EX-99.4 5 d796850dex994.htm EX-99.4 EX-99.4












第1条 解释



     定义术语      2  


     建造规则      11  


     全部协议      12  


     法律管辖和提交给法院      12  


     可分割性      13  

第2条 董事会



     行使代表权条件      13  


     代表权      13  


     管理层背书和投票      14  


     董事责任保险和赔偿协议      14  


     董事会规模和运作      14  

第3条参与和 增发股份 权利



     发行通知书      15  


     爱文思控股通知      15  


     授予参与权利      16  


     认股通知。      16  


     发行参与权证券      17  


     授予 增发 权利      17  


     终止参与权利和 Top-Up Right      18  




     Operational Support      19  


     [Intentionally deleted]      19  


     转让限制      19  


     限制条款      21  




     反贿赂和腐败合规      22  


     贸易和制裁合规      23  


     反洗钱合规      24  

第6条 信息权利



     信息和检查权利      25  


     内部控制维护      25  


     保密协议      26  


     信息发布      27  


     特权      28  

第7条 附加条款



     外国投资审查      28  


     与外国有关实体的交易限制      29  

第8条 注册权



     需求登记权      30  


     附加认购和顶格注册权      31  


     费用      34  


     其他销售      34  


     未来注册权      34  


     准备;合理调查      34  


     赔偿      35  


     附属关系人出售      37  


     第144条规则和S条例      38  




     通知      38  


     公司资本变动或公司重组      39  


     非规避      39  


     终止      39  


     修正与豁免      40  


     作业      40  


     继承人和受让人      40  


     无第三方受益人      40  


     费用      40  


     进一步保证      41  


     修正并重新制定原始投资者权益协议      41  


     禁令救济权      41  


     相关方      41  









- 和 -

锂矿美国 公司。





鉴于 锂矿美国(阿根廷)公司(前身为锂矿公司)(锂 阿根廷”导致其北美业务和阿根廷业务分拆为两家独立的上市公司(“分离包括公司和锂矿阿根廷,分别;



根据以下条款,SLS愿意向诺瓦瓦克斯医药供应以下产品,而诺瓦瓦克斯医药也愿意从SLS购买以下产品; 锂矿阿根廷和投资者于2023年1月30日签署了一份主要购买协议(经修订,称为“主要采购协议”),根据该协议,锂矿阿根廷向投资者发行了15,002,243单位的锂矿阿根廷,每个单位包括一股锂矿阿根廷的普通股和79.26%的一份锂矿阿根廷普通股认购权,分拆完成后,投资者同意根据分立第二阶段认购协议(如下定义)认购公司的普通股,普通股认购权被取消;



根据以下条款,SLS愿意向诺瓦瓦克斯医药供应以下产品,而诺瓦瓦克斯医药也愿意从SLS购买以下产品;”,在分立的实施过程中,锂矿阿根廷和公司签署了一份安排协议(根据情况进行修改,补充或修改,称为“安排协议”) providing for an arrangement (the “安排”) of Lithium Argentina under section 288 of the Act (as defined herein), pursuant to which, among other things, holders of the outstanding common shares of Lithium Argentina immediately prior to the Effective Time (as defined herein), excluding any dissenting shareholders, were issued, through a series of transactions, Common Shares (as defined herein), all on the terms and subject to the conditions to be set out in the Arrangement Agreement;



根据以下条款,SLS愿意向诺瓦瓦克斯医药供应以下产品,而诺瓦瓦克斯医药也愿意从SLS购买以下产品; after giving effect the Separation and the issuance of Common Shares thereunder, the Investor was the registered holder and sole beneficial owner of 15,002,243 Common Shares (together with any substituted, reclassified or replacement shares, the “”)的登记或受益所有人,以及其他Greenbrook证券(连同相关股份一同,下称“相关证券”) and the Corporation granted certain rights to the Investor pursuant to the terms of an investor rights agreement dated October 3, 2023 (the “原始投资者权益协议”);


根据以下条款,SLS愿意向诺瓦瓦克斯医药供应以下产品,而诺瓦瓦克斯医药也愿意从SLS购买以下产品; 双方随后确定,将以双方利益为最大考量,将第二期投资(如主要购股协议中所定义的)替换为投资者对位于内华达州立法下成立并存在的有限责任公司 Lithium Nevada Ventures LLC 的投资, 根据于2024年10月15日签订的投资协议的条款和条件进行。投资协议并终止Spinco第二期认购协议和主要购股协议;



鉴于 与投资协议所规定的交易完成相关,双方同意修订并重述此处所述条款和条件的原投资人权利协议;



鉴于 根据本协议的日期,投资者或其关联公司(如此处所定义)既不直接或间接拥有,也无权指导或控制任何其他普通股,除了本协议所述的对象股。

因此 本协议证明 有鉴于各方在此所含规定的各自约定和协议以及其他有价值的约定(双方已确认收到并认可),各方同意如下:

条款1 雇佣,职责和责任






2.5% 阈值表示投资方及其关联方直接或间接拥有已发行和流通的普通股的2.5%或更多,不包括任何在本协议签署日期后发行的激励证券和待处理证券 补充 证券,分别于相关日期。

5%的阈值” 意味着投资者及其关联公司直接或间接拥有已发行和流通状态的普通股的5%或更多,不包括本协议日期后发行的任何激励证券和任何待定 补充 证券,分别于相关日期。

10%的阈值” 意味着投资者及其关联公司直接或间接拥有已发行和流通状态的普通股中的10%或更多,不包括本协议日期后发行的任何激励证券和任何待定 充值 证券,无论在何种情况下,均指相关日期。

行动”指的是商业公司法 (英属哥伦比亚).

爱文思控股发行通知书”的定义如下所示  3.2.







安排“”应具有下文所述的含义 C段.

安排协议“”应具有下文所述的含义 C段.

BIS” 意味着美国工业和安全局。

封闭期“”应具有下文所述的含义 8.1(d)(ii).


第十章 转让证券 第10.1节 交易 如果发行受托人证明,债券持有人可以交换并迅速交付发行受托人这样的证明,无论是有欠款未偿还,还是实质性周转的时候,都可以在世界范围范围内经由源和债券市场交易。“任何日子”指的是除了(a)不是不列颠哥伦比亚省、纽约市或底特律市的星期六、星期日或法定假日,以及(b)在不列颠哥伦比亚省、纽约市或底特律市银行普遍关闭的日子。

加拿大基础预售证书”在《国家仪が国际行业板块式》中具有指定的含义44-102 -发行架 Sheld Distributions.

加拿大招股说明书”指的是招股书,如《国家仪》中所述 41-101 -一般招股书要求 General Prospectus Requirements,包括所有修订稿和补充,包括初步招股书、(终版)招股书以及加拿大基础架招股书和加拿大架招股书增补资料集合





加拿大上市辅助资料附录“”在《全国工具》中有所说明44-102 - 上市配售.


控制权变更”的意思是 (A) 无论通过任何手段,包括但不限于股权收购、法定安排、合并或业务组合,由任何人直接或间接取得公司已发行股票总表决权中超过50%的股份,或(B) 由任何人直接或间接取得指导或导致指导公司管理或政策方向的权力。

清理公告”的意思是一项应包括的公开公告: (a) 由公司与投资者协商准备; (b) 包含清理信息; 并(c) 根据市场规定向市场进行广泛披露 6.4(a).

清理黑名单期“”应具有下文所述的含义 6.4(b)(i).

净化文件“”应具有下文所述的含义 6.4(a).

净化信息” 表示所有材料 非公开的 关于公司或其任何子公司的信息:(a) 投资者已知晓的信息;和(b) 在没有清洗公告的情况下,可能阻止投资者根据适用证券法交易其普通股的信息,由投资者自行决定。






没有义务在  6.3 对,资料不得对承接方或其代表披露的信息施加约束:(a)在披露前,披露方已知道或承接方已经掌握的;(b)为任何一方的行业板块内普遍可得或已知的信息,除非由于承接方、其关联公司或代表的违反本协议的原因外;(c)从第三方获取的或可获得的;或(d)由承接方或其关联公司独立开发而未参考或使用披露方的保密信息。 “的基础上向这样的方面提供信息,只要这个来源并未被这样的方面知道以与集团公司签署保密协议或其他保密义务,以及(iv)是这样的方面在不使用融资条款并且没有违反其本协议下的义务的前提下独立开发的。 对,库存证券意味着任何普通股和/或股权证券,(a)与真实银行债务、设备融资或

” 意味着任何普通股和/或股权证券” 与真实的银行债务、设备融资或 非权益 与贷款人进行临时融资交易,每种情况都有股权成分;或 (b) 与公司进行的真正收购(包括资产或许可证下的收购,或其他方式),合并或类似业务组合交易或公司已进行且完成的合资企业有关。


公司信息“”应具有下文所述的含义 6.3(c).

要求登记“”应具有下文所述的含义 8.1(b).

指定可注册证券“”应具有下文所述的含义 8.1(c).

披露方”表示将其保密信息披露给另一方或其关联公司 或代表(提供信息直接给一方的关联公司或代表将被视为向该方提供该信息)。




股票的权益”指的是:(a)公司的任何普通股、优先股或其他股权证券; (b)任何可转换、行使或交换的证券,无论是否付款,转换成公司的任何普通股、优先股或其他股权证券; (c)任何携带任何认股权证或购买公司的任何普通股、优先股或其他股权证券的权证或权利的证券;或(d)任何这种认股权证或权利。


认股通知。”应按照以下所述定义。  3.4.



FEOC” 指作为 “外国实体” 的(A)个人 关注”,正如经修订的1986年《美国国税法》第30D条所定义的那样,或(B)“与敌意或敌对行为有关联或受其影响的人” 志趣相投的人 制度或 州”,《加拿大投资法》下的《关于国有企业对关键矿产进行外国投资的政策》中使用了这样的概念,或者在每种情况下,都是在加拿大投资法颁布的任何后续政策或类似政策中使用的 加拿大或美国政府在关键矿产政策方面的意见。

FINRA” 指金融业 监管机构。

免费写作招股说明书” 指公司免费撰写的招股说明书,如 定义见美国《证券法》中与普通股要约相关的第433条。

政府官员” 意味着 政府实体或其任何部门、机构或部门的任何官员(经选举或任命)、高级职员或雇员,包括国有或受控实体的任何员工、代表或代理人(有薪或无薪),公众 国际组织, 政党或组织或其候选人, 或以官方身份代表或代表任何此类政府实体, 部门, 机构, 部门, 部门, 国际公共组织行事的任何人, 政党、组织或候选人。

政府实体” 指任何国内或国外的联邦、省级、 地区、州、市或其他政府、政府部门、机构、主管部门或机构(无论是行政、立法、行政还是其他方面)、法院、法庭、委员会或专员、局、部长或部、董事会或 机构或其他监管机构,包括任何证券监管机构和证券交易所。

激励 证券” 指根据任何股票激励计划发行或可发行的任何普通股和/或股权证券;或(b)行使任何权利时发行或发行的任何普通股和/或股权证券。

投资协议” 应具有中规定的含义 演奏会 E.

投资者” 应具有中规定的含义 演奏会 A.

投资者信息” 应具有中规定的含义 部分6.3 (b).

投资者提名人” 应具有中规定的含义 部分 2.2.

发行” 应具有中规定的含义 部分 3.1.

联合通知” 应具有中规定的含义 部分7.1 (d).

合资协议” 应具有投资协议中规定的含义。

” 指任何法律、法规、规章、条例、规则、守则、要求、行政命令或法治(包括普通法规) 法律)由任何政府实体颁布、颁布、发布、发布或实施。



出借人“”应具有以下定义中列出的含义 4.3(d)(iv)。

贷款“”应具有以下定义中列出的含义 4.3(d)(iv)。

锁定期 到期日期“外部日期”指:(i)2025年6月30日前;(ii)完成公司完成FID资本出资所需的Offering之日后三个月内,根据合资协议中的定义。

损失”应按照以下所述定义。 Section8.7(a).


