展示 10.1
加入协议 协议
本连接协议 本“加入协议”)至特定证券购买协议(“购买协议”),于2024年1月3日签署,由特拉华州公司NAYA Biosciences, Inc.(“公司”), 以及签名页上被确认的每位购买者(各自及其继受人和受让方,称为“买方支持者购买者”),在2024年10月11日由公司、买家和内华达州公司INVO Bioscience, Inc.(“INVO”).
A. 鉴于 公司和购买方已签订购买协议;并且
B. 鉴于 INVO希望成为购买协议的一方,就购买协议中所描述的其权利和义务范围而言,并愿意承担适用于INVO的购买协议下的义务。
现在, 因此, 鉴于对以上款项的充分收到和认可,各方达成以下协议:
1. | 定义除本加入协议其他地方定义的术语外:(a) 除非另有定义,大写的术语在此未有定义的含义应符合购买协议中对该等术语的定义,(b) 以下术语的含义应按照本第1条规定。 |
“转换 价格“shall”应指PubCo Senior Secured Convertible Debenture中所定义的该术语。
“转换 股票“应具有PubCo高级担保可转换债券定义中所规定的含义。”
“生效日期表示2024年6月5日,该修订和重新制定获得公司股东批准的日期。“”表示(a)初始注册声明已由委员会宣布生效的日期中最早的日期, (b)所有基础股已根据144条规则出售或可根据144条规则出售而无需 INVO遵守144条规则要求的当前公开信息,也无需成交量或出售方式限制, (c)自结束日期一周年后,前提是基础股持有人不是INVO的关联公司, 或(d)所有基础股可根据《证券法》第4(a)(1)节免登记出售, 无需成交量或出售方式限制,并且INVO法律顾问已向这些持有人提供了一份执业许可的明确书面意见 这些持有人可以根据此免责条款进行基础股的转售,该意见应当以这些持有人可以合理接受的形式和内容提供。
“免除 发行“” 表示根据 INVO 董事会非雇员成员多数或专门成立为此目的的一个非雇员董事委员会的多数成员,向 INVO 员工、高管或董事发行 INVO 普通股或期权,作为向 INVO 提供服务的报酬;在触发日期发行且尚未被修改增加证券数量或降低行权价、交换价或换股价(与拆股并股无关)或延长证券期限的其他证券行使或交换或转换为 INVO 普通股的证券;董事会通过的收购或战略交易中发行的证券,前提是这些证券是根据 Rule 144 中定义的“受限证券”发行,且不带有任何要求或允许在此禁止期内提交任何与其相关的注册声明的注册权利;发行的任何证券仅限于提供给 INVO 业务有协同效应的运营公司或资产所有人或其附属公司,且提供给 INVO 除了资金投资之外的额外好处,但不包括为筹集资本或提供给其主要业务是投资证券的实体发行证券的交易;发行使总募集资金金额超过 500 万美元的 INVO 普通股或 INVO 普通股等价物。
“INVO 普通股权等价物”表示INVO或INVO子公司的任何证券,其持有人随时有权收购 INVO普通股,包括但不限于任何随时可转换为、可行使或可兑换为INVO普通 股,或以其他方式使持有人有权收到INVO普通股的债务、优先股、权利、期权、认股权证或其他工具。
“发票 律师” 意指Glaser Weil Fink Howard Jordan & Shapiro LLP,10250 Constellation Blvd.,19楼,Los Angeles,CA 90067。
“INVO 重大不利影响“”指的是(i)对任何交易文件或任何附加文件的合法性、有效性或可执行性造成重大不利影响;(ii)对INVO及INVO附属公司作为一个整体的经营业绩、资产、业务前景或状况(财务或其他方面)造成重大不利影响;或(iii)对INVO在任何重大方面及时履行任何交易文件或任何附加文件项下义务的能力造成重大不利影响。
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“INVO 子公司“INVO”指INVO披露附表第1部分中列明的任何子公司,并且在适用的情况下,也包括在本日期后成立或收购的INVO的任何直接或间接子公司。
“参加者 文件“”,合称:(i)本参加者协议,(ii)PubCo垫层担保可转换债券,(iii)PubCo C-2系列权利证明书,(iv)转让注册权协议承担和转让(转让注册权协议所定义),(v)担保(在PubCo垫层担保可转换债券中定义),(vi)在以满足转让人第一优先权利的目的为INVO及INVO子公司资产担保协议所要求的任何其他文件和申报文件,包括所有UCC-1登记收据,并(vii)所有附件和附表,并附有与此项交易有关的任何其他文件或协议。
“传奇 撤除日期“该术语在第2(a)条中所定义的含义”。
“先期通知“ 在第2(i)节中所指定的含义。
“PubCo 优先股” 意指发行日期前后,具有总面值8075833.33美元的Invo C-2可转换优先股。
“上市公司 优先担保可转换债券「”」表示在或约在生效日期发行的Invo某些优先担保可转换债券,总本金金额为$3,921,696.67。
“PubCo C-2系列指定证券” 代表Invo公司C-2可转换优先股的某些指定证券。
“公众 信息失败“”应具有第2条(e)款中所指定的含义。
“所需的 最低「」指的是截至任何日期,根据交易文件和加入文件,代号 INVO 的普通股的最大累计发行或未来可能发行股数,包括在完全转换所有 PubCo 高级担保可转换债券(包括作为 PubCo 高级担保可转换债券利息支付的基础股支付)和 PubCo 首选股后发行的基础股,无视其中设定的任何转换或行使限制,并假定在决定日期后以及一直为期%,25的 Conversion Price 是在决定日期前一个交易日即时 Conversion Price 的 75%。
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“证券“ 指的是PubCo Senior Secured Convertible Debenture、PubCo Preferred Shares、PubCo Shares和Underlying Shares。
“后续 融资通知” 在第2(i)条中被赋予其意义。
“转移 代理人「"指的是INVO的转移在线代理商,地址为512 SE Salmon St.,Portland,OR 97214, 以及INVO的任何继任转移代理商。
“基础股 股份” 意味著依据PubCo高级安全可转债券和PubCo C-2系列指定证书的条款发行和可发行的INVO普通股份,包括但不限于按照PubCo高级安全可转债券条款支付利息的INVO普通股份,而不考虑PubCo高级安全可转债券和PubCo优先股份的转换限制或限制。
“变量 率交易”指的是INVO进行的交易,其中:(i)发行或出售任何可转换为、可交换或可行使为INVO普通股额外股份或包括收取INVO普通股额外股份权利之债务或股权证券,不论是(A)按照、或随著、INVO普通股股份于初始发行该等债务或股权证券后任何时候之交换价格、行使价格或汇率或其他价格,或(B)具有可于在该等债务或股权证券初始发行后的某个未来日期或该等债务或股权证券直接或间接与INVO业务或INVO普通股市场相关的特定或附带事件发生时被重设的转换、行使或交换价格;或(ii)进入或执行任何协议,包括但不限于股权信用额度或“市场公开发行”,根据该协议,INVO可能以未来确定价格发行证券,无论根据该协议是否实际已发行股份,以及无论该协议是否随后被取消。
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“虚拟货币」 指在任何日期,根据下列第一条款决定的价格:(a) 如果然后上市 INVO 普通股 或在交易市场上报价,INVO 普通股在该日期(或最近的前一日期)的每日交易量加权平均价格 根据彭博公司报告,INVO 普通股之后在其上市或报价的交易市场(以下的交易日计算) 上午 9:30(纽约时间)至下午 4:02(纽约时间)),(b)如果 OTCQB 风险市场(」一般社群」) 或 OTCQX 最佳市场 (」OTCQX」) 不是交易市场,INVO 普通股在该日期的交易量加权平均价 (或最近的前一日期)在 OTCQB 或 OTCQX(如适用);(c) 如果 INVO 普通股并未上市或上市以进行交易 OTCQB 或 OTCQX,以及如果普通股价格在 OTC Markers, Inc.(或类似的)营运的粉红色公开市场上报告 组织或代理机构成功报告价格),最近的 INVO 普通股每股买卖价格为 报告,或 (d) 在所有其他情况下,由独立评估人确定的 INVO 普通股股份的公平市值 由当时尚未偿还的证券拥有大部分权益的买家诚意选出,并且可以合理接受的证券, 其费用和开支由 INVO 支付。
