EX-3.(II) 3 d840528dex3ii.htm EX-3.(II) EX-3.(ii)




第I条 - 株主




その他 会社法人の优先股の保有者の権利に拠る意味で、会社法人の株主の特別会議は、取締役会によってのみコールされることができ、これは全取締役会の過半数によって採択される決議によるものである。"全取締役会"とは、取締役会に欠員がない場合、会社法人が持つであろう取締役の総数を意味します(以下、「全取締役会」といいます)。

第3条 会議の通知。



第4条 原則の確認。

本セクション8(e)によって要求される情報と文書は、(i) グループメンバーに適用される情報の場合、各グループメンバーによって提供され、実行されるものです。および (ii) ノミネート株主またはエンティティのグループメンバーの場合、スケジュール14N(またはその後継アイテム)のアイテム6(c)および(d)の指示書1に明記された人物に関して提供されます。提案通知は、本セクション8(e)に言及される情報と文書(提案通知の提供日以降に提供することが予定されている情報と文書を除く)が本社の秘書に提供された日に提出されたとみなされます。

(f) 例外

セクション5. 組織。

第6節 ビジネスの取り扱い。

(b) 株主総会においては、取り扱われるべきビジネスは、(i) 取締役会の指示によるか、もしくは取締役会の指示によるか、(ii) 当該会社の株主で、当該ビジネスについて投票権を有し、かつ本第I条のこの規約の第6(b)項または監査委員の指名に関する第6(c)項または第8項に従う株主によって、当総会に適切に持ち込まれなければならない。この第6(b)項において、株主によって年次総会に適切に持ち込まれるためには、そのビジネスは株主の行動対象として適切であり、かつ株主はそのビジネスについて事務的書面で当該会社の事務局長に対し適時に通知をしなければならない。適時とは、株主の通知が年次総会の開催の日の90日前までに当該会社の本店事務所に配達または郵送され、受領される必要があることを意味するが、但し、発会または事前の公開の100日未満の予告が株主に対してなされた場合、株主の通知が適時であるためには、その年次総会の日時に関するそのような通知が送付された日またはそのような開示がなされた日の10日目の終業時刻までに受領されなければならない。株主から事務局長に対する通知は、株主が年次総会に提案しようとする各事項について、(i) 年次総会に持ち込まれるべき事業の要約説明およびその事業を年次総会で行う理由、(ii) 当該事業を提案する株主の、当該会社の帳簿に表示される名称および住所、(iii) 当該株股を所有する株主が所有する当該会社の株式のクラスと数、(iv) そのような事業に対する株主のそのような関与、および(v) 6か月前以内にそのような株主が当該通知を当該株主のために行った証券またはその他の取引があるか、ある場合、そのような証券またはその他の取引によって当該会社またはそのそれぞれの子会社またはそれらの証券、債券または信用格付けについてどのような変動が引き起こされるか、または意図されているか、すなわち、そのような証券や債券の取引価格の変動や当該会社、その子会社、またはそれらの証券や債券の信用格付けの変動による損益の発生または意図、あるいはその株主の投票権を増減させること、およびそうであれば、その取引の要旨の概要といった詳細が示されなければならない。これらの規約に反するものを除いて、年次総会には、この第6(b)項の規定に従って適切に持ち込まれた事業のみが持ち込まれるか取り扱われるべきであり、もしくは(監査委員の場合、この第6(c)項またはこの規約1の第8項)、この第6(b)項の規定に従って適切に持ち込まれたいかなる事業も、総会で適切に持ち込まれなかったと議長が判断した場合、議長は総会に対してその事実がこれに値すると判断した場合には、その総会に宣言する責務を負い、もし彼または彼女がそのように判断した場合、彼または彼女はそのように総会に宣言するであり、そのように判断された妥当な事業は総会で取引されない。特別株主総会においては、取り扱われるべきビジネスは、監査役会の総数の過半数によって開催された総会に持ち込まれるべきである。

(c) これらの規約に従って指名された人物のみが理事に立候補できます。法人の理事会の選挙のための人物の指名は、理事会の指示による場合またはその株主会議でのみ行われます(i)または(ii)、議決権を行使する資格のある法人の株主により、この規約第1条のセクション6(c)またはセクション8に設定された通知手続きに準拠する株主会議である場合。理事会の指示によって行われたものを除いて行われたもの。このセクション6(c)に従って遅くない株主の通知は、法人の事務局長に宛てて文書で適時になされなければなりません。このセクション6(c)において適時であるためには、株主の通知は、株主が受け取られ、または主要業務執行部の事務所に受け取られてから株主の通知が90日未満である必要があります。株主の通知が株主に確認されるより100日未満の通知または会議の日程の事前開示が行われた場合、株主が定められた日の翌日、株主の通知が閉店後最大10日以内に受け取られなければなりません。そのような株主の通知は、(i)それぞれの候補者について、株主が理事に選出するために提案する個人に関するすべての情報を開示するもの再選され、選出されたクラスの任期が残っている間、職務を続けることができます。 理事に指名する際には、その人物に関する開示が必要とされるすべての情報を開示する必要があります



取締役の選挙の代理人、またはその他、1934年改正証券取引所法第14A条に基づき、議決権行使代理権の行使、および選ばれた場合の取締役としての同意に関する記述、および (f) 通知を行う株主の氏名および住所(会社の名簿に記載されたもの)、(y) その株主が所有する会社株式のクラスと数量、および (z) 前の6か月間に株主通知が行われた日から前述の日までにその株主またはその利益になる者によって、会社またはその子会社、またはそれらの有価証券、債務証券、信用格付けのいずれかに対するヘッジ、デリバティブ、またはその他の取引があるかどうか、またその取引の目的または意図が、当該有価証券または債務証券の取引価格の変動によって利益または損失が生じること、または会社、その子会社、またはそれらの有価証券または債務証券の信用格付けの変動によって利益または損失が生じること(または一般的には、会社またはその子会社の信用力における認識上の変動を通じて有価証券や債務証券の取引価格の変動を通じて投票権を増減させること)である場合、取引の要約。取締役会の要求に基づき、取締役候補は、株主通知に記載されるべき情報を開示すべきである。法人の株主によって取締役として指名される者は、取締役会によって指名されるか、この規定またはこれらの社内規則の第1条、セクション6(c)またはセクション8に従って指名される場合に限り、会社の取締役として株主によって選任されることができる。会議の議長は、事実が正当化する場合、そのセクションに従って指名が行われなかったと判断すれば、その旨を議会に宣言し、欠陥のある指名は無視される。