主要采购协议“”应具有下文所述的含义 A节目.


通知期”应按照以下所述定义。  3.4.



增发计划”应按照以下所述定义。  3.1.

提供通知”应按照以下所述定义。  3.1.


购方“”指的是投资者,只要其或其任何关联公司是购销协议的一方,或承诺从公司或其任何关联公司购买基于锂的产品的长期(超过一年)购销协议的买方,且购买量不低于[已删除 — 商业敏感信息]。

Offtake Cleansing Blackout Period”应按照以下所述定义。  7.4(b)(i).

原始投资者权益协议“”应具有下文所述的含义 陈述D.

优先认购权”应按照以下所述定义。  3.3.


待定 充值” 表示 充值 关于该证券,该权利仍可行使。 充值 权利仍可行使的证券。



流通普通股的比例”表示与等式(i)中“相关股份”的总数除以(ii)协议签署日期后发行和流通的普通股股份减去任何协议签署日期后发行的激励证券和任何待定证券的总数所得的商。 充值 ”指的是在计算时的时间点,“指的是在计算时的时间点。


顺道注册证券”所指的含义如下 (b)接受时间不在2025年5月3日或之前(“截止日期”),如果截止日期时,本协议第1(b)款规定的要约条件(监管)未满足,则公司将有权行使其单独的裁量权将截止日期延长至2025年8月1日(该日期将成为截止日期),并在截止日期之前或11:59 p.m. Eastern Time以书面形式通知母公司。.

James Trust的注册权利将在以下情况下终止:(i)《规则144》或《证券法》下的另一种类似的例外情况可用于不受成交量或销售方式限制地无限制公开销售James Trust的所有可注册证券,但受到指定例外情况的限制;或(ii)James Trust及其关联公司不再持有至少(a)所有已发行股票的2%或(b)4,146,466股普通股。“”应具有以下定义 (b)接受时间不在2025年5月3日或之前(“截止日期”),如果截止日期时,本协议第1(b)款规定的要约条件(监管)未满足,则公司将有权行使其单独的裁量权将截止日期延长至2025年8月1日(该日期将成为截止日期),并在截止日期之前或11:59 p.m. Eastern Time以书面形式通知母公司。.

招股书“”指(a)加拿大证券法规下任何适用的加拿大司法管辖区的招股说明书,(b)(i)任何注册声明中包含的招股说明书,其所有修订和补充,包括发行后修订和补充,以及该招股说明书中引用的所有其他材料,以及(ii)任何自由写作招股说明书,或(c) (a) 和 (b).

购买“”应具有下文所述的含义 4.3(a)。

受益人:” 意味着从另一方或其关联企业或代表处收到(或其关联企业或代表处收到)机密信息的一方(提供某一方的关联企业或代表收到信息应视为该方收到该信息)。









注册费用指投资者在每个报告司法管辖区指定的一组法律顾问的合理费用、支出和费用,以及公司因与登记相关而发生的所有开支(但不限于):(i) 支付给承销商进行包销发行的所有费用、支出和费用,代理进行代理发行的费用、支出和费用或其各自的顾问费用; (ii) 公司的法律顾问和审计师(包括任何审计和/或“安心”函的费用)以及公司聘请的任何其他特别专家的费用、支出和费用; (iii) 与准备、翻译、印刷和归档任何招股意向书,以及邮寄和交付副本相关的所有费用。




苹果公司CEO库克大规模抛售股票,套现逾3亿港元,资金已存入上市公司设立的专项账户(“信托账户”),以公共股东(定义详见下文)为受益人的注册声明(FORM S-1)中所规定的一定金额及特定款项。信托账户中持有的基金类型(包括资金持有的利息)除支付公司税费以外,一旦实现以下最早的情况之一即可支取: (i) 完成首次(业务)组合;(ii) 如果公司未能在2025年3月3日之前完成首次(业务)组合,则可以赎回100%的发行股份(如下所述);或 (iii) 股东表决赎回发行股份。 若要批准修订本Amended and Restated Certificate,必须就修订对决定最早如下情形之一的公司的义务以在首次业务组合中允许赎回或未在终止日期之前完成首次业务组合即赎回100%的发行股份产生影响或涉及股东权益或首次业务组合前的活动(如第9.7节所述),对修订进行表决。发售期(“发售期”)所出售单位的组成部分的Common Stock股份的持有人(“发售股份”),不论这些发售股份是在发售期内还是在发售市场上的二级市场中购买,也不论这些持有人是公司的发起人,高管或董事,或上述任何关联方的子公司,均在此被称为“公共股东”。”指的是公司根据美国证券法向美国证券交易委员会(SEC)提交或拟提交的任何注册声明,包括相关的招股说明书、该注册声明的修订和补充,以及有效后的修正声明,以及所有在该注册声明中被引用的展品和材料,但不包括以Form提交的注册声明(及相关招股说明书)。 受托责任 及后续修正声明,以及所有附件和所有纳入该注册声明的参考文件,不包括以Form提交的注册声明(和相关招股说明书)。 S-4,形式 F-4 或表单 S-8 或任何后继表格。

FD监管“”代表由SEC颁布的FD法规(17 CFR §243.100)。 等。由SEC颁布的FD法规(17 CFR §243.100)。

相关股份“”表示投资者取得的普通股的总数(更明晰地包括客体股和作为第二批次投资一部分发行的任何普通股),以及根据本协议规定行使参与权和行使权利的结果。 充值 在本协议规定的情况下,分别是根据参与权和权利行使的结果。

“重组”表示公司交易所提交的权利证券法案第十三号规则下(或其继任规则)的定义,包括但不限于合并、重组、法定股份交易或类似形式的企业交易(但资产销售除外)。“”应具有下文所述的含义  9.2.



请求“”应具有下文所述的含义 8.1(c).

限制方” 意味着任何(a)受制裁的个人,(b)国外经济组织(FEOC),或(c)竞争对手。

意味着尽快让客户回到路上。过去两年中,我们增加了新的分销中心,并计划在未来继续增加,以继续提高客户的点击送货时间,以便我们可以继续满足客户不断变化的期望。我们的目标是不断投资以通过让自己的客户更加接近他们提供所需的零件。” 意味着公司授予普通股股东购买额外普通股和/或公司其他证券的权利。

Rules“”应具有以下含义 1.4(b).

被制裁人员“”意味着任何个人:(a)是根据美国出口管制或经济制裁法律规定或列入的任何指定或受限制方名单中的受限制或禁止的个人,或任何其他适用的制裁机构;(b)是驻扎、组织或居住在受制裁领土的个人;或(c)是由上述个人之一拥有或控制的实体 条款(a)的任何人(只限香肠,蛋和瑞士芝士或培根,蛋和瑞士芝士羊角面包)(b) 在此



被制裁地区 任何时候,指的是受制裁的国家或地区,或其政府,广泛禁止与该国、地区或政府进行交易(本协议签署时,包括古巴、伊朗、朝鲜、叙利亚、乌克兰克里米亚地区、顿涅茨克人民共和国)。 所谓的 顿涅兹克人民共和国和卢甘斯克人民共和国(分别为“制裁对象国家”); 所谓的 ” 指由任何制裁机构制定、实施或执行的经济制裁法律、贸易禁运、出口管制或限制性措施。

制裁” 指由任何制裁机构制定、实施或执行的经济制裁法律、贸易禁运、出口管制或限制性措施。



第二期 投资公司,“”指根据Spinco二次认购协议的条款认购普通股。

分离“”应具有下文所述的含义 A节目.

股份激励计划” 指公司不时生效的任何计划,根据该计划,普通股可能被发行,或者可能向公司的董事、高管、员工和/或顾问发放期权或其他可转换或行使为普通股或可交换为普通股的证券,包括对锂矿阿根廷股东于2023年7月31日举行的年度和特别会议上批准的股权激励计划以及批准安排。

架下注册“”应具有下文所述的含义 8.2(b)(i).

Shelf Registration Statement所述“Shelf Registration Statement”是指公司根据表格S-3或如果在公司此类时间不可使用表格S-3的表格S-1(或根据证券法使用的任何后续表格或其他适当形式)在委员会提交的一份注册声明,以便根据规则415(或委员会可能颁布的任何类似规则)进行连续或延迟进行的发行,涵盖相应的可注册证券。“”应具有下文所述的含义 8.2(b)(i).

发行架上担保提供“”应具有下文所述的含义 8.2(b)(iv).


”)的登记或受益所有人,以及其他Greenbrook证券(连同相关股份一同,下称“相关证券“”应具有下文所述的含义 陈述D.

“财政部条例”是指根据《税收法典》颁布的所有拟议、临时和最终条例,这些条例可能会不时修订(包括后续条例的相应规定)。“”指《全国工具所》中所定义的该术语。 45-106《报告豁免》的部分5a和其他可用豁免项,达到例行审核要求所必需的预防性措施。出售给加拿大居民认购人的证券根据适用的加拿大证券法规不受持有期限的限制。公司在LIFE豁免下准备的发行文件的副本,日期分别为2024年5月9日和5月10日,可以在SEDAR+的公司发行人档案下通过电子方式获得。TSX Venture Exchange同意此发行是在完成正常的最终文件后进行的。.

充值 Right“”应按照以下含义解释 3.6(a).

充值 权接受 通知“”应具有下文所述的含义  3.6(e).



充值 通知期限正确“”应具有下文所述的含义 3.6(e).

充值 权利 提供通知“”应具有下文所述的含义 3.6(d).

充值”表示任何根据 在市场价额按照1933年证券法修正案规定的规则415发行的基础上,依据BlackRock Investments, LLC的要求,BlackRock Core Bond Trust (BHK)、BlackRock Corporate High Yield Fund, Inc. (HYT)、BlackRock Debt Strategies Fund, Inc. (DSU)、BlackRock Enhanced Equity Dividend Trust (BDJ)、BlackRock Floating Rate Income Trust (BGT)、BlackRock Health Sciences Trust (BME)、BlackRock Income Trust, Inc. (BKT)、BlackRock Investment Quality Municipal Trust, Inc. (BKN)、BlackRock Limited Duration Income Trust (BLW)、BlackRock Multi-Sector Income Trust (BIT)、BlackRock MuniAssets Fund, Inc. (MUA)、BlackRock Municipal Income Trust (BFK)、BlackRock Municipal Income Trust II (BLE)、BlackRock Science and Technology Trust (BST) 和BlackRock Utilities, Infrastructure & Power Opportunities Trust (BUI)进行各种指定交易。 定于公司进行的股票发行。

交易协议“”指投资协议、合资协议、管理服务协议和 本协议。

“转让”还将被视为发生在任何操作持有人(或该操作持有人的允许受让人)有B类普通股股份的非盈利机构(或该股份的任何受益人)持有该B类普通股股份的顶层支配权或独家投票权控制时,就该B类普通股股份而言,操作持有人(或其允许受让方)不再保留独立支配权(在操作持有人和其允许受让方之间)和其对该安全的投票或投票的独占支配权(包括通过委托、投票协议或其他方式),情况下(在这种情况下)。即使是这种情况,以下任何情况也不被视为“转让”:“”应具有下文所述的含义 4.3(a).



