EX-10.1 2 dal9302024ex101.htm EXHIBIT 10.1 Document

1.    收益並不保證未來的收益。 我,Michael Spanos,簽署的個人,希望接受Delta Air Lines, Inc.(及其子公司和關聯公司,“達美”或“公司公司”)提供的福利:
a. 修訂並重新制定於2016年6月1日的達美航空公司高級主管和董事離職補償計劃,以及不時進行的進一步修訂(以下簡稱“401(k)計劃的僱主貢獻”);
b. 三角洲航空公司管理激勵計劃 ("MIP") 2024 年三角洲航空公司 2023 年度長期激勵計劃獎勵協議 ("2023 年度 LTIP 獎勵協議") 以及 2024 年度三角洲航空公司長期激勵計劃獎勵協議 ("2024 年度 LTIP 獎勵協議" 和,與 2023 年度 LTIP 獎勵協議一起,"LTIPs”), which plans provide for a pro-rated award in connection with my separation from the Company; and
c.    戴爾塔航空公司績效報酬計劃獎勵協議,日期爲2023年6月20日(“初始股權獎勵協議”).
同意參與本計劃並獲得本分離協議和一般性協議第 2 節所述的其他福利(”協議”),我承認我已經仔細閱讀了本計劃、初始股權獎勵協議、MIP、LTips以及本協議的條款。我認爲,執行本協議以獲得本計劃下的福利以及2024年MIP、初始股權獎勵協議和LTips下的按比例分攤的獎勵符合我的最大利益,我承認在沒有脅迫的情況下自願簽訂了本協議。我了解,本協議中未另行定義的大寫術語具有本計劃、初始股權獎勵協議、MIP或LTips賦予它們的含義。我進一步承認並同意,我與達美的離職日期是或將是2024年9月1日(”離職日期”)。我還辭去了自同日起在任何達美子公司或附屬公司可能擔任的任何職位。

2.    解僱福利作爲交易,自願執行和返回本協議給Delta,並滿足計劃中規定的所有資格標準,初始股權獎協議,MIP,LTIPs和本協議中規定的條款:
i. 計劃中描述的好處;
iii. 根據2023年LTIP獎勵協議和2024年LTIP獎勵協議附錄A第A.3(a)節描述的我的限制性股票獎勵的比例部分;


我承認並同意,Delta將沒有義務在我與Delta的僱傭關係或該關係的終止方面向我提供任何福利,除非在計劃、初始股權獎勵協議、2024 MIP和LTIPs中有所描述,並且可以根據本協議進行修改(但不包括根據我在Delta任職期間參與的任何退休和福利計劃各自條款規定的任何僱後福利)。
3.    一般棄權和解除。 爲了Delta根據計劃提供的好處,本協議,初始股權授予協議,2024年MIP和LTIPs,我特此同意如下:
a.除了根據或產生於計劃、本協議下提供的權利和義務,以及我可能擁有的達美航空贊助的任何廣泛福利計劃、達美401(k)養老金計劃、達美航空公司績效報酬計劃(或任何後繼計劃)、達美有關離職員工資格獲得未使用、已賺取度假或帶薪個人時間支付的度假政策,或我可能具有的對達美的賠償權,我在此放棄、解除、撤回、撤銷並永久免除任何和所有對達美、包括其前身和後繼者、其子公司和關聯公司及其各自的現任和前任管理人、受託人、母公司、子公司、計劃、附屬公司、董事會成員、官員、董事、股東、代表、代理人、僱員、計劃管理員以及通過或與達美或其現任和前任前身、後繼者、子公司和關聯公司有關的所有其他人,無論是直接還是間接,個人或代表性質,對達美提出的、已知或未知的、固定或附隨的任何索賠、訴因、費用或開支,我現在擁有或將來可能擁有的所有權利和義務,無論是直接還是間接,私人或代表性質。 (每個“被釋放方由於從時間開始直到,幷包括本協議簽署日期,與我在達美、其子公司或關聯公司的就業及離職有關的任何事項、行爲、索賠、事件、行爲、疏忽、原因或事情,我在此放棄、釋放、撤回、撤銷並永久免除任何和所有對達美、包括其前身和後繼者、其子公司和關聯公司以及其各自現任和前任管理員、受託人、母公司、子公司、計劃、附屬公司、董事會成員、官員、董事、股東、代表、代理人、僱員、計劃管理員以及通過或與達美或其現任和前任前身、後繼者、子公司和關聯公司有關的所有其他人的索賠、訴因、費用或開支,無論其起因,與我就業和離職有關。這項一般棄權和免責包括但不限於依據1964年《民權法案》第七章、1991年《民權法案》、喬治亞州僱傭性別歧視法典、亞特蘭大市公平私人就業法令、1967年《僱傭年齡歧視法案》等產生的,已知或未知的、固定或附隨的一切索賠、訴因和行爲。 《老年工人福利保護法案》; 《喬治亞州僱傭年齡歧視法案》; 1990年美國殘疾人法案; 1973年康復法案; 喬治亞州殘疾人就業平等法案;《員工調整和再培訓通知法案》; 42 U.S.C. §§ 1981至1988; 1974年員工退休保障法案;《家庭醫療假法案》;《國家勞工關係法案》;《遺傳信息禁止歧視法》;《移民改革和控制法案》;