セクション7。 代理人と投票。

株主は、その株主の代理人として他の個人または複数の個人に行動することを許可する文書に署名することができます。 署名は、株主またはその株主の権限を委任された役員、取締役、従業員、または代理人によって、その文書に署名するか、その文書に署名することをもたらすことによって行うことができます。たとえば、ファクシミリ署名などを含む合理的な手段によって。 株主は、電報、ケーブル電報、または他の電子送信手段を使用して、代理人になる他の個人または個人に対して代理人として行動することを許可する場合があります。 受信する代理人であるか、利益の勧誘会社、代理人サポートサービス組織、または同様の代理人に、その電報、ケーブル電報、その他の電子送信手段が株主によって承認されたことを証明する情報を示すか提出される必要があります。 この段落に従って作成された文書または送信のいずれかのコピー、ファクシミリ通信、またはその他の信頼性のある再現物は、元の文書または送信の代わりに任意の目的で代替または使用されるかもしれませんが、そのようなコピー、ファクシミリ通信、または他の再現物は、全体の元の文書または送信の完全な再現である必要があります。

全セクターの投票、取締役の選任を含みますが、法律または法人の定款でそれが必要と規定されている場合を除き、声による投票が行われます。ただし、株主が彼または彼女の代理権を行使できると要求した場合には、株主の株式投票が行われます。 すべての株式投票は、名前を記載する株主または投票者の名前など、会議のために確立された手順で必要とされる情報を含む各投票用紙で行われます。 取締役会は、株主総会の前に、会議で行動し、その結果について書面で報告するために1人以上の監査役を任命します。 取締役会は、行動しなかった監査役を代替するための1人以上の代替監査役を指定することができます。 株主総会で監査役または代理人が活動できない場合、会議で監査役を1人以上任命します。 各監査役は、その職務の履行に入る前に、厳正な公平性に従って、能力に応じて心から誓約し署名します。

優先株の分類または系譜書とこの定款に記載されている内容に規定がある場合を除いては、取締役は、株主総会での出席者の過半数による投票によって選出される。そして、取締役を選出するための正当に招集され、出席している議決権を有する議決権行使者の出席下での議決権行使者からの投票で選出される。 提供するただし、取締役は、議決権行使者の議決権行使において最多得票者によって選出される。ただし、議決権行使者の議決権行使において最多得票者によって選出される会合において、議決権行使者の議決権行使において最多得票者によって選出される取締役が選出される場合、その会合での選出は必要ない。



取引所の事務局長は、1人以上の株主が取締役として選任する候補者の指名または指名を提案したことを知らせる通知を受け取った場合、これらの通知が、この定款の第I条の第6条または第8条、または1934年修正株券取引法に基づく証券取引委員会の定める規則に従っていると主張しており、その後取締役会が、そのような通知がこれらの要件に適合していないと判断したかどうかを問わず、かつ、株主総会の通知が法令に従って取締役会の株主に対して初めて郵送またはその他の方法で行われる日の14日前の時点で、そのような指名または提案された指名がその株主によって取り下げられず、そのような指名または提案された指名が、その取締役会の事務局長によって決定された当該株主総会で選出されるべき取締役の数を選出するためにそのような指名または提案された指名により、そのような指名または提案された指名の後でその株主によって取り消されるかどうかを問わず、「争奪選挙(Contested Election)」とします。

ここでの目的は、投票の過半数が、取締役候補者に対して投票された投票数が、その取締役候補者に対して投票された反対の投票数を選出しなければならず、棄権およびブローカーが投票されることは「その取締役候補者に投票された」または「その取締役候補者に対して投票された」のいずれでもない。 不投票株式 本規定において、投票の過半数とは、取締役候補者に対して投票された投票数が、その取締役候補者に対して投票された反対の投票数と同数でなければならず、棄権およびブローカーは投票されたものとして、「その取締役候補者に投票された」または「その取締役候補者に対して投票された」として数えられない。

セクション9. 株主リスト。






第II条 - 理事会

セクション8. 株主が 株式会社の委任状資料に含まれる株主候補者のデータ

(a) 本セクション8(a)の規定に従い、対象となる任命通知書(以下で定義される)で明示的に要求された場合、株式会社は株主総会の議案書に含めなければならない:

(i) 本セクション8に規定されたすべての適用条件を満たし、本セクション8に記載されたすべての手続きを遵守している(一個人やグループの場合、個別および集合的に)最大20人の適格株主(以下で定義される)または最大20人の適格株主からなるグループ(そのグループが「指名株主」とされ、その中に含まれる)によって選出された任何の人物(以下「株主候補者」という)の氏名;

。第2条 欠員および新規ディレクターシップ

(iii) 同株主候補者の取締役会への選出を支持するために、指名株主が議案書に含めることができる任意の声明(但し、第8(f)(ii)項の制約を受ける)であって、その声明が500語を超えていない場合; そして


(b) 株主総会のために本セクション8(a)に基づいて議案書に含まれる任何の株主候補者の氏名は、そのような年次株主総会で配布される取締役選挙に関連する投票用紙に含まれ、株主がそのような株主候補者の選挙に投票できるように、株式会社がその年次株主総会で取締役の選挙に関連して配布する委任状(または株式会社が委任状を送信することを許可する他の形式)に示されなければならない。