美国通用会计原则 ”表示随时有效的美国通用会计原则。
































对法令、规章或规则的任何引用,应被解释为随时可能进行的修订的相关内容; 重新颁布 或替代,并且对法令的引用应包括在其下制定的任何法规或规则;






所有关于股份持有比例的参考均应按比例计算非优先 稀释基础上;










本协议、其他交易协议和采购协议构成有关方面的整个协议并取代所有之前的协议、了解、谈判和讨论,无论是书面还是口头。 没有条件、契约、协议、陈述、担保或其他规定,明示或暗示的,附带的、法定的或其他的,与此相关的除上述协议规定的除外。






















投资者有权(但非必须)根据这一董事代表权行使 第2条 直至投资者未能在任何时候达到10%的阈值之前




根据  2.1,投资者有权(但非必须)指定一名提名人(“投资者 提名人”)以便根据以下规定参加董事会选举:



投资者应不时向公司提供其投资者提名人以及可能被公司要求的其他信息,以便履行本协议中规定的任命程序, 2.2(a)公司应随后采取一切必要措施,将投资者提名人列入公司下次董事选举的管理名单,并应在会议上征集支持选举该投资者提名人的委托投票;




























所有董事会会议通知应当亲自递送或通过传真传递,或者 电子邮件 在董事会会议日期之前至少提前五(5)个工作日传达。然而,主席可在紧急情况下召开董事会会议,情况涉及需要即时行动的事项时,至少提前两(2)个工作日事先通知相关董事会会议日期(除非在特殊情况下需要较短的通知)。所有董事会会议通知应当具体指明董事会会议的时间、日期和地点,并包含董事会会议议程中所有业务的简要但完整摘要;







投资者提名人应享有与其他董事相同的董事报酬(除非投资者放弃);对任何高级高管或董事的道德、法律、规章、规则或本行为准则的违反的任何担忧都应该及时报告给董事会的审计委员会。此类违反的报告也可以通过电子邮件匿名发送到公司的指定合规报告电子邮件地址。匿名报告应提供足够的关于事件或情况的信息,以便公司能够进行适当的调查。如果担忧或投诉需要保密,包括匿名身份保密,公司将尽力保护这种保密性,但受适用的法律、法规或法律程序的限制。 董事提名人应获得与其他董事相同的董事薪酬(除非投资者放弃);








参与和 增发股份 其权益




根据 第3.2节和页面。3.7 和供货协议第14节和第16.7节规定,如果公司拟发行(发行在任何时间之后通过债务或股权融资(公开发行或定向增发)或触发交易(统称为“增发计划在此后的任何时间内,公司应在尽可能快的时间内,但在任何情况下不迟于公司提交初步招股意向书、注册声明或其他与构成公开发行的发行有关的文件之日,同时在构成定向增发或触发性交易的发行完成日期前,向投资者发出发行通知(“发行通知)给投资者,包括公司已知的发行的全部细节,包括发行的证券数量、使投资者在发行完成后保持其参与权利额度的证券数量、发行的证券的权利、特权、限制、条款和条件、每个发行的证券价格(对于触发性交易,价格将等于根据适用证券法律下发行触发性交易下的代价证券的价格,须遵守适用证券法),发行所得款项的预期用途(如适用),发行的预计截止日期,以及任何由公司用于发行的条款表或其他文件。




根据  3.7如果公司拟进行增发,则公司可以在预先提供的增发通知之前,向投资者发出有关拟议未来发行(“发行通知”)的书面通知。  3.1增发提前通知爱文思控股 Offering Notice)。爱文思控股发行通知必须包括增发的预估具体情况,包括增发的拟议规模(可以在区间内),增发的性质,权利,特权,限制,条件和其他。



已发行证券的条件、与确定本次发行下每种已发行证券的价格有关的提案、本次发行所得收益的预期用途(如果 适用),以及本次发行的预计截止日期。如果向投资者提供此类提前发行通知,则公司可以在提前发行通知发布后的至少20天但不迟于60天内提供 与首次预售通知中规定的条款不存在实质性偏离的后续发行通知以及与该发行相关的适用通知期限的发行通知应按照 部分3.4 (a)。公司每个财政年度最多可以提供两(2)份提前发行通知。




公司同意,前提是 部分 3.7 并收到所有必需的监管批准,投资者(直接或 通过附属公司)有权(”参与权”)在收到要约通知后,根据本发行,按每只已发行证券的认购价格进行认购并作为要约的一部分发行, 以现金支付,以其他方式按与本次发行基本相同的条款和条件支付:



就普通股发行而言,不超过允许投资者发行的普通股数量 在发行完成后维持其参与权权利;以及



对于已发行证券(普通股除外)的发行,最多可发行的数量 应当(假设转换、行使或交换与本次发行相关的所有可转换、可行使或可交换的已发行证券),并可根据本发售发行的证券 部分 3.3) 允许投资者在发行完成后保留其参与权。

如果应付的对价是 与本次发行的关系不是现金,此类对价的每股普通股的认定价格将由公司董事会参照双方之间就此达成的相关协议确定 发行,投资者只需支付等于与行使参与权相关的每股普通股认定价格的现金。




如果投资者希望行使参与权,则投资者应向公司发出书面通知(”演习通知”) 其行使该权利的意图以及投资者希望购买的已发行证券的数量,并应在以下时间内认购本次发行:



如果根据以下规定在发行通知之前提供了预先发行通知 部分 3.2、发行通知的三 (3) 个工作日,或



如果在发行通知之前未提供提前发售通知,则为二十 (20) 个工作日 在收到要约通知之日之后




未能如此,投资者将无权行使有关该 要约或发行的参与权。公司必须在通知期届满后的三十(30)天内完成要约;前提是该要约的完成必须符合公司向投资者发出的要约 通知中设定的同等条款和条件,并且在该三十(30)天期满后,公司不得在未再提供投资者另一 行使其参与权的机会的情况下继续进行该要约。






如果公司在适用通知期内收到投资者的行使通知书,则 公司应在获得并继续有效的所有所需批准(包括交易所的批准以及适用证券法下的任何所需批准及股东批准),公司将尽最大努力尽快获得这些批准(包括申请任何必要的价格保护确认、寻求(如有必要)以下述方式获得股东批准、并努力使其合理商业努力以导致管理层和董事会的每名成员投票支持向投资者发行提供的证券),向投资者发行,对其支付的 认购价格,以及根据第 (b) 下述,在完成要约或尽可能之后的几乎同时,根据行使通知书规定的数量,向投资者发行普通股或其他提供的证券。



如果公司被交易所要求为向投资者发行提供的证券寻求股东批准,则公司应立即召开股东大会,以考虑向投资者发行提供的证券,且在公司被告知将需要股东批准的日期之后的九十天内,无论何时,都应举行 这种会议,并应当建议批准向投资者发行提供的证券,并应当征求支持提案的委托投票。公司有权分期完成要约,使公司可以向 非投资者 在履行发行认购证券的条件之前的订阅用户数 给投资者(包括交易所强制要求的股东批准)。



授予 充值 权利



投资者应具有一项权利("充值 Right”) 订阅任何在本协议日期之后发行的普通股 充值 证券,视乎当时适用的交易所批准。根据投资者的看涨,可认购的普通股数量将等于优先看涨普通股的比例 充值 持有普通股所占比例的百分比。 充值 证券




本基金寻求于东欧地区注册的主要权益关联发行人的长期升值投资。充值 权利可以根据每年的设定进行行使 3.6(d)充值 权利应通过认购公司普通股的方式行使,每股普通股的价格应等于多伦多证券交易所在交割前五个交易日的成交量加权平均价 充值 接受通知书将提交给公司,并需交易所批准。



如果任何一项权利行使需经公司股东批准,则公司应推荐在下次股东大会上批准此权利。 充值 权利的行使将提交给公司股东批准。 充值 为了允许投资者行使其权利,公司将在下次由公司召开的股东大会上建议批准该权利。 充值 公司将请求代理人的支持。



每个公司财政年度结束后的60天内,公司将向投资者发送书面通知("权益供应通知"),其中包括: 充值 权益供应通知在该财政年度发行的证券数量; 充值 预计使用来自任何行权的款项。 充值 按照投资者的权利; (iii) 当时已发行和流通的普通股总数(将包括任何发行给具有类似参与权的人士的证券);和(iv)投资者对流通普通股的持有比例(基于投资者最后公开报告的所有权数据以及已发行和流通的普通股数量 ) (iii)上述)假设投资者没有行使其权利。 充值 权利。



投资者应在权利报价通知发出之日起的15个工作日内充值 权利要约通知(“充值 Right Notice Period”) to notify the Corporation in writing (the “充值 Right Acceptance Notice”) of the exercise, in full or in part, of its 充值 Right. The 充值 压力位 接受通知应指明投资者根据其订阅的普通股数量 充值 压力位。如果投资者未能提交订单 充值压力位 接受通知在 充值 压力位通知期内投资者未能提交 充值 投资者对于当年度发行的证券的权利被取消。充值 如果投资者发出权利接受通知,则将尽快完成出售证券给投资者的交易。 充值 证券。 充值 证券应尽快在此后合理时间内完成向投资者的销售。



终止参与权利和 充值 正确

投资者不得行使参与权利和 充值 正确 下的 第3章,以及投资者在此项 文章 3 应终止,以较晚者为准(i)在外部日期或(ii)投资者不再满足以下条件之一的日期:(i)达到10%阈值,或(ii)既达到5%阈值又为购买者。 锁定期 外部日期及(ii)投资者不再满足以下条件的日期:(i)达到10%阈值,或(ii)既达到5%阈值又为购买者。
















各方特此确认并同意,根据第 55(3)(b)段的规定,分拆将以递延税收的方式进行。 2024年5月28日,北至超级矿业资源有限公司("Northern Superior") (tsx-v: superior)(otcqx: nsupf)很高兴地宣布已通过发行(i)在税法(如下所定义)第66(15)小节和魁北克省税法(如下所定义)第359.1条中被定义为"过渡股票"的数量为5050600的普通股(下称"过渡股票")价格为0.99美元每股,募集资金总额为5000094美元;和(ii)其中数量为5454600的普通股称为"HD股票"价格为每股0.55美元,募资3000030美元,募资总额共计8000124美元(下称"发行")的方式,完成了之前宣布的买入交易融资(详见2024年5月9日和5月10日的新闻稿)。 (加拿大)并依照Lithium Argentina从加拿大税务局取得的所得税裁定,为此,投资者特此不可撤销地和无条件地立约,保证并同意如下:



除非得到 公司披露信函中第4.3(d)款,直到 锁定期 截止日期,投资者或其任何关联方不得直接或间接购买或收购任何普通股(“购买”), or assign, sell, transfer, offer, contract to sell, accept an offer to purchase, gift, pledge, encumber, hypothecate, provide a security interest in respect of, sell any option or contract to purchase, purchase any option or contract to sell, grant any option, right or warrant to purchase, or otherwise transfer or dispose of, whether by actual disposition or effective economic disposition pursuant to any swap or other arrangement that transfers to another, in whole or in part, any interest in, or economic consequences of ownership of any of the Relevant Shares (a ““转让”还将被视为发生在任何操作持有人(或该操作持有人的允许受让人)有B类普通股股份的非盈利机构(或该股份的任何受益人)持有该B类普通股股份的顶层支配权或独家投票权控制时,就该B类普通股股份而言,操作持有人(或其允许受让方)不再保留独立支配权(在操作持有人和其允许受让方之间)和其对该安全的投票或投票的独占支配权(包括通过委托、投票协议或其他方式),情况下(在这种情况下)。即使是这种情况,以下任何情况也不被视为“转让”:”);



except as expressly permitted by 公司披露信函中第4.3(d)款, until the 锁定期 在日期之外,投资者不得直接或间接(w)转让任何相关股份,(x)转让任何用以替代任何相关股份的财产,(y)购买或转让任何产权价值10%或更高的财产,该价值或可能来源于任何相关股份(或替代该财产的任何财产),或(z)开始、参与或以任何方式支持任何交易或涉及一系列交易,根据该交易,公司的控制权被任何人或一组人取得;



在日期之后 锁定期 在日期之外,并且除非明确许可,公司披露信函中第4.3(d)款除非并在投资者在任何时候没能达到5%的门槛,否则投资者或其任何关联方都不得明知地转让:







股权证券占当时向任何人发行和流通的普通股的5%以上, 包括该人的关联公司和任何联合行为者;

前提是通过以下方式进行的任何转移 普通股上市的证券交易所的设施或通过经纪交易商促进的交易,未向此类证券的购买者的投资者披露信息,均不构成违规行为 部分4.3 (c);以及



中的限制和限制 部分4.3 (a), 部分4.3 (b)部分4.3 (c) 不适用于:



