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股權購買協議 | 1 | |
第一條 定義和解釋 | 3 | |
1.1 | 定義術語 | 3 |
1.2 | 建造規則 | 19 |
1.3 | 全部協議 | 20 |
1.4 | 管轄法 | 20 |
1.5 | 可分割性 | 20 |
1.6 | 會計原則 | 20 |
1.7 | 知識 | 20 |
1.8 | 附表和附件 | 21 |
第二條 購買和銷售 | 21 | |
2.1 | 購買和銷售所購買的股份 | 21 |
2.2 | 每股15.50美元 | 22 |
2.3 | 預計購買價格 | 22 |
2.4 | 截止日期付款 | 23 |
2.5 | 最終確定購買價格 | 23 |
2.6 | 支付分配進度表 | 26 |
2.7 | 滾動選舉 | 26 |
2.8 | 無分配給限制性契約 | 26 |
第三條賣方的陳述和保證 | 26 | |
3.1 | 組織和能力 | 27 |
3.2 | 授權 | 27 |
3.3 | 賣方沒有違反 | 27 |
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3.4 | 沒有其他購買協議 | 27 |
3.5 | 住宅 | 27 |
3.6 | 購買股份所有權 | 28 |
3.7 | 訴訟 | 28 |
3.8 | 經紀人 | 28 |
3.9 | 投資陳述 | 28 |
第四條 關於公司的陳述和保證 | 29 | |
4.1 | 公司的組織架構 | 29 |
4.2 | 公司沒有違規行爲; 同意 | 29 |
4.3 | 股本 | 30 |
4.4 | 沒有期權 | 30 |
4.5 | 沒有子公司 | 30 |
4.6 | 公司業務 | 30 |
4.7 | 個人及其他財產的所有權 | 31 |
4.8 | 擁有和租賃的房地產 | 31 |
4.9 | 數據中心 | 33 |
4.10 | 資產購買協議;資產充分性 | 34 |
4.11 | 應收賬款 | 35 |
4.12 | 知識產權 | 35 |
4.13 | 我們在報價和估價、企業資源規劃、材料資源規劃、產能規劃和會計方面採用標準化的信息技術系統,以增強工作採購、項目執行和財務控制的效率。我們在威斯康辛州密爾沃基的總部提供信息技術監督和支持。我們在整個公司中使用的操作信息系統是行業特定的應用,有些在內部或供應商修改和改進以適應我們的操作。我們的企業資源規劃軟件在可能的情況下與我們的操作信息系統集成,向指定人員提供相關的實時運營數據。被收購公司的會計和運營人員不僅接受我們的信息技術支持人員的培訓,而且還接受我們組織內經驗豐富、長期任職和熟練使用我們的系統的員工的培訓。我們認爲,我們的信息系統爲我們的員工提供了執行其個人工作職責和實現我們戰略目標的工具。 | 38 |
4.14 | 隱私和反垃圾郵件事宜 | 38 |
4.15 | 保險 | 40 |
4.16 | 沒有徵用 | 40 |
4.17 | 協議和承諾 | 41 |
4.18 | 物料供應商和物料客戶 | 42 |
4.19 | 流失合同 | 42 |
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4.20 | 法律合規;授權 | 42 |
4.21 | 基本報表;無負債 | 43 |
4.22 | 賬目及記錄 | 44 |
4.23 | 變更的缺席。 | 45 |
4.24 | 非關聯交易 | 46 |
4.25 | 稅收 | 46 |
4.26 | 訴訟 | 49 |
4.27 | 稅務登記 | 49 |
4.28 | 銀行帳戶和授權委託書 | 49 |
4.29 | 董事和高管 | 49 |
4.30 | 股息 | 50 |
4.31 | 環保 | 50 |
4.32 | 員工 | 51 |
4.33 | 員工計劃 | 53 |
4.34 | 負債和擔保 | 54 |
4.35 | 經紀人 | 54 |
4.36 | 反腐敗和制裁; 反恐怖主義和反洗錢 | 54 |
4.37 | 根據《競爭法》(加拿大),可能會施加限制,使買家無法收購和持有普通股。該法律針對某些類型的合併交易建立了一個預先通知制度,要求合併交易達到一定的法定持股和財務門檻。需要通知的合併交易在提交必需的材料並經過適用的法定等待期已過或得到《競爭委員會》(「委員會」)的豁免後方可完成。此外,根據《競爭法》(加拿大)規定,委員會有權審查我們公司發生的任何控制權收購或控制權(即使此類收購不屬於強制通知的範疇)。該法賦予委員會管轄權,有權在加拿大市場中反壟斷進行時間爲一年的挑戰。 | 55 |
第5條 買方的聲明和保證 | 55 | |
5.1 | 組織形式 | 55 |
5.2 | 授權 | 55 |
5.3 | 無違規 | 56 |
5.4 | 同意和批准 | 56 |
5.5 | 訴訟 | 56 |
5.6 | 經紀人 | 56 |
5.7 | 《投資加拿大法》 | 56 |
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5.8 | 可兌換股份 | 57 |
第6條契約 | 57 | |
6.1 | 保密協議 | 57 |
6.2 | 賬目及記錄 | 58 |
6.3 | 限制性契約 | 58 |
6.4 | 稅務事項 | 60 |
6.5 | 股東協議和期權計劃終止 | 62 |
6.6 | 房東應履行的責任 | 62 |
第7條 結束 | 63 | |
7.1 | 結盤 | 63 |
7.2 | 賣方的交割 | 63 |
7.3 | 買方關閉交割 | 64 |
第8條 存續和賠償 | 65 | |
8.1 | 陳述、保證和承諾的存續 | 65 |
8.2 | 賣方賠償 | 65 |
8.3 | 買方賠償 | 66 |
8.4 | 材料性質限定詞的影響 | 66 |
8.5 | 責任限額的貨幣限制 | 66 |
8.6 | 索賠通知書 | 67 |
8.7 | 索賠通知的時間限制 | 67 |
8.8 | 直接索賠 | 69 |
8.9 | 第三方索賠 | 69 |
8.10 | 保險索賠的減免 | 71 |
8.11 | 賠償託管金額 | 71 |
8.12 | 購買價格調整 | 71 |
8.13 | 獨家協議 | 72 |
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8.14 | 減輕責任 執行人不需要減少根據本政策規定的任何支付金額的大小,也不會根據執行人從任何其他來源獲得的收入而減少該等支付。 | 72 |
8.15 | 賣方責任 | 72 |
8.16 | 不得二次賠償。 | 73 |
第九條 其他條款 | 73 | |
9.1 | 指定賣方代表 | 73 |
9.2 | 發佈 | 75 |
9.3 | 通知 | 76 |
9.4 | 修正與豁免 | 78 |
9.5 | 作業 | 78 |
9.6 | 繼承人和受讓人 | 79 |
9.7 | 費用; 佣金 | 79 |
9.8 | Consultation | 79 |
9.9 | 進一步保證 | 79 |
9.10 | 語言 | 79 |
9.11 | 相關方 | 79 |
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本協議 截至2024年10月11日
BY AMONG: | ||
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和: | 16428380 加拿大公司, | |
旗下存在的公司 加拿大的聯邦法律 | ||
(以下簡稱 「購買者」)。 |
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鑑於—— 所有板塊的受益所有者持有全部已發行和流通的股份
而且 鑑於 和親屬,或者是控制的實體或者其他受益的實體 和/或他的家庭成員和近親是唯一的受益人 ;
並且 而和親屬或合作公司或其他實體,這些實體共同受益者 及/或她的家庭成員親屬是唯一的受益人
鑑於 及親屬或公司或其他由其控制並僅爲其個人利益而設立的實體 其 家庭成員和近親是唯一的受益人
而且鑑於 賣方希望將公司已發行和流通的全部股份轉讓給買方,買方願意購買並取得公司的全部已發行和流通股份,具體條款及條件詳見本協議。
鑑於 賣方是公司全部已發行股份的實際和有利持有人。
現在因此,本協議證明如下 鑑於各方在此包含的各項契約和協議,並且出於其他充分而有價值的考慮(雙方已確認收到和足額),各方同意如下:
1.1 | 定義術語 |
「訪問 原則」 在第2.5(b)節中所述
「會計原則」 具體含義如1.6節所述;
「調整保留金額」 指等於500,000美元的金額;
「附屬機構」在任何人的意義上,任何直接或間接控制、被控制或在實質上與該人共同控制其他人的人,「控制」 是指通過對有表決權證券的所有權,通過合同或其他方式,來指導或導致指導該人的管理和政策的權力;
「資產租賃買斷金額彙總」 指購買資產租賃基礎資產所需的總金額,並同時終止資本租賃,並根據資本租賃償還函全面解除和清償所有相關的負擔。
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「附屬協議」 指代保管協議、與本協議有關的任何交付證書,並且除了在第8條和第9.1節中使用的情況之外,還包括股份交易文件和僱傭協議;
“反腐敗法”代表着交易所票據和 外國公職人員腐敗行爲法 (加拿大)和 美國1977年《反海外腐敗行爲法》;
“反垃圾郵件法” 表示 所有適用的法律管理商業電子信息的傳輸和處理,包括 旨在通過規範某些鼓勵依賴電子方式進行商業活動的活動,促進加拿大經濟的效率和適應性的法案,並修訂了加拿大廣播電視和電信委員會法、競爭法、個人信息保護和電子文件法以及電信法 (加拿大);
“APA“ 表示公司與2023年10月9日簽訂的資產購買協議 完整副本已提供給買方;
“ASPE” 意思是一般的 根據第二部分——會計準則的建議,在確定之日加拿大有效的公認會計原則 對於私營企業,應遵守《加拿大特許會計師協會手冊》,並始終如一地適用。
“律師-客戶通信” 意味着德昌加拿大律師事務所和/或Gowling WLG(加拿大)律師事務所一方與出售方或出售方當事人之間發生的或在簽約前發生的任何交流,這些交流與本協議所考慮的交易有關,包括本協議項下任何一方的任何陳述、擔保或承諾以及就業協議。
“比特數字公司。“ 指開曼群島免稅公司和購買方的母公司;
“按照我們所處的風險和不確定性的假設,結果和在本招股書或在任何文檔中引用的前瞻性陳述中討論的事件可能不會發生。投資者應謹慎對待這些前瞻性陳述,它們僅在本招股書或在文檔中通過引用作爲參考,其僅在本招股書或在文檔中通過引用作爲參考的文件的日期發表時存在。我們沒有任何義務,並明確聲明不承擔任何義務,更新或更改任何前瞻性陳述,無論是基於新信息、未來事件或其他原因。我們或代表我們行事的任何人作出的所有後續前瞻性陳述,都受到本節中所包含或所提到的警示性聲明的明確限制。“ 「業務」指公司經營和建設垂直一體化數據中心的業務,在此之前
“第十章 轉讓證券 第10.1節 交易 如果發行受託人證明,債券持有人可以交換並迅速交付發行受託人這樣的證明,無論是有欠款未償還,還是實質性週轉的時候,都可以在世界範圍範圍內經由源和債券市場交易。”指的是紐約州或魁北克省的法定假日以外的任何一天,即蒙特利爾市和紐約市的商業銀行營業的非星期六、星期日或法定假日;
“CAML指資產、股權和計劃贊助權,授權出售交易的那個「訂單」 犯罪所得(洗錢)及恐怖主義融資法 (加拿大)和犯罪所得的第X11.2部分(加拿大) 刑法典(加拿大) (加拿大) 和其他適用於加拿大的反洗錢法律、反恐怖主義法律;
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“資本 租賃償還信函對於每位資本租賃的出租方,指形式和實質令購買方滿意的信函或其他文件,由該出租方地址給 或公司,視情況而定,說明在結算日期之前根據該資本租賃需要支付的金額,以購買基礎租賃資產並終止該資本租賃,若適用,包括該出租方保證立即支付該金額後即全面解除和清償公司資產或基礎租賃資產上的任何負擔(或授權購買方或其律師解除同等情況)。
“資本租賃「」 表示公司的所有資本租賃,這些資本租賃在附表1.1(d)中有明確標識。
“現金「現金及現金等價物」是指公司在30天內能夠轉化爲現金的所有現金和現金等價物之和,不包括重複計算的部分。 加上 庫存現金、在途存款、收到的電匯款項以及在截止日期之前存入支票所導致的現金,不包括重複計算的部分。 更少受限現金、未兌現的支票或未結算的支票以及在截止日期之前由公司發行的傳票、轉賬和匯票,均不包括計算截止工作資金時已計入的金額,全部按照會計原則確定。
“合同終止” 指已收到終止或不續約通知的客戶合同,無論是口頭還是書面,由公司、賣方或公司關聯方,視情況而定;
“清償債務”表示 截止時公司所有債務的累計金額;
“結算 營運資本” 意味着公司的流動資產 更少公司的流動負債,於結算日期的上午12:01 根據會計準則確定;但無論如何,爲了計算結算債務、結算現金、交易費用或以其他方式 導致購買價格的調整,都不得用於計算結算營運資本;
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“集體協議” 意味着與任何勞工工會或任何員工組織簽訂的任何集體協議、勞動合同或其他書面協議,約束公司並具有對公司施加義務的所有相關文件,包括諒解書、意向書和對公司施加義務的其他通信文件;
“商業電子消息” 表示通過電信手段發送到電子地址的任何電子消息,旨在鼓勵參與商業活動,無論是否期望獲得利潤;
“公司“ 代表(a) Enovum數據中心公司,一家根據加拿大聯邦法律成立的公司和(b)僅用於第4.6、4.7、4.8、4.9、4.10、4.11、4.12、4.13、4.14、4.15、4.16、4.17、4.18、4.19、4.20、4.21、4.22(a)、4.24、4.25、4.26、4.30、4.31、4.32、4.33和4.36條款,並且僅與資產轉讓協議項下的資產轉讓之前立即進行的業務相關聯的業務。 .
“公司基本概況” 表示,出賣方在4.1節中所作的全部陳述和保證(公司的組織架構), 第4.3節(股本), 第4.4節(沒有期權), 第4.5節(沒有子公司章節4.10(a),4.10 (b) 和 4.10 (c)資產購買協議;資產充分性) 和 章節4.35經紀人);
“自2018年1月1日以來,公司及其子公司沒有收到任何書面通知,而且據賣方所知,也沒有任何行動威脅,指控公司或其子公司,或者他們所從事的業務或活動(包括其產品和服務的商業化和利用)侵犯、盜用或違反任何他人的知識產權,也沒有任何要求或未經請求的許可要約可以許可任何知識產權。公司及其子公司,或者自2018年1月1日以來從未侵犯、盜用或違反過任何人的知識產權。據賣方所知,沒有任何人當前侵犯、盜用或違反或自2018年1月1日以來侵犯、盜用或違反公司或其子公司擁有的任何知識產權。“ 代表公司在業務中使用、擁有或必需的任何知識產權的所有權利,包括公司擁有或許可的知識產權的所有權利;
“公司股份(Company Shares)宣佈,該公司連同其經營Betting Hero業務的全資子公司FansUnite US Inc.("「股份」指的是在收盤時間前立即由公司發行並流通的所有股份,如附表4.3所列;
“公司軟件”表示 公司擁有或據稱擁有的軟件;
“根據《競爭法》(加拿大),可能會施加限制,使買家無法收購和持有普通股。該法律針對某些類型的合併交易建立了一個預先通知制度,要求合併交易達到一定的法定持股和財務門檻。需要通知的合併交易在提交必需的材料並經過適用的法定等待期已過或得到《競爭委員會》(「委員會」)的豁免後方可完成。此外,根據《競爭法》(加拿大)規定,委員會有權審查我們公司發生的任何控制權收購或控制權(即使此類收購不屬於強制通知的範疇)。該法賦予委員會管轄權,有權在加拿大市場中反壟斷進行時間爲一年的挑戰。指資產、股權和計劃贊助權,授權出售交易的那個「訂單」 競爭法 法案 (加拿大)已被修改的《競爭法》及其頒佈的規定;
“承包商「」 表示任何獨立承包商、顧問或提供服務給公司的其他人,不包括僱員;
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“ 「」在第4.12(i)節中所提供的含義。
“流動資產” 意味着在任何指定的時間或日期,公司的流動資產總和,根據會計準則確定和計算。爲避免重複計算,「期末現金」不是流動資產;
“流動負債” 表示在任何指定時間或日期,根據會計原則確定和計算的公司流動負債的總和。爲避免重複計算,「期末負債」或「交易費用」不應視爲流動負債;
“數據中心”表示 公司在加拿大魁北克省蒙特利爾康寧貝德福德街3195號D套房運營的idc概念。
(a) | 未償本金、應計或未償利息、違約費用、提前償還和贖回溢價或罰款(如有)、未付費用或支出以及該人借款所欠的其他金錢義務,包括(i)該人就借款發生的債務或代替借款發生的債務,包括對各類存款或預付款的債務或(ii)由票據、債券、債券或其他類似工具證明的債務,就這些債務的支付該人承擔責任或擔保的情況; |
(b) | 所有由該人作爲財產、業務、資產、證券或服務的遞延購買價格發行或承擔的義務,該人所有的有條件銷售義務,該人根據任何所有權保留協議承擔的所有義務,但不包括在經營業務中產生的交易應付賬款和其他應計流動負債(除了爲借款擔保的任何負債的流動負債部分),以及與收購任何財產、業務、資產、證券或服務相關的所有未來款項、發帖後的義務和賣方應付票據。 | |
(c) | 該人士根據其基本報表記錄爲資本或融資租賃的所有租賃責任,或者根據ASPE要求進行資本化的租賃責任。 | |
(d) | 該人員的所有義務,用於償還任何信用證、銀行承兌匯票或類似信用交易上的債務人; | |
(e) | 公司維護的任何銀行帳戶的透支額度; | |
(f) | 所有板塊中,任何人的支付責任,無論是作爲債務人、擔保人、保證人或其他方式所負責的類型(a)到(e)的義務,包括對這些義務的擔保; |
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(g) | 所有被其他人士擔保的類型文件(指(a)至(f)款項),其債務均由(或其債務持有人已存在的權利,無論是否具有確鑿證據,擔保)任何財產或資產上的抵押權擔保,不論該債務是否由該人承擔; | |
(h) | 未支付的與正在進行的項目相關的突出施工成本記錄在應付帳款中,並從目標/結束營運資本中排除; | |
(i) | 長期待續營業收入部分; | |
(j) | 任何宣佈但未支付的股息或分紅派息,包括應支付的任何代扣稅。 | |
(k) | 截止日期前或截止日期的稅款和其他過期的法定責任,包括截止日期時尚未計入的比例金額; | |
(l) | 任何未支付的物業稅款義務; | |
(m) | 關於任何稅務週期中認領或賺取的科研與實驗發展稅收抵免所得的遞延所得稅負債 截止日期前或在截止日期前結束; | |
(n) | 所有板塊的養老金、福利金、應計未使用的休假和病假或其他帶薪休假、獎金、工資單 以及公司當前負債中不包括的任何其他僱員責任; | |
(o) | 公司董事會任何成員的未支付或應計報酬未包括在清算工作資本中; | |
(p) | 所有解僱補償款、通知補償款或終止款,包括任何未支付給在Closing之前解僱員工的僱主部分的任何工資稅。 | |
(q) | 利率互換、遠期合約、貨幣或其他套期保值安排; | |
(r) | 股東信用卡餘額用於與業務無關的自由支出項目; | |
(s) | 任何從適用發票日期起已拖欠90天的應付款項,或者逾期90天的應付款項從各自發票日期起; | |
(t) | 資產租賃的累計購入金額;和 | |
(u) | 公司應付給任何關聯人的金額,如果未計入收盤營運資金或交易費用; |
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“域名“ 在第4.12(b)節中所規定的含義;
“員工計劃「保險」意味着 所有計劃、安排、協議、方案、政策、實踐或承諾,無論是口頭還是書面的,正式的還是非正式的,有資金支持或無資金支持的,投保還是未投保的,註冊或未註冊的,包括任何保險、養老金、獎金、遞延薪酬、權益或其他基於權益的補償安排,以及任何重要的就業、終止、留任、獎金、控制權變更或解聘計劃、方案、政策、安排或合同,公司是一方或有義務或參與員工參與的,公司或將有的、任何有責任或潛在責任或根據其進行支付或提供福利或有權獲得支付或福利的權利,關於任何員工、前員工、董事或高管、與公司簽約的個人或提供類似員工通常提供的服務給公司的其他個人(或這些人的任何配偶、受扶養者、存活者或受益人),不包括法定計劃;
“就業協議” 意指,合稱爲本協議書及附屬條款,即公司與本協議書日期當日簽訂的僱傭協議和限制約定協議及任何其他相關法律文件之間的法律關係。 及公司與
“負擔”指的是 任何限制、留置權、抵押、質權、抵押、留置權、優先權、抵押、所有權保留協議或安排、 任何性質的安全利益、有條件銷售、索賠、例外、保留、地役權、侵權、地役權、使用限制、 佔有權、解決條款、限制性契約或其他性質的擔保、任何可登記的事項對抬頭權、選擇權、優先購買權或優先權或類似權利、 投票限制(對任何投票或股權興趣的情況而言)、優先購買權或特權或創建任何前述權利的合同;
“環保母基 治療方法”在第8.14(b)節中所規定的含義。
“託管代理「」指的是 根據託管協議,Laurel Hill諮詢集團公司擔任託管代理。
“第三方存款協議「」 意味着 本日起生效的第買方、賣方代表和託管人之間的代管協議;
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“ETA” 指《消費稅法》第 9 部分 消費稅法 Act (加拿大),隨時修訂;
“「家庭成員」「」 表示 就個人而言,指該個人的父母、兄弟姐妹、配偶、子女、孫子孫女(包括通過領養或婚姻產生的)或其他直系後代;
“最終購買價格“ 在第2.5(f)節中規定的含義;
“基本陳述” 表示必要時適用,買方基本陳述、公司基本陳述和賣方基本陳述;
“政府機構” 指的是國內或國外任何(a)聯邦、省、州、市、地方或其他政府,(b)任何性質的政府或準政府機構,包括任何政府部、機構、分支、部門、法院、委員會、局、法庭或工具機構,或(c)行使或有權行使任何行政、行政、司法、立法、監管或稅務權限或權力的私人機構;
“危險物質” 表示環保法規定義、管制、列爲禁止物的任何物質、材料或廢物,包括污染物、污染物、 化學品、有害物質、危險品、危險或工業有害廢物或物質、放射性物質、易燃 物質、爆炸物、石油及石油製品、多氯聯苯、氯化溶劑、危險物質、殘留 危險物質和石棉;
