此非赎回协议和经济权益转让(以下简称“协议”)由BurTech Acquisition corp.(下称“公司”)、BurTech LP LLC(下称“赞助商”)和签署的投资者(统称为“投资者”).
而,该公司已计划 2023 年 3 月 10 日的股东特别会议(此类预定会议,包括任何正式批准的续会) ”会议”)的目的是寻求股东批准该修正案等 公司的第二份经修订和重述的公司注册证书(”宪章”) 将日期延长至 公司必须完成初步的业务合并(”初始业务合并”) 九个人 再过几个月,直到 2023 年 12 月 15 日(此类拟议的《宪章》修正案,将在会议上进行审议和表决) 会议,”延期修正案”);
鉴于根据公司章程规定,公司股东可以赎回其每股面值为0.0001美元的A类普通股,最初作为公司首次公开发行中单位的一部分出售(无论是在我们的首次公开发行中购买的还是后来在开放市场上购买的)(“公开股份”以及创始人股份一起,同“普通股”在延期修正案中,根据章程规定的条款进行操作要行使您的赎回权,您必须确保您的银行或经纪人遵守此处识别的要求,包括向转让代理提交书面请求,要求转让您的股份以获得现金,并在2023年[•],美国东部时间5:00 p.m.(特别会议安排的投票日前两个工作日)之前将您的股份交付给转让代理。只有在您持有股份并在选举日之前持续持有股份的情况下,您才有资格在股份赎回时获得现金。”);
1. 转让条款.
1.1 (a) 根据本协议的条款和条件,赞助商同意,如果(a)在会议当天纽约时间下午5点,投资者持有投资者股份(如下所定义),(b)投资者在会议中未行使与该投资者股份相关的赎回权,以及(c)会议批准并生效延期修正案,并由公司向特拉华州州务卿提交修宪,那么赞助商在下述条件符合后同意(i)将附表A中列明的指定证券在下面1.2节所述条件满足时,转让给投资者,不另行给予对应的证券;以及(ii)将附表A中列明的指定证券的经济权益(如下所定义)转让给投资者。
交付投资者 股份“股份”应指(i)[ ]公开发行股份中的较小者;以及(ii)代表将在持续有效地行使本次会议红股权后公开发行股份总数9.9% 的股份,包括那些与其他公司股东签订类似于本协议的不可赎回协议且日期环绕会议日期左右签订的公开发行股份;但是,如果投资者股份数量少于497,113,則指定证券数量将相应减少。
(c) 赞助商同意最迟于纽约时间上午9:00于会议日期的第一个工作日之前,向投资者提供信息,说明(i)根据换股权力行使而选定要赎回的公开股票数量,(ii)在公司实施此类赎回后剩余的公开股票数量,以及(iii)为本协议的投资者股份目的而构成的确定公开股票数量的计算结果,在会议日期后开仓前
1.2 赞助商和投资者特此同意,被转让证券的转让须符合以下条件: (i) 初次业务组合完成;以及 (ii) 投资者(或其允许的受让人之一(如《信函协议》所述))与公司、赞助商、公司的官员和董事以及签署了相关部分的公司其他股东执行一份《信函协议》的加入协议,日期为2021年12月10日现在,该文件存在截至日期,《信函协议》最上述,第1.8节中描述。被许可的受让人”))执行一份加入协议,日期为2021年12月10日,由公司、赞助商、公司的官员和董事以及公司其他签署方成为签署人,如本条款第1.8节所述。信函协议”),由公司、赞助商、公司的官员和董事以及公司其他签署方成为签署人,如本条款第1.8节所述。
1.3. 调整股份数量。如果任何时候,创始人股份的总数因公司普通股进行合并、组合、细分或重新分类或其他类似事件(除了根据公司章程将创始人股转换为A类普通股的情况)而增加或减少,则自上述合并、组合、细分、重新分类或类似事件的生效日期起,本协议中提及的所有股票数量按照普通股的增减比例进行调整。
1.4. 兼并 或者重组等如果发生任何涉及公司的重组、再资本化、重新分类、合并或合并的情况,其中其普通股转换成或兑换为证券、现金或其他财产,那么,在任何此类重组、再资本化、重新分类、合并或合并之后,赞助商应将与公司普通股相对应的各创始人股份在其收到后,在此转让的每份分配证券转换或兑换为的证券种类和金额、现金或其他财产。