在分离之前和分离之后的任何转移 封锁 外面 日期,发给与投资者 “相关” 的任何关联公司(定义见下文 所得税法 (加拿大)在转让时直到 封锁 日期之外,前提是 该关联公司首先以书面形式与公司同意受本协议条款的约束;



根据善意第三方 “收购出价”(定义见国家仪器)进行的任何转让 62-104 收购出价和发行人出价)前提是(A)此类收购要约是向公司的所有股东提出的,(B)建议董事会接受收购出价 公司的董事,以及(C)如果收购要约没有按照公司董事会向股东建议的条款完成 相关股票仍将受以下条件约束 中包含的限制和限制 部分4.3 (a), 部分4.3 (b)部分4.3 (c);



根据或根据任何 “业务组合”(定义见多边)进行的任何转让 乐器 61-101 在特殊交易中保护少数证券持有人) 涉及公司,前提是 (A) 建议董事会接受此类业务合并 公司董事以及(B)如果业务合并未按照公司董事会向股东建议的条款完成,则相关股份仍将是标的 转到其中包含的限制和限制 部分4.3 (a), 部分4.3 (b)部分4.3 (c);以及



与投资者质押或抵押任何相关股份以换取第三股相关的任何转让 当事方贷款人 (a”贷款人”) 作为善意贷款的担保 (a”贷款”),前提是,任何此类转让均应符合公司董事会可接受的条款和条件,并采取合理的行动, 而且不限于,作为同意任何此类转让的条件,公司董事会将以下要求视为合理的:(i) 贷款人首先与公司书面同意 受本协议条款的约束,(ii)公司将拥有与贷款人签订的合同权利,以纠正投资者在贷款下的任何违约或违约事件



  在贷款人有权转让任何相关股份之前,以及(ii)贷款偿还后,相关股份将继续受限制和限制,包括在其中。 4.3(a), 4.3(b) 和框架。有关详细信息,请参阅UBS集团报酬报告4.3(c).






在分拆后的日期之前,即(i)分拆日期后五(5)年的日期;以及(ii)第一阶段生效日期后一(1)年之内(根据承购协议中的定义),投资者将不得,独自或与他人共同,未经公司事先书面同意或根据其他明确许可的情况下 本协议:



























未经公司的事先书面同意或本协议另有明确规定,投资者不得单独或与他人合作购买任何导致投资者拥有或控制超过当时流通普通股的20%的股权证券; 不得未经公司事先书面同意或本协议另有明确规定,在未购买任何导致投资者拥有或控制超过当时流通普通股20%以上的股权证券。




Notwithstanding the foregoing, the limitations and prohibitions set forth in this Section 4.4 shall not apply to any confidential offer or proposal made by the Investor or its Affiliates to the Board and shall no longer apply from the earliest of (i) the date the Corporation enters into a definitive agreement with a third party that provides for an acquisition of, or business combination with, the Corporation where the securityholders of the Corporation would own less than 50% of the voting securities of the surviving Corporation, (ii) the date the Corporation enters into a definitive agreement with a third party that provides for an acquisition of all or substantially all of the assets of the Corporation; or (iii) the date a third party enters into a definitive agreement to acquire, or acquires, “beneficial ownership” (as such term is defined in the Securities Act (British Columbia), as amended) of more than 50% of the voting securities of the Corporation. In the event that the proposed transaction in (i), (ii) or (iii) is terminated, the limitations and prohibitions set forth in this Section 4.4 shall be reinstated.





Anti-bribery and Corruption Compliance

For so long as the Investor or any of its Affiliates is a shareholder of the Corporation, and in connection with the Corporation carrying out its related responsibilities:



the Corporation shall cause its employees, directors, officers, and to the best of its ability, agents, and any Person acting on its behalf to comply, with applicable Anti-Corruption Laws;



neither the Corporation, the Subsidiaries, nor any of its or their employees, directors, officers, or to the knowledge of the Corporation, any agents, or any Person acting on its behalf shall:



give, promise to give, or offer to give, any payment, loan, gift, donation, or anything else of value (including a facilitation payment) directly or indirectly, whether in cash or in kind, to or for the benefit of, any Government Official or any other Person while knowing or having reason to know that all or a portion of such money or thing of value will be offered, given, or promised, directly or indirectly, to any such Government Official or to any other Person for the purpose of: (A) improperly influencing any action or decision of any Government Official in their official capacity, including a decision to fail to perform official functions, (B) inducing any Government Official or other Person to act in violation of their lawful duty, (C) securing any improper advantage or (D) persuading any Government Official or other Person to use their influence with any Governmental Entity or any government-owned Person to effect or influence any act or decision of such Governmental Entity or government-owned Person;




accept, receive, agree to accept, or authorize the acceptance of any contribution, payment, gift, entertainment, money, anything of value, or other advantage in violation of applicable Anti-Corruption Laws; and



the Corporation shall (and shall cause its Subsidiaries to) institute and maintain risk-based compliance program with policies, procedures, internal controls, training, monitoring, oversight with appropriate resourcing which is reasonably designed to ensure compliance with all applicable Anti-Corruption Laws following guidance provided by the U.S. Department of Justice including records of payments to third parties (including, without limitation, agents, consultants, representatives, and distributors) and Government Officials. As soon as practicable after the date of this Agreement, and in any event within 30 days after the date on which the Corporation adopts an anti-corruption compliance policy, the Corporation shall provide a copy of such policy to the Investor, together with the resolutions of the Board or other relevant official document evidencing the Corporation’s adoption of such policy. Upon reasonable request, the Corporation agrees to provide responsive information to the Investor concerning its compliance with Anti-Corruption Laws. The Corporation shall promptly notify the Investor if the Corporation becomes aware of any material violation of Anti-Corruption Laws.



Trade and Sanctions Compliance



For so long as the Investor or any of its Affiliates is a shareholder of the Corporation, and in connection with the Corporation carrying out its related responsibilities:



the Corporation shall and shall cause its Subsidiaries and its and their respective employees, directors, officers, and to the best of its ability, its and their respective agents, and any Person acting on its or their behalf to comply with all applicable Sanctions;



the Corporation shall, as soon as practicable (and in any event no later than January 1, 2024) institute and maintain a risk-based compliance program to ensure compliance with Sanctions by itself, its Subsidiaries, and each of their respective directors, officers, and employees, and any other Person acting on their respective behalf. The compliance program shall include risk-based policies, procedures, controls, training, monitoring, oversight and appropriate resourcing following guidance provided by OFAC, BIS and any other relevant Sanctions Authority. As soon as practicable after the date of this Agreement, and in any event within 30 days after the date on which the Corporation adopts such policy, the Corporation shall provide a copy of such policy to the Investor, together with the resolutions of the Board or other relevant official document evidencing the Corporation’s adoption of such policy. Upon reasonable request, the Corporation agrees to provide responsive information to the Investor concerning its compliance with Sanctions. The Corporation shall promptly notify the Investor if the Corporation becomes aware of any material violation of Sanctions;




the Corporation shall not, and shall cause its Subsidiaries and its and their respective employees, directors or officers not to conduct any business transaction or activity with a Sanctioned Person or Sanctioned Territory; and



neither the Corporation, nor any of its Subsidiaries or their respective directors, officers, or employees: (i) shall be a Sanctioned Person; or (ii) to the best knowledge of the Corporation, shall act under the direction of, on behalf of, or for the benefit of a Sanctioned Person.



As of the date of this Agreement:



neither the Corporation, nor any of its Subsidiaries, or its or their respective employees, directors or officers conducts any business transaction or activity with a Sanctioned Person or Sanctioned Territory; and



neither the Corporation, nor any of its Subsidiaries or their respective directors, officers, or employees, nor any direct or, to the knowledge of the Corporation, indirect owner of one percent (1%) or more interest in the Corporation as of the date of this Agreement, or any direct or, to the knowledge of the Corporation, indirect owner that may acquire five percent (5%) or more interest in the Corporation after the date of this Agreement: (i) is a Sanctioned Person; or (ii) to the best knowledge of the Corporation, acts under the direction of, on behalf of, or for the benefit of a Sanctioned Person.



This Section 6.2 shall not be interpreted or applied in relation to the Corporation to the extent that the representations made under this Section 6.2 violate, or would result in a breach of the Foreign Extraterritorial Measures Act (Canada).



Anti-Money Laundering Compliance

For so long as the Investor or any of its Affiliates is a shareholder of the Corporation, and in connection with the Corporation carrying out its related responsibilities:



the Corporation shall cause its employees, directors, officers, and to the best of its ability its agents, and any Person acting on its behalf to comply with all applicable Anti-Money Laundering Laws; and



the Corporation shall as soon as practicable (and in any event no later than January 1, 2024) institute and maintain policies, procedures, and internal controls designed to ensure compliance with any applicable Anti-Money Laundering Laws by itself, its Subsidiaries’ and each of their respective directors, officers, and employees, and any other Person acting on their respective behalf.







Information and Inspection Rights

In the case of (x) Section 6.1(a), for so long as the Investor either (i) meets the 5% Threshold or (ii) both meets the 2.5% Threshold and is an Offtaker, (y) in the case of Section 6.1(b), for so long as the Investor must account for under the equity method under U.S. GAAP, and (z) and in the case of Section 6.1(c), for so long as the Investor or any of its Affiliates is a shareholder of the Corporation, the Corporation shall provide the Investor, its designees and its Representatives with reasonable access upon reasonable notice during normal business hours, to:



deliver to Investor, forthwith following receipt thereof, a copy of any notice, letter, correspondence or other communication from a Governmental Entity or any litigation proceedings or filings involving the Corporation, in each case, in respect of the Corporation’s potential, actual or alleged material violation of any and all Laws applicable to the business, affairs and operations of the Corporation and its Subsidiaries anywhere in the world, and any responses by the Corporation in respect thereto;



for the year ended December 31, 2023 and subsequent quarterly and annual reporting periods, deliver to the Investor, as promptly as practicable following the end of each fiscal quarter and fiscal year, an unaudited reconciliation of the Corporation’s quarterly publicly issued financial statements with respect to such fiscal quarter and audited reconciliation of the Corporation’s annually publicly issued financial statements with respect to such fiscal year to U.S. GAAP, if it was reasonably determined by the Investor in consultation with its auditor, that this information is necessary for the Investor’s financial reporting, accounting or tax purposes; and



deliver to Investor, as promptly as practicable, such information and documentation relating to the Corporation and its Affiliates as the Investor may reasonably request from the Corporation from time to time for purposes of complying with the Investor’s U.S. tax reporting obligations with respect to its ownership of the Corporation.



Maintenance of Internal Controls

The Corporation shall, and shall cause each of its Subsidiaries to: (a) make and keep books, records and accounts which, in reasonable detail, accurately and fairly reflect the transactions and dispositions of the assets of the Corporation and such Subsidiaries; and (b) devise and maintain a system of internal controls over financial reporting sufficient to provide reasonable assurances that: (i) transactions are executed in accordance with management’s general or specific authorization; (ii) transactions are recorded as necessary: (A) to permit preparation of financial statements in conformity with IFRS or any other criteria applicable to such statements and (B) to maintain accountability for assets.