公平信用報告法; 行政命令11246號; 1963年平等報酬法;溫德爾·H·福特航空投資和改革法案21世紀(AIR 21); 公平勞工標準法的非報復條款; 2002年薩班斯-奧克斯利法案; 《統一服務就業和再就業權利法》; 任何提供對報告涉嫌違法或違規行爲的僱員進行保護的聯邦、州或地方法規、法令或法規; 任何關於歧視性招聘或就業行爲或基於受保護類別身份的民權法律或其他就業行爲要求或保護(除了某些不可放棄的工資或休假福利); 故意或過失的精神痛苦,誹謗,過失僱傭,違約,善意和誠實交易承諾,承諾干擾,疏忽,或解僱;以及所有其他任何種類或性質的索賠,包括任何合同或侵權行爲的索賠,任何請求平等救濟或金錢賠償(包括補償性和懲罰性賠償),任何請求律師費用的索賠,以及任何要求與任何此類聲稱相關的費用。我理解並打算本協議應解除對受解除方的所有索賠,但不應對協議執行日期之後可能發生的事件引起的索賠進行解除。21世紀醫療改革法案 世紀(航空投資和改革法21 任何聯邦、州或地方法規; 其他 某聯邦、州或地方法規,法令或法規提供對報告疑似違法或違規行爲的僱員進行保護; 其他聯邦、州或地方法規,法令或法規關於歧視性招聘或就業行爲或基於受保護類別身份的民權法律或其他就業行爲要求或保護(除了某些工資或請假福利可能無法放棄); 故意或疏忽造成精神痛苦,誹謗, 疏忽僱傭, 違約, 善意和忠實交易約定, 約定阻撓, 疏忽, 或非法解僱的普通法訴訟; 以及所有其他類型或性質的任何索賠,包括任何合同或侵權的索賠,任何請求平等救濟或金錢賠償(包括補償性和懲罰性賠償),任何要求律師費用,並且與任何這類聲稱相關的費用索賠。我理解並打算,本協議應解除對解除方的所有索賠,但不應解除協議執行日期之後可能發生的事件引起的索賠。
b. 我確認、同意並特此規定以下事項:(i) 在我與Delta的雇佣期間,我被允許休所有假期並享有根據《家庭醫療假法》(FMLA)、《統一服務就業和復職權法》(USERRA)或任何其他適用的聯邦、州或地方法律,為了醫療、家庭、身份幣、育兒、軍事服務、法庭、義務或義工相關原因而享有的所有其他權利;及 (ii) Delta 無論在任何情況下都未干涉、限制或否定我行使(或試圖行使)FMLA、USERRA或任何其他適用的聯邦、州或地區休假法律的任何權利,亦未因我行使(或試圖行使)任何此等權利而終止或以其他方式對我進行歧視。FMLAUSERRA其他”) 託兒事由、「父母、軍事服務、法庭或志願者相關原因」等醫療、家庭、身份幣休假法所提供的休假權利休假法醫療、軍工、身份幣、育兒、軍事服務、法庭、義務或義工相關原因」等醫療、家庭、身份幣休假法
c. 除本協議另有特別規定外,我確認、同意並特此聲明:(i) 關於我在Delta的僱傭以及後續離職,我已經收到根據《公平勞工標準法》(FLSA)或任何其他適用的聯邦、州或地方法律或法規應支付的工資、佣金、補償、累積休假、福利和其他欠款金額;及(ii) 我並沒有任何根據FLSA或任何其他適用的聯邦、州或地方工資法應支付的拖欠工資、損害賠償、罰款或其他款項。FLSA或任何其他適用的聯邦、州或地方法律或法規規定支付工資、佣金、補償、用餐時間、休息時間、福利、累積休假和支付時間方面,我已經得到應得的一切。工資法以及我沒有應支付的任何拖欠工資、損害賠償、罰款或任何其他款項依據FLSA或任何其他適用的聯邦、州或地方工資法。
d. 我明白本協議將在法律允許的範圍內解除對被釋放的人所有索賠,但不禁止我 (i) 在法律程序要求時準確和全面回應任何問題、查詢或要求索取資料;(ii) 向平等就業機會委員會、司法部、證券交易委員會、勞工部、職業安全和健康管理局或任何其他聯邦、州提出控制或投訴。或地方政府機構或佣金(每個,a」政府機構」);或 (iii) 向任何政府機構披露資料、向任何政府機構舉報可能違規或參與調查或訴訟。此外,與任何政府機構的通訊不會被視為違反本協議中的任何其他條款,包括任何不輕視或保密規定。我不需要在進行任何此類溝通之前與本公司聯繫。

