保安和承諾協議, 日期為二零二四年十月二日(此」協議」),由遠見控股有限公司製作(f/k/a 遠見教育科技 控股集團 Inc.) 是一家根據加拿大法律組織的公司,辦事處位於安大略省多倫多多 1003 單位莫特菲爾德大道 105 號, 加拿大 M30 億 0A2 (第」公司」),以及以下每個直接和間接國內附屬公司(如下定義) 不時本公司的(如有)(每一個」授權人」並與本公司一起,集體稱為」授權人」), 支持 [擔保代理],辦事處位於紐約 10119 號 4810 套房 48 樓賓夕法尼亞廣場一號辦事處,以作為抵押品 代理人(以此身份與其繼承人和受託人一起,」抵押代理」) 適用於債券持有人(如 以下定義) 證券購買協議的一方(如下所定義)。
W I t N E S S E t H:
鑒於,公司已為那份修訂和重簽証券購買協議的一方,該協議日期為2024年10月2日(根據協議條款不時修訂、修改、補充、延長、續訂、重簽或更換的協議,稱為“證券購買協議”),由公司、[COLLATERAL AGENT]一家特拉華有限合夥公司和附表所列為“買方”的每一方(每個為“買方”並且共同,為“購買者”),根據該協議,公司將被要求賣出,而買方將購買或擁有購買權,發行根據其所發行的“票據(Notes)”(如有須按照協議條款不時修訂、修改、補充、延長、續訂、重簽或更換的票據,合稱為“註釋”);
鑒於,某些授予者(除了公司以外)不時(每一位為“擔保人”並且共同,為“保證人)可能簽署並交付一個或多個擔保(每一個為“保證”並且共同,為“保證”, 就其義務根據證券購買協議書、債券和其他“交易文件”(如下所定)之利益,受讓人同意,並符合抵押代理人標準。
第一節 1. 定義。
(a) 特此查閱證券購買協議書及票據,以獲悉其條款。所有板塊於本協議書及前言中使用的術語,如已在證券購買協議書、票據或法典中定義,且未在本協議書內另行定義,則其涵義均與其中所載相同; 提供 此處使用的術語,若已於本日法典中定義,則即使法典受到更換或修訂,其含義將仍然保持一致,除非當事抵押代理另行判斷且以其唯一及絕對酌情判斷。
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(b) 在不限制前述及受本協議第1(a)條結尾條款約束的情況下,以下條款應按照法典所提供的相應含義解釋:“賬戶”、“賬戶債務人”、“現金收益”、“產權證書”、“動產證”、“商業侵權索賠”、“商品賬戶”、“商品合同”、“存入資金賬戶”、“文件”、“電子動產證”、“設備”、“固定設施”、“無形動產”、“商品”、“工具”、“存貨”、“投資物業”、“信用證權利”、“非現金收益”、“支付無形動產”、“收益”、“本票”、“安全”、“記錄”、“安全賬戶”、“軟體”、“支持性責任”和“非證券化證券”。
(c) 根據本協議中的使用,以下術語應具有下面指示的各自含義,該含義同樣適用於這些術語的單數和複數形式:
“破产法典“ ”代表美國法典第11條第11章,11 U.S.C §§ 101等等(或其他適用的破產、無力償債或類似法律)。
“破產事件 違約事件” 表示備註第4(a)(viii)條下的任何違約事件。
“業務日” 意指 紐約市商業銀行被授權或法律要求關閉的週六、週日或其他任何日子以外的任何日子;但為明確起見,商業銀行不應因為「遵守居家令」、「避難」、「非必要員工」或任何其他類似的命令或限制,或在任何政府當局指示下關閉任何實體分支機構而被視為被授權或法律要求關閉;只要紐約市商業銀行的電子轉賬系統(包括電匯)通常在該日開放供客戶使用。
“結束日期。” 意指公司根據證券購買協議的條款首次發行票據的日期。
“代碼「意味着」指根據紐約州現時實施的《統一商法典》第8或第9條款; 在每種情況下,該B類股東和/或該B類股東的家庭成員需獨立控制在此類帳戶、計劃或信託中持有的B類普通股實時; 如果任何抵押品的適當性或適當性效力或非適當性或任何抵押品中任何安全利益的優先權受到紐約州以外司法轄區實施的《統一商法典》的管轄,「法典」指根據其他司法轄區現時實施的《統一商法典》爲本文件規定的與該適當性、適當性效力或非適當性或優先權相關的條款。
“抵押品“ 應具有下文規定的意義 本文中的其他與經銷商有關的條款本協議第
“抵押代理人“ 應具有本前言中所載的含義。
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“被管制的帳戶 協議「」意味着關於質押帳戶的存入資金帳戶控制協議或有價證券帳戶控制協議,根據這些協議,抵押品代理被授予對這些質押帳戶的控制權,以便根據適用法律使其對這些質押帳戶的安防利益完備,所有這些均須符合抵押品代理的要求,並隨時作出修訂、修改、補充、延長、續期、重述或更換。
“受控帳戶表示存入資金帳戶、商品帳戶、證券帳戶和/或外幣受控帳戶的授予人列在 附表四 附件所示。
“受控帳戶 銀行「」應具有下文所述的含義 第6(i)節本協議第
“版權許可證” 表示所有授權方作爲許可人或被許可人的所有許可證、合同或其他協議,無論是書面的還是口頭的,並約定授予使用或出售任何受版權保護的作品的權利(包括但不限於所有在該處列出的版權許可證」 附表II 附屬文件
“版權”表示所有國內外的版權,無論是否註冊,包括但不限於在任何和所有媒體(無論現在還是將來開發的)中以任何有形表達方式固定的所有原創作品的版權權利,這些權利由任何出讓人所取得或使用(包括但不限於在此處描述的所有版權),以及所有該等版權的申請、註冊和記錄(包括但不限於美國版權辦公室或任何類似辦公室或機構以及美國或任何其他國家或其任何政治劃分的申請、註冊和記錄),以及所有該等的再版、分割、繼續申請、部分繼續申請和延伸或更新的權利。 附表II hereto),以及所有該等的再版、分割、繼續申請、部分繼續申請和延伸或更新的權利。
“國內子公司 (Domestic Subsidiary)“ 意指除外國子公司之外的任何子公司。
“違約事件“ 應具有注4(a)中註明的含義。
“排除財產“ 意指任何外國子公司的表決資本股份超過65%的部分 任何時候,如果抵押超過外國子公司已發行和流通表決資本股份的65%以上,將導致委託人出現重大不利稅收後果。
“外幣 受控帳戶”表示授權人或其任何子公司持有以美元以外貨幣計價的存款的任何受控帳戶。
“海外子公司” 表示由有關方根據美國以外的司法管轄區的法律組建的任何子公司,或其任何州、波多黎各或哥倫比亞特區。
“通用會計原則(GAAP)” 代表美國通用會計準則,一貫應用。
“政府機構“ 指任何國家、政府、任何聯邦、州、市、鎮、市政當局、縣、地方、外國或其他政治行政區劃 或隸屬於該等之任何部門、專員、委員會、委員會、法院、法庭、機構、代理機構或其他行使執 行、立法、司法、徵稅、監管或行政政府權力或職能的實體,或與政府有關或行使政府權力或職 能的實體。
“擔保債務“ 在每份擔保書第2節規定的含義。
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“破產程序“ 意味着任何在破產法典的任何規定下或在任何其他破產或破產法或債務人減免法律下對任何人提起的或針對任何人提起的程序,任何涉及向債權人作出的轉讓的程序,正式或非正式的緩期執行,與債權人一般進行的彌合,或尋求重組、安排或其他類似救濟的程序。
“知識產權”指的是所有知識產權和資產,以及與之相關的所有權利、利益和保護,或類似於或必要於行使前述任何一項的權利,無論其如何產生,在任何司法轄區依法適用的法律下,無論是否註冊或未註冊,包括但不限於以下所有內容:(a) 商標;(b) 任何在任何授權私人註冊機構或政府機構註冊的頂級域名的互聯網域名,不論是否爲商標,網址,網頁,網站及相關內容;(c) 擁有YouTube、Linkedin、Twitter、Instagram、Facebook和其他社交媒體公司帳戶及其上的內容(在各適用社交媒體平台的條款、條件和政策允許的範圍內可轉讓的帳戶和內容);(d) 版權;(e) 專利;和 (f) 商業和技術信息,數據庫,數據集和其他機密和專有信息及其所有權利。
“知識產權 安防-半導體協議” 意指根據要求交付的知識產權安全協議 第6(h)(i)節本協議的 附件規定的實質性形式 附錄 A.
“許可證“ 指合稱版權許可、商標許可和專利許可。
“擔保機構” 表示對任何財產或資產上的任何抵押、留置權、抵押、負擔、擔保權益、不利索賠或其他權利。
“票據 “在此處具有前文所述義項。
“義務“ 應具有下文規定的意義 (a)委員會負責管理本《2023年計劃》,並可以將其職責和權力全部或部分委託給任何子委員會。 委員會可以制定本《2023年計劃》的規則和條例。 委員會應按其所確定的時間和地點召開會議。 委員會成員中的多數人構成法定人數。本協議第
“全額支付「或者」表示任何稅費、關稅、徵收、評估或其他政府收費(包括罰款、利息和相關稅收的追加,爲避免疑問,包括任何代扣代繳的稅款)。全額付款 表示不可撤銷地以現金全額支付所有債務。
“專利許可” 表示所有許可證、合同或其他協議,無論是書面還是口頭,命名任何許可人爲被許可人或許可人,並規定 授予任何製造、使用或銷售任何專利覆蓋的發明的權利(包括但不限於所有專利許可 所述 附表II 附屬文件
“專利” 意味着現有或將來獲得的所有國內外專利、設計專利、實用專利、工業設計、發明、商業祕密、想法、概念、方法、技術、流程、專有信息、科技、專有公開權以及其他類似性質的一般無形資產(包括但不限於所有國內外專利、設計專利、實用專利、工業設計、發明、商業祕密、想法、概念、方法、技術、流程、專有信息、科技、專有公開權和公式等,如本處所述),以及所有此類申請、註冊和記錄(包括但不限於在美國專利商標局或任何類似美國或任何其他國家或政治分支的任何辦公室或機構中的申請、註冊和記錄),和所有再發行、複審、分割、延續、部分延續和擴展或續展。 附表II 本文檔中描述的所有國內外專利、設計專利、實用專利、工業設計、發明、商業祕密、想法、概念、方法、技術、流程、專有信息、科技和公式,所有申請、註冊和記錄(包括但不限於在美國專利商標局或任何類似美國或任何其他國家或政治分支的任何辦公室或機構中的申請、註冊和記錄),以及所有再發行、複審、分割、延續、部分延續和擴展或續展。
“完美要求 或者完美要求「」應具有下文所述的含義 第5(j)部分本協議第
“允許的留置權“ 應按照附註所載的含義解釋。
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“已承諾帳戶“ 意味着每位出讓方在其所有存款帳戶、商品帳戶和證券帳戶中的所有權利、所有權和利益(在所有情況下,包括但不限於所有受控帳戶和外匯管制帳戶)。
“質押抵押品“ 應具有下文規定的意義 。每個認購單位應支付的購買價格應等於每個企業單位在 第2(a)章 中的價格。.
“負債“ 應具有下文規定的意義 。每個認購單位應支付的購買價格應等於每個企業單位在 第2(a)章 中的價格。.
“抵押實體” 意味着,時常列在本身上的每個人 附表四 此處列爲「抵押實體」的人員,以及其他每個人員 在本協議日期後,由授予人士收購或擁有其證券或股份中任何權利或利益的所有人。
“質押股權“意味着每個轉讓人目前或今後擁有的所有證券和資本股份的全部權利、所有權和利益,包括但不限於,列表上列出的與該轉讓人姓名相對應的利益 附表四)無論類別或名稱,包括所有替代物和替換品,所有相關權利的產出以及所有與之相關的權利,還包括但不限於,代表此類證券和/或資本股份的任何證書,接收代表這些證券和/或資本股份的證書的權利,所有權證、期權、認股權、股份增值權和其他權利,無論是合同約定或其他方式,與之相關,以及接收、應收或以其他方式分配的現金、工具和其他財產,以及時間分別接收的現金、工具和其他財產,可隨時以現金或實物形式分配,有關或附加於對上述任何或所有替代、取代、佔有、交換而言的收入或等值分配,現金、工具和其他財產。
“承諾合作 協議”意味着每個出讓人在每個被承諾實體中擁有的各種全部權利、權力和救濟措施,都適用於一般或有限合夥協議,可能會不時進行修改、修訂、增補、延期、續約、重申或替換。
“質押證券「」表示任何期票、股票證書、有限責任會員權益或其他證券、證書或工具, 現在或今後包括在質押抵押品中的所有質押權益、質押債務和所有其他證書、工具 或其他文件,代表或證明任何質押抵押品。
「子公司」 指任何授予人直接或間接擁有任何該人的已發行股票或持有任何該人的權益或類似權益,或控制或經營該人業務、運營或管理其任何部分;以及所有上述內容,統稱爲“子公司”.
“商標許可” 指所有許可、合同或其他協議,無論是書面還是口頭的,指定任何設保人爲許可人或被許可人,並規定 授予與任何商標有關的任何權利,以及與任何此類許可、合同有關並由其象徵的任何商譽 或協議以及準備出售或租賃以及出售或租賃任何設保人現在或將來擁有的任何和所有庫存品的權利 以及現在或將來受此類許可、合同或協議(包括但不限於上述所有商標許可)的保護 在 附表二 此處)。
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“商標” 指所有國內外商標、服務商標、集體商標、認證標誌、商品名稱、企業名稱、d/b/a 假定名稱、互聯網域名、交易風格、設計、徽標和其他來源或業務標識符以及所有一般無形資產 性質相似,現在或將來由任何設保人擁有、採用、獲得或使用(包括但不限於所有國內和國外) 商標、服務商標、集體商標、認證標誌、商品名稱、企業名稱、d/b/a、假名、互聯網 中描述的域名、交易風格、設計、徽標和其他來源或企業標識符 附表二 此處),所有應用程序, 註冊及其記錄(包括但不限於美國專利的申請、註冊和記錄) 以及商標局或美國、美國任何州或任何其他國家的任何類似辦事處或機構,或任何政治機構 其細分),以及其所有再發行、延期或續訂,以及以此爲象徵的企業的所有商譽 任何設保人與分銷相關產品和服務有關的商標和所有客戶名單、公式和其他記錄 用於使用任何此類標記。
第2節。 承諾抵押 抵押物.
