展示 10.1
应用 数字公司
Saidal 蒙曼
通过 电子邮件
关于: | 继续雇佣的邀约 |
亲爱的 Saidal:
我们很高兴地告知您,应用数字公司,一家内华达州公司(以下简称“公司”),按照本书面协议约定的条款为您提供持续的雇佣。 附录 A 附表中的,这封信函生效日为2024年10月14日或双方书面同意的其他日期,以及其他相关条款得以满足的日期(以上述日期中较迟者计算,以下简称“信函协议”)。生效日期。”).
职位: 您将担任公司的致富金融(临时代码)职务,向公司首席执行官汇报,或者由首席执行官不断指定的其他人。 首席执行官您的职责和责任可能会不时地由首席执行官或其他下属人员做出修改。您是免于加班工资的豁免员工,无论工作时间多长。
旅行: 您明白可能需要出差以履行职责,并同意根据需要这样做。
基本工资 您的基本工资应按年计算为$475,000(以下简称“基本工资”)。基本工资应按照公司的正常工资支付惯例支付,扣除适用的预扣税额和扣款,并应不时由公司进行审查。
年度 奖金机会: 在您的任职期间,每个财政年度您还有资格获得年度奖金,目标为您的基本工资的75%(“ 年度奖金”),视适用的扣缴和扣除而定。如有的话,您的年度奖金实际金额将基于公司业绩和您在该财政年度的个人表现,由公司董事会(“ 董事会”)或其薪酬委员会(“ 委员会”)确定,可能高于或低于该目标金额。除非本函协议另有规定,每笔年度奖金(如有)将要求您在支付日期之前继续与公司雇佣,无论您离职的原因。
初始股权奖励: 经董事会或委员会批准,您将获得490,000个受限制的股票单位(“RSUs支付”),受公司2022年激励计划(经修订,"401(k)计划的雇主贡献”)和公司根据该计划提供的奖励协议的条款和条件约束。 预计RSU的归属如下:(i)RSU的六分之一(1/6)将于2025年4月4日(“第一个解锁日期”)归属;以及(ii)RSU的六分之一(1/6)将于此后每隔六(6)个月的第一个归属日归属(以便RSU在2027年10月4日完全归属),在每种情况下,均受到您在适用归属日期之前继续与公司的雇佣。此外,如果发生控制权变更(根据计划定义),预计RSU将按以下加速归属:(x)如控制权变更在生效日期的一(1)年周年纪念日之前完成,未归属RSU数的50%将在该变更完成时加速归属(或者,如果未发行涉及任何未归属RSU的“替换奖励”,该变更完成时未归属RSU数的100%将加速归属),以及(y)如果控制权变更在生效日期的一(1)年周年纪念日当天或之后完成,未归属RSU数的100%将在该变更完成时加速归属。
其他 股权奖励您将有资格不时获得股权奖励,需经董事会或委员会批准。 任何此类股权奖励应受董事会或委员会根据情况确定的条款和条件约束。
带薪休假: 您将有资格获得带薪休假和其他离职时间,符合公司随时可能生效的政策。
其他 福利: 您有资格参加公司或其子公司设立的福利和其他福利计划、惯例、政策和项目,条件如同适用于公司员工,您参加此类计划需遵守公司(或其子公司)的福利计划文件、政策和程序的条款和条件,这些条款和条件随时可能被设立并生效。公司保留在任何时候更改、替换或终止上述任何一项或所有福利的权利,包括捐款水平。
费用: 公司将根据您履行公司职责产生的所有合理、经过记录的业务费用,在公司不时有效的有关费用报销政策的规定下报销给您。
雇员 契约协议: 您必须作为继续与公司的雇佣条件,执行随附的雇员保密、发明划转和限制性约定协议 附录 A (“本登记声明”) 由特立软件股份有限公司,一家德拉华州股份公司 (以下简称为“本公司”) 提交,目的是为了注册其额外的7,184,563股A类普通股,每股面值$0.0001 (以下简称为“A类普通股”), 以及在特立软件股份有限公司 2022年股权激励计划下可发行股份的1,436,911股A类普通股,注(下文简称为“A类普通股”)。雇员契约协议”) 同时立即执行并遵守其所有条款。
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终止: 在公司工作没有特定的时间段。你在公司的工作将 “随意”,这意味着 您或公司可以随时以任何理由或无理由终止您的工作,无论是否提前解雇 注意。如果您的工作因任何原因被解雇,您只会收到 (i) 截至该日的任何应计和未付基本工资的支付 此类终止日期,以及 (ii) 报销在该终止日期之前发生但未支付的业务费用,但以此为限 根据本信函协议的条款,有资格获得补偿(以下统称”应计债务”)。 尽管有上述规定,但如果公司在没有 “原因”(定义见下文)的情况下终止了您的工作 然后,前提是您执行并向本公司交付,并且不可撤销(如果适用)已执行的豁免和免除 以公司提供的表格提出索赔(”发布”) 在六十 (60) 之内生效且不可撤销 您终止之日起的天数(或本新闻稿中规定的较短期限),以及您继续遵守条款 以及本信函协议、员工契约协议和免责声明的条件,除应计费用外,您还将收到本信函协议、员工契约协议和免责声明的条件 债务,如下:(i) 相当于十二 (12) 个月基本工资的现金金额(或者,如果您被解雇) 在控制权变更完成后的十八 (18) 个月内无故地(定义见应用数字公司) 2024 年激励计划(经不时修订、重述或以其他方式修改),二十四(24)个月的基本工资),在 自您解雇之日起生效的应付税率,减去适用的预扣税和以延期工资形式扣除的扣除额 在十二 (12) 或二十四 (24) 个月内定期分期付款(视情况而定),其中第一期开始于 本新闻稿生效且不可撤销之日之后的第一个定期发放工资的日期(”现金遣散费”); 以及 (ii) 相当于您终止雇佣关系的财政年度目标年度奖金的百分之百的金额 在年度奖金本应支付之日起十 (10) 天内一次性支付, 没有解雇以及新闻稿的生效,但无论如何都不迟于财政年度之后的8月15日 其中终止日期为终止日期。尽管有上述规定,但如果期限是考虑,并在适用的情况下撤销 发放金加上此后的第一个正常工资发放日期跨越两个日历年,现金遣散费应从 该第二个日历年度的第一个正常发薪日期或本新闻稿生效后的第一个发薪日期的较晚者。
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第280G节: 尽管与您之间的本信函协议或公司与您之间的任何其他协议的其他规定,在公司或其他情况下向您提供或为您的利益提供的所有支付或福利,无论根据本信函协议或其他任何条款支付或可支付或分发或可分发的(下文统称为“全部支付”),将(全部或部分)受到《1986年税收法典》修正案第4999节规定的课征的财产及福利税或《法典》第280G节规定,公司或其任何子公司或联属公司均不可凭借此递减的,消费税”给出的征收的企业所得税(“代码”)或公司或其任何子公司或联属公司根据《法典》第280G节不得扣除扣除损失),则应将总付款(按照随后段落所规定的顺序)减少至避免对总付款和扣除损失征收附加税所必需的最小程度,但仅在以下条件下:(i) 在进行上述减少后,该总付款的净额(减去减少后的总付款上的联邦、州和地方所得税和就业税的净额)大于或等于(ii) 在未进行减少的情况下的总付款净额(但在扣除了联邦、 州和地方所得税及就业税后,并扣除您在未减少总付款时将对未减少总付款应纳附加税的金额)。您须签署任何放弃或其他文件,并采取公司要求的所有其他行动,以承认根据本段所执行的减少。
这个 总补助金应按以下顺序减少:(i) 按比例减少任何免税的现金遣散费 摘自《守则》第 409A 条 (”第 409A 节”),(ii)按比例减少任何非现金遣散费 或不受第 409A、(iii) 条约束的福利,按比例减少任何其他免税款项或福利 来自第 409A 条,以及 (iv) 减少按比例或以其他方式支付给您的任何款项或福利 符合第 409A 条; 提供的,就第 (ii)、(iii) 和 (iv) 款而言,任何付款的减少归因于 加速归属公司股权奖励应首先适用于本应最后归属的公司股权奖励 及时地。
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其他事项此优惠视乎公司认为必要的独立性和冲突检查顺利完成而决定 (“其他预期情况”).
