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根据第 151 条第 2 款,美国公民金融集团有限公司,一家特拉华州公司 (以下简称“公司”),特此声明:
Thunder Bridge Capital Partners IV, Inc.(以下简称“公司”),是根据特拉华州法律组建并存在的一家公司,特此作出以下声明:

星盈股份控股有限公司,一家特拉华州公司(以下简称“本公司”公司特此证明,下面的决议是公司董事会根据《特拉华州公司法》第151条的规定通过的。董事会 董事会根据特拉华州公司法第151条的规定授权通过了该决议。
鉴于,董事会先前通过了一项决议,授权发行一个名为“10.0% Series A Cumulative Perpetual Preferred Stock”的优先股系列,以及“10.0% Series A Cumulative Perpetual Preferred Stock”的指定证书、权利和偏好(“Series AAA Preferred Stock”于2019年9月9日提交给特拉华州州务卿。
鉴于2022年5月31日,公司普通股持有人和10.0% A系列累积永久优先股持有人,分开投票表决时,通过了一项决议,修改认权证明书以修改赎回条款,规定,A系列优先股可以由公司(而不是A系列优先股持有人)赎回。A类优先股
1. 职位和编号一系列优先股,名为10.0%系列A累积永续优先股(以下简称“A类优先股”,现在设立。A系列优先股的股份数量为8,000,000股。
2. 等级。就公司清算、解散或清盘时的股息权和权利而言,A系列优先股将(i)优先于公司普通股,每股面值0.0001美元( “普通股”)以及公司发行的所有其他股票证券,其条款特别规定,此类股票证券在公司清算、解散或清盘时的股息权或权利方面排名低于A系列优先股;(ii)与公司发行的所有股权证券持平,其条款特别规定,此类股票证券在股息权和清算、解散时的权利方面与A系列优先股持平的结局公司( “平价优先股”);以及(iii)在公司发行的所有股票证券中处于次要地位,其条款特别规定,在公司清算、解散或清盘时的股息权或权利以及公司所有现有和未来债务方面,此类股票证券的排名优先于A系列优先股。“股权证券” 一词不包括可转换债务证券。
3. 股息.
(a) 持有A类优先股的股东有权在董事会(或其授权的委员会)授权并由公司宣布时,从法律上可用于支付分红的资金中,按照每股$10.00的清算优先权的10.0%年息率享有优先累积现金股利(相当于每股固定的年金额$1.00)。 A系列股票的分红

优先股应从(不包括)原始发行日开始按季度支付,分别在每年的3月、6月、9月和12月的最后一天或之前支付(每个日期均为 “分红支付日期”);如果该日期不是业务日(如下面所定义),则在立即后续的业务日或董事会指定的后续日期支付,且效力等同于在该日期支付。对于任何部分分红期间应支付给A系列优先股的任何分红,应根据由12个30天月组成的360天年计算。分红将支付给按公司股票记录显示的A系列优先股持有人,该记录是适用记录日期的适用分红支付日期的3月、6月、9月和12月的第一天(每个日期均为 “分红记录日期”)。术语 工作日 ”指纳斯达克全球市场开放交易的任何日历日。
