いくつかのアンダーライターの代表として 名前 スケジュールA こちらに
米国、NY、NY 10005
拝啓 時下ますますご盛栄のこととお慶び申し上げます。
サムファイン・クリエーションが署名 取締役会リミテッド・ケイマン諸島に創立された免除会社(以下「会社」)が、ここに カサイ証券株式会社(以下「契約」という名前で知られている その他の幹線の証券商と共に、この契約(以下「代表者」)に同意します スケジュールA 代表者として行動している代表者(代表者とその他のアンダーライターをまとめて「$」または個々には「アンダーライター以下の通り、会社の普通株200万株をアンダーライターに発行および売却する。この契約によって想定される証券の提供および売却は、以下で「提供.”
1. 株式会社株式 追加株.
(a) | 会社株の購入ここに含まれる陳述および保証に基づきますが、ここに設定された条件に従いますが、会社は株式会社によって総額で2,000,000株の普通株式(以下「ファーム株式」)、1株あたりの表面価値US$0.0000625(以下「普通株式」)を発行および売却し、各アンダーライターは、クロージング時に、総額で当該株式をそれぞれ単独で購入することに同意します。以下で定義する株式の募集および売却は、本文(以下、売却される場合は明示的に選択された場合、任意であるオプションの株式を含む)では「オファリング」とも称されます。 |
(b) | 主幹事は、個別に協力し、共同ではなく、各自がここに添付されたスケジュールAの名称の前に示された数のファームシェアを、ファームシェア1株当たり3.72ドル(ファームシェア公開募集価格の93%)で購入することに同意します。「購入価格」。ファームシェアは、当初、目論見書の表紙に記載された公開価格で一般に提供されるものとされる(第2(a)(i)(2)章に定義された目論見書)。 |
(c) | 信託株式の納入および支払い信託株式の納入および支払いは、この契約書の日付の翌々営業日の東部時間午前10時に行われるか、承続する主幹事と会社の間で合意された時間に、Ortoli Rosenstadt LLPの事務所にて行われます(以下「nd」)、または承続する主幹事と会社が合意する他の場所にて行われることがあります。信託株式の納入および支払いの時間および日付は「アンダーライターズ・カウンセル」と呼ばれます。主幹事の口座のDTCを通じての信託株式の購入価格の支払いと納入の取引は、以下でこの誓約書で言及される「中止日」と言われます。終値フィルム株の支払いは、閉鎖日に米国内(即日)資金による電信送金を通じて、デポジットリストタストカンパニーの完全な高速移転施設を介してフィルム株のアンダーライターに引渡される際に行われます。DTCアンダーライターの口座には、アンダーライターが書面で閉鎖日の前々日までに要求する名前および数量において、フィルム株が登録されます。会社は、アンダーライターがフィルム株の全てに対する支払いを行い、売り渡しをするまで、フィルム株の売却および引き渡し義務を負うべきではありません。 |
(c) 追加の普通株本社はアンダーライターに追加株式(「オプション」という)を購入する権利を付与しますオーバーアロットメントオプション”)により、追加で最大300,000株の普通株(以下、「追加株式は除くことなく、また30日以内の任意の時間に、中止日(以下定義)から該当日にかけて買い付けることができ、追加株式は、オファーシェアの数(「Offered Shares」)の15%に相当する価格で、足下のオーバーアロットメント及び市場安定化のために購入することができる。)、出資において売却された当該証券のオーバーアロットメントをカバーする目的のみで、そのうちの一つにおいては、ファームの株式の15%を構成する普通株式
(d) 全セクターのオーバーアロットメントの演習 オプション。ここで付与されたオーバー・アロットメント・オプションは、公開後45日以内に代表者によって行使される可能性があります。オプションユニットあたり支払われる購入価格は、同じく「公正単位当たりの価格」と等しくなります。 セクション1(c)の制限の結果、有価証券を発行しなかった場合。 なお、ここで全額または一部が行使される可能性があります 有効日の45日以内に。追加株1株あたりの購入価格は、公正価格に等しくなります セクション1(a)。アンダーライターは、オーバーロットメント・オプションの行使前に、 追加株を購入する義務を負うものではありません。ここで付与されたオーバーアロットメント・オプションの行使は、 アンダーライターから少なくとも2営業日前に言明を受けた場合に行使することができます。 購入すべき追加株の総数と追加株の引き渡しと支払いの日時とを明示するもの(「オプションのクロージング日」 ) 、ただし、その引渡し日は、追加株の購入についてのこのような書面通知の日から5(5)営業日を超えないこと、または 会社とアンダーライターの合意による他の時刻として合意される場合のいずれかになります、アンダーライターのコン セルの事務所(またはアンダーライターとの合意による他の場所、ファクシミリまたはその他の電子送信を通じて 遠隔地を含む)で、会社とアンダーライターが合意するとされます。追加株の引渡しと支払いがクロージング日に行われない場合、オプションのクロージング日は、 書面通知に記載されている通りになります。追加可能な株に対するオプションの行使により、その追加株の全体または一部について、 以下に規定される条件が適用されます(i)会社がそのような通知に記載されている数の追加株をアンダーライターに売却すべきであり、 (ii)アンダーライターは、会社から公定数の追加株とともに購入すべきであることとを約束します。 スケジュールA そのアンダーライターが判断するように、その他の変数を加味して、この銘柄についての全株式の数に対する割合。
(e) 配送と支払い 追加株式については。追加株式の支払いは、オプション締切日に連邦政府の電信送金(同じ)で行われるものとします 日)資金は、DTCの施設を通じて引受人の口座に追加株式の引受人に引き渡されます。 追加株式は、引受人が要求する1つまたは複数の名前と認定額で登録されるものとします オプション締切日の少なくとも2営業日前に書いてください。当社は、販売または配送する義務を負わないものとします 引受会社による該当する追加株式の支払いの入札時を除き、追加株式。オプションの締切日は 締切日と同時、ただしそれより前であってはなりません。また、そのような日時が締切日と同時である場合は 日付、「締切日」という用語は、会社株式と追加株式の引き渡しの時間と日付を指します。
2. 会社の表明と保証会社は、適用時間(以下で定義)およびクロージング日時について、以下の通りにアンダーライターに保証および証明します。
(a) 登録声明の申請.
(i) 法に基づき.
(1) 会社は、アメリカ合衆国証券取引委員会(以下「会社は、必要に応じて会社の移転代理人または保有者への法的意見を速やかに発行するようにその法律顧問に指示する。すべてまたは任意の部分のシリーズH優先株式が転換株式の再販売を対象とした有効な登録声明があるときに転換された場合、または優先株式または転換株式が容量や販売方法の制限なしにルール144に従って販売できる場合、またはそのような制限文が「証券法」の適用要件の下で必要とされない場合、シリーズH優先株式および転換株式はすべての制限文なしに発行される。会社は、このセクション7(c)の下でそのような制限文がもはや必要でない時期以降、制限文が発行された優先株式または転換株式を代表する証明書を会社または会社の移転代理人に保有者が引き渡した後、遅くとも(i) 1の(1)取引日または(ii) 標準決済期間の取引日数のいずれか早い方まで、制限文が不要となることに同意する。)に対して、フォームF-1(ファイル番号333-275498)による登録声明およびその修正または改正を提出しました。これには、1933年の証券法に基づく証券の登録のための目論見書または目論見書が含まれます(以下「法))。その登録声明および修正は、会社によって作成され、法令および委員会のルールおよび規則の要件において、すべての重要な点で適合しています(以下「規制)。文脈が別の要求をしない限り、登録声明が有効になる時点で委員会に提出された登録声明(目論見書、財務諸表、スケジュール、附属書、その他それに含まれる文書や重要な情報が含まれます)および登録声明の有効日(以下「。効力発生日)規則430Aの(b)項に従い、 ここでは「Registration Statement.
(2) 提供のために引受人に最初に提供された形の最終目論見書は、以下「説明書.”
(3) 登録声明は、本日までに委員会によって有効と宣言されました。適用時期 「」は、合意に基づくこれらの時刻以外の東部時間午後5:00、本契約の日付にあるいはその他の時間を意味します。
(ii) 取引所法に基づく登録証券は1934年の証券取引法第12(b)に基づいて登録されており(以下「取引所法」)、かつ当該登録を終了させる目的であるかまたはそのような効果を有する可能性があるような行動を会社が取っていないし、また、会社がそのような登録を終了することを資本市場委員会が検討していることを通知されたこともないということを登録声明書および目論見書に記載されているを除きません
(iii) ナスダック上場. 株式は、発行の公式通知に基づき、締結日までにナスダック資本市場(「)に上場されることが承認されます。ナスダック) 会社は、証券のナスダックでの上場を終了させることを目的とした行動を一切取っておらず、またナスダックが証券の上場承認を取り消すか撤回することを検討しているとの通知も受け取っていません。
(b) ストップ注文はありません. 会社の知識によれば、委員会も、いかなる州の規制当局も、いかなる目論見書、目論見書または登録声明書の使用を防止または停止する命令を発行したことはなく、また、そうした命令に関して何らかの手続きを開始したり、脅迫したりしたこともありません。草案目論見書“
(c) 登録証明書における開示.
(i) 100億5表記.
(1) 登録声明書 およびその後の効果的な改正は、効力を発生した時点で、法律および規則の要件を全セクターにおいて重要な点で遵守していました。
(2) 登録届出書、 それが発効したとき、そしてその修正または補足には虚偽が含まれていなかったし、締切日には虚偽が含まれないものとする 重要事実の記述、またはそこに記載する必要のある、または記述に必要な重要事実の記載の省略、 誤解を招くものではなく、作成された状況に照らして、委員会に提出された目論見書には以下が含まれていません また、締切日には、重要な事実について虚偽の陳述をしたり、記載する必要のある重要な事実を述べたりしないこと そこに、または誤解を招かないように、その記述が行われた状況に照らして、その記述をするために必要です。代表 そして保証はこれでできました セクション2 (c) (i) (2) は、信頼や適合のためになされた陳述や省略された陳述には適用されません 引受人が登録に使用するために明示的に会社に提供した引受人に関する書面による情報と一緒に 声明、目論見書、またはそれらの修正または補足。両当事者は、そのような情報が提供されたことを認め、同意します 引受人によって、または引受人に代わって、目論見書の「引受け」セクションに含まれる開示情報のみで構成されます (まとめると、」引受人の情報”).
(3) 一般開示パッケージ(以下で定義される)、目論見書とともに全体として考慮される場合、「」が含まれておらず、それらに含まれる声明を作成するために必要ないかやみ抜くべきである重要事実がないことを掲載している光環境の下、誤解を招かない。前述の文は、アンダーライターの情報に基づいて、かつそれに従って開示資料に記載された声明または省略から除外された開示資料には適用されません。開示資料、
(ii) 過去の証券取引. 会社の証券は、会社自身または会社を支配する、支配されている、または共通の支配下にある人または人々によって、販売されていません。 登録申請書および目論見書に開示されている場合を除きます。
(d) 登録声明における日付変更.