(i) 会社は、株主総会のプロキシ声明書に含める必要がある株主提案者の数は、そのうち20%を構成する役員の数よりも多くてはならず(ただし、最低2名)、最終的な株主提出期限日である本セクション8(c)に基づいて提出されることができる取締役会の総数の最大数(最大数)に丸められたもの)。 特定の年次総会の最大数は、次のように減額されます:(1)後に撤回されるか、本セクション8の要件を満たさなくなるか、就任を辞退する株主提案者;(2)取締役会自体がその年次総会で選任することを決定した株主提案者;および(3)前述の3回の年次総会のうちのいずれかで株主提案者である現任取締役の数であり、取締役会によって今後の年次総会での再選挙が推奨されている数。 もしも本セクション8(e)に定められた締め切り日の後であって、年次総会の日付前に取締役会のいずれかの理由で空席が発生し、それに伴い取締役会が理事会を縮小することを決定した場合、最大数は、縮小後の役員数に基づいて計算されます。



(ii) このセクション8(c)に基づく株主総会への株主提案者の数が最大数を超える場合、会社からの通知を受けると、各提案者株主は、各提案者株主の株主提案通知に開示された所有権の額(最大から最小へ)の順で、最大数が達成されるまで、プロキシ声明書に株主提案者を1人選出します。最大数が達成されない場合は、各提案者株主が1人を選出した後、プロセスが繰り返されます。しかし、セクション8(e)で設定された株主提案通知を提出する締め切り後、提案者株主が不適格となり、またはその提案を取り下げるか、株主提案者が役員会での役割について適任でなくなった場合、決定事項は無視され、会社:(1)株主提案者や任命された後任者、または他の提案者株主によって提案された後任者が否定され、プロキシ声明書や投票用紙、または権利行使用紙に含める必要はなく、(2)その株主提案者が株主提案者としてプロキシ声明書や投票用紙に含まれないと株主に通知されるかつ株主総会で投票対象にはならない旨を、その他の手段を用いて株主に伝えるか、たとえばプロキシ声明書または投票用紙を修正または補完することを含む方法で伝えることができます。

取締役会のいずれの会議においても、全体会議の過半数が全ての目的のためのクォーラムとなります。 クォーラムが欠席する場合、出席者のうち過半数が出席者が出席した場合に、別の場所、日付、または時間に会議を延長することができます。その場合、追加の通知や免責にかかわらず。

(i)「資格保有者」とは、(1)このセクション8(d)での適格要件を満たすために使用された普通株式の売り主として、関連する3年間連続してその株を保有しているか、(2)このセクション8(e)で言及された期間内に、役員会またはその代理人が誠実に判断した方法で、株主提案に関して受け入れられると判断される形で、1つ以上の証券仲介業者からその3年間の連続した所有権の証拠を提出する者のことです。14a-8(b)(2) 1934年の証券取引法(以下「取引所法」)(またはその後継規則)に基づいて。

(ii) 14(d)に従ってこのセクション8(d)に従ってノミネーションを提出することができるのは、20人までのエリジブルホルダーまたは20(20)人までのグループで、(累計で)協会の普通株式の最低数量(以下定義を参照)を所有していて、前記ノミネーション通知の提出日を含む3年間連続して全権行使権と所有権を有しており、年次総会の日までに最低数量の全権行使権と所有権を維持している場合のみ。 1つまたは複数のfundが、(1)共通の管理および投資管理の下にあり、(2)単一の雇用者によって主に資金提供され、または(3)「投資会社グループ」として、投資会社法の1940年修正法 第12(d)(1)(G)(ii)項で定義されているものとして扱われる場合は、ノミネーション通知と共に、当該エリジブルホルダーが(1)、(2)または(3)に規定された基準を満たしていることを株主に合理的に証明する書類を提出すればよいものとする。 確実性のために、エリジブルホルダーのグループがノミネートした場合、このセクション8(d)に規定されている個々のエリジブルホルダーのすべての要件と義務、最低保有期間を含む、は、このグループの全メンバーに適用されるものとする。ただし、最小数量はグループの所有権に適用されるものとする。このセクション8(d)の資格要件を満たさなくなる株主がいることが取締役会によって決定されるか、株主総会前のいずれかの時点でエリジブルホルダーのグループから撤退した場合、残りのグループメンバーが所有する株式のみを有しているものとみなされる。

セクション7. ビジネスの実施。

(iv) このセクション8の目的のために、適格な所有者は、適格な所有者がその企業の発行済株式を所有するものとみなす。





(2) the full economic interest in (including the opportunity for profit and risk of loss on) such shares;

provided that the number of shares calculated in accordance with clauses (1) and (2) shall not include any shares: (i) purchased or sold by such Eligible Holder or any of its affiliates in any transaction that has not been settled or closed; (ii) sold short by such Eligible Holder; (iii) borrowed by such Eligible Holder or any of its affiliates for any purpose or purchased by such Eligible Holder or any of its affiliates pursuant to an agreement to resell or subject to any other obligation to resell to another person; or (iv) subject to any option, warrant, forward contract, swap, contract of sale, other derivative or similar agreement entered into by such Eligible Holder or any of its affiliates, whether any such instrument or agreement is to be settled with shares or with cash based on the notional amount or value of outstanding shares of the Corporation, in any such case which instrument or agreement has, or is intended to have, the purpose or effect of: (i) reducing in any manner, to any extent or at any time in the future, such Eligible Holder’s or any of its affiliates’ full right to vote or direct the voting of any such shares; and/or (ii) hedging, offsetting, or altering to any degree, gain or loss arising from the full economic ownership of such shares by such Eligible Holder or any of its affiliates.

An Eligible Holder “owns” shares held in the name of a nominee or other intermediary so long as the Eligible Holder retains the right to instruct how the shares are voted with respect to the election of directors and possesses the full economic interest in the shares. An Eligible Holder’s ownership of shares shall be deemed to continue during any period in which the Eligible Holder has delegated any voting power by means of a proxy, power of attorney, or other similar instrument or arrangement that is revocable at any time by the Eligible Holder. An Eligible Holder’s ownership of shares shall be deemed to continue during any period in which the Eligible Holder has loaned such shares provided that the Eligible Holder has the power to recall such loaned shares on five (5) business days’ notice, has recalled such loaned shares as of the date of the Nomination Notice and continues to hold such shares through the date of the annual meeting. The terms “owned,” “owning” and other variations of the word “own” shall have correlative meanings. Whether outstanding shares of the Corporation are “owned” for these purposes shall be determined by the Board.