Subject to any rights granted pursuant to any of the Transaction Agreements or the Offtake Agreement:



the Recipient shall hold the Confidential Information in confidence and shall not disclose the Confidential Information to third parties without the prior written consent of the Discloser provided that the Recipient may disclose the Confidential Information to its and its Affiliates’ directors, officers, employees and Representatives who have a need to know the Confidential Information. Notwithstanding the foregoing, but subject to clause (b) of this Section 6.3, no consent of the Discloser shall be required for the Recipient to disclose Confidential Information of the Discloser if such disclosure is required by Applicable Securities Laws, including, for greater certainty, the rules of any stock exchange upon which securities of the Recipient or any of its Affiliates are traded; provided, further, that the Recipient shall (i) give prior written notice to the Discloser and an opportunity for the Discloser to review and comment on the requisite disclosure before it is made, including an opportunity for the Discloser to prevent such disclosure, and (ii) use its best efforts to incorporate the Discloser’s comments or limit such disclosure, by seeking confidential treatment or otherwise. Further, in the event the Recipient is requested or required (including by interrogatories, subpoena or similar process) to disclose any Confidential Information of the Discloser, the Recipient shall provide the Discloser with prompt written notice of such request (if legally permitted) so the Discloser may consider whether it wishes to seek an appropriate protective order. In the absence of a protective order, the Recipient shall disclose only such Confidential Information as is legally required and shall use commercially reasonable efforts to ensure the confidentiality of any such Confidential Information that is disclosed;



the Corporation shall not, and shall ensure that its Affiliates shall not, publicly disclose any information regarding the Investor or Investor’s performance under the Offtake Agreement (collectively, the “Investor Information”) without the prior written consent of the Investor, provided, that no consent of the Investor shall be required for the Corporation to disclose Investor Information if such disclosure is required by Applicable Securities Laws, including, for greater certainty, the rules of any stock exchange upon which securities of the Corporation or any of its Affiliates are traded, provided that the Corporation shall (i) give prior written notice to the Investor and an opportunity for the Investor to review and comment on the requisite disclosure before it is made, including an opportunity for the Investor to prevent such disclosure and (ii) use its best efforts to incorporate the Investor’s comments or limit such disclosure, by seeking confidential treatment or otherwise;



the Investor shall not, and shall ensure that its Affiliates shall not, publicly disclose any information regarding the Corporation or Corporation’s performance under the Offtake Agreement (collectively, the “Corporation Information”) without the prior written consent of the Corporation, provided, that no consent of the Corporation shall be required for the Corporation to disclose Corporation Information if such disclosure is required by Applicable Securities Laws, including,



  for greater certainty, the rules of any stock exchange upon which securities of the Investor or any of its Affiliates are traded, provided that the Investor shall (i) give prior written notice to the Corporation and an opportunity for the Corporation to review and comment on the requisite disclosure before it is made, including an opportunity for the Corporation to prevent such disclosure and (ii) use its best efforts to incorporate the Corporation’s comments or limit such disclosure, by seeking confidential treatment or otherwise;



each party’s obligations under this Section 6.3 shall survive for a period of two years following the date of termination of this Section 6.3; and



in the case where the Investor is the Recipient, the parties acknowledge that the restrictions regarding Technical Information (as such term is defined in the confidentiality agreement dated July 22, 2024 between the Investor and the Corporation) shall apply to Confidential Information provided pursuant to this Agreement.



Cleansing Announcements



Subject to Section 6.4(b) and for so long as the Investor meets the 5% Threshold or is an Offtaker, upon receipt by the Corporation of a written notice from the Investor advising the Corporation that: (i) the Investor has determined that transacting in Equity Securities in the Corporation could reasonably be expected to trigger a violation of, or any liability to the Investor under, Applicable Securities Laws; and (ii) the Investor wishes to sell Equity Securities beneficially owned by the Investor, then, as soon as practicable, and no later than 9:00 a.m. (New York Time) on the seventh (7th) day following receipt by the Corporation of the written notice from the Investor outlining the material non-public information relating to the Corporation or any of its Subsidiaries known to the Investor, the Corporation shall, through a press release or other public announcement (each, a “Cleansing Document”) in compliance with Regulation FD, make the Cleansing Announcement, including filing a copy of the Cleansing Document on the System for Electronic Document Analysis and Retrieval.



The obligation for the Corporation to make a Cleansing Announcement under Section 6.4(a) shall not apply:



if the Board determines in good faith, after consultation with its financial and legal advisors, that the making of such Cleansing Announcement would: (A) in the case of information derived from the Investor’s role as Offtaker, have a material adverse effect on the Corporation; provided that the obligation of the Corporation to make a Cleansing Announcement in such case shall be deferred for a period of not more than ninety (90) days from the date of the receipt of the written notice from the Investor in Section 6.4(a)(ii) (such 90-day period is referred to herein as a “Offtake Cleansing Blackout Period”), provided, that after any initial Offtake Cleansing Blackout Period, the Corporation may not invoke a subsequent Offtake Cleansing Blackout Period until 12 months have elapsed from the end of



  any previous Offtake Cleansing Blackout Period; or (B) in the case of information that is not derived from the Investor’s role as Offtaker, be prejudicial to the Corporation, provided that the obligation of the Corporation to make a Cleansing Announcement in such case shall be deferred for a period of not more than fourteen (14) days from the date of the receipt of the written notice from the Investor in Section 6.4(a)(ii) (such 14-day period is referred to herein as a “Cleansing Blackout Period”); provided, that after any initial Cleansing Blackout Period, the Corporation may not invoke a subsequent Cleansing Blackout Period in respect of the same matter until 12 months have elapsed from the end of any previous Cleansing Blackout Period; or



during any periodic blackout period imposed by Corporation pursuant to its disclosure policy for as long as the Investor Nominee is serving as a director of the Corporation.




The provision of any information pursuant to this Article 6 shall not be deemed a waiver of any privilege, including privileges arising under or related to the attorney-client privilege or any other applicable privilege.





Foreign Investment Review



Prior to making, or accepting, any ownership investment after the date hereof, the Corporation shall, as applicable under the relevant laws and regulations, and unless the Investor has agreed otherwise, take such steps as are at that time available under the Investment Canada Act to obtain certainty prior to completion regarding the status of the investment under the national security review provisions of the Investment Canada Act.



Notwithstanding the foregoing or anything to the contrary set forth in this Agreement, the Corporation and its Subsidiaries agree to cooperate with any inquiry by CFIUS or Canadian Governmental Entities with respect to the Corporation’s business (or that of its Subsidiaries) or any past or new investment the Corporation or its Subsidiaries have received or undertaken, or receive or undertake, including by providing any information and documentary material lawfully required or requested by CFIUS or Canadian Governmental Entities, after due discussion with CFIUS or Canadian Governmental Entities. Without limiting the foregoing, following the conclusion of any applicable appeal or review process, the Corporation and its Subsidiaries shall take any and all actions to comply with any valid order, writ, judgment, ruling, assessment, injunction, decree, stipulation, determination, undertaking, commitment, mitigation measure, agreement, or award entered by or with CFIUS or any Canadian Governmental Entity with respect to any such investment the Corporation or its Subsidiaries have received or undertaken, or receive or undertake.




The Corporation and its Subsidiaries shall promptly inform the Investor of any such inquiry, and keep Investor reasonably informed regarding the existence of, and efforts to address and resolve, any action, investigation, review, or inquiry of any kind, including but not limited to formal, informal, written, or oral, involving the Corporation or its Subsidiaries relating to any developments in any regulatory process resulting from such inquiry.



In the event that CFIUS requests that the Corporation or its Subsidiaries submit a joint voluntary notice (“Joint Notice”) with respect to any previous investment they have received, the Corporation shall promptly inform the Investor, consult with the Investor regarding responding to CFIUS, and prepare and submit a Joint Notice to CFIUS, or take other necessary and appropriate action to respond to such request.



In the event that CFIUS initiates a unilateral review of any previous investment the Corporation or its Subsidiaries have received, the Corporation shall promptly inform the Investor, consult with the Investor in connection with responding to such action by CFIUS, and take necessary and appropriate action in order to resolve CFIUS’s concerns.



As applicable under relevant law, the Corporation and its Subsidiaries shall provide or cause to be provided commercially reasonable assurances or agreements as required by CFIUS or the President of the United States, or the applicable Minister under the Investment Canada Act, including entering into a mitigation agreement, letter of assurance, national security agreement, or other similar arrangement or agreement; provided however, that such assurance or agreement does not have a material adverse effect on the Corporation or its Subsidiaries.



The Corporation represents and warrants that it and its Subsidiaries have provided, and covenants to provide, to the best of its knowledge, truthful and complete information to CFIUS and Canadian Governmental Entities with respect to inquiries or requests that the Corporation or its Subsidiaries have received or may receive, as applicable.



The Corporation and its Subsidiaries shall promptly advise the Investor of the receipt of any communication from CFIUS or a Canadian Governmental Entity relating to the Investor and shall consult with and obtain the consent of the Investor prior to communicating with CFIUS or a Canadian Governmental Entity relating to the Investor.



Restrictions on Transactions with FEOCs

For so long as the Investor meets the 5% Threshold, is a Member of the Company (as those terms are defined in the Joint Venture Agreement), or is an Offtaker, the Corporation shall not (a) enter into any agreement in respect of, or otherwise support or recommend, any Change of Control to a Sanctioned Person or a FEOC without the Investor’s prior written consent, or (b) conduct any business transaction or activity to the extent such business transaction or activity would cause vehicles incorporating the offtake purchased from the Corporation to be ineligible for tax credits under the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, as amended.







Demand Registration Rights



For so long as the Investor meets the 2.5% Threshold, the Investor may require the Corporation to register all or a portion of the Registrable Securities then held by the Investor and its Affiliates by filing a Registration Statement and a Prospectus and taking such other steps as may be necessary to facilitate a Distribution of all or any portion of the Registrable Securities held by the Investor or its Affiliates.



Any such registration effected pursuant to this Section 8.1 is referred to herein as a “Demand Registration.”



Any such request shall be made by a notice in writing (a “Request”) to the Corporation and shall specify the number and the class or classes of Registrable Securities to be sold (the “Designated Registrable Securities”) by the Investor, the intended method of disposition, whether such offer and sale shall be made by an underwritten public offering and the jurisdiction(s) in which the filing is to be effected. The Corporation shall, subject to Applicable Securities Laws, use its commercially reasonable efforts to file within 30 days after receipt of the Request: (i) a Registration Statement in compliance with applicable U.S. Securities Laws and (ii) a Prospectus in compliance with applicable Canadian Securities Laws, in order to permit the Distribution of all of the Designated Registrable Securities of the Investor specified in a Request. The parties shall cooperate in a timely manner in connection with such Distribution and the procedures in Schedule A shall apply.



The Corporation shall not be obliged to effect:



more than two Demand Registrations in any twelve (12) month period; provided that for purposes of this Section 8.1, a Demand Registration pursuant to which the Designated Registrable Securities are to be sold shall not be considered as having been effected until (1) the Registration Statement has been declared effective by the SEC and (2) a receipt has been issued by the Canadian Securities Authorities for the Prospectus and has not been withdrawn or suspended; or



a Demand Registration in the event the Corporation determines in its good faith judgment, after consultation with its financial and legal advisors, that (A) either (I) the effect of the filing of a Registration Statement and Prospectus would have a material adverse effect on the Corporation because such action would materially interfere with a material acquisition, reorganization or similar material transaction involving the Corporation; or (II) there exists at the time material non-public information relating to the Corporation the disclosure of which would be materially adverse to the Corporation, and (B) that it is therefore in the best interests of the Corporation to defer the filing of a Registration Statement and Prospectus at such time, in which case the Corporation’s obligations under this Section



  8.1 shall be deferred for a period of not more than ninety (90) days from the date of receipt of the Request of the Investor (such 90-day period is referred to herein as a “Blackout Period”); provided, that after any initial Blackout Period, the Corporation may not invoke a subsequent Blackout Period until 12 months have elapsed from the end of any previous Blackout Period; provided, further, that the Corporation shall not register any securities for its own account or that of any other stockholder during such 90-day period other than pursuant to a Registration Statement on Form S-8 or other registration solely relating to an offering or sale to employees or directors of the Corporation pursuant to any employee stock plan or other employee benefit arrangement.



In the case of an underwritten public offering of Registrable Securities initiated pursuant to this Section 8.1, the Investor shall have the right to select the managing underwriter(s) or managing agent(s) and the counsel retained which shall perform such offering.