(i) 重大な変更はありません. 最新の監査済財務諸表が含まれる登録届出書および目論見書の対象期間の終了以来、特にそこで明記されている場合を除いて: (i) 会社の知識によれば、重要な悪影響を及ぼすような出来事は発生していない;および (ii) この合意に基づく場合を除いて、会社が通常のビジネスの範囲外で行った重要な取引はない。
(ii) 最近の証券 取引、その他. 最新の監査済み財務諸表が含まれる登録声明書および目論見書のカバー期間の終了以来、ここに示されているか、または考慮されているか、登録声明書および目論見書に開示されている場合を除き、会社は、従業員、コンサルタント、またはサービス提供者に対して、会社の取締役会が決定した当時の普通シェアの公正市場価格と同等の行使価格で普通シェアを購入するオプションに関して以外は、(i) 一切の証券を発行したり、通常のビジネスの範囲外で借入金に対して直接的または偶発的な重要な負債または義務を負ったりしていない。あるいは (ii) いかなる配当も宣言または支払ったり、またはその株式資本に関連して他の一切の分配を行ったことはない。
(e) 独立した会計士. 会社の知識の範囲内で、WWC, P.C.(“WWC”)は、登録声明の一部として委員会に提出された報告書を有し、法令および規則に基づいて必要とされる独立した登録公認会計士です。
(f) 財務諸表, その他財務諸表は、登録声明および目論見書に含まれる注記および支援スケジュールを含めて、 会社の財務状況および適用される日付と期間の業績を公正に表示している; そしてその財務諸表は、アメリカ合衆国一般に認められた会計原則("GAAP”)に準拠して作成され、関与する期間を通じて一貫して適用されており、そこに開示されているものを除いて; 登録声明に含まれる支援スケジュールは、そこで記載される必要がある情報を公正に示している。登録声明は、 会社の重要なオフバランストランザクション、取り決め、義務(条件付き義務を含む)、および group会社のないエンティティまたは他の人とのその他の関係をすべて開示しており、これらが会社の財政状態、財政状態の変化、 業績、流動性、資本支出、資本リソース、または収益や費用の重要な部品に重大な現在または将来の影響を及ぼす可能性がある。子会社、」、そして総称して「子会社登録声明および目論見書に開示されているものを除いて、(a) 会社またはその運営子会社のいずれも(それぞれ、 ")、重要な負債または義務(直接または条件付き)を負っておらず、 通常のビジネスの範囲外での重要な取引に従事していない;(b) 会社は、 配当を宣言または支払いぶりをせず、シェアキャピタルに関してのいかなる分配も行っていない;(c) 会社またはその子会社のいずれかのシェアキャピタルにの変更や、 株式報酬プランの下でのいかなる給付も行われていない; (d) 会社の長期または短期債務に関しての重大な悪影響の変化はなかった。
(g) 認可資本; オプション、その他. 会社は、登録声明と目論見書に記載されているように、適法に認可され、発行され、未払いの資本を有しております。 登録声明と目論見書に記載された仮定に基づき、会社はクロージング日には、記載されている調整後の資本を有することになります。 本契約、登録声明、目論見書に記載されているまたは想定されている内容を除き、発効日及びクロージング日には、会社の認可されたが未発行の株式資本または会社の株式資本に転換可能なセキュリティを購入またはその他に取得するためのオプション、warrants、その他の権利や、株式資本の発行または売却、またはそのようなオプション、warrants、権利、転換セキュリティを発行する契約や約束は存在しません。
(h) 証券の適正発行、 イーサリアムクラシック。
(i) 未決済有価証券. 本契約で想定される取引の前に発行され、未発行の全セクターは、適切に承認され 有効に発行されており、全額が支払われており、無定義です(この用語は、会社の株式に関して使用される場合、その株式の発行に関連して保有者による追加の支払いが必要ないことを意味します)。保有者には、これに関して取り消し権がなく、保有者であることに起因して個人的な責任もありません。また、これらの全てのセクターは、会社の既存のセキュリティの保有者の優先権や、会社によって付与された類似の契約上の権利の違反において発行されていません。
(ii) 本契約に基づいて販売された証券証券は適切に発行および販売のために承認されており、発行され、対価が支払われると、正当に発行され、 完全に支払われ、非評価請求権の対象でない(会社の株式に関しては、発行に関連してその保有者から theに要求されるさらなる金額がないことを意味します); 証券は会社のいかなる証券の保有者の優先的権利や 会社によって付与された類似の契約上の権利の対象にはならず、前述の証券の承認、発行および販売のために 必要なすべての法人行動は適切かつ正当に行われました。証券はすべての重要な点において、 登録声明の中に含まれるそれに関するすべての声明に適合しています。
(iii) 証券の発行. 証券の発行後、アンダーライターが本規約に従って完全な支払いを行った場合、そのような証券は適切に発行され、証券に登録された者は、証券に規定された権利を有することとなり、また、この合意に基づきこれらの証券の売却と引渡し、支払いを行った場合、証券に登録された者は、あらゆる種類の質権、先取特権、担保権、負債、請求権またはその他の担保物件から自由で明確であり、証券に対して良好で売れる有効な権益を取得します。
(i) 第三者の登録権. 登録声明書および目論見書に記載されている場合を除き、会社の有価証券の保有者または有価証券に転換または交換可能な権利を行使する者は、会社に対して法令に基づいてそのような有価証券を登録することや、会社が提出する登録声明書にそのような有価証券を含めることを要求する権利を有しない。
(j) 有効性と拘束力 この契約の効力この契約は、会社によって適切かつ有効に承認されており、会社を代表して執行され、提供される場合には、その条件に従って執行可能な会社の有効かつ拘束力のある義務を構成します。 ただし、次のような制約があります:(i) 破産、無能、再編成または類似の法律が債権者の権利に一般的に影響を及ぼすことによってその執行可能性が制限される場合;(ii) 連邦および州の証券法に基づいて、いかなる補償または寄与条項の執行可能性が制限される場合;および(iii) 特定の履行の救済措置や差止命令、その他の平等的救済手段が平等的防御およびそれに関連する手続きが提起される裁判所の裁量に従う可能性があること。
(k) 紛争なしこの契約に基づく会社の実行、納品、およびパフォーマンス、ここで想定される取引の完了、およびここに記載された条件の遵守は、通知の提供や時間の経過の有無にかかわらず、以下のことを引き起こしたり、引き起こされることはない: (i) 会社のいずれかの契約または文書に基づいて、会社の資産に対する根拠、変更、終了または負担の創出を構成せず、または重要な違反または紛争を引き起こさない; (ii) 会社の改訂および再制定された覚書および定款の規定に違反することはない; (iii) 会社またはその資産、ビジネスに司法権を持つ国内または外国の政府機関や裁判所の既存の適用法、規則、規制、判決、命令または決定に違反しない except 会社の資産、ビジネス、状況、財務状況、または営業結果に重大な悪影響を与えないと予想される違反または違反チャーター(")重大な有害影響”).
(l) デフォルトなし。違反。 重要なライセンス、契約、契約のいかなる条件、契約、または条件の適切な履行および遵守にも、不履行はありません。 住宅ローン、信託証書、手形、ローンまたは信用契約、または借入義務を証明するその他の重要な契約または証書 金銭、または当社が当事者となっているその他の重要な契約または証書、または当社が拘束している、または締結しているその他の重要な契約または証書 会社の資産または資産が対象です。ただし、単独または全体として次の結果にならないようなデフォルトは除きます a)会社およびその子会社への重大な悪影響(全体として、登録簿に別途開示されていない) ステートメント、目論見書、または開示資料。会社は、憲章のいかなる条項や規定にも違反していません。または フランチャイズ、ライセンス、許可、適用法、規則、規制、判決、または政府機関の法令に対するあらゆる点での違反 または当社またはその資産または事業を管轄する国内外の裁判所。ただし、このような不履行は除きます 全体として、単独または全体として、会社とその子会社に重大な悪影響をもたらすことはありません。 登録届出書、目論見書、または開示資料に特に開示されていないもの。
(m) 企業のパワー; ライセンス; 同意.
(i) 取引の実施目論見書および登録声明に記載されている限り、会社は全ての必要な法人権限と権限を有し、全ての政府規制当局および機関から必要な承認、命令、免許証、証明書、許可を取得しており、目論見書に記載されている事業目的を遂行するための全てのものを、この時点までに必要としています。ただし、それぞれの場合について、重大な不利益な影響を予想しない限り。
(ii) 本書に記載されている取引会社は、この契約を締結し、ここにおよびそこに定められた規定および条件を履行するための法人権限を全て有し、かつこれに関連して必要なすべての同意、認可、承認および命令が取得されています。連絡先、認可、または命令及びいかなる裁判所、政府機関またはその他の機関への提出物も、証券の有効な発行、売却、引渡しとこれらの取引および契約を実行し、本契約に記載された取引および目論見書に掲載された取引を会社が完了するためには、連邦および州の証券法及び金融業界規制機構の規則および規定に関連してそれに必要とされるだけで、必要ありません。FINRAナスダック」及び米国金融業界規制機構の規則および規定に関連して、本契約によって目論まれる取引および合意の完了のための証券の発行、販売、および引渡しについて、補足的な連邦および州の証券法の規定とともに、その他の措置、認可、または命令、裁判所、政府機関その他の機関への提出が必要とされます。
(n) D&Oアンケート. 会社の知識に基づき、目論見書の「経営陣」セクションに名前が挙げられている各取締役および役員によって完成されたアンケート(「」)に含まれる全ての情報は、提供されたものについて、正確であることは全ての点において正しいと考えています。また、会社は、各インサイダーによって完成されたアンケートの情報が不正確または誤りになる原因となるような情報に気付いていません。アンケート) この情報は、取引所に提供された全ての情報に基づいて、本件上場前に確認されました。 (「」) 及び引受業者に提供された情報が全て正確であることを保証します。中立者会社は、各インサイダーによって完成されたアンケートに開示された情報が不正確または誤りになる原因となるような情報に気付いていません。
(o) 訴訟;政府 手続き登録声明書および目論見書に開示されているものを除き、登録声明書および目論見書に開示されていない、またはナスダックに証券を上場するための上場申請に関連して開示されていない、または、会社または会社の知識に基づき、重要な執行役員または取締役に対して提起された、または、会社または、会社の知識に基づき、提起のおそれがある、現在または未解決の訴訟、訴訟、手続き、調査、調停や政府の手続きはありません。
(p) 健全性. 会社は適切に設立され、ケイマン諸島の法律の下で有効に存在しており、現時点において良好な状態にあります。 また、会社のビジネスの実施がその資格を必要とする各管轄区域において適切にビジネスを行う資格を有し、良好な状態にあります。 ただし、資格を取得できない場合があり、それが重要な不利益影響を及ぼす可能性があるとは合理的に考えられません。
(q) FINRAへの開示に影響する取引.
(i) ファインダーズフィー. 登録声明書および目論見書に記載されている場合を除き、会社または内部者による、証券の販売に関連する見つけ手、コンサルティング、発起手数料の支払いに関する請求、支払い、取り決め、合意または理解は存在せず、また、会社の知識に基づいて、株主のいずれにも、引受人の報酬に影響を与える可能性のある取り決め、合意、または理解は存在しない。
(ii) 12か月以内の支払い. 登録声明書及び目論見書に記載されているものを除き、会社は直接または間接的に、次のいずれかに対して、現金、証券その他の形態での支払いを行っていません: (i) 会社のために資本を調達したり、会社に資本を提供した人々を紹介したことに対するフィンダーズフィー、コンサルティングフィーまたはその他の対価として、いかなる人に対しても; (ii) いかなるFINRAメンバーに対して;または (iii) いかなるFINRAメンバーと直接的または間接的に提携または関連している人または団体に対して、効果的日より前の12か月間に、2022年及び2023年に会社の元引受業者であるUnivest Securities LLCへのUS$129,100の支払いを除いて行っていません。この支払いは、本オファリングに関連して以下に記載されている通りです。
(iii) FINRA Affiliation. To the Company’s knowledge, and except as may have been previously disclosed in writing to the Underwriters, no Insider or any beneficial owner of 10% or more of the Company’s outstanding Ordinary Shares has any direct or indirect affiliation or association with any FINRA member (as determined in accordance with the rules and regulations of FINRA).
(iv) Use of Proceeds. None of the net proceeds of the Offering will be paid by the Company to any participating FINRA member or its affiliates inclusive of any FINRA member or its affiliates in any country or jurisdiction outside of the United States, except as specifically authorized herein.
(v) Information. All information provided by the Company in its FINRA Questionnaire to Underwriters’ Counsel specifically for use by Underwriters’ Counsel in connection with its Public Offering System filings (and related disclosure) with FINRA is true, correct and complete in all material respects.
(r) Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. Neither the Company nor, to the Company’s knowledge, any of the Insiders or employees of the Company or any other person authorized to act on behalf of the Company has, directly or indirectly, knowingly given or agreed to give any money, gift or similar benefit (other than legal price concessions to customers in the ordinary course of business) to any customer, supplier, employee or agent of a customer or supplier, or official or employee of any governmental agency or instrumentality of any government (domestic or foreign) or any political party or candidate for office (domestic or foreign) or other person who was, is, or may be in a position to help or hinder the business of the Company (or assist it in connection with any actual or proposed transaction) that might subject the Company to any damage or penalty in any civil, criminal or governmental litigation or proceeding.