我在完全了解的情況下簽署本協議,明白可能存在問題、行動、索賠和事項。對於本協議所提供的任何支付或福利,我接受為最終結果。我簽署本協議時理解並承認放棄此類不知道的問題、行動、索賠和事項的重要性和後果。因此,為了實現對被釋放方的完全釋放和解除,我在此明確承認,這份一般釋放意在包括並解除所有未知的問題、行動、索賠和事項,不受限制地,即使是在簽署本協議的日期我不知道或懷疑存在的問題、行動、索賠和事項,本協議預期消滅所有這類問題、行動、索賠和事項。 我簽署本協議時明白並承認,可能存在不知道的問題、行動、索賠和事項,且任何支付或福利作為本協議的考慮而提供均為最終接受。對於放棄此類未知問題、行動、索賠和事項的重要性和後果,我簽署本協議時知悉並承認。因此,為了實現全面釋放和解除被釋放方的目的,我在此明確承認,此一般釋放意在包含並解除所有未知的問題、行動、索賠和事項,即使是在簽署本協議當日我不知道或懷疑存在的問題、行動、索賠和事項,且本協議考慮了消除所有此類問題、行動、索賠和事項。
4.    不接受入場。 本協議不得被任何被解除責任方解釋爲其已違反任何聯邦、州或地方法律、法規,或違反任何Delta政策。 《法典》、條例或規定,或違反任何Delta政策。
5.    年齡歧視索賠豁免。 我明白根據聯邦、州和地方法律可能存在許多有價值的權利,包括《1967年就業中的年齡歧視法》修訂案下的權利,29 U.S.C. § 621, 等。 seq. (“ADEA已通過簽署本協議放棄的。在此情況下,並不論ADEA的覆蓋範圍如何,我特此證明:
a. 本協議、計劃、初始股權獎勵協議、MIP和LTIPs的撰寫方式對我易於理解。
c. 本協議、計劃、初始股權獎勵協議、MIP和LTIP的付款和其他補償構成本協議中我所作陳述、放棄、解除、免除及其他協議的充分、公平、充分的對價。
e. 我明白本協議是對達美及其他被釋放方的一般豁免,放棄任何過去或現有的索賠或潛在索賠,無論是否已知,包括與我與達美的僱傭關係以及該關係的終止有關的任何索賠或潛在索賠。

h. 我明白,就ADEA規定的索賠而言,我在簽署後有七個日曆日的時間撤銷該協議,需要書面通知Delta。爲了撤銷該協議,我必須通過簽署的聲明通知Delta撤銷意向,送交至Delta Air Lines, Inc.,ATG Department 948,1030 Delta Blvd., Atlanta, Georgia 30354-6001的副總裁Kelley Elliott,人力資源服務及全面獎勵,或交至Delta書面指定的其他人員和地址,須在七天的最後一天或之前。我承認除非我已行使撤銷權利,否則該協議將在我簽署協議後的八個日曆日才生效。如果我撤銷該協議,它將立即無效,不再具有任何效力,我也不會收到該協議中提到的離職福利;否則,該協議將在我簽署後的第八個日曆日完全生效和可執行。
i. 我沒有以任何方式被迫執行這份協議。
6.    財產返還。我同意所有屬於Delta的財產,包括記錄、文件、備忘錄、報告、人員信息(包括公司記錄、福利檔案、培訓記錄、客戶名單、操作程序手冊、安全手冊、基本報表、價目表等),均涉及Delta業務,無論是以物理形式還是電子形式存在,我在僱傭期間接觸過的,應作爲本協議雙方之間的唯一財產保留給Delta。我在此保證已將所有Delta的原件和副本歸還給Delta,或將在離職日期之前歸還該材料。Delta的資料)應作爲本協議雙方之間的唯一財產保留給Delta。我在此保證已將所有Delta的原件和副本歸還給Delta,或將在離職日期之前歸還該材料。
7.    合作。 I 同意,我應在書面請求並在情況合理的情況下,配合並擔任達美(Delta)在任何未決或將來的訴訟或其他法律事務中要求的任何職務,有關我在達美工作期間對訴訟或事務相關的知識或信息。達美將就我在配合過程中發生的合理和必要的費用予以報銷。
8。保密 或專有信息
a. 我承認,在我爲達美航空工作期間,我以有形和無形形式(包括但不限於保留的心理印象)獲得並了解了有關達美及其業務、現有和潛在客戶、供應商、合作伙伴、投資者和相關第三方以及委託文件、材料的其他個人和實體的非公開、祕密、機密和專有文件、材料和其他信息,或保密地向達美提供信息(統稱”機密或專有信息”)。我特此同意,我將以信託身份持有達美的利益,不得直接或間接地代表我自己或代表他人使用或向任何個人、企業或實體披露任何機密或專有信息,無論此類機密或專有信息是否由我開發或編寫,以及我之前是否獲得訪問或使用此類機密或專有信息的授權。我理解並同意,我在達美工作期間開發或編制的機密或專有信息受本協議條款和條件的約束,就好像達美在第一時間向我提供相同的機密或專有信息一樣。我