(a) 作爲對承擔的債務進行及時全額支付和履行的抵押物安全,每個出讓人特此指定和抵押給抵押代理人,其繼承人和被許可受讓人,並特此授予抵押代理人,其繼承人和被許可受讓人,以抵押代理人和債券持有人的平均利益,對於所有出讓人在所有以下事項中的所有權,所有權和權益,無論位於何處,無論現在還是將來存在,無論現在擁有還是將來取得:(i) 質押權益; (ii) 所有支票,債券和證券,現在擁有或今後任何時候取得的債務的證據(包括但不限於,在「」對面列出的出讓人的名稱上的那些); (iii) 根據第2(g)條,“; (iii) 時間內就質押權益和質押債務收到,可收回或以其他方式分配的所有本金或利息,股利,分配款,支票,證券,工具和其他財產,以及在轉換,以及在其他方面收到的所有其他收益,以及與質押權益和質押債務有關的所有款項:(iv) 出讓人享有的有關條款(i)、(ii)和(iii)中提及的證券和其他財產的所有權利和特權; 以及(v) 所有前述事項的收益和與之有關的安全資產權力(上述(a)到(v)事項合稱“ 附表四股份限制協議負債”); (iv) 所有款項呈列於“ 聚合"協議中,和頁面。2(h)全部質押抵押品提供抵押品,前提是所質押的抵押品不包括上述條款(a)至(f)中提及的任何項目,只要該項目在一定時期內且在該項目構成排除押品的範圍內。
(b) 在結束日期(如有任何抵押人在結束日期向其任何資產授予留置權)或根據本協議成爲一方的日期 第6(m)節 (對於任何其他抵押人)每個抵押人應交付或導致進行交付給抵押代理任何並且所有已質押的證券(除了任何非物質化的證券,但只要這些證券一直是非物質化的),在質押證券需要交付的情況下 本協議中的條款和目的,用於購買額外的公司股票。之後,每當該抵押人收購任何其他已質押的證券(除了任何非物質化的證券,但只要這些非物質化的證券保持爲非物質化的),該抵押人應及時地,並且無論如何在30天內(或抵押代理可能同意的較長期限內)交付或導致交付給抵押代理已質押的證券作爲此處的抵押,以在質押證券需要根據 本協議中的條款和目的,用於購買額外的公司股票。.
(c) 每個出讓方將導致所有借款總金額爲10,000美元或更多的欠款由任何其他個人以正式簽署的本票形式證明,並將導致每張此類本票被質押並交付給抵押品代理人,(i)在此日期,就在此日期存在的任何此類債務方面(或者,對於此日期之後成爲本次協議方之一的任何出讓方而言,在該出讓方成爲本次協議方之一的日期,在這種日期存在的任何此類債務方面);或(ii)在發生此類債務後不久,對於此日期後(或其他日期)發生的任何此類債務方面,在此按照本協議的規定。
(d) 交付給抵押代理後,(i)應當提供任何根據要求交付的質押證券,並由適用抵押人以空白或其他轉讓文件簽署,以及抵押代理合理要求的其他文件和文件,以便轉讓質押證券,以及 (ii)應當提供任何根據要求交付的組成質押抵押的所有其他財產,並由適用抵押人簽署未註明日期的適當轉讓文件和抵押代理合理要求的其他文件或文件,以便轉讓該等質押抵押。每次交付質押證券或其他質押抵押時,都應附有描述該等質押證券或質押抵押的清單,該清單應被視爲對其進行補充。 2(b)部分中規定的重新分配將在第二次修正生效日期上發生。 和/或2(c) 應當附有適用抵押人執行的空白或其他滿足抵押代理要求的轉讓文件,以及抵押代理合理要求的其他文件或文件,以便轉讓該等質押抵押;並且 (ii)應當附有適用抵押人簽署的適當轉讓文件和抵押代理合理要求的其他文件或文件, 以便轉讓該等質押抵押。每次交付質押證券或其他質押抵押時, 都應附有描述該等質押證券或質押抵押的清單, 該清單應被視爲對其進行補充。 2(b)部分中規定的重新分配將在第二次修正生效日期上發生。和/或2(c) 應當附有適用抵押人簽署的適當轉讓文件以及抵押代理合理要求的其他文件或文件, 以便轉讓該等質押質押。 每次交付質押證券或其他質押抵押時, 都應附有描述該等質押證券或質押抵押的清單, 該清單應被視爲對其進行補充。附表四 並作爲其一部分。 在每種情況下,該B類股東和/或該B類股東的家庭成員需獨立控制在此類帳戶、計劃或信託中持有的B類普通股實時; 未附加任何此類附表不影響所質押證券的有效性。每次交付的附表均應補充之前交付的附表。
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(e) 在第2(a)部分授予的轉讓、質押、留置權和安防-半導體利益只作爲安全措施授予,不得使抵押品代理人或任何買方承擔或以任何方式改變或修改任何出質人在質押品方面的任何義務或責任。
(f) If an Event of Default shall occur and be continuing and, other than in the case of a Bankruptcy Event of Default, the Collateral Agent shall have notified the Borrower of its intent to exercise such rights, (a) the Collateral Agent, shall have the right (in its sole and absolute discretion) to cause each of the Pledged Securities to be transferred of record into the name of the Collateral Agent or into the name of its nominee (as pledgee or as sub-agent) or the name of the applicable Grantor, endorsed or assigned in blank or in favor of the Collateral Agent and (b) to the extent permitted by the documentation governing such Pledged Securities and applicable law, the Collateral Agent shall have the right to exchange the certificates representing Pledged Securities for certificates of smaller or larger denominations for any purpose consistent with this Agreement. Each Grantor will promptly give to the Collateral Agent copies of any material notices received by it with respect to Pledged Securities registered in the name of such Grantor. Each Grantor will take any and all actions reasonably requested by the Collateral Agent to facilitate compliance with this Section 2(f).
(g) Unless and until an Event of Default shall have occurred and be continuing and, other than in the case of a Bankruptcy Event of Default, the Collateral Agent shall have notified the Grantors that the rights of the Grantors under this Section 2(g) are being suspended:
(i) Each Grantor shall be entitled to exercise any and all voting and/or other consensual rights and powers inuring to an owner of Pledged Collateral or any part thereof for any purpose consistent with the terms of this Agreement and the other Transaction Documents.
(ii) The Collateral Agent shall promptly execute and deliver to each Grantor, or cause to be executed and delivered to such Grantor, all such proxies, powers of attorney and other instruments as such Grantor may reasonably request in writing for the purpose of enabling such Grantor to exercise the voting and/or consensual rights and powers it is entitled to exercise pursuant to Section 2(g)(i), in each case as shall be specified in such request.
(iii) Each Grantor shall be entitled to receive and retain any and all dividends, interest, principal and other distributions paid on or distributed in respect of the Pledged Collateral, to the extent (and only to the extent) that such dividends, interest, principal and other distributions are permitted by, the other Transaction Documents and applicable laws; provided that any noncash dividends, interest, principal or other distributions that would constitute Pledged Equity or Pledged Debt, whether resulting from a subdivision, combination or reclassification of the outstanding equity interests of the issuer of any Pledged Securities or received in exchange for Pledged Securities or any part thereof, or in redemption thereof, or as a result of any merger, consolidation, acquisition or other exchange of assets to which such issuer may be a party or otherwise, shall be and become part of the Pledged Collateral, and, if received by any Grantor, shall be held in trust for the benefit of the Collateral Agent and shall, to the extent required by Section 2(b) and/or 2(c) be forthwith delivered to the Collateral Agent in the same form as so received (with any necessary endorsement or documents set forth in Section 2(d) or as otherwise reasonably requested by the Collateral Agent). So long as no Event of Default has occurred and is continuing, the Collateral Agent shall promptly deliver to each Grantor any Pledged Securities in its possession if requested to be delivered to the issuer thereof in connection with any exchange or redemption of such Pledged Securities.
(h) Upon the occurrence and during the continuance of an Event of Default and, other than in the case of a Bankruptcy Event of Default, after the Collateral Agent shall have notified the Grantors of the suspension of the rights of the Grantors under Section 2(g)(iii), all rights of any Grantor to dividends, interest, principal or other distributions that such Grantor is authorized to receive pursuant to Section 2(g)(iii) shall cease, and all such rights shall thereupon become vested in the Collateral Agent, which shall have the sole and exclusive right and authority to receive and retain such dividends, interest, principal or other distributions as part of the Pledged Collateral, subject to Section 2(k) and the last sentence of this Section 2(h). All dividends, interest, principal or other distributions received by any Grantor contrary to the provisions of Section 2(g) or this Section 2(h) shall be held in trust for the benefit of the Collateral Agent and shall be forthwith delivered to the Collateral Agent upon demand in the same form as so received (with any necessary endorsement reasonably requested by the Collateral Agent). Any and all money and other property paid over to or received by the Collateral Agent pursuant to the provisions of Section 2(g) and/or this Section 2(h) shall be retained by the Collateral Agent in an account to be established by the Collateral Agent upon receipt of such money or other property, shall be held as security for the payment and performance of the Obligations and shall be applied in accordance with the provisions of Section 8. After all Events of Default have been cured or waived, and the Grantors have delivered to the Collateral Agent a certificate of an executive officer to such effect, the Collateral Agent shall promptly repay to each Grantor (without interest) all dividends, interest, principal or other distributions that such Grantor would otherwise be permitted to retain pursuant to the terms of Section 2(g)(iii) in the absence of an Event of Default and that remain in such account.
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(i) Upon the occurrence and during the continuance of an Event of Default and, other than in the case of a Bankruptcy Event of Default, after the Collateral Agent shall have notified the Grantors of the suspension of the rights of the Grantors under Section 2(g)(i), all rights of any Grantor to exercise the voting and consensual rights and powers it is entitled to exercise pursuant to Section 2(g)(i), and the obligations of the Collateral Agent under Section 2(g)(ii), shall cease, and all such rights shall thereupon become vested in the Collateral Agent, which shall have the sole and exclusive right and authority to exercise such voting and consensual rights and powers subject to Section 2(k) and the last sentence of this Section 2(i); provided that, the Collateral Agent shall have the right from time to time following and during the continuance of an Event of Default to permit the Grantors to exercise such rights. After all Events of Default have been cured or waived, and the Grantors have delivered to the Collateral Agent a certificate of an executive officer to such effect, each Grantor shall have the exclusive right to exercise the voting and/or consensual rights and powers that such Grantor would otherwise be entitled to exercise pursuant to the terms of Section 2(g)(i), and the obligations of the Collateral Agent under Section 2(g)(ii) shall be reinstated.
(j) Any notice given by the Collateral Agent to the Grantors under Section 2(f) or Section 2(g) (i) may be given by telephone if promptly confirmed in writing, (ii) may be given with respect to one or more of the Grantors at the same or different times and (iii) may suspend the rights of the Grantors under Section 2(g)(i) or 2(g)(iii) in part without suspending all such rights (as specified by the Collateral Agent in its sole and absolute discretion) and without waiving or otherwise affecting the Collateral Agent’s rights to give additional notices from time to time suspending other rights so long as an Event of Default has occurred and is continuing.
(k) Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed to make the Collateral Agent or any Buyer liable as a member of any limited liability company or as a partner of any partnership, and neither the Collateral Agent nor any Buyer by virtue of this Agreement or otherwise (except as referred to in the following sentence) shall have any of the duties, obligations or liabilities of a member of any limited liability company or as a partner in any partnership. The parties hereto expressly agree that, unless the Collateral Agent shall become the absolute owner of Pledged Equity consisting of a limited liability company interest or a partnership interest pursuant hereto, this Agreement shall not be construed as creating a partnership or joint venture among the Collateral Agent, any Buyer, any Grantor and/or any other Person.
Section 3. Grant of Security Interest
(a) As collateral security for the due and punctual payment and performance in full of the Obligations, as and when due, each Grantor hereby pledges and assigns to the Collateral Agent, its successors and permitted assigns, and hereby grants to the Collateral Agent, its successors and permitted assigns, for the ratable benefit of the Collateral Agent and the Noteholders, a continuing Lien on and security interest in, all of such Grantor’s right, title and interest in, to and under all personal property and assets of such Grantor, wherever located and whether now or hereafter existing and whether now owned or hereafter acquired, of every kind, nature and description, whether tangible or intangible (together with the Pledged Collateral, the “Collateral”), including, without limitation, the following:
(i) all Accounts;
(ii) all Chattel Paper (whether tangible or Electronic Chattel Paper);
(iii) all Commercial Tort Claims, including, without limitation, those specified on Schedule VI hereto;
(iv) all Documents;
(v) all Equipment;
(vi) all Fixtures;
(vii) all General Intangibles (including, without limitation, all Payment Intangibles);
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(viii) all Goods;
(ix) all Instruments;
(x) all Inventory;
(xi) all Investment Property (and, regardless of whether classified as Investment Property under the Code, all Pledged Equity, Pledged Operating Agreements and Pledged Partnership Agreements);
(xii) all Intellectual Property and all Licenses;
(xiii) all Letter-of-Credit Rights;
(xiv) all Pledged Accounts, all cash and other property from time to time deposited therein, and all monies and property in the possession or under the control of the Collateral Agent or any Noteholder or any Affiliate, representative, agent or correspondent of the Collateral Agent or any such Noteholder;
(xv) all Supporting Obligations;
(xvi) all other tangible and intangible personal property of each Grantor (whether or not subject to the Code), including, without limitation, all Deposit Accounts and other accounts and all cash and all investments therein, all proceeds, products, offspring, accessions, rents, profits, income, benefits, substitutions and replacements of and to any of the property of any Grantor described in the preceding clauses of this Section 3(a) (including, without limitation, any proceeds of insurance thereon and all causes of action, claims and warranties now or hereafter held by each Grantor in respect of any of the items listed above), and all books, correspondence, files and other Records, including, without limitation, all tapes, desks, cards, Software, data and computer programs in the possession or under the control of any Grantor or any other Person from time to time acting for any Grantor, in each case, to the extent of such Grantor’s rights therein, that at any time evidence or contain information relating to any of the property described in the preceding clauses of this Section 3(a) or are otherwise necessary or helpful in the collection or realization thereof; and
(xvii) all Proceeds, including all Cash Proceeds and Noncash Proceeds, and products of any and all of the foregoing Collateral;
in each case howsoever any Grantor’s interest therein may arise or appear (whether by ownership, security interest, claim or otherwise).
(b) Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, the term “Collateral” shall not include any Excluded Collateral.
(c) Each Grantor agrees not to further encumber, or permit any other Lien to exist that encumbers, any of its Intellectual Property, including, without limitation, any of its Copyrights, Copyright applications, Copyright registrations and like protections in each work of authorship and derivative work, whether published or unpublished, Licenses, Patents, Patent applications and like protections, including, without limitation, improvements, divisions, continuations, renewals, reissues, extensions, and continuations-in-part of the same, Trademarks, service marks and, to the extent permitted under applicable law, any applications therefor, whether registered or not, and the goodwill of the business of such Grantor connected with and symbolized thereby, know-how, operating manuals, trade secret rights, rights to unpatented inventions, and any claims for damage by way of any past, present, or future infringement of any of the foregoing, in each case without the Collateral Agent’s prior written consent (which consent may be withheld or given in the Collateral Agent’s sole and absolute discretion).
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(d) Each Grantor agrees that the pledge of the shares of Capital Stock acquired by such Grantor of any and all Persons now or hereafter existing that is a Foreign Subsidiary (other than an Excluded Subsidiary) may be supplemented by one or more separate pledge agreements, deeds of pledge, share charges or other similar agreements or instruments, executed and delivered by such Grantor in favor of the Collateral Agent, which agreements or instruments will provide for the pledge of such shares of Capital Stock and perfection of the Lien on such shares in accordance with the laws of the applicable foreign jurisdiction. With respect to such shares of Capital Stock, the Collateral Agent may, at any time and from time to time, in its sole and absolute discretion, take such actions in such foreign jurisdictions that will result in the perfection of the Lien created in such shares of Capital Stock.