1.5. 没收、转让等投资者不需要放弃或转让已指定证券或在此项下与指定证券相关的任何权利。 投资者承认,根据赞助方的修正和重订有限责任公司协议(就目前日期而言,称为“赞助方有限责任公司协议”),在初始业务组合之前或在进行初次业务组合时,赞助方的管理成员(“经理人”)有权促使赞助方使创始人股份受到应得的、没收、转让或其他限制,或修改发行创始人股份的条件或在确立相同股份的文件中规定的任何限制或其他条款(包括赞成任何此类修正),或与创始人股份有关的任何其他安排,并且经理人被授权实施这些应得的、没收、转让、限制、修正或安排,包括与应得的、没收、转让、限制、修正或安排有关的针对减少或提前解除限制的安排,根据他们自行和绝对裁量决定的原因和金额。 赞助方承认并同意,任何此类应得的、没收、转让、限制、修正或安排仅适用于除了指定证券以外的创始人股份,指定证券和经济权益的条款和条件不会因任何此类应得的、没收、转让、限制、修正或安排而发生变化。
1.6. 股份交付;其他文件转让指定证券时,赞助商应通过公司的过户代理通过电子记账股票的转让向投资者交付指定证券。本协议各方同意签署、确认和交付进一步的文件,并进行所有必要或适当的其他行为,以执行本协议的目的和意图。
1.7. 注册权的分配 与本协议项下将指定证券转让给投资者同时,赞助方在此将其在指定证券方面与投资者有关的所有权利、职责和义务转让给投资者,根据某份于2021年12月10日签署的《备案权协议》(按照协议签署日的情况,简称“注册权协议”),由公司、赞助方以及签署该协议的公司其他股东所签署,特此向投资者声明并确认,一旦投资者收到指定证券,(i)投资者将成为《备案权协议》下的“持有人”,(ii)指定证券将成为该《备案权协议》下的“备案证券”。赞助方应根据《备案权协议》向公司提交此类转让的书面通知。投资者应向公司提供一份书面协议,根据《备案权协议》同意遵守《备案权协议》的条款和约定,作为该《备案权协议》下的“持有人”,就指定证券(在收购后)作为“备案证券”受其约束。
1.8. 加入信函协议在将划拨的证券转让给投资者的过程中,投资者应当执行一份加入信函协议,其实质形式如附件b所示(“加入协议”),根据该协议,投资者应当同意与公司仅仅受限于信函协议第7条,仅涉及划拨证券,并且按照《注册权协议》中的条款和规定作为该协议下的“持有人”(在收购后)</s>,“注册证券”。</s>。
1.9. 终止本协议及签署人的各项义务应在以下情况之一提前终止:(a) 公司股东未批准延期修正案的会议、或公司决定不继续执行延期修正案;(b) 各方的所有义务履行完毕;(c) 公司清算或解散;(d) 各方之间的书面协议;(e) 如果投资者在会议中行使其赎回权,并且该行使在会议开展前未被撤销。尽管本协议中的任何规定相反,赞助商转让指定证券给投资者的义务应以以下条件为前提:(i) 满足第1.2节中规定的条件;(ii) 投资者未在会议中行使其对应于这些投资者股份数目的赎回权。
2. 经济利益转让。
2.1. 在满足1.1节中规定的条件后,保荐方特此将其在《附件A》中列明的转让证券数量的经济权利、所有权和利益转让给投资者,受1.3节规定的调整。这份经济利益代表着保荐方根据保荐方有限责任公司协议获得的分红派息和其他分配权利,分配给《附件A》中列明的转让证券数量,由保荐方直接持有创始股票。经济权益」,受1.3节规定的调整。经济权益代表赞助方有权接收由赞助方有限责任公司协议按照《附件A》中列明的转让证券数量分配的分红派息和其他分配。这些转让证券由赞助方直接持有的创始股份所代表。
2.3. 投资者确认并同意,如果根据其经济权益有权收取任何以普通股或其他非现金财产支付的分红派息或其他分配,而该股份受到第7条信函协议规定的转让限制和/或封锁期限的约束,赞助商应当在根据第1条向该投资者转让指定证券的同时,转让其在该等分红或分配中的所有权利、所有权和利益。
2.4. 如果在首次业务组合完成之时,关于第1节中指定证券的转让条件未能满足任何指定证券的经济利益,则投资者应在该时自动将其在该指定证券中的经济利益无偿转让回赞助商。
3. 投资者的陈述和保证。投资者代表并保证,并同意赞助者:
3.1. 政府无推荐或批准投资者知道,没有联邦或州政府机构对转让证券的发行做出过任何评审或推荐。
3.2. 合格投资者投资者属于“认定投资者”,如《1933年证券法》修订的501(a)规定下定义的那样,并且承认此处考虑的出售是在依赖于《证券法》下对“认定投资者”提供的定向增发豁免以及州法下类似豁免的情况下进行的。
3.3. 目的投资者仅出于投资目的获取指定证券,为其自己的账户(和/或允许的成员或关联公司账户或利益),而非违反证券法分发指定证券,并且投资者目前没有安排出售指定证券以及通过任何个人或实体进行,除非根据本协议或信件协议和/或注册权协议的规定。
3.4. 转让限制、信托账户和赎回权利。