c. 術語「保密或專有信息」不包括以下信息:(i) 已通過有權披露此信息的人的行爲公開向公衆提供的信息;(ii) 由他人獨立開發並披露的信息;以及 (iii) 通過合法手段進入公共領域的信息。本協議中的任何內容均不意味着,或應被解釋爲,限制任何適用法律保護保密或專有信息的規定。
9.    商業機密
我進一步承認 在我與Delta僱傭期間,我可以訪問並獲得機密或專有信息,符合喬治亞州法律和/或美國法律下「商業祕密」定義範圍,包括但不限於關於Delta目前和未來運營、財務運營、研發計劃和策略、營銷計劃和策略、聯盟協議和關係、員工的薪酬和激勵計劃,以及Delta及其員工、現有和潛在客戶、供應商、顧問、合作伙伴、投資者和其他相關第三方使用的業務方法以及其他信息,該信息從不被公衆所知,且非常難以通過正當手段輕易獲取經濟價值,而這些信息正是在合理情況下努力維護它的保密性(每一個爲“交易祕密”)。我在此同意,只要這樣的信息仍然符合喬治亞州法律和/或美國法律下交易祕密的定義,我將以受託人的身份爲Delta的利益保留,並不會直接或間接地利用,在我自己的
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b. 根據本條款,我被告知2016年《捍衛商業祕密法》(”DTSA”) 規定,任何聯邦或州商業祕密法規定,對於 (i) 直接或間接向聯邦、州或地方政府官員祕密披露的 DTSA 定義的商業祕密的任何機密披露,或者僅爲舉報或調查涉嫌違法行爲而披露給律師;或 (ii) 在訴訟或其他訴訟中提起的投訴或其他文件中披露給律師,均免於承擔任何聯邦或州商業祕密法律規定的責任,如果此類文件是密封提交的。
10.    協議的保密性。 根據以上第3.d節的規定,我同意本協議的性質、條款、條件和內容嚴格保密,我和我所有的律師和家庭成員均應對其保密,未經Delta事先書面同意,不得在任何時候向任何其他個人或實體透露,僅可披露解決金額,僅可: (a)在準備和提交適當的納稅申報或處理聯邦或州稅務機關時必要; (b)進行個人或業務財務規劃時。此外,無論本協議的任何條款均可在任何提起以強制執行本協議條款的訴訟或其他法律程序期間或根據有效傳票或法庭令的要求而披露。我同意,在收到要求披露本協議的內容、條款、條件或內容的傳票或其他法院或行政機構命令時,我將在五天內書面通知Delta,並給予Delta反對披露此信息的機會後再回復任何此類要求。
11.    非競爭協議
i. 三角洲競爭全球空運市場,包括客運和服務、空運貨運服務、第三方飛機維修及保養、度假批發、煉油業務,三角洲的業務範圍既有國內也有國際。
ii. 以下所列或描述的航空公司及附表1中列出的相關企業是達美航空的特定競爭對手,我在所列或描述的任何實體就業或諮詢將對達美航空造成的損害大於我可能與其他公司就業或諮詢的損害;
iii.    在我作爲達美航空公司執行副總裁兼首席運營官的任職期間,我密切參與了達美航空公司業務的重要元件的規劃或指導,並且通過這些活動在達美航空公司發展或補充了我的專業知識和技能,將這些技能的使用或披露給達美航空公司的競爭對手將對達美航空公司的合法業務利益造成損害;
iv. 本第11節規定的限制不會妨礙我謀生,因爲我擁有的技能類型需求廣泛,全球和國內的客運和貨運航空公司以及不在第11.b或附件1中包含的相關業務衆多。
b.    During the one-year period following the Separation Date, I will not on my own behalf or on behalf of any person, firm, partnership, association, corporation or business organization, entity or
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enterprise, whether as an employee, consultant, partner or in any other capacity provide services that are the same or similar to the services of the type conducted, authorized, offered or provided by either me or any other executive, key, or professional employee of Delta or any of its subsidiaries/divisions within two years prior to my termination of employment, to:         
