all then-outstanding debt securities of the affected series issued under that indenture to:
• | extend the maturity date of, or change the due date of any installment of principal of or interest on, or payment of additional amounts with respect to, the debt securities of that series; |
• | reduce the principal amount of, or any premium payable or interest rate on, the debt securities of that series; |
• | reduce the amount due and payable upon acceleration or make payments thereon payable in any currency other than that provided in that debt security; |
• | make any change that adversely affects the right, if any, to convert or exchange any debt security for shares or other securities or property in accordance with its terms; |
• | impair the right to institute suit for the enforcement of any such payment on or after its due date; or |
• | reduce the percentage in principal amount of outstanding debt securities of any series, the consent of whose holders is necessary to effect any such modification or amendment of the indenture, for waiver of compliance with certain covenants and provisions in the indenture or for waiver of certain defaults. (Section 10.02 of the indentures). |
The holders of at least a majority in principal amount of the outstanding debt securities of any series may on behalf of the holders of all debt securities of that series waive any past default under the applicable indenture with respect to that series, except a default in the payment of the principal of or any premium or any interest on, any debt security of that series or in respect of a provision which under the applicable indenture cannot be modified or amended without the consent of the holder of each outstanding debt security of that affected series. (Section 6.09 of the indentures).
Global Securities
The debt securities of a series may be issued in whole or in part in the form of one or more global certificates that the issuer will deposit with a depositary identified in an applicable prospectus supplement. Unless and until it is exchanged in whole or in part for the individual debt securities that it represents, a global security may not be transferred except as a whole:
• | by the applicable depositary to a nominee of the depositary; |
• | by any nominee to the depositary itself or another nominee; or |
• | by the depositary or any nominee to a successor depositary or any nominee of the successor. |
An applicable prospectus supplement will describe the specific terms of the depositary arrangement with respect to a series of debt securities. We anticipate that the following provisions will generally apply to depositary arrangements.
When a global security is issued, the depositary for the global security or its nominee will credit, on its book-entry registration and transfer system, the respective principal amounts of the individual debt securities represented by that global security to the accounts of persons that have accounts with the depositary (“participants”). Those accounts will be designated by the dealers, underwriters or agents with respect to the underlying debt securities or by the issuer if those debt securities are offered and sold directly by the issuer. Ownership of beneficial interests in a global security will be limited to participants or persons that may hold interests through participants. For interests of participants, ownership of beneficial interests in the global security will be shown on records maintained by the applicable depositary or its nominee. For interests of persons other than participants, that ownership information will be shown on the records of participants. Transfer of that ownership will be effected only through those records. The laws of some states require that certain purchasers of securities take physical delivery of securities in definitive form. These limits and laws may impair our ability to transfer beneficial interests in a global security.
As long as the depositary for a global security, or its nominee, is the registered owner of that global security, the depositary or nominee will be considered the sole owner or holder of the debt securities represented by the global security for all purposes under the applicable indenture. Except as provided below, owners of beneficial interests in a global security:
• | will not be entitled to have any of the underlying debt securities registered in their names; |
• | will not receive or be entitled to receive physical delivery of any of the underlying debt securities in definitive form; and |
• | will not be considered the owners or holders under the indenture relating to those debt securities. |
Payments of the principal of, any premium on and any interest on individual debt securities represented by a global security registered in the name of a depositary or its nominee will be made to the depositary or its nominee as the registered owner of the global security representing such debt securities. No issuer, guarantor, trustee, paying agent or registrar for the debt securities will be responsible for any aspect of the records relating to or payments made by the depositary or any participants on account of beneficial interests in the global security.
It is expected that the depositary or its nominee, upon receipt of any payment of principal, any premium or interest relating to a global security representing any series of debt securities, immediately will credit participants’ accounts with the payments. Those payments will be credited in amounts proportional to the respective beneficial interests of the participants in the principal amount of the global security as shown on the records of the depositary or its nominee. It is also expected that payments by participants to owners of beneficial interests in the global security held through those participants will be governed by standing instructions and customary practices. This is now the case with securities held for the accounts of customers registered in “street name.” Those payments will be the sole responsibility of those participants.