2. | 达成协议 被约束INVO在签署本附加协议后,同意成为采购协议的一方,并且将完全受采购协议的所有契约、条款和条件的约束,就好像是采购协议的原始一方,除非另有载明。此外,INVO和买方现在同意以下事项: |
a. | 法律声明持有的基础股票的证书不得包含任何标记(包括《购买协议》4.1(b)节中的标记):(i)在《证券法》项下有效覆盖该证券转让的注册声明(包括注册声明)期间,(ii)根据规则144出售这些基础股票后,(iii)如果这些基础股票有资格根据规则144出售,无需满足INVO的要求,以符合关于这些基础股票的当前公开信息的规则144,并且没有成交量或销售方式限制,或(iv)如果在《证券法》适用要求下没必要包含该标记(包括美国证券委员会工作人员发布的司法解释和声明)。如果转让代理人要求发出法律意见表明需要根据转让代理人的要求确认此处的标记已移除,INVO应在生效日期后及时导致发行此种意见,或经购买方请求。如果PubCo高级担保可转换债券或PubCo优先股的全部或任何部分在有效注册声明覆盖基础股票的转换日期或如果这些基础股票可能根据规则144出售而无需满足INVO的要求以符合规则144规定的这些基础股票的当前公开信息且无成交量或销售方式限制,或者如果根据适用《证券法》要求不需要包含此类标记(包括美国证券委员会工作人员发布的司法解释和声明),则这些基础股票应免除所有标记。INVO同意在生效日期后或在不再根据本第2(a)条规定需要此类标记的时间时,最迟在(i)一个(1)交易日或(ii)交割人向INVO或转让代理提供代表相应发行带限制性标记的基础股票的证书的交易日数量构成标准结算期间之早的时间之前,移除这类标记。传说删除日期根据约定,需向购买方交付或办理交付一份不含任何限制性和其他标签的股票证书。INVO不得在其记录上作出任何记录,也不得向过户代理发出指示,以扩大购买协议第4节中规定的转让限制。根据此处标签移除的基础股票证书将由过户代理以购买方指示的方式,通过向购买方的首席经纪商在存管信托公司系统中的账户记账方式进行传送给购买方。 |
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b. | 安防-半导体的承诺INVO承认并同意,购买者可能不时根据与注册券商签订的真实保证金协议抵押某些或所有证券,或者向符合证券法规定501(a)规则下“合格投资者”的金融机构授予证券利益。如根据该安排的条款要求,购买者可能将已抵押或担保的证券转让给抵押人或担保方。此类抵押或转让不受INVO的批准,并且在此方面不需要抵押人、担保方或抵押人的法律顾问的法律意见。此外,此类抵押不需要通知。根据适当购买者的费用,INVO将在涉及抵押或转让证券时执行并交付抵押人或担保方合理请求的文件,包括如果证券根据注册权协议需要注册,则准备并根据证券法424(b)(3)规则或其他适用证券法规定适当修改出售股东名单(定义如注册权协议中)下的任何必需的说明书。 | |
c. | 解除图例失败除了购买者的其他可用救济外,INVO将支付给购买者现金,作为部分已清算的损害赔偿,而不是罚款,对于每1000美元的基础股份(基于INVO普通股的VWAP,即当证券提交给过户代理的日期)为了去除有限制性图例且受第2条(a)项约束,自图例去除日期后的每个交易日,每个交易日为10美元(在图例去除日期后的五(5)个交易日增加至每个交易日20美元),直到该证书不带有图例交付; 如果INVO未能:(a)在图例去除日期之前向购买者发行并交付(或引起被交付到购买者的无持有限或其他图例的证券证明书),INVO应为购买者购买INVO普通股所需的全部股份(在交易日内购买市场上或以其他方式)付款(包括券商佣金和其他外部费用(如有)),直到在图例去除日期后购买者购买此等出售的INVO普通股的总购买价格(包括券商佣金和其他外部费用(如有))超过INVO应在图例去除日期之前交付给购买者的相应基础股份数量乘以期间内的任何交易日(取决于情况)内INVO普通股的最低收盘价双倍之间的差额。 |
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d. | 购买方合同 。每位购买方分别并非连带与其他购买方协议INVO,即此等购买方将根据《证券法》的登记要求或豁免要求之一出售任何证券,包括任何适用的招股书交付要求;如果证券根据注册声明出售,则应按照其中规定的分销计划出售,并承认在根据本处第2(a)款的规定撤销代表证券的证书上的限制性标签是基于INVO对此理解的依赖。 | |
e. | 信息提供 ;公开信息. |
i. | 从触发日期至证券不再流通之日为止,INVO约定维持根据《交易所法》第12(b)或12(g)条的INVO普通股注册,并及时提交(或获得有关延期并在适用的宽限期内提交)该日期后INVO根据《交易所法》要求提交的所有报告,即使当时INVO不受《交易所法》的报告要求约束。 | |
ii. | 在从触发日期的六(6)个月周年开始的期间内,直至所有证券可以无需符合Rule 144(c)(1)的要求且不受Rule 144限制或限制性规定限制出售之时,若INVO(i)由于任何原因而未能满足Rule 144(c)下的当前公开信息要求,或者(ii)曾被描述为Rule 144(i)(1)(i)中的发行人或未来成为发行人,且INVO未能满足Rule 144(i)(2)中规定的任何条件(“公共信息未能履行此外,除购买方的其他可用救济措施外,INVO应支付给购买方现金,作为部分清偿损害而非罚金,因为延迟或减少其出售证券的能力而给购买方造成现金金额损失,该金额等于购买方证券的认购额度的2.0%,即公共信息出现故障之日以及之后的每个三十(30)天(对不足三十天的期间,按比例计算),直至早于(a)消除公开信息失灵的日期和(b)购买方无需公开信息便可根据Rule 144转让基础股票为止。在本第2(e)条中,购买方有权获得的支付被称为“公开信息失败支付公开信息失败支付应在以下时间内支付: - 当发生公开信息失败支付的日历月份的最后一天;及 - 使导致公开信息失败支付的事件或失败得到纠正后的第三个(第3个)工作日。 如果INVO未能及时支付公开信息失败支付,该公开信息失败支付应按照每月1.5%的利率计算利息(按部分月份进行比例计算),直至完全支付。本文所述无法限制购买者追究公开信息失败的实际损害的权利,购买者应有权追究法律或衡平权利下的所有救济措施,包括但不限于具体履行判决和/或禁令救济。 |
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f. | 转换 程序。包含在PubCo Senior Secured Convertible Debenture中的转换通知书形式以及包含在PubCo Series C-2指定证书中的转换通知书,每份文件中均规定了购买者为将PubCo Senior Secured Convertible Debenture和PubCo Preferred Shares转换所需的全部程序。在不限制前述内容的情况下,购买者无需提供原件转换通知书或转换通知,也无需在转换PubCo Senior Secured Convertible Debenture和PubCo Preferred Shares时提供任何刻章保证(或其他类型的担保或公证)。购买者转换其PubCo Senior Secured Convertible Debenture或PubCo Preferred Shares无需额外的法律意见、其他信息或指示。INVO将遵守将PubCo Senior Secured Convertible Debenture和PubCo Preferred Shares转换的要求,并将根据PubCo Senior Secured Convertible Debenture和PubCo Preferred Shares中规定的条款、条件和时间要求交付基础股。 | |