投资者理解并同意,指定的证券不享有,并放弃对公司首次公开发行(“IPO”)所募集款项存入的信托账户中的任何款项的任何权利、利益或要求。 信托账户或者因为信托账户清算而分配的任何款项。
投资者放弃在延期修正案中选择让公司赎回任何投资者股份的权利,同意不在延期修正案中赎回或以其他方式行使任何赎回投资者股份的权利,并同意撤销并撤销先前作出的任何关于在延期修正案中赎回投资者股份的选举。毋庸置疑,本协议的任何内容均不旨在限制或禁止投资者酌情行使的权利,即(i) 赎回任何公开发行股份(不包括与延期修正案相关的投资者股份)或(ii) 出售或以其他方式处置任何公开发行股份(但不包括股东大会前的投资者股份)。
3.5. 投票投资者同意,将导致其受控联营公司投票(或导致被投票)或签署并交付一份书面同意书(或导致签署并交付一份书面同意书)所有所拥有的普通股,在适用记录日期时,由任何一方在股东大会上支持延期修正案,并导致所有这些股份被视为出席股东大会以建立法定人数。
3.6. 资深投资者投资者在金融事务方面有经验,并且能够评估在指定证券投资中的风险和收益。
3.7. 损失风险投资者知道,对已指定证券的投资具有高度投机性,并面临重大风险。投资者高知特并理解与收购已指定证券相关的风险,包括本协议、赞助方有限责任公司协议和有关可转让性的转让信函中描述或规定的限制。投资者有能力承担对已指定证券的投资的经济风险,并能够在无限期内承受对此类投资的全部损失。
3.8. 独立调查。投资者已经独立调查了公司,并且没有依赖任何第三方提供的信息或陈述,也没有依赖赞助方或赞助方的代表或代理人口头或书面的明示或默示陈述或保证,除非在本协议中另有规定。投资者熟悉公司的业务、运营和财务状况,并且已经有机会向公司管理层提出问题并得到答复,询问有关赋予证券的拟议出售以及有关公司和约定条款的情况,并已经获得所请求的有关公司的其他信息的全部权限。投资者确认已提供其请求的所有文件,并已向其提供了有关此投资的所有其他信息,且其已请求了这些信息。
3.9. 组织和授权如果一个实体投资者是依法组织并存在于其设立的法域下,并且具有获取指定证券、签订本协议并履行投资者在此项下须履行的一切义务的全部必要权力和权威。
3.10. 非美国投资者如果投资者不是根据1986年修订的美国国内税收法案第7701(a)(30)节及其以下颁布的法规(统称“法典”)所定义的美国人,投资者特此声明,它已经确信其在与任何邀请订阅指定证券或使用本协议有关的情况下,已经满足了其司法管辖区的法律的全部遵守,包括(i)其司法管辖区对指定证券的收购的法律要求,(ii)适用于该收购的任何汇率限制,(iii)可能需要获得的任何政府或其他同意,以及(iv)对该收购、持有、赎回、出售或转让指定证券的与收购相关的收入税及其他税后果,如果有的话。投资者的认购、付款以及持续持有指定证券的受益所有权不会违反投资者司法管辖区的任何适用证券或其他法律。
3.11. 授权本协议已由投资者合法授权、执行和交付,并且(假设经赞助商和公司的合法授权、执行和交付)是投资者的有效和约束性协议,根据其条款对投资者具有强制执行力,除非适用破产、清算、欺诈性转让、停止支付、重组或类似法律有限制或一般影响债权人权利和救济的执行的,或由普遍适用的公平原则以及赔偿和贡献权利的执行可能受到联邦和州证券法律或公共政策原则的限制。
3.12. 没有冲突。根据本协议的执行、交付和履行以及投资者完成此处交易,不违反、不冲突或不构成违约:(i) 投资者的组织文件,(ii) 投资者是一方的任何协议或文书,或(iii) 适用于投资者的任何法律、法规、规章,或对投资者适用的任何命令、判决或法令,在第(ii)和第(iii)项中,若可能预计可能会阻止投资者履行本协议项下义务。
3.13. 赞助方未提供任何建议投资者已有机会通过其自己的法律顾问和投资税务顾问审查本协议及本协议约定的交易以及与投资者的函件协议。除本协议明确由赞助方作出的任何声明或陈述外,投资者仅仅依赖于这些顾问,并不仰赖赞助方或其任何代表或经纪作出的任何明示或默示的声明或陈述,无论出于何种原因,包括但不限于法律、税务或投资建议,涉及本投资、赞助方、公司、指定证券、本协议约定的交易或任何司法管辖区的证券法。
3.14. 依赖陈述与担保投资者理解已指定证券是根据《证券法》的登记要求豁免条款以及各州法律法规的类似规定向投资者提供和出售的,赞助商依赖投资者在本协议中所载陈述、担保、协议、确认和理解的真实性和准确性,以确定该等规定的适用性。