If the depositary for a series of debt securities is at any time unwilling, unable or ineligible to continue as depositary and a successor depositary is not appointed within 90 days, the issuer will issue individual debt securities of that series in exchange for the global security or securities representing that series. In addition, the issuer may at any time in its sole discretion determine not to have any debt securities of a series represented by one or more global securities. In that event, the issuer will issue individual debt securities of that series in exchange for the global security or securities. Furthermore, if specified in an applicable prospectus supplement, an owner of a beneficial interest in a global security may, on terms acceptable to the issuer, the trustee and the applicable depositary, receive individual debt securities of that series in exchange for those beneficial interests. The foregoing is subject to any limitations described in an applicable prospectus supplement. In any such instance, the owner of the beneficial interest will be entitled to physical delivery of individual debt securities equal in principal amount to the beneficial interest and to have the debt securities registered in its name. Those individual debt securities will be issued in any authorized denominations.
Under the guarantee, the applicable guarantor will fully and unconditionally guarantee the due and punctual payment of the principal, interest (if any), premium (if any) and all other amounts due on the applicable debt securities and under the indenture when the same shall become due and payable, whether at maturity, pursuant to mandatory or optional redemption or repayments, by acceleration or otherwise, in each case after any applicable grace periods or notice requirements, according to the terms of the applicable debt securities.
The obligations of the guarantor under the guarantee will be full and unconditional, joint and several, regardless of the enforceability of the applicable debt securities, and will not be discharged until all obligations under those debt securities and the applicable indenture are satisfied. Holders of the applicable debt securities may proceed directly against the guarantor under the applicable guarantee if an event of default affecting those debt securities occurs without first proceeding against the issuer.
Conversion Rights
An applicable prospectus supplement will describe the terms and conditions, if any, on which debt securities being offered are convertible into Class A ordinary shares of Accenture plc or other securities. Such terms will include the conversion price, the conversion period, provisions as to whether conversion will be at the option of the issuer or the holder, the events requiring an adjustment of the conversion price and provisions affecting conversion in the event of the redemption of such debt securities.
Regarding the Trustee
The issuers have commercial deposits and custodial arrangements with The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A. (“BNY”) and may have borrowed money from BNY in the normal course of business. The issuers may enter into similar or other banking relationships with BNY in the future in the normal course of business. BNY may also act as trustee with respect to other debt securities issued by the issuers.
BNY will be serving as the trustee under the indentures. Consequently, if an actual or potential event of default occurs with respect to the debt securities, BNY may be considered to have a conflicting interest for purposes of the Trust Indenture Act. In that case, BNY may be required to resign under one or more indentures, and the applicable issuer and, if applicable, the applicable guarantor would be required to appoint a successor trustee. For this purpose, a “potential” event of default means an event that would be an event of default if the requirements for giving us default notice or for the default having to exist for a specific period of time were disregarded.
Governing Law
The debt securities, the guarantees and the indentures will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of New York.
In this description, references to “holders” mean those who own preference shares of Accenture plc registered in their own names, on the books that the registrar maintains for this purpose, and not those who own beneficial interests in preference shares of Accenture plc registered in “street name” or issued in book-entry form and held through one or more depositaries.
The description set forth below is only a summary and is not complete. For more information regarding the preference shares of Accenture plc which may be offered by this prospectus, see the documents incorporated by reference in this prospectus, the applicable prospectus supplement, Accenture plc’s Amended and Restated Memorandum and Articles of Association (the “Accenture plc Constitution”), which is incorporated by reference as an exhibit to the registration statement of which this prospectus forms a part, and any certificate of designations or other instrument establishing a series of preference shares, which will be filed with the SEC as an exhibit to or incorporated by reference in such registration statement at or prior to the time of the issuance of that series of preference shares.
The Accenture plc Constitution authorizes Accenture plc to designate and issue undesignated shares as preference shares, in one or more classes or series, with or without voting rights attached to them, with the number of shares of each class or series and the powers, preferences, rights and limitations thereof (which may include preferences regarding dividends and liquidation rights over the Class A ordinary shares of Accenture plc) to be determined by Accenture plc’s board of directors at the time of issuance of the relevant preference shares. Accenture plc is authorized to issue up to 2,000,000,000 undesignated shares with a nominal value of $0.0000225 per share, all of which may be designated as preference shares. The Accenture plc board of directors is currently authorized to issue up to 20% of Accenture plc’s issued share capital as of December 4, 2023 and Accenture plc expects to propose the renewal of this authorization on a regular basis at its annual general meetings in subsequent years, which is currently the customary practice in Ireland. This current authority will expire 18 months from January 31, 2024.