g. | 非公开信息。INVO承诺并同意,除非在此之前该购买者书面同意接收此类信息并与INVO书面同意保密此类信息,否则INVO或代表其的任何其他人均不会向任何购买者或其代理或法律顾问提供构成或INVO合理认定构成具有重大非公开信息的任何信息。INVO了解并确认,每名购买者将依赖上述承诺进行INVO证券交易。在未经购买者同意之前将任何重大非公开信息交付给购买者之时,INVO、INVO的任何子公司或其各自的高管、董事、代理人、雇员或关联方向购买者提供任何重大非公开信息,INVO在此承诺并同意该购买者无需对INVO、INVO的任何子公司或其各自的高管、董事、雇员、关联方或代理人,包括但不限于安排代理人或在任何场合保密义务行使记者,也无需对INVO、INVO的任何子公司或其各自的高管、董事、雇员、关联方或代理人,包括但不限于安排代理人,基于该等重大非公开信息进行交易,只要购买者始终受适用法律约束即可。任何根据任何交易文件提供的通知如包含有关公司或任何INVO子公司的重大非公开信息,INVO应在提供此类通知同时向委员会提交一份根据8-k表格的现行报告。INVO了解并确认,每名购买者将依赖上述承诺进行INVO证券交易。 |
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h. 证券的预订和上市.
i. | 根据股东批准日期(定义见C-2系列权利证书)后,INVO应从其合法授权的INVO普通股中保留所需最低数量的储备股,以供根据PubCo高级担保可转债券和PubCo优先股的发行要求,履行完全按照交易文件和附属文件下的全部义务。 | |
ii. | 根据股东批准日期,如果在任何日期,INVO普通股的已授权但未发行(且未保留)股数少于当天的所需最低数量,则董事会应采取商业合理努力,以尽快(但不迟于自该日期后的第75天)增加INVO普通股的已授权但未发行股数,使其至少达到当时的所需最低水平。 | |
iii. | INVO应在适用情况下:(i)按主要交易市场要求的时间和方式准备并向该交易市场提交额外股份上市申请,涵盖适用当天所需最低数量的INVO普通股;(ii)采取一切必要步骤,尽快获得该交易市场对此类INVO普通股的上市或报价批准;(iii)向购买方提供此类上市或报价的证据;(iv)在任何日期维持这类INVO普通股在该交易市场或其他交易市场上的上市或报价,使之至少与当天的所需最低数量相当。INVO同意通过几家建立良好清算公司的公司,保持INVO普通股具备电子转让资格,包括但不限于通过及时向该公司支付有关电子转让的费用。 |
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i. Participation in Future Financing.
i. | 来自 INVO或任何INVO子公司发行任何证券时的触发日期,直至证券不再流通之日为止 作为现金对价、负债或其单位组合的INVO普通股或INVO普通股等价物(a”随后 融资”),每位买方都有权参与最多等于一定金额的后续融资 后续融资的33.0%(”最大参与人数”) 以相同的条款、条件和价格提供 用于后续融资。 | |
ii. | 在 在后续融资结束前至少五 (5) 个交易日,INVO 应向每位买方发出书面通知 其进行后续融资的意图(”预先通知”),预先通知应询问该买方是否 它想审查此类融资的细节(例如补充通知,a”后续融资通知”)。随后 只有在买方提出后续融资通知的要求下,INVO才会立即提出后续融资通知,但是 在提出此类请求后的一(1)个交易日内,向该买方发出后续融资通知。后续融资 通知应合理详细地描述此类后续融资的拟议条款、预期收益金额 根据该协议筹集的资金,以及拟通过或与其进行此类后续融资的一名或多名个人,并应包括 条款表或与之相关的类似文件作为附件。 | |
iii. | 任何 想要参与此类后续融资的买方必须在下午 5:30 之前向INVO提供书面通知(新增) 约克市时间)在所有买方都收到该买方愿意的预先通知后的第五(5)个交易日 参与后续融资、该买方的参与金额,并对此进行陈述和保证 根据后续融资通知中规定的条款,该买方已准备就绪、愿意并可供投资。 如果截至第五(5)个交易日,INVO没有收到买方的此类通知,则该买方将被视为已通知 INVO 表示它不选择参加。 |
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iv. | 如果所有购买者收到预先通知后的第五个(第5)交易日下午5:30(纽约时间)之前,购买者就愿意参与后续融资(或导致他们的被指定人参与)的通知总量低于后续融资的总金额,则INVO可以按照后续融资通知中规定的条款和人员完成该后续融资的剩余部分。 | |
v. | 如果在所有购买者收到预先通知后的第五(第5)个交易日下午5:30(纽约时间)之前,INVO收到了购买者对后续融资通知的回应,而这些购买者寻求购买超过参与最大限额的总金额,则每位购买者都有权购买其按比例分配的最大参与限额。 | |
vi. | 如果最初的后续融资通知所涉及的后续融资在发出之日起30(30)个交易日内以规定的条件未能完成,无论出于何种原因,INVO必须向购买者提供第二份后续融资通知,并购买者会再次享有本第2(i)节中所载的参与权利。 | |
vii. | INVO和每位购买者一致同意,如果任何购买者选择参与后续融资,与后续融资相关的交易文件不得包含直接或间接排除一名或多名购买者参与后续融资的条款或规定,包括但不限于,要求该购买者同意任何关于INVO证券的交易限制或同意任何有关购买协议的修订、终止、放弃、解除等条款,而这些事项未经该购买者事先书面同意。 | |
viii. | 尽管在本第2(i)条款中有相反规定的情况下,除非购买方另行同意,INVO应在第二次融资通知交付后的第十(10)个工作日内,以书面形式确认对于后续融资的交易已被放弃,或者公开披露其打算发行后续融资的证券,无论哪种情况,都要确保购买方不持有任何重要的非公开信息。如果到了第十(10)个工作日,仍未作出关于后续融资交易的公开披露,并且未收到与该交易放弃相关的通知,该交易将被视为已被放弃,购买方将不被视为持有INVO或任何INVO子公司的任何重要非公开信息。 | |
ix. | 尽管前述内容,本第2(i)条款不适用于豁免发行。 |
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j. 后续股票销售.
i. | 故意地 省略。 | |
ii. | 来自 触发日期在触发日期十二个月周年之日之前,应禁止INVO生效或 签订协议,使INVO或任何INVO子公司发行INVO普通股或INVO普通股等价物 (或其单位组合),涉及浮动利率交易。任何买方都有权获得禁令救济 针对INVO,排除任何此类发放,这种补救措施应是追讨损害赔偿的权利之外的补救措施。 | |
iii. | 尽管如此 前述规定,本第 2 (j) 节不适用于豁免发行,但任何浮动利率交易均不适用 成为豁免发行人。 |
k. | 资本 变更股东批准日期后,直到PubCo债券不再未偿金额优化为止,INVO不得进行逆向或前向股票拆分或重新分类INVO普通股,除非事先获得持有PubCo债券未偿还本金金额中占多数的购买方的书面同意。 | |
l. | 股东权益计划INVO或在INVO的同意下,任何其他人均不会声称或实施任何购买方在任何控制股份收购、业务组合、毒丸计划(包括任何根据权利协议的分配)或INVO现行或今后采纳的任何类似反收购计划或安排中都是“股东”,或任何购买方可能被视为因收到交易文件或INVO与购买方之间的任何其他协议下的证券而触发任何此类计划或安排的条款。收购人。收购人是指“受益所有人”(在股东权益计划中定义)拥有20%或更多的普通股票的人。但是,收购人不包括公司或公司的任何子公司,也不包括作为允许出价、竞争允许出价和某些其他豁免交易的结果成为20%或更多流通普通股的受益所有人的任何人。没有声明将由INVO或在INVO同意的情况下,任何其他人提出或执行,即任何购买方都是“”,在INVO或此后通过INVO实施的任何类似防收购计划或安排下,或者可能因根据交易文件或INVO与购买方之间的任何其他协议而接收证券,而被认为触发任何此类计划或安排的条款。 |