“總部容量” 意味着 建築物主面板測量的電力公用事業總量(以千瓦爲單位),位於加拿大蒙特利爾省魁北克省 魁北克省H3S1G3號加拿大3195牀福德大道D套房,但不包括任何冗餘所需的金額;
“受保護方“ 具體涵義詳見第8.6(a)款;
“賠償金 託管金額” 表示等於 $3,137,500 的金額;
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“獨立承包商“ 在第6.3節中有所定義;
“我們在報價和估價、企業資源規劃、材料資源規劃、產能規劃和會計方面採用標準化的信息技術系統,以增強工作採購、項目執行和財務控制的效率。我們在威斯康辛州密爾沃基的總部提供信息技術監督和支持。我們在整個公司中使用的操作信息系統是行業特定的應用,有些在內部或供應商修改和改進以適應我們的操作。我們的企業資源規劃軟件在可能的情況下與我們的操作信息系統集成,向指定人員提供相關的實時運營數據。被收購公司的會計和運營人員不僅接受我們的信息技術支持人員的培訓,而且還接受我們組織內經驗豐富、長期任職和熟練使用我們的系統的員工的培訓。我們認爲,我們的信息系統爲我們的員工提供了執行其個人工作職責和實現我們戰略目標的工具。” 指公司在業務中使用的軟件、硬件、電信、網絡連接、外圍設備和相關通信和科技基礎設施(不包括一般公衆可訪問的通信基礎設施);
“知識產權在世界範圍內,” 意味着(a)任何地區的所有作品、發明、設計、標記、商標或其他主題的知識產權、工業產權,包括任何類型的專利和專利權、版權、商標和工業設計(包括在任何司法管轄區內註冊和申請的所有前述事項以及有關其相關適用的更新、劃分、延期和再發行),以及(b)任何專業知識、專有信息和商業祕密;
“互連載體” 指的是共同的電信承運商或其他互聯網、雲或公用事業提供商,他們將各自的網絡引入機房或者通過機房維護一個出現點(PoP),或者已將此類網絡或 PoP 提供給機房的客戶,通過機房或其他方式。
“內部容量” 意味着在idc概念中測量的備用發電機容量、不間斷電源(UPS)以及冷卻設備的總量(以千瓦爲單位),但在每種情況下都不包括用於冗餘的任何數量;
“法律「」表示對於任何人、財產、交易或事件而言,所有適用的(a) 法律、憲法、條約、法令、規章、法令、法令、法規、章程以及 (b) 任何政府機構的判決、命令、裁決、規章、指令、決定、裁定和指令。
“租賃房地產“ 在第4.8(b)節中規定的意思;
“損失” 意味着所有索賠、要求、訴訟、損失、損害、責任、罰款、成本和費用(包括所有合理的法律和其他專業費用和支出、利息、罰款和解決支付的金額);
“可提供指引用方材料在出售方維護的電子數據室中供買方查看,或由出售方或出售方的代表以電子郵件形式通知買方(或Bit Digital, Inc.)或其代表於本協議簽署日前一法定工作日的下午5:00按照本協議約定的日期直到交割日仍然可供查看;但有一點需注意,這些材料中被編輯的信息不被視爲「可提供」本協議的目的而言;可提供本協議不得視爲屏蔽該等材料的信息爲「可提供」
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“(xii) 無重大不利對業務的影響。除非另有說明,自相關注冊聲明、一般披露包或招股書提供信息的日期起至今,公司及其附屬公司作爲一家企業進行考慮在財務狀況和業務狀況、業務狀況或業務前景方面沒有實質性不利變化,而這些變化是否在業務的日常範圍內。("重大不利變化")。除了常規業務以外,公司或其附屬公司並未進行與企業作爲一個企業而言爲重要的交易。(C) 公司或其附屬公司未在註冊聲明、一般披露包或招股書上承擔實質性負債或義務;(D) 公司或其附屬公司沒有宣佈、支付或作出任何票本資本類別的股本分紅、分配或贖回。「」表示任何單獨或與所有其他變化、影響、事件、發生、條件、事實狀態或發展一起考慮時,將合理地預期對公司業務、事物、資本、資產、負債、經營業績、條件(財務或其他情況)作爲一個整體產生或可能產生重大不利影響;但所述以下情況均不會單獨或結合起來構成重大不利影響,也不會作爲判斷是否發生重大不利影響的依據:
(a) | 一般政治和經濟條件的變化,以及影響公司業務所在行業和市場的變化; | |
(b) | 一項恐怖主義行爲或敵對行動或戰爭的爆發或升級(無論是否宣戰); | |
(c) | 大流行、颶風、龍捲風、洪水、地震、自然災害、天災或其他類似事件; | |
(d) | 金融、銀行或安防-半導體市場,包括任何干擾及任何市場指數上任何證券價格的下降;以及 | |
(e) | 法律、ASPE、稅率或其解釋的變化由任何政府機構引起; |
“重要合同“ 具有第4.17節中規定的含義;
“材料 供應商「」在第4.18節中有所規定;
“非基本陳述” 指本協議中各方的陳述和保證,不包括基本陳述。
“索賠通知書“ 具體涵義詳見第8.6(a)款;
“ 基本報表「」在第4.21(a)節中定義
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“開源 軟件“意味着任何開源、公共源或免費的軟件,或者其任何修改或衍生物,包括 依據任何GNU通用公共許可證、GNU較小通用公共許可證、Mozilla公共 許可證,或任何其他許可證授權的任何版本軟件,這些許可證要求作爲使用、修改或分發此類軟件的條件, 該軟件應: (a) 以源代碼形式披露、提供或分發; (b) 授權用於準備衍生作品; (c) 在允許反向工程、反向組裝或拆解的條款下授權(不包括法律操作);或 (d) 免費分發或授權;
“期權計劃”是指 公司於2023年10月9日的股票期權計劃;
“正常程序“ 指公司的一項業務活動,該活動與公司過去的做法一致,並且是在公司正常日常運營中開展業務的過程中進行的;
“傳出許可證“ 在第4.12(d)節中定義的含義;
“「擁有的知識產權」指本協議簽訂之日公司擁有或聲稱擁有(獨佔或共同)的所有知識產權,對於公司的業務而言,這些知識產權在使用、保留使用或其他方面具有重要性。 “ 指的是公司擁有或聲稱擁有的所有知識產權;
“支付分配進度表“ 在第7.2(h)節中規定的含義;
“償還債權人“ 表示具體列在1.1(a)附表中的公司債權人;
“還款信”指的是 就任何賠償債權人而言,一封或其他形式和內容令購買方滿意的信函,由該賠償債權人寄給公司,列明該賠償債權人所欠該公司的債務,幷包含該賠償債權人承諾清償公司或已購買股份的任何資產上的負擔(或授權購買方的律師清償同樣的負擔),待收到該債務的支付;
(a) | 對於以下任何一項,列明:(i) 稅金,(ii) 評估和(iii) 政府收費,無論是尚未到期或拖欠的,或者已到期但正在通過適當程序善意和努力地爭議,並且Enovum 基本報表已對相關貨幣義務做出足夠的準備; | |
(b) | 權利、侵權、通行權和其他類似的次要所有權瑕疵,這些瑕疵單獨或累計起來,並沒有從任何不動產的使用價值或市場性上大幅減少或損害。 |
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(c) | 有利於建築師、工程師、材料供應商、工人或分包商的合法留置權(i) ,即使分別或合計並不重要,(ii)即使是在正常業務過程中產生或承擔的,(iii)與尚未到期或拖欠的義務有關,(iv)尚未根據適用法律註冊或歸檔的,以及(v)尚未向公司書面通知的。 | |
(d) | 任何政府機構或公共事業單位聲明或持有的未到期應付稅金或水電費的不完全留置權; | |
(e) | 有利於任何結清債權人的擔保(確保將根據結清函釋放和解除); | |
(f) | 根據資本租賃所授予的負擔(明確將根據資本租賃結清函或者基礎資本租賃的規定予以解除和清償); | |
(g) | 在附表1.1(c)中描述的限制 |
“持有” 意味着任何個人、公司、法人、合夥企業、公司、合資企業、聯合企業、協會、信託、受託人、有限責任公司、非法人組織、信託公司、政府機構或其他形式的實體或組織;
“個人信息” 表示任何關於可識別個人的信息或任何其他在任何公司隱私承諾下被定義爲「個人數據」,「個人信息」,「可識別個人信息」或任何類似術語的信息;
“個人信息安防 事件”在第4.14(c)節中給出了含義;
“收盤前退稅” 其含義見第 6.4 (d) 節;
“隱私法律「法律」表示 所有適用的有關個人信息處理的法律,包括 個人信息保護和電子文件法案 (加拿大)以及類似的省級立法;
“受保護的一方” 意指合稱公司、購買方及其各自的關聯公司和繼承人;
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「購買價格不足」”具有 第2.5(f)(ii)款所述含義;
“已購股票“所指的是 公司股本中的所有已發行和待發行股份;
“買方基礎知識 陳述” 統指買方在第 5.1 節中作出的陳述和保證 (組織),第 5.2 節 (授權),第 5.3 節 (沒有違規行爲),第 5.5 節 (訴訟), 第 5.6 節 (經紀人) 和第 5.8 節 (可交換股份);
“購買者 釋放方”在第9.2(b)節中有所指明;
“QST” 指魁北克 根據QSTA應繳的銷售稅;
“QSTA” 指該法案 遵守不時修訂的魁北克銷售稅(魁北克);
“蘋果CEO庫克大規模出售股票,套現超過3億港元。“ 在第9.2(b)節中規定的含義;
“代表人“指的是, 與任何人相關的,所有董事、高級職員、僱員、顧問、金融顧問、律師、會計師以及其他 該人的代理人;
“辭職與解除” 具有第7.2(d)節中規定的含義;
“限制性現金“ 指由於法律、合同或其他原因而對公司使用或分配受到限制的任何現金,包括對分紅派息和匯回或任何其他形式的限制;
“限制期” 在第6.3(a)節中列出的含義。
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「轉換帳戶持有人」 意味着
「被制裁人」 意味着,在任何時候:(a) 任何列在加拿大或美國政府機構維護的制裁相關名單上的指定人員;或 (b) 任何由上述人員擁有或控制的人員;
「制裁」 是指加拿大或美國政府機構不時施加、管理或執行的經濟或金融制裁或交易禁令;
「制裁 法律」 是指《通過提供適當工具以攔截和阻礙恐怖主義來團結和加強美國法案》 2001年,P.L. 107-56(愛國者法案),《與敵人交易法》,以及其修訂版,或美國財政部的任何外國資產管制條例 (31 C.F.R.,附錄b,第V章,已修訂)或與之相關的任何授權立法或行政命令 或其後繼法規,第11.1部分(恐怖主義) 刑法 (加拿大) 《特殊經濟措施法》 (加拿大), 《聯合國法》 (加拿大), 外國腐敗官員法案(謝爾蓋·馬格尼茨基法) (加拿大),並且在每種情況下,所有板塊的規則和法規應予以公佈;
「賣方 基本陳述」 是指各賣方在第3條中列出的陳述和保證的總稱;
「賣方方」 在本協議的前言中提供的含義;
「賣方發佈 索賠」 在第9.2(a)節中定義的含義;
「賣方釋放人」 具有第9.2(a)節中規定的含義;
「銷售方限制方 」 表示合稱銷售方和銷售方團體;
「賣方代表」 代表的意思是———或者按照
“Seller Tax Representations” means the representations and warranties set out in Sections 3.5 and 4.25;
“Share Exchange Documents” means the (i) the exchangeable share support agreement to be entered as of the date hereof among the Rollover Holders, the Purchaser, 1504950 B.C. Unlimited Liability Company, Celer Inc. and Bit Digital, Inc., as the same may be amended, supplemented or otherwise modified from time to time in accordance with the terms thereof and (ii) the shareholder rights agreement entered into as of the date hereof among the Rollover Holders, the Purchaser, 1504950 B.C. Unlimited Liability Company, Celer Inc. and Bit Digital, Inc., as the same may be amended, supplemented or otherwise modified from time to time in accordance the terms thereof;
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“Shareholders’ Agreement” means the Amended & Restated Unanimous Shareholders’ Agreement of the Company, dated as of June 11, 2024, by and among the Sellers and the Company, which is being terminated in connection herewith with no further liability or obligation of the Company;
“Social Media Accounts” has the meaning set out in Section 4.12(c);
“軟件”表示: (a) 所有計算機-半導體軟件、固件、中間件和計算機程序,包括應用程序、接口、軟件工具、軟件實現,算法、模型、方法和操作系統,不論是目標代碼還是源代碼; (b) 所有數據庫和編譯,包括任何和所有數據和數據集合,無論是可機讀還是其他形式:(c) 用於設計、計劃、組織和開發前述任何內容的描述、流程圖和其他工作產品;以及(d) 所有文檔和相關材料,包括用戶手冊和與前述任何內容相關的其他培訓文檔;
“源代碼”意味着 計算機-半導體軟件和程序代碼以人類可讀形式表示,包括用於編譯或能夠編譯爲目標代碼的程序代碼,相關的程序員註釋和註釋,幫助文本,數據和數據結構,指令,以及過程式,面向對象 和其他程序代碼,這些代碼可以以人類可讀形式打印或顯示;
“特定會計方法論” 表示陳列在附件A中的會計原則、政策、程序、實踐、分類、方法學、技術、分類、定義、 實踐和技術。
“SR&ED稅收抵免” 指科學研究和實驗發展的稅收抵免(如稅法所定義),以及根據加拿大任何省或地方法律提出或賺取的任何可比稅收抵免。
“標準軟件” 意味着任何通常面向公衆並廣泛可用的軟件,且根據標準條款和條件在非獨佔性基礎上向公司授權。
“法定計劃” 表示公司必須參與或遵守的法定福利計劃,包括加拿大養老金計劃、魁北克 養老金計劃以及根據適用的健康稅、工傷賠償和就業 保險立法管理的計劃;
“跨越期「」表示 在結束日期之前開始並在結束日期之後結束的任何應稅期間;
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“稅法” 意味着 2024年5月28日,北至超級礦業資源有限公司("Northern Superior") (tsx-v: superior)(otcqx: nsupf)很高興地宣佈已通過發行(i)在稅法(如下所定義)第66(15)小節和魁北克省稅法(如下所定義)第359.1條中被定義爲"過渡股票"的數量爲5050600的普通股(下稱"過渡股票")價格爲0.99美元每股,募集資金總額爲5000094美元;和(ii)其中數量爲5454600的普通股稱爲"HD股票"價格爲每股0.55美元,募資3000030美元,募資總額共計8000124美元(下稱"發行")的方式,完成了之前宣佈的買入交易融資(詳見2024年5月9日和5月10日的新聞稿)。(加拿大)組建的加拿大商業發展銀行的子公司;
“納稅申報「」指的是 任何歸還(包括任何信息歸還)、報告、聲明、日程表、通知、表格、聲明、選舉、指定、索賠退款或與決定、評估、徵收或支付任何稅收或與執行、實施或強制執行或遵守與任何稅收有關的任何法定要求有關的任何文件或信息,向或提交給任何政府機構,或者要求向或提交給任何政府機構。
“電信地址” 意味着網絡或Internet協議地址或定位器,包括域名、IPv4和ipv6地址、統一資源定位符(URL) 和媒體訪問控制(MAC)地址;
“收盤時間”表示 在收盤日期上午10:00,或賣方代表和買方可能書面協議的其他收盤日期時間;和
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1.2 | 建造規則 |
(a) | 「協議」、「本協議」、「該協議」、「本協議項下」, 「本協議內容」、「本協議中」、「本協議得」,「本協議下」,以及類似表述指的是整份協議,而非特定條款; | |
(b) | 對「條款」、「章節」、「附表」或「附件」的引用 後跟數字或字母表示對本協議的指定條款、章節、附表或附件; | |
(c) | 本協議的劃分爲條款和章節以及標題的插入僅爲方便參考,不影響本協議的解釋和施工。 | |
(d) | 僅包括單數的詞語應包括複數 以及 相反 以及包括任何性別使用的詞語應包括所有性別; | |
(e) | 包括"包括但不限於"的含義; | |
(f) | 術語"一方"和"各方"指本協議的一方或各方; | |
(g) | 對於任何合同(包括本協議)的任何提及,均指該合同隨時修訂、重訂、修改、替換或補充; | |
(h) | 本協議中對法規的任何引用均包括所有具有法律效力的相關法規、規則或其他立法法規,其中任何情況下均可根據需要進行修訂、修改、替換或補充; | |
(i) | 所有金額均指加元。 | |
(j) | 任何對稅法或其條款的引用都包括對任何適用的對應加拿大省或地方稅法或相應條款的引用; | |
(k) | 所有關於時間的引用均指蒙特利爾市,魁北克省的當天時間; | |
(l) | 根據本文件規定需支付款項或採取其他行動的任何時段,應不包括起始日並計算至結束日,包括結束日; | |
(m) | 無論何時需要進行支付、採取行動或期限到期 在非工作日的日期,應在下一個工作日進行支付、採取行動或期限到期。 |
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1.3 | 全部協議 |
1.4 | 適用法律 |
1.5 | 可分割性 |
1.6 | 會計原則 |
1.7 | 知識 |
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1.8 | 附表和附件 |
附表1.1(a) | - | 償還債權人 |
附表1.1(b) | - | 已購股票 |
日程安排 1.1(c) | - | 允許的負擔 |
附表 1.1(d) | - | Nworks資本租賃 |
附表2.6 | 支付分配進度表 | |
時間表3.5 | - | 住宅 |
附表4.7 | 個人及其他財產的所有權 | |
附表4.8 | - | 擁有和租賃的房地產 |
附件4.12(a) | - | 知識產權 |
附件4.12(b) | - | 域名 |
日程安排 4.12(c) | - | 社交媒體帳戶 |
日程安排 4.12(d) | - | 知識產權許可 |
附表4.12(j) | - | 源代碼託管合同 |
附表4.12(k) | - | 公司及其各個子公司在嚴格遵守所有適用於此類開源軟件的許可條款方面使用了所有自由、開放源代碼或類似於此類許可模式(包括但不限於MIt許可、Apache許可、GNU通用公共許可證、GNU較小的通用公共許可證和GNU Affero通用公共許可證) (「開源軟件」),公司或其任何子公司不會用於任何此類開源軟件,其使用或分發要求(1)讓公司或其任何子公司允許反向工程所有由公司或其任何子公司所擁有的軟件代碼或其他技術,這些技術對他們各自的業務目前是重要的,或(2)讓公司或其任何子公司擁有的當前對公司或其任何子公司現在經營所需的任何軟件代碼或其他技術的衍生作品進行許可或(3)以不收費的方式重新分發;除如披露在招股說明書中的其他情況外,沒有經紀人、發現機構或其他方有權根據本協議的任何交易收到來自公司的任何經紀費、發現費或其他費用或佣金。 |
附表4.12(l) | - | 政府機構或大學的資助 |
附表4.14(f) | - | 隱私法律或反垃圾郵件法 |
日程 4.15 | - | 保險 |
「Schedule 4.17」中所述之外,賣方及其任何關聯公司都未與任何材料方發生任何重大爭議,並且據賣方所知,沒有任何材料方打算終止、限制或減少與業務的業務關係,或者重大減少或更改其與業務的定價或其他條款。賣方及其任何關聯公司沒有收到任何書面(或據賣方所知,口頭)關於(i)計劃的或考慮的任何產品的全部或部分除牌(包括任何門店數量的減少)或者(ii)任何材料供應商缺貨或無法供應任何產品(或任何其中包含的元件)。據賣方了解,每個材料供應商在產品方面的所有重要方面都符合適用法律的規定。 | - | 協議和承諾 |
日程 4.18 | - | 物料供應商和物料客戶 |
日程表 4.19 | - | 流失合同 |
附表4.20 | - | 法律合規;授權 |
附表4.21 | - | 基本報表;無負債 |
日程安排 4.23 | 變更的缺席。 | |
日程安排 4.24 | - | 非關聯交易 |
日程安排 4.25 | - | 稅收 |
附表4.26 | - | 訴訟 |
日程安排4.28 | - | 銀行帳戶和律師 |
日程安排 4.29 | - | 董事和高管 |
日程4.31(a) | - | 遵守環保法律法規 |
日程4.31(a) | - | 環境許可證 |
日程4.32(a) | - | 員工 |
日程4.32(d) | - | 解僱福利 |
第4.32(i)日程安排 | - | 工作許可 |
第4.33(a)日程安排 | - | 員工計劃 |
第4.34(a)日程安排 | - | 負債和擔保 |
第2條 註冊辦事處; 註冊代理人
2.1 | 購買和銷售所購買的股份 |
根據本協議的條款和條件,包括買方按照本協議的規定支付購買價格,在Closing時間,每個賣方應將其持有的所有購買股份賣給買方,買方應從每個賣方購買所有,但不少於此賣方持有的購買股份,所有此類交易均不受任何負擔的限制。每個賣方收到的購買價格的比例部分(根據本協議進行調整)詳見付款分配計劃表。爲明確起見,並且不限制本協議中任何方的權利以及此處的任何條款和條件,或根據Irrevocable支付指令和資金流動於此日期之日向買方、賣方、賣方代表、公司的提交的無可撤銷付款指令和資金流動。 (「倉庫服務期」)。所有基金類型資金流動),只有在向Dentons Canada LLP交付Closing日期現金支付,作爲賣方的trust,根據Funds Flow第1(e)條款,發放Closing日期的股份對價,根據第2.4(f)條款發行Closing日期的股份對價以及向賣方代表提交根據Funds Flow第1(d)和1(h)條款所作的電匯證明時,購買的股份轉讓才算是生效。