Irish law does not recognize fractional shares held of record; accordingly, Accenture plc’s articles of association do not provide for the issuance of fractional Accenture plc shares, and the official Irish register of Accenture plc will not reflect any fractional shares.
We will include the specific terms of each series of the preference shares of Accenture plc being offered in an applicable prospectus supplement.
In this description, references to “holders” mean those who own Class A ordinary shares of Accenture plc registered in their own names, on the books that the registrar maintains for this purpose, and not those who own beneficial interests in Class A ordinary shares of Accenture plc registered in street name or issued in book-entry form and held through one or more depositaries.
The description of the Class A ordinary shares of Accenture plc is incorporated in this prospectus by reference to Exhibit 4.1 to the Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended August 31, 2023, filed with the SEC on October 12, 2023, including any amendment or report filed for the purposes of updating such description. The Class A ordinary shares of Accenture plc are listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol “ACN.”
For more information regarding the rights attached to the Class A ordinary shares of Accenture plc which may be offered by this prospectus, see the applicable prospectus supplement, the Accenture plc Constitution, which is incorporated by reference as an exhibit to the registration statement of which this prospectus forms a part, and any other instrument relating to the Class A ordinary shares of Accenture plc filed with the SEC as an exhibit to or incorporated by reference in such registration statement at or prior to the time of the issuance of the Class A ordinary shares of Accenture plc.
The Accenture plc Constitution authorizes Accenture plc to allot and issue up to 20,000,000,000 Class A ordinary shares, with a nominal value of $0.0000225 per share, and the board of directors is authorized to grant rights to subscribe for or grant rights to convert or exchange any security into or for, its Class A ordinary shares, which shall have the same rights, preferences and limitations as its existing Class A ordinary shares. The Accenture plc board of directors is currently authorized to issue up to 20% of Accenture plc’s issued share capital as of December 4, 2023 and Accenture plc expects to propose the renewal of this authorization on a regular basis at its annual general meetings in subsequent years, which is currently the customary practice in Ireland. This current authority will expire 18 months from January 31, 2024.
Irish law does not recognize fractional shares held of record; accordingly, Accenture plc’s articles of association do not provide for the issuance of fractional Accenture plc shares, and the official Irish register of Accenture plc will not reflect any fractional shares.
Accenture plc may issue share purchase contracts, representing contracts obligating holders to purchase from Accenture plc, and obligating Accenture plc to sell to the holders, a specified number of its Class A ordinary shares at a future date or dates. The price per share and the number of Class A Ordinary Shares of Accenture plc may be fixed at the time the share purchase contracts are issued or may be determined by reference to a specific formula set forth in the share purchase contracts. The share purchase contracts may be issued separately or as a part of share purchase units consisting of a share purchase contract and, as security for the holder’s obligations to purchase the Class A Ordinary Shares of Accenture plc:
• | preference shares of Accenture plc; or |
• | debt obligations of third parties, including Accenture Capital debt securities, Accenture DAC debt securities and U.S. Treasury securities. |
Subject to applicable law, the share purchase contracts may require Accenture plc to make periodic payments to the holders of the share purchase units or vice versa, and such payments may be unsecured or prefunded on some basis. The share purchase contracts may require holders to secure their obligations in a specified manner and, in certain circumstances, Accenture plc may deliver newly issued prepaid share purchase contracts upon release to a holder of any collateral securing such holder’s obligations under the original share purchase contract.
An applicable prospectus supplement will describe the terms of any share purchase contracts or share purchase units and, if applicable, prepaid share purchase contracts.
Accenture plc may from time to time issue warrants, in one or more series, to purchase Accenture Capital debt securities, Accenture DAC debt securities, co-issued debt securities or our equity securities. Accenture plc may offer warrants separately or together with one or more additional warrants, debt securities, preference shares or ordinary shares, or any combination of those securities in the form of units, as described in the applicable prospectus supplement. If Accenture plc issues warrants as part of a unit, the accompanying supplement will specify whether those warrants may be separated from the other securities in the unit prior to the warrants’ expiration date.