部分 409A: 双方的意图是使本信函协议下的付款和福利符合或不受本节的约束 409A,因此,在允许的最大范围内,本信函协议应解释为豁免或符合规定 随之而来。尽管本信函协议中有任何相反的规定,但根据本信函应付的任何薪酬或福利 根据第 409A 条被视为不合格递延薪酬且在本信函协议中指定为应付薪酬的协议 在您终止雇佣关系时,只有当您在本公司 “离职” 时才应支付工资 第 409A (a) 条的含义”离职”)。尽管本信函协议中有任何相反的规定, 如果您在离职时被公司视为出于以下目的的 “特定员工” 第 409A 条,在延迟生效的范围内,您根据本信函协议有权享受的任何部分福利 是为了避免第 409A 条规定的禁止分配,不得向您提供该部分福利 在 (A) 以较早者为准,从你离职之日起算的六 (6) 个月期限到期 公司或 (B) 您的死亡日期。在适用的第 409A 条期限到期后的第一个工作日内,所有 根据前一句话延期的款项应一次性支付给您(或您的遗产或受益人),以及任何剩余的款项 根据本信函协议应付给您的款项应按此处另行规定支付。您有权获得任何分期付款 根据本信函协议,包括但不限于在公司工资发放日支付的任何延续工资, 应被视为获得一系列单独付款的权利,因此,每笔此类分期付款应始终如一 被视为第 409A 条允许的单独和独特的付款。
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通过在下方签署本信函协议,您承认并同意公司中任何人都没有向您提出与本信函协议所规定的条款有所不同的陈述。本信函协议的条款连同于本日期前后签订的员工契约协议,将取代一切之前的协议、谅解和陈述(无论是书面还是口头),涉及您的雇佣条款;但是,您此前收到的任何股权奖励将根据其条款继续生效。除非经您和公司书面并签字,否则对本信函协议中所载条款的修改、修订、补充或弃权(或其附件)均不具约束力。公司有权将本信函协议转让给其任何关联公司、继承者和受让人,您将不有资格获得任何额外报酬。公司或董事会在此项下做出的所有决定、解释、授权行使或其他行动将由公司、董事会或相应委员会以其唯一和绝对酌情进行。本信函协议可分为两个或更多部分进行签署,每部分均为原件,所有部分共同构成一份文件。 附录 A 他的)除非经您和公司书面并签字,否则对本信函协议中所载条款的修改、修订、补充或弃权(或其附件)均不具约束力。公司有权将本信函协议转让给其任何关联公司、继承者和受让人,您将不有资格获得任何额外报酬。公司或董事会在此项下做出的所有决定、解释、授权行使或其他行动将由公司、董事会或相应委员会以其唯一和绝对酌情进行。本信函协议可分为两个或更多部分进行签署,每部分均为原件,所有部分共同构成一份文件。
[签名 页面跟随]
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此致敬礼, | ||
应用数字公司 | ||
打印 名字: | 韦斯 康明斯 |
签字: | /s/ 韦斯·康明斯 |
职务: | 首席执行官 |
日期: | 10/15/2024 |
接受: | ||
Mohammad Saidal LaVanway Mohmand | ||
姓名: Mohammad Saidal LaVanway Mohmand | ||
日期: | 10/14/2024 |
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雇员 契约协议
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员工 保密、发明权划转和
限制性 契约协议
没有与任何其他协议或义务发生冲突。 我声明并保证我没有受任何可能与本协议产生冲突的协议或安排的约束。除了在本协议附录中描述的任何义务之外(如果没有列出,则我声明没有任何),我没有任何关于之前参与、就业或交往中所了解的所有权、秘密或机密信息的保密、机密、非竞争或其他类似义务,也没有任何要求向任何其他人分配任何类型的贡献或发明。我不应向公司披露或诱使该公司使用任何属于他人的专有、商业秘密或机密信息或资料。 附录 A 附属于本协议的(如果没有列出,则我声明没有)除外,我没有任何关于之前参与、就业或交往中所了解的所有权、秘密或机密信息的保密、机密、非竞争或其他类似义务的要求,也没有任何义务将任何贡献或发明分配给任何其他人。我不应向公司披露或诱使公司使用任何属于他人的专有、商业秘密或机密信息或资料。
不 侵犯第三方知识产权。 本人声明并保证,在下文第3节中定义的发明 不会侵犯任何第三方的专利、版权、商业秘密或其他专有权利。
保密 信息。
机密信息的定义。 “保密信息”包括无论是否明确标记为机密的所有机密的非公开或专有信息或商业秘密,由于我在公司的雇佣或服务导致而向我透露或为我所学,包括但不限于公司视为机密的任何第三方信息,以及由于我雇佣或服务于公司的结果而我学到的任何信息。机密信息包括但不限于以下类型的信息及其他类似性质的信息:(i) 公司的生产技术、设计、概念、图纸、想法、知识产权、发明、规格、模型、研究、开发、流程、程序、商业秘密、专有技术、新产品或新技术信息、设计、产品设计、客户名称及与客户相关的其他信息、员工信息、定价政策、财务信息、业务计划、计算机程序(无论是源代码还是目标代码)、策略、方法、系统、发明、生产方法和来源、营销和销售信息、从他人处接收的公司有义务视为机密或专有的信息。(ii) 与为人工智能应用提供高性能计算能力的云产品和服务有关的信息(包括但不限于大型语言模型的训练、推理和图形渲染等,包括但不限于书籍和记录)、声明(财务或其他)、组织和管理文件、软件程序、应用程序和数据库、现有或潜在交易对手(包括但不限于放贷人、投资者、客户、出租人、地主、雇员、销售代表、独立或其他承包方和其他商业伙伴和服务提供方)的名单(及协议、合同、条款、安排和与之进行的谈判)、分析、报告、研究(行业、市场、产品或其他)、预测、投影、生产线、预算、备忘录、编译物(iii) 以及与公司、其业务、潜在业务、运营或财务相关的具有商业价值的任何其他技术、运营、财务和其他业务信息,或公司客户的业务,我可能在为公司工作期间获得或开发知识,或在未来可能在为公司工作期间是否会获取或开发知识,或从同事那里得到的信息。(iv) 任何可被标记或以其他方式标识为机密或专有的信息,或以其他方式对于合理人似乎在了解或使用信息的情境和环境中而言是机密或专有的信息。
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保护 机密信息.