(e) In addition, to secure the due and punctual payment and performance in full of the Obligations, as and when due, and in order to induce the Buyers as aforesaid, each Grantor hereby grants to the Collateral Agent, its successors and permitted assigns, for the ratable benefit of the Collateral Agent and the Noteholders, a right of set-off against the property of such Grantor held by the Collateral Agent, for itself and for the ratable benefit of the Noteholders, consisting of property described above in Section 2(a) and/or Section 3(a) now or hereafter in the possession or custody of or in transit to the Collateral Agent, for any purpose, including safekeeping, collection or pledge, for the account of such Grantor, or as to which such Grantor may have any right or power; provided that such right shall only to be exercised after an Event of Default has occurred and is continuing.
Section 4. Security for Obligations. The Lien and security interest created hereby in the Collateral constitutes continuing collateral security for all of the following obligations, whether direct or indirect, absolute or contingent, and whether now existing or hereafter incurred (collectively, the “Obligations”):
(a) (i) the payment by the Company and each other Grantor, as and when due and payable (by scheduled maturity, required prepayment, acceleration, demand or otherwise), of all amounts from time to time owing by it in respect of the Securities Purchase Agreement, this Agreement, the Notes and the other Transaction Documents, and (ii) in the case of the Guarantors, the payment by such Guarantors, as and when due and payable of all Guaranteed Obligations under the Guaranties, including, without limitation, in both cases, (A) all principal of, interest, make-whole and other amounts on the Notes (including, without limitation, all interest, make-whole and other amounts that accrues after the commencement of any Insolvency Proceeding of any Grantor, whether or not the payment of such interest is enforceable or is allowable in such Insolvency Proceeding), and (B) all fees, interest, premiums, penalties, contract causes of action, costs, commissions, expense reimbursements, indemnifications and all other amounts due or to become due under this Agreement or any of the Transaction Documents; and
(b) the due and punctual performance and observance by each Grantor of all of its other obligations from time to time existing in respect of any of the Transaction Documents, including without limitation, with respect to any conversion or redemption rights of the Noteholders under the Notes.
Section 5. Representations and Warranties. Each Grantor represents and warrants as follows:
(a) Schedule I hereto sets forth (i) the exact legal name of each Grantor, and (ii) the state of incorporation, organization or formation and the organizational identification number of each Grantor in such state. The information set forth in Schedule I hereto with respect to such Grantor is true and accurate in all respects. Such Grantor has not previously changed its name (or operated under any other name), jurisdiction of organization or organizational identification number from those set forth in Schedule I hereto except as disclosed in Schedule I hereto.
(b) There is no pending or, to its knowledge, written notice threatening any action, suit, proceeding or claim affecting any Grantor before any Governmental Authority or any arbitrator, or any order, judgment or award issued by any Governmental Authority or arbitrator, in each case, that may adversely affect the grant by any Grantor, or the perfection, of the Lien and security interest purported to be created hereby in the Collateral, or the exercise by the Collateral Agent of any of its rights or remedies hereunder.
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(c) All Federal, state and local tax returns and other reports required by applicable law to be filed by any Grantor have been filed, or extensions have been obtained, and all taxes, assessments and other governmental charges or levies imposed upon any Grantor or any property of any Grantor (including, without limitation, all federal income and social security taxes on employees’ wages) and which have become due and payable on or prior to the date hereof have been paid, except to the extent contested in good faith by proper proceedings which stay the imposition of any penalty, fine or Lien resulting from the non-payment thereof and with respect to which adequate reserves have been set aside for the payment thereof in accordance with GAAP.
(d) All Equipment, Fixtures, Goods and Inventory of each Grantor now existing are, and all Equipment, Fixtures, Goods and Inventory of each Grantor hereafter existing will be, located and/or based at the addresses specified therefor in Schedule III hereto, except that each Grantor will give the Collateral Agent written notice of any change in the location of any such Collateral within 20 days of such change, other than to locations set forth on Schedule III hereto (and with respect to which the Collateral Agent has filed financing statements and otherwise fully perfected its Liens thereon). Each Grantor’s principal place of business and chief executive office, the place where each Grantor keeps its Records concerning the Collateral and all originals of all Chattel Paper in which any Grantor has any right, title or interest are located and will continue to be located at the addresses specified therefor in Schedule III hereto. None of the Accounts in which any Grantor has any right, title or interest is or will be evidenced by Promissory Notes or other Instruments.
(e) Set forth in Schedule IV hereto is a complete and accurate list, as of the date of this Agreement, of (i) all Pledged Debt, specifying the debtor thereof and the outstanding principal amount thereof as of the Closing Date, Securities and other Instruments in which any Grantor has any right, title or interest, (ii) each Pledged Account of each Grantor, together with the name and address of each institution at which each such Pledged Account is maintained, the account number for each such Pledged Account and a description of the purpose of each such Pledged Account and (iii) the name of each Foreign Currency Controlled Account of each Grantor, together with the name and address of each institution at which each such Foreign Currency Controlled Account is maintained and the amount of cash or cash equivalents held in each such Foreign Currency Controlled Account. Set forth in Schedule II hereto is a complete and correct list of each trade name used by each Grantor and the name of, and each trade name used by, each Person from which each Grantor has acquired any substantial part of the Collateral. All of the Pledged Debt, to the best of the Grantors’ knowledge (provided that no such knowledge qualification applies to Pledged Debt issued by a Grantor or a Subsidiary), is the legal, valid and binding obligation of the issuer thereof, enforceable against such issuer in accordance with its terms.
(f) Each Grantor has delivered to the Collateral Agent complete and correct copies of each License described in Schedule II hereto, including all schedules and exhibits thereto, which represent all of the Licenses of the Grantors existing on the date of this Agreement. Each such License sets forth the entire agreement and understanding of the parties thereto relating to the subject matter thereof, and there are no other agreements, arrangements or understandings, written or oral, relating to the matters covered thereby or the rights of such Grantor or any of its Affiliates in respect thereof. Each material License now existing is, and any material License entered into in the future will be, the legal, valid and binding obligation of the parties thereto, enforceable against such parties in accordance with its terms. No default under any material License by any such party has occurred, nor does any defense, offset, deduction or counterclaim exist thereunder in favor of any such party.
(g) Each Grantor owns and controls, or otherwise possesses adequate rights to use, all of its Intellectual Property, which is the only Intellectual Property necessary to conduct its business in substantially the same manner as conducted as of the date hereof. Schedule II hereto sets forth a true and complete list of all Intellectual Property and Licenses owned or used by each Grantor as of the date hereof, and applications for grant or registration of Intellectual Property. To the knowledge of each Grantor, all such Intellectual Property of such Grantor is subsisting and in full force and effect, has not been adjudged invalid or unenforceable, is valid and enforceable and has not been abandoned in whole or in part. Except as set forth in Schedule II, no such Intellectual Property is the subject of any licensing or franchising agreement. Except as set forth in Schedule II, no Grantor has any knowledge of any infringement upon or conflict with the Patent, Trademark, Copyright, trade secret rights of others and, each Grantor is not now infringing or in conflict with any Patent, Trademark, Copyright, trade secret or similar rights of others, and to the knowledge of each Grantor, no other Person is now infringing or in conflict in any material respect with any such properties, assets and rights owned or used by each Grantor. No Grantor has received any notice that it is violating or has violated the Trademarks, Patents, Copyrights, inventions, trade secrets, proprietary information and technology, know-how, formulae, rights of publicity or other intellectual property rights of any third party.
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(h) Each Grantor is and will be at all times the sole and exclusive owner of the Collateral in which such Grantor has granted a Lien and security interest hereunder free and clear of any Liens, except for (i) Permitted Liens thereon and (ii) certain Intellectual Property rights of the Company which is jointly owned by the Company with certain third parties as described in Schedule II hereto. No effective financing statement or other instrument similar in effect covering all or any part of the Collateral is on file in any recording or filing office except such as (i) may have been filed in favor of the Collateral Agent and/or the Noteholders relating to this Agreement or the other Transaction Documents, or (ii) are intended to perfect Permitted Liens existing as of the date hereof and disclosed on Schedule VII hereto.
(i) The exercise by the Collateral Agent of any of its rights and remedies hereunder will not contravene any law or any contractual restriction binding on or otherwise affecting any Grantor or any of its properties and will not result in or require the creation of any Lien, upon or with respect to any of its properties other than as granted pursuant to this Agreement.
(j) No authorization or approval or other action by, and no notice to or filing with, any Governmental Authority, is required for (i) the grant by each Grantor, or the perfection, of the Lien and security interest purported to be created hereby in the Collateral, or (ii) the exercise by the Collateral Agent of any of its rights and remedies hereunder, except for (A) the filing under the Code as in effect in the applicable jurisdiction of the financing statements described in Schedule V hereto, all of which financing statements have been duly filed and are in full force and effect, (B) with respect to all Pledged Accounts, and all cash and other property from time to time deposited therein, the execution of a Controlled Account Agreement with the depository or other institution with which the applicable Pledged Accounts are maintained, as provided in Section 6(i), (C) with respect to Commodity Contracts, the execution of a control agreement with the commodity intermediary with which such Commodity Contract is carried, as provided in Section 6(i), (D) with respect to the perfection of the security interest created hereby in the United States Intellectual Property and Licenses, the recording of the appropriate Intellectual Property Security Agreement in the United States Patent and Trademark Office or the United States Copyright Office, as applicable, (E) with respect to the perfection of the security interest created hereby in foreign Intellectual Property and Licenses, registrations and filings in jurisdictions located outside of the United States and covering rights in such jurisdictions relating to such foreign Intellectual Property and Licenses, (F) with respect to the perfection of the security interest created hereby in any Letter-of-Credit Rights, the consent of the issuer of the applicable letter of credit to the assignment of proceeds as provided in the Code as in effect in the applicable jurisdiction, (G) with respect to Investment Property constituting uncertificated securities, the applicable Grantor causing the issuer thereof either (i) to register the Collateral Agent as the registered owner of such securities or (ii) to agree in an authenticated record with such Grantor and the Collateral Agent that such issuer will comply with instructions with respect to such securities originated by the Collateral Agent without further consent of such Grantor, such authenticated record to be in form and substance satisfactory to the Collateral Agent, (H) with respect to Investment Property constituting certificated securities or instruments, such items to be delivered to and held by or on behalf of the Collateral Agent pursuant hereto in suitable form for transfer by delivery or accompanied by duly executed instruments of transfer or assignment in blank, all in form and substance satisfactory to the Collateral Agent, (I) with respect to any action that may be necessary to obtain control of Collateral constituting Commodity Contracts, Electronic Chattel Paper or Letter of Credit Rights, the taking of such actions, and (J) the Collateral Agent having possession of all Documents, Chattel Paper, Instruments and cash constituting Collateral (except for perfection requirements in any foreign jurisdiction, subclauses (A) through (J) each a “Perfection Requirement” and collectively, the “Perfection Requirements”).
(k) This Agreement creates in favor of the Collateral Agent a legal, valid and enforceable Lien on and security interest in the Collateral, as security for the Obligations. The performance of the Perfection Requirements results in the perfection of such Lien on and security interest in the Collateral. Such Lien and security interest is (or in the case of Collateral in which any Grantor obtains any right, title or interest after the date hereof, will be), subject only to Permitted Liens and the Perfection Requirements, a first priority, valid, enforceable and perfected Lien on and security interest in all personal property of each Grantor (other than Excluded Collateral). Such recordings and filings and all other action necessary to perfect and protect such Lien and security interest have been duly taken (and, in the case of Collateral in which any Grantor obtains right, title or interest after the date hereof, will be duly taken), except for the Collateral Agent’s having possession of all Documents, Chattel Paper, Instruments and cash constituting Collateral after the date hereof and the other actions, filings and recordations described above, including the Perfection Requirements.
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(l) As of the date hereof, no Grantor holds any Commercial Tort Claims or has knowledge of any pending Commercial Tort Claims, except for the Commercial Tort Claims described in Schedule VI.
(m) All of the Pledged Equity is presently owned by the applicable Grantor as set forth in Schedule IV free and clear of all Liens other than Permitted Liens, and is presently represented by the certificates listed on Schedule IV hereto (if applicable). As of the date hereof, there are no existing options, warrants, calls or commitments of any character whatsoever relating to the Pledged Equity other than as contemplated and permitted by the Transaction Documents. Each Grantor is the sole holder of record and the sole beneficial owner of the Pledged Equity, as applicable. None of the Pledged Equity has been issued or transferred in violation of the securities registration, securities disclosure or similar laws of any jurisdiction to which such issuance or transfer may be subject. The Pledged Equity constitutes 100% or such other percentage as set forth on Schedule IV of the issued and outstanding shares of Capital Stock of the applicable Pledged Entity. All of the Pledged Equity has been duly and validly authorized and issued by the issuer thereof and (i) in the case of Pledged Equity (other than Pledged Equity consisting of limited liability company interests or partnership interests which, pursuant to the relevant organizational or formation documents, cannot be fully paid and non-assessable), is fully paid and non-assessable.
(n) Such Grantor (i) is a corporation, limited liability company or limited partnership, as applicable, duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the jurisdiction of its incorporation, organization or formation, (ii) has all requisite corporate, limited liability company or limited partnership power and authority to conduct its business as now conducted and as presently contemplated and to execute and deliver this Agreement and each other Transaction Document to which such Grantor is a party, and to consummate the transactions contemplated hereby and thereby and (iii) is duly qualified to do business and is in good standing in each jurisdiction in which the character of the properties owned or leased by it or in which the transaction of its business makes such qualification necessary, except where the failure to be so qualified would not result in a Material Adverse Effect.
(o) The execution, delivery and performance by each Grantor of this Agreement and each other Transaction Document to which such Grantor is a party (i) have been duly authorized by all necessary corporate, limited liability company or limited partnership action, (ii) do not and will not contravene its charter or by-laws, limited liability company or operating agreement, certificate of partnership or partnership agreement, as applicable, or any applicable law or any contractual restriction binding on such Grantor or its properties, (iii) do not and will not result in or require the creation of any Lien (other than pursuant to any Transaction Document) upon or with respect to any of its assets or properties, and (iv) do not and will not result in any default, noncompliance, suspension, revocation, impairment, forfeiture or nonrenewal of any material permit, license, authorization or approval applicable to it or its operations or any of its assets or properties.
(p) This Agreement has been duly executed and delivered by each Grantor and is the legal, valid and binding obligation of such Grantor, enforceable against such Grantor in accordance with its terms, except as may be limited by applicable bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, moratorium, fraudulent conveyance, suretyship or other similar laws and equitable principles (regardless of whether enforcement is sought in equity or at law). Each of the other Transaction Documents to which any Grantor is or will be a party, when delivered, duly executed and delivered by such Grantor and the legal, valid and binding obligation of such Grantor, enforceable against such Grantor in accordance with its terms, except as may be limited by applicable bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, moratorium, fraudulent conveyance, suretyship or other similar laws and equitable principles (regardless of whether enforcement is sought in equity or at law).
(q) There are no conditions precedent to the effectiveness of this Agreement that have not been satisfied or waived.