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2.2 | 購買價格 |
(a) | 買方(「買方」)應支付給賣方的購買股份的總價格應等於:購買價格應等於: |
(i) | $62,750,000; |
(ii) | 加上, 關閉現金的金額; |
(iii) | 減去,結算債務的金額; |
(iv) | 減去任何交易費用的金額; |
(v) | 減去任何導致期末營運資金低於目標營運資金的金額; |
(vi) | 加上,任何超過目標營運資本的金額; |
買方應通過以下方式支付購買價格: (i) 按照第2.4節支付託管金額和交割日現金支付; (ii) 按照第2.4節促成交割日股份對價的發行; (iii) 如果適用,按照第2.5(f)(ii)節支付任何購買價格不足額支付的金額。
2.3 | 預計購買價格 |
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2.4 | 交割日期付款 |
在結算時,買方 應:
(a) | 向公司支付一筆等於所有債務總額的不計利息的預付款項,該金額由公司根據各自的償還信函向償還債權人支付的債務總額組成,並且公司應當使用或令他人使用此預付款項的收益按照償還信函的規定償還所有應付給償還債權人的債務或者按照償還債權人的其他指示處理。 |
(b) | 作爲無利息的預付款向公司支付一筆金額,該金額等於所有交易費用的總和, 公司應使用或使該預付款的收益用於支付所有每個有權利的人應得的交易費用; |
(c) | 向公司支付一個金額,相當於累積的資本租賃買斷金額,並且公司將使用或要求使用該筆預付款的收益支付適用的出租人,根據資本租賃償還函。 |
(d) | 通過電匯將可立即使用的所有基金類型支付給由保管代理人書面指明的帳戶,以支付保管金額給買方; |
(e) | 支付等於預估購買價格的金額(“截止日期現金付款”),更少根據支付分配時間表,通過即時到賬的電匯方式將託管金額$$6,805,538.19支付給賣方代表指定的帳戶,由買方在此之前。 更少日期前。 |
(f) | 由於採購方向滾動持有人發行可交換股票的情況,如支付分配計劃中所列 (“結束日期股份考慮”). |
2.5 | 最終確定購買價格 |
(a) | 買方應在成交日期後的90天內準備一份聲明,列出其對公司截止成交日期(上午12:01)時的成交營運資金、成交現金、成交債務和交易費用的確定(統稱爲“結案陳詞”)。成交聲明應根據會計原則編制,並應與估計購買價格的聲明保持一致。 |
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(b) | 在收到買方的結算單後的45天內,公司和買方應在正常工作時間以及合理提前通知的情況下,向賣方代表及其代表提供協助,並允許查閱公司的賬簿和記錄,以便賣方代表及其代表可以合理要求的方式來驗證結算單;前提是,(x) 這種查閱和協助不會不合理地干擾買方或公司的運營,(y) 這種查閱將在符合所有適用法律的情況下進行,(z) 買方或公司不必向賣方代表或其代表提供任何受限於第三方機密約定或律師-客戶特權的查閱或信息;進一步規定,如果在條款(z)上發生的情況下,買方應盡商業上合理的努力向賣方代表或其代表提供其他查閱或披露途徑(“訪問原則”)。收到結算單後的45天內,賣方代表可以向買方書面通知不同意結算單的任何條款(“不同意通知”)。如果在這45天內賣方代表未遞交不同意通知書,則代表賣方的賣方代表將被視爲已經無法撤銷地同意並接受結算單。如果在45天內賣方代表提交了不同意通知書,則該通知必須包括爭議各項的依據和金額。在買方及時收到不同意通知書後,賣方代表和買方應誠意努力解決並最終確定結算單。在發出不同意通知書的日期前未爭議的結算單部分將被視爲最終並對各方具有約束力。 |
(c) | 如果賣方代表和買方無法就任何方面達成協議 在閉幕陳述中,他們應盡其商業上合理的努力來解決彼此之間的任何意見分歧。如果他們 無法這樣做,則賣方代表或買方可以向另一方發出書面爭議通知/ 並在不存在利益衝突的情況下將爭端提交加拿大普華永道並願意接受授權,否則,另一方將爭端提交給普華永道 國家認可的特許會計師事務所或獨立會計師事務所應由賣方代表共同同意 和買方,如果沒有此類協議,則應在30天內由魁北克高等法院任命 賣方代表或買方的要求(”專家”),應指定誰來解決 爭議,以專家的身份行事,而不是仲裁員。 |
(d) | 專家應被指示在被任命後的30天內就爭議作出決定,並應獲得其爲此目的請求的所有材料和信息的訪問權限。專家應根據其自行裁量確定遵循的程序,但應包括每位賣方代表和買方提交證據和論據的機會,以及對另一方證據和論據的回應。無任何一方應參與與專家的任何 單方面的溝通(不包括另一方)與專家,任何提供給專家的信息或文件應同時提供給另一方。專家的決定基礎必須僅涉及爭議,並僅基於賣方代表和買方在買方一方提出的區間以及賣方代表一方的提交和本協議其他適用條款的定義。專家對任何爭議事項的決定(包括所有程序性事項和有關費用的決定)應爲最終決定,對每一位賣方代表(代表每位賣方)和買方具有約束力,不得被任何一方上訴。根據專家關於所有爭議事項的決定,必要時應對結束聲明進行相應修改,以反映該決定。專家收取的費用和支出應根據未裁定給一方的爭議金額部分與爭議金額的比例在賣方一方和買方一方之間分攤,該比例應由專家最終確定。購買價格應根據第2.5(d)節進行調整,以達到給專家的決定生效所需的程度(如有)。 |
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(e) | 此外,如果美國證券交易委員會的規則和規定要求,美國證券交易委員會("SEC")賣方同意根據GAAP配合買方在公司完成後的審計,前提是,賣方在進行或配合此類審計過程中產生的所有合理和有據的自掏腰包的費用將由買方承擔或報銷。 |
(f) | 如果在結算和最終確定結算報表後,買方與賣方代表達成的購買價格 或根據第2.5(b)或2.5(d)條款最終確定的價格(以下簡稱「」)最終購買價格大於或小於預計購買價格,調整款項應在雙方達成協議或最終確定後的五個工作日內以可用資金支付,如下所示: |
(i) | 如果最終購買價格低於預計購買價格,該差額金額(即“購買價格超支”)應由賣方支付給買方。買方和賣方代表應共同簽署指示,指示代管人支付一筆等於超額購買款項的全額金額的款項給買方,代表賣方,根據託管協議的規定。至於超額購買款項超過代管人持有的調整託管金額,那麼每位賣方應按比例支付其應付的不足金額。如果超額購買款項低於調整託管金額,買方和賣方代表應共同簽署指示,指示代管人根據託管協議的規定,通過向賣方代表指定的帳戶進行即時到賬的資金劃撥計劃釋放餘下的調整託管金額給賣方。 |
(ii) | 如果最終購買價格高於預計購買價格,則應支付該差額金額給賣方 (「購買價格不足」 )。根據付款分配時間表,通過即時可用資金的電匯支付給賣方代表指定的帳戶。購買價格不足的金額將由購買方按照付款分配時間表支付給賣方代表,通過即時可用資金的電匯支付。在此情況下,或者最終購買價格等於預計購買價格時,購買方和賣方代表應簽署聯合指示,指示託管代理向賣方釋放根據託管協議規定的整個調整託管金額,通過即時可用資金的電匯支付給賣方代表指定的帳戶,根據付款分配時間表。 |
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2.6 | 支付分配進度表 |
2.7 | 滾動選舉 |
2.8 | 無分配給限制性契約 |
購買價格的任何部分不得由賣方或任何其他人作爲對任何限制性契約或其他協議的代價而收取,該限制性契約在本協議項下由任何人授予買方,並根據稅法第56.4條的定義被視爲限制性契約(a 「限制性契約」。管制協議買賣雙方承認並同意,本協議中包含的限制性契約對本協議至關重要,並被授予以維持或保護已購股票的市場公平價值。買賣雙方意圖稅法第56.4(7)條和省級法律框架中的任何等效規定適用於已購股票的出售。
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3.1 | 組織和能力 |
(a) | 如果此賣方是公司、信託或遺產,該賣方在其成立的司法管轄區有效存在並保持良好狀態, 且每個賣方(在任何賣方是信託或遺產的情況下,賣方的受託人或清算人,視情況而定) 擁有所有必要的權力和權限,能夠擁有、租賃和經營其資產,並按照當前的方式開展其業務, 執行並交付本協議及該賣方爲一方的任何附屬協議,履行該賣方在此及其下的義務, 並完成此處和其中所設想的交易。 |
(b) | 如果此賣方是自然人,則此賣方有能力簽署並交付本協議及任何附屬協議,履行此賣方在本協議和附屬協議下的義務,並完成所述交易。 |
3.2 | 授權 |
本協議及相關附屬協議均已由相關出售方(如適用)合法授權、簽署並交付(以及任何作爲信託或遺產的出售方的受託人或清算人等適用方),並構成相關出售方的合法、有效和具有約束力的義務,可根據其條款由購買方及適用的與之交易的購買方附屬公司強制執行,僅受適用法律下關於(a) 破產、清算、破產、安排、欺詐先期和轉讓分配和偏好和其他影響債權人權利的一般法律的任何限制,以及(b) 法院在授予衡平救濟措施,包括具體執行和禁令方面可能行使的裁量權所限制。
3.3 | 賣方沒有違反 |
3.4 | 沒有其他購買協議 |
3.5 | 住宅 |
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3.6 | 購買股份所有權 |
3.7 | 訴訟 |
沒有正在進行、進行中或據該賣方所知可能對該賣方發起威脅的行動、訴訟、上訴、索賠、申請、命令、調查、程序、不滿、仲裁或替代爭議解決程序,可能會合理地限制或企圖阻止本協議所 contemplative 交易。
3.8 | 經紀人 |
3.9 | 投資代表 |
(a) | 每位續換持有人聲明並保證:(i)此續換持有人作爲委託人購買此可轉換股份,(ii)此賣方是第2.4節第2項描述的人,在45-106號規定的《關於豁免募集書》(魁北克)中,並且(iii)此附表3.9(a)中的證明書內容在各方面均屬真實和完整。 《關於豁免募集書》第45-106號規定(魁北克) 真實並完整憑證陳述表3.9(a)至此的所有方面。 |
(b) | 每個延期持有人都承認:(i) 投資證券本質上面臨重大且衆多的不確定性,以及各種顯著的業務、經濟和競爭風險,(ii) 該延期持有人熟悉這些不確定性和風險,並對投資可交換股票承擔全部責任。 |
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(c) | 每位轉讓持有人都承認,購買方對可交換股份的投資沒有作出任何陳述或擔保,除了第5.8節和股份交換文件中列出的之外。 |
(d) | 每個延期換股人僅爲其自己的投資目的收購可換股股份,並非出於轉讓或與任何分銷有關的目的或出售。每個延期換股人承認這些股份未在1933年修正案下的證券法或任何州證券法下注冊,可換股股份可能不得轉讓或出售,除非根據1933年修正案的註冊規定或根據適用的豁免規定,並遵守適用的州證券法和法規。 |
第4條 股份
4.1 | 公司的組織架構 |
該公司存在有效並在良好狀態下 根據《安排》,購買者將購買公司的所有流通的普通股("流通的下屬投票股")和普通股("多重投票股"),除了"Rollover股權"外,每股價格爲34美元現金。 並且具有擁有、租賃和運營所有資產、權利和財產以及進行當前業務所需的公司權力和權限。該公司作爲一家公司在必要的每個司法管轄區進行業務合法,其經營的業務性質或所擁有或租賃的財產和資產使其必須取得資格。
4.2 | 公司沒有違規行爲; 同意 |
(a) | 在獲得必要同意並投遞必要通知的前提下,根據第4.2附表中披露的內容,賣方及賣方代表簽署並交付本協議,賣方代表或公司簽署並交付作爲簽署方的所有輔助協議,以及在本協議中和其中提供的交易完成後將不會導致: (i) 違反或違背公司在任何以下條款中的任何規定,或構成違約,或與之衝突,或導致加速:(A) 除了股東協議之外,公司公司章程或章程或董事會(或其任何委員會)或公司股東的任何規定;(B) 任何有司法管轄權的政府機構或仲裁員的判決,裁定,令或裁決;(C) 公司持有的或其約束的任何許可證、承諾、合同、許可證書、批准、同意或授權;或(D) 任何適用法律;或 (ii) 對公司股份或公司資產上的任何負擔的創建或強加。 |
(b) | 除4.2附表中披露的內容外,公司作爲一方的合同或約束公司的任何合同均不得修改或終止,或根據其條款要求得到第三方的批准或同意,在與本協議或任何附屬協議的簽訂或根據其所涉及的交易的完成事項同時向任何第三方提出通知。 |
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(c) | 公司無需向任何政府機構提交任何申報文件、發出任何通知或獲取任何授權,作爲進入本協議的先決條件,或作爲完成本協議所規定交易的條件。 |
4.3 | 股本 |
公司的授權股份、發行股份和流通股份詳見附表4.3。公司發行的所有股份均已妥善發行且爲實收並且完全支付,不可要求償付並且不受任何優先認購權或類似權益限制。公司的所有股份均已依法發行,且未違反任何優先認購權或類似權益。 購買的股份代表公司已發行並流通的所有股份。除依照公司章程外,已向買方提供真實和正確複印件的情況下,公司無任何未償還債務(無論是否有條件)以回購、贖回或以其他方式取得公司股本中的任何股份。公司對支付分紅派息或類似參與權利(不論是否宣佈或積累)無義務或負債,並且沒有任何合同限制阻止公司支付前述款項。任何曾持有公司股本的直接或間接前持有人均無權要求公司,且公司也無任何責任,任何未解決的索賠,並且沒有以書面形式威脅的任何此類債權。
4.4 | 沒有期權 |
4.5 | 沒有子公司 |
4.6 | 公司業務 |
該業務是公司進行的唯一業務 在本協議簽訂日前的三(3)年內,由於任何原因,業務未曾中斷。
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4.7 | 個人及其他財產的所有權 |
(a) | 公司的資產和財產(僅清楚排除租用房地產)歸公司所有,擁有完好和有市場可售權益,除允許的負擔外,沒有任何負擔。除4.7(a)日程表載明的內容外,公司目前擁有或租賃的財產和資產構成與業務相關的所有用途和持有的財產和資產。 |
(b) | 除附表4.7 (b) 中規定的情況外,個人財產,包括但不限於所有信息 技術設備和相關係統(”系統”),以及所有電力和冷卻設備,每種情況下均爲自有或 公司就業務租賃,無論此類個人財產是否已附着或附着在任何租賃物上 不動產,(i)根據公司的使用情況和使用年限,其運營狀況良好,並進行了維修,(ii)已安裝, 成功調試和測試,(iii) 已按照正常的行業標準和所有制造商的標準進行操作和維護 推薦的運行參數、規格和保修要求,(iv) 目前由相關製造商支持 可用的組件級替換庫存,以及 (v) 足夠且適合其所在公司的用途 放。本公司不知道設備的安裝或操作存在任何限制或缺陷,包括 限制,系統以及電力和冷卻設備,這將導致此類設備無法按設計或預期運行。 |
(c) | Since the closing of the APA, no material property or assets of the Company that are currently used in connection with the Business has been sold, transferred or assigned, subject to the Permitted Encumbrances. |
4.8 | Owned and Leased Real Property |
(a) | The Company does not own, has never owned, and has not agreed to acquire any real or immovable property or any other ownership interest in any real or immovable property. |
(b) | 附表4.8列出了公司租賃的唯一不動產的市政地址(“租賃房地產”)。 除了附表4.8中披露的內容外,公司沒有參與任何接受的承諾或租賃或轉租的要約、租賃或轉租協議、租賃、轉租、租賃或轉租的續約、許可證、運營協議或其他佔有或佔用任何場所的權利或許可證,除了附表4.8中描述的與租賃不動產相關的租賃(“租賃”)外。爲明確起見,在本節4.8的目的下,作爲公司的客戶合同所提供的協作服務和其他idc概念產品或服務不應被視爲任何形式的租賃或轉租或上述任何安排。根據前述句子和與附表4.8中確定的 的租賃合同條款,公司佔有租賃不動產,並擁有獨佔的權利來佔有和使用租賃不動產,但須遵循租賃合同下房東的權利及適用法律。租賃合同是有效的,並且完全生效,公司和根據公司所知,任何其他參與方均未違反其中的任何契約、條件或義務。賣方已向買方提供每份租賃合同的真實副本以及所有修訂內容。公司從未租賃、佔用(無論作爲承租人或許可證持有人)、管理或以其他方式控制租賃不動產以外的任何不動產。 |
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(c) | 除附表4.8中披露的內容外,公司不作爲出租人或分租人,參與任何關於不可移動或不動產或任何租賃房地產的租賃、租賃協議或租賃要約。 |
(d) | 據公司了解,所有建築、結構、附屬設施、裝置及其他改進物形成租賃的不動產部分處於良好運行狀態,且足夠並適用於其當前使用的目的,公司有足夠的進出權用於業務的日常操作。這些建築、結構、附屬設施、裝置或其他改進物(或其中的任何設備),其運營或維護未在任何重大方面違反任何限制性契約或任何適用法律的規定,也未在任何重大方面侵犯任何他人擁有的財產,除非在4.8日程表中披露。 |
(e) | 除非在附表4.8中另有說明,所有在附表4.8中描述的施工工作已 根據適用法律和租約完全支付並完成。 |
(f) | 在不限制前述內容的情況下,根據附表4.8中披露的內容: |
(i) | 租賃的不動產及其當前用途和業務的運營符合所有適用的法律,包括與分區、停車、出入、裝卸設施、綠化區域、樓宇建造、消防和公共健康與安全以及環保母基法律相關的規定; |
(ii) | 未經任何政府機構以書面形式下令、指示或要求對租賃的房地產或其中的任何水暖、供暖、升降機、電梯、扶梯、自動人行道、水、排水或電氣系統、設施或工程進行修訂、修理、改進或其他工作,且這類工作尚未完成;賣方中沒有任何人知曉存在任何這種未經完成的工作被下令、指示或要求,並且除已遵守的工作外,賣方也沒有收到任何這方面的書面通知。 |
(iii) | 所有板塊的工作、服務和放置或提供在承租房地產上的材料均已完全支付和滿足,且沒有人有權在承租房地產或其任何部分設定法定留置權; |
(iv) | 公司對任何市政公司或任何其他擁有或運營公共事業(水、燃料幣、電力或能源、蒸汽或熱水)的公司或委員會沒有任何未支付的租賃房地產款項,除了當前賬目外,這些賬目的付款到期日尚未過去,並已被保留。 |
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(v) | 租賃的房地產未被任何政府機構徵收或徵用,也未收到或啓動與此相關的通知或程序。 |
(vi) | 租賃的不動產(包括所有建築物、改進和固定裝置)適合其目前的使用,沒有需要或建議進行的重大或結構性維修或更換,除非有其他限制,在租賃的不動產中或周圍所服務的運行數據中心所必需的維修或更換,包括屋頂或機械、電氣、供暖、通風、空調、水、管道設備或系統均無需進行;租賃的不動產目前沒有進行任何改建或翻新工程,也沒有計劃進行此類改建或翻新工程; |
(vii) | 租賃的房地產未被分類或其他方式保護在一個 關於保護農業土地和農業活動的法案 (魁北克);和 |
(viii) | 承租的房地產已完全通過必要的公共設施服務,以供佔用,並有適當的公共道路通往,各政府機關(包括髮展或改良徵稅、收費或費用)未對任何承租房地產索取未清的徵稅、收費或費用,除了該房地產的財產稅單據中反映的稅款。 |
4.9 | 數據中心 |
(a) | 4.9(a)日程表列出(i)所有互連運營商在數據中心向客戶提供的服務(ii)數據中心內部可用的容量(iii)承諾或保留給每位客戶的容量(iv)數據中心使用的容量,以及(v) 數據中心的任何額外互連空間,受讓給現有客戶享有優先購買權。 |
(b) | 所有水、下水道、發電機、冷卻器、不間斷電源(UPS)、電力配電單元、切換開關、機架、計算機、空調、燃料幣、燃料、通訊網絡、電話和排水設施均已按照有關idc概念編制的單線圖的方式安裝、調試和連接,其真實和完整副本已向購買方提供,並且在所有重大方面符合要求。此類服務和設施已按照加拿大idc概念行業的慣例在業務的正常運營中運行、維護、維修和更換,並且據賣方所知,沒有任何重大缺陷。公司未收到任何關於任何此類服務或公用事業將被中斷或數據中心總部容量將大幅減少的書面通知。 |
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(c) | 在本協議日期前三(3)年內,公司未出現(i)內部能力傳輸到idc概念發生任何重大中斷,或者(ii)在idc概念發生任何重大安防-半導體漏洞。 |
(d) | 不存在可能會限制、限制或禁止以符合以前提交給購買方的計劃、規格、材料和實際或單線圖紙的方式運營或擴建idc概念的實質技術、工程、結構、聲學或其他類似限制或缺陷。有關idc概念的單線圖副本已向購買方提供。 |
(e) | 在本協議簽訂日期之前的三(3)年中,沒有數據中心在任何一個月內未能保持99.98%的電力持續運行時間和機械系統可用性。賣方已向買方提供了在本協議簽訂日期之前的三(3)年內涉及任何數據中心或業務整體穩定性的所有服務表現和服務事件日誌或記錄的真實完整副本。 |
(f) | 根據《日程表4.9(f)》披露,公司未就每個數據大廳的總體基礎向客戶作出合同承諾,超出了公司在該數據大廳部署和可用的功率,包括公用事業、不間斷電源、備用發電機和機械系統。電力公用事業入口設施、電源系統和特斯拉-冷卻系統的容量和利用率,在此日期披露的《日程表4.9(f)》上每個數據大廳的基礎上是真實和準確的。 |
(g) | 公司沒有需要增強網絡安全概念或高級安防-半導體協議的客戶。 |
4.10 | 資產購買協議;資產充分性 |