我 将只在履行公司职责的过程中使用机密信息。
Permitted disclosures. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, (i) nothing in this Agreement prohibits me from reporting possible violations of federal law or regulation to any United States governmental agency or entity in accordance with the provisions of and rules promulgated under Section 21F of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 or Section 806 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, or any other whistleblower protection provisions of state or federal law or regulation (including the right to receive an award for information provided to any such government agencies), and (ii) this Agreement is not intended to, and shall not, in any way prohibit, limit or otherwise interfere with my protected rights under federal, state or local law to, without notice to the Company: (A) communicate or file a charge with or provide information to a government regulator, such as, by way of example and not limitation, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), or any other self-regulatory organization; (B) participate in an investigation or proceeding conducted by a government regulator; (C) receive an award paid by a government regulator for providing information; or (D) otherwise engage in activity protected by applicable whistleblower laws. I further acknowledge that pursuant to the Defend Trade Secrets Act, 18 USC Sections 1833(b)(1) and (2): (a) I will not be held criminally or civilly liable under any federal or state trade secret law for the disclosure of a trade secret if (i) I make such disclosure in confidence to a federal, state, or local government official, either directly or indirectly, or to an attorney and such disclosure is made solely for the purpose of reporting or investigating a suspected violation of law; or (ii) I make such disclosure in a complaint or other document filed in a lawsuit or other proceeding if such filing is made under seal; and (b) if an individual files a lawsuit for retaliation by an employer for reporting suspected violation of law, the individual may disclose the trade secret to the attorney of the individual and use the trade secret information in the court proceeding, if the individual (i) files any document containing the trade secret under seal; and (ii) does not disclose the trade secret, except pursuant to court order.
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保密信息的归还。 当我与公司的雇佣关系终止时,无论出于任何原因或无原因,在我任职期间的任何时间,一经要求,我将立即且无需公司的要求提供或归还给公司任何和所有公司财产,包括钥匙,钥匙卡,门禁卡,身份证,安防设备,公司信用卡,网络访问设备,电脑,手机,智能手机,PDA,传呼机,传真机,设备,扬声器,网络摄像头,手册,报告,文件,书籍,编译,工作成果,电子邮件,记录,磁带,盘片,U盘,或其他可移动信息存储设备,硬盘和所有属于公司并以任何方式存储的公司文件和资料,包括但不限于那些构成或包含任何保密信息的资料,不论是由公司提供给我的还是在我与公司的雇佣关系中我创建的;以及删除或销毁所有这些未归还给公司并仍由我控制的文件和资料的副本,包括存储在我控制或具有任何非公司设备,在我控制中的网络,存储位置和介质上的资料。我同意,我在公司名义开设,操作或参与的任何社交媒体或其他电子帐户均构成公司财产,我同意我将在任职期间或之后任何时间应公司要求提供所有访问代码,密码和管理员权限给公司。假如我离开公司,我特此同意公司可通知我的新雇主有关本协议下的我的权利和义务。
发明的定义术语“发明” 包括:
贡献 和发明、发现、创作、发展、改进、作品以及想法(无论是否可以申请专利或受版权法保护)以及自从我开始在公司工作的日期起,由我独自或与他人在受雇于公司的期间构思、创作、开发或付诸实践的任何形式的作品;这些作品可能是:(i) 在正常工作时间或在我在公司、附属公司或客户设施或自己的设施处工作期间构思的;或 (ii) 无论它们是在正常工作时间或在我工作的地点构思或制作的,它们是直接或间接与公司的业务或潜在业务有关的,源自公司分配给我的任务,或者是利用公司的资源、设施或材料构思或制作的。
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这个 术语”发明” 明确排除符合以下条件的任何发明:(i)根据法律(包括但不限于适用的发明) 我的就业状况的法定条款载于 附录 C,如果有的话)不能要求我转让;或(ii)发明 我完全靠自己的时间开发,没有使用任何公司设备、用品、设施或商业秘密信息,除非 (1) 该发明在构思或归结为实践时与(x)公司的业务有关,或(y) 公司的实际或显而易见的研究或开发,或 (2) 本发明源于所做的任何工作 我为公司做的但是,如果我相信我在任期内创造的任何发明、著作权或其他物品 我的工作不在发明的定义范围内,我将向公司披露,以便公司进行评估 是否属于本协议中发明的定义。
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之前 发明。 我承认第三部分要求我向公司转让发明可能不适用于我所在就业州中规定的任何发明 展览 C如果有的话,它规定了我不需要被要求转让。我承认我已阅读了 展览 C 在我签署本协议之前,我会遵守本第3部分的规定,并披露我认为不需要根据本协议进行转让的任何发明,根据州法律或其他相关法规,以便公司进行评估。在 附件B 附件中 我已包括一个完整清单,并附上非保密描述,并限于我在加入公司之前制作或构思的任何发明、想法、报告和其他创意作品,每种情况仅限于我所有或我控制的实体所有的项目,或我或我控制的实体可能向他人授权的项目(统称“先前发明如果没有附上这样的列表,我声明并保证没有这样的先前发明。我打算列表上的项目以及仅列出的项目应该从本协议规定的限制中排除。我不会主张任何关于在加入公司之前我制作、构想或取得任何发明的权利、所有权或利益,除非我已在附上的文件中明确标明了该发明。 附件B如果任何先前发明被合并到任何发明中或对任何发明的使用是必需的,我在此授予公司对先前发明的所有知识产权和其他权利的无限制、永久、不可撤销、可转让、全球性、免费的、已支付的、非排他性许可,有权通过多个层级授予再许可的权利,用于生产、委托生产、使用、销售、提供销售、进口、复制、准备衍生作品、分发、执行、展示和完全开发以及复制先前发明及任何根据、合并或使用先前发明而衍生、包含或使用的产品、服务、方法、工艺、技术和其他项目,用于商业、内部业务和所有其他目的。
限制性 契约。
“Business Partner” means any of the Company’s customers, clients, members, suppliers, or business partners or relations.
“Competitive Business” means, directly or indirectly, (i) the business of (A) acquiring, owning, operating, managing and monetizing digital infrastructure solution businesses for high performance computing applications and (B) acquiring real estate and design, developing and operating thereon data centers to provide digital infrastructure solutions for high performance computing applications, and or (ii) a person or division or unit of a larger enterprise engaged in the same, similar, or other additional lines of business in which the Company engages or has taken active steps to engage based on discussions or actions taken by or among senior management or the Board of Directors of the Company during my employment up to the date of termination of my employment hereunder.
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“Prohibited Activity” is activity in which I contribute my knowledge, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, as an employee, employer, owner, operator, manager, advisor, consultant, agent, partner, director, stockholder, officer, volunteer, intern or any other similar capacity to (i) a person or entity engaged in the same or similar business as the Company, including those engaged in a Competitive Business, or (ii) any activity that may require or inevitably require disclosure of trade secrets, proprietary information or Confidential Information.
“Restricted Area” means any geographic location (i) where I performed direct, substantive services for any of the Company’s customers, (ii) in which I provided services to the Company, or (iii) where my use or disclosure of Confidential Information could disadvantage the Company.
“Restricted Period” means the period of employment and twelve (12) months following the termination of employment for any reason.