Below is a description of certain general terms and provisions of the warrants that Accenture plc may offer. Further terms of the warrants will be described in the applicable prospectus supplement. You should read the particular terms of any warrants Accenture plc offers described in the related prospectus supplement, together with any warrant agreement relating to the particular warrant, for provisions that may be important to you.
The applicable prospectus supplement will contain, where applicable, the following terms of and other information relating to the warrants:
• | the specific designation and aggregate number of, and the price at which Accenture plc will issue, the warrants; |
• | the currency or currency units in which the offering price, if any, and the exercise price are payable; |
• | the date on which the right to exercise the warrants will begin and the date on which that right will expire or, if you may not continuously exercise the warrants throughout that period, the specific date or dates on which you may exercise the warrants; |
• | whether the warrants will be issued in fully registered form or bearer form, in definitive or global form or in any combination of these forms, although, in any case, the form of a warrant included in a unit will correspond to the form of the unit and of any security included in that unit; |
• | certain applicable U.S. federal income tax considerations; |
• | the identity of the warrant agent for the warrants and of any other depositaries, execution or paying agents, transfer agents, registrars or other agents; |
• | the proposed listing, if any, of the warrants or any securities purchasable upon exercise of the warrants on any securities exchange; |
• | the designation, aggregate principal amount, currency and terms of the debt securities purchasable upon exercise of the warrants, and the price at which such principal amount may be purchased; |
• | the number of preference shares, the number of depositary shares or the number of ordinary shares purchasable upon exercise of a warrant and the price at which those shares may be purchased; |
• | the designation and terms of the preference shares or ordinary shares; |
• | if applicable, the designation and terms of the debt securities, preference shares or ordinary shares with which the warrants are issued and the number of warrants issued with each security; |
• | if applicable, the date from and after which the warrants and the related debt securities, preference shares or ordinary shares will be separately transferable; |
• | if applicable, the minimum or maximum amount of the warrants that may be exercised at any one time; |
• | information with respect to book-entry procedures, if any; |
• | the antidilution or other adjustment provisions of the warrants, if any; |
• | any redemption or call provisions; |
• | whether the warrants are to be sold separately or with other securities as parts of units; and |
• | any additional terms of the warrants, including terms, procedures and limitations relating to the exchange and exercise of the warrants. |
Accenture plc may issue shares of preference shares either separately or represented by depositary shares. Accenture plc may also, at its option, elect to offer fractional interests in preference shares instead of a full preference share. If exercising this option, depositary receipts will be issued for depositary shares, each of which will represent a fraction of a share of a particular class or series of preference shares, as described in the applicable prospectus supplement and/or other offering material.
Any class or series of preference shares represented by depositary shares will be deposited under a deposit agreement between Accenture plc and the depositary. The prospectus supplement and/or other offering material relating to a series of depositary shares will set forth the name and address of the depositary for the depositary shares and summarize the material provisions of the deposit agreement. Subject to the terms of the deposit agreement, each owner of a depositary share will be entitled, in proportion to the applicable fraction of a preference share represented by such depositary share, to all the rights and preferences of the preference shares represented by such depositary share, including dividend and liquidation rights and any right to convert or exchange the preference shares into other securities.
The applicable prospectus supplement will describe the particular terms of any depositary shares Accenture plc offers. You should review the documents pursuant to which the depositary shares will be issued, which will be described in more detail in the applicable prospectus supplement.
Accenture plc may issue units comprised of one or more of the other securities described in this prospectus in any combination. Each unit may also include debt obligations or other securities of third parties not affiliated with us, such as U.S. Treasury securities. Each unit will be issued so that the holder of the unit is also the holder of each security included in the unit. Thus, the holder of a unit will have the rights and obligations of a holder of each included security. The applicable unit agreement under which a unit is issued may provide that the securities included in the unit may not be held or transferred separately, at any time or any time before a specified date.