3.15. 没有一般宣传。在第4.5节,假设赞助商在保证准确性的情况下,投资者购买的指定证券不是因为或随后于根据《证券法》Regulation D下的一般招揽或广告,包括但不限于在任何报纸、杂志或类似媒体上发表的广告、文章、通知或其他沟通,或通过电视或无线电广播或任何研讨会或会议,其与一般招揽或广告有关的参会人员。
3.16. 经纪人未向投资者支付任何中介费或佣金,也没有人可以在与被转让证券的收购有关的交易中获得或有权获得报酬或佣金,投资者也无权获得或接受任何此类费用或佣金。
4. 赞助商的陈述和担保。赞助商向投资者声明并保证,并同意:
4.1. 权力和权威赞助商是一家有限责任公司,根据德拉华州法律成立并合法存在,并且作为有限责任公司具有一切必要的有限责任公司权力和权限,可以签订本协议,并履行赞助商在本协议下需要履行的所有义务,包括转让、出售和转让指定证券。
4.2. 授权所有板块赞助商及其官员、董事和成员必要的公司行动已经被采取,用以授权、签署和交付本协议以及履行赞助商根据本协议规定的所有义务。本协议已经由赞助商正式签署和交付(假设投资者已经经过合法授权、签署和交付),构成赞助商的合法、有效和具有约束力的义务,根据其条款可对赞助商进行强制执行,除非适用于破产、清偿不足、欺诈转让、暂停清偿、重组或类似法律,涉及或一般影响债权人权利和救济强制执行的法律,或根据一般应用的公平原则,以及对赔偿和分摊权利的执行可能会受到联邦和州证券法或公共政策原则的限制。
4.3. 所有板块的证券赞助商是指派证券的记录和实际所有者,并拥有良好和有市场销售价值的指派证券的所有权,且在将指派证券转让给投资者之前,将作为指派证券的记录和实际所有者,所有权将不受任何形式的留置权、抵押、担保权益、索赔、担保、协议、期权、表决信托、代理投票和其他任何形式的安排或限制(除了适用于创始人股份普遍及适用证券法的转让限制和其他条款)。买方根据本文提供的,将作为指派证券转让给投资者的指派证券,在转让时将不受任何形式的留置权、抵押、担保权益、索赔、担保、协议、期权、表决信托、代理投票和其他任何形式的安排或限制的限制(除了适用于创始人股份普遍情况、信函协议和适用的证券法)。指派证券经过妥善授权,已完全支付,并且是无需再次征税的。
4.4. No Conflicts. The execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement and the consummation by the Sponsor of the transactions contemplated hereby do not violate, conflict with or constitute a default under (i) the certificate of formation or the Sponsor LLC Agreement, (ii) any agreement or instrument to which the Sponsor is a party or by which it is bound (including the Letter Agreement and the Sponsor LLC Agreement) or (iii) any law, statute, rule or regulation to which the Sponsor is subject or any order, judgment or decree to which the Sponsor is subject. The Sponsor is not required under federal, state or local law, rule or regulation to obtain any consent, authorization or order of, or make any filing or registration with, any court or governmental agency or self-regulatory entity in order for it to perform any of its obligations under this Agreement or transfer the Assigned Securities in accordance with the terms hereof.