Obligations During Employment. To protect the legitimate business interests of the Company and in consideration of the Company’s willingness to provide to me access to its Confidential Information, customer relationships and goodwill, I agree that during the term of employment with the Company, I will not directly or indirectly, whether as employee, owner, sole proprietor, partner, shareholder, director, member, consultant, agent, founder, co-venture partner or otherwise, (a) do anything to divert or attempt to divert from the Company any business of any kind, including, without limitation, solicit or interfere with any of the Company’s Business Partners with whom I performed direct, substantive services during my employment or as to whom I had access to Confidential Information where my use or disclosure of Confidential Information could disadvantage the Company, (b) solicit, induce, recruit or encourage any person engaged or employed by the Company to terminate his or her employment or engagement, (c) engage in Prohibited Activity, or (d) become employed by, engage, invest or participate in any Competitive Business, provided, however, that I may own, as a passive investor, publicly-traded securities of any corporation that competes with the business of the Company so long as such securities do not, in the aggregate, constitute more than two percent (2%) of any class of outstanding securities of such corporations.
Post-Employment Non-Solicitation Obligations. To protect the legitimate business interests of the Company and in consideration of the Company’s willingness to provide to me access to its Confidential Information, customer relationships and goodwill, I agree that during the Restricted Period and in the Restricted Area, I will not directly or indirectly, whether as employee, owner, sole proprietor, partner, shareholder, director, member, consultant, agent, founder, co-venture partner or otherwise, (a) do anything to divert or attempt to divert from the Company any business of any kind, including, without limitation, solicit or interfere with any of the Company’s Business Partners with whom I performed direct, substantive services during my employment or as to whom I had access to Confidential Information where my use or disclosure of Confidential Information could disadvantage the Company, or (b) solicit, induce, recruit or encourage any person engaged or employed by the Company who had access to Confidential Information to terminate his or her employment or engagement. This restriction in 4.3(a) shall not apply with respect to any Business Partner with whom I can demonstrate I had a pre-existing relationship prior to my employment with the Company. THIS SECTION 4.3 SHALL NOT APPLY AS SET FORTH IN, AND/OR SHALL BE LIMITED BY ANY APPLICABLE LIMITATION LISTED ON, EXHIBIT D.
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Post-Employment Non-Competition Obligations. To protect the Company’s legitimate protectable interests in, among other things, the Company’s Confidential Information, customer relationships and goodwill, I agree that during the Restricted Period and in the Restricted Area, I shall not, directly or indirectly, become employed by, engage with (as a consultant, advisor or otherwise), invest in or otherwise own or participate in any Competitive Business in any capacity in which the Company’s Confidential Information would reasonably be considered useful to the competitor or would enable the other third party to become a competitor of the Company, provided, however, that I may own, as a passive investor, publicly-traded securities of any corporation that competes with the business of the Company so long as such securities do not, in the aggregate, constitute more than two percent (2%) of any class of outstanding securities of such corporations. THIS SECTION 4.4 SHALL NOT APPLY AS SET FORTH IN, AND/OR SHALL BE LIMITED BY ANY APPLICABLE LIMITATIONS LISTED ON, EXHIBIT D.
Reformation of Prohibited Terms. Any term contained in this Section 4 shall be deemed modified, blue-penciled, and/or stricken from the Agreement to the extent necessary if I work in a state where such restriction is prohibited by applicable law.
Covenant of Non-Disparagement. Unless authorized by law, I will not at any time, either during or after my employment with the Company, disparage the reputation of the Company, its customers, and/or its or their respective affiliates or any of its or their respective officers, directors, employees or agents. Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to prohibit me from (a) discussing or disclosing information about unlawful acts in the workplace, such as harassment or discrimination or any other conduct that I have reason to believe is unlawful or (b) exercising my rights under Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act.
Interpretation and Scope of this Agreement. Each provision of this Agreement shall be interpreted on its own. If any provision is held to be unenforceable as written, including but not limited to being too broad as to the period of time, territory, and/or scope, then, and in that event, such provision will nonetheless remain valid and fully effective, but will be considered to be amended so that the period of time, territory, and/or scope set forth will be changed to be the maximum period of time, the largest territory, and/or the broadest scope, as the case may be, that would be found enforceable by such court or arbitrator. In the event that one or more of the provisions contained in this Agreement shall for any reason be held unenforceable in any respect under the law of any state of the United States or the United States, then it shall (a) be enforced to the fullest extent permitted under applicable law and (b) such unenforceability shall not affect any other provision of this Agreement, but this Agreement shall then be construed as if such unenforceable portion(s) had never been contained herein.
Remedies. I understand and agree that if I breach or threaten to breach any of the provisions of this Agreement the Company would suffer immediate and irreparable harm and that monetary damages would be an inadequate remedy. I agree that, in the event of my breach or threatened breach of any of the provisions of this Agreement, the Company shall have the right to seek relief from a court to restrain me (on a temporary, preliminary and permanent basis) from using or disclosing Company Confidential Information or Inventions or otherwise violating the provisions of this Agreement, and that any such restraint shall be in addition to (and not instead of) any and all other remedies to which the Company shall be entitled, including money damages. The Company shall not be required to post a bond to secure against an imprudently granted injunction (whether temporary, preliminary or permanent). In addition, and not instead of those rights, I further covenant that I shall be responsible for payment of the fees and expenses of the Company’s attorneys and experts, as well as the Company’s court costs, pertaining to any suit, arbitration, mediation, action or other proceeding, including the costs of any investigation related thereto, arising directly or indirectly out of my violation or threatened violation of any of the provisions of this Agreement.
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Reasonableness of Covenants. I understand that the nature of my position gives me access to and knowledge of Confidential Information and places me in a position of trust and confidence with the Company. I understand and acknowledge that the services I provide to the Company are unique, special or extraordinary because of my educational background, technical expertise, knowledge of the industry, and relationships with potential clients and vendors related to Company’s business. I further understand and acknowledge that the Company’s ability to reserve these for the exclusive knowledge and use of the Company is of great competitive importance and commercial value to the Company, and that improper use or disclosure by me is likely to result in unfair or unlawful competitive activity. I acknowledge and agree that the restrictions that are set forth in this Agreement and the location and period of time for which such restrictions apply are reasonable and necessary to protect the Company’s legitimate business interests and shall survive the termination of my employment. I further acknowledge that the restrictions contained in this Agreement will not prevent me from earning a livelihood during the applicable period of restriction.
Governing Law; Disputes. This Agreement (together with any and all modifications, extensions and amendments of it) and any and all matters arising directly or indirectly herefrom shall be governed by and construed and enforced in accordance with the internal laws of the State of Texas applicable to agreements made and to be performed entirely in such state, without giving effect to the conflict or choice of law principles thereof. Any controversy, claim or dispute arising out of or relating to this Agreement shall be resolved by arbitration in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Letter Agreement to which this Agreement is attached as Exhibit A.