The applicable prospectus supplement will describe the terms of the units offered pursuant to it, including one or more of the following:
• | the designation and terms of the units and of the securities comprising the units, including whether and under what circumstances those securities may be held or transferred separately; |
• | any provisions for the issuance, payment, settlement, transfer or exchange of the units or of the securities comprising the units; |
• | the terms of any agreements governing the units; |
• | certain U.S. federal income tax considerations relevant to the units; and |
• | whether the units will be issued in fully registered or global form. |
The preceding description and any description of units in the applicable prospectus supplement does not propose to be complete and is subject to and is qualified in its entirety by reference to each unit agreement and, if applicable, collateral arrangements relating to such units.
Accenture plc, Accenture Capital or Accenture DAC may sell the securities covered by this prospectus in any of the following ways (or in any combination):
• | through underwriters, dealers or remarketing firms; |
• | directly to one or more purchasers, including to a limited number of institutional purchasers; |
• | through agents; |
• | any combination of the distribution methods above; or |
• | any other methods of distribution described in an applicable prospectus supplement. |
Any such dealer or agent, in addition to any underwriter, may be deemed to be an underwriter within the meaning of the Securities Act. Any discounts or commissions received by an underwriter, dealer, remarketing firm or agent on the sale or resale of securities may be considered by the SEC to be underwriting discounts and commissions under the Securities Act.
In addition, Accenture plc, Accenture Capital or Accenture DAC may enter into derivative transactions with third parties, or sell securities not covered by this prospectus to third parties in privately negotiated transactions. If an applicable prospectus supplement so indicates, in connection with such a transaction, the third parties may, pursuant to this prospectus and such applicable prospectus supplement, sell securities covered by this prospectus and such applicable prospectus supplement. If so, the third party may use securities borrowed from Accenture plc, Accenture Capital, Accenture DAC or others to settle such sales and may such securities to close any related short positions. Accenture plc, Accenture Capital or Accenture DAC may also loan or pledge securities covered by this prospectus and an applicable prospectus supplement to third parties, who may sell the loaned securities or, in an event of default in the case of a pledge, sell the pledged securities covered by this prospectus and such applicable prospectus supplement.
The terms of the offering of the securities with respect to which this prospectus is being delivered will be set forth in the applicable prospectus supplement or supplements and will include, among other things:
• | the type of and terms of the securities; |
• | the price of the securities; |
• | the proceeds to us from the sale of the securities; |
• | the names of the securities exchanges, if any, on which the securities are listed; |
• | the names of any underwriters, dealers, remarketing firms or agents and the amount of securities underwritten or purchased by each of them; |
• | any over-allotment options under which underwriters may purchase additional securities; |
• | any underwriting discounts, agency fees or other compensation to underwriters or agents; and |
• | any discounts or concessions which may be allowed or reallowed or paid to dealers. |
If underwriters are used in the sale of securities, those securities will be acquired by the underwriters for their own account and may be resold from time to time in one or more transactions, including negotiated transactions, at a fixed public offering price or at varying prices determined at the time of sale. The securities may be offered to the public either through underwriting syndicates represented by managing underwriters or directly by one or more underwriters acting alone. Unless otherwise set forth in an applicable prospectus supplement, the obligations of the underwriters to purchase the securities described in an applicable prospectus supplement will be subject to certain conditions precedent, and the underwriters will be obligated to purchase all of those securities if any are purchased by them. Any public offering price and any discounts or concessions allowed or reallowed or paid to dealers may be changed from time to time.
If the dealers acting as principals are used in the sale of any securities, those securities will be acquired by the dealers, as principals, and may be resold from time to time in one or more transactions at varying prices to be determined by the dealer at the time of resale. The name of any dealer and the terms of the transactions will be set forth in an applicable prospectus supplement with respect to the securities being offered.
Securities may also be offered and sold, if so indicated in an applicable prospectus supplement in connection with a remarketing upon their purchase, in accordance with a redemption or repayment pursuant to their terms, or otherwise, by one or more firms, which we refer to as the “remarketing firms,” acting as principals for their own accounts or as our agents, as applicable. Any remarketing firm will be identified and the terms of its agreement, if any, with Accenture plc, Accenture Capital or Accenture DAC and its compensation will be described in an applicable prospectus supplement. Remarketing firms may be deemed to be underwriters, as that term is defined in the Securities Act in connection with the securities remarketed thereby.