4.5. No General Solicitation. The Sponsor has not offered the Assigned Securities by means of any general solicitation or general advertising within the meaning of Regulation D of the Securities Act, including but not limited to any advertisement, article, notice or other communication published in any newspaper, magazine, or similar media or broadcast over television or radio or any seminar or meeting whose attendees have been invited by any general solicitation or general advertising.
4.6. Brokers. No broker, finder or intermediary has been paid or is entitled to a fee or commission from or by the Sponsor in connection with the sale of the Assigned Securities nor is the Sponsor entitled to or will accept any such fee or commission.
4.7. Transfer Restrictions. Until termination of this Agreement, the Sponsor shall not transfer any of the Assigned Securities or any economic benefit of the Assigned Securities other than any transfer pursuant to the Sponsor LLC Agreement in connection with an Initial Business Combination.
4.8. Reliance on Representations and Warranties. The Sponsor understands and acknowledges that Investor is relying upon the truth and accuracy of the representations, warranties, agreements, acknowledgments and understandings of the Sponsor set forth in this Agreement.
5. Trust Account.
5.1 Until the earlier of (a) the consummation of the Company’s Initial Business Combination; (b) the liquidation of the Trust Account; and (c) 24 months from consummation of the Company’s initial public offering or such later time as the stockholders of the Company may approve in accordance with the Charter, the Company will maintain the investment of funds held in the Trust Account in interest-bearing United States government securities within the meaning of Section 2(a)(16) of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, having a maturity of 185 days or less, or in money market funds meeting the conditions of paragraphs (d)(1), (d)(2), (d)(3) and (d)(4) of Rule 2a-7 promulgated under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, which invest only in direct U.S. government treasury obligations, or maintain such funds in cash in an interest-bearing demand deposit account at a bank. The Company further confirms that, in order to mitigate the current uncertainty surrounding the implementation of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, funds held in the Trust Account, including any interest thereon, will not be used to pay for any excise tax liabilities with respect to any future redemptions prior to or in connection with the Extension Amendment, an Initial Business Combination or liquidation of the Company.
5.2 Trust Account Waiver. Investor acknowledges that the Company established the Trust Account containing the proceeds of the Company’s IPO (including interest accrued from time to time thereon) for the benefit of its public shareholders and certain other parties (including the underwriters of the IPO). For good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the Investor hereby agrees (on its own behalf and on behalf of its related parties) that it does not now and shall not at any time hereafter have any right, title, interest or claim of any kind in or to any assets held in the Trust Account, and it shall not make any claim against the Trust Account, arising as a result of, in connection with or relating in any way to this Agreement (any and all such claims are collectively referred to hereafter as the “Released Claims”); provided, that, for the sake of clarity, the Released Claims shall not include any rights or claims of the Shareholder or any of its related parties as a shareholder of the Company to the extent related to or arising from any shares of the Company.
6. Governing Law; Jurisdiction; Waiver of Jury Trial. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of New York, without giving effect to its principles or rules of conflict of laws to the extent such principles or rules would require or permit the application of the laws of another jurisdiction. The parties hereto hereby waive any right to a jury trial in connection with any litigation pursuant to this Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby. With respect to any suit, action or proceeding relating to the transactions contemplated hereby, the undersigned irrevocably submit to the jurisdiction of the United States District Court or, if such court does not have jurisdiction, the New York state courts located in the Borough of Manhattan, State of New York, which submission shall be exclusive.