(v) No person shall be permitted to be in more than one group constituting a Nominating Stockholder, and if any person appears as a member of more than one group, it shall be deemed to be a member of the group that has the largest net long position as reflected in the Nomination Notice.

(e) Nomination Notice.

To nominate a Stockholder Nominee, the Nominating Stockholder must, no earlier than 150 calendar days and no later than 120 calendar days before the anniversary of the date that the Corporation mailed its proxy statement for the prior year’s annual meeting, submit to the Secretary of the Corporation at the principal executive office of the Corporation all of the following information and documents (collectively, the “Nomination Notice”); provided, however, that if (and only if) the annual meeting is not scheduled to be held within a period that commences 30 days before such anniversary date and ends 30 days after such anniversary date (an annual meeting date outside such period being referred to herein as an “Other Meeting Date”), the Nomination Notice shall be given in the manner provided herein by the later of the close of business on (i) the date that is 180 days prior to such Other Meeting Date or (ii) the tenth day following the date such Other Meeting Date is first publicly announced or disclosed:

(i) A Schedule 14N (or any successor form) relating to the Stockholder Nominee, completed and filed with the SEC by the Nominating Stockholder as applicable, in accordance with SEC rules;

(ii) A written notice, in a form deemed satisfactory by the Board of Directors or its designee, acting in good faith, of the nomination of such Stockholder Nominee that includes the following additional information, agreements, representations and warranties by the Nominating Stockholder (including each group member):



the information required with respect to the nomination of directors pursuant to Section 6(c) of these By-laws;




the details of any relationship that existed within the past five (5) years and that would have been described pursuant to Item 6(e) of Schedule 14N (or any successor item) if it existed on the date of submission of the Schedule 14N;



a representation and warranty that the Nominating Stockholder did not acquire, and is not holding, securities of the Corporation for the purpose or with the effect of influencing or changing control of the Corporation;



a representation and warranty that the Stockholder Nominee’s candidacy or, if elected, Board membership would not violate applicable state or federal law or the rules of any stock exchange on which the Corporation’s securities are traded;



a representation and warranty that the Stockholder Nominee:

a. does not have any direct or indirect relationship with the Corporation other than those relationships that have been deemed categorically immaterial pursuant to the Corporation’s policy on director independence as most recently published on its website and otherwise qualifies as independent under the rules of the primary stock exchange on which the Corporation’s securities are traded;

b. meets the audit committee independence requirements under the rules of any stock exchange on which the Corporation’s securities are traded;

c. is a “non-employee director” for the purposes of Rule 16b-3 under the Exchange Act (or any successor rule);

d. is an “outside director” for the purposes of Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code (or any successor provision);

e. meets the director qualifications set forth in Article II of these By-Laws;

f. is not and has not been subject to any event specified in Item 401(f) of Regulation S-K (or any successor rule), without reference to whether the event is material to an evaluation of the ability or integrity of the Nominee or whether the event occurred in the ten-year time period referenced in such Item;

g. does not serve as a director of more than four other entities other than the Corporation; and

h. is not and has not been, within the past three years, an officer or director of a competitor as defined in Section 8 of the Clayton Antitrust Act of 1914.



a representation and warranty that the Nominating Stockholder satisfies the eligibility requirements set forth in Section 8(d) and has provided evidence of ownership to the extent required by Section 8(d)(i);



a representation and warranty that the Nominating Stockholder intends to continue to satisfy the eligibility requirements described in Section 8(d) through the date of the annual meeting;




details of any position of the Stockholder Nominee as an officer or director of any competitor (that is, any entity that produces products or provides services that compete with or are alternatives to the principal products produced or services provided by the Corporation or its affiliates) of the Corporation, within the five (5) years preceding the submission of the Nomination Notice;



a representation and warranty that the Nominating Stockholder will not engage in a “solicitation” within the meaning of Rule 14a-1(l) (without reference to the exception in Section 14a-(I)(2)(iv)) (or any successor rules) with respect to the annual meeting, other than with respect to the Stockholder Nominee;



if desired, a statement for inclusion in the proxy statement in support of the Stockholder Nominee’s election to the Board of Directors, provided that such statement shall not exceed 500 words; and



in the case of a nomination by a group, the designation by all group members of one group member that is authorized to act on behalf of all group members with respect to matters relating to the nomination, including withdrawal of the nomination; and

(iii) an executed agreement, in a form deemed satisfactory by the Board of Directors or its designee, acting in good faith, pursuant to which the Nominating Stockholder (including each group member) agrees:



to comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations in connection with the nomination and election;



to assume all liability stemming from an action, suit or proceeding concerning any actual or alleged legal or regulatory violation arising out of any communication by the Nominating Stockholder with the Corporation, its stockholders or any other person in connection with the nomination or election of directors, including, without limitation, the Nomination Notice;



to indemnify and hold harmless (jointly with all other group members, in the case of a group member) the Corporation and each of its directors, officers and employees individually against any liability, loss, damages, expenses or other costs (including attorneys’ fees) incurred in connection with any threatened or pending action, suit or proceeding, whether legal, administrative or investigative, against the Corporation or any of its directors, officers or employees arising out of or relating to a failure or alleged failure of the Nominating Stockholder to comply with, or, any breach or alleged breach of, its obligations, agreements or representations under this Section 8(e); and



in the event that any information included in the Nomination Notice, or any other communications by the Nominating Stockholder (including with respect to any group member), with the Corporation, its stockholders or any other person in connection with the nomination or election ceases to be true and accurate in all material respects (or due to a subsequent development omits a material fact necessary to make the statements made not misleading), or that the Nominating Stockholder (including any group member) has failed to continue to satisfy the eligibility requirements described in Section 8(d), to promptly (and in



  any event within 48 hours of discovering such misstatement or omission) notify the Corporation and any other recipient of such communication of the misstatement or omission in such previously provided information and of the information that is required to correct the misstatement or omission.