The Investor shall have the right to withdraw its request for inclusion of its Registrable Securities in any Registration Statement and Prospectus pursuant to this Section 8.1 without incurring any liability to the Corporation or any other Person by giving written notice to the Corporation of its request to withdraw; provided, however, that:



such request must be made in writing ten (10) Business Days prior to the execution of the underwriting agreement (or such other similar agreement) with respect to such offering; and



such withdrawal shall be irrevocable.



For the avoidance of doubt, the registration rights granted pursuant to the provisions of this Section 8.1 shall be in addition to the registration rights granted pursuant to Section 8.2, below.



Piggyback and Shelf Registration Rights



Piggyback Registration. Each time the Corporation elects to proceed with the preparation and filing of (i) a Registration Statement under any U.S. Securities Laws or (ii) a Prospectus under any Canadian Securities Laws, in each case in connection with a proposed Distribution of any of its securities, whether by the Corporation or any of its security holders, the Corporation shall give written notice thereof to the Investor as soon as practicable. In such event, the Investor shall be entitled, by notice in writing given to the Corporation within twenty (20) days (except in the case of a “bought deal” in which case the Investor shall have only twenty-four (24) hours) after the receipt of any such notice by the Investor, to require that the Corporation cause any or all of the Registrable Securities held by the Investor (the “Piggyback Registrable Securities”) to be included in such Prospectus (such qualification being hereinafter referred to as a “Piggyback Registration”). Notwithstanding the foregoing:




in the event the lead underwriter or lead agent for the offering advises the Corporation and the Investor that in its good faith opinion, the inclusion of such Registrable Securities may materially and adversely affect the price or success of the offering, the Corporation shall include in such Registration, in the following priority: (i) first, such number of securities the Corporation proposes to sell; (ii) second, a number of Piggyback Registrable Securities requested by the Investor to be included in such Piggyback Registration to the extent that such lead underwriter or lead agent reasonably believes such securities may be included in the offering without materially and adversely affecting the price or success of the offering; and (iii) third, such number of other securities requested by any other shareholder of the Corporation to be included in such Piggyback Registration to the extent that such lead underwriter or lead agent reasonably believes such securities may be included in the offering without materially and adversely affecting the price or success of the offering;



the Corporation may at any time before the effective date of such Registration Statement, and without the consent of the Investor, abandon the proposed offering in which the Investor has requested to participate; and



the Investor shall have the right to withdraw its request for inclusion of its Piggyback Registrable Securities in any Registration Statement and Prospectus pursuant to this Section 8.2 without incurring any liability to the Corporation or any other Person by giving written notice to the Corporation of its request to withdraw; provided, however, that:

such request must be made in writing five (5) Business Days prior to the execution of the underwriting agreement (or such other similar agreement) with respect to such offering; and

such withdrawal shall be irrevocable and, after making such withdrawal, the Investor shall no longer have any right to include its Piggyback Registrable Securities in the offering pertaining to which such withdrawal was made.



Shelf Registration



The Investor shall, subject to Section 8.1(d), have the right to require the Corporation at any time and from time to time to file a Registration Statement, including a Registration Statement covering the resale of all Registrable Securities on a delayed or continuous basis, pursuant to MJDS or on Form F-3 or Registration Statement that may be available at such time (a “Shelf Registration Statement”), and if necessary pursuant to the MJDS in connection therewith, to file a Canadian Prospectus pursuant to the provisions of National Instrument 44-102 - Shelf Distributions, which, for greater certainty, shall include BC Instrument 45-503 - Exemption from Certain Prospectus Requirements for Canadian Well-known Seasoned Issuers, and take such other steps as may be necessary to register the Distribution in the United States of all or any portion of the Registrable Securities held by the Investor (a “Shelf Registration”), by giving a notice with the information required in Section 8.1(c) to the Corporation.




Upon exercise of a Shelf Registration right as set forth in Section 8.2(b)(i), the Corporation shall, and subject to Applicable Securities Laws, use its commercially reasonable efforts to file within 30 days after receipt of the Request a Shelf Registration Statement relating to such Shelf Registration and cause such Shelf Registration Statement to become effective under the U.S. Securities Act, and, as required, prepare and file a preliminary Canadian Base Shelf Prospectus (if applicable) and a final Canadian Base Shelf Prospectus relating to such Shelf Registration and secure the issuance of a receipt for such preliminary Canadian Base Shelf Prospectus (if applicable) and final Canadian Base Shelf Prospectus, and promptly thereafter take such other steps as may be necessary in order to permit the Distribution in the United States of all or any portion of the Registrable Securities of the shareholders requested to be included in such Shelf Registration.



Upon filing any Shelf Registration Statement and, if required, a Canadian Base Shelf Prospectus, the Corporation shall use its commercially reasonable efforts to keep such Shelf Registration Statement effective with the SEC and, if required such Canadian Base Shelf Prospectus effective with the applicable Canadian Securities Authorities, respectively, at all times and to re-file such Shelf Registration Statement or renew such Canadian Base Shelf Prospectus upon its expiration by filing a preliminary Canadian Base Shelf Prospectus (if applicable) and final Canadian Base Shelf Prospectus, and to cooperate in any shelf take-down, whether or not underwritten, by amending or supplementing any Shelf Registration Statement or Canadian Base Shelf Prospectus related to such Shelf Registration as may be reasonably requested by the Investor or as otherwise required, until such time as all Registrable Securities that could be sold pursuant to such Shelf Registration Statement have been sold, are no longer outstanding or otherwise cease to be “Registrable Securities”.



For so long as the Investor meets the 2.5% Threshold, and at any time that a Shelf Registration Statement is effective, if the Investor delivers a notice to the Corporation stating that it intends to effect an underwritten public offering of all or part of the Registrable Securities included on the Shelf Registration Statement (a “Shelf Underwritten Offering”), then the Corporation shall file a prospectus supplement to the Shelf Registration Statement and any applicable Canadian Prospectus as may be necessary to enable such Registrable Securities to be distributed pursuant to the Shelf Underwritten Offering, which Shelf Underwritten Offering shall be deemed a “Demand Registration” for all purposes in this Agreement. Such notice shall include substantially the same information as required by Section 8.1(c) for a Request and shall be considered a “Request” for all purposes in this Agreement, to the extent the applicable as the context may require. The Investor’s rights to request a Shelf Underwritten Offering under the Shelf



  Registration Statement with respect to the Registrable Securities held by the Investor shall be in addition to the other registration rights provided in this Article 8; provided that the Corporation shall not be obligated to effect any such Shelf Underwritten Offering for any of the reasons set forth in Section 8.1(d) for a Demand Registration, mutatis mutandis. In addition, the provisions of Section 8.1(e) shall apply to any Shelf Underwritten Offering, mutatis mutandis. The Corporation and the Investor shall cooperate in a timely manner in connection with any such Shelf Underwritten Offering and the procedures in Schedule A shall apply to such Shelf Underwritten Offering.




All Registration Expenses incident to the performance of or compliance with this Article 8 by the parties shall be borne by the Corporation other than any and all commissions payable to any underwriter for an underwritten offering or agent for an agency offering that are attributable to the Registrable Securities to be sold by the Investor pursuant to any Demand Registration or Piggyback Registration, which commissions shall be borne by the Investor.



Other Sales

After receipt by the Corporation of a Request, the Corporation shall not, without the prior written consent of the Investor, authorize, issue or sell any Common Shares or Equity Securities in any jurisdiction or agree to do so or publicly announce any intention to do so (except for securities issued pursuant to any legal obligations in effect on the date of the Request or pursuant to any stock option plan or equity incentive plan) until the date which is the later of (a)(i) the date on which the Registration Statement has been declared effective by the SEC and (ii) the date on which a receipt or decision document is issued for the Prospectus filed in connection with such Demand Registration, and (b) the completion of the offering contemplated by the Demand Registration; provided, however, that the Corporation further agrees to execute such agreements as may be reasonably requested by the underwriters in connection with any underwritten offering effected pursuant to this Article 8, which agreements may subject the Corporation to a longer lock-up period.



Future Registration Rights

The Corporation shall not (a) grant any registration rights to third parties which are more favorable than or inconsistent with the rights granted to the Investor hereunder, or (b) enter into any agreement, take any action, or permit any change to occur, with respect to its securities that violates or subordinates the rights granted to the Investor hereunder.



Preparation; Reasonable Investigation

In connection with the preparation and filing of any Registration Statement or Prospectus as herein contemplated, the Corporation shall give the Investor, its underwriters for an underwritten offering or agents for an agency offering, and their respective counsel, auditors and other Representatives, the opportunity to participate in the preparation of such documents and each amendment thereof or supplement thereto, and shall insert therein such material, furnished to the Corporation in



writing, which in the reasonable judgment of the Investor and its counsel should be included. The Corporation shall give the Investor and the underwriters or agents such reasonable and customary access to the books and records of the Corporation and its Subsidiaries and such reasonable and customary opportunities to discuss the business of the Corporation with its officers and auditors as shall be necessary in the reasonable opinion of the Investor, such underwriters or agents and their respective counsel. The Corporation shall cooperate with the Investor and its underwriters or agents in the conduct of all reasonable and customary due diligence which the Investor, such underwriters or agents and their respective counsel may reasonably require in order to conduct a reasonable investigation for purposes of establishing a due diligence defence as contemplated by the Applicable Securities Laws and in order to enable such underwriters or agents to execute any certificate required to be executed by them for inclusion in each such document.






In connection with any Demand Registration, Piggyback Registration and Shelf Registration, the Corporation shall indemnify and hold harmless the Investor, each underwriter or agent involved in the Distribution of Registrable Securities thereunder, each of their respective members, directors, officers, employees and agents, and each Person, if any, who controls such Investor, underwriter or agent within the meaning of the U.S. Securities Act or the U.S. Exchange Act against any losses, claims, damages or liabilities (including reasonable counsels’ fees) (“Losses”), joint or several, to which the Investor, or such underwriter or agent or controlling Person or any of their directors, officers, employees or agents may become subject, insofar as such Losses, (or actions in respect thereof) (i) arise out of or are based upon any untrue statement or alleged untrue statement of any material fact contained in any Registration Statement or Prospectus, or any amendment or supplement thereof, (ii) or arise out of or are based upon the omission or alleged omission to state therein a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading or (iii) arise out of or are based upon any violation or alleged violation by the Corporation (or any of its agents or Affiliates) of any Applicable Securities Law, and the Corporation will pay to each the Investor, underwriter, agent or controlling Person any legal or other expenses reasonably incurred thereby in connection with investigating or defending any claim or proceeding from which Losses may result, as such expenses are incurred; provided, however, that the Corporation shall not be liable in any such case if and to the extent that any such Losses arise out of or are based upon actions or omissions made in reliance upon and in conformity with written information furnished by the Investor, such underwriter or agent or such controlling Person expressly for use in connection with such registration; provided further, however, that the indemnity agreement contained in this Section 8.7(a) shall not apply to amounts paid in settlement of any such claim or proceeding if such settlement is effected without the consent of the Corporation, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld.




In connection with any Demand Registration, Piggyback Registration and Shelf Registration, the Investor shall indemnify and hold harmless the Corporation, its directors, each officer who has signed the Registration Statement, and each underwriter or agent involved in the Distribution of Registrable Securities thereunder, and each Person, if any, who controls such Investor, underwriter or agent within the meaning of the U.S. Securities Act or the U.S. Exchange Act to the same extent as the indemnity referred to in clause (a) above from the Corporation to the Investor, but only to the extent that any such Losses arise out of or are based upon actions or omissions made in reliance upon and in conformity with written information furnished by the Investor; provided, however, that the indemnity agreement contained in this Section 8.7(b) shall not apply to amounts paid in settlement of any such claim or proceeding if such settlement is effected without the consent of the Investor, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld; provided further, however, that in no event shall the aggregate amounts payable by the Investor by way of indemnity or contribution under Section 8.7(b) and 8.7(d) exceed the proceeds from the offering received by the Investor (net of any commissions paid by the Investor), except in the case of fraud or willful misconduct by the Investor.