7. Assignment; Entire Agreement; Amendment.
7.1. Assignment. Any assignment of this Agreement or any right, remedy, obligation or liability arising hereunder by either the Sponsor or Investor shall require the prior written consent of the other party; provided, that no such consent shall be required for any such assignment to one or more affiliates of the assigning party.
7.2. Entire Agreement. This Agreement sets forth the entire agreement and understanding between the parties as to the subject matter thereof and merges and supersedes all prior discussions, agreements and understandings of any and every nature among them.
7.3. Amendment. Except as expressly provided in this Agreement, neither this Agreement nor any term hereof may be amended, waived, discharged or terminated other than by a written instrument signed by the party against whom enforcement of any such amendment, waiver, discharge or termination is sought.
7.4. Binding upon Successors. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and to their respective heirs, legal representatives, successors and permitted assigns.
8. Notices. Unless otherwise provided herein, any notice or other communication to a party hereunder shall be sufficiently given if in writing and personally delivered or sent by facsimile or other electronic transmission with copy sent in another manner herein provided or sent by courier (which for all purposes of this Agreement shall include Federal Express or another recognized overnight courier) or mailed to said party by certified mail, return receipt requested, at its address provided for herein or such other address as either may designate for itself in such notice to the other. Communications shall be deemed to have been received when delivered personally, on the scheduled arrival date when sent by next day or 2nd-day courier service, or if sent by facsimile upon receipt of confirmation of transmittal or, if sent by mail, then three days after deposit in the mail. If given by electronic transmission, such notice shall be deemed to be delivered (a) if by electronic mail, when directed to an electronic mail address at which the party has provided to receive notice; and (b) if by any other form of electronic transmission, when directed to such party.
9. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts, all of which when taken together shall be considered one and the same agreement and shall become effective when counterparts have been signed by each party and delivered to the other party, it being understood that both parties need not sign the same counterpart. Counterparts may be delivered via facsimile, electronic mail (including any electronic signature covered by the U.S. federal ESIGN Act of 2000, Uniform Electronic Transactions Act, the Electronic Signatures and Records Act or other applicable law, e.g., www.docusign.com) or other transmission method and any counterpart so delivered shall be deemed to have been duly and validly delivered and be valid and effective for all purposes.
10. Survival; Severability
10.1. Survival. The representations, warranties, covenants and agreements of the parties hereto shall survive the closing of the transactions contemplated hereby.
10.2. Severability. In the event that any provision of this Agreement becomes or is declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be illegal, unenforceable or void, this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect without said provision; provided that no such severability shall be effective if it materially changes the economic benefit of this Agreement to any party.
11. Headings. The titles and subtitles used in this Agreement are used for convenience only and are not to be considered in construing or interpreting this Agreement.
12. Disclosure; Waiver. As soon as practicable, but in no event later than one business day, after execution of this Agreement, the Company will file a Current Report on Form 8-K under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “Exchange Act”) (the “Form 8-K”), disclosing, to the extent not previously disclosed, (a) the material terms of this Agreement and (b) any other material non-public information that the Sponsor, the Company, or any person acting on behalf of either has provided to Investor at any time prior to the filing of the Form 8-K. The parties to this Agreement shall cooperate with one another to assure that such disclosure is accurate. The Company agrees that the name of the investor shall not be included in any public disclosures related to this Agreement unless required by applicable law, regulation or stock exchange rule. Investor (i) acknowledges that the Sponsor may possess or have access to material non-public information which has not been communicated to the Investor; (ii) hereby waives any and all claims, whether at law, in equity or otherwise, that he, she, or it may now have or may hereafter acquire, whether presently known or unknown, against the Sponsor or any of the Company’s officers, directors, employees, agents, affiliates, subsidiaries, successors or assigns relating to any failure to disclose any non-public information in connection with the transaction contemplated by this Agreement, including any potential business combination involving the Company, including without limitation, any claims arising under Rule 10-b(5) of the Exchange Act; and (iii) is aware that the Sponsor is relying on the truth of the representations set forth in Section 3 of this Agreement and the foregoing acknowledgement and waiver in this Section 12, in connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement. The Sponsor and the Company acknowledge and represent that upon the filing of the Form 8-K, Investor shall not be in possession of any material non-public information received from the Sponsor, the Company, or any person acting on behalf of either.