(iv) an executed agreement, in a form deemed satisfactory by the Board of Directors or its designee, acting in good faith, by the Stockholder Nominee:



to provide to the Corporation such other information, including completion of the Corporation’s director questionnaire, as it may reasonably request;



that the Stockholder Nominee has read and agrees, if elected, to serve as a member of the Board of Directors, to adhere to the Corporation’s Corporate Governance Guidelines, Code of Professional Conduct, Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, and any other Corporation policies and guidelines applicable to directors; and



that the Stockholder Nominee is not and will not become a party to any compensatory, payment or other financial agreement, arrangement or understanding with any person or entity in connection with service or action as a director of the Corporation, or any agreement, arrangement or understanding with any person or entity as to how the Stockholder Nominee would vote or act on any issue or question as a director, in each case that has not been disclosed to the Corporation.

The information and documents required by this Section 8(e) shall be (i) provided with respect to and executed by each group member, in the case of information applicable to group members; and (ii) provided with respect to the persons specified in Instruction 1 to Item 6(c) and (d) of Schedule 14N (or any successor item) in the case of a Nominating Stockholder or group member that is an entity. The Nomination Notice shall be deemed submitted on the date on which all of the information and documents referred to in this Section 8(e) (other than such information and documents contemplated to be provided after the date the Nomination Notice is provided) have been provided to the Secretary of the Corporation.

(f) Exceptions.

(i) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Section 8, the Corporation may omit from its proxy statement any Stockholder Nominee, and such nomination shall be disregarded and no vote on such Stockholder Nominee will occur, notwithstanding that proxies in respect of such vote may have been received by the Corporation, if:



the Corporation receives a notice pursuant to Section 6(c) of Article I of these Bylaws that a stockholder intends to nominate a candidate for director at the annual meeting;



the Nominating Stockholder or the designated lead group member, as applicable, or any qualified representative thereof, does not appear at the meeting of stockholders to present the nomination submitted pursuant to this Section 8;



the Board of Directors, acting in good faith, determines that such Stockholder Nominee’s nomination or election to the Board of Directors would result in the Corporation violating or failing to be in compliance with the Corporation’s Bylaws or certificate of incorporation or any applicable law, rule or regulation to which the Corporation is subject, including any rules or regulations of any stock exchange on which the Corporation’s securities are traded;




the Stockholder Nominee was nominated for election to the Board of Directors pursuant to this Section 8 at one of the Corporation’s two preceding annual meetings of stockholders and received a vote of less than 25% of the shares of common stock entitled to vote for such Nominee; or the Corporation is notified, or the Board of Directors acting in good faith determines, that a Nominating Stockholder has failed to continue to satisfy the eligibility requirements described in Section 8(d), any of the representations and warranties made in the Nomination Notice ceases to be true and accurate in all material respects (or omits a material fact necessary to make the statements made not misleading), the Stockholder Nominee becomes unwilling or unable to serve on the Board of Directors or any material violation or breach occurs of the obligations, agreements, representations or warranties of the Nominating Stockholder or the Stockholder Nominee under this Section 8.

(ii) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Section 8, the Corporation may omit from its proxy statement, or may supplement or correct, any information, including all or any portion of the statement in support of the Stockholder Nominee included in the Nomination Notice, if the Board of Directors in good faith determines that:



such information is not true in all material respects or omits a material statement necessary to make the statements made not misleading;



such information directly or indirectly impugns the character, integrity or personal reputation of, or directly or indirectly makes charges concerning improper, illegal or immoral conduct or associations, without factual foundation, with respect to, any person;



or the inclusion of such information in the proxy statement would otherwise violate the SEC proxy rules or any other applicable law, rule or regulation.

Section 9. Stock List.

A complete list of stockholders entitled to vote at any meeting of stockholders, arranged in alphabetical order for each class of stock and showing the address of each such stockholder and the number of shares registered in his or her name, shall be open to the examination of any such stockholder, for any purpose germane to the meeting, during ordinary business hours for a period of at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting, either at a place within the city where the meeting is to be held, which place shall be specified in the notice of the meeting, or, if not so specified, at the place where the meeting is to be held.

The stock list shall also be kept at the place of the meeting during the whole time thereof and shall be open to the examination of any such stockholder who is present. This list shall presumptively determine the identity of the stockholders entitled to vote at the meeting and the number of shares held by each of them.

Section 10. Consent of Stockholders in Lieu of Meeting.

Subject to the rights of the holders of any class or series of preferred stock of the Corporation, any action required or permitted to be taken by the stockholders of the Corporation must be effected at an annual or special meeting of stockholders of the Corporation and may not be effected by any consent in writing by such stockholders.




Section 1. General Powers, Number, and Term of Office.

The business and affairs of the Corporation shall be under the direction of its Board of Directors. The number of Directors who shall constitute the Whole Board shall be such number as the majority of the Whole Board shall from time to time have designated, which number shall be no less than nine (9) and no more than eighteen (18). The Board of Directors shall elect a Chairman of the Board from among its members. Prior to April 1, 2024, (a) the Chairman of the Board shall be an “Executive Chairman”; and (b) the Executive Chairman shall be the most senior executive officer of the Corporation with commensurate authority. In addition to a Chairman of the Board, the Board of Directors may elect a Lead Independent Director from among its members.

The Directors, other than those who may be elected by the holders of any class or series of Preferred Stock, shall be divided, with respect to the time for which they severally hold office, into three classes, with the term of office of the first class to expire at the first annual meeting of stockholders; the term of office of the second class to expire at the annual meeting of stockholders one year thereafter; and the term of office of the third class to expire at the annual meeting of stockholders two years thereafter, with each Director to hold office until his or her successor shall have been duly elected and qualified. At each annual meeting of stockholders, Directors elected to succeed those Directors whose terms then expire shall be elected for a term of office to expire at the third succeeding annual meeting of stockholders after their election, with each Director to hold office until his or her successor shall have been duly elected and qualified.