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Section 6. Covenants as to the Collateral. Until all of the Obligations shall have been fully performed and Paid in Full, unless the Collateral Agent shall otherwise consent in writing (in its sole and absolute discretion):
(a) Further Assurances. Each Grantor will, at its expense, at any time and from time to time, promptly execute and deliver all further instruments and documents and take all further action that the Collateral Agent may reasonably request in order to: (i) perfect and protect the Lien and security interest of the Collateral Agent created hereby; (ii) enable the Collateral Agent to exercise and enforce its rights and remedies hereunder in respect of the Collateral, including, without limitation, the Controlled Accounts; or (iii) otherwise effect the purposes of this Agreement, including, without limitation: (A) marking conspicuously all Chattel Paper and each License and, at the request of the Collateral Agent, each of its Records pertaining to the Collateral with a legend, in form and substance satisfactory to the Collateral Agent, indicating that such Chattel Paper, License or Collateral is subject to the Lien and security interest created hereby, (B) delivering and pledging to the Collateral Agent each Promissory Note, Security (subject to the limitations set forth in Section 3), Chattel Paper or other Instrument, now or hereafter owned by any Grantor, duly endorsed and accompanied by executed instruments of transfer or assignment, all in form and substance satisfactory to the Collateral Agent, (C) executing and filing (to the extent, if any, that any Grantor’s signature is required thereon) or authenticating the filing of, such financing or continuation statements, or amendments thereto, as may be necessary or that the Collateral Agent may reasonably request in order to perfect and preserve the security interest created hereby, (D) furnishing to the Collateral Agent from time to time statements and schedules further identifying and describing the Collateral and such other reports in connection with the Collateral in each case as the Collateral Agent may reasonably request, all in reasonable detail, (E) if any Collateral shall be in the possession of a third party, notifying such Person of the Collateral Agent’s security interest created hereby and obtaining a written acknowledgment from such Person, in form and substance satisfactory to the Collateral Agent, that such Person holds possession of the Collateral for the benefit of the Collateral Agent (for the ratable benefit of the Collateral Agent and the Noteholders), (F) if at any time after the date hereof, any Grantor acquires or holds any Commercial Tort Claim, promptly notifying the Collateral Agent in a writing signed by such Grantor setting forth a brief description of such Commercial Tort Claim and granting to the Collateral Agent a Lien and security interest therein and in the Proceeds thereof, which writing shall incorporate the provisions hereof and shall be in form and substance satisfactory to the Collateral Agent, (G) upon the acquisition after the date hereof by any Grantor of any motor vehicle or other Equipment subject to a certificate of title or ownership (other than a motor vehicle or Equipment that is subject to a purchase money security interest), causing the Collateral Agent to be listed as the lienholder on such certificate of title or ownership and delivering evidence of the same to the Collateral Agent in accordance with Section 6(j) hereof; and (H) taking all actions required by the Code or by other law, as applicable, in any relevant Code jurisdiction, or by other law as applicable in any foreign jurisdiction.
(b) Location of Collateral. Each Grantor will keep the Collateral (i) at the locations specified therefor on Schedule III hereto, or (ii) at such other locations set forth on Schedule III and with respect to which the Collateral Agent has filed financing statements and otherwise fully perfected its Liens thereon, or (iii) at such other locations in the United States, provided that 30 days prior to any change in the location of any Collateral to such other location, or upon the acquisition of any Collateral to be kept at such other locations, the Grantors shall give the Collateral Agent written notice thereof and deliver to the Collateral Agent a new Schedule III indicating such new locations and such other written statements and schedules as the Collateral Agent may require.
(c) Condition of Equipment. Each Grantor will maintain or cause to be maintained and preserved in good condition, repair and working order, ordinary wear and tear excepted, the Equipment (necessary or useful to its business) and will forthwith, or in the case of any loss or damage to any Equipment of any Grantor within a commercially reasonable time after the occurrence thereof, make or cause to be made all repairs, replacements and other improvements in connection therewith which are necessary or desirable, consistent with past practice, or which the Collateral Agent may request to such end. Any Grantor will promptly furnish to the Collateral Agent a statement describing in reasonable detail any such loss or damage in excess of $25,000 per occurrence to any Equipment.
(d) Taxes, Etc. Each Grantor agrees to pay promptly when due all property and other taxes, assessments and governmental charges or levies imposed upon, and all claims (including claims for labor, materials and supplies) against, the Equipment and Inventory, except to the extent the validity thereof is being contested in good faith by proper proceedings which stay the imposition of any penalty, fine or Lien resulting from the non-payment thereof and with respect to which adequate reserves in accordance with GAAP have been set aside for the payment thereof.
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(e) Insurance.
(i) Each Grantor will, at its own expense, maintain insurance (including, without limitation, comprehensive general liability, hazard, rent and business interruption insurance) with respect to its properties (including all real properties leased or owned by it) and business, in such amounts and covering such risks, in such form and with responsible and reputable insurance companies or associations as is required by any Governmental Authority having jurisdiction with respect thereto or as is carried generally in accordance with sound business practice by companies in similar businesses similarly situated and in any event, in amount, adequacy and scope reasonably satisfactory to the Collateral Agent.
(ii) To the extent requested by the Collateral Agent at any time and from time to time, each such policy for liability insurance shall provide for all losses to be paid on behalf of the Collateral Agent and any Grantor as their respective interests may appear, and each policy for property damage insurance shall provide for all losses to be adjusted with, and paid directly to, the Collateral Agent. In addition to and without limiting the foregoing, to the extent requested by the Collateral Agent at any time and from time to time, each such policy shall in addition (A) name the Collateral Agent as an additional insured party and/or loss payee, as applicable, thereunder (without any representation or warranty by or obligation upon the Collateral Agent) as its interests may appear, (B) contain an agreement by the insurer that any loss thereunder shall be payable to the Collateral Agent on its own account notwithstanding any action, inaction or breach of representation or warranty by any Grantor, (C) provide that there shall be no recourse against the Collateral Agent for payment of premiums or other amounts with respect thereto, and (D) provide that at least 30 days’ prior written notice of cancellation, lapse, expiration or other adverse change shall be given to the Collateral Agent by the insurer. Any Grantor will, if so requested by the Collateral Agent, deliver to the Collateral Agent original or duplicate policies of such insurance (including certificates demonstrating compliance with this Section 6(e)) and, as often as the Collateral Agent may reasonably request, a report of a reputable insurance broker with respect to such insurance. Any Grantor will also, at the request of the Collateral Agent, execute and deliver instruments of assignment of such insurance policies and cause the respective insurers to acknowledge notice of such assignment.
(iii) Reimbursement under any liability insurance maintained by any Grantor pursuant to this Section 6(e) may be paid directly to the Person who shall have incurred liability covered by such insurance. In the case of any loss involving damage to Equipment or Inventory, to the extent paragraph (iv) of this Section 6(e) is not applicable, any proceeds of insurance involving such damage shall be paid to the Collateral Agent, and any Grantor will make or cause to be made the necessary repairs to or replacements of such Equipment or Inventory, and any proceeds of insurance maintained by any Grantor pursuant to this Section 6(e) (except as otherwise provided in paragraph (iv) in this Section 6(e)) shall be paid by the Collateral Agent to any Grantor as reimbursement for the reasonable costs of such repairs or replacements.
(iv) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in subsection 6(e)(iii) above, following and during the continuance of an Event of Default, all insurance payments in respect of each Grantor’s properties and business shall be paid to the Collateral Agent and applied as specified in Section 8(b) hereof.
(f) Provisions Concerning Name, Organization, Location, Accounts and Licenses.
(i) Each Grantor will (A) give the Collateral Agent at least 30 days’ prior written notice of any change in such Grantor’s name, identity or organizational structure, (B) maintain its jurisdiction of incorporation, organization or formation as set forth in Schedule I hereto, (C) immediately notify the Collateral Agent upon obtaining an organizational identification number, if on the date hereof such Grantor did not have such identification number, and (D) keep adequate records concerning the Collateral and permit representatives of the Collateral Agent during normal business hours on reasonable notice to such Grantor, to inspect and make abstracts from such records.
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(ii) Each Grantor will (except as otherwise provided in this subsection (f)), continue to collect, at its own expense, all amounts due or to become due under the Accounts. In connection with such collections, any Grantor may (and, at the Collateral Agent’s direction, will) take such action as any Grantor or the Collateral Agent may deem necessary or advisable to enforce collection or performance of the Accounts; provided, however, that the Collateral Agent shall have the right at any time following the occurrence and during the continuance of an Event of Default to notify the Account Debtors or obligors under any Accounts of the assignment of such Accounts to the Collateral Agent and to direct such Account Debtors or obligors to make payment of all amounts due or to become due to any Grantor thereunder directly to the Collateral Agent or its designated agent and, upon such notification and at the expense of any Grantor and to the extent permitted by applicable law, to enforce collection of any such Accounts and to adjust, settle or compromise the amount or payment thereof, in the same manner and to the same extent as any Grantor might have done. After receipt by any Grantor of a notice from the Collateral Agent that the Collateral Agent has notified, intends to notify, or has enforced or intends to enforce any Grantor’s rights against the Account Debtors or obligors under any Accounts as referred to in the proviso to the immediately preceding sentence, (A) all amounts and proceeds (including, without limitation, Instruments) received by any Grantor in respect of the Accounts shall be received in trust for the benefit of the Collateral Agent hereunder (for the ratable benefit of the Collateral Agent and the Noteholders), shall be segregated from other funds of any Grantor and shall be forthwith paid over to the Collateral Agent in the same form as so received (with any necessary endorsement) to be applied as specified in Section 8(b) hereof, and (B) no Grantor will adjust, settle or compromise the amount or payment of any Account or release wholly or partly any Account Debtor or obligor thereof or allow any credit or discount thereon. In addition, upon the occurrence and during the continuance of an Event of Default, the Collateral Agent may (in its sole and absolute discretion) direct any or all of the banks and financial institutions with which any Grantor either maintains a Deposit Account or a lockbox (including, without limitation, any Controlled Account) or deposits the proceeds of any Accounts to send immediately to the Collateral Agent by wire transfer (to such deposit account as the Collateral Agent shall specify, or in such other manner as the Collateral Agent shall direct) all or a portion of such Securities, cash, investments and other items held by such institution. Any such Securities, cash, investments and other items so received by the Collateral Agent shall be applied as specified in accordance with Section 8(b) hereof.
(iii) Upon the occurrence and during the continuance of any breach or default under any material License referred to in Schedule II hereto by any party thereto other than any Grantor, each Grantor party thereto will, promptly after obtaining knowledge thereof, give the Collateral Agent written notice of the nature and duration thereof, specifying what action, if any, it has taken and proposes to take with respect thereto and thereafter will take reasonable steps to protect and preserve its rights and remedies in respect of such breach or default, or will obtain or acquire an appropriate substitute License.
(iv) Each Grantor will, at its expense, promptly deliver to the Collateral Agent a copy of each notice or other communication received by it by which any other party to any material License referred to in Schedule II hereto purports to exercise any of its rights or affect any of its obligations thereunder, together with a copy of any reply by such Grantor thereto.
(v) Each Grantor will exercise promptly and diligently each and every right which it may have under each material License (other than any right of termination) and will duly perform and observe in all respects all of its obligations under each material License and will take all action necessary or reasonable to maintain such Licenses in full force and effect. No Grantor will, without the prior written consent of the Collateral Agent (in its sole and absolute discretion), cancel, terminate, amend or otherwise modify in any respect, or waive any provision of, any material License referred to in Schedule II hereto.
(g) Transfers and Other Liens.
(i) Except as otherwise expressly permitted in the other Transaction Documents, no Grantor shall, directly or indirectly, sell, lease, license, assign, transfer, spin-off, split-off, close, convey or otherwise dispose of any Collateral whether in a single transaction or a series of related transactions, other than (A) sales, leases, licenses, assignments, transfers, conveyances and other dispositions of such assets or rights by such Grantor for fair value in the ordinary course of business consistent with past practices and (B) sales of Inventory and product in the ordinary course of business.
(ii) Except as permitted under Section 14(e) of the Notes, no Grantor shall, directly or indirectly, redeem, repurchase or declare or pay any cash dividend or distribution on any of its Capital Stock.
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(iii) No Grantor shall, directly or indirectly, without the prior written consent of the Required Holders, (A) issue any Notes (other than as contemplated by the Securities Purchase Agreement and the Notes) or (B) issue any other Securities that would cause a breach or default under the Notes.
(iv) No Grantor shall enter into, renew, extend or be a party to, any transaction or series of related transactions (including, without limitation, the purchase, sale, lease, transfer or exchange of property or assets of any kind or the rendering of services of any kind) with any Affiliate, except in the ordinary course of business in a manner and to an extent consistent with past practice and necessary or desirable for the prudent operation of its business, for fair consideration and on terms no less favorable to it than would be obtainable in a comparable arm’s length transaction with a Person that is not an Affiliate thereof.
(v) No Grantor will create, suffer to exist or grant any Lien upon or with respect to any Collateral other than a Permitted Lien.
(h) Intellectual Property.
(i) If applicable, each Grantor shall duly execute and deliver the applicable Intellectual Property Security Agreement. Each Grantor (either itself or through licensees) will, and will cause each licensee thereof to, take all action necessary to maintain all of the Intellectual Property in full force and effect, including, without limitation, using the proper statutory notices, numbers and markings (relating to patent, trademark and copyright rights) and using the Trademarks on each applicable trademark class of goods in order to so maintain the Trademarks in full force and free from any claim of abandonment for non-use, and each Grantor will not (nor permit any licensee thereof to) do any act or knowingly omit to do any act whereby any Intellectual Property may become abandoned, cancelled or invalidated; provided, however, that so long as no Event of Default has occurred and is continuing, no Grantor shall have an obligation to use or to maintain any Intellectual Property (A) that relates solely to any product or work, that is no longer necessary or material and has been, or is in the process of being, discontinued, abandoned or terminated in the ordinary course of business and consistent with the exercise of reasonable business judgment, (B) that is being replaced with Intellectual Property substantially similar to the Intellectual Property that may be abandoned or otherwise become invalid, so long as the failure to use or maintain such Intellectual Property does not materially adversely affect the validity of such replacement Intellectual Property and so long as such replacement Intellectual Property is subject to the Lien created by this Agreement and does not have a material adverse effect on the business of any Grantor or (C) that is substantially the same as other Intellectual Property that is in full force, so long the failure to use or maintain such Intellectual Property does not materially adversely affect the validity of such replacement Intellectual Property and so long as such other Intellectual Property is subject to the Lien and security interest created by this Agreement and does not have a material adverse effect on the business of any Grantor. Each Grantor will cause to be taken all necessary steps in any proceeding before the United States Patent and Trademark Office and the United States Copyright Office or any similar office or agency in any other country or political subdivision thereof to maintain each registration of the Intellectual Property and application for registration of Intellectual Property (other than the Intellectual Property described in the proviso to the immediately preceding sentence), including, without limitation, filing of renewals, affidavits of use, affidavits of incontestability and opposition, interference and cancellation proceedings and payment of maintenance fees, filing fees, taxes or other governmental charges or fees. If any Intellectual Property (other than Intellectual Property described in the proviso to the second sentence of subsection (i) of this clause (h)) is infringed, misappropriated, diluted or otherwise violated in any material respect by a third party, each Grantor shall (x) upon learning of such infringement, misappropriation, dilution or other violation, promptly notify the Collateral Agent and (y) promptly sue for infringement, misappropriation, dilution or other violation, seek injunctive relief where appropriate and recover any and all damages for such infringement, misappropriation, dilution or other violation, or take such other actions as such Grantor shall deem appropriate under the circumstances to protect such Intellectual Property. Each Grantor shall furnish to the Collateral Agent from time to time upon its request statements and schedules further identifying and describing the Intellectual Property and Licenses and such other reports in connection with the Intellectual Property and Licenses as the Collateral Agent may reasonably request, all in reasonable detail and promptly upon request of the Collateral Agent, following receipt by the Collateral Agent of any such statements, schedules or reports, each Grantor shall modify this Agreement by amending Schedule II hereto, as the case may be, to include any Intellectual Property and License, as the case may be, which is or hereafter becomes part of the Collateral under this Agreement and shall execute and authenticate such documents and do such acts as shall be necessary or, in the reasonable judgment of the Collateral Agent, desirable to subject such Intellectual Property and Licenses to the Lien and security interest created by this Agreement. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, upon the occurrence and during the continuance of an Event of Default, no Grantor may abandon, surrender or cancel or otherwise permit any Intellectual Property to become abandoned, surrendered, cancelled or invalid without the prior written consent of the Collateral Agent (in its sole and absolute discretion), and if any Intellectual Property is infringed, misappropriated, diluted or otherwise violated in any material respect by a third party, each Grantor will take such reasonable action as the Collateral Agent shall deem appropriate under the circumstances to protect such Intellectual Property.