13. Independent Nature of Rights and Obligations. Nothing contained herein, and no action taken by any party pursuant hereto, shall be deemed to constitute Investor and the Sponsor as, and the Sponsor acknowledges that Investor and the Sponsor do not so constitute, a partnership, an association, a joint venture or any other kind of entity, or create a presumption that Investor and the Sponsor are in any way acting in concert or as a group with respect to such obligations or the transactions contemplated by this Agreement or any matters, and the Sponsor acknowledges that Investor and the Sponsor are not acting in concert or as a group, and the Sponsor shall not assert any such claim, with respect to such obligations or the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.
14. Most Favored Nation. In the event the Sponsor has entered or enters into one or more other non-redemption agreements before or after the execution of this Agreement in connection with the Meeting (each, an “Other Agreement” and, the Company stockholder party thereto, an “Other Investor”), the Sponsor represents and covenants that the terms of such Other Agreement are not or will not be materially more favorable to such Other Investor than the terms of this Agreement are in respect of Investor. In the event that any Other Investor is afforded any materially more favorable terms than Investor, the Sponsor shall promptly inform Investor of such more favorable terms in writing, and Investor shall have the right to elect to have such more favorable terms included herein, in which case the parties hereto shall promptly amend this Agreement to effect the same.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be duly executed as of the date first above written.
On behalf of the entities listed on Exhibit A | ||
By: | ||
Name: | ||
Title: |
[Signature Page to Non-Redemption Agreement]
By: | ||
Name: Shahal Khan | ||
Title: CEO | ||
By: | ||
Name: Shahal Khan | ||
Title: CEO |
[Signature Page to Non-Redemption Agreement]
Exhibit A
Investor | Assigned Securities / Economic Interest Assigned |
Number of Public Shares to be Held as Investor Shares |
[ ], 2023
Reference is made to that certain Non-Redemption Agreement and Assignment of Economic Interest, dated as of March [ ], 2023 (the “Agreement”), by and among [ ], as representative of the Investors listed on Schedule A attached hereto (“Investor”), BurTech Acquisition Corp. (the “Company”) and BurTech LP LLC (the “Sponsor”), pursuant to which Investor shall be entitled to acquire securities of the Company from the Sponsor. Capitalized terms used and not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings given to such terms in the Agreement.
By executing this joinder, Investor hereby agrees, as of the date first set forth above, that Investor (i) shall become a party to that certain Letter Agreement, dated December 10, 2021 (as it exists on the date of the Agreement, the “Letter Agreement”), by and among the Company, the Sponsor, officers and directors of the Company, and the other stockholders of the Company signatory thereto, solely with respect to Section 7 of the Letter Agreement, and shall be bound by, and shall be subject to the restrictions set forth under, the terms and provisions of such section of the Letter Agreement as an Insider (as defined therein) solely with respect to its Assigned Securities; and (ii) shall become a party to that certain Registration Rights Agreement, dated December 10, 2021 (as it exists on the date of the Agreement, the “Registration Rights Agreement”), by and among the Company, the Sponsor, and the other stockholders of the Company signatory thereto, and shall be bound by the terms and provisions of the Registration Rights Agreement as an Investor (as defined therein) and entitled to the rights of an Investor under the Registration Rights Agreement and the Assigned Securities (together with any other equity security of the Company issued or issuable with respect to any such Assigned Securities by way of a share dividend or share subdivision or in connection with a combination of shares, recapitalization, merger, consolidation or reorganization) shall be “Registrable Securities” thereunder.
For the purposes of clarity, it is expressly understood and agreed that each provision contained herein, in the Letter Agreement (to the extent applicable to Investor) and the Registration Rights Agreement is between the Company and Investor, solely, and not between and among Investor and the other stockholders of the Company signatory thereto.
This joinder may be executed in two or more counterparts, and by facsimile, all of which shall be deemed an original and all of which together shall constitute one instrument.
[ ]
On behalf of the entities listed on Schedule A | ||
By: | ||
Name: | ||
Title: |
By: | ||
Name: | ||
Title: |