华盛顿特区 20549
表格 6-K
America Mobile
(Registrant´s name的翻译成英文)
Lago Zurich 245
Plaza Carso / Edificio Telcel
Colonia Ampliación Granada
Alcaldía Miguel Hidalgo,
11529, 墨西哥城, 墨西哥
Indicate by check mark whether the registrant files or will file annual reports under cover Form 20-F 或者40-F表格。 表格20-F ☒形式 40-F ☐
如果注册人正在提交此表格,请用勾号表示 6-K勾选此项表示提交者通过提供本表中包含的信息,同时根据规则S-T 规则101(b)(1):是☐ 否 ☒
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Indicate by check mark whether the registrant by furnishing the information contained in this Form 6-K is also thereby furnishing the information to the Commission pursuant to Rule 截至 2022 年 12 月 31 日的未经审计的中期财务信息 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Yes ☐ 不可以
墨西哥城-América Mövil,S.a.b. de C.V.(“América”) Móvil”) [BMV:AMX] [纽约证券交易所代码:AMX,AMOV] 今天公布了其2024年第三季度的财务和经营业绩。
• | 我们在第三季度增加了180万订阅者,其中包括140万后付费。 巴西捐款29.1万份,哥伦比亚捐款15.9万份。 |
• | 我们的预付费平台净增了468,000人,主要来自哥伦比亚东部地区 欧洲和阿根廷,分别为25.1万个、21.3万和20万个。 |
• | 在固定电话领域,我们连接了32.7万个新的宽带接入,墨西哥增加了 11.6万人,其次是巴西,有59,000人,阿根廷有4.4万人。 |
• | 第三季度收入总额为223亿比索,服务收入增长11.3% 同比 以墨西哥比索计算,部分反映了 同比 的贬值 墨西哥比索兑除巴西雷亚尔以外的我们业务区域的货币。按固定汇率计算,服务收入增长了5.5%,比上一季度公布的4.7%有所改善。 |
• | 移动服务收入以及后付费业务均创下了一年多以来的最佳表现, 按固定汇率计算,年增长率分别为5.2%和6.3%。 |
• | 按固定汇率计算,固定电话平台上的服务收入增长了5.9%。企业 得益于我们的网络和商业努力,网络和宽带收入分别增长了10.1%和7.4%。 |
• | 以墨西哥比索计算,息税折旧摊销前利润增长了11.9%,按固定汇率计算增长了6.3%。调整为 一次性的, 主要来自塔楼的销售,息税折旧摊销前利润增长了7.3%,这反映了我们的收入扩张带来的更大的运营杠杆作用。 |
• | 我们在本季度公布了64亿比索的净利润,增长了14.2% 我们的营业利润和4.8%的综合融资成本下降。 |
• | 在截至9月的九个月中,我们的净融资额为197亿比索,再加上我们的 运营现金流使我们能够支付867亿比索的资本支出和329亿比索的股东分配,几乎在股票之间平均分配 回购 和分红 付款——以及237亿比索的劳动义务。 |
• | 截至9月底,我们的净负债(不包括租赁)为4,330亿比索, 并代表一个网 债务与息税折旧摊销前利润比率 比率为 1.34 倍。 |
内容 |
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亮点 | ||||
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相关 事件 | ||||
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订阅者 | ||||
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美洲 | ||||
Móvil | ||||
合并 | ||||
墨西哥 | ||||
巴西 | ||||
哥伦比亚 | ||||
其他南方 | ||||
美国 | ||||
中央 | ||||
美国 还有 |
加勒比的 | ||||
奥地利 | ||||
其他 | ||||
欧洲的 | ||||
货币 | ||||
交换 | ||||
费率 | ||||
附录 | ||||
词汇表 | ||||
我们将于10月16日主持电话会议,讨论24年第三季度的财务和经营业绩th 墨西哥城时间上午 9:00。要接听电话会议,请登录 www.americamovil.com/investors
美洲移动基本面 | ||||||||
3Q24 | 3Q23 | |||||||
每股收益(墨西哥比索)(1) |
0.10 | 0.03 | ||||||
每股美国存托凭证收益(美元)(2) |
0.11 | 0.04 | ||||||
每股EBITDA(墨西哥比索)(3) |
1.45 | 1.27 | ||||||
每股EBITDA(美元) |
1.54 | 1.49 | ||||||
净利润(墨西哥比索百万) |
6,427 | 2,028 | ||||||
平均流通股数 (十亿) |
61.5 | 63.1 | ||||||
期末流通股数 (十亿) |
61.4 | 62.9 |
(1) 净利润 / 平均股份总数
(2) 每个ADR 20股
(3) EBITDA / 平均股份总数
截至2024年9月的美洲移动子公司 | ||||||
大陆/国家 |
Naked。 | 主要活动 | 股权 | |||
墨西哥 |
Telcel | 无线 | 100.0% | |||
Telmex | 有线 | 100.0% | ||||
阿根廷 |
Claro | 无线/有线 | 100.0% | |||
奥地利 |
A1 | 无线/有线 | 60.2% | |||
EuroTeleSites | 铁塔 | 57.0% | ||||
巴西 |
Claro | 无线/有线 | 99.6% | |||
哥伦比亚 |
Claro | 无线/有线 | 99.4% | |||
哥斯达黎加 |
Claro | 无线/有线 | 100.0% | |||
多米尼加共和国 |
Claro | 无线/有线 | 100.0% | |||
厄瓜多尔 |
Claro | 无线/有线 | 100.0% | |||
萨尔瓦多 |
Claro | 无线/有线 | 95.8% | |||
危地马拉 |
Claro | 无线/有线 | 99.3% | |||
洪都拉斯 |
Claro | 无线/有线 | 100.0% | |||
尼加拉瓜 |
Claro | 无线/有线 | 99.6% | |||
巴拉圭 |
Claro | 无线/固定电话 | 100.0% | |||
秘鲁 |
Claro | 无线/固定电话 | 100.0% | |||
波多黎各 |
Claro | 无线/固定电话 | 100.0% | |||
乌拉圭 |
Claro | 无线 | 100.0% | |||
其他利益持股 | ||||||
大陆/国家 |
Naked。 | 主要活动 | 股权 | |||
智利 |
Claro/VTR | 无线/有线 | 50.0% |
内容 |
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亮点 | ||||
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相关 事件 | ||||
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订阅用户数 | ||||
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美洲 | ||||
移动 | ||||
汇总 | ||||
墨西哥 | ||||
巴西 | ||||
哥伦比亚 | ||||
其他南部 | ||||
美国 | ||||
中环 | ||||
美国 and The |
加勒比海 | ||||
奥地利 | ||||
其他 | ||||
货币 | ||||
货币 | ||||
交易所 | ||||
利率 | ||||
附录 | ||||
术语简介 | ||||
阿根廷报告的与2024年第三季度相对应的数字是根据 IAS29 列报的 反映了通货膨胀核算的影响,因为阿根廷经济被视为恶性通货膨胀。为了确保,所有以固定汇率对AméricaMóvil合并数据进行的比较都将不包括阿根廷 一致性。
整合 ClaroVTR
10 月 3 日rd,我们获得了国民经济的批准 智利共和国检察官办公室(Fiscalía Nacional Económica)将控制ClaroVTR,该公司目前是与拉丁美洲自由组织以 50:50 的比例合资的合资企业。AMX 将从 2024 年 10 月 31 日起整合 ClaroVTR 将AMX向ClaroVTR提供的未偿贷款转换为股权。资本化后,AMX将持有ClaroVTR约91%的所有权。
摩根士丹利资本国际ESG评级将AMX上调至 “A”
8 月 20 日th,摩根士丹利资本国际ESG评级上调了美国 Móvil的评级从 “BBB” 升至 “A”,这要归因于该公司的可持续发展努力,尤其是我们在运营中在网络安全实践和数据隐私政策方面取得的进展,以及 公司治理的改善。这标志着摩根士丹利资本国际公司三年来第三次上调评级。
在第三季度,我们增加了180万订阅者,其中140万是后付费。巴西 贡献了29.1万人,哥伦比亚贡献了15.9万人,墨西哥贡献了10.8万名后付费用户。我们的预付费板块净增了46.8万个,其中哥伦比亚为25.1万个,东欧为21.3万个 阿根廷有20万个,但在巴西登记了34.3万次中断,在墨西哥登记了13.6万次。截至9月,我们的无线用户群达到3.158亿,其中包括1.26亿后付费客户。 我们的后付费基础增长了5.9% 同比 而我们的预付基础为1.4%
在固定电话段中,我们连接了327,000 宽带接入:墨西哥为11.6万次,巴西为59,000次,阿根廷为4.4万次。但是,我们断开了83,000条语音线路和30,000个付费电视设备。我们在本季度末拥有7,460万个RGU, 其中包括3320万个宽带接入,1,280万个付费电视客户和2,850万个固定电话。固定宽带接入增长了5.2%。
内容 |
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亮点 | ||||
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相关 事件 | ||||
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订阅者 | ||||
| ||||
美洲 | ||||
Móvil | ||||
合并 | ||||
墨西哥 | ||||
巴西 | ||||
哥伦比亚 | ||||
其他南方 | ||||
美国 | ||||
中央 | ||||
美国 还有 |
加勒比的 | ||||
奥地利 | ||||
其他 | ||||
欧洲的 | ||||
货币 | ||||
交换 | ||||
费率 | ||||
附录 | ||||
词汇表 | ||||
截至2024年9月的无线订阅用户数 | ||||||||||||||||||||
总计(1) (千) |
国家 |
2024年9月 | 2024年6月 | 变化 | % | 2023年9月 | 变量。 | % | |||||||||||||
阿根廷、巴拉圭和乌拉圭 |
28,840 | 28,531 | 1.1 | % | 27,614 | 4.4 | % | |||||||||||||
奥地利(2) |
11,320 | 10,887 | 4.0 | % | 9,917 | 14.1 | % | |||||||||||||
巴西 |
88,276 | 88,328 | -0.1 | % | 85,032 | 3.8 | % | |||||||||||||
中美洲 |
16,969 | 16,786 | 1.1 | % | 16,947 | 0.1 | % | |||||||||||||
加勒比海 |
7,836 | 7,743 | 1.2 | % | 7,525 | 4.1 | % | |||||||||||||
哥伦比亚 |
40,597 | 40,187 | 1.0 | % | 38,701 | 4.9 | % | |||||||||||||
欧洲东部 |
15,347 | 15,062 | 1.9 | % | 15,215 | 0.9 | % | |||||||||||||
厄瓜多尔 |
9,689 | 9,610 | 0.8 | % | 9,361 | 3.5 | % | |||||||||||||
墨西哥 |
84,171 | 84,199 | 0.0 | % | 83,417 | 0.9 | % | |||||||||||||
秘鲁 |
12,772 | 12,662 | 0.9 | % | 12,447 | 2.6 | % | |||||||||||||
总无线线路 |
315,816 | 313,995 | 0.6 | % | 306,176 | 3.1 | % |