(s) Officers’ Certificate. Any certificate signed by any duly authorized officer of the Company and delivered to you or to the Underwriters’ Counsel shall be deemed a representation and warranty by the Company to the Underwriters as to the matters covered thereby.
(t) Lock-Up Period.
(i) Each Insider (the “Lock-Up Parties”) has agreed, pursuant to an executed Lock-Up Agreement in the form attached hereto as Annex I (for officers, directors and 5% or greater shareholders), that for a period ending six (6) months after the date of commencement of sales of the Offering (the “Lock-Up Period”), each such person and their respective affiliated parties shall not offer, pledge, sell, contract to sell, grant, lend or otherwise transfer or dispose of, directly or indirectly, any Securities or share capital of the Company, including Ordinary Shares, or any securities convertible into or exercisable or exchangeable for such Securities or share capital, without the consent of the Underwriters, with certain exceptions. The Underwriters may consent to an early release from the applicable Lock-Up period if, in its opinion, the market for the Securities would not be adversely impacted by sales and in cases of financial emergency of a Lock-up Party.
(ii) The Company, on behalf of itself and any successor entity, has agreed that without the prior written consent of the Underwriters, it will not, for a period ending three (3) months after the date of commencement of sales of the Offering, (i) offer, pledge, sell, contract to sell, sell any option or contract to purchase, purchase any option or contract to sell, grant any option, right or warrant to purchase, lend, or otherwise transfer or dispose of, directly or indirectly, any shares of share capital of the Company or any securities convertible into or exercisable or exchangeable for shares of the Company; (ii) file or cause to be filed any registration statement with the Commission relating to the offering of any shares of the Company or any securities convertible into or exercisable or exchangeable for shares of the Company or (iii) enter into any swap or other arrangement that transfers to another, in whole or in part, any of the economic consequences of ownership of share capital of the Company, whether any such transaction described in clause (i), (ii) or (iii) above is to be settled by delivery of shares of the Company or such other securities, in cash or otherwise. The restrictions contained in this Section 2(t)(ii) shall not apply to (i) the Securities to be sold hereunder, (ii) the issuance by the Company of Securities upon the exercise of an option or warrant or the conversion of a security outstanding on the date hereof of, provided that the Underwriters has been advised in writing of such issuance prior to the date hereof, (iii) the issuance by the Company of option to purchase or shares of Securities, share capital or restricted share of the Company under any stock compensation plan of the Company outstanding on the date hereof, (iv) any registration statement on Form S-8, or (v) the issuance of securities in connection with mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures, licensing arrangements or any other similar non-capital raising transactions provided such shares are not registered pursuant to a registrations statement. For purposes of subclause (ii) in this paragraph, the Underwriters acknowledges that disclosure in the Registration Statement filed prior to the date hereof of any outstanding option or warrant shall be deemed to constitute prior written notice to the Underwriters.
(u) Subsidiaries. Exhibit 21.1 of the Registration Statement lists each Subsidiary and consolidated entity of the Company and sets forth the jurisdiction of formation of each Subsidiary. The Subsidiaries are duly organized and in good standing under the laws of the place of organization or incorporation, and each such Subsidiary is in good standing in each jurisdiction in which its ownership or lease of property or the conduct of business requires such qualification, except where the failure to qualify would not reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect. The Company’s ownership and control of each Subsidiary and each Subsidiary’s ownership and control of other Subsidiaries is as described in the Registration Statement, the Disclosure Materials, and the Prospectus. The Company does not own or control, directly or indirectly, any corporation, association, or entity except as disclosed in the Registration Statement and the Prospectus. Each of the Company and its Subsidiaries has full corporate power and authority to own or lease, as the case may be, and to operate its properties and conduct its business as described in the Disclosure Materials and the Prospectus and is duly qualified to do business under the laws of each jurisdiction which requires such qualification.
(v) Related Party Transactions. Except as disclosed in the Registration Statement and the Prospectus, there are no business relationships or related party transactions involving the Company or any other person required to be described in the Prospectus that have not been described as required.
(w) Board of Directors. The board of directors of the Company is comprised of the persons set forth under the section of the Prospectus captioned “Management.” The qualifications of the persons serving as board members and the overall composition of the board comply with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and the rules promulgated thereunder applicable to the Company and the rules of Nasdaq. At least one member of the board of directors of the Company qualifies as an “audit committee financial expert,” as such term is defined under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and the rules promulgated thereunder and the rules of Nasdaq. In addition, at least a majority of the persons serving on the board of directors of the Company qualify as “independent,” as such term is defined under the rules of Nasdaq.
(x) Sarbanes-Oxley Compliance. Except as described in the Registration Statement, the Disclosure Materials, and the Prospectus, the Company will be, on the Effective Date, in material compliance with the provisions of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 applicable to it and has implemented or will implement such programs and taken reasonable steps to ensure the Company’s future compliance (not later than the relevant statutory and regulatory deadlines therefor) with all the material provisions of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.
(y) No Investment Company Status. The Company is not and, after giving effect to the Offering and sale of the Securities and the application of the net proceeds thereof as described in the Registration Statement and the Prospectus, will not be, an “investment company” as defined in the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended.
(z) No Material Labor Disputes. No labor dispute with the employees of the Company or any of its Subsidiaries exists or, to the Company’s knowledge, is imminent, which would result in a Material Adverse Effect.
(aa) Intellectual Property. Except as described in the Registration Statement and the Prospectus, the Company and each of its Subsidiaries owns or possesses or has valid rights to use all patents, patent applications, trademarks, service marks, trade names, trademark registrations, service mark registrations, copyrights, licenses, inventions, trade secrets and similar rights (“Intellectual Property”) necessary for the conduct of the business of the Company and its Subsidiaries as currently carried on and as described in the Registration Statement and the Prospectus, except for such Intellectual Property, the failure of which to own or possess, as the case may be, would not reasonably be expected to result in a Material Adverse Effect. To the Company’s knowledge, no action or use by the Company or any of its Subsidiaries will involve or give rise to any infringement of, or material license or similar fees for, any Intellectual Property of others, that would reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect on the Company and the Subsidiaries, taken as a whole, except as disclosed in the Registration Statement or the Prospectus. Neither the Company nor any of its Subsidiaries has received any notice alleging any such infringement or fee, except such infringement or fee that would not reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect on the Company or the Subsidiaries, taken as a whole.
(bb) Taxes. Each of the Company and its Subsidiaries has filed all returns (as hereinafter defined) required to be filed with taxing authorities prior to the date hereof or has duly obtained extensions of time for the filing thereof. Each of the Company and its Subsidiaries has paid all taxes (as hereinafter defined) shown as due on such returns that were filed and has paid all material taxes imposed on or assessed against the Company or such subsidiary. The provisions for taxes payable, if any, shown on the financial statements filed with or as part of the Registration Statement are sufficient for all accrued and unpaid taxes, whether or not disputed, for all periods to and including the dates of such consolidated financial statements. Except as disclosed in writing to the Underwriters and to the knowledge of the Company, (i) no material issues have been raised (and are currently pending) by any taxing authority in connection with any of the returns or taxes asserted as due from the Company or its Subsidiaries, and (ii) no waivers of statutes of limitation with respect to the returns or collection of taxes have been given by or requested from the Company or its Subsidiaries. The term “taxes” mean all federal, state, local, foreign, and other net income, gross income, gross receipts, sales, use, ad valorem, transfer, franchise, profits, license, lease, service, service use, withholding, payroll, employment, excise, severance, stamp, occupation, premium, property, windfall profits, customs, duties or other taxes, fees, assessments, or charges of any kind whatever, together with any interest and any penalties, additions to tax, or additional amounts with respect thereto. The term “returns” means all returns, declarations, reports, statements, and other documents required to be filed with relevant taxing authorities in respect to taxes.
(cc) Data. The statistical, industry-related and market-related data included in the Registration Statement and the Prospectus are based on or derived from sources which the Company reasonably and in good faith believes are reliable and accurate, and such data agree with the sources from which they are derived. The Company has obtained the written consent to the use of such data from such sources to the extent necessary.
(dd) Board of Directors. The Company’s board of directors has validly appointed an audit committee whose composition satisfies the requirements of the rules and regulations of Nasdaq and the board of directors of the Company and/or audit committee has adopted a charter that satisfies the requirements of the rules and regulations of Nasdaq. Except as disclosed in the Registration Statement and the Prospectus, neither the board of directors of the Company nor the audit committee has been informed, nor is any director of the Company aware, of any significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control over financial reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the Company’s ability to record, process, summarize and report financial information.
(ee) No Integration. Neither the Company nor any of the Subsidiaries has, prior to the date hereof, made any offer or sale of any securities which are required to be “integrated” pursuant to the Act or the Regulations with the offer and sale of the Underwriters pursuant to the Registration Statement. Except as disclosed in the Registration Statement, neither the Company nor any of the Subsidiaries has sold or issued any Ordinary Shares or any securities convertible into, exercisable or exchangeable for Ordinary Shares, or other equity securities, or any rights to acquire any Ordinary Shares or other equity securities of the Company, during the six-month period preceding the date of the Prospectus, including but not limited to any sales pursuant to Rule 144A or Regulation D or S under the Act, other than Ordinary Shares issued pursuant to employee benefit plans, qualified stock option plans or the employee compensation plans or pursuant to outstanding options, rights or warrants as described in the Registration Statement.
(ff) The People’s Republic of China, Hong Kong, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, and United States Representation and Warranties.
(i) Organization. The Subsidiaries have been duly organized and are validly existing as companies under the applicable laws of the People’s Republic of China (“PRC”), Hong Kong, and the British Virgin Islands (“BVI”), and, with respect to the Company’s PRC Subsidiaries, the Company’s PRC Subsidiaries have been duly organized, and each is validly existing as a company under the laws of the PRC, and their business license are in full force and effect; Samfine Printing (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. has been duly qualified as a foreign-invested enterprise with Business License. 100% of the equity interests of the PRC Subsidiaries are owned by the Company as described in the Prospectus, and such equity interests are free and clear of all liens, encumbrances, equities or claims; the bylaws, the business license and other constituent documents of the PRC Subsidiaries comply in all material respects with the requirements of applicable laws of the PRC and are in full force and effect; the Company has full power and authority (corporate and other) and all consents, approvals, authorizations, permits, licenses, orders, registrations, clearances and qualifications of or with any governmental agency having jurisdiction over the PRC Subsidiaries or any of their properties required for the ownership or lease of property by it and the conduct of its business in accordance with its registered business scope except for such that would not reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect and has the legal right and authority to own, use, lease and operate its assets and to conduct its business in the manner presently conducted and as described in the Prospectus; and the registered capital of Shenzhen Samfine Cloud Printing Technology Limited has not been fully paid, which does not violate the articles of association and applicable PRC Laws.
The Company has legal and valid title to all of its properties and assets, free and clear of all liens, charges, encumbrances, equities, claims, options and restrictions; each lease agreement to which it is a party is duly executed and legally binding; its leasehold interests are set forth in and governed by the terms of any lease agreements, and, to the best of the Company’s knowledge, such agreements are valid, binding and enforceable in accordance with their respective terms under PRC law, except where the invalidity of such lease agreements would not reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect on the Company or the PRC Subsidiaries, taken as a whole; and, none of the Company or the PRC Subsidiaries own, operate, manage or have any other right or interest in any other material real property of any kind, which would reasonably result in a Material Adverse Effect to the Company and the PRC Subsidiaries, taken as a whole, except as described in the Prospectus.
(ii) Taxes. Except as disclosed in the Registration Statement, the Disclosure Materials and Prospectus, no transaction, stamp, capital or other issuance, registration, transaction, transfer or withholding taxes or duties are payable in the PRC, Hong Kong or the Cayman Islands to any PRC, Hong Kong or Cayman Islands taxing authority in connection with (A) the issuance, sale and delivery of the Securities to or for the account of the purchasers, and (B) the purchase from the Company and the sale and delivery of the Securities to purchasers thereof.
(iii) Dividends and Distributions. Except as disclosed in the Disclosure Materials, Registration Statement and the Prospectus, no Subsidiary of the Company is currently prohibited or restricted, directly or indirectly, from paying any dividends to the Company, from making any other distribution on such Subsidiary’s capital stock, from repaying to the Company any loans or advances to such Subsidiary from the Company or from transferring any of such Subsidiary’s property or assets to the Company or any other Subsidiary of the Company.