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(ii) In no event shall any Grantor, either itself or through any agent, employee, licensee or designee, file an application for the registration of any Patent, Trademark or Copyright or the United States Copyright Office or the United States Patent and Trademark Office, as applicable, or in any similar office or agency of the United States or any country or any political subdivision thereof unless it gives the Collateral Agent prior written notice thereof. Upon request of the Collateral Agent, any Grantor shall execute, authenticate and deliver any and all assignments, agreements, instruments, documents and papers as the Collateral Agent may reasonably request to evidence the Collateral Agent’s security interest hereunder in such Intellectual Property and the General Intangibles of any Grantor relating thereto or represented thereby, and each Grantor hereby appoints the Collateral Agent its attorney-in-fact to execute and/or authenticate and file all such writings for the foregoing purposes, all acts of such attorney being hereby ratified and confirmed, and such power (being coupled with an interest) shall be irrevocable until all Obligations are fully performed and Paid in Full.
(i) Pledged Accounts.
(A) Each Grantor shall cause each bank and other financial institution which maintains a Controlled Account (each a “Controlled Account Bank”) to execute and deliver to the Collateral Agent, in form and substance satisfactory to the Collateral Agent, a Controlled Account Agreement with respect to such Controlled Account, duly executed by each Grantor and such Controlled Account Bank, pursuant to which such Controlled Account Bank among other things shall irrevocably agree, with respect to such Controlled Account, that (i) at any time after any Grantor, the Collateral Agent or any Buyer shall have notified such Controlled Account Bank that an Event of Default has occurred or is continuing, such Controlled Account Bank will comply with any and all instructions originated by the Collateral Agent directing the disposition of the funds in such Controlled Account without further consent by such Grantor, (ii) such Controlled Account Bank shall waive, subordinate or agree not to exercise any rights of setoff or recoupment or any other claim against the applicable Controlled Account other than for payment of its service fees and other charges directly related to the administration of such Controlled Account and for returned checks or other items of payment, (iii) at any time after any Grantor, the Collateral Agent or any Buyer shall have notified such Controlled Account Bank that an Event of Default has occurred or is continuing, with respect to each such Controlled Account, such Controlled Account Bank shall not comply with any instructions, directions or orders of any form with respect to such Controlled Accounts other than instructions, directions or orders originated by the Collateral Agent, (iv) all funds deposited by any Grantor with such Controlled Account Bank shall be subject to a perfected, first priority security interest in favor of the Collateral Agent, and (v) upon receipt of written notice from the Collateral Agent during the continuance of an Event of Default, such Controlled Account Bank shall immediately send to the Collateral Agent by wire transfer (to such account as the Collateral Agent shall specify, or in such other manner as the Collateral Agent shall direct) all such funds and other items held by it. No Grantor shall create or maintain any Pledged Account without the prior written consent of the Collateral Agent (in its sole and absolute discretion) and complying with the terms of this Agreement.
(B) If at any time after the date of this Agreement, the average daily balance of any Account that is not subject to a Controlled Account Agreement exceeds $10,000 during any calendar month (including the calendar month in which the date of this Agreement occurs), the Company shall, either (x) within two (2) Business Days following such date, transfer to a Controlled Account an amount sufficient to reduce the total aggregate amount of the cash in such Account to an amount not in excess of $10,000 or (y) within twenty-one (21) calendar days following the last day of such calendar month, deliver to the Collateral Agent a Controlled Account Agreement with respect to such Account, duly executed by such Grantor and the depositary bank in which such Account is maintained.
(C) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in Section 6(i)(B) above, and without limiting any of the foregoing, if at any time on or after the date that is twenty-one (21) calendar days following the Closing Date, the total aggregate amount of the cash of the Company and any of its Subsidiaries, in the aggregate, that is not held in a Controlled Account exceeds $100,000 (the “Maximum Free Cash Amount”), the Company shall within two (2) Business Days following such date, either (x) transfer to a Controlled Account an amount sufficient to reduce the total aggregate amount of the cash that is not held in a Controlled Account to an amount not in excess of the Maximum Free Cash Amount or (y) deliver to the Collateral Agent a Controlled Account Agreement with respect to such Account (or Accounts), duly executed by such Grantor and the depositary bank in which such Account (or Accounts) is maintained, as necessary to reduce the total aggregate amount of the cash that is not held in a Controlled Account to an amount not in excess of the Maximum Free Cash Amount.
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(j) Motor Vehicles.
(i) Upon the Collateral Agent’s written request, each Grantor shall deliver to the Collateral Agent originals of the certificates of title or ownership for each motor vehicle with a value in excess of $10,000 owned by it, with the Collateral Agent listed as lienholder, for the ratable benefit of the Collateral Agent and the Noteholders.
(ii) Each Grantor hereby appoints the Collateral Agent as its attorney-in-fact for the purpose of (A) executing on behalf of such Grantor title or ownership applications for filing with appropriate Governmental Authorities to enable motor vehicles now owned or hereafter acquired by such Grantor to be retitled and the Collateral Agent listed as lienholder thereof, (B) filing such applications with such Governmental Authorities, and (C) executing such other agreements, documents and instruments on behalf of, and taking such other action in the name of, such Grantor as the Collateral Agent may deem necessary or advisable to accomplish the purposes hereof (including, without limitation, for the purpose of creating in favor of the Collateral Agent a perfected Lien on the motor vehicles and exercising the rights and remedies of the Collateral Agent hereunder). This appointment as attorney-in-fact is coupled with an interest and is irrevocable until all of the Obligations are fully performed and Paid in Full.
(iii) Any certificates of title or ownership delivered pursuant to the terms hereof shall be accompanied by accurate odometer statements for each motor vehicle covered thereby.
(iv) So long as no Event of Default shall have occurred and be continuing, upon the request of any Grantor, the Collateral Agent shall execute and deliver to any Grantor such instruments as such Grantor shall reasonably request to remove the notation of the Collateral Agent as lienholder on any certificate of title for any motor vehicle; provided, however, that any such instruments shall be delivered, and the release effective, only upon receipt by the Collateral Agent of a certificate from any Grantor stating that such motor vehicle is to be sold or has suffered a casualty loss (with title thereto in such case passing to the casualty insurance company therefor in settlement of the claim for such loss) and the amount that any Grantor will receive as sale proceeds or insurance proceeds. Any proceeds of such sale or casualty loss shall be paid to the Collateral Agent hereunder immediately upon receipt, to be applied to the Obligations then outstanding.
(k) Control. Each Grantor hereby agrees to take any or all action that may be necessary or that the Collateral Agent may reasonably request in order for the Collateral Agent to obtain “control” in accordance with Sections 9-105 through 9-107 of the Code with respect to the following Collateral: (i) Electronic Chattel Paper, (ii) Investment Property, and (iii) Letter-of-Credit Rights.
(l) Inspection and Reporting. Each Grantor shall permit the Collateral Agent, or any agent or representatives thereof or such attorneys, accountant or other professionals or other Persons as the Collateral Agent may designate (at Grantors’ sole cost and expense) (i) to examine and make copies of and abstracts from any Grantor’s Records and books of account, (ii) to visit and inspect its properties, (iii) to verify materials, leases, Instruments, Accounts, Inventory and other assets of any Grantor from time to time, and (iv) to conduct audits, physical counts, appraisals, valuations and/or examinations at the locations of any Grantor. Each Grantor shall also permit the Collateral Agent, or any agent or representatives thereof or such attorneys, accountants or other professionals or other Persons as the Collateral Agent may designate to discuss such Grantor’s affairs, finances and accounts with any of its directors, officers, managerial employees, attorneys, independent accountants or any of its other representatives. Without limiting the foregoing, the Collateral Agent may, at any time, in the Collateral Agent’s own name, in the name of a nominee of the Collateral Agent, or in the name of any Grantor communicate (by mail, telephone, facsimile or otherwise) with the Account Debtors of such Grantor, parties to contracts with such Grantor and/or obligors in respect of Instruments or Pledged Debt of such Grantor to verify with such Persons, to the Collateral Agent’s satisfaction, the existence, amount, terms of, and any other matter relating to, Accounts, Instruments, Pledged Debt, Chattel Paper, payment intangibles and/or other receivables.
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(m) Future Subsidiaries. If any Grantor hereafter creates or acquires any Subsidiary, simultaneously with the creation or acquisition of such Subsidiary, such Grantor shall (i) if such Subsidiary is a Domestic Subsidiary, cause such Subsidiary to become a party to this Agreement as an additional “Grantor” hereunder, (ii) deliver to the Collateral Agent updated Schedules to this Agreement, as appropriate (including, without limitation, an updated Schedule IV to reflect the grant by such Grantor of a Lien on and security interest in all Pledged Debt and Pledged Equity now or hereafter owned by such Grantor), (iii) if such Subsidiary is a Domestic Subsidiary, cause such Subsidiary to duly execute and deliver a guaranty of the Obligations in favor of the Collateral Agent in form and substance acceptable to the Collateral Agent, (iv) deliver to the Collateral Agent the stock certificates representing all of the Capital Stock of such Subsidiary, along with undated stock powers for each such certificates, executed in blank (or, if any such shares of Capital Stock are uncertificated, confirmation and evidence reasonably satisfactory to the Collateral Agent that the security interest in such uncertificated securities has been transferred to and perfected by the Collateral Agent, in accordance with Sections 8-313, 8-321 and 9-115 of the Code or any other similar or local or foreign law that may be applicable), and (v) duly execute and/or cause to be delivered to the Collateral Agent, in form and substance acceptable to the Collateral Agent, such opinions of counsel and other documents as the Collateral Agent shall request with respect thereto; provided, however, that no Grantor shall be required to pledge any Excluded Collateral. Each Grantor hereby authorizes the Collateral Agent to attach such updated Schedules to this Agreement and agrees that all Pledged Equity and Pledged Debt listed on any updated Schedule delivered to the Collateral Agent shall for all purposes hereunder be considered Collateral. .
Section 7. Additional Provisions Concerning the Collateral.
(a) To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, and for the purpose of taking any action that the Collateral Agent may deem necessary or advisable to accomplish the purposes of this Agreement, each Grantor hereby (i) authorizes the Collateral Agent to execute any such agreements, instruments or other documents in such Grantor’s name and to file such agreements, instruments or other documents in such Grantor’s name and in any appropriate filing office, (ii) authorizes the Collateral Agent at any time and from time to time to file, one or more financing or continuation statements, and amendments thereto, relating to the Collateral (including, without limitation, any such financing statements that (A) describe the Collateral as “all assets” or “all personal property” (or words of similar effect) or that describe or identify the Collateral by type or in any other manner as the Collateral Agent may determine regardless of whether any particular asset of such Grantor falls within the scope of Article 9 of the Code or whether any particular asset of such Grantor constitutes part of the Collateral, and (B) contain any other information required by Part 5 of Article 9 of the Code for the sufficiency or filing office acceptance of any financing statement, continuation statement or amendment, including, without limitation, whether such Grantor is an organization, the type of organization and any organizational identification number issued to such Grantor) and (iii) ratifies such authorization to the extent that the Collateral Agent has filed any such financing or continuation statements, or amendments thereto, prior to the date hereof. A photocopy or other reproduction of this Agreement or any financing statement covering the Collateral or any part thereof shall be sufficient as a financing statement where permitted by law.
(b) Each Grantor hereby irrevocably appoints the Collateral Agent as its attorney-in-fact and proxy, with full authority in the place and stead of such Grantor and in the name of such Grantor or otherwise, from time to time in the Collateral Agent’s discretion, to take any action and to execute any instrument which the Collateral Agent may deem necessary or advisable to accomplish the purposes of this Agreement, including, without limitation, (i) to obtain and adjust insurance required to be paid to the Collateral Agent pursuant to Section 6(e) hereof, (ii) to ask, demand, collect, sue for, recover, compound, receive and give acquittance and receipts for moneys due and to become due under or in respect of any Collateral, (iii) to receive, endorse, and collect any drafts or other Instruments, Documents and Chattel Paper in connection with clause (i) or (ii) above, (iv) to file any claims or take any action or institute any action, suit or proceedings which the Collateral Agent may deem necessary or desirable for the collection of any Collateral or otherwise to enforce the rights of the Collateral Agent and the Noteholders with respect to any Collateral, (v) to execute assignments, licenses and other documents to enforce the rights of the Collateral Agent and the Noteholders with respect to any Collateral, and (vi) to verify any and all information with respect to any and all Accounts. This power is coupled with an interest and is irrevocable until all of the Obligations are fully performed and Paid in Full.
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(c) For the purpose of enabling the Collateral Agent to exercise rights and remedies hereunder, at such time as the Collateral Agent shall be lawfully entitled to exercise such rights and remedies, and for no other purpose, each Grantor hereby grants to the Collateral Agent, to the extent assignable, an irrevocable, non-exclusive license (exercisable without payment of royalty or other compensation to any Grantor) to use, assign, license or sublicense any Intellectual Property in which such Grantor now or hereafter has any right, title or interest, wherever the same may be located, including, without limitation, in such license reasonable access to all media in which any of the licensed items may be recorded or stored and to all computer programs used for the compilation or printout thereof. Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, but subject to the provisions of the Securities Purchase Agreement that limit the right of any Grantor to dispose of its property, and Section 6(g) and Section 6(h) hereof, so long as no Event of Default shall have occurred and be continuing, any Grantor may exploit, use, enjoy, protect, license, sublicense, assign, sell, dispose of or take other actions with respect to the Intellectual Property in the ordinary course of its business and as otherwise expressly permitted by any of the other Transaction Documents. In furtherance of the foregoing, unless an Event of Default shall have occurred and be continuing, the Collateral Agent shall from time to time, upon the request of any Grantor, execute and deliver any instruments, certificates or other documents, in the form so requested, which such Grantor shall have certified are appropriate (in such Grantor’s judgment) to allow it to take any action permitted above (including relinquishment of the license provided pursuant to this clause (c) as to any Intellectual Property). Further, upon the full performance and Payment in Full of all of the Obligations, the Collateral Agent (subject to Section 11(e) hereof) shall release and reassign to any Grantor all of the Collateral Agent’s right, title and interest in and to the Intellectual Property, and the Licenses, all without recourse, representation or warranty whatsoever. The exercise of rights and remedies hereunder by the Collateral Agent shall not terminate the rights of the holders of any licenses or sublicenses theretofore granted by each Grantor in accordance with the second sentence of this clause (c). Each Grantor hereby releases the Collateral Agent from any claims, causes of action and demands at any time arising out of or with respect to any actions taken or omitted to be taken by the Collateral Agent under the powers of attorney granted herein other than actions taken or omitted to be taken through the Collateral Agent’s gross negligence or willful misconduct, as determined by a final judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction no longer subject to appeal.