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3. | 陈述和保证除《本加入协议》的陈述披露清单中另有规定外("INVO披露清单”) 及SEC报告,即INVO披露清单及SEC报告将视为本协议的一部分,并将限制任何陈述 或其他内容,以INVO在INVO披露清单对应部分所披露内容为准,INVO特此向每位买方作以下陈述和保证(I)除《购股协议》第3.1款所包含的陈述和保证外(《购股协议》第3.1款(e)、3.1款(g)、3.1款(h)、3.1款(i)和3.1款(s)中包含的陈述和保证除外), 其中(a)其中对“公司”及《购股协议》第1.1款中包含的适用定义的提及被视为指INVO,(b)其中对“子公司” 的提及被视为指INVO子公司,(c)其中对“重大不利影响” 的提及被视为指INVO重大不利影响,(d)其中对“(交割日)” 的提及被视为指本协议日期,(e)其中对“交易文件” 的提及被视为指,共同指交易文件及加入文件,(f)其中对披露清单的任何提及 被视为指SEC报告,及(II)以下陈述和保证: |
a. | 申报, 同意和批准。INVO 无需获得任何同意、豁免、授权或命令,也无需向其发出任何通知,或 向任何法院或其他联邦、州、地方或其他政府机构或其他个人进行任何申报或登记 与 (a) INVO 执行、交付和履行联合诉讼文件以及 (b) 执行、交付和 INVO 子公司履行附属担保,但不包括:(i) 根据注册向委员会提交的任何文件 权利协议,(ii) 向每个适用交易市场发放证券的通知和/或申请,以及 按照所需的时间和方式将转换股份上市进行交易,以及 (iii) 提交表格D 向委员会提交以及根据适用的州证券法要求提交的文件(统称为”INVO 必需的批准”). | |
b. | 资本化。 截至本文发布之日,INVO 的大小写如下所述 附表 3 (b) INVO 披露时间表,其中 附表 3 (b) 还应包括关联公司实益拥有和记录在案的INVO普通股的数量 截至本文发布之日的 INVO。任何人均无任何优先拒绝权、优先权、参与权或任何类似权利 参与交易文件或合并文件所设想的交易的权利。除非另有规定 上 附表 3 (b),没有任何未兑现的期权、认股权证、股票认购权、看涨期权或任何性质的承诺 与证券、权利或义务有关的任何信息,或可转换为任何人的、可行使或交换的,或向任何人提供的任何权利或义务 任何认购或收购任何INVO普通股或任何INVO子公司的股本或合同的权利, INVO或任何INVO子公司有义务或可能必须发行额外股票的承诺、谅解或安排 INVO普通股或INVO普通股等价物或任何INVO子公司的股本。证券的发行和出售 不会要求INVO或任何INVO子公司有义务向任何人发行INVO普通股或其他证券(除外 购买者)。INVO或任何INVO子公司没有未偿还的证券或工具,但有任何可调整的准备金 在INVO或任何INVO发行证券时,此类证券或工具的行使、转换、交换或重置价格 子公司。INVO或任何INVO子公司没有包含任何赎回或类似内容的未偿还证券或工具 条款,并且没有INVO或任何INVO子公司现在或可能签订的合同、承诺、谅解或安排 必须赎回INVO或此类INVO子公司的证券。INVO 没有任何股票增值权或 “幻影” 股票” 计划或协议或任何类似的计划或协议。INVO的所有已发行股本均已按期发放 经授权、有效发行、全额付款且不可纳税,发行时遵守了所有联邦和州证券法, 而且此类已发行股票的发行均未侵犯任何优先购买权或类似的认购权或购买权 证券。无需任何股东、INVO董事会或其他机构的进一步批准或授权 发行PubCo债券、PubCo股票和标的股票。没有股东协议、投票协议或其他协议 关于INVO作为当事方的INVO股本的类似协议,或者据INVO所知,在两者之间或彼此之间达成的类似协议 INVO 的任何股东。 |
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c. | SEC Reports. INVO has filed all reports, schedules, forms, statements and other documents required to be filed by INVO under the Securities Act and the Exchange Act, including pursuant to Section 13(a) or 15(d) thereof, for the two years preceding the date hereof (or such shorter period as INVO was required by law or regulation to file such material) (the foregoing materials, including the exhibits thereto and documents incorporated by reference therein, being collectively referred to herein as the “SEC Reports”) on a timely basis or has received a valid extension of such time of filing and has filed any such SEC Reports prior to the expiration of any such extension. As of their respective dates, the SEC Reports complied in all material respects with the requirements of the Securities Act and the Exchange Act, as applicable, and none of the SEC Reports, when filed, contained any untrue statement of a material fact or omitted to state a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary in order to make the statements therein, in the light of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading. INVO is not an issuer subject to Rule 144(i) under the Securities Act. The financial statements of INVO included in the SEC Reports comply in all material respects with applicable accounting requirements and the rules and regulations of the Commission with respect thereto as in effect at the time of filing. Such financial statements have been prepared in accordance GAAP, except as may be otherwise specified in such financial statements or the notes thereto and except that unaudited financial statements may not contain all footnotes required by GAAP, and fairly present in all material respects the financial position of INVO and its consolidated INVO Subsidiaries as of and for the dates thereof and the results of operations and cash flows for the periods then ended, subject, in the case of unaudited statements, to normal, immaterial, year-end audit adjustments. | |