(1) 包含美洲移动持有经济利益的所有公司的总订阅用户数;不考虑公司开始合并的日期。
(2) 包括A1数字M200万订阅用户数。
截至2024年9月的固定电话和其他接入(RGUs) | ||||||||||||||||||||
总计(1) (千) |
国家 |
2024年9月 | 2024年6月 | 变化 | % | 2023年9月 | 变化 | % | |||||||||||||
阿根廷、巴拉圭和乌拉圭 |
3,930 | 3,825 | 2.7 | % | 3,417 | 15.0 | % | |||||||||||||
奥地利 |
2,754 | 2,782 | -1.0 | % | 2,872 | -4.1 | % | |||||||||||||
巴西 |
22,509 | 22,697 | -0.8 | % | 23,262 | -3.2 | % | |||||||||||||
中美洲 |
5,120 | 5,027 | 1.8 | % | 4,834 | 5.9 | % | |||||||||||||
加勒比海 |
2,829 | 2,827 | 0.1 | % | 2,768 | 2.2 | % | |||||||||||||
哥伦比亚 |
9,561 | 9,521 | 0.4 | % | 9,413 | 1.6 | % | |||||||||||||
欧洲东部 |
3,539 | 3,501 | 1.1 | % | 3,378 | 4.7 | % | |||||||||||||
厄瓜多尔 |
579 | 560 | 3.4 | % | 555 | 4.3 | % | |||||||||||||
墨西哥 |
21,815 | 21,724 | 0.4 | % | 20,999 | 3.9 | % | |||||||||||||
秘鲁 |
1,948 | 1,904 | 2.3 | % | 1,951 | -0.2 | % | |||||||||||||
总RGU数 |
74,582 | 74,368 | 0.3 | % | 73,449 | 1.5 | % |
(1) 固定线路,宽带和电视 (有线 & 卫星)。
内容 |
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要点 | ||||
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相关的 事件 | ||||
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订阅用户数 | ||||
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美洲 | ||||
移动 | ||||
综合 | ||||
墨西哥 | ||||
巴西 | ||||
哥伦比亚 | ||||
其他南部 | ||||
美国 | ||||
中环 | ||||
美国 和 |
加勒比海 | ||||
奥地利 | ||||
其他 | ||||
欧洲 | ||||
货币 | ||||
货币兑换 | ||||
利率 | ||||
附录 | ||||
术语表 | ||||
截至2024年9月的宽带接入情况 | ||||||||||||||||||||
总计(1) (千) |
国家 |
2024年9月 | 2024年6月 | 变化 | % | 2023年9月 | 变量。 | % | |||||||||||||
阿根廷、巴拉圭和乌拉圭 |
1,639 | 1,587 | 3.3 | % | 1,390 | 17.9 | % | |||||||||||||
奥地利 |
1,258 | 1,268 | -0.8 | % | 1,288 | -2.3 | % | |||||||||||||
巴西 |
10,204 | 10,145 | 0.6 | % | 9,930 | 2.8 | % | |||||||||||||
中美洲 |
1,645 | 1,603 | 2.6 | % | 1,515 | 8.5 | % | |||||||||||||
加勒比海 |
1,076 | 1,073 | 0.3 | % | 1,036 | 3.8 | % | |||||||||||||
哥伦比亚 |
3,421 | 3,406 | 0.4 | % | 3,360 | 1.8 | % | |||||||||||||
欧洲东部 |
1,511 | 1,493 | 1.2 | % | 1,425 | 6.0 | % | |||||||||||||
厄瓜多尔 |
344 | 333 | 3.3 | % | 313 | 10.0 | % | |||||||||||||
墨西哥 |
11,077 | 10,962 | 1.1 | % | 10,324 | 7.3 | % | |||||||||||||
秘鲁 |
1,048 | 1,027 | 2.0 | % | 992 | 5.6 | % | |||||||||||||
总宽带接入 |
33,224 | 32,897 | 1.0 | % | 31,573 | 5.2 | % |
(1) 包括美洲移动拥有经济利益的所有公司的总订阅用户数;不考虑公司开始被合并的日期。
内容 |
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要点 | ||||
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相关的 事件 | ||||
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订阅用户数 | ||||
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美洲 | ||||
移动 | ||||
合并 | ||||
墨西哥 | ||||
巴西 | ||||
哥伦比亚 | ||||
其他南部 | ||||
美国 | ||||
中环 | ||||
美国 与 |
加勒比海 | ||||
奥地利 | ||||
其他 | ||||
欧洲 | ||||
货币 | ||||
货币兑换 | ||||
汇率 | ||||
附录 | ||||
术语表 | ||||
美国及其他几个国家的利率在第三季度持续下行, 10年 美国国债收益率在季度开始到 九月中旬 下降至3.61%的低点。下降是由于对美国经济降温及其对劳动市场的相应影响的担忧。它促使美联储最终宣布在2.5年内首次降低折扣利率——在此期间,利率增加了五个百分点至5.25%。到第三季度末, 10年 收益率已回升至3.8%以下。在季度结束后不久,它们因为意外强劲的 非农 九月份的薪资数字,抹去了通过 九月中旬发生的减幅的一半。 在整个季度,中央银行的贴现利率在墨西哥和秘鲁下降了50个基点,在哥伦比亚下降了一个百分点,在智利下降了25个基点,但在巴西再次上升了25个基点。
第三季度营业收入总计为2230亿比索,服务收入按墨西哥比索计算增长了11.3%,部分反映 出墨西哥比索相对于我们业务地区大多数货币的贬值——唯一例外是巴西雷亚尔——相对于去年同期:对美元和欧元约为10%,对哥伦比亚比索为8%,对秘鲁索尔为12%。在固定汇率下,服务收入同比增长了5.5% , 这一改善高于上个季度观察到的4.7%的增速。
巴西和哥伦比亚在过去一年中持续每季度提高营业收入增长的趋势。 中美洲的增长率比之前两个季度更好,而墨西哥和秘鲁则保持了他们的增长速度。
第三季度 EBITDA 达到894亿比索,较去年同期增长11.9%,按墨西哥比索计算,按恒定汇率计算增长6.3%。经过调整, 一次性项目 主要与塔架销售相关的 EBITDA 增长了7.3%,这是至少五个季度以来第二快的速度。
我们的 营业利润达到了474亿比索。按墨西哥比索计算上涨了14.2%,按恒定汇率计算上涨了10%。经过调整, 一次性项目 如上所述,我们的营业利润在恒定汇率下增长了12.1%。
内容 |
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要点 | ||||
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相关的 事件 | ||||
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订阅用户数 | ||||
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美洲 | ||||
移动 | ||||
合并 | ||||
墨西哥 | ||||
巴西 | ||||
哥伦比亚 | ||||
其他南部 | ||||
美国 | ||||
中环 | ||||
美国 和 |
加勒比海 | ||||
奥地利 | ||||
其他 | ||||
欧洲 | ||||
货币 | ||||
货币兑换 | ||||
利率 | ||||
附录 | ||||
术语表 | ||||
我们在本季度实现了64亿比索的净利润,几乎是去年同期的三倍。这相当于每股10比索分,或者每个ADR 11美分。这得益于更高的营业利润,如上所述,同时综合融资成本也同比下降了4.8%,降至283亿比索。
截至9月底,我们的净债务为4330亿比索,相比2023年12月增加了473亿比索,这在一定程度上反映了墨西哥比索贬值对我们的影响。 非比索 我们的净债务在现金流方面增加了197亿比索。在截至9月的九个月里,我们的资本支出总额达到了867亿比索,股东分配为329亿比索——几乎平分为股票回购回购 和分红支付——以及减少的劳动义务为237亿比索。截止9月底,我们的净债务除去租赁的EBITDAaL比率为1.34倍的LTm EBITDA。
内容 |
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要点 | ||||
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相关的 事件 | ||||
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订阅用户数 | ||||
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美洲 | ||||
移动 | ||||
合并 | ||||
墨西哥 | ||||
巴西 | ||||
哥伦比亚 | ||||
其他南部 | ||||
美国 | ||||
中环 | ||||
美国 和 |
加勒比海 | ||||
奥地利 | ||||
其他 | ||||
欧洲 | ||||
货币 | ||||
货币兑换 | ||||
利率 | ||||
附录 | ||||
术语表 | ||||
美洲移动公司的收入报表 millions of Mexican pesos |
| |||||||||||||||||||||||
3Q24 | 3Q23 | 变动百分比 | 2024年1月至9月 | 2023年1月至9月 | 变动百分比 | |||||||||||||||||||
服务收入 |
188,170 | 169,052 | 11.3 | % | 534,198 | 507,310 | 5.3 | % | ||||||||||||||||
设备收入 |
32,247 | 31,105 | 3.7 | % | 90,260 | 93,441 | -3.4 | % | ||||||||||||||||
其他营业收入 |
3,041 | 3,685 | -17.5 | % | 7,822 | 14,549 | -46.2 | % | ||||||||||||||||
总营业收入 |
223,458 | 203,842 | 9.6 | % | 632,280 | 615,300 | 2.8 | % | ||||||||||||||||
服务成本 |
56,611 | 51,989 | 8.9 | % | 160,684 | 155,144 | 3.6 | % | ||||||||||||||||
设备成本 |
28,125 | 27,120 | 3.7 | % | 77,856 | 82,035 | -5.1 | % | ||||||||||||||||
销售、总务与行政 费用 |
47,364 | 43,189 | 9.7 | % | 135,654 | 131,043 | 3.5 | % | ||||||||||||||||
其他 |
1,937 | 1,648 | 17.5 | % | 4,966 | 5,775 | -14.0 | % | ||||||||||||||||
总成本与费用 |
134,036 | 123,947 | 8.1 | % | 379,160 | 373,997 | 1.4 | % | ||||||||||||||||
息税折旧摊销前利润 |
89,422 | 79,896 | 11.9 | % | 253,120 | 241,303 | 4.9 | % | ||||||||||||||||
总营业收入的百分比 |
40.0 | % | 39.2 | % | 40.0 | % | 39.2 | % | ||||||||||||||||
调整后的EBITDA(1) |
89,154 | 78,898 | 13.0 | % | 252,596 | 235,704 | 7.2 | % | ||||||||||||||||
总营业收入的百分比 |
39.9 | % | 38.9 | % | 40.0 | % | 38.8 | % | ||||||||||||||||
折旧和 摊销 |
41,979 | 38,353 | 9.5 | % | 119,411 | 115,327 | 3.5 | % | ||||||||||||||||