(b) 董事会未经授权,公司也未宣布或支付或预留分红派息给A系列优先股股东,且当公司的任何协议的条款及规定,包括任何涉及公司债务的协议,禁止该授权、宣布、支付或预留分红派息,或规定该授权、宣布、支付或预留分红派息将构成协议违约或协议下的违约,或者如果法律禁止该授权、宣布、支付或预留分红派息,则分红派息将受到限制或禁止。
(c) 尽管如上所述,公司对A系列优先股的分红将累积,无论公司是否盈利,无论是否存在相应的限制,无论是否有法定资金可用于支付该分红,无论是否已经授权和宣布该等分红。 A系列优先股上尚未支付的累积分红将不计利息,A系列优先股持有人将不被授权获得超过上述完整累积分配的任何分配。当A系列优先股及任何同等优先级优先股类别或系列的股份上未全额支付分红(或未确保足够金额用于全额支付)时,对A系列优先股和任何同等优先级优先股类别或系列宣布的所有分红应按比例宣布,以使A系列优先股和该等同等优先级优先股类别或系列的每股分红金额在任何情况下相互比例相同,即A系列优先股和该等同等优先级优先股类别或系列每股累积分红(如该同等优先级优先股未形成累积分红的情况下,不包括任何往期未支付分红的计提)之间的比例相同。
(d) 除非前段所述,除非对A系列优先股支付全额累积股息,或同时宣布并支付,或宣布并足够支付过去所有的股息期间,否则不得宣布并支付分红(除了以普通股或其他普通股为基准的优先于A系列优先股的股息和清算上的股息)或宣布并提供用于支付的款项,并且不应宣布并授予对普通股或其他与A系列优先股股息或清算上处于次要位置或处于平等地位的公司股票进行任何其他分配,也不得授予和进行任何对普通股或其他与A系列优先股股息或清算上处于次要位置或处于平等地位的公司股票进行任何其他分配,也不应以任何代价购买或以任何其他方式获取普通股或其他与A系列优先股股息或清算上处于次要位置或处于平等地位的公司股票。 A系列优先股股东应不享有任何超过以上所述A系列优先股的全额累积股息的股息,不论是以现金、资产或股票支付。 常股息请款项支付的A系列优先股的每股股息应首先计入最早积欠但未支付的股息,涉及该股而该股息仍应支付的股息。
4. 优先清偿权在任何自愿或非自愿的清算、解散或了结公司事务的情况下,A系列优先股的持有人有权根据公司合法可供分配给其股东的资产,每股享有10.00美元的清算优先权,以及等同于截至支付日但不包括付款日时所欠的任何累积未支付股息,但未带来利息,直到向普通股或公司任何其他在清算权方面处于低于A系列优先股水准的类别或系列的股票持有人进行任何资产分配之前。如果公司合法可供分配给股东的资产不足以完全支付A系列优先股的清算优先权以及任何同等级别的优先股股票的清算优先权,则分配给A系列优先股的持有人以及同等级别的优先股股票的任何类别或系列的所有资产将按比例分配,以使分配给每股A系列优先股和同等级别的优先股股票的金额在所有情况下相互之间的比例与A系列优先股和同等级别的优先股股票上的清算优先权之间的比例相同。对公司任何此类清算、解散或了结的书面通知,陈述支付日期或日期,以及在该等情况下应支付金额的地点或地点,将通过邮资预付的一等邮件发给A系列优先股的每个记名持有人,并且不早于该通知中所述的付款日期前30至60天,寄往公司的股票转仓记录上的每个持有人的相应地址。支付清算优先权金额的全部金额及任何应享有的累积未支付股息后,A系列优先股的持有人将无权利或索赔任何公司其余资产。公司与另一个实体的合并、转换或并购,以及公司与另一个实体的合并,

5. Intentionally Omitted.
6. 投票权.