Promptly after receipt by an indemnified party under this Section 8.7 of notice of the commencement of any action (including any governmental action) for which a party may be entitled to indemnification hereunder, such indemnified party will, if a claim in respect thereof is to be made against any indemnifying party under this Section 8.7, give the indemnifying party notice of the commencement thereof. The indemnifying party shall have the right to participate in such action and, to the extent the indemnifying party so desires, participate jointly with any other indemnifying party to which notice has been given, and to assume the defense thereof with counsel mutually satisfactory to the parties; provided, however, that an indemnified party (together with all other indemnified parties that may be represented without conflict by one counsel) shall have the right to retain one separate counsel, with the reasonable fees and expenses to be paid by the indemnifying party, if representation of such indemnified party by the counsel retained by the indemnifying party would be inappropriate due to actual or potential differing interests between such indemnified party and any other party represented by such counsel in such action. The failure to give notice to the indemnifying party within a reasonable time of the commencement of any such action shall relieve such indemnifying party of any liability to the indemnified party under this Section 8.7, only to the extent that such failure materially prejudices the indemnifying party’s ability to defend such action. The failure to give notice to the indemnifying party will not relieve it of any liability that it may have to any indemnified party otherwise than under this Section 8.7.



To provide for just and equitable contribution to joint liability under the U.S. Securities Act in any case in which either: (i) any party otherwise entitled to indemnification hereunder makes a claim for indemnification pursuant to this Section 8.7 but it is judicially determined (by the entry of a final judgment or decree by a court of competent jurisdiction and the expiration of time to appeal or the denial of the last right of appeal) that such indemnification may not be enforced in such case, notwithstanding the fact that this Section 8.7 provides for indemnification in such case, or (ii) contribution under the U.S. Securities Act may be required on the part of any party hereto for which indemnification is provided under this Section 8.7, then, and in each such case, such parties will contribute to



  the aggregate losses, claims, damages, liabilities, or expenses to which they may be subject (after contribution from others) in such proportion as is appropriate to reflect the relative fault of each of the indemnifying party and the indemnified party in connection with the statements, omissions, or other actions that resulted in such loss, claim, damage, liability, or expense, as well as to reflect any other relevant equitable considerations. The relative fault of the indemnifying party and of the indemnified party shall be determined by reference to, among other things, whether the untrue or allegedly untrue statement of a material fact, or the omission or alleged omission of a material fact, relates to information supplied by the indemnifying party or by the indemnified party and the parties’ relative intent, knowledge, access to information, and opportunity to correct or prevent such statement or omission; provided, however, that, in any such case (x) the Investor will not be required to contribute any amount in excess of the public offering price of all such Registrable Securities offered and sold by the Investor pursuant to such Registration Statement or Prospectus, and (y) no Person guilty of fraudulent misrepresentation (within the meaning of Section 11(f) of the U.S. Securities Act) will be entitled to contribution from any Person who was not guilty of such fraudulent misrepresentation; and provided further that in no event shall the Investor’s liability pursuant to this Section 8.7(d), when combined with the amounts paid or payable by the Investor pursuant to Section 8.7(b), exceed the proceeds from the offering received by the Investor (net of any commission paid by the Investor), except in the case of willful misconduct or fraud by the Investor.



Notwithstanding the foregoing, to the extent that the provisions on indemnification and contribution contained in the underwriting agreement entered into in connection with the underwritten public offering are in conflict with the foregoing provisions, the provisions in the underwriting agreement shall control; provided, however, that any matter expressly provided for or addressed by the foregoing provisions that is not expressly provided for or addressed by the underwriting agreement shall be controlled by the foregoing provisions.



Unless otherwise superseded by an underwriting agreement entered into in connection with the underwritten public offering, the obligations of the Corporation and the Investor under this Section 8.7 shall survive the completion of any offering of Registrable Securities in a registration under this Article 8, and otherwise shall survive the termination of this Agreement or any provision(s) of this Agreement.



Sale by Affiliates

If any Registrable Securities to be sold pursuant to any Demand Registration or Piggyback Registration are owned by an Affiliate of the Investor, all references to the Investor in this Article 8 and Schedule A shall be deemed, for the purpose of such Demand Registration or Piggyback Registration, to include both the Investor and/or the Affiliates.




Rule 144 and Regulation S

The Corporation shall use commercially reasonable efforts to file the reports required to be filed by it under the U.S. Securities Act and the U.S. Exchange Act and the rules and regulations adopted by the SEC thereunder (or, if the Corporation is not required to file such reports, it will, upon the request of the Investor, make publicly available such necessary information for so long as necessary to permit sales that would otherwise be permitted by this Agreement pursuant to Rule 144 or Regulation S under the U.S. Securities Act, as such rules may be amended from time to time or any similar rule or regulation hereafter adopted by the SEC), and it will take such further action as the Investor may reasonably request, all to the extent required from time to time to enable the Investor to sell Registrable Securities without registration under the U.S. Securities Act in transactions that would otherwise be permitted by this Agreement and within the limitation of the exemptions provided by (i) Rule 144 or Regulation S under the U.S. Securities Act, as such rules may be amended from time to time, or (ii) any similar rule or regulation hereafter adopted by the SEC. Upon the reasonable request of the Investor, the Corporation will deliver to the Investor a written statement as to whether it has complied with such requirements and, if not, the specifics thereof.








Any notice or other communication required or permitted to be given hereunder shall be in writing and shall be delivered in person, transmitted by fax or e-mail or similar means of recorded electronic communication or sent by registered mail, charges prepaid, addressed as follows:



in the case of the Investor:

General Motors Holdings LLC

300 Renaissance Center

Detroit, MI 48265

Attention: Kurt Hoffman

Email: [Redacted]

With a copy (which shall not constitute notice) to:

General Motors Holdings LLC

300 Renaissance Center

Detroit, MI 48265

Attention: Lead Counsel, Corporate Development and Global M&A

Email: [Redacted]



in the case of the Corporation:

Lithium Americas Corp.

3260 – 666 Burrard Street

Vancouver, BC V6C 2X8

Attention:  Jonathan Evans, President and CEO

E-Mail:   [Redacted]




Any such notice or other communication shall be deemed to have been given and received on the day on which it was delivered or transmitted (or, if such day is not a Business Day or if delivery or transmission is made on a Business Day after 5:00 p.m. (Toronto time) at the place of receipt, then on the next following Business Day) or, if mailed, on the third Business Day following the date of mailing; provided, however, that if at the time of mailing or within three Business Days thereafter there is or occurs a labour dispute or other event which might reasonably be expected to disrupt the delivery of documents by mail, any notice or other communication hereunder shall be delivered or transmitted by means of recorded electronic communication as aforesaid.



Either party may at any time change its address for service from time to time by giving notice to the other party in accordance with this Section 9.1.



Changes in Capital of the Corporation or Reorganization of the Corporation

At all times after the occurrence of any event which results in a change to the Common Shares, this Agreement will forthwith be amended and modified as necessary in order that it will apply with full force and effect, with appropriate changes, to all new securities into which the Common Shares are so changed and the parties will execute and deliver a supplemental agreement giving effect to and evidencing such necessary amendments and modifications.

Concurrent with the consummation of any reorganization, spin-off, split-off, corporate rearrangement or other similar event involving the Corporation or a Subsidiary (a “Reorganization”), the Corporation shall, or shall cause its Subsidiary to, execute and deliver an agreement identical to this Agreement (other than changes necessary to reflect the parties and type of securities) to the Investor with respect to all securities received by the Investor in connection with such Reorganization.




The Corporation shall not take any actions or do any things for the purpose of circumventing the rights of the Investor under Article 3, including by way of the issuance of a debt or equity interest in a Subsidiary or Affiliate for the purpose of avoiding the application of Article 3. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Investor acknowledges and agrees that an issuance of a debt or equity interest in a Subsidiary or Affiliate of the Corporation may be undertaken for a valid business purpose and will not, in itself, be a circumvention of the Investor’s rights hereunder.




This Agreement shall terminate and neither party shall have any further rights or obligations hereunder upon the later to occur of (a) the Lock-Up Outside Date and (b) the Investor ceasing to meet the 2.5% Threshold; provided that the rights and obligations of the parties under (x) Section 6.3 and Article 7 of this Agreement shall survive so long as Investor is an Offtaker or owns Common Shares (y) Section 6.4 of this Agreement shall survive so long as Investor is an Offtaker and holds any Common Shares, and (z) Section 4.4, Section 6.1 (as it relates to clauses (d) and (e) thereto) and Article 8 shall survive for the periods set forth therein.




Amendments and Waivers

No amendment or waiver of any provision of this Agreement shall be binding on either party unless consented to in writing by such party. No waiver of any provision of this Agreement shall constitute a waiver of any other provision, nor shall any waiver of any provision of this Agreement constitute a continuing waiver unless otherwise expressly provided.




Neither party may assign any of its rights or benefits under this Agreement, or delegate any of its duties or obligations, except with the prior written consent of the other party. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Investor may assign and transfer all of its rights, benefits, duties and obligations under this Agreement in their entirety, without the consent of the Corporation, to an Affiliate of the Investor, provided that (i) any such assignee shall, prior to any such transfer, agree to be bound by all of the covenants of the Investor contained herein and comply with the provisions of this Agreement, and shall deliver to the Corporation a duly executed undertaking to such effect in form and substance satisfactory to the Corporation, acting reasonably, and (ii) such assignment and transfer shall not release the Investor from liability for its obligations under this Agreement.



Successors and Assigns

This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and shall be binding on and enforceable by and against the parties and their respective successors and permitted assigns. In the event any Person acquires the Corporation, whether by merger, consolidation, sale of all or substantially all of the Corporation’s assets or similar business combination transaction and, as a result of such transaction, the Investor receives securities of the successor or acquiring Person (or one or more of its Affiliates), the successor or acquiring Person (or its applicable Affiliates) must, as a condition to the consummation of such transaction, agree in writing to assume the Corporation’s rights and obligations under Section 6.1 (as it relates to clause (d) and (e) thereto) and Article 8 of this Agreement, mutatis mutandis.



No Third Party Beneficiaries

Except as provided in Section 2.4 and Section 2.5 (with respect to the Investor Nominee), this Agreement is solely for the benefit of the parties and their respective successors and permitted assigns, and nothing in this Agreement, express or implied, is intended to or will confer on any other Person any legal or equitable right, benefit, or remedy of any nature whatsoever under or by reason of this Agreement.




Except as otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement, each party shall pay for its own costs and expenses incurred in connection with the negotiation, preparation, execution and performance of this Agreement and the transactions contemplated herein, including the fees and expenses of legal counsel, financial advisors, accountants, consultants and other professional advisors.




Further Assurances

Each of the parties hereto shall, from time to time hereafter and upon any reasonable request of the other, promptly do, execute, deliver or cause to be done, executed and delivered all further acts, documents and things as may be required or necessary for the purposes of giving effect to this Agreement.



Amendment and Restatement of Original Investor Rights Agreement

The Original Investor Rights Agreement is hereby amended and restated in its entirety by this Agreement and is of no further force or effect.



Right to Injunctive Relief

The parties agree that any breach of the terms of this Agreement by either party would result in immediate and irreparable injury and damage to the other party which could not be adequately compensated by damages. The parties therefore also agree that in the event of any such breach or any anticipated or threatened breach by the defaulting party, the other party shall be entitled to equitable relief, including by way of temporary or permanent injunction or specific performance, without having to prove damages, in addition to any other remedies (including damages) to which such other party may be entitled at law or in equity.




This Agreement and all documents contemplated by or delivered under or in connection with this Agreement may be executed and delivered in any number of counterparts, with the same effect as if each party had signed and delivered the same document, and all counterparts shall be construed together to be an original and shall constitute one and the same agreement.

[Signature page to immediately follow this page.]



IN WITNESS WHEREOF this Agreement has been executed by the parties.