息税前利润 |
47,443 | 41,543 | 14.2 | % | 133,709 | 125,976 | 6.1 | % | ||||||||||||||||
总营业收入的百分比 |
21.2 | % | 20.4 | % | 21.1 | % | 20.5 | % | ||||||||||||||||
净利息费用 |
11,464 | 8,811 | 30.1 | % | 34,410 | 25,650 | 34.2 | % | ||||||||||||||||
其他财务费用 |
-7,722 | 8,674 | -189.0 | % | -10,541 | 21,313 | -149.5 | % | ||||||||||||||||
外汇损失 |
24,582 | 12,255 | 100.6 | % | 58,373 | -15,494 | 无 | |||||||||||||||||
综合融资成本(收入) |
28,323 | 29,740 | -4.8 | % | 82,241 | 31,469 | 161.3 | % | ||||||||||||||||
收入与递延税项 |
9,622 | 6,350 | 51.5 | % | 25,061 | 29,113 | -13.9 | % | ||||||||||||||||
扣除少数股东权益及 投资公司业绩的净利润 |
9,498 | 5,453 | 74.2 | % | 26,407 | 65,394 | -59.6 | % | ||||||||||||||||
投资公司业绩的权益参与 |
-1,647 | -2,119 | 22.3 | % | -4,372 | -3,731 | -17.2 | % | ||||||||||||||||
少数股东权益 |
-1,424 | -1,306 | -9.0 | % | -3,207 | -3,614 | 11.3 | % | ||||||||||||||||
净利润 |
6,427 | 2,028 | 216.8 | % | 18,828 | 58,049 | -67.6 | % |
(1) 调整了2023年Claro Peru、Claro Dominicana和Telmex出售塔楼的非经常性项目;以及2024年Telmex的一部分。
内容 |
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要点 | ||||
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相关的 事件 | ||||
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订阅用户数 | ||||
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美洲 | ||||
移动 | ||||
合并的 | ||||
墨西哥 | ||||
巴西 | ||||
哥伦比亚 | ||||
其他南部 | ||||
美国 | ||||
中环 | ||||
美国 和 |
加勒比海 | ||||
奥地利 | ||||
其他 | ||||
欧洲 | ||||
货币 | ||||
货币兑换 | ||||
汇率 | ||||
附录 | ||||
术语表 | ||||
资产负债表 - 美洲移动合并(1) 百万墨西哥 比索 |
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||
2024年9月 | 2023年12月 | 变动百分比% | 2024年9月 | 2023年12月 | 变动百分比% | |||||||||||||||||||||
流动资产 |
流动负债 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
现金、可交易证券及其他短期 投资 |
82,809 | 100,353 | -17.5 | % | 短期债务 | 114,542 | 160,964 | -28.8 | % | |||||||||||||||||
应收账款 |
238,578 | 208,248 | 14.6 | % | 租赁相关债务(2) | 34,627 | 24,375 | 42.1 | % | |||||||||||||||||
其他流动资产 |
20,140 | 12,294 | 63.8 | % | 应付账款 | 143,045 | 147,904 | -3.3 | % | |||||||||||||||||
存货 |
25,247 | 19,272 | 31.0 | % | 其他流动负债 | 215,879 | 182,003 | 18.6 | % | |||||||||||||||||
366,774 | 340,167 | 7.8 | % | 508,092 | 515,246 | -1.4 | % | |||||||||||||||||||
非流动资产 |
非流动 负债 |
设备及机械,毛额 |
1,473,858 | 1,233,364 | 19.5 | % | 长期债务 | 428,167 | 339,713 | 26.0 | % | |||||||||||||||||
-折旧 |
788,546 | 604,713 | 30.4 | % | 租赁相关债务(2) | 178,796 | 100,794 | 77.4 | % | |||||||||||||||||
plants & 设备,净值 |
685,312 | 628,651 | 9.0 | % | 其他负债 | 193,816 | 186,730 | 3.8 | % | |||||||||||||||||
使用权(2) |
199,867 | 113,568 | 76.0 | % | 800,779 | 627,238 | 27.7 | % | ||||||||||||||||||
对联合企业和其他投资的投资 |
37,138 | 29,295 | 26.8 | % | ||||||||||||||||||||||
递延资产 |
商誉(净值) |
157,305 | 146,079 | 7.7 | % | ||||||||||||||||||||||
无形资产 |
144,603 | 121,499 | 19.0 | % | 普通股 | 477,026 | 421,702 | 13.1 | % | |||||||||||||||||
递延资产 |
194,898 | 184,927 | 5.4 | % | ||||||||||||||||||||||
总资产 |
1,785,897 | 1,564,186 | 14.2 | % | 总负债和权益 | 1,785,897 | 1,564,186 | 14.2 | % |
(1) 包含长期债务的当前部分。
(2) 与 10年 Telcel和Telesites之间的合同
内容 |
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要点 | ||||
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相关的 事件 | ||||
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订阅用户数 | ||||
| ||||
美洲 | ||||
移动 | ||||
合并 | ||||
墨西哥 | ||||
巴西 | ||||
哥伦比亚 | ||||
其他南部 | ||||
美国 | ||||
中环 | ||||
美国 和 这 |
加勒比海 | ||||
奥地利 | ||||
其他 | ||||
欧洲 | ||||
货币 | ||||
货币兑换 | ||||
利率 | ||||
附录 | ||||
术语表 | ||||
我们在第三季度新增了10.8万后付费订阅用户,但断开了13.6万预付费用户, 截至9月底,订阅用户数达8420万。在固定线路平台上,我们获得了11.6万新增宽带接入,但断开了2.5万条电话线。
我们在墨西哥的营业收入在本季度总计838亿比索,同比增长2.3% 同比 营业收入的增长主要得益于4.4%的服务收入增长。固定线路服务营业收入增长5.7%,其中企业网络营业收入增长12.8%,这得益于Telmex在IT 解决方案领域,尤其是在云服务和网络安全概念方面的不断拓展。此外,宽带营业收入增长6.4%,这要感谢我们在提供高速光纤接入和来自我们的流媒体 合作伙伴的吸引人内容方面的持续商业努力。移动服务营业收入增长3.8%,而预付费和后付费营业收入的增长与上个季度保持稳定。
经营杠杆使得EBITDA增长了5.4% 同比 达到了351亿比索。EBITDA利润率比上一年同期提高了1.2个百分点,达到41.9%。调整后考虑到Telmex塔架销售的影响,两个时期的EBITDA增长了7.7%。我们的营业利润增长了8.4% 同比。
收入 报表 - 墨西哥 百万MxP |
| |||||||||||||||||||||||
3Q24 | 3Q23 | 变动% | 2024年1月-9月 | 2023年1月至9月 | 变动百分比 | |||||||||||||||||||
总营业收入(1) |
83,796 | 81,904 | 2.3% | 248,173 | 239,970 | 3.4% | ||||||||||||||||||
总服务收入 |
65,382 | 62,637 | 4.4% | 195,815 | 185,876 | 5.3% | ||||||||||||||||||
无线收入 |
60,331 | 59,626 | 1.2% | 178,995 | 175,593 | 1.9% | ||||||||||||||||||
服务收入 |
44,563 | 42,931 | 3.8% | 133,214 | 127,444 | 4.5% | ||||||||||||||||||
设备收入 |
15,768 | 16,695 | -5.6% | 45,781 | 48,149 | -4.9% | ||||||||||||||||||
固定线路收入(2) |
20,902 | 19,817 | 5.5% | 62,822 | 58,742 | 6.9% | ||||||||||||||||||
其他营业收入 |
2,563 | 2,461 | 4.2% | 6,357 | 5,636 | 12.8% | ||||||||||||||||||
息税折旧摊销前利润 |
35,138 | 33,327 | 5.4% | 105,767 | 97,989 | 7.9% | ||||||||||||||||||
% 总营业收入 |
41.9% | 40.7% | 42.6% | 40.8% | ||||||||||||||||||||
调整后的EBITDA(3) |
34,871 | 32,390 | 7.7% | 105,243 | 97,053 | 8.4% | ||||||||||||||||||
% 总营业收入 |
41.7% | 40.0% | 42.5% | 40.6% | ||||||||||||||||||||
息税前利润 |
26,732 | 24,654 | 8.4% | 80,632 | 72,385 | 11.4% | ||||||||||||||||||
% 总营业收入 |
31.9% | 30.1% | 32.5% | 30.2% |
(1) 营业收入反映了固定和移动业务重叠以及国际关联交易的消除。
(3) 经过调整,以反映2024年和2023年在Telmex的塔架销售。
内容 | ||||
要点 |
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相关的 事件 | ||||
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订阅用户数 | ||||
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美洲 | ||||
移动 | ||||
合并 | ||||
| ||||
墨西哥 | ||||
巴西 | ||||
哥伦比亚 | ||||
其他南部 | ||||
美国 | ||||
中环 | ||||
美国 和那 |
加勒比海 | ||||
奥地利 | ||||
其他 | ||||
欧洲 | ||||
货币 | ||||
货币兑换 | ||||
利率 | ||||
附录 | ||||
术语表 | ||||
3Q24 | 3Q23 | 变动百分比 | ||||||||||
无线订阅用户数(千) |
84,171 | 83,417 | 0.9% | |||||||||
后付费 |
15,310 | 14,889 | 2.8% | |||||||||
预付费 |
68,860 | 68,527 | 0.5% | |||||||||
每用户平均收入(MxP) |
177 | 173 | 2.6% | |||||||||
流失率(%) |
3.2% | 3.1% | 0.1 | |||||||||
营业收入产生单位(RGUs)(1) |
21,815 | 20,999 | 3.9% | |||||||||
固定电话 |
10,737 | 10,675 | 0.6% | |||||||||
宽带 |
11,077 | 10,324 | 7.3% |
(1) 固定电话和宽带。
内容 | ||||
要点 |
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相关的 事件 | ||||