(iv) Money Laundering. The operations of the Company, its Subsidiaries are and have been conducted at all times in all material respects in compliance with applicable financial recordkeeping and reporting requirements of money laundering statutes and the rules and regulations thereunder and any related or similar rules, regulations or guidelines, issued, administered or enforced by any governmental agency (collectively, the “Money Laundering Laws”) and no action, suit or proceeding by or before any court or governmental agency, authority or body or any arbitrator involving the Company, any of its Subsidiaries.
(v) Office of Foreign Assets Control. To the Company’s knowledge, neither any director, officer, or employee of the Company, nor any of its Subsidiaries, has conducted or entered into a contract to conduct any transaction with the governments or any of subdivision thereof, residents of, or any entity based or resident in the countries that are currently subject to any U.S. sanctions administered by the Office of Foreign Assets Control of the U.S. Treasury Department (“OFAC”); none of the Company or any of its Subsidiaries is currently subject to any U.S. sanctions administered by OFAC (including but not limited to the designation as a “specially designated national or blocked person” thereunder), the United Nations Security Council, or the European Union or is located, organized or resident in a country or territory that is the subject of OFAC-administered sanctions, including, without limitation, Burma/Myanmar, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan and Syria; and the Company will not knowingly directly or indirectly use the proceeds of the offering, or lend, contribute or otherwise make available such proceeds to any subsidiary, joint venture partner or other person or entity, for the purpose of financing the activities of any person currently subject to any U.S. sanctions administered by OFAC.
(vi) No Immunity. None of the Company, its Subsidiaries or any of its or their properties or assets has any immunity from the jurisdiction of any court or from any legal process (whether through service or notice, attachment prior to judgment, attachment in aid of execution or otherwise) under the laws of the Cayman Islands, Hong Kong, the PRC, New York or United States federal law; and, to the extent that the Company, its Subsidiaries or any of their respective properties, assets or revenues may have or may hereafter become entitled to any such right of immunity in any such court in which proceedings may at any time be commenced, each of the Company and its Subsidiaries waives or will waive such right to the extent permitted by law and has consented to such relief and enforcement under New York law as provided under this Agreement.
(vii) Free Transferability of Dividends or Distributions. Except as disclosed in the Disclosure Materials, Registration Statement and Prospectus, all dividends and other distributions declared and payable on the Ordinary Shares may under current Cayman Islands, BVI, Hong Kong and PRC law and regulations be paid to the holders of Securities in United States dollars and may be converted into foreign currency that may be transferred out of the Cayman Islands, Hong Kong and the PRC in accordance with, and all such payments made to holders thereof or therein who are non-residents of the Cayman Islands, Hong Kong or the PRC, will not be subject to income, withholding or other taxes under, the laws and regulations of the Cayman Islands, Hong Kong and the PRC, or any political subdivision or taxing authority thereof or therein and will otherwise be free and clear of any other tax, duty, withholding or deduction in the Cayman Islands, Hong Kong and the PRC or any political subdivision or taxing authority thereof or therein and without the necessity of obtaining any governmental authorization in the Cayman Islands, Hong Kong and the PRC or any political subdivision or taxing authority thereof or therein.
(vii) Not a PFIC. Except as disclosed in the Disclosure Materials, Registration Statement and Prospectus, the Company does not expect that it will be treated as a Passive Foreign Investment Company (“PFIC”) within the meaning of Section 1297 of the United States Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, for its current taxable year. The Company has no plan or intention to operate in such a manner that would reasonably be expected to result in the Company becoming a PFIC in future taxable years.
(ix) Foreign Private Issuer Status. The Company is a “foreign private issuer” within the meaning of Rule 405 under the Act.
(x) Choice of Law. Except as disclosed in the Disclosure Materials, Registration Statement and the Prospectus, the choice of law provision set forth in this Agreement constitutes a legal and valid choice of law under the laws of the Cayman Islands, Hong Kong and the PRC and will be honored by courts in the Cayman Islands, Hong Kong and the PRC, subject to compliance with relevant civil procedural requirements (that do not involve a re-examination of the merits of the claim) in the Cayman Islands, Hong Kong and the PRC. The Company has the power to submit, and pursuant to Section 14 of this Agreement, has legally, validly, effectively and submitted, to the personal jurisdiction of each of the New York Courts, and the Company has the power to designate, appoint and authorize, and pursuant to Section 14 of this Agreement, has legally, validly, effectively and irrevocably designated, appointed an authorized agent for service of process in any action arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the Securities in any New York Court, and service of process effected on such authorized agent will be effective to confer valid personal jurisdiction over the Company as provided in Section 14 of this Agreement.
(xi) Recognition of Judgments. Any final judgment for a fixed sum of money rendered by a New York Court having jurisdiction under New York law in respect of any suit, action or proceeding against the Company based upon this Agreement would be recognized and enforced against the Company by Cayman Islands courts without re-examining the merits of the case under the common law doctrine of obligation; provided that such judgment is (A) given by a foreign court of competent jurisdiction; (B) imposes on the judgment debtor a liability to pay a liquidated sum for which the judgment has been given; (C) is final; (D) is not in respect of taxes, a fine or a penalty; and (E) was not obtained in a manner and is not of a kind the enforcement of which is contrary to natural justice or the public policy of the Cayman Islands.
(xii) CSRC Filing. The information provided by the Company during the filing procedures (“CSRC Filing”) in accordance with the Trial Administrative Measures of Overseas Securities Offering and Listing by Domestic Companies and its guidelines (collectively, the “Trial Measures”) as released by CSRC is true and accurate in all material respects and no material fact has been omitted from such description which would make it misleading.
(gg) MD&A. The section entitled “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations” in the Preliminary Prospectus included in the Disclosure Materials and the Prospectus accurately and fully describes in all material respects (A) accounting policies that the Company believes are the most important in the portrayal of the Company’s financial condition and results of operations and that require management’s most difficult, subjective or complex judgments (“Critical Accounting Policies”); (B) judgments and uncertainties affecting the application of the Critical Accounting Policies; and (C) the likelihood that materially different amounts would be reported under different conditions or using different assumptions and an explanation thereof; and the Company’s management have reviewed and agreed with the selection, application and disclosure of the Critical Accounting Policies as described in the Disclosure Materials and the Prospectus and have consulted with its independent accountants with regard to such disclosure.
3. Offering. Upon authorization of the release of the Securities by the Underwriters, the Underwriters intends to offer the Securities for sale to the public upon the terms and conditions set forth in the Prospectus.
4. Covenants of the Company. The Company acknowledges, covenants and agrees with the Underwriters that:
(a) The Registration Statement and any amendments thereto have been declared effective, and if Rule 430A is used or the filing of the Prospectus is otherwise required under Rule 424(b), the Company will file the Prospectus (properly completed if Rule 430A has been used) pursuant to Rule 424(b) within the prescribed time period and will provide evidence satisfactory to the Underwriters of such timely filing.
(b) During the period beginning on the date hereof and ending on the later of the Closing Date or such date as, in the reasonable opinion of Underwriters’ Counsel, the Prospectus is no longer required by law to be delivered (or in lieu thereof the notice referred to in Rule 173(a) under the Act is no longer required to be provided) in connection with sales by an underwriter or dealer (the “Prospectus Delivery Period”), prior to amending or supplementing the Registration Statement, the General Disclosure Package or the Prospectus, the Company shall furnish to the Underwriters and Underwriters’ Counsel for review a copy of each such proposed amendment or supplement, and the Company shall not file any such proposed amendment or supplement to which the Underwriters reasonably objects within 36 hours of delivery thereof to Underwriters’ Counsel. The term “General Disclosure Package” means, collectively, the Issuer Free Writing Prospectus (es) (as defined below) issued at or prior to the date hereof, the most recent preliminary prospectus related to this Offering, and the information included on Schedule A hereto.
(c) After the date of this Agreement, the Company shall promptly advise the Underwriters in writing of: (i) the receipt of any comments of, or requests for additional or supplemental information from, the Commission; (ii) the time and date of any filing of any post-effective amendment to the Registration Statement or any amendment or supplement to any prospectus, the General Disclosure Package or the Prospectus; (iii) the time and date that any post-effective amendment to the Registration Statement becomes effective; and (iv) the issuance by the Commission of any stop order suspending the effectiveness of the Registration Statement or any post-effective amendment thereto or of any order preventing or suspending its use or the use of any prospectus, the General Disclosure Package, the Prospectus or any issuer free writing prospectus as defined in Rule 433 of the Regulations (the “Issuer Free Writing Prospectus”), or the initiation of any proceedings to remove, suspend or terminate from listing the Shares from any securities exchange upon which the Shares are listed for trading, or of the threatening of initiation of any proceedings for any of such purposes. If the Commission shall enter any such stop order at any time, the Company will use its reasonable efforts to obtain the lifting of such order at the earliest possible moment. Additionally, the Company agrees that it shall comply with the provisions of Rules 424(b), 430A and 430B, as applicable, under the Act and will use its reasonable efforts to confirm that any filings made by the Company under Rule 424(b) or Rule 433 were received in a timely manner by the Commission (without reliance on Rule 424(b)(8) or Rule 164(b)).
(d) (i) During the Prospectus Delivery Period, the Company will comply in all material respects with all requirements imposed upon it by the Act as now in effect and as may be hereafter amended, and by the Regulations, as from time to time in force, so far as necessary to permit the continuance of sales of or dealings in the Securities as contemplated by the provisions hereof, the General Disclosure Package, the Registration Statement and the Prospectus. If during such period any event or development occurs as a result of which the Prospectus (or if the Prospectus is not yet available to prospective purchasers, the General Disclosure Package) would include an untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements therein, in light of the circumstances then existing, not misleading, or if during such period it is necessary or appropriate in the opinion of the Company or its counsel or the Underwriters or Underwriters’ Counsel to amend the Registration Statement or supplement the Prospectus (or if the Prospectus is not yet available to prospective purchasers, the General Disclosure Package) to comply with the Act, the Company will promptly notify the Underwriters and will promptly amend the Registration Statement or supplement the Prospectus (or if the Prospectus is not yet available to prospective purchasers, the General Disclosure Package) or file such document (at the expense of the Company) so as to correct such statement or omission or effect such compliance.
(ii) If at any time following the issuance of an Issuer Free Writing Prospectus there occurs an event or development as a result of which such Issuer Free Writing Prospectus would conflict with the information contained in the Registration Statement or the Prospectus or would include an untrue statement of a material fact or would omit to state a material fact necessary in order to make the statements therein, in light of the circumstances there existing, not misleading, the Company will promptly notify the Underwriters and will promptly amend or supplement, at its own expense, such Issuer Free Writing Prospectus to eliminate or correct such conflict, untrue statement or omission.
(e) The Company will deliver to the Underwriters and Underwriters’ Counsel a copy of the Registration Statement, as initially filed, and all amendments thereto, including all consents and exhibits filed therewith, and will maintain in the Company’s files manually signed copies of such documents for at least five (5) years after the date of filing thereof. The Company will promptly deliver to the Underwriters such number of copies of any Preliminary Prospectus, the Prospectus, the Registration Statement, and all amendments of and supplements to such documents, if any, and all documents which are exhibits to the Registration Statement and any Preliminary Prospectus or Prospectus or any amendment thereof or supplement thereto, as the Underwriters may reasonably request. On the Business Day next succeeding the date of this Agreement, and from time to time thereafter, the Company will furnish to the Underwriters’ copies of the Prospectus in such quantities as the Underwriters may reasonably request.
(f) The Company consents to the use and delivery of the Preliminary Prospectus by the Underwriters in accordance with Rule 430 and Section 5(b) of the Act.
(g) If the Company elects to rely on Rule 462(b) under the Act, the Company shall both file a Rule 462(b) Registration Statement with the Commission in compliance with Rule 462(b) by the earlier of: (i) 10:00 P.M., Eastern time, on the date of this Agreement, and (ii) the time that confirmations are given or sent, as specified by Rule 462(b)(2), and pay the applicable fees in accordance with Rule 111 of the Act.