d. | Material Changes; Undisclosed Events, Liabilities or Developments. Since the date of the latest audited financial statements included within the SEC Reports, except as set forth on Schedule 3(d) of INVO Disclosure Schedules, (i) there has been no event, occurrence or development that has had or that could reasonably be expected to result in an INVO Material Adverse Effect, (ii) INVO has not incurred any liabilities (contingent or otherwise) other than (A) trade payables and accrued expenses incurred in the ordinary course of business consistent with past practice and (B) liabilities not required to be reflected in INVO’s financial statements pursuant to GAAP or disclosed in filings made with the Commission, (iii) INVO has not altered its method of accounting, (iv) INVO has not declared or made any dividend or distribution of cash or other property to its stockholders or purchased, redeemed or made any agreements to purchase or redeem any shares of its capital stock and (v) INVO has not issued any equity securities to any officer, director or Affiliate, except pursuant to existing INVO stock option plans. INVO does not have pending before the Commission any request for confidential treatment of information. Except for the issuance of the Securities contemplated by the Purchase Agreement, the Merger Agreement, or as set forth on Schedule 3(d) of INVO Disclosure Schedules, no event, liability, fact, circumstance, occurrence or development has occurred or exists or is reasonably expected to occur or exist with respect to INVO or INVO Subsidiaries or their respective businesses, prospects, properties, operations, assets or financial condition, that would be required to be disclosed by INVO under applicable securities laws at the time this representation is made or deemed made that has not been publicly disclosed at least 1 Trading Day prior to the date that this representation is made. |
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e. | Investigations; Stop Orders. There has not been, and to the knowledge of INVO, there is not pending or contemplated, any investigation by the Commission involving INVO or any current or former director or officer of INVO. The Commission has not issued any stop order or other order suspending the effectiveness of any registration statement filed by INVO or any INVO Subsidiary under the Exchange Act or the Securities Act. | |
f. | Sarbanes-Oxley; Internal Accounting Controls. INVO and INVO Subsidiaries are in compliance with any and all applicable requirements of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, as amended, that are effective as of the date hereof, and any and all applicable rules and regulations promulgated by the Commission thereunder that are effective as of the date hereof. INVO and INVO Subsidiaries maintain a system of internal accounting controls sufficient to provide reasonable assurance that: (i) transactions are executed in accordance with management’s general or specific authorizations, (ii) transactions are recorded as necessary to permit preparation of financial statements in conformity with GAAP and to maintain asset accountability, (iii) access to assets is permitted only in accordance with