Entire Agreement; Amendments and Waivers. This Agreement (including the exhibits attached hereto) represents the entire understanding and agreement among the parties hereto with respect to the subject matter hereof and can be amended, supplemented, or changed and any provision hereof can be waived, only by written instrument signed by the party against whom enforcement of any such amendment, supplement, change or waiver is sought. Notwithstanding the foregoing, (i) nothing in this Agreement shall amend, alter, or modify the terms and conditions of any invention (or similar) assignment or agreement I have previously signed or been bound by with respect to the Company, and (ii) without limitation of the immediately preceding clause (i), in the event of any conflict between this Agreement and any other agreement I have signed or hereafter sign containing terms that are more expansive or otherwise more favorable to the Company, including, without limitation, with respect to scope or duration, the more expansive provisions shall control.
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Captions. The captions and section headings in this Agreement are included solely for convenience of reference and are not intended to affect the interpretation of any provision of this Agreement.
Counterparts; Binding Effect. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original agreement, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same agreement. Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, this Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors and permitted assigns.
Notices. All notices and other communications given or made pursuant to this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed effectively given: (a) upon personal delivery to the party to be notified, (b) when sent by confirmed electronic mail or facsimile if sent during normal business hours of the recipient, and if not so confirmed, then on the next business day, (c) five (5) days after having been sent by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, or (d) one (1) business day after deposit with a nationally recognized overnight courier, specifying next day delivery, with written verification of receipt. All communications to me shall be sent to me at my address as set forth on the signature page of this Agreement, or in the Company’s records, or to such e-mail address, facsimile number or address as subsequently modified by written notice given in accordance with this Section and all notices to the Company shall be provided to the Company’s headquarters, attention CEO.
Electronic Monitoring Notice. I have been advised that, upon my hire, any and all telephone conversations or transmissions, electronic mail or transmissions, or internet access or usage by me by any electronic device or system, including but not limited to the use of computer, telephone, wire, radio, or electromagnetic, photo electronic, or photo-optical systems, may be subject to monitoring by the Company at any and all times and by any lawful means.
[Signature Page Follows]
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By signing this Agreement below, (1) I agree to be bound by each of its terms, (2) I acknowledge that I have read and understand this Agreement and the important restrictions it imposes upon me, and (3) I represent and warrant to the Company that I have had ample and reasonable opportunity to consult with legal counsel of my own choosing to review this Agreement and understand its terms, including that it places significant restrictions on me.
By: | /s/Mohammad Saidal LaVanway Mohmand | |
Name: | Mohammad Saidal LaVanway Mohmand |
Address: | ||
Date: | 10/14/2024 |
Accepted by Company:
Applied Digital Corporation | ||
By: | /s/ Wes Cummins | |
Name: | Wes Cummins | |
Title: | Chief Executive Officer | |
Dated: | 10/15/2024 |
[Signature Page to Employee Non-Disclosure, Invention Assignment and Restrictive Covenants Agreement]
Obligations to Other Persons:
[Securely attach additional pages if necessary]
[If this exhibit is left blank, the employee shall be deemed to represent that he/she does not have any non-disclosure, confidentiality, non-competition or other similar obligations to any other person concerning proprietary, secret or confidential information that he/she learned of during any previous engagement, employment or association nor has he/she had any obligation to assign contributions or inventions of any kind to any other person.]
Exhibit A-1
With respect to the assignment of rights and inventions, I have read the applicable statutory provision for my state of employment set forth in Exhibit C of this Agreement (if any). On this Exhibit B, I have included a complete list, with nonconfidential descriptions, of any inventions, ideas, reports and other creative works that I made or conceived prior to my employment with the Company.
Prior Inventions:
[Securely attach additional pages if necessary]
[If this exhibit is left blank, the employee shall be deemed to represent that he/she does not have any Prior Inventions.]
(This supplements Section 3 of the Agreement)
If I am employed by the Company in the State of California, the following provision applies:
California Labor Code Section 2870. Application of provision providing that employee shall assign or offer to assign rights in invention to employer.
(a) Any provision in an employment agreement which provides that an employee shall assign, or offer to assign, any of his or her rights in an invention to his or her employer shall not apply to an invention that the employee developed entirely on his or her own time without using the employer’s equipment, supplies, facilities, or trade secret information except for those inventions that either:
(1) | Relate at the time of conception or reduction to practice of the invention to the employer’s business, or actual or demonstrably anticipated research or development of the employer; or | |
(2) | Result from any work performed by the employee for his employer. |
(b) To the extent a provision in an employment agreement purports to require an employee to assign an invention otherwise excluded from being required to be assigned under subdivision (a), the provision is against the public policy of this state and is unenforceable.
If I am employed by the Company in the State of Delaware, the following provision applies:
Delaware Code, Title 19, § 805. Employee’s right to certain inventions.
Any provision in an employment agreement which provides that the employee shall assign or offer to assign any of the employee’s rights in an invention to the employee’s employer shall not apply to an invention that the employee developed entirely on the employee’s own time without using the employer’s equipment, supplies, facility or trade secret information, except for those inventions that: (i) relate to the employer’s business or actual or demonstrably anticipated research or development, or (ii) result from any work performed by the employee for the employer. To the extent a provision in an employment agreement purports to apply to the type of invention described, it is against the public policy of this State and is unenforceable. An employer may not require a provision of an employment agreement made unenforceable under this section as a condition of employment or continued employment.
If I am employed by the Company in the State of Illinois, the following provision applies:
Illinois Compiled Statutes Chapter 765, Section 1060/2.
Sec. 2. Employee rights to inventions - conditions.
(1) A provision in an employment agreement which provides that an employee shall assign or offer to assign any of the employee’s rights in an invention to the employer does not apply to an invention for which no equipment, supplies, facilities, or trade secret information of the employer was used and which was developed entirely on the employee’s own time, unless (a) the invention relates (i) to the business of the employer, or (ii) to the employer’s actual or demonstrably anticipated research or development, or (b) the invention results from any work performed by the employee for the employer. Any provision which purports to apply to such an invention is to that extent against the public policy of this State and is to that extent void and unenforceable. The employee shall bear the burden of proof in establishing that his invention qualifies under this subsection.
(2) An employer shall not require a provision made void and unenforceable by subsection (1) of this Section as a condition of employment or continuing employment. This Act shall not preempt existing common law applicable to any shop rights of employers with respect to employees who have not signed an employment agreement.
(3) If an employment agreement entered into after January 1, 1984, contains a provision requiring the employee to assign any of the employee’s rights in any invention to the employer, the employer must also, at the time the agreement is made, provide a written notification to the employee that the agreement does not apply to an invention for which no equipment, supplies, facility, or trade secret information of the employer was used and which was developed entirely on the employee’s own time, unless (a) the invention relates (i) to the business of the employer, or (ii) to the employer’s actual or demonstrably anticipated research or development, or (b) the invention results from any work performed by the employee for the employer.
If I am employed by the Company in the State of Kansas, the following provision applies:
44-130. Employment agreements assigning employee rights in inventions to employer; restrictions; certain provisions void; notice and disclosure.
(a) Any provision in an employment agreement which provides that an employee shall assign or offer to assign any of the employee’s rights in an invention to the employer shall not apply to an invention for which no equipment, supplies, facilities or trade secret information of the employer was used and which was developed entirely on the employee’s own time, unless:
(1) | The invention relates to the business of the employer or to the employer’s actual or demonstrably anticipated research or development; or | |
(2) | the invention results from any work performed by the employee for the employer. |
(b) Any provision in an employment agreement which purports to apply to an invention which it is prohibited from applying to under subsection (a), is to that extent against the public policy of this state and is to that extent void and unenforceable. No employer shall require a provision made void and unenforceable by this section as a condition of employment or continuing employment.