i.    any of the following entities (including any successors thereto), any airline alliances (including Star Alliance and Oneworld) or airline industry associations (including Airlines for America and International Air Transport Association) in which such entity participates, and any partially or wholly owned subsidiary or joint venture of such entity that operates an airline or a business operated by Delta as of the Grant Date: Alaska Air Group, Inc., Amazon Air, American Airlines Group, Inc., Frontier Group Holdings, Inc., Jet Blue Airways Corporation, Southwest Airlines Co., Spirit Airlines, Inc., United Airlines Holdings, Inc., Avianca S.A., Emirates Group, Etihad Airways P.J.S.C., International Consolidated Airlines Group, S.A. or Qatar Airways Company Q.C.S.C.;
ii.    any passenger or cargo air carrier that is more than 25% owned by Emirates Group, Etihad Airways P.J.S.C. or Qatar Airways Company Q.C.S.C.;
iii.    if not included in clause i. or ii. above, any foreign air carrier that operates passenger or cargo service into the United States or its territories more than 35 flights per week for more than six months in any rolling 12-month period; provided, however, this clause iii. shall not apply to employment with LATAM Airlines Group S.A. or Delta profit sharing joint venture partners Aerovías de Mexico, S.A. de C.V. (Aeromexico), Air France KLM Group, Korean Air Lines Co., LTD or Virgin Atlantic Airways Limited; or
iv.    any of the entities listed on Exhibit 1 hereto, provided that I (1) was employed by a Delta subsidiary or I had a significant role with and spent more than 75% of my time providing services to a Delta subsidiary or (2) was employed in Delta’s TechOps or Delta Connection division.    