management’s general or specific authorization, and (iv) the recorded accountability for assets is compared with the existing assets at reasonable intervals and appropriate action is taken with respect to any differences. INVO and INVO Subsidiaries have established disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e)) for INVO and INVO Subsidiaries and designed such disclosure controls and procedures to ensure that information required to be disclosed by INVO in the reports it files or submits under the Exchange Act is recorded, processed, summarized and reported, within the time periods specified in the Commission’s rules and forms. INVO’s certifying officers have evaluated the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures of INVO and INVO Subsidiaries as of the end of the period covered by the most recently filed periodic report under the Exchange Act (such date, the “Evaluation Date”). INVO presented in its most recently filed periodic report under the Exchange Act the conclusions of the certifying officers about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures based on their evaluations as of the Evaluation Date. Since the Evaluation Date, there have been no changes in the internal control over financial reporting (as such term is defined in the Exchange Act) that have materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the internal control over financial reporting of INVO and INVO Subsidiaries. |
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g. | Listing and Maintenance Requirements. INVO Common Stock is registered pursuant to Section 12(b) or 12(g) of the Exchange Act, and INVO has taken no action designed to, or which to its knowledge is likely to have the effect of, terminating the registration of INVO Common Stock under the Exchange Act nor has INVO received any notification that the Commission is contemplating terminating such registration. INVO has not, in the 12 months preceding the date hereof, received notice from any Trading Market on which INVO Common Stock is or has been listed or quoted to the effect that INVO is not in compliance with the listing or maintenance requirements of such Trading Market. INVO is, and has no reason to believe that it will not in the foreseeable future continue to be, in compliance with all such listing and maintenance requirements. INVO Common Stock is currently eligible for electronic transfer through the Depository Trust Company or another established clearing corporation and INVO is current in payment of the fees to the Depository Trust Company (or such other established clearing corporation) in connection with such electronic transfer. | |
h. | Disclosure. INVO confirms that neither it nor any other Person acting on its behalf has provided any of the Purchasers or their agents or counsel with any information that it believes constitutes or might constitute material, non-public information. INVO understands and confirms that the Purchasers will rely on the foregoing representation in effecting transactions in securities of INVO. | |
i. | No Integrated Offering. Assuming the accuracy of the Purchasers’ representations and warranties set forth in Section 3.2 of the Purchase Agreement, neither INVO, nor any of its Affiliates, nor any Person acting on its or their behalf has, directly or indirectly, made any offers or sales of any security or solicited any offers to buy any security, under circumstances that would cause this offering of the Securities to be integrated with prior offerings by INVO for purposes of (i) the Securities Act which would require the registration of any such securities under the Securities Act, or (ii) any applicable shareholder approval provisions of any Trading Market on which any of the securities of INVO are listed or designated. | |