(c) If an employment agreement contains a provision requiring the employee to assign any of the employee’s rights in any invention to the employer, the employer shall provide, at the time the agreement is made, a written notification to the employee that the agreement does not apply to an invention for which no equipment, supplies, facility or trade secret information of the employer was used and which was developed entirely on the employee’s own time, unless:
(1) | The invention relates directly to the business of the employer or to the employer’s actual or demonstrably anticipated research or development; or | |
(2) | the invention results from any work performed by the employee for the employer. |
(d) Even though the employee meets the burden of proving the conditions specified in this section, the employee shall disclose, at the time of employment or thereafter, all inventions being developed by the employee, for the purpose of determining employer and employee rights in an invention.
If I am employed by the Company in the State of Minnesota, the following provision applies:
Minnesota Statute Section 181.78. Subdivision 1.
Inventions not related to employment. Any provision in an employment agreement which provides that an employee shall assign or offer to assign any of the employee’s rights in an invention to the employer shall not apply to an invention for which no equipment, supplies, facility or trade secret information of the employer was used and which was developed entirely on the employee’s own time, and (1) which does not relate (a) directly to the business of the employer or (b) to the employer’s actual or demonstrably anticipated research or development, or (2) which does not result from any work performed by the employee for the employer. Any provision which purports to apply to such an invention is to that extent against the public policy of this state and is to that extent void and unenforceable.
If I am employed by the Company in the State of New Jersey, the following provision applies:
New Jersey Statutes Section 34:1B-265.
1.a.(1) Any provision in an employment contract between an employee and employer, which provides that the employee shall assign or offer to assign any of the employee’s rights to an invention to that employer, shall not apply to an invention that the employee develops entirely on the employee’s own time, and without using the employer’s equipment, supplies, facilities or information, including any trade secret information, except for those inventions that: (a) relate to the employer’s business or actual or demonstrably anticipated research or development; or (b) result from any work performed by the employee on behalf of the employer.
If I am employed by the Company in the State of New York, the following provision applies:
New York Labor Law Section 203-f
1. Any provision in an employment agreement which provides that an employee shall assign, or offer to assign, any of his or her rights in an invention to his or her employer shall not apply to an invention that the employee developed entirely on his or her own time without using the employer’s equipment, supplies, facilities, or trade secret information except for those inventions that either:
(a) relate at the time of conception or reduction to practice of the invention to the employer’s business, or actual or demonstrably anticipated research or development of the employer; or
(b) result from any work performed by the employee for the employer.
2. To the extent a provision in an employment agreement purports to require an employee to assign an invention otherwise excluded from being required to be assigned under subdivision one of this section, such provision is against the public policy of this state and shall be unenforceable.
If I am employed by the Company in the State of North Carolina, the following provision applies:
North Carolina General Statutes Section 66-57.1.
Any provision in an employment agreement which provides that the employees shall assign or offer to assign any of his rights in an invention to his employer shall not apply to an invention that the employee developed entirely on his own time without using the employer’s equipment, supplies, facility or trade secret information except for those inventions that (i) relate to the employer’s business or actual or demonstrably anticipated research or development, or (ii) result from any work performed by the employee for the employer. To the extent a provision in an employment agreement purports to apply to the type of invention described, it is against the public policy of this State and in unenforceable. The employee shall bear the burden of proof in establishing that his invention qualifies under this section.
If I am employed by the Company in the State of Utah, the following provision applies:
Utah Code, §§ 34-39-2 and 34-39-3
34-39-2. Definitions.
As used in this chapter:
(1) “Employment invention” means any invention or part thereof conceived, developed, reduced to practice, or created by an employee which is:
(a) conceived, developed, reduced to practice, or created by the employee:
(i) | within the scope of his employment; | |
(ii) | on his employer’s time; or | |
(iii) | with the aid, assistance, or use of any of his employer’s property, equipment, facilities, supplies, resources, or intellectual property; |
(b) the result of any work, services, or duties performed by an employee for his employer;
(c) related to the industry or trade of the employer; or
(d) related to the current or demonstrably anticipated business, research, or development of the employer.
(2) “Intellectual property” means any and all patents, trade secrets, know-how, technology, confidential information, ideas, copyrights, trademarks, and service marks and any and all rights, applications, and registrations relating to them.
34-39-3. Scope of act — When agreements between an employee and employer are enforceable or unenforceable with respect to employment inventions — Exceptions.
(1) An employment agreement between an employee and his employer is not enforceable against the employee to the extent that the agreement requires the employee to assign or license, or to offer to assign or license, to the employer any right or intellectual property in or to an invention that is:
(a) | created by the employee entirely on his own time; and | |
(b) | not an employment invention. |
(2) An agreement between an employee and his employer may require the employee to assign or license, or to offer to assign or license, to his employer any or all of his rights and intellectual property in or to an employment invention.
(3) Subsection (1) does not apply to:
(a) | any right, intellectual property or invention that is required by law or by contract between the employer and the United States government or a state or local government to be assigned or licensed to the United States; or | |
(b) | an agreement between an employee and his employer which is not an employment agreement. |
(4) Notwithstanding Subsection (1), an agreement is enforceable under Subsection (1) if the employee’s employment or continuation of employment is not conditioned on the employee’s acceptance of such agreement and the employee receives a consideration under such agreement which is not compensation for employment.
(5) Employment of the employee or the continuation of his employment is sufficient consideration to support the enforceability of an agreement under Subsection (2) whether or not the agreement recites such consideration.
(6) An employer may require his employees to agree to an agreement within the scope of Subsection (2) as a condition of employment or the continuation of employment.
(7) An employer may not require his employees to agree to anything unenforceable under Subsection (1) as a condition of employment or the continuation of employment.
(8) Nothing in this chapter invalidates or renders unenforceable any employment agreement or provisions of an employment agreement unrelated to employment inventions.
If I am employed by the Company in the State of Washington, the following provision applies:
Washington Statute 49:44.140
(1) A provision in an employment agreement which provides that an employee shall assign or offer to assign any of the employee’s rights in an invention to the employer does not apply to an invention for which no equipment, supplies, facilities, or trade secret information of the employer was used and which was developed entirely on the employee’s own time, unless (a) the invention relates (i) directly to the business of the employer, or (ii) to the employer’s actual or demonstrably anticipated research or development, or (b) the invention results from any work performed by the employee for the employer. Any provision which purports to apply to such an invention is to that extent against the public policy of this state and is to that extent void and unenforceable.
(2) An employer shall not require a provision made void and unenforceable by subsection (1) of this section as a condition of employment or continuing employment.
(3) If an employment agreement entered into after September 1, 1979, contains a provision requiring the employee to assign any of the employee’s rights in any invention to the employer, the employer must also, at the time the agreement is made, provide a written notification to the employee that the agreement does not apply to an invention for which no equipment, supplies, facility, or trade secret information of the employer was used and which was developed entirely on the employee’s own time, unless (a) the invention relates (i) directly to the business of the employer, or (ii) to the employer’s actual or demonstrably anticipated research or development, or (b) the invention results from any work performed by the employee for the employer.