Section 2. Vacancies and Newly Created Directorships.

Subject to the rights of the holders of any class or series of Preferred Stock, and unless the Board of Directors otherwise determines, newly created directorships resulting from any increase in the authorized number of Directors or any vacancies in the Board of Directors resulting from death, resignation, retirement, disqualification, removal from office, or other cause may be filled only by a majority vote of the Directors then in office, though less than a quorum, and Directors so chosen shall hold office for a term expiring at the annual meeting of stockholders at which the term of office of the class to which they have been elected expires and until such Director’s successor shall have been duly elected and qualified. No decrease in the number of authorized Directors constituting the Board shall shorten the term of any incumbent Director.

Section 3. Regular Meetings.

Regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held at such place or places, on such date or dates, and at such time or times as shall have been established by the Board of Directors and publicized among all Directors. A notice of each regular meeting shall not be required.

Section 4. Special Meetings.

Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be called by one-half (1/2) of the Directors then in office (rounded up to the nearest whole number), or by a Chairman of the Board or the Chief Executive Officer, and shall be held in such place, on such date, and at such time as they, or he or she, shall fix. Notice of the place, date and time of each such special meeting shall be given to each Director, unless waived by such Director, by mailing written notice not less than five (5) days before the meeting or by telegraphing or telexing, or by facsimile transmission of the same or by hand, not less than twenty-four (24) hours before the meeting in the case of a meeting to be held at a location within twenty-five (25) miles of the Corporation’s executive offices and not less than forty-eight (48) hours before the meeting in the case of a meeting to be held at a location beyond twenty-five (25) miles of the Corporation’s executive offices. No special meeting shall be held at a location beyond seventy-five (75) miles of the Corporation’s executive offices. Unless otherwise indicated in the notice thereof, any and all business may be transacted at a special meeting.



Section 5. Quorum.

At any meeting of the Board of Directors, a majority of the Whole Board shall constitute a quorum for all purposes. If a quorum shall fail to attend any meeting, a majority of those present may adjourn the meeting to another place, date, or time, without further notice or waiver thereof.

Section 6. Participation in Meetings By Conference Telephone.

Members of the Board of Directors, or of any committee thereof, may participate in a meeting of such Board or committee by means of conference telephone or similar communications equipment by means of which all persons participating in the meeting can hear each other, and such participation shall constitute presence in person at such meeting.

Section 7. Conduct of Business.

At any meeting of the Board of Directors, business shall be transacted in such order and manner as a Chairman of the Board or, in the absence of a Chairman of the Board or at his or her delegation, the Chief Executive Officer or the Board of Directors may from time to time determine, and all matters shall be determined by the vote of a majority of the Directors present, except as otherwise provided herein or required by law. The Board of Directors may take action without a meeting if all members thereof consent thereto in writing, and the writing or writings are filed with the minutes of proceedings of the Board of Directors.

Section 8. Compensation of Directors.

Directors, as such, may receive, pursuant to resolution of the Board of Directors, fixed fees and other compensation for their services as Directors, including, without limitation, their services as members of committees of the Board of Directors.

Section 9. Retirement of Directors.

No person may be elected, appointed, or nominated as a Director of the Corporation after December 31 of the year in which such person attains the age of 75; provided, however, that the Board of Directors, by a written resolution approved by a majority of the disinterested members of the Whole Board of Directors, may exclude an incumbent director from such age limitation. Notwithstanding the limitation of this provision, a director shall be able to complete a term in which he or she attains the age of 75. Vacancies on the Board of Directors created by operation of this provision may be filled in accordance with these Bylaws.


Section 1. Committees of the Board of Directors.

The Board of Directors, by a vote of a majority of the Whole Board of Directors, may, from time to time, designate committees of the Board, with such lawfully delegable powers and duties as it thereby confers, to serve at the pleasure of a majority of the Whole Board, and shall, for these committees and any others provided for herein, elect a Director or Directors to serve as the member or members, designating, if it desires, other Directors as alternate members who may replace any absent or disqualified member at any meeting of the committee. The Board of Directors, by a resolution adopted by a majority of the Whole Board, may terminate any committee previously established. Any committee so designated by resolution adopted by a majority of the Whole Board, may exercise the power and authority of the Board of Directors to declare a dividend, to authorize the issuance of stock, or to adopt a certificate of ownership and merger pursuant to Section 253 of the Delaware General Corporation Law if the resolution which designates the committee or a supplemental resolution of the Board of Directors shall so provide. In the absence or disqualification of any member of any committee and any alternate member in his or her place, the member or members of the committee present at the meeting and not disqualified from voting, whether or not he or she or they constitute a quorum, may by unanimous vote appoint another member of the Board of Directors to act at the meeting in the place of the absent or disqualified member.



Section 2. Conduct of Business.

Each committee may determine the procedural rules for meeting and conducting its business and shall act in accordance therewith, except as otherwise provided herein or required by law or the Board of Directors. Adequate provision shall be made for notice to members of all meetings; a majority of the members shall constitute a quorum unless the committee shall consist of one (1) or two (2) members, in which event one (1) member shall constitute a quorum; and all matters shall be determined by a majority vote of the members present. Action may be taken by any committee without a meeting if all members thereof consent thereto in writing, and the writing or writings are filed with the minutes of the proceedings of such committee.

Section 3. Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee.

The Board of Directors, by resolution adopted by a majority of the Whole Board, shall appoint a Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee of the Board, consisting of not less than three (3) members of the Board of Directors. The Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee shall have authority (a) to review any nominations for election to the Board of Directors made by a stockholder of the Corporation pursuant to Section 6(c)(ii) of Article I of these Bylaws in order to determine compliance with such Bylaw and (b) to recommend to the Whole Board nominees for election to the Board of Directors to replace those Directors whose terms expire at the annual meeting of stockholders next ensuing.