(a) Series A优先股持有人将不具有任何投票权,除非如下所述或法律另有规定。
(b) 每当任何系列A优先股的股息连续拖欠六个或更多个季度时(即"优先股息拖欠"),该等系列A优先股的持有人将有权单独以一个类别投票选出两名公司(即"优先股董事")的附加董事,包括所有已授予相同表决权且可行使的公平优先股的持有人在内,该等公平优先股所在的类别或系列具有上述情形。有权要求召开特别会议,要求至少持有20%系列A优先股的记录持有人或至少持有20%任何拖欠情况下的公平优先股的类别或系列记录持有人(除非该要求在距下次年度或特别股东大会召开之日不到90天的期限内收到,届时该次表决将在公司股东的下次年度或特别股东大会举行)或在下次股东年会中进行表决,及在每隔一年或举行特别会议,直到对于该等系列A优先股过去的股息期限及正在进行的股息期间内已累积的所有股息已完全支付或宣布,并已储备足够的金额用于支付该股息。 “优先股息拖欠”在拥有相同表决权且可行使的所有类别或系列公平优先股的持有人一起,将被视为一个单独类别,有权投票选举公司的两名额外董事(即“优先股董事”),在至少持有20%系列A优先股的记录持有人或至少持有20%任何拖欠情况下的公平优先股的类别或系列记录持有人的书面要求下召开特别股东大会,(除非该要求在下次股东年度或特别股东大会召开之日期前不到90天收到,届时该次投票将在公司股东的下一次股东年会或特别股东大会上举行),或在下一次股东年会上,及在每隔一年或举行特别会议,直到对于过去的股息期限及当前股息期间的所有系列A优先股上累积的股息已完全支付或宣布,并且有足够的款项储备赔付。 “优先股董事”在已拖欠截至该日期前连续交付的所有此类系列A优先股的股息期间以及当前股息期间的股息后,且已经足以支付该股息的款项已划拨予支付前,这些股份的持有人将有权单独以一个类别投票选举公司的总数为两名附加董事(即“优先股董事”),在获得至少20%的系列A优先股股票记录的持有人或至少20%任何拖欠状况下的公平优先股的股票记录的持有人书面要求下召开特别股东大会,或在公司股东的下一次年度股东大会或特别股东大会上,以及在每次后续的年度股东大会或特别股东大会上,直到对过去的股息期间进行的所有这些股份的累计股息和当前股息期间的股息已完全支付或宣布,并且已为支付该股息设立了足够的款项。
(c) A quorum for any meeting called to elect Preferred Stock Directors shall exist if at least a majority of the outstanding shares of Series A Preferred Stock and shares of Parity Preferred Stock upon which like voting rights have been conferred and are exercisable are represented in person or by proxy at such meeting. The Preferred Stock Directors shall be elected upon the affirmative vote of a plurality of the votes cast by the holders of shares of Series A Preferred Stock and shares of such Parity Preferred Stock present and voting in person or by proxy at a duly called and held meeting at which a quorum is present voting separately as a class. If and when all accumulated dividends and the dividend for the then-current dividend period on the Series A Preferred Stock shall have been paid in full or declared and set apart for payment in full, the holders thereof shall be divested of the right to elect the Preferred Stock Directors (subject to revesting in the event of each and every Preferred Dividend Default) and, if all accumulated dividends and the dividend for the then-current dividend period have been paid in full or declared and set apart for payment in full on all classes or series of Parity Preferred Stock upon which like voting rights have been conferred and are exercisable, the term of office of each Preferred Stock Director so elected shall terminate. Any Preferred Stock Director may be removed at any time with or without cause by, and shall not be removed otherwise than by the vote of, the holders of record of a majority of the outstanding shares of Series A Preferred Stock when they have the voting rights described above (voting separately as a class with all classes or series of Parity Preferred Stock upon which like voting rights have been conferred and are exercisable). So long as a Preferred Dividend Default shall continue, any vacancy in the office of a Preferred Stock Director may be filled by written consent of the Preferred Stock Director remaining in office or, if none remains in office, by a vote of the holders of record of a majority of the outstanding shares of Series A Preferred Stock when they have the voting rights described above (voting separately as a class with all classes or series of Parity Preferred Stock upon which like voting rights have been conferred and are exercisable). The Preferred Stock Directors shall be entitled to one vote per director on any matter.
(d) If a special meeting is not called by the Corporation within 30 days after request from the holders of Series A Preferred Stock as described in Section 6(b), then the holders of record of at least 20% of the outstanding Series A Preferred Stock may designate a holder to call the meeting at the expense of the Corporation and such meeting may be called by the holder so designated upon notice similar to that required for annual meetings of stockholders and shall be held at the place designated by the holder calling such meeting. The Corporation shall pay all costs and expenses of calling and holding any meeting and of electing directors pursuant to Section 6(b), including, without limitation, the cost of preparing, reproducing and mailing the notice of such meeting, the cost of renting a room for such meeting to be held, and the cost of collecting and tabulating votes.