(h) The Company will use its reasonable best efforts, in cooperation with the Underwriters, at or prior to the time of effectiveness of the Registration Statement, to qualify the Securities for offering and sale under the securities laws relating to the Offering or sale of the Securities of such jurisdictions as the Underwriters may reasonably designate and to maintain such qualifications in effect for so long as required for the distribution thereof; except that in no event shall the Company be obligated in connection therewith to qualify as a foreign corporation or to execute a general consent to service of process or to subject itself to taxation if it is otherwise not so subject.
(i) The Company will make generally available (which includes filings pursuant to the Exchange Act made publicly through the Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis and Retrieval (“EDGAR”) system) to its security holders as soon as practicable, but in any event not later than 15 months after the end of the Company’s current fiscal quarter, an earnings statement (which need not be audited) covering a 12-month period that shall satisfy the provisions of Section 11(a) of the Act and Rule 158 of the Regulations.
(j) Except with respect to (i) securities of the Company which may be issued in connection with an acquisition of another entity (or the assets thereof), (ii) the issuance of securities of the Company intended to provide the Company with proceeds to acquire another entity (or the assets thereof), or (iii) the issuance of securities under the Company’s stock option plans with exercise or conversion prices at fair market value (as defined in such plans) in effect from time to time, during the three (3) months following the Closing Date, the Company or any successor to the Company shall not undertake any public or private offerings of any equity securities of the Company (including equity-linked securities) without the prior written consent of the Underwriters, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, delayed or conditioned.
(k) Following the Closing Date, any of the entities and individuals listed on Schedule B hereto (the “Lock-Up Parties”), without the prior written consent of the Underwriters, shall not sell or otherwise dispose of any securities of the Company, whether publicly or in a private placement, during the period that their respective lock-up agreements are in effect. The Company will deliver to the Underwriters the agreements of the Lock-Up Parties to the foregoing effect prior to the Closing Date, which agreements shall be substantially in the form attached hereto as Annex I.
(l) The Company will not issue press releases or engage in any other publicity without the Underwriter’s prior written consent, for a period ending at 5:00 P.M., Eastern time, on the first Business Day following the twenty-fifth (25th) day following the Closing Date, other than normal and customary releases issued in the ordinary course of the Company’s business, or as required by law.
(m) The Company will apply the net proceeds from the sale of the Securities as set forth under the caption “Use of Proceeds” in the Prospectus. Without the prior written consent of the Underwriters, except as disclosed in the Registration Statement, the General Disclosure Package and the Prospectus, no proceeds of the Offering will be used to pay outstanding loans from officers, directors or shareholders or to pay any accrued salaries or bonuses to any employees or former employees.
(n) The Company will use its reasonable best efforts to effect and maintain the listing of the Ordinary Shares on the NASDAQ Capital Market for at least two (2) years after the Effective Date, unless such listing is terminated as a result of a transaction approved by the holders of a majority of the voting securities of the Company. If the Company fails to maintain such listing of its Shares on the NASDAQ Capital Market or other Trading Market, for a period of two (2) years from the Effective Date, the Company, at its expense, shall obtain and keep current a listing of such securities in the Standard & Poor’s Corporation Records Services or Mergent’s Industrial Manual; provided that Mergent’s OTC Industrial Manual is not sufficient for these purposes. “Trading Market” means any of the following markets or exchanges on which the Ordinary Shares is listed or quoted for trading on the date in question: the NYSE American, the Nasdaq Stock Market, the Nasdaq Global Market, the Nasdaq Global Select Market or the New York Stock Exchange (or any successors to any of the foregoing).
(o) The Company will use its reasonable best efforts to do and perform all things required to be done or performed under this Agreement by the Company prior to the Closing Date, and to satisfy all conditions precedent to the delivery of the Securities.
(p) The Company will not take, and will cause its Affiliates not to take, directly or indirectly, any action which constitutes or is designed to cause or result in, or which could reasonably be expected to constitute, cause or result in, the stabilization or manipulation of the price of any security to facilitate the sale or resale of any of the Securities.
(q) The Company shall cause to be prepared and delivered to the Underwriters, at its expense, within two (2) Business Days from the date of this Agreement, an Electronic Prospectus to be used by the Underwriters in connection with the Offering. As used herein, the term “Electronic Prospectus” means a form of prospectus, and any amendment or supplement thereto, that meets each of the following conditions: (i) it shall be encoded in an electronic format, satisfactory to the Underwriters, that may be transmitted electronically by the Underwriters to offerees and purchasers of the Securities for at least the period during which a Prospectus relating to the Securities is required to be delivered under the Act or the Exchange Act; (ii) it shall disclose the same information as the paper prospectus and prospectus filed pursuant to EDGAR, except to the extent that graphic and image material cannot be disseminated electronically, in which case such graphic and image material shall be replaced in the electronic prospectus with a fair and accurate narrative description or tabular representation of such material, as appropriate; and (iii) it shall be in or convertible into a paper format or an electronic format, satisfactory to the Underwriters, that will allow recipients thereof to store and have continuously ready access to the prospectus at any future time, without charge to such recipients (other than any fee charged for subscription to the Internet as a whole and for online time).
5. Representations and Warranties of the Underwriters.
The Underwriters represents and agrees that, unless it obtains the prior written consent of the Company, it has not made and will not make any offer relating to the Securities that would constitute a “free writing prospectus,” as defined in Rule 405 under the Act, required to be filed with the Commission; provided that the prior written consent of the parties hereto shall be deemed to have been given in respect of the free writing prospectuses included on Schedule C. Any such free writing prospectus consented to by the Underwriters is herein referred to as a “Permitted Free Writing Prospectus.” The Underwriters represents that it has treated or agrees that it will treat each Permitted Free Writing Prospectus as an “issuer free writing prospectus,” as defined in Rule 433, and has complied and will comply with the requirements of Rule 433 applicable to any Permitted Free Writing Prospectus, including timely Commission filing where required, legending and record keeping.
6. Consideration; Payment of Expenses.
(a) In consideration of the services to be provided for hereunder, the Company shall pay to the Underwriters or its designee(s) the following compensation (or pro rata portion thereof, if applicable) with respect to the Securities purchased from the Company in this Offering:
(i) an underwriting discount equal to seven percent (7.0%) of the aggregate gross proceeds (inclusive of the Over-allotment Option to purchase the Additional Shares);
(ii) a non-accountable expense allowance of one percent (1.0%) of the gross proceeds of the Offering;
(iii) an accountable expense allowance of up to US$150,000, of which US$55,000 has already been paid to the Underwriters as an advance against accountable expenses; and
(iv) an advisory fee of $70,000, of which $30,000 has already been paid to the Underwriters, and the remaining $40,000 will be paid to the Underwriters within 3 business days of the Company’s listing.
(b) intentionally omitted.
(c) The Underwriters reserves the right to reduce any item of compensation or adjust the terms thereof as specified herein in the event that a determination shall be made by FINRA to the effect that the Underwriters’ aggregate compensation is in excess of FINRA Rules or that the terms thereof require adjustment.
(d) Whether or not the transactions contemplated by this Agreement, the Registration Statement and the Prospectus are consummated or this Agreement is terminated, the Company hereby agrees to pay all costs and expenses incident to the Offering, including the following:
(i) all expenses in connection with the preparation, printing, formatting for EDGAR and filing of the Registration Statement, any Preliminary Prospectus and the Prospectus and any and all amendments and supplements thereto and the mailing and delivering of copies thereof to the Underwriters and dealers;
(ii) all filing fees in connection with filings with FINRA’s Public Offering System;
(iii) all fees, disbursements and expenses of the Company’s counsel and accountants in connection with the registration of the Securities under the Act and the Offering and with the qualifications of the Securities for offering and sale under state or foreign securities or blue sky laws, if necessary;
(iv) all reasonable fees associated with translation services (if necessary);
(v) all fees and expenses in connection with listing the Securities on a national securities exchange;
(vi) all fees and expenses in connection with pre-approved due diligence work in legal, finance, and business;
(vii) all the road show expenses incurred by the Company; and
(viii) the cost and charges of any transfer agent or registrar for the Securities.
(e) It is understood, however, that except as provided in this Section 6, and Sections 8, 9 and 11(d) hereof, the Underwriters will pay all of their own costs and expenses. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Section 6, in the event that this Agreement is terminated pursuant to Section 12(b) hereof, or subsequent to a Material Adverse Change, the Company will pay, less any advances previously paid (the “Advances”), any unreimbursed expenses that have accrued as of such date. All documented out-of-pocket expenses and advisory fee of the Underwriters (including but not limited to fees and disbursements of Underwriters’ Counsel and reasonable and accountable travel) incurred in connection herewith which shall be limited to expenses which are actually incurred as allowed under FINRA Rule 5110 and in any event, the aggregate amount of such expenses and fees to be reimbursed by the Company shall not exceed US$150,000, including the Advances. To the extent that the Underwriters’ documented out-of-pocket expenses and advisory fee are less than the Advances, the Underwriters will return to the Company that portion of the Advances not offset by actual expenses in accordance with FINRA Rule 5110(g)(4)(A) and 5110(g)(4)(B).
7. Conditions of Underwriters’ Obligations. The obligations of the Underwriters to purchase and pay for the Firm Shares as provided herein shall be subject to: (i) the accuracy of the representations and warranties of the Company herein contained, as of the date hereof and as of the Closing Date, (ii) the absence from any certificates, opinions, written statements or letters furnished to the Underwriters or to Underwriters’ Counsel pursuant to this Section 7 of any misstatement or omission, (iii) the performance by the Company of its obligations hereunder, and (iv) each of the following additional conditions. For purposes of this Section 7, the terms “Closing Date” and “Closing” shall refer to the Closing Date for the Firm Shares and each of the foregoing and following conditions must be satisfied as of each Closing.
(a) The Registration Statement shall have become effective and all necessary regulatory and listing approvals shall have been received not later than 5:30 P.M., Eastern time, on the date of this Agreement, or at such later time and date as shall have been consented to in writing by the Underwriters. If the Company shall have elected to rely upon Rule 430A under the Act, the Prospectus shall have been filed with the Commission in a timely fashion in accordance with the terms thereof and a form of the Prospectus containing information relating to the description of the Securities and the method of distribution and similar matters shall have been filed with the Commission pursuant to Rule 424(b) within the applicable time period; and, at or prior to the Closing Date and the actual time of the Closing, no stop order suspending the effectiveness of the Registration Statement or any part thereof, or any amendment thereof, nor suspending or preventing the use of the General Disclosure Package, the Prospectus or any Issuer Free Writing Prospectus shall have been issued; no proceedings for the issuance of such an order shall have been initiated or threatened; all requests of the Commission for additional information (to be included in the Registration Statement, the General Disclosure Package, the Prospectus, any Issuer Free Writing Prospectus or otherwise) shall have been complied with to the Underwriters’ satisfaction.
(b) The Underwriters shall not have reasonably determined, and advised the Company, that the Registration Statement, the General Disclosure Package or the Prospectus, or any amendment thereof or supplement thereto, or any Issuer Free Writing Prospectus, contains an untrue statement of fact which, in the Underwriters’ reasonable opinion, is material, or omits to state a fact which, in the Underwriters’ reasonable opinion, is material and is required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading.
(c) The Underwriters shall have received legal opinions, in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to the Underwriters and Underwriters’ Counsel of (i) Appleby, Cayman Islands counsel to the Company dated as of the Closing Date and addressed to the Underwriters; (ii) Hunter Taubman Fischer & Li LLC, U.S. legal counsel for the Company, dated as of the Closing Date and addressed to the Underwriters; (iii) CFN Lawyers in association with Broad & Bright, Hong Kong legal counsel to the Company, dated as of the Closing Date; and (iv) Commerce & Finance Law Offices, PRC legal counsel to the Company, addressed solely to the Company, dated as of the Closing Date.
(d) The Underwriters shall have received a certificate from the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer of the Company, dated as of each of the Closing Date and any Option Closing Date, to the effect that: (i) the conditions set forth in subsection (a) of this Section 7 have been satisfied, (ii) as of the date hereof and as of each of the Closing Date and any Option Closing Date, the representations and warranties of the Company set forth in Section 2 hereof are accurate, (iii) as of each of the Closing Date and any Option Closing Date, all agreements, conditions and obligations of the Company to be performed or complied with hereunder on or prior thereto have been duly performed or complied with, (iv) no stop order suspending the effectiveness of the Registration Statement or any amendment thereof has been issued and no proceedings therefor have been initiated or threatened by the Commission, (v) there are no pro forma or as adjusted financial statements that are required to be included in the Registration Statement and the Prospectus pursuant to the Regulations which are not so included, and (vi) subsequent to the respective dates as of which information is given in the Registration Statement and the Prospectus, there has not been any Material Adverse Change or any development involving a prospective Material Adverse Change, whether or not arising from transactions in the ordinary course of business.