These restrictions will apply to the territory over which I had responsibility on the Separation Date, which territory I acknowledge to be co-extensive with the cities encompassed by Delta’s worldwide route structure, as it exists as of the Separation Date.
c.    Nothing in this Section 11 will restrict my employment in any position, function, or role with any airline or entity not defined in Section 11.b or Exhibit 1 hereto. Further, notwithstanding anything in this Section 11.b to the contrary, these restrictions shall not apply to employment with Airco Aviation Services, LLC (“Airco”), or its directly or indirectly wholly owned subsidiaries, including Unifi Aviation, LLC, for any period during which Delta owns at least 40% of Airco.
12.    Employee Non-Solicitation Agreement. During the one-year period following the Separation Date, I will not directly or indirectly (on my own behalf or on behalf of any other person, company, partnership, corporation or other entity), employ or solicit for employment any individual who is a management or professional employee of Delta, for employment with any entity or person other than Delta, or encourage or induce any such person to terminate their employment with Delta. The restrictions set forth in this Section 12 shall be limited to those Company management or professional employees who: (i) were employed by Delta during my employment in a management or professional job with Delta and (ii) with whom I had material professional contact during my employment with Delta.
13.    Non-Solicitation of Customers Agreement. During the one-year period following the Separation Date, I will not directly or indirectly (on my own behalf or on behalf of any other person, company,
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partnership, corporation or other entity) induce or attempt to induce any customer or prospective customer, supplier, licensee or other business relation of Delta to cease doing business with Delta or in any way interfere with the relationship between Delta and any customer, supplier, licensee or other business relation of Delta.
14.    No Statements. Subject to the provisions of Section 3.d., I agree that I will not:
a.    make any oral or written statement or take any other action, which disparages or criticizes Delta or any of its present or former subsidiaries or affiliates or any of their present or former officers, directors, or employees (the “Delta Parties”), including, but not limited to any such statement that damages the Delta Parties’ good reputation or impairs their normal operations or activities; or
b.    initiate or solicit claims against the Delta Parties or otherwise directly or indirectly encourage or support any claim that has been or in the future is asserted by a third party against the Delta Parties arising out of, related to, or in connection with any matter arising on or before the date of this Agreement.
15.    Former Employee Vendor Policy. I hereby agree that, during the one-year period following the Separation Date, I will be subject to and shall comply with the Company’s Restriction on Former Employees’ Work with Vendors policy, as in effect on the Separation Date.
16.    Arbitration. I hereby agree that except as expressly set forth below, all disputes and any claims arising out of or under or relating to this Agreement, including without limitation, any dispute or controversy as to the validity, interpretation, construction, application, performance, breach or enforcement of this Agreement or any of its terms, shall be submitted for, and settled by, mandatory, final and binding arbitration in accordance with the Commercial Arbitration Rules then prevailing of the American Arbitration Association. Unless an alternative locale is otherwise agreed to in writing by the parties to this Agreement, the arbitration shall be conducted in the Atlanta, Georgia. The arbitrator will apply Georgia law to the merits of any dispute or claim, without reference to rules of conflicts of law. Any award rendered by the arbitrator shall provide the full remedies available to the parties under the applicable law and shall be final and binding on each of the parties hereto and their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns and judgment may be entered thereon in any court having jurisdiction. I hereby consent to the personal jurisdiction of the state and federal courts located in the State of Georgia with venue in the City of Atlanta for any action or proceeding arising from or relating to any arbitration under this Agreement. The prevailing party in any such arbitration shall be entitled to an award by the arbitrator of all reasonable attorneys’ fees and expenses incurred in connection with the arbitration. However, Delta will pay all fees associated with the American Arbitration Association and the arbitrator. All parties must initial here for this Section 16 to be effective:
/s/ MS Michael Spanos
/s/ KE Delta Air Lines, Inc., Kelley Elliott, Vice President – HR Services & Total Rewards
17.    Injunctive Relief in Aid of Arbitration; Forum Selection. I hereby acknowledge and agree that the provisions contained in Sections 8 through 15 of this Agreement are reasonably necessary to protect the legitimate business interests of Delta, and that any breach of any of these provisions will result in immediate and irreparable injury to Delta for which monetary damages will not be an adequate remedy. I further acknowledge that if any such provision is breached or threatened to be breached, Delta will be entitled to seek a temporary restraining order, preliminary injunction, or other equitable relief in aid of arbitration in any court of competent jurisdiction, without the necessity of posting a bond, restraining me from continuing to commit any violation of the covenants, and I hereby irrevocably consent to the
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jurisdiction of the state and federal courts of the State of Georgia, with venue in the City of Atlanta, which shall have jurisdiction to hear and determine any claim for a temporary restraining order, preliminary injunction, or other equitable relief brought against me by Delta in aid of arbitration.