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订阅用户数 | ||||
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美洲 | ||||
移动 | ||||
合并 | ||||
| ||||
墨西哥 | ||||
巴西 | ||||
哥伦比亚 | ||||
其他南部 | ||||
美国 | ||||
中环 | ||||
美国 和 |
加勒比 | ||||
奥地利 | ||||
其他 | ||||
欧洲 | ||||
货币 | ||||
货币兑换 | ||||
利率 | ||||
附录 | ||||
术语表 | ||||
在第三季度,我们在巴西获得了29.1万的后付费订阅用户,但断开了34.3万的 预付费订阅用户,这是清理的一部分。 清理。 截至九月底,我们的无线用户基数达到了8830万。在固定线路平台上,我们增加了59000个宽带接入,同时断开了 92000个付费电视订阅——这是两年来最小的断开,季度结束时共有2250万RGU。
营业收入总计123亿雷亚尔,同比增长7.4% 按年计算, 由于服务营业收入增长7.2%。移动服务营业收入增加9.8%,是超过一年来的最快增长速度,得益于 后付费营业收入增长12.5%。固定电话服务营业收入增长4.1%,是八年来的最佳表现,企业网络和宽带营业收入均增长约9%,也是超过一年来的最快速度。付费电视营业收入下降 3.7%,是七年来最小的减幅。Claro继续利用其强大的商业产品,充分发挥其网络、数据中心基础设施、分销和客户服务,为住宅和企业客户提供好处。
EBITDA激增13.2% 同比 在第三季度,EBITDA达54亿雷亚尔,EBITDA利润率增加2.3个百分点,达到43.9%,这得益于固定电话和移动平台的强劲营业收入增长带来的更大经营杠杆。我们的营业利润激增 35.9%,达到23亿雷亚尔。
收入报表 - 巴西 百万雷亚尔
总营业收入(1) |
12,339 | 11,489 | 7.4% | 36,112 | 33,930 | 6.4% | ||||||||||||||||||
总服务营业收入 |
11,711 | 10,924 | 7.2% | 34,351 | 32,381 | 6.1% | ||||||||||||||||||
无线营业收入 |
7,224 | 6,526 | 10.7% | 21,013 | 19,133 | 9.8% | ||||||||||||||||||
服务收入 |
6,619 | 6,030 | 9.8% | 19,304 | 17,693 | 9.1% | ||||||||||||||||||
设备营业收入 |
606 | 496 | 22.0% | 1,709 | 1,440 | 18.7% | ||||||||||||||||||
固定线路营业收入(2) |
5,104 | 4,894 | 4.3% | 15,059 | 14,688 | 2.5% | ||||||||||||||||||
息税折旧摊销前利润 |
5,416 | 4,784 | 13.2% | 15,692 | 14,000 | 12.1% | ||||||||||||||||||
% 总营业收入 |
43.9% | 41.6% | 43.5% | 41.3% | ||||||||||||||||||||
息税前利润 |
2,291 | 1,686 | 35.9% | 6,281 | 4,786 | 31.2% | ||||||||||||||||||
% 总营业收入 |
18.6% | 14.7% | 17.4% | 14.1% |
(1) 营业收入反映了固定和移动业务重叠以及国际公司内部交易产生的消除。总营业收入包括其他 营业收入。
(2) 包括设备营业收入。
内容 | ||||
要点 |
相关的 事件 |
订阅用户数 |
美洲 |
| |||
移动 | ||||
合并 | ||||
| ||||
墨西哥 | ||||
| ||||
巴西 | ||||
哥伦比亚 | ||||
其他南部 | ||||
美国 | ||||
中环 | ||||
美国 和 |
加勒比海 | ||||
奥地利 | ||||
其他 | ||||
欧洲 | ||||
货币 | ||||
货币兑换 | ||||
费率 | ||||
附录 | ||||
术语表 | ||||
3Q24 | 3Q23 | 变化百分比 | ||||||||||
无线订阅用户数(千) |
88,276 | 85,032 | 3.8% | |||||||||
后付费 |
53,242 | 49,698 | 7.1% | |||||||||
预付费 |
35,035 | 35,334 | -0.8% | |||||||||
每用户平均收入(巴西雷亚尔) |
25 | 24 | 4.8% | |||||||||
流失率(%) |
2.6% | 2.5% | 0.1 | |||||||||
收入生成单位(RGUs)(1) |
22,509 | 23,262 | -3.2% | |||||||||
固定电话 |
7,506 | 8,041 | -6.6% | |||||||||
宽带 |
10,204 | 9,930 | 2.8% | |||||||||
付费电视 |
4,798 | 5,291 | -9.3% |
(1) 固定电话、宽带和电视。付费电视单位的数量已根据我们向当地监管机构报告的标准进行了调整。
内容 | ||||
要点 |
相关的 事件 |
订阅用户数 |
美洲 |
| |||
移动 | ||||
合并 | ||||
| ||||
墨西哥 | ||||
| ||||
巴西 | ||||
哥伦比亚 | ||||
其他南部 | ||||
美国 | ||||
中环 | ||||
美国 和 |
加勒比海 | ||||
奥地利 | ||||
其他 | ||||
欧洲 | ||||
货币 | ||||
货币兑换 | ||||
利率 | ||||
附录 | ||||
术语表 | ||||
在增加了41万用户后,我们的无线订阅用户数在9月末达到了4060万,同比增长4.9% 同比 后付费用户净增达15.9万,带动我们的后付费用户数增长5.4%,因此超越了预付费的增长。在固定电话平台上,我们获得了4万固定线路RGU:1.9万条固定电话,1.5万条宽带接入,以及6千个付费电视订阅。我们在季度末的固定线路RGU达到了96万,较去年增长了1.6%。
损益表 - 哥伦比亚 以亿哥伦比亚比索计
3Q24 | 3Q23 | 增长百分比 | 2024年1月至9月 | 2023年1月至9月 | 增长百分比 | |||||||||||||||||||
总营业收入(1) |
3,905 | 3,739 | 4.5% | 11,534 | 11,269 | 2.4% | ||||||||||||||||||
总营业收入 |
2,999 | 2,871 | 4.5% | 8,903 | 8,657 | 2.8% | ||||||||||||||||||
无线营业收入 |
2,620 | 2,491 | 5.2% | 7,690 | 7,554 | 1.8% | ||||||||||||||||||
服务收入 |
1,787 | 1,719 | 4.0% | 5,271 | 5,153 | 2.3% | ||||||||||||||||||
设备营业收入 |
833 | 772 | 7.9% | 2,419 | 2,401 | 0.7% | ||||||||||||||||||
固定线路营业收入(2) |
1,242 | 1,181 | 5.2% | 3,711 | 3,578 | 3.7% | ||||||||||||||||||
息税折旧摊销前利润 |
1,646 | 1,581 | 4.1% | 4,777 | 4,696 | 1.7% | ||||||||||||||||||
% 总营业收入 |
42.2% | 42.3% | 41.4% | 41.7% | ||||||||||||||||||||
息税前利润 |
734 | 763 | -3.8% | 2,157 | 2,360 | -8.6% | ||||||||||||||||||
% 总营业收入 |
18.8% | 20.4% | 18.7% | 20.9% |
(1) 营业收入反映了固定和移动运营的重叠以及国际公司之间交易产生的消除。总营业收入包括其他 营业收入。
内容 | ||||
要点 |
相关的 事件 |
订阅用户数 |
美洲 |
| |||
移动 | ||||
合并 | ||||
| ||||
墨西哥 | ||||
| ||||
巴西 | ||||
| ||||
哥伦比亚 | ||||
其他南 | ||||
美国 | ||||
中环 | ||||
美国 和 |
加勒比海 | ||||
奥地利 | ||||
其他 | ||||
欧洲 | ||||
货币 | ||||
货币兑换 | ||||
利率 | ||||
附录 | ||||
术语表 | ||||
哥伦比亚运营数据 | ||||||||||||||||||
3Q24 | 3Q23 | 变动百分比% | ||||||||||||||||
无线订阅用户数(千)(1) |
40,597 | 38,701 | 4.9% | |||||||||||||||
后付费 |
10,684 | 10,134 | 5.4% | |||||||||||||||
预付费 |
29,913 | 28,567 | 4.7% | |||||||||||||||
每用户平均收入(COP) |
14,831 | 14,942 | -0.7% | |||||||||||||||
流失率(%) |
3.0% | 3.4% | (0.4) | |||||||||||||||
产生收入的单位(RGU)(2) |
9,561 | 9,413 | 1.6% |
(1) 由于对活跃订阅用户数的会计政策存在差异, 本报告中的数字与哥伦比亚通信部(MinTIC)发布的数据不同。
(2) 固定电话、宽带和电视。
内容 | ||||
要点 |
相关的 事件 |
订阅用户数 |
美洲 |
移动 | ||||
合并 | ||||
墨西哥 |
巴西 | ||||
哥伦比亚 | ||||
其他南部 | ||||
美国 | ||||
中环 | ||||
美国 和 |
加勒比海 | ||||
奥地利 | ||||
其他 | ||||
欧洲 | ||||
货币 | ||||
货币兑换 | ||||
利率 | ||||
附录 | ||||
术语表 | ||||
第三季度新增订阅用户数11万,其中大部分为后付费用户,使我们的无线订阅用户数达到1280万,较去年增长2.6%。此外,我们连接了2.1万条 宽带接入,2万条固定电话以及3000个付费电视订阅。截至9月底,固定电话RGUs为190万。
第三季度的营业收入总计17亿索尔,比去年同期增长4.1%。 服务收入增长了5.5%,移动服务收入与此持平,固定电话服务收入增长5.8%,受益于企业网络收入激增33.5%。
640百万索尔的EBITDA比去年同期高出6.9%,EBITDA 利润率提高了一个百分点,达到37.9%。年度比较受2023年与塔架资产销售相关的特殊收入的影响;调整此影响后,EBITDA增长14.6%。
损益表 - 秘鲁 数百万索尔 |
3Q24 | 3Q23 | 变动百分比 | 2024年1月至9月 | 2023年1月至9月 | 变动百分比 | |||||||||||||||||||
总营业收入(1) |
1,690 | 1,624 | 4.1% | 4,935 | 5,623 | -12.2% | ||||||||||||||||||
总服务营业收入 |
1,303 | 1,235 | 5.5% | 3,850 | 3,644 | 5.6% | ||||||||||||||||||
无线营业收入 |
1,357 | 1,250 | 8.5% | 3,942 | 3,822 | 3.1% | ||||||||||||||||||
服务 营业收入 |
980 | 929 | 5.5% | 2,884 | 2,744 | 5.1% | ||||||||||||||||||
设备 营业收入 |
377 | 321 | 17.4% | 1,057 | 1,078 | -1.9% | ||||||||||||||||||
固定电话营业收入(2) |
323 | 306 | 5.8% | 965 | 900 | 7.2% | ||||||||||||||||||
其他 营业收入 |
10 | 68 | -85.2% | 28 | 901 | -96.8% | ||||||||||||||||||
息税折旧摊销前利润 |
640 | 599 | 6.9% | 1,863 | 2,349 | -20.7% | ||||||||||||||||||
% 总 营业收入 |
37.9% | 36.9% | 37.8% | 41.8% | ||||||||||||||||||||
调整后的EBITDA(3) |
640 | 558 | 14.6% | 1,863 | 1,700 | 9.6% | ||||||||||||||||||
% 总 营业收入 |
37.9% | 35.7% | 37.8% | 35.9% | ||||||||||||||||||||
息税前利润 |
311 | 280 | 11.1% | 879 | 1,374 | -36.0% | ||||||||||||||||||
% 总营业收入 |
18.4% | 17.2% | 17.8% | 24.4% |
(1) 营业收入反映了由于固定和移动业务的重叠以及国际关联公司交易所产生的消除。
(2) 包括设备收入。
(3) 已调整2023年塔架的销售。
内容 | ||||
要点 |
相关的 事件 |
订阅用户数 |
美洲 |
移动 | ||||