(e) At each of the Closing Date and any Option Closing Date, the Underwriters shall have received a certificate of the Company signed by a duly authorized executive officer of the Company, dated the Closing Date and any Option Closing Date, certifying: (i) that each of the Charter and Bylaws is true and complete, has not been modified and is in full force and effect; (ii) that the resolutions of the Company’s board of directors relating to the Offering are in full force and effect and have not been modified; (iii) the good standing of the Company; and (iv) as to the incumbency of the officers of the Company. The documents referred to in such certificate shall be attached to such certificate.
(f) On the date of this Agreement and on the Closing Date, the Underwriters shall have received a “comfort” letter from WWC as of each such date, addressed to the Underwriters and in form and substance satisfactory to the Underwriters and Underwriters’ Counsel, confirming that they are independent certified public accountants with respect to the Company within the meaning of the Act and all applicable Regulations, and stating, as of such date (or, with respect to matters involving changes or developments since the respective dates as of which specified financial information is given in the Prospectus, as of a date not more than five (5) days prior to such date), the conclusions and findings of such firm with respect to the financial information and other matters relating to the Registration Statement covered by such letter.
(g) Subsequent to the execution and delivery of this Agreement and prior to the Closing Date or the Option Closing Date or, if earlier, the dates as of which information is given in the Registration Statement (exclusive of any amendment thereof) and the Prospectus (exclusive of any supplement thereto), there shall not have been any change in the share capital or long-term debt of the Company or any change or development involving a change, whether or not arising from transactions in the ordinary course of business, in the business, condition (financial or otherwise), results of operations, shareholders’ equity, or properties of the Company, taken as a whole, including but not limited to the occurrence of any fire, flood, storm, explosion, accident, act of war or terrorism or other calamity, the effect of which, in any such case described above, is, in the reasonable judgment of the Underwriters, so material and adverse as to make it impracticable or inadvisable to proceed with the sale of Securities or Offering as contemplated hereby.
(h) The Underwriters shall have received a lock-up agreement from each Lock-Up Party, duly executed by the applicable Lock-Up Party, in each case substantially in the form attached as Annex I.
(i) The Ordinary Shares are registered under the Exchange Act and, as of the Closing Date, the Shares shall be listed and admitted and authorized for trading on the NASDAQ Capital Market and satisfactory evidence of such action shall have been provided to the Underwriters. The Company shall have taken no action designed to terminate, or likely to have the effect of terminating, the registration of the Shares under the Exchange Act or delisting or suspending the Shares from trading on the NASDAQ Capital Market, nor will the Company have received any information suggesting that the Commission or the NASDAQ Capital Market is contemplating terminating such registration or listing. The Firm Shares and the Additional Shares shall be DTC eligible.
(j) FINRA shall have confirmed that it has not raised any objection with respect to the fairness and reasonableness of the underwriting terms and arrangements.
(k) No action shall have been taken and no statute, rule, regulation or order shall have been enacted, adopted or issued by any federal, state or foreign governmental or regulatory authority that would, as of the Closing Date, prevent the issuance or sale of the Securities; and no injunction or order of any federal, state or foreign court shall have been issued that would, as of the Closing Date, prevent the issuance or sale of the Securities or materially and adversely affect or potentially materially and adversely affect the business or operations of the Company.
(l) The Company shall have furnished the Underwriters and Underwriters’ Counsel with such other certificates, opinions or documents as they may have reasonably requested.
8. Indemnification.
(a) To the fullest extent permitted under applicable law, the Company agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Underwriters and each Person, if any, who controls the Underwriters within the meaning of Section 15 of the Act or Section 20 of the Exchange Act, against any losses, liabilities, claims, damages and expenses whatsoever, as incurred (including but not limited to reasonable attorneys’ fees and any and all reasonable expenses whatsoever, incurred in investigating, preparing or defending against any litigation, commenced or threatened, or any claim whatsoever, and any and all amounts paid in settlement of any claim or litigation), joint or several, to which they or any of them may become subject under the Act, the Exchange Act or otherwise (including in settlement of any litigation if such settlement is effected with the written consent of the Company), insofar as such losses, liabilities, claims, damages or expenses (or actions in respect thereof) arise out of or are based upon: (i) an untrue statement or alleged untrue statement of a material fact contained in (A) the Registration Statement, including the information deemed to be a part of the Registration Statement at the time of effectiveness and at any subsequent time pursuant to Rules 430A and 430B of the Regulations, any Preliminary Prospectus, the General Disclosure Package, the Prospectus, or any amendment or supplement to any of them or (B) any Issuer Free Writing Prospectus or any materials or information provided to investors by, or with the approval of, the Company in connection with the marketing of the offering of the Securities (“Marketing Materials”), including any road show or investor presentations made to investors by the Company (whether in person or electronically), or arise out of or are based upon the omission or alleged omission to state therein a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading and will reimburse such indemnified party for any legal or other expenses reasonably incurred by it in connection with investigations or defending against such losses, liabilities, claims, damages or expenses (or actions in respect thereof); or (ii) in whole or in part upon any inaccuracy in the representations and warranties of the Company contained herein; or (iii) in whole or in part upon any failure of the Company to perform its obligations hereunder; provided, however, that the Company shall not be liable in any such case to the extent that any such loss, liability, claim, damage or expense (or action in respect thereof) arises out of or is based upon an untrue statement or alleged untrue statement or omission or alleged omission made in the Registration Statement, any Preliminary Prospectus, the General Disclosure Package, the Prospectus, or any such amendment or supplement to any of them, or any Issuer Free Writing Prospectus or any Marketing Materials in reliance upon and in conformity with the Underwriters’ Information.
(b) To the fullest extent permitted under applicable law, the Underwriters agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Company, each of the directors of the Company, each of the officers of the Company who shall have signed the Registration Statement, and each other Person, if any, who controls the Company within the meaning of Section 15 of the Act or Section 20 of the Exchange Act, against any losses, liabilities, claims, damages and expenses whatsoever, as incurred (including but not limited to reasonable attorneys’ fees and any and all reasonable expenses whatsoever, incurred in investigating, preparing or defending against any litigation, commenced or threatened, or any claim whatsoever, and any and all amounts paid in settlement of any claim or litigation), joint or several, to which they or any of them may become subject under the Act, the Exchange Act or otherwise (including in settlement of any litigation if such settlement is effected with the written consent of the Underwriters), insofar as such losses, liabilities, claims, damages or expenses (or actions in respect thereof) arise out of or are based upon an untrue statement or alleged untrue statement of a material fact contained in the Registration Statement, at the time of effectiveness and at any subsequent time pursuant to Rules 430A and 430B of the Regulations, any Preliminary Prospectus, the General Disclosure Package, the Prospectus, any amendment or supplement to any of them or any Marketing Materials, or arise out of or are based upon the omission or alleged omission to state therein a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading, and will reimburse such indemnified party for any legal or other expenses reasonably incurred by it in connection with investigating or defending against such losses, liabilities, claims, damages or expenses (or actions in respect thereof), in each case to the extent, but only to the extent, that any such loss, liability, claim, damage or expense (or action in respect thereof) arises out of or is based upon any such untrue statement or alleged untrue statement or omission or alleged omission made in the Underwriters’ Information.
(c) Promptly after receipt by an indemnified party under subsection (a) or (b) above of notice of any claim or the commencement of any action, such indemnified party shall, if a claim in respect thereof is to be made against the indemnifying party under such subsection, notify each party against whom indemnification is to be sought in writing thereof (but the failure so to notify an indemnifying party shall not relieve the indemnifying party from any liability which it may have under this Section 8 to the extent that it is not materially prejudiced as a result thereof and in any event shall not relieve it from any liability that such indemnifying party may have otherwise than on account of the indemnity agreement hereunder). In case any such claim or action is brought against any indemnified party, and it so notifies an indemnifying party thereof, the indemnifying party will be entitled to participate at its own expense in the defense of such action, and to the extent it may elect by written notice delivered to the indemnified party promptly after receiving the aforesaid notice from such indemnified party, to assume the defense thereof with counsel satisfactory to such indemnified party; provided however, that counsel to the indemnifying party shall not (except with the written consent of the indemnified party) also be counsel to the indemnified party. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the indemnified party or parties shall have the right to employ its or their own counsel in any such case, but the fees and expenses of such counsel shall be at the expense of such indemnified party or parties unless: (i) the employment of such counsel shall have been authorized in writing by one of the indemnifying parties in connection with the defense of such action; (ii) the indemnifying parties shall not have employed counsel to have charge of the defense of such action within a reasonable time after notice of the claim or the commencement of the action; (iii) the indemnifying party does not diligently defend the action after assumption of the defense; or (iv) such indemnified party or parties shall have reasonably concluded that a conflict may arise between the positions of the indemnifying party and the indemnified party, or any of them, in conducting the defense of any such action or there may be legal defenses available to it or them which are different from or additional to those available to any of the indemnifying parties (in which case the indemnifying parties shall not have the right to direct the defense of such action on behalf of the indemnified party or parties), in any of which events such fees and expenses shall be borne by the indemnifying parties and shall be paid as incurred. It is understood that the indemnifying party shall not, in respect of the legal expenses of any indemnified party in connection with any proceeding or related proceedings in the same jurisdiction, be liable for the fees and expenses of more than one separate firm (in addition to any local counsel) of the indemnified party or parties unless such separate representations are required under applicable ethics rules that govern the representations of the indemnified party or parties by such legal counsel. In the case of any separate firm for the Underwriters and such control persons and affiliates of any Underwriters, such firm shall be designated in writing by the Underwriters. In the case of more than one separate firm (in addition to any local counsel) for the Company, and such directors, officers and control persons of the Company, such firm shall be designated in writing by the Company. No indemnifying party shall, without the prior written consent of the indemnified parties, effect any settlement or compromise of, or consent to the entry of judgment with respect to, any pending or threatened claim, investigation, action or proceeding in respect of which indemnity or contribution may be or could have been sought by an indemnified party under this Section 8 or Section 9 hereof (whether or not the indemnified party is an actual or potential party thereto), unless (x) such settlement, compromise or judgment (i) includes an unconditional release of the indemnified party from all liability arising out of such claim, investigation, action or proceeding and (ii) does not include a statement as to or an admission of fault, culpability or any failure to act, by or on behalf of the indemnified party, and (y) the indemnifying party confirms in writing its indemnification obligations hereunder with respect to such settlement, compromise or judgment.