j. | Accountants. INVO’s accounting firm is set forth on Schedule 3(j) of the INVO Disclosure Schedules. To the knowledge and belief of INVO, such accounting firm (i) is a registered public accounting firm as required by the Exchange Act and (ii) shall express its opinion with respect to the financial statements to be included in the INVO’s Annual Report for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024. |
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k. | Regulation M Compliance. INVO has not, and to its knowledge no one acting on its behalf has, (i) taken, directly or indirectly, any action designed to cause or to result in the stabilization or manipulation of the price of any security of INVO to facilitate the sale or resale of any of the Securities, (ii) sold, bid for, purchased, or paid any compensation for soliciting purchases of, any of the Securities, or (iii) paid or agreed to pay to any Person any compensation for soliciting another to purchase any other securities of INVO, other than, in the case of clauses (ii) and (iii), compensation paid to the Placement Agent in connection with the placement of the Securities. | |
l. | Form S-3 Eligibility. INVO is eligible to register the resale of the Underlying Shares for resale by the Purchaser on Form S-3 promulgated under the Securities Act. | |
m. | Acknowledgment Regarding Purchaser’s Trading Activity. Anything in the Purchase Agreement to the contrary notwithstanding (except for Section 4.12 of the Purchase Agreement), it is understood and acknowledged by INVO that: (i) none of the Purchasers has been asked by INVO to agree, nor has any Purchaser agreed, to desist from purchasing or selling, long and/or short, securities of INVO, or “derivative” securities based on securities issued by INVO or to hold the Securities for any specified term, (ii) past or future open market or other transactions by any Purchaser, specifically including, without limitation, “short sales” as defined in Rule 200 of Regulation SHO under the Exchange Act (but shall not be deemed to include locating and/or borrowing shares of INVO Common Stock) or “derivative” transactions, before or after the closing of this or future private placement transactions, may negatively impact the market price of INVO’s publicly-traded securities, (iii) any Purchaser, and counter-parties in “derivative” transactions to which any such Purchaser is a party, directly or indirectly, may presently have a “short” position in the shares of INVO Common Stock and (iv) each Purchaser shall not be deemed to have any affiliation with or control over any arm’s length counter-party in any “derivative” transaction. INVO further understands and acknowledges that (y) one or more Purchasers may engage in hedging activities at various times during the period that the Securities are outstanding, including, without limitation, during the periods that the value of the Underlying Shares deliverable with respect to Securities are being determined, and (z) such hedging activities (if any) could reduce the value of the existing stockholders’ equity interests in INVO at and after the time that the hedging activities are being conducted. INVO acknowledges that such aforementioned hedging activities do not constitute a breach of any of the Transaction Documents or the Joinder Documents. |