If I am employed by the Company in the State of Wisconsin, the following provision applies:
In accordance with Wisconsin law, this Agreement does not obligate me to assign or offer to assign to the Company any of my rights in any invention I have developed entirely on my own time without using Company’s equipment, supplies, facilities, trade secret information or Confidential Information. Provided, however, Company shall own inventions that either; (i) relate, at the time of the conception or reduction to practice, to Company’s activities or actual or demonstrably anticipated research or development; or (ii) result from any work I performed for Company. I will advise Company promptly in writing of any inventions I believe should be an exception to this Agreement.
(This supplements Section 4 of the Agreement)
This Exhibit shall be deemed to be updated as applicable law may change from time to time. The Company intends to comply with all state laws as may be applicable. The capitalized term “Employee” used herein means the employee signatory to the Agreement.
If I am employed by the Company in the State of Alabama, the following provision applies:
If Alabama law controls, the non-solicitation of employees clauses shall be amended to provide that the solicited employee must be in a position uniquely essential to the management, organization, or service of the Company’s business, and with whom I had material contact during my employment.
If Alabama law controls, “Competitive Business” means any person or business providing product or service of the type offered or provided by the Company, or under development by the Company with Employee’s knowledge, within two (2) years prior to the end of Employee’s employment with the Company.
If I am employed by the Company in the State of California, the following provision applies:
If California law controls, then any post-employment noncompete or post-employment non-solicit of clients shall not apply to California employees doing business in California.
If I am employed by the Company in the State of Colorado, the following provision applies:
If Colorado law controls, then the post-employment noncompete shall apply to Employee only if Employee had access to Company trade secrets and if Employee’s annualized cash compensation is at least $123,750 or any threshold amount required by applicable law.
If Colorado law controls, the post-employment non-solicit of clients shall apply to Employee only if Employee’s annualized cash compensation is at least $74,250 or any other threshold amount required by applicable law.
If Colorado law controls, the non-disparagement provisions in Section 4.6 do not apply. Nothing in the Agreement shall be deemed to prohibit Employee from (a) discussing or disclosing, orally or in writing, any alleged discriminatory or unfair employment practice or any other conduct that Employee has reason to believe is unlawful, or (b) exercising Employee’s rights under Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act.
Colorado employees are advised to consult with legal counsel before signing this Agreement.
See attached Colorado supplemental notice for signature.
If I am employed by the Company in the District of Columbia, the following provision applies:
If the law of the District of Columbia controls, then any post-employment noncompete shall not apply to any District of Columbia employee doing business in the District of Columbia if the employee’s compensation is $154,200 or less per year. If the employee’s compensation exceeds $154,200 per year or they are otherwise deemed to be a highly compensated employee under the law, the post-employment noncompete shall apply to the maximum extent permissible.
District of Columbia employees will receive a copy of this Agreement at least 14 days before the first day of employment or, if already employed by the Company, at least 14 days before execution of the Agreement is required.
See attached District of Columbia supplemental notice for signature.
If I am employed by the Company in the State of Georgia, the following provision applies:
If Georgia law controls, the post-employment noncompete shall only apply to employees who, in the course of their employment, (1) customarily and regularly solicit for the Company customers or prospective customers; or (2) customarily and regularly engage in making sales or obtaining orders or contracts for products or services to be performed by others; or (3) perform executive duties as set forth in applicable law; or (4) perform the duties of a key employee or of a professional as defined in applicable law.
If Georgia law controls, then the term “solicit” used in Section 4.3(a) means solicit for the purpose of providing any Competitive Product or Service. For purposes of the Agreement, a “Competitive Product or Service” is any product or service of the type offered or provided by the Company within two (2) years prior to the end of Employee’s employment with the Company.
If Georgia law controls, then the provisions in Section 4.2 apply in the Restricted Area.
If I am employed by the Company in the State of Hawaii, the following provision applies:
If the law of Hawaii controls, then the post-employment noncompete and post-employment nonsolicit of employees will not apply to employees to the extent they are employees of a “technology business” as defined by applicable law. A “technology business” means, with certain exclusions for the broadcast industry and telecommunications carriers, a trade or business that derives the majority of its gross income from the sale or license of products or services resulting from its software development or information technology development, or both. “Information technology development” means the design, integration, deployment, or support services for software.
If I am employed by the Company in the State of Idaho, the following provision applies:
If the law of Idaho controls, then any post-employment noncompete shall apply only to key employees as per Idaho state law.
If I am employed by the Company in the State of Illinois, the following provision applies:
If Illinois law controls, then any post-employment noncompete shall only apply to Employee if Employee’s actual or expected annualized rate of earnings exceeds $75,000.
If Illinois law controls, then any post-employment nonsolicit shall only apply to Employee if Employee’s actual or expected annualized rate of earnings exceeds $45,000.
Illinois employees will receive a copy of this Agreement at least 14 calendar days before the first day of employment or will have at least 14 calendar days to review this Agreement before signing it (during which time the employee is free to use as much or as little of that period as the employee wishes or considers necessary).
Illinois employees are advised to consult with legal counsel before signing this Agreement.
If I am employed by the Company in the State of Indiana, the following provision applies:
If Indiana law controls, then the employee non-solicit shall be modified to further limit the restriction on solicitation of employees to those who have access to or possess any Confidential Information that would give a competitor an unfair advantage.
If I am employed by the Company in the State of Louisiana, the following provision applies:
If Louisiana law controls, the “Restricted Area” shall be all the parishes and municipalities where the Employee worked or performed services for the Company.
If I am employed by the Company in the State of Maine, the following provision applies:
If Maine law controls, Maine employees making less than $60,240 will not be subject to the post-employment noncompete.
Maine employees will receive a copy of this Agreement at least 3 business days before the Company requires the Agreement to be signed.
If I am employed by the Company in the State of Maryland, the following provision applies:
If Maryland law controls, the post-employment noncompete shall not apply to any employee making equal to or less than (1) $22.50 per hour or $46,800 annually or (2) any other threshold amount required by applicable law.
If I am employed by the Company in the State of Massachusetts, the following provision applies:
If the Employee resides in Massachusetts at the time this Agreement is entered into in connection with the start of employment, the Employee acknowledges that he/she received this Agreement by the earlier of a formal offer of employment or at least 10 business days before the first day of employment.
If the Employee resides in Massachusetts at the time this Agreement is entered into after the start of employment, the Employee acknowledges that he/she received this Agreement at least 10 business days before the Agreement is to be effective.
If Massachusetts law controls, the post-employment noncompete will not apply to any employees who are non-exempt.
If Massachusetts law controls, the post-employment noncompete will not apply if Employee has been terminated without cause or laid off. For all other employees, in consideration of the post-employment noncompete, and only if the Company elects to enforce such restriction, the Company will pay Employee, consistent to the extent applicable with the requirements for the payment of wages under Massachusetts General Laws 149 § 148, on a pro-rata basis during the entirety of the post-employment Restricted Period 50 percent of the employee’s highest annualized base salary paid by the Company within the 2 years preceding the Employee’s cessation of employment (less applicable withholdings and deductions).