Section 1. Generally.

(a) The Board of Directors, as soon as may be practicable after the annual meeting of stockholders, shall choose one or more Chairmen of the Board; a Chief Executive Officer; a President; one or more Vice Presidents (which may have the designation “Senior Executive”, “Executive” or “Senior” before “Vice President”); and a Secretary, and from time to time may choose such other Officers as it may deem proper. The Chairmen of the Board shall be chosen from among the Directors. Any number of offices may be held by the same person.

(b) The term of office of all Officers shall be until such Officers’ resignation or removal and any Officer may be removed from office at any time by the affirmative vote of a majority of the authorized number of Directors then constituting the Board of Directors. The removal of the current Chairman of the Board or Chief Executive Officer and President from such office or any action to materially modify, amend or breach the employment agreement of such person, or terminate such person’s employment, shall require the affirmative vote of 75% of all of the Directors of the Corporation. This Section 1(b) of Article IV of these Bylaws may not be amended, altered or repealed by the Board of Directors except pursuant to a resolution adopted by 75% of all of the Directors of the Corporation.

(c) All Officers chosen by the Board of Directors or a Chairman of the Board shall each have such powers and duties as generally pertain to their respective Offices, subject to the specific provisions of this ARTICLE IV. Such Officers shall also have such powers and duties as, from time to time, may be conferred by the Board of Directors or by any committee thereof.

Section 2. Chairman of the Board of Directors.

A Chairman of the Board shall, subject to the provisions of these Bylaws and to the direction of the Board of Directors, serve in a general executive capacity. A Chairman of the Board shall perform all duties and have all powers which are delegated to him or her by the Board of Directors.

Section 3. Chief Executive Officer and President.

The Chief Executive Officer and President shall have general responsibility for the management and control of the business and affairs of the Corporation and shall perform all duties and have all powers that are commonly incident to the office of Chief Executive Officer and President or that are delegated to him or her by the Board of Directors. The Chief Executive Officer and President shall have power to sign all stock certificates, contracts and other instruments of the Corporation that are authorized and shall have general supervision of all of the other Officers (other than a Chairman of the Board), employees and agents of the Corporation.



Section 4. Vice President.

The Vice Presidents shall perform the duties and exercise the powers usually incident to their respective offices and/or such other duties and powers as may be properly assigned to them by the Board of Directors. A Vice President or Vice Presidents may be designated as “Senior Executive Vice President”, “Executive Vice President” or “Senior Vice President”.

Section 5. Secretary.

The Secretary or Assistant Secretary shall issue notices of meetings, shall keep their minutes, shall have charge of the seal and the corporate books, and shall perform such other duties and exercise such other powers as are usually incident to such office and/or such other duties and powers as are properly assigned thereto by the Board of Directors. Subject to the direction of the Board of Directors, the Secretary shall have the power to sign all stock certificates.

Section 6. Chief Financial Officer.

The Chief Financial Officer of the Corporation shall have the responsibility for maintaining the financial records of the Corporation. He or she shall make such disbursements of the funds of the Corporation as are authorized and shall render, from time to time, an account of all such transactions and of the financial condition of the Corporation. The Chief Financial Officer shall also perform such other duties as the Board of Directors may from time to time prescribe.

Section 7. Assistant Secretaries and Other Officers.

The Board of Directors may appoint one or more Assistant Secretaries and such other Officers who shall have such powers and shall perform such duties as are provided in these Bylaws or as may be assigned to them by the Board of Directors.

Section 8. Action with Respect to Securities of Other Corporations.

Unless otherwise directed by the Board of Directors, a Chairman of the Board or any Officer of the Corporation authorized by the Chief Executive Officer shall have power to vote and otherwise act on behalf of the Corporation, in person or by proxy, at any meeting of stockholders of, or with respect to any action of stockholders of, any other corporation in which this Corporation may hold securities, and otherwise to exercise any and all rights and powers which this Corporation may possess by reason of its ownership of securities in such other corporation.


Section 1. Certificates of Stock.

Each stockholder shall be entitled to a certificate signed by, or in the name of the Corporation by, a Chairman of the Board or the Chief Executive Officer, and by the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary, or any Treasurer or Assistant Treasurer, certifying the number of shares owned by him or her. Any or all of the signatures on the certificate may be by facsimile. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Board of Directors of the Corporation may provide by resolution or resolutions that some or all of any or all classes or series of its stock shall be uncertificated shares. Any such resolution shall not apply to shares represented by a certificate until such certificate is surrendered to the Corporation.



Section 2. Transfers of Stock.

Transfers of stock shall be made only upon the transfer books of the Corporation kept at an office of the Corporation or by transfer agents designated to transfer shares of the stock of the Corporation. Except where a certificate is issued in accordance with Section 4 of Article V of these Bylaws, an outstanding certificate for the number of shares involved shall be surrendered for cancellation before a new certificate is issued therefore.

Section 3. Record Date.

In order that the Corporation may determine the stockholders entitled to notice of or to vote at any meeting of stockholders, or to receive payment of any dividend or other distribution or allotment of any rights, or to exercise any rights in respect of any change, conversion, or exchange of stock or for the purpose of any other lawful action, the Board of Directors may fix a record date, which record date shall not precede the date on which the resolution fixing the record date is adopted and which record date shall not be more than sixty (60) days nor less than ten (10) days before the date of any meeting of stockholders, nor more than sixty (60) days prior to the time for such other action as hereinbefore described; provided, however, that if no record date is fixed by the Board of Directors, the record date for determining stockholders entitled to notice of or to vote at a meeting of stockholders shall be at the close of business on the day next preceding the day on which notice is given or, if notice is waived, at the close of business on the next day preceding the day on which the meeting is held, and, for determining stockholders entitled to receive payment of any dividend or other distribution or allotment or rights or to exercise any rights of change, conversion, or exchange of stock, or for any other purpose, the record date shall be at the close of business on the day on which the Board of Directors adopts a resolution relating thereto. A determination of stockholders of record entitled to notice of or to vote at a meeting of stockholders shall apply to any adjournment of the meeting; provided, however, that the Board of Directors may fix a new record date for the adjourned meeting.