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4. | Successors and Assigns. This Joinder Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties and their successors and permitted assigns. INVO may not assign this Joinder Agreement or any rights or obligations hereunder without the prior written consent of each Purchaser (other than by merger). Any Purchaser may assign any or all of its rights under this Joinder Agreement to any Person to whom such Purchaser assigns or transfers any Securities, provided that such transferee agrees in writing to be bound, with respect to the transferred Securities, by the provisions of the Transaction Documents and the Joinder Documents that apply to the “Purchasers.” | |
5. | Notices. All notices, consents, requests, claims, demands and other communications under this Joinder Agreement shall be in accordance with the provisions of Section 5.4 of the Purchase Agreement at the following addresses: |
If to INVO:
Steve Shum
Chief Executive Officer
INVO Bioscience, Inc.
5582 Broadcast Court
Sarasota, Florida 34240
Telephone: (978) 878-9505
with a copy (which shall not constitute notice) to:
Glaser Weil Fink Howard Jordan & Shapiro LLP
10250 Constellation Blvd., 19th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90067
Attention: Marc Indeglia
Telephone: 310-282-6245
E-mail: mindeglia@glaserweil.com
If to Purchaser:
Five Narrow Lane LP
510 Madison Ave, Ste 1401
New York, NY 10022
with a copy (which shall not constitute notice) to:
Haynes and Boone, LLP
30 Rockefeller Plaza, 26th Floor
New York, NY 10012
Attention: Rick Werner
Telephone: (212) 659-4974
E-mail: rick.werner@haynesboone.com and
or to such other address as the parties hereto may designate in writing to the other. Any party may change the address to which notices are to be sent by giving written notice of such change of address to the other parties in the manner above provided for giving notice.
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6. | Headings. The headings herein are for convenience only, do not constitute a part of this Joinder Agreement and shall not be deemed to limit or affect any of the provisions hereof. | |
7. | Governing Law; Waiver of Jury Trial. This Joinder Agreement shall be subject to the provisions regarding governing law and waiver of jury trial set forth in Section 5.9 and Section 5.22, respectively, of the Purchase Agreement, and such provisions are incorporated herein by this reference, mutatis mutandis. | |
8. | Execution. This Joinder Agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts, all of which when taken together shall be considered one and the same agreement and shall become effective when counterparts have been signed by each party and delivered to each other party, it being understood that the parties need not sign the same counterpart. In the event that any signature is delivered by e-mail delivery of a “.pdf” format data file, such signature shall create a valid and binding obligation of the party executing (or on whose behalf such signature is executed) with the same force and effect as if such “.pdf” signature page were an original thereof. |
[Signatures on the Following Page]
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By: | /s/ Steven Shum | |
Name: | Steven Shum | |
Title: | CEO | |
By: | /s/ Joseph Hammer | |
Name: | Joseph Hammer | |
Title: | General Partner |