(d) If any Grantor fails to perform any agreement or obligation contained herein, the Collateral Agent may itself perform, or cause performance of, such agreement or obligation, in the name of such Grantor or the Collateral Agent, and the expenses of the Collateral Agent incurred in connection therewith shall be payable by such Grantor pursuant to Section 9 hereof and such obligation shall be secured by the Collateral.
(e) The powers conferred on the Collateral Agent hereunder are solely to protect its interest in the Collateral and shall not impose any duty upon it to exercise any such powers. Except for the safe custody of any Collateral in its possession and the accounting for moneys actually received by it hereunder, the Collateral Agent shall have no duty as to any Collateral or as to the taking of any necessary steps to preserve rights against prior parties or any other rights pertaining to any Collateral.
(f) Anything herein to the contrary notwithstanding (i) each Grantor shall remain liable under the Licenses and otherwise with respect to any of the Collateral to the extent set forth therein to perform all of its obligations thereunder to the same extent as if this Agreement had not been executed, (ii) the exercise by the Collateral Agent of any of its rights or remedies hereunder shall not release any Grantor from any of its obligations under the Licenses or otherwise in respect of the Collateral, and (iii) the Collateral Agent shall not have any obligation or liability by reason of this Agreement under the Licenses or with respect to any of the other Collateral, nor shall the Collateral Agent be obligated to perform any of the obligations or duties of any Grantor thereunder or to take any action to collect or enforce any claim for payment assigned hereunder.
(g) As long as no Event of Default shall have occurred and be continuing and, other than in the case of a Bankruptcy Event of Default, until written notice shall be given to the applicable Grantor:
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(i) Each Grantor shall have the right, from time to time, to vote and give consents with respect to the Pledged Equity, or any part thereof for all purposes not inconsistent with the provisions of this Agreement, the Securities Purchase Agreement or any other Transaction Document; provided, however, that no vote shall be cast, and no consent shall be given or action taken, which would have the effect of impairing the position or interest of the Collateral Agent in respect of the Pledged Equity or which would authorize, effect or consent to (unless and to the extent expressly permitted by the Securities Purchase Agreement):
(A)the dissolution or liquidation, in whole or in part, of a Pledged Entity;
(B)the consolidation or merger of a Pledged Entity with any other Person;
(C)the sale, disposition or encumbrance of all or substantially all of the assets of a Pledged Entity, except for Liens in favor of the Collateral Agent;
(D)any change in the authorized number of shares, the stated capital or the authorized share capital of a Pledged Entity or the issuance of any additional shares of its Capital Stock; or
(E)the alteration of the voting rights with respect to the Capital Stock of a Pledged Entity.
(h) (i) Each Grantor shall be entitled, from time to time, to collect and receive for its own use all cash dividends and interest paid in respect of the Pledged Equity to the extent not in violation of the Securities Purchase Agreement other than any and all: (A) dividends and interest paid or payable other than in cash in respect of any Pledged Equity, and instruments and other property received, receivable or otherwise distributed in respect of, or in exchange for, any Pledged Equity; (B) dividends and other distributions paid or payable in cash in respect of any Pledged Equity in connection with a partial or total liquidation or dissolution or in connection with a reduction of capital, capital surplus or paid-in capital of a Pledged Entity; and (C) cash paid, payable or otherwise distributed, in respect of principal of, or in redemption of, or in exchange for, any Pledged Equity; provided, however, that until actually paid all rights to such distributions shall remain subject to the Lien created by this Agreement; and
(ii)all dividends and interest (other than such cash dividends and interest as are permitted to be paid to any Grantor in accordance with clause (i) above) and all other distributions in respect of any of the Pledged Equity, whenever paid or made, shall be delivered to the Collateral Agent to hold as Pledged Equity and shall, if received by any Grantor, be received in trust for the benefit of the Collateral Agent (for the ratable benefit of the Collateral Agent and the Noteholders), be segregated from the other property or funds of such Grantor, and be forthwith delivered to the Collateral Agent as Pledged Equity in the same form as so received (with any necessary endorsement).
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Section 8. Remedies Upon Event of Default; Application of Proceeds. If any Event of Default shall have occurred and be continuing:
(a) The Collateral Agent may exercise in respect of the Collateral, in addition to any other rights and remedies provided for herein, in any other Transaction Document or otherwise available to it, all of the rights and remedies of a secured party upon default under the Code (whether or not the Code applies to the affected Collateral), and also may (i) take absolute control of the Collateral, including, without limitation, transfer into the Collateral Agent’s name or into the name of its nominee or nominees (to the extent the Collateral Agent has not theretofore done so) and thereafter receive, for the ratable benefit of itself and the Noteholders, all payments made thereon, give all consents, waivers and ratifications in respect thereof and otherwise act with respect thereto as though it were the outright owner thereof, (ii) require each Grantor to, and each Grantor hereby agrees that it will at its expense and upon request of the Collateral Agent forthwith, assemble all or part of its respective Collateral as directed by the Collateral Agent and make it available to the Collateral Agent at a place or places to be designated by the Collateral Agent that is reasonably convenient to both parties, and the Collateral Agent may enter into and occupy any premises owned or leased by any Grantor where the Collateral or any part thereof is located or assembled for a reasonable period in order to effectuate the Collateral Agent’s rights and remedies hereunder or under law, without obligation to any Grantor in respect of such occupation, and (iii) without notice except as specified below and without any obligation to prepare or process the Collateral for sale, (A) sell the Collateral or any part thereof in one or more parcels at public or private sale (including, without limitation, by credit bid), at any of the Collateral Agent’s offices or elsewhere, for cash, on credit or for future delivery, and at such price or prices and upon such other terms as the Collateral Agent may deem commercially reasonable and/or (B) lease, license or dispose of the Collateral or any part thereof upon such terms as the Collateral Agent may deem commercially reasonable. Each Grantor agrees that, to the extent notice of sale or any other disposition of its respective Collateral shall be required by law, at least ten (10) days’ notice to any Grantor of the time and place of any public sale or the time after which any private sale or other disposition of its respective Collateral is to be made shall constitute reasonable notification. The Collateral Agent shall not be obligated to make any sale or other disposition of any Collateral regardless of notice of sale having been given. The Collateral Agent may adjourn any public or private sale from time to time by announcement at the time and place fixed therefor, and such sale may, without further notice, be made at the time and place to which it was so adjourned. Each Grantor hereby waives any claims against the Collateral Agent and the Noteholders arising by reason of the fact that the price at which its respective Collateral may have been sold at a private sale was less than the price which might have been obtained at a public sale or was less than the aggregate amount of the Obligations, even if the Collateral Agent accepts the first offer received and does not offer such Collateral to more than one offeree, and waives all rights that any Grantor may have to require that all or any part of such Collateral be marshaled upon any sale (public or private) thereof. Each Grantor hereby acknowledges that (i) any such sale of its respective Collateral by the Collateral Agent shall be made without warranty, (ii) the Collateral Agent may specifically disclaim any warranties of title, possession, quiet enjoyment or the like, and (iii) such actions set forth in clauses (i) and (ii) above shall not adversely affect the commercial reasonableness of any such sale of Collateral. In addition to the foregoing, (1) upon written notice to any Grantor from the Collateral Agent after and during the continuance of an Event of Default, such Grantor shall cease any use of the Intellectual Property or any trademark, patent or copyright similar thereto for any purpose described in such notice; (2) the Collateral Agent may, at any time and from time to time after and during the continuance of an Event of Default, upon 10 days’ prior notice to such Grantor, license, whether general, special or otherwise, and whether on an exclusive or non-exclusive basis, any of the Intellectual Property, throughout the universe for such term or terms, on such conditions, and in such manner, as the Collateral Agent shall in its sole discretion determine; and (3) the Collateral Agent may, at any time, pursuant to the authority granted in Section 7 hereof or otherwise (such authority being effective upon the occurrence and during the continuance of an Event of Default), execute and deliver on behalf of such Grantor, one or more instruments of assignment of the Intellectual Property (or any application or registration thereof), in form suitable for filing, recording or registration in any country.
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(b) Any cash held by the Collateral Agent as Collateral and all Cash Proceeds received by the Collateral Agent in respect of any sale or disposition of or collection from, or other realization upon, all or any part of the Collateral shall be applied as follows (subject to the provisions of the Securities Purchase Agreement): first, to pay any fees, indemnities or expense reimbursements then due to the Collateral Agent (including, without limitation, those described in Section 9 hereof); second, to pay any fees, indemnities or expense reimbursements then due to the Noteholders, on a pro rata basis; third to pay interest due under the Notes owing to the Noteholders, on a pro rata basis; fourth, to pay or prepay principal in respect of the Notes, whether or not then due, owing to the Noteholders, on a pro rata basis; fifth, to pay or prepay any other Obligations, whether or not then due, in such order and manner as the Collateral Agent shall elect, consistent with the provisions of the Securities Purchase Agreement. Any surplus of such cash or Cash Proceeds held by the Collateral Agent and remaining after the full performance and Payment in Full of all of the Obligations shall be paid over to whomsoever shall be lawfully entitled to receive the same or as a court of competent jurisdiction shall direct.
(c) In the event that the proceeds of any such sale, disposition, collection or realization are insufficient to pay all amounts to which the Collateral Agent and the Noteholders are legally entitled, each Grantor shall be, jointly and severally, liable for the deficiency, together with interest thereon at the highest rate specified in the Notes for interest on overdue principal thereof or such other rate as shall be fixed by applicable law, together with the costs of collection and the reasonable fees, costs, expenses and other charges of any attorneys employed by the Collateral Agent to collect such deficiency.
(d) To the extent that applicable law imposes duties on the Collateral Agent to exercise rights and remedies in a commercially reasonable manner, each Grantor acknowledges and agrees that it is commercially reasonable for the Collateral Agent (i) to fail to incur expenses deemed significant by the Collateral Agent to prepare Collateral for disposition or otherwise to transform raw material or work in process into finished goods or other finished products for disposition, (ii) to fail to obtain third party consents for access to Collateral to be disposed of, or to obtain or, if not required by other law, to fail to obtain governmental or third party consents for the collection or disposition of Collateral to be collected or disposed of, (iii) to fail to exercise collection remedies against Account Debtors or other Persons obligated on Collateral or to remove Liens on or any adverse claims against Collateral, (iv) to exercise collection remedies against Account Debtors and other Persons obligated on Collateral directly or through the use of collection agencies and other collection specialists, (v) to advertise dispositions of Collateral through publications or media of general circulation, whether or not the Collateral is of a specialized nature, (vi) to contact other Persons, whether or not in the same business as any Grantor, for expressions of interest in acquiring all or any portion of such Collateral, (vii) to hire one or more professional auctioneers to assist in the disposition of Collateral, whether or not the Collateral is of a specialized nature, (viii) to dispose of Collateral by utilizing internet sites that provide for the auction of assets of the types included in the Collateral or that have the reasonable capacity of doing so, or that match buyers and sellers of assets, (ix) to dispose of assets in wholesale rather than retail markets, (x) to disclaim disposition warranties, such as title, possession or quiet enjoyment, (xi) to purchase insurance or credit enhancements to insure the Collateral Agent against risks of loss, collection or disposition of Collateral or to provide to the Collateral Agent a guaranteed return from the collection or disposition of Collateral, or (xii) to the extent deemed appropriate by the Collateral Agent, to obtain the services of brokers, investment bankers, consultants, attorneys and other professionals to assist the Collateral Agent in the collection or disposition of any of the Collateral. Each Grantor acknowledges that the purpose of this section is to provide non-exhaustive indications of what actions or omissions by the Collateral Agent would be commercially reasonable in the Collateral Agent’s exercise of rights and remedies against the Collateral and that other actions or omissions by the Collateral Agent shall not be deemed commercially unreasonable solely on account of not being indicated in this section. Without limitation of the foregoing, nothing contained in this section shall be construed to grant any rights to any Grantor or to impose any duties on the Collateral Agent that would not have been granted or imposed by this Agreement or by applicable law in the absence of this section.
(e) The Collateral Agent shall not be required to marshal any present or future collateral security (including, but not limited to, this Agreement and the Collateral) for, or other assurances of payment of, the Obligations or any of them or to resort to such collateral security or other assurances of payment in any particular order, and all of the Collateral Agent’s rights and remedies hereunder and in respect of such collateral security and other assurances of payment shall be cumulative and in addition to all other rights and remedies, however existing or arising. To the extent that any Grantor lawfully may, each Grantor hereby agrees that it will not invoke any law relating to the marshaling of collateral which might cause delay in or impede the enforcement of the Collateral Agent’s rights and remedies under this Agreement or under any other instrument creating or evidencing any of the Obligations or under which any of the Obligations is outstanding or by which any of the Obligations is secured or payment thereof is otherwise assured, and, to the extent that it lawfully may, each Grantor hereby irrevocably waives the benefits of all such laws.
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Section 9. Indemnity and Expenses.
(a) Each Grantor agrees, jointly and severally, to defend, protect, indemnify and hold the Collateral Agent and each of the Noteholders harmless from and against any and all claims, damages, losses, liabilities, obligations, penalties, fees, costs and expenses (including, without limitation, reasonable legal fees, costs, expenses, and disbursements of such Person’s counsel) to the extent that they arise out of or otherwise result from this Agreement (including, without limitation, enforcement of this Agreement), except to the extent resulting from such Person’s gross negligence or willful misconduct, as determined by a final judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction no longer subject to appeal.
(b) Each Grantor agrees, jointly and severally, to pay to the Collateral Agent upon demand the amount of any and all costs and expenses, including the reasonable fees, costs, expenses and disbursements of counsel for the Collateral Agent and of any experts and agents (including, without limitation, any collateral trustee which may act as agent of the Collateral Agent), which the Collateral Agent may incur in connection with (i) the preparation, negotiation, execution, delivery, recordation, administration, amendment, waiver or other modification or termination of this Agreement, (ii) the custody, preservation, use or operation of, or the sale of, collection from, or other realization upon, any Collateral, (iii) the exercise or enforcement of any of the rights or remedies of the Collateral Agent hereunder, or (iv) the failure by any Grantor to perform or observe any of the provisions hereof.
Section 10. Notices, Etc. All notices and other communications provided for hereunder shall be in writing and shall be mailed (by certified mail, first-class postage prepaid and return receipt requested), telecopied, e-mailed or delivered, if to any Grantor, to the Company’s address, or if to the Collateral Agent or any Noteholder, to it at its respective address, each as set forth in Section 9(f) of the Securities Purchase Agreement; or as to any such Person, at such other address as shall be designated by such Person in a written notice to all other parties hereto complying as to delivery with the terms of this Section 10. All such notices and other communications shall be effective (a) if sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, when received or five Business Days after deposited in the mails, whichever occurs first, (b) if telecopied or e-mailed, when transmitted (during normal business hours) and confirmation is received, and otherwise, the day after the notice or communication was transmitted and confirmation is received, or (c) if delivered in person, upon delivery.
Section 11. Miscellaneous.