18.    Consequences of Breach. Furthermore, I acknowledge that, in partial consideration for the payments and benefits described in the Plan, the Initial Equity Award Agreement, the MIP, the LTIPs and this Agreement, Delta is requiring that I agree to and comply with the terms of Sections 8 through 15 and I hereby agree that without limiting any of the foregoing, should I violate any of the terms of Sections 8 through 15, I: (a) will not be entitled to and shall not receive any benefits under the Plan, the Initial Equity Award Agreement, the 2024 MIP, the LTIPs and this Agreement and (b) shall repay to Delta all cash compensation I have received under the Plan, the 2024 MIP and the LTIPs.
19.    Tolling. I further agree that in the event the enforceability of any of the restrictions as set forth in Sections 11 through 13 of this Agreement are challenged and I am not preliminarily or otherwise enjoined from breaching such restriction(s) pending a final determination of the issues, then, if an arbitrator, or upon review of any arbitrator’s decision, a court, concludes that the challenged restriction(s) is enforceable, the time period set forth in such Section(s) shall be deemed tolled upon the filing of the arbitration or action seeking injunctive or other equitable relief in aid of arbitration, whichever is first in time, until the dispute is finally resolved and all periods of appeal have expired.
20.    Governing Law. Unless governed by federal law, this Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Georgia, without regard to principles of conflicts of laws of that State. This shall not prevent Delta from pursuing claims and receiving relief under both Georgia and federal law.
22.    Validity; Severability. In the event that one or more of the provisions contained in this Agreement shall, for any reason, be held invalid, illegal, or unenforceable in any respect, such holding shall not affect any other provisions in this Agreement, but this Agreement shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal, or unenforceable provisions had never been contained herein. The invalidity, illegality, or unenforceability of any provision or provisions of this Agreement will not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision of this Agreement, which will remain in full force and effect.
23.    Successors. This Agreement shall be binding upon, and inure to the benefit of me, Delta, and each of our heirs, administrators, representatives, executors and assigns. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of Delta and its successors, and past, current and future fiduciaries, directors, shareholders, administrators, subsidiaries, agents, employees, and assigns.
24.    Headings and Captions. The headings and captions used in this Agreement are for convenience of reference only, and shall in no way define, limit, expand or otherwise affect the meaning or construction of any provision of this Agreement.
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25.    Entire Agreement. This Agreement (along with the respective terms of any retirement and equity-based benefit plans in which I participated during my employment with Delta) sets forth the entire Agreement between Delta and me and supersedes any other written or oral agreement concerning the subject matter hereof. No representations, statements, or inducements have been made to me concerning this Agreement other than the representations and statements contained and memorialized in this Agreement.
26.    Section 409A. This Agreement is intended to comply with Section 409A of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (“Section 409A”) or an exemption thereunder and shall be construed and administered in accordance with Section 409A. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, payments provided under this Agreement may only be made upon an event and in a manner that complies with Section 409A or an applicable exemption. Any payments under this Agreement that may be excluded from Section 409A as a short-term deferral shall be excluded from Section 409A to the maximum extent possible.
27.    Offset. To the extent permitted by law, the Company may set off against and I authorize the Company to deduct from any payments due me or to my estate, heirs, legal representatives or successors, any amounts that may be due and owing to the Company by me, whether arising under the Plan, this Agreement or otherwise; provided, however, that an election by the Company not to reduce any such payment or payments shall not constitute a waiver of its claim for such amounts due or owed to the Company.
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IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Delta has executed this Agreement on the 23rd day of August, 2024, and Michael Spanos has executed this Agreement on the date indicated below.

/s/ Michael Spanos
Michael Spanos
Date: August 22, 2024

/s/ Kelley Elliott
Kelley Elliott
Vice President – HR Services & Total Rewards
Delta Air Lines, Inc.