(Signed) “Jonathan Evans

  Name: Jonathan Evans
  Title:  President & Chief Executive Officer

(Signed) “Zach Kirkman

  Name: Zach Kirkman
  Title:  Deputy CFO, Corporate Development, Ventures, and Treasury







Upon receipt of a Request from the Investor, the Corporation shall use its reasonable best efforts to effect the Distribution of Registrable Securities of the Investor, and pursuant thereto the Corporation shall use its reasonable best efforts to as expeditiously as possible:



following the Corporation’s receipt of the Request in respect of the exercise of a Demand Registration right pursuant to Section 8.1(a) or a Shelf Registration right pursuant to Section 8.2(b) (and in any event within 21 days of a Shelf Registration right pursuant to Section 8.2(b)) in respect of a Distribution in the United States, as applicable, prepare and file with the SEC a Registration Statement or Registration Statements on such form as shall be available for the sale of the Registrable Securities by the Investor or by the Corporation in accordance with the intended method or methods of distribution thereof (which may be a Registration Statement filed on Form F-10 under the MJDS (if then available)), make all required filings with FINRA, and, if such Registration Statement is not automatically effective upon filing, use its reasonable best efforts to cause such Registration Statement to be declared effective as soon as practicable and to remain effective as provided herein; provided, however, before filing a Registration Statement or Prospectus or any amendments or supplements thereto (including Free Writing Prospectuses) and, to the extent reasonably practicable, documents that would be incorporated by reference or deemed to be incorporated by reference in a Registration Statement filed pursuant to a Demand Registration, the Corporation shall furnish or otherwise make available to the Investor, its counsel and the managing underwriter(s), if any, copies of all such documents proposed to be filed (including exhibits thereto), which documents will be subject to the reasonable review and comment of the Investor and counsel, and such other documents reasonably requested by the Investor and counsel, including any comment letter from the SEC, and, if requested by the Investor or counsel, provide the Investor or counsel, as applicable, reasonable opportunity to participate in the preparation of such Registration Statement and each Prospectus included therein and such other opportunities to conduct a reasonable investigation within the meaning of the U.S. Securities Act, including reasonable access to the Corporation’s books and records, officers, accountants and other advisors. The Corporation will include comments to any Registration Statement and any amendments or supplements thereto from the Investor or its counsel, or the managing underwriters, if any, as reasonably requested on a timely basis;


prepare and file with the SEC such amendments, including post-effective amendments, and supplements to such Registration Statement and the Prospectus used in connection therewith and such Free Writing Prospectuses and U.S. Exchange Act reports as may be necessary to keep such Registration Statement continuously effective during the applicable period provided herein and comply in all material respects with the provisions of the U.S. Securities Act with respect to the disposition of all securities covered by such Registration Statement; and cause the related Prospectus to be supplemented by any prospectus supplement as may be necessary to comply with the provisions of the U.S. Securities Act with respect to the disposition of the securities covered by such Registration Statement, and as so supplemented to be filed pursuant to Rule 424 (or any similar provisions then in force) under the U.S. Securities Act in each case, until such time as all of such securities have been disposed of in accordance with the intended method or methods of disposition by the Investor set forth in such Registration Statement or otherwise cease to be “Registrable Securities”;



prepare and file with the Canadian Securities Authorities as soon as practicable following the Corporation’s receipt of the Request, a Prospectus relating to the applicable Demand Registration, Piggyback Registration or Shelf Registration and any other documents reasonably necessary, including amendments and supplements in respect of those documents, to permit the Distribution and, in so doing, act as expeditiously as is practicable and in good faith to settle all deficiencies and obtain those receipts and clearances and provide those undertakings and commitments as may be reasonably required by the Canadian Securities Authorities, all as may be necessary to permit the Distribution of such securities in compliance with applicable Canadian Securities Laws, and furnish to the Investor and the managing underwriters or underwriters, if any, copies of such Canadian Prospectuses and any amendments or supplements in the form filed with the Canadian Securities Authorities, promptly after the filing of such Canadian Prospectuses, amendments or supplements;



subject to applicable Canadian Securities Laws, keep the Prospectus effective until the Investor has completed the Distribution described in the Prospectus;



notify the Investor and the managing underwriter(s) or managing agent(s), if any, and (if requested) confirm such advice in writing, as soon as practicable after notice thereof is received by the Corporation (A) when the Registration Statement, Prospectus or any amendment thereto has been filed, and, to furnish the Investor and managing underwriter(s) or managing agent(s) with copies thereof, (B) of any request by the SEC for amendments to the Registration Statement or related Prospectus or for additional information, (C) of any request by the Canadian Securities Authorities for amendments to the Prospectus or for additional information, (D) of the issuance by the SEC of any stop order suspending the effectiveness of such Registration Statement or the initiation or threatening of any proceedings for that purpose, (E) of the issuance by the Canadian Securities Authorities of any stop order or cease trade order relating to the Prospectus or any order preventing or suspending the use of any Prospectus or the initiation or threatening for any proceedings for such purposes, and (F) of the receipt by the Corporation of any notification with respect to the suspension of the qualification of the Registrable Securities for Distribution in any jurisdiction or the initiation or threatening of any proceeding for such purpose;




promptly notify the Investor and the managing underwriter(s), if any, (A) at any time the representations and warranties contemplated by any underwriting agreement, securities/sale agreement, or other similar agreement, relating to the offering shall cease to be true and correct in all material respects, and (B) the happening of any event as a result of which the Registration Statement or Prospectus contains any untrue statement of a material fact or omits to state a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein (in the case of the Prospectus, in light of the circumstances under which it was made) not misleading or, if for any other reason it shall be necessary during such time period to amend or supplement the Registration Statement or Prospectus in order to comply with the Applicable Securities Laws and, in either case as promptly as practicable thereafter, prepare and file with the SEC or Canadian Securities Authorities and furnish without charge to the Investor and the managing underwriter(s) or managing agent(s), if any, a supplement or amendment to such Registration Statement or Prospectus, which shall correct such statement or omission or effect such compliance;



use commercially reasonable efforts to prevent the issuance of any stop order, cease trade order or other order suspending the use of any Registration Statement or Prospectus or suspending any qualification of the Registrable Securities covered by the Registration Statement or Prospectus and, if any such order is issued, to obtain the withdrawal of any such order;



furnish to the Investor and each managing underwriter or managing agent, without charge, as applicable, one executed copy and as many conformed copies as they may reasonably request, of the Registration Statement and Prospectus and any amendment thereto, including financial statements and schedules, all documents incorporated therein by reference, and provide the Investor and its counsel with an opportunity to review, and provide comments to the Corporation on the Registration Statement and Prospectus;



deliver to the Investor and the underwriters for an underwritten offering or the agents for an agency offering, if any, without charge, as many copies of the Registration Statement and Prospectus and any amendment or supplement thereto as such Persons may reasonably request (it being understood that the Corporation consents to the use of the Registration Statement and Prospectus or any amendment thereto by the Investor and the underwriters or agents, if any, in connection with the Distribution of the Registrable Securities covered by the Registration Statement or Prospectus or any amendment or supplement thereto) and such other documents as the Investor may reasonably request in order to facilitate the Distribution of the Registrable Securities by such Person;




use its commercially reasonable efforts to qualify, and cooperate with the Investor, the managing underwriter or managing agent, if any, and their respective counsel in connection with the qualification of such Registrable Securities for Distribution in compliance with the Applicable Securities Laws as any such Person, underwriter or agent reasonably requests in writing; and



in connection with any underwritten offering or agency offering, enter into customary agreements, including an underwriting agreement or agency agreement, as applicable, such agreement to be satisfactory in substance and form to each of the Investor and the Corporation and the underwriters or agents, each acting reasonably, and to contain such representations and warranties by the Corporation and such other terms as are generally prevailing in agreements of these types, it being understood for the avoidance of doubt that the Investor shall not be required to make any representations or warranties to or agreements with the Corporation or the underwriters’ or agents’ other than representations, warranties or agreements regarding the Investor and the Corporation’s intended method of distribution and any other representation required by Law or as are generally prevailing in such underwriting or agency agreements for secondary offerings, as the case may be, and furnish to the underwriters or agents and the Investor, among other things:



an opinion of counsel representing the Corporation for the purposes of such registration, addressed to the underwriters or agents, in form and substance as is customarily given by company counsel to the underwriters in an underwritten public offering or agents in an agency public offering;



such corporate certificates, satisfactory to the managing underwriter or underwriters acting reasonably, as are customarily furnished in securities offerings, and, in each case, covering substantially the same matters as are customarily covered in such documents in the relevant jurisdictions and such other matters as the managing underwriter or underwriters may reasonably request; and



a “comfort letter” dated such date from the independent public accountants retained by the Corporation, addressed to the underwriters or agents, in form and substance as is customarily given in an underwritten or agency public offering, as applicable, provided that the Investor has made such representations and furnished such undertakings as the independent public accountants may reasonably require;




as promptly as practicable after filing with the SEC or Canadian Securities Authorities, any document which is incorporated by reference into the Registration Statement or Prospectus, provide copies of such document to counsel for the Investor and to the managing underwriters or managing agents, if any;



provide a transfer agent and registrar for all Registrable Securities registered pursuant to this Agreement and provide a CUSIP number for all Registrable Securities, not later than the closing date of the offering;



make reasonably available its employees and personnel for participation in “road shows” and other marketing efforts and otherwise provide reasonable assistance to the underwriters or agents (taking into account the needs of the Corporation’s businesses and the requirements of the marketing process) in the marketing of Registrable Securities in any underwritten or agency offering;



promptly prior to the filing of any document which is to be incorporated by reference into the Registration Statement or Prospectus, provide copies of such document to counsel for the Investor and to each lead underwriter or lead agent, if any, and make the Corporation’s Representatives reasonably available for discussion of such document and make such changes in such document concerning the Investor prior to the filing thereof as counsel for the Investor or underwriters or agents may reasonably request;



cooperate with the Investor and the lead underwriter or lead agent, if any, to facilitate the timely preparation and delivery of certificates not bearing any restrictive legends representing the Registrable Securities to be sold, and cause such Registrable Securities to be issued in such denominations and registered in such names in accordance with the underwriting agreement prior to any sale of Registrable Securities to the underwriters or agents or, if not an underwritten or agency offering, in accordance with the instructions of the sellers of Registrable Securities at least three (3) Business Days prior to any sale of Registrable Securities and instruct any transfer agent and registrar of Registrable Securities to release any stop transfer orders in respect thereof;



cooperate with the Investor and each underwriter or agent participating in the disposition of such Registrable Securities and their respective counsel in connection with any filings required to be made with FINRA;



in the case of a Distribution under a Registration Statement, otherwise use its commercially reasonable efforts to comply with all applicable rules and regulations of the SEC (including Regulation M), and make available, as soon as reasonably practicable (but no more than 18 months after the effective date of the Registration Statement or such later date as provided by Section 11(d) of the U.S. Securities Act), an earnings statement covering the period of at least 12 months beginning with the first day of the Corporation’s first full calendar quarter after the effective date of the Registration Statement (or such later date as provided by Section 11(d) of the U.S. Securities Act), which earnings statement will satisfy the provisions of Section 11(a) of the U.S. Securities Act and Rule 158 thereunder;




take all such other commercially reasonable actions as are necessary or advisable in order to expedite or facilitate the Distribution of such Registrable Securities; and



take such other actions and execute and deliver such other documents as may be reasonably necessary to give full effect to the rights of the Investor under this Agreement.



The Corporation may require the Investor, as to which any Registration is being effected, to furnish to the Corporation such information regarding the Distribution of such securities and such other information relating to such Person and its ownership of Registrable Securities as the Corporation may from time to time reasonably request in writing. The Investor agrees to furnish such information to the Corporation and to cooperate with the Corporation as necessary to enable the Corporation to comply with the provisions of this Agreement. The Investor shall notify the Corporation immediately upon the occurrence of any event as a result of which any of the aforesaid Registration Statement or Prospectuses includes an untrue statement of a material fact or omits to state a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein (in the case of the Prospectus, in light of the circumstances under which they are made) not misleading.