(a) | 除4.10(a)中規定外,根據APA轉移和轉讓給公司的資產,以及公司目前持有的資產,足以在日常業務中進行業務。 |
(b) | 根據附表4.10(b)中的披露,公司的執行和交付 APA不會導致:(i) 違反或違反任何條款,構成違約或衝突,或引起公司或 董事會(或其任何委員會)或公司股東或其章程、公司法或決議的任何規定 ;(B) 任何有管轄權的政府機構或仲裁員的判決、裁定、命令或獎勵對公司或 (C)公司擁有的任何許可、承諾、合同、許可、批准、同意或授權 或具有約束力的任何法律; 或(ii)對公司股份或公司資產任何形式的設定或加置任何負擔 . |
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(c) | 除非另有披露在附件4.10中,所有必要的同意、批准和授權已獲得,描述或涉及公司的 爲了執行、交付和履行APA中規定的轉讓成功獲得 |
(d) | 除了附表4.10(d)中規定的情況外,根據APA轉讓給公司的資產以及公司目前持有的資產,均足以在所有重大方面履行其作爲合同方所負的義務。 |
4.11 | 應收賬款 |
所有應收賬款、賬面債務和 其他到期或正在形成的債務均歸公司所有, 真實根據ASPE的規定,在公司賬簿中反映了壞賬撥備,採用與之前期間一致的基礎,可無償收回,不得抵消 或提出抵消。
4.12 | 知識產權 |
(a) | 第4.12(a)日程表列出所有:(i)註冊的擁有的知識產權和擁有的知識產權的註冊申請,包括擁有的知識產權註冊或擬註冊的司法管轄區、註冊或申請號碼,以及註冊或申請日期等;(ii)公司擁有的未註冊商標、服務商標、標誌和商標名稱;和(iii)公司軟件。 所有與註冊的擁有知識產權相關的必要申報和費用均已及時申報並支付給相關政府機構和授權登記機構。沒有任何程序正在進行中或據公司了解,有挑戰擁有的知識產權或擁有的知識產權註冊申請的有效性、可執行性、註冊或所有權的程序。 |
(b) | 時間表4.12(b)列出了公司在業務進行中使用的所有域名(統稱爲「域名」),以及ICANN認可的註冊商的名稱和每個域名的註冊到期日期。公司對所有列在時間表4.12(b)中的域名擁有有效註冊和所有實質權利,除了被許可負擔的以外,在域名中,包括繼續進行當前業務所需的所有權利。公司是時間表4.12(b)列出的所有域名的唯一註冊人,每個域名的註冊費用都已支付到列出的日期。公司或公司的股東、董事或僱員以及任何關聯公司擁有的域名中沒有任何所有權或其他利益。據公司所知,沒有任何域名侵犯其他商標、商標權、商號、商號權或服務標記。域名在定義業務的其他方面,此處提到的所有事項如果未經認可的負擔,則表示沒有未經許可的負擔,包括公司目前進行業務所需的所有合法權利,並且公司是所有列在時間表4.12(b)中的域名的唯一註冊人,每個域名的註冊費用都已支付到列出的日期。公司的高級主管、董事或僱員、賣方或其任何關聯方均不擁有任何域名的所有權或其他權益。據公司了解,未有任何域名侵犯他人的商標、商標權、商號、商號權或服務標記。 |
(c) | 附表4.12(c)列出了公司使用或註冊的所有社交媒體帳戶(統稱爲“社交媒體帳戶”)。公司的任何董事、董事或僱員、賣方或其任何關聯公司均不擁有或對社交媒體帳戶擁有任何所有權或其他利益。 |
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(d) | 附表4.12(d)列明瞭(i)其他人授予知識產權給公司的合同,或者承諾不對公司採取法律行動的合同("傳入許可證),和(ii)公司授予他人知識產權的合同("傳出許可證”,以及與傳入許可證一起“知識產權許可”);但是,附表4.12(d)不包括任何(i)授予公司使用開源軟件許可證,(ii)標準軟件的非獨佔傳入許可證,(iii)其實質不與公司的發明創造轉讓協議格式大不相同的發明創造轉讓協議,或者(iv)僅限於按照常規向公司客戶授予的非獨佔傳出許可證或爲公司提供日常服務的第三方供應商或承包商的非獨佔傳出許可證。 |
(e) | 所有註冊的擁有知識產權均存在、有效且可執行。公司(i)獨自且唯一地擁有每項擁有的知識產權,(ii)根據有效且可執行的合同有權使用所有其他公司知識產權,且不受任何負擔的限制,除了允許的負擔。公司並未且不參與任何限制或損害出售、轉讓、分配或移交的能力的合同,或以其他方式影響擁有的知識產權。除了授予客戶的普通使用非獨佔權利外,公司未向任何人授予與全部或任何部分公司知識產權相關的任何權益或權利。 |
(f) | 據公司所知,公司及其對公司知識產權的使用,以及業務的進行,未曾和現在都沒有侵犯、違反或誤用任何人的知識產權。 |
(g) | 公司沒有任何進行中或即將進行的程序,據公司所知也沒有針對公司的訴訟,聲稱公司侵犯、違反或盜用任何個人的知識產權。公司既沒有收到任何來自任何個人的書面通知、函件、索賠、主張或指稱,涉及對任何知識產權的侵權或盜用。據公司所知,沒有任何個人侵犯、稀釋、盜用或以其他方式違反公司對自有知識產權的權利。公司沒有向任何個人授予任何承諾、發起訴訟或程序、發佈或不主張與自有知識產權有關的任何權利。 |
(h) | 公司已採取商業上合理的步驟來維護、建立和保護所有被公司視爲機密或專有的所有權知識產權的機密性、保密性 及價值,包括任何包含在擁有知識產權中的重要商業祕密。公司沒有向任何第三方披露任何商業祕密或保密信息,包括公司現有及前任員工、顧問和承包商,除非根據有效且可執行的保密、機密或許可協議。根據公司的了解,沒有任何未經授權的披露,或任何此類商業祕密或保密信息的挪用或未經授權使用的實例。 |
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(i) | 公司當前和前僱員、顧問和承包商中的每個人,誰代表公司開發或爲公司利益開發任何自有知識產權的人(每一位,“ ”),已簽署了有效且可執行的協議,根據該協議,該貢獻者已將其在自有知識產權方面的所有權利、所有權和利益明確和當前地轉讓給公司,已放棄對該自有知識產權的一切道德權利,並同意保持對該自有知識產權的機密性(每份這樣的協議,一個“發明轉讓協議”)。所有自有知識產權的發明、創作、開發、設計和修改均由貢獻者在其參與範圍內完成。據公司所知,無貢獻者違約或違反任何此類發明轉讓協議。 |
(j) | 關於公司擁有的知識產權中包含的軟件,公司擁有必要的源代碼和文檔,以使具備相應技能的程序員和工程師能夠使用、更新和增強與公司軟件類似的軟件。所有公司軟件的源代碼未授權或提供給任何人(除了與公司簽署了限制披露和使用該源代碼或相關材料的書面協議的員工、承包商或其他服務提供者)。除附錄4.12(j)所述外,公司不參與任何源代碼託管合同或任何其他合同(或是任何要求公司簽訂源代碼託管合同或其他合同的合同),以要求存入任何有關公司擁有的知識產權中包含的軟件的源代碼或相關材料。 |
(k) | 附表4.12(k)列出了公司在業務開展中使用的所有開源軟件的真實和準確的清單。沒有以任何方式使用開源軟件,這些使用與任何包含在擁有的知識產權中的公司軟件相比,(i) 不要求以源代碼形式披露或分發該公司軟件,(ii) 不要求爲製作派生作品而對該公司軟件進行授權,(iii) 不對該公司軟件分發所收取的費用施加任何實質性限制,(iv) 不對公司主張其權利(包括專利和其他知識產權)施加任何實質性限制,或 (v) 不對公司在使用或分發該公司軟件或任何其他擁有的知識產權方面施加任何其他實質性限制、限制或控件。 |
(l) | 除了附表4.12(l)中規定的情況外,沒有任何政府機構、大學、學院、研究機構或其他教育機構的資金、設施或人員被用於全部或部分地創建任何自有知識產權。 |
(m) | 公司在附表4.12(a)、4.12(b)、4.12(c)、4.12(d)、4.12(i)、4.12(k)和4.12(l)中列明的知識產權,涵蓋了目前業務所需的所有重要知識產權。 |
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(n) | 公司在開展業務過程中使用的電信地址包括目前所必需用於開展業務的所有電信地址。公司租用了用於開展業務過程中使用的電信地址。 |
(o) | 本協議的執行、交付或履行,以及本協議所規定的交易的完成,均不會導致公司對任何公司知識產權的所有權或使用權的喪失或損害。 |
4.13 | 我們在報價和估價、企業資源規劃、材料資源規劃、產能規劃和會計方面採用標準化的信息技術系統,以增強工作採購、項目執行和財務控制的效率。我們在威斯康辛州密爾沃基的總部提供信息技術監督和支持。我們在整個公司中使用的操作信息系統是行業特定的應用,有些在內部或供應商修改和改進以適應我們的操作。我們的企業資源規劃軟件在可能的情況下與我們的操作信息系統集成,向指定人員提供相關的實時運營數據。被收購公司的會計和運營人員不僅接受我們的信息技術支持人員的培訓,而且還接受我們組織內經驗豐富、長期任職和熟練使用我們的系統的員工的培訓。我們認爲,我們的信息系統爲我們的員工提供了執行其個人工作職責和實現我們戰略目標的工具。 |
(a) | 公司擁有或有權訪問和使用所有由公司使用的信息系統。信息系統在所有重要方面足夠滿足當前業務進行的數據處理和其他計算需求。公司擁有進行當前業務所需的所有必要的入境許可證。公司在所有重要方面維護着準確和機密的適用帳戶、密碼、加密算法和程序的列表,並且公司維護並實施了一個信息安全程序,監管所有信息系統,包括與當前行業標準和實踐一致的措施,以確保適當的數據存儲、備份系統、災難恢復、業務連續性計劃和系統冗餘程序和設施、加密方法和病毒防護以及其他安防-半導體措施到位,以確保信息系統提供的功能的持續安全性和可用性。 |
(b) | 信息系統沒有遭受任何故障、失效、持續的低標準性能、 拒絕服務、安全事件(包括任何個人信息安全事件)、勒索軟件或其他形式的入侵、滲透、 干擾或網絡攻擊,或者任何其他損害,導致或合理可能導致對 業務的中斷或損害。 |
(c) | 據公司了解,信息系統不含任何未經授權的指令、算法、計算機代碼或其他設備或功能(包括任何蠕蟲、炸彈、後門、時鐘、定時器、自毀裝置、特洛伊木馬、病毒、蟲子、間諜軟件、廣告軟件、惡意軟件、腐蝕劑、缺陷、故障或其他惡意導致或旨在導致對任何軟件或硬件(統稱「」)造成傷害的設備、代碼、設計或例程),並且公司已採取商業上合理的措施防止污染物進入信息系統。污染物”,並且公司已採取商業上合理的措施防止污染物進入信息系統。 |
4.14 | 隱私和反垃圾郵件事宜 |
(a) | 公司,以及根據公司所知,所有從事處理個人信息的供應商、處理者或其他第三方, 爲公司或代表公司處理個人信息,或者與公司分享個人信息的其他方(統稱爲“數據合作伙伴)過去三(3)年裏均實質性遵守以下規定:(i) 隱私法律和反垃圾郵件法;(ii) 公司內部和外部與處理個人信息相關的政策、程序、通知和其他聲明;以及 (iii) 所有與處理個人信息相關的合同(統稱爲“公司隱私承諾”). |
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(b) | 公司僅與數據合作伙伴共享個人信息。公司已經在合同上義務所有數據合作伙伴遵守隱私法和反垃圾郵件法,以及公司內部和外部的政策、程序、通知和其他與個人信息處理相關的聲明。公司已採取合理措施,以確保所有數據合作伙伴已履行其合同義務,並據公司所知,沒有數據合作伙伴違反其合同義務。 |
(c) | 除了《附表4.14(c)》中描述的內容外,公司已經擁有並要求其各個數據合作伙伴已經採取所有組織、技術和物理保障(“安全措施”)以符合隱私法;保護所掌握、監管或控制的所有個人信息,包括代表其處理的個人信息,免受非法、意外或未經授權的控制、使用、訪問、披露、中斷、修改、銷燬、泄露或損壞(每次發生的情況稱爲“個人信息安全事件”);識別和解決其掌握或控制的個人信息隱私和安全的內部和外部風險;按照隱私法的要求回應所有個人信息安全事件,包括處理個人信息安全事件的程序,應用適當的緩解措施並在適用的情況下提供充分通知,並嚴格遵守這些安全措施。除了《附表4.14(c)》中描述的內容外,公司或公司的數據合作伙伴沒有經歷過個人信息安全事件,並據公司所知,目前也沒有受到威脅。 |
(d) | 公司已在所有網站及其他由公司擁有或運營的在線資產上發佈隱私政策及任何其他通知,且根據隱私法律和反垃圾郵件法律的要求,這些位置都清晰可見。賣方已向買方提供公司使用的所有隱私政策和其他通知的真實完整複製件。根據隱私法律、反垃圾郵件法律或合同所需的所有通知和同意已經依照所有適用法律和該等合同給予或獲得,並且足以支持業務在交割後以與交割前基本相同的方式繼續進行。公司執行、交付或履行本協議,或公司完成本協議所涉及的交易,不會(i)使任何通知無效,或與任何公司隱私承諾相關的任何同意失效,或(ii)以其他方式引起任何終止權或其他權利以損害或限制買方擁有和處理爲當前業務運作所使用或所需的任何個人信息的權利。 |
(e) | 公司已制定並實施:(i) 關於商業電子郵件的政策和程序,符合適用的反垃圾郵件法;(ii) 關於所有由公司發送的商業電子郵件的同意語言,符合適用的反垃圾郵件法;(iii) 根據所有適用的反垃圾郵件法,發送或爲公司發送的所有商業電子郵件的指定形式和內容;以及(iv) 符合適用的反垃圾郵件法的功能齊備,易於執行的退訂機制。公司已根據適用的反垃圾郵件法獲得了所有收件人對公司商業電子郵件的事先同意,並已根據適用的反垃圾郵件法及時處理了所有退訂請求和同意撤銷。公司未曾在第三方計算機系統上安裝或安裝計算機程序,除非符合反垃圾郵件法的規定。公司並不是也未曾成爲根據任何反垃圾郵件法進行的投訴、審核、審查、調查或類似程序的主題。 |
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(f) | 公司未對任何與隱私法律或反垃圾郵件法律相關的程序(包括任何政府機關的調查及隱私監管機構發佈的發現、建議和命令)採取過措施來回應此類索賠、調查、發現、建議或命令,以及公司依據反垃圾郵件法律所簽訂的任何承諾。公司未收到或對公司發起的任何通知、投訴、索賠、詢問或其他程序,並且根據公司的知識,未被任何政府機關、個人或其他人威脅,聲稱違反適用的隱私法律、反垃圾郵件法律或關於個人信息處理的要求,並且根據公司的知識,沒有任何事實或情況存在,可能導致任何此類通知、投訴、索賠、詢問或程序的發生。 |
4.15 | 保險 |
公司已對其所有財產和 資產進行了保險,保障因所有可保險的危害或風險造成的損失或損害,以替代成本爲基礎,且該保險覆蓋範圍已並將持續在全力有效狀態下,直到成交時間爲止。附表4.15列出了截至本協議日期公司所維持的或代表公司所覆蓋的所有保險政策的清單,包括(指定保險公司、承保金額、保險類型、保單號碼及任何待處理的索賠)以及來自保險承保人或其他人士的最新檢查報告的完整且準確的副本(如有),報告內容涉及公司財產和資產的控件。附表4.15還列出了與該業務相關的過去三(3)年內的保險索賠歷史。公司未在任何此類保險政策中違反任何規定,且在任何此類保險政策下未未能及時通知或提出任何索賠。賣方已向買方提供了保險政策的副本或描述附表4.15中提到的每項保險政策的保險證書。
4.16 | 沒有徵用 |
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4.17 | 協議和承諾 |
(a) | 任何超過100,000美元的資本支出合同或固定資產購買合同; |
(b) | 與收購或處置任何業務、其他個人的股份或資產,或任何不動產(或其中的任何權益)相關的任何合同,包括任何期權或優先購買權或優先拒絕權,在以下情況下:(i) 在過去三(3)年內簽訂的,或 (ii) 仍然存在未完全履行的義務的,每種情況的未償還本金金額超過$25,000; |
(c) | 任何集體協議; |
(d) | 租賃協議; |
(e) | IP許可證,排除第4.12(d)條款中保留的許可證; |
(f) | 與材料供應商或材料客戶的任何合同; |
(g) | 任何合同向任何人提供「最惠國」或類似的優惠定價安排; |
(h) | 任何合同(除上述提到的合同外),根據該合同,公司有義務支付或預計每年收到超過50,000美元的款項; |
(i) | 與任何預期年收入超過10萬美元的任何官員、僱員或承包商訂立的任何就業或諮詢合同或任何其他類似合同; |
(j) | 與員工或承包商簽訂的任何合同,要求公司提供解僱通知、代通知賠償金、解僱工資、遣散費, 保留金額或變更控制支付,其他除公司可以在合理的通知下無需原因終止的無固定期限合同外,無需指定通知、解僱或遣散費的要求; |
(k) | 任何信託契約、抵押、抵押權、本票、借款協議、擔保或其他貸款或按照ASPE要求計入資本的租賃交易合同 |
(l) | any confidentiality, secrecy, non-disclosure, non-competition, non-solicitation or non-hire Contract or similar Contract under which the Company is an obligor, other than confidentiality, secrecy or non-disclosure Contracts entered into in the Ordinary Course; |
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(m) | any licence, franchise or other agreement that relates in whole or in part to Intellectual Property under which the Company is obligated to make or expects to receive payments on an annual basis in excess of $50,000; |
(n) | any Contracts with a Governmental Body, excluding Authorizations; and |
(o) | any Contract entered into by the Company other than in the Ordinary Course. |
(p) | The Company has performed all of the material obligations required to be performed by it in respect of, is entitled to all benefits under, and is not in breach or default or alleged to be in default in respect of, any Material Contract to which the Company is a party or by which it is bound; all such Material Contracts are in good standing and in full force and effect, and no event, condition or occurrence exists which, after notice or lapse of time or both, would constitute a material breach or default under any Material Contract. The Sellers have made available to the Purchaser a complete and accurate copy of each Material Contract, including all amendments thereto. |
4.18 | Material Suppliers and Material Customers |
(a) | Schedule 4.18 sets out each of the top 10 suppliers (collectively, the “Material Suppliers”) and the top 10 customers (collectively, the “Material Customers”) of the Company, by dollar volume calculated by the consolidated revenues and expenditures, as the case may be, of the Business for each of (a) its last complete fiscal year, and (b) the fiscal year-to-date, and the amounts of such revenues and expenditures. Subject to Schedule 4.18, to the actual knowledge of the Company and without any inquiry having been conducted by the Company with the Material Customers or Material Suppliers, there is no reason to anticipate that the benefits of any relationship with any Material Supplier or Material Customer will not continue after the Closing in substantially the same manner as prior to the Closing Date. |
(b) | Schedule 4.18(b) sets out as of the date of this Agreement (i) the monthly recurring revenues (MRR) of the Business; and (ii) the average monthly customer churn of the Colocation Business during the three (3) years preceding the date of this Agreement. |
4.19 | Churned Contracts |
Schedule 4.19 sets out a list of all Contracts that have become Churned Contracts during the three (3) years preceding the date of this Agreement.