综合 | ||||
墨西哥 |
巴西 | ||||
哥伦比亚 | ||||
其他南部 | ||||
美国 | ||||
中环 | ||||
美国 和 |
加勒比海 | ||||
奥地利 | ||||
其他 | ||||
欧洲 | ||||
货币 | ||||
货币兑换 | ||||
利率 | ||||
附录 | ||||
术语表 | ||||
秘鲁运营数据 |
| |||||||||||
3Q24 | 3Q23 | 变化百分比 | ||||||||||
无线订阅用户数 (千) |
12,772 | 12,447 | 2.6% | |||||||||
后付费 |
6,279 | 5,908 | 6.3% | |||||||||
预付费 |
6,493 | 6,539 | -0.7% | |||||||||
每用户平均收入 (索尔) |
26 | 25 | 2.4% | |||||||||
流失率 (%) |
4.1% | 4.2% | (0.2) | |||||||||
产生收入的单位 (RGUs)(1) |
1,948 | 1,951 | -0.2% |
(1) 固定电话、宽带和电视。
内容 | ||||
要点 |
相关的 事件 |
订阅用户数 |
美洲 |
移动 | ||||
综合 | ||||
墨西哥 |
巴西 | ||||
哥伦比亚 | ||||
其他南部 | ||||
美国 | ||||
中环 | ||||
美国 和 |
加勒比海 | ||||
奥地利 | ||||
其他 | ||||
欧洲 | ||||
货币 | ||||
货币兑换 | ||||
利率 | ||||
附录 | ||||
术语表 | ||||
Ecuador is still facing significant economic challenges, including a slowdown in economic growth due to rising insecurity, disruptions in oil production and climate-related events. The country is struggling with liquidity constraints, a large financing shortfall and an energy crisis, primarily due to a severe drought that has led to power cuts across the country.
79k wireless net adds
Despite this challenging scenario, Claro has made concerted efforts for customers to remain connected even during service interruptions and stayed commercially active. Mobile net additions increased from a year before to 79 thousand new subs, most of them prepaids, to finish the quarter with 9.7 million subs. Mobile connectivity has been a lifeline amid power-cuts which often interrupt broadband access. Still, our commercial efforts allowed us to connect 11 thousand new broadband accesses and fixed-line RGUs stood at 579 thousand at the end of September.
EBITDA margin at 49% of revenue
Revenue declined 2.3% over the year to 253 million dollars, as service revenue fell 1.5% on the back of mobile revenue contracting 1.9%. Fixed-line service revenue was up 1.6%, albeit from a small base. The quarter’s EBITDA, 124 million dollars, was down 1.4% from a year before, but the EBITDA margin increased 40 basis points in the period, to 49.0%.
INCOME STATEMENT - Ecuador Millions of Dollars |
3Q24 | 3Q23 | Var.% | Jan-Sep 24 | Jan-Sep 23 | Var.% | |||||||||||||||||||
Total Revenue(1) |
253 | 259 | -2.3% | 764 | 779 | -1.9% | ||||||||||||||||||
Total Service Revenue |
225 | 228 | -1.5% | 677 | 683 | -0.9% | ||||||||||||||||||
Wireless Revenue |
226 | 231 | -2.3% | 679 | 697 | -2.6% | ||||||||||||||||||
Service Revenue |
198 | 202 | -1.9% | 597 | 604 | -1.2% | ||||||||||||||||||
Equipment Revenue |
27 | 29 | -5.1% | 82 | 93 | -11.3% | ||||||||||||||||||
Fixed Line Revenue(2) |
27 | 27 | -0.5% | 81 | 80 | 0.5% | ||||||||||||||||||
124 | 126 | -1.4% | 371 | 376 | -1.5% | ||||||||||||||||||
% total revenue |
49.0% | 48.6% | 48.5% | 48.3% | ||||||||||||||||||||
69 | 70 | -1.5% | 206 | 210 | -1.6% | ||||||||||||||||||
% total revenue |
27.1% | 26.9% | 27.0% | 26.9% |
(1) Revenue reflects eliminations derived from both the overlap of fixed and mobile operations as well as international intercompany transactions. Total revenue includes other revenue.
(2) Includes equipment revenue.
Content | ||||
Highlights |
Relevant events |
Subscribers |
América |
Móvil | ||||
Consolidated | ||||
Mexico |
Brazil | ||||
Colombia | ||||
Other South | ||||
America | ||||
Central | ||||
America and The |
Caribbean | ||||
Austria | ||||
Other | ||||
European | ||||
Currency | ||||
Exchange | ||||
Rates | ||||
Appendix | ||||
Glossary | ||||
Ecuador Operating Data |
| |||||||||||
3Q24 | 3Q23 | Var.% | ||||||||||
Wireless Subscribers (thousands) |
9,689 | 9,361 | 3.5% | |||||||||
Postpaid |
2,274 | 2,268 | 0.3% | |||||||||
Prepaid |
7,416 | 7,093 | 4.5% | |||||||||
ARPU (US$) |
7 | 7 | -5.2% | |||||||||
Churn (%) |
2.8% | 3.1% | (0.3) | |||||||||
Revenue Generating Units (RGUs)(1) |
579 | 555 | 4.3% |
(1) Fixed Line, Broadband and Television.
Content | ||||
Highlights |
Relevant events |
Subscribers |
América |
Móvil | ||||
Consolidated | ||||
Mexico |
Brazil | ||||
Colombia | ||||
Other South America | ||||
Central | ||||
America and The |
Caribbean | ||||
Austria | ||||
Other | ||||
European | ||||
Currency | ||||
Exchange | ||||
Rates | ||||
Appendix | ||||
Glossary | ||||
For comparison purposes all comments in this section related to annual variations of the presented period for Argentina refer to figures in constant peso terms, that is, adjusted for inflation in accordance to NIC 29. Information for Uruguay and Paraguay is not presented in the table.
276k wireless net adds
We added 276 thousand wireless subscribers in the third quarter, of which 76 thousand were contract clients, ending the period with 25.6 million wireless subs, 4.5% more than a year before. On the fixed-line platform we obtained 100 thousand RGUs, including 44 thousand broadband accesses and 11 thousand PayTV clients, to reach a total of 3.6 million RGUs, 15.7% more than in September 2023.
Service revenue +17.2% YoY
Our third quarter revenue totaled 493.7 billion Argentinean pesos, marking a 10.0% year-on-year increase in real terms. Service revenue growth accelerated to 17.2%, compared to 9.3% in the second quarter and -9.0% in the first quarter. This acceleration stems from eased inflationary pressures that allowed mobile service revenue to pick up from 5.6% in the previous quarter to 13.7% in the current period. The biggest swing comes from the prepaid segment, in which revenue increased 11.9%, following a 17.9% decline in the prior quarter. Fixed-line service revenue jumped 33.3% on the back of our continued fiber-optic rollout and strong commercial activity. Broadband revenue soared 50.7% in the period and PayTV revenue 38.4%.
EBITDA +11.7% YoY
The quarter’s EBITDA, reflecting revenue improvement and better cost management amid declining inflation, expanded by 11.7% year-on-year. The EBITDA margin was equivalent to 39.5% of revenue, 60 basis points higher than that of a year before.