(e) So long as any shares of Series A Preferred Stock remain outstanding, the Corporation will not, without the affirmative vote or consent of the holders of at least a majority of the shares of the Series A Preferred Stock outstanding at the time, given in person or by proxy, either in writing or at a meeting (voting separately as a class), amend, alter or repeal the provisions of the Charter (including the terms of the Series A Preferred Stock), whether by merger, consolidation or otherwise (each an “Event”), so as to materially and adversely affect any right, preference, privilege or voting power of the Series A Preferred Stock; provided, however, that with respect to the occurrence of any Event set forth above, so long as the Series A Preferred Stock (or securities issued by a surviving entity in substitution for the Series A Preferred Stock) remains outstanding with the terms thereof materially unchanged, taking into account that upon the occurrence of such an Event, the Corporation may not be the surviving entity, the occurrence of any such Event shall not be deemed to materially and adversely affect such rights, preferences,

privileges or voting power of the Series A Preferred Stock; and provided, further, that (i) any increase in the number of authorized shares of Series A Preferred Stock, (ii) any increase in the number of authorized shares of preferred stock of the Corporation or the creation or issuance of any other class or series of preferred stock or (iii) any increase in the number of authorized shares of any other class or series of preferred stock, in each case ranking on a parity with or junior to the Series A Preferred Stock with respect to payment of dividends or the distribution of assets upon liquidation, dissolution or winding up, shall not be deemed to materially and adversely affect such rights, preferences, privileges or voting powers.
7. Conversion. The Series A Preferred Stock is not convertible into or exchangeable for any other property or securities of the Corporation.
8. Term. The Series A Preferred Stock will have a perpetual term and shall not be subject to any sinking fund.
9. No Preemptive Rights. No holder of the Series A Preferred Stock shall, as such holder, have any preemptive rights to purchase or subscribe for additional shares of stock of the Corporation or any other security of the Corporation which it may issue or sell.
10. Status of Repurchased Series A Preferred Stock. Shares of Series A Preferred Stock that at any time have been purchased by the Corporation shall, after such purchase, have the status of authorized but unissued shares of Preferred Stock.
11. Global Certificate. All shares of Series A Preferred Stock outstanding from time to time shall initially be represented by one or more global certificates registered in the name of the Securities Depository or its nominee and no registration of transfer of shares of Series A Preferred Stock shall be made on the books of the Corporation to any person other than the Securities Depository or its nominee. The foregoing restriction on registration of transfer shall be conspicuously noted on the face or back of the global certificate.
12. Notice. All notices or communications hereunder, unless otherwise specified herein, shall be sufficiently given if in writing and delivered in person, by facsimile, by Electronic Means or by overnight mail or delivery or mailed by first-class mail, postage prepaid. Notices delivered pursuant to this Section 12 shall be deemed given on the date received or, if mailed by first class mail, on the date five calendar days after which such notice is mailed.
13. Information Rights. During any period in which the Corporation is not subject to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Exchange Act and any shares of Series A Preferred Stock are outstanding, the Corporation shall use its best efforts to (a) transmit by mail to all holders of Series A Preferred Stock, as their names and addresses appear in the Corporation’s record books and without cost to such holders, copies of the annual reports and quarterly reports that the Corporation would have been required to file with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Exchange Act if the Corporation was subject to such sections (other than any exhibits that would have been required) and (b) promptly upon written request, supply copies of such reports to any prospective holder of Series A Preferred Stock. The Corporation shall mail the reports to the holders of Series A Preferred Stock within 15 days after the respective dates by which the Corporation would have been required to file the reports with the SEC if the Corporation were then subject to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Exchange Act, assuming the Corporation is a “non-accelerated filer” in accordance with the Exchange Act.
14. Record Holders. The Corporation and the transfer agent for the Series A Preferred Stock may deem and treat the record holder of any Series A Preferred Stock as the true and lawful owner thereof for all purposes, and neither the Corporation nor the transfer agent shall be affected by any notice to the contrary.

[Signature on Following Page]

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Corporation has caused this Amended and Restated Certificate of Designations to be signed in its name and on its behalf on this 11th day of October, 2024.
By:/s/Jeffery E. Eberwein
Jeffery E. Eberwein
Executive Officer