4.20 | Compliance with Laws; Authorizations |
(a) | The Company and the Leased Real Property is in compliance, and for the past three (3) years has been in compliance, in all material respects, with all Laws applicable to the Business and the Company and the Leased Real Property, except to the extent disclosed in Schedule 4.20. No event has occurred and no circumstance exists that may constitute or result in (with or without notice or lapse of time) a violation of or a failure to comply, in any material respect, with any Laws applicable to the Business, the Company or the Leased Real Property. The Company has not received any written notice or other communication from any Governmental Body regarding any actual, alleged, possible or potential violation of, or failure to comply with any such Laws. |
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(b) | Schedule 4.20 sets out a complete and accurate list of all Authorizations held by or granted to the Company. Except to the extent disclosed in Schedule 4.20, the Company holds or owns all Authorizations necessary to carry on the Business as currently conducted or to own or lease any of the property or assets owned or used by the Company, including the Leased Real Property, as such property or assets are currently owned, leased or used in the Business. Each such Authorization is valid, subsisting and in good standing and the Company is not in default or breach, in any material respect, of any such Authorization and, to the knowledge of the Company, no proceeding is pending or threatened to revoke or limit any such Authorization and there is no circumstance that may reasonably result in such a revocation or limitation. The Sellers have provided a complete and accurate copy of each such Authorization and all amendments thereto to the Purchaser. |
4.21 | Financial Statements; Absence of Liabilities |
(a) | The “Company Financial Statements” means collectively the Enovum Financial Statements and the Financial Statements referred to below, |
(i) | the unaudited financial statements of the Company as at and for the three month period ended December 31, 2023, and |
(ii) | the unaudited financial statements of the Company as at and for the eight-month period ended August 31, 2024, |
(items identified to in (i) and (ii) above, the “Enovum Financial Statements”);
(iii) | the unaudited financial statements of as at and for the twelve month period ended December 31, 2023, |
(iv) | the unaudited financial statements of as at and for the twelve month period ended December 31, 2022, and |
(v) | the unaudited financial statements of as at and for the twelve month period ended December 31, 2021, |
(items identified in (iii) to (v) above, the Financial Statements”);
copies of which have been made available to the Purchaser.
(b) | The Enovum Financial Statements referred to in paragraph (a)(i) and (ii) of this Section 4.21: |
(i) | have been prepared in accordance with ASPE, applied on a basis consistent with prior periods, are complete and accurate in all material respects and present fairly, the assets, liabilities (whether accrued, absolute, contingent or otherwise) and financial condition of the Company as at their respective dates and the sales and earnings and results of operations of the Company for the respective periods covered by them, but the unaudited interim financial statements do not contain all notes required under ASPE and are subject to normal year-end audit adjustments which are not expected to be material. Other than what is disclosed in Schedule 4.21, the Company has no liabilities, liquidated or contingent or otherwise, that are not reflected on the Enovum Financial Statements, other than liabilities incurred after August 31, 2024 in the Ordinary Course consistent with the same type of liabilities reflected in the Enovum Financial Statements. The Sellers have made available complete and accurate copies of the Enovum Financial Statements to the Purchaser. |
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(ii) | are prepared under ASPE and are, at the expense of the Purchaser, convertible into GAAP or IFRS and are capable of being audited in accordance with GAAP or IFRS. For clarity, all Enovum Financial Statements prepared at Closing are prepared under ASPE. |
(c) | ThealllllllllllFinancial Statements, referred to in paragraph (a)(iii) of this Section 4.2-i,soTeTy’to the extent they relate to the Business have been prepared in accordance with ASPE, applied on a basis consistent with prior periods, are complete in all material respects and present fairly, the assets, liabilities (whether accrued, absolute, contingent or otherwise) and financial condition of the Business as at their respective dates and the sales and earnings and results of operations of the Business for the respective periods covered by them, but the unaudited interim financial statements do not contain all notes required under ASPE and are subject to normal year-end audit adjustments which are not expected to be material. The Sellers have made available complete copies of said Company Financial Statements to the Purchaser. |
(d) | The- Financial Statements referred to in paragraph (a)(iv) of this Section 4.21 to the extent they relate to the Business, have been prepared in accordance with ASPE, applied on a basis consistent with prior periods, are complete in all material respects and present fairly, the assets, liabilities (whether accrued, absolute, contingent or otherwise) and financial condition of the Business as at their respective dates and the sales and earnings and results of operations of the Company for the respective periods covered by them, but the unaudited interim financial statements do not contain all notes required under ASPE and are subject to normal year-end audit adjustments which are not expected to be material. The Sellers have made available complete copies of said Company Financial Statements to the Purchaser. |
(e) | The Sellers have made available complete copies of the - Financial Statements referred to in paragraph (a)(v) of this Section 4.21 t rchaser. |
4.22 | Books and Records |
(a) | The accounting and financial books and records of the Company are accurate in all material respects and all financial transactions of the Company have been accurately recorded in such books and records. |
(b) | The minute books of the Company made available on behalf of the Sellers to the Purchaser’s counsel are complete and accurate minute books of the Company, reflecting all proceedings of the directors of the Company (and any committees thereof) and the shareholders of the Company. |
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4.23 | 沒有變化 |
(a) | 具有或可能合理預期對實質性不利影響的事件、發生或發展; |
(b) | 對公司章程或條例的修訂或更改; |
(c) | (i) 公司的贖回、購買或收購任何證券,或者公司現有證券的拆分、合併或重新分類; (ii) 發行、交付、出售或授權發行、交付或出售(A)公司的任何證券,(B)可轉換爲公司證券的任何證券,或(C)任何權利、認股權證、認購權或期權以取得公司的任何證券。 |
(d) | 聲明或支付公司證券的任何分紅派息; |
(e) | 取消或終止任何以公司爲受益人或損失支付人而不獲得可比替代保險保障的保險政策; |
(f) | 除非在正常的業務過程中,對任何用於該業務的資產進行銷售、租賃、許可、轉讓、負擔或其他處置; |
(g) | 公司收購其他個人或業務的股權或資產(無論是通過合併、購買股票、購買資產或其他方式),但不包括在正常業務運作中購買資產。 |
(h) | 公司與另一方進行合併或合併,或採納或進入完全或部分清算,解散,重組,資本重組,重新組織或其他類似交易的計劃; |
(i) | 公司對任何具有實質價值的權利的豁免、釋放或轉讓,或公司所欠的任何債務的取消、妥協、 釋放或轉讓,以及公司所持有的任何重大索賠; |
(j) | 公司在會計方法、原則或做法方面的變更,除非法律或ASPE的變更要求。 |
(k) | 任何員工或承包商的僱傭或服務終止,或 |
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(l) | 同意採取任何行動或不作爲,該行動或不作爲有可能導致第4.23節中描述的變化。 |
4.24 | 非關聯交易 |
公司未向任何關聯方(包括 、 官員、董事、員工、股東(包括賣方)、任何關聯方或前述個人的家庭成員 或與公司沒有公平交易關係的任何其他個人(根據稅法的定義)(統稱爲,相關人員),除(i)在正常業務中支付的通常員工報銷和薪酬; 及(ii)在附表4.24中另行披露的情況。除附表4.24中披露的情況外,除了僱傭合同外,所有這些合同都已提供給購買方,公司在本日期並未參與或未與任何相關方簽訂任何合同或交易,也未簽訂任何不符合公平交易條款的合同或交易。沒有相關方:
(a) | 擁有,直接或間接地,任何利益(除少於任何公開交易公司任何類別或系列的已發行股份的百分之一(1%)以外的股份),或者是公司的競爭對手或與業務或公司從事業務的任何個人的官員,董事,員工或顧問;作爲業務或公司的房東,租戶,出租人,承租人,供應商,分銷商,銷售代理商或客戶。 |
(b) | 是否與公司的任何員工、董事、高級職員或顧問進行過任何貸款或其他交易; |
(c) | 直接或間接擁有公司在經營業務中使用的任何財產的全部或部分權益;或 |
(d) | 與公司在業務方面有關的,是否有任何訴因或其他索賠,或是否欠公司任何款項,除了在正常運營中的索賠,例如當前的工資、累計假期工資和員工計劃下的累計福利,以及普通業務費用的報銷。 |
4.25 | Taxes |
Except as disclosed in Schedule 4.25:
(a) | 公司已及時向適當的政府機構提交了所有稅務申報表。所有 這些稅務申報表在所有重大方面都是完整和準確的,且公司已支付或繳納所有到期應付的稅款,以及公司應付的所有評估、重新評估、政府收費、罰款、利息和罰金。沒有任何管轄區 或機構聲稱公司必須提交該稅務申報表。公司在除加拿大之外的任何國家都沒有設立永久機構。 |
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(b) | 已經向購買者提供了公司所有稅務年度提交的稅務申報表的真實副本,以及與任何政府機構有關稅收的所有信函。 |
(c) | 公司的加拿大聯邦和省級所得稅責任已經由適當的政府機構評估,截至2023年12月31日的稅務年度,並且沒有任何協議、豁免或其他安排允許公司就任何稅務申報或任何稅款支付事項或對任何稅務申報的審查延長時間。公司未向任何人授予任何與稅務事項相關的當前有效的授權委託。 |
(d) | 自2023年12月31日起,公司沒有產生任何重大的稅務責任,也沒有進行任何會導致除正常業務外的重大獎勵責任的交易或事件。 |
(e) | 公司資產上沒有稅務負擔(除了允許的負擔)。 |
(f) | 就公司涉及稅收、政府收費或評估的訴訟、訴訟、調查或索賠,目前沒有任何行動、訴訟、程序、調查或索賠正在進行或威脅,也沒有任何重要事項正在與任何政府機構討論有關稅收、政府收費或評估的事項,也沒有任何政府機構主張的重要事項。 |
(g) | The Company has withheld from each payment made to any of its past or present shareholders, employees, independent contractors, officers, creditors or directors, and to any non resident of Canada or other Person the amount of all Taxes and other deductions required to be withheld therefrom, and has paid the same to the appropriate Governmental Body within the time required under any applicable Laws. |
(h) | The Company has collected all amounts required to be collected by it on account of Taxes, including GST and QST. The Company has remitted to the appropriate Governmental Body when required by Law to do so all such amounts collected by it. |
(i) | Until the date hereof, the Company has been a “Canadian-controlled private corporation”, as defined in the Tax Act, continuously since incorporation. |
(j) | The Company is not a party to, bound by or has any obligation under any Tax sharing, Tax allocation, Tax indemnity agreement or other similar agreement or arrangement. |
(k) | The Company will not be required to include any item of income in, or exclude any item of deduction from, taxable income for any period (or any portion thereof) ending after the Closing Date as a result of any installment sale or other transaction entered into prior to the Closing, any accounting method change or closing agreement executed prior to the Closing or any prepaid amount received prior to the Closing. |
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(l) | 公司就賠償應支付的金額,包括但不限於薪水、工資 或其他報酬(不包括合理的假期或節假日工資),應在發生費用的財政年度結束後的180天內支付。 |
(m) | The Company has not directly or indirectly acquired any property from a Person with whom it was not dealing at arm’s length (as that term is understood for purposes of the Tax Act) in circumstances that would result in the Company becoming liable to pay any Taxes of such Person under section 160 of the Tax Act, section 325 of the ETA or any corresponding provisions of other applicable Laws. |
(n) | There are no circumstances that exist and would result or that have existed and resulted in sections 80 to 80.04 of the Tax Act or any similar provincial or territorial provisions applying to the Company. |
(o) | The Company has no outstanding loans or indebtedness to or for the benefit of any directors, former directors, officers, shareholders or employees or by any Person not dealing at arm’s length (as that term is understood for purposes of the Tax Act) with any of the foregoing. |
(p) | 公司在作出根據稅法第83(2)條(或省法等效條款)的選擇時,並沒有超過在作出該選擇前根據稅法第89(1)條對「資本紅利帳戶」作出的定義的金額。 |
(q) | 公司沒有根據《稅法》第89(1)條的定義做出「過度合格紅利指定」。 |
(r) | The Company has not declared or paid a dividend to which Tax under Part VI.1 of the Tax Act applies. |
(s) | 公司從未在選舉推遲稅款的情況下,將作爲轉讓方處置所得和受讓方處置成本的數目選定爲聯邦稅務目的而與爲省或地方稅務目的而選定的數目不同。 |
(t) | At no time since the incorporation of the Company was more than 50% of the fair market value of any Company Share derived from one or any combination of real or immovable property situated in Canada, Canadian resource properties, timber resource properties or options in respect of, or interest in, or for civil law rights in, any such property, whether or not the property exists, (as each such term is interpreted for the purposes of the definition of taxable Canadian property in the Tax Act). |
(u) | 公司從未進入、在合同上有義務進入或參與以下交易之一:(i)任何根據《稅法》第237.3條規定必須報告的交易,(ii)「應報告交易」或「通報交易」,截至2022年12月31日後的任何時間,或(iii)受任何類似加拿大聯邦、省級或非加拿大稅法的規定約束,這些規定類似於前述規定(包括《稅法》(魁北克省)的第1079.8.5條或第1079.8.6條)(每筆此類交易或待遇稱爲 「應報告交易」)。 |
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(v) | To the extent applicable, the Company has complied with the provisions of Title II of Book X.2 of Part I of the Taxation Act (Quebec). For greater certainty, the Company has never been a party to a nominee contract that was or is required to be disclosed to a Governmental Body. |
(w) | All tax credits, refunds, rebates and other adjustments of Taxes, claimed by the Company have been validly claimed and correctly calculated as required by applicable Laws, and the Company has retained all documentation prescribed by applicable Laws to support such claims. |
4.26 | Litigation |
Except as described in Schedule 4.26, there are no actions, suits (whether or not purportedly on behalf of the Company), appeals, claims, applications, orders, investigations, proceedings, grievances, arbitration or alternative dispute resolution, processes in progress or pending or, to the knowledge of the Company, threatened by, against or affecting the Company,-, or any of their property or assets, including the Leased Real Property, or the Business, before any Governmental Body or by or before an arbitrator or arbitration board. The Sellers have delivered to the Purchaser complete and accurate copies of all pleadings, correspondence and other documents relating to the actions, suits and proceedings described in Schedule 4.26. To the knowledge of the Company, there is no ground on which any such action, suit, appeal, claim, application, order, investigation, proceeding, grievance, arbitration or alternative dispute resolution might be commenced with any reasonable likelihood of success. Neither the Sellers nor the Company is subject to any judgment, order or decree affecting the Company, its property or assets, including the Leased Real Property, or the Business.
4.27 | Tax Registrations |
4.28 | Bank Accounts and Power of Attorney |
Schedule 4.28 sets forth a complete and accurate list showing the name of each bank, trust company or similar institution in which the Company has accounts or safety deposit boxes, the number or designation of each such account and safety deposit box and the names of all Persons authorized to draw thereon or to have access thereto and showing the name of any Person holding a general or special power of attorney from the Company and, if applicable, a summary of the terms thereof.
4.29 | Directors and Officers |
Schedule 4.29 sets forth the names and titles of all the officers and directors of the Company.
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4.30 | Dividends |
Since December 31, 2021, the Company has not, directly or indirectly, declared or paid any dividends or declared or made any other distribution on any of its shares of any class and has not, directly or indirectly, redeemed, purchased or otherwise acquired any of its outstanding shares of any class or agreed to do so.