INCOME STATEMENT - Argentina Millions of Constant ARS as of September 2024 |
| |||||||||||||||||||||||
3Q24 | 3Q23 | Var.% | Jan-Sep 24 | Jan-Sep 23 | Var.% | |||||||||||||||||||
Total Revenue(1) |
493,726 | 449,033 | 10.0% | 1,355,878 | 1,380,778 | -1.8% | ||||||||||||||||||
Total Service Revenue |
429,698 | 366,543 | 17.2% | 1,177,876 | 1,109,691 | 6.1% | ||||||||||||||||||
Wireless Revenue |
405,635 | 382,200 | 6.1% | 1,116,415 | 1,189,376 | -6.1% | ||||||||||||||||||
Service Revenue |
342,084 | 300,810 | 13.7% | 939,698 | 920,754 | 2.1% | ||||||||||||||||||
Equipment Revenue |
63,550 | 81,391 | -21.9% | 176,717 | 268,622 | -34.2% | ||||||||||||||||||
Fixed Line Revenue(2) |
87,614 | 65,734 | 33.3% | 238,178 | 188,937 | 26.1% | ||||||||||||||||||
195,006 | 174,508 | 11.7% | 529,556 | 545,019 | -2.8% | ||||||||||||||||||
% total revenue |
39.5% | 38.9% | 39.1% | 39.5% | ||||||||||||||||||||
174,759 | 148,760 | 17.5% | 471,861 | 456,344 | 3.4% | ||||||||||||||||||
% total revenue |
35.4% | 33.1% | 34.8% | 33.0% |
(1) Revenue reflects eliminations derived from both the overlap of fixed and mobile operations as well as international intercompany transactions. Total revenue includes other revenue.
(2) Includes equipment revenue.
Content | ||||
Highlights |
Relevant events |
Subscribers |
América |
Móvil | ||||
Consolidated | ||||
Mexico |
Brazil | ||||
Colombia | ||||
Other South America | ||||
Central | ||||
America and The |
Caribbean | ||||
Austria | ||||
Other | ||||
European | ||||
Currency | ||||
Exchange | ||||
Rates | ||||
Appendix | ||||
Glossary | ||||
Argentina Operating Data |
| |||||||||||
3Q24 | 3Q23 | Var.% | ||||||||||
Wireless Subscribers (thousands) |
25,621 | 24,526 | 4.5% | |||||||||
Postpaid |
9,525 | 9,324 | 2.2% | |||||||||
Prepaid |
16,097 | 15,202 | 5.9% | |||||||||
4,332 | 1,187 | 265.0% | |||||||||
Churn (%) |
1.4% | 1.4% | (0.0) | |||||||||
Revenue Generating Units (RGUs)(1) |
3,571 | 3,087 | 15.7% |
(1) Fixed Line, Broadband and Television.
Content | ||||
Highlights |
Relevant events |
Subscribers |
América |
Móvil | ||||
Consolidated | ||||
Mexico |
Brazil | ||||
Colombia | ||||
Other South America |
Central | ||||
America and The |
Caribbean | ||||
Austria | ||||
Other | ||||
European | ||||
Currency | ||||
Exchange | ||||
Rates | ||||
Appendix | ||||
Glossary | ||||
Central America
182k wireless net adds
Our operations added 182 thousand mobile subscribers—including 62 thousand postpaid clients—bringing the base to nearly 17 million subs. On the fixed-line platform we connected 93 thousand units, including 42 thousand broadband accesses and 28 thousand PayTV subscriptions.
Service revenue +8.9% YoY
Revenue increased 7.5% year-on-year to 668 million dollars, with service revenue rising by 8.9%. Mobile service revenue growth accelerated from 10.1% in the prior quarter to 11.4% in the current period, as prepaid service revenue picked up its pace. On the fixed-line platform service revenue increased 3.9% led by broadband revenue that expanded 8.6% and corporate networks revenue, up 7.5%.
EBITDA +13.9% YoY, best performance in three years
EBITDA rose by 13.9% year-on-year to 298 million dollars, marking our best performance in three years. The EBITDA margin stood at 44.6% of revenue, having climbed 2.5 percentage points over the past twelve months.
INCOME STATEMENT - Central America Millions of Dollars
3Q24 | 3Q23 | Var.% | Jan-Sep 24 | Jan-Sep 23 | Var.% | |||||||||||||||||||
Total Revenue(1) |
668 | 622 | 7.5% | 1,926 | 1,842 | 4.6% | ||||||||||||||||||
Total Service Revenue |
593 | 545 | 8.9% | 1,711 | 1,601 | 6.9% | ||||||||||||||||||
Wireless Revenue |
470 | 427 | 10.0% | 1,335 | 1,262 | 5.8% | ||||||||||||||||||
Service Revenue |
401 | 360 | 11.4% | 1,142 | 1,051 | 8.6% | ||||||||||||||||||
Equipment Revenue |
69 | 67 | 2.2% | 193 | 211 | -8.2% | ||||||||||||||||||
Fixed Line Revenue(2) |
195 | 191 | 2.3% | 581 | 569 | 2.1% | ||||||||||||||||||
298 | 262 | 13.9% | 822 | 770 | 6.8% | ||||||||||||||||||
% total revenue |
44.6% | 42.1% | 42.7% | 41.8% | ||||||||||||||||||||
143 | 122 | 17.2% | 376 | 360 | 4.2% | ||||||||||||||||||
% total revenue |
21.4% | 19.6% | 19.5% | 19.6% |
(1) Revenue reflects eliminations derived from both the overlap of fixed and mobile operations as well as international intercompany transactions. Total revenues includes other revenue.
(2) Includes equipment revenue.
Content | ||||
Highlights |
Relevant events |
Subscribers |
América |
Móvil | ||||
Consolidated | ||||
Mexico |
Brazil | ||||
Colombia | ||||
Other South | ||||
America | ||||
Central America and The Caribbean |
| |||
Austria | ||||
Other | ||||
European | ||||
Currency | ||||
Exchange | ||||
Rates | ||||
Appendix | ||||
Glossary | ||||
Central America Operating Data
3Q24 | 3Q23 | Var.% | ||||||||
Wireless Subscribers (thousands) |
16,969 | 16,947 |
0.1% | |||||||
Postpaid |
2,718 | 2,542 |
6.9% | |||||||
Prepaid |
14,251 | 14,405 |
-1.1% | |||||||
ARPU (US$) |
8 | 7 |
10.8% | |||||||
Churn (%) |
5.4% | 5.8% |
(0.4) | |||||||
Revenue Generating Units (RGUs)(1) |
5,120 | 4,834 |
5.9% |
(1) Fixed Line, Broadband and Television.
Content | ||||
Highlights |
Relevant events |
Subscribers |
América |
Móvil | ||||
Consolidated | ||||
Mexico |
Brazil | ||||
Colombia | ||||
Other South | ||||
America | ||||
Central | ||||
America and The | ||||
Caribbean | ||||
Austria | ||||
Other | ||||
European | ||||
Currency | ||||
Exchange | ||||
Rates | ||||
Appendix | ||||
Glossary | ||||
The Caribbean
93k wireless net adds
We obtained 93 thousand net additions in the quarter, of which 16 thousand were postpaid. By the end of September, our wireless base, 7.8 million subscribers, was 4.1% higher than a year before. In the fixed-line segment we connected eight thousand landlines and three thousand broadband accesses but disconnected nine thousand PayTV units. The total figure for RGUs at the end of the quarter was 2.8 million.
EBITDA +8.3% YoY in The Dominican Republic
In Dominicana, service revenue increased 6.2% annually, with mobile revenue rising 7.3% and fixed-line revenue increasing 4.7%. The pace accelerated on both platforms driven by mobile postpaid and fixed-broadband revenue, that expanded 12.7% and 10.9%, respectively. EBITDA rose 8.3% year-on-year, with the margin reaching 52.2%.
Adjusted service revenue +2.0% in Puerto Rico
In Puerto Rico revenue declined 2.3% and service revenue fell 0.6% year-on-year. The contraction stems from the reduction in government subsidies that are booked under service revenue and had been declining every quarter, and also from extraordinary revenue in 2023 from the insurance collected after hurricane Fiona. Excluding such items, service revenue increased 2.0% and EBITDA 0.6%.
INCOME STATEMENT - The Caribbean Millions of Dollars
3Q24 | 3Q23 | Var.% | Jan-Sep 24 | Jan-Sep 23 | Var.% | |||||||||||||||||||
Total Revenue(1) |
480 | 484 | -0.7% | 1,447 | 1,584 | -8.7% | ||||||||||||||||||
Total Service Revenue |
425 | 424 | 0.2% | 1,275 | 1,286 | -0.9% | ||||||||||||||||||
Wireless Revenue |
302 | 300 | 0.6% | 913 | 919 | -0.7% | ||||||||||||||||||
Service Revenue |
247 | 247 | 0.1% | 745 | 760 | -2.0% | ||||||||||||||||||
Equipment Revenue |
55 | 53 | 2.8% | 168 | 159 | 5.4% | ||||||||||||||||||
Fixed Line Revenue(2) |
181 | 181 | -0.3% | 540 | 536 | 0.8% | ||||||||||||||||||
Other Revenue |
-2 | 2 | -201.7% | -6 | 129 | -104.8% | ||||||||||||||||||
177 | 181 | -2.5% | 536 | 640 | -16.3% | ||||||||||||||||||
% total revenue |
36.8% | 37.4% | 37.0% | 40.4% | ||||||||||||||||||||
Adjusted EBITDA(3) |
177 | 181 | -2.5% | 536 | 552 | -3.0% | ||||||||||||||||||
% total revenue |
36.8% | 37.4% | 37.0% | 38.0% | ||||||||||||||||||||
81 | 80 | 1.7% | 250 | 347 | -28.0% | ||||||||||||||||||
% total revenue |
16.9% | 16.5% | 17.3% | 21.9% |
(1) Revenue reflects eliminations derived from both the overlap of fixed and mobile operations as well as international intercompany transactions. Total revenue includes other income.
(2) Includes equipment revenue.
(3) Adjusted for the sale of towers in The Dominican Republic in 2023 and for a change in the pension plan contribution in Puerto Rico in 2023.