The securities may be sold directly by Accenture plc, Accenture Capital or Accenture DAC, or through agents designated by one of them from time to time. In the case of securities sold directly by Accenture plc, Accenture Capital or Accenture DAC, no underwriters or agents would be involved. Any agents involved in the offer or sale of the securities in respect of which this prospectus is being delivered, and any commissions payable by Accenture plc, Accenture Capital or Accenture DAC to such agents, will be set forth in an applicable prospectus supplement. Unless otherwise indicated in an applicable prospectus supplement, any such agent will be acting on a best efforts basis for the period of its appointment.
Accenture plc, Accenture Capital or Accenture DAC may authorize agents, underwriters or dealers to solicit offers by certain specified institutions to purchase the securities to which this prospectus and the applicable prospectus supplement relate from us at the public offering price set forth in an applicable prospectus supplement plus, if applicable, accrued interest, pursuant to delayed delivery contracts providing for payment and delivery on a specified date in the future. Those contracts will be subject only to those conditions set forth in an applicable prospectus supplement, and an applicable prospectus supplement will set forth the commission payable for solicitation of those contracts.
Agents, dealers, underwriters and remarketing firms may be entitled, under agreements entered into with one or more of Accenture plc, Accenture Capital or Accenture DAC, to indemnification by one or more of Accenture plc, Accenture Capital or Accenture DAC against certain civil liabilities, including liabilities under the Securities Act, or to contribution to payments they may be required to make in respect thereof. Agents, dealers, underwriters and remarketing firms may be customers of, engage in transactions with, or perform services for us or our subsidiaries in the ordinary course of business.
Unless otherwise indicated in an applicable prospectus supplement, all securities offered by this prospectus, other than the Class A ordinary shares of Accenture plc, which are listed on the New York Stock Exchange, will be new issues with no established trading market. Accenture plc, Accenture Capital or Accenture DAC, as applicable, may elect to list any of the securities on one or more exchanges, but unless otherwise specified in an applicable prospectus supplement, shall not be obligated to do so. In addition, underwriters will not be obligated to make a market in any securities. No assurance can be given regarding the activity of trading in, or liquidity of, any securities.
Any underwriter may engage in over-allotment, stabilizing transactions, short-covering transactions and penalty bids in accordance with Regulation M under the Exchange Act. Over-allotment involves sales in excess of the offering size, which create a short position. Stabilizing transactions permit bids to purchase the underlying securities so long as the stabilizing bids do not exceed a specified maximum. Short covering transactions involve purchases of the securities in the open market after the distribution is completed to cover short positions. Penalty bids permit the underwriters to reclaim a selling concession from a dealer when the securities originally sold by the dealer are purchased in a covering transaction to cover short positions. Those activities may cause the price of the securities to be higher than it would otherwise be. If commenced, the underwriters may discontinue any of the activities at any time.
Unless otherwise indicated in an applicable prospectus supplement, the validity of the securities under Irish law will be passed upon for us by Arthur Cox LLP and certain matters with respect to New York law will be passed upon for us by Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP. Any underwriters, dealers or agents may be advised about other issues relating to any offering by their own legal counsel.
The consolidated financial statements of Accenture plc as of August 31, 2023 and 2022, and for each of the years in the three-year period ended August 31, 2023, and management’s assessment of the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting as of August 31, 2023 have been incorporated by reference herein in reliance upon the report of KPMG LLP, independent registered public accounting firm, incorporated by reference herein, and upon the authority of said firm as experts in accounting and auditing.
Accenture Capital Inc.
$1,100,000,000 3.900% Senior Notes due 2027
$1,200,000,000 4.050% Senior Notes due 2029
$1,200,000,000 4.250% Senior Notes due 2031
$1,500,000,000 4.500% Senior Notes due 2034
with full and unconditional guarantee
as to payment of principal and interest by
Accenture plc
Prospectus Supplement
Joint Book-Running Managers
J.P. Morgan | BofA Securities | Citigroup | BNP PARIBAS |
Barclays | SOCIETE GENERALE | Deutsche Bank Securities | HSBC |
Standard Chartered Bank | Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC | Morgan Stanley |
October 1, 2024