9. Contribution. In order to provide for contribution in circumstances in which the indemnification provided for in Section 8 is for any reason held to be unavailable from any indemnifying party or is insufficient to hold harmless a party indemnified thereunder, the Company and the Underwriters shall contribute to the aggregate losses, claims, damages, liabilities and expenses of the nature contemplated by such indemnification provision (including any investigation, legal and other expenses incurred in connection with, and any amount paid in settlement of, any action, suit or proceeding or any claims asserted, but after deducting in the case of losses, claims, damages, liabilities and expenses suffered by the Company, any contribution received by the Company from Persons, other than the Underwriters, who may also be liable for contribution, including Persons who control the Company within the meaning of Section 15 of the Act or Section 20 of the Exchange Act, officers of the Company who signed the Registration Statement and directors of the Company), as incurred, to which the Company and one or more of the Underwriters may be subject, in such proportions as is appropriate to reflect the relative benefits received by the Company on the one hand and the Underwriters on the other hand from the Offering and sale of the Securities or, if such allocation is not permitted by applicable law, in such proportions as are appropriate to reflect not only the relative benefits referred to above but also the relative fault of the Company and the Underwriters in connection with the statements or omissions which resulted in such losses, claims, damages, liabilities or expenses, as well as any other relevant equitable considerations. The relative benefits received by the Company and the Underwriters shall be deemed to be in the same proportion as (x) the total proceeds from the Offering (net of underwriting discount and commission but before deducting expenses) received by the Company bears to (y) the underwriting discount and commissions received by the Underwriters, in each case as set forth in the table on the cover page of the Prospectus. The relative fault of the Company and the Underwriters shall be determined by reference to, among other things, whether the untrue or alleged untrue statement of a material fact or the omission or alleged omission to state a material fact relates to information supplied by the Company or the Underwriters and the parties’ relative intent, knowledge, access to information and opportunity to correct or prevent such statement or omission. The Company and the Underwriters agree that it would not be just and equitable if contribution pursuant to this Section 9 were determined by pro rata allocation (even if the Underwriters were treated as one entity for such purpose) or by any other method of allocation which does not take account of the equitable considerations referred to above in this Section 9. The aggregate amount of losses, liabilities, claims, damages and expenses incurred by an indemnified party and referred to above in this Section 9 shall be deemed to include any legal or other expenses reasonably incurred by such indemnified party in investigating, preparing or defending against any litigation, or any investigation or proceeding by any judicial, regulatory or other legal or governmental agency or body, commenced or threatened, or any claim whatsoever based upon any such untrue or alleged untrue statement or omission or alleged omission. Notwithstanding the provisions of this Section 9: (i) no Underwriters shall be required to contribute any amount in excess of the underwriting discounts applicable to the Securities underwritten by it and distributed to the public and (ii) no Person guilty of fraudulent misrepresentation (within the meaning of Section 12(f) of the Act) shall be entitled to contribution from any Person who was not guilty of fraudulent misrepresentation (within the meaning of Section 12(f) of the Act). For purposes of this Section 9, each Person, if any, who controls an Underwriter within the meaning of Section 15 of the Act or Section 20 of the Exchange Act shall have the same rights to contribution as such Underwriter, and each Person, if any, who controls the Company within the meaning of Section 15 of the Act or Section 20 of the Exchange Act, each officer of the Company who shall have signed the Registration Statement and each director of the Company shall have the same rights to contribution as the Company, subject in each case to clauses (i) and (ii) of the immediately preceding sentence. Any party entitled to contribution will, promptly after receipt of notice of commencement of any action, suit or proceeding against such party in respect of which a claim for contribution may be made against another party or parties, notify each party or parties from whom contribution may be sought, but the omission to so notify such party or parties shall not relieve the party or parties from whom contribution may be sought from any obligation it or they may have under this Section 9 or otherwise. As used herein, a “Person” refers to an individual or entity.
10. Survival of Representations and Agreements. All representations, warranties, covenants and agreements of the Company and the Underwriters contained in this Agreement or in certificates of officers of the Company submitted pursuant hereto, including, without limitation, the agreements contained in Sections 6, 14 and 15, the indemnity agreements contained in Section 8 and the contribution agreements contained in Section 9, shall remain operative and in full force and effect regardless of any investigation made by or on behalf of the Underwriters or any controlling Person thereof or by or on behalf of the Company, any of its officers or directors or any controlling Person thereof, and shall survive delivery of and payment for the Securities to and by the Underwriters. The representations and warranties contained in Section 2 and Section 5 and the covenants and agreements contained in Sections 4, 6, 8, 9, 14 and 15 shall survive any termination of this Agreement, including termination pursuant to Section 12 and Section 16. For the avoidance of doubt, in the event of termination the Underwriters will receive only documented out-of-pocket accountable expenses and advisory fee actually incurred subject to the limit in Section 12(d) below, in compliance with FINRA Rules 5110.
11. Right of First Refusal. The Company and the Underwriters agree that for a period of twelve (12) months from the Closing Date, whether or not the engagement contemplated under this Agreement is terminated (other than termination for Cause, as defined below), the Company grants Revere Securities LLC (“Revere”) the right (provided the Offering is completed) to provide investment banking services to the Company on an exclusive basis in all matters for which investment banking services are sought by the Company (such right, the “Right of First Refusal”), which right is exercisable in the Revere’s sole discretion. For these purposes, investment banking services shall include, without limitation, (a) acting as lead manager for any underwritten public offering; (b) acting as exclusive placement agent, initial purchaser or financial advisor in connection with any private offering of securities of the Company; and (c) acting as financial advisor in connection with any sale or other transfer by the Company, directly or indirectly, of a majority or controlling portion of its capital stock or assets to another entity, any purchase or other transfer by another entity, directly or indirectly, of a majority or controlling portion of the capital stock or assets of the Company, and any merger or consolidation of the Company with another entity. Revere shall notify the Company of its intention to exercise the Right of First Refusal within 15 business days following notice in writing by the Company. Any decision by Revere to act in any such capacity shall be contained in separate agreements, which agreements would contain, among other matters, provisions for customary fees for transactions of similar size and nature, as may be mutually agreed upon, and indemnification of Revere and shall be subject to general market conditions. If Revere declines to exercise the Right of First Refusal or the Company does not receive any response from Revere within the aforesaid 15 business day-period, the Company shall have the right to retain any other person or persons to provide such services on terms and conditions which are not more favorable to such other person or persons than the terms declined by Revere. The Right of First Refusal granted hereunder may be terminated by the Company for “Cause,” which shall mean a material breach by Revere of the engagement letter.
12. Effective Date of Agreement; Termination.
(a) This Agreement shall become effective upon the later of: (i) receipt by the Underwriters and the Company of notification of the effectiveness of the Registration Statement or (ii) the execution of this Agreement by all parties hereto. Notwithstanding any termination of this Agreement, the provisions of this Section 12 and of Sections 1, 4, 6, 8, 9, 14 and 15 shall remain in full force and effect at all times after the execution hereof to the extent they are in compliance with FINRA Rule 5110.
(b) The Underwriters shall have the right to terminate this Agreement at any time prior to the consummation of the Closing if: (i) any domestic or international event or act or occurrence has materially disrupted, or in the reasonable opinion of the Underwriters will in the immediate future materially disrupt, the market for the Company’s securities or securities in general; or (ii) trading on the New York Stock Exchange or the NASDAQ Stock Market has been suspended or made subject to material limitations, or minimum or maximum prices for trading have been fixed, or maximum ranges for prices for securities have been required, on the NYSE Euronext or the NASDAQ Stock Market or by order of the Commission, FINRA or any other governmental authority having jurisdiction; or (iii) a banking moratorium has been declared by any state or federal authority or any material disruption in commercial banking or securities settlement or clearance services has occurred; or (iv) (A) there has occurred any outbreak or escalation of hostilities or acts of terrorism involving the United States, Hong Kong, BVI, the Cayman islands or there is a declaration of a national emergency or war by the United States Hong Kong, BVI, or the Cayman islands or (B) there has been any other calamity or crisis or any change in political, financial or economic conditions, if the effect of any such event in (A) or (B), in the reasonable judgment of the Underwriters, is so material and adverse that such event makes it impracticable or inadvisable to proceed with the offering, sale and delivery of the Firm Shares on the terms and in the manner contemplated by the Prospectus.
(c) Any notice of termination pursuant to this Section 12 shall be in writing and delivered in accordance with Section 13.
(d) If this Agreement shall be terminated pursuant to any of the provisions hereof (other than pursuant to Section 12(b) hereof), or if the sale of the Securities provided for herein is not consummated because any condition to the obligations of the Underwriters set forth herein is not satisfied or because of any refusal, inability or failure on the part of the Company to perform any agreement herein or comply with any provision hereof, the Company will, subject to demand by the Underwriters, reimburse the Underwriters for only those documented out-of-pocket expenses and advisory fee (including the reasonable fees and expenses of their counsel), actually incurred by the Underwriters in connection herewith as allowed under FINRA Rule 5110 less any amounts previously paid by the Company); provided, however, that all such expenses and fees, including the costs and expenses and fees set forth in Section 6(d) which were actually paid, shall not exceed US$150,000 in the aggregate, including any advances.
13. Notices. All communications hereunder, except as may be otherwise specifically provided herein, shall be in writing, and:
(a) if sent to the Underwriters, shall be mailed, delivered, or emailed, to:
Cathay Securities, Inc.
40 Wall Street, Suite 3600
New York, NY 10005
Attention: Xiaoyu Li, CEO & Head of Investment Banking
Email: Shell.Li@cathaysecurities.com
with a copy to Underwriters’ Counsel at:
Ortoli Rosenstadt LLP
366 Madison Avenue, 3rd Floor
New York, NY 10017
Attention: Mengyi “Jason” Ye, Esq.
Email: jye@orllp.legal
(b) if sent to the Company, shall be mailed, delivered, or emailed, to:
Samfine Creation Holdings Group Limited
Flat B, 8/F, Block 4 Kwun Tong Industrial Centre
436-446 Kwun Tong Road
Kwun Tong, Hong Kong
Attention: Wayne, Wing Wah Cheng, CEO
Email: 111@1398.cn
with a copy (which shall not constitute notice) to:
Hunter Taubman Fischer & Li LLC
950 Third Avenue, 19th Floor
New York, NY 10022
Attn: Ying Li, Esq. and Guillaume de Sampigny, Esq.
Email: yli@htflawyers.com and gdesampigny@htflawyers.com
14. Parties; Limitation of Relationship. This Agreement shall inure solely to the benefit of, and shall be binding upon, the Underwriters, the Company and the controlling Persons, directors, officers, employees and agents referred to in Sections 8 and 9 hereof, and their respective successors and assigns, and no other Person shall have or be construed to have any legal or equitable right, remedy or claim under or in respect of or by virtue of this Agreement or any provision herein contained. This Agreement and all conditions and provisions hereof are intended to be for the sole and exclusive benefit of the parties hereto and such Persons and their respective successors and assigns, and not for the benefit of any other Person. The term “successors and assigns” shall not include a purchaser, in its capacity as such, of Securities from the Underwriters.
15. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the internal laws of the State of New York without regard to the conflict of laws principles thereof. Each of the parties hereto hereby submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of the federal and state courts in the Borough of Manhattan in The City of New York (each, a “New York Court”) in any suit or proceeding arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the transactions contemplated hereby. Each of the parties hereto irrevocably waives any objection to the laying of venue of any suit or proceeding arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the transactions contemplated hereby in the New York Courts, and irrevocably waives and agrees not to plead or claim in any such court that any such suit or proceeding in any such court has been brought in an inconvenient forum. The Company irrevocably appoints Cogency Global Inc., 122 East 42nd St 18th Floor, New York, NY 10168 as its authorized agent (the “Authorized Agent”) in the Borough of Manhattan in The City of New York upon which process may be served in any such suit or proceeding, and agrees that service of process in any manner permitted by applicable law upon such agent shall be deemed in every respect effective service of process in any manner permitted by applicable law upon the Company in any such suit or proceeding. The Company further agrees to take any and all actions as may be necessary to maintain such designation and appointment of such agent in full force and effect for a period of three years from the date of this Agreement.
16. Default of Underwriters. If any Underwriter or Underwriters default in their obligations to purchase Securities hereunder on either the Closing Date or any Option Closing Date and the aggregate number of Securities that such defaulting Underwriter or Underwriters agreed but failed to purchase does not exceed 10% of the total number of Securities that the Underwriters are obligated to purchase on such Closing Date or Option Closing Date, the Representative may make arrangements satisfactory to the Company for the purchase of such Securities by other persons, including any of the Underwriters, but if no such arrangements are made by such Closing Date or Option Closing Date, the non-defaulting Underwriters shall be obligated severally, in proportion to their respective commitments hereunder, to purchase the Offered Securities that such defaulting Underwriters agreed but failed to purchase on such Closing Date or Option Closing Date. If any Underwriter or Underwriters so default and the aggregate number of Securities with respect to which such default or defaults occur exceeds 10% of the total number of Securities that the Underwriters are obligated to purchase on such Closing Date or Option Closing Date and arrangements satisfactory to the Representative and the Company for the purchase of such Securities by other persons are not made within 36 hours after such default, this Agreement will terminate without liability on the part of any non-defaulting Underwriter or the Company, except as provided in Section 10. As used in this Agreement, the term “Underwriter” includes any person substituted for an Underwriter under this Section. Nothing herein will relieve a defaulting Underwriter from liability for its default.