Content | ||||
Highlights |
Relevant events |
Subscribers |
América |
Móvil | ||||
Consolidated | ||||
Mexico |
Brazil | ||||
Colombia | ||||
Other South | ||||
America | ||||
Central | ||||
America and The | ||||
Caribbean | ||||
Austria | ||||
Other | ||||
European | ||||
Currency | ||||
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Rates | ||||
Appendix | ||||
Glossary | ||||
The Caribbean Operating Data
3Q24 | 3Q23 | Var.% | ||||||||
Wireless Subscribers (thousands) |
7,836 | 7,525 | 4.1% | |||||||
Postpaid |
2,290 | 2,227 | 2.8% | |||||||
Prepaid |
5,546 | 5,298 | 4.7% | |||||||
ARPU (US$) |
11 | 11 | -3.8% | |||||||
Churn (%) |
3.1% | 3.2% | -0.1 | |||||||
Revenue Generating Units (RGUs)(1) |
2,829 | 2,768 | 2.2% |
(1) Fixed Line, Broadband and Television.
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Subscribers |
América |
Móvil | ||||
Consolidated | ||||
Mexico |
Brazil | ||||
Colombia | ||||
Other South | ||||
America | ||||
Central | ||||
America and The | ||||
Caribbean | ||||
Austria | ||||
Other | ||||
European | ||||
Currency | ||||
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Rates | ||||
Appendix | ||||
Glossary | ||||
We added 433 thousand mobile devices in the quarter of which 414 thousand were M2M devices. Including these, at the end of September we had 11.3 million wireless subscribers. On the fixed-line platform, we disconnected 28 thousand units, of which 20 thousand were landlines. We ended the period with 2.8 million fixed-line RGUs.
Corporate networks +4.3% YoY
Quarterly revenue came in at 700 million euro and was slightly below the prior year’s figure. However, service revenue showed a 0.8% increase driven by fixed-line service revenue, up 1.7%, which offset a minor decline in mobile revenue. On the mobile platform, prepaid service revenue fell by 5.3%, while postpaid remained steady on an annual basis. Fixed-line service revenue was strengthened by corporate networks, which represent just over 40% of the total and had their best quarter this year, with revenue rising 4.3%. PayTV and broadband revenue increased by 2.9% and 2.5%, respectively.
EBITDA margin at 39.5% of revenue
EBITDA for the quarter, 277 million euros, was down 3.3% year-over-year due to higher costs, primarily wages and salaries, as well as bad debt. The EBITDA margin for the period decreased by 1.1 percentage points compared to the prior year, to 39.5%.
INCOME STATEMENT - Austria Millions of Euros |
| |||||||||||||||||||||||
3Q24 | 3Q23 | Var.% | Jan-Sep 24 | Jan-Sep 23 | Var.% | |||||||||||||||||||
Total Revenue(1) |
700 | 704 | -0.6% | 2,073 | 2,084 | -0.5% | ||||||||||||||||||
Total Service Revenue |
627 | 622 | 0.8% | 1,855 | 1,837 | 1.0% | ||||||||||||||||||
Wireless Revenue |
320 | 323 | -0.8% | 956 | 955 | 0.1% | ||||||||||||||||||
Service Revenue |
274 | 275 | -0.3% | 813 | 798 | 1.8% | ||||||||||||||||||
Equipment Revenue |
46 | 48 | -3.7% | 143 | 157 | -8.7% | ||||||||||||||||||
Fixed Line Revenue(2) |
364 | 368 | -1.1% | 1,073 | 1,092 | -1.7% | ||||||||||||||||||
277 | 286 | -3.3% | 785 | 787 | -0.3% | ||||||||||||||||||
% total revenue |
39.5% | 40.6% | 37.9% | 37.8% | ||||||||||||||||||||
111 | 148 | -25.0% | 302 | 375 | -19.4% | ||||||||||||||||||
% total revenue |
15.8% | 21.0% | 14.6% | 18.0% |
For further detail please visit www.a1.group/en/investor-relations
(1) Total revenue includes other revenue.
(2) Includes equipment revenue.
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Subscribers |
América |
Móvil | ||||
Consolidated | ||||
Mexico |
Brazil | ||||
Colombia | ||||
Other South | ||||
America | ||||
Central | ||||
America and The |
Caribbean | ||||
| ||||
Austria | ||||
Other | ||||
European | ||||
Currency | ||||
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Rates | ||||
Appendix | ||||
Glossary | ||||
Austria Operating Data |
3Q24 | 3Q23 | Var.% | ||||||||
Wireless Subscribers (thousands) |
5,121 | 5,142 | -0.4% | |||||||
Postpaid |
4,059 | 4,075 | -0.4% | |||||||
Prepaid |
1,062 | 1,067 | -0.6% | |||||||
A1 Digital Subscribers (thousands) |
6,199 | 4,775 | 29.8% | |||||||
ARPU (Euros)(1) |
18 | 18 | 0.1% | |||||||
Churn (%)(1) |
1.3% | 1.2% | 0.1 | |||||||
Revenue Generating Units (RGUs)(2) |
2,754 | 2,872 | -4.1% |
(1) Does not include A1 Digital subscribers.
(2) Fixed Line, Broadband and Television.
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Subscribers |
América |
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Consolidated | ||||
Mexico |
Brazil | ||||
Colombia | ||||
Other South | ||||
America | ||||
Central | ||||
America and The |
Caribbean | ||||
| ||||
Austria | ||||
Other | ||||
European | ||||
Currency | ||||
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Rates | ||||
Appendix | ||||
Glossary | ||||
Other European
285k wireless net adds and 38k new RGUs
We gained 285 thousand wireless subscribers in Eastern Europe in the third quarter, bringing our regional subscriber base to 15.3 million. On the fixed-line platform, we registered additions of 38 thousand RGUs—23 thousand PayTV units and 18 thousand broadband accesses—ending September with 3.5 million RGUs, a 4.7% increase from the previous year.
Service revenue +5.5% YoY
Revenue for the quarter totaled 663 million euros, a 4.7% increase compared to the previous year. Service revenue was up 5.5%, with fixed-line revenue rising 6.9% and mobile revenue increasing 4.9%. Broadband and postpaid revenue were the main growth drivers, climbing 15.7% and 5.8% respectively, followed by PayTV at 3.5%. Revenue from corporate networks declined, as the comparison period included one-time revenue from special projects in Bulgaria.
EBITDA +11.9% YoY
Continued revenue growth on both platforms and efficiency measures allowed EBITDA to expand by 11.9% year-on-year, with the margin rising by 2.7 percentage points to 41.9%.
INCOME STATEMENT - Other European Millions of Euros |
| |||||||||||||||||||||||
3Q24 | 3Q23 | Var.% | Jan-Sep 24 | Jan-Sep 23 | Var.% | |||||||||||||||||||
Total Revenue(1) |
663 | 633 | 4.7% | 1,882 | 1,824 | 3.2% | ||||||||||||||||||
Total Service Revenue |
532 | 505 | 5.5% | 1,509 | 1,422 | 6.1% | ||||||||||||||||||
Wireless Revenue |
488 | 468 | 4.2% | 1,382 | 1,353 | 2.2% | ||||||||||||||||||
Service Revenue |
379 | 361 | 4.9% | 1,067 | 1,026 | 3.9% | ||||||||||||||||||
Equipment Revenue |
109 | 107 | 1.7% | 315 | 326 | -3.4% | ||||||||||||||||||
Fixed Line Revenue(2) |
168 | 156 | 7.2% | 477 | 437 | 9.0% | ||||||||||||||||||
278 | 248 | 11.9% | 744 | 696 | 6.9% | ||||||||||||||||||
% total revenue |
41.9% | 39.2% | 39.5% | 38.2% | ||||||||||||||||||||
152 | 141 | 7.5% | 375 | 379 | -1.1% | ||||||||||||||||||
% total revenue |
22.9% | 22.3% | 19.9% | 20.8% |
For further detail please visit www.a1.group/en/investor-relations
(1) Total revenue includes other revenue.
(2) Includes equipment revenue.
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Subscribers |
América |
Móvil | ||||
Consolidated | ||||
Mexico |
Brazil | ||||
Colombia | ||||
Other South | ||||
America | ||||
Central | ||||
America and The |
Caribbean | ||||
Austria | ||||
| ||||
Other | ||||
European | ||||
Currency | ||||
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Rates | ||||
Appendix | ||||
Glossary | ||||
Other European Operating Data |
3Q24 | 3Q23 | Var.% | ||||||||||
Wireless Subscribers (thousands) |
15,347 | 15,215 | 0.9% | |||||||||
Postpaid |
12,477 | 12,271 | 1.7% | |||||||||
Prepaid |
2,870 | 2,944 | -2.5% | |||||||||
ARPU (Euros) |
8 | 8 | 4.3% | |||||||||
Churn (%) |
1.6% | 1.6% | 0.0 | |||||||||
Revenue Generating Units (RGUs)(1) |
3,539 | 3,378 | 4.7% |
(1) Fixed Line, Broadband and Television.