If Massachusetts law controls, the post-employment noncompete shall be amended as follows:
Post-Employment Non-Competition Obligations. To protect the Company’s legitimate protectable interests in, among other things, the Company’s Confidential Information, customer relationships and goodwill, I agree that during the Restricted Period and in the Restricted Area, I shall not, directly or indirectly, engage in, assist in, or participate in providing any services of the specific type that I provided to the Company at any time during the last two (2) years of employment to any Competitive Business, provided, however, that I may own, as a passive investor, publicly-traded securities of any corporation that competes with the business of the Company so long as such securities do not, in the aggregate, constitute more than two percent (2%) of any class of outstanding securities of such corporations. THIS SECTION 4.4 SHALL NOT APPLY AS SET FORTH IN, AND/OR SHALL BE LIMITED BY ANY APPLICABLE LIMITATIONS LISTED ON, EXHIBIT D.
If Massachusetts law controls, the “Restricted Area” means the geographic areas in which the Employee, during any time within the last 2 years of employment, provided services or had a material presence or influence.
Massachusetts employees have the right to consult with legal counsel before signing this Agreement.
Any subsequent change or changes in Employee’s duties, salary, or compensation will not affect the validity or scope of this Agreement.
If I am employed by the Company in the State of Minnesota, the following provision applies:
If Minnesota law controls, then any post-employment noncompete shall not apply to Minnesota employes doing business in Minnesota.
If I am employed by the Company in the State of Nevada, the following provision applies:
If Nevada law controls, the post-employment non-solicit of customers shall be modified to confirm that the Employee shall not be restricted from servicing a customer or client after employment if (a) the Employee did not solicit the customer or client; (b) the customer or client voluntarily chose to seek services from Employee; and (c) the Employee otherwise complies with the time, geographical area, and scope of activity to be restrained.
If Nevada law controls, the post-employment noncompete shall not apply to any Nevada employee who is paid solely on an hourly wage basis.
If Nevada law controls, if the Employee’s termination of employment is the result of a reduction of force, reorganization or similar restructuring of the Company, the post-employment noncompete will only be enforceable during the period in which the Company pays sufficient consideration under applicable law.
If I am employed by the Company in the State of New Hampshire, the following provision applies:
If New Hampshire law controls, any noncompete shall not apply to any employee making less than or equal to $14.50 per hour or $30,160 annually.
New Hampshire employees who are signing the Agreement as a condition of new employment acknowledge they received this Agreement prior to acceptance of the offer of employment.
If I am employed by the Company in the State of North Dakota, the following provision applies:
If North Dakota law controls, the post-employment noncompete shall not apply to North Dakota employees doing business in North Dakota.
If I am employed by the Company in the State of Oklahoma, the following provision applies:
If Oklahoma law controls, the post-employment noncompete shall not apply to Oklahoma employees doing business in Oklahoma, and the post-employment customer nonsolicit shall be amended to provide that the Employee shall be permitted to engage in the same business as that conducted by the Company or in a similar business as long as the Employee does not directly solicit the sale of goods, services or a combination of goods and services from the established customers of the Company.
If I am employed by the Company in the State of Oregon, the following provision applies:
If Oregon law controls, subject to the below paragraph, the post-employment noncompete shall only apply to those employees whose gross salary and commissions exceed $113,241, calculated on an annual basis, at the time of their termination date. This sum will be “adjusted annually for inflation pursuant to the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers, West Region (All Items), as published by the [U.S.] Bureau of Labor Statistics … immediately preceding the calendar year of the employee’s termination.” Additionally, if Oregon law controls, subject to the below paragraph, the post-employment noncompete shall only apply to those Employees engaged in administrative, executive or professional work who: (a) perform predominately intellectual, managerial or creative tasks; (b) exercise discretion and independent judgment; and (c) earn a salary and are paid on a salary basis.
If Oregon law controls and the above criteria are not met such that the post-employment noncompete would otherwise not be applicable to the Employee, the post-employment noncompete will still be applicable to the Employee if, upon the Employee’s termination date, the Company notifies the Employee of the expected Restricted Period (up to 12 months) during which the Company will provide the Employee the greater of compensation equal to at least 50 percent of (a) “the employee’s annual gross base salary and commissions at the time of the employee’s termination”; or (b) “$100,533, adjusted annually for inflation pursuant to the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers, West Region (All Items), as published by the [U.S.] Bureau of Labor Statistics … immediately preceding the calendar year of the employee’s termination.”
Oregon employees starting employment will receive a copy of this Agreement at least two weeks before the first day of employment. The Company will provide Employees with a signed copy of this Agreement within 30 days after their termination date.
If I am employed by the Company in the State of Rhode Island, the following provision applies:
If Rhode Island law controls, the post-employment noncompete will not apply to any employee who is designated as non-exempt, or to any employee making $37,650 or less annually.
If I am employed by the Company in the State of Virginia, the following provision applies:
If Virginia law controls, the post-employment noncompete shall not apply to any employee making less than $69,836 annually or on average less than $1,343 per week, or such other earnings threshold as may be in effect from time to time.
If I am employed by the Company in the State of Washington, the following provision applies:
If Washington state law controls, in consideration of the postemployment noncompete, and only if the Company elects to enforce such restriction, the Company will pay Employee sufficient monetary consideration as appropriate under the circumstances and as required by law.
If Washington state law controls, the post-employment noncompete shall only apply to employees whose earnings exceed $120,559.99 per year, as adjusted annually in accordance with RCW 49.62.040. If Employee’s earnings currently do not meet this threshold, Employee acknowledges that the post-employment noncompete may be enforceable against Employee in the future due to changes in Employee’s compensation.
If Washington state law controls, for the avoidance of doubt, Section 4.3(a) does not directly or indirectly prohibit the acceptance or transaction of business with any of the Company’s Business Partners.
If Washington state law controls, for the avoidance of doubt, the definition of “Business Partner” in Section 4.1(a) means any of the Company’s then-current customers, clients, members, suppliers, or business partners or relations.
Washington employees who are signing the Agreement as a condition of new employment acknowledge they received this Agreement no later than when they accepted the Company’s offer of employment (whether orally or in writing).
If I am employed by the Company in the State of Wisconsin, the following provision applies:
If Wisconsin law controls, the employee nonsolicit obligations are amended to provide the solicited employee must also be an employee who is either entrusted with Confidential Information or employed in a position essential to the management, organization or service of the business.
The District’s Ban on Non-Compete Agreements Amendment Act of 2020 limits the use of non-compete agreements. It allows employers to request non-compete agreements from highly compensated employees, as that term is defined in the Ban on Non-Compete Agreements Amendment Act of 2020, under certain conditions.
For more information about the Ban on Non-Compete Agreements Amendment Act of 2020, contact the District of Columbia Department of Employment Services (DOES).
Employee Signature: ______________________
Print Name: _____________________________
Dated: _________________________________
Supplement to Exhibit D (District of Columbia Employees Only)
The Employee Non-Disclosure, Invention Assignment and Restrictive Covenants Agreement contains, among other terms, a post-employment noncompete in Section 4. The covenant not to compete could restrict your options for subsequent employment following the separation of your employment from the Company.
You are receiving this notice either before you accept the offer of employment or at least 14 days before the effective date of the Agreement.
You have the right to consult with your own legal counsel before you sign the Agreement.
Kindly sign below to acknowledge your receipt of this notice.
Employee Signature: ______________________
Print Name: _____________________________
Dated: _________________________________
Supplement to Exhibit D (Colorado Employees Only)