17. Entire Agreement. This Agreement, together with the schedules and annexes attached hereto and as the same may be amended from time to time in accordance with the terms hereof, contains the entire agreement among the parties hereto relating to the subject matter hereof and there are no other or further agreements outstanding not specifically mentioned herein. This Agreement supersedes any prior agreements or understandings among or between the parties hereto.
18. Severability. If any term or provision of this Agreement or the performance thereof shall be invalid or unenforceable to any extent, such invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect or render invalid or unenforceable any other provision of this Agreement and this Agreement shall be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law.
19. Amendment. This Agreement may only be amended by a written instrument executed by each of the parties hereto.
20. Waiver, etc. The failure of any of the parties hereto to at any time enforce any of the provisions of this Agreement shall not be deemed or construed to be a waiver of any such provision, nor to in any way affect the validity of this Agreement or any provision hereof or the right of any of the parties hereto to thereafter enforce each and every provision of this Agreement. No waiver of any breach, non-compliance or non-fulfillment of any of the provisions of this Agreement shall be effective unless set forth in a written instrument executed by the party or parties against whom or which enforcement of such waiver may be sought; and no waiver of any such breach, non-compliance or non-fulfillment shall be construed or deemed to be a waiver of any other or subsequent breach, non-compliance or non-fulfillment.
21. No Fiduciary Relationship. The Company hereby acknowledges that the Underwriters are acting solely as Underwriters in connection with the offering of the Company’s Securities. The Company further acknowledges that the Underwriters is acting pursuant to a contractual relationship created solely by this Agreement entered into on an arm’s-length basis and in no event do the parties intend that the Underwriters act or be responsible as a fiduciary to the Company, its management, shareholders, creditors or any other person in connection with any activity that the Underwriters may undertake or have undertaken in furtherance of the offering of the Company’s Securities, either before or after the date hereof. The Underwriters hereby expressly disclaims any fiduciary or similar obligations to the Company, either in connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement or any matters leading up to such transactions, and the Company hereby confirms its understanding and agreement to that effect. The Company hereby further confirms its understanding that the Underwriters has not assumed an advisory or fiduciary responsibility in favor of the Company with respect to the Offering contemplated hereby or the process leading thereto, including, without limitation, any negotiation related to the pricing of the Securities; and the Company has consulted its own legal and financial advisors to the extent it has deemed appropriate in connection with this Agreement and the Offering. The Company and the Underwriters agree that they are each responsible for making their own independent judgments with respect to any such transactions, and that any opinions or views expressed by the Underwriters to the Company regarding such transactions, including but not limited to any opinions or views with respect to the price or market for the Company’s securities, do not constitute advice or recommendations to the Company. The Company hereby waives and releases, to the fullest extent permitted by law, any claims that the Company may have against the Underwriters with respect to any breach or alleged breach of any fiduciary or similar duty to the Company in connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement or any matters leading up to such transactions.
22. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original, and all such counterparts shall together constitute one and the same instrument. Delivery of a signed counterpart of this Agreement by facsimile or other electronic transmission shall constitute valid and sufficient delivery thereof.
23. Headings. The headings herein are inserted for convenience of reference only and are not intended to be part of, or to affect the meaning or interpretation of, this Agreement.
24. Time is of the Essence. Time shall be of the essence of this Agreement. As used herein, the term “Business Day” shall mean any day other than a Saturday, Sunday or any day on which any of the major U.S. stock exchanges are not open for business.
[Signature Page Follows]
If the foregoing correctly sets forth your understanding, please so indicate in the space provided below for that purpose, whereupon this letter shall constitute a binding agreement among us.
Very truly yours, | ||
Samfine Creation Holdings Group Limited | ||
By: | /s/ Wayne, Wing Wah Cheng | |
Name: | Wayne, Wing Wah Cheng | |
Title: | Director and Chief Executive Officer |
Confirmed as of the date first written above, on behalf of itself and as Representative of the several Underwriters named on Schedule A hereto:
Cathay Securities, Inc.
By: | /s/ Xiaoyu Li | |
Name: | Xiaoyu Li | |
Title: | Chief Executive Officer & Head of Investment Banking |
[Signature Page to Underwriting Agreement]
Underwriters | Total Number of Firm Shares to be Purchased | |||
Cathay Securities, Inc. | 1,150,000 | |||
Revere Securities LLC | 800,000 | |||
Dominari Securities LLC | 50,000 | |||
TOTAL | 2,000,000 |
Number of Firm Shares: 2,000,000
Public Offering Price per Firm Share: $4.00
Underwriting Discount per Firm Share: $0.28
Non-accountable Expense Allowance per Firm Share: $0.04
Lock-Up Parties
Name | Lock-Up Period | |
Mr. Wayne, Wing Wah Cheng | 6 Months from commencement of sales of the Offering | |
Ms. Kwan Hung Cheng | 6 Months from commencement of sales of the Offering | |
Ms. Meifang Chen | 6 Months from commencement of sales of the Offering | |
Mr. Sum Chin Cheung | 6 Months from commencement of sales of the Offering | |
Mr. Chi Kit Lau | 6 Months from commencement of sales of the Offering | |
Mr. To Wai Suen | 6 Months from commencement of sales of the Offering |
Free Writing Prospectuses
Two Free Writing Prospectuses filed with the SEC on June 28, 2024 and August 15, 2024 respectively:
Annex I
Lock-Up Agreement
October 14, 2024
Cathay Securities, Inc.
40 Wall Street, Suite 3600
NY, NY 10005 USA
as Representative of the several Underwriters named on Schedule A
to the Underwriting Agreement
Ladies and Gentlemen:
The undersigned understands that Cathay Securities, Inc. (the “Representative”) proposes to enter into an Underwriting Agreement (the “Underwriting Agreement”) with Samfine Creation Holdings Group Limited, an exempted company incorporated in the Cayman Islands (the “Company”), providing for the initial public offering in the United States (the “Initial Public Offering”) of a certain number of the Company’s Ordinary Shares, par value US$0.0000625 per share (the “Ordinary Shares” or the “Securities”). For purposes of this letter agreement, “Shares” shall mean shares of the Company’s Ordinary Shares.
To induce the Underwriters (as defined in the Underwriting Agreement) to continue their efforts in connection with the Public Offering, the undersigned hereby agrees that, without the prior written consent of the Representative, the undersigned will not, during the period commencing on the date hereof and ending six (6) months from the date of commencement of sales of the Initial Public Offering (the “Lock-Up Period”), (1) offer, pledge, announce the intention to sell, sell, contract to sell, sell any option or contract to purchase, purchase any option or contract to sell, grant any option, right or warrant to purchase, make any short sale, or otherwise transfer or dispose of, directly or indirectly, any Shares or any securities convertible into or exercisable or exchangeable for or represent the right to receive Shares, whether now owned or hereafter acquired by the undersigned (collectively, the “Lock-Up Securities”); (2) enter into any swap or other agreement that transfers to another, in whole or in part, any of the economic consequences of ownership of the Lock-Up Securities, whether any such transaction described in clause (1) above or this clause (2) is to be settled by delivery of Shares or such other securities, in cash or otherwise; (3) make any written demand for or exercise any right with respect to the registration of any Shares or any security convertible into or exercisable or exchangeable for Shares; or (4) publicly disclose the intention to do any of the foregoing.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, and subject to the conditions below, the undersigned may transfer Lock-Up Securities without the prior written consent of the Representative in connection with (a) transactions relating to Lock-Up Securities acquired in open market transactions after the completion of the Initial Public Offering; (b) transfers of Lock-Up Securities as a bona fide gift, by will or intestacy or to a family member or trust for the benefit of the undersigned and/or one or more family members (for purposes of this lock-up agreement, “family member” means any relationship by blood, marriage or adoption, not more remote than first cousin); (c) transfers of Lock-Up Securities to a charity or educational institution or other not-for-profit organization; (d) if the undersigned, directly or indirectly, controls a corporation, partnership, limited liability company or other business entity, any transfers of Lock-Up Securities to any such corporation, partnership, limited liability company or other business entity, or any shareholder, partner or member of, or owner of similar equity interests in, the same, as the case may be; (e) a sale or surrender to the Company of any options or Shares of the Company underlying options in order to pay the exercise price or taxes associated with the exercise of options or (f) transfers or distributions pursuant to any bona fide third-party tender offer, merger, acquisition, consolidation or other similar transaction made to all holders of the Company’s Shares involving a Change of Control of the Company, provided that in the event that such tender offer, merger, acquisition, consolidation or other such transaction is not completed, the Lock-Up Securities held by the undersigned shall remain subject to the provisions of this lock-up agreement; provided that in the case of any transfer pursuant to the foregoing clauses (b), (c) or (d), (i) any such transfer shall not involve a disposition for value, (ii) each transferee shall sign and deliver to the Representative a lock-up agreement substantially in the form of this lock-up agreement and (iii) no filing under Section 16(a) of the U.S. Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended shall be required or shall be voluntarily made (collectively, “Permitted Transfers”). For purposes of this paragraph, the term “Change of Control” shall mean any transaction or series of related transactions pursuant to which any “person” or “group” (as such terms are used in Sections 13(d) and 14(d) of the Exchange Act) becomes the “beneficial owner” (as such term is defined in Rules 13d-3 and 13d-5 under the Exchange Act), directly or indirectly, of more than 50% of the total voting power of the Shares of the Company on a fully diluted basis. The undersigned also agrees and consents to the entry of stop transfer instructions with the Company’s transfer agent and registrar against the transfer of the undersigned’s Lock-Up Securities except in compliance with this lock-up agreement.
The undersigned agrees that, prior to engaging in any transaction or taking any other action that is subject to the terms of this lock-up agreement (for the avoidance of doubt, excluding any transaction or other action in connection with a Permitted Transfer) during the period from the date hereof to the expiration of the initial Lock-Up Period, the undersigned will give notice thereof to the Company and will not consummate any such transaction or take any such action unless it has received written confirmation from the Company that the Lock-Up Period has expired.
The undersigned agrees that (i) the foregoing restrictions shall be equally applicable to any issuer-directed or “friends and family” Shares that the undersigned may purchase in the Initial Public Offering, (ii) at least three (3) business days before the effective date of any release or waiver of the foregoing restrictions in connection with a transfer of Lock-Up Securities, the Representative will notify the Company of the impending release or waiver. Any release or waiver granted by the Representative hereunder to any such officer or director shall only be effective two (2) business days after the publication date of such press release. The provisions of this paragraph will not apply if (a) the release or waiver is effected solely to permit a transfer of Lock-Up Securities not for consideration or in connection with any other Permitted Transfer and (b) the transferee has agreed in writing to be bound by a lock-up agreement substantially in the form of this lock-up agreement.
No provision in this agreement shall be deemed to restrict or prohibit the exercise, exchange or conversion by the undersigned of any securities exercisable or exchangeable for or convertible into Shares, as applicable; provided that the undersigned does not transfer the Shares acquired on such exercise, exchange or conversion during the Lock-Up Period, unless in connection with a Permitted Transfer or in a transfer otherwise permitted pursuant to the terms of this lock-up agreement. In addition, no provision herein shall be deemed to restrict or prohibit the entry into or modification of a so-called “10b5-1” plan at any time (other than the entry into or modification of such a plan in such a manner as to cause the sale of any Lock-Up Securities within the Lock-Up Period).
The undersigned understands that the Company and the Representative are relying upon this lock-up agreement in proceeding toward consummation of the Initial Public Offering. The undersigned further understands that this lock-up agreement is irrevocable and shall be binding upon the undersigned’s heirs, successors and assigns.
The undersigned understands that, if the Underwriting Agreement does not become effective, or if the Underwriting Agreement (other than the provisions thereof which survive termination) shall terminate or be terminated prior to payment for and delivery of the Shares to be sold thereunder, then this lock-up agreement shall be void and of no further force or effect.
Whether or not the Initial Public Offering actually occurs depends on a number of factors, including market conditions. The Initial Public Offering will only be made pursuant to an Underwriting Agreement, the terms of which are subject to negotiation between the Company and the Representative.
This lock-up agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the internal laws of the State of New York, without regard to the conflict of laws principles thereof. Delivery of a signed copy of this lock-up agreement by facsimile or e-mail/.pdf transmission shall be effective as the delivery of the original hereof.
Very truly yours, | ||
(Signature) | ||
Address: | ||