(a) No amendment of any provision of this Agreement shall be effective unless it is in writing and signed by each Grantor and the Collateral Agent (and approved by the Required Holders), and no waiver of any provision of this Agreement, and no consent to any departure by each Grantor therefrom, shall be effective unless it is in writing and signed by each Grantor and the Collateral Agent (and approved by the Required Holders), and then such waiver or consent shall be effective only in the specific instance and for the specific purpose for which given. No amendment, modification or waiver of this Agreement shall be effective to the extent that it (1) applies to fewer than all of the holders of Notes or (2) imposes any obligation or liability on any holder of Notes without such holder’s prior written consent (which may be granted or withheld in such holder’s sole and absolute discretion).
(b) No failure on the part of the Collateral Agent to exercise, and no delay in exercising, any right or remedy hereunder or under any of the other Transaction Documents shall operate as a waiver thereof; nor shall any single or partial exercise of any such right or remedy preclude any other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right or remedy. The rights and remedies of the Collateral Agent or any Noteholder provided herein and in the other Transaction Documents are cumulative and are in addition to, and not exclusive of, any rights or remedies provided by law. The rights and remedies of the Collateral Agent or any Noteholder under any of the other Transaction Documents against any party thereto are not conditional or contingent on any attempt by such Person to exercise any of its rights or remedies under any of the other Transaction Documents against such party or against any other Person, including but not limited to, any Grantor.
(c) Any provision of this Agreement that is prohibited or unenforceable in any jurisdiction shall, as to such jurisdiction, be ineffective to the extent of such prohibition or unenforceability without invalidating the remaining portions hereof or thereof or affecting the validity or enforceability of such provision in any other jurisdiction.
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(d) This Agreement shall create a continuing Lien on and security interest in the Collateral and shall (i) remain in full force and effect until the full performance and Payment in Full of the Obligations, and (ii) be binding on each Grantor and all other Persons who become bound as debtor to this Agreement in accordance with Section 9-203(d) of the Code and shall inure, together with all rights and remedies of the Collateral Agent and the Noteholders hereunder, to the ratable benefit of the Collateral Agent and the Noteholders and their respective permitted successors, transferees and assigns. Without limiting the generality of clause (ii) of the immediately preceding sentence, without notice to any Grantor, the Collateral Agent and the Noteholders may assign or otherwise transfer their rights and obligations under this Agreement and any of the other Transaction Documents, to any other Person and such other Person shall thereupon become vested with all of the benefits in respect thereof granted to the Collateral Agent and the Noteholders herein or otherwise. Upon any such assignment or transfer, all references in this Agreement to the Collateral Agent or any such Noteholder shall mean the assignee of the Collateral Agent or such Noteholder. None of the rights or obligations of any Grantor hereunder may be assigned, delegated or otherwise transferred without the prior written consent of the Collateral Agent in its sole and absolute discretion, and any such assignment, delegation or transfer without such consent of the Collateral Agent shall be null and void.
(e) Upon the full performance and Payment in Full of the Obligations, (i) this Agreement and the security interests created hereby shall terminate and all rights to the Collateral shall revert to the respective Grantor that granted such security interests hereunder, and (ii) the Collateral Agent will, upon any Grantor’s request and at such Grantor’s expense, (A) return to such Grantor such of the Collateral as shall not have been sold or otherwise disposed of or applied pursuant to the terms hereof and (B) execute and deliver to such Grantor such documents as such Grantor shall reasonably request to evidence such termination, all without any representation, warranty or recourse whatsoever.
(f) Governing Law; Jurisdiction; Jury Trial.
(i) All questions concerning the construction, validity, enforcement and interpretation of this Agreement shall be governed by the internal laws of the State of Delaware, without giving effect to any provision or rule of law (whether of the State of Delaware or any other jurisdictions) that would cause the application of the laws of any jurisdiction other than the State of Delaware.
(ii) Each Grantor hereby irrevocably submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of the state and federal courts sitting in Wilmington, Delaware, for the adjudication of any dispute hereunder or in connection herewith or under any of the other Transaction Documents or with any transaction contemplated hereby or thereby, and hereby irrevocably waives, and agrees not to assert in any suit, action or proceeding, any claim, defense or objection that it is not personally subject to the jurisdiction of any such court, that such suit, action or proceeding is brought in an inconvenient forum or that the venue of such suit, action or proceeding is improper. Each party hereby irrevocably waives personal service of process and consents to process being served in any such suit, action or proceeding by mailing a copy thereof to such party at the address for such notices to it under Section 9(f) of the Securities Purchase Agreement and agrees that such service shall constitute good and sufficient service of process and notice thereof. Nothing contained herein shall be deemed to limit in any way any right to serve process in any manner permitted by law. Nothing contained herein shall be deemed or operate to preclude the Collateral Agent or the Noteholders from bringing suit or taking other legal action against any Grantor in any other jurisdiction to collect on a Grantor’s obligations or to enforce a judgment or other court ruling in favor of the Collateral Agent or a Noteholder.
(iv) Each Grantor irrevocably and unconditionally waives any right it may have to claim or recover in any legal action, suit or proceeding referred to in this Section any special, exemplary, indirect, incidental, punitive or consequential damages.
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(g) Section headings herein are included for convenience of reference only and shall not constitute a part of this Agreement for any other purpose.
(h) This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts and by different parties hereto in separate counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original, but all of which taken together constitute one and the same Agreement. Delivery of any executed counterpart of a signature page of this Agreement by pdf, facsimile or other electronic transmission shall be effective as delivery of a manually executed counterpart of this Agreement.
(i) This Agreement shall continue to be effective or be reinstated, as the case may be, if at any time any payment of any of the Obligations is rescinded or must otherwise be returned by the Collateral Agent, any Noteholder or any other Person (upon (i) the occurrence of any Insolvency Proceeding of any of the Company or any Grantor or (ii) otherwise, in all cases as though such payment had not been made).
Section 12. Material Non-Public Information. Upon receipt or delivery by any Grantor of any notice in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, unless such Grantor has in good faith determined that the matters relating to such notice do not constitute material, non-public information relating to the Grantor or any of its Subsidiaries, such Grantor shall within one (1) Business Day after any such receipt or delivery publicly disclose such material, non-public information on a Current Report on Form 8-K or otherwise. In the event that such Grantor believes that a notice contains material, non-public information relating to such Grantor or any of its Subsidiaries, such Grantor so shall indicate to the Collateral Agent and any applicable Noteholder contemporaneously with delivery of such notice, and in the absence of any such indication, the Collateral Agent and each Noteholder shall be allowed to presume that all matters relating to such notice do not constitute material, non-public information relating to such Grantor or its Subsidiaries. Nothing contained in this Section 12 shall limit any obligations of any Grantor, or any rights or remedies of the Collateral Agent or any Noteholder, under Section 4(i) of the Securities Purchase Agreement.
27 |
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each Grantor has caused this Agreement to be executed and delivered by its officer thereunto duly authorized, as of the date first above written.
By: | ||
Name: Charles Y. Fu Title: Director, Senior Vice President & General Counsel |
By: | ||
Name: Title: |
By: | ||
Name: Title: |
By: | ||
Name: Title: |
By: | ||
Name: Title: |
[Signature Page to Security Agreement]
28 |
By: | ||
Name: Title: |
7621531 CANADA INC. | ||
By: | ||
Name: Title: |
By: | ||
Name: Title: |
13995291 CANADA INC. | ||
By: | ||
Name: Title: |
By: | ||
Name: Title: |
[Signature Page to Security Agreement]
29 |
By: | ||
Name: Title: |
By: | ||
Name: Title: |
[Signature Page to Security Agreement]
30 |
[COLLATERAL AGENT], as Collateral Agent
By: ________________________________
[Signature Page to Security Agreement]
31 |
This INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY SECURITY AGREEMENT (as amended, modified, supplemented, renewed, restated or replaced from time to time, this “IP Security Agreement”), dated [ , 2024], is made by the Persons listed on the signature pages hereof (collectively, the “Grantors”) in favor of [COLLATERAL AGENT], in its capacity as collateral agent (the “Collateral Agent”) for the Noteholders. All capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings respectively ascribed thereto in the Security Agreement (as defined below).
WHEREAS, Visionary Holdings Inc., a company organized under the laws of the Canada (the “Company”), and each party listed as a “Buyer” therein (collectively, the “Buyers”) are parties to that certain Securities Purchase Agreement, dated September [__], 2024, pursuant to which the Company shall be required to sell, and the Buyers shall purchase or have the right to purchase, the “Notes” (as defined therein) issued pursuant thereto (as such Notes may be amended, modified, supplemented, renewed, restated or replaced from time to time in accordance with the terms thereof, collectively, the “Notes”);
WHEREAS, it is a condition precedent to the purchase of the Notes under the Securities Purchase Agreement that each Grantor has executed and delivered that certain Security and Pledge Agreement, dated [ , 2024], made by the Grantors to the Collateral Agent (as amended, modified, supplemented, renewed, restated or replaced from time to time, the “Security Agreement”); and
WHEREAS, under the terms of the Security Agreement, the Grantors have granted to the Collateral Agent, for the ratable benefit of the Collateral Agent and the Noteholders, a Lien on and security interest in, among other property, certain intellectual property of the Grantors, and have agreed as a condition thereof to execute this IP Security Agreement for recording with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, the United States Copyright Office and other governmental authorities.
WHEREAS, the Grantors have determined that the execution, delivery and performance of this IP Security Agreement directly benefits, and is in the best interest of, the Grantors.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the agreements herein and in order to induce the Buyers to perform under the Securities Purchase Agreement, each Grantor agrees with the Collateral Agent, for the ratable benefit of the Collateral Agent and the Noteholders, as follows
SECTION 1. Grant of Security. As collateral security for the due and punctual payment and performance in full of the Obligations, as and when due, each Grantor hereby pledges and assigns to the Collateral Agent, its successors and permitted assigns, and hereby grants to the Collateral Agent, its successors and permitted assigns, for the ratable benefit of the Collateral Agent and the Noteholders, a continuing Lien on and security interest in, all of such Grantor’s right, title and interest in, to and under the following (the “Collateral”):
(i)the Patents and Patent applications set forth in Schedule A hereto;
(ii)the Trademark and service mark registrations and applications set forth in Schedule B hereto (provided that no security interest shall be granted in United States intent-to-use trademark applications to the extent that, and solely during the period in which, the grant of a security interest therein would impair the validity or enforceability of such intent-to-use trademark applications under applicable federal law), together with the goodwill symbolized thereby;
(iii)all Copyrights, whether registered or unregistered, now owned or hereafter acquired by such Grantor, including, without limitation, the copyright registrations and applications and exclusive copyright licenses set forth in Schedule C hereto;
32 |
(iv)all reissues, divisions, continuations, continuations-in-part, extensions, renewals and reexaminations of any of the foregoing, all rights in the foregoing provided by international treaties or conventions, all rights corresponding thereto throughout the world and all other rights of any kind whatsoever of such Grantor accruing thereunder or pertaining thereto;
(v)any and all claims for damages and injunctive relief for past, present and future infringement, dilution, misappropriation, violation, misuse or breach with respect to any of the foregoing, with the right, but not the obligation, to sue for and collect, or otherwise recover, such damages; and
(vi)any and all Proceeds, including without limitation Cash and Noncash Proceeds of, collateral for, income, royalties and other payments now or hereafter due and payable with respect to, and Supporting Obligations relating to, any and all of the collateral of or arising from any of the foregoing.
SECTION 2. Security for Obligations. The grant of a Lien on and security interest in, the Collateral by each Grantor under this IP Security Agreement constitutes continuing collateral security for the payment and performance of all Obligations of such Grantor now or hereafter existing under or in respect of the Notes and the Transaction Documents, whether direct or indirect, absolute or contingent, and whether for principal, reimbursement obligations, interest, premiums, penalties, fees, indemnifications, contract causes of action, costs, expenses or otherwise.
SECTION 3. Recordation. Each Grantor authorizes and requests that the Register of Copyrights, the Commissioner for Patents and the Commissioner for Trademarks and any other applicable government officer record this IP Security Agreement.
SECTION 4. Execution in Counterparts. This IP Security Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts and by different parties hereto in separate counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original, but all of which taken together constitute one and the same Agreement.
SECTION 5. Grants, Rights and Remedies. This IP Security Agreement has been entered into in conjunction with the provisions of the Security Agreement. Each Grantor does hereby acknowledge and confirm that the grant of the Lien and security interest hereunder to, and the rights and remedies of, the Collateral Agent with respect to the Collateral are more fully set forth in the Security Agreement, the terms and provisions of which are incorporated herein by reference as if fully set forth herein.
SECTION 6. Governing Law; Jurisdiction; Jury Trial.
(i) All questions concerning the construction, validity, enforcement and interpretation of this Agreement shall be governed by the internal laws of the State of New York, without giving effect to any provision or rule of law (whether of the State of New York or any other jurisdictions) that would cause the application of the laws of any jurisdiction other than the State of New York.
(ii) Each Grantor hereby irrevocably submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of the state and federal courts sitting in The City of New York, Borough of Manhattan, for the adjudication of any dispute hereunder or in connection herewith or under any of the other Transaction Documents or with any transaction contemplated hereby or thereby, and hereby irrevocably waives, and agrees not to assert in any suit, action or proceeding, any claim, defense or objection that it is not personally subject to the jurisdiction of any such court, that such suit, action or proceeding is brought in an inconvenient forum or that the venue of such suit, action or proceeding is improper. Each party hereby irrevocably waives personal service of process and consents to process being served in any such suit, action or proceeding by mailing a copy thereof to such party at the address for such notices to it under Section 9(f) of the Securities Purchase Agreement and agrees that such service shall constitute good and sufficient service of process and notice thereof. Nothing contained herein shall be deemed to limit in any way any right to serve process in any manner permitted by law. Nothing contained herein shall be deemed or operate to preclude the Collateral Agent or the Noteholders from bringing suit or taking other legal action against any Grantor in any other jurisdiction to collect on a Grantor’s obligations or to enforce a judgment or other court ruling in favor of the Collateral Agent or a Noteholder.
33 |
(iv) Each Grantor irrevocably and unconditionally waives any right it may have to claim or recover in any legal action, suit or proceeding referred to in this Section any special, exemplary, indirect, incidental, punitive or consequential damages.
[The remainder of the page is intentionally left blank
34 |
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each Grantor has caused this Agreement to be duly executed and delivered by its officer thereunto duly authorized as of the date first above written.
By | ||
Name: | ||
Title: | ||
Address for Notices: | ||
[Signature Page to IP Agreement]
35 |
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each Grantor has caused this Agreement to be duly executed and delivered by its officer thereunto duly authorized as of the date first above written.