Section 4. Lost, Stolen, or Destroyed Certificates.

In the event of the loss, theft, or destruction of any certificate of stock, another may be issued in its place pursuant to such regulations as the Board of Directors may establish concerning proof of such loss, theft, or destruction and concerning the giving of a satisfactory bond or bonds of indemnity.

Section 5. Regulations.

The issue, transfer, conversion, and registration of certificates of stock shall be governed by such other regulations as the Board of Directors may establish.


Section 1. Notices.

Except as otherwise specifically provided herein or required by law, all notices required to be given to any stockholder, Director, Officer, employee, or agent shall be in writing and may in every instance be effectively given by hand delivery to the recipient thereof, by depositing such notice in the mails, postage paid, or by sending such notice by prepaid telegram or mailgram or other courier. Any such notice shall be addressed to such stockholder, Director, Officer, employee or agent at his or her last known address as the same appears on the books of the Corporation. The time when such notice is received, if hand delivered, or dispatched, if delivered through the mails or by telegram or mailgram or other courier, shall be the time of the giving of the notice.

Section 2. Waivers.

A written waiver of any notice, signed by a stockholder, Director, Officer, employee, or agent, whether before or after the time of the event for which notice is to be given, shall be deemed equivalent to the notice required to be given to such stockholder, Director, Officer, employee, or agent. Neither the business nor the purpose of any meeting need be specified in such a waiver.




Section 1. Facsimile Signatures.

In addition to the provisions for use of facsimile signatures specifically authorized elsewhere in these Bylaws, facsimile signatures of any Officer or Officers of the Corporation may be used whenever and as authorized by the Board of Directors or a committee thereof designated by the Board.

Section 2. Corporate Seal.

The Board of Directors may provide a suitable seal, containing the name of the Corporation, which seal shall be in the charge of the Secretary. If and when so directed by the Board of Directors or a designated committee thereof, duplicates of the seal may be kept and used by the Chief Financial Officer or by an Assistant Secretary or an assistant to the Chief Financial Officer.

Section 3. Reliance Upon Books, Reports, and Records.

Each Director, each member of any committee designated by the Board of Directors, and each Officer of the Corporation shall, in the performance of his or her duties, be fully protected in relying in good faith upon the books of account or other records of the Corporation and upon such information, opinions, reports, or statements presented to the Corporation by any of its Officers or employees, or committees of the Board of Directors so designated, or by lawyers, accountants, agents, or any other person as to matters which such Director or committee member or Officer reasonably believes are within such other person’s professional or expert competence and who has been selected with reasonable care by or on behalf of the Corporation.

Section 4. Fiscal Year.

The fiscal year of the Corporation shall be as fixed by the Board of Directors.

Section 5. Time Periods.

In applying any provision of these Bylaws which requires that an act be done or not be done a specified number of days prior to an event, or that an act be done during a period of a specified number of days prior to an event, calendar days shall be used, the day of the doing of the act shall be excluded, and the day of the event shall be included.

Section 6. Forum for Adjudication of Disputes.

(a) Unless the Corporation consents in writing to the selection of an alternative forum, the Court of Chancery of the State of Delaware (or, if the Court of Chancery does not have jurisdiction, another state court located within the State of Delaware or, if no court located within the State of Delaware has jurisdiction, the federal district court for the State of Delaware) shall, to the fullest extent permitted by law, be the sole and exclusive forum for:

(i) any derivative action or proceeding brought on behalf of the Corporation;

(ii) any action asserting a claim for breach of a fiduciary duty owed by any director, officer, employee, or stockholder of the Corporation to the Corporation or the Corporation’s stockholders;

(iii) any action asserting a claim arising pursuant to any provision of the Delaware

General Corporation Law, the Certificate of Incorporation, or these by-laws (as either may be amended or restated) or as to which the DGCL confers jurisdiction on the Court of Chancery of the State of Delaware; or



(iv) any action asserting a claim governed by the internal affairs doctrine or any action asserting one or more “internal corporate claims,” as defined in Section 115 of the DGCL.

If any action the subject matter of which is within the scope of this Section 6(a) is filed in a court other than a court located within the State of Delaware (a “Foreign Action”) in the name of any stockholder, such stockholder shall be deemed to have consented to: (i) the personal jurisdiction of the state and federal courts located within the State of Delaware in connection with any action brought in any such court to enforce this Section 6(a) (an “Enforcement Action”); and (ii) having service of process made upon such stockholder in any such Enforcement Action by service upon such stockholder’s counsel in the Foreign Action as agent for such stockholder.

(b) Unless the Corporation consents in writing to the selection of an alternative forum, the federal district courts of the United States of America shall be, to the fullest extent permitted by law, the sole and exclusive forum for any action asserting a claim arising under the Securities Act of 1933.

(c) Any person or entity purchasing or otherwise acquiring any interest in shares of capital stock of the Corporation shall be deemed to have notice of and consented to the provisions of this Section 6.


The Board of Directors, by a resolution adopted by a majority of the Whole Board, may, except as otherwise expressly provided herein, amend, alter, or repeal these Bylaws at any meeting of the Board, provided notice of the proposed change was given not less than two days prior to the meeting. The stockholders shall also have power to amend, alter, or repeal these Bylaws at any meeting of stockholders provided notice of the proposed change was given in the notice of the meeting; provided, however, that, notwithstanding any other provisions of the Bylaws or any provision of law which might otherwise permit a lesser vote or no vote, but in addition to any affirmative vote of the holders of any particular class or series of the voting stock required by law, the Certificate of Incorporation, any Preferred Stock Designation, or these Bylaws, the affirmative votes of the holders of at least 80% of the voting power (taking into account the provisions of Article FOURTH of the Certificate of Incorporation) of all the then-outstanding shares of the Voting Stock voting together as a single class, shall be required to alter, amend, or repeal any provisions of these Bylaws.