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Subscribers |
América |
Móvil | ||||
Consolidated | ||||
Mexico |
Brazil | ||||
Colombia | ||||
Other South | ||||
America | ||||
Central | ||||
America and The |
Caribbean | ||||
Austria | ||||
| ||||
Other | ||||
European | ||||
Currency | ||||
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Rates | ||||
Appendix | ||||
Glossary | ||||
Exchange Rates Local Currency Units per MxP |
| |||||||||||||||||||||||
3Q24 | 3Q23 | Var.% | Jan-Sep 24 | Jan-Sep 23 | Var. | % | ||||||||||||||||||
Euro |
End of Period |
0.0567 | 0.0596 | -4.9 | % | 0.0567 | 0.0596 | -4.9 | % | ||||||||||||||||
Average |
0.0581 | 0.0638 | -9.0 | % | 0.0614 | 0.0608 | 1.0 | % | ||||||||||||||||
End of Period |
0.0509 | 0.0564 | -9.7 | % | 0.0509 | 0.0564 | -9.7 | % | ||||||||||||||||
Average |
0.0528 | 0.0587 | -9.9 | % | 0.0565 | 0.0561 | 0.6 | % | ||||||||||||||||
Brazilian Real |
End of Period |
0.2776 | 0.2825 | -1.7 | % | 0.2776 | 0.2825 | -1.7 | % | ||||||||||||||||
Average |
0.2930 | 0.2863 | 2.4 | % | 0.2957 | 0.2811 | 5.2 | % | ||||||||||||||||
Argentinean Peso |
End of Period |
49.4422 | 19.7392 | 150.5 | % | 49.4422 | 19.7392 | 150.5 | % | ||||||||||||||||
Average |
49.8239 | 18.3370 | 171.7 | % | 50.1190 | 13.7772 | 263.8 | % | ||||||||||||||||
Colombian Peso |
End of Period |
212.1458 | 230.4495 | -7.9 | % | 212.1458 | 230.4495 | -7.9 | % | ||||||||||||||||
Average |
216.5670 | 237.6501 | -8.9 | % | 224.7393 | 247.7523 | -9.3 | % | ||||||||||||||||
Guatemalan Quetzal |
End of Period |
0.3935 | 0.4433 | -11.2 | % | 0.3935 | 0.4433 | -11.2 | % | ||||||||||||||||
Average |
0.4090 | 0.4611 | -11.3 | % | 0.4389 | 0.4396 | -0.1 | % | ||||||||||||||||
Peruvian Sol |
End of Period |
0.1892 | 0.2142 | -11.7 | % | 0.1892 | 0.2142 | -11.7 | % | ||||||||||||||||
Average |
0.1987 | 0.2158 | -8.0 | % | 0.2121 | 0.2095 | 1.2 | % | ||||||||||||||||
Dominican Republic Peso |
End of Period |
3.0699 | 3.2123 | -4.4 | % | 3.0699 | 3.2123 | -4.4 | % | ||||||||||||||||
Average |
3.1582 | 3.3257 | -5.0 | % | 3.3482 | 3.1341 | 6.8 | % | ||||||||||||||||
Belarusian Ruble |
End of Period |
0.1400 | 0.1550 | -9.7 | % | 0.1400 | 0.1550 | -9.7 | % | ||||||||||||||||
Average |
0.1452 | 0.1612 | -9.9 | % | 0.1552 | 0.1542 | 0.6 | % |
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Subscribers |
América |
Móvil | ||||
Consolidated | ||||
Mexico |
Brazil | ||||
Colombia | ||||
Other South | ||||
America | ||||
Central | ||||
America and The |
Caribbean | ||||
Austria | ||||
Other | ||||
European | ||||
Currency | ||||
Exchange | ||||
Rates | ||||
Appendix | ||||
Glossary | ||||
Exchange Rates Local Currency Units per USD |
| |||||||||||||||||||||||
3Q24 | 3Q23 | Var.% | Jan-Sep 24 | Jan-Sep 23 | Var.% | |||||||||||||||||||
Euro |
End of Period |
1.1135 | 1.0573 | 5.3% | 1.1135 | 1.0573 | 5.3% | ||||||||||||||||||
Average |
1.0994 | 1.0879 | 1.1% | 1.0871 | 1.0831 | 0.4% | ||||||||||||||||||
Mexican Peso |
End of Period |
19.6290 | 17.7287 | 10.7% | 19.6290 | 17.7287 | 10.7% | ||||||||||||||||||
Average |
18.9243 | 17.0449 | 11.0% | 17.7119 | 17.8232 | -0.6% | ||||||||||||||||||
Brazilian Real |
End of Period |
5.4481 | 5.0076 | 8.8% | 5.4481 | 5.0076 | 8.8% | ||||||||||||||||||
Average |
5.5457 | 4.8801 | 13.6% | 5.2377 | 5.0102 | 4.5% | ||||||||||||||||||
Argentinean Peso |
End of Period |
970.5000 | 349.9500 | 177.3% | 970.5000 | 349.9500 | 177.3% | ||||||||||||||||||
Average |
942.8826 | 312.5517 | 201.7% | 887.7044 | 245.5540 | 261.5% | ||||||||||||||||||
Colombian Peso |
End of Period |
4,164.2100 | 4,085.5700 | 1.9% | 4,164.2100 | 4,085.5700 | 1.9% | ||||||||||||||||||
Average |
4,098.3766 | 4,050.7198 | 1.2% | 3,980.5660 | 4,415.7488 | -9.9% | ||||||||||||||||||
Guatemalan Quetzal |
End of Period |
7.7235 | 7.8583 | -1.7% | 7.7235 | 7.8583 | -1.7% | ||||||||||||||||||
Average |
7.7408 | 7.8590 | -1.5% | 7.7741 | 7.8344 | -0.8% | ||||||||||||||||||
Peruvian Sol |
End of Period |
3.7140 | 3.7970 | -2.2% | 3.7140 | 3.7970 | -2.2% | ||||||||||||||||||
Average |
3.7599 | 3.6791 | 2.2% | 3.7559 | 3.7343 | 0.6% | ||||||||||||||||||
Dominican Republic Peso |
End of Period |
60.2600 | 56.9500 | 5.8% | 60.2600 | 56.9500 | 5.8% | ||||||||||||||||||
Average |
59.7664 | 56.6860 | 5.4% | 59.3037 | 55.8604 | 6.2% |
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Subscribers |
América |
Móvil | ||||
Consolidated | ||||
Mexico |
Brazil | ||||
Colombia | ||||
Other South | ||||
America | ||||
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America and The |
Caribbean | ||||
Austria | ||||
Other | ||||
European | ||||
Currency | ||||
Exchange | ||||
Rates | ||||
Appendix | ||||
Glossary | ||||
Appendix A
Financial Debt of América Móvil(1) Millions |
Sep -24 | Dec -23 | |||||||
Peso - denominated debt (MxP) |
147,521 | 142,607 | ||||||
Bonds(2) |
133,241 | 89,927 | ||||||
Banks and others |
14,280 | 52,680 | ||||||
U.S. Dollar - denominated debt (USD) |
8,907 | 8,496 | ||||||
Bonds |
8,496 | 8,496 | ||||||
Banks and others |
411 | 0 | ||||||
Euro - denominated Debt (EUR) |
4,195 | 6,542 | ||||||
Bonds |
2,782 | 5,472 | ||||||
Commercial Paper |
1,083 | 510 | ||||||
Banks and others |
330 | 560 | ||||||
Sterling - denominated Debt (GBP) |
2,200 | 2,200 | ||||||
Bonds |
2,200 | 2,200 | ||||||
Reais - denominated Debt (BRL) |
9,500 | 8,250 | ||||||
Bonds |
9,500 | 8,250 | ||||||
Banks and others |
0 | 0 | ||||||
Debt denominated in other currencies (MxP)(3) |
36,663 | 16,441 | ||||||
Bonds |
5,921 | 5,098 | ||||||
Banks and others |
30,742 | 11,343 | ||||||
Total Debt (MxP) |
542,709 | 500,677 | ||||||
Cash, Marketable Securities and Short Term Financial Investments (MxP)(4) |
106,528 | 115,268 | ||||||
Net Debt (MxP) |
436,180 | 385,409 |
(1) This table does not include the effect of forwards and derivatives used to hedge our foreign exchange exposure. It includes financial debt of Telekom Austria.
(2) Includes the effect of inflation-linked debt.
(3) Includes Peruvian soles.
(4) Includes fixed income securities.
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Subscribers |
América |
Móvil | ||||
Consolidated | ||||
Mexico |
Brazil | ||||
Colombia | ||||
Other South | ||||
America | ||||
Central | ||||
America and The |
Caribbean | ||||
Austria | ||||
Other | ||||
European | ||||
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Rates | ||||
Appendix | ||||
Glossary | ||||
Glossary of Terms
ARPU | Average Revenue per User. The ratio of service revenue in a given period to the average number of wireless subscribers in the same period. | |
Capex | Capital Expenditure. Accrued capital expenditures related to the expansion of the telecommunications infrastructure. | |
Churn | Disconnection Rate. The ratio of wireless subscribers disconnected during a given period to the number of wireless subscribers at the beginning of that period. | |
EBIT | Earnings Before Interest and Taxes, also known as Operating Profit. | |
EBIT margin | The ratio of EBIT to total operating revenue. | |
EBITDA | Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization. | |
EBITDAaL | Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization. Adjusted after lease payments. | |
EBITDA margin | The ratio of EBITDA to total operating revenue. | |
EPS (Mexican pesos) | Earnings per share. Total earnings in Mexican pesos divided by total shares. | |
Earnings per ADR (US$) | Total earnings in U.S. dollars divided by total ADRs equivalent. | |
Gross additions | Total number of subscribers acquired during the period. | |
Licensed pops | Licensed population. Population covered by the licenses that each of the companies manage. |
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Subscribers |
América |
Móvil | ||||
Consolidated | ||||
Mexico |
Brazil | ||||
Colombia | ||||
Other South | ||||
America | ||||
Central | ||||
America and The |
Caribbean | ||||
Austria | ||||
Other | ||||
European | ||||
Currency | ||||
Exchange | ||||
Rates | ||||
Appendix | ||||
Glossary | ||||
Glossary of Terms
Market share | A company’s subscribers base divided by the total number of subscribers in that country. | |
MBOU | Megabytes of Use per subscriber. The ratio of wireless data in a given period to the average number of wireless subscribers in that same period. It is presented on a monthly basis. | |
Net subscriber additions | The difference in the subscriber base from one period to another. It is the different between gross additions and disconnections | |
Net debt | Total short and long term debt minus cash and marketable securities. | |
Net debt/ EBITDA | The ratio of total short and long-term debt minus cash and securities to trailing 12-month income before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization. | |
Prepaid | Subscriber that may recharge a mobile phone. The client does not hold a contract with the company. | |
Postpaid | Subscriber that has a contract for the use of voice and data, mobile WiFi routers and machine-to-machine devices. | |
SAC | Subscriber Acquisition Cost. The sum of handset subsidies, marketing expenses and commissions to distributors for handset activation. Handset subsidy is calculated as the difference between equipment cost and equipment revenue. | |
Wireless penetration | The ratio of total wireless subscribers in any given country divided by the total population in that country. |
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Subscribers |
América |
Móvil | ||||
Consolidated | ||||
Mexico |
Brazil | ||||
Colombia | ||||
Other South | ||||
America | ||||
Central | ||||
America and The |
Caribbean | ||||
Austria | ||||
Other | ||||
European | ||||
Currency | ||||
Exchange | ||||
Rates | ||||
Appendix | ||||
Glossary | ||||
Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.
Date: October 17, 2024
By: | /s/ Carlos José García Moreno Elizondo | |
Name: | Carlos José García Moreno Elizondo | |
Title: | Chief Financial Officer |