[GRANTOR] | ||
By | ||
Name: | ||
Title: | ||
Address for Notices: | ||
[Signature Page to IP Agreement]
36 |
Schedule A
37 |
Schedule B
Grantor |
Country |
Trademark |
Application or Registration No. |
Application or Registration Date |
Assignees |
Max the Mutt Animation Inc. | Canada | ![]() |
TMA699144 | October 23, 2007 | NA |
Visionary Education Technology Holdings Group Inc. | Canada | ![]() |
2123408 | July 28, 2021 | NA |
Visionary Education Technology Holdings Group Inc. | Canada | ![]() |
2123411 | July 28, 2021 | NA |
Visionary Education Technology Holdings Group Inc. | Canada | ![]() |
2123410 | July 28, 2021 | NA |
Visionary Education Technology Holdings Group Inc. | Canada | ![]() |
2123409 | July 28, 2021 | NA |
Visionary Education Technology Holdings Group Inc. | Canada | ![]() |
2123412 | July 28, 2021 | NA |
Visionary Education Technology Holdings Group Inc. | Canada | ![]() |
21205906 | July 28, 2021 | NA |
Visionary Education Technology Holdings Group Inc. | Canada | ![]() |
2123413 | July 28, 2021 | NA |
38 |
Schedule C
Grantor |
Country |
Title |
Type of Work |
Application or Registration No. |
Issue Date |
Assignees |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | Training (OSSD) VIDEOS | Ontario, Canada High School Videos | 1184407 | July 28, 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | MCV4U | Literary | 1184663 | Aug 4, 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | MHF4U | Literary | 1184664 | Aug 4, 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | ELSE0 | Literary | 1184665 | Aug 4, 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | HFA4U | Literary | 1184666 | Aug 4 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | ESLC0 | Literary | 1184667 | Aug 4 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | HNB4M | Literary | 1184668 | Aug 4 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | BOH4M | Literary | 1184669 | Aug 4 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | SCH4U | Literary | 1184670 | Aug 4 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | MDM4U | Literary | 1184671 | Aug 4 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | SNC4M | Literary | 1184672 | Aug 4 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | SPH4U | Literary | 1184673 | Aug 4 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada |
SBI4U | Literary | 1184674 | Aug 4 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | ESLDO | Literary | 1184675 | Aug 4 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | ESLBO | Literary | 1184676 | Aug 4 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | ESLAO | Literary | 1184677 | Aug 4 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | BBB4M | Literary | 1184678 | Aug 4 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | AVI4M | Literary | 1184679 | Aug 4 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | ENG4U |
Literary |
1184680 |
Aug 4 2021 |
Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | VEDU Virtual Teaching Lab | Literary | 1188920 | Aug 4 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | Instructional Videos of Gr 12 Cda History CHI4U | Performers performance | 1184422 | July 29 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | MCV4U | Performer performance | 1184423 | July 29 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | SCH4U | Performer performance | 1184424 | July 29 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | BBB4M | Performer performance | 1184425 | July 29 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | MCT4C | Performer Performance | 1184426 | July 29 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | SBI3U | Performer Performance | 1184427 | July 29 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | MDM4U | Performer Performance | 1184428 | July 28 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | ESLE0 | Performer Performance | 1184429 | July 28 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | ENG4C | Performer Performance | 1184430 | July 29 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | ENG4U | Performer Performance | 1184431 | July 29 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | SPH4U | Performer Performance | 1184432 | July 29 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | BOH4M | Performer Performance | 1184433 | July 29 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | AVI3M | Performer Performance | 1184434 | July 29 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | SVN3M | Performer Performance | 1184435 | July 29 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | SPH3U | Performer Performance | 1184436 | July 29 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | MHF4U | Performer Performance | 1184437 | July 29 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | SCH3U | Performer Performance | 1184438 | July 29 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | ENG3C | Performer Performance | 1184439 | July 29 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | CIE3M | Performer Performance | 1184440 | July 29 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | SBI4U | Performer Performance | 1184441 | July 29 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | ENG3U | Performer Performance | 1184442 | July 29 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | Farvision MOOC | Literary | 1184446 | July 29 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | Farvision OSSD APP | Literary | 1184447 | July 29 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
39 |
Legal Names; Organizational Identification
States or Jurisdiction of Organization
Grantor’s Name | State of Organization |
Federal Employer I.D. |
Organizational I.D. |
Visionary Holdings Inc. | CA | 84294 6436 | n.a. |
Canada Animation Industry Group Inc. |
CA | 70759 7936 | n.a. |
NeoCanaan Investment Corporation |
CA | 73277 9731 | n.a. |
Toronto eSchool Ltd. |
CA | 78020 4327 | n.a. |
Farvision Career Education Group Inc (f/k/a Farvision Education Group Inc.) |
CA | 73437 6478 | n.a. |
Maple Toronto Art Academy Inc. (d/b/a Toronto Art Academy Inc.) | CA | 72125 9075 | n.a. |
7621531 Canada Inc. | CA | 24104 2399 | n.a. |
Visionary Education Services and Management Inc. | CA | 85113 0575 | n.a. |
13995291 Canada Inc | CA | 729288209 | n.a. |
13995191 Canada Inc | CA | ||
Max the Mutt Animation inc. | CA | ||
Bethune Great Health Investment Management Inc. | CA | ||
Visionary Biotechnology Group Inc. | CA |
40 |
Intellectual Property
None. |
Grantor |
Country |
Trademark |
Application or Registration No. |
Application or Registration Date |
Assignees |
Max the Mutt Animation Inc. | Canada | ![]() |
TMA699144 | October 23, 2007 | NA |
Visionary Education Technology Holdings Group Inc. | Canada | ![]() |
2123408 | July 28, 2021 | NA |
Visionary Education Technology Holdings Group Inc. | Canada | ![]() |
2123411 | July 28, 2021 | NA |
Visionary Education Technology Holdings Group Inc. | Canada | ![]() |
2123410 | July 28, 2021 | NA |
Visionary Education Technology Holdings Group Inc. | Canada | ![]() |
2123409 | July 28, 2021 | NA |
Visionary Education Technology Holdings Group Inc. | Canada | ![]() |
2123412 | July 28, 2021 | NA |
Visionary Education Technology Holdings Group Inc. | Canada | ![]() |
21205906 | July 28, 2021 | NA |
Visionary Education Technology Holdings Group Inc. | Canada | ![]() |
2123413 | July 28, 2021 | NA |
41 |
Grantor |
Country |
Title |
Type of Work |
Application or Registration No. |
Issue Date |
Assignees |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | Training (OSSD) VIDEOS | Ontario, Canada High School Videos | 1184407 | July 28, 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | MCV4U | Literary | 1184663 | Aug 4, 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | MHF4U | Literary | 1184664 | Aug 4, 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | ELSE0 | Literary | 1184665 | Aug 4, 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | HFA4U | Literary | 1184666 | Aug 4 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | ESLC0 | Literary | 1184667 | Aug 4 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | HNB4M | Literary | 1184668 | Aug 4 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | BOH4M | Literary | 1184669 | Aug 4 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | SCH4U | Literary | 1184670 | Aug 4 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | MDM4U | Literary | 1184671 | Aug 4 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | SNC4M | Literary | 1184672 | Aug 4 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | SPH4U | Literary | 1184673 | Aug 4 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada |
SBI4U | Literary | 1184674 | Aug 4 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | ESLDO | Literary | 1184675 | Aug 4 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | ESLBO | Literary | 1184676 | Aug 4 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | ESLAO | Literary | 1184677 | Aug 4 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | BBB4M | Literary | 1184678 | Aug 4 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | AVI4M | Literary | 1184679 | Aug 4 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | ENG4U |
Literary |
1184680 |
Aug 4 2021 |
Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | VEDU Virtual Teaching Lab | Literary | 1188920 | Aug 4 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | Instructional Videos of Gr 12 Cda History CHI4U | Performers performance | 1184422 | July 29 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | MCV4U | Performer performance | 1184423 | July 29 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | SCH4U | Performer performance | 1184424 | July 29 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | BBB4M | Performer performance | 1184425 | July 29 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | MCT4C | Performer Performance | 1184426 | July 29 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | SBI3U | Performer Performance | 1184427 | July 29 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | MDM4U | Performer Performance | 1184428 | July 28 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | ESLE0 | Performer Performance | 1184429 | July 28 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | ENG4C | Performer Performance | 1184430 | July 29 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | ENG4U | Performer Performance | 1184431 | July 29 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | SPH4U | Performer Performance | 1184432 | July 29 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | BOH4M | Performer Performance | 1184433 | July 29 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | AVI3M | Performer Performance | 1184434 | July 29 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | SVN3M | Performer Performance | 1184435 | July 29 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | SPH3U | Performer Performance | 1184436 | July 29 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | MHF4U | Performer Performance | 1184437 | July 29 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | SCH3U | Performer Performance | 1184438 | July 29 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | ENG3C | Performer Performance | 1184439 | July 29 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | CIE3M | Performer Performance | 1184440 | July 29 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | SBI4U | Performer Performance | 1184441 | July 29 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | ENG3U | Performer Performance | 1184442 | July 29 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | Farvision MOOC | Literary | 1184446 | July 29 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
Farvision Education Group Inc | Canada | Farvision OSSD APP | Literary | 1184447 | July 29 2021 | Innovation, Science & Economic Dev Cda |
42 |
Grantor’s Name | Chief Executive Office | Chief Place of Business | Books and Records | Inventory, Equipment, Etc. |
Visionary Holdings Inc. | 105 Moatfield Dr, Unit 1003, North York, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M3B 0A2 | 105 Moatfield Dr, Unit 1003, North York, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M3B 0A2 | 105 Moatfield Dr, Unit 1003, North York, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M3B 0A2 | 105 Moatfield Dr, Unit 1003, North York, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M3B 0A2 |
Canada Animation Industry Group Inc. |
408-200 Town Centre Blvd Markham, ON L3R 8G5 |
408-200 Town Centre Blvd Markham, ON L3R 8G5 |
408-200 Town Centre Blvd Markham, ON L3R 8G5 |
408-200 Town Centre Blvd Markham, ON L3R 8G5 |
NeoCanaan Investment Corp. |
408-200 Town Centre Blvd Markham, ON L3R 8G5 |
408-200 Town Centre Blvd Markham, ON L3R 8G5 |
408-200 Town Centre Blvd Markham, ON L3R 8G5 |
408-200 Town Centre Blvd Markham, ON L3R 8G5 |
Toronto eSchool Ltd. |
105 Moatfield Dr, 11f. North York, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M3B 0A2 |
105 Moatfield Dr, 11f, North York, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M3B 0A2 | 105 Moatfield Dr, 11f, North York, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M3B 0A2 | 105 Moatfield Dr, 11f, North York, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M3B 0A2 |
MAX THE MUTT ANIMATION INC. | 95 Moatfield Drive North York, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M3B 3L6 |
95 Moatfield Drive North York, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M3B 3L6 |
95 Moatfield Drive North York, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M3B 3L6 |
95 Moatfield Drive North York, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M3B 3L6 |
Farvision Career Education Group Inc. | 408-200 Town Centre Blvd Markham, ON L3R 8G5 |
408-200 Town Centre Blvd Markham, ON L3R 8G5 |
408-200 Town Centre Blvd Markham, ON L3R 8G5 |
408-200 Town Centre Blvd Markham, ON L3R 8G5 |
Maple Toronto Art Academy Inc. d/b/a Toronto Art Academy Inc. | 408-200 Town Centre Blvd Markham, ON L3R 8G5 |
408-200 Town Centre Blvd Markham, ON L3R 8G5 |
408-200 Town Centre Blvd Markham, ON L3R 8G5 |
408-200 Town Centre Blvd Markham, ON L3R 8G5 |
7621531 Canada Inc. | 408-200 Town Centre Blvd Markham, ON L3R 8G5 |
408-200 Town Centre Blvd Markham, ON L3R 8G5 |
408-200 Town Centre Blvd Markham, ON L3R 8G5 |
408-200 Town Centre Blvd Markham, ON L3R 8G5 |
Visionary Education Services & Management Inc. | 408-200 Town Centre Blvd Markham, ON L3R 8G5 |
408-200 Town Centre Blvd Markham, ON L3R 8G5 |
408-200 Town Centre Blvd Markham, ON L3R 8G5 |
408-200 Town Centre Blvd Markham, ON L3R 8G5 |
13995291 Canada Inc | 105 Moatfield Dr, Unit 1003, North York, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M3B 0A2 | 105 Moatfield Dr, Unit 1003, North York, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M3B 0A2 | 105 Moatfield Dr, Unit 1003, North York, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M3B 0A2 | 105 Moatfield Dr, Unit 1003, North York, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M3B 0A2 |
Bethune Great Health Investment Management Inc. | 105 Moatfield Dr, Unit 1003, North York, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M3B 0A2 | 105 Moatfield Dr, Unit 1003, North York, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M3B 0A2 | 105 Moatfield Dr, Unit 1003, North York, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M3B 0A2 | 105 Moatfield Dr, Unit 1003, North York, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M3B 0A2 |
Visionary Biotechnology Group Inc. | 105 Moatfield Dr, Unit 1003, North York, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M3B 0A2 | 105 Moatfield Dr, Unit 1003, North York, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M3B 0A2 | 105 Moatfield Dr, Unit 1003, North York, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M3B 0A2 | 105 Moatfield Dr, Unit 1003, North York, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M3B 0A2 |
43 |
Promissory Notes, Securities, Deposit Accounts,
Securities Accounts and Commodities Accounts
Grantor |
Name of Issuer / Pledged Entity |
Number of Shares |
Class | Certificate No.(s) |
None. |
Deposit Accounts, Securities Accounts and Commodities Accounts
Grantor | Name and Address of Institution | Purpose of the Account | Account No. |
None. |
Foreign Currency Controlled Accounts
Entity | Name and Address of Institution | Amount Held in Account |
Visionary Holdings Inc. (GV) |
Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD Bank) Dundas and Spadina store, 247 Spadina Ave, Toronto, ON M5T 3A8 |
CAD $85,673.90 |
Farvision Career Education Group Inc. |
Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD Bank) Dundas and Spadina store, 247 Spadina Ave, Toronto, ON M5T 3A8 |
CAD $8,960.00 |
Maple Toronto Art Academy Inc. d/b/a Toronto Art Academy Inc. | Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD Bank) Richmond Hill Times Square, 550 Highway 7 E, Unit 55, Richmond Hill, ON L4B 3Z4 |
CAD $11,450.00 |
7621531 Canada Inc. | Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD Bank) Dundas and Spadina store, 247 Spadina Ave, Toronto, ON M5T 3A8 |
CAD $9,374.00 |
Visionary Education Services and Management Inc. | Bank of China (Candada) Unit 28, 3040 Don mills road east, Toronto, On M2T 3C1 |
CAD $6,720.00 |
Canada Animation Industry Group Inc. | Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD Bank) Dundas and Spadina store, 247 Spadina Ave, Toronto, ON M5T 3A8 |
CAD $2,500.00 |
NeoCanaan Investment Corp. | Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD Bank) Dundas and Spadina store, 247 Spadina Ave, Toronto, ON M5T 3A8 |
CAD $0 |
Toronto eSchool | Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD Bank) heppard & Aragon, 3477 Speppard Ave East , Scarborough, ON, M1T 3K6 |
CAD $35,750.00 |
Max the Mutt Animation Inc. (Toronto Animation College Inc.) | Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD Bank) Dundas and Spadina store, 247 Spadina Ave, Toronto, ON M5T 3A8 |
CAD $54,200.00 |
13995291 Canada Inc | Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD Bank) Dundas and Spadina store, 247 Spadina Ave, Toronto, ON M5T 3A8 |
CAD $0 |
Bethune Great Health Investment Management Inc. | Not in operation | |
Visionary Biotechnology Group Inc. | Not in operation |
Pledged Equity
44 |
Financing Statements
Grantor | Jurisdiction for Filing Financing Statement |
Visionary Holdings Inc. | Washington, D.C. |
45 |
Commercial Tort Claims
46 |
Permitted Liens
Mortgages on:
(1) 105 Moatfield Dr, North York, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M3B 0A2
(2) 95 Moatfield Drive, North York, Ontario, M3B 3L6
47 |