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Exhibit 1
Subsidiary and Company Division Competitors
1.    If I was employed by, or had a significant role with and spent more than 75% of my time providing services to Delta Vacations, LLC, the following entities, (including the successors thereto) and any corporate parent or any partially or wholly owned subsidiary of such entities shall be included as competitors under Section 11.b.iv of this Agreement: ALG Vacations; Classic Vacations, LLC; Costco Travel; FC USA, Inc.; Sun Country Vacations; and Travel Impressions.
2.    If I was employed by, or had a significant role with and spent more than 75% of my time providing services to Monroe Energy, LLC, the following entities, (including the successors thereto) and any corporate parent or any partially or wholly owned subsidiary of such entities shall be included as competitors under Section 11.b.iv of this Agreement: Energy Transfer LP; PBF Energy Inc.; Phillips 66 Company; and Sunoco LP.
3.    If I was employed by, or had a significant role with and spent more than 75% of my time providing services to Endeavor Air, Inc., the following entities, (including the successors thereto) and any corporate parent or any partially or wholly owned subsidiary of such entities shall be included as competitors under Section 11.b.iv of this Agreement: Air Wisconsin Airlines Corporation; CommuteAir LLC; Envoy Air, Inc.; Horizon Air Industries, Inc.; Jazz Aviation , LP; Mesa Air Group, Inc.; Piedmont Airlines, Inc.; PSA Airlines, Inc.; Republic Airways Holdings Inc.; Skywest, Inc.; and Trans States Holdings, Inc.
4.    If I was employed by the Company in its TechOps division, the following entities (including the successors thereto) and any corporate parent or any partially or wholly owned subsidiary of such entities shall be included as competitors under Section 11.b.iv of this Agreement: AAR Corp.; GE Aviation Service Operation LLP, GE Aviation Systems Group Limited, GE Aviation Systems North America, Inc. GE Aviation UK; Honeywell International , Inc.; Hong Kong Aircraft Engineering Company LTD (HAECO) (Americas and international); Lufthansa Technik AG; the MTU Maintenance businesses of MTU Aero Engines (domestic and international); Pratt & Whitney; Singapore Technologies Aerospace Ltd.; and Raytheon Technologies Corporation.
5.    If I was employed by the Company in its Delta Connection division, the following entities (including the successors thereto) and any corporate parent or any partially or wholly owned subsidiary of such entities shall be included as competitors under Section 11.b.iv of this Agreement: Air Wisconsin Airlines Corporation; CommuteAir LLC; Envoy Air, Inc.; Horizon Air Industries, Inc.; Jazz Aviation, LP; Mesa Air Group, Inc.; Piedmont Airlines, Inc.; PSA Airlines, Inc.; Republic Airways Holdings Inc.; Skywest, Inc.; and Trans States Holdings, Inc.
6.    If I was employed by, or had a significant role with and spent more than 75% of my time providing services to Delta Material Services, LLC, the following entities, (including the successors thereto) and any corporate parent or any partially or wholly owned subsidiary of such entities shall be included as competitors under Section 11.b.iv of this Agreement: AAR Corp; AerSale, Inc.; AJ Walter Aviation Limited; GA Telesis, LLC; Unical Aviation , Inc.; and VAS Aero Services, LLC.
7.    If I was employed by, or had a significant role with and spent more than 75% of my time providing services to Delta Flight Products, LLC, the following entities, (including the successors thereto) and any corporate parent or any partially or wholly owned subsidiary of such entities shall be included as competitors under Section 11.b.iv of this Agreement: Airbus SE; Collins Aerospace; EnCore Aerospace LLC; Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation (excluding corporate parent); Hong Kong Aircraft Engineering Company Limited (HAECO); JAMCO Corporation; Panasonic Avionics Corporation
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(excluding corporate parent); Safron Group; ST Engineering Group; Thales Group; and The Boeing Company.
8.    If I was employed by, or had a significant role with and spent more than 75% of my time providing services to Delta Professional Services, LLC, the following entities, (including the successors thereto) and any corporate parent or any partially or wholly owned subsidiary of such entities shall be included as competitors under Section 11.b.iv of this Agreement: CAE Inc., CCL Aviation and FlightSafety International Inc. (excluding corporate parent).
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