4.31 | Environmental |
(a) | Except as described in Schedule 4.31(a) and to the Company’s knowledge, the Company, the Business, the Leased Real Property and all operations thereon have been and are in compliance, in all material respects, with all applicable Laws relating to the protection of human health and safety, natural resources, the environment or Hazardous Substances (“Environmental Laws”). |
(b) | Except as described in Schedule 4.31(a), the Company has all Authorizations required under Environmental Laws (collectively, the “Environmental Permits”) to conduct the Business (including those Environmental Permits issued in connection with the Leased Real Property) and to own, use and operate the property and assets owned or used by the Company, all of which are described in Schedule 4.31(a). Each Environmental Permit is valid, subsisting and in good standing, and the Company is not in default or breach of any Environmental Permit, and no proceeding is pending or threatened in relation to, and no grounds exist to revoke or limit, any Environmental Permit. Sellers have provided a complete and accurate copy of each Environmental Permit, and all amendments thereto, to Purchaser. |
(c) | The Company has not used or permitted to be used, except in compliance with all Environmental Laws, any of the Leased Real Property to Release, generate, manufacture, process, distribute, use, treat, store, transport or handle any Hazardous Substance. |
(d) | Neither the Company nor, in respect of the Business and the Leased Real Property, the Sellers have ever received any notice of or been prosecuted for any actual or alleged non-compliance with any Environmental Laws, and neither has the Company nor, in respect of the Business and the Leased Real Property, have the Sellers settled any allegation of non-compliance with Environmental Laws prior to prosecution. There are no actions, proceedings, notices, orders, demands or directions relating to environmental matters requiring, or notifying the Sellers or the Company that it is or may be responsible for any investigation, containment, clean-up, remediation or corrective action or any work, repairs, construction or capital expenditures to be made under Environmental Laws with respect to the Business or the Leased Real Property. Neither the Company nor, in respect of the Business and the Leased Real Property, the Sellers have received any written third party complaint or claim with respect to Hazardous Substances, environmental contamination, protection of the environment or protection of human health or safety. |
(e) | The Company has not caused or permitted, and subject to the disclosures in Schedule 4.31(a), to the knowledge of the Company, there has not occurred, any Release of any Hazardous Substances on, in, around, from or in connection with the Leased Real Property or any such Release on or from a facility owned or operated by a third party but with respect to which the Company is or may reasonably be alleged to have liability. |
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(f) | All Hazardous Substances and other wastes, materials and substances used in whole or in part in connection with or resulting from the Business have been disposed of, treated and stored in compliance with all Environmental Laws and have not been disposed of by the Company outside of Canada. |
(g) | Except as described in Schedule 4.31(a), the Company has delivered to the Purchaser complete and accurate copies of all environmental reports, audits, evaluations, assessments, studies or tests relating to the Company, the Business and the Leased Real Property that are, or with reasonable efforts could be brought under, the possession or control of the Sellers. |
4.32 | Employees |
(a) | Schedule 4.32(a) contains a complete and accurate list, redacted as necessary to comply with applicable Privacy Laws, of all individuals who are full-time, part time or casual employees of the Company as of the date of this Agreement (collectively, the “Employees”), specifying the province of employment, length of service, title or classification, and salary or hourly pay, commission and bonus entitlements, vacation entitlements, benefits and other compensation (if any) for each such Employee, as well as whether each such Employee is eligible to receive overtime pay and whether they are subject to a written Contract. Schedule 4.32(a) also indicates whether any Employee is on a leave of absence, indicating the start of the leave, the reason for the leave, whether the Employee is in receipt of benefits and the expected return to work date (if known). |
(b) | The Company is, and for the past three (3) years has been, in compliance with all applicable employment and labour Laws including without limitation with respect wages, hours of work, overtime requirements, vacation pay, pay equity, human rights, workers’ compensation, occupation health and safety, immigration and temporary foreign workers, termination of employment, and French language requirements and there are no complaints, actions, claims, charges, levies, assessments or penalties outstanding, or to the knowledge of the Company, anticipated, nor are there any orders, decisions, directions or convictions currently registered or outstanding by any tribunal or agency against or in respect of the Company under or in respect of any applicable employment and labour Laws. |
(c) | Except as disclosed in Schedule 4.32(c), all accruals for unpaid vacation pay, premiums and contributions for accrued wages, salaries, bonuses, commissions or other incentive payments and Employee Plan payments have been reflected in the books and records of the Company. |
(d) | Except as disclosed in Schedule 4.32(d), no Employee or Contractor has any agreement as to (i) change of control, (ii) payment of any amount that is triggered, directly or indirectly, by the transactions under this Agreement; (iii) retention or transaction payment, (iv) or length of notice, payment in lieu of notice, termination pay or severance payment required to terminate his employment or services, other than such as results by Law from the employment of an employee without an agreement as to notice or severance. |
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(e) | The Company has not entered into nor is otherwise bound by any Collective Agreement and no collective agreement is currently being negotiated. No union or employee bargaining agent holds bargaining rights with respect to Employees by way of certification, voluntary recognition, or succession rights or has applied therefor and there are no current, or to the knowledge of the Company, threatened union or employee association organization campaigns with respect to any Employees. There is no labour strike, labor dispute, or work stoppage or lockout pending or, to the knowledge of the Company, threatened against or affecting the Company and there is no grievance, unfair labour practice, charge, arbitration or complaint pending against the Company. |
(f) | To the knowledge of the Company, no managerial or key Employee and no group of Employees have any plans to terminate his employment with the Company as a result of the transaction contemplated by this Agreement. |
(g) | Schedule 4.32(g) contains a complete and accurate list of: (i) each Contractor; (ii) whether such Contractor is providing services pursuant to a written Contract; (iii) the date such Contractor first commenced providing services to the Company; (iv) the annual fees paid to such Contractor for the preceding fiscal year; and (v) the nature of the services provided. |
(h) | Each Contractor has been properly classified by the Company as an independent contractor and the Company has not received, nor are there any pending or, to the knowledge of the Company, threatened notices from any Person disputing such classification. The Company is not engaged with any personnel agency, and there are no outstanding, pending or to the knowledge of the Company, threatened claims, complaints, investigations or orders relating to the employment of any personal agency employees. |
(i) | The Company is not engaged with any personnel agency, and there are no outstanding, pending or to the knowledge of the Company, threatened claims, complaints, investigations or orders relating to the employment of any personal agency employees. |
(j) | All current and former Employees and Contractors have and had at all relevant times all work permits, visas, authorizations or status, as the case may be, required to perform work or provide services in their respective locations. Schedule 4.32(j) lists in respect of each Employee who is employed pursuant to a work permit or visa, the expiry date of such work permit or visa and whether the Company has made any attempts to renew such work permit or visa. |
(k) | There are no outstanding loans made by the Company to any Employee or Contractor. |
(l) | There are no active assessments, fines, penalties, charges or other amounts due or owing pursuant to applicable workers’ compensation legislation and the Company has not been reassessed in any material respect under such legislation during the past three years and no audit is currently being performed pursuant to any such legislation. There are no claims or potential claims which may adversely affect the Company’s accidental cost experience in a material way. |
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(m) | All orders and inspection reports under applicable occupational health and safety legislation relating to the Company have been provided to the Purchaser. There are no outstanding charges under such legislation and the Company has complied in all material respects with any orders issued under such legislation and there are no outstanding appeals of any such orders. |
4.33 | Employee Plans |
(a) | Schedule 4.33(a) lists each Employee Plan. Each Employee Plan has been established, registered, maintained, funded, invested, qualified and administered in compliance with its terms and in accordance with all applicable Laws. |
(b) | Complete and accurate copies of all written Employee Plans as amended to date or where oral, written summaries of the terms thereof, and all booklets and communications concerning the Employee Plans that have been provided to Employees or other individuals entitled to benefits under the Employee Plans have been made available to the Purchaser together with complete and accurate copies of all documents relating to the Employee Plans, including, as applicable, all trust agreements, funding agreements, insurance contracts and policies, investment management agreements, financial statements, actuarial valuations, annual information returns, subscription and participation agreements, benefit administration contracts and any financial administration contracts. |
(c) | The Company has no formal plan and has made no promise or commitment, whether legally binding or not, to create any additional Employee Plan or to improve or change the compensation or benefits provided under any Employee Plan. |
(d) | No term affecting any Employee Plan requires or permits a retroactive increase in contributions, premiums or other payments due under such Employee Plan. |
(e) | No Employee Plan provides for payment of a benefit, the increase of a benefit amount, forgiveness of indebtedness, the acceleration of contributions or funding, the payment of a contingent benefit or the acceleration of the payment or vesting of a benefit by reason of this Agreement or the consummation of the transactions contemplated by this hereby or thereby (whether or not some other subsequent action or event would be required to cause such payment, increase, acceleration, or vesting to be triggered). |
(f) | All employer or employee payments, contributions or premiums required to be remitted, paid or in respect of each Employee Plan or Statutory Plan, any Collective Agreement, or by applicable Laws, have been made in a timely fashion in accordance with all applicable Laws and the terms of the Employee Plans and Statutory Plans. |
(g) | The Company nor any of its predecessors sponsors, maintains or contributes to, or, within the preceding six (6) years, has sponsored, maintained or contributed to, any Pension Plan in any manner which is a multi-employer plan or contains “defined benefit provisions” as defined in subsection 147.1(1) of the Tax Act. |
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(h) | None of the Employee Plans provide compensation or benefits beyond retirement or other termination of service to Employees or former employees or to the beneficiaries or dependants of such Employees or former employees. |
(i) | Other than routine claims for payment of benefits in the Ordinary Course, there are no actions, suits, claims, trials, demands, investigations, grievances, arbitrations or other proceedings pending or, to the knowledge of the Company, threatened in respect of any of the Employee Plans or their assets which individually or in the aggregate would have a Material Adverse Effect and there exists no state of facts which after notice or lapse of time or both could reasonably be expected to give rise to any such action, suit, claim, trial, demand, investigation, grievance, arbitration or other proceedings. |
4.34 | Indebtedness and Encumbrances |
(a) | Except as disclosed on Schedule 4.34(a), the Company does not have outstanding any bonds, debentures, trust indentures, mortgages, notes, loan agreements or other indebtedness for borrowed money, any Contract for a leasing transaction of a type required to be capitalized in accordance with ASPE or any foreign exchange or interest rate hedging contract. |
(b) | Except for Permitted Encumbrances, no Person has been granted a security interest or other Encumbrance on any of the assets of the Company. |
(c) | Immediately following the Closing, there will not be outstanding any loan, guarantee, pledge or other forms of financial assistance by the Company given for the benefit of any other Person. |
4.35 | Brokers |
No broker, finder or investment banker is entitled to any brokerage, finder’s or other fee or commission from the Sellers or the Company and its Affiliates in connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.
4.36 | Anti-Corruption and Sanctions; Anti-Terrorism and Anti-Money Laundering |
(a) | Neither the Company nor, to the knowledge of the Company, any director, officer, agent, employee, affiliate of the Company or any Seller, is currently the target of any Sanctions. Neither the Company nor, to the knowledge of the Company, any director, officer, employee of the Company or any Seller is a Sanctioned Person. |
(b) | The Company is and has been at all times in compliance with applicable financial record keeping and reporting requirements of the CAML, and no action, suit or proceeding by or before any Governmental Body located in Canada involving the Company with respect to the CAML is pending or, to the knowledge of the Company, threatened. |
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(c) | Neither the Company nor, to the knowledge of the Company, any director, officer, agent, employee, other Person associated with or acting on behalf of the Company, or any Seller has (i) used any corporate funds of the Company for any contribution, gift, entertainment or other expense relating to political activity in violation of Anti-Corruption Laws, (ii) made any direct or indirect bribe, rebate, payoff, influence payment, kickback, or any similar payments in violation of Anti- Corruption Laws to any foreign or domestic government official from corporate funds of the Company or (iii) otherwise violated any provision of Anti-Corruption Laws. |
(d) | The Company is in compliance in all material respects with the Sanctions Laws (to the extent applicable to the Company, determined solely by virtue of the business of the Company in Canada without regard to any Sanctions Laws applicable to those Persons with whom the Company may transact). |
(e) | The representations given in this Section 4.36 are not made by nor apply to any Person that is a director, officer, manager or employee in a position of authority of a Canadian corporation or is a Canadian corporation within the meaning of Section 2 of the Foreign Extraterritorial Measures (United States) Order, 1992 made under the Foreign Extraterritorial Measures Act (Canada) in so far as such representations would be contrary to such order or result in a violation of or conflict with the Foreign Extraterritorial Measures Act (Canada) or any similar Law. |
4.37 | Competition Act |
The aggregate value of the assets in Canada of the Company, calculated in the manner prescribed under the Competition Act, does not exceed $93 million, and the annual gross revenues from sales in, from or into Canada generated from all assets of the Company, calculated in the manner prescribed under the Competition Act, do not exceed $93 million.
The Purchaser represents and warrants to the Sellers as set out in this Article 5 (provided that the representations and warranties set out in Section 5.8 are made by the Purchaser to the Rollover Holders only) and acknowledges and confirms that the Sellers are relying on such representations and warranties in connection with the sale by the Sellers of the Purchased Shares:
5.1 | Organization |
The Purchaser is validly existing is validly existing and in good standing under the federal Laws of Canada and has the corporate power to enter into this Agreement and each of the Ancillary Agreements to which Purchaser is a party and to perform its obligations hereunder and thereunder.
5.2 | Authorization |
The execution and delivery of, and performance by the Purchaser of its obligations under, this Agreement and each of the Ancillary Agreements to which the Purchaser is a party has been duly authorized by the Purchaser and constitutes a legal, valid and binding obligation of the Purchaser, enforceable against the Purchaser by the Sellers in accordance with its terms, subject only to any limitation under applicable Laws relating to (a) bankruptcy, winding up, insolvency, arrangement, fraudulent preference and conveyance assignment and preference and other Laws affecting the rights of creditors generally, and (b) the discretion that a court may exercise in the granting of equitable remedies such as specific performance and injunctions.
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5.3 | No Violation |
購買方對本協議的執行和交付,以及購買方對其作爲一方的每一項附屬協議的執行和交付,以及完成 herein 和 therein 中提供的交易,將不會導致購買方違反或違反任何條款,或構成違約,或與購買方在 (a) 購買方的創建文件或章程中的任何條款,(b) 任何對購買方有管轄權的政府機構或仲裁員的判決、裁定、命令或獎勵,(c) 任何適用法律,或 (d) 購買方持有或受其約束的任何許可證、承諾、合同、許可、批准、同意或授權相沖突或導致任何義務的加速,在每種情況下,這些義務可以合理預期會阻止、實質性延遲或妨礙購買方在此及其下履行其義務或完成此處或該處所預期的交易。
5.4 | 同意和批准 |
5.5 | 訴訟 |
5.6 | 經紀人 |
5.7 | 《投資加拿大法》 |
購買者是WTO投資者,並且在每種情況下都不是「國有企業」,這是根據 《加拿大投資法》.
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5.8 | 可兌換股份 |
(a) | 【Closing完成後,購買方的註冊股本應按照附件5.8的規定進行,其中唯一發行並未流通的權益如附件5.8所述。】 |
(b) | 根據本協議的條款發行和交付的可交換股份, 將會是 (i) 正式授權的,並且在發行時有效地發行,已全額支付且不可評估,(ii) 不會違反 購買方的設立文件或購買方作爲一方或受約束的任何協議、合同、條款、承諾或責任;以及 (iii) 除了根據購買方的 公司章程、股份交換文件和適用法律的轉讓限制外,將不受其他轉讓限制。 |
(c) | 購買方是一家專門目的公司,僅爲本協議所涉及的交易而設立和組織,並且在此基礎上,沒有:(a) 從事任何業務;(b) 擁有任何員工;(c) 持有任何形式或性質的資產;(d) 擁有任何種類的負債、義務或其他形式的債務;(e) 除本協議及其所涉及的其他合同外,成爲任何合同的當事方;(f) 在其權益上有任何負擔;或 (g) 進行任何交易或進行任何活動,在每種情況下,除了與其設立、組織和本協議及股份交換文件所涉及的交易相關的活動外。 |
(d) | 根據第3.9條中的陳述和保證,購買方是一個私人發行人 根據國家法規第45-106條的定義。 |
6.1 | 保密 |
(a) | 賣方限制方不得向除(i)其關聯方,(ii)需要知道保密信息的賣方限制方及其關聯方的代表,作爲代表在保密基礎上向賣方限制方提供建議,(iii)買方以外的任何人披露與公司或業務有關的保密信息,除非適用法律或監管機構或對賣方限制方擁有管轄權的交易所要求如此,且僅在給予買方機會的情況下,如果買方被建議的話,尋求保護令。 |
(b) | 購買方不得向任何人披露與賣方有關的任何機密信息,除非是(i)其附屬公司,(ii)對其附屬公司的投資者或潛在投資者及其代表,且這些信息是保密的,以及(iii)對購買方及其附屬公司負有保密義務的個人,除非適用法律、監管機構或對購買方有管轄權的證券交易所要求如此,且僅在該賣方有機會(如被告知)尋求保護令後,方可透露。 |
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(c) | 在本協議中,“機密信息「」指披露或被接收者獲取的與一方業務、運營、資產、負債、計劃、前景或事務相關的所有信息,無論這些信息是口頭、視覺、電子、書面或其他形式,無論是否標識爲「機密」。儘管如前,「」機密信息”不包括以下信息: |
(i) | with the exception of Personal Information, is or becomes generally available to the public, other than as a result of disclosure in violation of this Agreement; |
(ii) | is shown by the receiving party as having been independently acquired or developed by the receiving party without the use of any Confidential Information; or |
(iii) | is or becomes available to the receiving party on a non-confidential basis from a source other than the disclosing party, provided that the recipient shall have made reasonable inquiry to satisfy itself that the source was not, when it disclosed the information to the recipient, prohibited from so doing by a confidentiality obligation owed to a beneficiary, whether contractual, fiduciary or otherwise. |
6.2 | Books and Records |
The Purchaser covenants to use reasonable care to preserve the books and records of the Company delivered to it for a period of seven (7) years from the Time of Closing, and will permit the Sellers’ Representatives or their Representatives, during normal business hours and upon reasonable advance notice, reasonable access thereto, subject to the Access Principles, in connection with any Tax filings, audits or similar obligations of the Sellers, but the Purchaser shall not be responsible or liable to the Sellers or the Sellers’ Representatives for or as a result of any loss or destruction of or damage to any such books or records if such loss, destruction or damage does not result from the intentional misconduct of the Purchaser or its Representatives. Attorney-Client Communications shall remain the property of the Sellers and Sellers Parties and shall not be transmitted at the Time of Closing even if inadvertently communicated when information systems and records are transferred to the Purchaser at Closing.
6.3 | Restrictive Covenants |
(a) | Each of the Seller Restricted Parties covenants and agrees that, for a period of three (3) years after the Closing (the “Restricted Period”), none of the Seller Restricted Parties shall engage, directly or indirectly, in any business anywhere in Canada (the “Territory”), that is competitive, in whole or in part, with the Restricted Business, including by, directly or indirectly, owning an interest in, managing, operating, joining, controlling, lending money or rendering financial or other assistance to, providing services to, participating in, or being connected with, as an officer, employee, partner, shareholder, consultant or otherwise, any Person that carries on any business, whether individually or through an association with any other Person, that is competitive with any aspects of the Restricted Business; provided, however, that for the purposes of this Section 6.3, ownership of securities representing not more than 5% of the outstanding voting power of any entity which is listed on any national securities exchange shall not be deemed to be in violation of this Section 6.3 as long as the Person owning such securities has no other connection or relationship with such entity. |
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(b) | For the purposes of this Agreement, “Restricted Business”, consists of operating and building vertically integrated data centers, but shall exclude: (i) the cryptocurrency mining industry, and (ii) the business carried out as of the date hereof, i.e. data hosting, including server rental services, dedicated server management, public and private cloud, managed colocation, shared colocation, Internet service provider and server migration. For clarity, the aforementioned exclusions from the definition of Restricted Business shall not be covered by the restrictive covenants in paragraph (a) above. |
(c) | Each of the Seller Restricted Parties covenants and agrees that, during the Restricted Period, none of the Seller Restricted Parties shall, in any way, directly or indirectly through any other Person: (i) induce or attempt to induce any Person who is an employee of a Protected Party to leave such employment, or in any way interfere with the relationship between a Protected Party and any of its employees; (ii) induce or attempt to induce any Person who is an independent contractor of a Protected Party (an “INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR”), or in any way interfere with the relationship between a Protected Party and any of its Independent Contractors to terminate its Contract with such Protected Party; (iii) within two years following: (A) the termination of employment of an employee of a Protected Party; or (B) the termination of an Independent Contractor’s Contract with a Protected Party, hire or engage any of without the prior written consent of the Company, but only to the extent such hiring or engagement is in relation to the Restricted Business or for any other business that would be competitive with the business of a Protected Party; (iv) contact for the purpose of soliciting (only to the extent it is in relation to the Restricted Business) any customer, supplier, licensee, licensor, franchisee or other Person having business relations with a Protected Party, or induce or attempt to induce any such Person to cease doing business with a Protected Party or change the scope or terms on which it does business with a Protected Party, or in any way interfere with the relationship between a Protected Party and any such Person (including by making any negative or disparaging statements or communications regarding the Protected Party), in all respects subject to Section 6.3(d); provided, however, that the Seller Restricted Parties shall not be restricted from making broad and general advertisements or solicitations not specifically targeting or intending to target any employee of a Protected Party or any Independent Contractor. |
(d) | Each of the Seller Restricted Parties agrees that, during the Restricted Period, such Seller Restricted Party, directly or indirectly, shall not make, or solicit or encourage others to make or solicit, directly or indirectly, any statement or communication (orally or in writing) about the Purchaser or any Affiliate of the Purchaser, including the Company, or any of their respective businesses, products, services, or activities, that is derogatory or that could reasonably be expected to materially harm the business or the reputation of such Person; provided that this paragraph (d) shall not limit the ability of the Seller Restricted Parties to make, or solicit or encourage, any such statements or communications to the extent required to duly pursue or defend, to the fullest extent possible, any Claims involving the Purchaser Indemnified Parties pursuant to this Agreement or any Ancillary Agreement, or if required as part of any investigation or inquiry conducted by a Governmental Body or law enforcement body. |
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(e) | Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, the employment of any of the Seller Restricted Parties by any Protected Party and the performance of the employment or independent contractor agreement governing such relationship following the Closing shall not be deemed to be in violation of this Section 6.3. |
(f) | The Seller Restricted Parties agree that any breach of the terms of Sections 6.3(a), 6.3(b), and 6.3(c) would result in immediate and irreparable injury and damage to the Protected Parties for which the Protected Parties could not be adequately compensated by damages. The Seller Restricted Parties therefore also agree that in the event of any such breach or any threatened breach, the Protected Parties shall be entitled to equitable relief by way of temporary or permanent injunction, without having to prove damages, in addition to any other remedies (including damages) to which the Protected Parties may be entitled at law. |
(g) | The Seller Restricted Parties acknowledge and agree that the covenants in this Section 6.3, including the duration of the Restricted Period and the scope of the Territory, are integral to this Agreement and are reasonable in all of the circumstances and may seriously constrain the freedom of the Seller Restricted Parties to pursue alternative business activities in the Territory during the Restricted Period. |
(h) | At the request of any Seller Restricted Party, the Purchaser shall duly and timely make an election with the relevant Seller Restricted Party in prescribed form and manner under section 56.4 of the Tax Act, and under the analogous provisions of any applicable provincial or territorial legislation, in respect of the restrictive covenants contained in this Section 6.3 to the extent such elections are available. The relevant Seller Restricted Party shall, in all cases, be responsible for preparing and filing the election form, together with any other documents required to be filed with the election, within the prescribed time limits in order for the election to be valid. The Purchaser’s only obligation shall be to sign the election, unless, in order for it to be valid, the Purchaser is also required to file the election in which case the relevant Seller Restricted Party shall provide the Purchaser with the election for filing and the Purchaser shall file it within the prescribed time period. |
6.4 | Tax Matters |
(a) | The Purchaser shall cause the Company to prepare all Tax Returns required to be filed by applicable Laws in respect of the Company for any taxable period ending on or before the Closing Date that are not required to be filed on or before the Closing Date (the “Post-Closing Tax Returns”). To the extent permitted under applicable Law, all such Post-Closing Tax Returns shall be prepared on a basis consistent with the Tax Returns prepared for prior years. Not less than 30 Business Days prior to the date on which the Company is required to file any such Post- Closing Tax Return that is an income Tax Return, the Purchaser will deliver draft copies of such Post-Closing Tax Return to the Sellers’ Representatives. The Sellers’ Representatives will have the right to review such draft Post-Closing Tax Return and, within 15 Business Days after the date that the Purchaser delivers such draft Post-Closing Tax Return to the Sellers’ Representative, provide comments on such draft Post-Closing Tax Return to the Purchaser in writing. The Purchaser will consider in good faith all reasonable comments of the Sellers’ Representatives with respect to a Post-Closing Tax Return. After the Closing Date, the Purchaser shall control the conduct, through counsel of its own choosing, of any audit or claim in respect of Taxes with respect to the Company in respect of any taxable period ending on or prior to the Closing Date (a “Tax Contest”). Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Purchaser shall not cause or allow the Company to originate the recalculation or re-filing of any such Post-Closing Tax Return or file any waivers for any Pre-Closing Tax Period or any Straddle Period of the Company, unless this recalculation or re-filing is required by Law or this recalculation or re-filing does not increase the liability of the Sellers under any representation, warranty or indemnity under this Agreement. |
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(b) | The Purchaser shall and shall cause the Company to, on the one hand, and the Sellers’ Representatives shall, on the other hand, fully cooperate with each other in connection with the preparation and review of any Post-Closing Tax Returns as contemplated in this Section 6.3(h), and any audit inquiries with respect to any Post-Closing Tax Returns. |
(c) | In the case of any Straddle Period, the amount of Taxes attributable to the portion of such Straddle Period commencing before the Closing Date and ending on the Closing Date shall be calculated as follows: |
(i) | in the case of Taxes imposed on a periodic basis (such as real or personal property Taxes), the amount of such Taxes for the entire period (or, in the case of such Taxes determined on an arrears basis, the amount of such Taxes for the immediately preceding period) multiplied by a fraction, (A) the numerator of which is the number of calendar days in the Straddle Period up to and including the day prior to the Closing Date, and (B) the denominator of which is the number of calendar days in the entire relevant Straddle Period; and |
(ii) | in the case of Taxes not described in subsection (i) above (such as Taxes that are based upon or related to income or receipts, or Taxes that are based upon occupancy or imposed in connection with any sale or other transfer or assignment of property), the amount of any such Taxes shall be determined as if such taxable period ended on the day prior to the Closing Date. |
(d) | If, following the Closing, the Company receives a refund of or credit against any Taxes (in cash or as a reduction of any Taxes otherwise due) that relate exclusively to a taxable period ending on or prior to the Closing Date (any such refund, a “Pre- Closing Tax Refund”) and the actual amount of the Pre-Closing Tax Refund is greater than the amount in respect thereof for that period reflected as an increase in the Purchase Price in the Closing Statements, then the Purchase Price will be increased by an amount equal to such difference (net after-Tax, except to the extent that such Tax is reflected as a reduction in the Purchase Price in the Closing Statements), and the Purchaser will pay to the Sellers, the amount of such net difference by way of wire transfer of immediately available funds within 10 Business Days of receipt of the Pre-Closing Tax Refund as directed by the Sellers’ Representatives. |
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(e) | If it is determined that the Company has made an “excessive eligible dividend designation” (as defined in subsection 89(1) of the Tax Act) in respect of a dividend paid or deemed to have been paid on or prior to the Closing Date, the Sellers hereby concur (or shall cause the recipient of the relevant dividend to concur) in the making of an election under subsection 185.1(2) of the Tax Act in respect of such dividend, and such election shall be made by the Company in the manner and within the time prescribed by subsections 185.1(2) and 185.1(3) of the Tax Act. |
(f) | If it is determined that the Company has made an election under subsection 83(2) of the Tax Act in respect of the full amount of any dividend paid or deemed to have been paid by it on shares of any class of its capital stock on or prior to the Closing Date, and the full amount of such dividend exceeded the amount of the “capital dividend account” (as defined in the Tax Act) of the Company immediately before the dividend became payable, the Sellers hereby concur (or shall cause the recipient of the relevant dividend to concur) in the making of an election under subsection 184(3) of the Tax Act in respect of such dividend, and such election shall be made by the Company in the manner and within the time prescribed by subsections 184(3) and 184(4) of the Tax Act. |
(g) | If, at any time after the Closing Date, the Purchaser or the Sellers’ Representatives determine, or become aware that an “advisor” (as defined in the Tax Act) has determined, that any transaction contemplated by this Agreement is a Reportable Transaction, the Purchaser or the Sellers’ Representatives, as the case may be, will promptly inform the other parties of its intent, or its advisor’s intent, to report the Reportable Transaction and the parties will cooperate with respect to preparing and filing the applicable information returns and notifications. |
(h) | Each Seller hereby agrees that it shall provide written notice to the Purchaser in the event that such Seller becomes a non-resident of Canada at any time prior to the date on which the Purchaser could be required to make a payment to such Seller hereunder. |
(i) | As far as legally permissible, the Purchaser will not withhold any tax against any amounts of the Purchase Price payable to any Seller. |
6.5 | Shareholders’ Agreement and Option Plan Terminations |
The Sellers and the Company hereby acknowledge and agree that the Shareholders’ Agreement and the Option Plan are hereby terminated in all respects, in each case with no further liability or obligation to the Company and to the Sellers.
6.6 | Landlord Deliverables |
Purchaser shall deliver the duly executed officers’ certificates mentioned in Section 2.3 of the Landlord’s Consent to Bedford Storage Limited Partnership in accordance with the Landlord’s Consent, with copies to the Sellers’ Representatives, and shall cause the timely delivery of the other deliverables of the Purchaser and its Affiliate(s) relating to the aforementioned Landlord’s Consent and the Lease to allow for the release of obligations under the Lease at Closing.
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7.1 | Closing |
Subject to compliance with the terms and conditions hereof, the transfer of the Purchased Shares shall be deemed to take effect as at the Time of Closing. The Closing shall take place on the Closing Date by way of electronic exchange of documents and funds, or in such other manner as the parties may agree in writing. Except as set out in this Agreement or otherwise agreed by the Purchaser and the Sellers’ Representatives, the Closing transactions shall be deemed to have occurred simultaneously.
7.2 | Closing Deliveries of the Sellers |
Concurrently with the execution and delivery of this Agreement, the Sellers shall deliver or cause to be delivered to the Purchaser, each in form and substance satisfactory to the Purchaser and its counsel, acting reasonably:
(a) | the share certificates representing the Purchased Shares duly endorsed in blank or accompanied by share transfer powers or other instruments of transfer duly executed for transfer of the Purchased Shares to the Purchaser; |
(b) | duly executed counterparts to each of the Ancillary Agreements, as applicable; |
(c) | the minute books and share transfer records of the Company and any predecessors thereof; |
(d) | duly executed written resignation and mutual release in form satisfactory to the Purchaser from each of the officers and directors of the Company (collectively, the “Resignation and Release”), such Resignation and Release to be effective at the Closing Date; |
(e) | a certificate of status of the Company from its jurisdiction of formation and each jurisdiction where it is registered to do business; |
(f) | a certificate of an officer of the Company, attaching certified copies of (i) its articles and by-laws, (ii) the resolutions of its board of directors approving the transfer of the Purchased Shares, and authorizing and approving the entry into the Ancillary Agreements applicable. If required by Purchaser, the resolutions of its shareholders and its board of directors, as the case may be, in order to rectify the corporate deficiencies identified by counsel to the Purchaser in the minute books of the Company; |
(g) | executed copies of each of the Payoff Letters and invoices marked “final” from each of the payees described in clause (a) of the definition of Transaction Expenses; |
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(h) | a schedule prepared by the Sellers’ Representatives (the “Payment Allocation Schedule”), which (i) allocates the Estimated Purchase Price (less the Escrow Amounts) between the Purchased Shares in accordance with Section 2.1 and (ii) reflects the portion of the Closing Date Cash Payment and/or Closing Date Share Consideration payable or issuable, as applicable, to each Seller at the Closing; |
(i) | the “Landlord’s Consent Agreement to a Change of Control and a Sublease Agreement” (in this Article 7, the “Landlord’s Consent”) duly executed by the Company and |
(j) | the duly executed amendment to the sublease dated as of the date hereof between as sub-tenant, and the Company, as sub-landlord, in relation to the sublease of the 4 office spaces within the Leased Real Property dated as of October 9, 2023; and |
(k) | all other documents required to be delivered by the Sellers pursuant to this Agreement or reasonably necessary to give effect to the transactions contemplated hereby. |
7.3 | Closing Deliveries by the Purchaser |
Concurrently with the execution of this Agreement, the Purchaser shall deliver or cause to be delivered to the Sellers’ Representatives, each in form and substance satisfactory to the Sellers’ Representatives and their counsel, acting reasonably:
(a) | a duly executed counterpart to each of the Ancillary Agreements to which the Purchaser is a party; |
(b) | certificates representing the Exchangeable Shares; |
(c) | the Closing Date Cash Payment and Closing Date Share Consideration in accordance with Section 2.2(a)(iii); |
(d) | a certificate of an officer of the Purchaser, attaching certified copies of (i) its articles and by-laws, and (ii) the resolutions of its board of directors approving the transactions contemplated by this Agreement; |
(e) | the Landlord’s Consent duly executed by Bedford Storage Limited Partnership and the Purchaser as well as all other deliverables referred to in Section 6.6; and |
(f) | all other documents required to be delivered by the Purchaser pursuant to this Agreement or reasonably necessary to give effect to the transactions contemplated hereby. |
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8.1 | Survival of Representations, Warranties and Covenants |
Subject to the terms of this Article 8, all representations, warranties and covenants contained in this Agreement and in all other agreements, documents and certificates delivered pursuant to or contemplated by this Agreement shall survive the Closing and not merge.
8.2 | Indemnification by the Sellers |
Subject to the limitations set out elsewhere in this Article 8 and notwithstanding any investigation made, or knowledge acquired, by the Purchaser prior to Closing, the Sellers shall indemnify and save harmless Purchaser, its employees, officers, directors, shareholders, Affiliates, agents and other Representatives (collectively, the “Purchaser Indemnified Parties”) from and against all Losses suffered or incurred by a Purchaser Indemnified Party as a result of or arising out of or in connection with:
(a) | the breach or inaccuracy of any representation or warranty of the Sellers contained in Article 3 and Article 4 of this Agreement or in any Ancillary Agreement; |
(b) | any breach or non-performance by the Sellers or the Sellers’ Representatives of any of their respective covenants in this Agreement or in any Ancillary Agreement; |
(c) | Taxes imposed on or with respect to all taxable periods ending on or before the Closing Date including the portion of any Straddle Period commencing before the Closing Date and ending on the Closing Date, and any Taxes arising in a taxable period that ends after the Closing Date as a result of SR&ED Tax Credits of the Company for any taxable period ending on or before the Closing Date, except in each case to the extent that any such Taxes were accounted for in the calculation of the Purchase Price; |
(d) | any Closing Debt not fully paid on the Closing Date and not otherwise taken into account in the calculation of the Purchase Price; |
(e) | any Transaction Expenses not fully paid on the Closing Date and not otherwise taken into account in the calculation of the Purchase Price; |
(f) | Taxes resulting from any reduction, disallowance, denial or adjustment of SR&ED Tax Credits of the Company arising from an assessment or reassessment issued by any Governmental Body; and |
(g) | (i) any event occurring or conditions existing at or prior to the Closing Date relating to the Business, the Company, or the Leased Real Property which as at the Closing Date constitutes a violation of, or gives rise to liability under Environmental Laws; or (ii) any presence or Release of any Hazardous Substance in, on, under or from the Leased Real Property, whether by Seller or any tenant or any other Person prior to the Time of Closing and whether or not known at the Time of Closing. |
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8.3 | Indemnification by Purchaser |
Subject to the limitations set out elsewhere in this Article 8 and notwithstanding any investigations made, or knowledge acquired, by the Purchaser prior to Closing, the Purchaser shall indemnify and save harmless the Sellers, their employees, officers, directors, trustees, shareholders, Affiliates, agents and other Representatives (collectively, the “Seller Indemnified Parties”) from and against all Losses suffered or incurred by a Seller Indemnified Party as a result of or arising directly or indirectly out of or in connection with:
(a) | the breach or inaccuracy of any representation or warranty of the Purchaser contained in Article 5 of this Agreement or in any agreement, certificate or other document delivered pursuant hereto; and |
(b) | any breach or non-performance by the Purchaser of any covenant in this Agreement or in any agreement, certificate or other document delivered pursuant hereto. |
8.4 | Effect of Materiality Qualifiers |
For purposes of the indemnity provisions in this Article 8, where a Claim pursuant to Sections 8.2(a) or 8.3(a) is predicated on an underlying representation and warranty that is qualified by a reference to “materiality” or “Material Adverse Effect” (other than the representation and warranty contained in Section 4.23(a)), the underlying representation and warranty shall be read as if it did not contain such qualifier.
8.5 | Monetary Limitation of Liability |
(a) | An Indemnified Party shall not be entitled to require payment of any amount by the Indemnifying Party on the indemnities contained in Sections 8.2(a) or 8.3(a), as applicable (other than Fundamental Representations), until the aggregate of all such amounts for which the Indemnified Party would otherwise be entitled to require payment under such Sections exceeds $200,000 (the “Threshold Amount”). Once the Threshold Amount has been exceeded, the Indemnified Party shall be entitled to require payment on such indemnities from the first dollar of Losses that exceeds the Threshold Amount. |
(b) | An Indemnified Party shall not be entitled to require payment of amounts by the Indemnifying Party on the indemnities contained in Sections 8.2(a) or 8.3(a), as applicable (other than Fundamental Representations), or Section 8.2(g), in excess of $3,137,500 in the aggregate for all such indemnities, and further provided that the aggregate liability of a Seller for all such Claims will not exceed this Seller’s Pro Rata Portion of $3,137,500. |
(c) | Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, the limitations in Sections 8.5(a) and 8.5(b) shall not apply in the case of indemnity claims based on Fundamental Representations. An Indemnified Party shall not be entitled to require payment of amounts by the Indemnifying Party on the indemnities contained in Sections 8.2(a) or 8.3(a), as applicable, based on any Fundamental Representations, in excess of the Purchase Price in the aggregate for all such indemnities, and further provided that the aggregate liability of a Seller for all such Claims will not exceed this Seller’s Pro Rata Portion of the Purchase Price. |
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(d) | A Purchaser Indemnified Party shall not be entitled to require payment of amounts by the Sellers on the indemnities contained in Sections 8.2(b) in excess of the Purchase Price in the aggregate for all such indemnities. |
(e) | A Purchaser Indemnified Party shall not be entitled to require payment of amounts by the Sellers on the indemnities contained in Sections 8.2(c), 8.2(d), 8.2(e) or 8.2(f) in excess of the Purchase Price in the aggregate for all such indemnities and further provided the aggregate liability of a Seller for all such Claims will not exceed this Seller’s Pro Rata Portion of the Purchase Price. |
(f) | Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, the limitations set forth in this Section 8.5 shall not apply to a Claim involving fraud or wilful breach of this Agreement on the part of the party against whom the Claim is made. |
(g) | The limitations in this Section 8.5(b), (c), (d) and (e) are expressly subject to the terms of Section 8.15. |
8.6 | Notice of Claim |
(a) | A party that may be entitled to make a claim for indemnification (a “Claim”) under this Agreement (the “Indemnified Party”) shall give written notification to the other party (the “Indemnifying Party”) of such Claim (a “Notice of Claim”) promptly upon becoming aware of the Claim. The Notice of Claim shall specify whether the Claim arises as a result of a claim by a Person against the Indemnified Party (a “Third Party Claim”) or whether the Claim does not so arise (a “Direct Claim”), and shall also specify with reasonable particularity, to the extent that the information is available, the factual basis for the Claim and the amount of the Claim. |
(b) | If an Indemnified Party fails to provide the Indemnifying Party with a Notice of Claim promptly as required by Section 8.6(a), the Indemnifying Party shall be relieved of the obligation to pay damages to the extent it can show that it was prejudiced in its defence of the Claim or in proceeding against a third party who would have been liable to it by the fact of the delay, but the failure to provide such Notice of Claim promptly shall not otherwise release the Indemnifying Party from its obligations under this Article 8. |
(c) | If the date by which a Notice of Claim must be given as set out in Section 8.7 in respect of a breach of representation and warranty has passed without any Notice of Claim having been given to the Indemnifying Party, then the related Claim shall be forever extinguished, notwithstanding that by the date specified in Section 8.7 the Indemnified Party did not know, and in the exercise of reasonable care could not have known, of the existence of the Claim. |
8.7 | Time Limits for Notice of Claim |
(a) | The Sellers shall not be required to indemnify or save harmless the Purchaser Indemnified Parties pursuant to Section 8.2 unless the Purchaser shall have provided to the Sellers’ Representatives a Notice of Claim within the following time limits, as applicable: |
(i) | with respect to the Seller Fundamental Representations and the Company Fundamental Representations, no later than five (5) years after the Closing Date; |
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(ii) | with respect to the Seller Tax Representations and a Claim under Sections 8.2(c) and 8.2(f), not later than the day that is 60 days after the expiration of the period, if any, during which an assessment, reassessment or other form of recognized written demand assessing liability for Tax, interest or penalties under applicable legislation in respect of any taxation year to which such representations and warranties relate could be issued to the Company under such legislation; |
(iii) | with respect to the Non-Fundamental Representations and a Claim under Section 8.2(g), not later than the 24 months after the Closing Date; |
(iv) | with respect to a Claim for any breach or inaccuracy of any of the representations and warranties contained in this Agreement or Ancillary Agreement involving fraud, at any time after Closing; and |
(v) | with respect to a Claim under Sections 8.2(b), 8.2(d) and 8.2(e), at any time after the Closing Date. |
(b) | The Purchaser shall not be required to indemnify or save harmless the Sellers pursuant to Section 8.3 unless the Sellers’ Representatives shall have provided to the Purchaser a Notice of Claim within the following time limits: |
(i) | With respect to the Purchaser Fundamental Representations, no later than five (5) years after the Closing Date; |
(ii) | With respect to all other representations and warranties provided by the Purchaser other than Purchaser Fundamental Representations, not later than 24 months after the Closing Date; and |
(iii) | With respect to a Claim under Section 8.3(b), at any time after the Closing Date. |
(c) | Notwithstanding the provisions of any law or statute, the period within which an Indemnified Party may commence a proceeding in respect of a Claim for which a Notice of Claim is required to be, and has been, given in accordance with Section 8.7(a) or 8.7(b), shall be two years from the last date upon which such Notice of Claim is permitted to be delivered thereunder, and any applicable limitation period is hereby so extended to the fullest extent permitted by Law. |
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8.8 | Direct Claims |
With respect to any Direct Claim, following receipt of notice from the Indemnified Party of the Claim, the Indemnifying Party shall have 45-days to make such investigation of the Claim as is considered necessary or desirable. For the purpose of such investigation, the Indemnified Party shall make available to the Indemnifying Party the information relied upon by the Indemnified Party to substantiate the Claim, together with all such other information as the Indemnifying Party may reasonably request. If both parties agree at or prior to the expiration of such 45-day period (or any mutually agreed upon extension thereof) to the validity and amount of such Claim, the Indemnifying Party shall immediately pay to the Indemnified Party the full agreed-upon amount of the Claim. If the Indemnifying Party does not respond within such 45-day period, the Indemnifying Party will be deemed to have rejected the Direct Claim and the Indemnified Party may pursue any remedies available to it.
8.9 | Third Party Claims |
(a) | The Indemnifying Party shall have the right, at its expense, to participate in or, if it acknowledges its liability for the Third Party Claim, assume control of the negotiation, settlement or defence of any Third Party Claim for damages and if the Indemnifying Party assumes control, it shall reimburse the Indemnified Party for all of the Indemnified Party’s out-of-pocket costs and expenses incurred prior to the time the Indemnifying Party assumed control. If the Indemnifying Party elects to assume such control, the Indemnified Party shall have the right to participate in the negotiation, settlement or defence of such Third Party Claim and to retain counsel to act on its behalf, provided that the fees and disbursements of such counsel shall be paid by the Indemnified Party (and will not constitute an indemnifiable Loss under this Article 8) unless in the reasonable opinion of the Indemnified Party on the advice of its counsel, representation of both the Indemnifying Party and the Indemnified Party by the same counsel would be inappropriate due to actual or potential differing interests between them (such as the availability of different defences). |
(b) | If the Indemnifying Party, having elected to assume such control, thereafter fails to defend the Third Party Claim within a reasonable time, the Indemnified Party shall be entitled to assume such control and the Indemnifying Party shall be bound by the results obtained by the Indemnified Party with respect to the Third Party Claim. |
(c) | If any Third Party Claim is of a nature such that the Indemnified Party is required by applicable Law to make a payment to any Person (a “Third Party”) with respect to the Third Party Claim before the completion of settlement negotiations or related legal proceedings, the Indemnified Party may make such payment and the Indemnifying Party shall, forthwith after demand by the Indemnified Party, reimburse the Indemnified Party for such payment. If the amount of any liability of the Indemnified Party under such Third Party Claim, as finally determined, is less than the amount that was paid by the Indemnifying Party to the Indemnified Party, the Indemnified Party shall, forthwith after the receipt of the difference from the Third Party, pay the amount of such difference, together with any interest thereon paid by the Third Party to the Indemnified Party, to the Indemnifying Party. In addition, the Indemnifying Party shall post all security required by any court, regulatory body or other authority having jurisdiction, including for purposes of enabling the Indemnifying Party to contest any Third Party Claim. |
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(d) | Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Indemnifying Party shall not be entitled to assume the negotiation, settlement or defence of the Third Party Claim (unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the Indemnified Party) and shall reimburse the Indemnified Party for the reasonable, documented out-of-pocket fees and expenses of counsel retained by the Indemnified Party if (i) the Claim for indemnification relates to or arises in connection with any criminal or quasi-criminal proceeding, action, indictment, allegation or investigation; (ii) the Claim for indemnification relates to the Seller Tax Representations or is made under Section 8.2(c) or 8.2(f) (iii) the Claim seeks an injunction or equitable relief against the Indemnified Party; (iv) the Indemnified Party has been advised in writing by outside counsel that there exists an actual conflict of interest between the Indemnifying Party and the Indemnified Party; or (v) the Claims relates to a Material Contract, Material Supplier or Material Customer. Moreover, the Indemnifying Party, if a Seller, will not settle, compromise or pay any Third Party Claim without the prior consent of the Purchaser Indemnified Party unless the settlement (A) includes a complete release of the Purchaser Indemnified Parties without payment of any amount by any Purchaser Indemnified Party, and (B) does not include a finding or admission of wrongdoing on the part of any Purchaser Indemnified Party. If the Indemnified Party has assumed the defence under Section 8.9(d), it shall not agree to any settlement without the written consent of the Indemnifying Party (which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed). |
(e) | If the Indemnifying Party fails to assume control of the defence of any Third Party Claim or defaults in respect of any of its obligations under this Section 8.9 with respect thereto, the Indemnified Party shall have the exclusive right to contest the amount claimed and may settle and pay the same on 14 days’ prior written notice to the Indemnifying Party and the Indemnifying Party shall, thereupon, be deemed to have agreed that such settlement is reasonable and may be agreed to by the Indemnified Party and all other Persons liable in respect of the Third Party Claim unless within such 14-day period the Indemnifying Party notifies the Indemnified Party that it is assuming or reassuming control of such defence and thereafter assumes or reassumes such control and does not default. |
(f) | The Indemnified Party and the Indemnifying Party shall co-operate fully with each other with respect to Third Party Claims, and shall keep each other fully advised with respect thereto (including supplying copies of all relevant documentation promptly as it becomes available). The Indemnifying Party and the Indemnified Party shall make all reasonable efforts to make available to the party which is undertaking and controlling the defence of any Third Party Claim (for the purposes of this paragraph, the “Defending Party”), (i) those employees whose assistance, testimony or presence is necessary to assist the Defending Party in evaluating and in defending any Third Party Claim; and (ii) all documents, records and other materials in the possession of that Party reasonably required by the Defending Party for its use in defending any Third Party Claim, in each case subject to the Access Principles. |
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8.10 | Reduction for Insurance Recovery |
In calculating the amount of any Claim made by any Indemnified Party under this Article 8, the amount of any recovery, settlement or other proceeds received by such Indemnified Party under or pursuant to any insurance coverage, less any costs, expenses (including Taxes) or premiums incurred in connection therewith, shall be deducted from the amount of such Claim. For the avoidance of doubt, Purchaser shall have no obligation to pursue recovery under any insurance coverage prior to pursuing a Claim as an Indemnified Party under this Article 8.
8.11 | Indemnity Escrow Amount |
(a) | The Indemnity Escrow Amount shall be held by the Escrow Agent in accordance with the Escrow Agreement as a holdback to cover any claim for indemnification made by the Purchaser under this Article 8. |
(b) | On the 18-month anniversary of the Closing Date (the “First Escrow Release Date”), the Purchaser and the Sellers’ Representatives will jointly direct the Escrow Agent to release to the Sellers’ Representatives (for further distribution to the Sellers) an amount equal to: $1,575,000, minus (i) the total of any amounts paid from the Indemnity Escrow Amount prior to the First Escrow Release Date and minus (ii) any Disputed Amount. On the 24-month anniversary of the Closing Date (the “Second Escrow Release Date”) the Purchaser and the Sellers’ Representatives will jointly direct the Escrow Agent to release to the Sellers’ Representatives (for further distribution to the Sellers) any remaining Indemnity Escrow Amount, minus any Disputed Amounts. If there has been a Claim that is made in good faith and delivered to the Sellers’ Representatives before the First Escrow Release Date or the Second Escrow Release Date, as applicable, and such Claim has not been finally resolved (by agreement between the Indemnifying Party and the Indemnified Party, by binding, final and non-appealable determination, or by settlement), then that indemnity Claim will be a “Disputed Claim” and the amount of the indemnity Claim set out in that Indemnity Notice will be a “Disputed Amount”. The Disputed Amount shall be retained by the Escrow Agent pending resolution of such Claim and will then be disbursed to the party or parties found to be entitled to any portion thereof in accordance with such resolution, in accordance with a joint direction to that effect signed by the Purchaser and the Sellers’ Representatives (and Purchaser and the Sellers’ Representatives agree to sign such joint direction reflecting such resolution). |
8.12 | Adjustment to Purchase Price |
Any payment made by any Seller pursuant to this Article 8 shall constitute a reduction in the Purchase Price, and any payment made by the Purchaser pursuant to this Article 8 shall constitute an increase in the Purchase Price. Despite Section 2.6, any decrease in the Purchase Price under this Article 8 will be allocated to the Seller making the payment, and any increase in the Purchase Price under this Article 8 will be allocated to the Seller receiving the payment (or to the Seller whose related Seller Indemnified Party is receiving the payment).
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8.13 | Exclusivity |
From and after Closing, other than in the case of fraud, the indemnities provided in this Article 8 shall be the sole and exclusive remedy of the Seller Indemnified Parties or the Purchaser Indemnified Parties, respectively, against a party in respect of a breach of any representation, warranty, covenant or obligation of that party under this Agreement. For certainty, the foregoing shall not prevent a party from commencing litigation to compel specific performance or obtain other equitable remedies. The provisions of this Section 8.13 shall survive any termination of this Agreement.
8.14 | Duty to Mitigate |
(a) | Nothing in this Agreement in any way restricts or limits the general obligation at Law of an Indemnified Party to mitigate any loss which it may suffer or incur by reason of the breach by an Indemnifying Party of any representation, warranty, covenant or obligation of the Indemnifying Party under this Agreement. |
(b) | For any Claim made pursuant to Section 8.2(g), the Purchaser Indemnified Parties shall use commercially reasonable efforts to pursue all remedies reasonably available against third parties, including with respect to the landlord pursuant to the terms of the Lease (in this Section, the “Environmental Remedies”) and such Claim shall be deemed a Disputed Amount while Purchaser attempts to recover from the landlord; provided, that in no event shall Environmental Remedies include the commencement of any litigation against Bedford Storage Limited Partnership. During the four (4) years following the Closing Date, in the event that the Purchaser Indemnified Parties actually receive any amount pursuant to their Environmental Remedies that relates to the subject matter of a Claim for which the Sellers have already indemnified the Purchaser Indemnified Parties, the Purchaser Indemnified Parties shall reimburse the Sellers for such indemnity amount they were paid by the Sellers, up to the amount actually received by the Purchaser Indemnified Parties pusuant to the Environmental Remedies, net of Taxes and enforcement costs. |
8.15 | Sellers’ Liability |
(a) | As long as the Indemnity Escrow Amount has not been exhausted or released in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and the Escrow Agreement, the Purchaser Indemnified Parties shall first seek monetary recovery from such Indemnity Escrow Amount with respect to any Claims made against Seller(s) under Article 8 and, notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, the Sellers shall be solidarily liable for the full amount of any such Claims. |
(b) | Once the Indemnity Escrow Amount is fully exhausted and subject to the monetary limitations of liability provided under Sections 8.5 and 8.15(c) : |
(i) | if the Purchaser Indemnified Parties seeks any monetary recovery for any Claim against a Seller (a) for the breach or inaccuracy of any representation or warranty of such Seller contained in Article 3 or in an Ancillary Agreement to which such Seller is a party, (b) for any breach or non-performance by such Seller of any of its covenants in this Agreement or in any Ancillary Agreement to which such Seller is a party, or (c) with respect to such Seller’s fraud such breaching Seller alone shall be severally (not solidarily) liable to the Purchaser Indemnified Parties and the Purchaser Indemnified Parties cannot seek monetary recovery from any other Sellers in respect of such Claim; and |
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(ii) | if the Purchaser Indemnified Parties seeks any monetary recovery for any Claim against the Sellers (A) for the breach or inaccuracy of any representation or warranty of the Sellers contained in Article 4 or (B) in respect of any Claim made under Sections 8.2(c), 8.2(d), 8.2(e), 8.2(f) or 8.2(g), the Sellers shall be severally (and not solidarily) liable to the Purchaser Indemnified Parties. |
(c) | Once the Indemnity Escrow Amount is fully exhausted, the indemnification obligations of each Seller with respect to any Claim will be limited, in respect of each Seller to the monetary limitation of liability provided under Section 8.5(b) 8.5(c), 8.5(d) or 8.5(e), as applicable. For greater clarity, the determination of whether such monetary limitation of liability has been met shall take into account any indemnity amount recovered by the Purchaser Indemnified Parties from the Indemnity Escrow Amount and the Purchaser Indemnified Parties shall have no further recourse against the Sellers if the applicable monetary limitation of liability has been met or exceeded. |
8.16 | No Double Recovery. |
No Indemnified Party is entitled to double recovery for any indemnity Claim even though the indemnity Claim may have resulted from the breach or inaccuracy of more than one of the representations, warranties, covenants and obligations of the Indemnifying Party under this Agreement or any Ancillary Agreement. No Indemnifying Party has any liability or obligation for indemnification under this Article 8 to the extent that the relevant Loss has been taken into account in the determination of the final Closing Working Capital and the related adjustments to the Purchase Price have been paid.
9.1 | Appointment of Sellers’ Representative |
(a) | Each Seller hereby appoints to act jointly as the Sellers’ Representatives and jointly as their lawful agent, proxy and attorney-in-fact for all purposes under or in connection with this Agreement, the Ancillary Agreements and the transactions contemplated herein and therein (including full power and authority to act on behalf of the Sellers). Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Sellers’ Representatives are authorized to: |
(i) | exercise any rights of such Seller with respect to the Purchased Shares and in connection with this Agreement, Ancillary Agreements and the transactions contemplated herein and therein; |
(ii) | receive, execute, hold and deliver all documents, instruments, certificates, statements and agreements on behalf of and in the name of such Seller necessary to effectuate the Agreement, Ancillary Agreements and consummate the transactions contemplated herein and therein; |
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(iii) | acknowledge receipt of all payments, documents or other items to be delivered to any Seller, take all other actions to be taken by or on behalf of any Seller and exercise any and all rights which any Seller is permitted or required to do or exercise under or in connection with this Agreement; |
(iv) | take all actions on behalf of the Sellers in connection with finalization and settlement of the Closing Statements in accordance with Section 2.4(d); |
(v) | take all actions on behalf of the Sellers in connection with any claims made under Article 8 to pursue, defend or settle such claims, and to make payments in respect of such claims; |
(vi) | execute and deliver any amendment to this Agreement so long as such amendment will apply equally to each of the Sellers; and |
(vii) | execute all such further and other documents, transfers or other assurances as may be necessary or desirable in the sole judgment of the Sellers’ Representatives to effectively convey the Purchased Shares to the Purchaser and to carry out fully the Agreement. |
(b) | All actions, decisions, consents, or communications required or permitted to be made by the Sellers’ Representatives under this Agreement must be made jointly by both ; provided, the Purchaser shall be entitled to rely on any notice, demand, communication, declaration, receipt, waiver, consent or other document purporting to be delivered by either of the Sellers’ Representatives on behalf of any Seller and the Purchaser shall not have any obligation to enquire as to the veracity, accuracy or adequacy thereof or whether the action, decision, consent or communication was made jointly, and the Purchaser shall be entitled to disregard any notice, demand or claim to the contrary not sent by either of the Sellers’ Representatives. Further, any delivery or communication to the Sellers’ Representatives hereunder by Purchaser shall be valid if made to either |
(c) | Each of the parties acknowledges and agrees that the Sellers’ Representatives are serving in that capacity solely for purposes of administrative convenience, and is not personally liable in such capacity for any of the obligations of any Seller hereunder, and the Purchaser agrees that it will not look to the personal assets of the Sellers’ Representatives, acting in such capacity, for the satisfaction of any obligations to be performed by any Seller hereunder. |
(d) | Each of the Sellers acknowledges and agrees that each Sellers’ Representative is serving in that capacity solely for purposes of administrative convenience, and is not personally liable in such capacity for any of the obligations of any Seller under this Agreement, or any other documents or agreement referred to herein, and each of the Sellers agrees that it will not look to the personal assets of such Sellers’ Representatives, acting in such capacity, for the satisfaction of any obligations to be performed by any Seller hereunder or thereunder. Moreover, each of the Sellers acknowledges and agrees that it shall, severally (and not solidarily), with respect to itself only and in respect of its Pro Rata Portion, indemnify each Sellers’ Representative and save him or her harmless in respect of any Loss incurred by him or her as a result solely of acting as a Sellers’ Representative under this Agreement, or any other agreement or instrument delivered pursuant to this Agreement or contemplated hereby, provided that he or she has complied with the terms of this Agreement and acted in good faith in connection herewith. |
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(e) | The Sellers may, by unanimous written consent, appoint a new Sellers’ Representative or remove either or both Sellers’ Representatives subject to the prior written consent of the Purchaser, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed. |
9.2 | Releases |
(a) | Effective as of the Time of Closing, each Seller Restricted Party on its, his or her own behalf and on behalf of its Affiliates and their respective agents, successors, heirs, executors, administrators, agents, legal representatives and assigns (in each case, a “Seller Releasor”) unconditionally releases and forever discharges the Company, Purchaser and their respective Affiliates and their respective successors and assigns and each of their past, present and future Representatives, and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, legal representatives and assigns (collectively, the “Seller Releasees”) of and from all actions, causes of action, suits, demands, debts, accounts, covenants, damages and all other claims whatsoever which the Seller Releasor ever had, has as of the Time of Closing or may in the future have against the Seller Releasees for or by reason of, or in any way arising out of, any cause, matter or thing whatsoever existing prior to the Time of Closing arising solely as a result of a Seller Restricted Party being a shareholder or creditor of the Company (collectively, the “Seller Released Claims”), but excluding any claims involving fraud and any claims referred to in Section 9.2(c), which shall not be included in the definition of Seller Released Claims hereunder. |
(b) | Effective as of the Time of Closing, Purchaser on its, his or her own behalf and on behalf of its Affiliates (including from and after the Time of Closing the Company) and their respective agents, successors, heirs, executors, administrators, agents, legal representatives and assigns (in each case, a “Purchaser Releasor” and collectively with the Seller Releasors, the “Releasors”) unconditionally releases and forever discharges the Seller Restricted Parties and their respective Affiliates and their respective successors and assigns and each of their past, present and future Representatives, and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, legal representatives and assigns (collectively, the “Purchaser Releasees”, and collectively with the Seller Releasees, the “Releasees”) of and from all actions, causes of action, suits, demands, debts, accounts, covenants, damages and all other claims whatsoever which the Purchaser Releasor ever had, has as of the Time of Closing or may in the future have against the Purchaser Releasees for or by reason of, or in any way arising out of, any cause, matter or thing whatsoever existing prior to the Time of Closing to the extent related to the operation or management of the Business by the Company, or by virtue of being a shareholder or creditor of the Company (collectively, the “Purchaser Released Claims”, and collectively with the Seller Released Claims, the “Released Claims”), but excluding any claims involving fraud and claims referred to in Section 9.2(c), which shall not be included in the definition of Purchaser Released Claims hereunder. |
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(c) | Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, the release and discharge provided for in Section 9.2(a) and Section 9.2(b) by each Releasor shall not apply or extend to or affect, or constitute a release or discharge of such Releasor’s right to, or an agreement to refrain from bringing, any Released Claim that such Releasor may have relating to or arising out of: |
(i) | this Agreement or any Ancillary Agreement; |
(ii) | with respect to the Seller Releasors, a Seller Releasor’s rights, solely in its capacity as a holder of one or more positions, whether as an employee, officer or director of the Company (such positions, collectively, the “Corporate Offices”) to any indemnity or contribution under applicable Law, any indemnity agreement or pursuant to the articles or by-laws of the Company in effect immediately prior to the Time of Closing; or |
(iii) | with respect to the Seller Releasors, any unpaid salary, bonus, benefit, expense reimbursements, director’s fees or other employment remuneration or compensation or payment for services of any nature whatsoever arising out of the Seller Restricted Party being a holder of one or more Corporate Offices, prior to the Time of Closing. |
(d) | Each of the Seller Restricted Parties and Purchaser agree and undertakes not to, directly or indirectly: |
(i) | make or permit to be made, encourage, demand or instigate any Released Claims by any other Person against any other party in connection with the Released Claims; |
(ii) | join, assist, aid or act in concert in any manner whatsoever with any other person in the making of Released Claims; or |
(iii) | institute or continue any proceedings by way of action, arbitration or otherwise against any Person who or which might be entitled to claim contribution, indemnity, damages or other relief over or against the Purchaser, the Sellers or the Company in connection with the Released Claims. |
9.3 | Notices |
(a) | Any notice or other communication required or permitted to be given hereunder shall be in writing and shall be delivered in person, transmitted by e-mail or similar means of recorded electronic communication or sent by registered mail, charges prepaid, addressed as follows: |
(i) | if to Sellers’ Representative: |
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Dentons Canada LLP
3900-1 Place Ville Marie
Montreal, Quebec H3B 4M7
Attention: | ||
E-mail: |
E-mail: |
With a copy (which shall not constitute notice) to:
Dentons Canada LLP
3900-1 Place Ville Marie
Montreal, Quebec H3B 4M7
Attention: | Ali Amadee | |
E-mail: | ali.amadee@dentons.com |
(ii) | if to the Rollover Holders: |
With a copy (which shall not constitute notice) to:
Gowling WLG (Canada) LLP
3700-1 Place Ville Marie
Montreal, Quebec H3B 4M7
Attention: | Georgi Paskalev | |
E-mail: | georqi.paskalev@qowlingwlg.com |
(iii) | if to the Purchaser: |
16428380 Canada Inc.
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Attention: | Sam Tabar | |
E-mail: | Sam@bit-digital.com |
With copies to (which shall not constitute notice):
White & Case LLP
1221 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10021
Attention: | Prat Vallabhaneni | |
E-mail: | prat.vallabhaneni@whitecase.com |
Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP
1501 McGill College Ave
Montreal, Quebec H3A 3N9
Attention: | Matthew Hendy | |
E-mail: | mhendy@dwpv.com |
(b) | Any such notice or other communication shall be deemed to have been given and received on the day on which it was delivered or transmitted (or, if such day is not a Business Day or if delivery or transmission is made on a Business Day after 5:00 p.m. at the place of receipt, then on the next following Business Day) or, if mailed, on the third Business Day following the date of mailing; provided, however, that if at the time of mailing or within three Business Days thereafter there is or occurs a labour dispute or other event which might reasonably be expected to disrupt the delivery of documents by mail, any notice or other communication hereunder shall be delivered or transmitted by means of recorded electronic communication as aforesaid. |
(c) | Any party may at any time change its address for service from time to time by giving notice to the other parties in accordance with this Section 9.3. |
9.4 | Amendments and Waivers |
No amendment or waiver of any provision of this Agreement shall be binding unless executed by the Sellers’ Representatives and the Purchaser. No waiver of any provision of this Agreement shall constitute a waiver of any other provision, nor shall any waiver of any provision of this Agreement constitute a continuing waiver unless otherwise expressly provided.
9.5 | Assignment |
(a) | No party may assign any of its rights, benefits, duties or obligations under this Agreement, except with the prior written consent of the other parties. |
(b) | Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Purchaser may assign all of its rights, benefits, duties and obligations under this Agreement in their entirety, without the consent of the Sellers, to any Affiliate of the Purchaser whereupon the assignee shall be liable for all of the obligations of the Purchaser under this Agreement; provided, however, that any such assignment shall not relieve the Purchaser from any of its obligations hereunder. |
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9.6 | Successors and Assigns |
This Agreement shall enure to the benefit of and shall be binding on and enforceable by and against the parties and, where the context so permits, their respective successors and permitted assigns.
9.7 | Expenses; Commissions |
Each party shall pay its own costs and expenses incurred in connection with the negotiation, preparation, execution and performance of this Agreement, the Ancillary Agreements and the transactions contemplated herein and therein, including the fees and expenses of legal counsel, financial advisors, brokers, accountants and other professional advisors and fees payable to Governmental Bodies.
9.8 | Consultation |
The Sellers’ Representatives and Purchaser shall consult with each other before issuing any press release or making any other public announcement with respect to this Agreement or the transactions contemplated hereby and, except as required by applicable Law, the Sellers’ Representatives and Purchaser shall not issue any such press or make such public announcement without the prior written consent of the other, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed.
9.9 | Further Assurances |
Each of the parties hereto shall, at all times after the Closing Date and upon any reasonable request of the other, promptly do, execute, deliver or cause to be done, executed and delivered, at the expense of the requesting party, all further acts documents and things as may be required or necessary for the purposes of giving effect to this Agreement, including such other instruments of sale, transfer, conveyance, assignment, confirmation, certificates and other instruments as may be reasonably requested in order to more effectively transfer, convey and assign the Purchased Shares and to effectuate the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.
9.10 | Language |
The parties have requested that this Agreement and all related documents be drawn up in English only. Les parties aux présentes ont exigé que le présent contrat et tous les documents qui s’y rattachent soient rédigés en anglais seulement.
9.11 | Counterparts |
This Agreement and all documents contemplated by or delivered under or in connection with this Agreement may be executed and delivered in any number of counterparts and may be executed and delivered by fax, PDF, DocuSign or other electronic means with the same effect as if all parties had signed and delivered the same document, and all counterparts shall together constitute one and the same original document.
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